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Implementation Status of the LLRC Recommendations - February 2014

Verite Reserach -Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sri Lanka:LLRC!Implementation Monitor- Statistical and Analytical Review No ! Background The Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) ublished its !inal re ort on 1" #ecember 2011$ %n 2" &uly 2012, the 'o(ernment released a )ational *lan o! +ction to ,m lement the Recommendations o! the LLRC ()*+)$ The LLRC ori'inally contained 1"- recommendations that re.uired tan'ible action by the 'o(ernment$ /ubse.uently, 12 !urther recommendations ha(e become actionable, ma0in' the total number o! actionable recommendations 1-9$ The )*+ !ully included "# actiona$le recommendations and partially incl%ded &# recommendations$ 4- actionable recommendations 1ere not included in the ori'inal lan$ %n 4 &uly 2012, the *residential /ecretariat announced that the Cabinet had a ro(ed the inclusion o! 32 recommendations in an addendum to the )*+$ ,n !act, 3- distinct recommendations 1ere included in this addendum$ %! these recommendations, only 42 1ere ori'inally omitted !rom the )*+$ The remainin' 13 1ere in !act included (!ully or artially) in the ori'inal )*+$ +t the time o! releasin' this brie!in' note, se(enteen actionable recommendations 1ere not included in the )*+$ ,n 4arch 2012, the 5) 6uman Ri'hts Council assed Resolution 1972 on *romotin' Reconciliation and +ccountability in /ri Lan0a$ The Resolution s eci!ically called !or the im lementation o! the 8constructi(e recommendations9 o! the LLRC$ 103 constructi(e recommendations !all into the !ollo1in' ei'ht cate'ories: Credibly investigating widespread allegations of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances Demilitarizing the north of Sri Lanka mplementing impartial land dispute resolution mechanisms !e"evaluating detention policies Strengthening formerly independent civil institutions !eaching a political settlement on the devolution of power to the provinces

#romoting and protecting the right of freedom of expression for all $nacting rule of law reforms These constructi(e recommendations 1ere once a'ain cited in the 4arch 2012 5) 6uman Ri'hts Council Resolution on *romotin' Reconciliation and +ccountability in /ri Lan0a$ ,n &anuary 2014, the ;o(ernment o! /ri Lan0a claimed to ha(e 8com leted9 the im lementation o! se(eral constructi(e recommendations$ This brie!in' note see0s to e(aluate the 'o(ernment9s claims by assessin' the im lementation status o! selected recommendations under each constructi(e cate'ory$ # Investi'atin' e(tra)%dicial killin's and en*orced disappearances The LLRC resented #+ recommendations on credibly in(esti'atin' 1ides read alle'ations o! e<tra=>udicial 0illin's and en!orced disa earances$ The LLRC cited se(eral incidents o! ci(ilian deaths alle'edly caused by the 'o(ernment security !orces includin' the /ri Lan0a +rmy and the /ri Lan0a )a(y$ ,n recommendations 9$9 and 9$2-a, the LLRC recommended that the 'o(ernment in(esti'ate these incidents$ The +rmy ?oard on the Recommendations o! the LLRC in its re ort released on 24 &anuary 2012 obser(ed that 8the .uestions 1hether ci(ilian casualties in !act occurred or 1hether such incidents 1ere collateral or incidental dama'es that are inherent 1ith the (a'aries o! 1ar ha(e not been ans1ered a!!irmati(ely by the LLRC9 @sicA$ ,t recommended the a ointment o! another +rmy ?oard o! ,n.uiry to in(esti'ate alle'ations contained in the LLRC Re ort and the Channel Four !oota'e$ The +rmy simultaneously a ointed a Court o! ,n.uiry to in(esti'ate these alle'ations and concluded in February 2012 that 8instances o! shellin' re!erred to in the LLRC Re ort 1ere not caused by the /ri Lan0a +rmy$9 The )a(y also a ointed a ?oard o! ,n.uiry, 1hich concluded that 8the alle'ations made a'ainst the /ri Lan0a )a(y that it !ired at ci(ilian tar'ets are baseless as there is no e(idence to indicate that the )a(y ersonnel 1ere res onsible !or any attac0s on ci(ilians or ci(ilian ro erty either deliberately or by ne'li'ence$9 Analysis 4ilitary bodies ha(e described the LLRC9s !indin's ertainin' to ci(ilian deaths caused by security !orces as either inade.uate or baseless$ 6ence the 'o(ernment has not demonstrated a clear intention to !ully im lement the LLRC9s recommendations on in(esti'atin' e<tra>udicial 0illin's includin' ci(ilian deaths durin' the 1ar$

+,&-. disappearances 2,39" disa earances 1ere re orted to the LLRC durin' its sittin's in 2010 and 2011, out o! 1hich 1,01B re ortedly too0 lace a!ter the *olice or security !orces arrested the erson concerned$ 4oreo(er, 43 cases 1ere re orted to ha(e ta0en lace a!ter the erson concerned surrendered to the security !orces$ ,n +u'ust 2012, the *resident a ointed a three=member Commission o! ,n.uiry 1ith a mandate to in(esti'ate cases o! missin' ersons re orted !rom the )orthern and Castern ro(inces !rom 1990 to 2009$ The Commission recei(ed a ro<imately 12,-00 com laints as at &anuary 2014$ ,n &anuary 2014, the 'o(ernment re orted si'ni!icant ro'ress in im lementin' recommendation 9$4" ertainin' to in(esti'atin' disa earances$ ,t re orted that 2,-92 com laints o! disa earances 1ere made to the Terrorist ,n(esti'ation #i(ision o! the *olice (T,#), out o! 1hich 2,34- cases ha(e been in(esti'ated$ Analysis The T,#9s in(ol(ement in in(esti'atin' cases o! disa earances, many o! 1hich in(ol(e sus ected 8terrorists9 is hi'hly ina ro riate$ The !ormer / ecial Ra orteur on Torture, 4an!red )o1a0 has re(iously obser(ed: 8a considerable number o! clearly established cases o! torture by T,#Dto'ether 1ith (arious e!!orts by T,# to hide e(idence and to obstruct the in(esti'ations o! the / ecial Ra orteur$9 +s at &anuary 2014, only 14 ersons ha(e been traced by the T,#$ ,n this conte<t, e(en a!ter the la se o! more than t1o years since the LLRC released its re ort, oor ro'ress has been achie(ed in in(esti'atin' en!orced or in(oluntary disa earances, includin' those re orted to the LLRC durin' its sittin's$ ! /emilitarisation The LLRC resented . recommendations on the sub>ect o! demilitarisation$ ,n &anuary 2014, the 'o(ernment s eci!ically re orted that the im lementation o! recommendation 9$1-1 on hasin' out the in(ol(ement o! the security !orces in ci(ilian acti(ities and use o! ri(ate lands by the security !orces 1as 8com leted9$ Analysis The military continues to en'a'e in ci(ilian administration acti(ities includin' the 'eneral maintenance o! la1 and order, 1hich is a !unction ordinarily allocated to the *olice$ The *resident currently issues monthly roclamations under section 12 o! the *ublic /ecurity %rdinance (194-), callin' out the armed !orces !or the maintenance o! ublic order$ This roclamation entrenches the military9s role in maintainin' la1 and order not only in the )orthern *ro(ince, but also in the rest o! the country$ The military continues to seiEe and occu y ri(ate land$ ,n + ril 2012, the +rmy seiEed ",2-1 acres (a ro<imately 23 0m2) o! ri(ate land in Fali0amam )orth, &a!!na !or the

ur ose o! establishin' a battalion head.uarters$ The ac.uisition is currently on'oin', and is bein' challen'ed by 2,1-" a!!ected Tamil lando1ners in the Court o! + eal$ The 'o(ernment ma0es no mention o! this ac.uisition in its ro'ress re ort on the )*+ released in &anuary 2014$ + Land /isp%te Resol%tion The LLRC made +# actiona$le recommendations on the sub>ect o! land dis ute resolution$ ,n &anuary 2014, the 'o(ernment claimed to ha(e !ully im lemented many o! these recommendations includin' the ,nterim Recommendation on 8issuin' a clear statement that ri(ate lands 1ould not be utiliEed !or settlements by any 'o(ernment a'ency$ Analysis )o identi!iable olicy o! this nature e<ists in the ublic domain$ The abo(e=mentioned e<am le o! land ac.uisition in Fali0amam )orth, &a!!na demonstrates the continued use o! ri(ate lands !or settlements by 'o(ernment a'encies, includin' the military$ ,n &anuary 2014, the 'o(ernment claimed to ha(e 8com leted9 im lementin' recommendation 9$121, 1hich calls !or a media seminar on the Land Circular ro'ramme, desi'ned to identi!y land=related roblems in the )orth and Cast$ Analysis The acti(ity that is re orted in terms o! im lementin' this recommendation only re!ers to a se arate commission (i$e$ the 4th Land Commission) tas0ed 1ith assessin' the 8!easibility9 o! im lementin' the recommendation$ 6ence the claim that im lementation o! this recommendation 1as 8com leted9 remains unsubstantiated$ 0 /etention 1olicies The LLRC resented #" recommendations on re=e(aluatin' detention olicies$ %ne 0ey recommendation in this re'ard calls !or la1 en!orcement authorities to issue a !ormal recei t o! arrest 1hen ta0in' ersons into custody$ This recommendation 1as only incor orated into the )*+ in &uly 2012$ ,n &anuary 2014, the 'o(ernment re orted that 8no !urther action is re.uired !or im lementation9, as 8@!Aamilies o! arrested ersons 1ere in!ormed o! their arrest and detention 1hen Cmer'ency Re'ulations 1ere in !orce and in the eriod be!ore and a!ter, and that ersons 1ere and are bein' detained in laces 1hich are declared as laces o! detention$9 The same ro'ress is re orted !or at least !our recommendations under this cate'ory$ Analysis The 'o(ernment9s claims a ear to render the LLRC9s recommendations on detention

olicy redundant, as no ne1 commitments are made 1ith res ect to im lementin' these recommendations$ 4ean1hile, arbitrary arrest and detention o! ci(ilians, include students, continues to ta0e lace under the ne1 *re(ention o! Terrorism +ct (*T+) Re'ulations, 1hich ermit in(esti'atin' o!!icers to ta0e sus ects to any lace !or the ur ose o! interro'ation and !rom lace to lace !or the ur oses o! in(esti'ation$ The ne1 re'ulations also ermit the la1 en!orcement authorities to 8rehabilitate9 sus ects 1ithout any indictment or criminal rosecution$ ,n #ecember 2012, !ollo1in' a eace!ul rotest a'ainst military assaults on students, ele(en students !rom the 5ni(ersity o! &a!!na 1ere arbitrarily arrested and detained, and !our students 1ere therea!ter 8rehabilitated9 in a !acility in Weli0anda$ /e(en Tamil youths 1ere similarly arrested bet1een 22 and 2- )o(ember 2012$ 3$ ,nde endent Ci(il ,nstitutions The LLRC resented 3 recommendations on stren'thenin' !ormerly inde endent ci(il institutes$ ,t s eci!ically called !or re!orms 1ith res ect to the )ational *olice Commission and the *ublic /er(ice Commission$ ,n &anuary 2014, the 'o(ernment claimed that im lementation o! the recommendations on establishin' an inde endent ermanent *olice Commission had been 8com leted9$ 4oreo(er, it re orted that 8an inde endent *ublic /er(ices Commission has been established$9 Analysis The /e(enteenth +mendment to the Constitution em o1ered an inde endent, bi= artisan body, the Constitutional Council, to determine a ointments to se(eral 0ey ci(il institutions includin' the )ational *olice Commission and the *ublic /er(ice Commission$ 6o1e(er, the Ci'hteenth +mendment to the Constitution abolished the Constitutional Council and (ested o1er in the *resident to ma0e a ointments to the )ational *olice Commission and *ublic /er(ice Commission$ This hi'hly centralised a roach to a ointments com romises the inde endence o! these ci(il institutions$ 6ence the recommendations on stren'thenin' the inde endence o! the )ational *olice Commission and *ublic /er(ice Commission ha(e not been !ully im lemented$ . /evol%tion The LLRC resented 2 recommendations on reachin' a olitical solution on de(olution in /ri Lan0a$ Analysis +s at &anuary 2014, only 4 recommendations ertainin' to a olitical solution ha(e been included in the )*+$ %! these recommendations, one recommendation (9$220) has no discernable im lementation lan, e<ce t that it 1as included in the )*+ in &uly 2012$ The remainin' 2 recommendations (9$2", 9$2- and 9$"1a) are to be re!erred to a

*arliamentary /elect Committee ( resumably the /elect Committee on 8 olitical and constitutional measures to em o1er /ri Lan0ans to li(e as one nation9) and no !urther ro'ress is re orted$ 2 3reedom o* 4(pression The LLRC resented 3 0ey recommendations on rotectin' the ri'ht o! !reedom o! e< ression$ ,n &anuary 2014, the 'o(ernment claimed to ha(e 8com leted9 im lementin' the 0ey recommendation on in(esti'atin' ast attac0s on media ersonnel$ The 'o(ernment cited the online com laints mechanism a(ailable to >ournalists to com lain to the /ri Lan0a *ress Council as e(idence o! the !ull im lementation o! this recommendation$ Analysis The /ri Lan0a *ress Council is an ine!!ectual mechanism, 1hich contributes more to1ards restrictin' media !reedom, rather than romotin' it$ The +ct incor oratin' the Council, !or instance, rohibits disclosure o! certain !iscal, de!ense, and security in!ormation and sti ulates that the (iolation o! the +ct by indi(iduals (includin' >ournalists) could result in rison terms$ 4ean1hile, in(esti'ations into the assassination o! the Cditor o! the /unday Leader, Lasantha Wic0rematun'e, the disa earance o! >ournalist *ra'eeth C0nali'oda and the numerous attac0s on the sta!! and o!!ices o! the 5thayan ne1s a er, are either incom lete or none<istent$ " R%le o* Law The LLRC resented !5 recommendations on rule o! la1 re!orms$ ,n &anuary 2014, the 'o(ernment re orted that the im lementation o! recommendation 9$-2 had been 8com leted9$ This recommendation called !or the in(esti'ation and rosecution o! ille'al armed 'rou s$ Analysis The 'o(ernment9s re ort on ro'ress only s eci!ies that action has been ta0en 8to disarm all ille'ally armed ersons in the )orth and Cast9 and that 8measures 1ill be obser(ed re'ularly to ensure that ille'ally armed 'rou s do not reemer'e$9 This re ort ma0es no mention o! in(esti'ations into the ast acti(ities o! ille'al armed 'rou s, 1hich is s eci!ically re!erred to in the LLRC9s recommendation$ The LLRC9s recommendation 9$212 on 8ensurin' that all alle'ations are in(esti'ated and 1ron'doers are rosecuted and unished irres ecti(e o! their olitical lin0s9, re!ers s eci!ically to 8Garuna9 as an indi(idual that should be in(esti'ated !or human ri'hts (iolations and crimes$ ,n &anuary 2014, the 'o(ernment re orted that 8-"

ersons are in custody @and thatA in(esti'ations relatin' to many o! them ha(e been com leted9$ 4oreo(er, the 'o(ernment re orted that 8le'al action had been ta0en 1ith re'ard to the release, indictment or rehabilitation o! 1B1 remainin' sus ects and this number has no1 been reduced to B4$9 Analysis The 'o(ernment9s re ort on ro'ress does not relate to the s eci!ic issue raised by the LLRC 1ith res ect to the im unity en>oyed by ille'al armed 'rou s includin' the 8Garuna9 !action o! the LTTC, 1hich had 8 olitical lin0s9 to the 'o(ernment$ The ro'ress re ort instead re!ers to !ormer cadres o! the LTTC 1ho are resently bein' in(esti'ated and rehabilitated under the abo(e=mentioned *T+ Re'ulations$ 4ean1hile, Finaya'amoorthy 4uralitharan (a$0$a 8Garuna9) still remains the 'o(ernment9s #e uty 4inister !or Resettlement$ Additional Iss%e: Reli'io%s 3reedom The 4arch 2012 5) 6uman Ri'hts Council Resolution on *romotin' Reconciliation and +ccountability in /ri Lan0a s eci!ically e< ressed concern on the continuin' re orts o! discrimination on the basis o! reli'ion or belie!$ The LLRC9s recommendation 9$2"- calls on the 'o(ernment to ta0e stron' deterrent action a'ainst incidents o! inter=!aith intolerance$ This recommendation 1as only artly incor orated into the )*+ in the &uly 2012 addendum, as the addendum only re!ers to deterrent action a'ainst 8(andaliEation o! laces o! 1orshi 9, and not a'ainst incidents o! inter=!aith intolerance$ ,n &anuary 2014, the 'o(ernment re orted that im lementation o! recommendation 9$2"- has been 8com leted9 and that 8no !urther action is re.uired9$ Analysis /e(eral incidents in(ol(in' inter=!aith intolerance 1ere re orted durin' 2012$ %(er 200 attac0s a'ainst the 4uslim community ha(e occurred since &anuary 2012, out o! 1hich 39 in(ol(ed hysical (iolence and destruction o! ro erty$ 4uslim laces o! 1orshi , businesses and ublic !i'ures ha(e all been tar'eted$ +t least "9 attac0s on Christians ha(e occurred since &anuary 2012 out o! 1hich 13 in(ol(ed hysical (iolence or destruction o! ro erty$ Churches as 1ell as ri(ate residences ha(e come under attac0$ %(er 200 attac0s on 6indu laces o! 1orshi ha(e also ta0en lace in the )orth and Cast$ + ma>ority o! these attac0s ha(e not been in(esti'ated$ Concl%sion ,n &anuary 2014, the ;o(ernment o! /ri Lan0a claimed that the im lementation o! a si'ni!icant number o! constructi(e recommendations 1as 8com leted9$ This brie!in' note has e<amined selected recommendations under each constructi(e cate'ory mentioned in the 5) 6uman Ri'hts Council Resolutions 1972 and 2271 in order to

e(aluate the (eracity o! the 'o(ernment9s claims$ The a!orementioned analysis accordin'ly raises serious doubts 1ith re'ard to the 'o(ernment9s claims$ ,n each constructi(e cate'ory, one or more LLRC recommendations listed as !ully im lemented (i$e$ 8com leted9) by the 'o(ernment ha(e not been !ully im lemented$ ,n this conte<t, it is reasonable to conclude that the 'o(ernment9s re ort on ro'ress is unreliable$ Cnd )otes *lease see *#F 1ith end notes and charts at Ferite Research

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