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1. The value of i + -i is ____. (A) 1 2. (B) 2 (C) i (D) 3

Fromacontainerofwine,athiefhasstolen15litresofwineandreplaceditwithsamequantityof water.Heagainrepeatedthesameprocess.Thusinthreeattemptstheratioofwineandwaterbecame 343 : 169. The initial amount of wine in the container was (A) 75litres (B) 100litres (C) 136litres (D) 120litres


The diagonal BD of a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD bisects ABC . It is given that AC = BC , BDC = 80, ACB = 20. BAD is _____ (A) 110 (B) 120 (C) 130 (D) 140


Thenumberofsolutionsforreal x,whichsatisfytheequation2log ) =1 2 log 2 x+log 1 /2 log 2 (2 2 x is ______ (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) Noneofthese


When an article is sold for ` 703, loss incurred is 25% less than the profit earned on selling it at ` 836. What is the selling price of the article when it earns a profit of 20% ? (A) ` 912 (B) ` 1576 (C) ` 1532 (D) ` 1092


In the given diagram, four semicircles of radius 1 cm each with their centres at the mid points of the sides of square are drawn. A circle is inscribed touching all the four semicircles. The radius of the inner circle is ______ p - 1 (B) (A) 2 - 1 2 (C) 3 - 1 (D) 2 2 - 2


In a class of 80 students, 25 passed in Maths and Physics, 25 passed in Physics and English, 20 passed in Maths and English. 10 student passed in all the three subjects. Howmanystudents passed only in Maths ? (A) 20 (B) 15 (C) 12 (D) Can'tbedetermined


Dia has 5 friends. In how many ways can she invite one or more of them to a dinner? (A) 31
5 (B) 5

(C) 13

5 (D) 2


InatriangleABC,ADistheanglebisectorof BACand BAD=60. What is the length of AD ? (A) (C)

b + c bc

(B) (D)

bc b+c ( b + c)2 bc

b2 + c 2

D a C

10. ABCD is a rectangle and there are four equilateral triangles.Area of D ASD equals to area of D BQC and area of D DRC equals to area of D APB. The perimeteroftherectangleis12cm.Alsothesumoftheareasofthefour 2 triangles is 10 3 cm , then the total area of the figure thus formed is ______ (A) 2(4 + 5 3 )cm2



(B) 5(4 + 2 3 )cm2

2 (C) 42 3 cm

(D) Noneofthese

11. Fivepersonsenteredtheliftcabinonthegroundfloorofan8floorhouse.Supposeeachofthem independentlyandwithequalprobabilitycanleavethecabinatanyfloorbeginningwiththefirst. Find out the probability that all persons leave at different floors. (A)
365 2401 360 2401 35 2410



(D) Noneofthese

12. Atablebelowshowstheproductionandimportsofcrudeoil(inlitres).Domesticproductionofcrude oilistotalofonshoreandoffshoreproduction,whichissupplementedbyimportstomeetthetotal demand of crude oil in the country.

Year Onshore Offshore Imports 2001 12,000 11,000 21,000 2002 11,500 19,000 24,000 2003 11,000 16,000 30,000

What is the average of total demand of crude oil over the period?
3 (A) 18510 L 3 (B) 5210 L 3 (C) 18.510 L 3 (D) 3510 L

13. Howmanymeaningfulwordscanbeformedwiththefirst,thethird,theseventhandtheninthletters of the word "SEPARATION" using each letter only once in each word ? (A) Two (B) Three (C) Four (D) Morethanfour

14. TodayisVarun'sbirthday.Oneyearfromtodayhewillbetwiceasoldashewas12yearsago.How old isVarun today? (A) 20years (B) 22years (C) 25years (D) 27years

15. Choose the odd figure out of the given options.





16. Count the number of parallelograms in the given figure. (A) 20 (B) 18 (C) 16 (D) 12 17. Find the mirror image of the Figure X if the mirror is placed vertically left.






18. SelectafigurefromamongstthealternativeswhichwhenplacedintheblankspaceofFig.(X)would completethe pattern.






19. Inacertaincodingsystem,'rbmstdbropus'means'thecatisbeautiful','etnhpusdimstd'means 'the dog is brown', 'pus dim bro pus cus'means 'thedoghasthecat'. What is the code for 'has' ? (A) std (B) dim (C) bro (D) cus


21. AthickwalledhollowspherehasoutsideradiusR 0.Itrollsdownaninclinewithoutslippingandits velocityatthebottomisv 0.Nowtheinclineiswaxedsothatitispracticallyfrictionlessandthesphere isobservedtoslidedown(withoutrolling)thesameinclinewhenitsspeedatthebottomisobserved 5v 0 . The radius of gyration of the hollow sphere about an axis through its centre is to be 4 R0 2 R0 3 R0 4 R0 (B) (C) (A) (D) 2 3 4 5 22. Inthegivendiagram,withwhatforcemustthemanpulltheropetoholdtheplankinposition?Weight of the man is 60 kgf. Neglect the weights of plank, rope and pulley.

(A) 20 kgf

(B) 30 kgf

(C) 60 kgf

(D) 15 kgf

23. AsoundwavepassesfromamediumAtoanothermediumB.ThevelocityofsoundinBisgreater thanthatinA.Assumethatthereisnoabsorptionorreflectionattheboundary.Asthewavemoves acrossthe boundary (A) The frequency of sound will not change (C) Thewavelength willdecrease

(B) Thewavelengthwillincrease (D) The intensity of sound will not change 4

24. One end of an idealspring is connected with a smooth block and the other end with rear wall of driving cabin of a truck as shown in the figure. Initially, the system is at rest. If truck starts to accelerate with a constant acceleration then the block (relative to truck)
m k a

(A) Willremainstationary (B) Willstartoscillatingwithconstantamplitude (C) Willstartoscillatingwithincreasingamplitude (D) Movessuchthatthelengthofthespringfirstincreasesandthenbecomesconstant 25. ACBisrightangledprismwithotheranglesas60and30.Therefractiveindexofprismis1.5.AB has a thin layer of liquid on it as shown. Light falls normally on the face AC. For total internal reflection, maximum refractive index of the liquid is
A 60 30 B

(A) 1.4

(B) 1.3

(C) 1.2

(D) 1.6

26. Astringoflength1 mis fixed atoneendandcarriesamassof100gattheother end.Thestring makes(2/ p )revolutionspersecondaroundverticalaxisthroughthefixedend.Whatisthetension in the string?
w 1m


(A) 1.6N

(B) 0.8N

(C) 3.2N

(D) 2.4N

27. In the arrangement shown in the figure, for vertical oscillation of the mass m, the time period is

k 1

k 2


T = 2 p

m(k1 + k 2) k1k 2

p (B) T = 2

k1 + k 2 m

m p (C) T = 2 k1 + k 2

mg p (D) T = 2 k1 + k 2

28. The tubeshown is of uniformcrosssection. Liquid flows through it at aconstantspeedinthedirectionshownbythearrows.Theliquidexerts on the tube (A) Anetforcetotheright (C) Aclockwisetorque

(B) Anetforcetotheleft (D) Ananticlockwisetorque 5

DIRECTION : Read the following paragraph to answer Q. nos. 29, 30 and 31. Projectilemotionisacombinationoftwoonedimensionalmotionsoneinhorizontalandotherin vertical direction. Motion in 2 dimensions means motion in a plane. Necessary condition for 2 dimensional motion is that the velocity vector is coplanar to the acceleration vector. In case of projectile motion, the angle between velocity and acceleration will be 0 < q <180. During the projectilemotionthehorizontalcomponentofvelocityremainsunchangedbutverticalcomponentof velocityistimedependent. 29. Aparticleisprojectedfromtheorigin in xy plane.Accelerationofparticlein negative y direction 2 is a . If equation of path of the particle is y = ax bx , then initial velocity of the particle is (A) a 2b (B)
a(1 + a 2) 2b


a 2 a


ab 2 a

30. An object is projected from origin in xy plane in which velocity changes according to relation ^ ^ v = a i + bx j. Path of particle is (A) Hyperbolic (B) Circular (C) Elliptical (D) Parabolic

31. Abodyisprojectedatanglesof30and60withsamevelocity.TheirhorizontalrangesareR 1 and R2 , andmaximum heights are H1 and H 2 respectively. Then, (A)
R 1 > 1 R2


H 1 > 1 H 2


R 1 < 1 R2


H 1 < 1 H 2

32. Statement I : Asolidandhollowsphereofsamediameterandsamematerialwhenheatedthrough the same temperature will expand by the same amount. StatementII : Thechangeinvolumeisindependentoftheoriginalmassbutdependsonoriginalvolume. (A) BothstatementsIandIIaretrueandstatementIIisthecorrectexplanationofstatementI. (B) BothstatementsIandIIaretruebutstatementIIisnotthecorrectexplanationofstatementI. (C) StatementIistruebutstatementIIisfalse. (D) StatementIisfalsebutstatementIIistrue.

33. Statement I : When a bottle of cold carbonated drink is opened, a slight fog forms around the opening. StatementI : Adiabaticexpansionofthegascausesloweringoftemperatureandcondensationof watervapours. (A) BothstatementsIandIIaretrueandstatementIIisthecorrectexplanationofstatementI. (B) BothstatementsIandIIaretruebutstatementIIisnotthecorrectexplanationofstatementI. (C) StatementIistruebutstatementIIisfalse. (D) StatementIisfalsebutstatementIIistrue. 34. ColumnIgivessomedevicesandcolumnIIgivessomeprocessesonwhichthefunctioningofthese devicesdepend.MatchthedeviceincolumnIwiththeprocessesincolumnIIandselectthecorrect option from the codes given below. ColumnI ColumnII (i) Bimetallicstrip (p) Radiation from a hot body (ii) Steamengine (q) Energyconversion (iii) Incandescentlamp (r) Melting (iv) Electricfuse (s) Thermalexpansionofsolids (A) (i)(p),(ii)(q),(iii)(r),(iv)(s) (C) (i)(r),(ii)(p),(iii)(s),(iv)(q)

(B) (i)(q),(ii)(s),(iii)(p),(iv)(r) (D) (i)(s),(ii)(q),(iii)(p),(iv)(r) 6

35. SomephysicalquantitiesaregivenincolumnIandsomepossibleSIunitsinwhichthesequantities maybeexpressedaregivenincolumnII.Matchthecolumnsandselectthecorrectoptionfromthe codesgiven below. ColumnI (i) GM ,where eM s G= universal gravitational constant, M e = mass of the Earth, M s = mass of the Sun 3 RT , where (ii) M R = universal gas constant, T = absolute temperature, M = molar mass (iii) ColumnII (p) Joule

3 2 (q) kg m s

I w 2 ,where 2

2 2 (r) m s

I = moment of inertia w = angular velocity of rotation GM e (iv) 2 , where R e G= universal gravitational constant, M e = mass of the Earth, R e = radius of the Earth (A) (i)(p),(ii)(q),(iii)(r),(iv)(s) (C) (i)(r),(ii)(p),(iii)(s),(iv)(q)

2 (s) ms

(B) (i)(q),(ii)(r),(iii)(p),(iv)(s) (D) (i)(s),(ii)(r),(iii)(q),(iv)(p)

36. Match both the columns and mark the correct option from the codes given below. ColumnI (a) Action of dilutesulphuric acid on Zn (b) Heatinglimestone (c) Heatingpotassiumchlorate (d) Heatingammoniumchloride a (A) (ii) (B) (iii) (C) (iv) (D) (iii) b (iv) (iv) (iii) (i) c (i) (ii) (i) (iv) d (iii) (i) (ii) (ii) ColumnII (i) Ammonia (ii) Oxygen (iii) Hydrogen (iv) Carbondioxide

37. Statement I : pHofhydrochloricacidsolutionislessthanthatofaceticacidsolutionofthesame concentration. StatementII : Inequimolarsolutions,thenumberoftitratableprotonspresentinhydrochloricacid is less than that present in acetic acid. (A) BothstatementsIandIIaretrueandstatementIIisthecorrectexplanationofstatementI. (B) BothstatementsIandIIaretruebutstatementIIisnotthecorrectexplanationofstatementI. (C) StatementIistruebutstatementIIisfalse. (D) StatementIisfalsebutstatementIIistrue.

38. Cupric carbonate upon heating gives a black residue X and a colourless gas Y. When residue X is dissolvedin dilute sulphuric acid, blue solution was formed. This upon evaporation gave blue crystalsofcompoundZ .Thegas Ywhenpassedintoaqueoussolution ofW ,turnedthe solution milkyandwhenmoreofgasYwaspassedintomilkyliquid,itturnedcolourlessagain.IdentifyX, Y,Z and W . X (A) CuO (B) CuO (C) CuSO 4 (D) CuCO 3 Y CO 2 CO 2 CuO CuO Z CaCO 3 CuSO 4 CO 2 CO 2 W Ca(HCO 3) 2 Ca(OH) 2 CuCO 3 Ca(HCO ) 3 2

39. Astudentwantstotestthenatureoftheoxidesformedbyreactionsofmetalsandnonmetalswith oxygen.Heburnsamagnesiumribbonbyholdingitwithapairoftongsandcollectsthewhitesolid formedin agas jar. Hethenadds asmall amount of waterto thejarand testsit withthe helpof a litmus paper. What will happen to the litmus paper?

Burning magnesiumribbon Gasjar


(A) Redlitmuspaperturnsblue. (C) Firstredlitmusturnsblueandthenagainred.

(B) Bluelitmuspaperturnsred. (D) Nochangeinthecolouroflitmuspaper.

40. ThegiventableshowsthepositionofsixelementsP,Q,R,S,TandUintheperiodictable.Using the table identify the incorrect statement.



2 P S


14 Q T R U

2 3

(A) ElementSpresentingroup2isametalanditexhibitsavalencyof2. (B) TheelementTpresentingroup15isanonmetalanditexhibitsavalencyof3. (C) ElementShasbiggeratomicradiusthanelementT. (D) ElementsRandUareknownashalogens. 41. Astudentpouredsomebrominewaterinatesttube.Hepassedvapoursoftwohydrocarbonsfrom thejarsXand Y,oneaftertheother.Heobservedthaton passingvapoursfromjar Ythereddish browncolourofbrominegotdischarged.Whenhereactedboththegasesseparatelywithoxygen, he observed that both the gases on combustion gave carbon dioxide and water vapour. What inference does he draw from his experiments? (A) JarXcontainsasaturatedhydrocarbonwhilejarYcontainsunsaturatedhydrocarbon. (B) JarXcontainsanunsaturatedhydrocarbonwhilejarYcontainssaturatedhydrocarbon. (C) JarXandYcontainsaturatedhydrocarbons.

(D) JarXandYcontainunsaturatedhydrocarbons.

42. AneutralorganiccompoundPofmolecularformulaC Oonoxidationwithpotassiumdichromate 2H 6 andsulphuricacidgivesacompoundQwhichgivesbriskeffervescencewithsodiumbicarbonate. Compound P is an important constituent of wine and it reacts with Q to give a sweet smelling substance R. P, Q and R respectively are
(P ) C2H6 O
K2Cr2 O 7 H2 SO 4

(Q )
(effervescence withNaHCO3 )

P Conc. H2 SO 4

(R )
Sweetsmelling substance

(A) P CH Q C OH, R C COOCH 3COOH, 2H 5 2H 5 3 (B) P CH Q CH R CH 3CH 2OH, 3CH 2COOH, 3CH 2COOCH 3 (C) P CH Q CH CH R CH 3CH 2COOH, 3 2OH, 3COOCH 2CH 3 (D) PCH CH OH, QCH COOH, RCH COOCH CH 3 2 3 3 2 3 43. Aluminium carbonate reacts with dilute nitric acid to form aluminium nitrate, water and carbon dioxide. The reaction can be written as Al (CO 2 3) 3 + xHNO 3 Thestoichiometricconstantsx,yandzare (A) 6,2,4 (B) 6,2,3 (C) 2,4,6 (D) 4,2,3 yAl(NO O 3) 3 + z CO 2 + 3H 2

44. The structural formula of ethyl ethanoate is O (A) CH3COCH 3





45. M g of an element gave N g of oxide. Equivalent weight of the element is (A)

M + N 8 M


M 8 N +M

(C) (NM)8


M 8 N M

46. Thegivendiagramillustratestheenergychangesofasetof reactions.Whichof thefollowingstatementsis incorrect? (A) TheenthalpychangeforthereactionP Ris+33kJmol .


1 DH=134kJmol

1 DH=+92kJmol

(B) TheenthalpychangeforthetransformationR Qwillbeendothermic.

1 (C) TheenthalpychangeforthetransformationP Qis134kJmol .

1 DH=75kJmol

1 (D) TheenthalpychangeforthetransformationS Pwillbe+42kJmol .

47. Fortwogases,AandBwithmolecularweightsM A andM B,itisobservedthatatacertaintemperature T,themeanvelocityofAisequaltotheu r ms ofB.Thus,themeanvelocityofAcanbemadeequal to the mean velocity of B, if (A) AisattemperatureTandBatT T>T (C) BothAandBareloweredintemperature (B) BothAandBareraisedtoahighertemperature (D) Noneofthese

48. Al and Ga have nearly the same covalent radii because of (A) GreatershieldingeffectofselectronsofGaatoms (B) PoorshieldingeffectofselectronsofGaatoms (C) PoorshieldingeffectofdelectronsofGaatoms

(D) Greatershieldingeffectof d electronsofGaatoms

49. Which of the following statements is incorrect ? (A) Phenolismoreacidicthanpcresol.

+ formswhiteprecipitatewithAg ( aq) mostreadily

ismorebasicthan CH (C) CH 3NH 2 3 N

O H O and N H






HgSO SO ,DO 4/H 2 4 2 HgSO SO 2 4/H 2 4,HO BH 3/THF O H 2 2/OH

(P ) (Q) . (R)

(P),(Q )and(R)respectivelyare (A) (B)

CH CHOinallcases 2

COCH 3inallcases
O O CH D, 2 C CH , 3 CH CHO 2




OCH , 3





1. 8. 15. 22. 29. 36. 43. 50.

(B) (A) (C) (D) (B) (B) (B) (C)

2. 9. 16. 23. 30. 37. 44.

(D) (B) (B) (A) (D) (C) (B)



4. 11. 18. 25. 32. 39. 46.

(A) (B) (D) (B) (A) (A) (B)

5. 12. 19. 26. 33. 40. 47.

(A) (B) (D) (A) (A) (D) (D)

6. 13. 20. 27. 34. 41. 48.

(A) (D) (D) (C) (D) (A) (C)

7. 14. 21. 28. 35. 42. 49.

(D) (C) (C) (C) (B) (D) (B)

10. (A) 17. (A) 24. (B) 31. (D) 38. (B) 45. (D)

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