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Essay Writing for Music

A good essay needs the following: An introduction that links to the question A clear topic sentence for each paragraph Each topic sentence explained by linking to a key word in the question and by use of: o Accurate examples to back up the topic sentence (acknowledging sources of any quotes used). o Musical quotes where possible and appropriate to back up the topic sentence A concluding paragraph that summarises the answer to the question A bibliography (including internet !") Introduction The focus of the essay - linking to the question. #he point of *iew you intend to express

Body of the Essay A logical progression of paragraphs, each one de eloping a central idea 'lear topic sentence for each paragraph #wo or three accurate examples to back up statement Musical examples where appropriate All quotes acknowledged

!oncluding paragraph "rawing together of #a$or points +ersonal response to the essay question.

Bi%liography Acknowledging all sources of infor#ation (including internet !"s) #his resource booklet is licensed to $A!A%E&E '(""E)E 'opying by other than the licensee is an infringement of copyright.

&etting 'tarted
$egin by understanding e,actly what you are being asked to do. #here are three types of words to identify: -rite about ,tate #he TA'( words %escribe Words that show how you should approach the essay and what focus your writing should take) %iscuss 'omment on (utline

'ompare Analyse E*aluate 'ontrast

#he T*+I! words The words that define the su%$ect of your essay) !o##ent on the composer.s use of repetition #ask word #opic words "escri%e the te,ture #ask word #opic word

#he -IMITI.& words The words that tell you where to start and stop) They set the li#its of your essay) 0ow has the composer achie*ed *ariety in the first ariation/ /dentify the musical elements that contri%ute to unity in this #usic "imiting words

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Ter#s used in Essay 0uestions

.a#e the i#portant ele#ents) 1 /dentify two musical elements that are used to describe the Elephant in 2'arni*al of the Animals.

+itch3 timbre


&i e a %low-%y-%low account of particular ele#ents, stating what they are and gi ing detail of how they are used) 1our answer should %e entirely factual) 1 %escribe how ,aint4,a5ns uses two musical elements to poke fun at the Elephant in 2'arni*al of the Animals.

,aint4,a5ns borrows a theme first used in $erlio6. 2"es ,ylphes. but alters both the pitch and the timbre7 by ha*ing it played on the double bass instead of the flute. $erlio6. original melody is stated two octa*es lower when it is used to describe the elephant.

E,plain "iscuss

In your own words, relate not $ust the details of ele#ents and features of the #usic, %ut show their effect) 1ou can gi e your own opinion in this question, as long as you %ack it up with e,a#ples fro# the #usic) 23se #usical quotes if they help4) 1 Explain how ,aint4,a5ns uses two musical elements to poke fun at the Elephant in 2'arni*al of the Animals.

,aint4,a5ns borrows a theme first used in $erlio6. 2"es ,ylphes. but alters the timbre7 by ha*ing it played on the double bass instead of the flute.. #he double bass is played 2arco. throughout7 and the slightly fu66y tone colour seems to suit the elephant.s appearance. (gden &ash similarly focuses on the appearance by describing the elephant as ha*ing 8a wrinkled7 moth4proofed hide9. "es ,ylphes is ballet music. -hen the original theme is played two octa*es lower7 it paints the ridiculous picture of an elephant doing a ballet dance.

!o#pare and !ontrast

Write a%out the si#ilarities and differences %etween two or #ore aspects)

1 A

'ompare and contrast how ,aint4,a5ns uses elements and features to describe the Elephant and the #ortoise in 2'arni*al of the Animals. ,aint4,a5ns borrows themes from other composers to describe both the elephant and the tortoise. /n the case of the elephant he borrows two bars of a theme from "es ,ylphes by $erlio6. :or the tortoise7 the borrowed theme is the 'an 'an from (rpheus in the nderworld by (ffenbach. /n both cases he plays the themes at a lower pitch and uses lower strings to state the theme with the accompaniment played by the piano. (%ouble bass and one piano for the elephant7 and lower strings and both pianos for the tortoise). /n the Elephant7 $erlio6. theme is stated at much the same tempo as the original7 but for the tortoise7 the original 8'an 'an9 theme is played at a much slower tempo to reinforce the tortoise.s lack of speed.

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4 Essay Topic: $oth (gden &ash.s *erses and ,aint4 ,a5ns. music are cartoon4like in their description of animals in #he 'arni*al of the Animals . sing three animals of your choice7 discuss whether you belie*e this statement to be true. (pening paragraph (linking to the title): -hat is a cartoon; -hich three animals are you going to discuss; 'artoon definition: #horndike dictionary:

+ocket (xford:

A sketch or drawing which interests or amuses us by showing public persons or e*ents in an exaggerated way. :ull page or large illustration especially on politics in comic paper.


Exaggerated !artoon

+olitical>public sub=ect

-hich three animals will gi*e the best examples;

#he #horndike dictionary defines a cartoon as 8a sketch or drawing which interests or amuses us by showing public persons or e*ents in an exaggerated way9. Although the animals described by <<<<<<<<<<<<<< and <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< could hardly be thought of as <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< or <<<<<<<<<<< sub=ects7 both the *erses and the music <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< the characteristics of the animals and are <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. #o illustrate these points7 / shall discuss the music and *erses that describe the elephant the tortoise and the lion. #his resource booklet is licensed to $A!A%E&E '(""E)E 'opying by other than the licensee is an infringement of copyright.

5 #opic ? @ #he Elephant (A paragraphs @ one for (gden &ash and one for ,aint4,a5ns) :unny Exaggerated The Elephant

(gden &ash
Metaphor 4 8Equipped with handles at both ends9


"escription of tusks: 8#heir teeth are upside down7 outside9.

Ti#%re 5 'tring Bass :u66y tone matches 8wrinkled mothproof hide9 "arge instrument @ large animal3 deep sound Articulation @ bowed @ sounds clumsy

Making up new words to rhy#e: 8/f you think the elephant preposterous Bou.*e probably ne*er seen a rhinosterous9.

Melody $orrowed from $erlio6 @ "es ,ylphes @ ballet music (quote theme $) Also borrowed from Mendelssohn Midsummer &ight.s %ream @ light texture of original (quote)

Acco#pani#ent: (ff4beat chords on piano @ add to hea*y effect

-rite your ideas down as statements: (gden &ash pokes fun at the elephant.s trunk and tail by comparing them to handles of a container. 8Equipped with handles at both ends9 0e ridicules the tusks by describing them as teeth that are 8upside down7 outside9. 0e describes the elephant as 8preposterous9 and then exaggerates the effect by making up the name of another animal 8the rhinosterous9 to rhyme with 8preposterous9. ,aint4,a5ns uses the largest orchestral instrument7 the double bass7 to make fun of the elephant.s si6e. #he double bass is bowed and the slightly fu66y timbre seems to match the 9wrinkled7 moth4proof hide9 described by &ash.

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6 #o make the elephant appear e*en more ridiculous7 the second part uses two borrowed tunes. #he first from "es ,ylphes by $erlio6 has the elephant doing a ballet dance. #he melody is supported by off4beat chords on the piano which add to the lumbering effect.

A second borrowed motif from Mendelssohn.s Midsummer &ight.s dream was originally played on the flute and *ery lightly scored.



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7 #opic A @ #he #ortoise (A paragraphs @ one for (gden &ash and one for ,aint4,a5ns) Make bullet points for your paragraphs by answering the questions in the diagram: :unny Exaggerated The Tortoise

(gden &ash
-anguage 4 -hat word is used to describe the tortoise.s extreme sluggishness;


Melody 6ro# where is the #elody 7%orrowed8/

0ow does (gden &ash 8play9 with the word 8#ortoise9;

What quotes can I use to %ack up the points I a# #aking/

Te#po 0ow does ,aint4,a5ns change the tempo;

0ow does (gden &ash refer to the fable about the #ortoise and the 0are;

Acco#pani#ent: 0ow does the accompaniment reinforce the slow pace of the tortoise;

$ullet points:

(put an asterisk (C) beside the points where you are going to include a quote) (gden &ash exaggerates

0e also pokes fun by

,aint4,a5ns describes the speed of the tortoise by

0e makes the tortoise appear ridiculous by

#he accompaniment adds to the humour by #his resource booklet is licensed to $A!A%E&E '(""E)E 'opying by other than the licensee is an infringement of copyright.

-rite out your second topic paragraphs including any quotes you wish to add:

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#opic D @ #he "ion (A paragraphs @ one for (gden &ash and one for ,aint4,a5ns) /dentify three ways (gden &ash and ,aint4,a5ns each describe the lion Make bullet points for your paragraphs by using the points you ha*e identified in the diagram. /dentify possible quotes by using an asterisk (C) -rite a paragraph7 changing the language so as you are not making each point by using exactly the same sentence structure7 and include your quotes. :unny Exaggerated The -ion

(gden &ash
+oint 9:


+oint 9:

+oint A:

+oint ::

What quotes can I use to %ack up the points I a# #aking/

+oint D:

+oint ;:

$ullet points:

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'oncluding paragraph:

!onclusion !e4read the essay question

Both *gden .ash=s erses and 'aint- 'a>ns= #usic are cartoonlike in their description of ani#als in The !arni al of the Ani#als) 3sing three ani#als of your choice, discuss whether you %elie e this state#ent to %e true) /s this statement true for:

(gden &ash

("ook also at your opening paragraph)


-rite a personal state#ent saying why you think either (gden &ash and ,aint4 ,a5ns do or do not describe the animals in a cartoon4like way.

?e#e#%er to include a %i%liography at the end of your essay

'oncluding paragraph


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