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THE GOAL FOR VALUES CLARIFICATION [1] The process of valuing is composed of seven sub-processes which help persons

to make choices which are both personally satisfying and socially responsible. The seven sub-processes, based on choosing, pricing, and acting, are outlined here: 1. CH !"#$ one%s beliefs and behavior

1.1 Choosing freely. "f we are to live by our own value system, we must learn how to make independent choices. "f we are only to follow authority, we will be ineffectual when authority is silent or absent, when it gives us conflicting directions or when our emotions impel us in contrary directions. 1.& Choosing from alternatives. 'or choice making to have meaning, there have to be alternatives from which to choose. "f there are no alternatives then there are no choices. The more alternatives available, the more likely we are to value our choices. $enerating and considering alternative choices are necessary for clarifying and refining values. 1.( Choosing after thoughtful consideration of conse)uences. *e need to learn to e+amine alternatives in terms of their e+pected conse)uences. "f not, our choice making is likely to be whimsical, impulsive or conforming. ,y considering conse)uences, we lessen the choice of those conse)uences being une+pected or unpleasant. &. -."/"#$ one%s belief and behavior &.1 -ri0ing and cherishing. 1alues inevitably not only condition our rational choices, but our feeling as well. "n developing values we become aware of what we price and cherish. ur feeling help us to determine what we think is worthy and important, what our priorities are. &.& -ublicly affirming *hen we share our choices with others-what we pri0e and what we do-we not only clarify our own values but we help others to clarify their values as well. "t is important to encourage others to speak out about their beliefs and their actions in appropriate ways and circumstances. (. 2CT"#$ one%s beliefs and behavior. (. 1 2cting. ften people have difficulty in acting on what they come to believe and pri0e. 3et, if they are to reali0e their values, it is vital that they learn to connect choices and pri0ing to their own behavior. (.& 2cting with some pattern. 2 single act does not make a value. *e need to e+amine the pattern of our lives. *hat do we do with consistency and regularity4 5o these patterns incorporate our choices and pri0ing4 "f our life pattern do not reflect our choices and pri0ing, we then must consider our priorities or change our behavior in order to actuali0e those priorities. These seven sub-processes comprise the total valuing process. -ersons who have built the process of choosing, pri0ing and acting into their lives have learned an approach to living which is uni)uely their own. The process will serve them effectively as they are confronted with controversial issues, values choices, and life dilemma.

1 Class notes in -ostulancy-#ovitiate 'ormation, 1667-1666, Claretian 8issionaries, ,ungiao,

/amboanga City.

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