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10 Ways to Become More Resilient crisiscounseling/tp/becomemore-resilient.htm veattitude/ht/resilient.

Build Your Resilience and Coping Skills With These Tips
By Kendra Cherry


Resilience Crisis Communication Resilient Crisis Management Crisis Manager Research has shown that while some people seem to come by resilience naturally, these behaviors can also be learned. he

!ollowing are "ust a !ew o! the techni#ues you should !ocus on in order to !oster your own resilience. 1. Build Positive Beliefs in Your Abilities

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Research has demonstrated that sel!$esteem plays an important role in coping with stress and recovering !rom di!!icult events. Remind yoursel! o! your strengths and accomplishments. Becoming more con!ident about your own ability to respond and deal with crisis is a great way to build resilience !or the !uture. Ads Your Zodiac &our Birthdate ' (et )nswers about *ast$*resent and +uture. +ree The Resilience Scalewww.resiliencescale.comMeasure *sychological Resilience +ree Research ools , -nline est Perfect Intervie Ans erswww." to )nswer )ny /uestion an %nterviewer Could 0ver hrow at &ou !. "ind a Sense of Purpose in Your #ife

Image by Gabriella Fabbri

)!ter her 11$year$old daughter was 2illed by a drun2 driver, Candace 3ightner !ounded Mother4s )gainst 5run2 5riving 6M)557. 8pset by the driver4s light sentence, 3ightner decided to !ocus her energy into creating awareness o! the dangers o! drun2

driving. 9% promised mysel! on the day o! Cari4s death that % would !ight to ma2e this needless homicide count !or something positive in the years ahead,9 she later e:plained. %n the !ace o! crisis or tragedy, !inding a sense o! purpose can play an important role in recovery. his might involve becoming involved in your community, cultivating your spirituality, or participating in activities that are meaning!ul to you. $. %evelop a Stron& Social 'et or(

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.aving caring, supportive people around you acts as a protective !actor during times o! crisis. %t is important to have people you can con!ide in. While simply tal2ing about a situation with a !riend or loved one will not ma2e troubles go away, it allows you to share your !eelings, gain support, receive positive !eedbac2, and come up with possible solutions to your problems. ). *+brace ,han&e

Image by Hector Landaeta

+le:ibility is an essential part o! resilience. By learning how to be more adaptable, you4ll be better e#uipped to respond when !aced with a li!e crisis. Resilient people o!ten utili;e these events as an

opportunity to branch out in new directions. While some people may be crushed by abrupt changes, highly resilient individuals are able to adapt and thrive. -. Be .pti+istic

Image by Sanja Gjenero

<taying optimistic during dar2 periods can be di!!icult, but maintaining a hope!ul outloo2 is an important part o! resiliency. *ositive thin2ing does not mean ignoring the problem in order to !ocus on positive outcomes. %t means understanding that setbac2s are transient and that you have the s2ills and abilities to combat the challenges you !ace. What you are dealing with may be di!!icult, but it is important to remain hope!ul and positive about a brighter !uture. /. 'urture Yourself

Stephanie Swartz / iStockPhoto

When you4re stressed, it can be all too easy to neglect your own needs. 3osing your appetite, ignoring e:ercise, and not getting enough sleepare all common reactions to a crisis situation. +ocus on building your sel!$nurturance s2ills, even when you are troubled. Ma2e time !or activities that you en"oy. By ta2ing care o! your own

needs, you can boost your overall health and resilience and be !ully ready to !ace li!e4s challenges. 0. %evelop Your Proble+1Solvin& S(ills

Image by jaylopez

Research suggests that people who are able come up with solutions to a problem are better able to cope with problems than those who cannot. Whenever you encounter a new challenge, ma2e a #uic2 list o! some o! the potential ways you could solve the problem. 0:periment with di!!erent strategies and !ocus on developing a logical way to wor2 through common problems. By practicing your problem$solving s2ills on a regular basis, you will be better prepared to cope when a serious challenge emerges. 2. *stablish 3oals

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Crisis situations are daunting. hey may even seem insurmountable. Resilient people are able to view these situations in a realistic way, and then set reasonable goals to deal with the problem. When you !ind yoursel! becoming overwhelmed by a situation, ta2e a step bac2

to simply assess what is be!ore you. Brainstorm possible solutions, and then brea2 them down into manageable steps. Ads 4e5i 6ar+a ta aicimesterii2armei.comKarma nu mai este un mister Mae=trii >nal?i au un mesa" *7perti in Tea+ Buildin&www.organi;are$ si locatii diverse *rograme personali;ate 8. Ta(e Steps to Solve Proble+s

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<imply waiting !or a problem to go away on its own only prolongs the crisis. %nstead, start wor2ing on resolving the issue immediately. While there may not be any !ast or simple solution, you can ta2e steps toward ma2ing your situation better and less stress!ul. +ocus on the progress that you have made thus !ar and planning your ne:t steps, rather than becoming discouraged by the amount o! wor2 that still needs to be accomplished. 19. 6eep :or(in& on Your S(ills

Image by L#is Al!es

Resilience may ta2e time to build, so do not become discouraged i! you still struggle to cope with problematic events. )ccording to 5r.

Russ @ewman, 9research has shown that resilience is not an e:traordinary thing but is rather ordinary and can be learned by most anyone9. *sychological resilience does not involve any speci!ic set o! behaviors or actions, but can vary dramatically !rom one person to the ne:t. +ocus on practicing some o! the common characteristics o! resilient people, but also remember to build upon your e:isting strengths.

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