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Published online November 21, 2006

Zein Transcription and Endoreduplication in Maize Endosperm are Differentially

Affected by Heat Stress
Paulo Monjardino, Alan G. Smith,* and Robert J. Jones

ABSTRACT around 10 to 12 DAP and continues until the grain

High temperature stress imposed during the cell division stage of reaches physiological maturity. Zeins are a composite of
maize (Zea mays L.) kernel development adversely affects growth and several proteins that differ in alcohol solubility depend-
mature mass. However, the processes affected by heat stress are not ing on the presence of a reducing agent. Separation by
Reproduced from Crop Science. Published by Crop Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

known. The goal of this study was to determine the mechanisms by SDS-PAGE resolves components with apparent Mr of
which heat stress affects early zein accumulation in maize kernels. 50, 27, 22, 19, 18, 16, 15, and 10 kDa (Wilson, 1991; Chui
Intact ears of growth chamber–grown plants were subjected to heat and Falco, 1995; Woo et al., 2001). The 19 and 22 kDa
stress (continuous 35°C) for 2 or 4 d, starting at 5 d after pollination zeins constitute the major class of zeins (70–90% of the
(DAP). Both the 27 kDa and cluster 1 zeins of subfamily 4 (ZSF4C1) zein fraction). They are encoded by a large multigene
zein mRNA steady-state levels were significantly delayed by 4 d of
family of about 75 to 150 genes (Hagen and Rubenstein,
heat stress (DHS), but were not affected by 2 DHS. Similarly, tran-
scription rates of both zeins were reduced in the endosperm of kernels
1981; Wilson and Larkins, 1984), which have been di-
exposed to 4 DHS treatment up to 17 DAP. The 2 DHS treatment vided into four subfamilies, based on DNA and amino
significantly delayed endosperm endoreduplication, up to 17 DAP, acid sequence analyses (Rubenstein and Geraghty, 1986).
whereas 4 DHS significantly repressed it. The lack of coordinate Some of these genes, like ZSF4C1 are highly expressed,
changes among mRNA steady-state levels, transcription rates, and resulting in significant amounts of accumulated protein,
endoreduplication during heat stress indicates that the effects of heat whereas others that contain early in-frame stop codons
stress on zein transcription rates may not be directly related to alter- were found to have either low or no expression (Liu and
ations in endoreduplication. Instead, zein transcription is most likely Rubenstein, 1993). On the other hand, depending on the
affected by a delay in endosperm development. cultivar, each of the 50-, 27-, 18-, 16-, 15-, and 10-kDa
zeins are encoded by only one or two genes. Most of
these genes, particularly those that encode the 15- and
T HE MECHANISMS by which environmental stress affect
plant growth and development have become the
focus of recent research. High temperature stress during
the 27-kDa zeins are highly expressed throughout ker-
nel development (Marks et al., 1985; Woo et al., 2001).
endosperm cell division can significantly disrupt sub- Zein accumulation has been correlated with high lev-
sequent maize kernel growth and development by els of mRNA (Larkins et al., 1976; Viotti et al., 1979;
reducing cell division and amyloplast biogenesis, result- Park et al., 1980; Burr and Burr, 1981). Zein mRNAs
ing in reduced sink capacity (Jones et al., 1984, 1985; begin to accumulate in the endosperm by 10 to 12 DAP
Commuri and Jones, 1999; Engelen-Eigles et al., 2000). and reach maximum levels between 18 and 22 DAP
Sugar metabolism and starch biosynthesis are sensitive (Marks et al., 1985). With the exception of the 10-kDa
to heat stress (Hanft and Jones, 1986), through the re- zein (Cruz-Alvarez et al., 1991), zein synthesis is regu-
duction of enzyme levels, activities and the transcript lated mainly at the transcriptional level (Motto et al.,
steady-state levels of acid invertase, ADP glucose pyro- 1989) but can also be regulated at the post-transcrip-
phosphorylase, and soluble and insoluble starch synthase tional level (Plotnikov and Bakaldina, 1996). Opaque-2
(Cheikh and Jones, 1995; Duke and Doehlert, 1996). is one of the few genes identified whose product inter-
Protein accumulation is also affected by heat stress, but acts with a conserved sequence (designated “endosperm
the mechanisms involved are not well understood. The box”) 300 bp upstream of the translation start of most of
zeins, the predominant group of proteins in the maize the prolamins (Lohmer et al., 1991; Schmidt et al., 1992).
kernel, are particularly sensitive to heat stress. Their con- It encodes a leucine-zipper DNA binding protein, a
centration is significantly reduced during early develop- trans-acting factor that regulates the ZSF4C1 zein tran-
mental stages by 4 DHS, whereas the concentration of the scription (Hartings et al., 1989; Schmidt et al., 1990). It
other protein fractions (i.e., the albumins plus globulins has been demonstrated that the opaque-2 mutation also
and glutelins) tends to increase (Monjardino et al., 2005). affects the 10- and 15-kDa zeins (Hunter et al., 2002).
The zeins constitute approximately 50 to 60% of the Other trans-acting factors that regulate zein synthesis
total maize kernel protein. Accumulation of zeins begins have been identified (Pysh et al., 1993; Carlini et al.,
1999; Ciceri et al., 2000), which may interact with
P. Monjardino and R.J. Jones, Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics; Opaque-2 to promote ZSF4C1 zein transcription.
A.G. Smith, Dep. of Horticultural Science, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, Endoreduplication, the increase in DNA content with-
MN 55108; P. Monjardino, present address: Univ. of Azores, Centro
de Biotecnologia dos Açores, 9701-851 Angra do Heroı́smo, Portugal.
out cytokinesis, is an important process for maize endo-
Received 1 Mar. 2006. *Corresponding author ( sperm development. Around 10 to 12 DAP, following the
cessation of mitotic activity, the S-phase alternates with
Published in Crop Sci. 46:2581–2589 (2006).
Seed Physiology, Production & Technology
doi:10.2135/cropsci2006.03.0136 Abbreviations: CDK, cyclin-dependent kinase; DAP, days after pol-
ª Crop Science Society of America lination; DHS, days of heat stress; MI, mithramycin A; ZSF4C1, clus-
677 S. Segoe Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA ter 1 zeins of subfamily 4.


distinct gap phases that lack DNA replication resulting mats (Minco Products, Inc., Minneapolis, MN). A bimetal
in an exponential increase in nuclear DNA content of thermocouple temperature sensor (Type K, Omega Corpora-
endosperm cells. Both nuclear size and endoreduplica- tion, Stanford, CT) was used to monitor the temperature of the
tion peak at 16 to 18 DAP (Kowles and Phillips, 1988). ear. To place the temperature sensor at the mid-ear position,
an incision in the outer husks was made with a scalpel, while
Endoreduplication can be estimated in terms of its C leaving the inner husks intact. A wire mesh sleeve was placed
value, the number of copies of its basic haploid genome. over the ear to facilitate heat conduction over the entire ear,
In maize endosperm, an average C value of 12.7 has been but still allowed air to circulate. Heating mats were wrapped
reported for kernels at 15 DAP (Kowles et al., 1990). around each of the selected ears, which were heat stressed by
However, the endoreduplication of cells in the inner por- keeping them at a constant 358C (6 0.18C) for 2 or 4 d. Control
Reproduced from Crop Science. Published by Crop Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

tion of the endosperm, which are the most endoredupli- ears were also wrapped with a wire mesh sleeve and heating
cated, can be as high as 1558C, depending on the cultivar mats, with a sensor inserted between the inner husks, though
(Kowles and Phillips, 1985). disconnected from the controllers. Kernels were sampled from
The mechanisms by which endoreduplication occurs the mid-ear position, in alternate rows, from three different
are beginning to be understood: it has been proposed ears for each sampling date (11, 14, 17, 20, 23 DAP) as de-
scribed by Monjardino et al. (2005). The endosperms were
that low cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) activity permit isolated free of pericarp, embryo, and nucellar tissue, and
the formation of prereplication complexes at origins of weighed. Endosperms used for RNA analysis were frozen in
replication during the G1 phase but inhibit M-phase in- liquid N and stored at 2808C. Endosperms used for the
duction, and the subsequent S-phase CDKs disassembly transcription run-on assays and for flow cytometry were im-
allows subsequent rounds of replication (reviewed in mediately handled after sampling, according to the procedures
Edgar and Orr-Weaver, 2001; Larkins et al., 2001). There- described below.
fore, oscillations in the activity of S-phase CDKs and
loss of M-phase CDK activity permit alternate cycles
of DNA synthesis without cell division, thus leading to RNA Extraction
increasing levels of DNA. To isolate total RNA, 400 to 600 mg of frozen (2808C)
The similar timing of endoreduplication and zein pro- endosperm tissue (14, 17, 20, and 23 DAP) were hand-ground
tein accumulation suggests that endoreduplication may in liquid N with a mortar and pestle and extracted with
be important for zein accumulation (Kowles and Phillips, phenol–chloroform, as described by Das et al. (1990). For each
1988; Artlip et al., 1995; Cavallini et al., 1995). However, heat treatment and sampling date, three independent replicate
samples were analyzed. All RNA extraction steps were con-
there may not be a direct relationship between endore-
ducted in RNAase free conditions, and the extracted samples
duplication and gene expression, because the more endo- were kept at 2808C until their analysis.
reduplicated cells accumulate less storage proteins and
have lower zein mRNA levels than the peripheral endo-
sperm cells (Dolfini et al., 1992; Woo et al., 2001). More- Northern Blots
over Leiva-Neto et al. (2004) have shown that a 50% To assess RNA intactness, total RNA (5 mg) was denatured
decrease in mean C-value in maize endosperm nuclei had at 658C for 10 min in 13 F buffer (20 mM 3-[N-morpholino]
little or no effect on protein and starch accumulation. propanesulfonic acid, pH 7.0, 1 mM ethylenediaminetetra-
In this study, the effects of heat stress on the steady acetic acid pH 7.0, and 5 mM sodium acetate), 50% formamide
state levels and transcription rates of the 27 kDa and the (v/v) and 6% (v/v) formaldehyde, and fractionated in a 1.2%
ZSF4C1 zein genes are determined. These data are (w/v) agarose gel with 13 F buffer, 6% formaldehyde (v/v), and
compared to the effects of heat stress on endoredupli- 0.05 mL ethidium bromide solution (5 mg of ethidium bromide
cation to determine their interaction. per milliliter of 0.1 M ammonium acetate) per milliliter of gel.
The fractionated RNA was transferred to Genescreen Plus ny-
lon membrane (NEN, Dupont, Boston), according to the manu-
MATERIALS AND METHODS facturer’s specifications, and RNA was fixed to the membrane
Plant Material, Growth Conditions, Heat Treatments, by air drying for at least 24 h.
and Sampling To prepare probes, E. coli were lysed by alkali, and plasmid
minipreps were conducted according to the procedures de-
Seeds of inbred W64A were planted in 18-L pots, on a scribed by Sambrook et al. (1989). The probe specific for the
Waukegan silt loam (fine-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal, A copy of the 27-kDa zein was a 1.2-kb SphI–SalI fragment of
mixed, mesic Typic Hapludoll), watered daily, and fertilized a genomic subclone from inbred line W22 (Geraghty, 1985).
with Peters fertilizer 20:10:20 on a weekly basis. Plants were For the 22-kDa zeins, a probe was used that hybridizes spe-
kept in growth chambers, with irradiance levels ranging be- cifically to ZSF4C1 zeins. The ZSF4C1 probe was a 1.0-kb
tween 600 and 900 mmol m22 s21, at a 25/208C (day/night) EcoRI fragment of a cDNA subclone from inbred W22 (Liu
temperature regime, and a 14-h photoperiod, as previously and Rubenstein, 1993). The 18S rRNA probe was a 1.7-kb
described (Monjardino et al., 2005). EcoRI fragment of a genomic subclone of tomato (Solanum ly-
The ear shoots were covered with paper bags before silk copersicum L.) (Perry and Palukaitis, 1990). Each probe was la-
emergence, and plants were self- or sib-pollinated 3 to 4 d after beled with [a-32P]dCTP (specific radioactivity 3000 Ci mmol21,
silk emergence. At 5 DAP, ears were randomly chosen and 10 mCi mL21) by random oligo labeling with Megaprime
assigned to the control (25/208C continuously) or heat treat- labeling kit (Amersham, Piscataway, NJ), following the manu-
ments (2 or 4 DHS). Heat stress treatments were imposed on facturer’s instructions. To assess the level of mRNA on each
the kernels using 24-V AC electronic temperature controllers membrane, polyuridylic acid (poly-U) oligonucleotides were
(Omron model E5CS-X, Omron Corp., Tokyo), connected to end labeled with T4 polynucleotide kinase and [g-32P]ATP
12.7 by 15.2 cm silicon rubber insulated thermo-foil heating (specific radioactivity 3000 Ci mmol21, 10 mCi mL21).

For random oligo labeling probes, filters were prehybridized tate, RNA was precipitated with 2.5 V ethanol overnight at
and hybridized at 428C in 50% (v/v) formamide, 53 Denhardt’s 2208C, and the pellet resuspended in TE (10 mM Trizma
(0.1%w/v Ficoll, 0.1% w/v polyvinylpyrrolidone, 0.1% w/v hydrochloride pH 8.0 and 1 mM EDTA pH 8.0). The UTP-
bovine serum albumin), 53 SSPE (5 mM Na2EDTA, 50 mM labeled transcripts were analyzed by hybridization to mem-
NaH2PO4, pH 7.5, 0.9 M NaCl), 1% (v/v) lauryl sulfate, and branes containing gene-specific DNA probes. Plasmid DNA for
100 mg mL21 salmon sperm DNA (Sambrook et al., 1989). each probe was purified with a QIAGEN Plasmid Midi Kit
Prehybridization and hybridization conditions with [g-32P] (QIAGEN Inc., Valencia, CA). Recombinant plasmids were
ATP labeled poly-U were similar to those used with random cut with the restriction enzymes described above to liberate a
oligo labeled probes, except that the solution stocks were all gene-specific insert. Two micrograms of DNA were denatured
RNAase free, the prehybridization and hybridization solu- and separated electrophoretically on a 0.7% agarose gel, as
Reproduced from Crop Science. Published by Crop Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

tions contained only 1% (v/v) lauryl sulfate and 1 M sodium described in Sambrook et al. (1989). DNA was transferred to
chloride, and hybridization was conducted at 508C. For suc- Genescreen Plus nylon membrane as described by the manu-
cessive hybridizations, filters were stripped according to the facturer’s instructions. Individual strips containing a specific
manufacturer’s specifications. DNA fragment of interest were cut and air dried to immobilize
the DNA to the membrane.
RNA Dot Blots The DNA-gel blot membranes were prehybridized for
4 h at 428C in 50% formamide (v/v), 53 Denhardt’s, 53
RNA samples were bound to Genescreen Plus nylon mem- SSPE, 1% (v/v) lauryl sulfate, and 100 mg mL21 salmon sperm
branes by slow filtration with a dot blot apparatus (Bio-Rad DNA. Hybridization with labeled transcripts was done in 1 mL
Laboratories, Hercules, CA), following the recommendations of the same solution in microtubes placed in a slow rotator for
by the membrane manufacturer. Five hundred nanograms of 24 h at 428C, and filters were washed according to the manu-
total RNA (measured by OD 260 nm) were analyzed per dot, facturer’s instructions. Run-on transcripts were hybridized to
for the 27-kDa and the ZSF4C1 zeins. All samples were an excess of single stranded DNA from clones corresponding
analyzed in duplicate. A standard dilution series of RNA was to the 27-kDa zein, ZSF4C1 zeins, 18S rRNA, and to the
included in each hybridization to ensure that the samples fell plasmid pUC 119. Ribosomal RNA was used to standardize
within the linear range of the technique. As a control for the zein transcription levels. The pUC 119 was used to deter-
measurement and loading errors among the RNA samples, mine nonspecific hybridization and the background was sub-
the 18S rRNA and poly-U probes were hybridized with a five- tracted to calculate the hybridization to each probe.
fold dilution of each RNA sample. This dilution was necessary
to bring the concentration of 18S rRNA and poly-A RNA Quantification of mRNA and Transcription
within the linear range of the assay. The probe preparation
procedures used for dot blots were the same that were used for Northern and dot blots were exposed to a phosphor screen
Northern blots. and scanned in a Molecular Dynamics Storm 840 system, and
the signal was quantified by ImageQuant v1.1 software (Molec-
ular Dynamics, Sunnyvale, CA). For the mRNA (dot-blot)
Run-on Transcription Analysis analysis, all repetitions of each individual heat treatment and
Nuclei were isolated from 2 to 5 g of control and 4 DHS sampling date were analyzed at the same time. Steady-state
endosperm from 14, 17, and 20 DAP freshly harvested kernels levels of zein mRNA were normalized on the basis of the 18S
as described by Das et al. (1990). Nuclei were resuspended in rRNA and poly-U quantities in each sample. For the run-on
50% (v/v) glycerol buffer (50% glycerol, 0.5 M sucrose, 50 mM analysis, newly transcribed zein mRNAs were normalized on
Trizma-hydrochloride pH 7.5, 5 mM magnesium chloride and the basis of 18S rRNA.
10 mM b-mercaptoethanol) and stored at 2808C. DNA con-
tent of aliquots of nuclei samples stained with Hoechst 33258 Flow Cytometry
dye was measured with a fluorometer (DyNA Quant 200, DNA endoreduplication patterns were determined by flow
Hoefer, San Francisco, CA), with calf thymus DNA as a stan- cytometer after the argon laser was aligned at 488 nm with
dard (Labarca and Paigen, 1980). microsphere DNA beads (Coulter, MDADS II, Epics division,
The procedures for the transcription run-on reactions were Hialeah, FL). Nuclei preparation and mithramycin A (MI)
modified from the method of Cruz-Alvarez et al. (1991). staining were done according to the procedures described by
Nuclei equivalent to 15 mg of DNA were used for each in- Kowles et al. (1994). The samples were run at 450 nm since MI
dividual run-on reaction which contained 25 mM Trizma hy- is excited at this wavelength. Fluorescence of the dye was
drochloride, pH 7.8, 5 mM magnesium chloride, 10% (v/v) detected at 530 nm. Chicken red blood cells were used as
glycerol, 5 mM b-mercaptoethanol, 75 mM ammonium sul- standards. The samples were gated to remove the cellular de-
fate, 0.5 mM ATP, CTP, and GTP, 75 units of RNasin, and bris from the analysis. Fifteen hundred nuclei were counted for
300 mCi of [a-32P]UTP (specific radioactivity 3000 Ci mmol21, each sample.
10 mCi mL21), in a total volume of 100 mL. To adjust osmo- For nuclei counting, samples were diluted in MI buffer (de-
lality differences among nuclei samples, specific amounts of scribed by Kowles et al., 1994) and mixed with a constant
50% (v/v) glycerol buffer were added to the assays. number of microsphere beads (internal standard for nuclei
Assays were conducted at room temperature for 20 min in counting). Samples were continuously shaken to prevent nu-
microtubes placed on a slow rotator with the tubes near hori- clei from settling. The beads were gated out, and 1500 nuclei
zontal. Reactions were stopped on ice by the addition of were counted, so that the volume of the sample analyzed could
200 units of DNAase I and 100 mmol UTP and then incubated be determined as well as the number of nuclei per transcription
at room temperature for 10 min. For RNA extraction, 120 mL run-on reaction.
of 103 SET (1 mM Trizma hydrochloride, pH 7.5 and 120 mg
proteinase K) were added. One extraction with 1 volume (V)
of phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (1:1:0.04) and one ex-
Statistical Analysis
traction with 1 V of chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (99:1) were All data were analyzed as complete randomized models for
performed. The solution was adjusted to 0.3 M sodium ace- each sampling date. For RNA and endoreduplication analysis,

there were three or four replicates. Transcription run-on as- In inbred W64A, the 27-kDa zein is encoded by a
says were replicated twice, due to a limited number of ker- single gene (Das and Messing, 1987), which is similar to
nels. After the ANOVA, the means were compared by LSD the A gene of the inbred W22. Strong hybridization of
at 5 and 1% levels of significance. the 27-kDa zein probe to RNA was observed for all heat
treatments (data not shown), which indicates an abun-
RESULTS dance of these transcripts during endosperm develop-
ment. However, 27-kDa zein transcript levels differed
RNA Analysis significantly between control and 4 DHS endosperms
Heat stress disrupts protein accumulation in maize at 14 and 17 DAP. Four DHS only delayed accumulation
Reproduced from Crop Science. Published by Crop Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

kernels with the greatest reductions in zein levels at of the 27-kDa zein transcript levels since control levels
early developmental stages (Monjardino et al., 2005). were reached at 20 and 23 DAP (Fig. 2A).
The relative 18S rRNA content was similar across treat- The ZSF4C1 set of the 19- plus 22-kDa zeins con-
ments, except at 17 DAP (Fig. 1A). However, the rela- tains approximately 15 to 20 zein genes per haploid
tive poly-A RNA content was numerically greater in genome of maize (Hagen and Rubenstein, 1981). The
the 4 DHS treatment from 17 through 23 DAP, and, proteins of this subfamily have an apparent Mr of
at 20 DAP, these differences were significant (Fig. 1B). 22 kDa. The ZSF4C1 zein genes are the only genes
The 2 DHS treatment did not significantly affect rela- known of subfamily 4 that do not contain inframe stop
tive poly-A RNA or 18S rRNA content. Since mea- codons, and their estimated number is 3 to 4 genes per
surements of the 18S rRNA levels were consistent haploid genome (Liu and Rubenstein, 1992). Like the
with optical density measurement, 18S rRNA levels 27-kDa zein, the transcript steady state levels of the
were used to normalize loading of RNA-gel blots and ZSF4C1 zeins were high in the endosperm tissue of
dot-blots. developing kernels and the 4 DHS treatment caused a
significant repression of ZSF4C1 mRNA accumulation
at 14 DAP (Fig. 2B).

Fig. 1. Relative levels of 18S ribosomal RNA and poly-A RNA in

endosperm after 0 (ct), 2 (2d), or 4 (4d) days of heat stress (DHS)
treatments. (A) 18S rRNA levels expressed per OD 260 of the Fig. 2. The 27-kDa and ZSF4C1 zein mRNA relative steady-state levels
RNA preparation. (B) Poly-A RNA levels normalized relative to in endosperm after 0 (ct), 2 (2d), or 4 (4d) days of heat stress (DHS)
OD 260 of the RNA preparation. Average RNA relative levels of treatments. (A) 27-kDa zein levels normalized relative to 18S rRNA.
each heat treatment were compared for each sampling date by (B) ZSF4C1 zein levels normalized relative to 18S rRNA. Com-
LSD; a and b indicate statistically different values at 5% (*) and 1% parison of means was done by LSD; a and b indicate statistically
(**) levels of significance. different values at 5% (*) and 1% (**) levels of significance.

Endosperm endoreduplication was analyzed by eval-
uating the proportion of nuclei in each individual C class
(1C being the maize haploid DNA content). The endo-
reduplication pattern of control endosperms (peaked
at 17 DAP) was similar to those determined previously
(Kowles and Phillips, 1985, 1988; Kowles et al., 1990;
Schweizer et al., 1995; Engelen-Eigles et al., 2000)
(Fig. 3). The 2 and 4 DHS endosperms had a significantly
Reproduced from Crop Science. Published by Crop Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

slower rate of accumulation of DNA than that observed

for control endosperms (Fig. 3). Endoreduplication in the
2 DHS recovered to control levels at 17 and 20 DAP;
however, endoreduplication in 4 DHS was significantly
lower than control levels at all time points.
In the case of the control endosperms, the DNA levels
per nucleus ranged from 3C (nonendoreduplicated trip-
loid tissue) to 96C (triploid tissue that has gone through
five endoreduplication cycles) (Fig. 4). The 2 DHS en-
dosperm’s delayed pattern of DNA accumulation was
due to a significant reduction of the relative proportion of
nuclei in higher C classes at 11 DAP (24C and 48C),
14 DAP (96C), and 17 DAP (12C, 24C, and 48C), which
was mirrored by a higher proportion of nuclei in the non-
endoreduplicated C classes, for example, the 3C class at
11 and 17 DAP and the 6C class at 14 DAP (Fig. 4A, 4C,
4B, respectively). The 4 DHS treatment caused significant
reductions in the proportion of nuclei in the 12 to 96C
classes, with the exception of the 12 C class at 11 DAP. The
reduction of higher C classes in the 4 DHS was also
mirrored by a significant increase in the proportion of
nuclei in the 3C class, for all sampling dates (Fig. 4A–4D).

Run-on Transcription Analysis

Endosperm nuclei were isolated from the same ears
used to analyze transcript and endoreduplication levels.

Fig. 4. Relative proportion of endosperm nuclei in each C class, sam-

pled after 0 (ct), 2 (2d), or 4 (4d) days of heat stress (DHS) treat-
ments. (A) 11 days after pollination (DAP). (B) 14 DAP. (C) 17 DAP.
(D) 20 DAP. Comparison of means was done by LSD; a and b
indicate statistically different values at 5% (*) and 1% (**) levels
of significance.

Nuclei yields were similar to those reported by Das et al.

(1990). Overall, the 17 and 20 DAP control endosperm
samples had the lowest nuclei yields, and the 14 DAP 4
DHS endosperm samples had the highest yield (data
not shown). Nuclei prepared for transcription run-on
assays by the method of Das et al. (1990) had much lower
average endoreduplication levels (Fig. 5) relative to
those prepared for determination of DNA level by the
Fig. 3. Endosperm endoreduplication expressed as the average C values method of Kowles et al. (1994) (Fig. 3), due to preferential
of nuclei sampled after 0 (ct), 2 (2d), or 4 (4d) days of heat stress
(DHS) treatments. Comparison of means was done by LSD; a and b
exclusion of the higher C class nuclei (Fig. 6).
indicate statistically different values at 5% (*) and 1% (**) levels The 4 DHS treatment delayed the increase in tran-
of significance. scription rate of the 27-kDa zein from 14 to 17 DAP,
Reproduced from Crop Science. Published by Crop Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

Fig. 5. Average C values of nuclei isolated for transcription run-on

assays after 0 (ct) or 4 (4d) days of heat stress (DHS).

but at 20 DAP the transcription rates of this gene re-

covered to equal or higher levels than those of control
kernels (Fig. 7A). Transcription of the ZSF4C1 zein

Fig. 7. Zein transcription levels in endosperm after 0 (ct) or 4 (4d) days

of heat stress (DHS) treatments. (A) 27-kDa zein rate of transcrip-
tion. (B) ZSF4C1 zein rate of transcription. Rates were normalized
relative to 18S rRNA.

genes was lower at 14 DAP, similar at 17 DAP, and

greater than controls at 20 DAP (Fig. 7B).

In this study, the mechanisms by which heat stress
disrupts zein accumulation in early developing kernels
were investigated. To evaluate zein transcript levels, we
assessed the levels of 18S rRNA and poly-A RNA rela-
tive to optical density. The 4 DHS treatment had a
surprising effect on the relative levels of poly-A RNA.
After the 4 DHS, endosperms had ratios of poly-A RNA
to optical densities that were higher than in control
kernels. The reason for this increase may be related to a
heat stress–induced increase in the albumin plus glob-
ulin and the glutelin proteins (Monjardino et al., 2005).
An increase in the accumulation of these very abundant
proteins could result from higher steady-state mRNA
accumulation, thus increasing poly-A RNA levels. Con-
sidering the less stable levels of poly-A RNA for all
heat treatments, we concluded that zein transcript lev-
els would more accurately be expressed relative to 18S
rRNA levels.
Fig. 6. Relative proportion of nuclei in each C class, isolated for Previous studies showed that the 27-kDa and 19- plus
transcription run-on assays after 0 (ct) or 4 (4d) days of heat stress 22-kDa zein protein accumulation of 4 DHS endo-
(DHS). Endosperm samples were taken at (A) 14 days after
pollination (DAP); (B) 17 DAP, and (C) 20 DAP. Comparison of
sperms was significantly lower than those of control and
means was done by LSD; a and b indicate statistically different values 2 DHS endosperms up to 17 and 14 DAP, respectively
at 5% (*) and 1% (**) levels of significance. (Monjardino et al., 2005). The 19- plus 22-kDa zein

levels were significantly higher in control endosperms as (Edgar and Orr-Weaver, 2001). Zhao and Grafi (2000)
compared to 4 DHS endosperms at 20 DAP. Hence, the demonstrated that endoreduplicated cells of maize en-
4 DHS treatment delays zein protein accumulation in dosperm have a decreased ratio of histone H1/DNA and
developing kernels, whereas the 2 DHS treatment had increased hypophosphorylation levels of HMG-I/Y, as
no significant effect. The developmental pattern of the compared with mitotic endosperm cells. Considering
27-kDa zein mRNA steady-state levels mimics its pro- that (i) histone H1 is widely known to have a repres-
tein levels for all heat treatments. These data suggest sive effect on transcription of several genes by promot-
that the heat stress delay in the accumulation of the ing compaction of DNA; (ii) hypophosphorylation of
27-kDa zein may result from altered transcription rates. HMG-I/Y up-regulates transcription of several genes
Reproduced from Crop Science. Published by Crop Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

The developmental pattern of the ZSF4C1 zein by assembling and stabilizing complexes of transcrip-
mRNA accumulation (Fig. 2) was different than the tional factors; and (iii) the 27-kDa zein gene promoter
19- plus 22-kDa zein protein levels (Monjardino et al., region contains short homopolymeric runs of dAdT
2005). The ZSF4C1 is one of the most highly expressed base pairs, a preferential binding site for HMG-I/Y pro-
members of the 19- plus 22-kDa zeins. The 19- plus teins; Zhao and Grafi (2000) propose that endoredupli-
22-kDa zein levels increased up to 17 DAP for all heat cation increase this zein gene expression. Therefore, the
treatments, whereas ZSF4C1 mRNA steady-state levels alteration of endoreduplication may result in the delay
reached a plateau at 14 DAP. Another dissimilarity is of zein gene transcription.
that at 20 DAP the mRNA steady-state levels of all However, the lack of correlation between endoredu-
heat treatments did not differ significantly from controls plication and transcription rates leads to the conclusion
(Fig. 2B), whereas the protein levels of control and that the effects of brief periods of heat stress during
4 DHS were significantly different (Monjardino et al., endosperm cell division on zein synthesis are not di-
2005). However, the ZSF4C1 zein mRNA steady state rectly associated with endoreduplication. This conclu-
levels were reduced by approximately 50% by 4 DHS sion is supported by the data of Dolfini et al. (1992),
treatment at 14 DAP. which demonstrated that the inner endosperm cells with
The rate of transcription was tested as a possible higher levels of endoreduplication do not significantly
mechanism for the reduction of mRNA steady state transcribe zein genes. The experiments of Leiva-Neto
levels. The 27-kDa and ZSF4C1 zein transcription rates et al. (2004) further support the lack of correlation be-
were delayed by the 4 DHS, in a very similar pattern to tween endoreduplication reduction and zein gene expres-
the effects of heat stress on mRNA steady-state levels sion. However, a role for endoreduplication in promoting
(Fig. 2, 7). These data suggest that the impairment of gene expression, especially of the genes involved with
transcription after heat stress (at 14 and 17 DAP for the metabolism of starch and storage proteins is not ruled out
27-kDa zein and at 14 DAP for the ZSF4C1 zeins) may by these experiments.
have resulted in the delay of protein (Monjardino et al., Reduced zein transcription rates of 4 DHS kernels
2005) and mRNA accumulation. Later in kernel devel- could be due to the reduction of transcription factor
opment (20 DAP), the rate of transcription, the mRNA activity. Indeed, Opaque2 DNA binding activity is regu-
steady state levels, and the protein levels of the ZSF4C1 lated by a phosphorylation–dephosphorylation mecha-
zeins do not follow a similar pattern (Fig. 2B, 7B; nism that appears to be affected by environmental
Monjardino et al., 2005). An explanation may be that conditions (Ciceri et al., 1997). Our results do not confirm
late in endosperm development, ZSF4C1 zein transcrip- nor refute this hypothesis. However, none of the char-
tion may compensate for earlier delays in accumulation acterized factors that bind to the “endosperm box” are
due to the 4 DHS treatment. Transcription of the capable of affecting a large number of zein genes (Müller
27-kDa and ZSF4C1 zeins is disrupted by heat stress. et al., 1995). Therefore, a reduction in zein accumulation
Despite the delay in endoreduplication, 2 DHS endo- would require reductions in a majority of the transcrip-
sperms had equivalent steady-state levels of the 27-kDa tion factor activities.
and ZSF4C1 mRNA and of zein proteins compared to Heat stress has pleiotropic effects including the inhibi-
control endosperms. Moreover, the 4 DHS treatment tion of cell division, endoreduplication, starch accumula-
repressed endosperm endoreduplication, but it only tion, and protein accumulation (Jones et al., 1984; Cheikh
delayed the 27-kDa and ZSF4C1 transcription rates, and Jones, 1994, 1995; Commuri and Jones, 1999; Engelen-
mRNA, and protein accumulation (Monjardino et al., Eigles et al., 2000) that delays kernel development. Hence,
2005). Therefore endoreduplication and zein transcrip- by 11 to 14 DAP most of the 4 DHS endosperm cells were
tion levels are differentially affected by heat stress. probably at an earlier developmental stage, which is also
The methodology used to isolate nuclei for the tran- supported by the pattern of poly-A RNA accumulation in
scription run-on assays is based on the separation of developing endosperms (Fig. 1B). As a result, they are
nuclei from starch granules by density and resulted in also delayed in zein gene transcription.
the preferential loss of higher C class nuclei (Fig. 6). In summary, heat stress imposed early in the cell di-
However, the transcription levels of the 27-kDa and of vision stage resulted in significant delays in zein mRNA
the ZSF4C1 zein genes followed a pattern similar to steady-state levels, which may have been caused in part
their mRNA steady state levels for most of the sam- by reduced rates of zein gene transcription. The re-
pling dates and heat treatments tested. The function of pression of endoreduplication caused by heat stress was
endoreduplication is generally thought to increase cell not directly associated with the reduced transcription of
metabolic output, mainly by affecting gene expression zein genes.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS zein deposition in maize encodes a protein with structural homol-

ogies to transcriptional activators. EMBO J. 8:2795–2801.
We are grateful to Dr. Joachim Messing for providing a Hunter, B.G., M.K. Beatty, G.W. Singletary, B.R. Hamaker, B.P.
genomic subclone of the 27-kD zein and Dr. Irwin Rubenstein Dilkes, B.A. Larkins, and R. Jung. 2002. Maize opaque endosperm
for providing a cDNA subclone of the ZSF4C1 zeins. We thank mutations create extensive changes in patterns of gene expression.
Dr. John Murray, Jeff Roessler, Rod Felsheim, and Fabı́ola S. Plant Cell 14:2591–2612.
Gil for their critical discussion and technical support. This Jones, R.J., S. Quattar, and R.K. Crookston. 1984. Thermal environ-
research was supported in part by the Minnesota Agricultural ment during endosperm and grain filling in maize: Effects on kernel
Experiment Station. Paper No. 051210160. growth and development in vitro. Crop Sci. 24:133–137.
Jones, R.J., J. Roessler, and S. Quattar. 1985. Thermal environment
during endosperm cell division in maize: Effects on number of
Reproduced from Crop Science. Published by Crop Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

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