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Khayr in arabic means

1. to do something right, nice and meaningful for others. It could also mean the
blessings and welfare God blessed us with.

2. of superior quality

3. its the same meaning but different ways to write it..khair=khayr = Good..they are
wishing good.

4. it means something along the lines as good luck.........but if you translated it word
for word into english it wouldnt make sense at all

5. Goodness, health, Safe.

Khutbaat e Hakeemul Ummat

This Life Versus the Afterlife

Translated from Khutbaat e Hakeemul Ummat: Volume 31- Rahmate Doh Aalam

A student posed the following question:

In Akhirath, Muslims will receive the highest degree of recompense.

They will not be subject to any harm, nor will any pleasure be withheld
from them. It is also understood that there will be different ranks
among the inhabitants of Jannat. Some will be at the highest level of
Jannat while others will be at a lower stage. If the recompense and
reward in Jannat has no constraints, then it must be that there is no
higher or lower rank, rather everyone’s rank is equally at the highest.
However, there will be ranks and the difference between the ranks can
be none other than one’s recompense being greater while another’s
recompense being partial. This is the argument at hand.

Before hearing the answer, listen to one comparison.

There are two worlds – one of this life, and the other of Akhirath. What
is the relationship between the two? In Hadith Shareef, the relationship
has been explained through an example as follows. If one finger is
placed in the ocean, some water of the ocean will remain on the finger.
This is the same relationship that this life has when compared to
Akhirath. The comparison between the water on this finger, versus the
water left in the ocean is obvious – and that is nothing. If we were to
calculate this difference, it would take a million years to even create
any ratio between the two. For example, if that water left on the finger
measured an ounce, and then one ounce was regularly taken from the
whole ocean, we could then evaluate some ratio between the two
amounts. It is also obvious that many lifetimes will not even suffice to
complete this task!

Allahu Akbar! The ocean is such a great entity! It has surrounded the
entire world. When travelling on the ocean, one realizes that the dry
portion of the world is much less than the wet portion. Researchers
have proven that water has surrounded three quarters of the earth,
while land is only one quarter. This is just its vastness. Then if we look
at the depth, at some places the depth is several miles deep. So when
contemplating removing water, an ounce at a time, from such a large
body of water, one will need many years. You may have approximated
the ratio between the water on this wet finger versus the water left in
that ocean.

So, this is the same relationship between this world and Akhirath. And
this example is just to help us understand, in reality it is even less than
that. In actuality, this world does not even have such a relationship
with Akhirath. The reason is that the water on that finger, no matter
how insignificant and trivial compared to the water in the ocean, both
of them, the water in the ocean and this water, are still finite. If
someone were to work hard and take out one ounce at a time, our
minds cannot deny that the water in the ocean will indeed finish at
some point or another in this way. A ratio, no matter how small, will
certainly result from the two amounts of water.

On the other hand, this life and the Akhirath have a relationship of
finite and infinite. This life is going to end, while Akhirath will never
end. Ehle Haqq believe that this world will finish one day while Akhirath
has no limit. After this world, there will be no such thing as ‘limitation’
– not in Jannat nor in Jahannam. This was an argument, whose answer
is that nothing in Akhirath has limit. So the answer to the question is
that it is agreed upon that the inhabitants of Jannat will have rank but
the smallest rank therein will still be better than this world and
everything it contains – and it will be without limit. It turns out that the
meaning behind the lowest ranking Jannati receiving whatever he
desires is that he will desire only that which is according to his rank
and in this rank will be those things which are better than those in this
world or a thousand such worlds. So much so that there is not even
any relation between the things in this world versus the things in
Jannat because the world has boundaries, while Jannat has no
boundaries. This is why Jannat has been referred to as ‘khayr’ and
‘baqaa’ (fine and everlasting).

When this is the case, then there will be no comparison of standard

and below standard among the pleasures therein. Rather there will be
a comparison of the highest ranked and lower ranked. So this is the
answer to the question.

Although there are two parts of Akhirath, one of pleasure and one of
pain, Jannat and Jahannum, and we can’t say this about both parts,
then what is the meaning of ‘khayr’ and ‘baqaa’? So, I intend to only
lecture on one of these parts – Jannat. And often Haqq Ta’ala has also
referred to ‘Akhirat’ with this meaning (of Jannat).

‫والخره خئرؤا ابقإ‬

This ayat is showing that the meaning of Akhirath is in reference to this

part – Jannat. The reason being that the other part, Jahannum, has no
‘khayr’ therein. In the same way, this usage of ‘Akhirath’ has been
used only to mean Jannat. Now it is also appropriate to understand the
meaning behind ‘khayr’ and ‘baqaa’.

So, it is worthy to note the meaning of ‘baqaa’ to be everlasting. While

the meaning of ‘khayr’ is that the things inclusive are comparatively
much better than those in this world, even though the names are like
the names used to refer to the things in this world. The two have no
comparison with each other despite the same name to reference.
‫فاكهته ؤنخل ؤرمان‬

In other words, Jannat will have fruits, and there will be date trees, and
there will be pomegranate, and there will be rivers of water, and rivers
of milk, and rivers of honey, and rivers of wine. The names of all these
things are like the names of the things in this world, but those things
will not be like the things in this world. The fruit there will not be like
the fruit here, nor will the date there be like the dates here, nor will the
pomegranate be like the pomegranate here, nor will the water there be
like the water here. The quality of those things is referred to as
‘Aasan’- never rotting. The water in this world spoils after some time –
the water there will never spoil. Nor will the milk in Jannat resemble
the milk here. The milk in this world spoils after some time – the milk in
Jannat will never spoil. Even after thousands of years it will remain the
same. May Haqq Ta’ala grant us all the highest rank of Jannat. Ameen.


ya= remember, recall, recall in urdu

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