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Linguistic Analysis Project (RUBRIC): (50pts) Student will analyze and compare the marked and similar le o!

raphic" phonetic and !rammatical #eatures o# a chosen lan!ua!e and $n!lish to demonstrate an understandin! o# $n!lish as a lan!ua!e system (phonolo!y" morpholo!y" semantics" synta " and pra!matics) to support $%%s& (ESOL 2010 - Domain 2, Standard 1; 2 2 ! , 2 2 d " Standard 1: Language as a System Teachers will demonstrate understanding of language as a system, including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics; support ELLs acquisition of English in order to learn and to read, write, and communicate orally in English ! ! " #ecogni$e the importance of ELLs home languages and language %arieties, and "uild on these s&ills as a foundation for learning English ! ! d 'nderstand and apply &nowledge of the role of indi%idual learner %aria"les in the process of learning English as a second language Directions# Linguistic Analysis Project (Su!mit in Li$e%e&t" 'ou ha(e inter(iewed someone #rom a di##erent culture #or your Cultural Inter(iew )ssi!nment" #or your *arent Connection Research *aper you will research cultural practices in re!ards to schoolin! that may a##ect parental in(ol(ement #or that culture& +ow" usin! the lan!ua!e that corresponds to the culture you chose #or those two pro,ects" you are !oin! in(esti!ate the di##erences -etween that lan!ua!e and $n!lish& .his will !i(e you a deep picture o# that particular culture and its lan!ua!e and allow you to plan culturally sensiti(e and lin!uistically appropriate instruction #or a student #rom that place o# ori!in and %/& 0or this assi!nment you will complete the 1%in!uistic )nalysis2 worksheet &doc& In order to complete it correctly you must complete independent research on your lan!ua!e& .he we-sites -elow will -e help#ul to ,umpstart your research& http:33esl&#is&edu3!rammar3lan!di##3inde &htm http:33www&answers&com3topic3non4nati(e4pronunciations4o#4en!lish http:33accent&!mu&edu3 http:33www&lmp&ucla&edu3pro#ile&asp 5menu6007 )lso use !oo!le and keyword searches such as: 18i##erences -etween $n!lish and 9999992 1$n!lish (s& 99999992 1Contrasti(e analysis o# $n!lish and 9999992 1Comparin! $n!lish and 999999999 1 'ote# :hen you are a teacher and ha(e your own classroom these are the #irst ;uestions in re!ards to lan!ua!e di##erences you ha(e to ask yoursel# to -e!in instruction& Remem-er %/ literacy trans#ers to %<& :e can #acilitate this process when we understand the similarities -etween the %/ and %< and teach at the !aps& I# we know what stum-lin! -locks and di##icult points will -e" we can react proacti(ely& =owe(er" Contrasti(e )nalysis" the approach o# predictin! all learner errors -ased on the %/ is no more than >0? e##ecti(e& .here#ore" this is only one consideration in lan!ua!e teachin!& 'ou may want to sa(e this worksheet in your @teacher resources@ #ile #or #uture use&

'our +ame: Tawny Levine L(')*(S%(+ A'AL,S(S -O./S0EE% (<5 ;uestions) Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct answer or highlight/underline the correct choice for each item. /& %an!ua!e o# In(esti!ation: .a!alo! <& :hat places o# ori!in (countries" re!ions" cities) is this lan!ua!e primarily spoken5 .a!alo! is primarily spoken in the *hilippines& >& .his closest3 most similar lan!ua!e to this lan!ua!e is: .he closest lan!ua!e to .a!alo! is Spanish& .a!alo! and Spanish share 5"000 root words& 7& )ppro imately" how many speakers are there !lo-ally o# this lan!ua!e5 .oday there are /7 million nati(e .a!alo! speakers around the world& Al12a!et# Ort2ogra12y 5& .his lan!ua!e has which type o# alpha-et5 a& %atin (e(ery si!n has a sin!le sound) -& Sylla-ic (e(ery si!n represents a whole sylla-le) c& %o!o!raphic (each si!n represents and entire word) A& .his lan!ua!e reads in which directions: a& %$0. to RIB=." U* to 8C:+ -& RIB=. to %$0." 8C:+ to U* c& RIB=. to %$0." U* to 8C:+ d& %$0. to RIB=." 8C:+ to U* D& .he letters3 characters o# this alpha-et are o# which lan!ua!e #amily5 a& Indo4$uropean e& Uralic -& Sino4.i-etan #& 8ra(idian c& Semitic !& )ustonesian d& Bantu h& )ltic E& 8oes this lan!ua!e depend primarily on tone or pitch5 a& 'es& .a!alo! depends primarily on pitch" rather than tone& -& +o P2onetics and P2onology# F& :hat sounds are speci#ic to this lan!ua!e" -ut are not present in $n!lish5 In .a!alo! they pronounce their (owels separately #rom words" unlike $n!lish& /0& :hat sounds are #ound in $n!lish" -ut are not #ound in this lan!ua!e5 In $n!lish we ha(e words" in which ha(e silent (owels" so we donGt pronounce all o# the (owels in a word" unlike .a!alo!& //& :hat sounds do speakers o# this lan!ua!e ha(e di##iculty pronouncin! in $n!lish5 .a!alo! speakers ha(e di##iculty pronouncin! the 1#2 and 1p2 sounds in $n!lish" -ecause they tend to con#use the sounds&

Synta& and )rammar# /<& .he word order o# this lan!ua!e is a& Her-" su-,ect" o-,ect (HSC) -& Su-,ect" (er-" o-,ect (SHC) c& C-,ect" (er-" su-,ect (CHS)

d& Her-" o-,ect" su-,ect (HCS) e& Su-,ect" o-,ect" (er- (SCH) #& %acks a dominant word order

/>& )re there particular parts o# speech that are represented di##erently (such as articles or prepositions)5 In .a!alo! the particular parts o# speech that are represented di##erently are: de#inite articles" such as" 1an!2 (the)" and inde#inite articles" such as" 1isan!232m!a2 (some)& /7& =ow are tense and aspect indicated5 In .a!alo! (er-s con,u!ate #or aspect rather than tense& /5& :hat are the punctuation #orms used in this lan!ua!e5 %ist usin! $n!lish comparisons& .a!alo!Gs punctuation #orms are the same as $n!lish& /A& =ow does this lan!ua!e mark !ender5 In .a!alo! there are > marks #or !ender which all make out to -e one uni(ersal statement" as I ha(e o-ser(ed with my Inter(iewee" the marks are: masculine" #eminine" and neuter& :hile inter(iewin! Beya I had noticed she would re#er to her -rother as a man in some points" as well as re#errin! to her sister as a man as well" and went a-out thin!s normally& I had con#ronted her" and she had told me that it is common to call a man and woman the same thin!" that they only use one uni(ersal term #or -oth !enders& 3or12ology# Remem-er that co!nates ha(e the same ori!inI they are not simply words that sound alike& /D& I# there are some shared co!nates -etween $n!lish and this lan!ua!e" what are they5 I# not" why not5 Some co!nates shared -etween .a!alo! and $n!lish are: awtomo-il (automo-ile)" awdiyo ( audio)" -asket-ol (-asket-all)" -iskwit (-iscuit)" -idiyo ((ideo)" -yu ((iew)" -iswal ((isual)" direk (director)" ekonomiks (economics)" and the list continues& /E& I# there are some 0)%S$ co!nates -etween $n!lish and this lan!ua!e" what are they5 I# not" why not5 0rom my research I was una-le to #ind #alse co!nates -etween .a!alo! and $n!lish& I -elie(e this is -ecause -oth lan!ua!es are closely related& Semantics# /F& =ow is #ormality or respect e pressed5 In .a!alo! #ormality or respect is e pressed -y" sayin! 1hello2 and 1!ood-ye2 to e(eryone durin! meetin!s& .he word 1po2 is used when talkin! to an elder or a superior& <0& :hat is an in#ormal e pression in this lan!ua!e5 :hat is the $n!lish translation3meanin!5 )n in#ormal e pression in .a!alo! is" 1ma!andan! uma!a2 which means 1!ood mornin!&2 .he #ormal e pression would -e 1ma!andan! uma!a po2 which means 1!ood mornin! sir3maam&2 Pragmatics# </& :hat is the common e pression #or !reetin!s5 (In $n!lish" we ask 1=ow are you52) .he common e pression used in .a!alo!" that is e;ui(alent to our 1!ood mornin!2 is" 1ma!andan! arawJ2 which means 1-eauti#ul dayJ2 <<& )re there certain topics that are considered inappropriate or #or-idden5 )ccordin! to my research it is inappropriate to talk to parents in the *hilippines a-out se " -ut my inter(iewee had told me

otherwise& %eac2ing (m1lications# <>& .hrou!h your research what ha(e you #ound are the -i!!est di##iculties o# speakers o# this lan!ua!e learnin! $n!lish5 *lease pro(ide speci#ic e amples& .hrou!h my research I ha(e #ound that the -i!!est di##iculties .a!alo! speakers will ha(e while learnin! $n!lish are: the word order and how to re#er to someoneGs !ender& 0or e ample" in .a!alo! they use the word order: Her-" Su-,ect" C-,ect or Her-" C-,ect" Su-,ect" while in $n!lish we use the word order Su-,ect" Her-" C-,ect& Cther di##iculty .a!alo! speakers will come in contact with while learnin! $n!lish is re#errin! to someoneGs !ender& In .a!alo! they use only one uni(ersal meanin! #or !ender" while in $n!lish we point out a -oy #rom a !irl" and a woman #rom a man& <7& I# you ha(e an early production $%% who this lan!ua!e is their %/" what would -e the most important thin! you will teach them in re!ards to the di##erence -etween their lan!ua!e and $n!lish5 .he most important aspect I would point out to my .a!alo! $%% would -e the di##erence -etween the .a!alo! word order" compared to the $n!lish word order& I would point this out #irst" so they can -e!in to #orm sentences that $n!lish nati(e speakers could understand& <5& :hat would you e pect to -e on!oin! di##iculties #or intermediate $%%s who this is there %/5 :hat areas would you still need to address e(en a#ter they had mastered social $n!lish5 I would e pect the di##iculties that would -e on!oin!" e(en a#ter ha(in! mastered the social $n!lish" would -e" decipherin! the di##erence ( word wise ) -etween a -oy and a !irl" #or in the .a!alo! lan!ua!e the di##erence does not matter&

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