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Outline template for Written Task 2

Cut and paste this template into your Written Task 2 document: The prescribed question Title of the text for analysis Part of the course to which the text refers Points that explain the focus of the essay Guidance Notes: Prescribed Questions:

[Cut and paste prescribed question from box below here] [Insert text title and author] [Part II: Language and mass media OR Part III: Texts and context] [A bullet point for each paragraph]

Reader, culture and text

1. How could the text be read and interpreted differently by two different readers? 2. If the text had been written in a different time or place or language or for a different audience, how and why might it differ?

Power and privilege

1. How and why is a social group represented in a particular way? 2. Which social groups are marginalized, excluded or silenced within the text?

Text and genre

1. How does the text conform to, or deviate from, the conventions of a particular genre, and for what purpose? 2. How has the text borrowed from other texts, and with what effects? Part of the course is EITHER Part III: Texts and contexts (the novels we studied in class) OR Part II: Language and Mass Media (the final topic we are covering now)

Points that explain the focus of the essay

A bullet point for each paragraph (including introduction and conclusion) Start each bullet point with a verb eg. exploring, analysing, challenging, inquiring, probing, questioning, explaining, arguing

The prescribed question Title of the text for analysis Part of the course to which the text refers Points that explain the focus of the essay If the text had been written in a different time or place or language or for a different audience, how and why might it differ? All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque Part III: Texts and Contexts Explore the post WWI milieu in Germany Explain the purpose of Remarque writing the novel as a critique of war by showing the unnecessary waste of a generation of young men Explore the accusatory tone that Remarque adopts towards the German Government and war leaders Explain the way in which the novel conflicted with contemporary social attitudes towards war and the way in which war was increasingly glorified by the political right

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