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Running head: COMPUTER USAGE

Spending Too Much Time on the Computer Isolate the Child rom !is "orld #$ame o the "riter% #$ame o the Institution%



This research paper e(plores )hether or not spending too much time on computer isolates a child rom his )orld* This research e(plores literature or to ind out the acts on this issue and intends to anal+,e this topic* -ecause good or 'ad. 'ut the modern realit+ is that e/er+ +ear more and more o children0s personal space lo)s into the communication )ith the computer* )orld toda+ is impossi'le to per orm man+ tas1s )ithout the use o a computer. almost e/er+ amil+. especiall+ )here there are gro)ing children. is also tr+ing to ac2uire them* Accordingl+. i children spend a lot o time on the computer. then someone ma+ appear /arious in ormation e/ents associated )ith the desire to 1no) )hat is actuall+ the children in/ol/ed. sitting in ront o the monitor* In addition. in most cases. the desire to 1eep trac1ing o the man there is nothing )rong it isolates children rom their )orld* 3inall+. this stud+ concludes that the strongest e/idence anal+,ing ho) home PC use in luences children is 'ased on the studies o the impact o computer on ph+sical impacts and /iolent content and it0s true that spending too much time on computer isolates children rom their )orld*


Spending Too Much Time on the Computer Isolate the Child rom !is "orld

Introduction This research e(plores e ects o spending too much time on the computer and the )a+ this practice isolates the child rom his )orld* It has 'een sho)n '+ a stud+ pu'lished '+ the -ritish compan+ Child"ise that electronic gadgets are 'ecoming a real 5/irtual nurse5 or the children. so the+ are orced to spend more time in ront o screen than it has e/er 'een* So. on home)or1 in adolescents spend e)er hours per )ee1 than the dail+ 5good6'+e5 to the monitor* Enthusiasm or electronic de/ice is the tendenc+ o modern +outh* Thus. according to statistical data. 789 o students are aged 1161: ha/e a mo'ile phone. ta1ing into account the act that among adults the igure is ;9 lo)er <=idstr>m. Alm2/ist. ? !emmingsson. &@1&A* In this ne)6 angled gadget. usuall+ used or /ie)ing porn and other 'anned sites* Problem Statement Children are spending maBor part o their time on computers at home and school has raised in2uiries regarding ho) the utili,ation o )or1station might ha/e an e ect in their li/es* This paper gi/es an outline o the research on the impacts o home Pc use on childrenCs ph+sical. cogniti/e. and social ad/ancement* The access to computers e(pands the sum measure o time children use 'e ore a tele/ision or )or1station screen at the e(pense o di erent e(ercises. accordingl+ putting them at danger or o'esit+ and other pro'lems* In the meantime. cogniti/e e(amination proposes that pla+ing games on computers might 'e a positi/e impact o the continued use o computers in light o the act that it impro/es childrenCs capa'ilit+ to read and imagine <Dalc1e. "e/er. Eeer. !* Dan. ? Schellens. &@11A*

COMPUTER USAGE Research Question !o) does spending too much time on the computer isolate a child rom his )orldG Literature Review The computers pla+ an important role in the education ield. )hich led to the emergence o man+ pro'lems or negati/e e ects. especiall+ to students* One negati/e e ect is the

computer0s a'ilit+ to hinder students0 de/elopment o communication s1ills* This negati/e e ect leads students to isolation <Golds'orough. &@@HA* "ith the e(panded role o home computers in childrenCs li/es. the )orries a'out ho) children ma+ 'e in luenced ha/e also increased* Time used on home computers might replace di erent e(ercises that ha/e more de/elopmental 2ualit+. and the /alue o the computer6'ased e(ercises has additionall+ 'een addressed* Sur/e+s o parents propose that the+ purchase home computers and su'scri'e to Internet access to create learning opportunities or their children and to allo) them to compete in the in ormation age* In spite o the act that the+ are progressi/el+ )orried a'out the impact o the "e' on their children and are rustrated )ith a percentage o the online acti/ities their children engage in. or e(ample recreations and 'ro)sing the Internet to do)nload /erses o mainstream music and pictures. parents '+ and large. see computers positi/el+* Parents also 'elie/e that the a'sence o computers is a disad/antage or children* Iespite the act that research on the e ects o childrenCs utili,ation o home computers is still scrapp+ and /ague. some initial implications o positi/e and negati/e e ects are starting to de/elop* This paper has e(amined e(panding measure o time children are using on home computers and its conse2uences* The possi'le conse2uences include <1A ph+sical )ell6'eing. <&A cogniti/e and academic aptitude impro/ement. <4A social ad/ancement and relationships. and <FA recognitions o realit+* Spending too much time continuousl+ in ront o the computer can cause

COMPUTER USAGE 'lurred /ision. decreased immunit+. headaches. atigue. insomnia* Moreo/er. a long sta+ in the sitting position pro/ides a strong pressure on the spine. )hich causes re2uent 'ac1 pain and postural pro'lems* Another disease o modern people is Tunnel S+ndrome* This disorder causes

pain in the )rist and the resultant rom an uncom orta'le )or1 en/ironment )ith a 1e+'oard and mouse* S+stematic research on the ph+sical impacts o children0s computer utili,ation is lac1ing so ar* !o)e/er. additional 1no)ledge can pic1ed up rom a e) sources* There are numerous studies. )hich ha/e e(plored the ph+sical impacts o )atching tele/ision <Onda. &@@8A* The studies conducted on the ph+sical dangers o computers usage are also numerous <Merrett ? "heldall. 17;;A* Stationar+ acts. or e(ample )atching tele/ision and utili,ing the machine. are accepted to 'e a /ital element causing children to 'e o/er)eight or o'ese* Iespite the act that no e(amination e icientl+ documents a relationship 'et)een o'esit+ and computers use. e/idences are needed regarding e(cessi/e tele/ision usage* "hen children spend a large portion o their time on computers. the+ increase their /ulnera'ilit+ to o'esit+* !ence. the American Academ+ o Pediatrics encourages parents to note time spent '+ children on computers* This time must 'e replaced )ith stress electi/e e(ercises. or e(ample games and ph+sical conditioning. and imaginati/e games* Computers and the Internet are utili,ed 'roadl+ '+ children or school)or1 data ac2uisition. +et i home Pc utili,ation can ma1e children 5smarter5 remains an open in2uir+* O/erall. pla+ing particular )or1station recreations has 'een disco/ered to ha/e immediate positi/e e ects on particular cogniti/e a'ilities. and utili,ation o home computers has 'een inter aced to gentl+ positi/e e ects on scholarl+ e(ecution <"ilens1+. &@1@A*

COMPUTER USAGE Computer applications o numerous sorts. urthermore particularl+ computer games. are composed in )a+s that ocuses on /isual as opposed to /er'al in ormation processing <Sisson. -ro+les. -a1er ? Eat,mar,+1&@11A* Thin1 a'out pre/alent action games )ith their ast de/elopment. s+m'olism. and e(ceptional interaction. in addition to di erent acti/ities happening at the same time at di erent areas on the screen* Studies sho) that 1ids )ho pla+ such games can enhance their /isual intelligence a'ilities* Such a'ilities ma+ 'e particularl+ hand+ in the ields o science and engineering. )here capa'ilit+ in controlling images on a screen is progressi/el+ paramount* O'/iousl+. computer pla+ing can impro/e a speci ic a'ilit+ Bust i the di/ersion utili,es that e(pertise urthermore i the 1idCs starting e(pertise le/el has de/eloped to a certain le/el* A signi icant part o the e(ploration on the cogniti/e e ect o computer games has

measured the impacts o amusement pla+ing Bust instantl+ a ter the practice and does not address in2uiries regarding the com'ined e ect o intuiti/e games on stud+ing* A large num'er o computer games utili,e the same aptitudes that are tried in non/er'al rather than /er'alA insights tests <3eng. =a,ar. Eumin ? O,o1. &@1@A* In this )a+. introduction to the e(pansion o s+m'olism in electronic inno/ations might ha/e helped the particular e(pands in non/er'al insights scores throughout the past centur+* In the earl+ +ears o home computer o)nership throughout the 17;@s. Al red -or1. a pioneer in the use o computers or instruction. recommended. 5The home computer might )ell trans er into the primar+ in luence upon the instructi/e arrangement o the uture* Since at that point. the rapid ad/ancement o the particular computer has or e(panded the /ision o computers rom customi,ing and pla+ing games to de/ices or ad/ancing +oungstersC aptitudes and inspiration in academic regions. or e(ample math. science. dialect s+m'oli,ations. and composing* Toda+.

COMPUTER USAGE 1ids and adolescents e/er+ no) and again use home computers and the Internet or their school)or1 <Ganesh1umar. Arun Eumar ? RaBoura. &@11A* Around adolescents ages 14 to 18. school)or1 has surpassed games as the successi/e online action. consistent )ith Annen'ergCs 1777 sur/e+J ho)e/er. there has 'een Bust limited research on the e ect o home computer use on academic achie/ement <!ill. &@11A* The utili,ation o home computers not Bust a ects childrenCs cogniti/e and scholastic a'ilities. 'ut can additionall+ shape childrenCs social interactions* In childrenCs interactions )ith parents and other mature person authorit+ igures. one e/ident impact has 'een the regular in/ersel+ o the traditional parent 1id association )ith the computer sa//+ +oungster assuming

the part o instructor to the guardian* A e) studies ha/e disco/ered. or case. that +oungsters are more inclined to help their parents )ith computers than parents are to help their childrenK)ith +oung men e(cessi/el+ helping their athers and +oung )omen helping their mothers <=iang. !ua. Lhang ? =iu. &@@7A* 3urthermore. some ha/e speculated that the uni ormit+ in online presence around )or1station users o all ages has a tendenc+ to dissol/e authorit+ structures. )ith the conse2uences that children )ill 'e less tolerating o parental control* The impacts o computer depend as much on the sort o acti/it+ engaged as on the computer as the measure o time used 'e ore a screen* In /ie) o the criticalness o communicating )ith others to increase social capa'ilit+. concerns ha/e 'een raised that children )ho structure 5electronic ello)ships5 )ith computers rather than 1inships )ith their peers could 'e pre/ented in ad/ancing their interpersonal s1ills* More than one6 i th o all children 'et)een ages ; and 1; reports ha/ing a computer in their 'edroom in erring that the computer re2uentl+ ma+ 'e utili,ed in indi/idualit+. ro''ing children o time or other social e(ercises and meddling )ith the

COMPUTER USAGE impro/ement and up1eep o ello)ships* Surel+. one later o/er/ie) disco/ered that. around lesser high and high school people. more than :@9 o all their computer time is used alone <Dalc1e. -onte. "e/er. ? Rots. &@1@A* ChildrenCs utili,ation o computers is e(panding 'oth at school and at home* In spite o the act that children still in/est more time sitting in ront o the computer than utili,ing

computers. utili,ation o home computers is de/eloping 2uic1l+. adding to their all 5screen time*5 In spite o the act that male children customaril+ ha/e utili,ed home computers more than +oung ladies. 'asicall+ to pla+ amusements. +oung ladies are getting up to speed as the+ utili,e Internet communication e(ercises to send and get message. pla+ )ith so t)are. or e(ample -ar'ie 3ashion Planner. and administer to )or1station recreated /irtual pets* !ence. 'oth male and emale children )ill progressi/el+ con ront the issues presented in this paper <=idstr>m. Alm2/ist. ? !emmingsson. &@1&A* Conclusion The strongest e/idence anal+,ing ho) home Pc use in luences children is 'ased on the studies o the impact o computer on ph+sical impacts and /iolent content* The e/idence on ph+sical impacts is associated )ith the sedentar+ nature o computer usage. )hich results to an increased danger o o'esit+* Children might as )ell limit their time )ith media utili,e computers securel+ to sta+ a)a+ rom /iolent acti/ities*



3eng. M*. =a,ar. M*. Eumin. =*. ? O,o1. A* <&@1@A Computer Usage '+ Children )ith Io)n s+ndrome: Challenges and 3uture Research* ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing. 2<4A. 1NFF Ganesh1umar. P*. Arun Eumar. S*. ? RaBoura. O* P* <&@11A* E/aluation o Computer Usage in !ealthcare Among Pri/ate Practitioners o $CT Ielhi* Studies in health technology and informatics. 169. 7:@N7:F* Golds'orough. R* <&@@HA* The uture o the computer: Ieath or glor+G The de'ate continues* Public Relations Tactics. 12. 17* Retrie/ed rom http:OOsearch*e'scohost*comOlogin*asp(G directPtrue?d'P'th?A$P17F&:@41?sitePehost6li/e !ill. M* G* <&@11A An E/aluation o Patient Usage o Computers to Manage In ormation Rele/ant to Iia'etes Care. lectronic !ournal of "ealth #nformatics. $<&A. e14* =iang. !*. !ua. Q*. Lhang. 3*. ? =iu. Q* <&@@7A -oo1: A user inter ace metaphor or children6 anal+sis. design and e/aluation. !isuan%i &u'hu She%i (u Tu)ing)ue *uebao+!ournal of Computer,Aided -esign and Computer .raphics. 21<1@A. 1H@@N1H@:* =idstr>m. !*. Alm2/ist. =*. ? !emmingsson. !* <&@1&A Computer6'ased assisti/e technolog+ de/ice or use '+ children )ith ph+sical disa'ilities: a cross6sectional stud+* -isability and rehabilitation/ Assisti0e technology. 1<FA. &;8N74 Merrett. 3*. ? "heldall. E* <17;;A* "hich Classroom -eha/iours do Primar+ School Teachers sa+ the+ ind most Trou'lesomeG ducational Re0ie2* doi:1@*1@;@O@@14171;;@F@@1@&

COMPUTER USAGE Onda. T* <&@@8A* Computer Dision S+stems Supporting Our Social In rastructures* # !


Transactions on lectronics3 #nformation and Systems* doi:1@*1HF1OieeBeiss*1&8*;@; Sisson. S* -*. -ro+les. S* T*. -a1er. -* =*. ? Eat,mar,+1. P* T* <&@11A Tele/ision. Reading. and Computer Time: Correlates o School6Ia+ =eisure6Time Sedentar+ -eha/ior and Relationship "ith O/er)eight in Children in the US* !ournal of Physical Acti0ity 4 "ealth. 5. S1;;NS178 Dalc1e. M*. -onte. S*. "e/er. -* Ie. ? Rots. I* <&@1@A Internet parenting st+les and the impact on Internet use o primar+ school children* Computers 4amp6 ducation. $$<&A. FHF N F:F Dalc1e. M*. "e/er. -* Ie. Eeer. !* Dan. ? Schellens. T* <&@11A =ong6term stud+ o sa e Internet use o +oung children* Computers 4amp6 ducation. $1<1A. 1&7& N 14@H "ilens1+. G* R* <&@1@A* !ealth economics* Studies in health technology and informatics. 1$7. 187N174*

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