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Member Communications

Laws of Tennisball Cricket

Last u!"ate"# $%&$%''& ()# *#(& a $!


Laws of Tennisball Cricket

%'''+%''& Tennisball Cricket Association ,%, Os!re- .r/ 0 Re"woo" Cit-1 CA 2 3SA info4tennisballcricket/or5

Copyright 2003-2009 by Tennisba Cri!"et Asso!iation# A rights reser$e%# ICC 2000 Co%e 2n% E%ition & 2003 is Copyright o' Mary ebone Cri!"et C (b )MCC*#
No !art of t6is "ocument ma- be re!ro"uce" in an- form wit6out !rior written !ermission of t6e co!-ri56t 6ol"er/ T6e information containe" 6erein an" on t6e website an" on ot6er communi7u8s of TCA1 inclu"in5 but not limite" to member e+mails1 e+mail aliases mentione" in t6is "ocument are !ro!erties of TCA/ 3naut6ori9e" use of t6is !ro!ert- or "isclosure of an- information wit6out !rior written a!!ro:al of t6e TCA constitutes a criminal offense/ TCA reser:e t6e ri56t to make c6an5es to t6is "ocument wit6out notice an" wit6out incurrin5 anliabilit-/ T6e information is !ro:i"e" in t6is "ocument ;as is< an" is sub=ect to c6an5e wit6out notice/

Table of Contents
Law (# T6e 3m!ires a/A!!ointment of um!ires 11

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(( b/C6an5e of um!ire//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(( c/A5reement wit6 ca!tains///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(% 6/To inform ca!tains an" scorers/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(% k/T6e wicket1 crease an" t6e boun"aries////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(> o/Con"uct of t6e 5ame1 im!lements an" e7ui!ment/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(> t/?air an" unfair !la-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(> w/E@ce!tional circumstances or sus!ension of !la-////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(> ""/Aosition of t6e um!ires//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(, ee/3m!ires c6an5in5 en"s///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(, 66/Consultation between um!ires///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(, ii/Si5nals////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(, mm/Correctness of scores////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(B nn/?ailure to s6ow or late/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(*
Law %# Ala-ers a/Number of !la-ers 18

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////() b/Nomination of !la-ers///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////() c/Ca!tain//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////() "/Res!onsibilities of a ca!tain////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(&

Law ># Substitutes an" runnersC batsman or fiel"er lea:in5 t6e fiel"C batsman retirin5C batsman commencin5 innin5s...................20

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%' e/Ob=ection to t6e substitutes////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%( f/Restrictions on t6e role of substitutes////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%( 5/A !la-er for w6om a substitute 6as acte"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%( 6/?iel"er absent or lea:in5 t6e fiel"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%( m/Ala-er returnin5 wit6out !ermission////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%% 7/Runner///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%% r/Trans5ression of Laws b- batsman w6o 6as a runner//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%% @/Batsman lea:in5 t6e fiel" or retirin5////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%> bb/Commencement of batsmanDs innin5s//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%>
a/Substitutes an" runners

Law # Eroun" an" E7ui!ment 2 Ball1 Bat1 Fickets an" Ot6er E7ui!mentC Aitc61 5roun" an" relate" measurements an" con"itions/ a/T6e ball 24

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////% b/T6e bat///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////% c/T6e wickets//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%, 5/Arotecti:e e7ui!ment///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%B 6/T6e !itc6/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%B m/Boun"ar-////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%)
Law ,# Innin5s an" Matc6 a/Number of innin5s 29

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%& "/Start of an innin5s///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%& e/Com!lete" innin5s//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%& f/Late start of innin5s//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>' 5/T6e toss///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>' 6/.ecision to be notifie"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>' i/.ela-e" an" interru!te" matc6es//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>' =/.eclaration an" forfeiture of innin5s////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>( k/Lost ball///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>(
!/Falko:er/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>% t/Inter:als or time///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>% -/Call of !la-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>% 9/Call of time//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>%

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>% bb/Com!letion of an o:er////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>> ee/Conclusion of t6e matc6//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>> ==/Scorers////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////> nn/A win////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////> oo/A tie/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////> !!/3m!ires awar"in5 t6e matc6/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////> tt/Finnin5 6its or e@tras////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>, @@/Statement of results/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>, --/Correctness of results///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>, 99/Results not to be c6an5e"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>B
aa/Startin5 an o:er Law B# Scorin5 runs a/A run 36

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>B f/Runs "isallowe"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>B 5/S6ort runs/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>B =/3nintentional s6ort run///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>* o/.eliberate s6ort run/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>* r/Runs score" for !enalties////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>)

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>) t/Runs score" for lost ball//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>) u/Batsman "ismisse"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>)

s/Runs score" for boun"aries -/Runs score" w6en a batsman is "ismisse"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>)

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>& ff/Batsman returnin5 to wicket 6e 6as left///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>& ii/.eclare" runs////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>&

cc/Runs score" w6en t6e ball becomes "ea" Law *# T6e o:er a/Number of balls 41

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// b/Start of an o:er////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// c/Call of an o:er/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "/Balls not to count in t6e o:er///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Law )# A!!eals 43

( ( ( ( > > > > >

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// b/Batsman "ismisse"////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// e/Timin5 of a!!eals/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// f/A!!eal ;GowDs t6at< //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5/Answerin5 a!!eals////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6/Consultation b- um!ires//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// i/Batsman lea:in5 t6e wicket un"er misa!!re6ension////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =/Fit6"rawal of an a!!eal//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// k/3m!ires "ecision/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
a/3m!ire not to 5i:e batsman out wit6out a!!eal l/E@cessi:e a!!eals b- fiel"in5 si"e/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// m/A!!eals b- battin5 si"e or t6e batsman for no ball or t6e wi"e ball//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// n/Affectin5 =u"5ment of um!ires/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Law &# No+Ball a/Mo"e of "eli:er46

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "/?air "eli:er- 2 t6e arm/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6/.efinition of "eli:er- 2 t6e arm///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// i/Bowler t6rowin5 towar"s strikers en" before "eli:er-////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =/?air "eli:er- 2 t6e feet//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// m/Ball bouncin5 more t6an twice or rollin5 alon5 t6e 5roun"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !/Ball comin5 to rest in front of t6e strikers wicket/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7/Call of No ball for infrin5ement of ot6er laws////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @/Re:okin5 a call of No ball///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

B B * * * ) ) ) )

-/No ball to o:erri"e wi"e ball/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ) 9/Ball not "ea"////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// )

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// & bb/Runs resultin5 from a No ball 2 6ow to score///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// & cc/No ball not to count/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// &
aa/Aenalt- for a No ball

""/Out from a No ball Law ('# Fi"e+Ball a/Hu"5in5 a wi"e ball

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// &

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// & e/.eli:er- is not a wi"e////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,' f/Call an" si5nal of t6e wi"e ball/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,' =/Ball not "ea"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,( k/Aenalt- for a wi"e///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,( l/Runs resultin5 from a wi"e 2 6ow score"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,( m/Fi"e not to count//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,( n/Out from wi"e///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,(
Law ((# B-e an" Le5 b-e a/B-es 52

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,% b/Le5 b-es/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,%

Law (%# .ea" ball a/Ball is "ea" 53

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,> "/Ball finall- settle"////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////, e/3m!ire callin5 an" si5nalin5 "ea" ball////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////, i/Ball ceases to be "ea"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////, =/Action on call of "ea" ball//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,, m/.ea" ball calle" for LBF an" le5 b-e////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,,
Law (># Ficket is "own 56

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,B b/One bail off//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,B c/Remakin5 t6e wicket////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,B 5/.is!ensin5 wit6 t6e bails////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,*
a/Ficket !ut "own IRe5ular an" S!rin5 Stum!sJ Law ( # Batsman out of 6is 5roun" a/F6en out of 6is 5roun" 58

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,) b/F6ic6 is batsmanDs 5roun"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,) 6/Aosition of t6e non+striker////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,)

Law (,# Gow out a/Bowle" 59

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,& "/Time" out////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,& 5/Cau56t///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////B' l/Gan"le" t6e ball/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////B% 7/Obstructin5 t6e fiel"////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////B% @/Stum!e"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////B> bb/Run out////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////B 66/Git wicket /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////BB kk/Git t6e ball twice///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////B* !!/Le5 before wicket/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////B&

Law (B# T6e Ficket+kee!er a/Arotecti:e e7ui!ment


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*' b/Elo:es////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*' e/Aosition of t6e wicket+kee!er///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*' 6/Mo:ement b- t6e kee!er//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*( i/Restrictions on action of wicket+kee!er/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*( =/Interference wit6 wicket+kee!er b- t6e striker/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*(
Law (*# T6e fiel"er a/Arotecti:e e7ui!ment 72

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*% b/?iel"in5 t6e ball/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*% c/Arotecti:e 6elmets belon5in5 to t6e fiel"in5 si"e/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*% "/Aenalt- runs not to be awar"e"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*> e/Restrictions on !lacement of fiel"ers///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*> f/?iel"ers not to encroac6 on t6e !itc6//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*> 5/Mo:ement b- fiel"ers///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*> 6/.efinition of si5nificant mo:ement/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*
Law ()# ?air an" unfair !la75

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*, b/?air an" unfair !la- 2 res!onsibilities of t6e um!ires///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*, c/.eliberate attem!t to "istract t6e um!ire/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*, f/.eliberate "istraction or obstruction of t6e batsman/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*B 5/.an5erous an" unfair bowlin5/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////** =/.an5erous an" unfair bowlin5 2 action b- t6e um!ire////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*) m/.eliberate bowlin5 of 6i56 full !itc6e" balls//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*& n/Time wastin5 b- fiel"in5 si"e///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////)' o/Batsman wastin5 time///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////)'
a/?air an" unfair !la- 2 res!onsibilities of t6e ca!tain !/.ama5in5 t6e !itc6 2 area to be !rotecte"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////)( s/Bowler runnin5 on t6e !itc6/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////)( w/?iel"er "ama5in5 t6e !itc6////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////)% 9/Batsman "ama5in5 t6e !itc6/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////)>

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////)> ee/Batsman stealin5 a run////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////) ff/Aenalt- runs//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////) 55/Ala-ers con"uct///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////),

""/Bowler attem!tin5 to run out non+striker before "eli:erA!!en"i@ A *,

Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)
6e 5ame of Tennisball Cricket 6as been !la-e" across t6e worl" wit6 :irtuall- no set of rules an" re5ulations or b- ben"in5 an" a"a!tin5 t6ose t6at are set in ICC Co"e of Laws for Cricket/ Alt6ou56 most of t6e laws in t6e Co"e are "irectl- an" !racticall- a!!licable to Tennisball Cricket1 not all wit6stan" t6e test of time/
! he basi" #aws o$ Cri"%et have stood remar%ably well the test o$ well over 2&' years o$ (laying the game) *t is thought the real reason $or this is that "ri"%eters have traditionally been (re(ared to (lay in the Spirit of the Game as well as in a""ordan"e with the #aws)+ ICC Code of Laws for Cricket 2000.

Teams 6a:e alwa-s !la-e" wit6 5eneral un"erstan"in5 of Cricket Laws/ T6ou56 t6is 5eneral un"erstan"in5 is 5oo" most of t6e time1 it is :enerable to misinter!retations1 "e!en"in5 on 6ow :arious in"i:i"uals 6a:e rea" or e@ercise" t6e law in t6eir e@!erience/ ?rom (&&B(&&) a 5rou! of local teams in San ?rancisco Ba- Area trie" to "efine rules 5o:ernin5 Tennisball Cricket/ Soon t6ereafter t6e formation of Ba- Area Tennisball Cricket Association an" its subse7uent con:ersion to Tennisball Cricket Association !rom!te" a re:ision to t6ese rules#
(&&B S!an5lerDs t6en known as Central Aark Cricketers or5ani9e" first e:er Tennisball Cricket Tournament in Silicon Valle- wit6 B teams !artici!atin5 wit6 an effort to "efine 5eneral norms for !la-/ (&&)+(&&& &&ers or5ani9e ) team tournaments an" s!ell out t6e first 5eneral rules for Tennisball Cricket "eri:e" b- combinin5 ICC Co"e of Laws for Cricket an" 5eneral !ractice in Tennisball Cricket circles/ ?or e@am!le1 t6e rule of No+LBF an" No+Le5 B-e is a"o!te"/ %''' Ba- Area Tennisball Cricket Association IBATSJ is forme" b- &&ers1 Aant6ers an" Acers an" or5ani9es first official Tennisball Cricket Tournament calle" BATS+O!en %''' an" !ublis6es a re:ise" set of rules/ %''( BASLo51 Centurions an" S!an5lerDs =oin as or5ani9in5 members of BATS/ BASLo5 or5ani9es a Knockout tournament in Marc6 %''( to or5ani9e relief fun"s for Eu=arat eart67uake of %''(/ T6is tournament is a"a!te" b- BATS as Finter Knockout/ T6ere is a""ition of new set of rules s!ecific to Knockout tournament/ %''% BATS finall- e:ol:es into Tennisball Cricket Association a ,'(IcJI>J non+!rofit or5ani9ation/ Team affiliations for t6e or5ani9ers are remo:e"/ Official Boar" of .irectors is

forme" wit6 a !lan to "raw committees to 6an"le :arious tasks wit6in TCA/ In Late %''% B-+ Laws for t6e association are a!!ro:e" an" ratifie" b- Boar" of .irectors/ %'' TCA !ublis6es a re:ision of rules after two -ears1 few new laws are a""e"/ Committees are "rawn from t6e members an" 5o into effect imme"iatel- Tournament Committee1 3m!irin5 an" A!!eals Committee an" t6e Lea5ue Committee/

%''B 2 TCA con"ucte" its %n" election w6ere (% new Boar" of .irectors were electe"/

%'') 2 TCA starte" its new c6a!ter in San Ramon1 CA/ New e@ecuti:e members were electe" in Ba- Area C6a!ter an" San Ramon C6a!ter/

Laws of Tennisball Cricket are "i:i"e" into cate5ories/ T6ese cate5ories 6a:e been assi5ne" to t6e Laws base" on t6eir im!lications "urin5 t6e 5ame/ Srini$as +ari%as A,ay Singh Aresi"ent ?ormer Aresi"ent Tennisball Cricket Association Tennisball Cricket Association
,st -anuary 2''. ,st -anuary 2''4

Srini$as +ari%as C6a!ter Aresi"ent TCA+Ba- Area

,st -anuary 2''.

Sri%har -erose C6a!ter Aresi"ent TCA+San Ramon

,st -anuary 2''/

Areamble1 T6e S!irit of Cricket

ennisball Cri"%et Asso"iation has de"ided to ado(t the *CC (reamble o$ the Code o$ #aws $or Cri"%et) he 0reamble and other *CC laws are 1orldwide Co(yright o$ Marylebone Cricket Club (2CC) whi"h is the sole authority $or drawing u( the Code and $or all subse3uent amendments)
Cricket is a 5ame t6at owes muc6 of its uni7ue a!!eal to t6e fact t6at it s6oul" be !la-e" not onl- wit6in its Laws but also wit6in t6e S!irit of t6e Eame/ An- action w6ic6 is seen to abuse t6is s!irit causes in=ur- to t6e 5ame itself/ T6e ma=or res!onsibilit- for ensurin5 t6e s!irit of fair !la- rests wit6 t6e ca!tains/ .# There are t/o 0a/s /hi!h p a!e the responsibi ity 'or the tea12s !on%(!t 'ir1 y on the !aptain# Responsibi ity o' !aptains T6e ca!tains are res!onsible at all times for ensurin5 t6at !la- is con"ucte" wit6in t6e S!irit of t6e Eame as well as wit6in t6e Laws/ 3 ayer2s !on%(!t In t6e e:ent of a !la-er failin5 to com!l- wit6 instructions b- an um!ire1 or critici9in5 b- wor" or action t6e "ecisions of an um!ire1 or s6owin5 "issent1 or 5enerall- be6a:in5 in a manner w6ic6 mi56t brin5 t6e 5ame into "isre!ute1 t6e um!ire concerne" s6all in t6e first !lace re!ort t6e matter to t6e ot6er um!ire an" to t6e !la-erKs ca!tain1 an" instruct t6e latter to take action/ 2# 4air an% (n'air p ay Accor"in5 to t6e Laws t6e um!ires are t6e sole =u"5es of fair an" unfair !la-/ T6e um!ires ma- inter:ene at an- time an" it is t6e res!onsibilit- of t6e ca!tain to take action w6ere re7uire"/ 3# The (1pires are a(thori5e% to inter$ene in !ases o'6 (/ Time wastin5 %/ .ama5in5 t6e !itc6

>/ .an5erous or unfair bowlin5 / Tam!erin5 wit6 t6e ball ,/ An- ot6er action t6at t6e- consi"er to be unfair 7# The Spirit o' the 8a1e in$o $es RES3ECT 'or6 (/ Lour o!!onents %/ Lour own ca!tain an" team >/ T6e role of t6e um!ires / T6e 5ameKs tra"itional :alues 9# It is against the Spirit o' the 8a1e6 (/ To "is!ute an um!ireKs "ecision b- wor"1 action or 5esture %/ To "irect abusi:e lan5ua5e towar"s an o!!onent or um!ire >/ To in"ul5e in c6eatin5 or an- s6ar! !ractice1 for instance# aJ to a!!eal knowin5 t6at t6e batsman is not out bJ to a":ance towar"s an um!ire in an a55ressi:e manner w6en a!!ealin5 cJ to seek to "istract an o!!onent eit6er :erball- or b- 6arassment wit6 !ersistent cla!!in5 or unnecessar- noise un"er t6e 5uise of ent6usiasm an" moti:ation of oneKs own si"e :# -io en!e T6ere is no !lace for an- act of :iolence on t6e fiel" of !la-/ ;# 3 ayers Ca!tains an" um!ires to5et6er set t6e tone for t6e con"uct of a cricket matc6/ E:er- !la-er is e@!ecte" to make an im!ortant contribution to t6is/ T6e !la-ers1 um!ires an" scorers in a 5ame of cricket ma- be of eit6er 5en"er an" t6e Laws a!!l- e7uall- to bot6/ T6e use1 t6rou56out t6e te@t1 of !ronouns in"icatin5 t6e male 5en"er is !urel- for bre:it-/ E@ce!t w6ere s!ecificall- state" ot6erwise1 e:er- !ro:ision of t6e Laws is to be rea" as a!!l-in5 to women an" 5irls e7uall- as to men an" bo-s/

! hey e4(e"t an um(ire to be (er$e"t on o(ening day and to im(rove as the season goes on)+ 5 Anonymous


0a/ .6 The U1pires

a# Appoint1ent o' (1pires T6e um!ires s6all be a!!ointe" before t6e matc61 one at eac6 en"1 to con"uct an" control t6e 5ame as re7uire" b- t6e Laws1 wit6 absolute im!artialit-/ T6e um!ires s6all be !resent on t6e 5roun" at least >' minutes before t6e commencement of t6e !la-/
*CC #aw 3(,) re3uires the um(ires to be in attendan"e at least 4& minutes be$ore the start o$ (lay) 67* rules ma%e addendum to these laws)

a/ b/

Tennisball Cricket Association s6all a!!oint !anel of um!ires w6en !ossible to officiate matc6es/ Eac6 ?ull Member of t6e Association s6all nominate at least t6ree um!ires w6o s6all be a:ailable to t6e Association for officiatin5 matc6es w6en re7ueste"/ Neit6er team will 6a:e an- ob=ection to an um!ireDs a!!ointment in case of matc6es or5ani9e" b- Tennisball Cricket Association/ T6e um!ires s6all be !resent on t6e 5roun" at least >' minutes before t6e start of t6e matc6/

c/ "/

b# Change o' (1pire T6e um!ires s6all not c6an5e "urin5 t6e !la-1 e@ce!t in e@ce!tional circumstances/ If t6e c6an5e is ma"e t6e re!lacement s6allM a/ Act onl- as le5 um!ire IstrikerDs en" um!ireJ1 if um!ire is affiliate" to one of t6e two !la-in5 teams/


Act in full res!onsibilit-1 if t6e um!ire is not affiliate" to an- one of t6e two !la-in5 teams/ T6e affiliation of t6e re!lacement um!ire s6all be ascertaine" b- t6e 3m!irin5 an" A!!eals Committee u!on re7uest from Ca!tains or t6e remainin5 um!ire/ In Tennisball Cricket Association or5ani9e" matc6es an um!ire s6all not be c6an5e" "urin5 t6e matc61 ot6er t6an in e@ce!tional circumstances1 unless 6e is in=ure" or ill/


he *CC law 3(2) also mandates that the re(la"ement a"t only at stri%ers end um(ire) 8owever, it does not distinguish between um(ire9s a$$iliations to (laying teams)


Agree1ent /ith !aptains Before t6e toss t6e um!ires s6allM "/ Ascertain t6e balls to be use" for t6e matc61 inclu"in5 :erif-in5 t6e 7ualit-1 wei56t an" si9e of balls/ Ala-in5 si"es s6all !resent to t6e um!ires t6e balls t6e- inten" to use for t6e 5ame an" um!ire u!on :isual ins!ection1 alon5 wit6 ca!tains s6all a!!ro:e t6eir use/
*CC laws 3(3)(a)(i) and & govern the ball s(e"i$i"ation and usage during the (lay) 8owever, unli%e tennis balls $or "ri"%et, Cri"%et balls (leather balls) have nearly "onsistent s(e"i$i"ations)


.etermine1 ascertain an" e@!lain t6e boun"ar- of !la-1 inclu"in5 t6e a!!lication of "eclare" runs "ue to obstacles on t6e fiel"/ i. Rule c abo:e is o:erri""en "urin5 Official TCA 5ames w6ic6 are con"ucte" wit6 s!ecific set of fiel" rules t6at cannot be mo"ifie" b- a5reement between ca!tains of !la-in5 team/

f/ 5/

An- s!ecial con"itions of !la- affectin5 t6e con"uct of t6e matc6/ Inform t6e scorers of t6ese a5reements/

*CC law 3 mandates that um(ires e4(lain the rules and regulations o$ the $ield to the "a(tains o$ (laying sides)

h# To in'or1 !aptains an% s!orers Before t6e toss an" start of matc6 t6e um!ires s6all a5ree between t6emsel:es an" inform bot6 ca!tains an" bot6 scorersM i/ w6et6er or not an- obstacle wit6in t6e fiel" of !la- is to be re5ar"e" as a boun"ar-/


w6et6er "eclare" runs a!!l- in certain !ortions of t6e fiel" an" t6e number of suc6 runs "eclare"/

*CC laws 3(4)(b) govern the standard time e3ui(ment to be used) he same law governs the e3ui(ment in ennisball Cri"%et, albeit with di$$erent norms)
k/ T6e wicket1 crease an" t6e boun"aries

Before t6e toss an" "urin5 t6e matc6 t6e um!ires s6all satisf- t6emsel:es t6atM l/ m/ n/ t6e wickets are !ro!erl- !itc6e" t6e creases are correctl- marke" t6e boun"ar- of t6e fiel" of !la- com!lies wit6 re7uirement s!ecifie" b- TCA/

o# Con%(!t o' the ga1e< i1p e1ents an% e=(ip1ent Before t6e toss an" "urin5 t6e matc6 t6e um!ires s6all satisf- t6emsel:es t6atM !/ 7/ t6e con"uct of t6e 5ame is strictl- in accor"ance wit6 t6e laws/ t6e im!lements of t6e 5ame 2 t6e ball1 t6e si9e of stum!s an" t6e bails Iif a!!licableJ a"6ere to t6e stan"ar" cricket re7uirement "efine" b- ICC Co"e in Law )/% Isi9e of stum!sJ an" )/> IbailsJ/ no !la-er uses e7ui!ment ot6er t6an t6at !ermitte"/ wicket+kee!er 5lo:es com!l- wit6 re7uirements

r/ s/

*CC law & governs the standard o$ the ball) CA delegates this res(onsibility to "a(tains o$ (laying side to agree on the balls to be used $or the mat"h, e4"e(t where e4(li"itly "ommuni"ated)

t# 4air an% (n'air p ay T6e um!ires s6all be t6e sole =u"5es of fair an" unfair !la- on t6e fiel"/ u/ :/ um!ires s6all im!ose !enalties on an- !la-er w6o "oes not com!lwit6 stan"ar"s of t6e 5ame/ um!ires s6all re!ort suc6 occurrences to t6e res!onsible committee wit6in TCA/

/# E>!eptiona !ir!(1stan!es or s(spension o' p ay T6e um!ires s6all 6a:e t6e sole "iscretion to im!lement !roce"ures in re5ar"s to t6e followin5M



if at an- time um!ires a5ree t6at t6e con"ition of t6e 5roun"1 weat6er or li56t is not suitable for !la-1 t6e- s6all inform bot6 ca!tains an" unless1 i/ in suc6 con"itions bot6 ca!tains a5ree to continue or to commence or to restart !la-1 or ii/ in unsuitable li56t t6e battin5 si"e wis6es to continue or to restart !la-/ t6e- s6all sus!en" !la- or not allow !la- to commence or restart/


If at an- time t6e um!ires to5et6er a5ree t6at t6e con"itions of 5roun"1 weat6er or li56t are so ba" t6at t6ere is ob:ious an" foreseeable risk to t6e safet- of an- !la-er or um!ire1 so t6at it woul" be unreasonable or "an5erous for !la- to take !lace1 t6en1 t6e- s6all imme"iatel- sus!en" !la-1 or not allow !la- to commence or to restart/ T6e "ecision as to w6et6er con"itions are so ba" as to warrant suc6 action is one for t6e um!ires alone to make/ T6e fact t6at t6e 5rass an" t6e ball are wet an" sli!!er- "oes not warrant t6e 5roun" con"itions bein5 re5ar"e" as unreasonable or "an5erous/ If t6e um!ires consi"er t6e 5roun" is so wet or sli!!er- as to "e!ri:e t6e bowler of a reasonable foot6ol"1 t6e fiel"ers of t6e !ower of free mo:ement1 or t6e batsmen of t6e abilit- to !la- t6eir strokes or to run between t6e wickets1 t6en t6ese con"itions s6all be re5ar"e" as so ba" t6at it woul" be unreasonable for !la- to take !lace/


t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e ma- a!!eal to t6e um!ires at t6e en" of an o:er a5ainst t6e li56t/ T6e um!ires s6all u!6ol" t6e a!!eal onl- if in t6eir o!inion t6e con"ition of t6e li56t 6as "eteriorate"/

aa/ w6en t6ere is a sus!ension of !la- it is t6e res!onsibilit- of t6e um!ires to monitor t6e con"itions/ T6e- s6all make ins!ections as often as a!!ro!riate1 unaccom!anie" b- an- of t6e !la-ers or officials/ As soon as t6e um!ires to5et6er a5ree t6at con"itions are suitable for !la- t6e- s6all call u!on t6e !la-ers to resume t6e 5ame bb/ in case of TCA or5ani9e" e:ents if um!ires "eci"e not to continue t6e 5ame1 after it 6as been sus!en"e"1 t6e "ecision must be imme"iatelcommunicate" to t6e res!onsible TCA committee/ cc/ T6e um!ires s6all 6a:e t6e "iscretion to im!lement t6e !roce"ures abo:e for reasons ot6er t6an 5roun"1 weat6er or li56t if t6e- consi"er t6at e@ce!tional circumstances warrant it/


he (rovisions have been "ombined $rom *CC law 3(/) and 3(,')) *CC does have s(e"i$i"ation $or (rovision (e))

%%# 3osition o' the (1pires T6e um!ires s6all stan" w6ere t6e- can best see an- act u!on w6ic6 t6eir "ecision ma- be re7uire"/ Sub=ect to t6is o:er+ri"in5 consi"eration t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" s6all stan" w6ere 6e "oes not interfere wit6 eit6er t6e bowlerKs run u! or t6e strikerKs :iew/ T6e um!ire at t6e strikerKs en" ma- elect to stan" on t6e off si"e instea" of t6e on si"e of t6e !itc61 !ro:i"e" 6e informs t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e1 t6e striker an" t6e ot6er um!ire of 6is intention to "o so/ ee# U1pires !hanging en%s T6e um!ires s6all c6an5e en"s once after e:er- two o:ers/ ff/ In case of non+a:ailabilit- of one um!ire t6e secon" must assume res!onsibilit- of t6e le5+um!ire/ No rotation is !ermitte" in t6is case/

55/ In case of non+a:ailabilit- of bot6 um!ires ca!tains of bot6 teams must inform t6e a!!ro!riate aut6orit- to make necessar- a"=ustments/ hh# Cons( tation bet/een (1pires All "is!utes s6all be "etermine" b- t6e um!ires/ T6e um!ires s6all consult wit6 eac6 ot6er w6ene:er necessar-/ ii# Signa s T6e followin5 co"e of si5nals s6all be use" b- t6e um!ires ==/ w6en t6e ball is in !lai/ .ea" ball 2 b- crossin5 an" re+crossin5 t6e wrists below t6e waist/ ii/ No ball 2 b- e@ten"in5 one arm 6ori9ontall- !arallel to t6e s6oul"er 6ei56t/ iii/ Out 2 b- raisin5 an in"e@ fin5er abo:e t6e 6ea"/ i:/ Fi"e ball 2 b- e@ten"in5 bot6 arms 6ori9ontall- !arallel to t6e s6oul"er 6ei56t/ kk/ F6en t6e ball is "ea"1 t6e si5nals abo:e1 wit6 t6e e@ce!tion of t6e si5nal for Out1 s6all be re!eate" to t6e scorers/ T6e si5nals liste" below s6all be ma"e to t6e scorers onl- w6en t6e ball is "ea"/

i/ Boun"ar- 2 b- wa:in5 an arm from si"e to si"e finis6in5 wit6 t6e arm across t6e c6est/ ii/ Boun"ar- B 2 b- raisin5 bot6 arms abo:e t6e 6ea"/ iii/ B-e 2 b- raisin5 an o!en 6an" abo:e t6e 6ea"/ i:/ ?i:e !enalt- runs awar"e" to t6e battin5 si"e 2 b- re!eate" ta!!in5 of one s6oul"er wit6 t6e o!!osite 6an"/ :/ ?i:e !enalt- runs awar"e" to t6e bowlin5 si"e 2 b- !lacin5 one 6an" on t6e o!!osite s6oul"er/ :i/ Le5 b-e 2 b- touc6in5 a raise" knee wit6 t6e 6an"/
Commen"ement o$ the last house and #eg byes (as there is no #B1) are not a((li"able to ennisball Cri"%et) 8owever $or leg byes a signal must be made by the um(ire to instru"t s"orer and (layers o$ a leg bye)

:ii/ New ball 2 b- 6ol"in5 t6e ball abo:e t6e 6ea" :iii/ Re:oke last si5nal 2 b- touc6in5 bot6 s6oul"ers eac6 wit6 o!!osite 6an"s/ i@/ S6ort run 2 b- ben"in5 one arm u!war"s an" touc6in5 t6e nearer s6oul"er wit6 t6e ti!s of t6e fin5ers/ @/ .eclare" runs 2 B- raisin5 t6e fin5ers e7ual to runs "eclare" abo:e 6ea" an" re!eate"l- ta!!in5 t6e wrist wit6 ot6er 6an"/ ll/ T6e um!ire s6all wait until eac6 si5nal to t6e scorers 6as been se!aratel- acknowle"5e" b- a scorer before allowin5 !la- to !rocee"/

11# Corre!tness o' s!ores Consultation between um!ires an" scorers on "oubtful !oints is essential/ T6e um!ires s6all satisf- t6emsel:es as to t6e correctness of t6e number of runs score"1 t6e wickets t6at 6a:e fallen an"1 w6ere a!!ro!riate1 t6e number of o:ers bowle"/ T6e- s6all consult wit6 t6e scorer e:er- , o:ers to "etermine t6e accurac- an" correctness of scores/ T6e um!ire at strikers en" ma- recor" t6e score after t6e ball is "ea" in brief format as "escribe" below# O:er# Nb(O Nb%OMNbnO P Total of t6e o:er F6ere1 b(1 b% are runs score" on ball (1 ball % etc/ of t6e o:er/

nn# 4ai (re to sho/ or ate If one or bot6 um!ireIsJ fail to s6ow u! for t6e matc6 oo. It must be re!orte" to t6e a!!ro!riate aut6orit- 2 C6a!ter Eames Committee an" t6e C6a!ter A!!eals Committee/

!!/ At t6e en" of t6e matc6 bot6 ca!tains must make a note of um!ire no+s6ow on t6e scorecar" on t6e !a!er as well as online in t6e comments section/ T6e- s6oul" in"icate t6e name of team an" name of um!ire in t6eir remarks/


!8e missed a mandatory team meeting and there$ore he sat out the $irst game) :ules are rules+5 Anonymous


0a/ 26 3 ayers
a# N(1ber o' p ayers A matc6 is !la-e" between two si"es1 eac6 of ele:en !la-ers1 one of w6om s6all be ca!tain/ T6ere s6oul" be at least ei56t !la-ers on a si"e to start t6e matc6/
he statement !By agreement a mat"h may be (layed between sides o$ more or less than eleven (layers, but not more than eleven (layers may $ield at any time)+ *n *CC #aw ,), is not a((li"able to mat"hes organi;ed by ennisball Cri"%et asso"iation)

b# No1ination o' p ayers Eac6 ca!tain s6all nominate 6is !la-ers in writin5 to one of t6e um!ires before t6e toss/ No !la-er ma- be c6an5e" after t6e nomination wit6out t6e consent of t6e o!!osin5 ca!tain/
*t is good idea to introdu"e (layers o$ both teams) his introdu"tion must be "arried out by the um(ires and "a(tains)


Captain d. T6e Ca!tain of a cricket team is a !la-er w6o1 "urin5 t6e course of a 5ame1 6as se:eral a""itional roles an" res!onsibilities o:er an" abo:e t6ose of a re5ular !la-er/ e/ Ca!tain is t6e in"i:i"ual w6o is 5oin5 to be in c6ar5e of t6e team "urin5 t6e course of t6e 5ame/ f. T6e Ca!tain can onl- be from t6e !la-in5 (( for t6at !articular 5ame t6at was submitte" to t6e um!ires !rior to t6e commencement of t6e 5ame/

g. Eac6 team will 6a:e to inform t6e um!ires !rior to t6e commencement of t6e 5ame as to w6o will be t6e Ca!tain re!resentin5 t6eir team for t6at !articular 5ame/ 6/ Non+!la-in5 Ca!tains will not be allowe"/ If at an- time t6e ca!tain is not a:ailable1 a "e!ut- s6all act for 6im/ a/ If a ca!tain is not a:ailable "urin5 t6e !erio" in w6ic6 t6e toss is to take !lace t6en t6e "e!ut- must be res!onsible for t6e nomination of !la-ers1 if t6is 6as not alrea"- been "one an" t6e toss/

b/ At an- time after t6e toss t6e "e!ut- must be one of t6e nominate" !la-ers/ %# Responsibi ities o' a !aptain T6e ca!tains are res!onsible at all times for ensurin5 t6at !la- is con"ucte" wit6in t6e s!irit an" tra"itions of t6e 5ame as well as wit6in t6e Laws/ See Areamble1 T6e S!irit of Cricket/


Substitutes an" runnersC batsman or fiel"er lea:in5 t6e fiel"C batsman retirin5C batsman commencin5 innin5s
< he substitutes are all on the ben"h, and that<s where they<ll start the mat"h)< 5BA::= 7A>*E?


0a/ 36 S(bstit(tes an% r(nners? bats1an or 'ie %er ea$ing the 'ie %? bats1an retiring? bats1an !o11en!ing innings
a# b/ S(bstit(tes an% r(nners If t6e um!ires are satisfie" t6at a !la-er 6as been in=ure" or becomes ill after t6e nomination of t6e !la-ers1 t6e- s6all allow t6at !la-er to 6a:eM i/ a substitute actin5 instea" of 6im in t6e fiel"/ ii/ a runner w6en battin5/
Any in@ury or illness that o""urs at any time a$ter the nomination o$ the (layers until the "on"lusion o$ the mat"h shall be allowable, irres(e"tive o$ whether (lay is in (rogress or not) *$ the um(ires are satis$ied that the (layer was in@ured (rior to being nominated the (layer shall not be allowed a substitute and runner and the (layer is advised not to (lay the game to avoid $urther aggravating in@ury)


T6e um!ires s6all 6a:e "iscretion1 for ot6er w6oll- acce!table reasons1 to allow a substitute for a fiel"er1 or a runner for a batsman1 at t6e start of t6e matc6 or at an- subse7uent time/ A !la-er wis6in5 to c6an5e 6is s6irt1 boots1 etc/ must lea:e t6e fiel" to "o so/ No substitute s6all be allowe" for 6im/


e# Ob,e!tion to the s(bstit(tes T6e o!!osin5 ca!tain s6all 6a:e no ri56t of ob=ection to an- !la-er actin5 as a substitute on t6e fiel"1 nor as to w6ere t6e substitute s6all fiel"/ Gowe:er1 no substitute s6all act as wicket+kee!er/ See > below/ '# Restri!tions on the ro e o' s(bstit(tes A substitute s6all not be allowe" eit6er to bat or bowl or to act as wicket+kee!er or as ca!tain on t6e fiel" of !la-/ g# A p ayer 'or /ho1 a s(bstit(te has a!te% A !la-er is allowe" to bat1 bowl or fiel" e:en t6ou56 a substitute 6as !re:iouslacte" for 6im/ h# 4ie %er absent or ea$ing the 'ie % If a fiel"er fails to take t6e fiel" wit6 6is si"e at t6e start of t6e matc6 or at an- later time1 or lea:es t6e fiel" "urin5 a session of !la-M i/ j. t6e um!ire s6all be informe" of t6e reason for 6is absence/ 6e s6all not t6ereafter come on to t6e fiel" "urin5 a session of !lawit6out t6e consent of t6e um!ire/ ?ee . below/ T6e um!ire s6all 5i:e suc6 consent as soon as is !racticable1 en" of an o:er or fall of a wicket w6ic6e:er is earlier/ if 6e is absent from t6e fiel" "urin5 t6e !la-1 6e s6all not be !ermitte" to bowl t6ereafter imme"iatel- on 6is return1 until 6eDs been on t6e fiel" for e7ual number of o:ers as 6eDs been off t6e 5roun"1 roun"e" to a com!lete o:er/ T6e restriction in IcJ abo:e s6all not a!!l- if t6e !la-er 6as suffere" an e@ternal blow Ias o!!ose" to an internal in=ur- suc6 as a !ulle" muscleJ w6ilst !artici!atin5 in t6e matc6 an" conse7uentl- been force" to lea:e t6e fiel"/ Nor s6all it a!!l- if t6e !la-er 6as been absent for :ere@ce!tional an" w6oll- acce!table reasons as "etermine" b- t6e um!ires Iot6er t6an in=ur- or illnessJ/ In t6e e:ent of a fiel"sman alrea"bein5 off t6e fiel" at t6e commencement or an interru!tion in !lat6rou56 5roun"1 weat6er or li56t con"itions or for ot6er e@ce!tional circumstances1 6e s6all be allowe" to count an- suc6 sto!!a5e time as !la-in5 time1 !ro:i"e" t6at 6e !ersonall- informs t6e um!ires w6en 6e is fit enou56 to take t6e fiel" 6a" !la- been in !ro5ress/ i/




his is a de(arture $rom "lassi"al *CC 2)&(") whi"h re3uires the $ielder to s(end e3ual amount o$ time on the $ield as he s(ent o$$ it be$ore allowing him to bowl) *n (b) the "lause !end o$ an over or $all o$ a wi"%et whi"hever is earlier+ has been added by CA on ensure "onsistent a((li"ation o$ the law)

1# 3 ayer ret(rning /itho(t per1ission If a !la-er comes on to t6e fiel" of !la- in contra:ention of ,IbJ abo:e an" comes into contact wit6 t6e ball w6ile it is in !la-1 n/ o/ t6e ball s6all imme"iatel- become "ea" an" t6e um!ire s6all awar" , !enalt- runs to t6e battin5 si"e/ T6e ball s6all not count as one of t6e o:er/ t6e um!ire s6all inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e1 t6e batsmen an"1 as soon as !racticable1 t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e of t6e reason for t6is action/ t6e um!ires to5et6er s6all re!ort t6e occurrence as soon as !ossible to t6e a!!ro!riate aut6orit- ITournament Committee or t6e Lea5ue CommitteeJ an" t6e 3m!irin5 an" A!!eals Committee res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" !la-er concerne"/


=# R(nner T6e !la-er actin5 as a runner for a batsman s6all be a member of t6e battin5 si"e an" s6all1 if !ossible1 6a:e alrea"- batte" in t6at innin5s/ T6e runner s6all wear e@ternal !rotecti:e e7ui!ment e7ui:alent to t6at worn b- t6e batsman for w6om 6e runs an" s6all carr- a bat/ T6e runner will stan" be6in" t6e crease w6en t6e !la-er 6e is runnin5 for is on strike/ T6e runner can onl- ste! outsi"e t6e crease once t6e striker 6as !la-e" a s6ot/ r# Transgression o' 0a/s by bats1an /ho has a r(nner s/ A batsmanKs runner is sub=ect to t6e Laws/ Ge will be re5ar"e" as a batsman e@ce!t w6ere t6ere are s!ecific !ro:isions for 6is role as a runner/ See * abo:e/ t/ A batsman wit6 a runner will suffer t6e !enalt- for an- infrin5ement of t6e Laws b- 6is runner as t6ou56 6e 6a" been 6imself res!onsible for t6e infrin5ement/ In !articular 6e will be out if 6is runner is out un"er an- of Laws >> IGan"le" t6e ballJ1 >* IObstructin5 t6e fiel"J or >) IRun outJ/ F6en a batsman wit6 a runner is striker 6e remains 6imself sub=ect to t6e Laws an" will be liable to t6e !enalties t6at an- infrin5ement of t6em "eman"s/ A""itionall-1 if 6e is out of 6is 5roun" w6en t6e wicket is !ut "own at t6e wicket+kee!erKs en"1 6e will be out in t6e circumstances of Run Out or Stum!e" irres!ecti:e of t6e !osition of t6e non+striker or of t6e runner/ If 6e is t6us "ismisse"1 runs com!lete" b- t6e runner an" t6e ot6er


batsman before t6e "ismissal s6all not be score"/ Gowe:er1 t6e !enaltfor a No ball or a Fi"e s6all stan"1 to5et6er wit6 an- !enalties to eit6er si"e t6at ma- be awar"e" w6en t6e ball is "ea"/ :/ F6en a batsman wit6 a runner is not t6e striker i/ 6e remains sub=ect to Laws of Gan"lin5 t6e ball an" Obstructin5 t6e fiel" but is ot6erwise out of t6e 5ame/ ii/ 6e s6all stan" w6ere "irecte" b- t6e strikerKs en" um!ire so as not to interfere wit6 !la-/ iii/ 6e will be liable1 notwit6stan"in5 IiJ abo:e1 to t6e !enalt"eman"e" b- t6e Laws s6oul" 6e commit an- act of unfair !la-/ w/ 6e will be liable1 notwit6stan"in5 IiJ abo:e1 to t6e !enalt- "eman"e" b- t6e Laws s6oul" 6e commit an- act of unfair !la-/

># Bats1an ea$ing the 'ie % or retiring A batsman ma- retire at an- time "urin5 6is innin5s/ T6e um!ires1 before allowin5 !la- to !rocee"1 s6all be informe" of t6e reason for a batsman retirin5/ -/ If a batsman retires because of illness1 in=ur- or an- ot6er una:oi"able cause1 6e is entitle" to resume 6is innin5s sub=ect to IcJ below/ If for anreason 6e "oes not "o so1 6is innin5s is to be recor"e" as KRetire" 2 not outK/ If a batsman retires for an- reason ot6er t6an as in IaJ abo:e1 6e maonl- resume 6is innin5s wit6 t6e consent of t6e o!!osin5 ca!tain/ If for anreason 6e "oes not resume 6is innin5s it is to be recor"e" as KRetire" 2 outK/


aa/ If after retirin5 a batsman resumes 6is innin5s1 it s6all be onl- at t6e fall of a wicket or t6e retirement of anot6er batsman/ bb# Co11en!e1ent o' bats1an@s innings E@ce!t at t6e start of a si"eKs innin5s1 a batsman s6all be consi"ere" to 6a:e commence" 6is innin5s w6en 6e first ste!s on to t6e fiel" of !la-1 !ro:i"e" Time 6as not been calle"/ T6e innin5s of t6e o!enin5 batsmen1 an" t6at of an- new batsman at t6e resum!tion of !la- after a call of Time1 s6all commence at t6e call of Ala-/



Eroun" an" E7ui!ment

0a/ 76 8ro(n% an% E=(ip1ent & Ba < Bat< Ai!"ets an% Other E=(ip1ent? 3it!h< gro(n% an% re ate% 1eas(re1ents an% !on%itions#
a# cc/ ""/ The ba Bot6 si"es must use t6e same make an" 7ualit- of ball/ A!!ro:al an" control of t6e ball i/ All balls to be use" in t6e matc61 6a:in5 been a!!ro:e" b- t6e um!ires an" ca!tains1 s6all be in t6e !ossession of t6e um!ires before t6e toss an" s6all remain un"er t6eir control t6rou56out t6e matc6/ ii/ T6e um!ire s6all take !ossession of t6e ball in use at t6e fall of eac6 wicket1 at t6e start of an- inter:al an" at an- interru!tion of !la-/
*CC law &(2) governs the a((roval o$ the ball)


New ball i/ If1 "urin5 !la-1 t6e ball cannot be foun" or reco:ere" or t6e um!ires a5ree t6at it 6as become unfit for !la- t6rou56 normal use1 t6e um!ires s6all re!lace it wit6 a bran" new ball imme"iatel- Ionl- if lostJ or at t6e en" of t6e o:er or fall of wicket w6ic6e:er is earlier/ F6en t6e ball is re!lace" t6e um!ires s6all inform t6e batsmen an" t6e fiel"in5 ca!tain/
*CC law &(&) and &(3) govern how and when new ball will be used)

b# a/

The bat Len5t6 an" wi"t6

T6e bat o:erall s6all not be more t6an >) inc6es or &B/,cm in len5t6/ T6e bla"e of t6e bat s6all be ma"e solel- of woo" an" s6all not e@cee" in or ('/)cm at t6e wi"est !art/ b/ Co:erin5 t6e bla"e T6e bla"e ma- be co:ere" wit6 material for !rotection1 stren5t6enin5 or re!air/ Suc6 material s6all not e@cee" inc6es or (/,B millimeter in t6ickness1 an" s6all not be likel- to cause unacce!table "ama5e to t6e ball/ c/ Gan" or 5lo:e to count as !art of t6e bat ii/ reference to t6e bat s6all im!l- t6at t6e bat is 6el" b- t6e batsman/ iii/ contact between t6e ball an" eit6er (/ t6e strikerKs 6an" 6ol"in5 t6e bat u! to t6e wrists or1 %/ an- !art of a 5lo:e worn on t6e strikerKs 6an" 6ol"in5 t6e bat s6all be re5ar"e" as t6e ball strikin5 or touc6in5 t6e bat1 or bein5 struck b- t6e bat/ !# "/ The /i!"ets Fi"t6 an" !itc6in5 Two sets of wickets s6all be !itc6e" o!!osite an" !arallel to eac6 ot6er at a "istance of %% -ar"s or %'/(%m between t6e centers of t6e two mi""le stum!s/ Eac6 set s6all be & inc6es or %%/)B centimeter wi"e an" s6all consist of t6ree woo"en stum!s wit6 two woo"en bails on to! e/ Si9e of t6e stum!s T6e to!s of t6e stum!s s6all be %) inc6es or *(/( centimeter abo:e t6e !la-in5 surface an" s6all be "ome s6a!e" e@ce!t for t6e bail 5roo:es/ T6e !ortion of a stum! abo:e t6e !la-in5 surface s6all be c-lin"rical1 a!art from t6e "ome" to!1 wit6 circular section of "iameter not less t6an ( inc6es or >/ & centimeter nor more t6an ( inc6 or >/)( centimeters/ f/ T6e bails i:/ Si9e s!ecifications


O:erall len5t6# inc6es or ('/&, centimeters Len5t6 of barrel# % inc6es or ,/ ' centimeters Lon5er s!i5ot# ( inc6es or >/ & centimeters S6orter s!i5ot# inc6es or %/'B centimeters :/ T6e bails1 w6en in !osition on t6e to! of t6e stum!s1 1. s6all not !ro=ect more t6an inc6es or (/%* centimeters abo:e t6em/ %/ s6all fit between t6e stum!s wit6out forcin5 t6em out of t6e :ertical/ :i/ If t6e bails are use" in a 5ame t6e- must be use" at bot6 en"s/ 3se of bails must be a:oi"e" un"er win"- con"itions/ :ii/ .is!ensin5 wit6 t6e bails T6e um!ires ma- a5ree to "is!ense wit6 t6e use of bails1 if necessar- an" if bails are in use1 notwit6stan"in5 iii abo:e/ If t6e- so a5ree t6en no bails s6all be use" at eit6er en"/ T6e use of bails s6all be resume" as soon as con"itions !ermit/
*CC #aw 8(3) de$ines rules $or usage o$ bails) he iii above is s(e"i$i" to ennisball "ri"%et)

g# 3rote!ti$e e=(ip1ent ?ollowin5 !rotecti:e e7ui!ment is !ermitte" to be use" in Tennisball cricket a/ b/ c/ "/ e/ h# i/ Battin5 5lo:es Eroin 5uar" Gelmet Ficket kee!in5 5lo:es 3!!er bo"- 5uar" The pit!h Area of !itc6 T6e !itc6 is a rectan5ular area of t6e 5roun" B feet in len5t6 an" ('ft in wi"t6/ It is boun"e" at eit6er en" b- t6e bowlin5 creases an" on eit6er si"e b- ima5inar- lines1 one on eac6 si"e of t6e ima5inar- line =oinin5 t6e centers of t6e two mi""le stum!s1 eac6 !arallel to it an" ,ft from it/

*CC law A(,) de$ines the (it"h as 22 yards or .. $eet)


?itness of t6e !itc6 T6ou56 t6e um!ires s6all be t6e final =u"5es of t6e fitness of t6e !itc6 for !la-1 before makin5 an- "ecision t6e- must communicate t6e con"ition of t6e !itc6 an" t6e 5roun" to t6e !ro!er aut6orit-/
he "lause !Bbe$ore ma%ing any de"ision they must "ommuni"ate the "ondition o$ the (it"h ground to the (ro(er authority)+ is s(e"i$i" to ennisball "ri"%et) *CC law & does not have any su"h "lause)


C6an5in5 t6e !itc6 T6e !itc6 s6all not be c6an5e" "urin5 t6e matc6 unless t6e um!ires "eci"e t6at it is unreasonable or "an5erous for !la- to continue on it an" wit6 t6e consent of bot6 ca!tains/ i/ T6e "ecision to c6an5e t6e !itc6 was ma"e must be communicate" :ia t6e score car" comment section/ ii/ T6e um!ires in consultation wit6 ca!tains must "etermine an" la- "own t6e boun"aries at t6e new 5roun" before t6e start of !la-/ iii/ Notwit6stan"in5 i an" ii abo:e1 if t6e ca!tains a5ree to continue on t6e same !itc6 t6e !la- s6all resume/


T6e creases A bowlin5 crease1 a !o!!in5 crease an" two return creases s6all be marke" in w6ite1 as set out in %1 > an" below1 at eac6 en" of t6e !itc6/ i/ T6e bowlin5 crease T6e bowlin5 crease1 w6ic6 is t6e back e"5e of t6e crease markin51 s6all be t6e line t6rou56 t6e centers of t6e t6ree stum!s at t6at en"/ It s6all be )ft ) in$%/B m in len5t61 wit6 t6e stum!s in t6e centre/ ii/ T6e !o!!in5 crease T6e !o!!in5 crease1 w6ic6 is t6e back e"5e of t6e crease markin51 s6all be in front of an" !arallel to t6e bowlin5 crease an" s6all be ft$(/%%m from it/ T6e !o!!in5 crease s6all be marke" to a minimum (, -ar"s or , feet on eit6er si"e of t6e


ima5inar- line =oinin5 t6e centers of t6e mi""le stum!s an" s6all be consi"ere" to be unlimite" in len5t6/ iii/ T6e return crease T6e return creases1 w6ic6 are t6e insi"e e"5es of t6e crease markin5s1 s6all be at ri56t an5les to t6e !o!!in5 crease at a "istance of ft inc6es or (/>% meters eit6er si"e of t6e ima5inarline =oinin5 t6e centers of t6e two mi""le stum!s/ Eac6 return crease s6all be marke" from t6e !o!!in5 crease to a minimum of )feet or %/ meters be6in" it an" s6all be consi"ere" to be unlimite" in len5t6/
*CC #aw / de$ines the dimensions o$ the "rease)


Bo(n%ary n. Si9e of t6e boun"ar- 2 ()' feet for Lea5ue C6am!ions6i!1 KO1 O!en Tournament1 Finter Lea5ue It6is a!!lies to Ba- Area C6a!ter onl-J o. !/ Si9e of t6e boun"ar- 2 (B, feet for ?loo" Li56t Tournament It6is a!!lies to Ba- Area C6a!ter onl-J Measurement of t6e boun"arT6e boun"aries s6oul" be measure" in s6a!e of letter ;.< wit6 wicket in center/ T6e ;.< s6oul" be "rawn from bot6 en"s w6ere wickets are !lace"/ Fickets at eac6 en" must be t6e center of ra"ius for bot6 6al:es/ 7/ .eclare" runs i. .eclare" runs will a!!l- only if ball is irretrie:able "ue to obstructions$obstacles on t6e 5roun"/ ii/ If t6e len5t6 of boun"ar- is s6orter t6an ( ' feet on an- si"e but free of an- obstacles$obstructions batsman 6a:e to run/ iii/ Bot6 IiJ an" IiiJ ma- be o:errule" b- a!!ro!riate 5o:ernin5 bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc6/ i:/ If suc6 rules were not "efine" t6e um!ires in consultation wit6 ca!tains of bot6 si"es s6all make t6is "etermination/ Also refer to ,IcJ/
he dimensions o$ "ri"%et boundary are de$ined as a minimum o$ .' yards and the (laying area to be ,4' yards in diameter) his is de$ined in *CC #aw ,/),), 67* (laying "onditions) he de"lared runs are not governed by *CC laws)

Innin5s an" Matc6
0a/ 96 Innings an% Mat!h
a# N(1ber o' innings b/ A matc6 s6all be one innin5s of eac6 si"e accor"in5 to a5reement reac6e" before t6e matc6/ c/ An innin5s will be limite" b- number of o:ers or b- a !erio" of time/ i/ An innin5s s6oul" not be less t6an (, o:ers/ ii/ An innin5s s6oul" not e@cee" %, o:ers/ iii/ IiJ an" IiiJ s6all not a!!l- in case of rain rule/ Eac6 team s6all bat t6e number of o:ers !rescribe" b- t6e aut6oritor5ani9in5 t6e matc6/ %# Start o' an innings T6e innin5s s6all start w6en t6e um!ire at bowlers en" calls Ala- an" t6e batsman at t6e strikers en" is rea"- to face first "eli:er-/ e# Co1p ete% innings A si"eKs innin5s is to be consi"ere" as com!lete" if a/ b/ c/ "/ e/ t6e si"e is all out1 or at t6e fall of a wicket1 furt6er balls remain to be bowle"1 but no furt6er batsman is a:ailable to come in1 or t6e ca!tain "eclares t6e innin5s close"1 or t6e !rescribe" number of o:ers 6as been bowle"1 or t6e !rescribe" time 6as e@!ire"


'# 0ate start o' innings TeamIsJ res!onsible for late start of innin5s s6all be !enali9e" b- re"uction in number of o:ers w6ic6 t6e- will face "urin5 t6eir battin5 accor"in5 to t6e followin5 table1 0ate start o' innings by 4a!tor )ti1e* (' minutes ('%' minutes %'+>' minutes >' Q minutes ( o:er % o:ers > o:ers walko:er

g# The toss T6e ca!tains s6all toss for t6e c6oice of innin5s on t6e fiel" of !la- not earlier t6an >' minutes nor later t6an (, minutes1 before t6e sc6e"ule" or an- resc6e"ule" time for t6e matc6 to start/ h# Be!ision to be noti'ie% T6e ca!tain of t6e si"e winnin5 t6e toss s6all notif- t6e o!!osin5 ca!tain of 6is "ecision to bat or to fiel"1 not later t6an (' minutes before t6e sc6e"ule" or anresc6e"ule" time for t6e matc6 to start/ Once notifie" t6e "ecision ma- not be altere"/
*CC law ,2 governs the innings) *t also de$ines innings to be two sided and related a((li"ations o$ the law whi"h are not a((li"able to ennisball Cri"%et)

i# Be aye% an% interr(pte% 1at!hes T6e ob=ect s6all alwa-s be to rearran5e t6e number of o:ers so t6at bot6 teams 6a:e t6e o!!ortunit- of battin5 for t6e same number of o:ers/ a/ A minimum (' o:ers 6a:e to be bowle" to t6e si"e battin5 secon" to constitute a matc6/ T6e calculation of t6e number of o:ers to be bowle" s6all be base" on an a:era5e rate of (( o:ers !er 6our in t6e total time a:ailable to !la-/ If a re"uction of t6e number of o:ers is re7uire"1 anrecalculation must not cause t6e matc6 to be resc6e"ule" to finis6 earlier t6an t6e ori5inal cessation time/ T6is time ma- be e@ten"e" to allow for one e@tra o:er for bot6 teams to be a""e" if re7uire"/ If t6e team fiel"in5 secon" fails to bowl t6e re7uire" number of o:ers b- t6e sc6e"ule" cessation time1 t6e 6ours of !la- s6all be e@ten"e" until t6e o:ers 6a:e been bowle" or a result ac6ie:e"/




T6e team battin5 secon" s6all not bat for a 5reater number of o:ers t6an t6e first team unless t6e latter 6as been all out in less t6an t6e a5ree" number of o:ers/

,# Be! aration an% 'or'eit(re o' innings A ca!tain ma- forfeit eit6er of 6is si"eKs innin5s/ A forfeite" innin5s s6all be consi"ere" as a com!lete" innin5s/ A ca!tain s6all notif- t6e o!!osin5 ca!tain an" t6e um!ires of 6is "ecision to forfeit an innin5s/ .eclaration of innin5s "oes not a!!l- to Tennisball cricket/ "# l/ 0ost ba ?iel"er to call Lost Ball A ball in !la- cannot be foun" or reco:ere"1 an- fiel"er ma- call Lost ball/ T6e ball s6all t6en become "ea"/ Law Batsman returnin5 to wicket to wicket 6e 6as left s6all a!!l- as from t6e instant of t6e call/ m/ Ball to be re!lace" T6e um!ires s6all re!lace t6e ball wit6 a new ball of t6e same 7ualit- an" make as t6e !re:ious ball before it was lost or became irreco:erable/ n/ Runs score" i/ T6e !enalt- for a No ball or a Fi"e1 if a!!licable1 s6all stan"1 to5et6er wit6 an- !enalties un"er eit6er of Laws BI,J I.eliberate s6ort runsJ or ?air an" unfair !la- t6at are a!!licable before t6e call of Lost ball/ ii/ T6e battin5 si"e s6all a""itionall- be awar"e" t6e runs com!lete" b- t6e batsmen1 to5et6er wit6 t6e run in !ro5ress if t6e- 6a:e crosse" at t6e instant of t6e call/
his is deviation $rom *CC rule 2'(3)(b) whi"h limits the runs s"ored o$$ lost ball to be those run by batsman or . runs whi"h ever is greater)


Gow score" If t6ere is a one run !enalt- for a No ball or for a Fi"e1 it s6all be score" as a No ball e@tra or as a Fi"e as a!!ro!riate/ If an- ot6er !enalties 6a:e been awar"e" to eit6er si"e1 t6e- s6all be score" as !enalt- e@tras/ Runs to t6e battin5 si"e in &IcJIiiJ abo:e s6all be cre"ite" to t6e striker if t6e ball 6as been struck b- t6e bat1 but ot6erwise to t6e total of B-es1 Le5 b-es1 No balls or Fi"es as t6e case ma- be/


p# Aa "o$er Falko:er s6all a!!l- a5ainst teamIsJ w6o is$are res!onsible for "ela-in5 t6e start of matc6 be-on" %' minutes of t6e sc6e"ule" time/ 7/ If t6e walko:er is a!!lie" to one team w6o is res!onsible for "ela- in start of t6e 5ame1 ot6er team s6oul" be "eclare" winners an" awar"e" full !oints/ If t6e walko:er rules is a!!lie" to bot6 teams since bot6 contribute" to t6e "ela- in start of t6e 5ame t6e matc6 s6oul" be "eclare" nullifie" an" recor"e" as not !la-e"/ No !oints s6all be awar"e" to an- team in t6is case/ 3m!ires s6all be t6e sole =u"5e to a!!l- an" awar" walko:er/



t# Inter$a s or ti1e T6e followin5 s6all be counte" as inter:als or time ItimeoutsJ u/ :/ T6e !erio" between close of an innin5 an" t6e start of t6e ne@t 2 not to e@cee" (, minutes/ Inter:als for "rinks 2 not to e@cee" (' minutes an" s6oul" be taken 6alfwa- between t6e innin5s/ Inter:al for "rinks ma- not be taken after > of t6e o:ers remainin5 in t6e 5ame/ Bot6 ca!tains ma- a5ree to fore5o t6e "rinks inter:al/ An- ot6er a5ree" inter:al wit6 t6e consent of t6e um!ires Inter:al w6en & wickets are "own 2 Inter:al s6all not be taken if & wickets are "own an" less t6an , o:ers remain to be bowle"/

w/ @/

All t6ese inter:als s6all be consi"ere" as sc6e"ule" breaks for t6e !ur!oses of Law >/,/ y# Ca o' p ay T6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" s6all call Ala- at t6e start of t6e matc6 an" on t6e resum!tion of !la- after an- inter:al or interru!tion/ 5# Ca o' ti1e T6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" s6all call Time on t6e cessation of !la- before aninter:al or interru!tion of !la- an" at t6e conclusion of t6e matc6/ aa# Starting an o$er Anot6er o:er s6all alwa-s be starte" at an- time "urin5 t6e matc61 unless an inter:al is to be taken in t6e circumstances set out in (' abo:e1 if t6e um!ire1 after walkin5 at 6is normal !ace1 6as arri:e" at 6is !osition be6in" t6e stum!s at t6e

bowlerKs en" before t6e time a5ree" for t6e ne@t inter:al1 or for t6e close of !la-1 6as been reac6e"/ bb# Co1p etion o' an o$er Ot6er t6an at t6e en" of t6e matc61 cc/ if t6e a5ree" time for an inter:al is reac6e" "urin5 an o:er1 t6e o:er s6all be com!lete" before t6e inter:al is taken e@ce!t as !ro:i"e" for in IbJ below/ ""/ w6en less t6an > o:ers remain before t6e inter:al1 t6e inter:al will be taken imme"iatel- if eit6er i/ a batsman is out or retires1 or ii/ t6e !la-ers 6a:e occasion1 un"er e@ce!tional circumstance1 to lea:e t6e fiel" w6et6er t6is occurs "urin5 an o:er or at t6e en" of an o:er1 un"er normal circumstances/ E@ce!t at t6e en" of an innin5s1 if an o:er is t6us interru!te" it s6all be com!lete" on resum!tion of !la-/ ee# Con! (sion o' the 1at!h T6e matc6 is conclu"e"1 ff/ as soon as a result1 as "efine" in sections (1 %1 > or resultJ1 are reac6e"/ as soon as bot6 i/ t6e minimum number of o:ers 6a:e com!lete"1 or ii/ t6e a5ree" time for close of !la- is reac6e" unless a result 6as been reac6e" earlier/ 66/ if1 wit6out t6e matc6 bein5 conclu"e" eit6er as in IaJ or in IbJ abo:e1 t6e !la-ers lea:e t6e fiel"1 eit6er for a":erse con"itions of 5roun"1 weat6er or li56t1 or in e@ce!tional circumstances1 an" no furt6er !la- is !ossible t6ereafter/ if1 t6e um!ires "eci"e to sus!en" !la- an" not to resume it "ue to safet- an" securit- concerns "ue to :iolence b- s!ectators or !la-ers/ T6is con"ition must be imme"iatel- re!orte" b- t6e um!ires to t6e 3m!irin5 an" A!!eals Committee/ of Law %( IT6e




,,# S!orers Battin5 si"e is res!onsible to a!!oint scorers/ T6e scorers must be familiar wit6 Tennisball Cricket scorin5 con:entions1 consult wit6 um!ires if in "oubt/ kk/ ll/ T6e scorers must !erio"icall- c6eck t6e correctness of t6eir scores T6e scorers must tall- t6e score at t6e en" of innin5s an" at t6e en" of t6e matc6 an" fill out all columns in t6e score car"/

mm/ T6e scorers s6all acce!t all instructions an" si5nals 5i:en to t6em bt6e um!ires/ T6e- s6all imme"iatel- acknowle"5e eac6 se!arate si5nal/
*CC law 4 re3uires two inde(endent s"orers to re"ord and tally the s"ores at regular intervals)

nn# A /in T6e si"e w6ic6 6as score" in its one innin5s a total of runs in e@cess of t6at score" bt6e o!!osin5 si"e in its one com!lete" innin5s s6all win t6e matc6/ A result can be ac6ie:e" onl- if bot6 teams 6a:e 6a" t6e o!!ortunit- of battin5 for minimum !rescribe" o:ers1 unless one team 6as been all out in less t6an t6e !rescribe" 7uota of o:ers or unless t6e team battin5 secon" scores enou56 runs to win in less t6an minimum !rescribe" o:ers/ T6e minimum !rescribe" 7uota is issue" b- t6e matc6 5o:ernin5 bo"-/ oo# A tie T6e result of a matc6 s6all be a Tie w6en t6e scores are e7ual at t6e conclusion of !la-1 but onl- if t6e si"e battin5 last 6as com!lete" its innin5s/ If t6e scores are e7ual1 t6e result s6all be a tie an" no account s6all be taken of t6e number of wickets w6ic6 6a:e fallen1 e@ce!t in circumstances w6ere "efine" ot6erwise b- t6e matc6 5o:ernin5 bo"-/ pp# 77/ U1pires a/ar%ing the 1at!h A matc6 s6all be lost b- a si"e w6ic6 eit6er1 i/ conce"es "efeat1 or ii/ in t6e o!inion of t6e um!ires refuses to !la- an" t6e um!ires s6all awar" t6e matc6 to t6e ot6er si"e/ rr/ If an um!ire consi"ers t6at an action b- an- !la-er or !la-ers mi56t constitute a refusal b- eit6er si"e to !la- t6en t6e um!ires to5et6er s6all ascertain t6e cause of t6e action/ If t6e- t6en "eci"e to5et6er t6at t6is action "oes constitute a refusal to !la- b- one si"e1 t6e- s6all so inform t6e ca!tain of t6at si"e/ If t6e ca!tain !ersists in t6e action t6e um!ires s6all awar" t6e matc6 in accor"ance wit6 IaJIiiJ abo:e/



If action as in IbJ abo:e takes !lace after !la- 6as starte" an" "oes not constitute a refusal to !lai/ !la-in5 time lost s6all be counte" from t6e start of t6e action until !la- recommences1 sub=ect to Law C6an5in5 a5ree" times of inter:als/ ii/ t6e time for close of !la- on t6at "a- s6all be e@ten"e" b- t6is len5t6 of time1 sub=ect to Law sus!ension of !la- for a":erse con"itions of 5roun"1 weat6er or li56t/ iii/ if a!!licable1 no o:ers s6all be "e"ucte" "urin5 t6e last 6our of t6e matc6 solel- on account of t6is time/


Ainning hits or e>tras uu/ As soon as a result is reac6e"1 as "efine" abo:e1 t6e matc6 is at an en"/ Not6in5 t6at 6a!!ens t6ereafter1 e@ce!t as in Law Aenalt- runs1 s6all be re5ar"e" as !art of it/ ::/ T6e si"e battin5 last will 6a:e score" enou56 runs to win onl- if its total of runs is sufficient wit6out inclu"in5 an- runs com!lete" before t6e "ismissal of t6e striker b- t6e com!letion of a catc6 or b- t6e obstruction of a catc6/

ww/ If a boun"ar- is score" before t6e batsmen 6a:e com!lete" sufficient runs to win t6e matc61 t6en t6e w6ole of t6e boun"ar- allowance s6all be cre"ite" to t6e si"eKs total an"1 in t6e case of a 6it b- t6e bat1 to t6e strikerKs score/ >># State1ent o' res( ts If t6e si"e battin5 last wins t6e matc6 wit6out losin5 all its wickets1 t6e result s6all be state" as a win b- t6e number of wickets still t6en to fall/ If t6e si"e battin5 last 6as lost all its wickets but1 as t6e result of an awar" of , !enalt- runs at t6e en" of t6e matc61 6as score" a total of runs in e@cess of t6e total score" b- t6e o!!osin5 si"e1 t6e result s6all be state" as a win to t6at si"e b- Aenalt- runs/ If t6e si"e fiel"in5 last wins t6e matc61 t6e result s6all be state" as a win b- runs/ If t6e matc6 is "eci"e" b- one si"e conce"in5 "efeat or refusin5 to !la-1 t6e result s6all be state" as Matc6 Conce"e" or Matc6 Awar"e" as t6e case ma- be/ yy# Corre!tness o' res( ts An- "ecision as to t6e correctness of t6e scores s6all be t6e res!onsibilit- of t6e um!ires/ 3m!ires must make sure make sure t6at scores are entere" in !ro!er waat t6e en" of t6e matc6 an" si5n+off t6e score car"s/ 3m!ires ma- c6oose to "ele5ate t6e announcement of t6e matc6 result in cases of e@treme incorrectness


of score car"s/ In suc6 e:ents one um!ire must take t6e score car" wit6 6im an" refer it to statistician an" 5o:ernin5 bo"- for furt6er action/ 55# Res( ts not to be !hange% Once t6e um!ires 6a:e a5ree" wit6 t6e scorers t6e correctness of t6e scores at t6e conclusion of t6e matc6 2 see %% abo:e an" /% ICorrectness of scoresJ 2 t6e result cannot t6ereafter be c6an5e"/


Scorin5 Runs
0a/ :6 S!oring r(ns
a# A r(n T6e score s6all be reckone" b- runs/ A run is score" b/ c/ "/ e/ so often as t6e batsmen1 at an- time w6ile t6e ball is in !la-1 6a:e crosse" an" ma"e 5oo" t6eir 5roun" from en" to en"/ w6en a boun"ar- is score"/ w6en !enalt- runs are awar"e"/ w6en Lost ball is calle"/

'# R(ns %isa o/e% Notwit6stan"in5 ( abo:e1 or an- ot6er !ro:isions elsew6ere in t6e Laws1 t6e scorin5 of runs or awar"in5 of !enalties will be sub=ect to an- "isallowance of runs !ro:i"e" for wit6in t6e Laws t6at ma- be a!!licable/ g# 6/ Short r(ns A run is s6ort if a batsman fails to make 5oo" 6is 5roun" on turnin5 for a furt6er run/



Alt6ou56 a s6ort run s6ortens t6e succee"in5 one1 t6e latter if com!lete" s6all not be re5ar"e" as s6ort/ A striker takin5 stance in front of 6is !o!!in5 crease ma- run from t6at !oint also wit6out !enalt-/

,# Unintentiona short r(n E@ce!t in t6e circumstances of , below1 k/ if eit6er batsman runs a s6ort run1 unless a boun"ar- is score" t6e um!ire concerne" s6all call an" si5nal S6ort run as soon as t6e ball becomes "ea" an" t6at run s6all not be score"/ if1 after eit6er or bot6 batsmen run s6ort1 a boun"ar- is score"1 t6e um!ire concerne" s6all "isre5ar" t6e s6ort runnin5 an" s6all not call or si5nal S6ort run/ if bot6 batsmen run s6ort in one an" t6e same run1 t6is s6all be re5ar"e" as onl- one s6ort run/ if more t6an one run is s6ort t6en1 sub=ect to IbJ an" IcJ abo:e1 all runs so calle" s6all not be score"/ If t6ere 6as been more t6an one s6ort run t6e um!ire s6all inform t6e scorers as to t6e number of runs score"/


m/ n/


Be iberate short r(n p. Not wit6stan"in5 abo:e1 if eit6er um!ire consi"ers t6at eit6er or bot6 batsmen "eliberatel- run s6ort at 6is en"1 t6e followin5 !roce"ure s6all be a"o!te"/ i/ T6e um!ire concerne" s6all1 w6en t6e ball is "ea"1 warn t6e batsmen t6at t6e !ractice is unfair1 in"icate t6at t6is is a first an" final warnin5 an" inform t6e ot6er um!ire of w6at 6as occurre"/ T6is warnin5 s6all continue to a!!l- t6rou56out t6e innin5s/ T6e um!ire s6all so inform eac6 incomin5 batsman/ ii/ T6e batsmen s6all return to t6eir ori5inal en"s/ iii/ F6et6er a batsman is "ismisse" or not1 t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" s6all "isallow all runs to t6e battin5 si"e from t6at "eli:er- ot6er t6an t6e !enalt- for a No ball or Fi"e1 or !enalties un"er Laws of .eliberate "istraction or obstruction of batsman an" ?iel"ers "ama5in5 t6e !itc61 if a!!licable/ i:/ T6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" s6all inform t6e scorers as to t6e number of runs score"/ 7/ If t6ere is an- furt6er instance of "eliberate s6ort runnin5 b- anbatsman in t6at innin5s1 w6en t6e ball is "ea" t6e um!ire concerne" s6all

inform t6e ot6er um!ire of w6at 6as occurre" an" t6e !roce"ure set out in IaJ IiiJ an" IiiiJ abo:e s6all be re!eate"/ A""itionall-1 t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" s6all i/ awar" , !enalt- runs to t6e fiel"in5 si"e/ ii/ inform t6e scorers as to t6e number of runs score"/ iii/ inform t6e batsmen1 t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an"1 as soon as !racticable1 t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e of t6e reason for t6is action/ i:/ re!ort t6e occurrence1 wit6 t6e ot6er um!ire an" to t6e Eo:ernin5 Bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" !la-er or !la-ers concerne"/ r# R(ns s!ore% 'or pena ties Runs s6all be score" for !enalties un"er , abo:e an" Laws Ala-er returnin5 wit6out !ermission1 No ball1 Fi"e ball1 ?iel"in5 t6e ball1 Arotecti:e 6elmets belon5in5 to t6e fiel"in5 si"e an" ?air an" unfair !la-/ s# R(ns s!ore% 'or bo(n%aries Runs s6all be score" for boun"ar- allowances un"er Law 2 Boun"aries/ t# R(ns s!ore% 'or ost ba Runs s6all be score" w6en Lost ball is calle" un"er Law ,I&J/ (# Bats1an %is1isse% F6en eit6er batsman is "ismisse" :/ w/ an- !enalties to eit6er si"e t6at ma- be a!!licable s6all stan" but no ot6er runs s6all be score"1 e@ce!t as state" in (' below/ (%IaJ below will a!!l- if t6e met6o" of "ismissal is Cau56t1 Gan"le" t6e ball or Obstructin5 t6e fiel"/ (%IaJ will also a!!l- if a batsman is Run out1 e@ce!t in t6e circumstances of Law 2 Trans5ression of t6e Laws b- a batsman w6o 6as a runner w6ere (%IbJ below will a!!l-/ t6e not out batsman s6all return to 6is ori5inal en" e@ce!t as state" in IbJ abo:e/


y# R(ns s!ore% /hen a bats1an is %is1isse% In a""ition to an- !enalties to eit6er si"e t6at ma- be a!!licable1 if a batsman is



"ismisse" Gan"le" t6e ball1 t6e battin5 si"e s6all score t6e runs com!lete" before t6e offence/

aa/ "ismisse" Obstructin5 t6e fiel"1 t6e battin5 si"e s6all score t6e runs com!lete" before t6e offence/ If1 6owe:er1 t6e obstruction !re:ents a catc6 from bein5 ma"e1 no runs ot6er t6an !enalties s6all be score"/ bb/ "ismisse" Run out1 t6e battin5 si"e s6all score t6e runs com!lete" before t6e "ismissal/ If1 6owe:er1 a striker wit6 a runner is 6imself "ismisse" Run out1 no runs ot6er 6an !enalties s6all be score"/ !!# R(ns s!ore% /hen the ba be!o1es %ea% ""/ F6en t6e ball becomes "ea" on t6e fall of a wicket1 runs s6all be score" as lai" "own in & an" (' abo:e/ ee/ F6en t6e ball becomes "ea" for an- reason ot6er t6an t6e fall of a wicket1 or is calle" "ea" b- an um!ire1 unless t6ere is s!ecific !ro:ision ot6erwise in t6e Laws1 t6e battin5 si"e s6all be cre"ite" wit6 i/ all runs com!lete" b- t6e batsmen before t6e inci"ent or call an" ii/ t6e run in !ro5ress if t6e batsmen 6a:e crosse" at t6e instant of t6e inci"ent or call/ Note s!ecificall-1 6owe:er1 t6e !ro:isions of Laws Runs !ermitte" from ball lawfull- struck more t6an once an" .eliberate "istraction or obstruction of batsman an"1 iii/ an- !enalties t6at are a!!licable/ ''# Bats1an ret(rning to /i!"et he has e't 55/ If1 w6ile t6e ball is in !la-1 t6e batsmen 6a:e crosse" in runnin51 neit6er s6all return to t6e wicket 6e 6as left1 e@ce!t as in IbJ below/ 66/ T6e batsmen s6all return to t6e wickets t6e- ori5inall- left in t6e cases of1 an" onl- in t6e cases of i/ a boun"ar-C ii/ "isallowance of runs for an- reasonC iii/ t6e "ismissal of a batsman1 e@ce!t as in &IbJ abo:e/ ii# Be! are% r(ns If t6e um!ires si5nals "eclare" runs


==/ kk.

t6e ball s6all become "ea" imme"iatel- u!on t6e call to "eclare" run b- t6e um!ire/ t6e runs1 e@ce!t !enalties1 s6all be cre"ite" to t6e striker an" t6e bowler as n7) ?or e@am!le if % "eclare" runs a!!l- t6e- s6all be written as %. in column for batsmanDs score/ t6e !enalties s6all be score" in a!!ro!riate column 2 No ball1 wi"e ball etc/


mm/ if ball is lost on a "eclare" boun"ar-1 notwit6stan"in5 !ro:ision in Law BI&J Lost ball onl- "eclare" runs s6all a!!l-/


T6e o:er
0a/ ;6 The o$er
a# N(1ber o' ba s An o:er will consist of B balls/ b# Start o' an o$er An o:er 6as starte" w6en t6e bowler starts 6is run u! or1 if 6e 6as no run u!1 6is "eli:er- action for t6e first "eli:er- of t6at o:er/ Ge is 5i:en out b- an um!ire on a!!eal !# Ca o' an o$er F6en B balls 6a:e been bowle" ot6er t6an t6ose w6ic6 are not to count in t6e o:er an" as t6e ball becomes "ea" t6e um!ire s6all call O:er before lea:in5 t6e wicket/ %# Ba s not to !o(nt in the o$er e/ ball s6all not count as one of t6e B balls of t6e o:er unless it is "eli:ere"1 e:en t6ou56 a batsman ma- be "ismisse" or some ot6er inci"ent occurs before t6e ball is "eli:ere" f/ A ball w6ic6 is "eli:ere" b- t6e bowler s6all not count as one of t6e B balls of t6e o:er i/ if it is calle" "ea"1 or is to be consi"ere" "ea"1 before t6e striker 6as 6a" an o!!ortunit- to !la- it ii/ if it is a No ball iii/ if it is a Fi"e i:/ if it is calle" "ea" ball :/ w6en , !enalt- runs are awar"e" to t6e battin5 si"e un"er anof Laws Ala-er returnin5 wit6out !ermission1 ?iel"in5 t6e ball1


.eliberate attem!t to "istract striker or .eliberate "istraction or obstruction of batsman/


0a/ C6 Appea s
a# U1pire not to gi$e bats1an o(t /itho(t appea Neit6er um!ire s6all 5i:e a batsman out1 e:en t6ou56 6e ma- be out un"er t6e Laws1 unless a!!eale" to b- t6e fiel"in5 si"e/ T6is s6all not "ebar a batsman w6o is out un"er an- of t6e Laws from lea:in5 6is wicket wit6out an a!!eal 6a:in5 been ma"e/ Note 6owe:er t6e !ro:isions of * below/ b# Bats1an %is1isse% A batsman is "ismisse" if1 eit6er1 c/ "/ 6e is 5i:en out b- an um!ire1 on a!!eal 6e is out un"er an- of t6e Laws an" lea:es 6is wicket as in ( abo:e/

e# Ti1ing o' appea s ?or an a!!eal to be :ali" it must be ma"e before t6e bowler be5ins 6is run u! or1 if 6e 6as no run u!1 6is bowlin5 action to "eli:er t6e ne@t ball1 an" before Time 6as been calle"/ T6e call of O:er "oes not in:ali"ate an a!!eal ma"e !rior to t6e start of t6e followin5 o:er !ro:i"e" Time 6as not been calle"/ '# Appea D+o/@s thatE An a!!eal RGowKs T6atSR co:ers all wa-s of bein5 out/ g# Ans/ering appea s T6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" s6all answer all a!!eals e@ce!t t6ose arisin5 out of an- of Git wicket1 Stum!e" or Run out w6en t6is occurs at t6e strikerKs wicket/ A "ecision Not out b- one um!ire s6all not !re:ent t6e ot6er um!ire from 5i:in5 a "ecision1 !ro:i"e" t6at eac6 is consi"erin5 onl- matters wit6in 6is =uris"iction/ F6en a batsman 6as been 5i:en Not out1 eit6er um!ire ma-1 wit6in 6is =uris"iction1 answer a furt6er a!!eal !ro:i"e" t6at it is ma"e in accor"ance wit6 > abo:e/

h# Cons( tation by (1pires Eac6 um!ire s6all answer a!!eals on matters wit6in 6is own =uris"iction/ If an um!ire is "oubtful about an- !oint t6at t6e ot6er um!ire ma- 6a:e been in a better !osition to see1 6e s6all consult t6e latter on t6is !oint of fact an" s6all t6en 5i:e 6is "ecision/ If1 after consultation1 t6ere is still "oubt remainin5 t6e "ecision s6all be Not out/ i# Bats1an ea$ing the /i!"et (n%er 1isapprehension An um!ire s6all inter:ene if satisfie" t6at a batsman1 not 6a:in5 been 5i:en out1 6as left 6is wicket un"er a misa!!re6ension t6at 6e is out/ T6e um!ire inter:enin5 s6all call an" si5nal .ea" ball to !re:ent an- furt6er action b- t6e fiel"in5 si"e an" s6all recall t6e batsman/ ,# Aith%ra/a o' an appea T6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e ma- wit6"raw an a!!eal onl- wit6 t6e consent of t6e um!ire wit6in w6ose =uris"iction t6e a!!eal falls an" before t6e out5oin5 batsman 6as left t6e fiel" of !la-/ If suc6 consent is 5i:en t6e um!ire concerne" s6all1 if a!!licable1 re:oke 6is "ecision an" recall t6e batsman/ "# U1pires %e!ision An um!ire ma- alter 6is "ecision !ro:i"e" t6at suc6 alteration is ma"e !rom!tl-/ T6is a!art1 an um!ireKs "ecision1 once ma"e1 is final/ E>!essi$e appea s by 'ie %ing si%e If in o!inion of an um!ire t6e fiel"in5 si"e is a!!ealin5 e@cessi:el- 6e s6all issue a warnin5 to t6e fiel"in5 si"e ca!tain/ If t6e e@cessi:e a!!eals continue um!ires s6all make a written a"=u"ication to 3m!irin5 an" A!!eals Committee in"icatin5 t6e "etails/ T6e 3AC will =u"5e t6e matter an" le:- a!!ro!riate an" necessar!enalties as ma- a!!l-/

1# Appea s by batting si%e or the bats1an 'or no ba or the /i%e ba T6e battin5 si"e or t6e batsmen on t6e 5roun" "o not 6a:e ri56ts to a!!eal for a wi"e or no ball/ If t6e batsman is makin5 e@cessi:e a!!eals um!ire ma- instruct t6e scorer to awar" , !enalt- runs to t6e fiel"in5 si"e/ T6e um!ire must also re!ort it to t6e 3m!irin5 an" A!!eals Committee in"icatin5 t6e "etails/ T6e 3AC ma- take furt6er a!!ro!riate action if necessar-/ n# A''e!ting ,(%g1ent o' (1pires Aartici!ants ma- not 5i:e um!ire automatic or e@!licit su55estions about t6e "ecision 6e will make or 6as !re:iousl- ma"e or to influence 6is "ecision in a manner in "irect contrast wit6 t6e ?(rit o$ the game/ T6e um!ires ma- consult wit6 a!!ro!riate !erson on t6e 5roun"1 if t6e- t6ink necessar-/ T6e um!ire must also re!ort it to t6e 3m!irin5 an" A!!eals Committee in"icatin5 t6e "etails/ T6e 3AC ma- take furt6er a!!ro!riate action if necessar-/


he laws 8(,'), 8(,,) and 8(,2) are ennisball Cri"%et s(e"i$i" rules) *CC laws give su"h (owers to the mat"h re$eree, on re(ort o$ the um(ires or his general observation o$ the game) CA (rovides su$$i"ient (ower to the um(ires to de"ide on the matter i$ they deem ne"essary that su"h ste(s are re3uired $or the smooth (rogress o$ the game)


0a/ 96 No-Ba
a# Mo%e o' %e i$ery b/ T6e um!ire s6all ascertain w6et6er t6e bowler inten"s to bowl ri56t 6an"e" or left 6an"e"1 o:er or roun" t6e wicket1 an" s6all so inform t6e striker/ It is unfair if t6e bowler fails to notif- t6e um!ire of a c6an5e in 6is mo"e of "eli:er-/ In t6is case t6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal No ball/ c. T6e bowler ma- not "eli:er t6e ball un"erarm/ If a bowler bowls a ball un"erarm t6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal no ball1 an" t6e ball is to be re+ bowle" o:er arm/
A (o(ular mis"on"e(tion is about ,(b) that bowler in$orms the um(ire when he starts a $resh over or "ontinues a$ter a brea%) 8owever, the rule "learly de$ines that um(ire must as"ertain the side and arm o$ the bowler, e4"e(t in middle o$ an over when bowler has to in$orm the um(ire o$ the "hange)


%# 4air %e i$ery & the ar1 ?or a "eli:er- to be fair in res!ect of t6e arm t6e ball must not be t6rown/ See > below/ Alt6ou56 it is t6e !rimar- res!onsibilit- of t6e strikerKs en" um!ire to ensure t6e fairness of a "eli:er- in t6is res!ect1 t6ere is not6in5 in t6is Law to "ebar t6e bowlerKs en" um!ire from callin5 an" si5nalin5 No ball if 6e consi"ers t6at t6e ball 6as been t6rown/ e/ If1 in t6e o!inion of eit6er um!ire1 t6e ball 6as been t6rown1 6e s6all i/ call an" si5nal No ball/ ii/ caution t6e bowler1 w6en t6e ball is "ea"/ T6is caution s6all a!!l- t6rou56out t6e innin5s/ iii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e batsmen at t6e wicket1 t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an"1 as soon as !racticable1 t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e of w6at 6as occurre"/


If eit6er um!ire consi"ers t6at after suc6 caution a furt6er "eli:er- bt6e same bowler in t6at innin5s is t6rown1 t6e um!ire concerne" s6all re!eat t6e !roce"ure set out in IaJ abo:e1 in"icatin5 to t6e bowler t6at t6is is a final warnin5/ T6is warnin5 s6all also a!!l- t6rou56out t6e innin5s/ If eit6er um!ire consi"ers t6at a furt6er "eli:er- b- t6e same bowler in t6at innin5s is t6rown1 i/ t6e um!ire concerne" s6all call an" si5nal No ball/ F6en t6e ball is "ea" 6e s6all inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e batsmen at t6e wicket an"1 as soon as !racticable1 t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e of w6at 6as occurre"/ ii/ t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" s6all "irect t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e to take t6e bowler off fort6wit6/ T6e o:er s6all be com!lete" b- anot6er bowler1 w6o s6all neit6er 6a:e bowle" t6e !re:ious o:er nor be allowe" to bowl t6e ne@t o:er/ T6e bowler t6us taken off s6all not bowl a5ain in t6at innin5s/ iii/ t6e um!ires to5et6er s6all re!ort t6e occurrence as soon as !ossible to t6e 3m!irin5 an" A!!eals Committee an" anEo:ernin5 Bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" bowler concerne"/


h# Be'inition o' %e i$ery & the ar1 A ball is fairl- "eli:ere" in res!ect of t6e arm if1 once t6e bowlerKs arm 6as reac6e" t6e le:el of t6e s6oul"er in t6e "eli:er- swin51 t6e elbow =oint is not strai56tene" !artiall- or com!letel- from t6at !oint until t6e ball 6as left t6e 6an"/ T6is "efinition s6all not "ebar a bowler from fle@in5 or rotatin5 t6e wrist in t6e "eli:er- swin5/
he law "learly states the elbow @oint and it also states that use o$ wrist is valid) Cm(ires are urged "aution here to "are$ully wat"h and evaluate the a"tion be$ore "alling and signaling a Do ball)

i# Bo/ er thro/ing to/ar%s stri"ers en% be'ore %e i$ery If t6e bowler t6rows t6e ball towar"s t6e strikerKs en" before enterin5 6is "eli:erstri"e1 eit6er um!ire s6all call an" si5nal No ball/ Gowe:er1 t6e !roce"ure state" in % abo:e of caution1 informin51 final warnin51 action a5ainst t6e bowler an" re!ortin5 s6all not a!!l-/ See law batsman stealin5 run/ ,# 4air %e i$ery & the 'eet ?or a "eli:er- to be fair in res!ect of t6e feet1 in t6e "eli:er- stri"e k/ t6e bowlerKs back foot must lan" wit6in an" not touc6in5 t6e return crease/


t6e bowlerKs front foot must lan" wit6 some !art of t6e foot1 w6et6er 5roun"e" or raise"1 be6in" t6e !o!!in5 crease/ If t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" is not satisfie" t6at bot6 t6ese con"itions 6a:e been met1 6e s6all call an" si5nal No ball/

1# Ba bo(n!ing 1ore than t/i!e or ro ing a ong the gro(n% T6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" s6all call an" si5nal No ball if a ball w6ic6 6e consi"ers to 6a:e been "eli:ere"1 wit6out 6a:in5 !re:iousl- touc6e" t6e bat or !erson of t6e striker1 eit6er n/ o/ bounces more t6an twice before reac6in5 t6e striker rolls alon5 t6e 5roun" before it reac6es t6e !o!!in5 crease/

p# Ba !o1ing to rest in 'ront o' the stri"ers /i!"et If a ball "eli:ere" b- t6e bowler comes to rest in front of t6e line of t6e strikerKs wicket1 wit6out 6a:in5 touc6e" t6e bat or !erson of t6e striker1 t6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal No ball an" imme"iatel- call an" si5nal .ea" ball/ =# Ca o' No ba 'or in'ringe1ent o' other a/s In a""ition to t6e instances abo:e1 an um!ire s6all call an" si5nal No ball as re7uire" b- t6e followin5 Laws/ r/ s/ t/ u/ :/ w/

Aosition of wicket kee!er Limitation on si"e fiel"ers ?iel"ers not to encroac6 on t6e !itc6 .an5erous an" unfair bowlin5 .an5erous an" unfair bowlin5 2 action b- t6e um!ire .eliberate bowlin5 of 6i56 full+!itc6e" balls

Re$o"ing a !a o' No ba An um!ire s6all re:oke t6e call of No ball if t6e ball "oes not lea:e t6e bowlerKs 6an" for an- reason/ y# No ba to o$erri%e /i%e ba A call of No ball s6all o:er+ri"e t6e call of Fi"e ball at an- time/ 5# Ba not %ea% T6e ball "oes not become "ea" on t6e call of No ball/



3ena ty 'or a No ba A !enalt- of one run s6all be awar"e" instantl- on t6e call of No ball/ 3nless t6e call is re:oke"1 t6is !enalt- s6all stan" e:en if a batsman is "ismisse"/ It s6all be in a""ition to an- ot6er runs score"1 an- boun"ar- allowance an" an- ot6er !enalties awar"e"/

bb# R(ns res( ting 'ro1 a No ba & ho/ to s!ore T6e one run !enalt- for a No ball s6all be score" as a No ball e@tra/ If ot6er !enaltruns 6a:e been awar"e" to eit6er si"e1 t6ese s6all be score" as in Law AenaltRuns/ An- runs com!lete" b- t6e batsmen or a boun"ar- allowance s6all be cre"ite" to t6e striker if t6e ball 6as been struck b- t6e batC ot6erwise t6e- also s6all be score" as No ball e@tras/ A!art from an- awar" of a , run !enalt-1 all runs resultin5 from a No ball1 w6et6er as No ball e@tras or cre"ite" to t6e striker s6all be "ebite" a5ainst t6e bowler/ !!# No ba not to !o(nt A No ball s6all not count as one of t6e o:er/ %%# O(t 'ro1 a No ba F6en No ball 6as been calle"1 neit6er batsman s6all be out un"er an- of t6e Laws e@ce!t Gan"le" t6e ball1 Git t6e ball twice1 Obstructin5 t6e fiel" or Run out/

0a/ .06 Ai%e-Ba
a# F(%ging a /i%e ba b/ If t6e bowler bowls a ball1 not bein5 a No ball1 t6e um!ire s6all a"=u"5e it a Fi"e if1 accor"in5 to t6e "efinition in IbJ below1 in 6is o!inion t6e ball !asses wi"e of t6e striker w6ere 6e is stan"in5 an" woul" also 6a:e !asse" wi"e of 6im stan"in5 in a normal 5uar" !osition/



T6e ball will be consi"ere" as !assin5 wi"e of t6e striker unless it is sufficientl- wit6in 6is reac6 for 6im to be able to 6it it wit6 6is bat b- means of a normal cricket stroke/ 3m!ires are instructe" to a!!l- :er- strict an" consistent inter!retation in re5ar" to t6is Law in or"er to !re:ent ne5ati:e bowlin5 wi"e of t6e wicket/ i/ An- offsi"e or le5 si"e "eli:er- w6ic6 in t6e o!inion of t6e um!ire "oes not 5i:e t6e batsman a reasonable o!!ortunit- to score s6all be calle" a wi"e/ ii/ A !enalt- of one run for a wi"e s6all be score"/ T6is !enalt- s6all stan" in a""ition to an- ot6er runs w6ic6 are score" or awar"e"/ All runs1 w6ic6 are run or result from a wi"e ball1 w6ic6 is not a no ball1 s6all be score" wi"e balls/


Cm(ires are instru"ted to a((ly very stri"t and "onsistent inter(retation in regard to this #aw in order to (revent negative bowling wide o$ the wi"%et) Any o$$side or leg side delivery whi"h in the o(inion o$ the um(ire does not give the batsman a reasonable o((ortunity to s"ore shall be "alled a wide) A (enalty o$ one run $or a wide shall be s"ored) his (enalty shall stand in addition to any other runs whi"h are s"ored or awarded) All runs, whi"h are run or result $rom a wide ball, whi"h is not a no ball, shall be s"ored wide balls)

e# Be i$ery is not a /i%e T6e um!ire s6all not a"=u"5e a "eli:er- as bein5 a Fi"e a/ if t6e striker1 b- mo:in51 eit6er i/ causes t6e ball to !ass wi"e of 6im1 as "efine" in (IbJ abo:e1 or ii/ brin5s t6e ball sufficientl- wit6in 6is reac6 to be able to 6it it wit6 6is bat b- means of a normal cricket stroke/ iii/ if t6e ball touc6es t6e strikerKs bat or !erson/ '# Ca an% signa o' the /i%e ba 5/ If t6e um!ire a"=u"5es a "eli:er- to be a Fi"e 6e s6all call an" si5nal Fi"e ball as soon as t6e ball !asses t6e strikerKs wicket/ It s6all1 6owe:er1 be consi"ere" to 6a:e been a Fi"e from t6e instant of "eli:er-1 e:en t6ou56 it cannot be calle" Fi"e until it !asses t6e strikerKs wicket/ 6/ T6e um!ire s6all re:oke t6e call of Fi"e ball if t6ere is t6en an- contact between t6e ball an" t6e strikerKs bat or !erson/



T6e um!ire s6all re:oke t6e call of Fi"e ball if a "eli:er- is calle" a No ball/

,# Ba not %ea% T6e ball "oes not become "ea" on t6e call of Fi"e ball/ 3ena ty 'or a /i%e A !enalt- of one run s6all be awar"e" instantl- on t6e call of Fi"e ball/ 3nless t6e call is re:oke" Isee > abo:eJ1 t6is !enalt- s6all stan" e:en if a batsman is "ismisse"1 an" s6all be in a""ition to an- ot6er runs score"1 an- boun"ar- allowance an" anot6er !enalties awar"e"/

# R(ns res( ting 'ro1 a /i%e & ho/ s!ore% All runs com!lete" b- t6e batsmen or a boun"ar- allowance1 to5et6er wit6 t6e !enalt- for t6e Fi"e1 s6all be score" as Fi"e balls/ A!art from an- awar" of a , run !enalt-1 all runs resultin5 from a Fi"e s6all be "ebite" a5ainst t6e bowler/ 1# Ai%e not to !o(nt A Fi"e s6all not count as one of t6e o:er/ n# O(t 'ro1 /i%e F6en Fi"e ball 6as been calle"1 neit6er batsman s6all be out un"er an- of t6e Laws e@ce!t Git wicket1 obstructin5 t6e fiel"1 Run out or stum!e"/



B-e an" Le5 b-e
0a/ ..6 Bye an% 0eg bye
a# Byes If t6e ball1 not bein5 a No ball or a Fi"e1 !asses t6e striker wit6out touc6in5 6is bat or !erson1 an- runs com!lete" b- t6e batsmen or a boun"ar- allowance s6all be cre"ite" as B-es to t6e battin5 si"e/ b# c/ 0eg byes No runs s6all be score"1 if a ball "eli:ere" b- t6e bowler first strikes t6e !erson of t6e striker1 an" onl- if t6e um!ire is satisfie" t6at t6e striker 6as/ i/ attem!te" to !la- t6e ball wit6 6is bat1 ii/ trie" to a:oi" bein5 6it b- t6e ball/ No runs s6all be score" if t6e um!ire is satisfie" t6at eit6er of t6ese con"itions 6as been met1 an" t6e ball makes no subse7uent contact wit6 t6e bat/ Note1 6owe:er1 t6e !ro:isions of t6e Laws# T Ball lawfull- struck more t6an onceD an" TRuns !ermitte" from ball lawfull- struck more t6an onceD/ "/ T6e runs in abo:e s6all1 i/ not be score"1 if t6e "eli:er- is not a No ball ii. if No ball 6as been calle"1 one run be score" as !enalt- for t6e No ball as No ball e@tras/ e/ T6e um!ire s6all si5nal a "ea" ball if 6e t6inks t6at con"itions in IaJ an" IbJ abo:e are met/
here are no runs $or leg byes in ennisball Cri"%et, e4"e(t under #aws o$ Ball law$ully stru"% more than on"e and runs (ermitted $rom ball law$ully stru"% more than on"e)


.ea" ball
0a/ .26 Bea% ba
a# b/ Ba is %ea% T6e ball becomes "ea" w6en i/ it is finall- settle" in t6e 6an"s of t6e wicket+kee!er or t6e bowler/ ii/ a boun"ar- is score"/ iii/ a batsman is "ismisse"/ i:/ w6et6er !la-e" or not it becomes tra!!e" between t6e bat an" !erson of a batsman or between items of 6is clot6in5 or e7ui!ment/ :/ w6et6er !la-e" or not it lo"5es in t6e clot6in5 or e7ui!ment of a batsman or t6e clot6in5 of an um!ire/ :i/ it lo"5es in a !rotecti:e 6elmet worn b- a member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e/ :ii/ t6ere is a contra:ention of eit6er of ?iel"in5 t6e ball or Arotecti:e 6elmets belon5in5 to t6e fiel"in5 si"e/ :iii/ t6ere is an awar" of !enalt- runs un"er Ala-er returnin5 wit6out !ermission/ i@/ lost ball is calle"/ @/ t6e um!ire calls O:er or Time/ @i/ um!ire calls an" si5nals Le5 b-e


T6e ball s6all be consi"ere" to be "ea" w6en it is clear to t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" t6at t6e fiel"in5 si"e an" bot6 batsmen at t6e wicket 6a:e cease" to re5ar" it as in !la-/

%# Ba 'ina y sett e% F6et6er t6e ball is finall- settle" or not is a matter for t6e um!ire alone to "eci"e/ e# U1pire !a ing an% signa ing %ea% ba f/ F6en t6e ball 6as become "ea" un"er ( abo:e1 t6e bowlerKs en" um!ire ma- call .ea" ball1 if it is necessar- to inform t6e !la-ers/ 5/ Eit6er um!ire s6all call an" si5nal .ea" ball w6en i/ 6e inter:enes in a case of unfair !la-/ ii/ a serious in=ur- to a !la-er or um!ire occurs/ iii/ 6e lea:es 6is normal !osition for consultation/ i:/ one or bot6 bails fall from t6e strikerKs wicket before 6e 6as t6e o!!ortunit- of !la-in5 t6e ball/ :/ 6e is satisfie" t6at for an a"e7uate reason t6e striker is not rea"for t6e "eli:er- of t6e ball an"1 if t6e ball is "eli:ere"1 makes no attem!t to !la- it/ :i/ t6e striker is "istracte" b- an- noise or mo:ement or in an- ot6er wa- w6ile 6e is !re!arin5 to recei:e or recei:in5 a "eli:er-/ T6is s6all a!!l- w6et6er t6e source of t6e "istraction is wit6in t6e 5ame or outsi"e it/ Note1 6owe:er1 t6e !ro:isions of Law .eliberate attem!t to "istract striker :ii/ 6e is re7uire" to "o so un"er an- of t6e Laws/ 6/ T6e ball s6all not count as one in t6e o:er if i/ t6e bowler "ro!s t6e ball acci"entall- before "eli:erii/ t6e ball "oes not lea:e t6e bowlerKs 6an" for an- reason ot6er t6an an attem!t to run out t6e non+striker before enterin5 6is "eli:er- stri"e/ See Law Bowler attem!tin5 to run out non+striker before "eli:er-/ i# Ba !eases to be %ea% T6e ball ceases to be "ea" 2 t6at is1 it comes into !la- 2 w6en t6e bowler starts 6is run u! or1 if 6e 6as no run u!1 6is bowlin5 action/

,# k/ l/

A!tion on !a o' %ea% ba ball is not to count as one of t6e o:er if it becomes "ea" or is to be consi"ere" "ea" before t6e striker 6as 6a" an o!!ortunit- to !la- it/ If t6e ball becomes "ea" or is to be consi"ere" "ea" after t6e striker 6as 6a" an o!!ortunit- to !la- t6e ball1 e@ce!t in t6e circumstances of >I:iJ abo:e an" Law .eliberate attem!t to "istract t6e striker1 no a""itional "eli:er- s6all be allowe" unless No ball or Fi"e 6as been calle"/

1# Bea% ba !a e% 'or 0BA an% eg bye T6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal "ea" ball if 6e is satisfie"1 a/ b/ c/ "/ if a ball "eli:ere" b- t6e bowler first strikes t6e !erson of t6e striker an"1 t6e ball makes no subse7uent contact wit6 t6e bat1 an" t6e striker is not out bowle" T6is rule s6all not a!!l- if IaJ an" IbJ 6a:in5 been met an" ball not bein5 a No+ball t6e striker is out bowle"/ Refer to Law Ficket is "own an" Law (,/( Out Bowle"/

his rule is s(e"i$i" to ennisball Cri"%et)



Ficket is "own
0a/ .36 Ai!"et is %o/n

Ai!"et p(t %o/n )Reg( ar an% Spring St(1ps* n. T6e wicket is !ut "own if a bail is com!letel- remo:e" from t6e to! of t6e stum!s1 or a stum! is struck out of t6e 5roun" Iin t6e case of re5ular stum!sJ1 or if t6e stum!s are mo:e" wit6 or wit6 out base Iin t6e case of s!rin5 stum!sJ b-1 a/ t6e ball/ b/ t6e strikerKs bat1 w6et6er 6e is 6ol"in5 it or 6as let 5o of it/ c/ t6e strikerKs !erson or b- an- !art of 6is clot6in5 or e7ui!ment becomin5 "etac6e" from 6is !erson/ "/ a fiel"er1 wit6 6is 6an" or arm1 !ro:i"in5 t6at t6e ball is 6el" in t6e 6an" or 6an"s so use"1 or in t6e 6an" of t6e arm so use"/ T6e wicket is also !ut "own if a fiel"er !ulls a stum! out of t6e 5roun" in t6e same manner/ o/ T6e "isturbance of a bail1 w6et6er tem!orar- or not1 s6all not constitute its com!lete remo:al from t6e to! of t6e stum!s1 but if a bail in fallin5 lo"5es between two of t6e stum!s t6is s6all be re5ar"e" as com!lete remo:al/

b# One bai o'' If one bail is off1 it s6all be sufficient for t6e !ur!ose of !uttin5 t6e wicket "own to remo:e t6e remainin5 bail1 or to strike or !ull an- of t6e t6ree stum!s out of t6e 5roun"1 in an- of t6e wa-s state" in ( abo:e/ !# Re1a"ing the /i!"et If t6e wicket Ire5ular or s!rin5 stum!sJ is broken or !ut "own w6ile t6e ball is in !la-1 t6e um!ire s6all not remake t6e wicket until t6e ball is "ea"/ See Law .ea" Ball/ An- fiel"er 6owe:er1 ma-1

d. e. f/

re!lace a bail or bails on to! of t6e stum!s Ire5ular or s!rin5 stum!sJ/ !ut back one or more stum!s Ire5ular stum!sJ into t6e 5roun" w6ere t6e wicket ori5inall- stoo"/ Aut back t6e stum! set Is!rin5 stum!sJ into its ori5inal location on t6e !itc6 w6ere t6e wicket ori5inall- stoo"/

g# Bispensing /ith the bai s If t6e um!ires 6a:e a5ree" to "is!ense wit6 bails Ire5ular or s!rin5 stum!sJ1 in accor"ance wit6 Law .is!ensin5 wit6 bails1 t6e "ecision as to w6et6er t6e wicket 6as been !ut "own is one for t6e um!ire concerne" to "eci"e1 a. After a "ecision to !la- wit6out bails1 t6e wicket Ire5ular or s!rin5 stum!sJ 6as been !ut "own if t6e um!ire concerne" is satisfie" t6at t6e wicket Ire5ular or s!rin5 stum!sJ 6as been struck b- t6e ball1 b- t6e strikerKs bat1 !erson1 or items of 6is clot6in5 or e7ui!ment se!arate" from 6is !erson as "escribe" in (IaJIiiJ or (IaJIiiiJ abo:e1 or b- a fiel"er wit6 t6e 6an" 6ol"in5 t6e ball or wit6 t6e arm of t6e 6an" 6ol"in5 t6e ball/ If t6e wicket Ire5ular stum!sJ 6as alrea"- been broken or !ut "own1 abo:e s6all a!!l- to an- stum! or stum!s still in t6e 5roun"/ An- fiel"er ma- re!lace a stum! or stum!s1 in accor"ance wit6 >b abo:e1 in or"er to 6a:e an o!!ortunit- of !uttin5 t6e wicket "own/ If t6e wicket Is!rin5 stum!sJ 6as alrea"- been broken or mis!lace" or !ut "own or "isturbe"1 abo:e s6all a!!l- to t6e w6ole stum! set/ Anfiel"er re!laces stum!s1 in accor"ance wit6 >a an" >c abo:e1 in or"er to 6a:e an o!!ortunit- of !uttin5 t6e wicket "own/





Batsman out of 6is 5roun"
0a/ .76 Bats1an o(t o' his gro(n%
a# Ahen o(t o' his gro(n% A batsman s6all be consi"ere" to be out of 6is 5roun" unless 6is bat or some !art of 6is !erson is 5roun"e" be6in" t6e !o!!in5 crease at t6at en"/ b# c/ Ahi!h is bats1an@s gro(n% If onl- one batsman is wit6in a 5roun" i/ it is 6is 5roun"/ ii/ it remains 6is 5roun" e:en if 6e is later =oine" t6ere b- t6e ot6er batsman/ "/ e/ If bot6 batsmen are in t6e same 5roun" an" one of t6em subse7uentl- lea:es it1 IaJIiJ abo:e a!!lies/ If t6ere is no batsman in eit6er 5roun"1 t6en eac6 5roun" belon5s to w6ic6e:er of t6e batsmen is nearer to it1 or1 if t6e batsmen are le:el1 to w6ic6e:er was nearer to it imme"iatel- !rior to t6eir "rawin5 le:el/ If a 5roun" belon5s to one batsman t6en1 unless t6ere is a striker wit6 a runner1 t6e ot6er 5roun" belon5s to t6e ot6er batsman irres!ecti:e of 6is !osition/ F6en a batsman wit6 a runner is striker1 6is 5roun" is alwa-s t6at at t6e wicket+kee!erKs en"/ Gowe:er1 IaJ1 IbJ1 IcJ an" I"J abo:e will still a!!l-1 but onl- to t6e runner an" t6e non+striker1 so t6at t6at 5roun" will also belon5 to eit6er t6e non+striker or t6e runner1 as t6e case ma- be/



h# 3osition o' the non-stri"er T6e non+striker1 w6en stan"in5 at t6e bowlerKs en"1 s6oul" be !ositione" on t6e o!!osite si"e of t6e wicket to t6at from w6ic6 t6e ball is bein5 "eli:ere"1 unless a re7uest to "o ot6erwise is 5rante" b- t6e um!ire/


Gow out
his "ha(ter des"ribes rules under whi"h batsman is "onsidered out) Cnli%e the *CC these rules have been grou(ed under one law)

0a/ .96 +o/ o(t

a# b/ Bo/ e% Out bowle" i/ T6e striker is out Bowle" if 6is wicket is !ut "own b- a ball "eli:ere" b- t6e bowler1 not bein5 a No ball1 e:en if it first touc6es 6is bat or !erson/ ii/ Notwit6stan"in5 IaJ abo:e striker s6all not be out Bowle" if before strikin5 t6e wicket t6e ball 6as been in contact wit6 anot6er !la-er or wit6 an um!ire/ Ge will1 6owe:er1 be sub=ect to Laws of Gan"le" t6e ball1 Obstructin5 t6e fiel"1 Run out an" Stum!e"/ c/ Bowle" to take !rece"ence

T6e striker is out Bowle" if 6is wicket is !ut "own as in IaJ abo:e1 e:en t6ou56 a "ecision a5ainst 6im for an- ot6er met6o" of "ismissal woul" be =ustifie"/ %# e/ Ti1e% o(t Out time"+out i/ 3nless Time 6as been calle"1 t6e incomin5 batsman must be in !osition to take 5uar" or for 6is !artner to be rea"- to recei:e t6e ne@t ball wit6in > minutes of t6e fall of t6e !re:ious wicket/ If t6is re7uirement is not met1 t6e incomin5 batsman will be out1 Time"+out/

ii/ In t6e e:ent of !rotracte" "ela- in w6ic6 no batsman comes to t6e wicket1 t6e um!ires s6all a"o!t t6e !roce"ure of Law 3m!ires awar"in5 a matc6/ ?or t6e !ur!oses of t6at Law t6e start of t6e action s6all be taken as t6e e@!ir- of t6e > minutes referre" to abo:e f/ Bowler "oes not 5et cre"it T6e bowler "oes not 5et cre"it for t6e wicket/ g# 6/ Ca(ght Out cau56t

T6e striker is out Cau56t if a ball "eli:ere" b- t6e bowler1 not bein5 a No ball1 touc6es 6is bat wit6out 6a:in5 !re:iousl- been in contact wit6 an- member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an" is subse7uentl- 6el" b- a fiel"er as a fair catc6 before it touc6es t6e 5roun"/ i/ Cau56t to take !rece"ence

If t6e criteria of IaJ abo:e are met an" t6e striker is not out Bowle"1 t6en 6e is out Cau56t1 e:en t6ou56 a "ecision a5ainst eit6er batsman for anot6er met6o" of "ismissal woul" be =ustifie"/ Runs com!lete" b- t6e batsmen before t6e com!letion of t6e catc6 will not be score"/ =/ A fair catc6

A catc6 s6all be consi"ere" to 6a:e been fairl- ma"e if i/ t6rou56out t6e act of makin5 t6e catc6 (/ an- fiel"er in contact wit6 t6e ball is wit6in t6e fiel" of !la-/ See I"J 2 ?iel"er wit6in t6e fiel" of !la- below/ %/ t6e ball is at no time in contact wit6 an- ob=ect 5roun"e" be-on" t6e boun"ar-/ T6e act of makin5 t6e catc6 s6all start from t6e time w6en a fiel"er first 6an"les t6e ball an" s6all en" w6en a fiel"er obtains com!lete control bot6 o:er t6e ball an" o:er 6is own mo:ement ii/ t6e ball is 6u55e" to t6e bo"- of t6e catc6er or acci"entalllo"5es in 6is clot6in5 or1 in t6e case of t6e wicket+kee!er1 in 6is !a"s/ Gowe:er1 it is not a fair catc6 if t6e ball lo"5es in a !rotecti:e 6elmet worn b- a fiel"er/


iii/ t6e ball "oes not touc6 t6e 5roun"1 e:en t6ou56 t6e 6an" 6ol"in5 it "oes so in effectin5 t6e catc6/ i:/ a fiel"er catc6es t6e ball after it 6as been lawfull- struck more t6an once b- t6e striker1 but onl- if t6e ball 6as not touc6e" t6e 5roun" since first bein5 struck/ :/ a fiel"er catc6es t6e ball after it 6as touc6e" an um!ire1 anot6er fiel"er or t6e ot6er batsman/ Gowe:er1 it is not a fair catc6 if t6e ball 6as touc6e" a !rotecti:e 6elmet worn b- a fiel"er1 alt6ou56 t6e ball remains in !la-/ :i/ a fiel"er catc6es t6e ball in t6e air after it 6as crosse" t6e boun"ar- !ro:i"e" t6at (/ 6e 6as no !art of 6is !erson touc6in51 or 5roun"e" be-on"1 t6e boun"ar- at an- time w6en 6e is in contact wit6 t6e ball/ %/ t6e ball 6as not been 5roun"e" be-on" t6e boun"ar-/
*CC law 32)3(g) (rovisions a "at"h ta%en o$$ an obstru"tion in the $ield is a valid "at"h unless (reviously de"ided against it) his law is nona((li"able to CA) Cat"hes ta%en o$$ the obstru"tions in the $ield are not "onsidered as valid "at"hes) Eielder within $ield o$ (lay

:ii/ A fiel"er is not wit6in t6e fiel" of !la- if 6e touc6es t6e boun"aror 6as an- !art of 6is !erson 5roun"e" be-on" t6e boun"ar-/ See Law scorin5 a boun"ar-/ :iii/ B runs s6all be score" if a fiel"er (/ 6as an- !art of 6is !erson touc6in51 or 5roun"e" be-on"1 t6e boun"ar- w6en 6e catc6es t6e ball/ %/ catc6es t6e ball an" subse7uentl- touc6es t6e boun"aror 5roun"s some !art of 6is !erson o:er t6e boun"arw6ile carr-in5 t6e ball but before com!letin5 t6e catc6/ k/ No runs to be score"

If t6e striker is "ismisse" Cau56t1 runs from t6at "eli:er- com!lete" b- t6e batsmen before t6e com!letion of t6e catc6 s6all not be score"1 but an!enalties awar"e" to eit6er si"e w6en t6e ball is "ea"1 if a!!licable1 will stan"/ Law Batsman returnin5 to t6e wicket 6e left s6all a!!l- from t6e instant of t6e catc6/

# m/

+an% e% the ba Out 6an"le" t6e ball

Eit6er batsman is out Gan"le" t6e ball if 6e wilfull- touc6es t6e ball w6ile in !la- wit6 a 6an" or 6an"s not 6ol"in5 t6e bat unless 6e "oes so wit6 t6e consent of t6e o!!osin5 si"e/ n/ Not out 6an"le" t6e ball

Notwit6stan"in5 IaJ abo:e1 a batsman will not be out un"er t6is Law if i/ 6e 6an"les t6e ball in or"er to a:oi" in=ur-/ ii/ 6e uses 6is 6an" or 6an"s to return t6e ball to an- member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e wit6out t6e consent of t6at si"e/ Note1 6owe:er1 t6e !ro:isions of Law ,I"J Returnin5 t6e ball to a member of fiel"in5 si"e below/ o/ Runs score"

If eit6er batsman is "ismisse" un"er t6is Law1 an- runs com!lete" before t6e offence1 to5et6er wit6 an- !enalt- e@tras an" t6e !enalt- for a No ball or Fi"e1 if a!!licable1 s6all be score"/ !/ Bowler "oes not 5et cre"it

T6e bowler "oes not 5et cre"it for t6e wicket/ =# r/ Obstr(!ting the 'ie % Out obstructin5 t6e fiel"

Eit6er batsman is out Obstructin5 t6e fiel" if 6e willfull- obstructs or "istracts t6e o!!osin5 si"e b- wor" or action/ It s6all be re5ar"e" as obstruction if eit6er batsman willfull-1 an" wit6out t6e consent of t6e fiel"in5 si"e1 strikes t6e ball wit6 6is bat or !erson1 ot6er t6an a 6an" not 6ol"in5 t6e bat1 after t6e ball 6as touc6e" a fiel"er/ See I"J below/ s/ Acci"ental obstruction

It is for eit6er um!ire to "eci"e w6et6er an- obstruction or "istraction is willful or not/ Ge s6all consult t6e ot6er um!ire if 6e 6as an- "oubt/ t/ Obstructin5 a ball from bein5 cau56t

T6e striker is out s6oul" willful obstruction or "istraction b- eit6er batsman !re:ent a catc6 bein5 ma"e/ T6is s6all a!!l- e:en t6ou56 t6e striker causes

t6e obstruction in lawfull- 5uar"in5 6is wicket un"er t6e !ro:isions of Law Ball lawfull- struck more t6an once/ u/ Returnin5 t6e ball to a member of fiel"in5 si"e

Eit6er batsman is out un"er t6is Law if1 wit6out t6e consent of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an" w6ile t6e ball is in !la-1 6e uses 6is bat or !erson to return t6e ball to anmember of t6at si"e/ :/ Runs score"

If a batsman is "ismisse" un"er t6is Law1 runs com!lete" b- t6e batsmen before t6e offence s6all be score"1 to5et6er wit6 t6e !enalt- for a No ball or a Fi"e1 if a!!licable/ Ot6er !enalties t6at ma- be awar"e" to eit6er si"e w6en t6e ball is "ea" s6all also stan"/ If1 6owe:er1 t6e obstruction !re:ents a catc6 from bein5 ma"e1 runs com!lete" b- t6e batsmen before t6e offence s6all not be score"1 but ot6er !enalties t6at ma- be awar"e" to eit6er si"e w6en t6e ball is "ea" s6all stan"/ w/ Bowler "oes not 5et cre"it

T6e bowler "oes not 5et cre"it for t6e wicket/ ># -/ St(1pe% Out stum!e" i/ T6e striker is out Stum!e" if (/ 6e is out of 6is 5roun"1 an" %/ 6e is recei:in5 a ball w6ic6 is not a No ball1 an" >/ 6e is not attem!tin5 a run1 an" / 6is wicket is fairl- !ut "own b- t6e wicket+kee!er wit6out t6e inter:ention of anot6er member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e/ Also see Law Aosition of t6e wicket kee!er/ 5. 6e is out of 6is 5roun" an" 6is wicket is fairl- !ut "own bt6e wicket+kee!er wit6out t6e inter:ention of anot6er member e:en after t6e ball 6as touc6e" an- !art of t6e bo"- an"$or clot6in5 or an- of t6e e7ui!ments/ ii. T6e striker is out Stum!e" if all t6e con"itions of IiJ abo:e are satisfie"1 e:en t6ou56 a "ecision of Run out woul" be =ustifie"/


iii. 3m!ires will be sole =u"5e of w6et6er t6e batsman is out stum!e" or run+out/ In case of um!ire "eci"in5 t6at t6e batsman is Not Out Stum!e" It6e batsman was attem!tin5 a run w6en t6e ball 6a" touc6e" an- !art of t6e bo"- an"$or clot6in5 or an- of t6e e7ui!ments e@ce!t t6e bat or t6e 5lo:esJ t6an batsman will be 5i:en Not Out Isee LBF ruleJ/ 9/ Ball reboun"in5 from wicket+kee!ers !erson i/ If t6e wicket is !ut "own b- t6e ball1 it s6all be re5ar"e" as 6a:in5 been !ut "own b- t6e wicket+kee!er if t6e ball (/ reboun"s on to t6e stum!s from an- !art of 6is !erson or e7ui!ment1 ot6er t6an a !rotecti:e 6elmet or %/ 6as been kicke" or t6rown on to t6e stum!s b- t6e wicket+kee!er/ ii/ If t6e ball touc6es a 6elmet worn b- t6e wicket+kee!er1 t6e ball is still in !la- but t6e striker s6all not be out Stum!e"/ Ge will1 6owe:er1 be liable to be Run out in t6ese circumstances if t6ere is subse7uent contact between t6e ball an" an- member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e/ Note1 6owe:er1 IcJ below/ aa/ Not out stum!e" i/ If t6e striker is not out Stum!e"1 6e is liable to be out Run out if t6e con"itions of Law Run out a!!l-1 e@ce!t as set out in IiiJ below/ ii/ T6e striker s6all not be out Run out if 6e is out of 6is 5roun"1 not attem!tin5 a run an" 6is wicket is fairl- !ut "own b- t6e wicket+ kee!er wit6out t6e inter:ention of anot6er member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e1 if No ball 6as been calle"/ bb# cc/ R(n o(t Out run out i/ Eit6er batsman is out Run out1 e@ce!t as in % below1 if at antime w6ile t6e ball is in !la(/ 6e is out of 6is 5roun"1 an" %/ 6is wicket is fairl- !ut "own b- t6e o!!osin5 si"e

ii/ IiJ abo:e s6all a!!l- e:en t6ou56 No ball 6as been calle" an" w6et6er or not a run is bein5 attem!te"1 e@ce!t in t6e circumstances of Law (,/BIcJ Not out stum!e"/ ""/ Batsman not run out

Notwit6stan"in5 ( abo:e1 a batsman is not out Run out if i/ 6e 6as been wit6in 6is 5roun" an" 6as subse7uentl- left it to a:oi" in=ur-1 w6en t6e wicket is !ut "own/ ii/ t6e ball 6as not subse7uentl- been touc6e" a5ain b- a fiel"er1 after t6e bowler 6as entere" 6is "eli:er- stri"e1 before t6e wicket is !ut "own/ iii/ t6e ball1 6a:in5 been !la-e" b- t6e striker1 or 6a:in5 come off 6is !erson1 "irectl- strikes a 6elmet worn b- a fiel"er an" wit6out furt6er contact wit6 6im or an- ot6er fiel"er reboun"s "irectl- on to t6e wicket/ Gowe:er1 t6e ball remains in !la- an" eit6er batsman ma- be Run out in t6e circumstances of ( abo:e if a wicket is subse7uentl- !ut "own/ i:/ 6e is out Stum!e"/ :/ 6e is out of 6is 5roun"1 not attem!tin5 a run an" 6is wicket is fairl- !ut "own b- t6e wicket+kee!er wit6out t6e inter:ention of anot6er member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e1 if No ball 6as been calle"/ ee/ F6ic6 batsman out

T6e batsman out in t6e circumstances of ( abo:e is t6e one w6ose 5roun" is at t6e en" w6ere t6e wicket is !ut "own/ See Laws Trans5ression of t6e Laws b- a batsman w6o 6as a runnerJ an" F6ic6 is a batsmanKs 5roun"/ ff/ Runs score"

If a batsman is "ismisse" Run out1 t6e battin5 si"e s6all score t6e runs com!lete" before t6e "ismissal1 to5et6er wit6 t6e !enalt- for a No ball or a Fi"e1 if a!!licable/ Ot6er !enalties to eit6er si"e t6at ma- be awar"e" w6en t6e ball is "ea" s6all also stan"/ If1 6owe:er1 a striker wit6 a runner is 6imself "ismisse" Run out1 runs com!lete" b- t6e runner an" t6e ot6er batsman before t6e "ismissal s6all not be score"/ T6e !enalt- for a No ball or a Fi"e an" an- ot6er !enalties to eit6er si"e t6at ma- be awar"e" w6en t6e ball is "ea" s6all stan"/ See Laws Trans5ression of t6e Laws b- a batsman w6o 6as a runner an" Aenalt- runs/


Bowler "oes not 5et cre"it

T6e bowler "oes not 5et cre"it for t6e wicket/ hh# ii/ +it /i!"et Out 6it wicket i/ T6e striker is out Git wicket if1 after t6e bowler 6as entere" 6is "eli:er- stri"e an" w6ile t6e ball is in !la-1 6is wicket is !ut "own eit6er b- t6e strikerKs bat or b- 6is !erson as "escribe" in Law Ficket !ut "own/ Eit6er1 (/ in t6e course of an- action taken b- 6im in !re!arin5 to recei:e or in recei:in5 a "eli:er-1 or %/ in settin5 off for 6is first run imme"iatel- after !la-in51 or !la-in5 at1 t6e ball1 or >/ if 6e makes no attem!t to !la- t6e ball1 in settin5 off for 6is first run1 !ro:i"in5 t6at in t6e o!inion of t6e um!ire t6is is imme"iatel- after 6e 6as 6a" t6e o!!ortunit- of !la-in5 t6e ball1 or / in lawfull- makin5 a secon" or furt6er stroke for t6e !ur!ose of 5uar"in5 6is wicket wit6in t6e !ro:isions of Law Ball lawfull- struck more t6an once/ ii/ If t6e striker !uts 6is wicket "own in an- of t6e wa-s "escribe" in Laws Ficket !ut "own before t6e bowler 6as entere" 6is "eli:er- stri"e1 eit6er um!ire s6all call an" si5nal .ea" ball/ ==/ Not out 6it wicket

Notwit6stan"in5 IaJ abo:e1 t6e batsman is not out un"er t6is Law s6oul" 6is wicket be !ut "own in an- of t6e wa-s referre" to in ( abo:e if i/ it occurs after 6e 6as com!lete" an- action in recei:in5 t6e "eli:er-1 ot6er t6an in aIiJI%J1 I>J or I J abo:e/ ii/ it occurs w6en 6e is in t6e act of runnin51 ot6er t6an in settin5 off imme"iatel- for 6is first run/ iii/ it occurs w6en 6e is tr-in5 to a:oi" bein5 run out or stum!e"/ i:/ it occurs w6ile 6e is tr-in5 to a:oi" a t6row+in at an- time/


:/ t6e bowler1 after enterin5 6is "eli:er- stri"e1 "oes not "eli:er t6e ball/ In t6is case eit6er um!ire s6all imme"iatel- call an" si5nal .ea" ball/ See Law 3m!ire callin5 an" si5nalin5 "ea" ball/ :i/ t6e "eli:er- is a No ball/ ""# ll/ +it the ba t/i!e Out 6it t6e ball twice i/ T6e striker is out Git t6e ball twice if1 w6ile t6e ball is in !la-1 it strikes an- !art of 6is !erson or is struck b- 6is bat an"1 before t6e ball 6as been touc6e" b- a fiel"er1 6e willfull- strikes it a5ain wit6 6is bat or !erson1 ot6er t6an a 6an" not 6ol"in5 t6e bat1 e@ce!t for t6e sole !ur!ose of 5uar"in5 6is wicket/ See > below an" Laws Gan"le" t6e ball an" Obstructin5 t6e fiel"/ ii/ ?or t6e !ur!ose of t6is Law1 KstruckK or KstrikeK s6all inclu"e contact wit6 t6e !erson of t6e striker/ mm/ Not out 6it t6e ball twice

Notwit6stan"in5 aIiJ abo:e1 t6e striker will not be out un"er t6is Law if i/ 6e makes a secon" or subse7uent stroke in or"er to return t6e ball to an- member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e/ Note1 6owe:er1 t6e !ro:isions of Law Returnin5 t6e ball to t6e member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e/ ii/ 6e willfull- strikes t6e ball after it 6as touc6e" a fiel"er/ Note1 6owe:er1 t6e !ro:isions of Law Out obstruct t6e fiel"/ nn/Ball lawfull- struck more t6an once Solel- in or"er to 5uar" 6is wicket an" before t6e ball 6as been touc6e" b- a fiel"er1 t6e striker ma- lawfull- strike t6e ball more t6an once wit6 6is bat or wit6 an- !art of 6is !erson ot6er t6an a 6an" not 6ol"in5 t6e bat/ Notwit6stan"in5 t6is !ro:ision1 t6e striker ma- not !re:ent t6e ball from bein5 cau56t b- makin5 more t6an one stroke in "efense of 6is wicket/ oo/ Runs !ermitte" on ball lawfull- struck more t6an once

F6en t6e ball is lawfull- struck more t6an once1 as !ermitte" in > abo:e1 onl- t6e first strike is to be consi"ere" in "eterminin5 w6et6er runs are to be allowe" an" 6ow t6e- are to be score"/ i/ If on t6e first strike t6e um!ire is satisfie" t6at eit6er

(/ ball first struck t6e bat or1 %/ striker attem!te" to !la- t6e ball wit6 6is bat or1 >/ t6e striker trie" to a:oi" bein5 6it b- t6e ball t6en an!enalties to t6e battin5 si"e t6at are a!!licable s6all be allowe"/ ii/ If t6e con"itions in IiJ abo:e are met t6en1 if t6e- result from o:ert6rows1 an" onl- if t6e- result from o:ert6rows1 runs com!lete" b- t6e batsmen or a boun"ar- will be allowe" in a""ition to an- !enalties t6at are a!!licable/ T6e- s6all be cre"ite" to t6e striker if t6e first strike was wit6 t6e bat/ If t6e first strike was on t6e !erson of t6e striker t6e- s6all be score" as Le5 b-es or No ball e@tras1 as a!!ro!riate/ iii/ If t6e con"itions of IaJ abo:e are met an" t6ere is no o:ert6row until after t6e batsmen 6a:e starte" to run1 but before one run is com!lete"1 (/ onl- subse7uent com!lete" runs or a boun"ar- s6all be allowe"/ T6e first run s6all count as a com!lete" run for t6is !ur!ose onl- if t6e batsmen 6a:e not crosse" at t6e instant of t6e t6row/ %/ if in t6ese circumstances t6e ball 5oes to t6e boun"arfrom t6e t6row t6en1 notwit6stan"in5 t6e !ro:isions of Law O:ert6row or willful act of fiel"er1 onl- t6e boun"arallowance s6all be score"/ >/ if t6e ball 5oes to t6e boun"ar- as t6e result of a furt6er o:ert6row1 t6en runs com!lete" b- t6e batsmen after t6e first t6row an" before t6is final t6row s6all be a""e" to t6e boun"ar- allowance/ T6e run in !ro5ress at t6e first t6row will count onl- if t6e- 6a:e not crosse" at t6at momentC t6e run in !ro5ress at t6e final t6row s6all count onl- if t6e6a:e crosse" at t6at moment/ Law Batsman returnin5 to wicket 6e 6as left s6all a!!l- as from t6e moment of t6e final t6row/ i:/ If1 in t6e o!inion of t6e um!ire1 none of t6e con"itions in IaJ abo:e 6a:e been met t6en1 w6et6er t6ere is an o:ert6row or not1 t6e battin5 si"e s6all not be cre"ite" wit6 an- runs from t6at "eli:er- a!art from t6e !enalt- for a No ball if a!!licable/


Moreo:er1 no ot6er !enalties s6all be awar"e" to t6e battin5 si"e w6en t6e ball is "ea"/ :/ Ball lawfull- struck more t6an once 2 action b- t6e um!ire If no runs are to be allowe"1 eit6er in t6e circumstances of "Ii:J abo:e1 or because t6ere 6as been no o:ert6row an" :i/ if no run is attem!te" but t6e ball reac6es t6e boun"ar-1 t6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal .ea" ball an" "isallow t6e boun"ar-/ :ii/ if t6e batsmen run an" (/ neit6er batsman is "ismisse" an" t6e ball "oes not become "ea" for an- ot6er reason1 t6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal .ea" ball as soon as one run is com!lete" or t6e ball reac6es t6e boun"ar-/ T6e batsmen s6all return to t6eir ori5inal en"s/ T6e run or boun"ar- s6all be "isallowe"/ %/ a batsman is "ismisse"1 or if for an- ot6er reason t6e ball becomes "ea" before one run is com!lete" or t6e ball reac6es t6e boun"ar-1 all t6e !ro:isions of t6e Laws will a!!l- e@ce!t t6at t6e awar" of !enalties to t6e battin5 si"e s6all be as lai" "own in "IiJ or "Ii:J abo:e as a!!ro!riate/ :iii/ Bowler "oes not 5et t6e cre"it T6e bowler "oes not 5et cre"it for t6e wicket/ pp# 77/ 0eg be'ore /i!"et Not out LBF

Batsman is not out LBF/ Refer to Law (%/B I.ea" ball calle" for LBF an" Le5 b-eJ/
*CC rule 3. governs out #1B however in ennisball Cri"%et this rules does not a((ly



T6e Ficket+kee!er
0a/ .:6 The Ai!"et-"eeper
a# 3rote!ti$e e=(ip1ent T6e wicket+kee!er is t6e onl- member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e !ermitte" to wear 5lo:es an" 6elmet/ If 6e "oes so1 t6ese are to be re5ar"e" as !art of 6is !erson for t6e !ur!oses of Law (*/% I?iel"in5 t6e ballJ/ If b- 6is actions an" !ositionin5 it is a!!arent to t6e um!ires t6at 6e will not be able to "isc6ar5e 6is "uties as a wicket+ kee!er1 6e s6all forfeit t6is ri56t an" also t6e ri56t to be reco5ni9e" as a wicket+ kee!er for t6e !ur!oses of Laws A fair catc61 Stum!e"1 Arotecti:e e7ui!ment1 Limitation of on si"e fiel"ers an" ?iel"ers not to encroac6 on t6e !itc6/
*CC rule 4'), indi"ates leg-guards and not the helmet as (rote"tive e3ui(ment) ennisball "ri"%et allows the wi"%et-%ee(er to wear helmet but not the legguards)

b# 8 o$es If1 as !ermitte" b- ( abo:e1 t6e wicket+kee!er wears 5lo:es1 t6e- s6all 6a:e no webbin5 between t6e fin5ers e@ce!t =oinin5 in"e@ fin5er an" t6umb1 w6ere webbin5 ma- be inserte" as a means of su!!ort/ If use"1 t6e webbin5 s6all be c/ "/ a sin5le !iece of non+stretc6 material w6ic61 alt6ou56 it ma- 6a:e facin5 material attac6e"1 s6all 6a:e no reinforcement or tucks/ suc6 t6at t6e to! e"5e of t6e webbin5 i/ "oes not !rotru"e be-on" t6e strai56t line =oinin5 t6e to! of t6e in"e@ fin5er to t6e to! of t6e t6umb/ ii/ is taut w6en a 6an" wearin5 t6e 5lo:e 6as t6e t6umb fulle@ten"e"/ e# 3osition o' the /i!"et-"eeper T6e wicket+kee!er s6all remain w6oll- be6in" t6e wicket at t6e strikerKs en" from t6e moment t6e ball comes into !la- until a sin5le !iece of non+stretc6 material w6ic61


ball "eli:ere" b- t6e bowler eit6er1 i/ touc6es t6e bat or !erson of t6e striker1 or ii/ !asses t6e wicket at t6e strikerKs en"1 or


t6e striker attem!ts a run/

In t6e e:ent of t6e wicket+kee!er contra:enin5 t6is Law1 t6e um!ire at t6e strikerKs en" s6all call an" si5nal No ball as soon as !ossible after t6e "eli:er- of t6e ball/ h# Mo$e1ent by the "eeper It is unfair if t6e wicket+kee!er stan"in5 back makes a significant mo:ement towar"s t6e wicket after t6e ball comes into !la- an" before it reac6es t6e striker/ In t6e e:ent of suc6 unfair mo:ement b- t6e wicket+kee!er eit6er um!ires s6all call an" si5nal .ea" ball/ It will not be consi"ere" a si5nificant mo:ement if t6e wicket+ kee!er mo:es few !aces forwar" for a slower "eli:er-/ i# Restri!tions on a!tion o' /i!"et-"eeper If1 in t6e o!inion of eit6er um!ire1 t6e wicket+kee!er interferes wit6 t6e strikerKs ri56t to !la- t6e ball an" to 5uar" 6is wicket1 Law 3m!ire callin5 an" si5nalin5 "ea" ball s6all a!!l-/ If1 6owe:er1 t6e um!ire concerne" consi"ers t6at t6e interference bt6e wicket+kee!er was willful1 t6en Law .eliberate attem!t to "istract t6e striker s6all a!!l-/ ,# Inter'eren!e /ith /i!"et-"eeper by the stri"er If1 in !la-in5 at t6e ball or in t6e le5itimate "efense of 6is wicket1 t6e striker interferes wit6 t6e wicket+kee!er1 6e s6all not be out1 e@ce!t as !ro:i"e" for in Law Obstructin5 ball from bein5 cau56t/



T6e fiel"er
0a/ .;6 The 'ie %er
a# 3rote!ti$e e=(ip1ent No member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e ot6er t6an t6e wicket+kee!er s6all be !ermitte" to wear 5lo:es or e@ternal le5 5uar"s/ In a""ition1 !rotection for t6e 6an" or fin5ers ma- be worn onl- wit6 t6e consent of t6e um!ires/ E@c6an5e of t6e !rotecti:e e7ui!ment s6all be !ermitte" !ro:i"e" t6at um!ires "o not consi"er t6at it constitutes a waste of time/ b# 4ie %ing the ba A fiel"er ma- fiel" t6e ball wit6 an- !art of 6is !erson but if1 w6ile t6e ball is in !la6e willfull- fiel"s it ot6erwise1 k/ t6e ball s6all become "ea" an" , !enalt- runs s6all be awar"e" to t6e battin5 si"e/ See Law Aenalt- runs/ T6e ball s6all not count as one of t6e o:er/ t6e um!ire s6all inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e1 t6e batsmen an"1 as soon as !racticable1 t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e of w6at 6as occurre"/ t6e um!ires to5et6er s6all re!ort t6e occurrence as soon as !ossible to t6e E@ecuti:e of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an" an- Eo:ernin5 Bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc6 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" !la-er concerne"/



!# 3rote!ti$e he 1ets be onging to the 'ie %ing si%e Arotecti:e 6elmets1 w6en not in use b- fiel"ers1 s6all onl- be !lace"1 if abo:e t6e surface1 on t6e 5roun" be6in" t6e wicket+kee!er an" in line wit6 bot6 sets of stum!s/ If a 6elmet belon5in5 to t6e fiel"in5 si"e is on t6e 5roun" wit6in t6e fiel" of !la-1 an" t6e ball w6ile in !la- strikes it1 t6e ball s6all become "ea"/ , !enalt- runs s6all t6en be awar"e" to t6e battin5 si"e/ See Laws Runs score" w6en ball becomes "ea" an" Aenalt- runs/

%# 3ena ty r(ns not to be a/ar%e% Notwit6stan"in5 % an" > abo:e1 if from t6e "eli:er- b- t6e bowler t6e ball first struck t6e !erson of t6e striker an" if1 in t6e o!inion of t6e um!ire1 t6e striker neit6er1 n/ o/ attem!te" to !la- t6e ball wit6 6is bat1 trie" to a:oi" bein5 6it b- t6e ball1

t6en no awar" of , !enalt- runs s6all be ma"e an" no ot6er runs or !enalties s6all be cre"ite" to t6e battin5 si"e e@ce!t t6e !enalt- for a No ball if a!!licable/ See Law Le5 b-es not to be awar"e"/ e# Restri!tions on p a!e1ent o' 'ie %ers !/ At t6e instant of t6e bowlerKs "eli:er- t6ere s6all not be more t6an two fiel"ers1 ot6er t6an t6e wicket+kee!er1 be6in" t6e !o!!in5 crease on t6e le5 si"e/ A fiel"er will be consi"ere" to be be6in" t6e !o!!in5 crease unless t6e w6ole of 6is !erson1 w6et6er 5roun"e" or in t6e air1 is in front of t6is line/ In t6e e:ent of infrin5ement of t6is Law b- t6e fiel"in5 si"e1 t6e um!ire at t6e strikerKs en" s6all call an" si5nal No ball/ 7/ r/ At t6e instance of t6e "eli:er- t6ere ma- not be more t6an , fiel"ers on t6e le5 si"e/ In t6e e:ent of t6e infrin5ement of an- of t6e abo:e t6e s7uare le5 um!ire s6all call an" si5nal No ball/

here are other restri"tions in *CC rules 67* (laying "onditions on number o$ $ielders within the 3' yard "ir"le in sti(ulated number o$ overs whi"h do not a((ly to ennisball Cri"%et)

'# 4ie %ers not to en!roa!h on the pit!h F6ile t6e ball is in !la- an" until t6e ball 6as ma"e contact wit6 t6e bat or !erson of t6e striker1 or 6as !asse" t6e strikerKs bat1 no fiel"er1 ot6er t6an t6e bowler1 ma6a:e an- !art of 6is !erson 5roun"e" on or e@ten"e" o:er t6e !itc6/ In t6e e:ent of infrin5ement of t6is Law b- an- fiel"er ot6er t6an t6e wicket+kee!er1 t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" s6all call an" si5nal No ball as soon as !ossible after t6e "eli:erof t6e ball/ Note 6owe:er1 Law Aosition of wicket+kee!er/ g# Mo$e1ent by 'ie %ers An- si5nificant mo:ement b- an- fiel"er after t6e ball comes into !la- an" before t6e ball reac6es t6e striker is unfair/ In t6e e:ent of suc6 unfair mo:ement eit6er um!ires s6all call an" si5nal .ea" ball/ Note also t6e !ro:isions of Law .eliberate attem!t to "istract striker/


h# s/ t/

Be'inition o' signi'i!ant 1o$e1ent ?or close fiel"ers an-t6in5 ot6er t6an minor a"=ustments to stance or !osition in relation to t6e striker is si5nificant/ In t6e outfiel"1 fiel"ers are !ermitte" to mo:e in towar"s t6e striker or strikerKs wicket1 !ro:i"e" t6at , abo:e is not contra:ene"/ An-t6in5 ot6er t6an sli56t mo:ement off line or awa- from t6e striker is to be consi"ere" si5nificant/ ?or restrictions on mo:ement b- t6e wicket+kee!er see Law Mo:ement b- wicket+kee!er/




?air an" unfair !la0a/ .C6 4air an% (n'air p ay
a# 4air an% (n'air p ay & responsibi ities o' the !aptain T6e res!onsibilit- lies wit6 t6e ca!tains for ensurin5 t6at !la- is con"ucte" wit6in t6e s!irit an" tra"itions of t6e 5ame1 as "escribe" in T6e Areamble 2 T6e S!irit of Cricket1 as well as wit6in t6e Laws/ b# 4air an% (n'air p ay & responsibi ities o' the (1pires T6e um!ires s6all be t6e sole =u"5es of fair an" unfair !la-/ If eit6er um!ire consi"ers an action1 not co:ere" b- t6e Laws1 to be unfair1 6e s6all inter:ene wit6out a!!eal an"1 if t6e ball is in !la-1 s6all call an" si5nal .ea" ball an" im!lement t6e !roce"ure as set out in () below/ Ot6erwise t6e um!ires s6all not interfere wit6 t6e !ro5ress of !la-1 e@ce!t as re7uire" to "o so b- t6e Laws/ !# Be iberate atte1pt to %istra!t the (1pire It is unfair for an- member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e "eliberatel- to attem!t to "istract t6e striker w6ile 6e is !re!arin5 to recei:e or recei:in5 a "eli:er-/ "/ If eit6er um!ire consi"ers t6at an- action b- a member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e is suc6 an attem!t1 at t6e first instance 6e s6all i/ imme"iatel- call an" si5nal .ea" ball/ ii/ warn t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e t6at t6e action is unfair an" in"icate t6at t6is is a first an" final warnin5/ iii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire an" t6e batsmen of w6at 6as occurre"/ Neit6er batsman s6all be "ismisse" from t6at "eli:er- an" t6e ball s6all not count as one of t6e o:er/ e/ If t6ere is an- furt6er suc6 "eliberate attem!t in t6at innin5s1 b- anmember of t6e fiel"in5 si"e1 t6e !roce"ures1 ot6er t6an warnin51 as set out in IaJ abo:e s6all a!!l-/ A""itionall-1 t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" s6all

i/ awar" , !enalt- runs to t6e battin5 si"e/ See (B below/ ii/ inform t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e of t6e reason for t6is action an"1 as soon as !racticable1 inform t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e/ iii/ re!ort t6e occurrence1 to5et6er wit6 t6e ot6er um!ire1 as soon as !ossible to t6e E@ecuti:e of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an" anEo:ernin5 Bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" !la-er or !la-ers concerne"/ '# Be iberate %istra!tion or obstr(!tion o' the bats1an In a""ition to abo:e1 it is unfair for an- member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e1 b- wor" or action1 willfull- to attem!t to "istract or to obstruct eit6er batsman after t6e striker 6as recei:e" t6e ball// a/ b/ It is for eit6er one of t6e um!ires to "eci"e w6et6er an- "istraction or obstruction is willful or not/ If eit6er um!ire consi"ers t6at a member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e 6as willfullcause" or attem!te" to cause suc6 a "istraction or obstruction 6e s6all i/ imme"iatel- call an" si5nal .ea" ball/ ii/ imme"iatel- call an" si5nal .ea" ball/1 a""itionalliii/ neit6er batsman s6all be "ismisse" from t6at "eli:er-/ i:/ , !enalt- runs s6all be awar"e" to t6e battin5 si"e/ See (B below/ In t6is instance1 t6e run in !ro5ress s6all be score"1 w6et6er or not t6e batsmen 6a" crosse" at t6e instant of t6e call/ See Law Runs score" w6en ball becomes "ea"/ :/ t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" s6all inform t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e of t6e reason for t6is action an"1 as soon as !racticable1 inform t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e/ :i/ t6e ball s6all not count as one of t6e o:er :ii/ t6e batsmen at t6e wicket s6all "eci"e w6ic6 of t6em is to face t6e ne@t "eli:er:iii/ t6e um!ires s6all re!ort t6e occurrence as soon as !ossible to t6e E@ecuti:e of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an" an- Eo:ernin5 Bo"res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is

consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" !la-er or !la-ers concerne"/ g# Bangero(s an% (n'air bo/ ing 6/ Bowlin5 fast an" s6ort !itc6e" balls i/ T6e bowlin5 of fast s6ort !itc6e" balls is "an5erous an" unfair if t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerKs en" consi"ers t6at b- t6eir re!etition an" takin5 into account t6eir len5t61 6ei56t an" "irection t6eare likel- to inflict !6-sical in=ur- on t6e striker1 irres!ecti:e of t6e !rotecti:e e7ui!ment 6e ma- be wearin5/ T6e relati:e skill of t6e striker s6all be taken into consi"eration/ ii/ Notwit6stan"in5 IiJ abo:e1 a bowler s6all be !ermitte" to one fast s6ort !itc6e" "eli:er- !er o:er/ iii/ A fast s6ort !itc6 "eli:er- is "efine" as a ball t6at !asses or woul" 6a:e !asse" abo:e t6e s6oul"er 6ei56t of t6e striker stan"in5 u!ri56t at t6e crease/ i:/ T6e um!ire at bowlers en" s6all a":ise t6e bowler an" t6e batsman on strike w6en eac6 fast s6ort !itc6e" "eli:er- 6as been bowle"/ :/ In a""ition for t6e !ur!ose of t6e re5ulation an" sub=ect to I:J below1 a ball t6at !asses abo:e t6e 6ea" 6ei56t of t6e batsman1 t6at !re:ents 6im from bein5 able to 6it it wit6 6is bat b- means of a normal cricket stroke s6all be calle" a wi"e/ vi. In t6e e:ent of a bowler bowlin5 more t6an one fast s6ort !itc6e" "eli:er- in an o:er as "efine" in clause IiiiJ abo:e1 t6e um!ire at t6e bowlers en" s6all call an" si5nal no ball on eac6 occasion/ A "ifferential si5nal s6all be use" to si5nif- a fast s6ort !itc6e" "eli:er-/ T6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal Tno ballD an" t6en ta! t6e 6ea" wit6 t6e ot6er 6an"/ :ii/ If t6e bowler bowls more t6an one fast an" s6ort !itc6e" ball in an o:er1 t6e um!ire s6all caution t6e bowler twice/ T6e secon" warnin5 will be t6e final warnin51 after w6ic6 t6e um!ire s6all a":ise an" "irect t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e to take t6e bowler off/ If necessar-1 t6e o:er s6all be com!lete" b- anot6er bowler1 w6o s6all neit6er 6a:e bowle" t6e !re:ious o:er1 or !art t6ereof1 nor be allowe" to bowl t6e ne@t o:er1 or !art t6ereof/ T6e bowler t6us taken off s6oul" not be allowe" to bowl later in


t6at innin5s/ T6e um!ire s6all re!ort t6is to t6e batsman an" anEo:ernin5 bo"- or5ani9in5 t6e matc6 as soon as !racticable/ :iii/ An- "eli:er- w6ic61 after !itc6in51 !asses or woul" 6a:e !asse" o:er 6ea" 6ei56t of t6e striker stan"in5 u!ri56t at t6e crease1 alt6ou56 not t6reatenin5 !6-sical in=ur-1 s6all be inclu"e" wit6 bowlin5 un"er IiJ bot6 w6en t6e um!ire is consi"erin5 w6et6er t6e bowlin5 of fast s6ort !itc6e" balls 6as become "an5erous an" unfair an" after 6e 6as so "eci"e"/ T6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal No ball for eac6 suc6 "eli:er-/ i/ Bowlin5 6i56 full !itc6e" balls i/ An- "eli:er-1 ot6er t6an a slow !ace" one1 w6ic6 !asses or woul" 6a:e !asse" on t6e full abo:e waist 6ei56t of t6e striker stan"in5 u!ri56t at t6e crease is "eeme" "an5erous an" unfair1 w6et6er or not is it likel- to inflict !6-sical in=ur- on t6e striker/ ii/ A slow "eli:er-1 w6ic6 !asses or woul" 6a:e !asse" on t6e full abo:e s6oul"er 6ei56t of t6e striker stan"in5 u!ri56t at t6e crease1 is to be "eeme" "an5erous an" unfair1 w6et6er or not it is likel- to inflict !6-sical in=ur- on t6e striker/ iii. In t6e e:ent of a bowler bowlin5 a 6i56 full !itc6e" ball as "efine" in Clauses IaJ abo:e Ii/e/ a beamerJ1 t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerDs en" s6all1 in t6e first instance1 call an" si5nal no ball an" w6en t6e ball is "ea"1 caution t6e bowler an" issue a first an" final warnin5/ T6e um!ire s6all inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an" t6e batsmen at t6e wicket of w6at 6as occurre"/ iv. S6oul" t6ere be an- furt6er instance b- t6e same bowler in t6at innin5s1 t6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal no ball an" w6en t6e ball is "ea" "irect t6e ca!tain to take t6e bowler off fort6wit6/ If necessar-1 t6e o:er s6all be com!lete" b- anot6er bowler1 w6o s6all neit6er 6a:e bowle" t6e !re:ious o:er1 or !art t6ereof1 nor be allowe" to bowl t6e ne@t o:er1 or !art t6ereof/ T6e bowler t6us taken off s6all not be allowe" to bowl a5ain in t6at innin5s/ T6e um!ire s6all re!ort t6is to t6e batsman an" an- Eo:ernin5 bo"- or5ani9in5 t6e matc6 as soon as !racticable/ ,# Bangero(s an% (n'air bo/ ing & a!tion by the (1pire k/ T6e bowlin5 of fast s6ort !itc6e" balls is unfair if in t6e o!inion of t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerDs en" 6e consi"ers t6at b- t6eir re!etition an" takin5 into account t6eir len5t61 6ei56t an" "irection1 t6e- are likel- to

inflict !6-sical in=ur- on t6e striker1 irres!ecti:e of t6e !rotecti:e clot6in5 an" e7ui!ment 6e ma- be wearin5/ T6e relati:e skill of t6e striker s6all also be taken into consi"eration/ l/ In t6e e:ent of suc6 unfair bowlin51 t6e um!ire at t6e bowlerDs en" s6all a"o!t t6e followin5 !roce"ure# i/ In t6e first instance t6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal no ball1 caution t6e bowler an" inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an" t6e batsmen of w6at 6as occurre"/ ii/ If t6is caution is ineffecti:e1 6e s6all re!eat t6e abo:e !roce"ure an" in"icate to t6e bowler t6at t6is is a final warnin5/ iii/ Bot6 t6e abo:e caution an" final warnin5 s6all continue to a!!l- e:en t6ou56 t6e bowler ma- later c6an5e en"s/ i:/ S6oul" t6ere be an- furt6er instance b- t6e same bowler in t6at innin5s1 t6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal no ball an" w6en t6e ball is "ea" "irect t6e ca!tain to take t6e bowler off fort6wit6/ If necessar-1 t6e o:er s6all be com!lete" b- anot6er bowler1 w6o s6all neit6er 6a:e bowle" t6e !re:ious o:er1 or !art t6ereof1 nor be allowe" to bowl t6e ne@t o:er1 or !art t6ereof/ See Law Bowler Inca!acitate" or Sus!en"e" "urin5 an O:er/ T6e bowler t6us taken off s6all not be able to bowl a5ain in t6at innin5s/ T6e um!ire s6all re!ort t6is to t6e batsman an" an- Eo:ernin5 bo"or5ani9in5 t6e matc6 as soon as !racticable/ 1# Be iberate bo/ ing o' high '( pit!he% ba s If t6e um!ire consi"ers t6at a 6i56 full !itc6 w6ic6 is "eeme" to be "an5erous an" unfair1 as "efine" in BIbJ abo:e1 was "eliberatel- bowle"1 t6en t6e caution an" warnin5 s-stem s6all be "is!ense" wit6/ T6e um!ire s6all a/ b/ c/ "/ e/ call an" si5nal No ball "irect t6e ca!tain1 w6en t6e ball is "ea"1 to take t6e bowler off fort6wit6 not allow t6e bowler to bowl a5ain in t6at innin5s ensure t6at o:er is com!lete" b- anot6er bowler1 !ro:i"e" t6at bowler two o:ers of !art t6ereof consecuti:elre!ort t6e inci"ent to t6e Eo:ernin5 bo"- of t6e matc6


n# Ti1e /asting by 'ie %ing si%e It is unfair for an- member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e to waste time/ a/ If t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e wastes time1 or allows an- member of 6is si"e to waste time1 or if t6e !ro5ress of an o:er is unnecessaril- slow1 at t6e first instance t6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal .ea" ball if necessaran" i/ warn t6e ca!tain1 an" in"icate t6at t6is is a first an" final warnin5/ ii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire an" t6e batsmen of w6at 6as occurre"/ b/ If t6ere is an- furt6er waste of time in t6at innin5s1 b- an- member of t6e fiel"in5 si"e1 t6e um!ire s6all eit6er i/ call an" si5nal "ea" ball if necessarii/ awar" , !enalt- runs to t6e battin5 si"e iii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e batsmen an"1 as soon as !racticable1 t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e of w6at 6as occurre"/ i:/ re!ort t6e occurrence1 wit6 t6e ot6er um!ire1 as soon as !ossible to an- Eo:ernin5 Bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" team concerne"/ o# Bats1an /asting ti1e It is unfair for a batsman to waste time/ In normal circumstances t6e striker s6oul" alwa-s be rea"- to take strike w6en t6e bowler is rea"- to start 6is run u!/ a/ S6oul" eit6er batsman waste time b- failin5 to meet t6is re7uirement1 or in an- ot6er wa-1 t6e followin5 !roce"ure s6all be a"o!te"/ At t6e first instance1 eit6er before t6e bowler starts 6is run u! or w6en t6e ball is "ea"1 as a!!ro!riate1 t6e um!ire s6all i/ warn t6e batsman an" in"icate t6at t6is is a first an" final warnin5/ T6is warnin5 s6all continue to a!!l- t6rou56out t6e innin5s/ T6e um!ire s6all so inform eac6 incomin5 batsman/ ii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e ot6er batsman an" t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e of w6at 6as occurre"/


iii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e ot6er batsman an" t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e of w6at 6as occurre"/ b/ if t6ere is an- furt6er time wastin5 b- an- batsman in t6at innin5s1 t6e um!ire s6all1 at t6e a!!ro!riate time w6ile t6e ball is "ea" i/ awar" , !enalt- runs to t6e fiel"in5 si"e/ See (B below/ ii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e ot6er batsman1 t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an"1 as soon as !racticable1 t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e of w6at 6as occurre"/ iii/ re!ort t6e occurrence1 wit6 t6e ot6er um!ire1 as soon as !ossible to t6e E@ecuti:e of t6e battin5 si"e an" to anEo:ernin5 Bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" !la-er or !la-ers an"1 if a!!ro!riate1 t6e team concerne"/ a/ re!ort t6e occurrence1 wit6 t6e ot6er um!ire1 as soon as !ossible to an- Eo:ernin5 Bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" team concerne"/


Ba1aging the pit!h & area to be prote!te% 7/ It is incumbent on all !la-ers to a:oi" unnecessar- "ama5e to t6e !itc6/ It is unfair for an- !la-er to cause "eliberate "ama5e to t6e !itc6/ r/ An area of t6e !itc61 to be referre" to as Kt6e !rotecte" areaK1 is "efine" as t6at area containe" wit6in a rectan5le boun"e" at eac6 en" b- ima5inar- lines !arallel to t6e !o!!in5 creases an" ,ft$(/,%m in front of eac6 an" on t6e si"es b- ima5inar- lines1 one eac6 si"e of t6e ima5inarline =oinin5 t6e centers of t6e two mi""le stum!s1 eac6 !arallel to it an" (ft$>'/ )cm from it/


Bo/ er r(nning on the pit!h t/ If t6e bowler1 after "eli:erin5 t6e ball1 runs on t6e !rotecte" area as "efine" in ('IbJ abo:e1 t6e um!ire s6all at t6e first instance1 an" w6en t6e ball is "ea"1 i/ caution t6e bowler/ T6is caution s6all continue to a!!lt6rou56out t6e innin5s/ ii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an" t6e batsmen of w6at 6as occurre"/



If1 in t6at innin5s1 t6e same bowler runs on t6e !rotecte" area a5ain after "eli:erin5 t6e ball1 t6e um!ire s6all re!eat t6e abo:e !roce"ure1 in"icatin5 t6at t6is is a final warnin5/ If1 in t6at innin5s1 t6e same bowler runs on t6e !rotecte" area a t6ir" time after "eli:erin5 t6e ball1 w6en t6e ball is "ea" t6e um!ire s6all i/ "irect t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e to take t6e bowler off fort6wit6/ If a!!licable1 t6e o:er s6all be com!lete" b- anot6er bowler1 w6o s6all neit6er 6a:e bowle" t6e !re:ious o:er nor be allowe" to bowl t6e ne@t o:er/ T6e bowler t6us taken off s6all not be allowe" to bowl a5ain in t6at innin5s/ ii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e batsmen an"1 as soon as !racticable1 t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e of w6at 6as occurre"/ iii/ re!ort t6e occurrence1 wit6 t6e ot6er um!ire1 as soon as !ossible to an- Eo:ernin5 Bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" bowler concerne"/



4ie %er %a1aging the pit!h @/ If an- fiel"er causes a:oi"able "ama5e to t6e !itc61 ot6er t6an as in ((IaJ abo:e1 at t6e first instance t6e um!ire s6all1 w6en t6e ball is "ea"1 i/ caution t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e1 in"icatin5 t6at t6is is a first an" final warnin5/ T6is caution s6all continue to a!!lt6rou56out t6e innin5s/ ii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire an" t6e batsmen of w6at 6as occurre"/ -/ If t6ere is an- furt6er a:oi"able "ama5e to t6e !itc6 b- an- fiel"er in t6at innin5s1 t6e um!ire s6all1 w6en t6e ball is "ea"1 i/ awar" , !enalt- runs to t6e battin5 si"e/ See (B below/ ii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e batsmen1 t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an"1 as soon as !racticable1 t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e of w6at 6as occurre"/ iii/ re!ort t6e occurrence1 wit6 t6e ot6er um!ire1 as soon as !ossible to t6e E@ecuti:e of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an" an- Eo:ernin5 Bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" !la-er or !la-ers concerne"/


Bats1an %a1aging the pit!h aa/ If eit6er batsman causes a:oi"able "ama5e to t6e !itc61 at t6e first instance t6e um!ire s6all1 w6en t6e ball is "ea"1 i/ caution t6e batsman/ T6is caution s6all continue to a!!lt6rou56out t6e innin5s/ T6e um!ire s6all so inform eac6 incomin5 batsman/ ii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e ot6er batsman1 t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an"1 as soon as !racticable1 t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e/ bb/ If t6ere is a secon" instance of a:oi"able "ama5e to t6e !itc6 b- anbatsman in t6at innin5s i/ t6e um!ire s6all re!eat t6e abo:e !roce"ure1 in"icatin5 t6at t6is is a final warnin5/ ii/ a""itionall- 6e s6all "isallow all runs to t6e battin5 si"e from t6at "eli:er- ot6er t6an t6e !enalt- for a No ball or a Fi"e1 if a!!licable/ T6e batsmen s6all return to t6eir ori5inal en"s/ cc/ If t6ere is an- furt6er a:oi"able "ama5e to t6e !itc6 b- an- batsman in t6at innin5s1 t6e um!ire s6all1 w6en t6e ball is "ea"1 i/ "isallow all runs to t6e battin5 si"e from t6at "eli:er- ot6er t6an t6e !enalt- for a No ball or a Fi"e1 if a!!licable/ T6e batsmen s6all return to t6eir ori5inal en"s/ ii/ a""itionall- awar" , !enalt- runs to t6e fiel"in5 si"e/ See (* below/ iii/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e ot6er batsman1 t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an"1 as soon as !racticable1 t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e of w6at 6as occurre"/ i:/ re!ort t6e occurrence1 wit6 t6e ot6er um!ire1 as soon as !ossible to t6e E@ecuti:e of t6e battin5 si"e an" an- Eo:ernin5 Bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" !la-er or !la-ers concerne"/

%%# Bo/ er atte1pting to r(n o(t non-stri"er be'ore %e i$ery T6e bowler is !ermitte"1 before enterin5 6is "eli:er- stri"e1 to attem!t to run out t6e non+striker/ T6e ball s6all not count in t6e o:er/ T6e um!ire s6all call an" si5nal .ea" ball as soon as !ossible if t6e bowler fails in t6e attem!t to run out t6e non+striker/

ee# Bats1an stea ing a r(n It is unfair for t6e batsmen to attem!t to steal a run "urin5 t6e bowlerKs run u!/ 3nless t6e bowler attem!ts to run out eit6er batsman 2 see ( abo:e an" Law Bowler t6rowin5 towar"s t6e strikers en" before "eli:er- 2 t6e um!ire s6all1 a/ call an" si5nal .ea" ball as soon as t6e batsmen cross in an- suc6 attem!t/ b/ return t6e batsmen to t6eir ori5inal en"s/ c/ awar" , !enalt- runs to t6e fiel"in5 si"e/ See (B below/ "/ inform t6e ot6er um!ire1 t6e batsmen1 t6e ca!tain of t6e fiel"in5 si"e an"1 as soon as !racticable1 t6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e of t6e reason for t6e action taken/ e/ re!ort t6e occurrence1 wit6 t6e ot6er um!ire1 as soon as !ossible to an- Eo:ernin5 Bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" !la-er or !la-ers concerne"/ ''# a/ b/ 3ena ty r(ns F6en !enalt- runs are awar"e" to eit6er si"e1 w6en t6e ball is "ea" t6e um!ire s6all si5nal t6e !enalt- runs to t6e scorers/ Notwit6stan"in5 t6e !ro:isions of Law ,/%( IFinnin5 6it or e@trasJ1 !enalt- runs s6all be awar"e" in eac6 case w6ere t6e Laws re7uire t6e awar"/ Note1 6owe:er1 t6at t6e restrictions on awar"in5 !enalt- runs in Laws Le5 b-es not to be awar"e"1 Runs !ermitte" from ball struck lawfullmore t6an once an" Law Aenalt- runs not to be awar"e" will a!!l-/ F6en , !enalt- runs are awar"e" to t6e battin5 si"e1 un"er eit6er Law !la-er returnin5 wit6out !ermission or T6e fiel"er or un"er >1 1 ) or (% abo:e1 t6en i/ t6e- s6all be score" as !enalt- e@tras an" s6all be in a""ition to an- ot6er !enalties/ ii/ t6e- s6all not be re5ar"e" as runs score" from eit6er t6e imme"iatel- !rece"in5 "eli:er- or t6e followin5 "eli:er-1 an" s6all be in a""ition to an- runs from t6ose "eli:eries/ iii/ t6e batsmen s6all not c6an5e en"s solel- b- reason of t6e , run !enalt-/




F6en , !enalt- runs are awar"e" to t6e fiel"in5 si"e1 un"er Law "eliberate s6ort runs1 or as in &1 (> or (, abo:e1 t6e- s6all be a""e" as !enalt- e@tras to t6at si"eKs total of runs in its most recentl- com!lete" innin5s/ If t6e fiel"in5 si"e 6as not com!lete" an innin5s1 t6e , !enalte@tras s6all be a""e" to its ne@t innin5s/

gg# 3 ayers !on%(!t If t6ere is an- breac6 of t6e S!irit of t6e Eame b- a !la-er failin5 to com!l- wit6 t6e instructions of an um!ire1 or critici9in5 6is "ecisions b- wor" or action1 or s6owin5 "issent1 or 5enerall- be6a:in5 in a manner w6ic6 mi56t brin5 t6e 5ame into "isre!ute1 t6e um!ire concerne" s6all imme"iatel- re!ort t6e matter to t6e ot6er um!ire/ T6e um!ires to5et6er s6all1 a/ b/ c/ inform t6e !la-erKs ca!tain of t6e occurrence1 instructin5 t6e latter to take action/ warn 6im of t6e 5ra:it- of t6e offence1 an" tell 6im t6at it will be re!orte" to 6i56er aut6orit-/ re!ort t6e occurrence as soon as !ossible to t6e E@ecuti:e of t6e !la-erKs team an" an- Eo:ernin5 Bo"- res!onsible for t6e matc61 w6o s6all take suc6 action as is consi"ere" a!!ro!riate a5ainst t6e ca!tain an" !la-er or !la-ers1 an"1 if a!!ro!riate1 t6e team concerne"/


G H A6 Ahat !onstit(tes in,(ry %(ring the 1at!hI G# If1 "urin5 t6e matc61 a !la-er a55ra:ates an in=ur- sustaine" before t6e matc61 s6oul" t6e um!ires re5ar" t6is as Tin=ur- "urin5 t6e current matc6D1 7ualif-in5 6im for a runner an"$or a substituteS A# Since um!ires 6a:e no s!ecial me"ical e@!ertise1 t6e- must assume t6at i' a p ayer is no1inate% he is 'it to p ay/ Accor"in5l-1 if 6is con"ition worsens a substitute$runner can be allowe"/ Rep a!ing a r(nner G# T6e Law states t6at a runner s6oul" if !ossible 6a:e alrea"- batte"/ T6is is clearl- not !ossible w6en one of t6e o!enin5 batsmen is in=ure" an" is !ermitte" a runner/ If t6e ot6er o!enin5 batsman is "ismisse" before t6e in=ure" one1 s6oul" 6e imme"iatel- re!lace t6e runnerS A# T6ere are two reasons w6- t6e Law la-s "own t6at a runner s6oul" 6a:e batte" alrea"- Iif !ossibleJ/ T6e first is t6at it is clearl- un"esirable t6at a batsman soon to come in 6imself s6oul" 6a:e eit6er !rior e@!erience of t6e li56t an" ot6er con"itions or si56t of t6e bowlin5/ T6e secon" is t6at it is also clearlun"esirable for a runner to be c6an5e"1 to brin5 in a fres6 !la-er instea" of a tire" one/ Becomin5 tire" is a factor of some si5nificance in t6e "e:elo!ment of a batsmanDs innin5s an" one t6at a batsman w6o is not in=ure" 6as to conten" wit6/ It is t6erefore 5oo" !ractice to insist t6at if a runner cannot 6a:e batte" alrea"-1 6e s6oul" be one from 7uite low in t6e battin5 or"er/ T6e likeli6oo" is t6en t6at t6e nee" to c6an5e t6e runner will not arise/ If t6e ot6er o!ener were to be "ismisse" :er- s6ortl- after t6e in=ur-1 it mi56t t6en be suitable for 6im to re!lace t6e first runner/ T6e um!ire must use 6is =u"5ment/ In 5eneral1 6owe:er1 t6e ori5inal runner s6oul" sta- unless 6e 6imself is in=ure"1 t6e a!!roac6 of 6is own innin5s re7uires t6at t6ere s6oul" be at least some 5a! before 6e comes to t6e wicket or t6ere is a si5nificant break in !la-1 w6en a c6an5e woul" be a!!ro!riate/ S!ore /hen 'ie %er ret(rning /itho(t per1ission han% es the ba G# T6e ball is tra:elin5 towar"s t6e boun"ar-/ It 6as not 7uite reac6e" it w6en it is !icke" u! b- a !re:iousl- absent fiel"er comin5 back on to t6e fiel" wit6out


!ermission/ Gis feet are clearl- 5roun"e" outsi"e t6e boun"ar- line as 6e "oes so/ Ob:iousl- , !enalt- runs are to be awar"e" an" will be a""itional to an- ot6er runs/ Foul" Tan- ot6er runsD inclu"e a boun"ar- because t6e fiel"er was in contact wit6 t6e 5roun" outsi"e t6e boun"ar- w6en 6e fiel"e" t6e ballS A# It is true t6at1 in 5eneral1 if one an" t6e same act contra:enes two Laws1 bot6 !enalties will a!!l-/ Gere 6owe:er1 t6at situation "oes not arise/ ?or a boun"areit6er t6e ball itself1 or a fiel"er in contact wit6 t6e ball1 must be on or o:er t6e boun"ar-/ T6is cannot a!!l- to t6e returnin5 !la-er/ Since 6e 6as not 6a" !ermission to return 6e is not a fiel"er/ As 6e 6an"le" t6e ball w6ile it was in !la-1 , !enalt- runs will be awar"e"1 but t6e fact t6at 6e was in contact wit6 t6e boun"ar- is irrele:ant/ Runs com!lete" b- t6e batsmen1 !lus t6e run in !ro5ress if t6e- 6a" crosse" at t6e moment 6e came into contact wit6 t6e ball1 to5et6er wit6 a ( run !enalt- if No ball or Fi"e 6a" been calle"1 woul" be a""e" to t6e , !enalt- runs as normal/ In,(re% stri"er r(ns e$en tho(gh he has a r(nner G# An in=ure" striker 6as a runner/ T6e runner remains wit6in 6is 5roun" at t6e strikerDs en"1 but t6e in=ure" striker an" t6e non+striker bot6 run1 an" bot6 make 5oo" t6e 5roun" at t6e o!!osite en"/ S6oul" t6is run be allowe"S A/No/ If t6e in=ure" strikerDs 5roun" is alwa-s at t6e wicket+kee!erDs en"/ E:en t6ou56 6e 5roun"s 6is bat be6in" t6e crease at t6e bowlerDs en"1 6e 6as not ma"e 5oo" his 5roun"/

U1pires as 'ina ,(%ges o' 'itness o' gro(n%< /eather an% ight G# T6e um!ires !ronounce" t6e !itc6 unfit but1 w6en t6e ca!tains insiste"1 allowe" !la- to take !lace un"er/ Gow can t6e um!ires be t6e final =u"5es of t6e fitness of t6e 5roun"1 weat6er an" li56t for !la-S F6at allows t6e ca!tains ne:ert6eless to "eci"e w6et6er !la- is to take !lace or notS A# T6e um!ires are t6e final =u"5es of t6e fitness of t6e 5roun" weat6er an" li56t for !la-/ At no time "o t6e ca!tains 6a:e t6e !ower to "eci"e on t6e suitabilitof t6e con"itions for !la-/ It is t6e (1pires w6o "eci"e in eac6 case w6ic6 of t6e t6ree cate5ories a!!lies to t6e con"itions/ If t6e- consi"er t6at con"itions are at le:el ( IsuitableJ t6e ca!tains 6a:e no c6oiceC t6e- 6a:e to !la-/ If t6e um!ires "eci"e t6at con"itions are at le:el > Iunreasonable or "an5erousJ1 t6e ca!tains 6a:e no c6oiceC t6e- will not be allowe" to !la-/ It is onl- w6en t6e um!ires "eci"e t6at con"itions are at le:el % IunsuitableJ1 t6at t6e ca!tains 6a:e an- !owers/ T6e total e@tent of t6e ca!tainsD !owers is to 6a:e t6e c6oice

of w6et6er to !la- or not in con"itions classe" as TunsuitableD1 an" t6en onl- if t6e- a5ree t6at t6e- bot6 wis6 to !la-/ It s6oul" be note" t6at in t6e case of unsuitable light con"itions1 a5reement between t6e ca!tains is not re7uire"/ T6e ca!tain of t6e battin5 si"e alone 6as t6e o!tion of "eci"in5 in"e!en"entlw6et6er !la- s6oul" take !lace1 an" a5ain t6is o!tion is a:ailable onl- w6en li56t con"itions are classe" as TunsuitableD/ Con%itions 'or Ca(ght i' the stri"er is not /earing g o$es G# If a batsman is not wearin5 5lo:es 6ow "oes t6is affect t6e !ossibilit- of 6is bein5 cau56tS An essential re7uirement for t6e strikerDs bein5 cau56t is t6at t6e ball 6as touc6e" 6is bat/ A# T6e han% is !art of t6e bat1 or t6e /ho e o' a g o$e on t6e 6an" 6ol"in5 t6e bat is !art of t6e bat/ Moreo:er1 6e 6as to be T6ol"in5D t6e bat/ Fit6out a 5lo:e t6erefore1 t6e ball touc6in5 6is 6an"1 but not 6is wrist or arm1 will make 6im liable to bein5 cau56t1 !ro:i"in5 6is 6an" is in contact wit6 t6e bat/ Batting si%e@s entit e1ent to /ho e bo(n%ary a o/an!e /hen 1ore than nee%e% to /in G# T6e scores are le:el an" t6e striker 6its t6e ball w6ic6 5oes o:er t6e boun"ar-/ Is it true t6at if t6e batsmen 6a:e alrea"- crosse" before t6e ball crosses t6e boun"ar-1 t6en t6e- will onl- score t6e one runS A# No it is not true/ T6e fact t6at t6e batsmen 6a:e crosse" in runnin5 "oes not mean t6at t6e- 6a:e completed a run1 nor e:en t6at t6e !art run will count/ If t6e number of !6-sicall- com!lete" runs is fewer t6an t6e allowance1 t6e boun"ar- o:erri"es t6e runs/ F6et6er t6ere is a run in !ro5ress or not 6as no rele:ance/ Ba !a(ght or %e' e!te% by 'ie %er be'ore %e i$ery rea!hes /i!"et G# T6e bowler "eli:ers t6e ball fairl- but wi"e of t6e wicket/ F6at is t6e situation if1 before reac6in5 t6e line of t6e strikerDs wicket1 t6e ball is IaJ Cau56t b- a fiel"er1 w6o t6en t6rows t6e ball to !ut "own eit6er wicket1 wit6 t6e batsman out of 6is 5roun"/ Is t6e batsman run outS IbJ .eflecte" b- a fiel"er on to eit6er wicket wit6 t6e batsman out of 6is 5roun"/ Is t6e batsman outS IcJ .eflecte" b- a fiel"er but not on to a wicketS Coul" t6e batsmen runS A# In eac6 case1 t6e answer is No/ T6e fiel"er catc6in5 t6e ball before it reac6es t6e striker is to be consi"ere" as a case of t6e ball comin5 to rest before reac6in5 t6e line of t6e strikerDs wicket/ T6e um!ire s6oul" call No ball an" t6en imme"iatel- call .ea" ball/ 3a%-bat stri"es

(/ If t6e ball first 6its t6e !a" an" t6en t6e bat1 t6e striker can be out Cau56t/ %/ If t6e ball first 6its t6e !a"1 t6en t6e 5roun" an" t6en t6e bat1 t6e striker cannot be out Cau56t/

Cat!hing the ba is!"! is !o1p eting the !at!h Gow is it !ossible for a fiel"er to catc6 t6e ball but s(bse=(ent y touc6 t6e boun"ar- w6ile carr-in5 t6e ball but before com!letin5 t6e catc6S A fiel"er catc6es t6e ball w6en 6e takes it in t6e air from a stroke of t6e bat/ Ge "oes not com!lete t6e catc6 until 6e 6as establis6e" bot6 forms of com!lete control IiJ o:er t6e ball an" IiiJ o:er 6is own mo:ement Ai!"et bro"en by pie!e brea"ing o'' bat As t6e striker !la-s t6e ball1 a si9eable c6unk of 6is bat breaks off1 flies back an" "islo"5es a bail/ Is 6e outS No/ Laws Ficket !ut "own an" Out Git wicket bot6 use t6e wor"s Tb- t6e strikerDs batD in s!ecif-in5 6ow t6e wicket can be !ut "own/ T6erefore !art of 6is bat "oes not 7ualif-/ R3LE # If t6e ball a""identally touc6es an item of clot6in5 w6ic6 6as been "ons"iously taken off or a 6elmet1 irres!ecti:e of 6ow it 6as been remo:e" t6e ball 6as been unfairl- fiel"e"/ T6e ball becomes "ea"1 a ,+run !enalt- is awar"e" but no re!ort is to be ma"e/


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