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UNIT TEST (Unit 6) Section A: Listening (Tapescript 30 [Nick])

Listen to Nick talking about a man who communicated through the sense of touch and fill in each space with a maximum of three words !" marks# Nick thinks touch is the sense that e a!! !$#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" #e sa a

!&# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ a%out a dea& and mute man ho as %!inded %ecause o& !'# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" Despite this' he mana(ed to !(# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ even in his ei(hties" #e communicated ith others throu(h !)# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% hich as %ased on touch" )hen in *apan' he ent to a !*# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" #e as a%!e to &ee! the music throu(h the !+# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o& the drums"

Section ,: Structure and -ocabular.

i# /omplete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first0 using a phrase which includes the word in brackets 1ou must not change the word !) marks# (+) The,-re (ettin( married ne.t month' so some peop!e are sa,in(" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$that the,-re (ettin( married ne.t month" (rumour) (/) It-s essentia! that ,ou come to a decision a%out hat to do" 0ou have to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ a%out hat to do (mind) (10) 2emem%er that ,ou sti!! have to pa, ta. as e!! as that" Then there-s the ta. to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$on top o& that (mind) (11) I-ve %ou(ht ,ou this !itt!e (i&t to sa, thank ,ou" 3!ease accept this (i&t as $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (appreciation)

Inside Out Advanced


The, %ui!t a memoria! to honour hat he has done &or the cit," A memoria! as %ui!t $$$$$$$$$$$$$his contri%ution to the cit," ( recognition)

ii# 2ewrite the following sentences using a suitable participle clause !* marks# (13) 5he as comp!ete!, charmed %, him %ecause she hadn-t met him %e&ore" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (16) #e didn-t ish to upset her so he decided to ne s" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (17) (16) #e doesn-t mi. e!! ith peop!e %ecause he-s rather reserved" The, decided to ca!! o&& ne(otiations %ecause the, &ai!ed to a(ree terms" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (18) #e as re&used admission to the c!u% so he decided to head o&& home" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (1+) A&ter she &inished her de(ree' she ent on a !on( ho!ida," $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ait to te!! her the

iii# /omplete the dialogue with an appropriate present form of the 3erbs in brackets !* marks# A: )hat do think ,ou !$"# $$$$$$$$$ (do)9 )h, !&4# $$$$$$$$$$ (you look) at that chicken9 ,: I !&$# $$$$$$$$$ (see) i& it-s O: to eat" #mm" It !&&# $$$$$$$$$ (taste) a %it &unn," #ere" Tr, some" A: Oh ,es" I !&'# $$$$$$$$$$$$ (see) hat ,ou mean" It !&(# $$$$$$$$$ (not smell) ver, (ood' either"

Inside Out Advanced

Section /: 2eading
2ead the following article about synesthesia Six paragraphs ha3e been remo3ed /hoose from paragraphs A to 5 the one which fits each gap There is one paragraph which .ou do not need to use !* marks# 6o 1ou See 7hat The. See8 By Brad Lemley 9eople with a bi:arre condition called s.nesthesia see sound0 smell colours0 and taste shapes Neuroscientists think the. might open a window into the ultimate m.ster. of human consciousness !&)# $$$$$ ;rane-s sensor, reaction to !etters and num%ers is <ust as odd" At the si(ht o& the !etter a' a co!our &!ashes throu(h her mind = invaria%!, (re,>%!ue" The !etter b' she sa,s' is nav, %!ue' and c ta n, crimson" Num%ers tri((er simi!ar sensations" The numera! 6 causes ;rane to see tomato red and' !ike a!! o& her perceptua! !inks' it has done so since chi!dhood" ?our has a! a,s %een red' she sa,s" It can-t %e an,thin( e!se" !&*# $$$$$ 5,nesthesia = &rom the @reek syn' &or to(ether' and aisthesis' to perceive = (enerated a ave o& scienti&ic and popu!ar interest around the turn o& the t entieth centur," The &ascination soon peaked' ho ever' st,mied %, s,nesthesia-s sheer impenetra%i!it," The pro%!emA no one cou!d cra ! into s,nesthetes- heads to understand or share their uniBue perceptions" !&+# $$$$$ As the, BuiC' stimu!ate' scan' and eva!uate' researchers &ind themse!ves a ed" D)e tend to assume that rea!it, is the same &or ever,%od,'- sa,s 3eter @rossen%acher' a senior &e!!o at the Nationa! Institutes o& #ea!th (NI#) ho is ide!, re(arded as the !eadin( American s,nesthesia researcher" D5,nesthesia sho s us that it isn-t" 3eop!e a!! around us ma, have a ver, di&&erent e.perience o& the or!d"!&;# $$$$ 5eated in a indo !ess' soundproo& room rou(h!, &ive &eet sBuare' ;rane aits as a disk drive (rinds and a ide> screen computer monitor &!ickers to !i&e" ;rane is %oth a s,nesthete and a s,nesthesia researcher" #ere' in a converted Tudor>st,!e mansion on the dapp!ed (rounds o& the NI# in Eethesda' Far,!and' she assists @rossen%acher in his on(oin( stud, o& s,nesthetes" T o doCen have %een intervie ed and eva!uated so &arG @rossen%acher' ;rane' and (raduate student ;hris Hove!ace p!an to eventua!!, assess 100" Toda,' ;rane herse!& i!! under(o the testin(" !&"# $$$$ @rossen%acher-s team and others around the (!o%e have their ork cut out &or them" 5,nesthesia is a con&oundin( condition ith &e &i.ed &acts" 5tudies su((est that the condition occurs more common!, amon( omen than men = the estimated ratio varies an, here %et een t o and ei(ht to one" Eut no one kno s h," !'4# $$$$

A That ma, soon chan(e" 3rope!!ed %, recent advances in %rain ima(in( and e!ectroph,sio!o(ica! recordin(' as e!! as DNA ana!,sis and other techniBues' a sma!! %ut determined cadre o& researchers is %e(innin( to sort out <ust hat' e.act!,' distin(uishes s,nesthetes &rom the rest o& us" The ans ers promise to do more than <ust shed !i(ht on a Buirk, condition" ;o(nitive scientists contend that these unusua! peop!e are precious indo s into the u!timate m,ster, o& human consciousness" , ;rane' a 68>,ear>o!d ps,cho!o(ist' is not de!usiona!" #er perceptions' %iCarre as the, mi(ht seem' stem &rom an unusua! intermin(!in( o& the senses kno n as s,nesthesia' a condition that can take a mu!titude o& &orms" 5ome s,nesthetes see sounds' hi!e others &ee! co!ours or taste shapes" Hitt!e is kno n a%out hat causes the condition' %ut one thin( is certainA the sensations a s,nesthete e.periences are Buite rea!" As one e.perimenta! ps,cho!o(ist puts it' D)e-ve ru!ed out that these peop!e are simp!, te!!in( ta!! ta!es"/ IBua!!, m,sterious is the a, secondar, perceptions mani&est themse!ves to s,nesthetes" ?or Da,' the perceptions are part o& the e.terna! or!d" DA piano is a %!ue mist' e!ectric (uitars are oran(e or reddish streaks a%out &ive &eet a a,' hoverin( in the air'- he sa,s" Hike ise' hen ;aro! 5teen tore a !i(ament in her !e&t !e( on a ;anadian %each' Dthe ho!e or!d turned oran(e'- she reca!!s' D!ike there as a (e! over the scene = oran(e rocks' oran(e ater' oran(e hus%and runnin( to he!p me"- Eut hen ;rane sees a %!ack 3 printed on a hite %ack(round' DI see the numera! in m, head'- she notes' Dand in m, head' it-s a! a,s ,e!!o "6 Despite their %iCarre co(nition' s,nesthetes have not %een &ound to e.hi%it an, more vu!nera%i!it, to menta! distur%ance or i!!ness than the (enera! popu!ation" Nor is there evidence to %ack up a common vie that the, inc!ine to ard the artsG the !ike!, truth is that artists reve! in and ta!k a%out their e.periences more than other s,nesthetes' ho tend to %e em%arrassed %, the condition" One intri(uin( recent &indin( is that s,nesthesia appears to run in &ami!ies' su((estin( that there is a (enetic component" This has !ed to another start!in( reve!ation &or ;aro! ;raneA her son' sister' niece' and nephe a!! share her condition" E ;aro! ;rane !oves most kinds o& music' %ut concerts a&&ect her in a pecu!iar a," DThe sound o& (uitars a! a,s &ee!s !ike someone is %!o in( on m, ank!es" The piano presses on me ri(ht here'- she sa,s' tappin( her chest <ust over her heart" DAnd Ne Or!eans>t,pe <aCC hits me a!! over !ike heav,' sharp raindrops"< #er stor, is t,pica!" As a chi!d she as met ith %!ank stares henever she revea!ed that !etters and num%ers caused her to see di&&erent co!ours or that music tri((ered her sense o& touch" 5o she kept Buiet a%out the sensations and had no name to attach to them unti! t o ,ears a(o' hen an o&&hand comment %, a ps,cho!o(, pro&essor radica!!, a!tered her or!d" D#e said a researcher at NI#' a Dr @rossen%acher' as !ookin( &or peop!e to he!p ith a stud, o& s,nesthetes'- she reca!!s" DI asked' J)hat are s,nesthetes9K and he said' J3eop!e ho think &ives are ,e!!o "K I to!d him' JNo' &ives are (reen"K - 5he (ot the <o%" 5 Not <ust di&&erent' man, s,nesthetes sa," Eetter" DTo me' it-s !ike ,ou (u,s see the or!d in %!ack and hite'- sa,s ;aro! 5teen' a Ne 0ork ;it, artist &or hom !etters' num%ers' sounds' and pains evoke a variet, o& hues" DILve (ot it in co!our"- 3atricia Du&&,'

a !an(ua(e instructor at the United Nations' ho senses co!our hen she !ooks at !etters or num%ers or hen she thinks o& time units such as da,s or hours' emphatica!!, a(rees" D5,nesthesia is onder&u!'- she sa,s" DHosin( it ou!d %e ver, upsettin(' <ust !ike !osin( one o& ,our senses"-

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