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The development gap keywords Infant mortalityGNIThe number of babies who die per 1000 live births.

Gross National Income Is a measure of a countries wealth

GNP- Gross National Product Is also a measure of wealth but does not take account of some business taxes. Development measure- Statistics used to show the level of development, which allows countries to be compared. Human Development Index (HDI)An index based on three measures. Life expectancy, Level of education and GNP. It is measured between 1 and 0, 1 being the maximum and 0 being the minimum. Phyiscal Quality of life index.- The average of three social measures: Literacy rate, life expectancy and infant mortality. Tariffs- Government taxes on imported or exported goods. Debt reliefForgiving a debt in part or in total, i.e. writing it off.

Fair TradeA system whereby agricultural producers in countries at lesser stages of development are paid a fair price for their produce. This helps them attain a reasonable standard of living. Short term aid- Aid given to relieve a disaster situation e.g. People who have been made homeless and are starving after a serious flood. Long term aid- Aid given over a significant period, which aims to promote economic development. Donor country- A country giving aid to another country Receiving countryA country receiving aid from another country

Bilateral aid- Aid given by one government to another. It may include trade and business agreements tied to the aid. Multilateral aidCountries at further stages of development give money to international organisations such as the world bank, the International Monetary Fund or the United Nations, which then redistribute it to development projects in countries at lesser stages of development. Top down aid- Aid used so that governments can run more efficiently or to build infrastructure such as roads and bridges. Bottom up aid- Aid used to provide basic health care for communities, clean drinking water and money for education.

Economic periphery- The edge of a country or region in terms of economics. It may not physically be the edge, but is a more remote, difficult area where people tend to be poorer and have fewer opportunities. A less well developed area. Economic core- The centre of a country or region economically, where businesses thrive, people have opportunities and are relatively wealthy. A highly developed area. Sustainable developmentThis allows economic growth to occur, which can continue over a long period of time and will not harm the environment. It benefits people alive today but does not compromise future generations.

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