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Cultivate Physical Resilience

Physical energy is the fundamental source of energy in life. It is regulated by breathing and eating and managed by sleep, exercise, diet and water intake.

7 Techniques that Cultivate Physical Resilience

1. Stop and BR !"# . $entre by breathing deeply into the lungs. %. &round yourself physically. $onnect with your body. 'ork the muscles in your feet and feel the floor or ground you(re standing on. ). !lternate between relaxing and then tightening up different muscle groups. *. +o some ,uick stress muscle release stretches. #ead rolls, shoulder lifts and circles, chin on chest pulling your neck and back of your head forward slightly.

-. +rink water . hydrate and flush the system. /. 0o1e, go for a walk, dance 2 do the $ross 'alk . alternate arm and leg mo1ement to balance left and right brain. 3. "ake short naps and en4oy the feeling of gi1ing yourself a break and allowing your body to yawn. 5. "ap your upper chest area lightly using fingertips to stimulate your immune function. 6. +o regular mini office workouts and stretches to boost energy and release stress.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices in Your Control

$hoices you make around physical exercise, healthy eating and good sleeping habits are in your control and ha1e significant impact on your physical energy le1el and physical resilience.

Benefits of Physical Exercise

Physical xercise7

Reduces toxic le1els of cortisone and other stress hormones. Impro1es mood, and benefits the cardio1ascular system 8ifts depression, reduces the risk of colon cancer, and helps normali9e insulin le1els. Strengthens your back and your bones and helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Increases the production of endorphins and reduces chronic pain. Increases mental acuity 2 helps you think more clearly. Stimulates the acti1ity of your thyroid gland, increasing your metabolic rate. $ontrols diabetes and menstrual cycles. #elps your body burn calories more efficiently, builds muscles and reduces the risk of obesity.

Source: :our ;at is <=" :our ;ault, Pg. 15/, Carol Simmontacchi,$.$.<., 0.S.

Energi ing! Energy"Balancing Exercises

The Cross #al$ >1 minute plus? #armoni9es and balances your energy, clears thinking and impro1es coordination 1. In a standing, sitting or lying down position, breathe deeply %. "hen lift your left arm and right leg at the same time, ). !lternate with the right arm and left leg in a rhythmic pattern >as in walking? *. xaggerate the mo1ement, raising your knee higher and letting your arm swing from one side of the body to the other. -. !llow your body to twist from side to side at the waist with your elbow touching the knee on the opposite side.

/. $ontinue for at least one minute, extending the mo1ement into an exaggerated march, breathing deeply with each step. :ou can simplify this exercise by sitting and raising the left knee while bringing the right hand to touch it. !lternate from side to side. If it makes you tired, try doing it right arm to right leg and 1ice 1ersa first.

Bet%een Earth an& S$y Exercise >1 2 % minutes? =pens the system, expels toxins and promotes energy flow throughout the body. 1. "ake a deep breath in through the nose, out through the lips and feel yourself well grounded %. Stand tall, with feet under hips, hands on your thighs, finger spread wide. ). Inhale through the nose, crossing arms in front of the body, circle them out o1er your head and bring your hands together in prayer position in front of your chest. xhale through open lips.

*. Inhaling >through your nose?, extend one arm up and the other down, pushing through the heel of your hands in either direction for a good stretch. #old this position, while exhaling through open lips. Return your hands to prayer position. Switch arms and repeat four times >twice on each side?. -. Relax your arms, soften your knees and let your head drop forward, chin on chest. !llow the weight of the head to fold your body forward at the waist, slowly, one 1ertebra at a time. Relax and let your knees bend slightly as you hang from the waist, arms and hands relaxed, hanging from the shoulders. /. "ake a few deep breaths in this position. "hen mo1ing only on the inhalation, straightening your spine slowly in response to e1ery incoming breath until you return to a standing position. 3. Breathe a few more times in the upright position to stabili9e.

Ti's for Healthy Eating

Relax when you eat and en4oy your food. at slowly. "aste and sa1our your food. $hew your food well before swallowing. at less than you think you want. +rink lots of fluids. Include nuts, seeds, beans in your diet at leafy green and other 1egetables daily. at fresh fruit daily. @se cold.pressed oils >oli1e, flax?. at whole grains where possible at protein with starches. $hoose food, where possible. +on(t eat late at night by yourself. !1oid processed foods Reduce or a1oid coffee, sodas, sugary foods, 4unk foods

Buil&ing a Healthy Slee' Ha(it

Sleep is as important to a healthy lifestyle as exercise, food and air, maybe e1en more. !dults need between 3.- to 5.- hours of undisturbed sleep. Ti's to Buil& a Healthy Slee' Ha(it

$reate the right conditions for a healthy sleep 2 set your bedroom temperature cooler rather than warmer and keep things ,uiet. Bedtime routines at regular hours are helpful for good sleep. ! cup of herbal tea an hour before bed can begin a routine. &et up at the same time e1ery morning sets a routine for a healthy sleep habit. !1oid caffeine and other stimulants in the e1ening, including chocolate, caffeinated sodas, and caffeinated teas. Stimulants delay sleep and increase sleep disturbance.

!1oid bright light around the house before bedtime. +eep breathing, relaxation exercises can help reduce stress. +on(t do exercise for ) hours before bed. +onAt go to bed hungry. #a1e a light snack, a1oid a hea1y meal before bed.

Trou(le Slee'ing

If you cannot get to sleep for o1er )B minutes, get out of bed and do something boring in dim light till you are sleepy. If your mind is 1ery busy and won(t let you sleep, it may help to get up and write down a list of things to do or whate1er is on your mind. !1oid alcohol before bedtime. It will create sleep disturbances. If you ha1e any concerns about your sleep see your doctor.


!t times of great stress it is especially necessary to achie1e a complete freeing of the muscles. Konstantin Stanislavsky

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