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Syntax group I.

Constituent structure &constructions 09/02/14

Luis Alberto Campu ano !iles "#gar Arturo A$ile !arcia Ilse Clarisa %ugo &o#rigo 'ara$illa %ern(n#e )e#ro 'o*ica+ences

,-e secon# c-apter o. t-is boo/ is t-e 0continue1 o. t-e .irst. In t-is c-apter 2e sa2 t-e constituent structure3 t-is is a $ery important part o. syntax4 because e$eryt-ing about t-at ma/es sense .or t-e sentences4 p-rases4 etc. Also it mentions about t-e -ea#s again4 an# -o2 t-e 2or#s c-ange .or #i..erent types o. 2or#s an# p-rases. In c-apter t-ree 2e sa2 t-e constructions4 because 2e /no2 2-at is a -ea#4 2-at is a mo#i.ier an# also t-e 2or#s an# p-rases t-at c-anges t-e 2or#s4 no2 t-e constructions are t-e 2ay t-at 2e use to create longer p-rases. Also it mentione# t2o central i#eas. 0,-e 5rst is t-at 2e can recogni e basic clauses an# more complex clauses an# can 2or/ out t-e relations-ips bet2een t-em. ,-at is4 constructions are not isolate# structures but 5t into a general net2or/.1 0,-e secon# i#ea is t-at #i..erent constructions exist4 or -a$e been create# by t-e spea/ers an# 2riters o. gi$en languages4 to enable spea/ers an# 2riters to signal 2-at t-ey are #oing 2it- a particular utterance. ,-is connection bet2een #i..erent constructions an# #i..erent acts per.orme# by spea/ers an# 2riters is also central in t-e #iscussion o. meaning an# 2or# classes/parts o. speec- in C-apter 4.1

,-ose i#eas can -elp us to /no2 -o2 2e create t-e p-rases starting by smaller 2or#s. 6e learne# in bot- c-apters7 ,ransposition -as to #o 2it- a se8uence o. 2or#s being mo$e# .rom one position in a clause to anot-er position 2it-out any ot-er c-anges in t-e clause. Substitution is #i..erent because in t-e substitution a single 2or# can substitute .or a number o. 2or#s -anging toget-er as a p-rase. "llipsis it applies only to complete p-rases an# contains t2o separate clauses. 9or example :o-n is my .at-er4 :o-n is t-e best. ; :o-n is my .at-er4 %e is t-e best. An# also t-at t-e 2or#s o. t-e same type can be coor#inate# t-at is *oine# by special 2or#s suc- as <an#= an# <or=. An# subor#ination it is ma#e o. t2o sentences t-at can be *oine# by a subor#inator <2-o/t-at/t-oug-/2-en/because/as/since/alt-oug-=

,-e secon# c-apter 2e learne# about t-e #i..erence /in#s o. copula an# non>copula constructions. Constructions are #i$i#e# into copula an# non>copula4 t-en eac- o. t-ese #i$i#es into #eclarati$e an# interrogati$e. An# t-e last topic is t-e #i..erence bet2een a complex an# a coor#inate sentence4 2-ic- is complex sentences4 is compose# o. t2o clauses 2it- one -ol#ing mains status an# t-e ot-er incorporate# or embe##e# into it 2-ic- is o.ten intro#uces by a subor#inator <2-o/2-en/because=. An# t-e coor#inate sentence -as t2o clauses con*oine# into once by a coor#inating con*unction <an#/but/or= t-ey -ol# e8ual status. In t-ese t2o c-apters I learne# t-at t-ere are t2o central i#eas t-at -elp us create a better un#erstan#ing p-rase an# more explanatory. An# also t-e copula constructions are also $ery use.ul. ,-is -elps us a lot because in t-e .uture 2e 2ill -a$e to explain our stu#ents an# -elp t-em impro$e in t-eir "nglis- by using t-ese rules.

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