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CENTRE FOR EDUCATION STUDIES Psychology of Human Development Mid-term Examination Guide Chapters covered 1 6 (use the key

y terms list to study) (Sample items) Instructions. Read the following questions carefully and choose the best answer from the items which follow.
The answers FOR THE QUESTIONS BELOW are in fine print at the end of the sample questions 2. Professor Reynolds teaches her life-span psychology students that each stage of development from birth to old age involves significant changes. Professor Reynolds is taking a(n): _________ approach. A. life-span B. inventionist C. traditional D. continuity

3. Leo is 65 years old and has just retired. He has learned to cope with his change of lifestyle and is highly motivated to learn new things. Developmentalists would describe Leo as being ________ young. A. socially B. biologically C. physically D. psychologically

4. Juno believes people are primarily influenced by the environment and learned experiences, so she believes __________ plays a more powerful role in human development. A. nurture B. maturation C. change D. nature

5. Development includes: __________. A. stability and growth. B. growth and decline. C. stability and decline. D. growth and change. 6. Marvin spends his days reading and being involved in many different social clubs. He reports to his therapist that he has no interest in having a romantic partner but would rather spend his days improving his mind and social standing. It would appear to Marvin's therapist that Marvin is fixated in what stage of psychosexual development? A. isolative B. latent C. anal D. oral

7. Maria is currently 2 years old. She is learning how to talk, and her parents would say that her favorite word is "no." This would be considered normal for a child in Erikson's stage of: ________. A. initiative versus guilt. B. freedom versus servitude. C. autonomy versus shame and doubt. D. individuality versus identification.

8. Michelle yells at Sally. Sally hits Michelle. Michelle thinks about how big Sally is and says, "Let's not fight anymore." Sally says, "Okay," and they go off to ride their bikes in the park. This sequence is an example of: ________. A. formal operational thinking. B. learning through observation and imitation. C. imprinting during critical periods of development. D. reciprocal influences of behavior, cognition, and environment.

9. Mary's parents fight quite often over money. In an attempt to stop the fighting Mary decides that she will not ask for anything for her birthday or any holiday, to save the family money. Mary's actions are being expressed in which of Bronfenbrenner's systems? A. mesosystem B. microsystem C. macrosystem D. mexosystem

10. Robert likes to explore his parents' house through touch. One day he touches the oven and burns his hand. Robert learns that although some things can be touched, ovens should not. This experience is an example of: ________. A. assimilation. B. a defense mechanism. C. the Oedipus complex. D. accommodation.

11. Our DNA is contained within our: ________. A. RNA. B. chromosomes. C. genes. D. brain.

12. Meiosis is the process by which a cell divides and then divides again, leaving: ________. A. four cells with 23 unpaired chromosomes. B. three cells with 23 unpaired chromosomes. C. six cells with 16 paired chromosomes. D. four cells with 16 paired chromosomes.

13. A phenotype can consist of ________ as well as ________ characteristics. A. physical/environmental B. conscious/unconscious C. genetic/social D. physical/psychological

14. Rachel has always enjoyed reading. Now that she is a parent, she provides her daughter with many books to read, hoping the child also will learn to enjoy reading. How do behavior geneticists refer to this type of interaction between heredity and environment? A. passive genotypeenvironment interactions B. evocative genotypeenvironment interactions C. influential genotypeenvironment interactions D. active (niche-picking) genotypeenvironment interactions

15. Mateo is on a strict diet because his parents are aware that he cannot metabolize a certain amino acid. Buildup of this amino acid in his system could result in mental retardation. Mateo has: ________. A. Down syndrome. B. phenylketonuria. C. sickle-cell anemia. D. Huntington disease.

16. Betty and Sam have just adopted a baby girl named Lisa. According to the research of Sandra Scarr, how could we get the BEST estimate of what Lisa's IQ will be after she reaches school age? A. take the average of Betty and Sam's IQs B. look at the economic level of Lisa's adoptive parents C. look at how much emphasis Betty and Sam place on Lisa's schooling D. look at the level of schooling Lisa's biological parents had

17. Maria and Pedro are brother and sister. Every Friday Maria and her mother go to the mall for "girl time." During that time Pedro and his father spend time "male bonding." The interactions that each child has with the parent would be known as what type of environmental experience? A. shared B. parental C. nonshared D. social

18. Jason was born with ________. The doctor tells his parents that this genetic disorder occurred because he has an extra copy of chromosome 21. A. fragile X syndrome B. Klinefelter disease C. Down syndrome D. achromatopsia

19. The period of development that includes the creation of the zygote, attachment to the uterine wall, and the continued cell division is known as the ________ period. A. gamete B. cytocyst C. blastocyst D. germinal

20. Which of the following is the period of development that occurs 2 to 8 weeks after conception? A. embryonic B. fetal C. placental D. metastatic

21. Mary recently went to see her doctor and learned that her unborn child was not receiving enough oxygen or nutrients from her. She was informed that there was a problem with the: ________. A. placenta. B. embryo. C. umbilical cord. D. amnion.

22. Maternal stress is negatively correlated with a baby's: _______. A. intelligence. B. birthweight. C. heart rate. D. growth rate.

23. The Apgar Scale is a method used to assess the health of newborns. A score of 3 would: _______. A. indicate that the newborn's condition is good. B. signal that there may be some developmental difficulties. C. signal an emergency because the baby's survival is in doubt. D. indicate that the evaluator has not made a proper reading.

24. Which of the following is more likely to occur in the child of a woman who smokes? A. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder B. mental retardation C. autism D. reactive attachment disorder

25. Maria is a social drinker. She wants to have a baby, however, and has vowed that as soon as she finds out she is pregnant she will stop drinking completely. Maria is forgetting that: ________. A. most developmental problems do not occur until after a baby is born. B. moderate drinking of alcohol during pregnancy does not affect the fetus. C. even moderate use of alcohol will decrease her chance of becoming pregnant. D. many developmental problems can occur even before a woman knows she is pregnant.

26. Judy has a new baby at home. During this postpartum period, Judy will need to: _______. A. rely as little as she can on external family supports. B. ignore her other children and give her baby most of her attention. C. learn to let the father take care of the baby because she will be unable. D. learn how to take care of the baby and feel good about herself as a mother.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.


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