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Submitted by: Arnold L. De Gu !"n #r. RN Student, Masters in Nursing

Submitted t : Dr. Bell" G. P"nl$l$o !r "ess r #anuary $%&'

Arnold L. De Guzman Jr. RN MN Student TABULAR SUMMARY OF COMPILATION OF RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS CONTACT DETAILS Mary Arevian, Hariri School of Nur in!, "aculty of Medicine, American #niver ity of $eirut, %.&. $o' (() *+,-, $eirut .mail/ mb** b 8i;aya Ra; $hatt, De2artment of Medicine, Staten < land #niver ity Ho 2ital, =>? Seavie3 Avenue, Staten < land, N@ (*,*?, #SA .mail/ vrbhatta0!mail.c om DELINEATED FACTOR $elief , $rea t 5ancer, $rea t 5ancer Screenin!, a3arene , behavior, Mammo!ra2hy, brea t elf) e'amination

TITLE Beliefs Relate to Breast Can er an! Breast Can er S reenin" A#on" Le$anese Ar#enian %o#en

RESEARCHER Mary Arevian, Samar Noureddine, Sarah Abboud

MAJOR OBJECTIVES 1he 2ur2o e of thi tudy i to inve ti!ate 3omen4 belief about brea t cancer, brea t cancer creenin!, and intervention 2ro!ram .

LOCALE $eirut, Lebanon

METHODS 5ro ) ectional6 de cri2tive correlation. Self) admini tered 7ue tionnaire

Breast Can er &no'le!"e( Attit)!e an! Pra ti es A#on" Ne*alese %o#en

$hatt 8.R., 9etz R.8., Shre tha R., Shre tha $., Shah N., Sayami %., Gurun! 5.:., 9ei erb , :.".

1hi tudy e'amine the Ano3led!e, attitude and brea t cancer creenin! 2ractice of Ne2ale e 3omen to better under tand the 2otential barrier to brea t cancer creenin! in Ne2al

$rea t cancer, culture, information, education


%hy ician) admini trated urvey Bue tionnaire <ntervie3

Breast Can er &no'le!"e( Attit)!es( an! Earl+ Dete tion Pra ti es in Unite! States, Me-i o Bor!er Latinas

Matthe3 %. $ne!a , M%H, MS., @elena $ird, MD, %hD, M%H John Moraro , MD, %hD, M%H Sa ha :in!, RN, M%H Sura ri %ra2 iri, M%H $eti 1hom2 on, %hD

Matthe3 %. $ane!a , M%H, MS "red Hutchin on 5ancer Re earch 5enter, Divi ion of %ublic Health Science 6 5ancer %revention %ro!ram, %.&. $o' (C*+=, M,) $+,+, Seattle, 9A CD(*C .mail/ mbane!a 0fhcrc .or! Dr. :aren .. Greco, DC*( 9in on in Ave., $uildin! D, Room ?(*?, $ethe da, MD +*DDC)?(*? .mail/ :aren.!reco0nlh .!ov

1he 2ur2o e of thi tudy i to inve ti!ate brea t cancer Ano3led!e, attitude , and u e of brea t cancer 2reventive creenin! amon! #.S. Latina and Me'ican 3omen re idin! alon! the #.S.)Me'ico border.

$elief , Ano3led!e, attitude , $rea t 5ancer, $rea t 5ancer Screenin!, a3arene , behavior, Mammo!ra2hy, brea t elf) e'amination, culture

#SA 6 Me'ico $order

$inational cro ) ectional tudy <ntervie3er) admini tered 7ue tionnaire Multivariate re!re ion analy i

Ma##o"ra*.+ De ision Ma/in" in Ol!er %o#en %it. a Breast Can er Fa#il+ Histor+

:aren .. Greco, RN, %hD, AN%)$5, Lilian M. Nail, RN, %hD, "AAN, Judy :endall, RN, %hD, Juliana 5art3ri!ht, RN, %hD, Deborah 5. Me ecar, RN, %hD, M%H, 5NS %e!!y Sim2 on, %hD

1he tudy4 2ur2o e i to de cribe and e'2lain ho3 3omen ?? year of a!e and older 3ith a family hi tory of brea t cancer maAe creenin! mammo!ra2hy deci ion .

Mammo!ra2hy, deci ion maAin!, brea t cancer creenin!, brea t creenin!, brea t cancer, family hi tory, !rounded theory, 7ualitative re earch


Bualitative De i!n ba ed on !rounded theory %ur2o eful am2le &2en)ended intervie3 Semi tructured intervie3 !uide

Hon" &on" Fa#ilies an! Breast Can er0 Beliefs an!

De2artment of RN, Nur in! Studie , 1he #niver ity of Hon! :on!, Hon!

1he 2ur2o e of thi tudy i to identify the family belief about brea t cancer and ho3 the belief influenced

5hine e, family, brea t cancer, belief , ada2tation

Hon! :on!

<ntervie3 u in! a minimally tructured chedule,

A!a*tation Strate"ies

:on! ,,DD 9e t (D Avenue, 8ancouver, $riti h 5olumbia 8-S (A> .mail/ 2e!02 im2 onc on ultin!.com

family functionin!. <nter2retive 2henomenolo!y

Relations.i* Bet'een Fa#il+ Histor+ of Breast Can er an! Healt.,Relate! Be.a1ior

.va Martinez &choa, <ne Gomez) Acebo, %az Rodri!uez) 5undin, Mar Navarro) 5ordoba, Javier Llorca 1rinidad, Dier en)Soto

1rinidad Dier en)Soto , "acultad de Medicina, #niver ity of 5antabria School of Medicine, Avda. Herrera &ria 6n, ,C*(( Santander, S2ain. .mail/ dier ent0unica n.e 5$%M, 5oro $uildin!, Suite ?**, &ne Ho22in Street, %rovidence, R< *+C*,, #SA .mail/ 5Rabin0life 2an .or!

1hi article e'2lore the relation hi2 bet3een family hi tory of brea t cancer E"H$5F and health)related behavior and medical mana!ement, u in! a cro ) ectional analy i of 3omen, ba ed on elf re2ort.

$rea t neo2la m , health)related behavior, family


5ohort tudy Self) admini tered 7ue tionnaire Semi) 7uantitative 7ue tionaire

Can er,Relate! Beliefs an! Healt. Be.a1ior"e A#on" Breast Can er S)r1i1ors an! t.eir First, De"ree Relati1es

5arolyn Rabin, $ernardine %into

1he !oal of thi tudy i to develo2 a better under tandin! of 3hat motivate ome, but not other , to addre modifiable ri A factor after a cancer dia!no i . 1he re earcher inve ti!ated the relation hi2 bet3een cancer)related belief and four health behavior / diet, e'erci e, moAin!, and alcohol con um2tion.

$rea t cancer, fir t)de!ree relative, oncolo!y, belief , cancer, health behavior


Lon!itudinal a e ment Bue tionnaire 1ele2hone intervie3

Fa tors asso iate! 'it. $reast an er, s*e ifi !istress in +o)n"er 'o#en *arti i*atin" in a fa#il+ .istor+ #a##o"ra*.+ s reenin" *ro"ra# Li1in" 'it. C.roni Ris/0 Healt. %o#en 'it. a Fa#il+ Histor+ of Breast 2 O1arian Can er

Hender on, $.J., 1yndel, S., $rain, :., 5lement , A., $anAhead, 5., Au toAer, J., 9at on, ..,

<n titute of Medical and Social 5are Re earch, Ardud3y, Normal Site, #niver ity of 9ale , $an!or, G3ynedd LL?> +%G, #: .mail/ b.;.hender on0b an! Re!ina :enen, De2artment of Sociolo!y and Anthro2olo!y, Social Science $uildin!, 1he 5olle!e of Ne3 Jer ey, %& $o' >>(D, .r3in, NJ *D-+D, #SA .mail/ Aenen0tcn;.edu De2artment of %rimary 5are, 5ancer Re earch #: %rimary 5are .ducation Re earch Grou2, #niver ity of &'ford, &ld Road 5am2u , Headin!ton,

1hi tudy e'amine factor a ociated 3ith brea t cancer) 2ecific di tre in 3omen under ?* 3ho are on a mammo!ra2hic creenin! 2ro!ramme on account of their family hi tory.

5ancer, oncolo!y, family hi tory of brea t cancer, cancer) 2ecific di tre , tre , a22rai al, co2in!

#nited :in!dom

5ro ) ectional tudy Bue tionnaire

Re!ina :enen, Audrey Ardern) Jone , Ro alind .ele

1hi tudy inve ti!ate ho3 healthy 3omen 3ith a family hi tory of brea t6ovarian cancer live 3ith their hei!htened a3arene of ri A, and introduce a chronic ri A 2er 2ective for tudyin! thi to2ic.

Hereditary brea t 6 ovarian cancer, !enetic coun elin!, ri A, life tyle , brea t 6 ovarian cancer creenin!, chronic ri A tra;ectory.

#nited :in!dom

.'2loratory, 7ualitative tudy Semi) tructured, in)de2th intervie3

T.e Ps+ .olo"i al I#*a t of Ma##o"ra*.i S reenin" on %o#en 'it. a Fa#il+ Histor+ of Breast Can er 3 A S+ste#ati Re1ie'

.ila :. 9at on, $ethan J. Hender on, Joanne $rett, 5lare $anAhead, Joan Au toAer

1hi tudy aim to a e the 2 ycholo!ical im2act of mammo!ra2hic creenin! on 3omen 3ith a family hi tory of brea cancer.

$rea t creenin!, mammo!ra2hy, family hi tory, an'iety, 2 ycholo!ical im2act

#nited :in!dom

5om2rehen ive earch of four electronic databa e EMedline, 5inahl, .M$AS., and % ychinfoF.

&'ford &G, >L", #:. .mail/ eila.3at on0d2h 2c.o'.ac.uA Healt.+ %o#en 'it. a Fa#il+ Histor+ of Breast Can er0 I#*a t of a Tailore! 4eneti Co)nselin" Inter1ention on Ris/ Per e*tion( &no'le!"e( an! Meno*a)sal T.era*+ De ision Ma/in" Breast Can er Earl+ Dete tion( Healt. Beliefs( an! Can er %orries in Ran!o#l+ Sele te! %o#en 'it. an! 'it.o)t a Fa#il+ Histor+ of Breast Can er S.ort Co##)ni ation0 In1esti"ation into Fa tors Pro#ote .llen 1. Matloff, MS Anne Moyer, %hD :ri ten M. Shannon, MS :ri tin $. Niendorf, MS Nananda ". 5ol, MD .llen 1. Matloff, MS @ale 5ancer Genetic 5oun elin! ?? 5hurch Street, uite =*+ Ne3 Haven, 51 *-?+* .mail/ .llen.Matloff0yal 1he tudy determine the effect of a 2er onalized ri A a e ment and !enetic coun elin! intervention on Ano3led!e, ri A 2erce2tion, and deci ion maAin! in a !rou2 of health 3omen 3ho had a fir t)de!ree relative 3ith brea t cancer. $rea t cancer, !enetic coun elin! intervention, ri A 2erce2tion, Ano3led!e, meno2au e, deci ion maAin!, #SA Detailed ri A a e ment, !enetic coun elor a e ment,

Miri 5ohen

School of Social 9orA, Haifa #niver ity, Mounta 5armel, Haifa ,(C*?, < rael .mail/ cohenm0re earc

1o com2are early detection 2ractice E.D%F, health belief , and cancer 3orried in 3omen 3ith and 3ithout a family hi tory of brea t cancer in a 2o2ulation) ba ed am2le.

.arly detection 2ractice , family hi tory, brea t cancer, health belief , cancer 3orried, oncolo!y, cancer

< rael

Randomly Sam2le Bue tionnaire by 2hone 6 com2uter) a i ted tele2hone intervie3

$urno $aldaro, %aola Surcinelli, Andrea Ro i, Rino "a ol,

$runo $alddaro, De2artment of % ycholo!y, #niver ity of $olo!na, v.le

1he aim of the tudy i to inve ti!ate the im2ortance of different factor in 2romotin! 3omen4 adherence to

Mammo!ra2hy creenin! adherence, demo!ra2hic variable ,


Semi) tructured intervie3 "our)2oint LiAert Scale

A!.eren e to a Ma##o"ra*.+ S reenin" Pro"ra##e

Michela Mazzetti, Roberto $olzani

$erti %ichat ?, mammo!ra2hy =*(+> $olo!na, 2ro!ramme . <taly .mail/ $runo.baldaro0u Ali on 5lement , 5ancer Re earch #: %rimary 5are .ducation Re earch Grou2, #niver ity of &'ford, De2artment of %rimary Health 5are, Ro emary Rue $uildin!, &ld Road 5am2u , &ld Road, Headin!ton, &'ford, &G, >L", #: .mail/ Ali on.clement 0d2h2c.o'.ac.uA 5hri ti A. %atten, %h.D., Mayo 5linic Roche ter 5olle!e of Medicine, 5harlton -)+>, +** "ir t Street S9, Roche ter, MN ??C*? .mail/ 2atten. 5hri ti0mayo.ed

creenin! ob;ective ulnerability, ub;ective vulnerability, information channel $rea t cancer, early creenin! 2ro!ramme, family hi tory, 7ualitative #nited :in!dom

Ro ember! Self). teem Scale Ma tery Scale <n)de2th <ntervie3

Dia"nose! 'it. Breast Can er '.ile on a Fa#il+ Histor+ S reenin" Pro"ra##e0 An E-*lorator+ 5)alitati1e St)!+

5lement , A., Hender on, $.J., 1yndel , S., .van , G., $rain :., Au toAer, J., 9at on, ..

1hi 7ualitative tudy e'2lore the value that 3omen at increa ed ri A 2laced on creenin!, both 2re) and 2o t)cancer dia!no i and the im2act of the dia!no i .

Fa tors Asso iate! 'it. Breat. Can er Pre1ention Co##)ni ation $et'een Mot.ers an! Da)".ters

%amela S. Sinicro2e, Dr. %h, 1abetha A. $rocAman, MA, 5hri ti A. %attern, %h. D., Marlene H. "ro t, %h.D., Robert A. 8ierAant, MS,

1he tudy e'amine the de!ree to 3hich mother re2orted 2rovidin! advice on brea t cancer 2revention to their dau!hter , the content of uch advice, and correlate of 2rovidin! uch advice.

$rea t cancer 2revention, communication, mother)dau!hter communication, oncolo!y, family hi tory


Mailed 7ue tionnaire Additional o2en) ended 7ue tion

Larra R. u %eter en, %h.D., .mily RocA, $A, Lara %. 5larA, $S, 5eline M. 8achon, %h.D., Hachary S. "redericA en, MS, 1homa A. Seller , %h.D., Jame R. 5erhan, MD, %h.D. A!)lt Da)".ters6 Re*orts of Breast Can er Ris/ Re!) tion an! Earl+ Dete tion A!1i e Re ei1e! fro# t.eir Mot.ers0 An E-*lorator+ St)!+ %amela S. Sinicro2e, 5hri ti A. %atten Lara %. 5larA, 1abetha A. $rocAman, Marlene H. "ro t, Larra R. %eter en, Robert A. 8ierAant, 5eline M. 8acon, Hachary S. "redericA en, 5arol A. Jannet, 1homa A. Mayo 5linic 5ancer 5enter, 5harlton -)+>,, +** "ir t Street, Roche ter, MN ??C*?, #SA .mail/ 2atten.chri ti0m 1hi tudy e'2lore adult dau!hter4 re2ort of brea t cancer ri A reduction advice received from their mother . $rea t cancer, communication, family, ocial influence, mammo!ra2hy, 2 ycho ocial #SA Multivariable lo!i tic re!re ion 1ele2hone <ntervie3 Mailed Survey Bue tionnaire

Seller , Jame 5erhan


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