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Petroleum Reservoir Parameters Prediction by Combination of Rough Set and Support Vector Regression

Guojian Cheng
School of Computer Science Xian Shiyou University, Shaanxi Province, 710065 Xian , China

Lan Zeng
School of Computer Science Xian Shiyou University Shaanxi Province, 710065 Xian , China

Shiyou Lian
School of Computer Science Xian Shiyou University Shaanxi Province, 710065 Xian , China

AbstractIn this paper, we present a method based on the attribute reduction of rough set and support vector machine regression and the new method can be used to predict three important petroleum reservoir parameters which are porosity, permeability and saturation. First, we use rough set theory to reduce the attributes of sampling dataset in order to select the decision-making attributes constituting a new sampling dataset. Second, we use the theory of Support Vector Regression (SVR) for training data and establish the predicting model. After that, the test data will be predicted. The experimental results show that the method can get a better fitting result and reduce the computational complexity of SVR in training dataset and it can also improve the accuracy of reservoir physical parameters. The implementation of the method can provide the foundation of decision making for reservoir development. Keywords-Rough Set; Support Saturation; Porosity; Permeability Vector Regression;





Porosity, permeability, saturation are three main petrophysical parameters which are used to evaluate a reservoir, their changes in space are of great signification for exploration and development of oil reservoirs. How to get the exact value of three parameters is a very important problem. The reservoirs parameters predicting accurately can improve the efficiency of exploration and can provide an important foundation for making out a reasonable production planning. In addition to a lot of empirical formulas introduced by geological experts, there are also many new methods, such as multiple variable regressions and neural network. These methods can all be used to predict permeability, saturation and porosity. Because Rough Set (RS) can be used to reduce the attribute dimensionality, that is, the necessary conditions are selected from condition attributes in order to reduce the dimension of sampling dataset. Moreover, Support Vector Machine (SVM) can be used to solve the nonlinear problem effectively, so we use a method based on the combination of RS and SVM to establish the predicting model of reservoir parameters.

The theory of RS was introduced by Polish scientist Pawlak[1]for dealing with uncertain and ambiguity problem. It can be used in the fields of data mining, pattern recognition. The idea of attributes reduction in RS is to find the important attributes from condition attributes for constituting the best combination of attributes reduction. The idea of attribute reduction can be expressed by mathematical formula as follows: Given a set of S = {A, B, C, D}, where A = {x1, x 2,..., x 3}, is the universe of discourse, B = E F is a limited set of attributes, E F = , E is the set of condition attributes, F is the set of decision-making attributes. The decision-making table consists of condition attributes and decision-making attributes. If ai E , POSE ( F ) = POS ( E ai )( F ) , so ai is called unnecessary attribute in F , or vice versa. According to the theory of RS, the condition attributes reduction has the following steps: Step1: Calculate the equivalence set of condition attributes and decision-making attributes; Step2: Calculate the approximate set of each decisionmaking attribute; Step3: Calculates the value of POS ( E )( F ) ; Step4: Divide the set of condition attributes and calculate each POS( E ' )( F ) . If POS( E )( F ) = POS( E ' )( F ) then the condition attributes are reductions of decision-making table in this combination, or vice versa. We will get all reduction attributes of decision-making table by the above-mentioned calculation steps. III. SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE REGRESSION MODEL

The regression problem of SVM is similar to classification problem and their difference is the values of output variables[2]. Given a set of sampling data {(xi, yi),..., (xm,...,ym)} , where, xi R n , yi R, i = 1,2,3,...m . In a classification problem, the value of output variable y is -1 or 1, but in regression problem, the value of y can take any arbitrary real number. The regression problem can be described by mathematical language:

978-1-4244-6349-7/10/$26.00 c 2010 IEEE


Given a set of sampling data S = {( xi, yi ),...,( xm,..., ym)}, where xi R ,

n n


yi R, i = 1,2,3,...m , finding a function f ( x) in R , to make y = f ( x) .

Here, we first consider the problem of linear regression[3] , the sampling data has n dimensional vector and m sample data, target value can be expressed as follows :


( xi, yi ),..., ( xm, ym) R n R


The goal of regression is to get linear function as following:

A.Well Logging Reservoir Parameters Predicting Flowchart In this paper, we adopt the sampling dataset of well logging in an oil field of northeast of China and make predicting researches of petroleum reservoir parameters. The number of sampling dataset is 135 and the number of attribute parameters is 15 which include the well depth, thickness, borehole diameter, gamma ray and so on. Three reservoir parameters to be predicted are porosity, permeability, saturation. The predicting flowchart of the three parameters is shown as in Figure 1:

f ( x) = x + b


Where, is a parameter vector and ( x) is inner product of and x , b is threshold value. SVR can be induced to an optimization problem through minimizing the follow function:


s.t. f

i =1 ( xi) Yi i * +

1 2

+ c (i + i * )


f ( xi) Yi i +

i * , i 0, i = 1,..., m
Figure 1. Flowchart of well logging for parameters predicting.

Where, c is a penalty coefficient. It is a compromise factor between the rate of training error and generalization ability and is used to control the complexity of model. is a error limit which is set in advance. i * and i are relaxation factors. We will adopt Lagrange multiplier to transform the optimization problem into a corresponding dual problem. By introducing the kernel function approach, formula (3) can be transformed into solving the maximum of the following function:

L( , * ) =

1 m * * (i i )(j j ) K ( xi xj ) 2 i , j =1

+ yi (i i ) (i + i )


i =1

i =1


i =1

* (i i ) = 0 , 0 i, i C, i = 1,..., m *

Where, i and i are Lagrange multipliers, they are dual to each other. So the regression function which is showed by formula (2) can be written as:

B. Attribute reduction of well logging and Samples Selection In order to predict the porosity, permeability, saturation accurately, we firstly reduce the attributes in order to decrease the time and space complexity of training. According to the steps of attribute reduction which is mentioned above, the number of attribute dimension is decreased from 15 to 9, which include the well depth, thickness, borehole diameter, nature gamma, resistivity, compensated density, etc. At last, we establish a new sampling dataset. Because of lacking enough sampling data for well logging, so we select different samples when we predict the three parameters. For the porosity predicting, we select 94 samples as training samples and 41 samples as testing samples. For saturation predicting, the number of training samples is 90 and the number of testing samples is 39. For permeability predicting, the number of training samples and testing samples are 90 and 41 respectively. C. Model Construction Since Radial Basis Function (RBF) can solve the problem of complex nonlinear and function approximation, so we select RBF to construct the discriminant function of SVM. K in the formula (5) stands for kernel function , the expression of RBF is:

f ( x) = (i i * )K ( x, xi ) + b
i =1


This is the target function of SVR.

K ( x, xi ) = exp( x xi )



2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology

[Volume 2]

Taking (6) into (5), we can obtain the function of SVR which is used by model:

f ( x) = (i i * ) exp( x xi ) + b
i =1


In the process of training, we select the appropriate parameters through a series of cross-validation in order to obtain the best mean square deviation and correlation coefficient. The parameters of training for porosity, permeability, saturation predicting is shown as in Table 1:

Figure 2. The curve fitting result for porosity predicting.

Reservoir parameter Porosity Saturation Permeabilit y

SVM Parameter Kernel Penalty factor parameter


Error control parameter 0.25 0.05 0.0025


0.00001 0.35 0.5


D. Experimental Results and Analysis The fitting results of porosity and saturation are shown in figure 2 and 3. As it can be seen from the Figure 2 and 3, a good fitting result of predicted value and the real value is got. The mean square error (MSE) is 0.198161 for porosity and saturations is 0.053218. For comparison, we adopt the methods of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and combination of RS and SVR (RS-SVR) respectively to predict the permeability in the experiment. The sampling dataset of permeability in the experiment is the same for both methods. The fitting result of permeability is shown in figure 4. The MSE for the methods of ANN and RS-SVR is 0.231589 and 0.060138 respectively. As shown in figure 4, the fitting result for the method of RS-SVR is better than ANN. In order to compare the advantages and disadvantages for the two methods, the predicting results of the 19 testing samples are list in Table 2. The absolute errors for the 40 samples of permeability are also calculated and the result is shown in figure 5. As it can be seen from Table2 and Figure 5, although some data points predicted by the method of ANN are better, the global errors of ANN are bigger than RS-SVR. After comprehensive comparison, it can be seen that predicting result of RS-SVR is much better than ANN.

Figure 3. The curve fitting result for saturation predicting.

Figure 4. The curve fitting result for permeability predicting.

Figure 5. The comparative result of absolute error for permeability predicting.

[Volume 2]

2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology




[1] [2]

The method based on the combination of rough set and support vector regression is presented for the reservoir parameters predicting by analyzing the characteristics of rough set, support vector regressions and well logging sampling data. By using the algorithm of RS attributes reduction, the dimension of SVR and the computational complexity can be reduced in the training process. The predicted accuracy can be obtained by using the method of SVR. The experimental results show that the reservoir parameters predicting by combination of RS and SVR can get much better generalization. So we can understand the structure of petroleum reservoir further and supply a better decision making for reservoir exploration and exploitation. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work is supported by NSFC -- The National Natural Science Foundation of China (40872087).



[5] [6]



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TABLE II. Testing samples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 THE COMPARATIVE RESULTS OF THE RS-SVR AND ANN The Comparative Results True value of permeability 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.4 1.7 0.3 1.7 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.4 Predictive value of RS-SVR 0.322619 0.225570 0.876469 0.080039 0.572588 1.816369 0.286438 1.779270 0.412899 0.808034 0.105115 0.265656 0.270609 0.097186 0.233107 0.262185 0.09949 0.048609 0.365128 Predictive value of ANN 0.99927 0.15898 1 0.28737 0.12952 0.92084 0.10181 1 0.09814 1 0.11524 0.53223 0.29665 0.20311 0.38581 0.29669 0.12668 0.6 0.28601 Absolute error of RS-SVR 0.122619 0.125570 0.176469 0.019960 0.172588 0.116369 0.013560 0.079270 0.312899 0.108034 0.005115 0.065656 0.070609 0.002810 0.033107 0.037820 0.000510 0.051390 0.034870 Absolute error of ANN 0.79927 0.05898 0.3 0.18737 0.27048 0.77916 0.19819 0.7 0.001856 0.3 0.01524 0.33223 0.09665 0.10311 0.18581 0.00331 0.02668 0.5 0.11399


2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology

[Volume 2]

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