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B.C 2500-1800 599 563 327-26 269-232 261 57 30 326 261 Indus valley civilization.

Birth of Mahavir; Nirvana in 523. B.C. Birth of Gautam Buddha; Nirvana in 4 3 B.C. !le"ander#s invasion of India and the o$enin% of land route &et'een India and (uro$e. !sho)a#s rei%n. Battle of *alin%a. Be%innin% of +i)rama era. ,atvahana dynasty in -eooan. .andyan em$ire in for south. !le"ander defeated .oras in the Battle of /ydas$as !sho)a defeated *alin%a in the *alin%a 0ar

A.D 78 320 360 380-413 606-647 629-645 622 712 1001-27 1025 1191 1192 1206 1290 1290 1320 1333 1336 1347 1398 1451 1469 1498 1510 1526 1556 1565 1571 1576 Be%innin% of ,a)a era. Be%innin% of Gu$ta era. ,amudra%u$ta con1uers the 'hole of N. India and much of the -eccan. 2ule of Chandra%u$ta +i)ramaditya3 a%e of *alidasa3 rene'al of induism. 2ule of /arshavardhana. /ieun 4san%#s visit in India. Be%innin% of /i5ra era. !ra& invasion of ,ind &y Mohd. &in 6asim. 2e$eated attac)s of Mehmud Ghazni. ,ac)in% of ,omnath tem$le &y Mehmud. 7irst &attle of 4arain in 'hich .rithvira5 Chauhan defeated Mohd. Ghori. ,econd &attle of 4arain in 'hich Mohd. Ghori defeated .rithvira5 Chauhan. 6utu&uddin !i&a) founded the Il&ari8,lave dynasty. 9alaluddin 7iruz *hil5i esta&lished *hil5i dynasty. Marco .olo visited India. Ghiyasuddin 4u%hla1 founded the 4u%hla1 dynasty. I&n Batuta arrived in India. /arihara and Bu))a founded the +i5ayna%ar em$ire. Bahmani )in%dom founded. 4imur invades India. :odi dynasty comes in $o'er in -elhi ,ultanate. Birth of Guru Nana) -ev. +asco da Gama lands at Calicut. .ortu%uese ca$ture Goa;!l&u1uer1ue Governor. 7irst Battle of .ani$at in 'hich Ba&ar defeated I&rahim :odhi and esta&lished the Mu%hal dynasty. ,econd &attle of .ani$at in 'hich !)&ar defeated /emu. Battle of 4ali)ota in 'hich +i5ayna%ar em$ire is defeated. 7oundation of 7ateh$ur ,i)ri &y !)&ar. Battle of /aldi%hati in 'hich !)&ar defeated Maharana .rata$.

1582 1600 1604 1605 1611 1627 1631 1658 1666 1699 1707 1739 1757 1760 1761 1764 1793 1799 1817-19 1828 1835 A.D 1853 1857-58 1858 1861 1869 1885 1905 1906 1909 1911 1914 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1927 1928

!)&ar started -in;i;llahi. (n%lish (ast India Com$any esta&lished. Com$ilation of !di Granth. -eath of !)&ar. 4he (n%lish &uilt a factory at Masuli$atnam. Birth of ,hiva5i -eath of ,hah 9ahan#s 'ife Mumtaz Mahal. 4he &uildin% of 4a5 Mahal. !uran%ze& &ecame (m$eror of -elhi. Birth of Guru Go&ind ,in%h. Guru Go&ind ,in%h creates #*halsa#. -eath of !uran%ze&3 fall of Mu%hal em$ire &e%ins. Nadir ,hah invaded India; the $eacoc) throne and the *ohinoor -iamond ta)en a'ay from India. Battle of .lassey in 'hich the (n%lish defeated ,ira5;ud; daula3 Na'a& of Ben%al. Battle of 0andi'ash3 end of 7rench $o'er in India3 4hird Battle of .ani$at in 'hich !hmed ,hah !&dali defeated the Marathas. Battle of Bu"ar in 'hich the (n%lish defeated the tri$le alliance of Na'a& Mir 6asim of Ben%al3 Na'a& ,hu5a;ud;daula of !'adh and Mu%hal em$eror ,hah !lam. .ermanent settlement in Ben%al. 7ourth !n%lo Mysore 0ar3 death of 4i$u ,ultan3 2an5it ,in%h occu$ied :ahore and made it his ca$ital. Marathas finally crushed. :ord 0illiam Bentic) &ecomes Governor General; (ra of social reforms; .rohi&ition of ,ati <= 2>?3 ,u$$ression of thu%s <= 3@?. Introduction of (n%lish as medium of instruction.

7irst Indian rail'ay from Bom&ay to 4hane. 7irst 'ar of Indian Inde$endence. British cro'n ta)es over the Indian Government; (nd of (ast India Com$any#s rule. Birth of 2a&indra Nath 4a%ore. Birth of M.*. Gandhi. 7ormation of Indian National Con%ress. .artition of Ben%al &y :ord Curzon. 7ormation of !ll India Muslim :ea%ue. Minto;Morley 2eforms. -elhi dur&ar held3 $artition of Ben%al cancelled3 ca$ital shifted from Calcutta to -elhi. 0orld 0ar I started. (nd of 0orld 0ar I. 2o'latt !ct3 9allian'ala Ba%h massacre3 Monta%ue; Chelmsford reforms. Non;coo$eration Movement launched3 Mo$lah re&ellian in Mala&ar; visit of .rince of 0ales. Chauri;Chaura incidence. ,'ara5 $arty formed. ,imon Commission a$$ointed. +isit of ,imon Commission to India3 death of :ala :a5$at 2ai.

1929 1930 1931 1932 1935 1937 1939 1942 1945 1946 1947 1948 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1956 1957 1958 1959 1961 1962 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980

Con%ress demanded#.oorna ,'ara5#in :ahore session. 9anuary 2A cele&rated as Inde$endence -ay throu%hout India3 -andi ,alt ,atya%raha3 7irst 2ound 4a&le conference. Gandhi;lrvin .act3 ,econd 2ound 4a&le Conference. ,u$$ression of Con%ress Movement3 4hird 2ound 4a&le Conference3 Communal !'ard3 .oona .act. Government of India !ct. Inau%uration of .rovincial !utonomy. Con%ress ministries formed in 2esi%nation of Con%ress ministries3 &e%innin% of 0orld 0ar II. Cri$$s Mission .lan3 6uit India Movement3 7ormation of Indian National !rmy &y ,.C. Bose. ,imla conference held and the failure of 0avell .lan3 IN! trials at 2ed 7ort3 -elhi. Ca&inet Mission .lan3 7ormation of Interim Government3 -irect !ction 2esolution &y Muslim :ea%ue. Mount&atten .lan of 9une 3 in 'hich $artition of India resolution is $ro$osed3 India divided3 .a)istan created3 &oth achieve inde$endence3 9a'arhar :ai Nehru &ecomes the I .rime Minister of India. !ssassination of Mahatma Gandhi <9an. 3@?. India &ecame re$u&lic <9an. 2A?. 7irst 7ive Bear .lan im$lemented. 7irst General (lections held. 4enzin% Nor%ay and ,ir (dmund /illary con1uer Mt. (verest <May 2>?. .anchsheel a%reement &et'een India and China. :ife insurance nationalized3 ,tate 2eor%anisin% !ct comes into force. ,econd General (lections. Metric system of 'ei%hts and measures introduced. -alai :ama e"iled; enters India. :i&eration of Goa. Chinese attac) on India. <Cct 2@?. 9a'aharlal Nehru dies; :ai Bahadur ,hastri &ecomes .M. Indo;.a) 'ar. 4ash)ent !%reement reached3 -eath of :ai Bahadur ,hastri3 Indira Gandhi &ecame .M. -r. Da)ir /ussain elected .resident. /ar%ovind *hurana shares the No&el .rize for Medicine and .hysiolo%y. -eath of. .resident Da)ir /ussain <May 3?. +. +. Giri elected .resident3 Nationalization of =4 leadin% &an)s3 ,$lit in Indian National Con%ress. 7ormer Indian ruler#s $rivy $urses a&olished. -r. C. +. 2aman died <Nov. 2?. Indo;.a) 0ar over Ban%ladesh. ,himla !%reement si%ned. Mane)sha' named India#s first 7ield Marshal Nuclear e"$losion at .o)hran <May = ?. Indian satellite #!rya&hatta# launched3 National emer%ency declared. 4he four Indian Ne's a%encies mer%ed into a sin%le Ne's !%ency )no'n as #,amachar#3 life of :o) ,a&ha e"tended &y an year. -efeat of Mrs. Indira Gandhi in the election3 Morar5i -esai ta)es over as .M3 emer%ency 'ithdra'n. India launches 'orld#s &i%%est adult literacy $lan <Cct. 2?. Charan ,in%h &ecame .M.3 Mother 4eresa 'on the No&el .eace .rize. Indira Gandhi returns to $o'er at centre3 India launches first satellite usin% its o'n satellite launchin% out of == $rovinces.

vehicle <9uly. = ?. 1981 1982 1983 1984 India launched !..:(3 *halistan activists hi5ac) Indian !irlines Boein% E3E to :ahore. Dail ,in%h s'orn in as .resident3 the 2=;mem&er Indian scientific e"$edition headed &y -r. ,. D. 6asim lands on !ntarctica <9an. >?3 IN,!4= ! launched3 Ninth !sian Games held in Ne' -elhi. 4he Eth Non !li%ned ,ummit in Ne' -elhi3 *al$a))am !tomic (ner%y $lant %oes critical <9uly 2?3 IN,!4;= B launched <!u%. 3@?3 2ichard !tten&orou%h#s FGandhiF 'ins oscars. 2a)esh ,harma &ecomes India#s first s$aceman <!$r. 5?3 Bachendri .al &ecome the first Indian 'oman to scale Mt. (verest <May 23?3 C$eration Blue ,tar3 !ssassination of Indira Gandhi <Cct 3=?3 2a5iv Gandhi &ecomes .M3 Bho$al Gas tra%edy <-ec. 3?. !nti;defection Bill $assed <9an. 3?3 !zharuddin hits 3 centuries in 3 tests. 4he first 'holly Indian test;tu&e &a&y &om at *(M /os$ital3 Bom&ay <!u%. E?. ,unil Gavas)ar &ecomes the first &atsman to score =@3@@@ runs in tests <Mar. E?3 Goa &ecomes the 25th state of India <May 3@?. India#s first remote sensin% satellite I2, = ;! launched from 2ussia <Mar. =E?3 IN,!4 =;C launched from 7rench Guyana <9uly 22?. ,uccessful test of !%ni <May 22?3 layin% of the foundation stone for the 2am 9anma&hoomi tem$le of !yodhya <Nov =@?. +... ,in%h &ecomes the .M. ,uccessful launchin% of IN,!4 =;- <9une =2?3 Mandal Commission recommendation im$lemented <!u%. E?3 +... ,in%h tenders resi%nation <Nov. E?3 ,. Chandrashe)har &ecomes .M. <Nov. =@?. 2a5iv Gandhi )illed in a &om& &last <May 2=?3 .. +. Narsimha 2ao &ecame .M. <9une 2=?3 (arth1ua)e in Gttar)ashi re%ion <Cct. 2@?3 ,atya5it 2ay %ot s$ecial Cscar a'ard. <-ec.=A?. .rithvi test fired <May 5?3 IN,!4;2 ! launched <9uly =@?3 -r. ,han)er -ayal ,harma &ecame .resident <9uly 25?3 the domes of Ba&ri Mas5id demolished <-ec A?. .anchayati 2a5 !ct effective <!$r. 24?3 IN,!4;2 B launched from 7rench Guyana <9uly 23?3 (arth1ua)e in :atur re%ion <,e$t. 3@?. 7irst heart trans$lant in the country <!u%. 3?3 .,:+ -;2 launched <Cct. =5?. .un5a& Chief Minister Beant ,in%h assassinated <!%u. 3=?3 IN,!4;2 C launched <-ec. E? !.B. +a5$ayee &ecame .M. <May =A?3 /.-. -eve Go'da &ecame .M. <9une =?3 India;Ban%ladesh si%n Gan%a 0ater .act <-ec. =2? I. *. Gu5ral &ecame .M. <!$r. 2=?3 *. 2. Narayanan s'orn in as .resident <9uly 25?3 Mother 4eresa $asses a'ay <,e$t. 5?3 !rundhati 2oy 'ins Boo)er .rize <Cct. =4?3 I. *. Gu5ral resi%ns as .M. <Nov. 2 ? *on)an rail'ay commissioned <9an. 2A?3 !. B. +a5$ayee &ecame .M. <Mar. =>?3 India conducted total 5 nuclear tests <May == and May =3?3 ,evere cyclone in Gu5arat <9une >?3 !martya ,en 'on the No&le .rize in (conomics <Cct. =4? ..M. +a5$ayee arrived in .a)istan &y -elhi;:ahore &us <7e&. 2@?3 India successfully launched its first commercial telecom satellite IN,!4;2 ( from *ourou <!$r. 3?3 Intense fi%htin% in *ar%il <9une;9uly?3 -evastatin% cyclone in Crissa and !. .. <Cct.? G. ,. .resident Bill Clinton visited India <Mar.? IN,!4;3 B launched from *ourou <Mar. 22?3 ,uccessful test firin% of #-hanush#3 the naval version of #.rithvi# missile <!$r. ==?3 *arnam Mallesh'ari 'ins a &ronze at Clym$ics3 Chattis%arh formed <Nov. =?3 Gttaranchal formed <Nov. >?3 9har)hand formed <Nov. =5? 4he $ilotless tar%et aircraft #:a)shya# inducted into the Indian !ir 7orce <9an. 5?3 ,evere earth1ua)e in Gu5arat <9a. 2A?3 the ne'ly;constructed (nnore $ort dedicated to the nation <7e&. =?3 India successfully launches G,:+ -;= from ,rihari)ota <!$r. = ?3 Indo;.a) summit at !%ra <9uly =5;=A?3 :o) .al Bill introduced in :o) ,a&ha <!u%. =4?3 !ttac) on 04C3 Ne' Bor) sha)es the 'orld <,e$t. ==?3 :o) ,a&ha $asses the &ill on F2i%ht to (ducation till =4F <Nov. 3@?3 4errorist attac) on Indian .arliament <-ec. =3? IN,!4;3 C launched on !riane roc)et from *ourou in 7rench Guyana <9an. 24?3 I,2C successfully tries the inde%enious cryo%enic en%ine <7e&. 5?3 .C4C $assed in the 5oint session of the .arliament <Mar. 2A?3 :C! test flo'n successfully <9une A?3 Ca&inet clears 2AH 7-I in $rint media <9une 25?3 -r. !. .. 9. !&dul *alam elected the .resident of India <9uly = ?3 Bhairon ,in%h ,he)ha'at s'orn in as +ice;.resident of India <!u%. =>?3 India launches M(4,!4 &y usin% .,:+;C4 <,e$t. =2?3 -raft of the 4enth 7ive;Bear .lan a$$roved &y the .lannin% Commission <Cct. 5?3 B,N: launches mo&ile $hone service <Cct. =5?3 +a5$ayee and .utin si%n -elhi declaration <-ec. 4?3 *el)ar su&mitted modified re$ort on ta" reforms <-ec. 2 ? *al$ana Cha'la )illed in s$ace shuttle Colum&ia &urnu$ <7e&. =?; :ar%e reserves of oil I %as discovered in Barmer district of 2a5asthan <7e&. 4?; G, launched attac) on Ira1 <Mar. 2@?; IN,!4;3! launched from *ourou <!$r. =@?; Indi%enous :i%ht Com&at !ircraft <:C!? renamed #4e5as# <May 4?; G,:+-;2 launched from ,rihari)ota <May ?; 7irst instance of $o'er failure in modern G,! <!u%. =5;=A?; Mars comes closest

1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998






to (arth <!u%. 2E?; Govt. a$$roves the $urchase of !dvanced 9et 4rainers3 /a')3 from Britain <,e$t. 3?; IN,!4;3( launched from *ourou <,e$t. 2@?; .o$e 9ohn .aul;ll &eautifies Mother 4eresa <Cct. =>?; 7irst !fro;!sian Games held in /ydera&ad <Cct. 24;Nov. =?; India I .a)istan a%ree to a formal cease;fire alon% the :CG <Nov. 25?; >Eth3 > th3 >>th I =@@th Constitutional !mendment Bills $assed <-ec. = ;23? 2004 ,ense" crosses the ma%ical fi%ure of A@@@ <9an. 2?; India si%ns a%reement 'ith 2ussia for o&tainin% !dmiral Gorsh)ov <9an. 2@?; -elhi /i%h Court clears 2a5iv Gandhi from the Bofors deal <7e&. 4?; 2@@ )illed in Madrid train &last <Mar. ==?; No&el Medals of 2a&indra Nath 4a%ore %ets stolen from ,hantini)etan <Mar. 25?; N-! conducts election &efore time3 &ut loses une"$ectedly3 G.! %overnment comes in $o'er3 -r. Manmohan ,in%h s'orn;in as the ne' .M <May 22?; E children )illed in a fire in school in *um&h)onam3 4amil Nadu <9uly =E?; Clym$ics return to their homeland !thens3 2a5yavardhan 2athode 'ins a silver for India <!u%. =3;2>?; /amid *arzai 'ins the .residential vote in !f%hanistan <Cct. =4?; ,andal'ood *in% +eera$$an is dead <Cct. = ?; Geor%e 0. Bush re;elected <Nov. 3?; *anchi ,han)aracharya 9ayendra ,aras'ati arrested on murder char%es <Nov. ==?; Basser !rafat is dead <Nov. ==?; .arliament dismissses .C4! <-ec. >?; 4sunami causes havoc in ,outh and ,outh (ast !sia )illin% more than a la)h <-ec. 2A?

Seven wonders
The Great Pyramid of Gi a! "#y$t
The Egyptian pharaoh Khufu built the Great Pyramid in about 2560 B.C. to ser e as his tomb. The pyramid is the oldest stru!ture on the original list of the se en "onders of the an!ient "orld# "hi!h "as !ompiled by Gree$ s!holars about 2#200 years ago. %t is also the only remaining sur i or from the original list. The Great Pyramid is the largest of three Pyramids at Gi&a# bordering modern'day Cairo. (lthough "eathering has !aused the stru!ture to stand a fe" feet shorter today# the pyramid "as about )*0 feet +,)5 meters- high "hen it "as first built. %t is thought to ha e been the planet.s tallest human'made stru!ture for more than four millennia.

%ea&i&# To'er of Pi(a

This is the monument that, among the others of the "Piazza dei Miracoli", stirs the imagination of everybody, from the old to the young. Firstly we like to give you some information and events regarding its long history. The construction of this imposing mass was started in the year !" by #onanno Pisano. $hen the tower had reached its third storey the works ceased because it had started sinking into the ground. The tower remained thus for %& years. 't was completed by (iovanni di )imone, Tommano )imone *son of +ndreo Pisano,, crowned the tower with the belfry at half of "th century. The top of the -eaning Tower can be reached by mounting the .%" steps which rise in the form of a spiral on the inner side of the tower walls.

)a#ia *o$hia

/nfortunately nothing remains of the original 0agia 1ophia# "hi!h "as built on this site in the fourth !entury by Constantine the Great. Constantine "as the first Christian emperor and the founder of the !ity of Constantinople# "hi!h he !alled 2the 3e" 4ome.2 The 0agia 1ophia "as one of se eral great !hur!hes he built in important !ities throughout his empire. 5ollo"ing the destru!tion of Constantine.s !hur!h# a se!ond "as built by his son Constantius and the emperor Theodosius the Great. This se!ond !hur!h "as burned do"n during the 3i$a riots of 562# though fragments of it ha e been e7!a ated and !an be seen today. 0agia 1ophia "as rebuilt in her present form bet"een 562 and 568 under the personal super ision of Emperor 9ustinian %. %t is one of the greatest sur i ing e7amples of By&antine ar!hite!ture# ri!h "ith mosai!s and marble pillars and !o erings.

Por+e,ai& To'er of -a&.i&#! Chi&a

The Por!elain To"er is in 3an:ing# China# out on the ban$s of the ;angt&e 4i er. The Chinese people !alled it the Boa<ensi or the =Temple of Gratitude>. The base shape is o!tagoni!al. The base is about ?5 feet in diameter@ the to"er itself is about ? stories tall# "hi!h is about 250 feet high. Ahen the to"er "as being built it "as planned to be ,6 stories tall and a total height of 660 feet. E ery blo!$ in the to"er "as dried out in the bla&ing sun during the day and in the night there "as ,)0 lamps to dry them out. The bri!$s "ere made of brilliant "hite por!elain that "ould shine in sunlight. (s the stories "ent up it narro"ed be!ause if they "ere all the same si&e it "ould !ollapse on top of e erything. ( large spire !ame from the eighth story all the "ay up to the roof. The spiral stair!ase "ent up ,60 steps. %n ,*0, a bolt of lightning stru!$ and $no!$ed of the top three stories. 1oon after that the Taiping 4ebels gained !ontrol of the !ity and destroyed the Por!elain To"er of 3a:ing.

Cata+om/( of 0om e, *ho1afa

The Cata!ombs +meaning underground tunnels- lie in the distri!t of Karmou& to the east of (le7andria. The area "as !alled Kom El'1houBafa or a pile of shards. The !emetery dates ba!$ to the ,st !entury (.C and "as used until the )th !entury (.C. %t "as dis!o ered in ,?00 "hen by pure !han!e# a don$ey dra"n !art fell into a pit# "hi!h led to the dis!o ery. The Cata!ombs in (le7andria are so !alled be!ause the design "as ery similar to the Christian Cata!ombs in 4ome. Dost li$ely it "as a pri ate tomb# later !on erted to a publi! !emetery. %t !onsists of 6 le els !ut into the ro!$# a stair!ase# a rotunda# the tri!linium or banBuette hall# a estibule# an ante!hamber and the burial !hamber "ith three re!esses in it@ in ea!h re!ess there is a sar!ophagus. The Cata!ombs also !ontain a large number of Eu!uli or groo es !ut in the ro!$.

)a&#i&# Garde&( of Ba/y,o&

The hanging gardens are said to ha e stood on the ban$s of the Euphrates 4i er in modern'day %raB# although there.s some doubt as to "hether they e er really e7isted. The Babylonian $ing 3ebu!hadne&&ar %% supposedly !reated the terra!ed gardens around 600 B.C. at his royal pala!e in the Desopotamian desert. %t is said the gardens "ere made to please the $ing.s "ife# "ho missed the lush greenery of her homeland in the Dedes# in "hat is no" northern %ran. (r!haeologists ha e yet to agree on the li$ely site of the hanging gardens# but findings in the region that !ould be its remains in!lude the foundations of a pala!e and a nearby aulted building "ith an irrigation "ell. The most detailed des!riptions of the gardens !ome from Gree$ historians. There is no mention of them in an!ient Babylonian re!ords.

*tat2e of 3e2( at 4,ym$ia

The massi e gold statue of the $ing of the Gree$ gods "as built in honor of the original Flympi! games# "hi!h began in the an!ient !ity of Flympia. The statue# !ompleted by the !lassi!al s!ulptor Phidias around )62 B.C.# sat on a :e"el'en!rusted "ooden throne inside a temple o erloo$ing the !ity. The )0'foot'tall +,2'meter'tall- figure held a s!epter in one hand and a small statue of the goddess of i!tory# 3i$e# in the otherGboth made from i ory and pre!ious metals. The temple "as !losed "hen the Flympi!s "ere banned as a pagan pra!ti!e in (.C. 6?,# after Christianity be!ame the offi!ial religion of the 4oman Empire. The statue "as e entually destroyed# although historians debate "hether it perished "ith the temple or "as mo ed to Constantinople +no" %stanbul- in Tur$ey and burned in a fire.

Seven wonders of modern era

Great 5a,, of Chi&a

This newly elected world wonder was built along /hina0s northern border over many centuries to keep out invading Mongol tribes. /onstructed between the fifth century #./. and the 1th century, the (reat $all is the world0s longest human2made structure, stretching some ",&&& miles *1,"&& kilometers,. The best known section was built around .&& #./. by the first emperor of /hina, 3in )hi 4uang 5i.

Petra! 6orda&

Per!hed on the edge of the (rabian Cesert# Petra "as the !apital of the 3abataean $ingdom of King (retas %H +? B.C. to (.C. )0-. Petra is famous for its many stone stru!tures su!h as a ,6*'foot'tall +)2'meter'tall- temple !ar ed "ith !lassi!al fa!ades into rose'!olored ro!$. The an!ient !ity also in!luded tunnels# "ater !hambers# and an amphitheater# "hi!h held )#000 people. The desert site "asn.t $no"n to the Aest until 1"iss e7plorer 9ohann Eud"ig Bur!$hardt !ame a!ross it in ,*,2.

Chri(t the 7edeemer

The ,05'foot'tall +6*'meter'tall- .Christ the 4edeemer. statue in 4io de 9aneiro# Bra&il# "as among the 2ne" se en "onders of the "orld2 announ!ed 9uly 8# 2008 follo"ing a global poll to de!ide a ne" list of human'made mar els. The "inners "ere oted for by %nternet and phone# (meri!an %dol style. The other si7 ne" "onders are the Colosseum in 4ome# %ndia.s Ta: Dahal# the Great Aall of China# 9ordan.s an!ient !ity of Petra# the %n!a ruins of Da!hu Pi!!hu in Peru# and the an!ient Daya !ity of Chi!hen %t&a in De7i!o.

8a+h2 Pi++h2! Per2

Fne of three su!!essful !andidates from Eatin (meri!a# Da!hu Pi!!hu is a ,5th'!entury mountain settlement in the (ma&on region of Peru. The ruined !ity is among the best $no"n remnants of the %n!a !i ili&ation# "hi!h flourished in the (ndes region of "estern 1outh (meri!a. The !ity is thought to ha e been abandoned follo"ing an outbrea$ of deadly smallpo7# a disease introdu!ed in the ,500s by i

Chi+he& 9t a! 8e:i+o

Chi!hen %t&a is possibly the most famous temple !ity of the Dayas# a pre'Columbian !i ili&ation that li ed in present day Central (meri!a. %t "as the politi!al and religious !enter of Daya !i ili&ation during the period from (.C. 850 to ,200. (t the !ity.s heart lies the Temple of Ku$ul$an +pi!tured-'"hi!h rises to a height of 8? feet +2) meters-. Ea!h of its four sides has ?, steps'one step for ea!h day of the year# "ith the 665th day represented by the platform on the top.

The Co,o((e2m! 7ome! 9ta,y

The only finalist from Europe to ma$e it into the top se enGthe Colosseum in 4ome# %taly'on!e held up to 50#000 spe!tators "ho !ame to "at!h gory games in ol ing gladiators# "ild animals# and prisoners. Constru!tion began around (.C. 80 under Emperor Hespasian. Dodern sports stadiums still resemble the Colosseum.s famous design.

Ta. 8aha,! 9&dia

The Ta: Dahal# in (gra# %ndia# is the spe!ta!ular mausoleum built by Duslim Dughal Emperor 1hah 9ahan to honor the memory of his belo ed late "ife# Dumta& Dahal. Constru!tion began in ,662 and too$ about ,5 years to !omplete. The opulent# domed mausoleum# "hi!h stands in formal "alled gardens# is generally regarded as finest e7ample of Dughal art and ar!hite!ture. %t in!ludes four minarets# ea!h more than ,6 stories tall. 1hah 9ahan "as deposed and put under house arrest by one of his sons soon after the Ta: Dahal.s !ompletion. %t.s said that he spent the rest of his days ga&ing at the Ta: Dahal from a "indo".

. This disease is caused by the deficiency of protein. /an you identify it from the given options6 a. Goitre b. K"ashior$ar !. 0ypo$alemia d. Cermatosis .. $e all know very well that the Pacific 7cean is the earth8s largest ocean. $hich of the following represents the percentage area *appro9imately, of the earth covered by it6 a. 25I b. 65I !. )0I d. )5I :. This place is the wettest place on earth. /an you identify it from the given options6

a. Dount Aaialeale b. Cherapoon:i !. Da"synram d. 3one of these ". The number of non2permanent members of the ;< )ecurity /ouncil is a. 5 b. ,0 !. ,5 d. 20 =. +ccording to the latest population /ensus, the state with the least population density is a. 1i$$im b. Di&oram !. (ndaman J 3i!obar %slands d. (runa!hal Pradesh 1. The number of ;nion Territories in 'ndia is a. 5 b. 6 !. 8 d. * !. The ma9imum duration for which the President8s office can remain vacant is a. , month b. 2 months !. 6 months d. 6 months >. $hich of the following represents the minimum age re?uired to become the member of the @aAya )abha6 a. 25 years b. 60 years !. 65 years d. There is no age limit as su!h %. $hich of the following represents the percentage contribution of the agriculture sector to the (rowth 5omestic Product of the 'ndian Bconomy *appro9imately,6 a ,5I b. ,8I !. 2,I d. 60I &. )akyamuni is another name of a. Daha ir b. Buddha !. Eord 1hi a d. Eord Hishnu . The last amendment to the Preamble of the /onstitution of 'ndia was carried out in the year C a. ,?5* b. ,?62 !. ,?86 d. ,?8* .. $hich of the following is <7T a primary activity6 a. 5ishing b. Dining !. (gri!ulture d. Ban$ing :. 4ow many #harat @atna awardees have won the <obel Prize till date6 a. , b. 2 !. 6 d. ) ". $ho discovered ;ltrasound 6 a. %an Conald b. 4oger Ba!on !. 9P Derril d. 9oseph Eister =. Maltimadhava is the famous creation of which of the following personalities6 a. Kalidas b. Bharat Duni !. Bha abhuti d. Hishnu 1harma 1. The work for which French <obleman #aron Pierre de /oubertin is known for, is a. 0e "as the founder of 1!outs mo ement b. 0e "as the founder of (mnesty %nternational !. 0e "as the founder of 4ed Cross 1o!iety d. 0e "as responsible for the re i al of modern Flympi! games. !. $hich of the following is <7T a recipient of #harat @atna6 a. (runa (saf (li b. PH Kane !. CK Kar e d. DGK Denon >. $hich of the following is not matched properly6 a. Cibru 1ai$ho"a (ssam b. Cehang Cebang Di&oram !. 3or$e$ Deghalaya d. Pa!hmarhi Dadhya Pradesh %. The first cotton mill of 'ndia was set up atC a. 1urat b. Dumbai !. Kanpur d. (hmedabad .&. $hich 'ndian city is also known as the Dschool capital of 'ndia86 a. Eu!$no" b. 3e" Celhi !. Cehradun d. (:mer . . @eserve #ank of 'ndia was nationalized in a. ,?)? b. ,?52 !. ,?55 d. ,?6)

... $e all know very well that the largest planet of the solar system is Eupiter. /an you identify the name of the second largest planet of the solar system6 a. Earth b. 1aturn !. /ranus d. Henus .:. Fou would find +ndes mountain range in a. 3orth (meri!a b. 1outh (meri!a !. Europe d. (ustralia .". The world8s rarest element on earth is a. Palladium b. (statine !. 4adium d. 3one of these .=. $hich of the following is the densest planet of the solar system6 a. Earth b. 1aturn !. 9upiter d. Der!ury .1. $hich of the following is <7T based on the banks of river 5anube6 a. Hienna b. Belgrade !. Budapest d. Aarsa" .!. $hich of the following cases highlighted that Dtotal reservation in the government Aobs cannot e9ceed =&G of total6 a. T.(. Pai !ase b. Diner a Dills !ase !. Kesh anand Bharti !ase d. %ndira 1a"hney !ase .>. <gultrum is the name of the currency of a. Chile b. Bhutan !. Bots"ana d. Bulgaria .%. 'nternational /ommittee of @ed /ross has won the <obel Peace Prize for record HHHHHtimes. a. Three b. 5our !. 5i e d. 1i7 :&. Poise is the unit of a. pressure b. is!osity !. luminous intensity d. indu!tan!e : . This personality is credited with the invention of Blectro cardiogram *B/(,. /an you identify the personality from the given options6 a. %an Conald b. (. Ea eran !. Ailliem Eintho en d. C.1holes :.. Time Machine is the name of a famous work of a. Carl 1egan b. 0.G. Aells !. (l in Tofler d. (rthur C. Clar$e ::. Eakob Ion Ie9kull was the founder of a. Boo$er Pri&e b. Pulit&er Pri&e !. 4ight Ei elihood ("ard d. Templeton Pri&e :". $hich of the following chemical elements is used for the bleaching process6 a. 5luorine b. Bromine !. Chlorine d. Kenon :=. /irrhosis is the disease which affects the a. brain b. li er !. $idney d. lungs :1. $hich of the following is the capital of 'reland6 a. Cublin b. %stanbul !. (msterdam d. Berne :!. $here would you find the 'ndian Te9tile 'nstitute6 a. 1urat b. Kanpur !. Pune d. Dysore :>. $hich of the following is the least populous union territory of 'ndia6 a. Pondi!herry b. Ea$shad"eep !. Cadra and 3agar 0a eli d. (ndaman J 3i!obar %slands :%. The first 'ndian state where the President8s rule was imposed in the year %= was ... a. /ttar Pradesh b. 4a:asthan !. Pun:ab d. Frissa "&. $hich of the following 'ndian states has the lowest se9 ratio *number of females per thousand males,6 a. Aest Bengal b. 0aryana !. Pun:ab d. /ttar Pradesh

" . $hich of the following is <7T a work of )alman @ushdie6 a. Moors Last Sigh b. Midnights Children !. Shalimar The Clown d. The Piano Teacher ".. 'nternational -abor 5ay is celebrated on HHHevery year. a. (ugust , b. Dar!h , !. 1eptember , d. Day , ":. $ho wrote Ramayana6 a. Hish"amitra b. Daharishi Halmi$i !. Tulasidas d. 3one of these "". $ho is credited with the construction of the (rand Trunk road6 a. Tipu 1ultan b. Dohammed Lbin'TughlaB !. 1hershah 1uri d. 9ehangir "=. $hich of the following is also known as J )ilicon valley of 'ndiaK6 a. 0yderabad b. Bangalore !. Chennai d. 3oida "1. This personality is also considered as the Father of computers . /an you name him from the given options6 a. Blaise Pas!al b. (lan D. Turing !. Charles Babbage d. 3one of these "!. Peace Palace is the official head?uarters of a. A0F b. 5(F !. %C9 d. %B4C ">. Find the odd one out. a. CF1 b. A%3CFA1 !. E%3/K d. E%1P "%. $hich of the following is the capital of Dthe land of midnight sun86 a. Hienna b. Fslo !. 0elsin$i d. Prague =&. /hristiana is the former name of which of the following cities6 a. Copenhagen b. Fslo !. Ftta"a d. Berlin +nswers
b.b:!"b=d1!!d>b%! &b ! .d :d "a =! 1d !d >b %b .& ! . a .. b .: b ." b .= a .1 d .! d .> b .% a :& b : ! :. b :: ! :" ! := b :1 a :! b :> b :% ! "& b " d ". d ": b

"" ! "= b "1 ! "! ! "> d "% b =& b

=. The Gra&de 8099 i( the &ame of the +ar mode, that 'a( ,a2&+hed re+e&t,y. Thi( /ra&d /e,o&#( to the (ta/,e of ; a. /industan Motors &. 4ata Motors c. Maruti ,uzu)i :td. d. General Motors 2. 5hat i( the &ame of the or#a&i atio& that ha( /e+ome the fir(t +om$a&y i& 9&dia to ,a2&+h 'ire,e(( i&ter&et (er<i+e(= a. 2eliance Infocomm &. B,N: c. Bharti (nter$rises d. 4ata Internet ,ervices :imited 3. "::o& mo/i,e re+e&t,y a&&o2&+ed $,a&( to a+12ire the ri<a, firm >T4 "&er#y i& a dea, 'orth; a. J2= &illion &. J3= &illion c. J4= &illion d. J2= &illion 4. )e /e+ame the ?5or,d@( Aa(te(t 8a&B /y (etti&# &e' 'or,d re+ord( i& the 100m a&d 200m da(he(. The $er(o& i( ... a. Michael 9ohnson &. !safa .o'ell c. Gsain Bolt d. None of these

5. -o/e, Pri e( are a'arded e<ery year o&;. a. =st -ecem&er &. =@th -ecem&er c. =5th -ecem&er d. 25th -ecem&er A&('er( 1. /. Tata 8otor( 2. /. B*-% 3. +. C41 /i,,io& 4. +. D(ai& Bo,t 5. /. 10th De+em/er

-o<em/er 11! 2010 =. DirE 8eyer i( the +hief e:e+2ti<e offi+er of the ;. a. &. c. Intel d. !dvanced Micro -evices 2. 9& order to re(tore the ai,i&# 6a$a&e(e e+o&omy! the Ba&E of 6a$a& i( $2m$i&# o2t a/o2t ;. a. J 5 trillion &. J=@ trillion c. J =5 trillion d. J2@ trillion 3. To2are# i( the &ame of the +ar mode, that /e,o&#( to the (ta/,e of; a. General Motors &. !udi c. +ol)s'a%en d. 7ord Motors 4. A( $er a re+e&t de<e,o$me&t! Fo,E('a#e& i( $i+Ei&# 2$ GGGGG(taEe i& *2 2Ei 8otor( i& a dea, 'orth C2.5/i,,io&. a. =@H &. =5H c. 2@H d. 25H 5. *'a+h i( the &ame of the 'ater $2rifier that /e,o&#( to ; a. (ure)a 7or&es &. .hili$s c. /industan Gnilever d. 4ata Chemicals A&('er( 1. d. Ad<a&+ed 8i+ro De<i+e( 2. /. C10 tri,,io& 3. +. Fo,E('a#e& 4. +. 20H 5. d. Tata Chemi+a,(

-o<em/er 10! 2010 =. -ame the e+o&omi(t 'ho ha( /ee& a$$oi&ted a( the (e+retary of the 9&ter&atio&a, 8o&etary A2&d I98AJ. a. 2a%huram 2a5an &. ,iddhartha 4i'ari c. Bi&e) -e&roy d. None of these

2. The ,ar#e(t tyre ma&2fa+t2ri&# +om$a&y of the 'or,d i( e(ta/,i(hi&# it( fir(t fa+tory i& 9&dia at ; a. Ban%alore &. /ydera&ad c. Chennai d. *ol)ata 3. 9de&tify the fir(t aero($a+e *"3 of 9&dia from the #i<e& o$tio&(. a. Indore &. Bel%aum c. .une d. *ochi 4. 9de&tify the &ame of the a+ti&# +hairma& of the Com$a&y %a' Board 'ho 'a( arre(ted /y the CB9 i& +o&&e+tio& 'ith taEi&# /ri/e of 7(.7 %aEh( re+e&t,y. a. 2. +asudevan &. Mano5 Banthia c. ,.,.N.Moorty d. None of these 5. 5hi+h of the fo,,o'i&# +om$a&ie( ha<e to$$ed the ,i(t of *2$er 100 +om$a&ie( +om$i,ed /y B2(i&e(( 9&dia ma#a i&e re+e&t,y= a. CNGC &. ICC c. N4.C d. 2eliance Industries :imited A&('er( 1. /. *iddhartha Ti'ari 2. +. Che&&ai 3. /. Be,#a2m 4. a. 7. Fa(2de<a& 5. d. 7e,ia&+e 9&d2(trie( %imited

-o<em/er 09! 2010 =. 5hat i( the &ame of the $ho&e mode, that Goo#,e i( 'i,,i&# to (e,, i& the +omi&# year dire+t,y to the +o&(2mer(! from the #i<e& o$tio&(= a. Ne"us Cne &. C5as Cne c. ,hine Cne d. Genus Cne 2. -ame the +ar mode, that 'a( e&tit,ed 8otor Tre&d ma#a i&e@( 2010 ?+ar of the yearB. a. /yundai i2@ &. 7ord 7usion c. 4ata Indi%o d. Maruti ,'ift 3. Thi( e+o&omi(t ha( /ee& a$$oi&ted a( the (e+retary of the 9&ter&atio&a, 8o&etary A2&d I98AJ. 9de&tify him from the #i<e& o$tio&(. a. 2a%huram 2a5an &. ,iddhartha 4i'ari c. Bi&e) -e&roy d. None of these 4. Beete, i( the &ame of the +ar /ra&d that /e,o&#( to the (ta/,e of ;. a. 4oyota &. General Motors c. +ol)s'a%en d. 7ord Motors 5. K-ot .2(t for the /i# /oy(@! i( the ta# ,i&e that yo2 'o2,d a((o+iate 'ith thi( /a&E. a. ICICI Ban)

&. I-BI Ban) c. !"is Ban) d. Gnion Ban) of India A&('er( 1. a. -e:2( 4&e 2. /. Aord A2(io& 3. +. Bi/eE De/roy 4. /. Ge&era, 8otor( 5. /. 9DB9 Ba&E

-o<em/er 08! 2010 =. 9de&tify the +hairma& +2m ma&a#i&# dire+tor of 9&dia Trade Promotio& 4r#a&i atio& I9TP4J= a. Bharat *arnad &. ,u&as .ani c. Mano5 *ohli d. 2ashid *id'ai 2. )ero )o&da 'a( i& the &e'( re+e&t,y a( it 'a( +e,e/rati&# GGGGGyear of their e:i(te&+e of .oi&t <e&t2r(hi$. a. =@th &. =5th c. 2@th d. 25th 3. 9de&tify the 'orth of the dea, a( $er 'hi+h BerE(hire )atha'ay i( /2yi&# B2r,i&#to& -orther& *a&ta Ae re+e&t,y. a. J=4 &illion &. J24 &illion c. J34 &illion d. J44 &illion 4. 5here 'o2,d yo2 fi&d the head12arter( of Air A(ia! o&e of A(ia@( ,ar#e(t /2d#et air,i&e(= a. ,in%a$ore &. /on% *on% c. *uala :um$ur d. Ban%)o) 5. Lo2 'o2,d a((o+iate *he,,y %a ar2( 'ith ; a. ,'arovs)i &. C%ilvy I Mather c. 9. 0ater 4hom$son d. None of these A&('er( 1. /. *2/a( Pa&i 2. d. 25th 3. +. C34 /i,,i 4. +. 02a,a %2m$2r 5. /. 4#i,<y M 8ather

1. The book, Keeping the Faith, is written by which of the following authors? a. Somnath Chatterji b. Ram Jethmalani c. Salman Rushdie d. None of these

2. Dronacharya war! is an awar! presente! by the go"ern#ent of $n!ia for e%cellence in sports coaching.. &hich of the following personalities is hea!ing the panel to pick the Dronacharya war!s 2'1'? a. Ashok Kumar b. Jaspal Rana c. M. S. Gill d. None of these (. &hich country is hosting the &orl! )illiar!s *ha#ionship 2'1'? a. Japan b. Australia c. Netherland d. India +. The ,egatu# -rosperity $n!e% is the worl!.s only global assess#ent of wealth an! well being. &hat rank !oes $n!ia posses in the ,egatu# -rosperity $n!e% ranking 2''/? a. !th rank b. "th rank c. #"th rank d. !"th rank 0. $n 2''/, what rank !oes $n!ia posses in the -er *apita 1D- ranking a#ong the 1'+ countries? a. $""th b. %!th c. &#rd d. ''th 2. &hich state in $n!ia a!!e! another feather in its cap to e#erge as a steel #anufacturing hub? $t has ser"ing the #arket of 3apan, 4outh Korea, -akistan, Turkey an! the 5 6. a. Karnataka b. (amil Nadu c. )ihar d. Rajasthan 7. &ho has been awar!e! the (r! 8.4.4wa#inathan .)est gricultural 4cientist war!.? a. *r. Subramaniam Na+arajan b. Robert )urns c. A. K. Ste,enson d. Robert )arcla9. This bank beca#e a 4che!ule! )ank un!er the :eser"e )ank of $n!ia ct on 8ay 11, 1/(0. $t recently celebrate! its 9/th Foun!er.s Day. *an you na#e it? a. (amilnad Mercantile )ank b. Ro-al )ank of Scotland c. )ank of )aroda d. None of these /. 4chool of 6ngineering an! pplie! 4cience of the 5ni"ersity of -ennsyl"ania conferre! this personality with the Dean.s #e!al. ;e has toppe! Forbes $n!ia.s rich list at <(2 billion. $!entify. a. Mukesh Ambani b. Ratan (ata c. Rahul )ajaj d. /remji 1'. &hich of the following country is the fi rst in sia to host 6#braer.s s#all =et, The -heno# 1'', a light =et !e"elope! by )ra>ilian aircraft #anufacturer 6#braer? a. India b. Sin+apore

c. Russia d. Australia 11. $n a bi! to pro"i!e e#ploy#ent to youth of 4outhern origin 4i!i co##unity, which $T #a=or is all set to help create .,ittle frica. in 1u=arat on the bor!ers of 1ir forest? a. 0C1 b. I)M c. 2ipro d. Infos-s 12. &hich of the following is the largest glan! in the hu#an bo!y? a. 1i,er b. Adrenal c. /ituitard. (h-mus 1(. &o#en.s tourna#ent ?Kre#lin *up?, the successor of ?8oscow ,a!ies @pen?, was rena#e! in 1//2. &ho has won the wo#en.s fi nal at the Kre#lin *up 2'1'? a. 3rancesca Schia,one b. Serena 2illiams c. Katrina Adams d. 4lena )altacha 1+. lthingi is the parlia#ent of which of the following countries? a. Iceland b. Canada c. ) d. )hutan 10. @ceansatA2 is an $n!ian satellite !esigne! to pro"i!e ser"ice continuity for operational users of the @cean *olour 8onitor B@*8C instru#ent on @ceansatA1. D 4 signe! an agree#ent with which of the following organisations for the use of the satellite oceansatA2? a. ISR5 b. 4uropean Space or+anisation c. C.ech Space office d. None of these 12. $4:@ recently launche! a spy satellite !esigne! by the $sraeli erospace $n!ustries. Da#e it. a. RISA(6% b. INSA( ) c. Cartosat $ d. Cartosat %A 17. 8ission !itya is associate! with which of the following? a. A ISR5 mission to the sun b. A ISR5 mission to the moon c. A militar- operation d. None of these 19. &hich co#pany launche! a *ell phone 8a!e Fro# :ecycle! &ater )ottles? a. Motorola b. Nokia c. 0(C d. Samsun+

1/. The @rgani>ation of the -etroleu# 6%porting *ountries B@-6*C is a cartel of twel"e countries, which hosts regular #eetings a#ong the oil #inisters of its 8e#ber *ountries. $n which city will you fi n! the hea!Euarters of @-6*? a. 7ienna b. Gene,a c. 7atican d. 1ondon 2'. &ho is the chair#an of T: $, the regulator of teleco##unicationbusiness? a. J. S. Sharma b. J. K. Sharma c. /. S. Sharma d. None of these 21. &ho is the chief of integrate! !efense staff? a. Air Marshal Suresh Chand Mukul b. General 7 K Sin+h c. Admiral 7erma d. Air Chief Marshal An+us 0ouston 22. &ho is the -resi!ent of $raE? a. Jalal (alabani b. Jalal 0anid c. 0amid 8llah d. 9afar Mohammad 2(. Da#e the oil :ig that is the cause of @il spill in 1ulf of #e%ico? a. *eep :ater 0ori.on b. Schoonebeek c. 9uid:al d. 7ulcan 2+. &hat is the a#ount that )- will pay as co#pensation? a. ;%" )illion b. ;#" )illion c. ;$& )illion d. None of these 20. &ho, a#ongst the following, #a!e the sy#bol of rupee? a. * 8da-a Kumar b. 8da-a Kumar c. 8da-a Raj d. Shankar Kumar 22. &hich of the following is T:56 about the per capita inco#e? a. National income di,ided b- the population of the countrb. A,era+e income recei,ed b- the citi.en of a countr- in a -ear c. It is the indicator of the impro,ement in the economic position of a person d. All of the abo,e are true 27. )en )ernanke is the present chair#an of F a. 3ederal Reser,e )ank of America b. 4uropean Central )ank c. 2orld )ank d. Asian *e,elopment )ank

29. *an you i!entify the "enue of the &orl! Foo! 4u##it that took place in the #i!!le of Do"e#ber 2''/, fro# the gi"en options? a. )erlin b. Gene,a c. Rome d. 1ondon 2/. lso known as the )ible of the 6nglish *onstitution, 8agna *arta, was the *harter of :ights gi"en to the 6nglish#an by F a. Kin+ John b. Kin+ Richard c. Kin+ 4dmund d. None of these ('. Diware te#ples are linke! withF a. 0induism b. )uddhism c. Jainism d. Sikhism (1. &hich of the following represents the present strength of Dorth tlantic Treaty @rganisation BD T@C? a. %$ b. % c. %< d. %& (2. *an you na#e the aca!e#y that the *ouncil for 4cientifi c an! $n!ustrial :esearch is going to start, which will awar! post gra!uate an! !octoral !egrees? a. Academ- of Scientifi c and Inno,ati,e Research b. Academ- of Inno,ati,e Research c. Institute of Scientific Research d. None of these ((. 4pirit of ,aws, is a fa#ous book written by F a. 7oltaire b. Jean Jac=ues Rousseau c. Montes=uieu d. *iderot (+. &ho ha! initiate! the &orl! &i!e &eb pro=ect? a. (im )erners61ee and 1e: Ko:arski b. (im )erners61ee and Geor+es Charpak c. (im )erners61ee and Carlo Rubbia d. (im )erners61ee and Robert Cailliau (0. Goo>oos are the #ascots of Ho!afone 6ssar, create! by F a. J2( b. (rika-a Grec. 5>M d. Rediffusion ?>R (2. &ho is known as the I,ittle *orporal? a. Adolf 0itler b. Napolean )onaparte c. Saddam 0ussain d. None of these

(7. &e ha"e recently been rea!ing the ter# Flea 8arket. *an you select the option that best suits the wor!? a. A flea Market is another name for a near perfect competiti,e market such as a ,e+etable market b. A 3lea Market is a market :here stolen +oods are sold and purchased c. A 3lea market is a market :here used and old +oods are sold and bartered d. A 3lea Market is a market for insecticides (9. :ecently which co##ittee has reco##en!e! the i#ple#entation of 6li#ination of stan!ar! !e!uction? a. Abid 0ussain Committee b. 7ija- Kelkar Committee c. Kiran Karnik Committee d. Raja Chelliah Committee (/. 4ecurities an! 6%change )oar! of $n!ia B46)$C has constitute! a co##ittee, Takeo"er :egulations !"isory *o##ittee BT: *C to re"iew the 46)$ B4ubstantial cEuisition of 4hares an! Takeo"ersC :egulations, 1//7 BTakeo"er :egulationsC an! to suggest suitable reco##en!ations for a#en!#ents to the Takeo"er :egulations as it consi!ers necessary. *an you recognise the chair#an of the co##ittee? a. C Achuthan b. *eepak /arekh c. Ran+rajan d. Abid 0ussain +'. Tata -ower has !eci!e! to set up 0' 8& solar photo"oltaic power pro=ect. The inten!e! pro=ect will be the largest solar photo"oltaic facility in the country. *an you recognise the state where it will be set? a. Maharastra b. Gujarat c. (amilnadu d. 2est )en+al +1. s of 3uly 2'1', )4D, an! 8TD, are the largest in ter#s of ?&ire line subscriber base?. &hich a#ong the following is currently the thir! largest co#pany? a. )harti b. 7ideocon c. Reliance d. 7odafone +2. The ;in!u 8ela or Dational #ela initiate! in *alcutta was largely the pro!uct of the efforts of F a. Rajnara-an )asu b. *:ijendranath (a+ore c. Naba+opal Mitra d. All of these +(. Free look perio! is associate! with which of the following? a. 1oans b. Cars c. Garments d. Insurance ++. The Four sian Tigers are the countries with highly !e"elope! econo#ies. They are the fi rst newly in!ustrialise! countries, note! for #aintaining e%ceptionally high growth rates an! rapi! in!ustrialisation between the early 1/2's an! 1//'s. &hich a#ong the following countryJ regions is not a#ong the ?Four sian Tigers?? a. 0on+ Kon+ b. Sin+apore c. China d. (ai:an

+0. s of ugust 2'1', what is the current nu#ber of worl! heritage sites in $n!ia? a. %< b. %@ c. %& d. %' +2. :ecently, the -upils @wn ,anguage B-@,C -olicy #a!e news. $t gi"es the opportunity to the stu!ent to stu!y in a language of his choice. &hich of the following country has a!opte! the -@, -olicy? a. China b. (haliand c. Mala-sia d. Sin+apore +7. -olitical co##entators an! =ournalists uses the ter# Faile! 4tate to !escribe a state percei"e! as ha"ing faile! at so#e of the basic con!itions an! responsibilities of a so"ereign go"ern#ent. &hich country ranks no. 2 in the latest Faile! 4tates $n!e%? a. Somalia b. Chad c. (an.ania d. Con+o +9. Dobel laureate who authore! the contro"ersial work ?The 1ospel ccor!ing to 3esus *hrist?, !ie! recently. $!entify hi#. a. Na+uib Mahfou. b. 5cta,io /a. c. Joseph )rodskd. JosA Sarama+o +/. *hrist :e!ee#er has recently been a!!e! into the Dew 4e"en &on!ers of the worl!. &hich country is it locate! in? a. MeBico b. Italc. /eru d. ) 0'. The following personality was the Director, ;u#an :esources De"elop#ent in a -45. ;e has now beco#e the *hief 8anaging Director of the sa#e organisation.Da#e hi#. a. M(N1 b. )SN1 c. N(/C d. )041 ANSWERS ,. a. 1omnath Chatter:i 2. a. (sho$ Kumar 6. !. 8, ). d. %ndia 5. a. )5th ran$ 6. !. *6rd 8. a. Karnata$a *. a. Cr. 1ubramaniam 3agara:an ?. a. Tamilnad Der!antile Ban$ ,0. a. Du$esh (mbani

,,. a. %ndia ,2. b. %BD ,6. a. Ei er ,). a. 5ran!es!a 1!hia one ,5. a. %!eland ,6. a. %14F ,8. a. 4%1(T'2 ,*. a. ( %14F mission to the sun ,?. a. Dotorola 20. a. Hienna 2,. a. 9 1 1harma 22. a. (ir Darshal 1uresh Chand Du$ul 26. a. 9alal Talabani 2). a. Ceep "ater 0ori&on 25. b. M20 Billion 26. b. C /daya Kumar 28. b. ( erage in!ome re!ei ed by the !iti&en of a !ountry in a year 2*. a. 5ederal 4eser e Ban$ of (meri!a 2?. !. 4ome 60. a. King 9ohn 6,. !. 9ainism 62. d. 2* 66. a. (!ademy of 1!ientifi ! and %nno ati e 4esear!h 6). !. DontesBuieu 65. d. Tim Berners'Eee and 4obert Cailliau 66. !. FJD 68. b. FJD 6*. !. ( 5lea mar$et is a mar$et "here used and old goods are sold and bartered 6?. b. Hi:ay Kel$ar Committee )0. a. C (!huthan ),. b. Gu:arat )2. a. Bharti )6. d. (ll of these )). d. %nsuran!e )5. !. China )6. b. 28 )8. b. Chad )*. d. 9osN 1aramago )?. d. Bra&il 50. b. B13E

National Parks in India: GK for IITTM Entrance

#andhavgarh <ational Park
Che!$ out the pla!e "here firstly and formostly the "hite Tigers of 4e"a "ere dis!o ered Bandha garh. This par$ is some of the left out preser ed "ild po!$ets of Dadhya Pradesh of "hat "ere on!e splendid forests that e7tended a!ross the "hole of Central %ndia.

@anthambore <ational Park

( nearby attra!tion of 1a"ai Dadhopur# in the state of 4a:asthan# 4anthambore 3ational Par$ is an outstanding e7ample of Pro:e!t Tiger.s efforts at !onser ation in the %ndia.

Laziranga <ational Park

The land of 4hino is !ounted among the t"o ma:or "ild po!$ets# the only sur i ing habitats of this prehistori! sur i or in %ndia.

Lanha <ational Park

E er though "hat it feels li$e to isit a tiger !ountry# then isit the state of Dadhya Pardesh# !he!$ out the "ilds of Kanha and see for yourself "hy this pla!e is !alled a "ild hideout ta$en straight from the famous 29ungle Boo$2.

)undarbans <ational Park

Come to 1undarbans "here ad enture a"aits you at e ery !orner. Kno"n as the largest estuarine delta in the "orld# this Tigerland ibrates "ith !ountless forms of !olourful life.

Manas <ational Park

(ssam is the state of the Great Fne 0orned 4hino. Beside the Ka&iranga there.s Danas another habitat of the 4hino.s# lo!ated in one of the remotest region among the foothills of 0imalayas.

#andipur <ational Park

Eies half"ay do"n the Dysore'Foty high"ay be!ame one of the first of %ndia.s Tiger 4eser es and the southernmost of the nine reser es spe!ially established under Pro:e!t Tiger.

)ultanpur <ational Park

1ultanpur national par$ "as a stret!h of marshy land that has been remodeled and !on erted into a "ater body. The par$ is home to a large range of birds# both resident and migratory.

@oyal /hitwan <ational Park *<epal,

Established in ,?86# pro ides a great "ildlife e7perien!e "ith its ri!h flora and fauna. 1hort grass ma$es the months of 5ebruary' Day the best game' ie"ing season# but the autumn months are perfe!t for isiting# "ith 0imalayan ie"s# and in "inter months of Ce!ember'9anuary# Chit"an has Buiet a pleasant !limate !ompared to Kathmandu.

@oyal #ardia <ational Park *<epal,

Eargest and most undisturbed "ild area of the Terai region of the 3epal 0imalayas. 1imialar to Chit"an par$# but "ith a drier !limate and a more remote lo!ation# Bardia en!ompasses ,#000'sB'$ms of ri erine grassland and sal forests.

@aAaAi <ational Park, ;ttaranchal

1ituated in the forested hills# east of 0arid"ar# is Buiet $no"n for its "ild Elephants# "hi!h ha e an appro7imate population of ,50. Be!ause of the pleasant !limate this hideout be!omes a pretty good tourist destination and a perfe!t retreat for pi!ni!$ing.

5udhwa <ational Park, ;.P.

(lso popular as a Tiger 4eser e# this national par$ is lo!ated in the distri!t of Ea$himpur# along the %ndo'3epal border. (nother ma:or attra!tion of this "ild reser e is the Barasingha or the 1"amp Ceer# found in the south"est and southeast region of the par$.

#andipur M <agarhole <ational Parks, Larnataka

T"o of the most attra!ti e national par$s of Karnata$a are 3agarhole and Bandipur. E en if separate entities# they are a part of a large neighboring "ildlife reser e that also in!ludes Dadumalai 1an!tuary of Tamil 3adu and Aynad 4eser e of Kerala.

#halukpong, +runachal
5or the energeti! isitor# $een to e7perien!e of fara"ay (runa!hal Pradesh# Bhalu$pong is a pla!e to isit. Fn the edge of the lu7uriant forest of the Pa$hui Game 1an!tuary# along the Kameng ri er lies the illage settlement of Bhalu$pong# also $no"n as the gate"ay to Bomdila and the Ta"ang Donastery.

)implipal <ational Park, 7rissa

1implipal is !ounted among the earliest Pro:e!t tiger reser es of %ndia and is lo!ated in the northern'forested belt of Frissa. Beside the faunal attra!tions# the attra!ti e terrain also in!ludes numerous "aterfalls.

<andankanan Noo, 7rissa

( !ombination of a beautiful botani!al garden# a &oo and a san!tuary# 3andan$anan# is situated 20'$m from Bhubanesh"ar# and is popularly $no"n as the 2Garden of Pleasure2 in Frissa. The &oo at 3andan$anan is "orld famous for its Ahite Tigers.

(ahirmatha Turtle )anctuary, 7rissa

(Bua fauna is "hat going to attra!t you to this san!tuary# the breeding !enter of the Giant Fli e 4idley Turtles# "ho !rosso er the Pa!ifi! to !ome here and lay their eggs.

<amdhapha <ational Park, +runachal

Tu!$ed a"ay in the northern most state of (runa!hal# is the 3amdhapa 3ational Par$# famous for the e7tremely elusi e sno" and the !louded Eeopard. The par$ is also a Tiger 4eser e under Pro:e!t Tiger.

Ielvadhar #lackbuck )anctuary, (uAarat

Popularly $no"n as the home of the %ndian Bla!$ Bu!$# has attra!ted "orld"ide attention for the su!!essful !onser ation of the fastest of the %ndian (ntelopes ' Bla!$ Bu!$.

$ild +ss )anctuary, (uAarat

Gu:arat is an e7!iting pla!e for "ildlife enthusiasts# mainly be!ause it resides some of the uniBue "ild attra!tions "ithin its numerous san!tuaries. Aild (ss san!tuary is another of Gu:arat.s "ild surprises famous for its large "ild (ss herds.

5achigam <ational Park, EML

Ff all the san!tuaries present in the state of 9ammu J Kashmir# the one at Ca!higam is the best $no"n. Fn!e an e7!lusi e hunting preser e of the Dahara:a of Kashmir# it "as de!lared a national par$ in ,?5,# o"ing to a stri!tly enfor!ed !onser ation programme# to preser e the or 0angul population or the Kashmiri 1tag.

The (reat 4imalayan <ational Park, 4.P.

The 3ational Par$ "ith an area of 620'sB'$ms is !a ed out of the splendid mountain terrain of the Kullu Cistri!t and has the representati e area of temperate and alpine forests of 0ima!hal. %t is also one of the largest prote!ted area of the state.

5ibru )aikhowa <ational Park, +ssam

Eo!ated on the allu ial flood plains of Brahmaputra in /pper (ssam neighboring (runa!hal is a biosphere reser e !alled Cibru 1ai$ho"a 3ational Par$ %ts also an or!hid paradise besides being a home to numerous "ild animals and birds.

Milroy or Pabha )anctuary, +ssam

This splendid "ildlife reser e e en if doesn.t ha e many faunal arieties to offer# still it possesses the most !o eted one# the Aild Aater Buffalo.This san!tuary has been e7!lusi ely built for the prote!tion of the "ild "ater buffalo.

<ameri <ational Park, +ssam

3ameri is the se!ond Tiger reser e of (ssam# situated at the foothills of eastern 0imalayas. The hilly ba!$drop# de!iduous and the ri er 9ia Bhoroli ha e added a uniBue natural !harm to it.

Pin Ialley <ational Park, 4.P.

Tu!$ed in bet"een the sno" laden higher rea!hes and s!ree slopes !o ered "ith s!anty tufted egetation# Pin Halley 3ational Par$ forms the natural habitat of a number of endangered animals in!luding 0imalayan %be7# 1no" Eeopard# Bharal# Aooly 0are# Tibetan Aolf# and 1no" Co!$.

4emis 4igh +ltitude <ational Park, EML

0emis is a high altitude prote!ted area that "as !reated in the year ,?*,# in the eastern part of the !old desert of Eada$h# for the !onser ation and prote!tion of its uniBue flora and fauna.





MAT February 2010 General Kno led!e "uestion #ank

. This disease is caused by the deficiency of protein. /an you identify it from the given options6 a. Goitre b. K"ashior$ar !. 0ypo$alemia d. Cermatosis

.. $e all know very well that the Pacific 7cean is the earth8s largest ocean. $hich of the following represents the percentage area *appro9imately, of the earth covered by it6 a. 25I b. 65I !. )0I d. )5I

:. This place is the wettest place on earth. /an you identify it from the given options6 a. Dount Aaialeale b. Cherapoon:i !. Da"synram d. 3one of these

". The number of non2permanent members of the ;< )ecurity /ouncil is a. 5 b. ,0 !. ,5 d. 20

=. +ccording to the latest population /ensus, the state with the least population density is a. 1i$$im b. Di&oram !. (ndaman J 3i!obar %slands d. (runa!hal Pradesh

1. The number of ;nion Territories in 'ndia is a. 5 b. 6 !. 8 d. *

!. The ma9imum duration for which the President8s office can remain vacant is a. , month b. 2 months !. 6 months d. 6 months

>. $hich of the following represents the minimum age re?uired to become the member of the @aAya )abha6 a. 25 years b. 60 years !. 65 years d. There is no age limit as su!h

%. $hich of the following represents the percentage contribution of the agriculture sector to the (rowth 5omestic Product of the 'ndian Bconomy *appro9imately,6 a ,5I b. ,8I !. 2,I d. 60I

&. )akyamuni is another name of a. Daha ir b. Buddha !. Eord 1hi a d. Eord Hishnu

. The last amendment to the Preamble of the /onstitution of 'ndia was carried out in the year C a. ,?5* b. ,?62 !. ,?86 d. ,?8*

.. $hich of the following is <7T a primary activity6 a. 5ishing b. Dining !. (gri!ulture d. Ban$ing

:. 4ow many #harat @atna awardees have won the <obel Prize till date6 a. , b. 2 !. 6 d. )

". $ho discovered ;ltrasound 6 a. %an Conald b. 4oger Ba!on !. 9P Derril d. 9oseph Eister

=. Maltimadhava is the famous creation of which of the following personalities6 a. Kalidas b. Bharat Duni !. Bha abhuti d. Hishnu 1harma

1. The work for which French <obleman #aron Pierre de /oubertin is known for, is a. 0e "as the founder of 1!outs mo ement b. 0e "as the founder of (mnesty %nternational !. 0e "as the founder of 4ed Cross 1o!iety d. 0e "as responsible for the re i al of modern Flympi! games.

!. $hich of the following is <7T a recipient of #harat @atna6 a. (runa (saf (li b. PH Kane !. CK Kar e d. DGK Denon

>. $hich of the following is not matched properly6 a. Cibru 1ai$ho"a (ssam b. Cehang Cebang Di&oram !. 3or$e$ Deghalaya d. Pa!hmarhi Dadhya Pradesh

%. The first cotton mill of 'ndia was set up atC a. 1urat b. Dumbai !. Kanpur d. (hmedabad

.&. $hich 'ndian city is also known as the Dschool capital of 'ndia86 a. Eu!$no" b. 3e" Celhi !. Cehradun d. (:mer

. . @eserve #ank of 'ndia was nationalized in a. ,?)? b. ,?52 !. ,?55 d. ,?6)

... $e all know very well that the largest planet of the solar system is Eupiter. /an you identify the name of the second largest planet of the solar system6 a. Earth b. 1aturn !. /ranus d. Henus

.:. Fou would find +ndes mountain range in a. 3orth (meri!a b. 1outh (meri!a !. Europe d. (ustralia

.". The world8s rarest element on earth is a. Palladium b. (statine !. 4adium d. 3one of these

.=. $hich of the following is the densest planet of the solar system6 a. Earth b. 1aturn !. 9upiter d. Der!ury

.1. $hich of the following is <7T based on the banks of river 5anube6 a. Hienna b. Belgrade !. Budapest d. Aarsa"

.!. $hich of the following cases highlighted that Dtotal reservation in the government Aobs cannot e9ceed

=&G of total6 a. T.(. Pai !ase b. Diner a Dills !ase !. Kesh anand Bharti !ase d. %ndira 1a"hney !ase

.>. <gultrum is the name of the currency of a. Chile b. Bhutan !. Bots"ana d. Bulgaria

.%. 'nternational /ommittee of @ed /ross has won the <obel Peace Prize for record HHHHHtimes. a. Three b. 5our !. 5i e d. 1i7

:&. Poise is the unit of a. pressure b. is!osity !. luminous intensity d. indu!tan!e

: . This personality is credited with the invention of Blectro cardiogram *B/(,. /an you identify the personality from the given options6 a. %an Conald b. (. Ea eran !. Ailliem Eintho en d. C.1holes :.. Time Machine is the name of a famous work of a. Carl 1egan b. 0.G. Aells !. (l in Tofler d. (rthur C. Clar$e

::. Eakob Ion Ie9kull was the founder of a. Boo$er Pri&e b. Pulit&er Pri&e !. 4ight Ei elihood ("ard d. Templeton Pri&e

:". $hich of the following chemical elements is used for the bleaching process6 a. 5luorine b. Bromine !. Chlorine d. Kenon

:=. /irrhosis is the disease which affects the a. brain b. li er !. $idney d. lungs

:1. $hich of the following is the capital of 'reland6 a. Cublin b. %stanbul !. (msterdam d. Berne

:!. $here would you find the 'ndian Te9tile 'nstitute6 a. 1urat b. Kanpur !. Pune d. Dysore

:>. $hich of the following is the least populous union territory of 'ndia6 a. Pondi!herry b. Ea$shad"eep !. Cadra and 3agar 0a eli d. (ndaman J 3i!obar %slands

:%. The first 'ndian state where the President8s rule was imposed in the year %= was ... a. /ttar Pradesh b. 4a:asthan !. Pun:ab d. Frissa

"&. $hich of the following 'ndian states has the lowest se9 ratio *number of females per thousand males,6 a. Aest Bengal b. 0aryana !. Pun:ab d. /ttar Pradesh

" . $hich of the following is <7T a work of )alman @ushdie6 a. Moors Last Sigh b. Midnights Children !. Shalimar The Clown d. The Piano Teacher

".. 'nternational -abor 5ay is celebrated on HHHevery year. a. (ugust , b. Dar!h , !. 1eptember , d. Day ,

":. $ho wrote Ramayana6 a. Hish"amitra b. Daharishi Halmi$i !. Tulasidas d. 3one of these

"". $ho is credited with the construction of the (rand Trunk road6 a. Tipu 1ultan b. Dohammed Lbin'TughlaB !. 1hershah 1uri d. 9ehangir

"=. $hich of the following is also known as J )ilicon valley of 'ndiaK6 a. 0yderabad b. Bangalore !. Chennai d. 3oida

"1. This personality is also considered as the Father of computers . /an you name him from the given options6 a. Blaise Pas!al b. (lan D. Turing !. Charles Babbage d. 3one of these

"!. Peace Palace is the official head?uarters of a. A0F b. 5(F !. %C9 d. %B4C

">. Find the odd one out. a. CF1 b. A%3CFA1 !. E%3/K d. E%1P

"%. $hich of the following is the capital of Dthe land of midnight sun86 a. Hienna b. Fslo !. 0elsin$i d. Prague

=&. /hristiana is the former name of which of the following cities6 a. Copenhagen b. Fslo !. Ftta"a d. Berlin

b .b :! "b =d 1! !d >b %! &b ! .d :d "a =!

1d !d >b %b .& ! . a .. b .: b ." b .= a .1 d .! d .> b .% a :& b : ! :. b :: ! :" ! := b :1 a :! b :> b :% ! "& b " d ". d ": b "" ! "= b "1 ! "! ! "> d "% b =& b






$eads of i%&ortant Go'ern%ent (ffices)Institutions * (t+er or!ani,ations: India

)ead( of im$orta&t Go<er&me&t 4ffi+e(!9&(tit2tio&( N 4ther or#a&i atio&( =. Chief 9ustice of ,u$reme Court of IndiaK *. G. Bala)rishnan 2. Chairman of ,an%eet Nata) !cademyK 2am Ni'as Mirdha 3. .resident of ,ahitya !cademyK ,unil Gan%o$adhyay 4. Chief ("ecutive Cfficer of .rasar Bharti of IndiaK Bal5eet ,in%h :alli 5. Chairman of the .lannin% Commission of India K -r. Manmohan ,in%h A. -e$uty chairman of the .lannin% Commission of IndiaK Monte) ,in%h !hlu'alia E. .resident of Confederation of Indian Industries <CII?K +enu ,rinivasan . -irector General of Confederation of Indian Industries <CII?K Chandra5eet Baner5ee >. .resident of 7ederation of Indian Cham&ers of Commerce I Industries <7ICCI?K /arsh .ati ,in%hania =@. .resident of National !ssociation of ,oft'are and ,ervice Com$anies <N!,,CCM?K ,om Mittal ==. Chairman of National !ssociation of ,oft'are and ,ervice Com$anies <N!,,CCM?K .ramod Bhasin =2. Chairman of National ,chool of -ramaK !mal !llana =3. Com$troller I !uditor General of India <C!G?K +inod 2ai =4. Central +i%ilance Commissioner <C+C?K .ratyush ,inha =5. -irector General of Council of ,cientific I Industrial 2esearchK ,amir *. Brahmachari =A. -irector of Indian !%riculture 2esearch Institute<I!2I?K /ari ,han)ar Gu$ta =E. Chairman of the (lection Commission 8 Chief (lection CommissionerK Naveen Cha'la = . !ttorney General of IndiaK Goolam (. +ahan'ati =>. ,olicitor General of India K Go$al ,u&ramanium 2@. :a' minister to the Government of India K; M. +eera$$a Moily 2=. Chairman of :ife Insurance Cor$oration of IndiaK 4.,. +i5ayan 22. Chairman cum Mana%in% -irector of <CM-? of General Insurance Cor$oration of India <GIC?KBo%esh :ohia 23. Chairman of Insurance 2e%ulatory I -evelo$ment !uthority <I2-!?K 9. /ari Narayan 24. Chairman of National Ban) for !%ricultural and 2ural -evelo$ment <N!B!2-?K Gmesh Chandra ,aran%i 25. Chairman of Gniversity Grants Commission <GGC?K ,. *. 4horat 2A. Chairman of .ress 4rust of India <.4I?K +ia5y *umar Cho$ra 2E. Governor of 2eserve Ban) of IndiaK -. ,u&&arao 2 . Chairman of the ,tate Ban) of IndiaK C... Bhatt 2>. ,ecretary General of :o) ,a&haK ..-.4. !chary 3@. ,$ea)er of the :o) ,a&haK Meira *umar 3=. -e$uty ,$ea)er of the :o) ,a&haK *ariya Munda 32. Chairman of the 2a5ya ,a&haK Mohammad /amid !nsari

33. -e$uty chairman of the 2a5ya ,a&haK *. 2ahaman *han 34. ,ecretary LGeneral of the 2a5ya ,a&haK +ive) !%nihotri 35. Chair$erson of the Children 7ilm ,ociety of IndiaK Nandita -as 3A. Chairman of National 7ilm -evelo$ment Cor$oration of IndiaK Cm .uri 3E. Chairman of Gnion .u&lic ,ervice Commission <G.,C?K -. .. !%%ar'al 3 . Chairman of 4elecom 2e%ulatory !uthority of India <42!I?K -r. 9.,. ,arma 3>. Ca&inet ,ecretary to the Government of IndiaK *. M. Chandrashe)har 4@. Chairman of ,ecurities I ("chan%e Board of India <,(BI?K C. B. Bhave 4=. .resident of !,,CC/!MK ,'ati .iramal 42. Central Information Commissioner <CIC?K .resently vacant 43. Chief of the !rmy ,taffK -ee$a) *a$oor 44. Chief of the !ir ,taffK .. +. Nai) 45. Chief of the Naval ,taffK Nirmal *umar +erma 4A. Chief of the Inte%rated -efense staffK ,uresh Chand Mu)ul 4E. -irector of Central Bureau of Investi%ation <CBI?K !sh'ini *umar 4 . Chairman of Indian ,$ace 2esearch Cr%anization <I,2C?K *. 2adha)rishnan 4>. Chairman of National -airy -evelo$ment Board <N--B?K !mrita .atel

Alla+abad #ank -ecruit%ent 200.: General Kno led!e "uestions

1/ 0+o a%on! t+e follo in! Presidents of India ser'ed as t+e 1ecretary General of t+e Non2Ali!ned Mo'e%ent for so%e &eriod3 a. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

b. Varahagiri Venkatagiri c. Giani Zail Singh

d. Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma 2/ Matc+ 4ist I it+ 4ist II and select t+e correct ans er usin! t+e code !i'en belo t+e lists

List (Person) A. Anil Agarwal ". Gautam #inghania

I List (Organization


1. Gujarat Heavy Chemi als Lt!. H. $. %aymon! Lt!.

C. #anjay &almia

'. (e!anta %esour es

&. (enugo)al &hoot *. (i!eo on Grou)


A " C& (a ' 1 $ * ) (+ * 1 $ ' ) ( ) ' $ 1 *

(! * $ 1 ' )

5/ To inte!rate cultural leaders into its %eetin!s) a. Asia Paci ic !conomic Cooperation

+ic+ one of t+e follo in! !i'es 67rystal A ard63

b. "nternational #ank or Reconstr$ction and Development c. %orld &ealth 'rgani(ation

d. %orld !conomic )or$m 8/ In India) a. +ic+ of t+e follo in! states +as t+e lar!est inland saline etland3


b. &aryana c. +adhya Pradesh

d. Ra*asthan 9/ 7onsider t+e follo in! state%ents: ,. ++-C is "ndia.s largest trading organi(ation

/. 0eelachal "spat 0igam 1imited has been set $p by ++-C *ointy 2ith the Government o 'rissa %hich o the statements given above is3are correct4 a. , only

b. / only


#oth , and /

d. 0either , nor / :/ In +ic+ of t+e follo in! states +as India;s lar!est &ri'ate sector sea &ort been co%%issioned

recently3 a. Andhra Pradesh

b. 5arnataka c. 5erala

d. -amil 0ad$ </ 0+ic+ one of t+e follo in! &airs is not correctly %atc+ed3 a. 6apan: 0ikkei

b. Singapore: Shcomp c. 75: )-S!

d. 7SA: 0asda8 =/ 7onsider t+e follo in! state%ents: ,. "0S Sindh$ghosh is an aircra t carrier

/. "0S Viraat is a s$bmarine %hich o the statements given above is3are correct4 a. , only

b. / only c. #oth , and /

d. 0either , nor / ./ 7onsider t+e follo in! state%ents: ,. -he Commission or Agric$lt$ral Costs and Prices recommends the +inim$m S$pport Prices or 9/ crops

/. -he 7nion +inistry o Cons$mer A airs: )ood and P$blic Distrib$tion has la$nched the 0ational )ood Sec$rity +ission %hich o the statements given above is3are correct4 a. , only

b. / only c. #oth , and /

d. 0either , nor /

10/ In India) &orts are cate!ori,ed as %a>or and non2%a>or &orts/ 0+ic+ one of t+e follo in! is a non2 %a>or &ort3 a. 5ochi ;Cochin<

b. Dahe* c. Paradip

d. 0e2 +angalore 11/ A%on! ot+er t+in!s) 7o%%ittee a. +ic+ one of t+e follo in! as t+e &ur&ose for +ic+ t+e ?ee&ak Parek+

as constituted3

-o st$dy the c$rrent socio=economic conditions o certain minority comm$nities

b. -o s$ggest meas$res or inancing the development o in rastr$ct$re c. -o rame a policy on the prod$ction o genetically modi ied organisms

d. -o s$ggest meas$re to red$ce the iscal de icit in the 7nion #$dget 12/ T+e brot+ers @%akant+ and -a%akant+ Gundec+a are a. Dhr$pad vocalists

b. 5athak dancers c. Sarod maestros

d. -abla players 15/ Matc+ 4ist I it+ 4ist II and select t+e correct ans er usin! t+e code !i'en belo t+e lists:

List (,amous )erson) A. 1an!a/ini Amte ". 3eelam Chow!hry C. %omila 2ha)ar &. (anashree %ao

I List (-ell./nown 0or) 1. 2heatre !ire tor 1ansingh $.#o ial servi e lea!ershi) '. &an e *. History writing an!




A " C& a$ 1 * '

+$ * 1 ' ' 1 * $ !' * 1 $

18/ 0it+ reference to 1tree 1+akti Puraskar) for A ard6 !i'en3 a. Administrative skills +ic+ one of t+e follo in! is 6?e'i A+ilya #ai $olkar

b. Achievements in scienti ic research c. Achievements in sports and games

d. Co$rage and valo$r 19/ In a. +ic+ state is t+e #udd+ist site Tabo Monastery located3 Ar$nachal Pradesh

b. &imachal Pradesh c. Sikkim

d. 7ttarakhand 1:/ 0it+ a. +ic+ one of t+e follo in! +as t+e #/K/ 7+atur'edi 7o%%ittee dealt3

Revie2 o Centre=State relations

b. Revie2 o Delimitation Act c. -a> re orms and meas$res to increase reven$es

d. Price re orms in the oil sector 1</ Ma+a%astakab+is+eka) a !reat reli!ious e'ent) is associated follo in!3 a. #ah$bali it+ and done for +o of t+e

b. #$ddha c. +ahavir

d. 0atara*a 1=/ 7onsider t+e follo in! &airs:

2ra!ition 1 Gat/a4 a tra!itional martial art .

#tate 5erala

$ 1a!hu+ani4 a tra!itional )ainting .

"ihar an!

' #inghey 5ha+a+s #in!hu &arshan 6ammu . ,estival 5ashmir

%hich o the pairs given above is3are correctly matched4 a. , and / only

b. 9 only c. / and 9 only

d. ,: / and 9 1./ Matc+ 4ist I it+ 4ist II and select t+e correct ans er usin! t+e code !i'en belo t+e lists:

List (,amous )erson) A Anna Hazare .

List (-ell./nown as)


1. Lawyer

" &ee)a/ Pare/h $. "an/er . C G(5 %e!!y . & Harish #alve . '. Gan!hian a tivist an! so ial

*. In!ustrialist


A " C& a1 $ * ' +1 * $ ' ' $ * 1 !' * $ 1

20/ Matc+ 4ist I it+ 4ist II and select t+e correct ans er usin! t+e code !i'en belo t+e lists:

List (,amous )erson) A Amrita #her.Gil . " "himsen 6oshi .

List II (-ell./nown as) 1. &an er

$. Painter

C %u/mini &evi Arun!ale '. Poet . & #urya/ant . 3irala 2ri)athi *. #inger


A " C& a$ 1 * ' +$ * 1 ' ' 1 * $ !' * 1 $

21/ 0it+ reference to t+e sc+e%es launc+ed by t+e @nion Go'ern%ent) consider t+e follo in! state%ents: ,. +inistry o &ealth and )amily %el are la$nched the Rashtriya S2asthya #ima ?o*ana

/. +instry o -e>tiles la$nched the Ra*iv Gandhi Shilpi S2asthya #ima ?o*ana %hich o the statements given above is3are correct4 a. , only

b. / only c. #oth , and /

d. 0either , nor / 22/ 7onsider t+e follo in! &airs:



1 Anan! Pawar . $ A/hil 5umar . ' #hiv #han/ar . Chowrasia Prasa!




%hich o the pairs given above is3are correctly matched4 a. , and / only

b. / and 9 only c. 9 only

d. ,: / and 9 25/ Matc+ 4ist I it+ 4ist II and select t+e correct ans er usin! t+e code !i'en belo t+e lists:

List ("oo/) A In Custo!y . " #ea o0 Po))ies . C 2he . In!ian

List (Author)


1. Amartya #en Amitav Ghosh



'. Anita &esai 6hum)a Lahiri

& 8na ostome! 9arth .



A " C& a* 1 $ ' +* $ 1 ' ' $ 1 * !' 1 $ *

28/ A%on! t+e follo in!) a.

+o are t+e A!aria co%%unity3

A traditional toddy tappers comm$nity o Andhra Pradesh

b. A traditional ishing comm$nity o +aharashtra c. A traditional silk=2eaving comm$nity o 5erala

d. A traditional salt pan 2orkers comm$nity o G$*arat 29/ -ecently) a. +ic+ one of t+e follo in! as included in t+e @NE17(;s 0orld $erita!e list3

Dil2ara -emple

b. 5alka=Simla Rail2ay c. #hiterkania +angrove Area

d. Vishakapatnam to Arak$ valley rail2ay line Ans2er: ,.c /.c 9. d @.d A.c B.a C.b D.d E.d ,F.b ,,.b ,/.a ,9.a ,@.a ,A.b ,B.d ,C.a ,D.c ,E.c /F.b /,.b //.b /9.c /@.d /A.b

General Knowledge Questions With Solution

1. 5hi+h meta, i( hea<ier! (i,<er or #o,d= 2. )o' ma&y ,e#( do /2tterf,ie( ha<e= 3. 5hi+h i( the +o2&try 'ith the mo(t $eo$,e= 4. 5hi+h (tate i( the /i##e(t i& the D*= 5. 5hi+h +o2&try ha( the ,ar#e(t area of ,a&d= 6. 5hi+h i( the +o2&try ho(ti&# the 2008 4,ym$i+ Game(= 7. 5hi+h i&door ($ort i( the mo(t $o$2,ar i& the D*= 8. 5hi+h #o,f $,ayer@( mother i( from Thai,a&d= 9. 5hat i( A2rora Borea,i( +ommo&,y E&o'& a(= 10. 5hi+h i( the &o&-+o&ta#io2( di(ea(e that i( the mo(t +ommo& i& the 'or,d= 11. 5hi+h 'a( the a,/2m the Beat,e( re+orded the ,a(t time to#ether= 12. 5hi+h i&(tr2me&t did 8i,e( Da<i(! the .a m2(i+ia&! $,ay= 13. 5hat i( the ($ort i& 'hi+h yo2 +o2,d #et i&to a head,o+E= 14. 9& 'hi+h +o2&try 'a( #o,f fir(t $,ayed= 15. 5hi+h i( the ($ort 'here yo2 +o2,d /e o2t =,e# /efore 'i+Eet=! or =hit a (i:== 16. 5he& did /a(e/a,, ori#i&ate i& the D*= 17. 5hi+h i( the ($ort 'herei& yo2 'o2,d 2(e a K(a&d iro&@= 18. 5hat i( the ,ar#e(t mamma, i& the 'or,d= 19. 5hi+h i( the +o2&try 'here re##ae m2(i+ ori#i&ated= 20. 5ho 'a( the +reator of 6ee<e( a&d 5oo(ter= 21. 5ho $ai&ted the +ei,i&# of the *i(ti&e Cha$e,= 22. 5ho 'a( the 'riter of A,i+e=( Ad<e&t2re( i& 5o&der,a&d= 23. After 'hi+h famo2( $er(o& 'a( the teddy /ear &amed=

24. 5hi+h i( the (ma,,e(t o+ea& i& the 'or,d= 25. 5hat i( the rhi&o@( hor& made of=

=. Gold 2. ,i" 3. China 4. !las)a 5. 2ussia A. China E. Bas)et&all . 4i%er 0oods >. Northern :i%hts =@. 4ooth -ecay ==. !&&ey 2oad =2. 4rum$et =3. 0restlin% =4. ,cotland =5. Cric)et =A. =>th Century =E. Golf = . Blue 0hale =>. 9amaica 2@. ..G. 0odehouse 2=. Michelan%elo 22. :e'is Carroll 23. 4heodore 2oosevelt 24. !rctic Ccean 25. /air

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