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The Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanit Ho! to "no! Hi#her $orld%



An Introduction to the Spiritual Proce%%e%
in Human Life and in the Co%mo%

Tran%lated & C ATHER IN E E. CREEGER




The first English editi n f this ! r" !#s $%&lished &' (eg#n P#%l) L nd n #nd R#nd *+N#ll') Chi+#g in ,-,.. An ne! editi n !#s $%&lished &' (eg#n P#%l in ,-// #nd # f%rther ne! tr#nsl#ti n fr 0 the fin#l Ger0#n revised editi n 1,-th2 &' the R%d lf Steiner P%&lishing C .) L nd n #nd Anthr $ s $hi+ Press) N.Y. 3Anthr $ s $hi+#l Liter#r' C n+ern4 in ,-//. In ,-5/ # ne! tr#nsl#ti n !#s $%&6 lished &' the R%d lf Steiner P%&lishing C .) L nd n #nd Anthr $ s $hi+ Press) N.Y.) !hi+h !#s revised in ,-78 #nd f%rther revised in ,-97. In ,-89 the Anthr 6 $ s $hi+ Press $%&lished # tr#nsl#ti n &' Henr' :. * nges) !hi+h !#s revised &' Gil&ert Ch%r+h in ,-;,. This v l%0e is # tr#nsl#ti n f Theo%ophie) 'inf(hrun# in (&er%innliche $elter)enntni% und *en%chen&e%timmun# 1v l. - in the :i&li gr#$hi+ S%rve') ,-9,2 $%&lished &' R%d lf Steiner <erl#g) D rn#+h) S!it=erl#nd. This editi n C $'right > ,--8 &' Anthr $ s $hi+ Press. F re! rd C $'right > ,--8 &' *i+h#el H ldrege. P%&lished &' Anthr $ s $hi+ Press RR 8 : ? -8 A,) H%ds n) NY ,/758 Li&rar of Con#re%% Catalo#in#+in+Pu&lication ,ata Steiner) R%d lf) ,@9,A,-/7. 3The s $hie. English4 The s $h' B #n intr d%+ti n t the s$irit%#l $r +esses #t ! r" in h%0#n life #nd in the + s0 s C R%d lf Steiner. $. +0.D1Cl#ssi+s in #nthr $ s $h'2 In+l%des &i&li gr#$hi+#l referen+es #nd inde?. IS:N .6@@.,.65;569 ,. Anthr $ s $h'. I. Title. II. Series. :P7-7.S@-8T8;,5 ,--8 -5657@;, /--E.-58Dd+/. CIP C ver designF :#r&#r# Ri+he' ,. - @ ; 9 7 8 5 / , All rights reserved. N $#rt f this & " 0#' &e re$r d%+ed in #n' f r0 !ith %t the !ritten $er0issi n f the $%&lisher) e?+e$t f r &rief G% t#ti ns e0& died in +riti+#l revie!s #nd #rti+les. Printed in the United St#tes f A0eri+#



Fore!ord &' *i+h#el H ldrege

Pref#+e 1,-//2 Pref#+e t the ninth editi n Pref#+e t the si?th editi n Pref#+e t the third editi n Introduction Chapter THE ESSENTIAL NATURE OF THE HU*AN :EING //0 /1 /2 I. The : dil' N#t%re f the H%0#n :eing II. The S %l N#t%re f the H%0#n :eing III. The S$irit N#t%re f the H%0#n :eing I<. : d') S %l) #nd S$irit .Chapter / DESTINY AND THE REINCARNATION OF THE SPIRIT 0. -.



Chapter . THE THREE HORLDS 2. I. The S %l H rld 2. II. The S %l in the S %l H rld #fter De#th -32 III. The C %ntr' f S$irit :eings -// I<. The S$irit in S$irit C %ntr' #fter De#th -.<. The Ph'si+#l H rld #nd its C nne+ti n t the H rlds f S %ls #nd S$irits -45 <I. Th %ght F r0s #nd the H%0#n A%r# -62 Chapter 4 THE PATH TO (NOHLEDGE -56

Related Readin# Inde7 /3-



vi i


I A third f # +ent%r' h#s n ! $#ssed sin+e C. P. Sn ! &r %ght t !ider #!#reness # +risis si00ering I%st &el ! the s%rf#+e f Hestern +%lt%r#l life. In his Rede le+t%res #t C#0&ridge Universit' Sn ! s$ "e f Jt! +%lt%resK e?isting side &' side !ithin ne +%lt%re) 'et se$#r#ted &' # '#!ning g%lf. N t nl' !#s + 00%ni+#ti n ver' li06 ited &et!een the gr %$s Sn ! +h se t +h#r#+teri=eDthe s+ientists #nd the liter#r' intelle+t%#lsD&%t # s 0e!h#t h stile 0 d even e?isted. H#ve !e l st even the $retense f # + 00 n +%lt%reL This !#s the G%esti n Sn ! $l#+ed &ef re the Hestern ! rld. Hhen Sn ! r#ised this G%esti n) the &elief in + ntin6 %ed $r gress thr %gh the + nseG%ent #$$li+#ti n f s+i6 en+e #nd te+hn l g' t s +iet'Es $r &le0s #nd needs !#s still & rne !ith tre0end %s $ti0is0. <ie!ed fr 0 the $ers$e+tive f the ,--.s) the $ l#ri=#ti n he !#s $ inting t see0s &#rel' t h#ve s%rf#+ed #t the ti0e he s$ "e. T 6 d#' this g%lf is evident ever'!hereD&%t in 0%+h gre#ter



diversit' #nd #t 0#n' different levelsF fr 0 0%lti+%lt%r6 #lis0 t $ st0 dernit'. *#n' #dditi n#l J+%lt%resK h#ve sin+e r#ised their v i+es in the gre#t de&#te #& %t the f%6 t%re f h%0#nit'. A 0#I r i0$et%s in this dire+ti n !#s given in the e#rl' si?ties &' Th 0#s (%hnEs & " The Structure of Scien+ tific Revolution%. In !h#t is $r &#&l' the 0 st !idel' dis6 +%ssed #n#l'sis f the s+ientifi+ ende#v r in the se+ nd h#lf f this +ent%r') (%hn 0#"es evident the $res%$$ si6 ti ns th#t %nderlie ever' f r0 f s+ientifi+ #+tivit'. S+ien6 tifi+ Jtr%ths)K s%$$ sedl' J &Ie+tiveK in n#t%re) !ere sh !n t &e the refle+ti n f # &#+"gr %nd f sh#red #s6 s%0$ti ns d 0in#nt in th#t s+ientifi+ + 00%nit'. (%hn +#lled this fr#0e! r" f $res%$$ siti ns # J$#r#dig0.K Hhen # $#r#dig0 +h#nges) s d es the #$$e#r#n+e f the ! rld f r th se sh#ring th#t vie!$ int. Hh#t (%hn f r0%l#ted in the + nte?t f 0 dern s+ien+e h#s) t gether !ith its !ider i0$li+#ti ns f r n ns+ientifi+ dis+ %rse) sh#"en the r#ti n#listi+ f %nd#ti ns f Hestern s +iet' #t the end f this +ent%r'. The s%s$i+i n h#s e0erged th#t #ll th %ght #nd &elief s'ste0s #re 0erel' s 6 +i#l + nstr%+ti ns. S 0eti0es "n !n #s %r J$ st0 dern + nditi n)K this sit%#ti n is +h#r#+teri=ed &' # $l%r#lit' f vie!$ intsD n t I%st Sn !Es t! +%lt%resD!here v#r'6 ing gr %$s #re ften %n#&le t + 00%ni+#te !ith e#+h ther &e+#%se f the different Jl#ng%#gesK the' s$e#". N t nl' h#s the legiti0#+' f s+ientifi+ "n !ledge #s the $ri6 0#r' s %r+e f J &Ie+tiveK %nderst#nding &een +#lled int G%esti n) &%t #ls the $ ssi&ilit' f 0#"ing v#lid %nivers#l st#te0ents #& %t the n#t%re f #n'thing.



Hhere#s the l#tter dis+%ssi n h#s t#"en $l#+e $ri0#r6 il' #t #n #+#de0i+ level) the +risis f J 0 dernis0 K h#s &e+ 0e evident thr %gh %t Hestern s +iet'. :e it in e+ 6 n 0i+s) in ed%+#ti n) in envir n0ent#l r in s +i#l is6 s%es) !e find %rselves #t the d#!n f # ne! 0illenni%0 in the 0idst f # 0%ltif#+eted re+ nsider#ti n f %r +%l6 t%r#l f %nd#ti ns. Li"e it r n t) the li0its f red%+tive n#t%r#l s+ien+e #nd f the n#rr ! fi?#ti n n %ter $r gress #re &e+ 0ing %ndeni#&l' visi&le. F r 0#n' in6 divid%#ls this h#s led t # shift in $ers$e+tive. An #!#re6 ness is gr !ing t d#' th#t the $r &le0s !e f#+e did n t Jf#ll fr 0 He#ven)K &%t res%lt fr 0 h%0#n deeds) the s %r+e f !hi+h lies in h%0#n + ns+i %sness. T l " #t the J %terK st#te f the ! rld !e h#ve +re#ted is t see # refle+ti n f %r !n JinnerK st#te. This $ers$e+tive is +le#rl' refle+ted in Al&ert G reEs !idel' re#d & " 'arth in the 8alance. G re s$e#"s f the $r f %nd se$#r#ti n th#t h#s #risen in the + %rse f Hestern +%lt%r#l hist r' &et!een %r intelle+t #nd the $h'si+#l ! rld in !hi+h !e live. He sees this #s # 0#I r s %r+e f the %nhe#lth' rel#6 ti nshi$ t %r n#t%r#l envir n0ent !hi+h is visi&le in the e+ l gi+#l +risis !e f#+e t d#'. In light f s%+h f%nd#0ent#l refle+ti ns n the f %nd#6 ti ns f Hestern +%lt%re #rising in %r ti0e) f%t%re gener6 #ti ns 0#' !ell e?$ress s%r$rise #t the rel#tive %nf#0i6 li#rit' f t d#'Es A0eri+#n $%&li+ !ith the ! r" f R%d lf SteinerB f r Steiner dev ted his !h le life t ver+ 0ing the g%lf #rising &et!een s+ien+e) #rt) #nd religi n) &et!een +le#r s+ientifi+ thin"ing #nd the &elief in JhigherK re#lities. He did this in # 0#nner th#t re+ gni=es the in#deG%#+' f


0 n lithi+ ! rld vie!s) in !hi+h ever'thing is s%&s%0ed %nder # %nivers#l $rin+i$le. Alre#d' #t the #ge f t!ent'6 five Steiner h#d f r0%l#ted the n#t%re f this $r &le0) #nd h#d sh !n in referen+e t the Ger0#n $ et #nd s+ientist G ethe) # 0%+h !ider $ers$e+tiveF G etheEs ! rld vie! is the 0 st 0#n'6sided i0#gin#&le. It iss%es fr 0 # +enter resting !ithin the %nified n#t%re f the $ et) #nd it #l!#'s t%rns %t!#rd the side + rres$ nding t the n#t%re f the &Ie+t &eing + nsidered. The %nit' f the s$ir6 it%#l f r+es &eing e?er+ised lies in G etheEs n#t%reB the !a these f r+es #re e?er+ised #t #n' given 0 0ent is deter0ined &' the &Ie+t %nder + nsider#ti n. G ethe t#"es his !#' f l "ing #t things fr 0 the %ter ! rld #nd d es n t f r+e #n' $#rti+%l#r !#' %$ n it. These d#'s) h !ever) the thin"ing f 0#n' $e $le is #+tive in nl' one $#rti+%l#r !#'B it is %sef%l f r nl' ne +#teg r' f &Ie+tsB it is n t) li"e th#t f G ethe) unified &%t r#ther uniform. . . . G etheEs ! rld vie! en+ 06 $#sses 0#n' dire+ti ns f th %ght in the sense I%st indi+#ted #nd +#nn t) in f#+t) ever &e i0&%ed !ith #n' single) ne6sided + n+e$ti n. 1The Science of "no!in#) $$.,86,72 Hh#t Steiner +h#r#+teri=es in reg#rd t G etheEs ! rld vie! is tr%e t #n even l#rger e?tent f his !n. :%t R%d lf Steiner !#s n t nl' # thin"er. His 0%lti6 di0ensi n#l #$$r #+h t G%esti ns f $r#+ti+#l life h#s



#ls & rne signifi+#nt fr%it. Steiner !#s) in f#+t) the f %nder f n%0er %s i0$%lses f r the rene!#l f h%0#n s +iet'F fr 0 the l#rgest n nse+t#ri#n s+h l 0 ve0ent in the ! rld t d#'DH#ld rf ed%+#ti nDt the +re#ti n f ne! f r0s f rg#ni+ #gri+%lt%re) h listi+ 0edi+ine) $h#r0#+ l g' #nd ed%+#ti n f r the devel $0ent#ll' h#ndi+#$$ed. N t nl' !#s he # $i neer in the re#l0 f the #rts #nd #r+hite+t%re) &%t his ide#s h#ve #ls sti0%6 l#ted ne! #$$r #+hes in &#n"ing #nd rg#ni=#ti n#l de6 vel $0ent. H !) f%t%re gener#ti ns 0#' #s") + %ld # 0#n +#$#&le f initi#ting s%+h n%0er %s i0$%lses rele6 v#nt t the +risis f 0 dern +ivili=#ti n re0#in #l0 st %n6 "n !n in t!entieth6+ent%r' A0eri+#L Th#t 0 re $e $le #re se#r+hing f r ne! !#'s f thin"6 ing #nd f r ne! #$$r #+hes t the 0%lti$l'ing +h#llenges f 0 dern life is +le#rl' #$$#rent #fter # ten60in%te visit t the + rner & "st re. :%t #0 ng the h%ndreds f & "s ne finds little r n Steiner. One e?$l#n#ti n f r this rel6 #tive s+#r+it' +#n &e f %nd &' + 0$#ring his !ritings !ith th se ther!ise #v#il#&le t the se#r+hing re#der. R%d lf SteinerEs & "s #nd $%&lished le+t%re +'+les re6 ve#l the0selves) %$ n +l ser s+r%tin') t &e diffi+%lt re#d6 ing. In %r +%lt%re f the JG%i+"6fi?)K the eff rt reG%ired t ! r" thr %gh # & " &' Steiner !ill see0 e?+essive t 0#n'. Yet it is I%st this diffi+%lt' !hi+h gives his !ritings 0%+h f their v#l%e. The +entr#l t#s" f this intr d%+ti n t SteinerEs Theo%oph !ill &e t shed light %$ n this #s6 $e+t f his !ritings. Hen+e !e sh#ll ret%rn re$e#tedl' t the G%esti n f !h' he !r te in the !#' he did) in rder t see 0 re +le#rl' !h#t his intenti ns !ere.

?ii Fore!ord

II There #re 0#n' entr'!#'s int the ! r" f R%d lf Steiner. In f#+t) the + nfr nt#ti n !ith # + lle+ted ! r"s f ver 59. v l%0es 1# gre#t n%0&er f !hi+h #re #v#il6 #&le in English2 +#n &e G%ite dis0#'ing f r the $ tenti#l st%dent. Theo%oph is ne g d st#rting $ intB Steiner hi0self +#lled it #n intr d%+ti n. N netheless he is +#re6 f%l t $ int %t th#t the ! rds f G ethe !ith !hi+h +h#$6 ter , &egins #re Jthe %tartin# point f one f the $#ths th#t le#d t &eing #&le t re+ gni=e the tr%e n#t%re f the h%6 0#n &eingK 1it#li+s #dded2. Theo%oph is # st#rting $ int) #nd it is the e?$ siti n f ne $ ssi&le !#' t #$$r #+h the h%0#n riddle. S%+h #n &serv#ti n is +h#r#+teristi+ f R%d lf Steiner. Thr %gh %t his & "s #nd le+t%re +'+les he + ntin%#ll' #$$r #+hes f%nd#0ent#l G%esti ns f h%6 0#n e?isten+e fr 0 ne! #nd different $ers$e+tives. He !#s # + nsistent $$ nent f d g0#ti+#ll' held vie!s th#t see" t fr#0e the de$ths f re#lit' in rigid s'ste0s f th %ght. This is i0$ rt#nt t "ee$ in 0ind !hen re#ding Theo%oph ) f r it is &%t ne f the !#'s in !hi+h Steiner #$$r #+hes the G%esti ns de#lt !ith there. R%d lf Steiner $%&lished Theo%oph #fter t! de+#des #s # rese#r+her #nd , #%th r) $ri0#ril' in the fields f $hil s $h' #nd the the r' f s+ien+e. It !#s # s%r$rise t 0#n'.
,. D%ring these t! de+#des he !#s the edit r f G etheEs n#t%r#l s+ientifi+ ! r"s in t! 0#I r editi ns) the edit r f # t!elve6 v l%0e editi n f S+h $enh#%erEs ! r"s #nd f #n eight6v l%0e editi n f Me#n P#%l.



(n !n #s # $r digi %s st%dent f $#st #nd 0 dern th %ght) he see0ed t h#ve s%ddenl' verste$$ed the & %nd#ries f #++e$ted s+ientifi+ thin"ing. This re#+ti n did n t s%r$rise Steiner. He !#s) #fter #ll) #n e?$ert n G%esti ns f s+ientifi+ 0eth d. In f#+t) it !#s I%st this iss%e th#t he + ns+i %sl' r#ised !ith this & "F H#ve the li0its f s+ientifi+ dis+ %rse &een rightf%ll' dr#!nL He +h#r#+teri=ed his s$irit%#l s+ientifi+ 0eth d 1!hi+h he l#ter +#lled Anthr $ s $h'2 #s ne th#t Jin the f%ll sense f the ! rd re+ gni=es #nd s%$$ rts the +%rrent vie! f n#t%r#l s+ientifi+ rese#r+h !here it is I%stified. On the ther h#nd it strives thr %gh the rig r %s #nd rdered tr#ining f $%rel' in!#rd 1s %l2 f#+%lties t #+hieve e?#+t #nd &Ie+tive res%lts #& %t s%$ersensi&le re#l0s f e?ist6 en+e. It gives v#lidit' nl' t th se res%lts ! n &' inner s %l &serv#ti n) in !hi+h the s %l6 s$irit%#l rg#ni=#ti n +#n &e gr#s$ed #nd vervie!ed #s e?#+tl' #s # 0#the0#t6 i+#l $r &le0.K 1Co%molo# 9 Reli#ion and Philo%oph ) $$.;6@) tr#nsl#ti n *i+h#el H ldrege2.
,. 1continued2 He !#s edit r in +hief f the :ournal for Literature in :erlin f r sever#l 'e#rs) #nd his +%lt%r#l #nd s+ientifi+ ess#'s !ritten f r v#ri %s I %rn#ls !ithin this $eri d fill five v l%0es t t#lling #$$r ?i0#tel' three th %s#nd $#ges. In #dditi n t these #+tivities he #%th red eight & "s d%ring this $h#se f his lifeF The Science of "no!in#9 Truth and "no!led#e9 The Philo%oph of Freedom9 Friedrich Niet;%che<Fi#hter for Freedom9 Goethe=% $orld Concep+ tion9 * %tici%m at the ,a!n of the *odern A#e9 The Occult *ove+ ment in the Nineteenth Centur 9 #nd Chri%tianit a% * %tical Fact>



R%d lf Steiner !#s #+%tel' #!#re n t nl' f the sig6 nifi+#n+e f 0 dern s+ientifi+ th %ght) &%t #ls f its li0it#ti ns. He str ve t ver+ 0e the red%+ti n f the s+ientifi+#ll' "n !#&le ! rld t th se #s$e+ts f re#lit' #++essi&le nl' t %ter e0$iri+is0 #nd 0#the0#ti+#l G%#ntifi+#ti n) !hile #t the s#0e ti0e %$h lding the rig r #nd &Ie+tivit' th#t disting%ishes s+ien+e fr 0 $ini n. :%t t e?$#nd the s+ientifi+ 0eth d int dee$er #s$e+ts f e?isten+e is n t # si0$le 0#tter. It de0#nds the +#ref%l #nd e?#+ting tr#ining f f#+%lties th#t #re f r the 0 st $#rt d r0#nt in the h%0#n s %l t d#'. R%d lf Steiner !ent t + nsider#&le $#ins t +h#r#+teri=e the !#' in !hi+h s%+h f#+%lties +#n &e devel $edB/ f r !ith %t s%+h tr#ining the $ ssi&ilities f r err r #nd ill%si n #re i00ense. It is &e6 f re this &#+"gr %nd th#t Theo%oph #$$e#rs #s ne !#' &' !hi+h the essenti#l n#t%re f h%0#n &eings +#n &e "n !n. The de0#nds f s$irit%#l s+ien+e #re $resent n t nl' f r the rese#r+herB de0#nds #re #ls 0#de f the re#der. As Theo%oph %nf lds) di0ensi ns f h%0#n e?isten+e n t #++essi&le t Jever'd#'K e?$erien+e #re reve#led) $resenting # signifi+#nt +h#llenge t the re#der. If he r
/. In the le+t%re +'+le The 8oundarie% of Natural Science) f r e?#06 $le) he fr#0es this t#s" in the + nte?t f 0 dern s+ien+e. A 0 re gen6 er#l e?$ siti n f these iss%es is in Ho! to "no! Hi#her $orld% ?$revi %sl'9 "no!led#e of the Hi#her $orld% and It% Attainment@) !hi+h gives # sh rt intr d%+ti n t these G%esti ns in the l#st +h#$ter.



she is t find # fr%itf%l rel#ti nshi$ t s%+h s%$ersensi&le &serv#ti ns) # ne! "ind f re#ding is ne+ess#r'. As Steiner s#'s in the Pref#+e t the Third Editi nF This & " +#nn t &e re#d the !#' $e $le rdi6 n#ril' re#d & "s in this d#' #nd #ge. In s 0e res$e+ts) its re#ders !ill h#ve t ! r" their !#' thr %gh e#+h $#ge #nd even e#+h single senten+e the h#rd !#'. This !#s d ne deli&er#tel'B it is the nl' !#' this & " +#n &e+ 0e !h#t it is intended t &e f r the re#der. Si0$l' re#ding it thr %gh is #s g d #s n t re#ding it #t #ll. The s$irit%#l s+ien6 tifi+ tr%ths it + nt#ins 0%st &e e?$erien+edB th#t is the nl' !#' the' +#n &e f v#l%e. The & " is + ns+i %sl' !ritten in # 0#nner th#t re6 G%ires enh#n+ed #+tivit' &' the re#der. J. . . its re#ders !ill h#ve t ! r" their !#' thr %gh e#+h $#ge #nd even e#+h single senten+e . . . K) !hi+h is t s#') th#t the + n6 tents #re n t $#inless inIe+ti ns f s$irit%#l "n !ledge) t &e re+eived eff rtlessl' #nd dire+tl' int the fl ! f the re#derEs + ns+i %sness. :%t r#ther it is !h#t the re#der Jd esK th#t is f $ri0#r' signifi+#n+e. T &e+ 0e in6 !#rdl' #+tive t #n e?tent f#r &e' nd th#t reG%ired &' 0 st re#ding is the +h#llenge f R%d lf SteinerEs & "s. If !e re#d Theo%oph in #n ever'd#' 0#nner) it +#n #$6 $e#r t &e n thing &%t # s'ste0#ti+ des+ri$ti n f sensi6 &le #nd s%$ersensi&le 0e0&ers f the h%0#n &eing) # des+ri$ti n th#t +#n &e &elieved r n t &elieved) de$end6 ing n neEs dis$ siti n.



Steiner !#s +le#r #& %t thisF I h#ve ften $ inted %t th#t there #re t! !#'s f re#ding # & " li"e 0' Theo%oph . One is t re#d) JThe h%0#n &eing + nsists f $h'si+#l & d') etheri+ & d') #str#l & d') et+. #nd lives re$e#ted e#rth lives #nd h#s # "#r0#) et+.K A re#der f this "ind is t#"ing in + n+e$ts. The' #re) f + %rse) r#ther different + n+e$ts th#n ne finds else!here) &%t the 0ent#l $r +ess th#t is g ing n is in 0#n' res$e+ts identi+#l !ith !h#t t#"es $l#+e !hen ne st%dies # + "& ". *' $ int !#s e?#+tl' th#t the proce%% is the i0$ rt#nt thing) n t the #&s r$ti n f ide#s. It 0#"es n differen+e !hether ' % #re re#d6 ing) JP%t &%tter int # fr'ing $#n) #dd fl %r) stirB #dd the &e#ten eggs) et+.K r) JThere is $h'si+#l 0#tter) etheri+ f r+es) #str#l f r+es) #nd the' inter$enetr#te e#+h ther.K It is #ll ne fr 0 the st#nd$ int f the s %l $r +ess inv lved !hether &%tter) eggs) #nd fl %r #re &eing 0i?ed #t # st ve r the h%0#n entele+h' is + n+eived #s # 0i?t%re f $h'si+#l) etheri+) #nd #str#l & dies. :%t ne +#n #ls re#d Theo%oph in s%+h # 0#n6 ner #s t re#li=e th#t it + nt#ins + n+e$ts th#t st#nd in the s#0e rel#ti n t the ! rld f rdin#r' $h'si6 +#l + n+e$ts #s the l#tter d es t the dre#0 ! rld. The' &el ng t # ! rld t !hi+h ne h#s t a!a)en %t f the rdin#r' $h'si+#l re#l0 in I%st the !#' ne !#"es %t f neEs dre#0 ! rld int the $h'si6 +#l. It is the attitude ne h#s in re#ding th#t gives things the right + l ring. 1A!a)enin# to Communit ) $. ,7@) it#li+s #dded2



Steiner d es n t si0$l' give # s'ste0#ti+ J+ "& "K des+ri$ti n f the h%0#n &eing #t different levels f e?ist6 en+e. The + n+e$ts $resented #t the &eginning f the & " gr !) differenti#te) #nd devel $ in # 0#nner th#t e#sil' g es %nn ti+ed t the +#s%#l re#der. Hh#t #$$e#r #t first t &e 0ere definiti ns reve#l the0selves t +#ref%l st%d' #s 0#n'6f#+eted re#lities f h%0#n e?isten+e) !hi+h %n6 derg # J0et#0 r$h sisK #s the & " $r gresses. T en6 ter int the e?$#nsi n #nd tr#nsf r0#ti n f these ide#s) t 0#"e the s%&tle &serv#ti ns ne+ess#r' t gr %nd the0 in neEs !n e?$erien+e) is n t e#s'. It reG%ires # height6 ened level f #+tivit' #nd + n+entr#ti n. And 'et it is I%st in this J0 re)K !hi+h # & " s%+h #s Theo%oph ne+essit#tes) th#t its dee$er fr%itf%lness f r %s lies. He &egin t e?er+ise th se f#+%lties f + gniti n !hi+h #ll ! %s !ith ti0e t e?$erien+e the re#l0s f e?6 isten+e s$ "en f &' R%d lf Steiner. M%st #s # 0%s+le gr !s nl' thr %gh #&n r0#l de0#nds $%t %$ n it) s ) in # si0il#r 0#nner) d %r inner f#+%lties #s !ell. III Ch#$ter , f Theo%oph &egins !ith the tri+h t 0' f & d') s %l #nd s$irit. Alth %gh #$$e#ring t revive #n6 tiG%e distin+ti ns #& %t the h%0#n rg#ni=#ti n) Steiner is +#ref%l t $ int %t th#t !h ever #ss +i#tes $re+ n6 +eived n ti ns !ith these three ! rds !ill ne+ess#ril' 0is%nderst#nd !h#t is 0e#nt. These + n+e$ts #re t &e %nderst d nl' thr %gh s%&tle &serv#ti n f the $he6 n 0en# the0selves.

?viii Fore!ord

F%rther re#ding sh !s th#t the h%0#n &eing is n t si06 $l' 0#de %$ f & d') s %l #nd s$irit 1#nd their f%rther dif6 ferenti#ti ns2) &%t e?ists #s # %niG%e individ%#lit'D#n JIK Dth#t is #+tive !ithin these three regi ns f its &eing. This individ%#lit' is n t si0$l' the s%0 f its $#rts) it is #n #+tive tr#nsf r0#tive #gent !ithin the0. Hh#t !e "n ! #s %r JIK #t %r +%rrent level f devel6 $0ent is &%t # &eginning. Hh#t Steiner $ ints t in the + n+e$ts Js$irit self)K Jlife s$irit)K #nd Js$irit & d'K is the l#rgel' %nt#$$ed $ tenti#lit' f the h%0#n JIK t $en6 etr#te ever 0 re dee$l' its s %l #nd & dil' n#t%re) s$iri6 t%#li=ing #nd individ%#li=ing the0 in the $r +ess. The $i+t%re th#t #rises in +h#$ter , is f the h%0#n &eing in #n ev l%tive $r +ess f &e+ 0ing) !ith the #gent f tr#nsf r0#ti n &eing the #+tivit' f the JIK itself. Dis6 + vering this $ ssi&ilit' in neself is the first ste$ in the + ns+i %s re#li=#ti n f this $ tenti#lit'. In the ! rds f M h#nnes T#%ler) JIf I !ere (ing in # l#nd #nd did n t "n ! it) I ! %ld n t &e (ing.K Ch#$ter , see"s) #0 ng ther things) t &ring this l#rgel' d r0#nt J(ingshi$K t %r #!#reness.

I< :%ilding n his des+ri$ti n f the differenti#ted n#t%re f the h%0#n &eing) Steiner #tte0$ts t sh ! in +h#$ter / the e?tent t !hi+h it is $ ssi&le t s$e#" f re$e#ted e#rth lives #nd destin' n the &#sis f e?$erien+es #++essi&le t rdin#r' h%0#n + ns+i %sness. This is # ver' diffi+%lt



%ndert#"ing) #s Steiner !#s !ell #!#re. *#n' 'e#rs l#ter he + 00ented n the +h#llenges this se+ti n f the & " $resented hi0F F r ne !h !ishes t re0#in s+ientifi+ the $resent#ti n f re$e#ted e#rth lives &e+ 0es ver' diffi+%lt. . . . If it is n t desired #t this $ int t s$e#" 0erel' %t f s$irit%#l $er+e$ti ns) it is ne+6 ess#r' t res rt t ide#s !hi+h res%lt) t &e s%re) fr 0 # s%&tle &serv#ti n f the sense6 ! rld) &%t !hi+h $e $le f#il t gr#s$. F r s%+h # 0 re s%&tle !#' f &serving) the h%0#n &eing is seen t &e different in rg#ni=#ti n #nd ev l%ti n fr 0 the #ni0#l ! rld. And) if this f#+t f differen+e is &served) life itself gives rise t the ide# f re$e#ted e#rthl' lives. :%t n #ttenti n is $#id t thisF hen+e s%+h ide#s see0 n t t h#ve &een t#"en fr 0 life) &%t t h#ve &een + n+eived #r&itr#ril' r si0$l' $i+"ed %$ %t f 0 re #n+ient vie!s. I f#+ed these diffi+%lties in f%ll + ns+i %sness. I &#ttled !ith the0. An' ne !h !ill t#"e the tr %6 &le t revie! the s%++essive editi ns f 0' Theo%+ oph #nd see h ! I re+#st #g#in #nd #g#in the +h#$ter n re$e#ted e#rthl' lives) f r the ver' $%r6 $ se f &ringing the tr%th f this $er+e$ti n int rel#ti n !ith th se ide#s !hi+h #re t#"en fr 0 &serv#ti n f the sense ! rld) !ill find !h#t $#ins I t " t d I%sti+e t the re+ gni=ed s+ien6 tifi+ 0eth d. 1The Cour%e of * Life) $$. 5/-65.2



Fr 0 these ! rds it is evident h ! this +h#$ter + n6 s+i %sl' #$$e#ls t the re#derEs #&ilit' t 0#"e 0 re s%&tle &serv#ti ns f the sense ! rld th#n is n r0#ll' d ne. These &serv#ti ns $r vide the ne+ess#r' &#sis f r f r06 ing #n ide# f re$e#ted e#rth lives. Onl' then d es this ide# l se its see0ingl' #r&itr#r' +h#r#+ter. In the + %rse f the +h#$ter Steiner g%ides the re#der t + nsider 0 re +#re6 f%ll' th#n %s%#l the n#t%re f 0e0 r') h ! #&ilities #rise %t f e?$erien+es f rg tten) the %niG%e G%#lit' f ever' h%0#n &i gr#$h') the si0il#rities &et!een Jn#t%r#lK gifts #nd f#+%lties devel $ed thr %gh $r#+ti+e) #nd s n. S%+h &serv#ti ns #!#"en %s t #s$e+ts f life !hi+h !e n r0#ll' verl ". The' f r0 the &#sis f r ne! th %ghts #& %t the genesis #nd devel $0ent f the h%0#n individ%#lit'. The' +#n le#d t the + n+l%si n) #s d es this +h#$ter) th#t Jin e#+h life the h%0#n s$irit #$$e#rs #s # re$etiti n f itself) !ith the fr%its f its e?$erien+es in e#rlier lifeti0esK 1$. @,2. SteinerEs + nsider#ti ns #re n t) in the n r0#l sense f the ! rd) # J$r fK f re$e#ted e#rth lives. :%t the' sh ! th#t s%+h th %ghts +#n &e #r6 rived #t !hen f %nded n dis+erning &serv#ti n. Hh' d es Steiner t#"e s%+h $#ins t devel $ #n ide# th#t in the end #$$e#rs nl' in its sh#d !' + nt %rsL In ther + nte?ts !e find hi0 des+ri&ing ver' + n+retel' #nd in gre#t det#il h ! the l#!s f rein+#rn#ti n #nd "#r0# ! r" !ithin h%0#n e?isten+e. :%t in this +h#$ter he f ll !s # s$e+ifi+ intenti nF 1The #%th r2 h#s $ inted %t th#t the + nvi+ti n !hi+h these th %ghts le#d is nl' s"et+hil'



defined &' the0) th#t #ll the' +#n d is $re$#re %s in th %ght f r !h#t 0%st %lti0#tel' &e dis+ vered &' 0e#ns f s$irit%#l rese#r+h. In itself) h !ever) #s l ng #s this th %ght $re$#r#ti n d es n t e?#g6 ger#te its !n i0$ rt#n+e r #tte0$t t $r ve #n'6 thing) &%t nl' train% our %oul) it ent#ils #n inner effort th#t +#n 0#"e %s %n&i#sed #nd re+e$tive t f#+ts !e ! %ld si0$l' t#"e f r f lish !ith %t it. 1Addend%0) $. -,) it#li+s #dded2 SteinerEs intent is n t t $r ve) it is t $re$#re #nd en6 #&le. He $r vides in the th %ght f r0s f this +h#$ter # 0e#ns f r the s %l t e?er+ise its !n f#+%lties) f#+%lties th#t !ill event%#ll' le#d t the +ert#int' f rein+#rn#ti n #nd "#r0# %t f neEs !n %n0itig#ted e?$erien+e.

< Ch#$ter 5 $l#+es the + n+e$ts f & d') s %l) #nd s$irit int # 0%+h !ider + nte?t. F r I%st #s the $h'si+#l & d' +#n &e %nderst d nl' !ithin the field f f r+es #nd s%&st#n+es f %ter n#t%re) s #ls 0%st s %l #nd s$irit &e + nsidered in the + nte?t f their + rres$ nding Jenvir n0ents.K Steiner des+ri&es h !) in the s#0e sense th#t %r $h'si+#l & d' is n t is l#ted !ithin its !n s"in) inde$endent f the n#t%r#l ! rld #r %nd it) neither d es th#t !hi+h !e "n ! in!#rdl' #s the s %l #nd s$irit%#l #s$e+ts f %r e?isten+e 1see +h#$ter ,2 e?ist in is l#ti n. The' #re $#rt f # l#rger !h le. The s %l #nd s$irit%#l ! rlds th#t R%d lf Steiner



de$i+ts d n t) h !ever) f ll ! the l#!s f $h'si+s #nd &i6 l g' #s %ter n#t%re d es. The Js %l ! rldK 1Seelen!elt2) #s he des+ri&es it) is ! ven %t f the inter#+ti n f t! f%nd#0ent#l $rin+i$lesF s'0$#th' #nd #nti$#th'. Hithin the J+ %ntr' f s$irit &eingsK 1Gei%terland2) the s$irit%#l #r+het'$es) f !hi+h %r rdin#r' thin"ing is &%t # sh#d !) #re the +re#tive l#!6giving ele0ents. Ch#$ter 5 sets f rth h ! these higher l#!s ! r" !ithin the devel $0ent f the h%0#n &eing #nd sh !s their sig6 nifi+#n+e #s + nstit%tive ele0ents !ithin the "ingd 0s f n#t%re. Steiner is +#ref%l t n te the diffi+%lties inv lved in %s6 ing l#ng%#ge devel $ed in referen+e t the sense6 $er+e$6 ti&le ! rld t des+ri&e these levels f re#lit'. Onl' !ith the hel$ f si0iles #nd + 0$#ris n is it $ ssi&le t + n6 ve' #n i0$ressi n f these JhigherK ! rlds. This diffi6 +%lt' is #$$#rent fr 0 the ver' &eginning f this +h#$terD!e see it in the %se f the ! rd J! rld.K The s %l #nd s$irit%#l ! rlds Steiner des+ri&es #re n t t &e $i+t%red s$#ti#ll') #s &eing s 0e!here else) ne?t t ) r %tside the $h'si+#l. JThese #re %tate% of con%ciou%ne%%9 not place%. One d es n t 0 ve fr 0 ne l +#ti n t the ne?t !hen ne 0 ves thr %gh these regi nsK 1Grund&e+ #riffe der Theo%ophie) N v. ;) ,-.8B it#li+s #dded2. Th%s) !hen Steiner s$e#"s f I %rne's) f regi ns th#t #re entered) !e 0%st "ee$ +h#r#+teri=#ti ns s%+h #s the f ll !ing in 0indF JIn $h'si+#l s$#+e) . . . !hen !e l " d !n #n #ven%e the dist#nt trees #$$e#r) #++ rding t the l#!s f $ers$e+tive) t st#nd +l ser t gether th#n th se ne#r&'. In s %l s$#+e n the + ntr#r') #ll &Ie+ts #$$e#r #t



dist#n+es + rres$ nding t their inner n#t%re.K This is n t the s$#+e f Jne?t t )K r f J#& ve #nd &el !.K It is # G%#lit#tive Js$#+eK f inner rel#ti nshi$. A hint f s%+h Js %l s$#+eK + 0es t e?$ressi n !hen !e s$e#" f &eing J+l seK t s 0e ne) r h#ving gr !n in!#rdl' Jdist#nt.K T stret+h %r i0#gin#ti n &e' nd the f#0ili#r re#l0 f three6di0ensi n#l e?$erien+e is &%t ne f the +h#llenges this +h#$ter $resents. R%d lf SteinerEs des+ri$ti ns f the s %l ! rld #nd s$irit l#nd) if t#"en seri %sl') shed tre0end %s light %$ n h%0#n e?isten+e. N netheless) f r s 0e re#ders the' !ill #$$e#r t &e %ns%$$ rted $r n %n+e0ents f#r fr 0 ev6 er'd#' life. Steiner re+ gni=ed this $ ssi&ilit' #nd de6 s+ri&ed !h#t !#s ne+ess#r' t #v id itF 3S 0e ne4 !h h#s re#d the $re+eding dis+%s6 si ns 3+h#$ters , #nd /4 nl' in rder t t#"e + g6 ni=#n+e f the + ntent) !ill find the tr%ths set f rth in these +h#$ters 3 n the s %l ! rld #nd s$irit l#nd4 t &e 0ere #sserti ns #r&itr#ril' %ttered. . . . 3An' ne4 !h re#ds the first e?$ siti ns in 0' & " Theo%oph !ith %t the i0$ressi n f #n inner e?$erien+e) s th#t he r she d es n t &e+ 0e #!#re f # 0et#0 r$h sis f his r her inner e?$erien+e f ide#s . . . +#n nl' #rrive #t # reIe+ti n f the & ". :%t #n #nthr $ s $hi+#l & " is designed t &e t#"en %$ in inner e?$eri6 en+e. Then &' st#ges # f r0 f %nderst#nding + 0es #& %t. This 0#' &e ver' !e#") &%t it +#n D #nd sh %ld D e?ist. . . . A rightl' + 0$ sed



Anthr $ s $hi+#l & " sh %ld &e #n a!a)ener f the life f the s$irit in the re#der) not # +ert#in G%#ntit' f information i0$#rted. The re#ding f it sh %ld &e #n e?$erien+ing !ith inner sh +"s) tensi ns) s l%ti ns. 1The Cour%e of * Life) $. 55.B it#li+s #dded2

<I The iss%e f # Jrightl' + 0$ sed Anthr $ s $hi+#l & "K h#s &een #n ng ing the0e f this intr d%+ti n. At the &eginning f the fin#l +h#$ter f Theo%oph R%d lf Steiner #ddresses I%st this 0#tter. F r here he des+ri&es the $#th f "n !ledge) the !#') n#0el') in !hi+h ne #t6 t#ins t the s%$ersensi&le "n !ledge $%t f rth in this & ". This $#th) he 0#int#ins) 0%st t#"e its st#rting $ int fr 0 the re#li=#ti n th#t Jthin"ing is the highest f the f#+%lties !e h%0#n &eings $ ssess in the $h'si+#l ! rldK 1$. ,;92. This &serv#ti n $l#'s # +entr#l r le in the ! r" f R%d lf Steiner. Thr %gh %t his life he #ddressed this iss%e) shedding light %$ n it fr 0 the 0 st v#ried $er6 s$e+tives. Alre#d' his first & ") The Science of "no!+ in#) !ritten #t the #ge f t!ent' five) + nt#ins # +h#$ter entitled JThin"ing #s # Higher E?$erien+e !ithin E?$eri6 en+e.K There he &servesF Hith the rest f e?$erien+e) if I st#' !ith !h#t lies i00edi#tel' &ef re 0' senses) I +#nn t get &e' nd the $#rti+%l#rs. Ass%0e th#t I h#ve # liG%id



!hi+h I &ring t # & il. At first it is stillB then I see &%&&les riseB the liG%id + 0es int 0 ve0ent #nd fin#ll' $#sses ver int v#$ r f r0. Th se #re the s%++essive individ%#l $er+e$ti ns. I +#n t!ist #nd t%rn the 0#tter h !ever I !#ntF if I re0#in !ith !h#t the senses $r vide) I find n + nne+ti n &et!een the f#+ts. Hith thin"ing this is n t the +#se. If) f r e?#0$le I gr#s$ the th %ght J+#%se)K this le#ds 0e &' its !n + ntent t th#t f Jeffe+t.K I need nl' h ld nt the th %ghts in the f r0 in !hi+h the' #$$e#r in dire+t e?$erien+e #nd the' 0#nifest #lre#d' #s l#!f%l +h#r#+teri=#ti ns. Hh#t) f r the rest f e?$erien+e) 0%st first &e &r %ght fr 0 s 0e!here elseDif it is #$$li+#&le t e?$erien+e #t #llDn#0el') la!ful interconnec+ tion) is #lre#d' $resent in thin"ing in its ver' first #$$e#r#n+e. . . . In thin)in#9 !hat !e mu%t %ee) for !ith the re%t of e7perience ha% it%elf &ecome direct e7perience. 1The Science of "no!in#) $. 57692 Hithin the tr#ns$#ren+' f thin"ing !e dis+ ver the l#!s f n#t%re. The interrel#ti nshi$s &et!een the $he6 n 0en# f the sense ! rld #re n t #++essi&le t e'es #nd e#rs. 1Other!ise the gre#test s+ientists ! %ld si0$l' &e th se !ith the &est tr#ined senses.2 The' first #$$e#r in thin"ing #s # Jhigher e?$erien+e !ithin e?$erien+e.K Re6 ferring t the f#+t th#t %r thin"ing life #s s%+h is n t sense $er+e$ti&le 1he d es n t 0e#n in this + nte?t %r 0ent#l re$resent#ti ns f the sense ! rld2) Steiner n+e s$ "e f



# J$e#rlK + nt#ined therein) th#t n r0#ll' re0#ins %nre+6 gni=ed #nd th%s %nderv#l%ed. . . . n ne + %ld thin) #&str#+tl') + %ld h#ve th %ghts #nd ide#s if he r she !ere n t +l#irv '6 #nt. F r in %r rdin#r' thin"ing the pearl of clairvo ance is fr 0 the st#rt + nt#ined. These th %ghts #nd ide#s #rise in the s %l thr %gh e?#+tl' the s#0e $r +ess #s th#t !hi+h gives rise t its highest $ !ers. And it is i00ensel' i0$ r6 t#nt t le#rn t %nderst#nd th#t +l#irv '#n+e &e#in% in s 0ething + 00 n #nd ever'd#'. He nl' h#ve t re+ gni=e the s%$ersensi&le n#t%re f %r + n+e$ts #nd ide#s. He 0%st re#li=e th#t these + 0e t %s fr 0 s%$ersensi&le ! rldsB nl' then +#n !e l " #t the 0#tter rightl'. 1The Occult Si#nificance of the 8ha#avad Gita) le+6 t%re) *#' /-) ,-,5) $$. /769B it#li+s #ddedB see #ls T. *e'er) Clairvo ance and Con%ciou%ne%%) $. 782 These s%$ersensi&le ! rlds #re the s$irit%#l #r+het'$es des+ri&ed in +h#$ter 5. :%t) #s Steiner $ ints %t there) %r th %ghts #re 0erel' # Jsh#d !' $i+t%reK f their tr%e re#lit' in the s%$ersensi&le ! rld. In his & " Riddle% of the Soul Steiner des+ri&es h ! !h#t !e gr#s$ in thin"ing l ses its living re#lit' #s #n #+tive #gen+' !hen it enters %r + ns+i %sness #s # + n+e$t. The tr#ns$#rent + ntent 1the $e#rl2 re0#ins) &%t its effe+t%#l re#lit' is relin6 G%ished. This) #s he f%rther des+ri&es) h#s gre#t signifi6 +#n+e) f r if !e !ere t e?$erien+e %r ide#s in #ll their



d'n#0i+ vit#lit') !e + %ld never #+hieve individ%#l free6 d 0) n r self6+ ns+i %sness. E?istent f r+es) if the' !ere t enter %r + ns+i %sness in this f r0) ! %ld + 0$el. Tr#ns$#rent th %ght se0&l#n+es f these f r+es +#n n t. The l#tter !e #re free t #++e$t in insight #nd t t#"e %$ #s i0$%lses f r %r !n self6!illed #+ti ns.5 In # rel#ted sense) Steiner #ls des+ri&es h ! !e ! %ld never &e #&le t #+hieve self6+ ns+i %sness if + ntin%#ll' i00ersed in the se# f f r+es !hi+h 0#"e %$ the #+t%#l s%&st#n+e f the th %ght ! rld. It is SteinerEs + nvi+ti n th#t nl' n the &a%i% f this J#&str#+tK thin"ing +#n tr%e self6+ ns+i %sness #nd free6 d 0 f the h%0#n !ill &e #tt#ined. N netheless) if !e #re t "n ! the tr%e n#t%re f the h%0#n &eing !e 0%st $r gress &e' nd this st#ge f + ns+i %sness) %sing it #s # he#lth' f %nd#ti n f r # dee$er $enetr#ti n int the re#li6 ties f h%0#n e?isten+e. F r this dee$er $enetr#ti n) %r th %ght life 0%st gr#d%#ll' #!#"en t the living re#lities %t f !hi+h it rigin#tes. Des$ite the Jdevit#li=edK n#t%re f %r n r0#l + n6 +e$ts) R%d lf Steiner des+ri&es h ! this + nditi n +#n &e ver+ 0e thr %gh the th %ght f r0s f s$irit%#l s+ien+e) if the' #re t#"en %$ in the right !#'F S$irit%#l s+ien+e $%ts in the $l#+e f finished + n+e$ts . . . s 0ething th#t the s %l 0%st re$e#t6 edl' ! r" n #ne!B s 0ething th#t the s %l 0%st I in !ith ver #nd ver #g#in. If !e h#ve # g d
5. See The Ten%ion &et!een 'a%t and $e%t) le+t%re ,.

??viii Fore!ord

0e0 r') !e +#n re+eive the e?tern#l tr%ths #s given t %s &' n#t%r#l s+ien+e n+e 1#nd f r #ll2 #nd then $ ssess the0D&e+#%se n#t%r#l s+ientifi+ tr%ths #re given in + n+e$ts th#t #re) t # +ert#in e?tent) de#d. N#t%r#l l#!s) #s + n+e$ts) #re de#d. S$irit%#l s+ientifi+ + n+e$ts 0%st &e given in living + n+e$ts. If !e + nde0n s$irit%#l s+ientifi+ tr%ths t &e de#d + n+e$ts) if !e t#"e the0 in in the !#' !e t#"e in n#t%r#l tr%ths) then the' #re n t f d f r the s %l) &%t st nes !hi+h +#nn t &e digested. . . . This is +ert#inl' s 0ething #& %t s$irit%#l s+ien+e th#t le#ves 0#n' $e $le %ns#tisfied) sin+e the' ! %ld li"e t h#ve s 0ething finished. 1A%pect% of Human 'volution) le+t%re) M%l' /8) ,-,;B see #ls G. (Nhle!ind) $or)in# !ith Anthro+ po%oph ) $. ;82 In this sense R%d lf Steiner sees the first ste$ in the J$#th f "n !ledgeK t &e the #+tive #ssi0il#ti n f s$ir6 it%#l s+ientifi+ + n+e$ts. JD n t &elieve !h#t I tell ' %) &%t thin" itKDth#t is his #$$e#l t the re#der. F r these + n+e$ts #re) he #rg%es) se0in#l in n#t%re) the' #re # 0e#ns t #!#"ening neEs !n + ns+i %sness t the liv6 ing re#lities %t f !hi+h n t nl' %r th %ght life) &%t %l6 ti0#tel' the re#l0s f n#t%re #r %nd %s + 0e f rth 1see +h#$ter 52. This is n t # G%esti n f &elief) Steiner 0#in6 t#ins) &%t # 0#tter f e?$erien+e. E?$erien+e th#t gr#d%6 #ll' &e+ 0es #++essi&le thr %gh the energeti+ #$$li+#ti n f neEs th %ght f r+es t + ntents s%+h #s #re th se + n6 t#ined in this & ".



:%t the enlivening f neEs thin"ing is nl' ne #s$e+t f this $#th f devel $0ent. The +h#r#+teri=#ti n f %r thin"ing f#+%lt' #s l#tent !ith higher +#$#+ities is #ls #$6 $li+#&le t 0#n' #s$e+ts f the h%0#n &eing. H ! ther h%0#n f#+%lties +#n &e + ns+i %sl' s+h led s #s t &e6 + 0e rg#ns f higher e?$erien+e is the $ri0#r' + ntent f +h#$ter 8. Alre#d' in the first $#ges f Theo%oph # de6 s+ri$ti n f v#ri %s JsidesK f the h%0#n &eing !#s given) sh !ing different !#'s in !hi+h !e #re + nne+ted !ith the ! rldF thr %gh $er+e$ti n) feeling) !ill) #nd thin"ing. Hhere#s the first +h#$ter re0#ins $ri0#ril' # des+ri$ti n f these f#+%lties) #t the end f Theo%oph the' #re vie!ed fr 0 # devel $0ent#l $ers$e+tive. Alth %gh # he#lth' e?$#nsi n f h%0#n + ns+i %sness &egins !ith the f#+%lt' f thin"ing) it +#n nl' &e re#li=ed #t dee$er levels !hen the J!h leK h%0#n &eing is tr#ns6 f r0ed. Ch#$ter 8 sh !s the +h#r#+teristi+ "inds f tr#ns6 f r0#ti n the individ%#l 0%st %ndert#"e if he r she is t ver+ 0e the se$#r#ti n fr 0 the dee$er #s$e+ts f re#l6 it' +re#ted &' the li0it#ti ns f %r Jever'd#'K h%0#n G%#lities. This tr#nsf r0#ti n) #s Steiner des+ri&es it here) 0%st &e re#li=ed thr %gh the eff rts f the h%0#n JIK it6 self. This + re f %r self6+ ns+i %s &eing 1see +h#$ter ,2 0%st t#"e n this t#s" thr %gh its !n f r+es. E0$h#si=6 ing this is essenti#l in SteinerEs vie! f the h%0#n &eing. The $#th f devel $0ent !hi+h he re$resents d es n t h#$$en Jt K the h%0#n &eing) &%t is &r %ght #& %t thr %gh the gr !ing f r+es f the individ%#lit' 1JIK2 it6 self. A+ting %t f insight int the hindr#n+es th#t it &e#rs !ithin its !n & dil' #nd s %l n#t%re) the h%0#n JIK +#n



t#"e %$ n itself # $#th f devel $0ent !hi+h !ill en#&le it in ti0e t ver+ 0e th se li0it#ti ns) tr#nsf r0ing the0 l#stl' int rg#ns f higher e?$erien+e. This d es n t t#"e $l#+e #t the e?$ense f the individ%#lit') &%t thr %gh its enh#n+e0ent.

<II D es #ll this h#ve relev#n+e f r the s$e+i#l diffi+%lties !e f#+e #t the end f the t!entieth +ent%r'L C#n R%d lf SteinerEs Theo%oph hel$ %s t ver+ 0e the t! +%l6 t%res f !hi+h Sn ! s$ "eL C#n it hel$ %s t free %r6 selves fr 0 the J$#r#dig0 rigidit'K !hi+h thre#tens t s$linter 0 dern life int endless $ ints f vie!L C#n it) l#stl') hel$ %s t find ne! !#'s t 0eet the + n+rete $r &le0s th#t 0 dern s +iet' $%ts &ef re %s in ever gre#ter n%0&erL This ! %ld &e # gre#t de#l t de0#nd f ne s0#ll & ". In re#lit' these G%esti ns ! %ld h#ve t &e #d6 dressed t SteinerEs ! r" #s # !h leDAnthr $ s $h'. A +#ref%l st%d' f the l#tter sh !s th#t Steiner did n t &ring # series f Jre#d'60#deK s l%ti ns f r #ll f the +h#l6 lenges th#t f#+e h%0#nit' t d#'. Hh#t he did &ring #re dee$ened $ers$e+tives #& %t the n#t%re f the h%0#n &e6 ing #nd the ! rld f !hi+h it is # $#rt. These $ers$e+tives lie hidden f r the 0 st $#rt t the $rev#iling + ns+i %s6 ness f %r ti0e. :%t the' +#n &e dis+ vered &' the + n6 s+ienti %s $%rs%it f JhigherK "n !ledge set f rth in this & ". SteinerEs + nvi+ti n is th#t &' dis+ vering the



dee$er !ells$rings f %r h%0#n e?isten+e) !e !ill &e #&le t he#l in ti0e the #lien#ti n th#t &esets s +iet' t 6 d#') t ver+ 0e th se n#rr ! $ers$e+tives th#t se$#r#te r#ther th#n %nite. S%+h %nderst#nding +#n le#d) l#stl') #s R%d lf Steiner hi0self !#s #&le t de0 nstr#te in 0#n' re#l0s f $r#+ti+#l ende#v r) t # rene!#l f h%0#n s +i6 et' d !n int the s0#llest det#ils f Jever'd#'K life. *ichael Holdre#e





:ef re the ninth editi n f this & " !#s $rinted in l-,@) I th r %ghl' revised #nd %$d#ted the te?t. This +%rrent editi n h#s n t &een revised t the s#0e e?tent) in s$ite f the f#+t th#t the $%&li+#ti n f #rti+les #tt#+"ing the #n6 thr $ s $hi+#l ! rld6vie! this & " $resents h#s ste$$ed %$ + nsider#&l' sin+e l-,@. H !ever) in the + %rse f #ll 0' ! r"s) I 0#"e # $r#+ti+e f r#ising #ll f resee#&le &6 Ie+ti ns 0'self in rder t &e #&le t #ssess h ! seri %s the' #re #nd then ref%te the0. An' ne !h t#"es n te f this !ill h#ve # g d ide# f 0' res$ nse t these #tt#+"s. This ti0e there !#s n intrinsi+ re#s n t 0#"e +h#nges in the te?t #s I h#d d ne in ,-,@) #nd #lth %gh #nthr $ s 6 $h'Es ! rldvie! h#s +ert#inl' gr !n & th &r #der #nd dee$er !ithin 0' s %l d%ring the l#st f %r 'e#rs) this h#s n t led t #n' e#rth6sh#ttering +h#nges in the & "Es + n6 tent. On the + ntr#r') !h#t I h#ve le#rned in the 0e#nti0e s%ggests th#t I #0 I%stified in 0#"ing n signifi+#nt #lter6 #ti ns t the + ntent f this &#si+ te?t. R%d lf Steiner St%ttg#rt N ve0&er /8) ,-//




On+e #g#in) #s I h#ve d ne $ri r t the $%&li+#ti n f sev6 er#l ther editi ns f this & ") I h#ve revie!ed the 0#te6 ri#l $resented in it) #nd the revisi ns f r this ninth editi n h#ve e?$#nded the + ntent + nsider#&l'. Y % !ill find th#t the +h#$ter n rein+#rn#ti n #nd "#r0# h#s &een #l6 0 st + 0$letel' re! r"ed. I f %nd n re#s n) h !ever) t #0end #n' f the res%lts f s$irit%#l s+ientifi+ rese#r+h $resented in $revi %s editi ns. N thing signifi+#nt h#s &een 0itted in this editi n) &%t 0%+h h#s &een #dded. As # s$irit%#l rese#r+her) I + nst#ntl' feel the need t shed ne! light n 0' s%&Ie+t fr 0 different #ngles in #n #tte0$t t 0#"e it ever +le#rer. In the $ref#+e t the si?th editi n) I #lre#d' 0enti ned feeling + 0$elled t $%t 0' ng ing inner e?$erien+e t $ti0%0 %se in e#+h n%#n+e #nd t%rn f $hr#se. I h#ve &een es$e+i#ll' #!#re f this &lig#ti n in $re$#ring this ne! editi n) !hi+h +#n there6 f re G%ite I%stifi#&l' &e +#lled Jth r %ghl' revised #nd %$d#ted.K R%d lf Steiner :erlin M%l' ,-,@





Al0 st ever' ti0e it h#s &e+ 0e ne+ess#r' t re$rint this & ") I h#ve set 0'self the t#s" f +#ref%ll' revie!ing #nd revising its + ntents. This ti0e !#s n e?+e$ti n) &%t !h#t I h#ve t s#' #& %t this ne! revisi n is si0il#r t !h#t I h#d t s#' #& %t the third editi n) s I !ill ret#in th#t Pref#+e f r this $rinting. H !ever) this ti0e I h#ve t#"en $#rti+%l#r +#re t e?6 $ress 0#n' det#ils !ith gre#ter +l#rit' th#n I h#d &een +#6 $#&le f d ing in #n' f the $revi %s editi ns) #lth %gh I re#li=e th#t 0%+h re0#ins t &e d ne in this reg#rd. In de6 $i+ting the s$irit%#l ! rld) # rese#r+her is de$endent n the s %l !ending its !n !#' t !#rd the dis+ ver' f the $ertinent ! rd r #$$r $ri#te $hr#se t e?$ress # f#+t r #n e?$erien+e. S 0e!here #l ng this !#') #t the right 0 0ent) this ! rd r $hr#se) s %ght in v#in !hen s %ght deli&er#tel') si0$l' #$$e#rs. I &elieve th#t in 0#n' $l#+es in this ne! editi n) I h#ve &een #&le t 0#"e # signifi+#nt ste$ in + 00%ni+#ting det#ils i0$ rt#nt f r %nderst#nd6 ing the s$irit%#l ! rld. In f#+t) nl' n ! d s 0e things see0 t &e $resented #s the' sh %ld &e. I 0%st s#' th#t this v l%0e h#s &een $#rt f 0' inner str%ggle f r f%rther "n !ledge f the s$irit%#l ! rld d%ring the ten 'e#rs

sin+e its first $%&li+#ti n. Alth %gh the &#si+ str%+t%re #nd even the ! rding f #ll +r%+i#l $#ss#ges 0#' &e the PR ' F Ain C' T O#s T in H' SI ATH ' , I T Ins) O Nit is n ti+e#&le #t s#0e this #ll e#rlier versi 0#n' I%n+t%res th#t I #0 n ! en+ %ntering 0' s%&Ie+t #s # living thing) n %rishing it n !h#t I &elieve I h#ve g#ined in ten 'e#rs f +h#llenging s$irit%#l rese#r+h. Of + %rse it !#s ne+ess#r' t "ee$ #ll +h#nges !ithin G%ite 0 dest li0its if the & " !#s t &e si0$l' # ne! editi n f the ld ne r#ther th#n s 0ething t t#ll' ne!) &%t I 0#de # $#rti+%l#r eff rt t 0#"e s%re th#t the Addend# ! %ld en#&le re#ders t find !ithin the te?t itself the #n6 s!ers t 0#n' f the G%esti ns th#t 0ight #rise in the + %rse f re#ding it. These #re #git#ted ti0es) #nd 0' he#rt is 0 ved #s I !rite these lines $ref#+ing this & "Es si?th editi n. The $rinting h#d &een + 0$leted %$ t $#ge ,-/ !hen the destin'6l#den events h%0#nit' is n ! e?$erien+ing &r "e in %$ n E%r $e. It did n t see0 right t !rite this Pref#+e !ith %t #+"n !ledging the st r0s &re#"ing in %$ n %r s %ls in ti0es li"e these. R%d lf Steiner :erlin Se$te0&er ;) ,-,8



Hh#t I s#id n the ++#si n f the se+ nd $rinting f this & " #$$lies eG%#ll' t this third editi n. This ti0e) t ) individ%#l $#ss#ges h#ve &een e?$#nded #nd revised !here I dee0ed it i0$ rt#nt f r the s#"e f 0#"ing #s6 $e+ts f the $resent#ti n 0 re $re+ise. H !ever) I did n t find it ne+ess#r' t 0#"e #n' s%&st#nti#l +h#nges in the + ntent f the first #nd se+ nd editi ns) #nd n thing I s#id in the t! e#rlier Pref#+es !ith reg#rd t the & "Es t#s" #nd $%r$ se needs t &e revised #t this ti0e) s the Pref6 #+e t the first editi n) s%$$le0ented &' the ne! 0#teri#l #dded in the Pref#+e t the se+ nd) !ill serve #s Pref#+e f r this editi n #s !ellF Since the purpo%e of thi% &oo) i% to depict %ome portion% of the %uper%en%i&le !orld9 an one &elievin# onl in the validit of the %en%e+percepti&le !orld !ill ta)e it a% a meanin#le%% fi#ment of the ima#ination> Ho!ever9 tho%e intere%ted in findin# path!a % leadin# out of the %en%e+ percepti&le !orld !ill %oon reali;e that human life ac+ Buire% value and meanin# onl throu#h in%i#ht into an+ other !orld> *an people are afraid that thi% in%i#ht mi#ht e%tran#e them from Creal life9D &ut thi% fear i% not Eu%tified>


On the contrar 9 thi% in%i#ht i% the onl !a to learn to hold one=% #round in ordinar life> It teache% u% the cau%e% underl in# our life9 !hile !ithout it !e !ould &e #ropin# our !a &lindl throu#h the effect%> It i% onl throu#h )no!led#e of the %uper%en%i&le that our %en%e+ percepti&le Crealit D acBuire% meanin#9 and thi% )no!led#e ma)e% people more fit for life rather than le%% %o9 %ince onl %omeone !ho under%tand% life can &e trul practical> In compilin# thi% &oo)9 I have included nothin# I can+ not te%tif to on the &a%i% of per%onal e7perience in thi% field> Onl m direct e7perience i% pre%ented here> Thi% &oo) cannot &e read the !a people ordinaril read &oo)% in thi% da and a#e> In %ome re%pect%9 it% read+ er% !ill have to !or) their !a throu#h each pa#e and even each %in#le %entence the hard !a > Thi% !a% done deli&eratel F it i% the onl !a thi% &oo) can &ecome !hat it i% intended to &e for the reader> Simpl readin# it throu#h i% a% #ood a% not readin# it at all> The %piritual %cientific truth% it contain% mu%t &e e7periencedF that i% the onl !a the can &e of value> Thi% &oo) cannot &e a%%e%%ed from the vanta#e point of current %cience unle%% the appropriate per%pective ha% &een acBuired & mean% of the &oo) it%elf> If it% critic% can adopt thi% point of vie!9 the !ill reali;e that !hat i% pre+ %ented here i% in no !a contradictor to a trul %cholarl and %cientific approach> I am %ure that I have %et do!n nothin# that !ould conflict !ith m o!n %cientific %cruple%> If a different !a of %ee)in# the truth% pre%ented here i% !anted9 one can &e found in m Phil s $h' f Free6


d 0> The%e t!o &oo)% have the %ame #oal &ut approach


it differentl > For under%tandin# either of the%e &oo)%9 the other one i% & no mean% nece%%ar 9 althou#h %ome people ma find it helpful> Some reader%9 hopin# to find the CultimateD truth in thi% &oo)9 ma %et it a%ide un%ati%fied> Ho!ever9 it% pur+ po%e i% to pre%ent %impl the mo%t &a%ic truth% in the field of %piritual %cience> Of cour%e9 it i% onl human to imme+ diatel !ant to )no! ho! the !orld &e#an and ho! it !ill end9 to a%) a&out the meanin# of life and the nature of God> Ho!ever9 I am concerned not !ith mere !ord% and concept% for people=% rational under%tandin#9 &ut !ith trul via&le )no!led#e9 )no!led#e for life9 and I )no! that certain thin#% &elon#in# to more advanced %ta#e% of !i%dom ma not &e %aid in a &oo) dealin# !ith elemen+ tar level% of %piritual )no!led#e> Onl throu#h under+ %tandin# the%e elementar %ta#e% can !e learn ho! to a%) Bue%tion% of a hi#her %ort> * &oo) O++%lt S+ien+e pic)% up !here thi% &oo) leave% off and contain% more informa+ tion on the %u&Eect% !e !ill &e di%cu%%in# here> The Pref#+e t the se+ nd editi n in+l%ded the f ll !6 ing #dditi n#l + 00entsF In thi% da and a#e9 an one pre%entin# %uper%en%i&le realitie% mu%t &e Buite clear a&out t!o thin#%G one9 that the cultivation of %uper%en%i&le )no!led#e i% a nece%%it for our time%F and t!o9 that &ecau%e of the )ind% of thou#ht% and feelin#% pervadin# our culture9 man people can onl ta)e an documentation of thi% %ort to &e the pro+ duct of an ima#ination run !ild> Super%en%i&le )no!led#e



i% a nece%%it for our time% &ecau%e all the )no!led#e a&out life and the !orld that !e acBuire & ordinar mean% #enerate% countle%% Bue%tion% that can &e an+ %!ered onl & mean% of %uper%en%i&le truth%> Let=% not deceive our%elve%<!hat pre%ent+da cultural trend% can teach u% a&out the &a%i% of e7i%tence !ill never an%!er an of life=% #reat riddle% in the mind of a deepl feelin# per%onF it !ill onl rai%e Bue%tion%> People ma &elieve for a !hile that conclu%ion% dra!n from C%trictl %cien+ tific dataD or the deduction% of %ome modern thin)er or other !ill provide a %olution to the riddle% of life9 &ut in the depth% of %oul !here true %elf+)no!led#e &ecome% po%%i&le9 !hat at fir%t loo)ed li)e a %olution !ill onl in+ cite u% to find the true Bue%tion> And thi% Bue%tion=% an+ %!er %hould not %impl %ati%f our curio%it 9 for our inner eBuanimit and p% cholo#ical inte#rit depend on it> It %hould not %impl %ati%f our thir%t for )no!led#e9 &ut %hould al%o ma)e u% fit to !or) and to face our ta%)% in life> On the other hand9 if no an%!er to %uch Bue%tion% i% forthcomin#9 !e &ecome p% cholo#icall ?and ultimatel al%o ph %icall @ crippled> Super%en%i&le )no!led#e i% not a mere theoretical needF it i% a matter of ho! !e lead our practical life> And &ecau%e of the %tate of our modern cul+ ture9 )no!led#e of the %pirit ha% &ecome a field of %tud !e cannot afford to i#nore> On the other hand9 of cour%e9 !hat man people no!a+ da % reEect mo%t emphaticall i% preci%el !hat the mo%t ur#entl need> The !ei#ht of opinion &a%ed on Cirrefut+ a&le %cientific re%ult%D i% %o over!helmin# for man peo+ ple that the cannot help thin)in# that a &oo) li)e thi%



contain % nothin# &ut &latant non%en%e> Ho!ever9 it i% Buite po%%i&le for %omeone !ho can de%cri&e %uper%en%i&le e7+ perience% to &e free of an illu%ion% !hile doin# %o> Of cour%e people are tempted to in%i%t that thi% per%on pre%ent Cincontroverti&le proofD of !hat he or %he i% tal)in# a&out9 &ut in %uccum&in# to thi% temptation the %uccum& to an illu%ion a% !ell> $ithout &ein# a!are of it9 !hat the are demandin# i% not a proof intrin%ic to the %u&Eect9 &ut the )ind of proof the them%elve% are !illin# and a&le to accept> I )no! that I have !ritten nothin# in thi% &oo) that an + one !ith a #roundin# in modern %cience !ould &e una&le to accept on that &a%i%> I )no! that it i% po%%i&le to fulfill all the reBuirement% of %cience and et appl that %ame &ac)#round to reco#ni;in# that the method u%ed here in de%cri&in# the %piritual !orld i% intrin%ic to it% %u&Eect> An one !ith a #enuinel %cientific !a of thin)in# %hould feel Buite at home in !hat I have to %a 9 and !ill e7peri+ ence in man ar#ument% to the contrar that9 a% Goethe %o ri#htl put it9 CA fal%e teachin# i% not open to refutation &e+ cau%e it re%t% on the conviction that !hat i% fal%e i% true>D It i% pointle%% to enter into di%cu%%ion !ith people !ho !ill accept onl the validit of proof% that alread lie !ithin their per%onal mode of thou#ht> 8ut the mind ha% other !a % of arrivin# at the truth than throu#h ar#uin#9 a% an + one a!are of the e%%ential nature of CproofD !ill )no!> $ith thi% in mind9 I offer the %econd edition of thi% &oo) to the pu&lic. R%d lf Steiner



A% an aid to reader% !i%hin# to follo! the te7t in German9 the num&er% that appear in the mar#in% indicate Rudolf Steiner=% ori#inal para#raphin# in the German edition>




In the #%t%0n f ,@,5) the Ger0#n $hil s $her M h#nn G ttlie& Fi+hte $%&lished his Science of "no!led#e) the 0#t%re fr%it f # lifeti0e !h ll' dedi+#ted t the servi+e f tr%th. At the ver' &eginning f this ! r") he !r teF This d +trine $res%$$ ses the e?isten+e f # G%ite ne! inner sens r' instr%0ent thr %gh !hi+h # ne! ! rld is $ened %$) # ! rld th#t si0$l' d es n t e?ist f r the rdin#r' $ers n. Fi+hte then sh !ed &' 0e#ns f # + 0$#ris n h ! in6 + 0$rehensi&le this d +trine ! %ld &e t #n' ne !h in6 sists n I%dging it n the &#sis f !h#t %r rdin#r' senses $resentF I0#gine # ! rld f $e $le #ll & rn &lind. The' +#n nl' "n ! #& %t the e?isten+e #nd interrel#6 ti nshi$s f things th#t e?ist f r the sense f t %+h. If ' % t#l" t the0 #& %t + l rs #nd #& %t ther rel#ti nshi$s th#t e?ist nl' thr %gh light #nd the




sense f sight) ' % 0ight #s !ell &e s#'ing n thing #t #ll. If ' % #re l%+"') the' !ill inf r0 ' % f this f#+t s th#t ' % n ti+e ' %r err r #nd +#n #t le#st refr#in fr 0 f%rther %seless t#l" if ' % $r ve in+#6 $#&le f $ening their e'es., All t ften) s 0e ne tr'ing t t#l" t $e $le #& %t things s%+h #s th se 0enti ned &' Fi+hte is in # $ siti n si0il#r t th#t f # seeing $ers n #0 ng the &lind. Yet it is $re+isel' these things th#t #re f relev#n+e t the tr%e n#6 t%re #nd highest g #ls f h%0#n &eings) #nd #n' ne !h re#ll' &elieved it ne+ess#r' t Jrefr#in fr 0 f%rther %seless t#l"K ! %ld h#ve t give %$ n h%0#nit' in des$#ir. :%t !e 0%st n t d %&t f r # single 0 0ent th#t it is $ ssi&le t J $en the e'esK f #n' $ers n !h res$ nds t these things !ith g d !ill. This h#s #l!#'s &een the #ss%0$6 ti n f $e $le !h !r te #nd s$ "e %t f feeling their !n Jinner sens r' instr%0entK 0#t%ring !ithin the0) #nd !ere th%s #&le t re+ gni=e the tr%e n#t%re f the h%6 0#n &eing) !hi+h is hidden fr 0 the %ter senses. This is !h' # Jhidden !isd 0K h#s &een s$ "en f sin+e ti0e i06 0e0 ri#l. Th se !h h#ve gr#s$ed s 0ething f this hid6 den !isd 0 #re #s se+%re in their $ ssessi n f it #s $e $le !ith n r0#l e'es #re in their #&ilit' t vis%#li=e + l rB th%s) the' need n J$r fK f it. The' #ls "n ! th#t n
,. M h#nn G ttlie& Fi+hte) ,;9/6,@,8. Fr 0 JIntr d%+t r' Le+t%res n the The r' f S+ien+e) Tr#ns+endent#l L gi+ #nd the F#+ts f C ns+i %sness)K given #t the Universit' f :erlin) ,@,/6,5. P%&6 lished $ sth%0 %sl' &' I.H. Fi+hte in ,@58.



$r f is needed f r #n' ne !h se Jhigher sense)K li"e their !n) h#s &een $ened. The' +#n s$e#" t s%+h # $er6 s n I%st #s # tr#veler 0ight s$e#" #& %t # f reign + %ntr' t $e $le !h h#ve never &een there $ers n#ll') &%t !h +#n i0#gine it &e+#%se the' ! %ld see the ver' s#0e things) given the $$ rt%nit'. H !ever) th se +#$#&le f &serving the s%$ersensi&le ! rld sh %ld s$e#" n t nl' t s$irit%#l rese#r+hers &%t t ever' ne) sin+e !h#t the' h#ve t tell + n+erns e#+h ne f %s. In f#+t) the' "n ! th#t !ith %t s 0e "n !ledge f these things) n ne +#n &e h%0#n in the tr%e sense f the ! rd. The' s$e#" t #ll f %s) "n !ing th#t !h#t the' h#ve t s#' !ill &e 0et !ith v#r'ing degrees f %nderst#nding) &%t #ls "n !ing th#t sin+e # feeling f r the tr%th #nd the #&ilit' t %nderst#nd it #re $resent in ever' h%0#n &eing) even th se !h #re still f#r fr 0 &eing #&le t + nd%+t s$irit%#l rese#r+h n their !n 0#' &e #&le t res$ nd !ith %nderst#nding. This %nderst#nding) !hi+h +#n light %$ in #n' he#lth' h%0#n s %l) is !h#t s$irit%#l rese#r+hers #d6 dress first) #nd the' "n ! th#t it h#s # $ !er th#t 0%st gr#d%#ll' le#d t the higher st#ges f "n !ledge. This feeling f r tr%th stirs in the d#r"ness. Alth %gh it 0#' #t first see #&s l%tel' n thing f !h#t is des+ri&ed) it is the 0#gi+i#n !h $ens the Je'e f the s$irit.K The s %l d es n t 'et see) &%t this feeling #ll !s the $ !er f tr%th t t#"e h ld f it) s th#t tr%th then gr#d%#ll' dr#!s ne#r the s %l #nd $ens its Jhigher sense.K This 0#' t#"e 0 re ti0e r less) de$ending n the individ%#l) &%t #n' ne !ith $#6 tien+e #nd $ersever#n+e !ill re#+h this g #l. F r #lth %gh n t ever' $ers n & rn $h'si+#ll' &lind +#n &e s%++essf%ll'




$er#ted n) ever' s$irit%#l e'e +#n &e $enedB !hen it !ill &e $ened is si0$l' # G%esti n f ti0e. Neither #+#de0i+ le#rning n r s+ientifi+ tr#ining is # $rereG%isite f r $ening this higher senseB it +#n $en %$ f r # n#ive #nd %ned%+#ted $ers n #s re#dil' #s f r # re6 n !ned s+ientist. In f#+t) !h#t is n !#d#'s ften + nsid6 ered the ne #nd nl' s+ien+e is 0 re li"el' t &e # hindr#n+e th#n # hel$ n the !#' t this g #l) &e+#%se it +h#r#+teristi+#ll' #++e$ts #s Jre#lK nl' !h#t is #++essi&le t %r rdin#r' senses. H !ever gre#t the s%++esses f s+ien+e in %nderst#nding sense6$er+e$ti&le re#lit' 0#' &e) !hen it t#"es !h#t is & th ne+ess#r' #nd &enefi+i#l in its !n re#l0 #s the st#nd#rd f r #ll h%0#n "n !ledge) it +re6 #tes # $r f%si n f $reI%di+es th#t &l +" %r #++ess t higher re#lities. The &Ie+ti n is ften r#ised th#t h%0#n "n !ledge h#s &een set Jins%r0 %nt#&le li0its)K n+e #nd f r #ll) !hi+h +#nn t &e tr#ns+ended) #nd #n' "n !ledge th#t disreg#rds the0 0%st &e reIe+ted %t f h#nd. An' ne !h +l#i0s s%+h "n !ledge is + nsidered highl' $res%0$t %s.This &Ie+ti n t t#ll' f#ils t t#"e int #++ %nt the f#+t th#t higher "n !ledge +#n + 0e #& %t nl' if # development f h%0#n + gnitive $ !ers $re+edes it. Hh#t lies %tside the li0its f h%0#n "n !ledge $ri r t this devel $0ent lies !ell !ithin the0 n+e the f#+%lties th#t lie d r0#nt in e#+h individ%#l h#ve &een #!#"ened. One $ int sh %ld n t &e verl "ed) h !ever. He + %ld #s" !h#t g d it d es t t#l" t $e $le #& %t things f r !hi+h their + gnitive f#+%lties #re n t 'et #!#"ened #nd th#t #re theref re in#++essi&le t the0. H !ever) this

is n t the right !#' t l " #t the iss%e. He d need +ert#in f#+%lties in rder t di%cover the "inds f things !e #re t#l"ing #& %t) &%t if these ide#s) n+e dis+ vered) #re sh#red #nd 0#de "n !n t thers) the' +#n &e %nderst d &' #n' ne !illing t #$$l' i0$#rti#l l gi+ #nd # he#lth' feeling f r the tr%th. T individ%#ls !h #ll ! $en) %n&i6 #sed thin"ing #nd #n %nh#0$ered) inde$endent feeling f r the tr%th t ! r" freel' !ithin the0) this & " $resents nl' things th#t ffer # s#tisf'ing #nd + nvin+ing #$6 $r #+h t the riddles f h%0#n life #nd the $hen 0en# f the ! rld #r %nd %s. As" ' %rselves this G%esti nF If the st#te0ents 0#de in this & " #re tr%e) d the' ffer # + n6 vin+ing e?$l#n#ti n f lifeL Y % !ill find th#t the life f ever' h%0#n &eing ffers + nfir0#ti n th#t the' d . In rder t &e # Jte#+herK in these higher regi ns f e?6 isten+e) h !ever) h#ving #+G%ired the f#+%lt' f r $er6 +eiving the0 is n t en %gh. S'ste0#ti+ "n !ledge &el ngs here #s 0%+h #s it d es t the $r fessi n f te#+h6 ing n the level f rdin#r' re#lit'. JHigher seeingK d es n t 0#"e # $ers n # J"n !erK in the s$irit #n' 0 re th#n he#lth' senses 0#"e # Js+h l#rK in sense6$er+e$ti&le re6 #lit'. :%t in tr%th) all re#lit' is neB sin+e the l !er re#lit' #nd the higher s$irit%#l re#lit' #re 0erel' t! sides f ne #nd the s#0e f%nd#0ent#l %nit' f &eing) # $ers n !h is ign r#nt !ith reg#rd t l !er "n !ledge !ill $r &#&l' re0#in si0il#rl' ign r#nt f higher things. This &#si+ f#+t +#lls %$ # feeling f & %ndless res$ nsi&ilit' in th se !h ) thr %gh # s$irit%#l +#lling) feel &liged t s$e#" %t #& %t s$irit%#l regi ns f e?isten+e. It i06 $resses n the0 the need f r h%0ilit' #nd restr#int. It




sh %ld n t) h !ever) dis+ %r#ge #n' ne fr 0 l "ing int higher tr%ths) n t even s 0e ne !h se ever'd#' life ffers n $$ rt%nit' t st%d' the rdin#r' s+ien+es. It is G%ite $ ssi&le t f%lfill %r t#s"s #s h%0#n &eings !ith6 %t %nderst#nding #n'thing #& %t & t#n') = l g') 0#the0#ti+s r ther s+ien+es) &%t it is n t $ ssi&le t &e Jh%0#nK in the f%llest sense f the ! rd !ith %t + 0ing +l ser in s 0e !#' t the essenti#l n#t%re #nd destin' f the h%0#n &eing #s reve#led thr %gh "n !ledge f the s%$ersensi&le ! rld. As h%0#n &eings !e +#ll the highest thing !e +#n l " %$ t Jthe Divine)K #nd !e 0%st i0#gine th#t %r highest #i0 #nd +#lling h#ve s 0ething t d !ith this divine el6 e0ent. This 0#' !ell &e !h' !isd 0 th#t tr#ns+ends the sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld) th#t reve#ls t %s & th %r essen6 ti#l n#t%re #nd %r destin') is +#lled theo%oph ) r Jdivine !isd 0.K The n#0e Js$irit%#l s+ien+eK +#n &e given t the &serv#ti n f s$irit%#l $r +esses in h%0#n life #nd in the + s0 s. If) #s h#s &een d ne in this & ") !e e?tr#+t fr 0 s$irit%#l s+ien+e the $hen 0en# $ert#ining es$e6 +i#ll' t the essenti#l s$irit%#l + re f the h%0#n &eing) then !e +#n %se the ter0 Jthe s $h'K f r this $#rti+%l#r s%&Ie+t #re#) sin+e it h#s &een #$$lied in this sense f r +ent%ries. The #& ve vie!$ int $r vided the &#sis f r devel $ing this %tline f the the s $hi+#l ! rldvie!. Its #%th r h#s in+l%ded n thing th#t is n t f#+t #nd re#lit' f r hi0 in the s#0e sense th#t events in the %ter ! rld #re f#+ts #nd re6 #lities f r %r e'es) e#rs #nd rdin#r' %nderst#nding. Here) !e #re de#ling !ith e?$erien+es th#t &e+ 0e #++essi&le t

#n' ne deter0ined t set ff n the $#th t "n !ledge de6 s+ri&ed in the l#st +h#$ter f this & ". He #$$r #+h the things f the s%$ersensi&le ! rld !ith the right #ttit%de if !e t#"e it #s # given th#t s %nd thin"ing #nd $er+e$ti n #re +#$#&le f %nderst#nding #ll tr%e "n !ledge th#t +#n fl ! t !#rd %s fr 0 the higher ! rlds. He sh %ld #ls re+ gni=e th#t &' t#"ing this "ind f %nderst#nding #s %r st#rting $ int #nd l#'ing # fir0 f %nd#ti n !ith it) !e #re t#"ing # gre#t #nd i0$ rt#nt first ste$ t !#rd higher see6 ing f r %rselves) #lth %gh ther things 0%st #ls + ntri&6 %te if !e #re t #+hieve this g #l. H !ever) if !e s+ rn this #$$r #+h #nd tr' t re#+h the higher ! rlds &' ther 0e#ns #l ne) !e &#r the d r t tr%e higher "n !ledge. If) n $rin+i$le !e #d0it the e?isten+e f higher ! rlds nl' n+e !e h#ve seen the0 f r %rselves) this in itself is #n &st#+le t ever &eing #&le t see the0) &%t &eing de6 ter0ined t %se s %nd thin"ing t %nderst#nd first !h#t !e !ill l#ter &e #&le t &serve #+t%#ll' f sters this see6 ing. It s%00 ns %$ i0$ rt#nt f r+es f the s %l th#t le#d t this seershi$.



The '%%ential Nature of the Human 8ein#




The f ll !ing ! rds &' G ethe &e#%tif%ll' +h#r#+teri=e the st#rting $ int f ne f the $#ths th#t le#d t &eing #&le t re+ gni=e the tr%e n#t%re f the h%0#n &eingF As s n #s !e &e+ 0e #!#re f the &Ie+ts #r %nd %s) !e st#rt t + nsider the0 in rel#ti nshi$ t %rselves) #nd rightl' s ) &e+#%se %r f#te de6 $ends entirel' n !hether the' $le#se r dis$le#se) #ttr#+t r re$el) hel$ r h#r0 %s. This ver' n#t%r#l !#' f l "ing #t #nd #ssessing things #$$e#rs t &e #s e#s' #s it is ne+ess#r') 'et it e?$ ses %s t th %6 s#nds f err rs th#t ften $%t %s t sh#0e #nd 0#"e %r lives 0iser#&le. He %ndert#"e # 0%+h h#rder t#s" !hen) in %r "een desire f r "n !ledge) !e strive t &serve n#t6 %r#l &Ie+ts in #nd f r the0selves #nd in their rel#6 ti nshi$ t ne #n ther) f r !e s n feel the l#+" f the st#nd#rd f li"ing #nd disli"ing) #ttr#+ti n #nd




re$%lsi n) %sef%lness #nd h#r0f%lness) th#t +#0e t %r #id !hen !e !ere + nsidering &Ie+ts in rel#6 ti nshi$ t %r h%0#n selves. He #re f r+ed t ren %n+e this st#nd#rd t t#ll' #nd) #s dis$#ssi n#te #nd G%#si6divine &eings) t see" %t #nd e?#0ine !h#t i%) #nd n t !h#t $le#ses %s. This 0e#ns th#t neither the &e#%t' n r the %sef%lness f #n' $l#nt sh %ld 0 ve tr%e & t#nists) !h r#ther sh %ld st%d' its 0 r$h l g' #nd its rel#ti nshi$s t the rest f the $l#nt "ingd 0. M%st #s the s%n shines eG%#ll' n #ll $l#nts #nd enti+es the0 f rth) s t sh %ld & t#6 nists &serve #nd s%rve' the0 #ll i0$#rti#ll' #nd t#"e the d#t# #nd st#nd#rds f r their #ssess0ent) n t fr 0 the h%0#n d 0#in) &%t fr 0 the d 0#in f the things %nder &serv#ti n.,

G etheEs th %ghts dr#! %r #ttenti n t three different "inds f thingsF first) the &Ie+ts !e + nst#ntl' re+eive in6 f r0#ti n #& %t thr %gh the g#te!#'s f %r senses) the things !e t %+h) t#ste) s0ell) he#r #nd seeB se+ nd) the i0$ressi ns the' 0#"e n %s) !hi+h #ss%0e the +h#r#+ter f li"ing r disli"ing) desire r disg%st) &' virt%e f the f#+t th#t !e re#+t s'0$#theti+#ll' t ne thing #nd #re re6 $elled &' #n ther) r find ne thing %sef%l #nd #n ther
,. M h#nn H lfg#ng v n G ethe) ,;8-6,@5/) Ger0#n $ et) dr#0#6 tist) n velist) #nd s+ientist. Fr 0 G etheEs tre#tise ,er Ker%uch al% Kermittler von O&Eect und Su&Eect) JThe E?$eri0ent #s *edi#t r &et!een O&Ie+t #nd S%&Ie+t)K ,;-5. 1Scientific Studie%G :ohann $olf+ #an# Goethe) ed. #nd tr#ns. D %gl#s *iller) Ne! Y r"F S%hr"#0$ P%&lishers),-@@.2

h#r0f%lB #nd third) the "n !ledge !e JG%#si6divine &e6 ingsK #+G%ire #& %t the &Ie+ts #s the' tell %s the se+rets f !h#t the' #re #nd h ! the' ! r". These three d 0#ins #re distin+tl' se$#r#te in h%0#n life) s !e &e+ 0e #!#re th#t !e #re & %nd %$ !ith the ! rld in three different !#'s. The first !#' is s 0ething !e en+ %nter #nd #++e$t #s # given f#+tB thr %gh the se+6 nd !#') !e t%rn the ! rld int s 0ething th#t + n+erns %s #nd h#s signifi+#n+e f r %sB the third !#' !e h ld #s # g #l t strive f r %n+e#singl'. Hh' d es the ! rld #$$e#r t %s in this threef ld 0#n6 nerL A si0$le e?#0$le +#n 0#"e it +le#r. S%$$ se I !#l" thr %gh # field !here !ildfl !ers #re &l 0ing. The fl !ers reve#l their + l rs t 0e thr %gh 0' e'esDth#t is the f#+t I #++e$t #s given. Hhen I then t#"e $le#s%re in the ! nderf%l dis$l#' f + l rs) I #0 t%rning the f#+t int s 0ething th#t + n+erns 0e $ers n#ll'Dth#t is) &' 0e#ns f 0' feelings) I rel#te the fl !ers t 0' !n e?isten+e. A 'e#r l#ter) !hen I g &#+" t the s#0e field) ne! fl !ers #re there #nd the' #r %se ne! I ' in 0e. The $revi %s 'e#rEs enI '0ent rises %$ #s # 0e0 r'B it is $resent in 0e #lth %gh the &Ie+t th#t $r 0$ted it in the first $l#+e is g ne. And 'et the fl !ers I #0 n ! seeing #re f the s#0e s$e+ies #s l#st 'e#rEs #nd h#ve gr !n in #++ rd#n+e !ith the s#0e l#!s. If I #0 f#0ili#r !ith this s$e+ies #nd these l#!s) I !ill re+ gni=e the0 #g#in in this 'e#rEs fl !ers) I%st #s I did in l#st 'e#rEs. On refle+ti n) I 0#' re#li=e th#t sin+e l#st 'e#rEs fl !ers #re g ne) 0' enI '0ent f the0 re0#ins nl' in 0' 0e0 r'B it is & %nd %$ !ith 0' $er6 s n#l e?isten+e #l ne. :%t !h#t I re+ gni=ed in the fl !ers





& th l#st 'e#r #nd this 'e#r !ill re0#in #s l ng #s s%+h fl !ers gr !B it is s 0ething th#t is reve#led t 0e &%t is n t de$endent n 0' e?isten+e in the s#0e !#' th#t 0' enI '0ent is. *' feelings f $le#s%re re0#in !ithin 0e) !hile the l#!s) the essen+e f the fl !ers) e?ist in the ! rld %tside f 0e. Th%s) #s h%0#n &eings) !e #re + nst#ntl' lin"ing %r6 selves t the things f the ! rld in # threef ld !#'. 1He sh %ld n t re#d #n'thing int this f#+t #t first) &%t si0$l' t#"e it #s it st#nds.2 It sh !s %s th#t there #re three #s6 $e+ts t %r h%0#n n#t%re. F r the 0 0ent) this #nd nl' this is !h#t !ill &e 0e#nt here &' the three ter0s &od 9 %oul #nd %pirit> Ass +i#ting #n' $re+ n+eived ide#s r even h'$ theses !ith these ! rds !ill +#%se %s t 0is6 %nderst#nd the dis+%ssi n th#t f ll !s. :' &od is 0e#nt the 0e#ns &' !hi+h the things in %r envir n0ent) s%+h #s the !ildfl !ers in the e?#0$le #& ve) reve#l the06 selves t %s. The ! rd %oul design#tes the 0e#ns &' !hi+h !e lin" these things t %r !n $ers n#l e?ist6 en+e) &' !hi+h !e e?$erien+e li"es #nd disli"es) $le#6 s%re #nd dis$le#s%re) I ' #nd s rr !. :' %pirit is 0e#nt !h#t &e+ 0es #$$#rent in %s !hen) #s JG%#si6divine &e6 ings)K t %se G etheEs e?$ressi n) !e l " #t the things f the ! rld. In this sense) e#+h $ers n + nsists f &od 9 %oul and %pirit. Thr %gh the & d') !e #re +#$#&le f lin"ing %rselves f r the 0 0ent t things %tside %s. Thr %gh the s %l) !e $reserve the i0$ressi ns things 0#"e n %s. Thr %gh the s$irit) !h#t the things the0selves + nt#in is dis+l sed t %s. Onl' !hen !e l " #t the h%0#n &eing fr 0 these

three sides +#n !e h $e t %nderst#nd %r tr%e n#t%re) f r these three sides sh ! %s th#t !e #re rel#ted t the rest f the ! rld in # threef ld !#'. Thr %gh the & d') !e #re rel#ted t the things th#t $resent the0selves t %r senses fr 0 %tside. The s%&6 st#n+es f the %ter ! rld 0#"e %$ the & d') #nd the f r+es f the %ter ! rld #re #+tive in it. He +#n &serve %r !n & dil' e?isten+e !ith %r senses) I%st #s !e &6 serve the things f the %tside ! rld) &%t it is n t $ ssi&le t &serve %r s %l e?isten+e in the s#0e !#'. Hith 0' & dil' senses) I +#n &serve the !h le r#nge f & dil' $r +esses t#"ing $l#+e in 0e) &%t neither I n r #n' ne else +#n $er+eive 0' li"es #nd disli"es r 0' I 's #nd s rr !s !ith & dil' senses. The d 0#in f the s %l is in#++essi&le t & dil' $er+e$ti n. O%r & dil' e?isten+e is there f r #ll t see) &%t !e +#rr' %r s %l e?isten+e inside %s #s %r !n $riv#te ! rld. Thr %gh the s$irit) h !ever) the %ter ! rld is reve#led t %s in # higher !#'. Alth %gh it is tr%e th#t the se+rets f the %ter ! rld dis+l se the0selves in6 side %s) in the s$irit !e ste$ %tside f %rselves #nd let the things the0selves tell %s !h#t is signifi+#nt f r the0) r#ther th#n f r %s. Hhen !e l " %$ #t the st#rr' s"') the s %lEs e?$erien+e f delight &el ngs t %s) &%t the etern#l l#!s f the st#rs) !hi+h !e 0#' gr#s$ in th %ght #nd in s$irit) d n t &el ng t %s. The' &el ng t the st#rs. Th%s #s h%0#n &eings !e #re +iti=ens f three ! rlds. In & d') !e & th &el ng t #nd $er+eive the %ter ! rldB in s %l) !e &%ild %$ %r !n inner ! rldB #nd in s$irit) # third ! rld th#t is higher th#n & th f the thers reve#ls itself t %s.




It sh %ld &e #$$#rent th#t) &e+#%se f the f%nd#0ent#l differen+es &et!een these three ! rlds) !e !ill #+hieve # +le#r %nderst#nding f the0 #nd f %r !n $#rt in the0 nl' &' #$$l'ing three different 0 des f &serv#ti n.

I> The 8odil Nature of the Human 8ein#



He le#rn #& %t the h%0#n & d' &' 0e#ns f %r & dil' senses) #nd %r 0 de f &serv#ti n +#n &e n different th#n if !e !ere le#rning #& %t ther sense6$er+e$ti&le things. He +#n &serve the h%0#n &eing in the s#0e !#' th#t !e &serve 0iner#ls) $l#nts #nd #ni0#ls) #nd #s h%6 0#n &eings) !e #re rel#ted t these three ther f r0s f e?isten+e. Li"e the 0iner#ls) !e &%ild %$ %r & dies %t f n#t%r#l s%&st#n+esB li"e the $l#nts) !e gr ! #nd re$r 6 d%+eB li"e the #ni0#ls) !e $er+eive the &Ie+ts #r %nd %s #nd devel $ inner e?$erien+es &#sed n the i0$ressi ns the' 0#"e n %s. Theref re) !e 0#' #ttri&%te # 0iner#l) # $l#nt #nd #n #ni0#l e?isten+e t the h%0#n &eing. The str%+t%r#l differen+es &et!een 0iner#ls) $l#nts #nd #ni0#ls + rres$ nd t their three 0 des f e?isten+e. Their str%+t%re r Ge%talt 1f r02 is !h#t !e +#n $er+eive !ith %r senses) #nd this #l ne is !h#t 0#' &e +#lled Jthe & d'.K The h%0#n & d') h !ever) is different fr 0 the #ni0#l & d'. He #ll re+ gni=e this differen+e) n 0#tter !h#t !e 0#' thin" #& %t h ! h%0#ns #re rel#ted t #ni6 0#ls. Even the 0 st r#di+#l 0#teri#list) !h denies the e?isten+e f #n'thing h#ving t d !ith the s %l) ! %ld &e h#rd $%t t dis#gree !ith the f ll !ing st#te0ent &'

C#r%s in his Or#anon of the "no!led#e of Nature and the SpiritF Even th %gh the 0 st deli+#te inner + nstr%+6 ti n f the nerv %s s'ste0 #nd es$e+i#ll' f the &r#in re0#ins #n %ns lved riddle f r $h'si l gists #nd #n#t 0ists) it is #n %ndis$%ted f#+t th#t the + n+entr#ti n f its str%+t%res in+re#ses in the higher rders f #ni0#ls) re#+hing in the h%0#n &eing # level n t t &e f %nd in #n' ther +re#t%re. This f#+t) f the gre#test signifi+#n+e !ith reg#rd t h%0#n intelle+t%#l devel $0ent) 0#' in itself &e s%ffi+ient t e?$l#in th#t devel $0ent. Theref re) !hen the str%+t%re f the &r#in h#s n t devel $ed $r $erl' #nd sh !s itself t &e s0#ll #nd in#de6 G%#te #s is the +#se in 0i+r +e$h#li+s #nd idi ts) it g es !ith %t s#'ing th#t !e +#n n 0 re e?$e+t t find %nderst#nding #nd the #$$e#r#n+e f rigin#l ide#s th#n !e +#n e?$e+t the + ntin%#ti n f the s$e+ies t &e #++ 0$lished &' individ%#ls !ith t t#ll' def r0ed re$r d%+tive rg#ns. In + ntr#st) #lth %gh it 0#' n t in itself g%#r#ntee geni%s) the str ng #nd &e#%tif%ll' devel $ed str%+t%re f the !h le $ers n #nd f the &r#in in $#rti+%l#r is #t le#st the first #nd indis$ens#&le $rereG%isite f higher "n !ledge./
/. C#rl G%st#v C#r%s) ,;@-6,@9-) Ger0#n n#t%r#list) $h'si+i#n) $s'6 +h l gist #nd l#nds+#$e $#inter. Fr 0 the +h#$ter JOn (n !ledgeK in Or#anon der 'r)enntni% der Natur und de% Gei%te% 3JOrg#n n f the (n !ledge f N#t%re #nd the S$iritK4) Lei$=ig) ,@79) $. @-ff.


M%st #s !e #ttri&%te 0iner#l) $l#nt #nd #ni0#l 0 des f e?isten+e t the h%0#n & d') !e 0%st #ls #ttri&%te t it # f %rth #nd distin+tivel' h%0#n 0 de. Thr %gh the 0in6 er#l 0 de f e?isten+e !e #re rel#ted t ever'thing visi6 &le) thr %gh the $l#nt6li"e 0 de t ever'thing th#t gr !s #nd re$r d%+es) #nd thr %gh the #ni0#l 0 de t #ll +re#6 t%res th#t $er+eive their envir n0ent #nd h#ve inner e?6 $erien+es &#sed n %ter i0$ressi ns. :%t thr %gh the h%0#n 0 de) even !ith reg#rd t the $h'si+#l & d') !e 0#"e %$ # "ingd 0 th#t is %rs #l ne.

II> The Soul Nature of the Human 8ein#


As #n individ%#l $riv#te inner ! rld) s %l n#t%re is dif6 ferent fr 0 & dil' n#t%re. Its intrinsi+ $riv#teness &e6 + 0es #$$#rent #s s n #s !e t%rn %r #ttenti n t the si0$lest #+t f sensing. He +#nn t "n ! !hether r n t thers e?$erien+e this si0$le sens#ti n in e?#+tl' the s#0e !#'. He "n ! th#t s 0e $e $le #re + l r6&lind #nd e?$erien+e things nl' in different sh#des f gr#') !hile thers #re $#rti#ll' + l r6&lind #nd +#nn t $er6 +eive +ert#in gr#d#ti ns f + l r. The i0#ge f the ! rld th#t their e'es $r vide is different fr 0 th#t f # s 6 +#lled n r0#l $ers n. The s#0e #$$lies t the ther senses) t ) 0 re r less. This is #lre#d' en %gh t de06 nstr#te th#t even # si0$le sens#ti n &el ngs t the $ri6 v#te inner ! rld. Hith 0' & dil' senses) I +#n $er+eive the s#0e red t#&le th#t s 0e ne else $er+eives) &%t I +#n6 n t $er+eive th#t $ers nEs sens#ti n f red. Theref re)

!e 0%st des+ri&e this sens#ti n #s &el nging t the s %l. On+e !e #re G%ite +le#r #& %t this) !e !ill st $ l "ing #t inner e?$erien+es #s 0ere &r#in $r +esses r s 0e6 thing f th#t s rt. Feelin# f ll !s +l sel' n sens#ti n) !ith ne sens#6 ti n #r %sing $le#s%re in %s #nd #n ther dis$le#s%re. These #re the stirrings f %r inner s %l life. He e#+h +re6 #te #n inner ! rld f feelings in #dditi n t the ! rld th#t ! r"s in n %s fr 0 %tside. Then there is # third f#+t r) %r !ill) thr %gh !hi+h !e ! r" &#+" %$ n the %tside ! rld) le#ving the i0$rint f %r !n inner &eing n it. In !ill #+tivit') the s %l fl !s %t!#rd) in # sense. The f#+t th#t %r #+ti ns &e#r the st#0$ f %r inner life distin6 g%ishes the0 fr 0 n#t%r#l events t#"ing $l#+e in the %ter ! rld. In this !#' the s %l sets itself %$ #s s 0ething $er6 s n#l #nd $riv#te in + ntr#st t the ! rld %tside. It re6 +eives sti0%li fr 0 the %ter ! rld) &%t + nstr%+ts #n inner $riv#te ! rld in #++ rd#n+e !ith the0. : dil' e?6 isten+e &e+ 0es the &#sis f r s %l e?isten+e.

III> The Spirit Nature of the Human 8ein# The s %l ele0ent in # h%0#n &eing is n t deter0ined e?6 +l%sivel' &' the & d'. He d n t !#nder #i0lessl' #nd !ith %t dire+ti n fr 0 ne sense i0$ressi n t #n ther) n r d !e res$ nd t ever' r#nd 0 sti0%l%s th#t #+ts n %s fr 0 %tside r thr %gh %r & dil' $r +esses. Inste#d) !e thin" #& %t %r sens#ti ns #nd %r #+ti ns. :' thin"ing #& %t %r sens#ti ns) !e + 0e t #n %nderst#nding f

thingsB &' thin"ing #& %t %r #+ti ns) !e +re#te # r#ti n#l + heren+e in %r lives. And !e "n ! th#t !e #re nl' ! rthil' f%lfilling %r t#s"s #s h%0#n &eings !hen !e let %rselves &e g%ided &' the right th %ghts) & th in "n !6 ing #nd in #+ting. Theref re) the h%0#n s %l f#+es # d%#l ne+essit'. O%t f n#t%r#l ne+essit') it is g verned &' the l#!s f the & d') &%t &e+#%se it freel' re+ gni=es their ne6 +essit' it #ls #ll !s itself t &e g verned &' the l#!s th#t le#d t + rre+t thin"ing. N#t%re s%&Ie+ts %s t the l#!s f 0et#& lis0) &%t #s h%0#n &eings !e s%&Ie+t %rselves t the l#!s f th %ght. Thr %gh this $r +ess) !e 0#"e %rselves 0e0&ers f # higher rder th#n the ne !e &el ng t thr %gh the & d'. This is the s$irit%#l rder. S %l is different fr 0 s$irit) #s different #s it is fr 0 the & d'. As l ng #s !e si0$l' s$e#" f the $#rti+les f +#r& n) h'dr gen) ?'6 gen #nd nitr gen 0 ving #r %nd in %r & d') !e d n t h#ve the s %l in vie!. The life f the s %l &egins nl' #t the $ int !here sens#ti n #rises !ithin s%+h 0 ve0ent) !here !e t#ste s 0ething s!eet r feel $le#s%re. In the s#0e !#') !e d n t h#ve the s$irit in vie! #s l ng #s !e + nsider nl' the inner e?$erien+es th#t $#ss thr %gh %s !hen !e give %rselves + 0$letel' t the %ter ! rld #nd t the life f the & d'. R#ther) this s %l e?isten+e is the &#sis f r the s$irit%#l) I%st #s & dil' e?isten+e is the &#sis f r s %l e?isten+e. The n#t%r#l s+ientist 1&i l gist2 de#ls !ith the & d') the s %l s+ientist 1$s'+h l gist2 !ith the s %l) #nd the s$irit%#l s+ientist !ith the s$irit. An' ne tr'ing t %nderst#nd the essenti#l n#t%re f the h%0#n &eing &' 0e#ns f thin"ing is first reG%ired t + 0e)

thr %gh self6refle+ti n) t # +le#r %nderst#nding f the differen+e &et!een & d') s %l #nd s$irit.

IK> 8od 9 Soul9 and Spirit The nl' v#lid !#' f r %s t shed light n %rselves #s h%6 0#n &eings is &' +le#rl' gr#s$ing the signifi+#n+e f thin"ing !ithin %r ver#ll &eing. The & dil' instr%0ent f thin"ing is the &r#in. He +#n see + l rs nl' &' 0e#ns f # !ell6f r0ed e'eB si0il#rl') nl' #n #$$r $ri#tel' + nstr%+ted &r#in +#n serve the $%r$ se f thin"ing. The !h le h%0#n & d' is &%ilt %$ in s%+h # !#' th#t the &r#in) the rg#n f the s$irit) is its +r !ning gl r'. He +#n %n6 derst#nd the str%+t%re f the h%0#n &r#in nl' !hen !e l " #t it in rel#ti nshi$ t its f%n+ti n) !hi+h is t serve #s the & dil' &#sis f r the thin"ing s$irit. This is de0 n6 str#ted &' # + 0$#r#tive s%rve' f the #ni0#l "ingd 0F In #0$hi&i#ns the &r#in is rel#tivel' s0#ll in $r $ rti n t the s$in#l + rd) in 0#00#ls it is l#rger) #nd in h%0#ns it is l#rgest f #ll in $r $ rti n t the rest f the & d'. N%0er %s $reI%di+es $rev#il #g#inst &serv#ti ns #& %t thin"ing s%+h #s th se &eing 0#de here. *#n' $e 6 $le tend t %nderesti0#te thin"ing #nd t $l#+e 0 re v#l6 %e n the !#r0th #nd de$th f feelings r sens#ti ns. The' even +l#i0 th#t it is n t thr %gh s &er thin"ing &%t thr %gh the !#r0th f feelings) thr %gh the dire+t $ !er f sens#ti ns) th#t !e #s+end t higher "n !ledge. These $e $le #re #fr#id th#t +le#r thin"ing !ill de#den their feel6 ings. This is +ert#inl' tr%e f 0%nd#ne thin"ing th#t is




+ n+erned nl' !ith %tilit#ri#n things) &%t e?#+tl' the $6 $ site is tr%e f th %ghts th#t le#d t higher levels f e?6 isten+e. N feeling #nd n enth%si#s0 n e#rth +#n + 0$#re !ith the sens#ti ns f !#r0th) &e#%t' #nd e?#l6 t#ti n th#t #re en"indled &' $%re) +r'st#l6+le#r th %ghts rel#ting t higher ! rlds. O%r l ftiest feelings #re n t the nes th#t h#$$en &' the0selves) &%t the nes #+hieved thr %gh stren% %s #nd energeti+ thin"ing. The h%0#n & d' is &%ilt %$ in s%+h # !#' th#t it 0eets the reG%ire0ents f thin"ingB th#t is) the s#0e s%&st#n+es #nd f r+es th#t #re #ls $resent in the 0iner#l "ingd 0 #re $%t t gether in the h%0#n & d' in # !#' th#t #ll !s thin"ing t #$$e#r. F r $%r$ ses f the f ll !ing dis+%s6 si n) !e !ill +#ll this 0iner#l str%+t%re) f r0ed in #++ r6 d#n+e !ith its f%n+ti n) Jthe $h'si+#l & d'K f the h%0#n &eing. This 0iner#l str%+t%re) rg#ni=ed !ith the &r#in #s its +enter) + 0es #& %t thr %gh re$r d%+ti n #nd #+hieves its 0#t%re f r0 thr %gh gr !th. Re$r d%+ti n #nd gr !th #re +h#r#+teristi+s th#t h%0#n &eings h#ve in + 00 n !ith $l#nts #nd #ni0#lsB the' disting%ish # living &eing fr 0 # lifeless 0iner#l. Living things devel $ %t f ther living things &' 0e#ns f the re$r d%+tive +ellsB des+end#nts #re lin"ed t their #n+est rs in the s%++essi n f gener#ti ns. The f r+es thr %gh !hi+h # 0iner#l + 0es int &eing #re dire+ted t !#rd the s%&st#n+es + 0$ sing itD# G%#rt= +r'st#l t#"es sh#$e thr %gh f r+es inherent in the sili+ n #nd ?'gen + 0&ined in it. :%t the f r+es th#t sh#$e #n #" tree 0%st &e l "ed f r indire+tl' in the re$r d%+tive +ells f the $#rent $l#nts. Thr %gh re$r d%+ti n) the f r0

f the #" is 0#int#ined #nd $#ssed n fr 0 #n+est r t de6 s+end#nt in #++ rd#n+e !ith the inner) in& rn di+t#tes f life. Pe $le h#d # +r%de vie! f n#t%re indeed !hen the' &elieved th#t l !er #ni0#ls #nd even fish + %ld t#"e sh#$e %t f 0%d. A living &eingEs f r0 is re$r d%+ed thr %gh heredit') #nd h ! it devel $s de$ends n the $#rents it +#0e fr 0) r) in ther ! rds) n the s$e+ies it &el ngs t . The s%&st#n+es th#t 0#"e it %$ #re + ntin%#ll' +h#nging) &%t its s$e+ies re0#ins + nst#nt thr %gh %t its lifeti0e #nd is $#ssed n t its des+end#nts thr %gh heredit'. The s$e6 +ies is theref re !h#t deter0ines h ! the s%&st#n+es #re $%t t gether. He !ill +#ll the s$e+ies6deter0ining f r+e the life f r+e.5 M%st #s 0iner#l f r+es e?$ress the0selves in +r'st#ls) the f r0#tive life f r+e e?$resses itself in the s$e6 +ies) r f r0s) f $l#nt #nd #ni0#l life. I-2J As h%0#n &eings) !e $er+eive 0iner#l f r+es &' 0e#ns f %r & dil' senses. He +#n nl' $er+eive things f r !hi+h !e $ ssess the + rres$ nding & dil' sense. Hith %t
5. N t t l ng #g #n' 0enti n f # Jlife f r+eK r Jvit#l f r+eK !#s t#"en #s #n indi+#ti n f #n %ns+ientifi+ 0ind. Here #nd there) h !6 ever) !e n ! &egin t 0eet s+ientists !h #re n l nger $$ sed t the ide# f # vit#l f r+e #s it !#s %nderst d in ti0es $#st. :%t if !e e?#0ine the $r gress f 0 dern s+ientifi+ th %ght) !e find th#t th se !h ref%se t #+"n !ledge the e?isten+e f # vit#l f r+e #re 0 re + n6 sistent in their l gi+) #nd it is +ert#inl' tr%e th#t this life f r+e d es n t &el ng t !h#t !e +%rrentl' +#ll Jthe f r+es f n#t%re.K In f#+t) #n' ne !h is %n!illing t dis$ense !ith 0 dern s+ien+eEs h#&it%#l + n+e$ts #nd !#'s f thin"ing #nd t 0#"e the ste$ t # higher 0 de f thin"6 ing sh %ld refr#in fr 0 %sing the ter0 #t #ll. Onl' s$irit%#l s+ientifi+ $res%$$ siti ns #nd # s$irit%#l s+ientifi+ !#' f thin"ing 0#"e it $ s6 si&le t #$$r #+h s%+h things !ith %t &eing self6+ ntr#di+t r'.

the e'e there ! %ld &e n $er+e$ti n f light) !ith %t the e#r n $er+e$ti n f s %nd. Of th se senses $resent in h%6 0#n &eings) nl' # "ind f sense f t %+h is $ ssessed &' the ver' l !est rg#nis0sB f r the0) nl' the 0iner#l f r+es $er+e$ti&le t this sense #re $er+eived in the !#' h%0#n senses $er+eive the0.8 The degree t !hi+h the
5. ?continued@ C%rrent the rists !h #re #tte0$ting t + 0e t $%rel' s+ientifi+ + n+l%si ns h#ve #&#nd ned the &elief 1$rev#lent in the se+ nd h#lf f the nineteenth +ent%r'2 th#t the $hen 0en# f life +#n &e e?$l#ined s lel' in ter0s f f r+es th#t #re #ls #t ! r" in in#ni0#te n#t%re. N ted n#t%r#list Os"#r Hert!igEs & " ref%ting the D#r!ini#n the r' f +h#n+e is # s+ientifi+ $hen 0en n th#t sheds light f#r #nd ne#r. 1Os"#r Hert!ig) ,@8-6,-//) = l gistB $r fess r in :erlin fr 0 ,@@@6,-/,. The & " referred t is ,a% $erden der Or#ani%men> 'ine $iderle#un# von ,ar!in% Lufall%theorie 3The ,evelopment of Or#ani%m%G A Refutation of ,ar!in=% Theor of Chance42.It +h#llenges the #ss%0$ti n th#t the inter! r"ing f 0ere $h'si+#l #nd +he0i+#l l#!s is s%ffi+ient t give rise t life. Als sig6 nifi+#nt is the s 6+#lled ne vit#list vie!$ int !hi+h) li"e the lder Jvit#l f r+eK the r') #d0its the $ ssi&ilit' f f r+es %niG%e t life. H !ever) !e +#nn t get &e' nd #&str#+t s+he0#ti+ + n+e$ts in this field %nless !e re+ gni=e th#t t gr#s$ the #s$e+t f life th#t tr#n6 s+ends the #+tivit' f in rg#ni+ f r+es) !e 0%st %se # 0 de f $er6 +e$ti n th#t rises t s%$ersensi&le visi n. Hhen !e enter the re#l0 f life) it is n t en %gh si0$l' t + ntin%e t #$$l' the 0eth ds f %nderst#nding !e h#ve #l!#'s #$$lied t the in rg#ni+ ! rld. A !h le ne! !#' f "n !ing is needed. 8. Here) the Jsense f t %+hK f l !er rg#nis0s is n t the s#0e thing #s !h#t the ter0 %s%#ll' 0e#ns in des+ri$ti ns f the Jsenses)K #nd in f#+t) fr 0 the $ int f vie! f s$irit%#l s+ien+e) # l t +#n &e s#id #g#inst the %se f the ter0 in this + nte?t. In this +#se) Jsense f t %+hK 0e#ns &e+ 0ing gener#ll' #!#re f #n i0$ressi n + 0ing fr 0 %tside) #s $$ sed t #+G%iring # s$e+ifi+ #!#reness th#t + n6 sists in seeing) he#ring) #nd s n.

ther senses f higher #ni0#ls h#ve devel $ed deter0ines the ri+hness #nd v#riet' f their s%rr %ndings f r the0) the s%rr %ndings th#t h%0#n &eings #ls $er+eive. Theref re) the rg#ns th#t # living &eing $ ssesses deter0ine !hether r n t s 0ething $resent in the envir n0ent is #ls $resent f r it #s # $er+e$ti n r # sens#ti n. F r inst#n+e) !h#t is $resent in the #ir #s # +ert#in "ind f 0 ve0ent &e+ 0es the sens#ti n f s %nd f r h%0#n &eings. He d n t $er+eive the 0#nifest#ti ns f the life f r+e &' 0e#ns f %r rdin#r' senses. He see the + l rs f $l#nts #nd s0ell their fr#gr#n+e) &%t the life f r+e is + n6 +e#led fr 0 this "ind f &serv#ti n. H !ever) %r rdi6 n#r' senses h#ve #s little right t den' the e?isten+e f the life f r+e #s # $ers n & rn &lind h#s t den' the e?isten+e f + l rs. C l rs #re $resent f r # &lind $ers n #fter # s%+6 +essf%l e'e $er#ti n) #nd in the s#0e !#' the $l#nt #nd #ni0#l s$e+iesDn t I%st the individ%#l $l#nts #nd #ni6 0#lsD+re#ted &' the life f r+e #re #ls $resent f r th se !h se + rres$ nding rg#n h#s $ened %$. A !h le ne! ! rld is dis+l sed t %s n+e this rg#n h#s $ened. Fr 0 th#t $ int n) !e $er+eive n t nl' the + l rs) s+ents #nd s f rth f living things) !e $er+eive their ver' life itself. In ever' $l#nt #nd #ni0#l) !e $er+eive the life6filled s$ir6 it%#l f r0 in #dditi n t the $h'si+#l f r0. Sin+e !e need # n#0e f r this s$irit f r0) !e !ill +#ll it the ether & d' r life & d'. F r investig#t rs f s$irit%#l life) the ether & d' is n t 0erel' # res%lt f the $h'si+#l & d'Es s%&st#n+es #nd f r+es) &%t # re#l) inde$endent entit' th#t +#lls these s#0e s%&st#n+es #nd f r+es t life. S$e#"ing in the sense f

s$irit%#l s+ien+e) !e 0ight $%t it li"e thisF A & d' th#t is 0erel' 0#teri#lDf r e?#0$le) # +r'st#lD !es its f r0 t the $h'si+#l f r0#tive f r+es inherent in lifeless 0#t6 terB # living & d') h !ever) +#nn t !e its f r0 t these s#0e f r+es) sin+e it st#rts t de+#' i00edi#tel' n+e life h#s #&#nd ned it #nd it h#s &een s%rrendered t $h'si+#l f r+es #l ne.7 The life & d' is $resent #t ever' 0 0ent f
7. F r # l ng ti0e #fter + 0$iling this & ") I #ls s$ "e f !h#t is here ter0ed Jether & d'K r Jlife & d'K #s Jthe & d' f f r0#tive f r+es.K I felt + 0$elled t give it this n#0e &e+#%se I &elieved ne + %ld n t d en %gh t tr' t $revent the identifi+#ti n f !h#t I 0e#nt !ith the Jlife f r+eK r Jvit#l f r+eK f #n e#rlier st#ge f s+i6 en+e. Hhen it + 0es t ref%ting this %td#ted + n+e$t) #s 0 dern s+ien+e d es) I #gree in s 0e res$e+ts !ith th se !h ! %ld den' the e?isten+e f #n' s%+h f r+e. Th#t ter0 !#s %sed in #n #tte0$t t e?$l#in the %niG%e !#' f ! r"ing th#t in rg#ni+ f r+es t " n !ithin # living rg#nis0. H !ever) in rg#ni+ #+tivit' is #+t%#ll' n different inside #n rg#nis0 th#n it is %tside in in rg#ni+ n#t%re. Hithin #n rg#nis0 there is si0$l' s 0ething #dditi n#l $resent) s 0ething th#t is n t in rg#ni+) n#0el' the f r0#tive #+tivit' f life !h se &#sis is the ether & d' r & d' f f r0#tive f r+es. Re+ gni=6 ing the e?isten+e f the ether & d' in n !#' i0$inges n the legiti6 0#te t#s" f s+ien+e) !hi+h is t tr#+e the effe+ts f f r+es &served in in rg#ni+ n#t%re int the ! rld f living rg#nis0s. S$irit%#l s+i6 en+e) h !ever) #ls finds it I%stified n t t i0#gine these effe+ts #s #ltered &' # $#rti+%l#r Jvit#l f r+eK !ithin #n rg#nis0. A s$irit%#l rese#r+her s$e#"s f #n ether & d' #t the $ int !here #n rg#nis0 dis+l ses s 0ething th#t # lifeless &Ie+t +#nn t. In s$ite f #ll this) I d n t find it ne+ess#r' t re$l#+e the ter0 Jether & d'K !ith J& d' f f r0#tive f r+esK in this & ") sin+e in this + nte?t #n' ne !h s +h ses !ill &e #&le t #v id 0is%nder6 st#nding. *is%nderst#nding !ill nl' #rise if this ter0 is %sed in #n in+ 0$#ti&le + nte?t.

life #s #n entit' th#t + nst#ntl' 0#int#ins the $h'si+#l & d' #g#inst de+#'. In rder t see this life & d') t $er6 +eive it in #n ther living &eing) !e need the #!#"ened s$irit%#l e'e. He 0#' &e #&le t ded%+e the e?isten+e f the ether & d' n l gi+#l gr %nds !ith %t this s$irit%#l e'e) &%t !e +#n JseeK it !ith the s$irit%#l e'e) I%st #s !e see + l rs !ith the $h'si+#l e'e. Ple#se d n t t#"e f6 fense #t the ter0 Jether & d')K &%t t#"e it si0$l' #s # n#0e f r !h#t is des+ri&ed here. JEtherK #s the ! rd is %sed here 0e#ns s 0ething different fr 0 the h'$ theti6 +#l ether f nineteenth6+ent%r' $h'si+s. In its str%+t%re) the h%0#n ether & d') li"e the h%0#n $h'si+#l & d') is #n i0#ge f its f%n+ti n. It t +#n &e %n6 derst d nl' in rel#ti n t the thin"ing s$irit. The h%0#n ether & d' differs fr 0 th#t f $l#nts #nd #ni0#ls in &eing rg#ni=ed t s%$$ rt the thin"ing s$irit. M%st #s !e &el ng t the 0iner#l ! rld thr %gh %r $h'si+#l & d') !e &e6 l ng t the ! rld f life thr %gh %r ether & d'. After de#th) the $h'si+#l & d' disintegr#tes int the 0iner#l ! rld) the ether & d' int the ! rld f life. The ter0 J& d'K is %sed here t design#te !h#t gives # &eing f #n' "ind its f r0) sh#$e r Ge%talt. It sh %ld n t &e + nf%sed !ith the sense6$er+e$ti&le f r0 f the 0#teri#l & d'. As %sed in this & ") the ter0 J& d'K +#n #ls refer t s 0e6 thing th#t t#"es n f r0 in s %l r in s$irit. The life & d' is still s 0ething e?tern#l t %s) &%t !ith the first stirrings f sens#ti n %r inner self res$ nds t the sti0%li f the %ter ! rld. N 0#tter h ! f#r !e $%rs%e !h#t !e I%stifi#&l' +#ll the Je?tern#l ! rld)K !e !ill never &e #&le t find sens#ti n. R#'s f light $enetr#te int


the e'e) t the retin#) !here the' sti0%l#te +he0i+#l +h#nges in !h#t is +#lled the vis%#l $%r$le in the r ds f the retin#. The effe+t f this sti0%l%s then 0 ves #l ng the vis%#l nerve t the &r#in) !here f%rther $h'si+#l $r 6 +esses t#"e $l#+e. If !e + %ld #+t%#ll' &serve this h#$6 $ening) !e ! %ld si0$l' see $h'si+#l $r +esses li"e th se th#t t#"e $l#+e #n'!here else in the e?tern#l ! rld. :%t if !e #re #&le t &serve the ether & d') !e !ill $er6 +eive h ! # $h'si+#l $r +ess t#"ing $l#+e in the &r#in is #ls # life $r +ess. H !ever) the sens#ti n f the &l%e + l r th#t the re+i$ient f the light r#'s e?$erien+es is still n !here t &e f %ndB it nl' + 0es #& %t in the re+i$i6 entEs s %l. If the re+i$ientEs + nstit%ti n + nsisted nl' f the $h'si+#l & d' #nd the ether & d') sens#ti n + %ld n t t#"e $l#+e. The #+tivit' thr %gh !hi+h sens#ti n &e+ 0es # f#+t f%nd#0ent#ll' differs fr 0 the ! r"ing f the f r6 0#tive life f r+e #nd eli+its fr 0 it #n inner e?$erien+e. Hith %t this #+tivit') %r res$ nse t e?tern#l sti0%li ! %ld &e n thing 0 re th#n # 0ere life $r +ess s%+h #s th se !e &serve in $l#nts. Pi+t%re h%0#n &eings re+eiv6 ing i0$ressi ns fr 0 #ll sides. O%r sens#ti ns res$ nd t #ll these i0$ressi ns) s !e #ls $i+t%re %rselves #s the s %r+e f the sentient #+tivit' des+ri&ed #& ve) !hi+h 0 ves %t in #ll the dire+ti ns fr 0 !hi+h !e re+eive i0$ressi ns. He !ill +#ll this s %r+e f #+tivit' the sen6 tient s %l. It is I%st #s re#l #s the $h'si+#l & d'. If # $er6 s n st#nds &ef re 0e #nd I disreg#rd his r her sentient s %l) i0#gining th#t $ers n 0erel' #s # $h'si+#l & d') it is #s if I !ere i0#gining # $#inting #s n thing 0 re th#n its +#nv#s.

Hith reg#rd t $er+eiving the sentient s %l) !e 0%st s#' s 0ething si0il#r t !h#t !#s s#id e#rlier #& %t the ether & d'. O%r & dil' rg#ns #re &lind t the sentient s %l) #nd s is the rg#n &' !hi+h life +#n &e $er+eived #s life) &' !hi+h the ether & d' +#n &e $er+eived. :%t &' 0e#ns f # still higher rg#n) the inner ! rld f sen6 s#ti ns +#n &e+ 0e # $#rti+%l#r "ind f s%$ersensi&le $er+e$ti n. As !e devel $ this rg#n) !e &e+ 0e #&le n t nl' t sense the i0$ressi ns f the $h'si+#l #nd ether ! rlds) &%t #ls t see the sens#ti ns #s s%+h. At th#t $ int) #n ther &eingEs ! rld f sens#ti ns is s$re#d %t &ef re %s li"e #n' %ter re#lit'. He 0%st differenti6 #te &et!een e?$erien+ing %r !n ! rld f sens#ti ns #nd $er+eiving th#t f s 0e ne elseD f + %rse #n' ne +#n l " int his r her !n $ers n#l ! rld f sens#6 ti ns) &%t nl' # seer !ith #n $ened Js$irit%#l e'eK +#n see the inner sens#ti ns f #n ther &eing. Unless !e #re seers) !e +#n "n ! the ! rld f sens#ti n nl' #s s 0e6 thing !ithin %rselves) #s the $ers n#l #nd hidden e?$e6 rien+es f %r !n s %ls) &%t !hen %r Js$irit%#l e'eK is $en) !h#t ther!ise lives hidden inside #n ther &eing shines f rth) #++essi&le t %r %t!#rd6l "ing s$irit%#l g#=e. T #v id 0is%nderst#nding) it sh %ld &e e?$ressl' st#t6 ed th#t # seer d es n t in!#rdl' e?$erien+e the + ntent f the inner ! rlds f sens#ti ns &el nging t ther &eings. These &eings e?$erien+e their $er+e$ti ns #nd sens#ti ns fr 0 their !n inner $ ints f vie!) !hile the seer $er6 +eives # 0#nifest#ti n r e?$ressi n f e#+h neEs ! rld f sens#ti ns.





In its f%n+ti ning) the sentient s %l is de$endent n the ether & d') &e+#%se it dr#!s fr 0 the ether & d' !h#t it then #ll !s t light %$ #s sens#ti n. And sin+e the ether & d' is the life !ithin the $h'si+#l & d') the sentient s %l is indire+tl' de$endent n the $h'si+#l & d' #s !ell. Onl' # $r $erl' f%n+ti ning #nd !ell6f r0ed e'e 0#"es #++%6 r#te + l r sens#ti ns $ ssi&le. This is h ! the & dil' n#6 t%re #ffe+ts the sentient s %l. The sentient s %l is th%s deter0ined #nd restri+ted in its #+tivit' &' the $h'si+#l & d') #nd lives !ithin the li0its set &' %r & dil' n#t%re. Th#t is) the $h'si+#l & d') !hi+h is &%ilt %$ %t f 0iner#l s%&st#n+es #nd enlivened &' the ether & d') in t%rn sets the li0its f r %r sentient s %l. Th se !h $ ssess the #& ve60enti ned rg#n f r JseeingK the sentient s %l theref re re+ gni=e it #s h#ving li0its set &' the & d'. H !ever) the & %nd#ries f the sentient s %l d n t + 6 in+ide !ith th se f the 0#teri#l $h'si+#l & d'. The sen6 tient s %l e?tends &e' nd the $h'si+#l & d') even th %gh the f r+e th#t deter0ines its li0its $r +eeds fr 0 the $h'si+#l & d'. This 0e#ns th#t still #n ther distin+t 0e06 &er f the h%0#n + nstit%ti n inserts itself &et!een the $h'si+#l #nd ether & dies n the ne h#nd #nd the sentient s %l n the ther. This is the sentient r s %l & d'. T s#' it #n ther !#') # $ rti n f the ether & d' is finer th#n the rest) #nd this finer $#rt f r0s # %nit' !ith the sentient s %l) !hile the + #rser $#rt f r0s # "ind f %nit' !ith the $h'si+#l & d'. H !ever) the sentient s %l e?tends &e6 ' nd the s %l & d'. F r si0$li+it' s#"e) !e h#ve +h sen the ter0 Jsentient s %l)K !hi+h is rel#ted t Jsensing.K :%t in f#+t) JsensingK

is nl' ne #s$e+t f the s %lEs &eing. O%r feelings f $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re) %r drives) instin+ts #nd $#s6 si ns) #re #ll ver' +l se t %r sens#ti ns. The' #re #ll si0il#rl' $riv#te #nd individ%#l in +h#r#+ter #nd si0il#rl' de$endent n %r & dil' n#t%re.

O%r sentient s %l inter#+ts !ith thin"ing) !ith the s$irit) I%st #s it d es !ith the & d'. T &egin !ith) thin"ing serves the sentient s %lF !e f r0%l#te th %ghts #& %t %r sens#ti ns #nd th%s e?$l#in the %ter ! rld t %rselves. F r inst#n+e) # +hild !h h#s &een &%rned thin"s #& %t it #nd #rrives #t the + n+l%si n th#t fire &%rns. He d n t &lindl' $%rs%e %r drives) instin+ts #nd $#ssi nsB !e thin" #& %t the0) th%s +re#ting $$ rt%nities t gr#tif' the0. This is the dire+ti n t#"en &' %r 0#teri#l +%lt%re) !hi+h is the s%0 f the servi+es rendered t the sentient s %l &' thin"ing. <#st #0 %nts f th %ght$ !er #re dire+ted t 6 !#rd this end. Th %ght$ !er h#s +re#ted shi$s) r#ilr #ds) telegr#$hs #nd tele$h nesD#ll things th#t f r the 0 st $#rt serve t s#tisf' the needs f sentient s %ls. He h#ve seen h ! the f r0#tive life f r+e $erv#des the $h'si+#l & d'. In # si0il#r !#') th %ght$ !er $erv#des the sentient s %l. The f r0#tive life f r+e + nne+ts the $h'si+#l & d' t its #n+est rs #nd des+end#nts #nd th%s $l#+es it in the + nte?t f n#t%r#l l#!s h#ving n thing t d !ith 0ere 0iner#ls. Si0il#rl') th %ght$ !er gives the s %l # $l#+e !ithin # s'ste0 f l#!s t !hi+h it d es n t &el ng #s 0ere sentient s %l.


Thr %gh the sentient s %l) !e #re rel#ted t the #ni0#ls) in !h 0 !e +#n #ls re+ gni=e the $resen+e f sens#6 ti ns) drives) instin+ts #nd $#ssi ns. Ani0#ls) h !ever) f ll ! these %$ dire+tl' !ith %t inter!e#ving the0 !ith inde$endent th %ghts th#t tr#ns+end i00edi#te e?$eri6 en+e.9 This is #ls the +#se t # +ert#in e?tent !ith less devel $ed h%0#n &eings. As s%+h) theref re) the sentient s %l is different fr 0 the 0 re highl' ev lved $#rt f the s %l th#t $l#+es thin"ing in its servi+e. He 0#' +#ll this s %l) !hi+h is served &' thin"ing) the 0ind s %l.
9. S$irit%#l s+ientifi+ st#te0ents 0%st &e t#"en ver' e?#+tl') &e+#%se the' #re f v#l%e nl' if the ide#s #re e?$ressed $re+isel'. F r e?#0$le) t#"e the senten+e) J. . . #ni0#ls f ll ! these 3$er+e$6 ti ns) instin+ts) et+.4 %$ dire+tl' !ith %t inter!e#ving the0 !ith inde$endent th %ghts th#t g &e' nd their i00edi#te e?$eri6 en+e. . . .K If the 0 difiers Jinde$endentK #nd Jth#t g &e' nd their i00edi#te e?$erien+eK #re n t f%ll' t#"en int #++ %nt) it ! %ld &e e#s' t 0#"e the 0ist#"e f #ss%0ing th#t !h#t is 0e#nt here is th#t n th %ghts #re $resent in the sens#ti ns #nd instin+ts f #ni6 0#ls. H !ever) tr%e s$irit%#l s+ien+e is &#sed n the re+ gniti n th#t the inner e?$erien+e f #ni0#ls) li"e ever'thing else in e?ist6 en+e) is $er0e#ted !ith th %ghts) #lth %gh these th %ghts #re n t th se f #n inde$endent JIK living !ithin e#+h #ni0#l. Inste#d) the' &el ng t # + lle+tive #ni0#l eg th#t 0%st &e seen #s # &eing th#t g verns the individ%#l #ni0#ls fr 0 %tside. This + lle+tive eg ) %nli"e the h%0#n JI)K is n t $resent in the $h'si+#l ! rld &%t ! r"s n the #ni0#ls fr 0 the s %l ! rld des+ri&ed n $$. -5ff. 1F%rther det#ils 0#' &e f %nd in An Outline of Occult Science &' this #%th r.2 The $ int here is th#t in h%0#n &eings) th %ghts #+G%ire #n inde$endent e?isten+eB th#t is) !e +#n h#ve # dire+t s %l e?$eri6 en+e f the0 #s th %ghts r#ther th#n e?$erien+ing the0 indire+tl' in sens#ti n.

The 0ind s %l $er0e#tes the sentient s %l. An' ne I/0J !h $ ssesses the rg#n f r JseeingK the s %l !ill see the 0ind s %l #s #n entit' distin+t fr 0 the 0ere sentient s %l.;

Thr %gh thin"ing) !e #re led &e' nd %r !n $ers n#l livesB !e #+G%ire s 0ething th#t e?tends &e' nd %r !n s %ls. He t#"e it #s # 0#tter f + %rse th#t the l#!s f thin"ing + rres$ nd !ith the %nivers#l rder. He +#n feel #t h 0e in the %niverse &e+#%se this + rres$ nden+e e?ists) #nd it is # !eight' f#+t r in le#rning t re+ gni=e %r !n essenti#l n#t%re. He see" the tr%th in %r s %lB thr %gh this tr%th) n t nl' the s %l &%t #ls the things f the ! rld e?$ress the0selves. Tr%th re+ gni=ed thr %gh thin"ing h#s #n inde$endent signifi+#n+e) !hi+h refers t the things f the ! rld #nd n t 0erel' t %r !n s %ls. In 0' delight in the st#rr' he#vens) I #0 living inside 0'self) &%t the th %ghts th#t I f r0%l#te #& %t the r&its f the he#venl' & dies h#ve the s#0e 0e#ning f r #n'6 ne elseEs thin"ing #s the' h#ve f r 0ine. It ! %ld &e
;. Tr#nsl#t rEs n teF It is i0$ rt#nt t n te th#t R%d lf Steiner here %ses & th the ter0s Ker%tande%%eele 10ind s %l r r#ti n#l s %l2 #nd Gem(t%%eele) Jhe#rt6#nd60ind s %l)K even eG%#ting Ker%tande%%eele !ith th#t %ntr#nsl#t#&le Ger0#n + n+e$t) Gem(t. In this + nte?t) the rel#ti nshi$ f the 0ind6s %l t Gem(t even in its n n6#nthr $ 6 s $hi+#l %s#ge 1!#r06he#rtedness) "indl' dis$ siti n2) #s !ell #s t Gem(tlich)eit 1+ 0f rt) + =iness2 is #$$#rent.


senseless t s$e#" f J0'K delight #nd $le#s%re if I 0'6 self !ere n t $resent) &%t it is n t #t #ll senseless t t#l" #& %t 0' th %ghts !ith %t referen+e t 0e #s # $ers n. The tr%th I thin" t d#' !#s #ls tr%e 'esterd#' #nd !ill &e tr%e t 0 rr !) even th %gh it ++%$ies 0' 0ind nl' f r t d#'. If %nderst#nding s 0ething gives 0e $le#6 s%re) this $le#s%re is 0e#ningf%l nl' #s l ng #s it is #+6 tive in 0e) &%t the tr%th f the %nderst#nding h#s # signifi+#n+e t t#ll' inde$endent f 0' $le#s%re. In gr#s$ing the tr%th) the s %l lin"s %$ !ith s 0ething th#t $ ssesses intrinsi+ v#l%e) # v#l%e th#t neither #$$e#rs n r dis#$$e#rs !ith the s %lEs $er+e$ti n f it. The re#l tr%th neither + 0es int &eing n r $#sses #!#'B its signifi6 +#n+e +#nn t &e destr 'ed. This is in n !#' + ntr#di+ted &' the f#+t th#t +ert#in h%0#n Jtr%thsK #re f nl' te0$ r#r' v#l%e &e+#%se the' #re re+ gni=ed #s $#rti#l r t t#l err rs in d%e ti0e. He 0%st re#li=e th#t the tr%th) in itself) end%res) even th %gh %r th %ghts #re nl' tr#nsient 0#nifest#ti ns f etern#l tr%ths. Even if) li"e Lessing) !e s#' th#t !e #re + ntent t strive etern#ll' f r the tr%th sin+e the $%re #nd $erfe+t tr%th +#n s%rel' e?ist nl' f r # g d) this d es n t den' the etern#l v#l%e f the tr%th) &%t r#ther + nfir0s it.@ Onl' s 0ething f etern#l #nd intrinsi+ signifi+#n+e +#n ev "e #n etern#l striving #nd &e the &Ie+t f #n etern#l se#r+h. If the tr%th !ere n t !h ll' inde$endent in itself) if its v#l%e #nd signifi+#n+e +#0e fr 0 the feelings f h%0#n s %ls) then it + %ld n t &e # g #l #greed n &' #ll
@. G tth ld E$hr#i0 Lessing) ,;/-6,;@,) Ger0#n dr#0#tist #nd +riti+.

h%0#n"ind. The ver' f#+t th#t !e #ll strive f r it + n6 fir0s its inde$endent n#t%re. This #$$lies eG%#ll' t !h#t is tr%l' g d. Hh#t is 0 r6 #ll' right is inde$endent f %r in+lin#ti ns #nd $#ssi ns ins f#r #s it d es n t s%&0it t the0 &%t 0#"es the0 s%&6 0it t it. Desire #nd rev%lsi n) li"es #nd disli"es) #re the $r $ert' f e#+h individ%#l h%0#n s %l) &%t d%t' st#nds higher th#n li"es #nd disli"es) s 0eti0es st#nding s high in $e $leEs esti0#ti n th#t the' !ill give %$ their lives f r it. The 0 re !e h#ve enn &led %r in+lin#ti ns) %r li"es #nd disli"es) s th#t the' s%&0it !ith %t f r+e r + 0$%l6 si n t !h#t !e re+ gni=e #s %r d%t') the higher !e st#nd #s h%0#n &eings. Hh#t is 0 r#ll' right) li"e !h#t is tr%e) h#s #n intrinsi+ etern#l v#l%e th#t it d es n t re+eive fr 0 the sentient s %l. :' letting !h#t is intrinsi+#ll' tr%e #nd g d + 0e t life !ithin %s) !e rise #& ve the 0ere sentient s %l. The etern#l s$irit shines int the sentient s %l) "indling in it # light th#t !ill never g %t. T the e?tent th#t %r s %l lives in this light) it t#"es $#rt in s 0ething etern#l) !hi+h it lin"s t its !n e?isten+e. Hh#t the s %l +#rries !ithin itself #s tr%th #nd g dness is i00 rt#l. He !ill +#ll this etern#l ele0ent th#t lights %$ !ithin the s %l the + n6 s+i %sness s %l. He +#n s$e#" f + ns+i %sness even in + nne+ti n !ith the s %lEs l !er stirringsB even the 0 st 0%nd#ne sen6 s#ti n is #lre#d' the &Ie+t f + ns+i %sness) #nd t this e?tent #ni0#ls 0%st #ls &e +redited !ith h#ving + n6 s+i %sness. :%t the ver' + re f h%0#n + ns+i %sness) the Js %l !ithin the s %l)K s t s$e#") is !h#t J+ ns+i %sness




s %lK 0e#ns here. The + ns+i %sness s %l is different fr 0 the 0ind s %l) !hi+h is still ent#ngled in sens#ti ns) drives) e0 ti ns #nd s f rth. He #ll "n ! h ! !e #++e$t %r $ers n#l $referen+es #s tr%e) #t first. :%t tr%th is l#sting nl' !hen it h#s freed itself fr 0 #n' fl#v r f s%+h s'06 $#thies #nd #nti$#thies. The tr%th is tr%e) even if #ll %r $er6 s n#l feelings rev lt #g#inst it. He !ill #$$l' the ter0 J+ ns+i %sness s %lK t th#t $#rt f the s %l in !hi+h tr%th lives. Th%s the s %l) li"e the & d') + nsists f three distin+t 0e0&ersDthe sentient s %l) the 0ind s %l) #nd the + n6 s+i %sness s %l. M%st #s %r & dil' n#t%re ! r"s fr 0 &e6 l ! %$!#rds t set li0its n the s %l) s$irit%#lit' ! r"s fr 0 #& ve d !n!#rds t e?$#nd it. The 0 re %r s %l is filled !ith !h#t is tr%e #nd g d) the &r #der #nd 0 re in6 +l%sive its etern#l #s$e+t &e+ 0es. F r #n' ne !h +#n JseeK the s %l) the gl ! th#t $r 6 +eeds fr 0 # h%0#n &eing !h se etern#l #s$e+t is e?$#nd6 ing is #s re#l #s # fl#0eEs r#di#nt light is t the $h'si+#l e'e. T the seer) the visi&le & dil' $ers n is nl' # $#rt f the !h le h%0#n &eing) the + #rsest str%+t%re in the 0idst f thers th#t inter$enetr#te it #nd e#+h ther. The ether & d' #s # life f r0 fills %t the $h'si+#l & d') #nd &e' nd the ether & d' !e +#n disting%ish the s %l & d' r #str#l f r0 $r Ie+ting %t!#rd n #ll sides. E?tending &e' nd this is the sentient s %l) #nd then the 0ind s %l th#t gr !s ever l#rger #s it t#"es in ever 0 re f the tr%e #nd the g d. If $e $le lived s lel' %t f their !n in+lin#ti ns) li"es #nd disli"es) the & %nd#ries f their 0ind s %ls ! %ld + 6 in+ide !ith th se f their sentient s %ls.

This f r0#ti n) in the 0idst f !hi+h the $h'si+#l & d' +#n &e seen #s if in # +l %d) +#n &e +#lled the h%0#n #%r#. Hhen the essenti#l n#t%re f the h%0#n &eing is seen in the !#' th#t this & " #tte0$ts t des+ri&e) it is s%$$le0ented #nd enri+hed &' the 0e#s%re f the #%r#.

In the + %rse f %r e#rl' devel $0ent) # 0 0ent #r6 rives !hen) f r the first ti0e in %r lives) e#+h f %s e?$e6 rien+es hi06 r herself #s #n inde$endent &eing f#+e t f#+e !ith the rest f the ! rld. F r sensitive $e $le) this is # signifi+#nt e?$erien+e. In his #%t &i gr#$h') the $ et Me#n P#%l re+ %nts this 0 0entF Alth %gh I h#ve never t ld #n' ne #& %t it) I !ill never f rget the e?$erien+e f &eing $resent #t the &irth f 0' self6#!#reness. I +#n tell ' % the $l#+e #nd ti0e e?#+tl'. One 0 rning !hen I !#s # ver' s0#ll +hild) I !#s st#nding in the fr nt d r l "ing t !#rd the ! d$ile n the left) !hen s%d6 denl' the inner visi n) JI #0 #n I)K str%+" 0e li"e # lightning & lt fr 0 he#ven. It h#s g ne n shining ever sin+e. *' JIK h#d seen itself) f r the first ti0e #nd f r #ll ti0e. It is #l0 st in+ n+eiv#&le th#t 0' 0e0 r' + %ld de+eive 0e n this $ int) sin+e n ne else ever t ld 0e #n'thing #& %t it th#t I 0ight h#ve #dded t . It !#s #n in+ident th#t t " $l#+e veiled in 0' h%0#n h liest f h lies) #nd its ver'


n velt' g#ve $er0#nen+e t the 0%nd#ne +ir+%06 st#n+es s%rr %nding it.He #ll "n ! th#t little +hildren refer t the0selves) &' s#'ing things li"e JCh#rlieEs # g d & ')K r J*#r' !#nts th#t)K #nd !e find it #$$r $ri#te th#t the' sh %ld s$e#" #& %t the0selves #s the' ! %ld #& %t s 0e ne else) sin+e the' #re n t 'et #!#re f their !n inde$en6 dent e?isten+e. C ns+i %sness f self h#s n t 'et &een & rn in the0.,. Thr %gh this + ns+i %sness f self) #n in6 divid%#l #+hieves self6definiti n #s #n inde$endent &eing) se$#r#te fr 0 ever'thing else) #s JI.K :' JI)K # $ers n 0e#ns the t t#l e?$erien+e f his r her &eing #s & d' #nd s %l. : d' #nd s %l #re the vehi+les f the JIKB it ! r"s in the0. M%st #s the $h'si+#l & d' h#s its +enter in the &r#in) the s %l h#s its +enter in the JI.K O%r sens#ti ns #re sti0%l#ted fr 0 %tsideB %r feelings #ssert the0selves #s effe+ts f the %ter ! rldB %r !ill rel#tes t
-. Me#n P#%l Friedri+h Ri+hter) ,;956,@/7. He first des+ri&ed this e?$erien+e in $ahrheit au% :ean Paul% Le&en> "indheit%#e%chichte von ihm %el&%t #e%chrie&en 1The True Stor of :ean Paul=% LifeG A Childhood Auto&io#raph 23three & "s in t! v l%0es4) :resl#%) ,@/96,@/@) : " I) $. 75. ,.. He h#ve n ted th#t little +hildren refer t the0selves in the third $ers n. Hh#t is i0$ rt#nt here is n t h ! e#rl' +hildren %se the ! rd JI)K &%t #t !h#t $ int the' +#n + nne+t the #$$r $ri#te ide# !ith the ! rd. Children 0#' !ell he#r the ! rd fr 0 #d%lts #nd then %se it !ith %t gr#s$ing the ide# JI.K In gener#l) h !ever) the' st#rt t %se the ! rd rel#tivel' l#te) #nd this in itself $ ints t #n i0$ rt#nt f#+t f devel $0ent) n#0el' th#t the idea JIK gr#d%#ll' %nf lds %t f # v#g%e feelin# f JI.K

the %ter ! rld &' 0#nifesting in %t!#rd6dire+ted #+6 ti ns. O%r JI)K h !ever) %r #+t%#l individ%#l essen+e) re6 0#ins invisi&le. It is ver' telling th#t Me#n P#%l des+ri&es &e+ 0ing #!#re f his JIK #s J#n in+ident. . .veiled in 3the4 h%0#n h liest f h lies)K &e+#%se !e #re e#+h t t#ll' #l ne !ith %r !n JI.K This JIK is the self f e#+h h%0#n &eing. He #re I%stified in seeing the JIK #s %r tr%e &eing) #nd 0#' theref re des+ri&e & d' #nd s %l #s the Jg#r0entsK in !hi+h !e live) #s the & dil' + nditi ns %nder !hi+h !e #+t. In the + %rse f %r devel $0ent !e le#rn t %se these instr%0ents 0 re #nd 0 re #s serv#nts f %r JI.K This little ! rd JI)K #s it is %sed in %r l#ng%#ge) is # n#0e different fr 0 #ll ther n#0es. A$$r $ri#te refle+6 ti n n the n#t%re f this n#0e $ens %$ #n #$$r #+h t %nderst#nding h%0#n n#t%re in # dee$er sense. An' ther n#0e +#n &e #$$lied t the + rres$ nding &Ie+t &' #ll f %s in the s#0e !#'. Ever' ne +#n +#ll # t#&le Jt#&leK #nd # +h#ir J+h#ir.K :%t this is n t the +#se !ith the n#0e JI.K N ne +#n %se it t 0e#n s 0e ne elseB e#+h f %s +#n nl' +#ll hi06 r herself JI.K The n#0e JI)K if it desig6 n#tes me) +#n never re#+h 0' e#r fr 0 %tside. The s %l +#n nl' design#te itself #s JIK fr 0 !ithin) thr %gh it6 self. Th%s) !hen !e s#' JIK t %rselves) s 0ething &e6 gins t s$e#" in %s th#t h#s n thing t d !ith #n' f the ! rlds fr 0 !hi+h the #& ve60enti ned Jg#r0entsK #re t#"en. The JIK g#ins #n ever6in+re#sing 0#ster' ver & d' #nd s %l) #nd this is e?$ressed in # $ers nEs #%r#. The gre#ter the 0#ster') the 0 re differenti#ted) + 0$le? #nd ri+hl' + l red the #%r# &e+ 0es. H ! the JIK #ffe+ts the #%r# is

visi&le t the seer) &%t the JIK itself is n tB it is tr%l' Jveiled in 3the4 h%0#n h liest f h lies.K The JIK t#"es in the r#'s f the light th#t shines #s eter6 n#l light in e#+h h%0#n &eing. M%st #s !e g#ther %$ e?6 $erien+es f & d' #nd s %l in the JI)K !e #ls #ll ! th %ghts f tr%th #nd g dness t fl ! int it. Sense6 $er+e$ti&le $hen 0en# reve#l the0selves t %r JIK fr 0 ne side) the s$irit fr 0 the ther. : d' #nd s %l give the0selves ver t the JIK in rder t serve it) &%t the JIK gives itself ver t the s$irit in rder t &e filled &' it. The JIK lives !ithin the & d' #nd the s %l) &%t the s$irit lives !ithin the JI.K Hh#t there is f s$irit in the JIK is etern#l) f r the JIK re+eives its n#t%re #nd signifi+#n+e fr 0 !h#t6 ever it is %nited !ith. T the e?tent th#t it d!ells in # $h's6 i+#l & d') it is s%&Ie+t t 0iner#l l#!sB thr %gh the ether & d' it is s%&Ie+t t the l#!s g verning re$r d%+ti n #nd gr !thB &' virt%e f the sentient #nd 0ind s %ls it is s%&6 Ie+t t the l#!s f the s %l ! rld. And t the e?tent th#t it re+eives the s$irit%#l int itself) it is s%&Ie+t t the l#!s f the s$irit. Hh#t is f r0ed in #++ rd#n+e !ith 0iner#l l#!s #nd the l#!s f life + 0es int e?isten+e #nd $#sses #!#' #g#inB the s$irit) h !ever) h#s n thing t d !ith &e+ 06 ing #nd $erishing.


The JIK d!ells in the s %l. Alth %gh the highest 0#ni6 fest#ti n f the JIK &el ngs t the con%ciou%ne%% %oul) it is #ls tr%e th#t the JIK r#di#tes %t!#rd fr 0 there) filling the entire s %l #nd e?erting its infl%en+e n the & d'

thr %gh the s %l. And !ithin the JI)K the s$irit is #live #nd #+tive. The s$irit stre#0s int the JI)K t#"ing it #s its Jg#r6 0entK I%st #s the JIK itself lives in the & d' #nd the s %l. The s$irit sh#$es the JIK fr 0 the inside %t #nd the 0in6 er#l ! rld sh#$es it fr 0 the %tside in. He !ill +#ll the s$irit th#t sh#$es #n JI)K th#t lives #s #n JI)K the s$irit self) sin+e it #$$e#rs #s the h%0#n JIK r Jself.K He +#n e?$l#in the differen+e &et!een the s$irit self #nd the + ns+i %sness s %l #s f ll !sF The + ns+i %sness s %l 0erel' t %+hes the #%t n 0 %s tr%th th#t is inde$endent f #ll s'0$#th' #nd #nti$#th') &%t the s$irit self +#rries this s#0e tr%th inside itself) t#"en %$) en+l sed #nd individ%#l6 i=ed &' 0e#ns f the JIK #nd t#"en int the individ%#lEs in6 de$endent &eing. Thr %gh &e+ 0ing inde$endent #nd %niting !ith the tr%th) the JIK itself #+hieves i00 rt#lit'. The s$irit self is # revel#ti n f the s$irit%#l ! rld !ith6 in the JI)K I%st #s # sense $er+e$ti n) + 0ing fr 0 the th6 er side) is # revel#ti n f the $h'si+#l ! rld !ithin the JI.K In !h#t is red) green) light) d#r") h#rd) s ft) !#r0 r + ld) !e re+ gni=e the revel#ti ns f the $h'si+#l ! rldB in !h#t is tr%e #nd g d) the revel#ti ns f the s$irit%#l ! rld. M%st #s !e +#ll the revel#ti n f $h'si+#l things Jsens#ti n)K !e !ill +#ll the revel#ti n f s$irit%#l things Jint%iti n.K,, Even # ver' si0$le th %ght #lre#d' + n6 t#ins int%iti n) &e+#%se !e +#nn t t %+h it !ith %r h#nds
,,. In 0' & " Ho! to "no! Hi#her $orld% #nd in Occult Science) the re#l n#t%re f int%iti n is des+ri&ed. C#s%#l re#ders + %ld e#sil' i0#gine # dis+re$#n+' &et!een h ! this ter0 is %sed in th se t! & "s #nd its %se here.



r see it !ith %r e'esB !e 0%st re+eive its revel#ti n fr 0 the s$irit &' 0e#ns f the JI.K If # less devel $ed #nd # 0 re devel $ed $ers n l " #t the s#0e $l#nt) s 0ething G%ite different h#$$ens in the JIK f the first th#n in the JIK f the se+ nd) even th %gh the sens#ti ns f & th h#ve &een $r 0$ted &' the s#0e &Ie+t. The differen+e is th#t ne $ers n +#n f r0 0%+h 0 re + 0$lete th %ghts #& %t the &Ie+t th#n the ther. If &Ie+ts reve#led the0selves nl' thr %gh sens#6 ti n) there + %ld &e n $r gress in s$irit%#l devel $0ent. *e0&ers f $ri0itive +%lt%res #ls e?$erien+e n#t%re) f + %rse) &%t n#t%r#l l#!s &e+ 0e #$$#rent nl' t the in6 t%iti n6fr%+tified thin"ing f the 0 re highl' devel $ed $ers n. Even +hildren e?$erien+e the sti0%li f the %ter ! rld #s in+entives t their !ill) &%t the di+t#tes f !h#t is 0 r#ll' right &e+ 0e #++essi&le t the0 nl' in the + %rse f their devel $0ent #s the' le#rn t live in the s$irit #nd %nderst#nd its revel#ti ns. M%st #s there ! %ld &e n sens#ti ns f + l r !ith %t the e'e) there ! %ld #ls &e n int%iti ns !ith %t the higher thin"ing f the s$irit self. The sens#ti n d es n t +re#te the $l#nt n !hi+h the + l r #$$e#rs) n r d es in6 t%iti n +re#te s$irit%#l re#litiesB it 0erel' s%$$lies inf r6 0#ti n #& %t the0.
,,. 1+ ntin%ed2 H !ever) this + ntr#di+ti n d es n t e?ist if !e &serve +l sel' #nd n te th#t th#t ele0ent fr 0 the s$irit%#l ! rld th#t dis+l ses itself in its f%ll re#lit' t s$irit%#l $er+e$ti n &' 0e#ns f int%iti n #nn %n+es itself in its lo!e%t 0#nifest#ti n t the s$irit self I%st #s %ter e?isten+e #nn %n+es itself t the $h'si+#l ! rld &' 0e#ns f sens#ti n.

Thr %gh int%iti ns) the JI)K #!#"ening in %r s %l) re6 +eives 0ess#ges fr 0 #& ve) fr 0 the s$irit%#l ! rld) I%st #s it re+eives 0ess#ges fr 0 the $h'si+#l ! rld thr %gh sens#ti ns. In this !#') the JIK 0#"es the s$irit%6 #l ! rld $#rt f its $ers n#l s %l life) I%st #s it d es !ith the $h'si+#l ! rld &' 0e#ns f the senses. The s %l) r r#ther the JIK th#t is &eginning t shine !ithin it) $ens its d rs n t! sides) t !#rd the $h'si+#l ! rld #nd t !#rd the s$irit%#l. The nl' !#' the $h'si+#l ! rld is #&le t 0#"e its $res6 en+e "n !n t %r JIK is &' &%ilding %$) %t f its !n s%&6 st#n+es #nd f r+es) # & d' in !hi+h # + ns+i %s s %l is #&le t live #nd t t#"e h ld f the rg#ns f r $er+eiving the e?tern#l $h'si+#l ! rld. Si0il#rl') the s$irit%#l ! rld) !ith its s$irit s%&st#n+es #nd s$irit f r+es) &%ilds %$ # s$ir6 it%#l & d' in !hi+h the JIK is #&le t live #nd t $er+eive s$irit%#l re#lities &' 0e#ns f int%iti ns. 1O&vi %sl') the ter0s Js$irit s%&st#n+eK #nd Js$irit%#l & d'K #re + ntr#6 di+ti ns in ter0s if t#"en liter#ll'. The' #re %sed here nl' t dire+t %r th %ghts t the s$irit%#l entit' th#t + rre6 s$ nds t the $h'si+#l h%0#n & d'.2 The $h'si+#l & d' is &%ilt %$ !ithin the $h'si+#l ! rld #s # + 0$letel' se$#r#te &eing) #nd the s#0e is tr%e f the s$irit%#l & d' in the s$irit%#l ! rld. The h%0#n &eing li"e!ise h#s #n inside #nd #n %tside in the $h'si+#l ! rld) #nd the s#0e is tr%e in the s$irit%#l ! rld. And I%st #s !e t#"e in s%&st#n+es fr 0 %r $h'si+#l s%rr %ndings #nd in+ r$ r#te the0 int %r & dies) !e #ls t#"e in s$ir6 it%#l s%&st#n+e fr 0 %r s$irit%#l s%rr %ndings #nd 0#"e it %r !n. This s$irit%#l s%&st#n+e is etern#l n %rish0ent





f r h%0#n &eings. He #re & rn %t f the $h'si+#l ! rld) #nd 'et !e #re inde$endent &eings se$#r#te fr 0 the rest f the $h'si+#l ! rld. In the s#0e !#') !e #re & rn %t f the s$irit thr %gh the etern#l l#!s f the g d #nd the tr%e) #nd 'et !e #re se$#r#te fr 0 the s$irit%#l ! rld %t6 side %s. He !ill +#ll this inde$endent s$irit%#l entit' the Js$irit & d'.K,/ Hhen !e e?#0ine # $h'si+#l h%0#n & d') !e find the s#0e s%&st#n+es #nd f r+es th#t #re f %nd %tside it in the rest f the $h'si+#l ! rld. The s#0e is tr%e f the s$irit & d'Dthe ele0ents f the %ter s$irit%#l ! rld $%ls#te in itB the f r+es f the rest f the s$irit%#l ! rld #re #+tive in it. In the $h'si+#l ! rld) # living #nd
,/. R%d lf Steiner here %ses the ter0 Gei%te%men%ch. Liter#ll' tr#ns6 l#ted this 0e#ns Js$irit h%0#n &eingK r) #s in $revi %s tr#nsl#ti ns) JS$irit *#n.K In the s $hi+#l l#ng%#ge) #nd in the e#rliest editi ns f Theo%oph itself) it is +#lled At0#n 1#s the s$irit6self is +#lled *#n#s #nd the Life6S$irit is +#lled :%dhi2. It is +le#r fr 0 the $resent + n6 te?t) h !ever) #nd fr 0 the + n+l%si nDn#0el') th#t the Gei%te%+ men%ch r Js$irit h%0#n &eingK is the $h'si+#l & d' tr#nsf r0ed &' the JIKDth#t Js$irit & d'K is #+t%#ll' the 0 st %n#0&ig% %s #nd le#st + nf%sing tr#nsl#ti n. Cf. The Spiritual Hierarchie% and their Reflection in the Ph %ical $orld9 $. 88F JO%t!#rdl' the $h'si+#l & d' #$$e#rs # $h'si+#l & d') &%t in!#rdl' it is + 0$letel' + n6 tr lled #nd $er0e#ted &' the PIE. At this st#ge) the $h'si+#l & d' is & th $h'si+#l & d' #nd At0#n.K Als ) The Go%pel of St> :ohn) $ 59F J3The H%0#n &eing4 !ill fin#ll' re#+h the $ int !here) &' 0e#ns f the PIE he 3 r she4 !ill tr#nsf r0 the $h'si+#l & d' #ls . Th#t $#rt f the $h'si+#l & d' !hi+h is tr#nsf r0ed &' the PIE is +#lled At0#n r S$irit *#n.K And $. ,,9F J. . . #nd the $h'si+#l & d' !ill &e s gre#tl' 0et#0 r$h sed th#t it !ill) #t the s#0e ti0e) &e #s tr%l' # S$irit *#n) At0#n) #s it is n ! # $h'si+#l & d'.K

sentient &eing is +l sed ff !ithin # $h'si+#l s"in) #nd the s#0e #$$lies t the s$irit%#l ! rld. A 0e0&r#ne +l ses ff the s$irit & d' fr 0 the %ndifferenti#ted s$ir6 it%#l ! rld #nd 0#"es the s$irit & d' # self6+ nt#ined s$irit%#l &eing !ithin th#t ! rld) # &eing th#t int%itivel' $er+eives the s$irit%#l + ntent f the %niverse. He !ill +#ll this s$irit%#l 0e0&r#ne the s$irit%#l s"in r J#%ri+ 0e0&r#ne.K He 0%st "ee$ in 0ind) h !ever) th#t this s$irit%#l s"in is + nst#ntl' e?$#nding t #++ 00 d#te h%0#n devel $0ent) #nd th#t the s$irit%#l individ%#lit' f # h%0#n &eing 1the #%ri+ 0e0&r#ne2 is +#$#&le f %n6 li0ited e?$#nsi n. Inside the s$irit%#l s"in) the s$irit & d' is #liveB it is &%ilt %$ &' # s$irit%#l life f r+e in the s#0e sense th#t the $h'si+#l & d' is &%ilt %$ &' # $h'si+#l life f r+e. There6 f re) I%st #s !e s$e#" f #n ether & d') !e 0%st #ls s$e#" f #n ether s$irit f r the s$irit & d'. He !ill +#ll this ether s$irit the life s$irit. The s$irit%#l + nstit%ti n f the h%0#n &eing is th%s s%&divided int three 0e0&ers) the s$irit & d') the life s$irit) #nd the s$irit self. F r s 0e ne !h +#n JseeK in s$irit%#l regi ns) this s$irit%#l + nstit%ti n is # $er+e$ti&le re#lit'Dthe higher) tr%l' s$irit%#l $ rti n f the #%r#. A seer +#n JseeK the s$irit & d' #s life s$irit inside the s$irit%#l s"in) +#n see h ! the life s$irit + nst#ntl' gr !s l#rger &' t#"ing in n %rish0ent fr 0 the %ter s$irit%#l ! rld) #nd +#n #ls see h !) #s # res%lt) the s$irit%#l s"in + ntin%es t e?$#nd #nd the s$irit & d' &e+ 0es l#rger #nd l#rger. Of + %rse the s$#ti#l + n+e$t f Jgetting l#rgerK is nl' #n i0#ge f the #+t%#l re#lit'. Nevertheless) in $i+t%ring this) !e #re



dire+ted t !#rd the + rres$ nding s$irit%#l re#lit'. The differen+e &et!een the h%0#n &eing #s # s$irit%#l &eing #nd #s # $h'si+#l &eing is th#t $h'si+#l gr !th is restri+t6 ed t # fi?ed si=e !hile s$irit%#l gr !th +#n + ntin%e in6 definitel'. Hh#t is t#"en in #s s$irit%#l n %rish0ent is f etern#l v#l%e. It f ll !s th#t the h%0#n #%r# is 0#de %$ f t! inter6 $enetr#ting $#rts) ne f !hi+h is given f r0 #nd + l r &' %r $h'si+#l e?isten+e) the ther &' %r s$irit%#l e?ist6 en+e. I4-J The JIK $r vides the se$#r#ti n &et!een the t! F The $h'si+#l relinG%ishes its distin+tive +h#r#+ter t &%ild %$ # & d' th#t #ll !s # s %l t + 0e t life) !hile n the ther side the JIK d es the s#0e) #ll !ing the s$irit t h#ve # life !ithin it. The s$irit in t%rn $er0e#tes the s %l #nd gives it # g #l in the s$irit%#l ! rld. Thr %gh the $h'si+#l & d') the s %l is + nfined t $h'si+#l e?isten+eB thr %gh the s$irit & d') it gr !s !ings th#t give it 0 &il6 it' in the s$irit%#l ! rld.


If !e !#nt t + 0$rehend the h%0#n &eing #s # !h le) !e 0%st i0#gine th#t e#+h individ%#l is $%t t gether %t f the + 0$ nents des+ri&ed #& ve. The $h'si+#l & d' &%ilds itself %$ %t f the ! rld f $h'si+#l s%&st#n+e in s%+h # !#' th#t this str%+t%re 0eets the reG%ire0ents f # thin"ing JI.K This & d' is $er0e#ted &' life f r+e) th%s &e+ 0ing the ether & d' r life & d'. As s%+h) it $ens itself %$ t the %tside in the sense rg#ns) #nd &e+ 0es the s %l & d'. The s %l & d' is $er0e#ted &') #nd f r0s

# %nit' !ith) the sentient s %l. The sentient s %l n t nl' re+eives the i0$ressi ns f the %ter ! rld in the f r0 f sens#ti ns &%t #ls h#s # life f its !n th#t is fr%+tified & th &' sens#ti ns fr 0 ne side #nd &' thin"ing fr 0 the ther. Thr %gh this it +#n &e+ 0e the J0ind s %l.K :' &e6 ing $en t int%iti ns fr 0 #& ve #s !ell I%st #s it is $en t sens#ti ns fr 0 &el !) it &e+ 0es the + ns+i %sness s %l. This is $ ssi&le &e+#%se the s$irit%#l ! rld &%ilds the rg#n f int%iti n int it) I%st #s the $h'si+#l & d' &%ilds the sense rg#ns f r it. The senses tr#ns0it sens#6 ti ns t it &' 0e#ns f the s %l & d'B si0il#rl') the s$irit tr#ns0its int%iti ns t it &' 0e#ns f the rg#n f int%6 iti n. Th%s the s$irit & d' #nd the + ns+i %sness s %l #re lin"ed in #n entit' #n#l g %s t the lin"ing f the $h'si+#l & d' #nd the sentient s %l in the s %l & d'. Th#t is) the + ns+i %sness s %l #nd the s$irit self f r0 # %nit' in !hi+h the s$irit & d' lives #s the life s$irit) I%st #s the ether & d' f r0s the living & dil' &#sis f r the s %l & d'. And I%st #s the $h'si+#l & d' is + nt#ined !ithin the $h'si+#l s"in) the s$irit & d' is #ls + nt#ined !ithin the s$irit%#l s"in. As # res%lt) the entire h%0#n &eing is s%&6 divided int the f ll !ing 0e0&ersF A. *#teri#l) $h'si+#l & d' :. Ether & d' r life & d' C. S %l & d' D. Sentient s %l E. *ind s %l F. C ns+i %sness s %l

G. S$irit self H. Life s$irit I. S$irit & d'


The s %l & d' 1C2 #nd sentient s %l 1D2 #re # %nit' in e#rthl' h%0#n &eings) #s #re the + ns+i %sness s %l 1F2 #nd the s$irit self 1G2. This 'ields seven + 0$ nents f the e#rthl' h%0#n &eingF ,. /. 5. 8. 7. 9. ;. The 0#teri#l) $h'si+#l & d' The ether r life & d' The sentient s %l & d' The 0ind s %l The s$irit6filled + ns+i %sness s %l The life s$irit The s$irit & d'



Hithin the h%0#n s %l) the JIK fl#shes %$) re+eives the i0$#+t f the s$irit #nd th%s &e+ 0es the vehi+le f the s$irit & d'. Th%s !e e#+h t#"e $#rt in three ! rldsDthe $h'si+#l) s %l #nd s$irit%#l ! rlds. He #re r ted in the $h'si+#l ! rld thr %gh the 0#teri#l6$h'si+#l & d') ether & d' #nd s %l & d'B !e + 0e t fl !er in the s$irit%#l ! rld thr %gh the s$irit self) life s$irit) #nd s$irit & d'. :%t the ste0) !hi+h r ts #t ne end #nd fl !ers #t the ther) is the s %l itself. It is $ ssi&le t give # si0$lified versi n f this s%&di6 visi n f the h%0#n &eing th#t is in + 0$lete h#r0 n'

!ith the rigin#l. Alth %gh the h%0#n JIK lights %$ in the + ns+i %sness s %l) it #ls $er0e#tes the entire &eing f the s %l) !h se 0e0&ers n the !h le #re less +le#rl' se$#r#ted th#n the + 0$ nents f the & dil' rg#ni=#ti n #nd inter$enetr#te ne #n ther in # higher sense. If !e l " #t the 0ind s %l #nd the + ns+i %sness s %l #s the t! g#r0ents f the JIK th#t &el ng t gether) !ith the JIK #s their +entr#l + re) then the h%0#n &eing +#n &e differ6 enti#ted int $h'si+#l & d') life & d') #str#l & d') #nd JI)K !ith the ter0 J#str#l & d'K design#ting the %ni n f the s %l & d' #nd the sentient s %l. This ter0 is + 00 n in lder liter#t%re #nd is here freel' #$$lied t th#t #s$e+t f the h%0#n &eing th#t lies &e' nd !h#t is sense6$er+e$6 ti&le. Alth %gh in # +ert#in res$e+t the sentient s %l is #ls filled !ith f r+es &' the JI)K it is s inti0#tel' + nne+ted !ith the s %l & d' th#t %sing # single ter0 f r the %ni n f the t! is I%stified. Hhen the JIK in t%rn i0&%es itself !ith the s$irit self) this s$irit self 0#nifests in s%+h # !#' th#t the #str#l & d' is ! r"ed ver fr 0 !ithin the s %l. Hh#t is #+tive in the #str#l & d' t &egin !ith #re %r drives) desires #nd $#s6 si ns) t the e?tent th#t !e $er+eive the0) #s !ell #s %r sense $er+e$ti ns. Sense $er+e$ti ns + 0e #& %t thr %gh the s %l & d') # 0e0&er f %r h%0#n + nstit%ti n th#t + 0es t %s fr 0 the %ter ! rld. Drives) desires) $#s6 si ns #nd s n rigin#te in the sentient s %l t the e?tent th#t it is filled !ith f r+es &' %r inner self &ef re this in6 ner self gives itself ver t the s$irit self. Hhen the JIK i0&%es itself !ith the s$irit self) the s %l in t%rn fills the #str#l & d' !ith the s$irit selfEs f r+es. As # res%lt) drives)

desires #nd $#ssi ns #re ill%0in#ted &' !h#t the JIK h#s re+eived fr 0 the s$irit. The JIK h#s then &e+ 0e 0#ster ver the ! rld f drives) desires #nd s n &' virt%e f its $#rti+i$#ti n in the s$irit%#l ! rld. T the e?tent th#t this 0#ster' t#"es $l#+e) the s$irit self #$$e#rs !ithin the #s6 tr#l & d') !hi+h is tr#nsf r0ed #s # res%lt. The #str#l & d' then #$$e#rs #s # t! 6$#rt entit') ne $#rt tr#ns6 f r0ed #nd the ther %ntr#nsf r0ed. F r this re#s n) !e 0#' +#ll the s$irit self) in its 0#nifest#ti n in the h%0#n &eing) the tr#nsf r0ed #str#l & d'. A si0il#r $r +ess t#"es $l#+e !hen !e re+eive the life s$irit int the JI.K The life & d' is tr#nsf r0ed &' &eing i0&%ed !ith the life s$irit. Th#t is) the life s$irit 0#nifests in s%+h # !#' th#t the life & d' &e+ 0es s 0ething dif6 ferent. Th%s !e +#n #ls s#' th#t the life s$irit is the tr#ns6 f r0ed life & d'. And #g#in) if the JIK then t#"es the s$irit & d' int it6 self) it re+eives the str ng f r+e) !hi+h it then %ses t $er6 0e#te the $h'si+#l & d'. Of + %rse) the $#rt f the $h'si+#l & d' th#t is th%s tr#nsf r0ed is n t $er+e$ti&le t the $h'si+#l sensesB this $#rt th#t h#s &een s$irit%#li=ed h#s &e+ 0e the s$irit & d'. The $h'si+#l & d' #s # $h's6 i+#l thing is then $er+e$ti&le t the $h'si+#l senses) &%t t the e?tent t !hi+h it h#s &een s$irit%#li=ed) it 0%st &e $er+eived &' s$irit%#l f#+%lties. T the %ter senses) even the $h'si+#l $#rt th#t h#s &een $er0e#ted &' the s$irit%#l #$$e#rs t &e $%rel' $h'si+#l. T#"ing #ll f this #s # &#sis) !e +#n n ! $resent the f l6 l !ing s%&divisi n f the h%0#n &eingF

,. Ph'si+#l & d' /. Life & d' 5. Astr#l & d' 8. The JIK #s the s %lEs +entr#l + re 7. S$irit self #s tr#nsf r0ed #str#l & d' 9. Life s$irit #s tr#nsf r0ed life & d' ;. S$irit & d' #s tr#nsf r0ed $h'si+#l & d'


It 0#' see0 th#t the s%&divisi ns f the h%0#n + nstit%ti n $re6 sented in this & " #re &#sed n $%rel' #r&itr#r' distin+ti ns &et!een $#rts !ithin # 0 n lithi+ s %l life. T + %nter this &Ie+ti n) it 0%st &e e0$h#si=ed th#t the signifi+#n+e f this $he6 n 0en n is si0il#r t th#t f the #$$e#r#n+e f the seven + l rs f the r#in& ! !hen light $#sses thr %gh # $ris0. Hh#t # $h'si6 +ist + ntri&%tes t %r %nderst#nding f light &' st%d'ing this $r +ess #nd the seven + l rs th#t res%lt is #n#l g %s t !h#t the s$irit%#l s+ientist d es f r %r %nderst#nding f the 0#"e%$ f the h%0#n s %l. The s %lEs seven 0e0&ers #re n t #&str#+t intel6 le+t%#l distin+ti ns #n' 0 re th#n #re the lightEs seven + l rs. In & th +#ses) the distin+ti ns rest n the inner n#t%re f the things the0selves) the nl' differen+e &eing th#t the seven + nstit%ents f light &e+ 0e visi&le &' 0e#ns f #n e?tern#l devi+e !hile the seven + 0$ nents f the s %l &e+ 0e $er+e$ti&le t # 0eth d f s$irit%#l &serv#ti n + nsistent !ith the n#t%re f the h%0#n s %l. The tr%e n#t%re f the s %l +#nn t &e gr#s$ed !ith %t "n !ing #& %t this s%&divisi n) &e+#%se the s %l &el ngs t the tr#nsit r' ! rld &' virt%e f three f %r + nstit%ti n#l + 0$ 6 nentsD$h'si+#l & d') life & d' #nd s %l & d'D#nd h#s its r ts

in eternit' thr %gh the ther f %r + nstit%ent $#rts. Hhen the s %l is seen #s # %nit') its tr#nsit r' #nd etern#l #s$e+ts #re indisting%ish#&l' & %nd %$ !ith e#+h ther) &%t %nless !e #re #!#re f the differenti#ti ns !ithin it) !e +#nn t %nderst#nd its rel#ti nshi$ t the ! rld #s # !h le. Let 0e %se #n ther + 0$#ris n. Che0ists se$#r#te !#ter int h'dr gen #nd ?'gen) t! s%&st#n+es th#t +#nn t &e disting%ished !hen the' #re %nited in the f r0 f !#ter. H !ever) e#+h f these ele0ents h#s #n identit' f its !n #nd +#n f r0 + 0$ %nds !ith ther ele0ents. Si0il#rl') #t de#th %r three l !er + nstit%ti n#l + 06 $ nents %nite !ith the 0#"e%$ f the $erish#&le ! rld) !hile %r f %r higher 0e0&ers %nite !ith the etern#l. Ref%sing t + n6 sider this differenti#ti n !ithin the s %l is li"e &eing # +he0ist !h ref%ses t le#rn #& %t de+ 0$ sing !#ter int h'dr gen #nd ?'gen.

,e%tin and the Reincarnation of the Spirit




The s %l lives #nd #+ts in the 0iddle gr %nd &et!een I-J & d' #nd s$irit. The i0$ressi ns re#+hing the s %l thr %gh the & d' #re fleeting) $resent nl' #s l ng #s the & d'Es rg#ns #re $en t the things f the %tside ! rld. *' e'es $er+eive the + l r f # r se nl' #s l ng #s the' #re $en #nd f#+e t f#+e !ith the r se. The $resen+e f & th the %ter6! rld &Ie+t #nd the & dil' rg#n is ne+es6 s#r' in rder f r #n i0$ressi n) # sens#ti n r # $er+e$6 ti n t + 0e #& %t. H !ever) !h#t I re+ gni=e in 0' s$irit #s tr%e #& %t the r se d es n t $#ss #!#' !ith the $resent 0 0ent. This tr%th is n t #t #ll de$endent n 0eDit ! %ld &e tr%e even if I h#d never e?$erien+ed th#t r se. Hh#tever I 0#' re+ gni=e thr %gh the s$irit is gr %nded in #n ele6 0ent f the s %lEs life th#t + nne+ts the s %l t # %niver6 s#l + ntent) # + ntent th#t reve#ls itself !ithin the s %l &%t is inde$endent f its tr#nsit r' & dil' &#sis. Hhether this + ntent is i0$erish#&le in ever' res$e+t d es n t




0#tterB !h#t 0#tters is th#t it &e reve#led in s%+h # !#' th#t the s %lEs inde$endent i0$erish#&le #s$e+t) r#ther th#n its $erish#&le & dil' &#sis) is inv lved. The s %lEs end%ring #s$e+t + 0es int vie! #s s n #s !e &e+ 0e #!#re f e?$erien+es th#t #re n t li0ited &' its tr#nsit r' #s$e+t. Here) t ) the i0$ rt#nt $ int is n t !hether these e?$erien+es first + 0e t + ns+i %sness thr %gh tr#nsit r' & dil' $r +esses) &%t !hether the' + nt#in s 0ething th#t) #lth %gh it lives in the s %l) still $ s6 sesses # tr%th inde$endent f #n' tr#nsit r' $er+e$t%#l $r +esses. The s %l st#nds &et!een the $resent #nd the $er0#nent in th#t it ++%$ies the 0iddle gr %nd &et!een & d' #nd s$irit. H !ever) it #ls 0edi#tes &et!een the $resent #nd the $er0#nent. It $reserves the $resent f r re0e0&r#n+e) !resting it #!#' fr 0 $erish#&ilit' #nd giving it # $l#+e in the $er0#nen+e f its !n s$irit%#l n#t%re. The s %l #ls $%ts the st#0$ f $er0#nen+e n the te0$ r#l #nd te0$ r#r') sin+e it d es n t si0$l' give itself %$ t fleet6 ing sti0%li &%t #ls deter0ines things %t f its !n ini6 ti#tive) in+ r$ r#ting its !n essen+e int the #+ti ns it +#rries %t. Thr %gh 0e0 r') the s %l $reserves 'ester6 d#'B thr %gh #+ti n) it $re$#res t 0 rr !. If 0' s %l !ere n t #&le t h ld the red + l r f the r se thr %gh 0e0 r') it ! %ld h#ve t $er+eive this red ver #nd ver #g#in t &e + ns+i %s f it. :%t !h#tever re6 0#ins #fter the e?tern#l i0$ressi n is g ne) !h#tever 0' s %l +#n ret#in) +#n n+e #g#in &e+ 0e # 0ent#l i0#ge r re$resent#ti n) inde$endent f the e?tern#l i0$ressi n. Thr %gh this #&ilit') 0' s %l t%rns the %ter ! rld int its

!n inner ! rld &' ret#ining the %ter ! rld thr %gh 0e0 r' #nd + ntin%ing t le#d #n inner life !ith it) inde6 $endent f #n' i0$ressi ns #+G%ired in the $#st. Th%s the life f the s %l &e+ 0es # l#sting + nseG%en+e f the tr#n6 sit r' i0$ressi ns 0#de &' the %ter ! rld. :%t #+ti ns) t ) #+G%ire $er0#nen+e n+e the' h#ve &een st#0$ed n the %ter ! rld. Hhen I +%t # &r#n+h fr 0 # tree) s 0ething th#t h#$$ens &e+#%se f 0' s %l t t#ll' +h#nges the + %rse f events in the %ter ! rld. S 0ething G%ite different ! %ld h#ve h#$$ened t th#t &r#n+h h#d I n t intervened !ith 0' #+ti n. I h#ve +#lled %$ # series f + nseG%en+es th#t ! %ld n t h#ve &een $resent !ith %t 0e) #nd !h#t I h#ve d ne t d#' !ill re6 0#in in effe+t t 0 rr !. It h#s &e+ 0e l#sting thr %gh 0' #+ti n) I%st #s 'esterd#'Es i0$ressi ns h#ve &e+ 0e l#sting f r 0' s %l thr %gh 0e0 r'. In %r rdin#r' + ns+i %sness) !e d n t %s%#ll' f r0 # + n+e$t f J&e+ 0ing l#sting thr %gh #+ti nK in the s#0e !#' th#t !e f r0 # + n+e$t f 0e0 r') f &e+ 06 ing l#sting #s # res%lt f &serv#ti n r $er+e$ti n. :%t is the JIK n t I%st #s str ngl' lin"ed t # +h#nge in the ! rld th#t res%lts fr 0 its !n #+ti n #s it is t # 0e0 r' th#t res%lts fr 0 #n i0$ressi nL The JIK #ssesses ne! i0$res6 si ns differentl') #++ rding t the 0e0 ries it h#s r d es n t h#ve) f ne thing r f #n ther. As #n JI)K h !ever) it #ls enters int #n ther rel#ti nshi$ !ith the ! rld th#t de$ends n !hether it h#s +#rried %t # +ert#in #+ti n r #n ther. Hhether r n t I 0#de #n i0$ressi n n s 0e6 ne else thr %gh s 0ething I h#ve d ne de$ends n the $resen+e r #&sen+e f s 0ething in the rel#ti nshi$ f



the ! rld t 0' JI.K I #0 # different $ers n in 0' rel#6 ti nshi$ t the ! rld n+e I h#ve 0#de #n i0$ressi n n 0' envir n0ent. He d n t n ti+e this #s e#sil' #s !e n 6 ti+e h ! the JIK +h#nges thr %gh #+G%iring # 0e0 r') &%t this is nl' &e+#%se #s s n #s # 0e0 r' is f r0ed it %nites !ith the ver#ll life f the s %l !e h#ve #l!#'s re6 g#rded #s %r !n) !hile the e?tern#l + nseG%en+e f #n #+ti n) rele#sed fr 0 this s %l life) g es n ! r"ing thr %gh #ftereffe+ts th#t #re G%ite different fr 0 !h#t !e +#n re0e0&er #& %t the #+ti n. In s$ite f this) !e 0%st #d0it th#t s 0ething is n ! in the ! rld #s # res%lt f %r + 0$leted #+ti n) s 0ething !h se +h#r#+ter h#s &een st#0$ed n it &' the JI.K Thin"ing this thr %gh +#ref%ll') !e #rrive #t # G%es6 ti nF C %ld it &e th#t the res%lts f %r #+ti ns) !h se +h#r#+ter h#s &een i0$ressed n the0 &' the JI)K h#ve # tenden+' t + 0e &#+" t the JIK in the s#0e !#' th#t #n i0$ressi n $reserved in 0e0 r' + 0es t life #g#in !hen #n %ter +ir+%0st#n+e ev "es itL Hh#t is $reserved in 0e0 r' is !#iting f r # re#s n t re#$$e#r. C %ld it &e the s#0e !ith things in the %ter ! rld th#t h#ve &een 0#de l#sting &' the +h#r#+ter f the JIKL Are the' !#it6 ing t #$$r #+h the s %l fr 0 %tside) I%st #s # 0e0 r' !#its f r # re#s n t #$$r #+h fr 0 insideL This is nl' $ sed here #s # G%esti n) sin+e these res%lts) l#den !ith the +h#r#+ter f %r JI)K 0#' !ell never h#ve #n' re#s n r $$ rt%nit' t 0eet %r s %l #g#in. H !ever) if !e f ll ! this line f th %ght +#ref%ll') !e +#n i00edi#tel' see th#t s%+h res%lts + %ld e?ist) #nd &' their ver' e?ist6 en+e deter0ine the rel#ti nshi$ f the ! rld t the JI.K

The ne?t thing t investig#te is !hether #n'thing in h%6 0#n life s%ggests th#t this + n+e$t%#l $ ssi&ilit' $ ints t #n #+t%#l re#lit'.

L "ing first #t 0e0 r') !e +#n #s" h ! it + 0es #& %t. O&vi %sl' the $r +ess is G%ite different fr 0 h ! sens#ti n r $er+e$ti n + 0es #& %t. Hith %t e'es) I + %ld n t h#ve the sens#ti n f &l%e. H !ever) 0' e'es d n t give 0e #n' 0e0 r' f the &l%eB f r the0 t $r 6 vide the sens#ti n) s 0ething &l%e 0%st &e in vie! #t this 0 0ent. *' & dil' n#t%re ! %ld #ll ! #ll i0$ressi ns t sin" &#+" d !n int &livi n if s 0ething !ere n t #ls t#"ing $l#+e in the rel#ti nshi$ &et!een the %ter ! rld #nd 0' s %lDn#0el' the f r0#ti n f # +%rrent 0ent#l i0#ge thr %gh the #+t f $er+e$ti n) !ith the res%lt th#t) thr %gh inner $r +esses) I 0#' l#ter #g#in h#ve # 0ent#l i0#ge f s 0ething th#t rigin#ll' &r %ght #& %t # 0en6 t#l i0#ge fr 0 out%ide. Pe $le !h h#ve &e+ 0e $r#+6 ti+ed #t &serving the s %l !ill re#li=e th#t it is #ll !r ng t s#' th#t if I h#ve # 0ent#l i0#ge t d#') the s#0e 0ent#l i0#ge sh !s %$ #g#in t 0 rr ! in 0' 0e0 r') h#ving st#'ed s 0e!here inside 0e in the 0e#nti0e. On the + ntr#r') the 0ent#l i0#ge th#t I h#ve right n ! is # $he6 n 0en n th#t $#sses #!#' !ith the $resent 0 0ent. :%t if 0e0 r' intervenes) # $r +ess t#"es $l#+e in 0e th#t is the res%lt f s 0ething #dditi n#l th#t h#s g ne n in the rel#ti nshi$ &et!een 0e #nd the %ter ! rld) s 0ething ther th#n the ev "ing f the +%rrent 0ent#l i0#ge. The



ld 0ent#l i0#ge h#s n t &een Jst redK #n'!hereB the ne 0' 0e0 r' +#lls %$ is # ne! ne. Re0e0&ering 0e#ns &eing #&le t vis%#li=e s 0ething #ne!B it d es n t 0e#n th#t # 0ent#l i0#ge +#n + 0e t life #g#in. Hh#t #$$e#rs t d#' is s 0ething different fr 0 the rigin#l 0ent#l i0#ge. This $ int is &eing 0#de &e+#%se in the field f s$irit%#l s+ien+e it is ne+ess#r' t f r0 0 re $re6 +ise + n+e$ts #& %t +ert#in things th#n !e d in rdin#r' life) r even in rdin#r' s+ien+e. Re0e0&ering 0e#ns e?6 $erien+ing s 0ething th#t is n l nger there) lin"ing # $#st e?$erien+e t 0' $resent life. This h#$$ens in ever' inst#n+e f re0e0&ering. S%$$ se I 0eet s 0e ne I re+6 gni=e &e+#%se I 0et hi0 r her 'esterd#'. This $ers n ! %ld &e # t t#l str#nger t 0e if I + %ld n t lin" the i06 #ge f r0ed thr %gh 'esterd#'Es $er+e$ti n t 0' i06 $ressi n f t d#'. T d#'Es i0#ge is given t 0e &' $er6 +e$ti n) th#t is) &' 0' sens r' s'ste0. :%t !h + nI%res %$ 'esterd#'Es i0#ge int 0' s %lL It is the s#0e &eing in 0e !h !#s $resent #t & th 'esterd#'Es en+ %nter #nd t 6 d#'Es. Thr %gh %t the $re+eding dis+%ssi n) this &eing h#s &een +#lled Jthe s %l.K Hith %t this tr%st' "ee$er f the $#st) ever' e?tern#l i0$ressi n ! %ld &e # ne! ne f r %s. The s %l i0$rints n the & d' the $r +ess &' !hi+h s 0ething &e+ 0es # 0e0 r'. H !ever) the s %l 0%st first d the i0$rinting) #nd then $er+eive its i0$rint I%st #s it $er+eives s 0ething %tside itself. In this !#') the s %l is the "ee$er f 0e0 r'. As the "ee$er f the $#st) the s %l is + ntin%#ll' + lle+t6 ing tre#s%res f r the s$irit. *' #&ilit' t disting%ish right fr 0 !r ng is d%e t the f#+t th#t #s # h%0#n &eing) I #0

# thin"ing &eing +#$#&le f gr#s$ing tr%th in 0' s$irit. The tr%th is etern#lB even if I !ere + ntin%#ll' l sing sight f the $#st #nd e#+h i0$ressi n !ere ne! t 0e) the tr%th + %ld still #l!#'s reve#l itself t 0e #g#in in things. :%t the s$irit in 0e is n t restri+ted t the i0$ressi ns f the 0 0entB 0' s %l !idens the s$iritEs field f visi n t in6 +l%de the $#st. And the 0 re 0' s %l +#n #dd t the s$irit fr 0 the $#st) the ri+her the s$irit &e+ 0es. The s %l $#sses n t the s$irit !h#t it h#s re+eived fr 0 the & d'. Th%s) #t ever' 0 0ent f its life) the h%0#n s$irit +#rries t! ver' different ele0ents Dfirst) the etern#l l#!s f the tr%e #nd the g dB se+ nd) the re+ lle+ti n f $#st e?$eri6 en+es. Hh#tever it d es is #++ 0$lished %nder the infl%6 en+e f these t! f#+t rs. Theref re) if !e !#nt t %nderst#nd # h%0#n s$irit) !e 0%st "n ! t! different things #& %t itD first) h ! 0%+h f the etern#l h#s &een reve#led t it) #nd se+ nd) h ! 0#n' tre#s%res fr 0 the $#st it h lds. These tre#s%res d n t re0#in in #n %n+h#nged f r0 f r the s$irit) h !ever. The i0$ressi ns !e g#in fr 0 e?$eri6 en+e gr#d%#ll' f#de fr 0 0e0 r') &%t their fr%its d n t. F r e?#0$le) !e d n t re0e0&er #ll the e?$erien+es !e !ent thr %gh #s +hildren le#rning t re#d #nd !rite) &%t !e ! %ld n t &e #&le t re#d r !rite n ! if !e h#d n t h#d these e?$erien+es #nd if their fr%its h#d n t &een $reserved in the f r0 f #&ilities. This is h ! the s$irit tr#nsf r0s its tre#s%re tr ve f 0e0 ries. It #&#nd ns t f#te #n'thing th#t +#n le#d nl' t i0#ges f individ%#l e?$erien+es) "ee$ing nl' the $ !er t heighten its !n #&ilities. He +#n &e s%re th#t n t # single e?$erien+e g es t !#ste)


sin+e the s %l $reserves e#+h ne #s # 0e0 r') #nd the s$irit e?tr#+ts fr 0 e#+h ne !h#tever it +#n %se t en6 h#n+e its #&ilities #nd enri+h its life. The h%0#n s$irit gr !s #s these e?$erien+es #re ! r"ed ver #nd #ssi0i6 l#ted. Th%s) #lth %gh !e d n t find %r $#st e?$erien+es $reserved in the s$irit #s if in # tre#s%re v#%lt) !e d find their effe+ts in the #&ilities !e h#ve #+G%ired.


Until n !) !e h#ve &een + nsidering the s$irit #nd the s %l nl' &et!een &irth #nd de#th) &%t !e +#nn t le#ve it #t th#t. Th#t ! %ld &e li"e + nsidering the h%0#n & d' nl' !ithin these s#0e + nfines. Of + %rse 0%+h +#n &e dis+ vered !ithin the0) &%t !e !ill never &e #&le t e?6 $l#in the h%0#n f r0 thr %gh !h#t e?ists &et!een &irth #nd de#th. This Ge%talt +#nn t &%ild itself %$ dire+tl' %t f 0ere $h'si+#l s%&st#n+es #nd f r+esB it 0%st des+end fr 0 #n ther f r0 r Ge%talt) li"e itself) th#t h#s + 0e #& %t thr %gh re$r d%+ti n. Ph'si+#l s%&st#n+es #nd f r+es &%ild %$ the & d' d%ring its lifeti0e) !hile the f r+es f re$r d%+ti n en#&le it t &ring f rth #n ther & d' f the s#0e f r0Dth#t is) ne th#t +#n &e the +#rrier f the s#0e life & d'. Ever' life & d' is # re$etiti n f its i00edi#te #n+est r) #nd &e+#%se this is s ) the f r0 the life & d' #ss%0es is never #r&itr#r') &%t is the ne th#t it h#s inherited. The f r+es th#t h#ve 0#de 0' h%0#n f r0 $ ssi&le +#0e fr 0 0' #n+est rs. :%t the h%0#n s$irit #ls #ss%0es # definite f r0 r Ge%talt 1the ! rds #re f + %rse &eing %sed here in #

s$irit%#l sense2. And h%0#n s$irit%#l f r0s #re #s differ6 ent #s the' +#n $ ssi&l' &eB n t! individ%#ls h#ve the s#0e s$irit%#l f r0. O%r &serv#ti n in this re#l0 0%st &e #s +#l0 #nd &Ie+tive #s it is n the $h'si+#l $l#ne. He +#nn t 0#int#in th#t the s$irit%#l differen+es in $e $le re6 s%lt nl' fr 0 differen+es in their envir n0ent) their %$6 &ringing #nd s n. Th#t is n t tr%e #t #ll) &e+#%se t! $e $le fr 0 si0il#r envir n0ents #nd f si0il#r ed%+#6 ti n#l &#+"gr %nds +#n still devel $ in ver' different !#'s. He #re f r+ed t #d0it th#t the' 0%st h#ve &eg%n life !ith ver' different end !0ents. At this $ int !e #re + nfr nted !ith #n i0$ rt#nt st#te f #ff#irs !hi+h) if !e re+ gni=e its f%ll i0$li+#ti ns) sheds light n the essenti#l n#t%re #nd + nstit%ti n f the h%0#n &eing. Of + %rse if !e +h se t t%rn %r #ttenti n nl' t the 0#teri#l #s$e+t f events) !e + %ld s#' th#t the individ%#l differen+es in h%0#n $ers n#lities res%lt fr 0 geneti+ differen+es in the re$r d%+tive +ells the' devel $ fr 0. If !e t#"e int #++ %nt the l#!s f heredit' dis+ vered &' Greg r *endel #nd devel $ed f%rther &' thers) this $ int f vie! +#n indeed see0 ver' $l#%si&le #nd #ls s+ientifi+#ll' I%stifi#&le. S%+h # $ int f vie!) h !ever) nl' de0 nstr#tes # l#+" f insight int h ! !e re#ll' rel#te t %r e?$erien+e. C#ref%l &serv#ti n f the $ertinent det#ils !ill sh ! th#t %ter +ir+%0st#n+es #ffe+t different $e $le in different !#'s thr %gh s 0e6 thing th#t never dire+tl' inter#+ts !ith their 0#teri#l de6 vel $0ent. A $re+ise rese#r+her in this field !ill see th#t !h#t $r +eeds fr 0 0#teri#l $ tenti#ls is se$#r#te #nd distin+t fr 0 !h#t 0#' rigin#te in %r inter#+ti n !ith



%r e?$erien+es &%t t#"es sh#$e nl' &e+#%se the s %l it6 self enters int the inter#+ti n. Cle#rl') the s %l rel#tes t s 0ething in the %ter ! rld th#t) thr %gh its ver' n#6 t%re) h#s n + nne+ti n t geneti+ $ tenti#ls. In %r $h'si+#l f r0 r Ge%talt) !e #re different fr 0 the #ni0#ls) %r fell ! +re#t%res n the e#rth. Hithin +er6 t#in li0its) h !ever) #ll h%0#n &eings #re f si0il#r f r0B there is nl' ne h%0#n gen%s #nd s$e+ies. N 0#t6 ter h ! gre#t the differen+es &et!een r#+es) tri&es) $e 6 $les #nd $ers n#lities 0#' &e) in #ll $h'si+#l res$e+ts the si0il#rit' &et!een t! h%0#n &eings is #l!#'s gre#ter th#n th#t &et!een # h%0#n &eing #nd #n #ni0#l f #n' s$e+ies. Ever'thing th#t + 0es t e?$ressi n in the h%6 0#n s$e+ies is deter0ined &' heredit') $#ssed d !n fr 0 ne gener#ti n t the ne?t. O%r h%0#n f r0 is & %nd t this heredit'. M%st #s # li n +#n inherit its $h'si+#l f r0 nl' fr 0 its li n #n+est rs) !e +#n inherit %rs nl' fr 0 %r h%0#n #n+est rs. The $h'si+#l si0il#rit' &et!een h%0#n &eings is #$$#r6 ent t the e'e) #nd the differen+e &et!een h%0#n s$irit%#l f r0s is eG%#ll' #$$#rent t the %n&i#sed s$irit%#l vie!. This is de0 nstr#ted &' ne ver' evident f#+tDth#t h%6 0#n &eings h#ve &i gr#$hies. If !e !ere n thing 0 re th#n 0e0&ers f %r s$e+ies) n individ%#l &i gr#$hies ! %ld &e $ ssi&le. A li n r # $ige n is f interest nl' #s # 0e0&er f the li n r $ige n s$e+iesB !e %nderst#nd ev6 er'thing essenti#l #& %t the individ%#l n+e !e h#ve de6 s+ri&ed the s$e+ies. It d es n t re#ll' 0#tter !hether !e #re de#ling !ith # $#rent) +hild r gr#nd+hildD!h#t is in6 teresting #& %t the0 is + 00 n t #ll three gener#ti ns.

Hh#t # h%0#n individ%#l signifies) h !ever) nl' &egins !here he r she st $s &eing 0erel' # 0e0&er f # gen%s #nd s$e+ies #nd &e+ 0es #n individ%#l &eing. I +ert#inl' +#nn t gr#s$ the essenti#l n#t%re f *r. M hn D e &' de6 s+ri&ing his s n r his f#therDI h#ve t "n ! his !n $er6 s n#l &i gr#$h'. If !e thin" #& %t the n#t%re f &i gr#$h') !e !ill re#li=e th#t !ith reg#rd t the s$irit) e#+h h%0#n &eing is his r her individ%#l gen%s. Of + %rse) if J&i gr#$h'K is inter$reted t 0e#n n th6 ing 0 re th#n # s%$erfi+i#l listing f events #nd e?$eri6 en+es) !e 0ight !ell insist th#t it ! %ld &e $ ssi&le t !rite the &i gr#$h' f # d g in the s#0e sense #s th#t f # $ers n. H !ever) if # &i gr#$her +#$t%res # h%0#n &e6 ingEs %niG%eness) it !ill &e +le#r th#t this &i gr#$h' f ne h%0#n &eing + rres$ nds t the des+ri$ti n f #n en6 tire #ni0#l s$e+ies. O&vi %sl' s 0ething rese0&ling # &i gr#$h' +#n &e !ritten #& %t #n #ni0#l) es$e+i#ll' #n intelligent ne) &%t th#t is n t the $ int. The $ int is th#t # h%0#n &i gr#$h' + rres$ nds t the des+ri$ti n f #n #ni0#l s$e+ies r#ther th#n t the &i gr#$h' f #n individ6 %#l #ni0#l. S 0e $e $le !ill #l!#'s tr' t ref%te st#te6 0ents li"e this &' s#'ing th#t $e $le !h ! r" !ith #ni0#lsD= "ee$ers) f r inst#n+eD#re !ell #!#re f in6 divid%#l differen+es &et!een #ni0#ls f the s#0e s$e+ies. S%+h + 00ents) h !ever) de0 nstr#te nl' #n in#&ilit' t disting%ish individ%#l differen+es fr 0 differen+es th#t +#n &e #+G%ired onl thr %gh individ%#lit'. M%st #s gen%s #nd s$e+ies +#n &e %nderst d in # $h'si6 +#l sense nl' n+e !e gr#s$ th#t the' #re deter0ined &' heredit') the individ%#l s$irit%#l &eing +#n &e %nderst d



nl' &' 0e#ns f # si0il#r %piritual heredit . I $ ssess 0' $h'si+#l h%0#n f r0 &e+#%se I #0 des+ended fr 0 h%0#n #n+est rs. :%t !here d es !h#t is e?$ressed in 0' &i gr#$h' + 0e fr 0L As # $h'si+#l h%0#n &eing) I re6 $e#t the f r0 f 0' #n+est rs) &%t !h#t d I re$e#t #s # s$irit%#l h%0#n &eingL If !e insist th#t !h#t 0' &i gr#6 $h' en+ 0$#sses 0%st si0$l' &e #++e$ted #s it is) th#t it needs n f%rther e?$l#n#ti n) !e 0ight #s !ell #ls +l#i0 t h#ve seen # hill %t there !here l%0$s f 0#tter st%+" the0selves t gether int # living h%0#n &eing. As # $h'si+#l h%0#n &eing) I #0 des+ended fr 0 ther $h'si+#l h%0#n &eingsB I h#ve the s#0e f r0 r Ge%talt #s the rest f the h%0#n gen%s. This sh !s th#t the +h#r6 #+teristi+s f # gen%s #re #+G%ired !ithin it thr %gh hered6 it'. :%t #s # s$irit%#l h%0#n &eing) I h#ve 0' !n $#rti+%l#r f r0) I%st #s I h#ve # $ers n#l &i gr#$h'. Theref re) I +#nn t h#ve #+G%ired this f r0 fr 0 #n' ne ther th#n 0'self. And sin+e I +#0e int this ! rld) n t !ith gener#l) &%t !ith ver' s$e+ifi+ $redis$ siti ns f s %l th#t h#ve deter0ined the + %rse f 0' life #s re6 ve#led &' 0' &i gr#$h') 0' ! r" n 0'self +#nn t h#ve &eg%n #t &irth. I 0%st h#ve &een $resent #s # s$irit%#l in6 divid%#l &ef re 0' &irth. I !#s +ert#inl' n t $resent in 0' #n+est rs) &e+#%se #s s$irit%#l individ%#ls the' #re differ6 ent fr 0 0e) #nd their &i gr#$hies +#nn t e?$l#in 0ine. Inste#d) I 0%stD#s # s$irit%#l &eingD&e the re$etiti n f ne !h se &i gr#$h' +#n e?$l#in 0ine. The nl' ther + n+eiv#&le $ ssi&ilit' ! %ld &e th#t I h#ve nl' # s$irit%#l life &ef re &irth 1 r + n+e$ti n2 t th#n" f r 0 lding !h#t 0' &i gr#$h' en+ 0$#sses. This

ide# ! %ld &e I%stifi#&le) h !ever) nl' if !e !ere t #s6 s%0e th#t !h#t ! r"s n # h%0#n s %l fr 0 its $h'si+#l s%rr %ndings is f the s#0e +h#r#+ter #s !h#t the s %l re6 +eives fr 0 # $%rel' s$irit%#l ! rld. This #ss%0$ti n + ntr#di+ts $re+ise &serv#ti n) h !everF Hh#t e?erts # deter0ining infl%en+e n # h%0#n s %l fr 0 its $h'si+#l s%rr %ndings ! r"s n it in the s#0e !#' th#t # ne! e?6 $erien+e ! r"s n # si0il#r e#rlier e?$erien+e in %r $h'si+#l life. T &serve these rel#ti nshi$s + rre+tl') !e 0%st le#rn t $er+eive th#t s 0e i0$ressi ns in h%0#n life ! r" n the s %lEs $ tenti#ls in the s#0e !#' th#t st#nding &ef re s 0ething still t &e d ne ! r"s n !h#t !e h#ve #lre#d' $r#+ti+ed re$e#tedl' in $h'si+#l life. R#ther th#n #ffe+ting #&ilities #+G%ired thr %gh $r#+ti+e in the + %rse f this life) these i0$ressi ns #ffe+t poten+ tial #&ilities f the s %l. If !e #+hieve insight int these things) !e #rrive #t the ide# f e#rthl' lives th#t 0%st h#ve $re+eded this ne. In thin"ing #& %t it) !e +#n n l nger &e + ntent !ith #ss%0ing th#t this life is $re+eded nl' &' $%rel' s$irit%#l e?$erien+es. S+hiller +#rried # $h'si+#l f r0 th#t he inherited fr 0 his #n+est rsB this $h'si+#l f r0 + %ld n t $ ssi&l' h#ve gr !n %$ %t f the e#rth. The s#0e is tr%e f S+hiller #s # s$irit%#l individ%#lit'B he 0%st h#ve &een the re$etiti n f #n ther s$irit%#l &eing !h se &i gr#$h' #++ %nts f r his) I%st #s h%0#n re$r d%+ti n #++ %nts f r his $h'si+#l f r0. The h%0#n $h'si+#l f r0 is # re$etiti n r ree06 & di0ent) ver #nd ver #g#in) f !h#t is inherent in the h%0#n gen%s #nd s$e+ies. Si0il#rl') # s$irit%#l individ%#l 0%st &e # ree0& di0ent r rein+#rn#ti n f ne #nd the



s#0e s$irit%#l &eing) f r #s # s$irit%#l &eing) e#+h $ers n is his r her !n s$e+ies. He +#n &Ie+t th#t !h#t h#s &een s#id here is # 0ere #r6 r#nge0ent f th %ghts) #nd !e +#n de0#nd e?tern#l $r f f it #s !e #re #++%st 0ed t d in the +#se f rdi6 n#r' s+ien+e. H !ever) it 0%st &e $ inted %t th#t the re6 in+#rn#ti n f the s$irit%#l h%0#n &eing is # $r +ess th#t d es n t &el ng t the d 0#in f %ter $h'si+#l f#+ts &%t t#"es $l#+e e?+l%sivel' in the s$irit%#l d 0#in) #nd th#t f #ll %r rdin#r' 0ent#l $ !ers) nl' thin"ing h#s #++ess t this re#l0. If !e ref%se t tr%st the $ !er f thin"ing) !e !ill never &e #&le t e?$l#in higher s$irit%#l f#+ts t %rselves. :%t f r #n' ne !h se s$irit%#l e'e is $en) the #& ve tr#in f th %ght is I%st #s + 0$elling #s #n' $r +ess t#"ing $l#+e in fr nt f %r $h'si+#l e'es. Th se !h find # s 6+#lled J$r fK + nstr%+ted #l ng the lines f rdi6 n#r' s+ientifi+ "n !ledge 0 re $ers%#sive th#n !h#t h#s &een $resented #& %t the signifi+#n+e f &i gr#$h' 0#' !ell &e gre#t s+ientists in the %s%#l sense f the ! rd) &%t the' #re f#r re0 ved fr 0 the 0eth ds f tr%e s$irit%#l rese#r+h. The #tte0$t t e?$l#in # $ers nEs s$irit%#l #ttri&%tes #s #n inherit#n+e fr 0 $#rents r ther #n+est rs is eviden+e f # ver' d%&i %s $reI%di+e indeed. Th se !h #re g%ilt' f #ss%0ing th#t G ethe) f r inst#n+e) inherited #n'thing essenti#l t his n#t%re fr 0 his f#ther #nd 0 ther !ill $r &#&l' n t res$ nd t re#s n) sin+e the' h#r& r # dee$ #nti$#th' t !#rd %n&i#sed &serv#ti n. Their 0#teri#lis6 ti+ $ers%#si n $revents the0 fr 0 seeing rel#ti nshi$s &et!een $hen 0en# in the right light.

Hh#t h#s &een $resented s f#r $r vides the $rereG%i6 sites f r tr#+ing %r essenti#l &eing &e' nd &irth #nd de#th. Hithin the + nfines f &irth #nd de#th) the h%0#n &eing &el ngs t the three ! rlds f & dil' n#t%re) s %l n#t%re #nd s$irit n#t%re. The s %l f r0s the lin" &et!een & d' #nd s$irit &' $er0e#ting the & d'Es third 0e0&er) the s %l & d') !ith the +#$#+it' f r sens#ti n #ndD#s the + ns+i %sness s %lD&' $erv#ding the first s$irit%#l 0e0&er) the s$irit self. Thr %gh %t life) theref re) the s %l $#rti+i$#tes in & th & d' #nd s$irit) #nd this $#rti+i6 $#ti n is e?$ressed in #ll #s$e+ts f its e?isten+e. The r6 g#ni=#ti n f the s %l & d' deter0ines t !h#t e?tent the sentient s %l +#n %nf ld its +#$#+itiesB n the ther h#nd) the + ns+i %sness s %lEs !n life deter0ines the e?tent t !hi+h the s$irit self +#n devel $ !ithin it. The &etter the s %l & d'Es devel $0ent) the &etter the sentient s %l +#n devel $ its inter#+ti n !ith the %ter ! rldB the 0 re the + ns+i %sness s %l s%$$lies the s$irit self !ith n %rish6 0ent) the ri+her #nd 0 re $ !erf%l the s$irit self &e6 + 0es. D%ring life) the s$irit self is s%$$lied !ith this n %rish0ent thr %gh ! r"ed6 ver #nd #ssi0il#ted e?$e6 rien+es) #nd thr %gh their fr%its) #s h#s &een de0 n6 str#ted. N#t%r#ll') this inter#+ti n &et!een s %l #nd s$irit +#n t#"e $l#+e nl' !here the t! inter0ingle) th#t is) in the I ining f the s$irit self #nd the + ns+i %sness s %l. Let %s l " first #t the inter#+ti n &et!een the s %l & d' #nd the sentient s %l. Alth %gh) #s !e h#ve seen) the s %l & d' is the 0 st finel' f#shi ned #s$e+t f %r & dil' n#t%re) it still &el ngs t #nd is de$endent n this & dil' n#t%re. In ne res$e+t) the $h'si+#l & d') the ether



& d' #nd the s %l & d' f r0 # t t#lit'. Theref re) the s %l & d' is #ls s%&Ie+t t the l#!s f $h'si+#l heredit' thr %gh !hi+h the & d' re+eives its f r0) &%t sin+e it is the 0 st e$he0er#l #s$e+t f %r $h'si+#l n#t%re) it 0%st #ls sh ! the 0 st e$he0er#l 0#nifest#ti ns f hered6 it'. H%0#n $h'si+#l & dies differ nl' slightl' n the &#6 sis f r#+e) n#ti n #nd f#0il') #nd #lth %gh individ%#l ether & dies v#r' 0 re) the' still sh ! # gre#t si0il#rit'. H !ever) !hen it + 0es t the s %l & d') the differen+es #re #lre#d' ver' gre#t. In the s %l & d') !h#t !e $er6 +eive #s # $ers nEs e?tern#l $ers n#l %niG%eness is e?6 $ressedB the s %l & d' is theref re #ls the +#rrier f !h#tever $ers n#l %niG%eness is $#ssed d !n fr 0 #n6 +est rs t des+end#nts. It is tr%e th#t the s %l) #s h#s &een des+ri&ed) le#ds # f%ll #nd inde$endent life f its !nDit sh%ts itself ff !ith its li"es #nd disli"es) e0 ti ns #nd $#ssi ns. It is #+tive #s # t t#lit') h !ever) #nd the sentient s %l) t ) &e#rs the st#0$ f this t t#lit'. Th%s) &e+#%se the sentient s %l $er6 0e#tes #nd) s t s$e#") fills the s %l & d') the s %l & d' t#"es sh#$e in #++ rd#n+e !ith the n#t%re f the s %l #nd is then #&le) thr %gh heredit') t tr#ns0it the $rede+es6 s rEs in+lin#ti ns) $#ssi ns #nd s n t the des+end#nts. G etheEs s#'ing) JFr 0 0' f#ther) I get 0' &%ild #nd the tenden+' t t#"e life seri %sl'B fr 0 0' 0 ther) 0' h#$$' dis$ siti n #nd delight in st r'telling)K, is &#sed n this f#+t. :%t his geni%s) f + %rse) did n t + 0e fr 0
-> JKom Kater ha& ich die Statur9 de% Le&en% ern%te% F(hrenF vom *(tterchen die Frohnatur9 die Lu%t ;u fa&ulieren.K

either f his $#rents. This gives %s #n ide# f !h#t "inds f s %l G%#lities #re) in effe+t) t%rned ver t the line f $h'si+#l heredit'. The s%&st#n+es #nd f r+es f the $h'si+#l & d' #re $resent in the ver' s#0e !#' #ll #r %nd %s in %ter $h's6 i+#l n#t%reD!e #re + ntin%#ll' t#"ing the0 in fr 0 %t6 side #nd giving the0 &#+" #g#in. Over the + %rse f # fe! 'e#rs) #ll the s%&st#n+es th#t 0#"e %$ the $h'si+#l & d' #re rene!ed. The' #re + ntin%#ll' &eing rene!ed) 'et #l6 !#'s t#"e n the f r0 f # h%0#n & d' &e+#%se the ether & d' h lds the0 t gether. And the ether & d'Es f r0 is n t deter0ined s lel' &' $r +esses t#"ing $l#+e &et!een &irth 1 r + n+e$ti n2 #nd de#th) &%t is #ls de$endent n the l#!s f heredit' th#t e?tend &e' nd &irth #nd de#th. :e+#%se the s %l & d' +#n &e infl%en+ed &' the sentient s %l) +h#r#+teristi+ s %l G%#lities +#n #ls &e tr#ns0itted thr %gh the line f heredit'Dth#t is) the s %l h#s #n i06 $#+t n the $r +ess f $h'si+#l heredit'. And !h#t #& %t the inter#+ti n &et!een s %l #nd s$iritL D%ring life) the s$irit is & %nd t the s %l in the !#' de6 s+ri&ed e#rlier. Fr 0 the s$irit) the s %l re+eives the gift f living in the tr%e #nd the g d) #nd this en#&les it t &ring the s$irit itself t e?$ressi n in its !n life) in its in6 +lin#ti ns) drives #nd $#ssi ns. The s$irit self &rings the etern#l l#!s f the tr%e #nd the g d t the JIK fr 0 the ! rld f the s$irit. :' 0e#ns f %r + ns+i %sness s %l) these l#!s #re lin"ed t the s %lEs !n individ%#l life e?6 $erien+es. These e?$erien+es #re tr#nsit r') &%t their fr%its #re l#stingB the f#+t th#t the' h#ve &een lin"ed t the s$irit self 0#"es # l#sting i0$ressi n n it. If the h%0#n


s$irit then #$$r #+hes s%+h #n e?$erien+e #nd finds it si0il#r t #n ther th#t it h#s #lre#d' &een lin"ed t in the $#st) it re+ gni=es s 0ething f#0ili#r in it #nd "n !s th#t it 0%st &eh#ve differentl' t !#rd this th#n if it !ere en6 + %ntering it f r the first ti0e. This is the &#sis f #ll le#rning. The fr%its f le#rning #re the #&ilities !e #+6 G%ire) #nd in this !#') the fr%its f %r tr#nsit r' life #re i0$rinted n %r i00 rt#l s$irit. Are !e #!#re f these fr%its in s 0e !#'L Hhere d th se $ tenti#ls des+ri&ed #& ve #s +h#r#+teristi+ f the s$irit%#l h%0#n &eing + 0e fr 0L S%rel' the' +#n nl' &e &#sed n the v#ri %s +#$#&ilities $e $le &ring !ith the0 !hen the' set %t n their e#rthl' I %rne'. In s 0e res$e+ts) these +#$#&ilities #re G%ite li"e the nes !e +#n #+G%ire d%ring %r lifeti0e. T#"e the +#se f # geni%s) f r inst#n+e. As # & ' * =#rt + %ld !rite d !n fr 0 0e06 r' # l ng $ie+e f 0%si+ he h#d he#rd nl' n+e. He !#s #&le t d s nl' &e+#%se he + %ld s%rve' the !h le thing #ll #t n+e) #s # t t#lit'. In the + %rse f %r lifeti0e) !e +#n #llD#t le#st !ithin +ert#in li0itsD &r #den %r +#$#+it' t g#in #n vervie! f things #nd t %nderst#nd the rel#ti nshi$s &et!een the0. He then $ ssess ne! #&ilities. Lessing) f r e?#0$le) s#id th#t thr %gh his gift f r +riti+#l &serv#ti n) he h#d #+G%ired s 0ething ver' +l se t geni%s. If !e #re n t in+lined t see s%+h #&ilities) r ted in in& rn $ tenti#l) #s 0ir#+les) !e 0%st see the0 #s the fr%its f !h#t the s$irit self h#s e?$erien+ed thr %gh # s %l. The' h#ve &een i0$ressed %$ n the s$irit self) #nd sin+e it did n t h#$$en in this lifeti0e) it 0%st h#ve h#$$ened in # $revi %s ne.

E#+h h%0#n s$irit is # s$e+ies in it !n right. M%st #s in6 divid%#l h%0#n &eings $#ss n their +h#r#+teristi+s the s$irit $#sses n its +h#r#+teristi+s !ithin its s$e+iesD th#t is) !ithin itself. In each life the human %pirit appear% a% a repetition of it%elf9 !ith the fruit% of it% e7perience% in ear+ lier lifetime%> Th%s this lifeti0e is the re$etiti n f thers) #nd &rings !ith it !h#t the s$irit self h#s g#ined in its $re6 vi %s life. Hhen the s$irit self t#"es in s 0ething th#t +#n devel $ int fr%it) it i0&%es itself !ith the life s$irit. M%st #s the life & d' re$r d%+es the f r0 f # s$e+ies fr 0 gener#ti n t gener#ti n) the life s$irit re$r d%+es the s %l fr 0 ne $ers n#l e?isten+e t the ne?t. The dis+%ssi n %$ t this $ int h#s sh !n the v#lidit' f the ide# th#t +ert#in $r +esses in h%0#n life +#n &e e?6 $l#ined in ter0s f re$e#ted e#rth lives. The f%ll signifi6 +#n+e f this ide# +#n &e re#li=ed nl' thr %gh the "ind f &serv#ti n th#t ste0s fr 0 s$irit%#l insights s%+h #s th se #+G%ired &' f ll !ing the $#th t "n !ledge de6 s+ri&ed #t the end f this & ". It sh %ld &e $ inted %t th#t rdin#r' &serv#ti n) $r $erl' g%ided &' thin"ing) +#n le#d %s t this ide#) #lth %gh t &egin !ith it !ill le#ve the ide# in # sh#d !6li"e st#ge #nd !ill n t &e #&le t defend it + 0$letel' #g#inst &Ie+ti ns th#t #rise fr 0 i0$re+ise &serv#ti n n t $r $erl' g%ided &' thin"ing. On the ther h#nd) #n' ne !h + 0es t this ide# thr %gh rdin#r' th %ghtf%l &serv#ti n is $re$#ring f r s%$er6 sensi&le &serv#ti n &' &eginning t devel $ s 0ething !e 0%st h#ve &ef re s%$ersensi&le &serv#ti n +#n &egin) I%st #s !e 0%st h#ve e'es &ef re $h'si+#l &serv#ti n is $ ssi&le. And $e $le !h &Ie+t th#t &' + n+eiving #n


ide# li"e this !e + %ld t#l" %rselves int &elieving in the re#lit' f s%$ersensi&le $er+e$ti n) nl' $r ve the06 selves in+#$#&le f re#ll' t#"ing %$ the tr%th thr %gh in6 de$endent thin"ingB the' #re t#l"ing the0selves int &elieving their !n &Ie+ti ns.


In this !#' the s %lEs e?$erien+es &e+ 0e l#sting) n t nl' !ithin the + nfines f &irth #nd de#th &%t #ls &e6 ' nd de#th. :%t the s %l i0$rints these e?$erien+es n t nl' n the s$irit lighting %$ !ithin it) &%t #ls D&' 0e#ns f its #+ti nsD n the %ter ! rld) #s h#s &een $ inted %t. Hh#t s 0e ne did 'esterd#' is still $resent t d#' in the f r0 f its effe+ts. Al ng these lines) the 0et#$h r f slee$ #nd de#th gives %s # $i+t%re f the + nne+ti n &et!een +#%se #nd effe+t. Slee$ h#s ften &een +#lled Jthe ' %nger &r ther f de#th.K I get %$ in the 0 rning. The + ntin%it' f 0' #+tivit' h#s &een interr%$ted &' the night. Under n r0#l +ir+%0st#n+es) I +#nn t res%0e 0' #+tivit' #r&itr#ril'D I 0%st lin" %$ !ith !h#t I did 'esterd#' if 0' life is t h#ve #n' rder #nd + hesiveness. Yesterd#'Es #+ti ns #re n ! the + nditi ns I 0%st #&ide &' in !h#t I d t d#'B thr %gh !h#t I did 'esterd#') I h#ve +re#ted 0' destin' f r t d#'. I h#ve diseng#ged 0'self fr 0 0' !n #+tiv6 it' f r # !hile) &%t it &el ngs t 0e #nd $%lls 0e &#+" #g#in #fter I h#ve !ithdr#!n fr 0 it f r # !hile. *' $#st + ntin%es t &e + nne+ted t 0eB it lives n in 0' $resent #nd !ill f ll ! 0e int 0' f%t%re. Inste#d f !#"ing %$

this 0 rning) I ! %ld h#ve t &e +re#ted #ne!) %t f n thing) if the effe+ts f 0' #+ti ns fr 0 'esterd#' !ere n t 0e#nt t &e 0' destin' t d#'. It ! %ld &e #s #&s%rd #s if %nder rdin#r' +ir+%0st#n+es I h#d h#d # h %se &%ilt f r 0'self #nd then did n t 0 ve int it. :%t !e #re n t +re#ted #ne! e#+h 0 rning) n r is the h%0#n s$irit +re#ted #ne! #s it st#rts the I %rne' f its e#rthl' life. He 0%st tr' t %nderst#nd !h#t re#ll' d es h#$$en !hen !e set %t n this I %rne'. A $h'si+#l & d' 0#"es its #$$e#r#n+e) h#ving re+eived its f r0 thr %gh the l#!s f heredit'. This & d' &e+ 0es the vehi+le f r # s$irit th#t is re$e#ting #n e#rlier life in # ne! f r0. :e6 t!een the t! ) le#ding # self6+ nt#ined life f its !n) st#nds the s %l. It is served &' its li"es #nd disli"es) #nd its !ishes #nd desires) #nd $l#+es thin"ing in its servi+e. As the sentient s %l) it re+eives i0$ressi ns fr 0 the %ter ! rld #nd +#rries the0 t the s$irit) !hi+h e?tr#+ts #nd $reserves their fr%its. The s %l $l#'s # 0edi#t rEs r le) in # sense) #nd its t#s" is #++ 0$lished in $l#'ing this r le s#tisf#+t ril'. The & d' f r0s i0$ressi ns f r the s %l) !hi+h resh#$es the0 int sens#ti ns) st res the0 in the 0e0 r' #s 0ent#l i0#ges) #nd $#sses the0 n t the s$irit t &e 0#de l#sting. The s %l is !h#t #+t%#ll' 0#"es %s &el ng t this e#rthl' life. Thr %gh the & d') !e &el ng t the $h'si+#l h%0#n gen%sB !e #re 0e0&ers f this gen%s. Hith %r s$irit) !e live in # higher ! rld. The s %l &inds the t! ! rlds t gether f r # !hile. On entering the $h'si+#l ! rld) the h%0#n s$irit finds itself) n t in #n %nf#0ili#r setting) &%t in ne th#t &e#rs the i0$rint f its #+ti ns. S 0ething in this ne! setting



&el ngs t the s$irit) &e#rs the st#0$ f its &eing) is re6 l#ted t it. M%st #s the s %l n+e + nve'ed i0$ressi ns f the %ter ! rld t the s$irit t &e 0#de l#sting) it #ls ) #s the s$iritEs rg#n) tr#nsf r0ed its s$irit6given f#+%lties int #+ti ns th#t) in their effe+ts) #re eG%#ll' l#sting. In d ing s ) the s %l #+t%#ll' fl !ed int these #+ti ns. In the effe+ts f its #+ti ns) the h%0#n s %l lives n in # se+6 nd inde$endent life. This gives %s gr %nds f r e?#0in6 ing h ! the $r +esses f destin' enter int life. S 0ething h#$$ens t %s) J&%0$s int %s)K enters %r life #s if &' +h#n+eD r s !e tend t thin" #t first. He +#n &e+ 0e #!#re) h !ever) th#t e#+h ne f %s is the re6 s%lt f 0#n' s%+h J+h#n+eK ++%rren+es. If #t the #ge f f rt' I t#"e # g d l " #t 0'self #nd ref%se t &e + ntent !ith #n e0$t') #&str#+t + n+e$t f the JIK #s I $ nder 0' s %lEs essenti#l n#t%re) I 0#' !ell + n+l%de th#t I #0 n thing 0 re #nd n thing less th#n !h#t I h#ve &e+ 0e thr %gh !h#t h#s h#$$ened t 0e %ntil n ! #s # 0#tter f destin'. I ! %ld $r &#&l' h#ve &een # different $ers n if) #t #ge t!ent') I h#d h#d # different series f e?$eri6 en+es th#n !h#t #+t%#ll' did h#$$en t 0e. I !ill then l " f r 0' JIK n t nl' in its devel $0ent#l infl%en+es th#t + 0e fr 0 !ithin) &%t #ls in !h#t e?erts # f r0#6 tive infl%en+e n 0' life fr 0 %tside. I !ill re+ gni=e 0' !n JIK in !h#t Jh#$$ens t K 0e. If !e give %rselves i0$#rti#ll' t s%+h # re#li=#ti n) !e need t t#"e nl' ne 0 re ste$ in inti0#tel' &serving life &ef re !e +#n see) in !h#t + 0es t %s thr %gh +ert#in e?$erien+es f destin') s 0ething th#t t#"es h ld f the JI K fr 0 %tside) I%st #s 0e0 r' ! r"s fr 0 inside t

#ll ! $#st e?$erien+es t light %$ #g#in. In this !#') !e +#n &e+ 0e #&le t re+ gni=e #n e?$erien+e f destin' #s # $#st #+ti n f the s %l finding its !#' t the JI)K I%st #s # 0e0 r' is # $#st e?$erien+e th#t is reinv "ed &' %ter +ir6 +%0st#n+es #nd finds its !#' int %r 0inds #s # 0ent#l i0#ge. The ide# th#t the res%lts f its !n #+ti ns 0#' 0eet the s %l #g#in h#s #lre#d' &een dis+%ssed #s # $ ssi&ilit' 1See $$. -9ff2. H !ever) # 0eeting f this s rt +#nn t + 0e #& %t !ithin the + nfines f # single life n e#rth &e+#%se this life h#s &een rg#ni=ed #nd $re$#red in s%+h # !#' #s t &ring #& %t the #+ti n in G%esti n. The e?$erien+e is in6 tert!ined !ith the #++ 0$lish0ent f the #+ti n. It is #s i0$ ssi&le f r # s$e+ifi+ + nseG%en+e f this #+ti n t re6 t%rn t the s %l #s it is f r %s t re0e0&er #n e?$erien+e !hen !e #re still in the 0iddle f it. R#ther) !h#t + 0es int G%esti n here is %r e?$erien+e f + nseG%en+es th#t 0eet the JIK !hen it d es n t h#ve the #$tit%des it h#d d%ring the lifeti0e in !hi+h the #+ti n !#s $erf r0edD th#t is) it is nl' $ ssi&le t f +%s n + nseG%en+es th#t + 0e fr 0 ther e#rthl' lives. As s n #s !e sense th#t s 0e #$$#rentl' + in+ident#l e?$erien+e is #s +l sel' re6 l#ted t the JIK #s #n'thing th#t t#"es sh#$e %t f the in6 ner &eing f the JI)K !e +#n nl' + n+l%de th#t in s%+h #n e?$erien+e f destin' !e #re + nfr nting + nseG%en+es th#t + 0e fr 0 e#rlier lives n e#rth. As !e +#n see) #n inti0#te) th %ght6g%ided #$$r #+h t life le#ds %s t #d $t the ide# 1$#r#d ?i+#l #s it 0#' see0 t %r rdin#r' + ns+i %sness2 th#t !h#t !e e?$erien+e #s destin' in ne lifeti0e is rel#ted t %r #+ti ns in $revi %s e#rthl' lives.


On+e #g#in) the f%ll i0$ rt f this ide# +#n &e re#li=ed nl' thr %gh s%$ersensi&le "n !ledge) !ith %t !hi+h it re0#ins sh#d !6li"e #t &est. :%t here t ) the ide# #+6 G%ired &' 0e#ns f rdin#r' + ns+i %sness $re$#res %r s %l f r !itnessing its f%ll tr%th thr %gh gen%ine s%$er6 sensi&le $er+e$ti n. H !ever) nl' ne $#rt f 0' #+ti n is %t in the ! rldB the ther $#rt is in 0e. He +#n t#"e # si0$le $#r6 #llel fr 0 the field f &i l g' t +l#rif' the rel#ti nshi$ &et!een #n JIK #nd its #+ti ns. In +ert#in +#ves in (en6 t%+"' #re #ni0#ls th#t !ere #&le t see !hen the' first vent%red in) &%t h#ve l st their sight thr %gh $r l nged living in d#r"ness. Their e'es h#ve st $$ed f%n+ti ningB the $h'si+#l #nd +he0i+#l #+tivit' t#"ing $l#+e d%ring seeing n l nger h#$$ens in the0) #nd the stre#0 f n%6 trients th#t n+e s%$$ rted this #+tivit' h#s &een redi6 re+ted t ther rg#ns. :' n !) these #ni0#ls +#n live nl' in +#ves. Thr %gh their rigin#l #+ti n) 0igr#ting int the +#ves) the' h#ve deter0ined the + nditi ns %n6 der !hi+h the' 0%st n ! live. Their 0igr#ti n h#s &e6 + 0e # $#rt f their destin' r f#te. A &eing th#t !#s #+tive in the $#st h#s lin"ed itself t the res%lts f its !n #+ti ns. It is the s#0e !ith the h%0#n s$irit. Onl' &' &e6 ing #+tive + %ld the s %l tr#ns0it +ert#in +#$#&ilities t the s$iritB these +#$#&ilities + rres$ nd dire+tl' t #+6 ti ns. An #+ti n th#t the s %l h#s +#rried %t gives it the strength #nd $ tenti#l t +#rr' %t #n ther #+ti n !hi+h is the dire+t fr%it f the first. The s %l +#rries this #r %nd #s #n inner ne+essit' %ntil the se+ nd #+ti n h#s &een + 0$leted. He + %ld #ls s#' th#t thr %gh #n #+ti n) the

need t +#rr' %t its + nseG%en+e is i0$ressed n the s %l. Thr %gh its #+ti ns) e#+h h%0#n s$irit h#s tr%l' $re6 $#red its !n destin'. It finds itself lin"ed in e#+h ne! lifeti0e t !h#t it did in the $revi %s ne. He 0#' ! n6 der h ! th#t + %ld $ ssi&l' &e) sin+e the rein+#rn#ting s$irit finds itself in # ! rld t t#ll' different fr 0 the ne it left &ehind. The !#' !e + n+eive f the +h#in f des6 tin' !hen !e #s" s%+h # G%esti n) h !ever) +lings t G%ite e?tern#l #nd s%$erfi+i#l #s$e+ts f life. If 0' field f #+tivit' is shifted fr 0 E%r $e t A0eri+#) I !ill #ls find 0'self in t t#ll' ne! s%rr %ndings) #nd 'et 0' life in A0eri+# !ill still &e G%ite de$endent n h ! I %sed t live in E%r $e. If I !#s # 0e+h#ni+ in E%r $e) 0' life in A0eri+# !ill t#"e sh#$e G%ite differentl' th#n it ! %ld if I !#s # &#n"er. In the first inst#n+e) I !ill $r &#&l' &e s%r6 r %nded &' 0#+hiner' #g#in in A0eri+#B in the se+ nd) &' the tr#$$ings f the &#n"ing &%siness. In e#+h +#se) 0' f r0er life deter0ines 0' s%rr %ndingsB it e?tr#+ts fr 0 the entire s%rr %nding ! rld th se things th#t #re rel#ted t it) s t s$e#". It is the s#0e !ith the s$irit self. In # ne! life) it is &liged t s%rr %nd itself !ith things it is re6 l#ted t fr 0 its $revi %s life. Th#t is !h' slee$ is # hel$f%l i0#ge f r de#th) &e+#%se d%ring slee$ !e #re #ls !ithdr#!n fr 0 the #ren# in !hi+h %r destin' #!#its f r %s. Hhile !e #re slee$ing) events in this #ren# + ntin%e !ith %t %s) #nd f r # !hile !e h#ve n infl%en+e n the + %rse the' t#"e. Neverthe6 less) h ! !e live the ne?t d#' still de$ends n the effe+ts f !h#t !e did the d#' &ef re. In re#lit') %r $ers n#lities


#re ree0& died #ne! e#+h 0 rning in the ! rld f %r #+ti ns. It is #s if !h#t !e !ere se$#r#ted fr 0 d%ring the night is s$re#d %t #r %nd %s d%ring the d#'. The s#0e h lds tr%e f r the #+ti ns !e +#rried %t in e#rlier in+#r6 n#ti ns. The' #re & %nd t %s #s %r destin') I%st #s d!elling in d#r" +#ves is & %nd t the #ni0#ls !h l st their sense f sight thr %gh 0igr#ting int th se +#ves. M%st #s these #ni0#ls +#n live nl' in the s%rr %ndings in !hi+h the' n ! find the0selves) s%rr %ndings int !hi+h the' h#ve inserted the0selves) # h%0#n s$irit can live nl' in the envir n0ent it h#s +re#ted f r itself thr %gh its !n #+ti ns. The ng ing + %rse f events sees t it th#t !hen I !#"e in the 0 rning) I find 0'self in # sit%#ti n th#t I 0'self +re#ted the $revi %s d#'. Si06 il#rl') 0' rein+#rn#ting s$iritEs rel#ti nshi$ t the &Ie+ts in the s%rr %ndings sees t it th#t I enter #n envir n0ent + rres$ nding t 0' #+ti ns in the $revi %s life. Fr 0 the #& ve) !e +#n f r0 #n ide# f h ! the s %l is in+ r$ r#ted int the ver#ll rg#ni=#ti n f # h%0#n &e6 ing. The $h'si+#l & d' is s%&Ie+t t the l#!s f heredit'. The h%0#n s$irit) n the ther h#nd) 0%st rein+#rn#te ver #nd ver #g#in) #nd its l#! + nsists in h#ving t +#rr' the fr%its f $revi %s lifeti0es ver int the f ll !6 ing nes. O%r s %ls live in the $resent) #lth %gh this life in the $resent is n t inde$endent f %r $revi %s lives) sin+e e#+h in+#rn#ting s$irit &rings its destin' #l ng !ith it fr 0 $revi %s in+#rn#ti ns) #nd this destin' deter0ines its $resent life. Hh#t i0$ressi ns %r s %ls !ill &e +#$#6 &le f re+eiving) !hi+h f %r desires +#n &e f%lfilled) !h#t I 's #nd s rr !s !ill &e %r l t) !h#t ther h%0#n

&eings !e !ill 0eetD#ll this de$ends n !h#t %r #+ti ns !ere li"e in e#rlier in+#rn#ti ns f the s$irit. Pe $le t !h 0 %r s %ls !ere + nne+ted in ne lifeti0e !ill ne+6 ess#ril' en+ %nter %s #g#in in # l#ter ne) &e+#%se the #+6 ti ns th#t t " $l#+e &et!een %s 0%st h#ve their + nseG%en+es. S %ls th#t h#ve n+e &een #ss +i#ted !ill vent%re int rein+#rn#ti n #t the s#0e ti0e. Th%s) the life f the s %l is # $r d%+t f the s$iritEs self6+re#ted destin'. The + %rse f # h%0#n life !ithin the fr#0e! r" f life #nd de#th is deter0ined in three different !#'s) #nd !e #re #ls theref re de$endent n three f#+t rs th#t g &e' nd &irth #nd de#th. The & d' is s%&Ie+t t the l#!s f heredit B the s %l is s%&Ie+t t self6+re#ted destin' r) t %se #n #n6 +ient ter0) t its )armaB #nd the s$irit is s%&Ie+t t the l#!s f reincarnation r re$e#ted e#rthl' lives. The interrel#6 ti nshi$ f & d') s %l #nd s$irit +#n #ls &e e?$ressed #s f ll !sF The s$irit is i00 rt#lB &irth #nd de#th g vern %r & dil' e?isten+e in #++ rd#n+e !ith the l#!s f the $h'si6 +#l ! rldB #nd the life f the s %l) !hi+h is s%&Ie+t t des6 tin') 0edi#tes &et!een & d' #nd s$irit d%ring the + %rse f #n e#rthl' life. These three ! rlds t !hi+h !e &el ng !ill &e the s%&Ie+t f the ne?t se+ti n f this & ") sin+e s 0e f#0ili#rit' !ith the0 is # $rereG%isite f r #ll f%rther "n !l6 edge f the essenti#l n#t%re f the h%0#n &eing. If %r !#' f thin"ing + 0es t gri$s !ith lifeEs $he6 n 0en# #nd d es n t hesit#te t f ll ! th %ghts res%lting fr 0 living) vit#l &serv#ti n thr %gh t their fin#l r#0i6 fi+#ti ns) !e +#n indeed #rrive #t the ide# f re$e#ted e#rthl' lives #nd the l#! f destin' thr %gh 0ere l gi+. It is tr%e th#t f r # seer !ith $ened s$irit%#l e'es) $#st lives


#re $resent #s # dire+t e?$erien+e) li"e re#ding fr 0 #n $en & ") &%t it is eG%#ll' tr%e th#t the tr%th f #ll f this +#n + 0e t light f r #n' ne !ith #n #+tive) &serv#nt re#s ning #&ilit'.


The st#te0ents in this +h#$ter n rein+#rn#ti n #nd "#r0# #tte0$t t + nve' the e?tent t !hi+h h%0#n life #nd destin' $ int in #nd f the0selves t the ide# f re$e#ted e#rth lives. The intent !#s t d s &' th %ghtf%ll' + nsidering the + %rse f h%0#n life !ith %t referring t the s$irit%#l s+ientifi+ ide#s $re6 sented in ther +h#$ters. Of + %rse the ver' ide# f rein+#rn#ti n #nd "#r0# !ill see0 r#ther G%esti n#&le t #n' ne !h #++e$ts nl' ide#s th#t #ss%0e the e?isten+e f nl' # single e#rthl' life #s &eing !ell f %nded. H !ever) the intenti n f this +h#$ter is t sh ! th#t s%+h ide#s +#nn t le#d t #n %nderst#nding f !h' # $ers nEs life t#"es # $#rti+%l#r + %rse. In th#t +#se !e #re f r+ed t l " f r different ide#s) !hi+h 0#' #$$e#r t + ntr#di+t %r %s%#l nes. The nl' re#s n f r n t l "ing f r the0 ! %ld &e # f%nd#0ent#l ref%s#l n %r $#rt t #$$l' the s#0e th %ghtf%l + n6 sider#ti n !ith !hi+h !e investig#te $h'si+#l $r +esses t $r 6 +esses th#t +#n &e gr#s$ed nl' in!#rdl'. This ref%s#l ! %ld 0e#n) f r inst#n+e) th#t !e &elittle the f#+t th#t %r e?$erien+e f # str "e f destin' &e#rs # rese0&l#n+e t !h#t !e e?$erien+e !hen %r 0e0 r' en+ %nters #n event rel#ted t s 0ething !e #+t%#ll' re+ lle+t. :%t if !e tr' t see h ! # str "e f destin' is re#ll' e?$erien+ed) !e +#n disting%ish &et!een the re#l st#te f #ff#irs #nd !h#t +#n &e s#id #& %t s%+h #n e?$erien+e fr 0 # 0erel' e?tern#l $ int f vie! th#t denies #n' vit#l + nne+ti n &et!een this str "e f destin' #nd %r JI.K Fr 0 this $ int f vie!) # str "e f destin' #$$e#rs t &e either # + in+iden+e r s 0ething deter0ined fr 0 %tside. And sin+e in f#+t s 0e str "es f destin' #+t%#ll' #re 0#"ing their first i0$#+t n #

h%0#n life) s t s$e#") #nd nl' sh ! their res%lts l#ter n) the te0$t#ti n is #ll the gre#ter t gener#li=e fr 0 s%+h inst#n+es !ith %t t#"ing #n' ther $ ssi&ilit' int #++ %nt. He &egin t + nsider ther $ ssi&ilities nl' n+e life h#s ed%6 +#ted %r + gnitive #&ilities #nd &r %ght the0 int line !ith !h#t G etheEs friend (ne&el n+e !r te in # letterF
On +l se &serv#ti n) !e !ill find th#t 0 st $e $leEs lives + nt#in # $l#n th#t see0s l#id %t f r the0 either in their !n +h#r#+ter r in the +ir+%0st#n+es th#t g%ide the0. N 0#tter h ! +h#nge#&le #nd v#ried their sit%#ti ns 0#' &e) in the end # +ert#in !h leness r inner + heren+e is #$$#rent. . . . The h#nd f # s$e+ifi+ f#te) n 0#tter h ! hidden its ! r"ing) is still +le#rl' t &e seen) !hether 0 ved &' %ter +#%ses r &' inner i0$%lses. Often) in f#+t) !e #re 0 ved in its dire+ti n f r G%ite + nfli+ting re#s ns. N 0#tter h ! + nf%sed the + %rse f # life 0#' &e) # $l#n #nd # dire+ti n still sh ! thr %gh.Q

R#ising &Ie+ti ns t #n &serv#ti n f this s rt is e#s') es$e6 +i#ll' f r $e $le %n!illing t + nsider the inner e?$erien+es it ste0s fr 0. H !ever) the #%th r f this & " &elieves th#t in !h#t he h#s s#id #& %t destin' #nd re$e#ted e#rth lives) he h#s #++%r#tel' deline#ted the & %nd#ries !ithin !hi+h it is $ ssi&le t f r0 + n+e$ti ns #& %t the +#%ses sh#$ing h%0#n life. He h#s $ inted %t th#t the + nvi+ti n t !hi+h these th %ghts le#d is nl' s"et+hil' defined &' the0) th#t #ll the' +#n d is $re$#re %s in th %ght f r !h#t 0%st %lti0#tel' &e dis+ vered &' 0e#ns f s$irit%#l rese#r+h. In itself) h !ever) #s l ng #s this th %ght $re$6 #r#ti n d es n t e?#gger#te its !n i0$ rt#n+e r #tte0$t t $r ve #n'thing) &%t nl' tr#ins %r s %l) it ent#ils #n inner eff rt th#t +#n 0#"e %s %n&i#sed #nd re+e$tive t f#+ts !e ! %ld si0$l' t#"e f r f lish !ith %t it.
Q(#rl L%d!ig v n (ne&el) ,;886,@58. This letter #$$e#rs in "> L> v> "ne&el% literari%cher Nachla%% und 8rief!ech%el 1J( . L. v n (ne&elEs Liter#r' Leg6 #+' #nd C rres$ nden+eK2) ed. (. A. <#rnh#gen v n Ense R T. *%ndt) /nd ed.) ,@8.) v l. 5) $. 87/.



The Three $orld%


C HAPT ' R .


I> The Soul $orld He h#ve seen th#t #s h%0#n &eings !e &el ng t three ! rlds. The s%&st#n+es #nd f r+es th#t &%ild %$ %r & dies #re t#"en fr 0 the ! rld f in#ni0#te 0#tter. He "n ! #& %t this ! rld thr %gh the $er+e$ti ns f %r %ter $h's6 i+#l senses. An' ne !h tr%sts these senses e?+l%sivel' #nd devel $s nl' their "ind f $er+e$ti n +#nn t g#in #+6 +ess t the ther t! ! rlds) the s %l #nd s$irit%#l ! rlds. Hhether r n t !e +#n $ers%#de %rselves f the re#lit' f #n' &eing r thing de$ends n %r h#ving #n rg#n f $er6 +e$ti n) # sense) f r it. Of + %rse 0is%nderst#ndings +#n e#sil' #rise !hen the higher rg#ns f $er+e$ti n #re re6 ferred t #s s$irit%#l Jsenses)K #s the' #re here. Hhen !e s$e#" #& %t Jsenses)K !e #%t 0#ti+#ll' thin" f s 0e6 thing $h'si+#l. He even +#ll the $h'si+#l ! rld the Jsense ! rldK in + ntr#st t the Js$irit%#l ! rld.K In rder t #v id 0is%nderst#nding) it 0%st &e e0$h#si=ed th#t the ter0 Jhigher sensesK is %sed here nl' fig%r#tivel' #nd #s # + 0$#ris n. M%st #s %r $h'si+#l senses $er+eive !h#t is



$h'si+#l) %r s %l #nd s$irit%#l senses $er+eive !h#t is f # s %l #nd s$irit%#l n#t%re. The ter0 JsenseK !ill &e %sed here nl' in its 0e#ning f J rg#n f $er+e$ti n.K Hith %t e'es th#t #re sensitive t light) !e ! %ld h#ve n "n !ledge f light r f + l r) I%st #s !e ! %ld h#ve n "n !ledge f s %nd !ith %t e#rs th#t #re sensitive t it. In this + nne+ti n) the Ger0#n $hil s $her L t=e is $erfe+tl' I%stified in s#'ingF Hith %t # light6sensing e'e #nd # s %nd6sensing e#r) the !h le ! rld ! %ld &e d#r" #nd silent. It ! %ld &e #s i0$ ssi&le t h#ve light #nd s %nd in it #s it is t h#ve # t th#+he !ith %t the $#in6 sensing nerve., T see #ll f this in the right light) !e need nl' t i0#gine h ! different the ! rld th#t !e h%0#n &eings "n ! 0%st #$$e#r t l !er f r0s f #ni0#l life th#t $ s6 sess nl' # sense f t %+h f # s rt) s$re#d %t ver the s%rf#+e f their & dies. Light) + l r #nd s %nd +#nn t $ ssi&l' &e $resent f r the0 in the sense th#t the' #re f r &eings end !ed !ith e'es #nd e#rs. The vi&r#ti ns in the #ir set ff &' firing # g%n) f r e?#0$le) 0#' #ls h#ve s 0e effe+t n these #ni0#ls if the' #re #+t%#ll' t %+hed &' the0) &%t f r these vi&r#ti ns t register in the s %l #s # sh t) #n e#r is ne+ess#r') I%st #s #n e'e is ne+ess#r' if
,. R%d lf Her0#nn L t=e) ,@,;6,@@,) $h'si+i#n #nd $hil s $her #+tive in Lei$=ig) GSttingen #nd :erlin. Grund;(#e der P% cholo#ie 1JF%nd#0ent#ls f Ps'+h l g'K2) Lei$=ig) ,@-8) $. ,-.

The Three $orld%


+ert#in $r +esses t#"ing $l#+e in the ver' fine 0#tter !e "n ! #s ether #re t #$$e#r #s light #nd + l r. He +#n "n ! s 0ething #& %t the n#t%re f # &eing r thing nl' &e+#%se it h#s #n effe+t n ne f %r rg#ns. This rel#ti nshi$ &et!een the h%0#n &eing #nd the ! rld f re#lities is #d0ir#&l' e?$ressed &' G etheF In re#lit') #n' #tte0$t t e?$ress the inner n#t%re f # thing is fr%itless. Hh#t !e $er+eive #re effe+ts) #nd # + 0$lete re+ rd f these effe+ts %ght t en+ 0$#ss this inner n#t%re. He l#& r in v#in t des+ri&e # $ers nEs +h#r#+ter) &%t !hen !e dr#! t gether his #+ti ns) his deeds) # $i+t%re f his +h#r6 #+ter !ill e0erge. C l rs #re the deeds f light) !h#t it d es #nd !h#t it end%res. . . . Alth %gh it is tr%e th#t + l rs #nd light #re inti0#tel' rel#ted t ne #n ther !e 0%st + nsider & th #s &el nging t #ll n#r%re. Thr %gh the0 n#t%re in its entiret' see"s t 0#nifest itself) in this +#se t the sense f sight) t the e'e. Si0il#rl') the !h le f n#t%re reve#ls itself t 'et #n ther sense. . . . 3It4 s$e#"s to other %en%e% !hi+h lie even dee$er) t "n !n) mi%under%tood9 and un)no!n %en%e%. Th%s it + nverses !ith itself #nd !ith %s thr %gh # th %s#nd $he0 0en#) No one !ho i% o&%ervant !ill ever find nature dead or %ilent>/ 1It#li+s #dded2
/> Scientific Studie%G Goethe) ed. #nd tr#ns. D %gl#s *iller 1Ne! Y r"F S%hr"#0$ P%&lishers) ,-@@2) $.,7@.




G etheEs st#te0ent sh %ld n t &e inter$reted #s den'6 ing the $ ssi&ilit' f %nderst#nding the essenti#l n#t%re f things. He d es n t 0e#n th#t !e $er+eive nl' the effe+ts f things !hile their tr%e n#t%re re0#ins + n+e#led &e6 hind these effe+tsB r#ther) he 0e#ns th#t !e sh %ld n t t#l" #& %t # J+ n+e#led n#t%reK #t #ll. The &eing is n t &e+ hind its 0#nifest#ti n) &%t + 0es int vie! thr %gh its 0#nifest#ti n. H !ever) this &eing 0#' &e s ri+h th#t it +#n dis+l se itself in ther f r0s !hen #$$e#ring t ther senses. Hh#t is dis+l sed d es &el ng t the &eing in G%esti n) &%t &e+#%se f the li0it#ti ns f %r senses) it is n t the !hole &eing. G etheEs vie! f this is the s#0e #s the s$irit%#l s+ientifi+ ne $resented here. Hithin %r & d') %r e'es #nd e#rs devel $ #s rg#ns f $er+e$ti n) #s senses f r & dil' $r +esses. Si0il#rl') !e +#n devel $ s %l #nd s$irit%#l rg#ns f $er+e$ti n th#t !ill $en %$ s %l #nd s$irit ! rlds t %s. F r #n' ne !h d es n t h#ve s%+h higher senses) these ! rlds #re d#r" #nd silent) I%st #s the $h'si+#l ! rld is d#r" #nd si6 lent t # &eing !ith %t e'es #nd e#rs. H !ever) !e rel#te differentl' t these higher senses th#n t %r $h'si+#l nes) !hi+h #s # r%le #re f%ll' devel $ed in %s &' g d * ther N#t%re !ith %t %r d ing #n'thing #& %t it. :%t !e %rselves 0%st ! r" #t devel $ing %r higher senses. M%st #s n#t%re devel $s %r $h'si+#l & d' s th#t !e +#n
/. 1+ ntin%ed2 See #ls < l%0e III f Goethe% Natur!i%%en%chaftli+ che Schriften 1Goethe=% Scientific $or)%2) edited #nd !ith + 00en6 t#r' &' R%d lf Steiner) in (Nrs+hnerEs ,eut%che National+Literature 1Literature of the German Nation2 in five v l%0es) ,@@86-;. Re$rinted in D rn#+h) ,-;7) GA ,#6e.

$er+eive %r $h'si+#l s%rr %ndings #nd rient %rselves in the0) s !e 0%st +%ltiv#te %r !n s %l #nd s$irit if !e !#nt t $er+eive the s %l #nd s$irit ! rlds. There is n thing %nn#t%r#l #& %t +%ltiv#ting the higher rg#ns th#t n#t%re itself h#s n t 'et devel $ed) &e+#%se in # higher sense) ever'thing th#t h%0#n &eings #++ 0$lish #ls &el ngs t n#t%re. Onl' th se !h + ntend th#t !e sh %ld #ll st#' #t the level f devel $0ent !here n#t%re left %s + %ld +#ll devel $ing these higher senses J%nn#t%6 r#l.K F r s%+h $e $le) these rg#ns #nd their signifi+#n+e #re J0is6"n !nK in G etheEs sense. S%+h $e $le 0ight #s !ell $$ se #n' #nd ever' "ind f ed%+#ti n f r h%0#n &eingsD&e+#%se th#t t g es &e' nd the ! r" f n#6 t%reD#nd sh %ld #ls &e es$e+i#ll' $$ sed t $er#ting n #n' ne !h !#s & rn &lind. Hh#t h#$$ens t # &lind $ers n #fter # s%++essf%l $er#ti n is ver' 0%+h li"e !h#t h#$$ens t th se !h #!#"en their higher senses in the !#' des+ri&ed in the l#st se+ti n f this & ". The ! rld n ! #$$e#rs t the0 f%ll f ne! G%#lities) ne! $r +esses #nd ne! f#+ts th#t their $h'si+#l senses never reve#led. The' see +le#rl' th#t there is n thing #r&itr#r' r +#$ri6 +i %s #& %t s%$$le0enting re#lit' thr %gh these higher rg#ns) #nd th#t !ith %t these rg#ns the essenti#l $#rt f this re#lit' ! %ld h#ve re0#ined hidden fr 0 the0. The s %l #nd s$irit ! rlds #re n t Jne?t t K r J %tsideK the $h'si+#l ! rld) n t se$#r#ted fr 0 it in s$#+e. The f r6 0erl' d#r" ! rld is s%ddenl' r#di#nt !ith light #nd + l r f r # $ers n & rn &lind !h h#s %nderg ne #n $er#ti n. Si0il#rl') the s %l #nd s$irit%#l G%#lities f things th#t %n6 til n ! h#d #$$e#red t %s nl' in # $%rel' $h'si+#l !#'


#re reve#led !hen !e #re #!#"ened in s %l #nd s$irit. Of + %rse this ne! ! rld is #ls f%ll f ++%rren+es #nd &e6 ings th#t re0#in t t#ll' %n"n !n t #n' ne !h h#s n t %nderg ne # s %l #nd s$irit%#l #!#"ening. 1L#ter n in this & ") the devel $0ent f the s %l #nd s$irit%#l senses !ill &e dis+%ssed in gre#ter det#il) &%t first the higher ! rlds the0selves !ill &e des+ri&ed. Th se !h den' the e?isten+e f these ! rlds nl' de0 nstr#te th#t the' h#ve n t 'et devel $ed their !n higher rg#ns. H%6 0#n devel $0ent is never + 0$lete #t #n' given levelB it 0%st #l!#'s &e t#"en f%rther.2 He ften tend) %nintenti n#ll') t i0#gine these higher rg#ns #s &eing t 0%+h li"e %r $h'si+#l nes. It is i06 $ rt#nt t re0e0&er th#t these rg#ns #re s %l r s$iri6 t%#l f r0#ti ns #nd th#t !e 0%st n t e?$e+t !h#t !e $er+eive in the higher ! rlds t &e nl' # 0ist' #nd di6 l%ted f r0 f 0#teri#l s%&st#n+e. As l ng #s !e e?$e+t #n'thing f th#t s rt) !e !ill n t + 0e t # +le#r ide# f !h#t is #+t%#ll' 0e#nt here &' Jhigher ! rlds.K *#n' $e $le ! %ld find it 0%+h e#sier t #+t%#ll' "n ! s 0e6 thingD#t first) f + %rse) nl' the ele0ent#r' f#+tsD #& %t these higher ! rlds if the' did n t i0#gine th#t !h#t the' #re t $er+eive is # highl' refined versi n f s 0ething $h'si+#l. Th#t the' 0#"e this #ss%0$ti n %s%6 #ll' 0e#ns th#t the' d n t !#nt t re+ gni=e !h#t is re6 #ll' inv lved. The' find it %nre#l) d n t #++e$t it #s s 0ething th#t + %ld s#tisf' the0) #nd s n. Tr%e) the higher levels f s$irit%#l devel $0ent #re diffi+%lt t re#+h) &%t the levels #deG%#te f r re+ gni=ing the n#t%re f the s$irit%#l ! rldD#nd th#t is #lre#d' # l tD! %ld

n t &e ne#rl' #s diffi+%lt t re#+h if $e $le ! %ld first get rid f the $reI%di+e th#t 0#"es the0 i0#gine th#t !h#t is f # s %l #nd s$irit%#l n#t%re is si0$l' # 0 re refined ver6 si n f !h#t is $h'si+#l. He &vi %sl' d n t re#ll' "n ! # $ers n if !e h#ve nl' #n ide# f his r her $h'si+#l #$$e#r#n+e) n r d !e re#ll' "n ! the ! rld #r %nd %s if !e "n ! nl' !h#t %r $h'si+#l senses +#n tell %s #& %t it. A $h t gr#$h &e6 + 0es intelligi&le #nd f%ll f life t %s n+e !e + 0e t "n ! the $ers n in the $h t gr#$h s !ell th#t !e "n ! his r her s %l) #nd in the s#0e !#') !e +#n re#ll' %nder6 st#nd the 0#teri#l ! rld nl' n+e !e "n ! its s %l #nd s$irit%#l &#sis. Th#t is !h' it is g d t t#l" first #& %t the higher ! rlds f s %l #nd s$irit) #nd nl' then + 0e t + n+l%si ns #& %t the $h'si+#l ! rld fr 0 # s$irit%#l s+i6 entifi+ $ int f vie!. Cert#in diffi+%lties #re inv lved in t#l"ing #& %t higher ! rlds #t the $resent st#ge f +ivili=#ti n. The gre#tness f %r #ge is d%e #& ve #ll t its "n !ledge #nd 0#ster' f the $h'si+#l ! rld. O%r ver' ! rds &e#r the st#0$ #nd 0e#ning f the $h'si+#l ! rld) #nd 'et %sing these rdi6 n#r' ! rds is %r nl' $ ssi&le lin" t !h#t is f#0ili#r. This le#ves the d r !ide $en f r 0is%nderst#nding &' th se !illing t tr%st nl' their %ter senses) sin+e #t first 0%+h +#n &e e?$ressed r indi+#ted nl' thr %gh + 0$#r6 is n #nd i0#ger'. This) h !ever) is h ! it h#s t &e) &e6 +#%se s%+h i0#ges #re # 0e#ns f dire+ting %rselves t !#rd these higher ! rlds #nd f stering %r event%#l #+6 +ess t the0. 1He !ill s$e#" #& %t the #s+ent t higher ! rlds in # l#ter +h#$ter in !hi+h the devel $0ent f the




s %l #nd s$irit%#l rg#ns f $er+e$ti n !ill &e dis+%ssed.5 Indeed) t &egin !ith) &e+ 0ing #!#re f higher ! rlds &' 0e#ns f + 0$#ris ns is e?#+tl' !h#t !e %hould &e d 6 ing. Onl' then +#n !e + nte0$l#te le#rning t see the0 f r %rselves.2 M%st #s the s%&st#n+es #nd f r+es th#t + nstit%te #nd g v6 ern %r st 0#+h) he#rt) l%ngs) &r#in #nd ther rg#ns + 0e fr 0 the 0#teri#l ! rld) %r s %l G%#lities D %r %rges) de6 sires) feelings) $#ssi ns) !ishes) sens#ti ns #nd s nD + 0e fr 0 the s %l ! rld. The h%0#n s %l is # 0e0&er f this s %l ! rld I%st #s the & d' is # $#rt f the $h'si+#l ! rld. If !e !#nt t +ite # $reli0in#r' differen+e &et!een the $h'si+#l #nd s %l ! rlds) !e +#n s#' th#t the l#tter is 0%+h finer) 0 re 0 &ile #nd 0 re 0#lle#&le th#n the f r0er. *e#n!hile) f + %rse) !e h#ve t re#li=e th#t !e #re entering # t t#ll' ne! ! rld !hen !e + 0e t the s %l ! rld) #nd th#t !hen !e +#ll things J+ #rserK r JfinerK in this + nte?t) !e #re dr#!ing + 0$#ris ns &et!een things th#t #re #+t%#ll' f%nd#0ent#ll' different. The s#0e #$6 $lies t ever'thing !e +#n s#' #& %t the s %l ! rld %sing ! rds & rr !ed fr 0 the $h'si+#l. T#"ing this int + n6 sider#ti n) !e +#n s#' th#t the f r0#ti ns #nd &eings f the s %l ! rld + nsist f s %l s%&st#n+es #nd #re g%ided &' s %l f r+es I%st #s is the +#se !ith $h'si+#l s%&st#n+es #nd f r+es in the $h'si+#l ! rld.
5. These s$irit%#l rg#ns f $er+e$ti n) #ls dis+%ssed &riefl' in # l#ter +h#$ter entitled JThe P#th t (n !ledge)K #re de#lt !ith in gre#ter det#il in 0' & "s Ho! to "no! Hi#her $orld% #nd Occult Science.

M%st #s ++%$#ti n f s$#+e #nd 0 ve0ent !ithin s$#+e #re +h#r#+teristi+ f $h'si+#l f r0s) s #re i0$elling de6 sires #nd res$ nsiveness t sti0%li +h#r#+teristi+ f the things #nd &eings f the s %l ! rld. Th%s !e +#n #ls +#ll the s %l ! rld the ! rld f desires) !ishes r l nging. These e?$ressi ns #re #ll & rr !ed fr 0 the ! rld f the h%0#n s %l) s !e 0%st "ee$ in 0ind th#t in $#rts f the s %l ! rld l'ing %tside the h%0#n s %l) things #re #s dif6 ferent fr 0 the s %l f r+es !ithin the h%0#n s %l #s the s%&st#n+es #nd f r+es f the %ter $h'si+#l ! rld #re fr 0 th se th#t + nstit%te the $h'si+#l h%0#n & d'. 1JUrge)K J!ishK #nd Jl ngingK #re ter0s des+ri&ing the s %l ! rldEs J0#teri#l)K !hi+h !e !ill +#ll J#str#l s%&6 st#n+e.K If !e $#' 0 re #ttenti n t the s %l ! rldEs force%) !e +#n %se the ter0 Jdesire &eing)K &%t !e 0%st n t f rget th#t the distin+ti n here &et!een 0#tter #nd f r+e r energ' +#nn t &e #s stri+t #s it is in the $h'si+#l ! rld. An %rge +#n I%st #s !ell &e +#lled # Jf r+eK #s # Js%&st#n+e.K2 These differen+es &et!een the s %l #nd $h'si+#l ! rlds +#n &e &e!ildering f r #n' ne l "ing int the s %l ! rld f r the first ti0e) &%t the s#0e is tr%e !hen # $revi %sl' in#+tive $h'si+#l sense $ens #nd st#rts t f%n+ti n. After e'e $er#ti ns) $e $le !h !ere & rn &lind 0%st #ls le#rn t rient the0selves in # ! rld the' %sed t "n ! nl' thr %gh the sense f t %+h. At first) the' see the &6 Ie+ts #s if these !ere #+t%#ll' in their e'esB ne?t the' see the0 %tside their e'es) &%t #s if $#inted n # fl#t s%rf#+e. Onl' gr#d%#ll' d the' le#rn t $er+eive de$th #nd the s$#ti#l dist#n+e &et!een things.




The l#!s in effe+t in the s %l ! rld #re entirel' differ6 ent fr 0 the nes in effe+t in the $h'si+#l ! rld) #l6 th %gh f + %rse 0#n' s %l f r0#ti ns #re lin"ed t th se f the ther ! rlds. The h%0#n s %l) f r e?#0$le) is lin"ed t the h%0#n $h'si+#l & d' #nd t the h%0#n s$irit) #nd the $r +esses &serv#&le in it #re infl%en+ed &' & th the $h'si+#l #nd s$irit%#l ! rlds. He 0%st t#"e this int #++ %nt !hen &serving the s %l ! rld) #nd !e 0%st n t 0#"e the 0ist#"e f #ttri&%ting t # l#! f the s %l ! rld !h#t is #+t%#ll' d%e t the infl%en+e f ne f the ther ! rlds. F r e?#0$le) !hen # !ish $r +eeds fr 0 # h%0#n &eing) it is +#rried &' # th %ght) # s$irit%#l + n+e$ti n) !h se l#!s it &e's. :%t I%st #s !e +#n es6 t#&lish !h#t the l#!s f the $h'si+#l ! rld #re &' disre6 g#rding the infl%en+e h%0#n &eings h#ve n its $r +esses) f r e?#0$le) !e +#n d s 0ething si0il#r !ith the s %l ! rld. He +#n e?$ress #n i0$ rt#nt differen+e &et!een s %l #nd $h'si+#l $r +esses &' s#'ing th#t the inter#+ti n &e6 t!een s %l $r +esses is 0%+h 0 re in!#rd. In $h'si+#l s$#+e) f r inst#n+e) the l#! f i0$#+t is in effe+t. If # 0 ving iv r' &#ll stri"es #n ther ne #t rest) the se+ nd &#ll 0 ves in # dire+ti n th#t +#n &e +#l+%l#ted fr 0 the 0 ti n #nd el#sti+it' f the first. In s %l s$#+e) h !ever) the inter#+ti n &et!een t! f r0#ti ns th#t 0eet de$ends n their inner #ttri&%tes. If the' #re rel#ted) the' inter$en6 etr#te #nd gr ! t gether) s t s$e#". If their essenti#l n#6 t%res #re in + nfli+t) the' re$el e#+h ther. T t#"e #n ther e?#0$le) +ert#in l#!s g vern the !#' !e see things in $h'si+#l s$#+eDdist#nt &Ie+ts #$$e#r red%+ed

in si=e. Hhen !e l " d !n # l ng tree6lined street) the trees in the dist#n+e) in #++ rd#n+e !ith the l#!s f $er6 s$e+tive) #$$e#r +l ser t gether th#n the nes in the f re6 gr %nd. :%t in s %l s$#+e #ll things) ne#r #nd f#r) #$$e#r t the &server #t dist#n+es fr 0 ne #n ther th#t #re de6 ter0ined &' their inner n#t%re. Of + %rse this +#n &e # s %r+e f #n' n%0&er f err rs f r #n' ne !h enters s %l s$#+e #nd tries t get #l ng %sing r%les &r %ght fr 0 the $h'si+#l ! rld. One f the first things !e 0%st le#rn in rder t rient %rselves in the s %l ! rld is t disting%ish the different t'$es f f r0#ti ns) I%st #s !e disting%ish &et!een s lid) liG%id #nd g#se %s & dies in the $h'si+#l ! rld. T d this) !e need t &e #!#re f the t! &#si+ f r+es th#t #re #ll6i0$ rt#nt here) !hi+h 0#' &e +#lled % mpath #nd an+ tipath . H ! these f%nd#0ent#l f r+es ! r" !ithin # s %l f r0#ti n deter0ines its t'$e. S mpath is the f r+e !ith !hi+h s %l f r0#ti ns #ttr#+t e#+h ther) tr' t 0erge !ith e#+h ther) #nd let their #ffinit' t#"e effe+t. Antipa+ th ) n the ther h#nd) is the f r+e thr %gh !hi+h s %l f r6 0#ti ns re$el #nd e?+l%de e#+h ther) #nd 0#int#in their !n identit'. The r le # s %l f r0#ti n $l#'s in the s %l ! rld de$ends n the e?tent t !hi+h these &#si+ f r+es #re $resent in it. First !e 0%st disting%ish three t'$es f s %l f r0#ti ns n the &#sis f h ! s'0$#th' #nd #nti$6 #th' #+t in the0. These t'$es differ in their s$e+ifi+ inner interrel#ti nshi$s f s'0$#th' #nd #nti$#th') &%t &oth &#6 si+ f r+es #re $resent in #ll three. Hhen !e l " #t # s %l f r0#ti n f the first t'$e) !e find th#t it #ttr#+ts ther f r0#ti ns in its s%rr %ndings


&' 0e#ns f the s'0$#th' #t ! r" !ithin it. :%t in #ddi6 ti n t this s'0$#th') #nti$#th' is #ls $resent #t the s#0e ti0e) +#%sing the f r0#ti n t re$el +ert#in things in its s%rr %ndings. Seen fr 0 %tside) this t'$e f f r6 0#ti n #$$e#rs t $ ssess nl' #nti$#theti+ f r+es) &%t th#t is n t the +#se. : th s'0$#th' #nd #nti$#th' #re $resent in it) &%t the l#tter is d 0in#nt. F r0#ti ns li"e this $l#' # self6+entered r le in s %l s$#+e) re$elling 0%+h f !h#t s%rr %nds the0 #nd l vingl' #ttr#+ting rel#tivel' little. Th%s) the' 0 ve thr %gh s %l s$#+e #s %n+h#nge#&le f r0s. The f r+e f s'0$#th' $resent in the0 0#"es the0 #$$e#r greed') #nd their greed #$$e#rs ins#ti#&le) #s th %gh it + %ld never &e s#tisfied) sin+e their $rev#iling #nti$#th' re$els s 0%+h f !h#t #$6 $r #+hes the0 th#t n s#tisf#+ti n +#n ++%r. If !e !ere t + 0$#re s %l f r0#ti ns f this t'$e t s 0ething in the $h'si+#l ! rld) !e 0ight s#' th#t the' + rres$ nd t s lid $h'si+#l & dies. This regi n f s %l s%&st#n+e +#n &e +#lled J&%rning desire.K The $ rti n f this &%rning desire th#t is in+l%ded in #ni0#l #nd h%0#n s %ls deter6 0ines !h#t !e "n ! #s their l !er sens%#l %rges) their $rev#iling self6serving instin+ts. In the se+ nd t'$e f s %l f r0#ti n) the t! &#si+ f r+es #re held in &#l#n+eB th#t is) s'0$#th' #nd #nti$#th' ! r" eG%#ll' str ngl'. F r0#ti ns f this s rt #$$r #+h thers !ith # +ert#in ne%tr#lit') #+ting #s if the' !ere re6 l#ted &%t !ith %t es$e+i#ll' #ttr#+ting r re$elling the0. The' d n t dr#! #n' fi?ed & %nd#ries &et!een the06 selves #nd their s%rr %ndings) s t s$e#") #nd + nst#ntl' #ll ! the0selves t &e infl%en+ed &' ther f r0#ti ns

#r %nd the0. F r these re#s ns) the' +#n &e + 0$#red t fl%id s%&st#n+es in the $h'si+#l ! rld. There is n tr#+e f greed in the !#' s%+h f r0#ti ns dr#! thers t !#rd the0. The "ind f #+tivit' 0e#nt here is evident) f r in6 st#n+e) !hen the s %l re+eives # sens#ti n f + l r. If I h#ve the sens#ti n f # red + l r) I #0 re+eiving # sti0%l%s fr 0 0' s%rr %ndings) # sti0%l%s th#t is neutral t &egin !ith. Onl' !hen 0' li"ing f r red is #dded t the sti0%l%s d es #n ther s %l #+tivit' enter the $i+t%re. The ne%tr#l sti0%l%s is +#%sed &' s %l f r0#ti ns in !hi+h # &#l#n+ed inter#+ti n &et!een s'0$#th' #nd #nti$#th' is 0#in6 t#ined. He 0%st des+ri&e the s %l s%&st#n+e in G%esti n #s t t#ll' 0#lle#&le #nd fl !ing. Hhen it 0 ves thr %gh s %l s$#+e) it is n t self6+entered li"e the first t'$eB its e?6 isten+e is + nst#ntl' re+e$tive t i0$ressi ns) #nd it sh !s # rel#ti nshi$ t 0%+h f !h#t + 0es t 0eet it. JFl !ing sensitivit'K is # ter0 th#t 0ight &e #$$lied t this se+ nd t'$e. In the third t'$e f s %l f r0#ti ns) s'0$#th' $red 06 in#tes ver #nti$#th'. Anti$#th' &rings #& %t self6+en6 tered self6#sserti nB in this +#se) h !ever) it t#"es se+ nd $l#+e t in+lin#ti n t !#rd things in the s%rr %ndings. He +#n i0#gine # f r0#ti n li"e this in s %l s$#+e. It #$$e#rs #s the +enter f # s$here f #ttr#+ti n re#+hing %t ver the &Ie+ts in its s%rr %ndings. An #$$r $ri#te ter0 f r these $#rti+%l#r f r0#ti ns is J!ish s%&st#nti#lit'.K This see0s t &e the right design#ti n &e+#%se the effe+t f the #nti$6 #th' $resent in the0) #lth %gh it is !e#"er th#n the s'06 $#th') is t &ring the &Ie+ts the f r0#ti n #ttr#+ts int its !n s$here f infl%en+e) th%s giving the s'0$#th' in it #



f%nd#0ent#l n te f self6see"ing. This !ish s%&st#nti#l6 it' +#n &e + 0$#red t #ir' r g#se %s & dies in the $h's6 i+#l ! rld) sin+e it s$re#ds %t in #ll dire+ti ns) I%st #s # g#s n#t%r#ll' tries t e?$#nd n #ll sides. The higher levels f s %l s%&st#n+e #re +h#r#+teri=ed &' the t t#l !ithdr#!#l f ne f the f%nd#0ent#l f r+es) n#0el' #nti$#th'B nl' s'0$#th' e?hi&its #n' effe+6 tiveness. It +#n n ! &egin t #ssert itself !ithin the $#rts f the s %l f r0#ti n s th#t these $#rts #ttr#+t e#+h ther. The f r+e f s'0$#th' !ithin # s %l & d' + 0es t e?$ressi n in !h#t !e +#ll plea%ureB #n' red%+ti n in s'0$#th' is +#lled di%plea%ure. Dis$le#s%re is si0$l' di6 0inished $le#s%re) I%st #s + ld is di0inished he#t. Ple#6 s%re #nd dis$le#s%re + nstit%te !h#t lives in the ! rld f feelin#%Din the n#rr !er senseD!ithin # h%0#n &eing. Feelin# is the s %lEs !e#ving #+tivit' !ithin itself) #nd !h#t !e +#ll %r J+ 0f rtK de$ends n h ! feelings f $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re 0ingle in %r s %l. A still higher level is ++%$ied &' the s %l f r0#ti ns !h se s'0$#th' is n t + nfined t the d 0#in f their !n lives. The') #s !ell #s the #& ve60enti ned f %rth level) differ fr 0 the three l !er levels in th#t the f r+e f s'0$#th' n l nger h#s #n' + %nter#+tive #nti$#th' t ver+ 0e. Onl' thr %gh these higher f r0s f s %l s%&st#n+e +#n the 0#n' different s %l f r0#ti ns %nite int # + 00 n s %l ! rld. As l ng #s #n' #nti$#th' is inv lved) # s %l f r0#ti n strives t !#rd ther things f r the s#"e f its !n life) in rder t strengthen #nd enri+h itself thr %gh the ther. Hhen #nti$#th' is silent) the ther is re+eived #s revel#ti n) #s inf r0#ti n. In s %l

s$#+e) this higher f r0 f s %l s%&st#n+e $l#'s # r le si0il#r t th#t f light in $h'si+#l s$#+e. It +#%ses ne s %l f r0#ti n t #&s r& the &eing #nd essen+e f thers f r their !n s#"e) r) #s !e 0ight #ls $%t it) lets itself &e sh ne %$ n &' the0. S %l &eings first #!#"en t tr%e s %l life &' dr#!ing fr 0 these higher regi ns. Their s%&d%ed life in the d#r"ness $ens %$ t the %tside #nd st#rts t shine #nd r#di#te %t int s %l s$#+eB their d%ll #nd sl%ggish inner 0 ve0ent) !hi+h #tte0$ts t sh%t it6 self ff &' 0e#ns f #nti$#th' !hen nl' the s%&st#n+es f the l !er regi ns #re $resent) is tr#nsf r0ed int $ !er #nd 0 &ilit' $ %ring %t fr 0 !ithin. The fl !6 ing sensitivit' f the se+ nd regi n + 0es int effe+t nl' n + nt#+t) !hen s %l f r0#ti ns 0eet) in !hi+h +#se ne fl !s ver int the ther. A+t%#l + nt#+t is ne+6 ess#r' here. :%t in the %$$er regi ns # free %tr#'ing #nd %t$ %ring is the r%le. 1It is G%ite I%stified t +h#r#+teri=e the essen+e f this regi n #s Jr#'ing %t)K sin+e the s'06 $#th' devel $ed here ! r"s in s%+h # !#' th#t this e?6 $ressi n derived fr 0 the ! r"ing f light +#n s%rel' &e %sed #s its s'0& l.2 A s %l f r0#ti n !ith %t the en6 livening s %l s%&st#n+es f the higher regi ns gr !s st%nted li"e # $l#nt in # d#r" +ell#r. Soul li#ht) active %oul po!er #nd %oul life itself Din the n#rr !er senseD&e6 l ng t these regi ns #nd fr 0 here i0$#rt the0selves t the s %l &eings. He 0%st th%s disting%ish three l !er #nd three %$$er regi ns f the s %l ! rld #nd # f %rth th#t 0edi#tes &e6 t!een the0) 'ielding the f ll !ing s%&divisi n f the s %l ! rldF


,. /. 5. 8. 7. 9. ;.

Regi Regi Regi Regi Regi Regi Regi

n n n n n n n

f &%rning desire f fl !ing sensitivit' f !ishes f $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re f s %l light f #+tive s %l $ !er f s %l life


In the first three regi ns) s %l f r0#ti ns re+eive their +h#r#+teristi+ G%#lities fr 0 the inner rel#ti nshi$ &e6 t!een #nti$#th' #nd s'0$#th'B in the f %rth) s'0$#th' 0 ves #nd ! r"s !ithin # s %l f r0#ti n itselfB in the three highest regi ns) the f r+e f s'0$#th' &e+ 0es ever freer. The s %l s%&st#n+es f these highest regi ns !#ft thr %gh s %l s$#+e) enlightening #nd enlivening) #!#"ening !h#t ! %ld) if left t itself) l se itself in its !n e?isten+e. Alth %gh it sh %ld &e %nne+ess#r' t 0enti n it &' n !) let %s e0$h#si=e f r the s#"e f +l#rit' th#t these seven divisi ns f the s %l ! rld d n t re$resent distin+t #nd se$#r#te #re#s. M%st #s s lid) fl%id #nd g#se %s s%&6 st#n+es inter0ingle in the $h'si+#l ! rld) &%rning de6 sires) fl !ing sensitivit' #nd the f r+es f the ! rld f !ishes inter$enetr#te in the s %l ! rld. On the $h'si+#l level) he#t $enetr#tes #nd light shines n & diesB in the s %l ! rld) the s#0e thing h#$$ens !ith $le#s%re #nd dis6 $le#s%re) #nd !ith s %l light. S 0ething si0il#r is #ls tr%e f #+tive s %l $ !er #nd s %l life.

II> The Soul in the Soul $orld after ,eath The h%0#n s %l is the + nne+ting lin" &et!een the h%6 0#n s$irit #nd the h%0#n & d'. Its f r+es f s'0$#th' #nd #nti$#th'D!hi+h thr %gh their inter$l#' &ring #& %t the s %lEs e?$ressi ns f desire) sensitivit') !ish) $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re) #nd s nD#re n t nl' #+tive &et!een s %l f r0#ti ns) &%t #ls e?$ress the0selves in rel#ti nshi$ t the &eings f the ther ! rlds) the $h'si6 +#l #nd the s$irit%#l. Hhile the s %l is living in # & d') it $#rti+i$#tes t s 0e degree in ever'thing th#t g es n in this & d'. Hhen the f%n+ti ns f the $h'si+#l & d' #re $r +eeding s0 thl') $le#s%re #nd + 0f rt #rise in the s %l) &%t !hen these f%n+ti ns #re dist%r&ed) dis$le#s%re #nd $#in #$$e#r. :%t the s %l #ls t#"es $#rt in the s$ir6 itEs #+tivitiesD ne th %ght fills it !ith I ') #n ther !ith disg%stB it #$$l#%ds # + rre+t I%dg0ent #nd dis#$$r ves f # f#lse ne. A $ers nEs level f devel $0ent de$ends n !hether his r her s %l le#ns 0 re in the ne dire+ti n r in #n ther. Individ%#ls #re the 0 re ne#rl' $erfe+t the 0 re their s %ls s'0$#thi=e !ith 0#nifest#ti ns f the s$irit) the less $erfe+t the 0 re their s %lsE in+lin#ti ns #re s#tisfied thr %gh & dil' f%n+ti ns. The s$irit is #t the +enter f e#+h h%0#n &eing) #nd the & d' is the instr%0ent thr %gh !hi+h the s$irit &serves #nd "n !s) #nd #ls #+ts in) the $h'si+#l ! rld. The s %l) h !ever) 0edi#tes &et!een the t! . F r e?#0$le) it re6 le#ses the sens#ti n f t ne fr 0 the $h'si+#l i0$ressi ns th#t #ir vi&r#ti ns 0#"e n the e#r) #nd then it e?$erien+es $le#s%re in this t ne. It i0$#rts #ll this t the s$irit) !hi+h



gr !s in its %nderst#nding f the $h'si+#l ! rld #s # re6 s%lt. A th %ght th#t #$$e#rs in the s$irit is + nverted &' the s %l int the !ish t &ring the th %ght int &eing) #nd nl' thenD!ith the hel$ f the & dil' instr%0ent D+#n the th %ght &e+ 0e #n #++ 0$lished deed. He h%0#n &eings +#n live %$ t %r +#lling nl' &' letting #ll f %r #+tivit' &e dire+ted &' the s$irit. Left t itself) the s %l +#n #s e#sil' t%rn its in+lin#ti ns t !#rd the $h'si+#l ! rld #s t !#rd the s$irit%#lB its Jfeelers)K s t s$e#") e?tend d !n int the $h'si+#l #s !ell #s %$ int the s$irit. Thr %gh this e?tensi n int the $h'si+#l ! rld &el !) the s %lEs !n essenti#l &eing is $er0e#ted #nd + l red &' the n#t%re f this $h'si+#l ! rld. And sin+e the s$irit +#n nl' ! r" in the $h'si+#l ! rld &' 0e#ns f the s %lEs 0edi#ti n) the s$irit itself $ ints in the dire+ti n f the $h'si+#l. Its f r0#ti ns #re dr#!n t !#rd the $h'si+#l thr %gh the f r+es f the s %l. C nsider %ndevel $ed h%0#n &eings. Their s %lsE in6 +lin#ti ns #re +l sel' lin"ed t their & dil' f%n+ti ns. The' e?$erien+e $le#s%re nl' thr %gh the i0$ressi ns the $h'si+#l ! rld 0#"es n their senses. Even their 0en6 t#l #+tivit' is + 0$letel' dr#!n d !n int this s$hereB their th %ghts serve nl' t s#tisf' the needs f their $h'si+#l e?isten+e. :%t #s the s$irit%#l self $r +eeds fr 0 in+#rn#ti n t in+#rn#ti n) its rient#ti n is 0e#nt t &e $r vided in+re#singl' &' the s$irit) its "n !ledge deter6 0ined &' the s$irit f etern#l tr%th #nd its #+tivit' &' eter6 n#l g dness. De#th is # f#+t f the $h'si+#l ! rld th#t signifies # +h#nge in the f%n+ti ning f the & d'. At de#th the & d'

+e#ses t &e # vehi+le f r # s %l #nd # s$irit) #nd fr 0 then n its f%n+ti ns &e+ 0e t t#ll' s%&Ie+t t the $h's6 i+#l ! rld #nd $h'si+#l l#!s. It $#sses int the $h'si+#l ! rld in rder t disintegr#te in it. O%r $h'si+#l senses +#n &serve nl' !h#t h#$$ens t the & d' #fter de#thB !h#t h#$$ens t the s %l #nd s$irit el%des the0. Even !hen # $ers n is #live) the s %l #nd s$irit +#n &e &6 served nl' t the e?tent th#t the' t#"e n #n %ter 0#n6 ifest#ti n in $h'si+#l $r +esses. After de#th) this is n l nger $ ssi&le. Theref re) s+ien+es &#sed n $h'si+#l sense $er+e$ti n d n t #$$l' t the destin' f the s %l #nd s$irit #fter de#th. At this $ int # higher f r0 f "n !ledge #$$e#rs) # "n !ledge &#sed n the &ser6 v#ti n f $r +esses t#"ing $l#+e in the s %l #nd s$irit ! rlds. After freeing itself fr 0 the & d') the s$irit is still lin"ed t the s %l. M%st #s the & d' & %nd it t the $h'si+#l ! rld d%ring $h'si+#l life) the s %l n ! &inds it t the s %l ! rld. :%t the s$iritEs %lti0#te &eing is n t t &e f %nd in this s %l ! rld) !h se $%r$ se is nl' t lin" it t its field f #+tivit') t the $h'si+#l ! rld. T &e #&le t re#$$e#r in 0 re $erfe+ted f r0 in # ne! in+#rn#ti n) the s$irit 0%st dr#! energ' #nd strength fr 0 the s$irit%#l ! rld. Thr %gh the s %l) h !ever) the s$irit h#s &een en6 t#ngled in the $h'si+#l ! rld) & %nd %$ !ith # s %l &eing $er0e#ted #nd + l red &' $h'si+#l n#t%re) #nd it #ls t " n this rient#ti n itself. After de#th) the s %l is n l nger & %nd t the & d' &%t nl' t the s$irit. It then lives in # s %l envir n0ent) #nd nl' the f r+es f this s %l ! rld +#n infl%en+e it. T &egin


!ith) the s$irit is & %nd t the s %lEs life in the s %l ! rld) I%st #s it !#s & %nd t the & d' d%ring $h'si+#l in+#rn#6 ti n. The 0 0ent f the & d'Es de#th is deter0ined &' the & d'Es !n l#!s. In gener#l) the s %l #nd s$irit d n t le#ve the & d'B it is r#ther dis0issed &' the08 !hen its f r+es +#n n l nger f%n+ti n #s the h%0#n $h'si+#l rg#6 ni=#ti n reG%ires. The s#0e thing #$$lies t the rel#ti n6 shi$ &et!een s %l #nd s$irit. The s %l !ill rele#se the s$irit int the higher ! rld) the s$irit%#l ! rld) !hen the s %lEs f r+es n l nger f%n+ti n #s the h%0#n s %l rg#ni6 =#ti n reG%ires. The s$irit is set free #s s n #s the s %l s%rrenders t diss l%ti n ever'thing it +#n e?$erien+e nl' in the & d') #nd ret#ins nl' !h#t is #&le t live n !ith the s$irit. This re0#inder) #lth %gh e?$erien+ed in the & d') +#n &e i0$rinted n the s$irit #s the fr%its f # lifeti0e) #nd lin"s the s %l t the s$irit in the $%rel' s$iri6 t%#l ! rld. T &e+ 0e f#0ili#r !ith the s %lEs f#te #fter de#th) !e 0%st &serve the $r +ess f its diss l%ti n. Its t#s" h#d &een t rient the s$irit t !#rd the $h'si+#l) #nd #s s n #s this t#s" is f%lfilled) the s %l itself 0 ves in the dire+6 ti n f the s$irit%#l. :e+#%se f the n#t%re f its t#s") it ! %ld #+t%#ll' &e i00edi#tel' &liged t &e nl' s$iri6 t%#ll' #+tive n+e the & d' f#lls #!#' fr 0 it #nd it +#n
8. P%&lisherEs n teF This $#ss#ge re#ds) Jthe' #re r#ther dis0issed &' itK in the ,-th 1St%ttg#rt ,-//2 thr %gh /9th 1St%ttg#rt ,-8@2 edi6 ti ns. In #ll editi ns sin+e the /;th 1St%ttg#rt ,-772 the ! rding f the ,st thr %gh ,@th editi ns h#s &een rest red. It is n t +ert#in th#t the +h#nges intr d%+ed in ,-// ste0 fr 0 the #%th r) s & th ver6 si ns h#ve &een $resented here.

n l nger &e # + nne+ting lin". This ! %ld h#$$en if the s %l h#d n t &een infl%en+ed &' the & d' f r # !h le life6 ti0e #nd h#d n t &een dr#!n t !#rds the & d' in its !n in+lin#ti ns. Hith %t the + l ring it #ss%0ed thr %gh &e6 ing & %nd %$ !ith the & d') the ne!l' dise0& died s %l ! %ld i00edi#tel' st#rt t &e' nl' the l#!s f the s$irit #nd s %l ! rld. This ! %ld &e the +#se if the $ers n in G%esti n h#d l st #ll interest in the e#rthl' ! rld &ef re d'ing) if #ll the desires) !ishes #nd s n lin"ing th#t individ%#l t the $h'si+#l e?isten+e left &ehind h#d &een s#tisfied. :%t t the e?tent th#t this is n t the +#se) !h#t re0#ins f this rient#ti n +lings t the s %l. T #v id + nf%si n #t this $ int) !e 0%st +le#rl' distin6 g%ish &et!een s 0ething th#t &inds # $ers n t the ! rld in # !#' th#t +#n &e res lved in # f%t%re in+#rn#ti n) #nd s 0ething th#t &inds th#t individ%#l t ne $#rti+%l#r in6 +#rn#ti n) n#0el' the 0 st re+ent ne. In the first +#se) the sit%#ti n is res lved &' "#r0#B in the se+ nd) it +#n nl' &e dis+#rded &' the s %l #fter de#th. F r the h%0#n s$irit) de#th is f ll !ed &' # ti0e in !hi+h the s %l stri$s itself f its in+lin#ti ns t !#rd $h's6 i+#l e?isten+e s th#t it +#n n+e #g#in &e' nl' the l#!s f the s$irit #nd s %l ! rlds #nd +#n set the s$irit free. Of + %rse this t#"es l nger in +#ses !here the s %l h#s &een 0 re tightl' & %nd t the $h'si+#l. It t#"es little ti0e in +#ses f individ%#ls !h h#ve n t &een ver' #tt#+hed t $h'si+#l life) l nger in +#ses f th se !h se interests !ere t t#ll' & %nd %$ !ith th#t life #nd !h theref re still h#ve 0#n' desires) !ishes #nd s n $resent in their s %ls #t de#th.





G#ining #n ide# f the st#te in !hi+h the s %l lives d%r6 ing the ti0e right #fter de#th !ill &e e#siest if !e t#"e # f#irl' +r#ss e?#0$leDf r inst#n+e) the $le#s%re f # g %r0et. This $le#s%re) f + %rse) is n t f the & d' &%t f the s %l) in th#t & th the $le#s%re #nd the desire f r this $le#s%re &el ng t the s %l. H !ever) s#tisf'ing this de6 sire reG%ires the + rres$ nding & dil' rg#nsD$#l#te) t#ste &%ds #nd s n. After de#th) the s %l d es n t i00e6 di#tel' l se its desire) &%t the $h'si+#l rg#ns th#t %sed t &e the 0e#ns f s#tisf'ing it #re n l nger there. The $er6 s n in G%esti n then e?$erien+es s 0ething si0il#r t s%ffering fr 0 e?tre0e thirst in #n #re# !here there is n !#ter f r 0iles #r %nd. 1Alth %gh the re#s n f r the s%f6 fering is different) its effe+ts #re si0il#r &%t 0%+h str n6 ger.2 :e+#%se f the l#+" f the $h'si+#l rg#ns thr %gh !hi+h $le#s%re !#s e?$erien+ed) the s %l s%ffers &%rning $#in #t &eing de$rived f this $le#s%re. The s#0e #$$lies t #n' f the s %lEs desires th#t +#n &e s#tisfied nl' &' 0e#ns f $h'si+#l rg#ns. This st#te f &%rning de$riv#6 ti n +#n &e +#lled Jthe $l#+e f desires)K #lth %gh f + %rse it is n t #n #+t%#l $l#+e. It l#sts %ntil the s %l h#s le#rned t st $ +r#ving !h#t +#n &e $r vided nl' &' the & d'. Hhen the s %l enters the s %l ! rld #fter de#th) it is s%&Ie+t t the l#!s th#t $rev#il there) #nd their effe+ts de6 ter0ine h ! the s %lEs in+lin#ti n t !#rd the $h'si+#l !ill &e eli0in#ted. The effe+ts !ill h#ve t &e different #++ rding t the t'$es f s %l s%&st#n+es #nd f r+es in6 v lved) &%t e#+h t'$e !ill 0#"e its +le#nsing #nd $%rif'6 ing infl%en+e felt. The $r +ess is s%+h th#t #n' #nti$#th'

in the s %l is gr#d%#ll' ver+ 0e &' the f r+es f s'0$#6 th') #nd the s'0$#th' itself is t#"en t the %lti0#te de6 gree. At this highest level f s'0$#th' t !#rd #ll the rest f the s %l ! rld) #n individ%#l s %l 0erges !ith the rest) s t s$e#") &e+ 0es ne !ith it) its self6see"ing e?6 h#%sted. It +e#ses t e?ist #s # &eing in+lined t !#rd $h'si+#l) sens r' e?isten+e) #nd thr %gh this the s$irit is set free. The s %l %nderg es $%rifi+#ti n in #ll the regi ns f the s %l ! rld des+ri&ed $revi %sl') %ntil in the regi n f $erfe+t s'0$#th' it &e+ 0es ne !ith the s %l ! rld in gener#l. :e+#%se the s$irit h#s s$ent # lifeti0e in inti0#te #ss 6 +i#ti n !ith the s %l) it is & %nd t it %ntil the ver' l#st 0 0ent f li&er#ti n. H#ving &een dire+tl' lin"ed t the s %l) !hi+h !#s its ver' life) the s$irit is 0%+h 0 re +l sel' rel#ted t it th#n t the & d') t !hi+h it !#s lin"ed nl' indire+tl') thr %gh the s %l. The s$irit is & %nd t the s %l th#t is gr#d%#ll' freeing itself) &%t n t t the disintegr#ting & d'. :e+#%se it h#s # dire+t lin" t the s %l) the s$irit +#n nl' feel free f the s %l n+e the s %l h#s &e+ 0e ne !ith the s %l ! rld in gener#l. As the h%0#n &eingEs residen+e d%ring the ti0e i00e6 di#tel' #fter de#th) the s %l ! rld +#n &e +#lled the J$l#+e f desires.K The different religi %s s'ste0s th#t h#ve in+ r$ r#ted #n #!#reness f this sit%#ti n int their te#+hings "n ! this J$l#+e f desiresK %nder differ6 ent n#0es s%+h #s J$%rg#t r')K Jthe fire f $%rifi+#ti n)K #nd s n. The s %l ! rldEs l !est regi n is the regi n f &%rning desire) !here the s %lEs +r%dest self6serving desires) th se



rel#ting t the l !est #s$e+t f & dil' life) #re eli0in#ted #fter de#th. Thr %gh s%+h desires) the s %l +#n e?$erien+e the effe+t f this regi nEs f r+es. These f r+es t#"e #s their $ int f #tt#+" #ll the %nf%lfilled desires th#t re0#in in the s %l fr 0 $h'si+#l life. The s'0$#th' in s%+h # s %l e?6 tends nl' t !h#t !ill n %rish its !n self6see"ing &eing) #nd is f#r %t!eighed &' the #nti$#th' in it) !hi+h $ %rs %t ver #n'thing else. H !ever) #fter de#th its desires f 6 +%s n $h'si+#l $le#s%res th#t +#nn t $ ssi&l' &e s#tisfied in the s %l ! rld) #nd this i0$ ssi&ilit' intensifies its greed t the gre#test $ ssi&le degree. At the s#0e ti0e) h !ever) this i0$ ssi&ilit' gr#d%#ll' e?ting%ishes the greed. The &%rning l%sts #nd desires sl !l' + ns%0e the0selves) #nd the s %l le#rns fr 0 e?$erien+e th#t eli06 in#ting these l%sts is the nl' !#' t $revent the s%ffering th#t 0%st ste0 fr 0 the0. D%ring $h'si+#l life s%+h de6 sires #re re$e#tedl' s#tisfied) effe+tivel' + n+e#ling the $#in f &%rning greed &ehind # "ind f ill%si n. After de#th) h !ever) in the Jfire f $%rifi+#ti n)K this $#in is f%ll' e?$ sed) #nd the + rres$ nding de$riv#ti n 0%st &e s%ffered t the f%ll. This is indeed # d#r" st#te f #ff#irs f r the s %l. Of + %rse) nl' individ%#ls !h se desires f +%sed n the + #rsest things in $h'si+#l life f#ll int this st#te. Th se !ith fe! desires) n the ther h#nd) h#ve little + nne+ti n t the regi n f &%rning desire #nd $#ss thr %gh it !ith %t n ti+ing it. It 0%st &e st#ted th#t the s %ls s$ending the l ngest ti0e %nder the infl%en+e f this regi n #re th se !h &e+#0e 0 st rel#ted t its fire d%ring $h'si+#l life #nd theref re h#ve the gre#test need t &e $%rified in it.

Sin+e the s %l #+t%#ll' l ngs f r its !n $%rifi+#ti n #fter de#th) !e sh %ld n t reg#rd this $%rifi+#ti n #s s%ffering in the sense f #n' + 0$#r#&le e?$erien+e in the ! rld f the senses. It is the nl' !#' the i0$erfe+ti n re0#ining in the s %l +#n &e eli0in#ted. Pr +esses f # se+ nd t'$e t#"e $l#+e in the s %l ! rld) $r +esses in !hi+h s'0$#th' #nd #nti$#th' #re in &#l#n+e. A h%0#n s %l in this + nditi n !ill &e infl%en+ed #fter de#th &' these $r +esses f r # $eri d f ti0e deter0ined &' the e?tent t !hi+h it g#ve itself in life t s%$erfi+i#l friv l6 ities) t the $le#s%res f tr#nsit r' sense i0$ressi ns #nd t the infl%en+e f d#il' trivi#lities th#t t'$if' this + nditi n. Pe $le live in this + nditi n #s l ng #s the' #re #ffe+ted &' in+lin#ti ns f this s rt. The' let the0selves &e infl%en+ed &' ever' d#il' trivi#lit') &%t the infl%en+es f#de G%i+"l' sin+e their s'0$#th' is n t e?tended t #n' ne thing in $#rti+%l#r. An'thing n t &el nging t this trivi#l re#l0 is #nti$#theti+ t the0. After de#th) !hen # s %l in this + n6 diti n l#+"s the sense6$er+e$ti&le $h'si+#l things needed f r s#tisf#+ti n) the + nditi n 0%st sl !l' die ff. N#t%6 r#ll') the de$riv#ti n th#t $rev#ils &ef re it is f%ll' e?tin6 g%ished in the s %l +#%ses s%ffering. In the s+h l f this s%ffering) !e le#rn t destr ' the ill%si ns in !hi+h !e !r#$$ed %rselves d%ring $h'si+#l life. Pr +esses f # third t'$e in the s %l ! rld #re th se in !hi+h s'0$#th' #nd # !ish6li"e +h#r#+ter $rev#il. O%r s %ls e?$erien+e the effe+ts f these $r +esses thr %gh ever'thing th#t 0#int#ins #n #t0 s$here f !ishing #fter de#th. This !ishing) t ) gr#d%#ll' dies ff &e+#%se f the i0$ ssi&ilit' f s#tisf'ing it.





The regi n f $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re in the s %l ! rld) design#ted #& ve #s the f %rth regi n) s%&Ie+ts the s %l t s$e+i#l tri#ls. As l ng #s the s %l ++%$ies # & d') it t#"es $#rt in ever'thing th#t #ffe+ts th#t & d') s%+h #s the inter!e#ving f $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re th#t deter6 0ines the & d'Es + 0f rt #nd !ell6&eing) its dis+ 0f rt #nd dis$le#s%re. D%ring $h'si+#l life) # h%0#n &eing feels the & d' t &e the self) the &#sis f individ%#l identit'. The 0 re sens% %s # $ers nEs in+lin#ti ns #re) the 0 re his r her feeling f identit' t#"es n this +h#r#+ter. After de#th) h !ever) #lth %gh the feeling f identit' $ersists) the & d' th#t !#s its &Ie+t is g ne) #nd #s # res%lt the s %l feels h ll ! #nd e0$t') #s if it h#d l st itself. This l#sts %ntil the re+ gniti n d#!ns th#t the tr%e h%0#n &e6 ing is n t $h'si+#l in n#t%re. Th%s the effe+ts f this f %rth regi n destr ' the ill%si n f the & dil' self. The s %l le#rns t n l nger $er+eive this & dil' &#sis #s es6 senti#l) #nd is $%rified #nd +%red f its #tt#+h0ent t & dil' e?isten+e) ver+ 0ing !h#t %sed t &ind it s str ngl' t the $h'si+#l ! rld. It +#n n ! f%ll' %nf ld the f r+es f s'0$#th') !hi+h 0 ve %t!#rd. The s %l h#s &r "en free fr 0 itself) #s it !ere) #nd is re#d' t $ %r it6 self #+tivel' int the s %l ! rld in gener#l. At this $ int) !e sh %ld n te th#t s%i+ides) h#ving left their & dies &' #rtifi+i#l 0e#ns !hile the feelings & %nd %$ !ith their & dies re0#in %n+h#nged) %nderg the e?6 $erien+es f this regi n t #n e?+e$ti n#l degree. Hhen de#th is d%e t n#t%r#l +#%ses) the disintegr#ti n f the & d' is #++ 0$#nied &' the $#rti#l de0ise f the e0 6 ti ns th#t +ling t it) &%t f r s%i+ides) in #dditi n t the

#ng%ish +#%sed &' feeling s%ddenl' h ll !ed %t) #ll the %ns#tisfied desires #nd !ishes th#t $r 0$ted the0 t %n6 derg dise0& di0ent in the first $l#+e #re still $resent. The fifth level f the s %l ! rld is the level f s %l light. Here) s'0$#th' f r thers #lre#d' +#rries + nsid6 er#&le !eight. S %ls #re rel#ted t this regi n t the e?6 tent th#t the' t " I ' #nd $le#s%re in their s%rr %ndings d%ring $h'si+#l life) r#ther th#n giving the0selves %$ t s#tisf'ing their l !er needs. Hh#t %nderg es $%rifi+#6 ti n here in+l%des) f r inst#n+e) # sens% %s ver6enth%si6 #s0 f r n#t%re) !hi+h 0%st &e disting%ished fr 0 # l ftier living6in6n#t%re th#t is s$irit%#l in +h#r#+ter #nd see"s the s$irit th#t reve#ls itself in the things #nd $r 6 +esses f n#t%re. This higher feeling f r n#t%re is #0 ng the things th#t + ntri&%te t the devel $0ent f the s$irit #nd est#&lish s 0ething $er0#nent in itB this 0%st &e disting%ished fr 0 # sense6&#sed $le#s%re in n#t%re !hi+h le#ves the s %l in need f $%rifi+#ti n #s 0%+h #s #n' ther in+lin#ti ns &#sed n $%rel' $h'si+#l e?isten+e d . *#n' $e $le ide#li=e $r#+ti+#l #rr#nge0ents th#t serve %r sens% %s !ell6&eing) s%+h #s # s'ste0 f ed%+#ti n th#t le#ds t sens% %s + 0f rt #& ve #ll else. He +#nn t s#' th#t these $e $le #re serving nl' their !n self6+en6 tered i0$%lsesB nevertheless) their s %ls #re still riented t the sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld #nd 0%st &e +%red f this tenden+' &' 0e#ns f the $ !er f s'0$#th' th#t $re6 v#ils in the fifth regi n f the s %l ! rld) !here #n' e?6 tern#l 0e#ns f s#tisf#+ti n is l#+"ing. Here) the s %l gr#d%#ll' re+ gni=es th#t this s'0$#th' 0%st t#"e ther




dire+ti nsB s'0$#th' f r its s %l s%rr %ndings 0%st $r 0$t the s %l t $ %r itself %t int s %l s$#+e. Th se s %ls !h e?$e+t their religi %s &serv#n+es t enh#n+e their sens% %s !ell6&eing #re #ls $%rified here) reg#rdless f !hether the' 'e#rn f r #n e#rthl' r f r # he#venl' $#r#dise. The' find this $#r#dise in the s %l ! rld) &%t nl' in rder t re+ gni=e its ! rthlessness. Of + %rse) these #re #ll nl' individ%#l e?#0$les f $%rifi+#ti ns %nderg ne in this fifth regi nB 0#n' 0 re + %ld &e #dded. The $%rifi+#ti n f the $#rt f the s %l th#t thirsts f r #+ti n t#"es $l#+e in the si?th regi n) r regi n f #+tive s %l $ !er. Alth %gh this #+ti n is n t eg tisti+#l in +h#r6 #+ter) it is still 0 tiv#ted &' the sens% %s s#tisf#+ti n th#t it $r vides. The "inds f $e $le !h devel $ this $le#6 s%re in #+tivit' give the %t!#rd #$$e#r#n+e f &eing ide6 #lists #nd self6s#+rifi+ing individ%#ls) &%t n # dee$er level the' #re still 0 tiv#ted &' the heightening f sens%6 %s $le#s%re. *#n' #rtisti+ $e $le) #s !ell #s th se !h dev te the0selves t s+ientifi+ #+tivit' f r the $le#s%re f it) &el ng in this regi n. Hh#t &inds the0 t the $h'si+#l ! rld is their &elief th#t #rt #nd s+ien+e e?ist f r the s#"e f s%+h $le#s%re. The seventh regi n) th#t f the #+t%#l s %l life) frees %s fr 0 %r l#st in+lin#ti ns t !#rd the sens r') $h'si+#l ! rld. E#+h $re+eding regi n h#s #&s r&ed th#t #s$e+t f the s %l th#t is rel#ted t it. All th#t is left s%rr %nding the s$irit is the &elief th#t its #+tivit' sh %ld &e t t#ll' de6 v ted t the $h'si+#l ! rld. *#n' e?tre0el' gifted $e 6 $le thin" #& %t little else th#n events in the $h'si+#l

! rldB their $ers%#si n +#n &e +#lled J0#teri#lis0.K In the seventh regi n) these &eliefs 0%st &e #nd #re de6 str 'ed. O%r s %ls re#li=e th#t) in #+t%#l re#lit') # 0#teri6 #listi+ $ int f vie! is !ith %t &Ie+t) #nd their 0#teri#l6 isti+ &eliefs 0elt #!#' li"e i+e in the s%n. The &eing f the s %l is n ! #&s r&ed int its !n ! rld) #nd the s$irit) free f #ll restr#ints) !ings its !#' %$!#rd int re6 gi ns in !hi+h it lives nl' in its !n ele0ent. The s %l h#s + 0$leted its 0 st re+ent e#rthl' t#s") #nd in the ti0e th#t h#s el#$sed sin+e de#th) #n' #s$e+ts f this t#s" re0#ining #s & nds f r the s$irit h#ve diss lved. In ver6 + 0ing this l#st e#rthl' re0n#nt) the s %l is ret%rned t its !n ele0ent. Fr 0 !h#t h#s &een des+ri&ed) !e +#n see th#t e?$eri6 en+es in the s %l ! rld #nd the +ir+%0st#n+es f s %l life #fter de#th &e+ 0e less #nd less re$ellent #s !e dis$ se f 0 re #nd 0 re f !h#t still +lings t %s fr 0 %r e#rthl' %ni n !ith) #nd #ffinit' f r) 0#teri#l e?isten+e. De$ending n the +ir+%0st#n+es +re#ted d%ring its $h's6 i+#l life) # s %l !ill &el ng t the different regi ns f r l nger r sh rter $eri ds f ti0e. Hherever it feels #n #f6 finit') it re0#ins %ntil the #ffinit' is !i$ed %t) &%t !here n #ffinit' e?ists) it $#sses thr %gh !ith %t feeling #n' f the $ ssi&le effe+ts. This se+ti n !#s intended t des+ri&e in &r #d str "es nl' the 0 st &#si+ fe#t%res f the s %l ! rld #nd the n#6 t%re f the s %lEs life !ithin it. The s#0e is tr%e f the f l6 l !ing des+ri$ti n f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings. T des+ri&e f%rther +h#r#+teristi+s f these higher ! rlds ! %ld g &e' nd the li0its f this & ". Hith %t g ing


int ver' gre#t det#il) the $hen 0en# in these higher ! rlds th#t +#n &e + 0$#red t s$#ti#l rel#ti nshi$s #nd ti0e s$#ns +#nn t &e dis+%ssed in #n intelligi&le !#') sin+e these #re #ll G%ite different fr 0 their + %nter$#rts in the $h'si+#l ! rld. S 0e i0$ rt#nt $ ints n this s%&6 Ie+t #re in+l%ded in 0' Occult Science.7

III> The Countr of Spirit 8ein#% :ef re !e +#n f ll ! the s$irit #s it + ntin%es its I %rne') !e 0%st first l " #t the territ r' it is entering. This is the ! rld f the s$irit) #nd it is s different fr 0 the $h'si+#l ! rld th#t ever'thing !e h#ve t s#' #& %t it !ill see0 sheer f#nt#s' t th se !illing t tr%st nl' their $h'si+#l senses. He h#d t %se + 0$#ris ns #nd i0#ger' t de6 s+ri&e the s %l ! rld) #nd th#t is even 0 re the +#se here. O%r l#ng%#ge) !hi+h f r the 0 st $#rt serves nl' the $%r$ ses f sense6$er+e$ti&le re#lit') is n t e?#+tl' ri+hl' end !ed !ith e?$ressi ns th#t +#n &e #$$lied dire+tl' t the J+ %ntr' f s$irit &eings)K s it is es$e+i#ll' i0$ rt#nt t t#"e 0%+h f !h#t is s#id here #s n thing 0 re th#n in6 di+#ti ns. Sin+e ever'thing des+ri&ed here is s different fr 0 the $h'si+#l ! rld) this is the nl' $ ssi&le !#' f de$i+ting it #t #ll. :e+#%se f the in#deG%#+' f %r l#n6 g%#ge) !hi+h is intended f r + 00%ni+#ti n in the $h's6 i+#l ! rld) the st#te0ents &eing 0#de here +#n nl'
7. An Outline of Occult Science 1H%ds n) NYF Anthr $ s $hi+ Press) ,-;/2.


+r%del' + rres$ nd t #+t%#l e?$erien+e in the s$irit%#l field. It 0%st &e e0$h#si=ed #& ve #ll th#t this s$irit%#l ! rld is ! ven %t f the s%&st#n+e th#t + nstit%tes h%6 0#n th %ghtDJs%&st#n+eK in # ver' fig%r#tive sense) f + %rse. :%t th %ght #s it #$$e#rs in h%0#n &eings is nl' # sh#d !' i0#ge r $h#nt 0 f its re#l &eing. A th %ght #$$e#ring &' 0e#ns f # h%0#n &r#in + rres$ nds t # &eing in the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings #s # sh#d ! n the !#ll + rres$ nds t the #+t%#l &Ie+t +#sting the sh#d !. :%t !hen %r s$irit%#l senses #re #!#"ened) !e #+t%#ll' $er+eive the th %ght &eing itself) I%st #s %r $h'si+#l e'es $er+eive # t#&le r # +h#ir. He #re s%rr %nded #nd #+6 + 0$#nied &' th %ght &eings. O%r $h'si+#l e'es $er6 +eive # li n) #nd %r sense6 riented thin"ing $er+eives the ide# f the li n 0erel' #s # $h#nt 0) # sh#d !' i06 #ge. :%t in the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings) the ide# f the li n is #s re#l #nd visi&le t %r s$irit%#l e'es #s the $h's6 i+#l li n is t %r $h'si+#l e'es. The + 0$#ris n !e %sed in + nne+ti n !ith the s %l ! rld is #ls $ertinent. M%st #s $e $le !h !ere & rn &lind &%t h#ve h#d their sight rest red thr %gh $er#ti ns s%ddenl' $er+eive their s%r6 r %ndings #s h#ving the ne! G%#lities f + l r #nd light) th se !h h#ve le#rned t %se their s$irit%#l e'es $er6 +eive their s%rr %ndings #s filled !ith # !h le ne! ! rld f livin# th %ghts r s$irit &eings. The first things t &e seen in this ! rld #re the s$irit%#l archet pe% f #ll the things #nd &eings th#t e?ist in the $h'si+#l #nd s %l ! rlds. If ' % i0#gine # $#inting #s e?isting in the s$irit%#l ! rld &ef re the #rtist $#ints it)



' % !ill h#ve #n i0#ge f !h#t is 0e#nt &' the ter0 J#r6 +het'$e.K Th#t the $#inter 0#' n t h#ve this #r+het'$e in 0ind &ef re st#rting t $#int) th#t he 0#' nl' + 0e t it gr#d%#ll' #s the $#inting is #+t%#ll' &eing ! r"ed n) is &eside the $ int. In the s$irit%#l ! rld) these #r6 +het'$es e?ist f r #ll thingsB $h'si+#l things #nd &eings #re + $ies r i0it#ti ns f their #r+het'$es. T%ite %nder6 st#nd#&l') $e $le !h tr%st nl' their %ter senses !ill den' the e?isten+e f this #r+het'$#l ! rld #nd insist th#t #r+het'$es #re nl' #&str#+ti ns th#t the intelle+t ! r"s %t &' + 0$#ring sense6$er+e$ti&le things. S%+h $e $le +#nn t $er+eive #t #ll in this higher ! rldB the' #re #!#re f the ! rld f th %ghts nl' in its sh#d !' #&str#+tness. The' d n t "n ! th#t individ%#ls +#$#&le f s$irit%#l visi n #re #s f#0ili#r !ith s$irit &eings #s the' the0selves #re !ith their d gs r +#ts) #nd th#t the re#lit' f the #r+het'$#l ! rld is #+t%#ll' 0%+h 0 re in6 tense th#n $h'si+#l sense6$er+e$ti&le re#lit'. It is tr%e th#t l "ing int this + %ntr' f s$irit &eings f r the first ti0e is even 0 re + nf%sing th#n l "ing int the s %l ! rld) &e+#%se #r+het'$es in their tr%e f r0s #re ver' %nli"e their sense6$er+e$ti&le + $ies) #nd the' &e#r eG%#ll' little rese0&l#n+e t their Jsh#d !s)K %r #&6 str#+t th %ghts. In the s$irit%#l ! rld) ever'thing is in + nst#nt #+tivit') + nst#nt 0 ti n) + nst#nt +re#ti n. JRestingK r Jst#'ing in ne $l#+eK d es n t e?ist there #s it d es in the $h'si+#l ! rld) si0$l' &e+#%se the #r+he6 t'$es #re +re#tive &eings) the 0#ster &%ilders f ever'6 thing th#t + 0es int e?isten+e in the $h'si+#l #nd s %l ! rlds. Their f r0s +h#nge G%i+"l') #nd e#+h #r+het'$e

h#s the $ tenti#l t #ss%0e + %ntless s$e+ifi+ f r0s.9 It is #s if the s$e+i#li=ed f r0s !ell %$ %t f the0D ne f r0 h#s h#rdl' &een +re#ted &ef re its #r+het'$e is re#d' t let the ne?t ne $ %r %t. In #dditi n) #r+het'$es d n t ! r" #l ne) &%t st#nd in +l ser r 0 re dist#nt rel#ti nshi$ t e#+h ther. One #r+het'$e 0#' need the hel$ f #n ther t d its +re#ting) #nd ften inn%0er#&le #r+het'$es ! r" t gether s th#t s 0e $#rti+%l#r &eing +#n + 0e t life in the s %l ! rld r the $h'si+#l ! rld. In #dditi n t !h#t +#n &e $er+eived &' 0e#ns f s$irit%#l JsightK in the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings) the e?$e6 rien+e f s$irit%#l Jhe#ringK 0%st #ls &e t#"en int #+6 + %nt) f r #s s n #s # +l#irv '#nt #s+ends fr 0 the s %l ! rld int the s$irit) the #r+het'$es #ls &egin t res %nd. This res %nding is # $%rel' s$irit%#l $r +ess th#t 0%st &e + n+eived f !ith %t #n' th %ght f $h'si+#l s %nd. T #n &server) it is li"e &eing in #n +e#n f s %nds #nd t nes in !hi+h the &eings f the s$irit%#l ! rld #re e?$ressing the0selves. Their interrel#ti nshi$s #nd the #r+het'$#l l#!s f their e?isten+e reve#l the0selves in the +h rds) h#r0 nies) rh'th0s #nd 0el dies f this s$irit%#l J0%6 si+)K !hi+h reve#ls t %r s$irit%#l J e#r K !h#t re#s ning
9. Alth %gh it is tr%e th#t J3t4here is n s%+h thing 3in the s$irit%#l ! rld4 #s PrestingE r Pst#'ing in ne $l#+eE #s there is in the $h'si+#l ! rld3)4K it ! %ld &e in+ rre+t t #ss%0e th#t the s$irit%#l ! rld is # $l#+e f + nst#nt %nrest. In this ! rld !here Jthe #r+het'$es #re +re6 #tive &eings)K #lth %gh there is n thing th#t +#n &e +#lled Jresting in ne $l#+e)K there is # $e#+e f # s$irit%#l "ind th#t is t t#ll' + 0$#ti6 &le !ith #+tive 0 &ilit'. The s$irit%#l eG%iv#lent f JrestK is $e#+ef%l + ntent0ent #nd &liss 0#nifesting in #+tivit' r#ther th#n in#+tivit'.



in the $h'si+#l ! rld $er+eives #s #n ide# r n#t%r#l l#!. Hen+e the P'th#g re#ns +#lled this $er+e$ti n f the s$ir6 it%#l ! rld Jthe 0%si+ f the s$heres.K T th se !ith f%n+ti ning s$irit%#l e#rs) this 0%si+ f the s$heres is n s'0& l r #lleg r' &%t # f#0ili#r s$irit%#l re#lit'. T #+6 G%ire #n ide# f this s$irit%#l 0%si+) !e 0%st dis$ense !ith #ll %r sens r' + n+e$ts f 0%si+ #s !e $er+eive it &' 0e#ns f %r 0#teri#l e#rs. S$irit%#l $er+e$ti n is in6 v lved here) $er+e$ti n f # s rt th#t re0#ins silent f r the $h'si+#l e#r. F r si0$li+it'Es s#"e) #ll referen+es t Js$irit%#l 0%si+K !ill &e 0itted in the f ll !ing des+ri$ti ns f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings. He 0%st i0#gine) h !ever) th#t ever'6 thing des+ri&ed #s #n i0#ge) #s JshiningK r Jr#di#nt)K is #ls Js %nding.K Ever' + l r) ever' sens#ti n f light) + r6 res$ nds t # s$irit%#l t neB ever' inter#+ti n #0 ng + l6 rs + rres$ nds t # h#r0 n' r # 0el d') #nd s n. He 0%st "ee$ in 0ind th#t s$irit%#l seeing d es n t +e#se !here s$irit%#l s %nd $rev#ilsB the s %nding si0$l' #%g6 0ents the r#di#n+e. And !here #r+het'$es r #r+het'$#l i0#ges #re 0enti ned) !e need t i0#gine $ri0#l t nes #s !ell. Other 0 des f $er+e$ti n th#t + %ld &e +#lled Js$ir6 it%#l t#sting)K #nd s n) #re #ls inv lved) &%t !e !ill n t g int these $r +esses n ! sin+e the $ int is si0$l' t #lert %s t # + n+e$ti n f the s$irit%#l ! rld) t#"ing +er6 t#in 0 des f $er+e$ti n #s e?#0$les. First f #ll) !e need t &e #&le t disting%ish &et!een dif6 ferent "inds f #r+het'$es. Here in the + %ntr' f s$irit &e6 ings) #s in the s %l ! rld) there #re # n%0&er f different levels r regi ns th#t !e 0%st &e #&le t differenti#te in

rder t rient %rselves. Here) t ) these individ%#l re6 gi ns #re t &e i0#gined #s if inter$enetr#ting r#ther th#n l#'ered r $iled n t $ f ne #n ther. The first regi n + n6 t#ins the #r+het'$es f things in the $h'si+#l ! rld th#t #re n t end !ed !ith life. The #r+het'$es f 0iner#ls #re t &e f %nd here) #nd th se f $l#nts) &%t nl' t the e?tent th#t the' #re $%rel' $h'si+#l) th#t is) t the e?tent th#t !e d n t t#"e their inherent life int #++ %nt. In the s#0e !#') !e #ls find the $h'si+#l f r0s f #ni0#ls #nd h%0#n &eings here. This is n t #n e?h#%stive list f !h#t is t &e f %nd in this first regi n) &%t nl' # fe! ill%str#tive e?#0$les. This regi n + nstit%tes the &#si+ str%+t%re f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings) #nd +#n &e + 0$#red t the s lid l#nd 0#sses f %r $h'si+#l e#rth. It is the + ntinent#l 0#ss f this s$irit + %ntr'. Of + %rse) its rel#ti nshi$ t the $h'si+#l & dil' ! rld +#n &e des+ri&ed nl' &' 0e#ns f + 0$#ri6 s ns. He +#n get s 0e ide# f it #s f ll !sF I0#gine # fi6 nite s$#+e filled !ith # !ide v#riet' f $h'si+#l & dies) then i0#gine th#t the $h'si+#l & dies #re g ne #nd vis%#l6 i=e h ll ! s$#+es f the s#0e sh#$es in their $l#+es. I0#g6 ine th#t !h#t %sed t &e the e0$t' s$#+es &et!een the & dies is filled !ith # !ide v#riet' f f r0s th#t rel#te t the f r0er & dies in 0#n' different !#'s. This is s 0e6 !h#t si0il#r t h ! things #$$e#r in the l !est regi n f the ! rld f #r+het'$esF Things #nd &eings th#t #re e0& d6 ied in the $h'si+#l ! rld e?ist #s h ll ! s$#+es here) #nd the 0 &ile #+tivit' f the #r+het'$es #nd the s$irit%#l 0%si+ g es n in &et!een the0. Hhen the ti0e + 0es f r $h'si6 +#l e0& di0ent) the h ll ! s$#+es #re then filled in !ith 0#tter) s t s$e#". An' ne l "ing int s$#+e !ith & th


$h'si+#l #nd s$irit%#l e'es ! %ld see $h'si+#l & dies) #nd #0 ng the0 the 0 &ile #+tivit' f the +re#tive #r+het'$es. The se+ nd regi n f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings + n6 t#ins the #r+het'$es f life) &%t here this life f r0s # $erfe+t %nit'. It stre#0s thr %gh the s$irit%#l ! rld li"e # fl%id el6 e0ent) #nd is si0il#r t &l d in h ! it $%lses thr %gh ev6 er'thing. It + %ld &e li"ened t the $h'si+#l ! rldEs +e#ns #nd ther & dies f !#ter) #lth %gh its distri&%ti n 0 re +l sel' rese0&les th#t f the &l d in #ni0#l & dies th#n th#t f +e#ns #nd rivers. This se+ nd level f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings 0ight &e des+ri&ed #s Jfl !ing life f r0ed fr 0 th %ght s%&st#n+e.K In this ele0ent #re the +re#tive #r+het'$#l f r+es f r ever'thing th#t #$$e#rs in $h'si+#l re#lit' #s enlivened &eing. It is #$$#rent here th#t #ll life is # %nit') th#t the life !ithin %s #s h%0#n &eings is rel#ted t the life f #ll %r fell ! +re#t%res. The #r+het'$es f ever'thing f # s %l n#t%re 0#"e %$ the third regi n f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings. Here !e #re in # 0%+h thinner #nd finer ele0ent th#n in the first t! regi ns) in #n ele0ent th#t +#n &e des+ri&ed) fig%r#6 tivel' s$e#"ing) #s the J#t0 s$hereK f this + %ntr' f s$irit &eings. Ever'thing t#"ing $l#+e in s %ls in the t! ther ! rlds h#s its s$irit%#l + %nter$#rt hereB #ll sens#6 ti ns) feelings) instin+ts) $#ssi ns #nd s n #re #ls $resent here n+e #g#in) &%t in s$irit%#l f r0. The #t0 6 s$heri+ $r +esses t#"ing $l#+e in this J#irK + rres$ nd t the s rr !s #nd I 's f +re#t%res in the ther ! rldsD the l nging f # h%0#n s %l #$$e#rs #s # light &ree=e) # $#s6 si n#te %t&re#" #s # st r0' &l#st. Th se +#$#&le f vis%6 #li=ing !h#t is g ing n here +#n $enetr#te dee$l' int the

sighs f #n' ens %led &eing if the' t%rn their #ttenti n t it. Here) f r e?#0$le) !e +#n t#l" #& %t th%nderst r0s !ith fl#shing lightning #nd r lling th%nderB if !e $%rs%e the 0#tter f%rther) !e find th#t these s$irit%#l st r0s e?6 $ress the $#ssi ns f &#ttles &eing f %ght n e#rth. The #r+het'$es f the f %rth regi n d n t rel#te di6 re+tl' t the ther ! rlds. In # +ert#in res$e+t) these #r6 +het'$es #re &eings th#t g vern the #r+het'$es f the three l !er regi ns #nd 0edi#te their + 0ing t gether) rdering #nd gr %$ing the0. It f ll !s th#t the #+tivit' $r +eeding fr 0 this regi n is 0 re en+ 0$#ssing th#n th#t f the l !er regi ns. The fifth) si?th #nd seventh regi ns #re f%nd#0ent#ll' different fr 0 the $revi %s nes &e+#%se the &eings #t h 0e in the0 $r vide the #r+het'$es f the l !er re6 gi ns !ith the i0$%lses reG%ired f r their #+tivit'. There the +re#tive f r+es f the #r+het'$es the0selves #re t &e f %nd. Hhen !e +#n #s+end #s high #s these three regi ns) !e &e+ 0e #+G%#inted !ith the Jintenti nsK; %nderl'ing
;. Ter0s li"e Jintenti nK #re %sed here in # 0et#$h ri+#l sense) #s !ill &e &vi %s fr 0 $revi %s dis+%ssi n f the diffi+%lties inv lved in e?$ressing these things thr %gh l#ng%#ge. Reviving the ld tele l gi6 +#l Jd +trine f $%r$ seK is n t !h#t is intended. The ter0s J$%r6 $ sesK #nd Jintenti nsK 0%st &e %sed here !ith reg#rd t the driving f r+es &ehind ! rld ev l%ti n) even th %gh this 0#"es it te0$ting t 0isinter$ret these $ !ers in ter0s f $%r$ ses r intenti ns n the h%0#n level. This te0$t#ti n +#n &e #v ided nl' &' r#ising these ! rds t # ne! level f 0e#ning !here the' +#n &e free f #n'thing th#t ! %ld restri+t the0 t the 0erel' h%0#n level #nd +#n #ss%0e # 0e#ning !e h%0#n &eings #$$r #+h in th se 0 0ents in %r lives !hen !e tr#ns+end %rselves t # +ert#in e?tent.




%r ! rld. The #r+het'$es lie re#d' here li"e ger0in#l $ ints f life) !#iting t #ss%0e the v#ri %s f r0s f th %ght &eings. Hhen these ger0in#l $ ints #re $r Ie+ted int the l !er regi ns) the' i00edi#tel' !ell %$ #nd 0#n6 ifest in the 0 st v#ried f r0s. The ide#s thr %gh !hi+h the h%0#n s$irit #$$e#rs +re#tivel' in the $h'si+#l ! rld #re refle+ti ns r sh#d !s f these ger0in#l th %ght &eings f the higher s$irit%#l ! rld. On #s+ending fr 0 the l !er regi ns f s$irit + %ntr' t these %$$er nes) &servers $ ssessing the Js$irit%#l e#rK &e+ 0e #!#re th#t s %nds #nd t nes #re tr#nsf r0ed int s$irit%#l l#ng%#geB the' &e6 gin t $er+eive the Js$irit%#l ! rdK thr %gh !hi+h &Ie+ts #nd &eings + 00%ni+#te their n#t%re n t nl' in 0%si+ &%t #ls in ! rds) s$e#"ing %t !h#t +#n &e +#lled in s$irit%#l s+ien+e their Jetern#l n#0es.K @ He 0%st i0#gine these ger0in#l th %ght &eings #s + 0$ site in n#t%re. Onl' the ger0 she#th) !hi+h s%r6 r %nds the #+t%#l life "ernel f these &eings) is t#"en fr 0 the ele0ents f the ! rld f th %ghts. At this $ int) !e #rrive #t the li0its f the three ! rlds) sin+e the life "ernel itself h#s its rigin in still higher ! rlds. Hhen in #n e#rlier +h#$ter !e + nsidered the h%0#n &eing #s 0#de %$ f v#ri %s + 0$ nent 0e0&ers) this life "ernel !#s des+ri&ed #nd its $#rts +#lled the Jlife s$iritK #nd Js$irit & d'.K Other + s0i+ &eings #ls h#ve si0il#r life "ernels th#t rigin#te in higher ! rlds #nd #re 0 ved int the three !e h#ve dis+%ssed in rder t $erf r0 their t#s"s there.
@. Occult Science + nt#ins 0 re n the s%&Ie+t f the s$irit%#l ! rd.

At this I%n+t%re) !e !ill f ll ! the h%0#n s$irit #s it + ntin%es its $ilgri0#ge thr %gh s$irit + %ntr' &et!een t! in+#rn#ti ns r e0& di0ents. As !e d s ) the +ir6 +%0st#n+es #nd distin+tive +h#r#+teristi+s f this + %ntr' !ill n+e #g#in &e+ 0e +le#r t %s.

IK> The Spirit in Spirit Countr after ,eath On+e # h%0#n s$irit h#s $#ssed thr %gh the ! rld f s %ls n its I %rne' &et!een t! in+#rn#ti ns) it enters the + %ntr' f s$irits) !here it re0#ins %ntil it is re#d' f r # ne! & dil' e?isten+e. He +#n %nderst#nd the 0e#ning f this st#' in s$irit + %ntr' nl' if !e #re #&le t inter$ret $r $erl' the $%r$ se f %r lifeEs $ilgri0#ge in #n in+#rn#ti n. Hhile !e #re in+#rn#ted in $h'si+#l & dies) !e h%0#n &eings ! r" #nd +re#te in the $h'si6 +#l ! rld) &%t !e ! r" #nd +re#te #s %piritual &eings. Hh#t !e i0$rint n $h'si+#l f r0s) 0#teri#ls #nd f r+es %r s$irits thin" %t #nd devel $. O%r t#s" #s 0essengers f the s$irit%#l ! rld is t in+ r$ r#te the s$irit int the 0#teri#l ! rld. Onl' thr %gh in+#rn#ting in $h'si+#l & dies +#n !e ! r" in the 0#teri#l ! rld. He 0%st t#"e n $h'si+#l & dies #s %r t ls s th#t !e h#ve s 0ething 0#teri#l thr %gh !hi+h t ! r" n the 0#teri#l ! rld #nd thr %gh !hi+h the 0#teri#l ! rld +#n ! r" n %s. H !ever) !h#t ! r"s thr %gh %r h%6 0#n & dil' n#t%re is the %pirit. The intenti ns #nd di6 re+ti ns f r %r ! r" in the 0#teri#l ! rld + 0e fr 0 the s$irit.

As l ng #s the s$irit is #+tive in # $h'si+#l & d') it +#n6 n t ! r" in its tr%e f r0 #s s$irit) &%t +#n nl' shine thr %gh the veil f $h'si+#l e?isten+e) s t s$e#". In re6 #lit') %r h%0#n th %ght life &el ngs t the s$irit%#l ! rld) &%t #s it #$$e#rs !ithin %r $h'si+#l e?isten+e its tr%e f r0 is veiled. He 0ight #ls s#' th#t the th %ght #+6 tivit' f $h'si+#l h%0#n &eings is # sh#d !' i0#ge) # re6 fle+ti n) f the tr%e s$irit%#l &eing t !hi+h it &el ngs. D%ring $h'si+#l life) the s$irit inter#+ts !ith the e#rthl' 0#teri#l ! rld &' %sing # 0#teri#l & d' #s its &#sis. It is tr%e th#t ne f the t#s"s f the h%0#n s$irit) #s l ng #s this s$irit is $r +eeding fr 0 in+#rn#ti n t in6 +#rn#ti n) is t ! r" in the $h'si+#l ! rld) &%t this t#s" + %ld n t &e + 0$leted #$$r $ri#tel' if the s$irit lived nl' #n e0& died e?isten+e. The intenti ns #nd g #ls f #n e#rthl' t#s" #re n 0 re ! r"ed %t #nd deter0ined !ithin #n e#rthl' in+#rn#ti n th#n the &l%e$rint f r # &%ilding + 0es #& %t n the site !here the &%ilders #re #lre#d' #t ! r". The $l#n f r the &%ilding is ! r"ed %t in the #r+hite+tEs ffi+e) #nd the g #ls #nd intenti ns f e#rthl' ende#v r #re devel $ed in the + %ntr' f s$irits) !here e#+h h%0#n s$irit 0%st d!ell #g#in #nd #g#in &e6 t!een in+#rn#ti ns in rder t eG%i$ itself f r ! r" in # $h'si+#l lifeti0e. The #r+hite+t dr#!s %$ the $l#n f r # h %se in the ffi+e) #++ rding t #r+hite+t%r#l #nd ther st#nd#rds) #nd d es this !ith %t t %+hing #+t%#l &ri+"s #nd 0 rt#r. Si0il#rl') the #r+hite+t f h%0#n +re#tiv6 it'Dthe s$irit r higher selfDdevel $s the ne+ess#r' g #ls #nd +#$#&ilities #++ rding t the l#!s f the + %n6 tr' f s$irit &eings) in rder t then send the0 int the

e#rthl' ! rld. Onl' &' ret%rning #g#in #nd #g#in t its !n re#l0 !ill # h%0#n s$irit &e #&le t &ring the s$irit int the e#rthl' ! rld &' 0e#ns f its $h'si+#l60#teri#l instr%0ent. In the $h'si+#l #ren#) !e le#rn t "n ! the +h#r#+teris6 ti+s #nd f r+es f the $h'si+#l ! rldB !hile ! r"ing) !e g#ther e?$erien+e #& %t !h#t the $h'si+#l ! rld reG%ires f th se !h !#nt t ! r" in it. He #ls le#rn t "n ! the +h#r#+teristi+s f the 0#tter !e intend t %se t e0& d' %r th %ghts #nd ide#s) #lth %gh these ide#s #nd th %ghts the0selves +#nn t &e derived fr 0 0#tter. Th%s the $h's6 i+#l ! rld is the setting f r & th ! r" #nd le#rning. After6 !#rds) in s$irit + %ntr') !h#t h#s &een le#rned is tr#nsf r0ed int the #+tive #&ilities #nd +#$#+ities f the h%0#n s$irit. T 0#"e things +le#rer) the + 0$#ris n !e %sed #& ve +#n &e t#"en f%rther. An #r+hite+t ! r"s %t # design f r # h %se) #nd this $l#n is +#rried %t. In the $r +ess) the #r+hite+t g#ins e?$erien+e in # n%0&er f !#'s s th#t his r her +#$#&ilities #re enh#n+ed. Hhen the ne?t de6 sign h#s t &e dr#!n %$) #ll these e?$erien+es fl ! int it. The se+ nd design is enri+hed &' ever'thing le#rned in the $r +ess f +#rr'ing %t the first. It is the s#0e !ith s%++essive h%0#n lifeti0es. In the interv#ls &et!een in6 +#rn#ti ns) the s$irit is #t h 0e in its !n re#l0 #nd is #&le t dev te itself t t#ll' t the reG%ire0ents f s$iri6 t%#l life. Rele#sed fr 0 $h'si+#l e?isten+e) it devel $s in #ll dire+ti ns #nd in+ r$ r#tes the fr%its f its e?$erien+e in $revi %s lifeti0es int this $r +ess. Its #ttenti n is th%s #l!#'s dire+ted t the e#rthl' + nte?t f its t#s"s. T


the e?tent th#t the e#rth is the s$iritEs field f #+ti n) the s$irit is + nst#ntl' ! r"ing t "ee$ $#+e !ith the e#rthEs ev l%ti n) #nd is ! r"ing n itself s th#t in e#+h in+#r6 n#ti n the servi+e it $erf r0s + rres$ nds t the e#rthEs sit%#ti n #t th#t ti0e. Of + %rse) this is nl' # ver' gen6 er#l $i+t%re f s%++essive h%0#n lifeti0esB re#lit' never + nf r0s t t#ll' t this $i+t%re &%t nl' #$$r ?i0#tes it. Cir+%0st#n+es +#n di+t#te th#t # $ers nEs ne?t life is 0%+h less $erfe+t th#n the $re+eding ne) &%t n the !h le these irreg%l#rities #re &#l#n+ed %t !ithin $re6 +ise li0its in s%++essive in+#rn#ti ns. The + %rse f %r s$iritEs devel $0ent in the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings t#"es $l#+e thr %gh %r &e+ 0ing f%ll' in6 v lved in the life f e#+h f its different regi ns. O%r !n life diss lves int e#+h regi n in s%++essi nB !e te0$ 6 r#ril' #ss%0e the +h#r#+teristi+s f e#+h f these regi ns. As # res%lt) their &eing $er0e#tes %r &eing s th#t !e #re strengthened in %r ! r" n e#rth. In the first regi n f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings) !e #re s%rr %nded &' the s$irit%#l #r+het'$es f e#rthl' things. D%ring #n e#rthl' lifeti0e) !e nl' le#rn t "n ! the sh#d !s f these #r+het'$es) !hi+h !e gr#s$ in %r !n th %ghts. Hh#t is 0erel' thou#ht n e#rth is e7peri+ enced in this regi n. He #re s%rr %nded &' th %ghts #s !e $r +eed n %r !#') &%t these th %ghts #re real &e+ in#%. Hh#t !e $er+eived thr %gh %r senses d%ring e#rthl' life n ! ! r"s n %s in its th %ght f r0) &%t the th %ght #$$e#rs t %s) n t #s # sh#d ! hiding &ehind the things) &%t #s # living re#lit' th#t +re#tes the things. He #re in the th %ght ! r"sh $) s t s$e#") !here e#rthl'

things #re sh#$ed #nd f r0ed. Ever'thing in the + %ntr' f s$irits is f%ll f livel' #+tivit' #nd 0 ve0ent. Here the th %ght ! rld is #t ! r" #s # ! rld f living &eings) +re6 #ting #nd f r0ingB !e see here h ! !h#t !e e?$erien+ed d%ring e#rthl' e?isten+e is sh#$ed #nd f r0ed. In %r $h'si+#l & dies !e e?$erien+ed sense6 $er+e$ti&le things #s re#lities) &%t n !) #s s$irits) !e e?$erien+e s$irit%#l f r0#tive f r+es #s re#l. Als $resent #0 ng the th %ght &eings here is the ide# f %r !n $h'si+#l) & dil' n#t%re) fr 0 !hi+h !e n ! feel G%ite re0 vedB !e e?$erien+e nl' %r s$irit%#l &eing #s #+t%#ll' &el nging t %s. Hhen !e d &e+ 0e #!#re) #s if in 0e0 r') f the & d' !e h#ve l#id #side) !e see it n l nger #s # $h'si+#l &eing &%t r#ther #s # th %ght &eing) #nd then the f#+t th#t it &el ngs t the %ter ! rld &e+ 0es # dire+t &serv#ti n. He le#rn t reg#rd it #s s 0ething &e6 l nging t the %ter ! rld) #s #n e?tensi n f the %ter ! rld. As # res%lt) !e n l nger + nsider %r !n $h'si+#l e?isten+e t &e 0 re +l sel' rel#ted t %rselves) s !e +e#se t se$#r#te it fr 0 the rest f the ! rld. He e?$eri6 en+e the entire %ter ! rld) in+l%ding %r !n $h'si+#l e0& di0ents) #s # %nit'B %r $ers n#l $h'si+#l e0& di6 0ents 0erge int # %nit' !ith the rest f the ! rld. At this st#ge) !e vie! the #r+het'$es f $h'si+#l) & dil' re#lit' #s # %nit' t !hi+h !e %rselves n+e &el nged. Thr %gh &6 serv#ti n) !e gr#d%#ll' le#rn t re+ gni=e %r rel#ti nshi$ t ) %r %nit' !ith) %r s%rr %ndings) t re#li=e th#t !e %r6 selves n+e !ere !h#t is s$re#d %t #r %nd %s here. This is ne f the f%nd#0ent#l ide#s f #n+ient Indi#n <ed#nt# !isd 0. The s#ge #+G%ires d%ring e#rthl' life


!h#t ther $e $le e?$erien+e nl' #fter de#th) n#0el' the #&ilit' t gr#s$ the th %ght th#t !e %rselves #re re6 l#ted t #ll things) the th %ght) Jth#t is ' %.K In e#rthl' life this is #n ide#l th#t %r thin"ing +#n #s$ire t ) &%t in the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings it is #n i00edi#te f#+t th#t &e+ 0es ever +le#rer #s !e g#in s$irit%#l e?$erien+e. He &e+ 0e ever 0 re #!#re th#t) in %r essenti#l &e6 ing) !e &el ng t the s$irit%#l ! rld. He $er+eive %r6 selves #s s$irits #0 ng s$irits) #s rg#ns f the $ri0#l s$irits. He feel in %rselves their ! rd) JI #0 the $ri0#l s$irit)K r) in ter0s f <ed#nt# !isd 0) JI #0 :r#h6 0#n)K th#t is) I #0 $#rt f) #n rg#n f) the $ri0#l &eing fr 0 !hi+h #ll &eings s$ring. Th%s !e see th#t !h#t !e gr#s$ d%ring e#rthl' life #s # sh#d !' ide# #nd the &6 Ie+t f #ll !isd 0Es #s$ir#ti n is # 0#tter f dire+t e?6 $erien+e in the s$irit ! rld. This ide# +#n &e th %ght d%ring e#rthl' life nl' &e+#%se it is #n #+t%#l f#+t in s$irit%#l e?isten+e. D%ring s$irit%#l e?isten+e) !e see the rel#ti nshi$s #nd +ir+%0st#n+es th#t s%rr %nded %s d%ring e#rthl' life fr 0 # 0 re elev#ted v#nt#ge $ int) #s if fr 0 %tside. Hhile !e live in the s$irit + %ntr'Es l !est regi n) this is h ! !e rel#te t e#rthl' +ir+%0st#n+es h#ving t d dire+tl' !ith $h'si+#l) & dil' re#lit'. He #re & rn n e#rth int # f#0il' #nd #n ethni+ gr %$) #nd !e live in # $#rti+%l#r + %ntr'. All these +ir+%0st#n+es deter0ine %r e#rthl' e?isten+e. He find th#t the +ir+%0st#n+es in the $h'si+#l ! rld +#%se %s t &e+ 0e friends !ith $#rti+%l#r $e $le r t $%rs%e # $#rti+%l#r line f ! r"B the' deter0ine the gener#l +h#r#+ter f %r life. In the first regi n f the

+ %ntr' f s$irit &eings) #ll this + nfr nts %s #s # living th %ght6entit'. In # +ert#in sense) !e live thr %gh it #ll #g#in) &%t fr 0 the #+tive s$irit%#l side. O%r l ve f r %r f#0il' #nd the friendshi$ !e e?tended t thers #re n ! enlivened in %s fr 0 !ithin) #nd %r +#$#+ities in this di6 re+ti n #re enh#n+ed. Hh#t ! r"s in the h%0#n s$irit #s the f r+e f l ve f f#0il' #nd friends is strengthened) #nd in this res$e+t) !e l#ter enter e#rthl' e?isten+e #s 0 re $erfe+ted h%0#n &eings. F r the 0 st $#rt) %r d#il' rel#ti nshi$s in e#rthl' life #re !h#t ri$en int fr%it in this l !est regi n f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings. The #s$e+t f the h%0#n &eing th#t in its interests is !h ll' & %nd %$ !ith these d#il' +ir+%0st#n+es !ill feel rel#ted t this re6 gi n f r the gre#test $ rti n f the s$irit%#l life &et!een in+#rn#ti ns. The $e $le !ith !h 0 !e lived in the $h'si+#l ! rld #re en+ %ntered #g#in in the s$irit%#l ! rld. M%st #s ev6 er'thing th#t the s %l n+e $ ssessed thr %gh the $h'si6 +#l & d' f#lls #!#') s d es the & nd th#t n+e lin"ed s %l t s %l in $h'si+#l life free itself fr 0 the +ir+%06 st#n+es th#t nl' h#d 0e#ning #nd re#lit' in the $h'si+#l ! rld. :%t !h#t ne s %l !#s t #n ther in $h'si+#l life lives n #fter de#th) lives n in the s$irit%#l ! rld. Of + %rse ! rds + ined t des+ri&e $h'si+#l +ir+%0st#n+es +#n nl' ine?#+tl' e?$ress !h#t t#"es $l#+e in the s$iri6 t%#l ! rld. T#"ing this int #++ %nt) h !ever) it is +er6 t#inl' + rre+t t s#' th#t s %ls !h &el nged t gether d%ring $h'si+#l life 0eet #g#in in the s$irit%#l ! rld #nd + ntin%e their lives t gether %nder the +ir+%0st#n+es f th#t ! rld.

The ne?t regi n is the ne in !hi+h the life th#t is + 06 0 n t the th %ght &eing f the entire e#rthl' ! rld fl !s #nd stre#0s #s the fl%id ele0ent f the s$irit%#l ! rld) s t s$e#". As l ng #s !e #re &serving the ! rld fr 0 the v#nt#ge $ int f $h'si+#l e0& di0ent) life #$6 $e#rs & %nd t individ%#l living things. In the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings) h !ever) life is rele#sed fr 0 individ%#l things #nd fl !s thr %gh %t li"e the &l d f life) #s # living %nit' th#t is $resent in #ll things. D%ring e#rthl' life !e get nl' # gli00er r # refle+ti n f this) !hi+h is e?$ressed in #n' dev ti n !e &ring t !#rd the !h le) t !#rd the %nit' #nd h#r0 n' f the ! rld. O%r religi %s life derives fr 0 this refle+ti n) 0#"ing %s #!#re f the e?tent t !hi+h the + 0$rehensive 0e#ning f e?isten+e d es not lie in #n'thing individ%#l #nd tr#nsit r'. He + 0e t reg#rd tr#nsit r' e?isten+e #s #n i0#ge r li"e6 ness f s 0ething etern#l) f # h#r0 ni %s !h le) #nd !e l " %$ t this %nit' reverentl' #nd ! rshi$f%ll' in $erf r0ing %r religi %s rit%#ls. In the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings) h !ever) living th %ght n#t%re #$$e#rs in its tr%e f r0 r#ther th#n #s # refle+ti n) #nd !e +#n #+t%#ll' %nite !ith the %nit' !e ! rshi$ed n e#rth. O%r religi %s life #nd ever'thing rel#ted t it &e#rs fr%it in this regi n. Here) s$irit%#l e?$erien+e te#+hes %s th#t %r individ%#l destinies +#nn t &e se$#r#ted fr 0 the + 00%nit' t !hi+h !e &el ng) #nd the #&ilit' t re+ gni=e %r6 selves #s $#rts f # !h le devel $s. Religi %s feeling #nd ever'thing in %s th#t str%ggled f r $%re #nd n &le 0 r#lit' d%ring %r lifeti0e !ill dr#! strength fr 0 this regi n d%ring the gre#ter $#rt f the interv#l !e s$end in

it) #nd !e #re then ree0& died !ith %r #&ilities en6 h#n+ed in this reg#rd. In the first regi n) !e !ere in the + 0$#n' f the s %ls t !h 0 !e !ere 0 st +l sel' lin"ed in the $h'si+#l ! rld in %r $revi %s lifeti0e. In the se+ nd regi n) !e + 0e int the $resen+e f #ll th se !ith !h 0 !e felt %nited in # !ider sense thr %gh # + 00 n dev ti n) # + 00 n f#ith #nd s n. It 0%st &e e0$h#si=ed th#t %r s$irit%#l e?$erien+es in $re+eding regi ns + ntin%e in the ne?t) s !e #re n t t rn %t f the + nte?t f f#0il') friends #nd s n !hen !e t#"e $#rt in the life f the se+6 nd #nd s%++essive regi ns. The regi ns f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings #re n t se$#r#te Jde$#rt0entsKB the' inter6 $enetr#te e#+h ther. He e?$erien+e &eing in # ne! re6 gi n n t &e+#%se !e h#ve JenteredK it in #n' %t!#rd !#') &%t &e+#%se !e h#ve nl' n ! #+G%ired the inner #&ilit' t $er+eive s 0ething th#t h#s &een s%rr %nding %s #ll the ti0e. The third regi n f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings + nt#ins the #r+het'$es f the s %l ! rld. Ever'thing th#t lives in th#t ! rld is $resent here #s # living th %ght &eingB !e find here the #r+het'$es f desires) !ishes) e0 ti ns #nd s n. :%t n self6see"ing +lings t the s %l here in the s$irit ! rld. M%st #s #ll life + nstit%tes # %nit' in the se+6 nd regi n) #ll desires) !ishes) $le#s%res #nd dis$le#s%res f r0 # %nit' in this third regi n) s th#t !h#t thers !ish #nd desire is indisting%ish#&le fr 0 !h#t I !ish #nd de6 sire. The sens#ti ns #nd feelings f #ll &eings f r0 # + 06 0 n ! rld th#t en+l ses #nd s%rr %nds ever'thing else) li"e the #ir th#t s%rr %nds the e#rth. This regi n is) s t




s$e#") the J#t0 s$hereK f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings. Ever'thing d ne d%ring e#rthl' life in the servi+e f the + 00 n g d #nd in selfless dev ti n t %r fell ! h%6 0#n &eings !ill &e#r fr%it here in this third regi n) &e6 +#%se &' living in servi+e #nd dev ti n !e !ere #lre#d' living in its refle+ti n. H%0#n"indEs gre#t &enef#+t rs) dev ted individ%#ls !h $erf r0 gre#t servi+es f r their + 00%nities) #+G%ired their #&ilit' t d s in this regi n #fter h#ving $re$#red the0selves f r # s$e+i#l rel#ti n6 shi$ t it in e#rlier lifeti0es. O&vi %sl') the three regi ns f s$irit + %ntr' th#t h#ve &een des+ri&ed s f#r rel#te in # $#rti+%l#r !#' t the ! rlds &el !) t the $h'si+#l #nd s %l ! rlds) in th#t the' + nt#in the #r+het'$es r living th %ght &eings th#t #ss%0e $h'si+#l r s %l e?isten+e in the ther t! ! rlds. The f %rth regi n is the first th#t is $%re s$irit + %ntr') #lth %gh n t in the f%llest sense f the ! rd. It differs fr 0 the three l !er regi ns in th#t the' + nt#in the #r+het'$es f things #nd &eings !e find #s JgivensK &ef re !e %rselves intervene in these ! rlds. O%r ev6 er'd#' life n e#rth is rel#ted t these tr#nsient things) !hi+h) h !ever) dire+t %r #ttenti n t their &#sis in eternit'. These tr#nsient things) #nd #ls %r fell ! +re#6 t%res t !h 0 !e t%rn %r selfless #ttenti n) #re n t there &e+#%se f %s. :%t !h#t is in the ! rld &e+#%se f %s is ever'thing +re#ted thr %gh the #rts #nd s+ien+es) thr %gh te+hn l g') the st#te #nd s nDever'thing !e in+ r$ r#te int the ! rld #s rigin#l ! r"s f %r s$irit. Hith %t %r $#rti+i$#ti n) n i0#ge f these things ! %ld e?ist in the ! rld. The #r+het'$es f r these $%rel'

h%0#n +re#ti ns #re t &e f %nd in the f %rth regi n f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings. Ever'thing h%0#n &eings devel $ d%ring e#rthl' life &' !#' f s+ientifi+ #++ 06 $lish0ents) #rtisti+ ide#s #nd f r0s) #nd te+hn l gi+#l thin"ing &e#rs fr%it in this f %rth regi n. Artists) s+h l6 #rs #nd gre#t invent rs dr#! their i0$%lses fr 0 this re6 gi n d%ring their st#' in the s$irit ! rldB here their geni%s is enh#n+ed s th#t d%ring l#ter in+#rn#ti ns the' +#n + ntri&%te still 0 re t the f%rther devel $0ent f %r +ivili=#ti n. :%t !e 0%st n t i0#gine th#t this f %rth regi n is f signifi+#n+e f r %tst#nding individ%#ls nl'B it is f sig6 nifi+#n+e f r #ll f %s. An' + n+erns d%ring $h'si+#l life th#t tr#ns+end the s$here f 0%nd#ne #+tivit') !ishes #nd desires h#ve their %lti0#te s %r+e in this regi n. If !e s$ent the interv#l &et!een de#th #nd # ne! &irth !ith %t $#ssing thr %gh this regi n) in the ne?t life !e ! %ld h#ve n interests re#+hing &e' nd the n#rr ! +ir+%0fer6 en+e f %r !n $ers n#l life t %nivers#l h%0#n + n6 +erns. As it h#s I%st &een s#id) n t even this regi n +#n &e +#lled J$%re s$irit + %ntr'K in the f%llest sense f the ! rd) &e+#%se the + nditi n in !hi+h !e h#ve left the e#rthEs +%lt%r#l devel $0ent $l#'s int %r s$irit%#l e?ist6 en+e in this regi n. In the s$irit%#l ! rld !e +#n enI ' nl' the fr%its f !h#tever %r !n t#lents #nd the degree f devel $0ent f %r ethni+ gr %$) n#ti n #nd s n h#ve #ll !ed %s t #+hieve. In the still higher regi ns f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings) the h%0#n s$irit is relieved f #ll e#rthl' & nds #nd #s6 +ends t # $%rel' s$irit%#l ! rld) !here it e?$erien+es the



intenti ns #nd g #ls it est#&lished f r e#rthl' life. Ever'6 thing th#t is #+t%#ll' #+hieved in the ! rld &rings these highest g #ls #nd intenti ns int e?isten+e nl' in the f r0 f # rel#tivel' fee&le + $'. Ever' +r'st#l) ever' tree) ever' #ni0#l) #nd #ls ever'thing !e #++ 0$lish thr %gh %r !n +re#tivit'D#ll these $r vide nl' + $ies f !h#t the s$irit intended. D%ring %r in+#rn#ti ns) #ll !e +#n d is lin" %$ !ith these i0$erfe+t + $ies f $erfe+t intenti ns #nd g #ls. He %rselves +#n nl' &e + $ies r i0it#ti ns f !h#t the "ingd 0 f the s$irit intended %s t &e. There6 f re) !h#t !e #+t%#ll' #re #s s$irits in the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings is nl' evident n+e !e h#ve re#+hed the fifth re6 gi n f s$irit + %ntr' d%ring the interv#l &et!een t! in6 +#rn#ti ns. Here !e #re re#ll' %rselvesB !e #re !h#t #ss%0es %ter e?isten+e in %r v#ri %s in+#rn#ti ns. In this regi n %r tr%e h%0#n self) the self th#t #$$e#rs #ne! in e#+h in+#rn#ti n) +#n + 0e t f%ll e?$ressi n. Sin+e it &rings !ith it #&ilities th#t h#ve 0#t%red in the s$irit ! rldEs l !er regi ns) it +#rries the fr%its f e#rlier life6 ti0es ver int s%++eeding nes. It is the vehi+le f r the res%lts f e#rlier in+#rn#ti ns. Hhen the self is in the fifth regi n f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings) it d!ells in the "ingd 0 f intenti ns #nd g #ls. In the fifth regi n) li"e #n #r+hite+t !h le#rns fr 0 i0$erfe+ti ns th#t h#ve &e+ 0e evident #nd !h in6 +l%des in f%t%re designs nl' !h#t he r she h#s &een #&le t $erfe+t) the self dis+#rds #n' f the res%lts f e?$eri6 en+e in e#rlier lifeti0es th#t h#ve t d !ith l !er6 ! rldl' i0$erfe+ti ns. It is n ! #t h 0e !ith the inten6 ti ns f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings #nd fr%+tifies the0

!ith the res%lts f e#rlier lifeti0es. Cle#rl') the strength th#t +#n &e dr#!n fr 0 this regi n de$ends n the e?tent t !hi+h the e0& died self h#s #+hieved res%lts th#t #re fit t &e t#"en %$ int the ! rld f intenti ns. A self th#t h#s #tte0$ted t re#li=e the intenti ns f the s$irit &' 0e#ns f its #+tive th %ght life r !ise #nd l ving ! r" d%ring e#rthl' life !ill &e # g d +#ndid#te f r this regi n. On the ther h#nd) n thing th#t is t t#ll' given ver t 0%nd#ne +ir+%0st#n+es) n thing th#t d!ells n #nd in tr#nsit r' things) +#n s ! seeds +#$#&le f $l#'ing #n' r le in the $%r$ ses f the etern#l rder f the ! rld. Onl' th se fe! things th#t h#ve h#d #n effe+t e?tending &e' nd ever'd#' interests +#n devel $ int fr%it in these %$$er re6 gi ns f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings. H !ever) !e 0%st n t i0#gine th#t ! rldl' ren !n r #n' s%+h thing is !h#t is 0e#nt here. It is r#ther # G%esti n f #n'thing) even in the 0 st restri+tive life sit%#ti n) th#t le#ds t #n #!#reness f e#+h single thingEs i0$ rt#n+e in the etern#l $r gressive + %rse f e?isten+e. In this regi n) !e 0%st &e+ 0e #++%st 0ed t #ssessing things differ6 entl' th#n !e #re #&le t d in $h'si+#l life. F r inst#n+e) if !e h#ve #+G%ired ver' little th#t rel#tes t this fifth re6 gi n) !e feel #n %rgent need t i0$rint n %rselves #n i0$%lse th#t !ill +#%se %r ne?t life t r%n its + %rse in s%+h # !#' th#t the effect f this defi+it &e+ 0es #$$#rent in the destin' r "#r0# !e 0eet. The J%nf rt%n#te f#teKDt $%t it in ter0s f th#t lifeti0eDth#t 0eets %s there) #nd th#t 0#' even $r v "e &itter + 0$l#ining) #$6 $e#rs in the fifth regi n #s e?#+tl' !h#t !e need. Sin+e in this fifth regi n !e #re d!elling in %r tr%e self) !e #re


r#ised #& ve ever'thing l !er6! rldl' th#t envel $ed %s d%ring %r in+#rn#ti ns. Here) !e #re !h#t !e #l!#'s h#ve &een #nd #l!#'s !ill &e in the + %rse f %r in+#r6 n#ti ns. He #re living %nder the #%th rit' f the inten6 ti ns th#t e?ist f r these in+#rn#ti ns) intenti ns th#t !e in+ r$ r#te int %r !n self. Th#t is) !e l " &#+" n %r $#st #nd #re #!#re th#t ever'thing !e h#ve e?$eri6 en+ed is &eing #&s r&ed int intenti ns th#t !e !ill h#ve t re#li=e in f%t%re. A +ert#in +#$#+it' t re0e0&er e#rlier lifeti0es #s !ell #s # $r $heti+ $revie! f l#ter nes fl#res %$. He "n ! th#t !h#t this & " +#lls the Js$irit self)K t the e?tent th#t it is #lre#d' devel $ed) is in its !n ele0ent in this regi n) !here it + ntin%es t devel $ #nd $re$#res itself t &e #&le t f%lfill s$irit%#l intenti ns in e#rthl' re#lit' in # ne! in+#rn#ti n. If) thr %gh # series f s I %rns in the + %ntr' f s$irit &e6 ings) this Js$irit selfK h#s devel $ed t the $ int !here it +#n 0 ve #& %t t t#ll' freel' there) it !ill see" its tr%e h 0e there 0 re #nd 0 re in ti0es t + 0e. Life in the s$irit &e+ 0es #s f#0ili#r t it #s life in $h'si+#l re#lit' is t e#rthl' h%0#n &eings. At this st#ge f devel $0ent) the vie!$ int f the s$irit%#l ! rld &egins t $rev#il #s the ne the self +h ses 0 re r less + ns+i %sl' #s the st#n6 d#rd f r its e#rthl' lives t + 0e. It feels itself t &e # 0e0&er f the ! rldEs divine rder) #nd the l#!s #nd li06 it#ti ns f e#rthl' life d n t t %+h its inner0 st &eing. The strength needed f r ever'thing th#t it +#rries %t + 0es fr 0 the s$irit%#l ! rld. :%t this s$irit%#l ! rld is # %nit') #nd th se !h live in it "n ! th#t the etern#l h#s ! r"ed t +re#te the $#st. The' #re #ls #&le t deter0ine

their f%t%re dire+ti n in #++ rd#n+e !ith the etern#lB their vie!) n+e restri+ted t the $#st) h#s e?$#nded #nd &e+ 0e $erfe+t.- H%0#n &eings !h h#ve re#+hed this level $r 6 vide f r the0selves the g #ls the' #re t #+hieve in their ne?t in+#rn#ti n. H r"ing %t f the + %ntr' f s$irit &e6 ings) s%+h h%0#n &eings infl%en+e their !n f%t%re s th#t it $r +eeds in line !ith !h#t is tr%e #nd s$irit%#l. :e+#%se the' h#ve +li0&ed t the level !here the' +#n %nderst#nd divine !isd 0) these h%0#n &eings s$end the interv#ls &e6 t!een in+#rn#ti ns in the $resen+e f #ll the e?#lted &eings !h h#ve #n %nrestri+ted vie! f th#t !isd 0.
-. The st#te0ent th#t J3t4he' #re #ls #&le t deter0ine their f%t%re dire+ti n in #++ rd#n+e !ith the etern#l3)4K is intended t $ int t the s$e+i#l +h#r#+ter f the s %lEs + nstit%ti n d%ring the ti0e &et!een de#th #nd # ne! &irth. :' the st#nd#rds f life in the $h'si+#l ! rld) # str "e f destin' in the life f #n individ%#l 0#' see0 t &e in dire+t + nfli+t !ith !h#t th#t $ers n !#nts #nd intends. D%ring life &et!een de#th #nd &irth) h !ever) # !ill6li"e f r+e th#t $rev#ils in the h%0#n s %l $ ints the !#' f r the $ers n in G%esti n t e?$eri6 en+e th#t ver' &l ! f f#te. The s %l $er+eives) #s it !ere) #n i0$er6 fe+ti n +linging t it fr 0 $revi %s e#rthl' lives #s # res%lt f s 0e %gl' deed r th %ght. D%ring the interv#l &et!een de#th #nd &irth) # !ill6li"e i0$%lse th#t #rises in the s %l %rges it t &#l#n+e %t this i0$erfe+ti n. As # res%lt) the s %l #+G%ires the tenden+' t $l%nge int s 0e 0isf rt%ne in its s%&seG%ent e#rthl' life) s 0ething it 0%st s%ffer in rder t rest re eG%ili&ri%0. On+e it h#s &een & rn int # $h'si+#l & d' #nd hit &' this str "e f destin') the s %l in G%esti n h#s n in"ling th#t in its $re6&irth life in the s$irit it h#d #+tivel' $%shed itself in the dire+ti n f this h#rd f#te) &%t in #+t%#l f#+tD#s %n!ished f r #nd %nintended #s this &l ! 0#' see0 fr 0 the vie!6 $ int f e#rthl' lifeDthe s %l h#s !illed it %$ n itself in the + %rse f its s%$ersensi&le e?isten+e. JO%t f eternit') h%0#n &eings deter6 0ine their f%t%re.K

In the si?th regi n f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings) ever'6 thing th#t h%0#n &eings d &rings #& %t !h#t is &est s%ited t the tr%e #nd essenti#l n#t%re f the ! rld. H%6 0#n &eings +#n n l nger see" !h#t is t their !n #d6 v#nt#ge) &%t nl' !h#t sh %ld h#$$en #++ rding t the $r $er $r gressi n f the ! rld rder. The seventh regi n f the s$irit ! rld le#ds t the & %nd#r' f the three ! rlds !e h#ve dis+%ssed. Here) h%6 0#n &eings st#nd f#+e t f#+e !ith the J"ernels f lifeK th#t #re tr#ns$l#nted fr 0 still higher ! rlds int these three !here the' !ill + 0$lete their t#s"s. H#ving #rrived #t the li0its f the three ! rlds) h%0#n &eings re+ gni=e the06 selves in their !n J"ernels f life.K This 0e#ns th#t the riddles f these three ! rlds h#ve &een s lved f r the0B the' h#ve #+G%ired # f%ll vervie! f the life in these ! rlds. Under rdin#r' +ir+%0st#n+es in $h'si+#l life) the s %l f#+%lties &' !hi+h !e e?$erien+e the s$irit%#l ! rld in the !#' des+ri&ed here d n t &e+ 0e + ns+i %s. The' ! r" in %n+ ns+i %s de$ths n the $h'si+#l rg#ns t &ring #& %t + ns+i %sness in the $h'si+#l ! rld) #nd th%s the' re0#in i0$er+e$ti&le #s f#r #s this ! rld is + n6 +erned. An e'e) t ) is in+#$#&le f seeing itself &e+#%se the f r+es th#t 0#"e it $ ssi&le t see ther things #re #t ! r" in it. If !e !#nt t #ssess the e?tent t !hi+h # h%6 0#n life &et!een &irth #nd de#th is the res%lt f e#rlier e#rthl' lives) !e 0%st t#"e int #++ %nt the f#+t th#t # v#n6 t#ge $ int sit%#ted !ithin this life itself d es n t #ll ! %s t d s . Fr 0 this $ int f vie!) #n e#rthl' life 0ight #$6 $e#r t &e i0$erfe+t) f%ll f s%ffering #nd s n) !hile t # $ int f vie! &#sed %tside e#rthl' life) the f r0 this life

#ss%0es in #ll its s%ffering #nd i0$erfe+ti n ! %ld $r ve t &e the + nseG%en+e f e#rlier lives. :' setting %t n the $#th t "n !ledge #s it is des+ri&ed in # s%&seG%ent +h#$6 ter f this & ") the s %l +#n free itself fr 0 the +ir+%06 st#n+es f & dil' life #nd $er+eive #n i0#ge f the e?$erien+es it %nderg es &et!een de#th #nd # ne! &irth. This t'$e f $er+e$ti n 0#"es it $ ssi&le t de$i+t the $r 6 +esses t#"ing $l#+e in the s$irit ! rld) #s h#s &een d ne here in # s"et+h' f r0. Onl' !hen !e re0e0&er th#t the s %lEs entire + nstit%ti n is different in the $h'si+#l & d' th#n it is !hen it is %nderg ing $%rel' s$irit%#l e?$eri6 en+es) +#n !e see these de$i+ti ns in the right light.

K> The Ph %ical $orld and it% Connection to the $orld% of Soul% and Spirit% The f r0#ti ns f the s %l #nd s$irit ! rlds +#nn t &e the &Ie+t f %ter sens r' $er+e$ti n. Sense6$er+e$ti&le &6 Ie+ts 0%st &e re+" ned #s # third ! rld #l ngside the ther t! . D%ring & dil' e?isten+e) !e live in #ll three ! rlds #t n+eF He $er+eive the &Ie+ts f the sense6$er6 +e$ti&le ! rld #nd ! r" n the0. S %l str%+t%res ! r" n %s thr %gh their f r+es f s'0$#th' #nd #nti$#th') !hile !e %rselves stir %$ !#ves in the s %l ! rld !ith %r li"es #nd disli"es) !ishes #nd desires. The s$irit%#l n#t%re f things) h !ever) is refle+ted in %r th %ght ! rld) #nd #s thin"ing s$irit &eings !e #re +iti=ens f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings #nd + 0r#des f ever'thing th#t lives in this re#l0.


This 0#"es it +le#r th#t the sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld is nl' $#rt f !h#t s%rr %nds %s. It is distin+t fr 0) #nd t # +ert#in e?tent inde$endent f) %r ver#ll s%rr %ndings si0$l' &e+#%se it +#n &e $er+eived !ith senses th#t disre6 g#rd the s %l #nd s$irit%#l #s$e+ts f these s%rr %ndings. It is li"e # $ie+e f i+e fl #ting n !#terD the i+e + nsists f the s#0e s%&st#n+e #s the s%rr %nding !#ter &%t st#nds %t &e+#%se f +ert#in G%#lities it $ ssesses. In the s#0e !#') sense6$er+e$ti&le things #re f the s#0e s%&st#n+e #s the s %l #nd s$irit ! rlds s%rr %nding the0) &%t the' st#nd %t &e+#%se f +ert#in +h#r#+teristi+s th#t 0#"e the0 $er+e$ti&le t %r senses. T $%t it s 0e!h#t fig%6 r#tivel') the' #re + ndensed s$irit #nd s %l f r0#ti ns) #nd the + ndens#ti n 0#"es it $ ssi&le f r %r senses t #+G%ire "n !ledge #& %t the0. I+e is I%st ne f the 0#n6 ifest#ti ns f !#ter) #nd sense6$er+e$ti&le things #re I%st ne f r0 in !hi+h s %l #nd s$irit &eings e?ist. H#ving gr#s$ed this) !e +#n #ls %nderst#nd th#t the s$irit ! rld +#n +h#nge int the s %l ! rld #nd the s %l ! rld int the sens r' ! rld) I%st #s !#ter +#n t%rn t i+e. Fr 0 this $ers$e+tive) it #ls &e+ 0es +le#r !h' !e h%0#n &eings #re #&le t thin" th %ghts #& %t sense6$er6 +e$ti&le things. Ever' thin"ing $ers n 0%st #s" the G%es6 ti n) JHh#t is the rel#ti nshi$ f 0' th %ghts #& %t # st ne t the st ne itselfLK F r $e $le !h #re #&le t l " int n#t%re es$e+i#ll' dee$l') this G%esti n #$$e#rs +le#rl' t their 0indEs e'eB the' e?$erien+e the ! rld f h%0#n th %ghts #s &eing in h#r0 n' !ith the str%+t%re #nd rder f n#t%re. (e$ler) the f#0 %s #str n 0er) $%t it ver' &e#%tif%ll'F

The tr%th is th#t the divine +#lling th#t &ids %s st%d' #str n 0' is ins+ri&ed n the ! rld itself) n t in ! rds #nd s'll#&les &%t in the ver' f#+t th#t %r h%0#n + n+e$ts #nd senses #re #d#$ted t $er6 +eive h ! he#venl' & dies) he#venl' +ir+%06 st#n+es) #re lin"ed.,. Onl' &e+#%se sense6$er+e$ti&le things #re n thing ther th#n + ndensed s$irit &eings +#n !e h%0#n &e6 ingsD!h +#n lift %rselves %$ in th %ght t the level f s$irit &eingsDthin" #& %t #nd %nderst#nd the0. Sense6 $er+e$ti&le things rigin#te in the s$irit ! rld #nd #re si0$l' #n ther 0#nifest#ti n f s$irit &eingsB !hen !e f r0%l#te th %ghts #& %t things) !e #re si0$l' in!#rdl' dire+ted #!#' fr 0 their sense6$er+e$ti&le f r0s #nd t 6 !#rd their s$irit%#l #r+het'$es. Underst#nding #n &Ie+t &' thin"ing #& %t it is # $r +ess th#t +#n &e + 0$#red t 0elting # s lid & d' s th#t +he0ists +#n st%d' it in its fl%id f r0. The s$irit%#l #r+het'$es f the sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld #re t &e f %nd in the different regi ns f s$irit + %ntr'. In the fifth) si?th) #nd seventh regi ns) the' still e?ist #s living ger0in#l $ ints) !hile in the f %r l !er regi ns the' t#"e sh#$e #s s$irit%#l f r0#ti ns. Hhen the h%0#n s$irit tries t + 0e t #n %nderst#nding f sense6 $er+e$ti6 &le &Ie+ts &' 0e#ns f thin"ing) it $er+eives sh#d !' + $ies r i0it#ti ns f s$irit%#l f r0#ti ns. In #s$iring t
,.. M h#nnes (e$ler) ,7;,6,95.. This $#ss#ge is fr 0 the JC 06 0ent#riesK n his & " A%tronomia Nova) P#rt II) Ch#$ter <II.


# s$irit%#l %nderst#nding f %r s%rr %ndings) !e r#ise the G%esti n f h ! s$irit%#l f r0#ti ns + ndense int sense6$er+e$ti&ilit'. T %r sens r' $er+e$ti n) the ! rld #r %nd %s is di6 vided int f %r +le#rl' disting%ish#&le levels) the 0iner#l) $l#nt) #ni0#l #nd h%0#n levels. The 0iner#l "ingd 0 is $er+eived &' 0e#ns f the senses #nd %nderst d &' 0e#ns f thin"ing. Hhen !e f r0%l#te # th %ght #& %t # 0iner#l &Ie+t) !e #re de#ling !ith t! things) the sense6 $er+e$ti&le &Ie+t #nd the th %ght. A++ rdingl') !e 0%st i0#gine this sense6$er+e$ti&le thing #s # + ndensed th %ght &eing. N !) ne 0iner#l entit' #+ts %t!#rdl' n #n therB it &%0$s int it #nd 0#"es it 0 ve) !#r0s it) il6 l%0in#tes it) diss lves it) #nd s n. This %t!#rd !#' f ! r"ing +#n &e e?$ressed in th %ghts. In the $r +ess f h#ving th %ghts #& %t h ! 0iner#l &Ie+ts infl%en+e e#+h ther in # reg%l#r #nd l#!f%l 0#nner) %r is l#ted th %ghts e?$#nd int # th %ght i0#ge f the !h le 0in6 er#l ! rld. This th %ght i0#ge is # refle+ti n f the #r+he6 t'$e f the entire 0iner#l sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld) #nd +#n &e f %nd a% a !hole in the s$irit%#l ! rld. In the $l#nt "ingd 0) the $hen 0en# f gr !th #nd re6 $r d%+ti n #re #dded t the f#+t th#t ne thing %t!#rdl' #ffe+ts #n ther. Pl#nts gr ! #nd $r d%+e &eings f the s#0e "ind) s life is #dded t !h#t !e en+ %nter in the 0iner#l "ingd 0. Si0$l' $ ndering this st#te f #ff#irs !ill le#d %s t # $ int f vie! th#t sheds light n the s%&6 Ie+t. E#+h $l#nt $ ssesses the inherent $ !er t +re#te its !n living f r0 #nd t $#ss it n t # &eing f its !n "ind. The f r0s f +r'st#ls st#nd 0id!#' &et!een 0iner#l

s%&st#n+es f the f r0less s rt) s%+h #s th se !e en+ %nter in g#ses) liG%ids) #nd s n) #nd the living f r0s f the $l#nt ! rld. In +r'st#ls !e find the tr#nsiti n fr 0 the f r0less 0iner#l ! rld t the living +#$#+it' f the $l#nt "ingd 0 t $r d%+e f r0s. The %t!#rd sense6$er+e$ti&le $r +ess f #ss%0ing sh#$e) #s it t#"es $l#+e in & th the 0iner#l #nd $l#nt "ingd 0s) 0%st &e seen #s # sense6$er6 +e$ti&le + ndens#ti n f # $%rel' s$irit%#l $r +ess th#t +6 +%rs !hen the s$irit%#l ger0in#l $ ints f the three %$$er regi ns f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings devel $ int the s$irit f r0#ti ns f the l !er regi ns. The s$irit%#l #r+he6 t'$e f +r'st#lli=#ti n is the tr#nsiti n fr 0 # f r0less s$irit ger0 $ int t # s$irit%#l f r0#ti n !ith # sh#$e. If this tr#nsiti n#l $r +ess + ndenses t the $ int !here %r senses +#n $er+eive its res%lt) it 0#nifests in the sense6$er6 +e$ti&le ! rld #s the $r +ess f 0iner#l +r'st#lli=#ti n. In the $l#nt ! rld) t ) # s$irit ger0 th#t h#s #ss%0ed f r0 is $resent) &%t in this +#se the f r0ed &eing ret#ins the living s+%l$t%r#l #&ilit' th#t the +r'st#lEs s$irit ger0 l st !hen it t " n sh#$e) e?h#%sting its life in the f r6 0#ti n it $r d%+ed. In + ntr#st) $l#nts $ ssess & th f r0 #nd the #&ilit' t g n f r0ingB this +h#r#+teristi+ f s$irit ger0s is ret#ined fr 0 the s$irit%#l ! rldEs %$$er regi ns. Th%s) # $l#nt is & th f r0) li"e the +r'st#l) #nd f r0#tive f r+e. In #dditi n t the f r0 th#t #r+het'$#l &eings #ss%0e in the sh#$e f # $l#nt) the $l#nt is #ls ! r"ed %$ n &' #n ther f r0 th#t &e#rs the i0$rint f s$irit &eings fr 0 the %$$er regi ns. H !ever) the nl' #s$e+t f the $l#nt th#t is sense6$er+e$ti&le is !h#t e?6 $resses itself in the + 0$leted f r0B the f r0#tive &eings

th#t give this f r0 its life #re $resent !ithin the $l#nt "ingd 0 !ith %t &eing $er+e$ti&le t %r senses. O%r $h'si+#l e'es +#n see # lil' th#t is first s0#ll) then l#rger) &%t the' +#nn t see the s+%l$ting f r+e th#t 0#"es it gr !. This s+%l$ting f r+e6&eing is the invisi&l' #+tive + 0$ 6 nent f the $l#nt "ingd 0. S$irit ger0s h#ve ste$$ed d !n ne level in rder t ! r" in the re#l0 f f r0#6 ti ns. If !e +#ll the #r+het'$#l f r0s th#t h#ve n t #s6 s%0ed s$e+ifi+ sh#$e the fir%t elemental )in#dom) then the f r+e6&eings th#t #re invisi&le t %r senses #nd th#t ! r" #t s+%l$ting the gr !th f $l#nts &el ng t the %ec+ ond elemental )in#dom. In the #ni0#l ! rld) the #&ilit' t gr ! #nd re$r d%+e is #%g0ented &' sens#ti ns #nd i0$%lses. These #re 0#n6 ifest#ti ns f the s %l ! rld. An' &eing end !ed !ith the0 &el ngs t the s %l ! rld) re+eives i0$ressi ns fr 0 it #nd e?erts #n infl%en+e n it. N !) ever' sens#6 ti n r i0$%lse th#t + 0es #& %t in #n #ni0#l is &r %ght %$ fr 0 the de$ths f the #ni0#lEs s %l. H !ever) the #n6 i0#lEs f r0 is 0 re l#sting th#n these sens#ti ns r i06 $%lses. He 0ight s#' th#t the #ni0#lEs sentient #+tivit' + 0$#res t its 0 re $er0#nent enlivened f r0 #s the +h#nge#&le f r0 f # $l#nt + 0$#res t the fi?ed f r0 f # +r'st#l. The $l#nt) s t s$e#") is t t#ll' t#"en %$ !ith the f r+e th#t s+%l$ts f r0s. It + ntin%es t in+ r$ r#te different f r0s thr %gh %t its life #s it $r d%+es first r ts) then le#ves) then fl !ers) #nd s n. In + ntr#st) the #ni0#l h#s # finished f r0 !ithin !hi+h it devel $s #n ever6+h#nging life f sens#ti ns #nd i0$%lses. This life e?ists in the s %l ! rld. Pl#nts gr ! #nd re$r d%+e) !hile

#ni0#ls $er+eive) feel) #nd devel $ i0$%lses. F r the #n6 i0#l) these i0$%lses #re s 0ething f r0less th#t ev lves thr %gh ever ne! f r0s. Ulti0#tel') the #r+het'$#l $r 6 +esses f these i0$%lses #re t &e f %nd in the highest re6 gi ns f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings) &%t the' #re #+tive #nd #t ! r" in the s %l ! rld. In #ni0#ls) then) in #dditi n t the f r+e6&eings invisi6 &l' #t ! r" dire+ting gr !th #nd re$r d%+ti n) thers #re #ls $resent th#t h#ve des+ended ne st#ge dee$er int the s %l ! rld. In the #ni0#l "ingd 0) sens#ti ns #nd i06 $%lses #re +r#fted &' f r0less &eings th#t sli$ int s %l g#r0ents. These #re the #+t%#l #r+hite+ts f #ni0#l f r0s. In s$irit%#l s+ien+e) the re#l0 t !hi+h the' &el ng +#n &e +#lled the third elemental )in#dom. He h%0#n &eings #re eG%i$$ed n t nl' !ith the +#$#6 &ilities +h#r#+teristi+ f $l#nts #nd #ni0#ls) &%t #ls !ith the #&ilit' t devel $ sens#ti ns int + n+e$ts #nd th %ghts #nd t g vern %r i0$%lses !ith thin"ing. Th %ght) !hi+h #$$e#rs #s f r0 in $l#nts #nd #s s %l f#+6 %lties in #ni0#ls) #$$e#rs in h%0#n &eings in its re#l f r0) #s th %ght itself. Ani0#ls #re s %lB h%0#n &eings #re s$irit. The s$irit &eing sh#$es the s %l in #n #ni0#lB in # h%0#n &eing) it des+ends ne ste$ f%rther int the sense6 $er+e$ti&le ! rld f 0#tter itself. The s$irit is $resent in sense6$er+e$ti&le g#r& !ithin the $h'si+#l h%0#n & d' #nd +#n th%s #$$e#r nl' #s # s$irit &eingEs sh#d !' re6 fle+ti n #s th %ght re$resents it. The s$irit #$$e#rs !ithin # h%0#n &eing %nder + nditi ns i0$ sed &' the $h'si+#l rg#ni=#ti n f the h%0#n &r#in. H !ever) it #ls &e6 + 0es the inner &eing f # h%0#n individ%#l.

In h%0#n &eings) the f r0 #ss%0ed &' the f r0less s$irit &eing is th %ght) !hile in $l#nts it #ss%0es the g%ise f f r0 #nd in #ni0#ls) th#t f the s %l. Theref re) t the e?tent th#t !e h%0#ns #re thin"ing &eings) there is n ele0ent#l "ingd 0 &%ilding %s %$ fr 0 %tside. O%r ele0ent#l "ingd 0 ! r"s in %r sense6$er+e$ti&le & d') #nd nl' t the e?tent th#t !e #re f r0ed #nd sentient &e6 ings d the ele0ent#l &eings ! r" n %s in the !#' the' ! r" n $l#nts #nd #ni0#ls. O%r th %ght rg#ni=#ti n) h !ever) is ! r"ed n nl' fr 0 !ithin %r $h'si+#l & d'. In %r s$irit%#l rg#ns) in %r nerv %s s'ste0 !hi+h +%l0in#tes in # $erfe+ted &r#in) !e #re + nfr nted in sense6$er+e$ti&le f r0 !ith !h#t ! r"s i0$er+e$ti6 &l') #s # f r+e6&eing) n $l#nts #nd #ni0#ls. This 0e#ns th#t #ni0#ls feel the0selves) &%t h%0#n &eings #re con+ %ciou% f the0selves. In #ni0#ls) the s$irit e?$erien+es itself #s s %l &%t d es n t 'et gr#s$ itself #s s$irit. In h%6 0#n &eings) h !ever) the s$irit re+ gni=es itself #s s%+h) #lth %gh $h'si+#l +ir+%0st#n+es $er0it it t #$$e#r nl' #s # sh#d !' refle+ti n f the s$irit) #s th %ght. A++ rdingl') the threef ld ! rld f#lls int the f ll !6 ing s%&divisi nsF
I. The "ingd 0 f #r+het'$#l f r0less &eings 1first

ele0ent#l "ingd 02B

II. The "ingd 0

f f r06+re#ting &eings 1se+ nd ele0ent#l "ingd 02B f s %l &eings 1third ele0ent#l "ingd 02B

III. The "ingd 0

I<. The "ingd 0

f +re#ted f r0s 1+r'st#l

f r0s2B The "ingd 0 f sense6$er+e$ti&le f r0s ! r"ed n &' the f r06+re#ting &eings 1$l#nt "ingd 02B
<. <I. The "ingd 0

f sense6$er+e$ti&le f r0s ! r"ed n &' & th the f r06+re#ting &eings #nd the &eings th#t e?$ress the0selves #s s %l 1#ni6 0#l "ingd 02B
<III. The "ingd 0

f sense6$er+e$ti&le f r0s ! r"ed n &' f r06+re#ting #nd s %l &eings) #nd in !hi+h the s$irit #$$e#rs in the sense6$er6 +e$ti&le ! rld in the f r0 f th %ght 1h%0#n "ingd 02. This de0 nstr#tes h ! the + nstit%ti n#l + 0$ nents f #n e0& died h%0#n &eing rel#te t the s$irit%#l ! rld. Ph'si+#l & d') ether & d') sentient s %l & d' #nd 0ind s %l #re t &e reg#rded #s + ndens#ti ns in the sense6$er6 +e$ti&le ! rld f #r+het'$es in the + %ntr' f s$irit &e6 ings. The $h'si+#l & d' + 0es #& %t thr %gh the + ndens#ti n f the h%0#n #r+het'$e t the $ int f sense6$er+e$ti&ilit') s !e +#n #ls +#ll this $h'si+#l & d' # &eing f the first ele0ent#l "ingd 0 + ndensed t the level f $h'si+#l $er+e$ti&ilit'. The ether & d' + 0es #& %t !hen # f r0 f the s#0e rigin re0#ins 0 &ile &e6 +#%se f # &eing th#t e?tends its #+tivit' int the re#l0 f sense6 $er+e$ti&ilit' &%t d es n t &e+ 0e $er+e$ti&le it6 self. T +h#r#+teri=e this &eing f%ll') !e 0%st s#' th#t it h#s its %lti0#te rigin in the highest regi ns f the + %ntr'


f s$irit &eings #nd then t#"es sh#$e in the se+ nd regi n #s #n #r+het'$e f life) !hi+h then ! r"s in the sense6 $er6 +e$ti&le ! rld. In # si0il#r !#' the &eing th#t &%ilds %$ the sensing s %l & d' #ls rigin#tes in the highest s$irit regi ns) &%t t#"es sh#$e in the third regi n #s #n #r+he6 t'$e f the s %l ! rld #nd #s s%+h &e+ 0es #+tive in the sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld. The 0ind s %l) h !ever) + 0es #& %t !hen the #r+het'$e f # thin"ing h%0#n &eing #s6 s%0es the f r0 f th %ght in the s$irit ! rldEs f %rth re6 gi n #nd #s s%+h ! r"s dire+tl' in the sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld. This then) is h ! !e h%0#n &eings st#nd !ithin the $h'si+#l ! rld) h ! the s$irit ! r"s n %r $h'si+#l) ether #nd s %l & dies #nd 0#"es its #$$e#r#n+e in %r 0ind s %l. O%r three l !er 0e0&ers #re th%s ! r"ed %$ n &' #r+het'$es in the f r0 f &eings th#t #re e?tern#l t %s in # +ert#in sense) &%t in %r 0ind s %l !e &egin t ! r" + ns+i %sl' n %rselves. The &eings th#t ! r" n %r $h'si+#l & d' #re the s#0e nes th#t sh#$e the 0in6 er#ls in n#t%re. The nes th#t ! r" n %r ether & d' #re the s#0e "ind #s th se th#t live in the $l#nt "ingd 0) #nd the nes th#t ! r" n %r sentient s %l & d' #re the s#0e "ind #s th se th#t #re #+tive in the #ni0#l "ingd 0B & th #re invisi&le t sens r' $er+e$ti n &%t e?tend their infl%6 en+e int these "ingd 0s. He h#ve n ! seen h ! the different ! rlds ! r" t 6 gether #nd h ! their ! r"ing t gether e?$resses itself in the ! rld in !hi+h !e h%0#n &eings live.

H#ving %nderst d the sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld in this !#') !e #re #ls $en t %nderst#nding &eings different fr 0 the nes th#t e?ist !ithin the f %r "ingd 0s f n#6 t%re. One e?#0$le f this t'$e f &eing is !h#t !e +#ll %r f l" s$irit) the s$irit f %r ethni+ gr %$ r n#ti n. This &eing d es n t #$$e#r dire+tl' in #n' sense6$er+e$6 ti&le !#'. It lives #nd e?$resses itself in the sens#ti ns) feelings) in+lin#ti ns) #nd s n) th#t !e $er+eive #s &e6 ing sh#red &' #n entire ethni+ gr %$. It is # &eing th#t d es n t in+#rn#te $er+e$ti&l' #s h%0#n &eings d ) &%t f#shi ns its & d' %t f the s%&st#n+es f the s %l ! rld. The s %l & d' f the ethni+ s$irit s%rr %nds the 0e06 &ers f #n ethni+ gr %$ li"e # +l %d in !hi+h the' liveB its infl%en+e &e+ 0es #$$#rent in the s %ls f the indi6 vid%#ls in G%esti n) &%t it d es n t rigin#te in these s %ls. If !e d n t + n+eive f the ethni+ s$irit in this !#') it !ill re0#in #n e0$t' #&str#+ti n) # s+he0#ti+ 0ent#l i0#ge dev id f life #nd &eing. An ther e?#0$le f this t'$e f &eing is !h#t !e +#ll the Leit#ei%t) r s$irit f #n #ge. Indeed) %r s$irit%#l vie! !idens t en6 + 0$#ss # 0%ltit%de f different higher #nd l !er &e6 ings th#t live in %r s%rr %ndings !ith %t &e+ 0ing $er+e$ti&le t %r senses. H !ever) th se !h #re +#$#6 &le f s$irit%#l $er+e$ti n d $er+eive these &eings #nd +#n des+ri&e the0. The l !er &eings f this s rt in+l%de #ll th se de6 s+ri&ed &' seers #s s#l#0#nders) s'l$hs) %ndines #nd gn 0es. It sh %ld &e %nne+ess#r' t 0enti n #t this $ int th#t s%+h des+ri$ti ns +#nn t &e t#"en #s liter#l de$i+6 ti ns f the %nderl'ing re#lit'. If the' !ere) the ! rld


the' refer t ! %ld n t &e # s$irit%#l ! rld &%t # +r%del' $h'si+#l ne. In f#+t) the' ill%str#te # s$irit%#l re#lit' th#t +#n nl' &e des+ri&ed &' %sing 0et#$h rs #nd i0#ges. Individ%#ls !h #++e$t sens r' $er+e$ti n #l ne #s v#lid !ill &elieve these &eings t &e the $r d%+t f s%$erstiti n #nd f #n i0#gin#ti n r%n !ild. This is t t#ll' %nder6 st#nd#&le. These &eings !ill never &e+ 0e visi&le t $h'si+#l e'es &e+#%se the' h#ve n $h'si+#l & dies. The s%$erstiti n) h !ever) lies n t in &elieving these &eings #re re#l &%t in &elieving th#t the' #$$e#r sense6$er+e$ti6 &l'. :eings f this s rt hel$ t &%ild %$ the ! rld) #nd !e en+ %nter the0 #s s n #s !e enter higher territ ries th#t #re in#++essi&le t %r $h'si+#l senses. The tr%l' s%$er6 stiti %s $e $le #re n t th se !h t#"e these des+ri$ti ns #s i0#ges f s$irit%#l re#lities) &%t & th th se !h &e6 lieve in their #+t%#l $h'si+#l e?isten+e #nd th se !h den' the s$irit &e+#%se the' feel &liged t reIe+t the sen6 s r' i0#ges. :eings #ls e?ist !h never des+end int the s %l ! rld #t #ll) &%t !h se g#r0ents #re ! ven %t f the + nfig%r#ti ns f the + %ntr' f s$irit &eings. He $er6 +eive the0 #nd &e+ 0e their + 0$#ni ns !hen %r s$ir6 it%#l e'es #nd e#rs h#ve &een $ened t the0. This $r +ess en#&les %s t %nderst#nd 0#n' things !e + %ld f r0erl' nl' st#re #t in t t#l in+ 0$rehensi n. Light d#!ns #r %nd %sB !e see the +#%ses f the effe+ts #nd + nseG%en+es th#t #re $l#'ed %t in the $h'si+#l ! rld. He gr#s$ things th#t f r0erl') !hen !e l#+"ed s$iri6 t%#l e'es) !e either h#d t den' t t#ll' r dis0iss !ith the s#'ing) JThere is 0 re in he#ven #nd e#rth th#n is

dre#0ed f in ' %r $hil s $h'.K Pe $le !ith # finer 1th#t is) s$irit%#l2 sensitivit' gr ! restless !hen the' &egin t &e di0l' #!#re f the $resen+e f # ! rld in #dditi n t the sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld #r %nd the0) # ! rld the' h#ve t feel their !#' #r %nd in) li"e &lind $e $le #0 ng visi&le &Ie+ts. Cle#rl' re+ gni=ing these higher regi ns f e?isten+e #nd $enetr#ting !h#t g es n in the0 !ith %nderst#nding is the nl' $#th th#t +#n re#ll' gr %nd %s #nd le#d %s t !#rd %r tr%e +#lling #s h%0#n &eings. Thr %gh insight int !h#t is + n+e#led fr 0 %r senses) !e e?$#nd %r !n &eing in s%+h # !#' th#t %r life $ri r t this e?$#nsi n see0s t h#ve &een s$ent dre#0ing #& %t the ! rld.

KI> Thou#ht Form% and the Human Aura It h#s &een s#id th#t the f r0#ti ns f #n' ne f the three ! rlds #re re#l f r %s nl' if !e h#ve the f#+%lties r r6 g#ns needed t $er+eive the0. F r e?#0$le) +ert#in $r 6 +esses t#"ing $l#+e in s$#+e #re $er+e$ti&le t %s #s 0#nifest#ti ns f light nl' &e+#%se !e h#ve $r $erl' f r0ed e'es. H ! 0%+h f !h#t is re#l #+t%#ll' &e+ 0es evident t #n' &eing de$ends n th#t &eingEs degree f re6 +e$tivit'. He #re never I%stified in s#'ing th#t nl' !h#t !e %rselves +#n $er+eive is re#l. *#n' things +#n &e re#l) &%t !e si0$l' l#+" the rg#ns t $er+eive the0. The s %l #nd s$irit ! rlds #re I%st #s re#l #s the sense6 $er+e$ti&le ! rldB in f#+t) the' #re re#l in # 0%+h higher sense. N $h'si+#l e'e +#n see feelings #nd + n+e$ts) &%t

the' #re re#l n netheless. He en+ %nter the $hen 0en# f the $h'si+#l ! rld thr %gh %r %ter sensesB si0il#rl') feelings) i0$%lses) instin+ts) th %ghts #nd s n &e+ 0e $er+e$ti ns f r %r s$irit%#l rg#ns. H ! these s %l #nd s$irit%#l $hen 0en# &e+ 0e $er+e$ti ns &' 0e#ns f %r inner senses is #n#l g %s t h ! +ert#in $r +esses in s$#+e #re $er+eived #s + l rs. Of + %rse) the f%ll 0e#ning f this st#te0ent +#n &e %nderst d nl' &' th se !h h#ve de6 vel $ed their inner senses &' f ll !ing the $#th t "n !l6 edge des+ri&ed in the ne?t +h#$ter. T s%+h $e $le) the s %l $hen 0en# f the s %l envir n0ent #nd the s$irit%#l $hen 0en# f the s$irit%#l regi n &e+ 0e s%$ersensi&l' visi&le. The' e?$erien+e #n ther &eingEs feelings #s r#'ing %t t !#rd the0 li"e r#'s f lightB !hen the' t%rn their #t6 tenti n t thersE th %ghts) these th %ghts r#di#te thr %gh s$irit%#l s$#+e. F r the0) ne $ers nEs th %ght #& %t #n6 ther $ers n is n t invisi&le) it is # $er+e$ti&le $r +ess. The #+t%#l + ntent f # th %ght e?ists nl' in the 0ind f the thin"er) &%t it $r d%+es effe+ts n the s$irit%#l ! rld #nd it is this $r +ess th#t is $er+e$ti&le t the s$irit%#l e'e. The th %ght is #n #+t%#l re#lit' stre#0ing %t fr 0 ne $ers n t !#rd the ther) #nd h ! it #ffe+ts the ther $ers n is e?6 $erien+ed #s # $er+e$ti&le $r +ess in the s$irit%#l ! rld. F r s 0e ne !ith $ened s$irit%#l senses) then) the $h's6 i+#ll' $er+e$ti&le $ers n is nl' ne $#rt f the !h le h%6 0#n &eing. The $h'si+#l $ers n is the +enter f s %l #nd s$irit%#l stre#0s. It is i0$ ssi&le t d 0 re here th#n 0erel' hint #t the ri+hl' v#ried ! rld th#t dis+l ses itself t the seer. F r e?#0$le) # th %ght th#t is ther!ise #live nl' in the

listenerEs %nderst#nding #$$e#rs #s # s$irit%#ll' $er+e$ti6 &le + l r $hen 0en n) its + l r + rres$ nding t the +h#r#+ter f the th %ght. A th %ght ste00ing fr 0 # $er6 s nEs sens%#l i0$%lses h#s # different tinge th#n ne f r6 0%l#ted in the servi+e f $%re "n !ledge) n &le &e#%t' r etern#l tr%th. Th %ghts s$ringing fr 0 sens%#l #+tivit' 0 ve thr %gh the s %l ! rld in sh#des f red) !hile # th %ght th#t elev#tes the thin"er t # higher f r0 f "n !ledge #$$e#rs in # &e#%tif%l sh#de f light 'ell !. One th#t ste0s fr 0 l ving dev ti n dis+l ses itself in # r#di#nt r se6$in".,, The s%$ersensi&le 0#nifest#ti n f # th %ght e?$resses its degree f e?#+tit%de #s !ell #s its + ntent. A thin"ing 0indEs $re+ise th %ght #$$e#rs #s # f r0#ti n !ith distin+t + nt %rs) !hile # + nf%sed ide# #$$e#rs #s # &l%rred #nd f gg' f r0#ti n. I62J In this !#') # $ers nEs s %l #nd s$irit n#t%re #$$e#r #s I03J the s%$ersensi&le $ rti n f # t t#l h%0#n &eing. These s$irit%#ll' $er+e$ti&le + l rs) !hi+h s%rr %nd #n #+tive $h'si+#l h%0#n &eing li"e #n egg6sh#$ed +l %d) + nstit%te th#t $ers nEs #%r#. The si=e f this #%r# v#ries fr 0 $ers n t $ers n) &%t n the #ver#ge !e 0#' i0#g6 ine # !h le $ers n t &e #& %t t!i+e #s t#ll #nd f %r I0-J ti0es #s &r #d #s his r her $h'si+#l & d'. Hithin the #%r#) stre#0s f different + l rs $resent # tr%e #nd ever6+h#nging $i+t%re f %r inner life in #ll its v#ri#&ilit'. H !ever) there #re #ls s 0e l#sting &#si+
,,. :e+#%se these des+ri$ti ns #re &vi %sl' $en t the +r#ssest 0is6 inter$ret#ti n) # &rief f%rther + 00ent#r' n the0 h#s &een #dded #t the end f this +h#$ter.


+ l rs th#t e?$ress s$e+ifi+ $er0#nent tr#itsDt#lents) h#&its #nd idi s'n+r#+ies f +h#r#+ter. Pe $le !h #re +%rrentl' f#r fr 0 &eing #&le t e?$eri6 en+e the $#th t "n !ledge des+ri&ed in the ne?t +h#$ter #re li"el' t 0is%nderst#nd the n#t%re f !h#t is des+ri&ed here #s the J#%r#.K The' 0#' i0#gine th#t the + l rs de6 s+ri&ed here #re $resent t %r 0indEs e'e in the s#0e !#' th#t $h'si+#l + l rs #re $resent t %r $h'si+#l e'es. S%+h Js %l + l rs)K h !ever) ! %ld &e 0ere h#ll%+in#ti ns. S$irit%#l s+ien+e h#s #&s l%tel' n thing t d !ith h#ll%6 +in#t r' i0$ressi ns) #nd in #n' +#se th#t is n t !h#t is 0e#nt &' these des+ri$ti ns. He +#n get the right ide# f !h#t is 0e#nt if !e "ee$ in 0ind th#t !e n t nl' e?$e6 rien+e # sens r' i0$ressi n f # $h'si+#l + l r) &%t #ls h#ve # s %l e?$erien+e th#t is different !hen %r s %lsD &' 0e#ns f %r e'esD $er+eive # 'ell ! s%rf#+e th#n it is !hen !e $er+eive # &l%e ne. Let %s +#ll this e?$erien+e Jd!elling in 'ell !K r Jd!elling in &l%e.K A s %l th#t h#s set %t n the $#th t "n !ledge h#s this s#0e e?$e6 rien+e f Jd!elling in 'ell !K !hen it en+ %nters the #+6 tive s %l e?$erien+es f ther &eings) #nd f Jd!elling in &l%eK !hen it 0eets dev ti n#l #ttit%des. The $ int is n t th#t seers vis%#li=ing #n ther s %l see J&l%eK in the s#0e !#' the' see it in the $h'si+#l ! rld) &%t r#ther th#t the' h#ve #n e?$erien+e th#t I%stifies their +#lling the vis%#l6 i=#ti n J&l%e)K I%st #s $e $le !h #re $er+eiving $h'si6 +#ll' +#ll # &l%e +%rt#in J&l%e)K f r e?#0$le. F%rther0 re) seers 0%st &e #!#re th#t this is &eing e?$erien+ed in # & d'6free st#te) s th#t the' #+G%ire the $ ssi&ilit' f s$e#"ing #& %t the v#l%e #nd signifi+#n+e f the s %lEs

life in # ! rld not $er+eived thr %gh the 0edi%0 f the h%0#n & d'. The sense in !hi+h this des+ri$ti n is in6 tended 0%st &e "e$t in 0ind) even th %gh seers t#l" #s # 0#tter f + %rse #& %t J&l%e)K J'ell !K r JgreenK in #n #%r#. H%0#n #%r#s differ gre#tl' #++ rding t individ%#l dif6 feren+es in te0$er#0ent) $ers n#lit' #nd degree f s$iri6 t%#l devel $0ent. A $ers n t t#ll' given ver t #ni0#l i0$%lses h#s # ver' different #%r# th#n s 0e ne !h s$ends # l t f ti0e thin"ingB # religi %s $ers nEs #%r# is f%nd#0ent#ll' different fr 0 th#t f s 0e ne !h is t 6 t#ll' +#%ght %$ in trivi#l d#il' events. In #dditi n) #ll f # $ers nEs +h#nging 0 ds) in+lin#ti ns) $le#s%res #nd $#ins #re e?$ressed in his r her #%r#. T le#rn !h#t different sh#des f + l r in the #%r# sig6 nif') !e 0%st + 0$#re the #%r#s f different t'$es f 0en6 t#l #nd e0 ti n#l e?$erien+es. He !ill first l " #t inner e?$erien+es th#t #re $enetr#ted thr %gh #nd thr %gh &' $r n %n+ed e0 ti ns. These e?$erien+es +#n &e se$#r#ted int t! different t'$es. In ne t'$e) the s %l is driven t these e0 ti ns $ri0#ril' thr %gh the $ers nEs #ni0#l n#6 t%reB in the ther t'$e) e0 ti ns #ss%0e # 0 re refined f r0 &e+#%se the' #re str ngl' infl%en+ed &' thin"ing #nd deli&er#ti n) s t s$e#". In the first t'$e f e?$erien+e) the stre#0s f + l r fl !ing thr %gh $#rti+%l#r $#rts f the #%r# #re $ri0#ril' v#ri %s sh#des f &r !n #nd reddish 'ell !. In $e $le !ith 0 re refined e0 ti ns) sh#des f lighter reddish 'ell !) #nd #ls green) #$$e#r in the s#0e $l#+es. It +#n &e n ted th#t sh#des f green #$$e#r 0 re freG%entl' !ith in+re#sing intelligen+e. Pe $le !h #re





highl' intelligent &%t dev te the0selves t t#ll' t s#tisf'6 ing their #ni0#l i0$%lses h#ve # l t f green in their #%r#) &%t this green #l!#'s h#s # 0 re r less $r n %n+ed tinge f &r !n r &r !nish red. A l#rge $#rt f the #%r# f %n6 intelligent $e $le is fl ded !ith stre#0s th#t #re &r !n6 ish red r even d#r" &l d6red. The #%r#s f e0 ti n#l st#tes s%+h #s these #re f%nd#6 0ent#ll' different fr 0 th se f +#l0) + nte0$l#tive) th %ghtf%l 0 ds. There fe!er &r !nish #nd reddish t nes #re $resent) #nd v#ri %s sh#des f green &e+ 0e 0 re $r n %n+ed. D%ring stren% %s thin"ing) the #%r#Es &#si+ + l r &e+ 0es # $le#sing green. This is es$e+i#ll' $r 0inent in $ers n#lities !h #re s#id t &e #&le t #d6 I%st t $r#+ti+#ll' #n' sit%#ti n in life. Sh#des f &l%e #$$e#r d%ring 0 ds f dev ti n. The 0 re $e $le $l#+e the0selves in the servi+e f # +#%se) the 0 re $r n %n+ed these sh#des f &l%e &e+ 0e. In this + nne+ti n) t ) !e 0#' en+ %nter t! ver' different t'$es f $e $le. The first t'$e + nsists f $#ssive $e $le !h #re n t %sed t e?erting their $ !ers f th %ght) !h h#ve nl' their g d n#t%re t thr ! int the fl ! f ! rld events) s t s$e#". Their #%r#s gli00er !ith # &e#%tif%l &l%e. This is #ls h ! 0#n' dev tedl' religi %s $ers n#lities #$$e#r) #s d + 0$#ssi n#te n#t%res #nd $e $le !h dev te the0selves t le#ding # life f &enev6 len+e. If s%+h $e $le #re #ls intelligent) &l%e stre#0s #l6 tern#te !ith green) r the &l%e itself t#"es n # greenish +#st. In + ntr#st t 0 re $#ssive $ers n#lities) 0 re #+6 tive $e $le t'$i+#ll' h#ve their &l%e s%ff%sed fr 0 !ithin !ith light) &right t nes. This is 0 st +le#rl' the +#se in

$ers n#lities !e ! %ld +#ll J!iseK #nd es$e+i#ll' in th se !h #re f%ll f fr%itf%l ide#s. In #dditi n) ever'thing th#t $ ints t intelle+t%#l r s$irit%#l #+tivit' gener#ll' t#"es the f r0 f r#'s s$re#ding %t fr 0 !ithin) !hile ever'6 thing rigin#ting in #ni0#l vit#lit' #ss%0es the f r0 f ir6 reg%l#r +l %ds r lling thr %gh the #%r#. A++ rding t !hether the ide#s th#t res%lt fr 0 %r e0 ti n#l r 0ent#l #+tivit' serve %r $ers n#l #ni0#l6 isti+ i0$%lses r ide#l #nd &Ie+tive interests) the + l r6 ing f the + rres$ nding #%ri+ f r0#ti ns !ill differ. An inventive 0ind th#t #$$lies #ll its th %ghts t s#tisf'ing its !n sens% %s $#ssi ns sh !s d#r" sh#des f &l%e #nd red) !hile ne th#t selflessl' $l#+es its ide#s #t the ser6 vi+e f #n &Ie+tive interest sh !s light red6&l%e t nes. A life in the s$irit th#t + 0&ines !ith n &le dev ti n #nd +#$#+it' f r self6s#+rifi+e sh !s r s' $in" r light vi let + l rs. H !ever) n t nl' %r %nderl'ing #ttit%des) &%t #ls %r tr#nsient e0 ti ns) 0 ds #nd ther inner e?$eri6 en+es #re $resent #s fl ds f + l r in %r #%r#s. A s%dden %t&re#" f vi lent #nger $r d%+es fl ds f redB # s%d6 den %$!elling f ffended dignit' #$$e#rs #s d#r" green +l %ds. And these + l r $hen 0en# #$$e#r n t nl' in ir6 reg%l#r +l %dli"e f r0#ti ns) &%t #ls in fig%res f reg%6 l#r f r0 #nd distin+t li0its. In the #%r# f # $ers n s%ddenl' sei=ed !ith fe#r) !e n ti+e !#v' stri$es f &l%e !ith # reddish6&l%e shi00er 0 ving fr 0 t $ t & tt 0. The #%r# f s 0e ne !h is tensel' #!#iting s 0e $#r6 ti+%l#r event h#s red6&l%e stri$es + nst#ntl' r#di#ting fr 0 inside %t!#rd.





S 0e ne +#$#&le f $re+ise s$irit%#l $er+e$ti n +#n disting%ish e#+h i0$ressi n #n ther $ers n re+eives fr 0 %tside. Pe $le !h get e?+ited #& %t ever' e?tern#l i06 $ressi n h#ve # + nst#nt fli+"ering f little &l%e #nd red s$ ts #nd fle+"s in their #%r#s) !hile $e $le !h $er+eive less vividl' h#ve si0il#r fle+"s th#t #re 'ell !6 r#nge r # l vel' 'ell ! + l r. The #%r#s f s 6+#lled J#&sent6 0indedK $e $le h#ve &l%ish r &l%e6 green s$e+"s f 0 re r less v#ri#&le sh#$e. Hithin the #%ri+ stre#0s #nd r#'s s%rr %nding # $er6 s n) three different t'$es f + l r $hen 0en# #re distin6 g%ish#&le t the 0 re highl' devel $ed Js$irit%#l e'e.K The first t'$e f + l r is rel#tivel' d%ll #nd $#G%e in +h#r#+ter) #lth %gh even it see0s fleeting #nd tr#ns$#r6 ent in + 0$#ris n t the t'$e f + l r seen &' %r $h's6 i+#l e'es. Hithin the s$irit%#l ! rld itself) h !ever) these + l rs 0#"e the s$#+e the' ++%$' + 0$#r#tivel' $#G%e) #s if the' !ere filling it !ith fig%res f 0ist. The se+ nd t'$e f + l r is #ll light) s t s$e#"B these + l rs light %$ the s$#+e the' ++%$' s th#t it t &e6 + 0es #ll light. :%t the third t'$e f + l r $hen 0en n is t t#ll' different fr 0 the ther t! in its r#di#ting) s$#r"ling) glittering +h#r#+ter. These + l rs d n t si06 $l' fill the s$#+e the' light %$B the' shine #nd r#di#te right thr %gh it. There is s 0ething #+tive #nd in!#rdl' 0 &ile #& %t the0) #s if the' !ere + nst#ntl' +re#ting the0selves fr 0 !ithin) !hile the ther + l rs h#ve s 0ething G%ieter #nd 0 re l#+"l%ster #& %t the0. Fig6 %r#tivel' s$e#"ing) the first t! t'$es f + l r fill s$#+e !ith # deli+#te fl%id th#t G%ietl' st#'s $%t) !hile the

third t'$e fills it !ith + nst#ntl' self6en"indling life #nd %n+e#sing #+tivit'. These three + l r t'$es #re n t #rr#nged in distin+t l#'6 ers in the h%0#n #%r#) n r d the' ++%$' se$#r#te #re#s f s$#+e. Inste#d) the' inter$enetr#te in # gre#t v#riet' f !#'s. It is $ ssi&le t !#t+h #ll three "inds 0i?ing #nd 0ingling in the s#0e $l#+e in the #%r#) I%st #s # $h'si+#l &Ie+t s%+h #s # &ell +#n &e & th seen #nd he#rd #t the s#0e ti0e. This 0e#ns th#t the #%r# is #+t%#ll' #n in+red6 i&l' + 0$le? $hen 0en n) &e+#%se !e #re #+t%#ll' de#l6 ing !ith three inter$enetr#ting #%r#s. H !ever) !e +#n s rt things %t &' t%rning %r s%$ersensi&le #ttenti n t nl' ne f the three #t # ti0e. This is si0il#r t sh%tting %r e'es !hile listening intentl' t # $ie+e f 0%si+ in the sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld. Seers h#ve three different r6 g#ns f r the three "inds f + l r) s t s$e#") #nd +#n $en ne f the0 t i0$ressi ns !hile +l sing the ther t! f r the s#"e f %ndist%r&ed &serv#ti n. T &egin !ith) s 0e seers 0#' &e #&le t see nl' ne #%r# !hile the thers re6 0#in invisi&leB thers #re re+e$tive t the first t! t'$es &%t n t t the third. The #&ilit' t &serve #ll three #%r#s) #nd t dire+t neEs #ttenti n t ne #t # ti0e f r $%r$ ses f st%d') + nstit%tes the higher st#ge f seershi$. The threef ld h%0#n #%r# is the s%$ersensi&l' $er+e$6 ti&le e?$ressi n f the three + 0$ nents f the h%0#n &eingEs essenti#l n#t%reD& d') s %l #nd s$irit. I5.J The first #%r# refle+ts the & d'Es infl%en+e n the s %lB the se+ nd re$resents the s %lEs !n life th#t e?tends &e6 ' nd dire+t sens r' sti0%l#ti n &%t is n t 'et dev ted t the servi+e f the etern#lB the third refle+ts the i00 rt#l




s$iritEs degree f 0#ster' ver the tr#nsit r' #s$e+t f h%6 0#n n#t%re. It 0%st &e e0$h#si=ed #t this $ int th#t sin+e these things #re even 0 re diffi+%lt t des+ri&e th#n the' #re t &serve) this #nd #n' ther #tte0$t t des+ri&e #%6 r#s sh %ld never &e t#"en #s #n'thing 0 re th#n # sti06 %l%s t %nderst#nding. Th%s) t # seer) the idi s'n+r#+ies f #n individ%#lEs in6 ner life #re e?$ressed in th#t $ers nEs #%ri+ 0#"e%$. An' e0 ti n#l r 0ent#l #+tivit' th#t is t t#ll' given ver t sens% %s i0$%lses) fleeting desires #nd 0 0ent#r' e?ter6 n#l sti0%li sh !s %$ #s g#rish + l rs in the first #%r#) !hile the se+ nd is !e#"l' devel $ed) sh !ing 0ere tr#+es f + l red f r0s. In # +#se li"e this the third #%r# is &#rel' visi&le. Onl' # fli+"er f + l r here #nd there indi6 +#tes th#t even in # $ers n !ith this #ttit%de) the etern#l is $resent in the f r0 f $ tenti#ls even th %gh it 0#' &e s%$$ressed &' the effe+t f sens r' f#+t rs. The 0 re # $ers n rids hi06 r herself f $h'si+#l %rges) the less $r 0inent the first $#rt f the #%r# &e+ 0es. *e#n!hile) the se+ nd $#rt &e+ 0es l#rger #nd l#rger) filling the & d' f + l rs !ithin !hi+h the $h'si+#l h%0#n &eing d!ells !ith its r#di#ting energ'. And the 0 re # $ers n $r ves t &e # serv#nt f the etern#l) the 0 re the third $#rt f the #%r# is reve#led) sh !ing the e?tent t !hi+h th#t individ%#l is # +iti=en f the s$irit%#l ! rld. Thr %gh this $#rt f the #%r#) #n individ%#lEs divine self r#di#tes int the e#rthl' ! rld. T the e?tent th#t individ%#ls give eviden+e f this #%r#) the' #re fl#0es %sed &' the divinit' t enlighten this ! rldB thr %gh this $#rt f the #%r#) the' sh ! the e?tent t !hi+h the' ! r" %t f the etern#ll'

tr%e) &e#%tif%l #nd g d) r#ther th#n %t f the0selves) the e?tent t !hi+h the' h#ve !rested fr 0 their n#rr !er selves the +#$#+it' t ffer the0selves %$ n the gre#t #l6 t#r f + s0i+ #+tivit'. I56J Th%s !h#t individ%#ls h#ve 0#de f the0selves in the + %rse f their in+#rn#ti ns + 0es t e?$ressi n in their #%r#s. All three $#rts f the #%r# + nt#in 0#n' different sh#des f + l rs !h se G%#lit' +h#nges !ith #n individ%6 #lEs degree f devel $0ent. In the first $ rti n) # $ers nEs %ndevel $ed life f %rges #nd i0$%lses is seen in sh#des th#t r#nge fr 0 red t &l%e. These sh#des #re d%ll #nd $#G%e in G%#lit'. Pr n %n+ed sh#des f red $ int t sen6 s%#l desires) l%st #nd the $le#s%res f the $#l#te. Sh#des f green #$$e#r $ri0#ril' in +h#r#+ters !ith # tenden+' t #$#th' #nd indifferen+e) l !er n#t%res !h give the06 selves %$ greedil' t #n' $le#s%res th#t + 0e #l ng &%t #v id the $ers n#l eff rt it ! %ld t#"e t s#tisf' the0. Hhen # $ers nEs $#ssi ns #re intent n s 0e g #l &e' nd the re#+h f his r her #+G%ired #&ilities) &r !nish green #nd 'ell !ish green tints #$$e#r in the #%r#. This t'$e f #%r# is f stered &' +ert#in 0 dern lifest'les. I55J The l !est level f eg tis0D$ers n#l v#nit' r ted in l ! in+lin#ti nsDis reve#led in 0%dd' 'ell ! t &r !n t nes. :%t f + %rse # life f #ni0#listi+ %rges #ls h#s # $ s6 itive side. Even !ithin the #ni0#l "ingd 0) # $%re #nd n#t%r#l +#$#+it' f r self6s#+rifi+e) f !hi+h instin+tive 0 ther6l ve is the 0 st &e#%tif%l #nd highest e?$ressi n) is evident t # gre#t e?tent. S%+h selfless n#t%r#l %rges #re e?$ressed in the first #%r# in sh#des f light red t r se)




!hile + !#rdl' tre$id#ti n #nd # ti0id res$ nse t sen6 s r' sti0%li sh ! %$ #s &l%e !ith # &r !nish r gr#'ish +#st. <#ri %s gr#des f + l r #re #ls #$$#rent in the se+ nd #%r#. :r !n #nd r#nge f r0s e?$ress str ngl' devel6 $ed v#nit') $ride #nd #0&iti nB red #nd 'ell ! fle+"s $ int t +%ri sit'. Green e?$resses #n %nderst#nding f life #nd the ! rld) !hile $#le green refle+ts +le#r thin"ing #nd intelligen+e. Children !h le#rn e#sil' h#ve # l t f green in this $#rt f their #%r#s. A greenish 'ell ! + l r6 ing in the se+ nd #%r# $ ints t # g d 0e0 r'. R se $in" indi+#tes l ving #nd &enev lent !isd 0) !hile &l%e is # sign f $iet') verging n vi let #s this $iet' #$6 $r #+hes religi %s ferv r. Ide#lis0 #nd # seri %s) ele6 v#ted %tl " n life #re seen #s indig &l%e. In the third #%r#) the $ri0#r' + l rs #re 'ell !) green #nd &l%e. Here) light 'ell ! #$$e#rs !hen thin"ing is filled !ith elev#ted #nd + 0$rehensive ide#s th#t gr#s$ the $l#+e f det#ils in the divine rder f the %niverse. In the +#se f int%itive thin"ing th#t h#s &een $%rified f #ll sens r' i0#ges) the 'ell ! #+G%ires # g lden gl !. Green e?$resses l ve f r #ll &eingsB &l%e is the sign f !illingness t 0#"e s#+rifi+es f r the s#"e f #ll. If this +#$#+it' f r s#+rifi+e intensifies int # f r+ef%l !ill th#t $l#+es itself #+tivel' in the servi+e f the ! rld) the &l%e &e+ 0es # light vi let. If $ride #nd #0&iti n #re still $resent #s re0n#nts f $ers n#l eg tis0 in #n ther!ise highl' devel $ed s %l) sh#des verging n r#nge #$$e#r in #dditi n t the 'ell !. It is i0$ rt#nt t n te) h !ever) th#t the + l rs in this $#rt f the #%r# #re ver' different

fr 0 the sh#des !e #re %sed t seeing in the sense6$er6 +e$ti&le ! rld. The &e#%t' #nd s%&li0it' th#t 0eet %s here +#nn t &e + 0$#red t #n'thing in the rdin#r' ! rld. This des+ri$ti n f the #%r# +#nn t &e $r $erl' #s6 sessed &' #n' ne !h d es n t $l#+e $ri0#r' i0$ rt#n+e n the f#+t th#t Jseeing #%r#sK signifies #n e?$#nsi n #nd enri+h0ent f %r $er+e$ti n in the $h'si+#l ! rld. The intent f this e?$#nded $er+e$ti n is t re+ gni=e th#t f r0 f s %l life !hi+h $ ssesses s$irit%#l re#lit' %tside f the sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld. Hh#t h#s &een $resented here h#s n thing t d !ith re#ding # $ers nEs th %ghts r +h#r#+ter fr 0 # h#ll%+in#t r' #%r# #nd !#nts n de#l6 ings !ith this G%esti n#&le #rt. Its intent is t e?$#nd %r %nderst#nding in the dire+ti n f the s$irit%#l ! rld.


Of #ll the +h#$ters in this & ") this ne n JTh %ght F r0s #nd the H%0#n A%r#K is $r &#&l' the ne 0 st $en t 0isinter$ret#6 ti n &' $ini ns t the + ntr#r') the ne t !hi+h the 0 st &Ie+6 ti ns +#n &e r#ised. F r inst#n+e) it ! %ld &e G%ite %nderst#nd#&le t insist th#t # seerEs st#te0ents in this field &e $r ved &' e?$eri6 0ents in line !ith s+ientifi+ thin"ing) s%+h #s h#ving # n%0&er f $e $le !h +l#i0 t &e #&le t see s$irit%#l #%r#s st#nd f#+e t f#+e !ith # n%0&er f s%&Ie+ts !h se #%r#s the' #ll ! t ! r" n the0. These seers sh %ld then re$ rt !h#t th %ghts) feelings) #nd s n the' s#! in the #%r#s f the $e $le the' &served. If their re6 $ rts #gree) #nd if it t%rns %t th#t their s%&Ie+ts re#ll' did h#ve the feelings #nd th %ghts #s+ri&ed t the0) &elief in the e?isten+e f #%r#s ! %ld see0 re#s n#&le. This is +ert#inl' the s+ientifi+ !#'

t l " #t the iss%e. :%t s 0ething else 0%st &e t#"en int + nsid6 er#ti n. S$irit%#l rese#r+hersE ! r" n their !n s %ls gives the0 the +#$#+it' f r s$irit%#l visi nB th#t is the $ int f their eff rts. :%t !hether the' #re then #&le t $er+eive s 0ething in the s$iri6 t%#l ! rld in #n' given inst#n+e) #nd e?#+tl' !h#t the' $er+eive) d es n t de$end n the0 &%t + 0es t 0eet the0 #s # gift fr 0 the s$irit%#l ! rld. The' +#nn t f r+e it) the' h#ve t !#it %ntil it + 0es. Their intent t $er+eive s$irit%#ll' is never the re#l +#%se f it h#$$ening) #lth %gh th#t is !h#t s+ien+e ! %ld #ss%0e in the +#se f this e?$eri0ent. The s$irit%#l ! rld !ill n t #ll ! itself t &e & ssed #r %nd. If this e?$eri0ent !ere t + 0e #& %t #t #ll) it ! %ld h#ve t &e initi#ted &' the s$irit%#l ! rld) &' # s$irit%#l &e6 ingEs intenti n t reve#l the th %ghts f ne r 0 re s%&Ie+ts t ne r 0 re seers. A s$irit%#l i0$%lse ! %ld h#ve t &ring these seers t gether t +#rr' %t the &serv#ti n) in !hi+h +#se their re6 $ rts ! %ld &e s%re t #gree. As $#r#d ?i+#l #s it 0#' see0 t # stri+tl' s+ientifi+ 0ind) this is the f#+t f the 0#tter. S$irit%#l e?6 $eri0ents +#nn t + 0e #& %t in the s#0e !#' #s $h'si+#l nes. If +l#irv '#nts #re visited &' $e $le the' d n t "n !) it +#nn t si06 $l' &e #ss%0ed th#t the' !ill &e #&le t see the str#ngersE #%r#sB it is n t # 0#tter f deli&er#te intent. The' !ill &e #&le t see the0 if #nd !hen there is # re#s n f r it in the s$irit%#l ! rld. The $ int f these fe! ! rds is t dr#! #ttenti n t the 0is+ n6 +e$ti n inherent in the &Ie+ti n des+ri&ed #& ve. S$irit%#l s+i6 en+e is 0e#nt t des+ri&e h ! $e $le +#n le#rn t see #nd e?$erien+e the re#lit' f #%r#s f r the0selvesB #ll it +#n s#' t th se !h see" this "n !ledge is) JA$$l' these $rereG%isites t ' %rselves) #nd ' % t !ill see.K It ! %ld +ert#inl' &e 0 re e?6 $edient if the de0#nds f s+ientifi+ thin"ing + %ld &e 0et) &%t th se !h reG%ire $r fs f this s rt h#ve n t f#0ili#ri=ed the06 selves !ith even the 0 st ele0ent#r' res%lts f s$irit%#l s+ien+e. This & "Es st#te0ents #& %t the h%0#n #%r# #re n t intended t #++ 00 d#te s$irit%#l sens#ti n see"ers !h !ill &e s#tisfied

nl' &' &eing $resented !ith s 0ething Js$irit%#lK th#t +#n &e + n+eived f n differentl' th#n s 0ething $h'si+#lDth#t is) !hen the' +#n rest + ntent in the sense ! rld !ith their %s%#l ide#s. Hh#t !#s s#id #t the &eginning f this +h#$ter #& %t h ! #%ri+ + l r is t &e i0#gined !#s s%rel' +#l+%l#ted t $revent 0is6 %nderst#ndings f this s rt. :%t #n' ne !h #s$ires t gen%ine s$irit%#l insight h#s t re#li=e th#t dire+t e?$erien+e f 0#tters f s$irit #nd s %l inv lves seeing the #%r# s$irit%#ll' r#ther th#n sen6 s ril'. Hith %t s$irit%#l $er+e$ti n) the e?$erien+e re0#ins %n6 + ns+i %s. He 0%st n t + nf%se the e?$erien+e itself !ith its e?$ressi n in $i+t ri#l f r0) &%t !e 0%st re#li=e th#t the e?$eri6 en+e is ver' #deG%#tel' e?$ressed in this $i+t ri#l vie!. It is n t s 0ething the $er+eiving s %l 0#"es %$ #r&itr#ril'B it t#"es sh#$e f itself in s%$ersensi&le $er+e$ti n. S+ientists 0#' &e f rgiven if the' find the0selves + 0$elled t des+ri&e # h%0#n #%r# f s 0e s rt) #s Dr. * rit= :enedi"t d es in his & " n the r d #nd $end%l%0 the r'F There #re # s0#ll n%0&er f $e $le !h #re #d#$ted t see6 ing in the d#r". Of this 0in rit') # rel#tivel' l#rge $er+ent#ge +#n see 0#n' &Ie+ts in d#r"ness &%t !ith %t + l rs) #nd nl' rel#tivel' fe! #ls see in + l rs. . . . *' t! +l#ssi+ +#ses f seeing in the d#r" e?#0ined # + nsider#&le n%0&er f s+h l6 #rs #nd $h'si+i#ns . . . in 0' d#r"r 0) #nd these s%&Ie+ts !ere left !ith n I%stifi#&le d %&t #s t the #++%r#+' f their &serv#ti ns #nd des+ri$ti ns. . . . Pe $le !h see + l rs in the d#r" see the fr nt f the f rehe#d #nd s+#l$ #s !ell #s the rest f the righth#nd side in &l%e) !hile the left side is seen #s red r s 0eti0es . . . 'ell ! #nd r#nge. The divisi n #nd + l6 ring #re the s#0e !hen seen fr 0 &ehind.Q
Q* rit= :enedi"t) ,@576,-/.) $h'si+i#n. His & " Ruten und Pendellehre 1The Rod and Pendulum Theor 2 !#s $%&lished in <ienn# in ,-,;B this G% t#ti n is fr 0 $#ge ,;.

S$irit%#l s+ientists) h !ever) !ill n t &e f rgiven s e#sil' if the' t#l" #& %t #%r#s. :%t this #%th rEs intenti n is neither t t#"e #n' "ind f $ siti n n :enedi"tEs re$ rtD!hi+h is ne f the 0 st interesting in the #nn#ls f 0 dern s+ien+eDn r t gr#& #t #n' fli0s' $$ rt%nit' t I%stif' s$irit%#l s+ien+e &' 0e#ns f the n#t%r#l s+ien+es. His in6 tent is nl' t $ int %t h ! in ne +#se s 0e ne investig#ting n#t%r#l $hen 0en# +#n 0#"e +l#i0s th#t #re n t t t#ll' dissi0il#r t th se f s$irit%#l s+ien+e. It sh %ld &e e0$h#si=ed) h !ever) th#t the #%r# dis+%ssed in this & " is t &e gr#s$ed &' s$irit%#l 0e#ns #nd is s 0ething + 0$letel' different fr 0 the ne :ene6 di"t is t#l"ing #& %t) !hi+h +#n &e st%died &' $h'si+#l 0e#ns. He ! %ld &e s%rrendering t # gr ss ill%si n if !e !ere t &elieve th#t s$irit%#l #%r#s + %ld &e investig#ted &' #n' %ter s+ientifi+ 0eth6 ds. The' #re nl' #++essi&le t the s$irit%#l visi n #+G%ired n the $#th t "n !ledge des+ri&ed in the l#st +h#$ter f this & ". T re+#$it%l#te) the ide# th#t the tr%th f s$irit%#l $er+e$ti n +#n &e verified in the s#0e !#' th#t the tr%th f $h'si+#l $er+e$ti n +#n) is &#sed n # t t#l 0is%nderst#nding.

The Path to "no!led#e ,; 7

C HAPT ' R 4


E#+h ne f %s is +#$#&le f + 0ing t %nderst#nd s$iri6 t%#l s+ien+e #s it is $resented in this & ". E?$l#n#ti ns s%+h #s th se given here $r vide #n i0#ge f the higher ! rlds in th %ght f r0. In # +ert#in res$e+t) sin+e !e h%6 0#n &eings #re thin"ing &eings) these ver' e?$l#n#ti ns + nstit%te # first ste$ t !#rd $er+eiving f r %rselves. He +#n nl' find %r !n $#th t "n !ledge &' t#"ing thin"6 ing itself #s %r st#rting $ int. T $resent %r %nderst#nd6 ing !ith #n i0#ge f higher ! rlds is &' n 0e#ns fr%itless) #lth %gh #t the i00edi#te 0 0ent it 0#' in6 deed &e n 0 re th#n #n #++ %nt f things !e #re n t 'et #&le t $er+eive f r %rselves. Th %ghts th#t h#ve &een s%$$lied f r %s + nstit%te # f r+e th#t g es n ! r"ing in the ! rld f %r th %ghts. This f r+e &e+ 0es #+tive !ithin %s) #r %sing $ tenti#ls th#t lie d r0#nt in %s. It is # 0ist#"e t &elieve th#t !e !#ste %r ti0e &' d!elling n #n i0#ge in th %ght f r0. This $ini n #ss%0es th#t th %ghts #re %nre#l #nd #&str#+t) !hile in #+t%#lit' the'





#re f %nded n # living f r+e. T s 0e ne !h h#s #+6 G%ired "n !ledge) th %ghts #re $resent #s # dire+t e?6 $ressi n f !h#t is $er+eived in the s$irit) #nd !hen this e?$ressi n is + 00%ni+#ted t # se+ nd $ers n) it lives n in th#t $ers n #s # seed th#t !ill gr ! #nd &e#r "n !l6 edge #s its fr%it. An' ne !h s+ rns stren% %s 0ent#l ef6 f rt #s # !#' f #+G%iring higher "n !ledge) t%rning inste#d t ther f r+es #v#il#&le t %s) is n t t#"ing int #++ %nt the f#+t th#t thin"ing is the highest f the f#+%l6 ties !e h%0#n &eings $ ssess in the $h'si+#l ! rld. F r this re#s n) $e $le !h #s" h ! t #+G%ire dire+t higher s$irit%#l s+ientifi+ "n !ledge sh %ld &e t ld t &e6 gin &' f#0ili#ri=ing the0selves !ith !h#t thers h#ve t s#' #& %t it. If the' insist th#t the' !#nt nl' t see f r the0selves) th#t the' d n t !#nt t "n ! #& %t !h#t ther $e $le h#ve seen) the' 0%st &e t ld th#t le#rning !h#t th6 ers h#ve t s#' n the s%&Ie+t is the first ste$ t !#rd #+G%ir6 ing "n !ledge f r the0selves. Of + %rse the' 0#' s#' th#t 0e#n!hile the' #re f r+ed t #++e$t things n &lind f#ith. H !ever) the $ int is n t t &elieve r dis&elieve !h#t h#s &een + 00%ni+#ted) &%t nl' t &e %n&i#sed #nd re+e$tive t !#rd it. Gen%ine s$irit%#l rese#r+hers never s$e#" in the e?$e+t#ti n th#t the' !ill &e 0et !ith &lind f#ith) &%t s#' nl') JThese #re 0' e?$erien+es in s$irit%#l #re#s f e?ist6 en+e) #nd I #0 si0$l' telling ' % #& %t the0.K H !ever) the' #ls "n ! th#t $ening neself t this inf r0#ti n #nd i0&%ing neEs !n th %ghts !ith it + nstit%te #+tive f r+es f r s$irit%#l devel $0ent in the listener. T #$$r #+h this iss%e + rre+tl') !e 0%st t#"e int #+6 + %nt th#t #ll "n !ledge f the s %l #nd s$irit ! rlds

lies d r0#nt in e#+h h%0#n s %l #nd +#n &e &r %ght t light &' tr#veling the $#th t "n !ledge. H !ever) !e #re +#$#&le f gr#s$ing n t nl' !h#t !e %rselves &ring %$ fr 0 the s %lEs de$ths) &%t #ls !h#t s 0e ne else h#s d ne in this res$e+t. This is tr%e even if !e %rselves h#ve n t set %t n the $#th t "n !ledge. C rre+t s$ir6 it%#l insight #!#"ens the $ !er f %nderst#nding in #n' 0ind n t +l %ded &' $reI%di+e) #nd %r !n s%&+ n6 s+i %s "n !ledge re#dil' #+"n !ledges s$irit%#l f#+ts dis+ vered &' thers. This is n &lind f#ith) &%t r#ther the n#t%r#l res$ nse f + 00 n sense. Hh#t %r he#lth' n#t%r#l %nderst#nding re+ gni=es #s tr%e !hen $resented !ith the res%lts f gen%ine s$irit%#l rese#r+h + nstit%tes # 0%+h &etter st#rting $ int f r firsth#nd "n !ledge f the s$irit%#l ! rld th#n #n' d%&i %s 0'sti+#l + nte06 $l#ti ns #nd the li"e) even th %gh !e ften #ss%0e the $$ site. The need t s%&Ie+t %rselves t the h#rd ! r" f thin"6 ing if !e !#nt t devel $ %r +#$#+it' f r higher "n !l6 edge +#nn t &e e0$h#si=ed str ngl' en %gh. This is #ll the 0 re %rgent &e+#%se 0#n' $e $le !h !#nt t &e6 + 0e seers %nderesti0#te the need f r this e#rnest #nd self6den'ing ! r" n neEs thin"ing. The' s#' th#t thin"6 ing d esnEt ! r" f r the0) th#t ever'thing de$ends n Jfeeling)K r the li"e. These $e $le 0%st &e t ld th#t it is i0$ ssi&le t &e+ 0e # seer in the tr%e higher sense f the ! rd !ith %t first ! r"ing neEs !#' int the ! rld f thin"ing. A +ert#in inner l#=iness $l#'s # regrett#&le r le in 0#n' $ers n#lities) !h d n t &e+ 0e #!#re f it &e6 +#%se it disg%ises itself #s + nte0$t f r #&str#+t thin"ing


#nd f r idle s$e+%l#ti n) #nd s n. H !ever) !e + 06 $letel' 0is%nderst#nd thin"ing if !e + nf%se it !ith #n' idle r #&str#+t s$inning f th %ghts. Th#t "ind f J#&6 str#+t thin"ingK +#n e#sil' "ill s%$ersensi&le "n !ledge) &%t living) vit#l thin"ing +#n &e+ 0e the f %nd#ti n f r it. Of + %rse it ! %ld &e 0%+h 0 re + 0f rt#&le if !e + %ld #v id the stren% %s ! r" f thin"ing !hile #+G%ir6 ing the higher f#+%lties f # seer) #nd 0#n' $e $le ! %ld $refer t d it th#t !#'. H !ever) nl' thin"ing +#n le#d t the inner ste#diness #nd st#&ilit' f s %l th#t seershi$ re6 G%ires. Hith %t it) !e get n thing 0 re th#n # 0e#ning6 less #nd err#ti+ dis$l#' f i0#gesD enI '#&le) $erh#$s) &%t t t#ll' irrelev#nt #s f#r #s #+t%#l #++ess t the higher ! rld is + n+erned. And if !e + nsider the $%rel' s$irit%#l e?$erien+es f #n individ%#l !h re#ll' enters the higher ! rld) !e !ill #ls gr#s$ still #n ther side f the iss%e. An #&s l%tel' he#lth' s %l life is essenti#l f r # seer) #nd there is n &etter 0e#ns f +%ltiv#ting # he#lth' s %l life th#n re#l thin"ing. In f#+t) $e $leEs 0ent#l he#lth +#n s%ffer se6 ri %sl' if their tr#ining f r higher devel $0ent is n t &#sed n thin"ing. :e+ 0ing # seer !ill 0#"e #n' he#lth' right6 thin"ing individ%#l even he#lthier #nd 0 re fit f r life th#n &ef re) &%t t#"ing # dre#0' #$$r #+h t self6de6 vel $0ent &' sh%nning the rig rs f thin"ing +#n nl' f ster ill%si ns #nd # f#%lt' #$$r #+h t life. There is n need t ! rr') h !ever) #s l ng #s !h#t h#s &een s#id here is t#"en int #++ %nt #s # $rereG%isite t higher devel $6 0ent) # $rereG%isite th#t h#s t d e?+l%sivel' !ith the h%6 0#n s %l #nd s$irit. On+e this $rereG%isite is re+ gni=ed)

t t#l" #& %t #n' $ ssi&le h#r0f%l effe+t n # $ers nEs & dil' he#lth is #&s%rd. Un!#rr#nted dis&elief) h !ever) i% h#r0f%l &e+#%se it #+ts #s # re$elling f r+e) $reventing the re+i$ient fr 0 t#"ing %$ the fr%itf%l infl%en+e f these th %ghts. The $re6 reG%isite t $ening %r higher senses is n t &lind f#ith) &%t si0$l' re+e$tivit' t the ! rld f s$irit%#l s+ientifi+ th %ght. S$irit%#l rese#r+hers +h#llenge their st%dents) n t t &elieve !h#t the' #re t ld) &%t t thin) it) t t#"e it int the ! rld f their !n th %ghts. :' #ll !ing it t ! r" fr 0 !ithin) the' !ill + 0e t re+ gni=e its tr%th n their !n. This is the #$$r #+h s$irit%#l rese#r+hers t#"eDthe' $r vide the in+entive) &%t the $ !er t $er6 +eive the tr%th #rises !ithin the listeners the0selves. This is h ! s$irit%#l s+ientifi+ ide#s %ght t &e s %ght. Th se !h h#ve the self6dis+i$line t i00erse their th %ghts in s$irit%#l s+ien+e +#n &e s%re th#t this !ill event%#ll' le#d t the #&ilit' t $er+eive f r the0selves. Hh#t h#s I%st &een s#id #lre#d' s%ggests ne f the first G%#lities th#t 0%st &e +%ltiv#ted &' $e $le !h !#nt t #+hieve inde$endent $er+e$ti n f higher re#lities. It is un+ re%erved and un&ia%ed devotion t !h#t h%0#n life r the ! rld %tside %s h#s t reve#l. If !e #$$r #+h #n' $he6 n 0en n !ith # $re+ n+eived n ti n derived fr 0 %r life #s it h#s &een %ntil n !) !e sh%t %rselves ff fr 0 the G%iet 'et $erv#sive infl%en+e this $hen 0en n +#n h#ve n %s. Hhile le#rning) !e 0%st &e #&le #t #n' 0 0ent t 0#"e %rselves int # t t#ll' e0$t' vessel int !hi+h the ! rld !e d n t "n ! +#n fl !. * 0ents f re+ gniti n h#$$en nl' !hen #n' $reI%di+e r +riti+is0 + 0ing fr 0



%s is silen+ed. F r inst#n+e) it 0#"es n differen+e !hether !e #re !iser th#n the $ers n !e #re 0eetingD even # +hild !ith 0ini0#l %nderst#nding h#s s 0ething t dis+l se t the gre#test s#ge. A$$r #+hing the +hild !ith #n' $reI%dg6 0ent #t #ll) n 0#tter h ! !ise) is li"e l "ing Jthr %gh # gl#ss) d#r"l'K #t !h#t the +hild h#s t reve#l., C 0$lete inner selflessness is $#rt f this dev ti n t !h#t the %n"n !n ! rld +#n reve#l) #nd !e !ill $r &#6 &l' 0#"e s 0e #st nishing dis+ veries #& %t %rselves !hen !e test the e?tent f %r !n dev ti n. If !e !#nt t set %t n the $#th t higher "n !ledge) !e 0%st $r#+6 ti+e %ntil !e #re #&le t &liter#te %rselves #nd #ll %r $reI%di+es #t #n' 0 0ent s th#t s 0ething else +#n fl ! int %s. Onl' high levels f selfless dev ti n en#&le %s t $er+eive the higher s$irit%#l $hen 0en# #ll #r %nd %s. He +#n deli&er#tel' +%ltiv#te this f#+%lt' &' tr'ing t refr#in fr 0 I%dging $e $le in %r s%rr %ndings) f r e?6 #0$le. He 0%st eli0in#te #n' st#nd#rds f #ttr#+tive6 ness #nd %n#ttr#+tiveness) st%$idit' #nd +leverness) th#t !e #$$l' #s # 0#tter f h#&it. He 0%st tr' t %nderst#nd $e $le $%rel' %t f the0selves. It is &est t $r#+ti+e n $e $le t !h 0 !e h#ve #n #+tive #versi n) f r+i&l' s%$$ressing this #versi n #nd letting ever'thing the' d ! r" n %s !ith %t &i#s. Or if !e find %rselves in s 0e +ir+%0st#n+es th#t eli+it # +ert#in I%dg0ent in res$ nse) !e +#n s%$$ress this I%dg0ent in rder t &e re+e$tive
,. It is evident fr 0 this e?#0$le th#t there +#n &e n G%esti n f er#sing %r !n I%dg0ent r s%&0itting t &lind f#ithDthis ! %ld 0#"e n sense in referen+e t # +hild.

#nd %n&i#sed t !#rd #n' i0$ressi ns th#t 0#' + 0e t %s./ He sh %ld #ll ! things #nd events t s$e#" t %s 0 re th#n !e s$e#" #& %t the0) #nd !e sh %ld e?tend this $rin+i$le t %r th %ghts #s !ell) s%$$ressing !h#tever it is in %rselves th#t sh#$es # +ert#in th %ght #nd #ll !ing nl' e?tern#l things t eli+it th %ghts. E?er+ises li"e this +#n hel$ %s #+hieve %r g #l f higher "n !ledge nl' if the' #re +#rried %t !ith $ersisten+e #nd in h l' e#rnest6 ness. An' ne !h %nderesti0#tes e?er+ises f this s rt is t t#ll' %n#!#re f their v#l%e. On the ther h#nd) #n' ne e?$erien+ed in these 0#tters "n !s th#t dev ti n #nd #&6 sen+e f &i#s #+t%#ll' +re#te strength. M%st #s the he#t th#t is #$$lied t # & iler is tr#nsf r0ed int the f r+e th#t 0#"es # ste#0 engine 0 ve) these e?er+ises in selfless s$irit%#l dev ti n #re tr#nsf r0ed !ithin %s int the strength t see int the s$irit%#l ! rlds. :' 0e#ns f this e?er+ise) !e 0#"e %rselves re+e$tive t ever'thing #r %nd %s) &%t re+e$tivit' is n t en %gh. He 0%st #ls &e +#$#&le f $r $erl' #ssessing !h#t !e $er+eive. As l ng #s !e still tend t verv#l%e %rselves #t the e?$ense f the ! rld #r %nd %s) !e #re $%tting ff the 0 0ent !hen !e !ill g#in #++ess t higher "n !l6 edge. Pe $le !h give in t the $ers n#l $le#s%re r $#in the' e?$erien+e thr %gh things #nd events in the %ter
/. This %n&i#sed re+e$tivit' h#s n thing t d !ith &lind f#ith. The $ int is n t t &elieve &lindl' in s 0ething) &%t r#ther t refr#in fr 0 letting J&lind I%dg0entK %s%r$ the $l#+e f # living #nd vit#l i0$ressi n.


! rld #re still +#%ght %$ in v#l%ing the0selves t highl'. Their $ers n#l $le#s%re r $#in te#+hes the0 s 0ething #& %t the0selves &%t n thing #& %t the things in G%esti n. If I #0 s'0$#theti+#ll' in+lined t !#rd s 0e ne) 0' !n rel#ti nshi$ t th#t $ers n is #ll I +#n e?$erien+e #t first. And if I #ll ! 0' I%dg0ent #nd 0' &eh#vi r t de$end n 0' !n feelings f $le#s%re r s'0$#th') I #ll ! 0' !n idi s'n+r#+ies t t#"e +enter st#ge #nd i0$ se the0 n 0' s%rr %ndings. I !#nt the ! rld t in+l%de 0e I%st #s I #0) &%t I d n t !#nt t #++e$t the ! rld f r !h#t it is r t let it #ssert itself in #++ rd#n+e !ith the f r+es #t ! r" in it. In ther ! rds) I #0 t ler#nt f nl' !h#t s%its 0' !n $ers n#lit'B I !#rd ff #n'thing else. And #s l ng #s !e re0#in +#$6 tives f the sense ! rld) !e #re es$e+i#ll' li"el' t !#rd ff #n' n n6sens r' infl%en+es. As !e le#rn) !e 0%st devel $ the #&ilit' t rel#te t things #nd $e $le in their %niG%eness) re+ gni=ing the v#l%e #nd signifi+#n+e f e#+h #nd ever' ne. S'0$#th' #nd #nti$#th') $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re) 0%st t#"e n t 6 t#ll' ne! r les. This is +le#rl' n t # 0#tter f + 0$letel' er#di+#ting s'0$#th' #nd #nti$#th' #nd &e+ 0ing t t#ll' n%0& t the0. On the + ntr#r') the 0 re !e +%ltiv#te %r #&ilit' t refr#in fr 0 res$ nding i00edi#tel' t s'0$#6 th' r #nti$#th' !ith # I%dg0ent r #n #+ti n) the finer the sensitivit' !e devel $. On+e !e +#n + ntr l the +h#r#+ter the' #lre#d' #ss%0e !ithin %s) !e !ill e?$erien+e th#t s'0$#thies #nd #nti$#thies #ss%0e # higher +h#r#+ter. Even the see0ingl' 0 st %n#$$e#ling thing h#s hidden G%#lities th#t #re reve#led !hen !e d n t si0$l' 'ield t

%r !n selfish feelings. Pe $le !h h#ve s+h led the06 selves in this reg#rd #re e?+e$ti n#ll' sensitive t ever'6 thing #r %nd the0 &e+#%se the' d n t #ll ! their !n in+lin#ti ns t 0#"e the0 %nre+e$tive. An' in+lin#ti n !e f ll ! &lindl' de#dens %r #&ilit' t see things #r %nd %s in the right lightB it 0#"es %s f r+e %r !#' thr %gh %r envir n0ent r#ther th#n e?$ sing %rselves t it #nd e?6 $erien+ing its inherent v#l%e. On+e !e n l nger re#+t selfishl' t e#+h inst#n+e f I ' #nd $#in) s'0$#th' #nd #nti$#th') !e &e+ 0e inde$en6 dent f the +h#nging i0$ressi ns !e re+eive fr 0 the %ter ! rld. The $le#s%re !e e?$erien+e &e+#%se f # $#r6 ti+%l#r thing i00edi#tel' 0#"es %s de$endent n th#t thingB !e l se %rselves in it. He +#nn t tr#vel the $#th t higher "n !ledge if !e #re + nst#ntl' l sing %rselves in either $le#s%re r $#in #s # res%lt f the ever6+h#nging i06 $ressi ns th#t + nfr nt %s. On+e !e h#ve le#rned t #++e$t $le#s%re #nd $#in !ith eG%#ni0it') !e +#n st $ l sing %rselves in the0 #nd &egin t %nderst#nd the0. As s n #s I s%rrender t $le#s%re) it + ns%0es 0' ver' e?isten+e. Inste#d) I sh %ld 0#"e %se f $le#s%re nl' #s # 0e#ns f %nderst#nding $le#s%r#&le things. The $ int f r 0e sh %ld n t &e the f#+t th#t s 0ething +#%ses 0e $le#s%reB I sh %ld e?$erien+e the $le#s%re #nd) thr %gh it) the n#t%re f the thing itself. F r 0e) $le#s%re sh %ld &e n thing 0 re th#n #n indi+#ti n th#t this thing $ ssesses the #&ilit' t give $le#s%re) # +h#r#+teristi+ I 0%st le#rn t re+ gni=e in it. If I st $ sh rt #t the $le#s%re itself #nd let 0'self &e t t#ll' t#"en in &' it) I #0 e?$erien+ing nl' 0'selfB n the ther h#nd) if $le#s%re gives 0e #n $$ rt%nit' t e?$erien+e #


+h#r#+teristi+ f the thing itself) I enri+h 0' inner n#t%re thr %gh the e?$erien+e. In the + %rse f %r rese#r+h) $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re) I ' #nd $#in) 0%st $resent %s !ith $$ rt%nities t le#rn #& %t things. This d es n t 0#"e %s i00%ne t $le#s%re #nd $#inB it en#&les %s t rise #& ve the0 s th#t the' +#n dis+l se the #+t%#l n#t%re f e?tern#l things. :' +%ltiv#ting this f#+%lt') !e !ill + 0e t re#li=e !h#t g d te#+hers $le#s%re #nd $#in #re. He !ill + 6e?$erien+e !h#t e#+h #nd ever' &eing feels #nd th%s re+eive # revel#ti n f its inner n#t%re. If !e #re tr%l' see"ing) !e never st $ sh rt #t %r !n s%ffering r $le#s%re) &%t #l!#'s #s" !h#t th#t I ' r s%f6 fering h#s t tell %s. He s%rrender %r $ers n#l selves s th#t s%ffering r $le#s%re + 0ing fr 0 the %tside ! rld +#n ! r" n %s. This $er0its %s t devel $ # t t#ll' ne! !#' f rel#ting t things. Hhere#s %r re#+ti ns t s$e6 +ifi+ i0$ressi ns %sed t &e &#sed nl' n %r !n li"ing r disli"ing) !e +#n n ! let $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re &e rg#ns thr %gh !hi+h things tell %s !h#t the' the0selves #re in their essen+e. In %s) $le#s%re #nd $#in #re tr#ns6 f r0ed fr 0 0ere feelings int sens r' rg#ns thr %gh !hi+h !e $er+eive the %ter ! rld. Hhen %r e'es see s 0ething) the' d n t t#"e #+ti n the0selves &%t r#ther +#%se %r h#nds t #+t. S ) t ) !hen # s$irit%#l rese#r+h6 erEs $le#s%re #nd $#in 1t the e?tent th#t the' #re &eing #$$lied #s # 0e#ns t "n !ledge2 re+eive i0$ressi ns) the' d n t #+t dire+tl'B nl' !h#t is e?$erien+ed vi# $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re then le#ds t #+ti n. Hhen !e 0#"e # $r#+ti+e f %sing $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re #s r6 g#ns t tr#ns0it inf r0#ti n) the' f#shi n the #+t%#l s %l

rg#ns !e need f r the s %l ! rld t dis+l se itself t %s. O%r e'es +#n serve %r $h'si+#l & d' nl' &' &eing r6 g#ns f tr#ns0issi n f r sens r' i0$ressi nsB si0il#rl') $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re devel $ int Js %l e'esK !hen the' +e#se t #ssert the0selves f r their !n s#"e #nd &e6 gin t reve#l %n"n !n s %ls t %s. The #& ve60enti ned f#+%lties $%t %s in # $ siti n t let the things #nd &eings $resent in %r s%rr %ndings ! r" n %s free f the dist%r&ing infl%en+e fr 0 %r !n idi 6 s'n+r#sies. :%t !e 0%st #ls insert %rselves int the s$irit%#l ! rld) f !hi+h !e #ll) #s thin"ing &eings) #re +iti=ens. This +#n h#$$en in the right !#' nl' if) d%ring the $r +ess f re+ gni=ing the s$irit) !e +#n 0#"e %r tr#in f th %ght + rres$ nd t the etern#l l#!s f tr%th) the l#!s f s$irit + %ntr'. This is the nl' !#' this ! rld +#n ! r" n %s #nd reve#l its $hen 0en# t %s. He !ill n t re#+h the tr%th &' si0$l' giving %rselves %$ t the tr#nsient th %ghts + %rsing thr %gh %r JI.K These th %ghts h#ve their $r gressi n i0$ sed n the0 in th#t the' + 0e int e?isten+e !ithin %r & dil' n#t%re. As l ng #s the $h'si+#l &r#in is + nditi ning %r + gnitive #+tivit') %r th %ghts #$$e#r h#$h#=#rd #nd + nf%sedD ne th %ght &egins #nd then &re#"s ff) driven fr 0 the s+ene &' # se+ nd th %ght. If !e re#ll' e?#0ine # + nver6 s#ti n &et!een t! $e $le #s !e listen t it) r if !e &6 serve %rselves +#ref%ll') !e !ill get #n ide# f the !ill6 E6the6!is$ G%#lit' f these th %ghts. As l ng #s !e #re #$$l'ing %rselves t t#s"s in the sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld) %r + nf%sed tr#in f th %ght is #l!#'s str#ight6 ened %t &' the #+t%#l 0#tter #t h#nd. Reg#rdless f h !


+ nf%sed I #0 in 0' thin"ing) d#il' life f r+es 0e t + n6 f r0 t the l#!s f re#lit' in 0' #+ti ns. F r e?#0$le) I 0#' h#ve #n e?tre0el' h#$h#=#rd ide# f h ! # +it' is l#id %t) &%t if I !#nt t get #r %nd in it) I h#ve t #d#$t t h ! things re#ll' #re. *e+h#ni+s 0#' + 0e int the sh $ !ith their he#ds f%ll f # I%0&le f #ll "inds f ide#s) &%t the l#!s g verning h ! their 0#+hines ! r" !ill + 0$el the0 t #d $t #$$r $ri#te ! r"ing $r +ed%res. In the sense6$er+e$ti&le ! rld) h#rd f#+ts #+t #s # + nst#nt + r6 re+tive t %r thin"ing. If I h#ve the !r ng ide# #& %t s 0e $h'si+#l $hen 0en n s%+h #s the f r0 f # $l#nt) re#lit' + nfr nts 0e #nd sets 0' thin"ing str#ight. In rel#ti nshi$ t higher #re#s f e?isten+e) h !ever) things #re ver' different. These re#l0s dis+l se the06 selves t 0e nl' !hen I #$$r #+h the0 !ith 0' thin"6 ing #lre#d' stri+tl' dis+i$lined. In this +#se) if 0' thin"ing d es n t $r vide the + rre+t i0$%lse) if I #0 n t 0' !n + nfident g%ide) I !ill n t find the right !#' t g . The s$irit%#l l#!s $rev#iling here h#ve n t + n6 densed t the $ int f $h'si+#l $er+e$ti&ilit' #nd there6 f re d n t i0$ se the s#0e + rre+tive #s sense6 $er+e$ti&le things d ) s I !ill &e #&le t &e' the0 nl' if the' #re rel#ted t 0' !n l#!s) the nes th#t g vern 0e #s # thin"ing &eing. As # see"er f "n !ledge) I 0%st #lter 0' thin"ing s th#t it is stri+tl' self6reg%l#ting. *' th %ghts 0%st gr#d%#ll' get %t f the h#&it f r%nning their ever'd#' + %rse #nd #d $t inste#d the inner +h#r#+6 ter f the s$irit%#l ! rld. I 0%st &e #&le t &serve 0'self in this reg#rd #nd "ee$ things %nder + ntr l. I 0%st n t #ll ! ne th %ght t f ll ! #n ther #r&itr#ril' &%t nl'

in #++ rd#n+e !ith the rig r %s st#nd#rds f the + ntents f the th %ght ! rld. The tr#nsiti n fr 0 ne ide# t #n6 ther 0%st + rres$ nd t stri+t l#!s f thin"ing) #nd I 0'self #s # thin"er 0%st st#nd #s # + $' f these l#!s) s t s$e#". I 0%st eli0in#te fr 0 0' tr#in f th %ght ev6 er'thing n t fl !ing fr 0 these l#!s. If # f#v rite th %ght gets in 0' !#') I 0%st $%sh it #side s th#t it d es n t dist%r& the rderl' seG%en+e) #nd if # $ers n#l feeling tries t i0$ se # dire+ti n n 0' th %ghts th#t is n t in6 herent in the0) I 0%st s%$$ress it. Pl#t reG%ired th se #$$l'ing t his s+h l t t#"e # + %rse in 0#the0#ti+s first. Sin+e the stri+t l#!s f 0#th6 e0#ti+s #re n t s%&Ie+t t the rdin#r' + %rse f sens r' $hen 0en#) the' 0#"e # ver' g d $re$#r#ti n f r see"6 ers f "n !ledge) !h 0%st $%t #side $ers n#l #r&itr#ri6 ness #nd distr#+ti ns if the' !ish t 0#"e $r gress in 0#the0#ti+s. < l%nt#ril' ver+ 0ing #ll %n+ ntr lled #nd #r&itr#r' thin"ing $re$#res the0 f r the t#s" #he#d. The' le#rn t res$ nd t nl' the reG%ire0ents f thin"6 ing itself) sin+e th#t is h ! the' 0%st $r +eed in #ll th %ght #+tivit' th#t serves s$irit%#l "n !ledge. Their thin"ing 0%st re$li+#te the %ndist%r&ed res%lts #nd + n6 +l%si ns f 0#the0#ti+s. Hherever the' g ) !herever the' 0#' &e) the' 0%st #l!#'s #tte0$t t thin" in this !#'. Then the l#!s f the s$irit%#l ! rld) l#!s th#t $#ss thr %gh !ith %t # tr#+e !hen thin"ing is f the ever'd#' + nf%sed v#riet') +#n fl ! int the0. Hell6 rdered thin"ing le#ds the0 fr 0 se+%re st#rting $ ints t the 0 st hidden tr%ths. 1These s%ggesti ns sh %ld n t &e t#"en ne6sidedl') h !everD#lth %gh 0#the0#ti+s is


g d $r#+ti+e #nd dis+i$line f r %r thin"ing) it is +er6 t#inl' $ ssi&le t le#rn $%re) he#lth' #nd vit#l thin"ing !ith %t it.2 See"ers f "n !ledge 0%st h#ve the s#0e g #ls f r their #+ti ns #s the' h#ve f r their thin"ingDth#t is) their #+ti ns 0%st n t &e disr%$ted &' their $ers n#lit') &%t 0%st &e #&le t &e' the l#!s f etern#l &e#%t' #nd tr%th) #++e$ting the dire+ti n these l#!s $r vide. (n !ledge see"ers !h h#ve &eg%n s 0ething the' re+ gni=e #s right 0#' n t give %$ si0$l' &e+#%se !h#t the' #re d ing is n t e0 ti n#ll' s#tisf'ing. On the ther h#nd) the' 0#' n t + ntin%e !ith s 0ething I%st &e+#%se the' enI ' it if the' dis+ ver th#t it d es n t + nf r0 t the l#!s f eter6 n#l &e#%t' #nd tr%th. In ever'd#' life) $e $le let their #+6 ti ns &e deter0ined &' !h#t is $ers n#ll' s#tisf'ing r fr%itf%lB the' i0$ se the dire+ti n f their !n $ers n#l6 it' n the + %rse f ! rld events. The' #re d ing n thing t &ring #& %t the tr%th l#id %t in the l#!s f the s$irit%#l ! rldB the' #re si0$l' f%lfilling their !n #r&itr#r' de6 0#nds. He #re #+ting in h#r0 n' !ith the s$irit%#l ! rld nl' !hen its l#!s #re the nl' nes !e &e'. A+ti ns $r +eeding nl' fr 0 %r !n $ers n#lit' s%$$l' n f r+es th#t + %ld f r0 # &#sis f r s$irit%#l "n !ledge. See"ers f "n !ledge +#nn t + nsider nl' !h#t !ill 'ield fr%it r le#d t s%++ess f r the0selvesB the' 0%st #ls + nsider !h#t the' h#ve re+ gni=ed #s g d. The' 0%st !illingl' s%&0it t the stri+t l#! th#t reG%ires the0 t ren %n+e #ll $ers n#l #r&itr#riness #nd #ll fr%its their #+ti ns 0#' h#ve f r their !n $ers n#lit'. Then the' #re !#l"ing the $#ths f the s$irit%#l ! rld #nd their !h le

&eing is $er0e#ted &' its l#!s. The' #re freed fr 0 #ll sens r' + nstr#intsB their s$irit &eing lifts free f its sen6 s r' tr#$$ings. This is h ! the' s$irit%#li=e the0selves) h ! the' 0#"e $r gress t !#rd the s$irit%#l. He +#nn t G%esti n !hether it d es #n' g d t res lve t &e' nl' the l#!s f tr%th !hen in f#+t !e 0#' &e 0is6 t#"en #& %t !h#t is tr%e. Ever'thing de$ends n %r eff rt #nd %r #ttit%de) #nd even $e $le !h #re 0ist#"en &%t #re #s$iring t the tr%th $ ssess # strength th#t !ill set the0 &#+" n the right tr#+". The ver' &Ie+ti n th#t !e 0#' &e 0ist#"en is in itself destr%+tive dis&elief #nd de06 nstr#tes # l#+" f tr%st in the $ !er f tr%th. The $ int here is th#t inste#d f $res%0ing t de+ide n %r g #ls fr 0 %r !n self6 serving $ int f vie!) !e sh %ld s%&6 0it selflessl' t the s$irit #nd #ll ! it t deter0ine %r di6 re+ti n f r %s. Self6serving h%0#n v liti n +#nn t di+t#te t the tr%th. Tr%th itself 0%st &e+ 0e s vereign in %s) fill6 ing %r !h le &eing #nd tr#nsf r0ing %s int # re$li+# f s$irit + %ntr'Es etern#l l#!s. He 0%st i0&%e %rselves !ith these etern#l l#!s in rder t let the0 fl ! %t int life. As see"ers f "n !ledge) !e 0%st h#ve %r !ill #s !ell #s %r thin"ing stri+tl' %nder + ntr l. Then) in #ll h%6 0ilit' #nd !ith %t $res%0$ti n) !e &e+ 0e 0essengers f the ! rld f tr%th #nd &e#%t'. He #dv#n+e t &e+ 0e $#rti+i$#nts in the s$irit%#l ! rld #nd #re lifted fr 0 ne level f devel $0ent t the ne?t. :%t !e +#nn t #+hieve living in the s$irit 0erel' &' &eing &eh lders f itDit h#s t &e e?$erien+ed. If the l#!s th#t #re $resented here #re &served &' see"ers f "n !ledge) their inner e?$erien+e in rel#ti n


t the s$irit%#l ! rld !ill #ss%0e # + 0$letel' ne! f r0. Inste#d f h#ving signifi+#n+e nl' f r their !n $ers n#l life) it !ill devel $ int s %l $er+e$ti ns f the higher ! rld. Feelings f $le#s%re #nd dis$le#s%re r I ' #nd $#in !ill gr ! int s %l rg#ns th#t tr#ns0it %ter i0$ressi ns selflessl' li"e $h'si+#l e'es #nd e#rs) !hi+h #ls d n t e?ist f r the0selves #l ne. This is h ! "n !ledge see"ers #+hieve the +#l0 #nd se+%re fr#0e f 0ind reG%ired f r rese#r+h in the s$irit%#l ! rld. A gre#t $le#s%re th#t n+e ! %ld h#ve si0$l' 0#de the0 I%0$ f r I ' !ill n ! #lert the0 t $revi %sl' %nn ti+ed #s6 $e+ts f their s%rr %ndings #nd !ill le#ve the0 #t $e#+e. Hithin this $e#+e) fe#t%res f the entities +#%sing the $le#s%re !ill &e reve#led. And n the ther h#nd) $#in !ill n l nger si0$l' fill the see"ers !ith distress &%t !ill #ls &e #&le t inf r0 the0 !h#t G%#lities &el ng t the &eing +#%sing the $#in. Li"e e'es) !hi+h desire n th6 ing f r the0selves &%t selflessl' sh ! the $h'si+#l $er6 s n !h#t dire+ti n t t#"e) $le#s%re #nd $#in !ill le#d the s %l s#fel' n its !#'. This is the st#te f inner eG%#ni0it' th#t !e #s see"ers f "n !ledge 0%st #+hieve. Hhen $le#s%re #nd $#in n l nger e?$end the0selves in +re#ting t%r&%len+e in %r inner life) the' &egin t f%n+ti n li"e e'es $en t the s%6 $ersensi&le ! rld. It is n t $ ssi&le t %se $le#s%re #nd $#in #s s %r+es f inf r0#ti n #s l ng #s !e #re d!elling in #nd n the0) &%t n+e !e h#ve le#rned t live throu#h the0 #nd n l nger rel#te %r feeling f identit' t the0) the' &e+ 0e rg#ns f $er+e$ti n !e +#n %se in rder t see #nd t "n !. It is in+ rre+t t thin" th#t # s#ge 0%st

&e+ 0e # dr') s &er $ers n in+#$#&le f e?$erien+ing $le#s%re r $#in. F r s%+h # $ers n) $le#s%re #nd $#in still e?ist) &%t !hen he r she is investig#ting the s$irit%#l ! rld) these #re $resent in 0et#0 r$h sed f r0 #s Je'es #nd e#rs.K As l ng #s %r rel#ti nshi$ t the ! rld is # $ers n#l ne) things sh ! %s nl' !h#t + nne+ts the0 t %r !n $ers n#lit'. This) h !ever) is 0erel' their tr#nsient #s6 $e+t. If !e $%ll &#+" fr 0 !h#t is tr#nsient in %rselves #nd d!ell !ith %r JIK #nd %r feeling f identit' in !h#t is l#sting in %s) %r tr#nsient fe#t%res #re tr#nsf r0ed #nd &egin t + nve' the etern#l #s$e+ts f things t %s. This rel#ti nshi$ &et!een %r !n etern#l #s$e+t #nd !h#t is etern#l in ther things is s 0ething see"ers 0%st &e #&le t &ring #& %t deli&er#tel'. :ef re t#"ing %$ #n' ther e?6 er+ises f the s rt des+ri&ed here) #nd #ls !hile $r#+ti+6 ing the0) !e need t dire+t %r #ttenti n t this i00 rt#l #s$e+t. Hhenever I &serve # st ne) $l#nt) #ni0#l r $er6 s n) I sh %ld &e #!#re th#t s 0ething etern#l is e?$ressed there. I sh %ld &e #&le t ! nder #& %t !h#t is l#sting in # tr#nsit r' st ne r # 0 rt#l $ers n) !h#t it is th#t !ill %tl#st their tr#nsient sense6 $er+e$ti&le 0#nifest#ti n. He 0%st n t i0#gine th#t if !e t%rn %r 0ind t the etern#l li"e this) it !ill estr#nge %s fr 0 i00edi#te re#lit' #nd destr ' %r rdin#r' +#$#+it' f r &serv#ti n #nd %r feeling f r ever'd#' #ff#irs. On the + ntr#r'U E#+h little le#f #nd &eetle !ill reve#l + %ntless 0'steries !hen !e l " #t it n t nl' !ith %r e'es &%t #ls ) thr %gh %r e'es) !ith %r s$irit #s !ell. Ever' gli00er r sh#de f + l r) ever' int n#ti n) !ill re0#in vividl' $er+e$ti&le t


%r senses. N thing !ill &e l st) &%t infinite ne! life !ill &e g#ined. Pe $le !h d n t "n ! h ! t &serve the s0#llest det#il !ith their e'es !ill #ls never #+hieve s$irit%#l visi n) &%t nl' $#le #nd &l dless th %ghts. Ev6 er'thing de$ends n the #ttit%de !e #+G%ire. H ! f#r !e get !ill de$end n %r #&ilities. He nl' h#ve t d !h#t is right #nd let the rest devel $ n its !n. T &egin !ith) !e 0%st &e + ntent !ith t%rning %r #ttenti n t !h#t is l#stingB this eff rt in #nd f itself !ill event%#ll' #ll ! %s t re+ gni=e the etern#l. He 0%st !#it %ntil this is given t %s. It !ill h#$$en #t the right 0 0ent if !e !#itD#nd !or). S n #fter &eginning s%+h e?er+ises) $e $le n ti+e 0#I r inner tr#nsf r0#6 ti ns. The' le#rn t &#se their esti0#ti n f # thingEs i06 $ rt#n+e r l#+" f it e?+l%sivel' n its re+ gni=ed rel#ti nshi$ t s 0ething l#sting #nd etern#l. The' #r6 rive #t # ne! #nd different #ssess0ent f the ! rld #nd feel differentl' rel#ted t their s%rr %ndings. Hh#t is tr#nsit r' n l nger #ttr#+ts the0 f r its !n s#"e) #s it %sed t ) &%t &e+ 0es & th $#rt f #nd # 0et#$h r f r the etern#l. The' le#rn t l ve the etern#l th#t lives in ever'6 thingB it &e+ 0es #s f#0ili#r t the0 #s nl' the tr#nsi6 t r' #s$e+t !#s &ef re. This d es n t estr#nge the0 fr 0 lifeB n the + ntr#r') the' le#rn t v#l%e e#+h thing in #+6 + rd#n+e !ith its tr%e signifi+#n+e. Even lifeEs trivi#l #s6 $e+ts d n t le#ve s%+h $e $le %nt %+hed) &%t inste#d f getting l st in friv lities) s$irit6see"ing individ%#ls see the0 in the right light #nd re+ gni=e their li0ited v#l%e. It ! %ld &e # $ r see"er f "n !ledge !h ! %ld $re6 fer t r #0 the +l %d' heights #nd l se t %+h !ith life.

Tr%e seers "n ! h ! t %se their elev#ted v#nt#ge $ int) +le#r vervie! #nd str ng sense f !h#t is i0$ rt#nt t $%t e#+h thing in its right $l#+e. The s$irit%#ll' "n !ledge#&le &e+ 0e #&le t st $ &e'ing nl' the %ter sense ! rldEs %n$redi+t#&le in6 fl%en+es th#t dire+t their intenti ns this !#' #nd th#t. (n !ledge lets the0 see int the etern#l n#t%re f thingsB thr %gh tr#nsf r0ing their inner ! rld) the' h#ve #+G%ired the #&ilit' t $er+eive this etern#l n#t%re. The f ll !ing th %ghts #+G%ire # $#rti+%l#r signifi+#n+e f r th se !h tr%l' "n !. Hhile #+ting %t f the0selves) s%+h $e $le #re #!#re f #+ting %t f the etern#l n#t%re f things) f r the' "n ! th#t it is !ithin the0 th#t %ter things e?$ress their essen+e. Theref re) !hen the "n !6 ersE #+tivit' is dire+ted &' the etern#l th#t lives !ithin the0) the' #re #+ting in #++ rd#n+e !ith the etern#l rder f the %niverse. The' "n ! th#t the' #re n l nger si06 $l' &eing i0$elled &' things &%t #re #+tivel' i0$elling things #++ rding t the l#!s i0$l#nted in the things the0selves) l#!s !hi+h h#ve #ls &e+ 0e the l#!s f their !n &eing. This #+ting fr 0 !ithin +#n nl' &e #n ide#l t strive f rDre#+hing the g #l still lies in the dist#nt f%t%re) &%t the see"er f "n !ledge 0%st h#ve the !ill t see the !#' +le#rl'. This is the !ill to freedom) &e+#%se freed 0 0e#ns #+ting fr 0 !ithin) #nd nl' th se !h dr#! their 0 tiv#ti n fr 0 the etern#l +#n ! r" fr 0 !ithin. An' &eing !h d es n t d this ! r"s %t f re#s ns ther th#n th se inherent in things the0selves #nd th%s ! r"s + ntr#r' t the rder f the %niverse) !hi+h !ill tri%0$h


in the end. Ulti0#tel') th#t is) this &eing +#nn t get its !#' #nd +#nn t &e+ 0e free. Ar&itr#r' individ%#l v li6 ti n #nnihil#tes itself thr %gh the effe+t f its #+ti ns.


Th se !h +#n ! r" n their inner life in this !#' #d6 v#n+e fr 0 st#ge t st#ge in s$irit%#l "n !ledge. As # fr%it f their e?er+ises) s$e+ifi+ insights int the s%$ersen6 si&le ! rld &e+ 0e #++essi&le t their s$irit%#l $er+e$6 ti n. The' le#rn the sense in !hi+h f#+ts #& %t this ! rld #re t &e t#"en #nd + nfir0 the0 thr %gh dire+t e?$eri6 en+e. H#ving re#+hed this st#ge) the' #re #$$r #+hed &' s 0ething th#t +#n &e en+ %ntered nl' #l ng this $#th. In # !#' !h se signifi+#n+e +#n nl' n ! &e+ 0e +le#r t the0) Jiniti#ti nK is &est !ed n the0 thr %gh the gre#t s$irit%#l $ !ers g%iding the h%0#n r#+eB the' &e6 + 0e dis+i$les f !isd 0. The less !e see this initi#ti n #s + nsisting f #n' %t!#rd h%0#n rel#ti nshi$) the 0 re #++%r#te the ide# !e h#ve f it. It is $ ssi&le nl' t hint #t !h#t is n ! h#$$ening t see"ers f "n !ledge. The' #+G%ire # ne! h 0e #nd &e6 + 0e + ns+i %s inh#&it#nts f the s%$ersensi&le ! rld. Fr 0 n ! n) their s$irit%#l insight fl !s fr 0 # higher s %r+e. The light f "n !ledge n l nger shines t !#rd the0 fr 0 %tsideB the' the0selves st#nd #t this lightEs s %r+e. The' see the riddles th#t the ! rld $resents in # ne! light. N ! the' + nverse n t !ith things th#t h#ve &een given f r0 &' the s$irit &%t !ith the f r0#tive s$irit itself. In 0 0ents f s$irit%#l "n !ledge) their life #s

$ers n#lities e?ists nl' t serve #s # + ns+i %s 0et#$h r f the etern#l. The' +#n n l nger h#ve #n' d %&ts #& %t the s$irit) &e+#%se d %&t is $ ssi&le nl' f r s 0e ne !h 0 things 0isle#d !ith reg#rd t the s$irit th#t $re6 v#ils !ithin the0. And sin+e the dis+i$les f !isd 0 #re #&le t + nverse !ith the s$irit itself) #n' f#lse f r0 in !hi+h the' $revi %sl' i0#gined the s$irit v#nishes. I0#gining the s$irit in # f#lse f r0 is s%$erstiti n) #nd initi#tes #re &e' nd s%$erstiti n &e+#%se the' "n ! !h#t the tr%e f r0 f the s$irit is. Freed 0 fr 0 the &i#ses f $ers n#lit') d %&t #nd s%6 $erstiti n +h#r#+teri=e th se !h h#ve tr#veled %$ the $#th f "n !ledge t the level f dis+i$leshi$) &%t !e 0%st n t + nf%se this %niting f $ers n#lities !ith the s%r6 r %nding #nd #ll6en+ 0$#ssing s$irit%#l life !ith the dis6 s l%ti n r destr%+ti n f $ers n#lit' in # %nivers#l s$irit. Th#t is n t !h#t h#$$ens in tr%e $ers n#lit' devel $0ent. Pers n#lit' #s s%+h is 0#int#ined n entering int rel#6 ti nshi$ !ith the s$irit ! rldB it is n t ver+ 0e) &%t %n6 derg es still higher devel $0ent. If !e need # 0et#$h r f !h#t h#$$ens !hen individ%#l s$irits %nite !ith the %nivers#l s$irit) !e 0%st n t i0#gine different +ir+les th#t + in+ide #nd &e+ 0e ne) &%t 0#n' verl#$$ing +ir+les) e#+h !ith # distin+t sh#de f + l r. Alth %gh the +ir+les verl#$) e#+h individ%#l sh#de 0#int#ins its identit' !ith6 in the !h le) #nd n +ir+le l ses #n' f the f%llness f its individ%#l strength. N f%rther des+ri$ti n f this $#th !ill &e given here. T the e?tent th#t this is $ ssi&le) it is d ne in Occult Science) !hi+h is # seG%el t this v l%0e.


Hh#t h#s &een s#id here #& %t the $#th t s$irit%#l "n !ledge +#n #ll t e#sil' &e 0isinter$reted #s #dv 6 +#ting the +%ltiv#ti n f 0 ds #nd #ttit%des th#t ent#il t%rning #!#' fr 0 the i00edi#te) I 'f%l #nd #+tive e?$e6 rien+e f life. It 0%st &e e0$h#si=ed th#t the inner #ttit%de th#t renders %r s %l fit f r dire+t e?$erien+e f s$irit%#l re#lit' +#nn t &' e?tensi n &e reG%ired f #ll the rest f %r life. Th se !h investig#te e?isten+e in the s$irit +#n indeed #+hieve the s %l dist#n+e fr 0 sens r' re#lit' ne+6 ess#r' f r their rese#r+h !ith %t &e+ 0ing str#ngers t the ! rld n # gener#l level. On the ther h#nd) !e 0%st #ls re#li=e th#t "n !ledge f the s$irit%#l ! rld th#t is #+G%ired either thr %gh #+t%#ll' setting %t n this $#th r thr %gh si0$l' gr#s$ing s$irit%#l s+ientifi+ tr%ths !ith %r %n$reI%di+ed #nd he#lth' + 00 n sense d es le#d t higher 0 r#l st#nd#rds) t #n %nderst#nding f sens r' e?isten+e #s it #++ rds !ith the tr%th) t # se+%re + nfi6 den+e in life #nd t 0ent#l he#lth.

The Path to "no!led#e ,- ;


The Philo%oph of Freedom 1,@-82 In this e#rl' ! r") Steiner l#'s d !n the $rereG%isites f r # $#th f &r#in6 r sense6free thin"ing. An' ne !ishing t %nder6 st#nd the e$iste0 l gi+#l f %nd#ti ns th#t %nderlie SteinerEs $ !ers f s$irit%#l6s+ientifi+ &serv#ti n sh %ld re#d this ! r". Ho! to "no! Hi#her $orld% 1,-.82 Previ %sl' titled "no!led#e of the Hi#her $orld% and It% Attainment) this is R%d lf SteinerEs +l#ssi+ #++ %nt f the 0 d6 ern $#th f initi#ti n. Occult Science 1,-,.2 Origin#ll' + n+eived f #s # + ntin%#ti n f Theo%oph ) this ! r" de#ls !ith the n#t%re #nd ev l%ti n f h%0#nit' #nd the + s0 s. It #ls e?tends #nd dee$ens 0#n' f the #re#s de#lt !ith in Theo%oph . It + nt#ins # des+ri$ti n f the $#th f "n !ledge) in+l%ding the JR se Cr ss 0edit#ti n)K !hi+h + 0$le0ents #nd #dds t the des+ri$ti ns + nt#ined in Theo%o+ ph #nd Ho! to "no! Hi#her $orld%. A Road to Self "no!led#e #nd The Thre%hold of the Spiritual $orld> This ! r" 0#"es #v#il#&le 0%+h f the f%nd#0ent#l + ntent f #nthr $ s $h' in the f r0 f 0edit#ti ns. The Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanit This s0#ll ! r" &egins t indi+#te the r le f Christ in h%0#n n#t%re #nd h%0#n ev l%ti n.



The Foundation% of '%oterici%m 1,-.72B At the Gate% of Spiritual Science ?,-.92B Theo%oph of the Ro%icrucian 1,-.;2 These three le+t%re + %rses de#l !ith 0#n' f the s#0e #re#s #s Theo%oph . Re#ders !ill find 0%+h #dditi n#l f d f r th %ght here) s 0eti0es in 0 re e#sil' digesti&le f r0. The Influence of Spiritual 8ein#% on *an 1,-.@2 C n+erning v#ri %s f#+ts #nd &eings f the higher ! rlds #nd their + nne+ti n !ith h%0#nit'. An Occult Ph %iolo# 1,-,,2 De#ls in gre#ter det#il !ith the + nne+ti n f + s0i+ #nd s$iri6 t%#l $r +esses t h%0#n $h'si l g'. Spiritual 8ein#% in the Heavenl 8odie% and in the "in#dom% of Nature 1,-,/2 This + nt#ins i0$ rt#nt &serv#ti ns n the + nne+ti n &et!een the v#ri %s s$irit%#l hier#r+hies #nd the & dies) #s !ell #s the I) f the h%0#n &eing. The 'ffect% of Spiritual ,evelopment on the Occult Sheath% of *an 1,-,52 Inner devel $0ent tr#nsf r0s #ll #s$e+ts f the h%0#n &eing. This le+t%re + %rse sh !s the different !#'s in !hi+h v#ri %s s$irit%#l $r#+ti+es effe+t the h%0#n + nstit%ti n. Chance9 Providence9 and Nece%%it 1,-,72 These le+t%res) #& ve #ll) f +%s n the etheri+ n#t%re f the h%0#n &eing th#t %nites the h%0#n &eing #nd the + s0 s) #nd es$e+i#ll' n the etheri+ & d' #s the instr%0ent f $er+e$ti n f r i0#gin#tive + gniti n. The Human 8ein# in 8od 9 Soul9 and Spirit 1,-//2 Si0$le #nd dire+t) these le+t%res !ere given t the ! r"ers + nstr%+ting the G ethe#n%0 in D rn#+h. Anthropo%oph and the Inner Life 1,-/82 Previ %sl' titled Anthropo%oph 9 an Introduction9 this ! r" #$$r #+hes the s%&Ie+t 0#tter f Theo%oph fr 0 J!ithin.K It

Related Readin# The Path to "no!led#e

,- -

gives) #s it !ere) the inner 0e#ning f Theo%oph in ter0s f +l sel' &served e?$erien+es f + ns+i %sness.

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