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Noemi Rodriguez Research Paper Lee Canters Assertive Discipline

Assertive discipline was developed by Canter in the seventies to train teachers on how to effectively manage behavior in the classroom. Through this model, Canter provided a guideline on how to manage the many behaviors that occur in a classroom environment. This topic is important because teachers need to be prepared on how to deal with the many behaviors that will occur daily in a school or in a classroom. Canter developed a way to handle behaviors in an organized and calm way. t is important for teachers to be prepared for such situations because being unprepared will cause chaos. Also, this model !eeps the teacher in control of any and all situations. Assertive "iscipline is a classroom management strategy. This model provides #practical strategies for successful behavior management in a classroom led by a teacher who builds trusting relationships with students$ %Canter, &''(, p. (). An assertive teacher insists on decent and responsible behaviors in the classroom. They also #ta!e control in a calm yet forceful way$ %*oore, &''+, p. ,-.). Assertive teachers manage behavior by using an appropriate and respectful techni/ue. They never embarrass or demean their students. Also, an assertive teacher is prepared to manage their classroom. Assertive "iscipline calls for teachers to create a plan for managing behavior so that issues are not dealt with the wrong way. Canter %&''() states that teachers should convey their #e0pectations clearly and positively$ %p. .). 1tudents must understand what the rules and e0pectations are. Assertive teachers use a proactive approach when managing student behavior rather than a reactive approach. A proactive approach is best because it !eeps the teacher fair and consistent with every student. A reactive approach comes from an unprepared teacher that #does not have a formal plan for behavior

Noemi Rodriguez Research Paper management and would, most li!ely, deal with misbehavior in a reactive, off2the2cuff manner$ %Canter, &''(, p. (&). This approach occurs when emotions ta!e over and the situation is dealt with ineffectively. This also is only a temporary solution, if not


addressed appropriately, the problem will persist and many times ta!e the teacher and the class off tas!. 3ssentially, it is best to be prepared to handle misbehaviors because teachers should model appropriate behavior to students and e0press care and concern for their students. Assertive "iscipline also calls for positive reinforcement. Teachers should not always focus on the negative behaviors but they should also catch #students being 4good5$ %6izli!, &''+, 7 &). Appropriate behavior should be rewarded. Recognizing positive behavior ma!es the students happy and will motivate that student and others to follow the e0pectations and behave appropriately. Also, in doing that it shows the child that you care about them, which can ma!e an impact. Assertive "iscipline is important to today5s classroom teacher because it helps the teacher create a plan for managing behavior in an effective way. t is especially helpful for that first year teacher who does not !now what to e0pect when he8she begins their career. 9y developing a plan, the teacher is organized and prepared for most situations. Assertive "iscipline shows the teacher that he8she has the #basic right to re/uire decent behavior in the classroom$ %*oore, &''+, p. ,-.). Assertive "iscipline allows the teacher to create a positive and careering learning environment. This techni/ue also helps teachers ta!e and !eep control of their classroom. t can be easy for a teacher to lose power over their students and this model allows the teacher to stay in control, without being overbearing.

Noemi Rodriguez Research Paper

n essence, thin! Assertive "iscipline is a good model to follow. n my first year teaching, learned that being organized and prepared is !ey. Teachers need to be organized in every respect and behavior management is definitely one of them. :ne of the things li!e about this model is that it !eeps you fair and consistent. That is important because students will /uic!ly tell you when you were not consistent in handling a situation. n addition to consistency, this techni/ue shows teachers how to !eep control of their classroom. 9y developing a plan and being firm with students, you are asserting yourself as a leader. have seen teachers not deal with situations or pass them off to someone else, which proves to be ineffective. That shows the student that that behavior can persist and the teacher loses power over him8her. Positive reinforcement also wor!s because it is a motivator to continue that behavior. 3very student wants to be recognized and should be recognized. As a teacher, realized that all of this is important. 1tudents need consistency in their lives and they want someone who is assertive and caring in their classroom. ;hen began wor!ing with my students this school year, stated my e0pectations and was very firm with them and with my plan. "id they li!e it< Not at all, was not their favorite person in the beginning. =owever, by being positive and showing my care and concern they eventually did turn around and change their behavior and followed the model. implemented this without realizing did. This school year showed me that this model does, in fact, wor!.

Noemi Rodriguez Research Paper

References Canter, >. ? Canter, *. %&''(). Assertive discipline@ postive behavior management for today5s classroom. >os Angeles, CA@ Canter ? Associates. *oore, 6.". %&''+). 3ffective instructional strategies@ from theory to practice. Thousand :a!s, CA@ 1age Publications, nc. 6izli!, 9. %&''+). Assertive discipline information. Retrieved June 20, 2009, from http:// !adprima!com/assertive!htm

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