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Delta Theta Chapter By-Laws and House Rules
National Fraternity Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, Executive Directives, Chapter Minimum Guidelines of Operations,
Rules of the General Assembly and Rules of the National Chancellor
Board of Trustees By-Laws and Policies
Building Corporation Rules and Regulations and By-Laws
Risk Management and Liability
Methods and Procedures Concerning Disciplinary Matters
Time-Frames, Necessary Votes and Questions Concerning Recruits and Pledges
Chapter Officer Qualifications, Elections (With Order) and Installation
Chapter Offices, Rank, 1ob Descriptions and Standing Committees Composition
Chapter Awards, Scholarships, Grants, Memorials, Gifts, Emblems, Pictures, Plaques and Certificates, and Summaries
Endowment Fund By-Laws
Endowment Fund Presidential, McCollum and Laybourn Memorial Scholarship Awards Criterias and Formulas
Endowment Fund Muir Memorial Grant-in-Aid Awards Criteria and Formula
Endowment Fund Congressional and Regional Leadership Conference Scholar Awards Criterias
Delta Theta Chapter New Member Syllabus
Interfraternity Council Policies and 1oint Interfraternity Council/Panhellenic Council Policies and Codes
Interfraternity Council Constitution and Bylaws
Agreement Between Kansas State University and the KSU Interfraternity Council and the KSU PanhellenicCouncil
Alumni Association By-Laws
Summary of Fees, Charges and Assessments
Robert's Rules of Order
Date of Latest Changes: February 15, 2014
Chapter By-Laws and Hose R!es E""e#t$%e Apr$! &, &'() *$th A!! A+end+ents
Nat$ona! By!aws E""e#t$%e A,st (, &''- *$th A!! A+end+ents
Nat$ona! .o!$#$es and .ro#edres E""e#t$%e A,st )), )-&& *$th A!! A+end+ents
E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es E""e#t$%e A,st )), )-&& *$th A!! A+end+ents
Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons E""e#t$%e A,st )), )-&& *$th A!! A+end+ents
R!es o" the 1enera! Asse+3!y E""e#t$%e Septe+3er &, &''4 *$th A!! A+end+ents
R!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or E""e#t$%e 5anary &, &''( *$th A!! A+end+ents
Board o" Trstees By-Laws E""e#t$%e No%e+3er )-, &''6 *$th A!! A+end+ents
Board o" Trstees .o!$#$es E""e#t$%e Septe+3er (, &''4 *$th A!! A+end+ents
B$!d$n, Corporat$on Chapter Hose R!es and Re,!at$ons E""e#t$%e No%e+3er &), &'47 *$th A!! A+end+ents
B$!d$n, Corporat$on By-Laws E""e#t$%e 8e3rary )9, &':: *$th A!! A+end+ents
Endow+ent 8nd By-Laws E""e#t$%e Septe+3er &&, &'::
Endow+ent 8nd .res$dent$a!, M#Co!!+ and Lay3orn Me+or$a! S#ho!arsh$p Awards Cr$ter$as and 8or+!as E""e#t$%e 0e#e+3er )), &'47 *$th A!! A+end+ents ;In#!d$n, Awards Chart<
Endow+ent 8nd M$r Me+or$a! 1rant-$n-A$d Awards Cr$ter$a and 8or+!a E""e#t$%e 0e#e+3er )), &'47 *$th A!! A+end+ents
Endow+ent 8nd Con,ress$ona! and Re,$ona! Leadersh$p S#ho!ar Awards Cr$ter$as E""e#t$%e May )', &'4: *$th A!! A+end+ents
A!+n$ Asso#$at$on By-Laws E""e#t$%e 5!y &7, &''( *$th A!! A+end+ents
In#orporated nder the 1enera! Corporat$on Code o" the State o" Kansas as a not-"or-pro"$t #orporat$on as AL.HA THETA CHI 8RATERNITY, INC=, on
8e3rary &', &')-, and as KANSAS 0ELTA THETA CHA.TER 28 AL.HA TAU 2ME1A 8RATERNITY, INC=, on 8e3rary &9, &')&> and $ts
s##essor #orporat$on, 0ELTA THETA 28 AL.HA TAU 2ME1A, INC=, $n#orporated on Septe+3er 7, &'(&> 3oth o" wh$#h #onst$tte the 3ody-
#orporate o" the KANSAS 0ELTA THETA CHA.TER 28 THE AL.HA TAU 2ME1A 8RATERNITY, a s3ord$nate ent$ty o" the AL.HA TAU
2ME1A 8RATERNITY, wh$#h was #hartered prsant to pro%$s$ons o" the Nat$ona! Const$tt$on and Laws ;#rrent!y Nat$ona! By!aws and .o!$#$es and
.ro#edres< o" the 8ratern$ty and d!y $nsta!!ed $n Manhattan, Kansas, on 2#to3er ))nd and )7rd, &')- A=0=
Members Manual
Members Manual
Members Manual A
Inde/ &=-7
Se#t$on &? L$%$n, In Hose or Anne/, .ena!t$es> Hos$n, Contra#t,
So#$a! 8ee E/e+pt$on> Anne/ A,ree+ent, 2t-o"-Hose 8ee
E/e+pt$on> B$!d$n, Corporat$on Me+3ersh$p 0onat$ons>
Sen$or$ty and Anne/ .ro,ra+
Se#t$on )? Beer and A!#oho!> Contro!!ed S3stan#es &=-'
Se#t$on 7? 0a+a,es &=&-
Se#t$on 6? Hose R!es &=&-
Se#t$on :? Ad%erse A#t$ons &=&-
Se#t$on &? S#ho!ast$# .ro3at$on> Ter+$nat$on o" L$%$n, $n Chapter Hose &=&&
Se#t$on )? Se+ester 0e"$ned> A#ade+$# Year 0e"$ned &=&&
Se#t$on 7? S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee &=&&
Se#t$on &? 2""$#er @a!$"$#at$ons and Ter+s o" 2""$#e &=&)
Se#t$on )? E!e#t$%e 2""$#ers, Method o" E!e#t$on and Insta!!at$on &=&)
Se#t$on 7? I+pea#h+ent o" E!e#ted 2""$#ers and 0$s+$ssa! o" Appo$nt$%e 2""$#ers &=&7
B Members Manual
Se#t$on 6? 0t$es o" 2""$#ers and Co++$ttees> V$#e-.res$dent 0t$es>
Treasrer 0t$es> Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee
.ro,ra+> H$stor$an 0t$es> Anne/ Coord$nator 0t$es>
Chap!a$n 0t$es> A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er 0t$es> Board o"
Trstees Under,radate Me+3ers> .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an
0t$es> Brotherhood Cha$r+an 0t$es
Se#t$on :? S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an 0t$es> Board o" Trstees
Under,radate Me+3ers> E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee> Ca3$net
Se#t$on 9? Chapter Meet$n,s> @or+> A3sen#es
Se#t$on (? Appo$nt$%e 2""$#ers> Ass$stant Treasrer 0t$es> Me+3ersh$p
Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an and Ass$stantsA 0t$es>
Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er 0t$es> Resor#e Coord$nator
0t$es> Intra+ra!s Cha$r+an 0t$es> Son, Leader 0t$es>
BA00 0ty Coord$nator 0t$es> Appo$nt+ent o"
Co++$ttees, Cha$r+en and Ass$stant Cha$r+en> Se!e#t or
Stand$n, Co++$ttees> V$#e-.res$dent Co++$ttee 0t$es
Se#t$on 4? Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee
Se#t$on '? 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee> R$sB Mana,e+ent Co++$ttee> Awards
Co++$ttee> Co++n$#at$ons Co++$ttee
Se#t$on &? *orB *eeB &=)-
Se#t$on )? Assess+ents A,a$nst A#t$%es> Assess+ents A,a$nst .!ed,es &=)-
Se#t$on 7? .er"or+an#e 8$nes &=)-
Se#t$on 6? Hose B$!!s> .arty 8a%or 8nds .roh$3$t$on &=)&
Se#t$on :? 0a+a,e and 8$ne 0epos$t &=)&
Se#t$on 9? Spe#$a! Hose B$!!s &=)&
Se#t$on (? Non-A#t$%e Me+3ers, So#$a! E%ent Attendan#e &=)&
Se#t$on 4? K$t#hen Crew &=))
Se#t$on '? 8$s#a! Year &=))
Se#t$on &? E!$,$3$!$ty "or .!ed,$n, &=)7
Se#t$on )? Vot$n, on Re#r$ts &=)7
Se#t$on 7? Vot$n, on .!ed,es &=)7
Se#t$on 6? .!ed,e 8ee &=)7
Members Manual C
Se#t$on &? In$t$at$on 8ee &=)6
Se#t$on )? Inde3tedness .roh$3$ted &=)6
Se#t$on 7? 8ratern$ty Test &=)6
Se#t$on 6? 1rade ReC$re+ents &=)6
Se#t$on :? E!e#t$on to Me+3ersh$p &=)6
Se#t$on 9? Honor In$t$ate &=):
Se#t$on (? New Me+3er Vot$n, &=):
Se#t$on 4? Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee 0t$es &=):
Se#t$on &? A+end$n, .ro#edres &=)9
Se#t$on )? Co+p$!at$on &=)9
Se#t$on 7? E+er,en#y Sspens$on o" By-Laws &=)9
Se#t$on 6? E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee 0$s#ret$on and Constre+ent &=)9
Se#t$on :? 0$str$3t$on o" By-Laws &=)9
Se#t$on 9? 0ate o" E""e#t &=)9
Se#t$on (? 1ronds "or 0$s#$p!$ne, E/e#t$%e Board 0e"$n$t$on &=)9
Se#t$on 4? Ro3ertAs R!es o" 2rder &=)9
Se#t$on '? Vot$n, MaDor$t$es, 8$na!$ty, Re#ons$derat$ons and Methods, CM12s &=)9
Append$/? S3seCent A+end+ents &=)4
&= A!!-Hose Meet$n,s
)= Cortesy
7= EF2 0ress and C!oth$n, Restr$#t$ons and Internet .roh$3$t$ons
6= 1ests Enter$n, Chapter Hose
:= K$t#hen Hors and A##ess
9= 0$nner
(= Swear$n, or A3s$%e Lan,a,e
4= 8e+a!e Respe#t
'= Cond#t $n 8n#t$ona! Areas
&-= 8$reworBs .roh$3$t$on
D Members Manual
&&= 0e"$n$t$on o" Co++on Areas
&)= A!#oho!, Chew$n, To3a##o and 8ood Restr$#t$ons
&7= S+oB$n, $n Chapter Hose .roh$3$t$on and 8$nes
&6= 1!ass Conta$ner .roh$3$t$on
&:= Cortesy ;@$et< Hors
&9= )6-Hors-a-0ay Cortesy ;@$et< Areas
&(= Ass$,n+ent o" .arB$n, and Roo+s
&4= .arB$n, and 8$nes
&'= An$+a!sG.ets
)-= Roo+ Care and Ma$ntenan#e
)&= In$t$at$on
))= 0$n$n, Roo+ and K$t#hen Art$#!es
)7= Att$re $n 0$n$n, Roo+ and K$t#hen and 8$nes
)6= Hose R!es and Spp!e+entary R!es
Inde/ 7=-7
Art$#!e I? .rpose 7=-(
Art$#!e II? Me+3ersh$p 7=-(
Art$#!e III? Con,ress 7=-4
Art$#!e IV? Board o" 0$re#tors 7=-'
Art$#!e V? Corporate 2""$#ers 7=&-
Art$#!e VI? 5d$#$a! 7=&)
Art$#!e VII? Chartered Ent$t$es 7=&7
Art$#!e VIII? R$ta! and Se#ret *orB 7=&7
Art$#!e IH? M$s#e!!aneos 7=&6
Art$#!e H? Inde+n$"$#at$on 7=&6
Art$#!e HI? 0$sso!t$on 7=&:
Art$#!e HII? .o!$#$es and .ro#edres 7=&:
Art$#!e HIII? A+end+ents to By!aws 7=&9
Members Manual E
Chapter &? .rpose, 1o%ernan#e, BoardGCE2 Re!at$onsh$p 6=-7
Chapter )? E/e#t$%e L$+$tat$ons 6=-(
Chapter 7? Sta"" L$nBa,e 6=&-
Chapter 6? Ends 6=&)
Chapter :? E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es and Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons 6=&)
Chapter 9? Charters 6=&7
Chapter (? Me+3ersh$p 6=&6
Chapter 4? 5d$#$a! 6=&:
Chapter '? R$ta! and Ins$,n$a 6=&:
Chapter &-? M$s#e!!aneos 6=&9
E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es 6=&(
Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons 6=)&
Append$#es? R!es o" the 1enera! Asse+3!y 6=7:
R!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or 6=7(
I= R!es .erta$n$n, to Me+3er 0$s#$p!$ne
II= R!es .erta$n$n, to Chapter 0$s#$p!$ne
III= R!es .erta$n$n, to Non-0$s#$p!$nary Contro%ers$es
IV= Constr#t$on and Interpretat$on o" the By!aws
and .o!$#$es and .ro#edres
.rea+3!e :=-7
F Members Manual
Se#t$on &? Board o" Trstees By-Laws :=-:
&= Na+e and 2""$#e
)= Board Co+pos$t$on
7= Appo$nt+ent
6= 0t$es o" Board o" Trstees
:= .owers o" Board o" Trstees
9= .owers o" Cha$r+an
(= V$#e-Cha$r+an
4= Se#retary
'= Treasrer
&-= Meet$n,s
&&= @or+
&)= Votes
&7= Board Appo$nt+ents
&6= Spe#$a! Meet$n,s
&:= Board .o!$#$es
&9= A+end+ent o" By-Laws
&(= Sspens$on o" By-Laws
Se#t$on )? Board o" Trstees .o!$#$es :=-'
I= Se+ester!y and Year!y 1rades
II= 0r$nB$n, and 0r$%$n,
III= A!#oho! Cons+pt$on
IV= Reta!$at$on
V= .ranBs
Se#t$on &? B$!d$n, Corporat$on Chapter Hose R!es
and Re,!at$ons 9=-7

A= 1enera! .ro%$s$ons
BCRA&= 5r$sd$#t$on
BCRA)= Roo+ 0es$,nat$ons and Co++on Areas
BCRA7= E/pend$tres
BCRA6= 0a+a,e and 8$ne 0epos$t
BCRA:= Sspens$on "ro+ Corporat$on Me+3ersh$p
B= A#t$%$t$es In or Arond Chapter Hose
BCRB&= 0a+a,es to and Re+o%a! o" .roperty and .roh$3$ted
BCRB)= Contro!!ed S3stan#es
BCRB7= Stora,e and Use o" 8$rear+s, 1aso!$ne, 8$reworBs,
Re"r$,erators, L$,hted Cand!es and 2ther 0an,eros
BCRB6= 8$re .rote#t$on 0e%$#es Usa,e
BCRB:= Chapter Hose Roo"s, *$ndows and 2ts$de 0oors
BCRB9= A!#oho! and Chew$n, To3a##o, Conta$ner and Trash L$+$tat$ons
BCRB(= S+oB$n,
BCRB4= 1!ass Conta$ners .roh$3$ted
BCRB'= .arB$n, Re,!at$ons
BCRB&-= AIB .roperty
Members Manual G
C= Constr#t$on In or Arond Chapter Hose
BCRC&= 0a+a,e, 0r$!!$n, and Atta#h$n,
BCRC)= Assess+ent o" 0a+a,es
BCRC7= Co+p!$an#e w$th 8$re and 2ther Re,!at$ons
BCRC6= E!e#tr$#a! Usa,e
BCRC:= Carpeted Areas
BCRC9= Re+o%a! o" .er+anent Ite+ or Str#tre
BCRC(= S!eep$n, Roo+ 0oors
BCRC4= .er+anent Add$t$ons
BCRC'= Roo+ Constr#t$on
0= 2##pan#y o" Chapter Hose
BCR0&= 2##pan#y 3y Contra#t 2n!y
BCR0)= Chapter Hose 2##pan#y
BCR07= 2##pan#y 0r$n, S++er Months
BCR06= 2##pan#y 0r$n, Se+ester BreaB, Ho!$days and 2ther T$+es
BCR0:= 1est 2##pan#y *hen Chapter Hose $s 2pen
BCR09= M$n$++ and Ma/$++ N+3ers
BCR0(= .ets
BCR04= Key Cop$es
BCR0= Key 8o3s
E= Inspe#t$ons, 8$nes and Repa$rs
BCRE&= Inspe#t$ons
BCRE)= Chapter Hose Str#tre 0a+a,e Ite+s Costs
BCRE7= 8rn$treG8$/tres
BCRE6= Carpet$n, 0a+a,es
BCRE:= Cond$t$on at C!os$n,
BCRE9= 1enera! 8$nes M$n$++s
BCRE(= S!eep$n, Roo+s 8$nes M$n$++s
BCRE4= C!ean!$ness o" S!eep$n, Roo+s
BCRE'= Roo+ Reno%at$ons Appro%a!s
BCRE&-= Chapter Hose S!eep$n, Roo+ Inspe#t$on Rewards
Se#t$on )? B$!d$n, Corporat$on By-Laws 9=-'
I= 2""$#es
II= Me+3ers
III= 0$re#tors
IV= Meet$n,s
V= .owers o" Board o" 0$re#tors
VI= 2""$#ers - .owers and 0t$es
VII= Che#Bs
VIII= 8$s#a! Year
IH= A+end+ent o" By-Laws
Inde/ (=-7
Se#t$on &? R$sB Mana,e+ent and Nat$ona! Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes
o" 2perat$ons (=-:
H Members Manual
Se#t$on )? State+ent o" the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty Con#ern$n,
Contro!!ed S3stan#es (=-(
Se#t$on 7? State+ent o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a
B$!d$n, Corporat$on Con#ern$n, Contro!!ed S3stan#es (=-4
Se#t$on 6? 0e#!arat$on o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o"
0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on (=-'
Se#t$on :? 0e!ta Theta Interpret$%e State+ents (=&&
A= Con#ern$n, Ho+e#o+$n,
B= Con#ern$n, 2t-o"-Hose A#t$%$t$es
C= Con#ern$n, .ranBs
Se#t$on 9? @est$ons and Answers on R$sB Mana,e+ent (=&:
Se#t$on (? 0t$es o" the R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en (=&'
Se#t$on 4? .ro"$!e o" a Sa"e .arty (=&'
Se#t$on &? E+er,en#y .owers o" the Chapter .res$dent 4=-&
Se#t$on )? 1enera! .ro%$s$ons 4=-&
Se#t$on 7? 0$s#$p!$nary .ro#edres Be"ore the E/e#t$%e Boards 4=-)
A= The 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee
B= The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee
C= The Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee
0= The Ca3$net
Se#t$on 6? Appea! to the Board o" Trstees 4=-6
Se#t$on :? Appea! to the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or 4=-:
Se#t$on &? .ro#edres Con#ern$n, Re#r$ts '=-&
Se#t$on )? .ro#edres Con#ern$n, .!ed,es 0r$n, Ea#h Se+ester '=-&
Se#t$on 7? .ro#edres at Chapter Meet$n,s 0r$n,
Last Two *eeBs o" No%e+3er and Apr$! '=-)
Members Manual I
Inde/ &-=-7
A= Ear!y Spr$n, E!e#t$ons
B= Spr$n, E!e#t$ons
C= Ear!y 8a!! E!e#t$ons
0= 8a!! E!e#t$ons
E= 1enera! In"or+at$on
8= 1enera! @a!$"$#at$ons "or E!e#ted and Appo$nt$%e 2""$#ers
Se#t$on &? Chapter 2""$#es and RanB &&=-&
Se#t$on )? 5o3 0es#r$pt$ons &&=-)
Se#t$on 7? Stand$n, Co++$ttees Co+pos$t$on &&=-:
A= The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee
B= The Ca3$net
C= The Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee
0= The 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee
E= The S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee
8= The R$sB Mana,e+ent Co++$ttee
1= The Awards Co++$ttee
H= The Co++n$#at$ons Co++$ttee
Se#t$on &? 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a &)=-&
A= Awards
&A&= The Ro3ert M= Bens+an .res$dentAs Award
&A)= The TrsteesA Brotherhood Award
&A7= The 5= B= An,!e Ta o" the Year Award
&A6= The Ta o" the Month Award
&A:= The 5oseph .= 8an,+an Honor In$t$ate Award
&A9= The M$#hae! 5= Brown Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, New Me+3er Award
&A(= The *endy S= M#Crary Chapter Sweetheart Award
&A4= The Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Hose Mana,er Award
&A'= The Henry 8= Kp"er K$t#hen Mana,er Award
&A&-= The 5st$n 5= Ne!son Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er Award
&A&&= The Ro3ert S= Krase 2tstand$n, Ca+ps Leader Award
&A&)= The .arents o" the Year Award
&A&7= The .ast .res$dentAs 1!aIe3rooB Bad,e Award
1 Members Manual
B= Me+or$a!s and 1$"ts
&B&= The C= R$#hard Mann Me+or$a! .res$dentAs Bad,e
&B)= The *$!!$a+ L= M$r III 1!aIe3rooB 2r$,$na! Bad,e
;*orthy MasterAs Bad,e<
&B7= The M$#hae! 5= Brown Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, New Me+3er Bad,e
C= E+3!e+s, .$#tres, .!aCes and Cert$"$#ates
&C&= The 0e!ta Theta Charter
&C)= The 2""$#$a! A!pha Ta 2+e,a E!e#tr$# Chapter Bad,e
&C7= The Three 8onders .$#tres
&C6= The A!pha Ta 2+e,a 1rand Sea!
&C:= The 8onders, 1rand Sea! and Coat o" Ar+s Co+pos$te
&C9= The 0e!ta Theta Co+pos$tes
&C(= The Tho+as ArB!e C!arB .ortra$t
&C4= The Henry 2= CronB$te .ortra$t
&C'= The Batt!e o" New MarBet Co++e+orat$%e
&C&-= The :-th Ann$%ersary .!aCe
&C&&= The (:th Ann$%ersary .!aCes
&C&)= The Honor Ro!! o" Nat$ona! Award Re#$p$ents
&C&7= The 8r$ends o" the K-State Stdent Un$on L$"e Me+3ersh$p Cert$"$#ate
Se#t$on )? 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees &)=-'
A= Awards
)A&= The TrsteesA Brotherhood Award
)A)= The 2rder o" the Th$rd Star Award
)A7= The TrsteesA Nat$ona! A#h$e%e+ent Award
B= E+3!e+s, .$#tres, .!aCes and Cert$"$#ates
)B&= The 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees .res$dent$a! 2rder
Se#t$on 7? 0e!ta Theta Ha!! o" Honor Co++$ttee &)=&&
A= Awards
7A&= The 0e!ta Theta Ha!! o" Honor Award
7A)= The 0e!ta Theta 2tstand$n, Ser%$#e Award
Se#t$on 6? 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on &)=&7
A= Awards and S#ho!arsh$ps
6A&= The 5ohn A= Towse, 5r= S++er Hose Mana,er Award
6A)= The Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Hose Mana,er Award
B= Me+or$a!s and 1$"ts
6B&= The M$r 8a+$!y Chapter Hose
6B)= The Leo L= Had!ey Me+or$a! L$%$n, Roo+
6B7= The *a!ter 5= Ro,ers Me+or$a! Sta$r#ase
6B6= The *$!!$a+ L= M$r III Chapter Roo+
6B:= The Ste%en C= 5ohnson Ha!! o" Honor
6B9= The Bser 8a+$!y Cortyard
6B(= The A!!an 0= Ho!$day, 5r= A#ade+$# Center
6B4= The Matthew A= BretI Stdy Lon,e
6B'= The Ste%en A= Swanson Stdy Lon,e
6B&-= The 5e""rey L= 1ates Stdy Center
6B&&= The M$#hae! R= *$dr$, Stdy Center
6B&)= The 1$!3ert E= Co+pton 0$n$n, Roo+
6B&7= The Henry 8= Kp"erGCa+eron K= Co!!$ns K$t#hen
6B&6= The 0$Be+an 8a+$!y 8$tness Center
Members Manual K
6B&:= The BenDa+$n B= Barnert Me+or$a! Con"eren#e Roo+
6B&9= The 0o,!as A= 8$re3a,h Con"eren#e Roo+
6B&(= The Mo+ 2!!$e Me+or$a! Sen$or S$te
6B&4= The 5oseph .= 8an,+an Sen$or S$te
6B&' The M$#hae! H= To!son Me+or$a! Entryway
6B)-= The L= A!!yn Lay3orn Me+or$a! Entryway
6B)&= The L= A!!yn Lay3orn Me+or$a! .$ano
6B))= The 2+ar L= *a,ner Me+or$a! 1rand"ather C!o#B
6B)7= The Ro,er Y= E!B$ns Me+or$a! 8!a, .o!e
6B)6= The Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Chapter 2""$#ers Ta3!e
6B):= The 0a%$d L= *$!!e Carpet
6B)9= The Verse!!a *e!ton Me+or$a! .antry
6B)(= Honored Brothers S$tes and Roo+s
C= E+3!e+s, .$#tres, .!aCes and Cert$"$#ates
6C&= The M$r 8a+$!y Chapter Hose .!aCe
6C)= The Chapter Hose 1o!den 0onors .!aCe
6C7= The (:th Ann$%ersary Chapter Hose Reno%at$onGAdd$t$on 0onors .!aCe
6C6= The 0an 1= T$nder Me+or$a! Chapter Hose Render$n,
6C:= The (:th Ann$%ersary MarBer
6C9= The A! 1ore Cap$to! 8!a, Co++e+orat$%e
6C(= The Ho!!$s HoseGAT2 Co++e+orat$%e .!aCe
6C4= The 0e!ta Theta Chapter Hose 1rond3reaB$n, .hoto,raph
6C'= The *$!!$a+ L= M$r and A!pha Ta 2+e,a K-State A!+n$ Asso#$at$on
0$sp!ay Case
Se#t$on :? Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd &)=&'
A= Awards and S#ho!arsh$ps to AT2s thro,h the KSU 8ondat$on
:A&= The E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards
:A)= The .res$dent$a! S#ho!ast$# A#h$e%e+ent Awards
:A7= The E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ Best Roo+ S#ho!arsh$p Awards
:A6= The E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ *orthy Master Award
:A:= The R$#hard E= 8a,er3er, *orthy Marsha! Award
:A9= The A!!an 0= Ho!$day, 5r= *orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer Award
:A(= The E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an Award
:A4= The E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+en Award
:A'= The E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an Award
:A&-= The E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ Tre Mer$t Chara#ter Award
:A&&= The Todd 8= LaB$n K-State Leadersh$p Awards
:A&)= The 5e""rey L= 1ates Bs$ness Ad+$n$strat$on Award
B= 1rants-$n-A$d, Awards and S#ho!arsh$ps to AT2s thro,h the AT2 8ondat$on
:B&= The *$!!$a+ L= M$r II and 5ohn T= M$r
Me+or$a! 1rant-$n-A$d Awards
:B)= The L= A!!yn Lay3orn S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards
;.ro%$n#e &4 Endow+ent<
:B7= The Ty!er 8= Newton NoahAs ArB Awards
C= Awards and S#ho!arsh$ps to AT2s thro,h the Endow+ent 8nd
:C&= The L= A!!yn Lay3orn Me+or$a! S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards
:C)= The 5oseph .= 8an,+an Honor In$t$ate Award
:C7= The Mareen .= Newton E/e+p!ary In$t$ate Award
:C6= The Matthew L= BretI Most I+pro%e S#ho!arsh$p Award
:C:= The Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Hose Mana,er Award
:C9= The Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Ass$stant Hose Mana,er Award
:C(= The 5ohn A= Towse, 5r= S++er Hose Mana,er Award
:C4= The Ro3ert M= Bens+an .res$dentAs Award
:C'= The 5ohn E= Ho!stro+ Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, Sen$or Award
:C&-= The 0an 1= T$nder Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, 5n$or Award
:C&&= The R$#hard R= Sterrett and Ro3ert K= Sterrett Me+or$a!
2tstand$n, Sopho+ore Award
L Members Manual
:C&)= The Norr$s E= Ho!stro+ Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, 8resh+an Award
:C&7= The *$!!$a+ L= M$r III LeaderShape Awards
:C&6= The M$#hae! 5= M#Kernan Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, Ath!ete Award
:C&:= The 1ary R= Cottre!! and Rsse!! *= Tadd$Ben
So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator Award
:C&9= The Ryan A= Newth R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#erGSo#$a! Cha$r+an Award
:C&(= The 0a%$d L= *atson Ed#at$on Award
:C&4= The Henry 8= Kp"er K$t#hen Mana,er Award
:C&'= The 1y *= 1ross S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an Award
:C)-= The Chr$st$an 5= Ke!!y Law S#hoo! Award
:C)&= The 0a!e L= 0n#an Me+or$a! .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an Award
:C))= The 5st$n 5= Ne!son Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er Award
:C)7= The 8ree+an 8a+$!y 2tstand$n, MaDor 2""$#er Award
:C)6= The 5onathan S= Kr#he H$stor$an Award
:C):= The Ste%en C= 5ohnson *orthy Chap!a$n Award
:C)9= The R$#hard R= ;Bo3< Harr$son 2tstand$n, 2t-o"-Hose Me+3er Award
:C)(= The 0$Be+an 8a+$!y A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er Award
:C)4= The 8ondersA Me+or$a! Sen$or 1rant Awards
:C)'= The BenDa+$n B= Barnert Me+or$a! Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an Award
:C7-= The Ro3ert A= ;A!e/< Ro!"$n, Ser%$#e to ManB$nd Award
:C7&= The M$#hae! K= Cor+a#$ .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er Award
:C7)= The Ke%$n E= K$#Bhae"er and T$+othy S= Berends *orthy S#r$3e Award
:C77= The Con,ress$ona! S#ho!ar Awards
:C76= The Re,$ona! Leadersh$p Con"eren#e S#ho!ar Awards
0= Awards and S#ho!arsh$ps to KSU Stdents thro,h the Endow+ent 8nd
:0&= The 5ohn E= Ho!stro+ AT2 Ar#h$te#tra! S#ho!arsh$p
:0)= The Stan!ey L= *$nter AT2 K-State Un$on Leadersh$p S#ho!arsh$p
:07= The *$!!$a+ L= M$r II and 5ohn T= M$r AT2 B!e Key Leadersh$p
:06= The *endy S= M#Crary AT2 Chapter Sweetheart S#ho!arsh$p
:0:= The Ro3ert S= Krase AT2 2tstand$n, Ca+ps Leader Award
:09= The M$#hae! E= Brown AT2 Mortar Board Leadersh$p S#ho!arsh$p
:0(= The Anthony L= Carter AT2 Ser%$#e to M$nor$t$es Leadersh$p S#ho!arsh$p
E= Awards and S#ho!arsh$ps to KSU Stdents thro,h the KSU 8ondat$on
:E&= The 5ohn T= ;To+< M$r 2tstand$n, 1reeB Ath!ete S#ho!arsh$p
8= E+3!e+s, .$#tres, .!aCes and Cert$"$#ates
:8&= The 7:th Ann$%ersary and Me+or$a! S#ho!arsh$p
8nd 0r$%es 0onors .!aCe
:8)= The Stan!ey L= *$nter Me+or$a! 8nd 0r$%e 0onors .!aCe
Se#t$on 9? 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on
A= Awards
9A&= The Vintage A!+n$ Spport
B= E+3!e+s, .$#tres, .!aCes and Cert$"$#ates
9B&= 0e!ta Theta Chapter A!+n$ Asso#$at$on Charter
S++ary o" Awards, S#ho!arsh$ps and A!+n$ Spport &)=67
S++ary o" S#ho!arsh$ps 3y Year &)=66

Members Manual M
Inde/ &7=-7
Endow+ent 8nd By-Laws &7=-:
I= 2""$#es
II= 0$re#tors
III= 2""$#ers
IV= Restr$#t$ons
V= Che#Bs
VI= 8$s#a! Year
VII= A+end+ents o" By-Laws
Se#t$on &? .res$dent$a! S#ho!ast$# A#h$e%e+ent Awards and M#Co!!+
and Lay3orn Me+or$a! S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards Cr$ter$a &6=-&
A= The .res$dent$a! S#ho!ast$# A#h$e%e+ent Award
B= The E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Award
C= The L= A!!yn Lay3orn Me+or$a! S#ho!ast$#
E/#e!!en#e Award
Se#t$on )? .res$dent$a! and M#Co!!+ Awards Chart &6=-)
Se#t$on &? Con,ress$ona! S#ho!ar Awards Cr$ter$a &9=-&
Se#t$on )? Re,$ona! Leadersh$p Con"eren#e Awards Cr$ter$a &9=-)
N Members Manual
8oreword &(=-7
Inde/ &(=-:
Se#t$on &? Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on &(=-(
Se#t$on )= The State+ent o" 2t$s A!!an 1!aIe3rooB &(=-'
Se#t$on 7? 8a#ts A3ot A!pha Ta 2+e,a &(=&&
Se#t$on 6? 1enera! Hose R!es &(=&7
Se#t$on :? 1enera! 1$de!$nes and R!es "or A!! Me+3ers &(=&(
Se#t$on 9? Stdy .ro,ra+ R!es &(=)7
Se#t$on (? A!pha Ta 2+e,a Nat$ona! Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o"
2perat$ons Con#ern$n, HaI$n, and Kansas Ant$-HaI$n, Law &(=)6
A= AT2 Nat$ona! Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes
o" 2perat$ons Con#ern$n, HaI$n,
B= Kansas Ant$-HaI$n, Law
Se#t$on 4? So+e E/a+p!es o" HaI$n, a .!ed,e or A#t$%e &(=):
Se#t$on '? Bas$# E/pe#tat$ons o" 8ratern$ty Me+3ersh$p &(=)9
Se#t$on &-? Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee &(=)(
Se#t$on &&? The 5oseph .= 8an,+an Honor In$t$ate Award, &(=)4
The Mareen .= Newton E/e+p!ary In$t$ate Award and
The M$#hae! 5= Brown Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, New Me+3er Award
A= The 5oseph .= 8an,+an Honor In$t$ate Award and
The Mareen .= Newton E/e+p!ary In$t$ate Award
B= The M$#hae! 5= Brown Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, New Me+3er Award
Se#t$on &)? S#ho!arsh$ps &(=)'
Se#t$on &7? State+ent o" .os$t$on on Contro!!ed S3stan#es &(=7&
Se#t$on &6? Contro!!ed S3stan#es and .!ed,es &(=77
Se#t$on &:? .!ed,e 8athers &(=7:
Se#t$on &9= He!p *eeB &(=7(
Se#t$on &(? *eeBend Tr$p R!es &(=7'
Se#t$on &4? Retreats &(=7'
Se#t$on &'? Et$Cette R!es &(=6&
Members Manual O
Se#t$on )-? The Creed o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a &(=67
Se#t$on )&? A!pha Ta 2+e,a 2ath o" .!ed,esh$p &(=67
Se#t$on ))? .!ed,e C!ass 2""$#ers &(=6:
Se#t$on )7? Me+3ers o" the .!ed,e C!ass &(=6(
Se#t$on )6? New .!ed,e Che#B L$st &(=64
Se#t$on ):? *eeB!y Lessons &(=6'
Introd#t$on? Meet Yor .!ed,e Brothers and Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en> .ay
Yor Hose3$!!> J.roper A!#oho! UseJ> Know By-Laws Con#ern$n,
Contro!!ed S3stan#es and R$sB Mana,e+ent> JKero To!eran#e R!esJ>
Know By-Laws Con#ern$n, Beer and A!#oho!> Know Hose R!es> Know
Board o" Trstees .o!$#$es on 0r$nB$n, and 0r$%$n,, A!#oho!
Cons+pt$on> Reta!$at$on and .ranBs> Trn $n and .ost C!ass S#hed!es>
Learn A3ot Shared Roo+ Respons$3$!$t$es ;In#!d$n, Keys<> Attend
JA#t$%$t$es Carn$%a!J and 5o$n a 1rop> Co+p!ete J1oa! L$stJ
*eeB &= Na+es and MaDors o" .!ed,e Brothers> Meet Cha$r+anGMe+3ers o" 0e!ta
Theta Board o" Trstees> JA!pha Ta!BJ> JAT2 CheerJ> J8$rst 8!oor
Han,otJ> No+$nate .!ed,e C!ass 2""$#ers
*eeB )= Na+es o" Chapter Me+3ers> Ho+etowns o" 8$rst 8!oor Me+3ers> Meet the
Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee> E!e#t$on o" .!ed,e C!ass 2""$#ers>
0es$,nat$on o" E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee> JSe#ond 8!oor Han,otJ> Be,$n
Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres> MaBe Sre Yo 5o$n a Ca+ps
*eeB 7= Be,$nn$n, Idea!s> K-State 8ratern$t$es and Soror$t$es> Meet Chapter
2""$#ers> Ho+etowns o" Se#ond 8!oor Me+3ers> JTh$rd 8!oor Han,otJ>
Cont$ne Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres> JK-State 8$,ht Son,J>
0e!ta Theta Ho+e .a,e> *eeBend Tr$p 8nds
*eeB 6= The Co++on Bond> By-LawsGHose R!esGNat$ona! By!awsG.o!$#$es>
Ho+etowns o" Th$rd 8!oor Me+3ers> Me+3ersh$p, Chapter and Nat$ona!
2""$#ers and 2r,an$Iat$ona! Str#tre> I8CG.HC .o!$#$es> Cont$ne
Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres> Et$Cette Re%$ew> Et$Cette R!es
*eeB := Lead$n, the Char,e? 8ond$n, and Ear!y Nat$ona! H$story> The State+ent
o" 2t$s A!!an 1!aIe3rooB> JThe AT2 CreedJ> Cont$ne Inter%$ews and
Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres> Meet w$th MEC> .eer E%a!at$ons> So#$a! Ser%$#e
.roDe#t> Et$Cette R!es
*eeB 9= Later Nat$ona! H$story> JAT2 1ra#eJ> Cont$ne Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n,
S$,natres> Et$Cette R!es
*eeB (= Lo#a! H$story> Chapter Awards, S#ho!arsh$ps, 1rants, Me+or$a!s, 1$"ts,
.$#tres, .!aCes, Cert$"$#ates, Lo#ator and S++ary> Cont$ne Inter%$ews
and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres> Et$Cette R!es
*eeB 4= MaB$n, an I+press$on> 0e!ta Theta M$ss$on State+ent> J2r 5ewe!sJ>
Meet w$th MEC> Cont$ne Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres> Et$Cette
*eeB '= Be$n, In%o!%ed ;Chapter In%o!%e+ent, S$,natre E%ents and Brother
In%o!%e+ent<> JSweetheart o" AT2J> 8$n$sh Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n,
S$,natres> Et$Cette R!es
*eeB &-= JK-State A!+a MaterJ> J2!d A!phaJ
*eeB &&= Ins$,n$a
*eeB &)= Nat$ona! Awards> A!ways an AT2L
Se#t$on )9? In$t$at$on *eeB Che#B L$st &(=('
Se#t$on )(? A"ter-In$t$at$on Che#B L$st &(=4-
Se#t$on )4? In$t$at$on Test &(=4&
Se#t$on )'? Notes &(=47
P Members Manual
Inde/ &4=-7
Se#t$on &? I8C .!ed,e Ed#at$on Contra#t 23!$,at$ons &4=-:
Se#t$on )? I8C .o!$#y "or 0ry Rsh &4=-9
Se#t$on 7? I8C E%ent Respons$3$!$ty .o!$#y &4=-'
Se#t$on 6? 5o$nt I8CG.HC Ant$-HaI$n, .o!$#y &4=&:
Se#t$on :? 5o$nt I8CG.HC H+an R$,hts Code &4=&'
Se#t$on &? Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! Const$tt$on and By!aws &'=-&
Se#t$on )? Cont$nan#e o" the A,ree+ent Between Kansas State Un$%ers$ty
and the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! and
the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty .anhe!!en$# Con#$! &'=&7
A!+n$ Asso#$at$on By-Laws )-=-&
I= 2""$#es
II= 0$re#tors
III= 2""$#ers
IV= Che#Bs
V= 8$s#a! Year
VI= A+end+ents o" By-Laws
Se#t$on &? Costs to the Ind$%$da! Me+3er )&=-&
Se#t$on )? S#hed!e o" 8ees .a$d 3y Chapter
to I8C and Nat$ona! HeadCarters )&=-&
Members Manual Q
0e!ta Theta Sen$or$ty L$sts
0e!ta Theta 2""$#es and 2""$#ers L$st
0e!ta Theta Chapter Hose Roo+ Lo#ator
0e!ta Theta Hos$n, Contra#t and 0e!ta Theta Anne/ A,ree+ent
0e!ta Theta Chapter Bd,ets
Lease A,ree+ent Between 0e!ta Theta Chapter and 0e!ta Theta B$!d$n, Corporat$on
A,ree+ent Between 0e!ta Theta Chapter and 0e!ta Theta B$!d$n, Corporat$on
Con#ern$n, the Hose+otherAs @arters
A,ree+ent Between 0e!ta Theta Chapter, 0e!ta Theta B$!d$n, Corporat$on and Kansas
State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd Con#ern$n, Hose Mana,erAs,
S++er Hose Mana,erAs, K$t#hen Mana,erAs, Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#erAs and Krase Awards
Cred$t T$ps
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Se!e#ted .hone N+3ers
Cr$s$s Mana,e+ent and .ro#edres
R Members Manual
Members Manual
In an ongoing effort to improve in every aspect of life, we
strive to building upon an already phenomenal Brotherhood;
expand the leadership skills of members; and, through a
unique process, transform every boy who enters Delta Theta
Chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity into a man of
genuine character, ethics and intelligence who possesses the
will to be successful in the world today.
Adopted on April 7, 1996
Revised February 2, 2004
ii Members Manual
Members Manual 1.01
By-Laws and House Rules
Effective April 1, 1972
Includes All Subsequent Amendments
1.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 1.03
Preamble 1.07
Article I. General Provisions 1.09
1. Living in House or Annex, Penalties;
Housing Contract, Social Fee Exemption;
Annex Agreement, Out-of-House Fee Exemption;
Building Corporation Membership Donations;
Seniority and Annex Program
2. Beer and Alcohol; Controlled Substances
3. Damages
4. House Rules
5. Adverse Action
Article II. Scholarship 1.11
1. Scholastic Probation; Termination of Living in Chapter House
2. Semester Defined; Academic Year Defined
3. Scholarship Committee
Article III. Officers and Elections 1.12
1. Officer Qualifications and Terms of Office
2. Elective Officers, Method of Election and Installation
3. Impeachment of Elected Officers and Dismissal of Appointive Officers
4. Duties of Officers and Committees; Vice-President Duties; Treasurer
Duties; Membership Education Committee Program; Historian Duties;
Annex Coordinator Duties; Chaplain Duties; Alumni Relations Officer
Duties; Philanthropy Chairman Duties; Brotherhood Chairman Duties
5. Scholarship Chairman Duties; Board of Trustees Undergraduate
Members; Executive Committee; Cabinet
6. Chapter Meetings; Quorum; Absences
7. Appointive Officers; Assistant Treasurer Duties; Membership
Recruitment Chairman and Assistants' Duties; Communications Officer
Duties; Resource Coordinator Duties; Intramurals Chairman Duties;
Song Leader Duties; BADD Duty Coordinator Duties; Appointment of
Committees, Chairmen and Assistant Chairmen; Select or Standing
Committees; Vice-President Committee Duties
8. Membership Education Committee
9. 1udicial Committee; Risk Management Committee; Awards Committee;
Communications Committee
Article IV. Assessments and Finances 1.19
1. Work Week
2. Assessments Against Active; Assessments Against Pledges
3. Performance Fines
4. House Bills; Party Favor Funds Prohibition
5. Damage and Fine Deposit
6. Special House Bills
7. Non-Active Members, Social Event Attendance
8. Kitchen Crew
9. Fiscal Year
1.04 Members Manual
Article V. Pledges 1.22
1. Eligibility for Pledging
2. Voting on Recruits
3. Voting on Pledges
4. Pledge Fee
Article VI. Initiation 1.23
1. Initiation Fee
2. Indebtedness Prohibited
3. Fraternity Test
4. Grade Requirements
5. Election to Membership
6. Honor Initiate
7. New Member Voting
8. Membership Education Committee Duties
Article VII. Amendments and Miscellaneous 1.25
1. Amending Procedures
2. Compilation
3. Emergency Suspension of By-Laws
4. Executive Committee Discretion and Construement
5. Distribution of By-Laws
6. Date of Effect
7. Grounds for Discipline, Executive Board Definition
8. Robert's Rules of Order
9. Voting Majorities, Finality, Reconsiderations and Methods, CMGOs
All-House Meetings; Courtesy; ATO Dress and Clothing Restrictions and Internet
Prohibitions; Guests Entering Chapter House; Kitchen Hours and Access; Dinner;
Swearing or Abusive Language; Housemother Respect; Conduct in Functional Areas;
Fireworks Prohibition; Items in Functional Areas; Definition of Functional Areas; Alcohol,
Chewing Tobacco and Food Restrictions; Smoking in Chapter House Prohibition; Glass
Container Prohibition; Courtesy (Quiet) Hours; 24-Hours-a-Day Courtesy (Quiet) Areas;
Assignment of Parking and Rooms; Parking and Fines; Animals/Pets; Room Care and
Maintenance; Initiation; Dining Room and Kitchen Articles; Attire in Dining Room and
Kitchen and Fines; House Rules and Supplementary Rules
Members Manual 1.05
1.06 Members Manual
Members Manual 1.07
WHEREAS, The Bond o" 8raterna! Brotherhood $nsp$red 8onders 2t$s A!!an
1!aIe3rooB, A!"red Marsha!! and ErsB$ne Mayo Ross to esta3!$sh the
A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty at &&6 East C!ay Street, R$#h+ond,
V$r,$n$a, on Monday, Septe+3er &&, &49:> and
WHEREAS, The 8or 1reat .r$n#$p!es o" the 8ratern$ty are an e%er-present
re+$nder o" or Eterna! Bonds o" 8r$endsh$p> and
WHEREAS, The Red T$e C!3 ;R= T= C=< was "onded on Satrday, Apr$! 9, &'&)>
WHEREAS, The A!pha Theta Ch$ 8ratern$ty was "or+a!!y or,an$Ied on Monday,
2#to3er &:, &'&(, and pet$t$oned the HHVI Con,ress o" the A!pha Ta
2+e,a 8ratern$ty ;0e#e+3er 7&, &'&' and 5anary &, ), and 7, &')-<
$n C!e%e!and, 2h$o, "or esta3!$sh+ent o" a #hapter> and
WHEREAS, A!pha Theta Ch$ 8ratern$ty was not$"$ed on Thrsday, May )(, &')-,
3y .ro%$n#e III Ch$e" ;!ater .ro%$n#e 0$re#tor< Ra!ph E= *ea%er!$n,,
that the ne#essary %otes had 3een o3ta$ned and a Charter appro%ed>
WHEREAS, Kansas 0e!ta Theta Chapter was #hartered as a s3ord$nate ent$ty o"
the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty, prsant to the pro%$s$ons o" the
A!pha Ta 2+e,a Nat$ona! Const$tt$on and Laws ;now Nat$ona!
By!aws and .o!$#$es and .ro#edres<, and $nsta!!ed on 8r$day and
Satrday, 2#to3er )) and )7, &')-, 3y Insta!!$n, 2""$#ers Ra!ph E=
*ea%er!$n, and Ar!$e Estes, w$th 77 #harter $n$t$ates ;&& a!+n$ and
)) a#t$%es<> and
WHEREAS, E!+er 0a%$d M#Co!!+, *a!ter *$!!$a+ Rodewa!d, *a!ter Raw!$ns
Hor!a#her, Car! 8ranB!$n Mershon, Nor+an 0a!e Lnd and *a!ter
5ohn Ro,ers were the s$/ 8onders o" Kansas 0e!ta Theta Chapter o"
the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty> and
WHEREAS, Kansas 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty was
#hartered as a 3ody #orporate nder the Laws o" the State o" Kansas as
The A!pha Theta Ch$ 8ratern$ty, In#=, on Thrsday, 8e3rary &',
&')-, and as Kansas 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty,
In#=, on *ednesday, 8e3rary &9, &')&> and 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta
2+e,a, In#=, on 8r$day, Septe+3er 7, &'(&
> and
WHEREAS, The #orporate #harter pro%$des "or the pro+ot$on o" s#ho!ast$#, so#$a!
and ath!et$# a#h$e%e+ent 3ased pon "raterna! "e!!owsh$p, 3rother!y
a""e#t$on and #ooperat$%e sp$r$t=
NOW, THEREFORE, 8or the 3etter a##o+p!$sh+ent o" these o3De#t$%es, these By-Laws are
here3y orda$ned and esta3!$shed 3y and "or th$s Chapter and
1.08 Members Manual
Members Manual 1.09
(Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 48-0545813)
1-1100 LIVING IN HOUSE OR ANNEX, PENALTIES: A!! a#t$%es +st !$%e $n the Chapter Hose or $n
an appro%ed anne/ dr$n, "or years o" p!ed,esh$p and a#t$%e +e+3ersh$p or nt$! ,radat$on= A!!
a#t$%es +st !$%e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n, at !east three se+esters o" p!ed,esh$p and a#t$%e
+e+3ersh$p or nt$! ,radat$on= The Chapter, 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" those present and %ot$n,
at a Chapter +eet$n,, +ay re!ease an a#t$%e "ro+ these o3!$,at$ons "or "$nan#$a! or other hardsh$p
reasons= An app!$#at$on sha!! 3e presented 3y the a#t$%e to the Chapter, and +st 3e appro%ed 3y
0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on and the Board o" Trstees 3e"ore
3e#o+$n, e""e#t$%e= 2n#e appro%ed, the a#t$%e $s re!eased "or a !en,th o" t$+e to 3e deter+$ned 3y the
Chapter, dr$n, wh$#h the a#t$%e "or"e$ts a!! #hapter pr$%$!e,es, $n#!d$n, the r$,ht to %ote= Any a#t$%e
who %$o!ates th$s se#t$on sha!! ato+at$#a!!y 3e sspended, re!$e%ed o" h$s r$,ht to %ote on any +atter
and at any +eet$n,, !ose a!! r$,hts and pr$%$!e,es and +ay not 3e $n#!ded 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee
on sen$or$ty> $n add$t$on to any other d$s#$p!$ne that the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, t$!$I$n, the r!es o" the
Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or, +ay !e%y or $n%oBe=
1-1200 HOUSING CONTRACT, SOCIAL FEE EXEMPTION: A!! a#t$%es and p!ed,es sha!! s$,n an
anna! hos$n, #ontra#t w$th 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a and 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta
2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on, not !ater than 8e3rary &st pre#ed$n, the 3e,$nn$n, o" the ne/t s#hoo!
year, to 3e assred o" a roo+ $n the Chapter Hose dr$n, the ne/t s#hoo! year= A#t$%es w$!! ha%e a
#han#e to +o%e ot o" the Chapter Hose $nto an appro%ed anne/ 3y sen$or$ty= The n+3er o" persons
to 3e p!ed,ed dr$n, the s++er sha!! 3e the d$""eren#e 3etween the n+3er o" #ontra#ts re#e$%ed and
the Chapter HoseAs "!! #apa#$ty o" se%enty-two ;()< +en= Any a#t$%e who has !$%ed $n the Chapter
Hose or $n an appro%ed anne/ dr$n, e$,ht se+esters or +ore o" p!ed,esh$p and a#t$%e +e+3ersh$p,
who $s !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose and has s$,ned a hos$n, #ontra#t, sha!! 3e e/e+pt "ro+ pay+ent
o" the so#$a! "ee=
1-1300 ANNEX AGREEMENT, OUT-OF-HOUSE FEE EXEMPTION: A!! a#t$%es and p!ed,es not
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose sha!! anna!!y s$,n an anne/ a,ree+ent w$th 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta
2+e,a and 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on= Any a#t$%e who has
!$%ed $n the Chapter Hose or $n an appro%ed anne/ dr$n, e$,ht se+ester or +ore o" p!ed,esh$p and
a#t$%e +e+3ersh$p, who $s not !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose and has s$,ned an anne/ a,ree+ent, sha!!
3e e/e+pt "ro+ pay+ent o" the ot-o"-hose "ee=
1-1400 BUILDING CORPORATION MEMBERSHIP DONATIONS: Anna!!y, a!! a#t$%es !$%$n, $n the
Chapter Hose sha!! pay to 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on an
a+ont pres#r$3ed 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors, p to a +a/$++ o" "or years=
1-1500 SENIORITY AND ANNEX PROGRAM: Sen$or$ty sha!! 3e deter+$ned 3y the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee= An appro%ed anne/ pro,ra+ sha!! 3e deter+$ned 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee=
1-2000 BEER AND ALCOHOL: .ossess$on and #ons+pt$on o" 3eer and a!#oho! sha!! 3e re,!ated 3y the
Ca3$net, and a!! po!$#$es sha!! 3e $n !$ne w$th those re,!at$ons esta3!$shed 3y the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty
and the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty=
1-2010 No 3eer or a!#oho! +ay 3e pr#hased "ro+ #hapter "nds= No 3eer or a!#oho! +ay 3e pr#hased
thro,h a #oord$nated e""ort 3y any a#t$%e or p!ed,e $n the na+e o" or on 3eha!" o" the Chapter=
Articles of Incorporation: See Book of Records Chapter 1
Building Corporation Annual Donations and Annex Fees: See Chapter 21
IFC Event Responsibility Policy: See Chapter 18
1.10 Members Manual
1-2020 No hard a!#oho! +ay 3e possessed or #ons+ed $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter Hose property or
srrond$n, property or at any Chapter so#$a! "n#t$on= JHard a!#oho!J $s de"$ned as any a!#oho!
#onta$n$n, +ore than )9 proo" ;&7M<= No person sha!! possess, $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter
Hose property or srrond$n, property, any a!#oho! #onta$ner other than "or 3een or w$ne=
1-2030 Ke,s are proh$3$ted $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter property or adDa#ent property, e/#ept when
t$!$Ied and +a$nta$ned 3y a !$#ensed, th$rd-party %endor at a re,$stered so#$a! "n#t$on=
1-2040 Any person %$o!at$n, &-)-&- thro,h &-)-7- "or the "$rst o""ense sha!! 3e "$ned a +$n$++ o" one
hndred do!!ars ;N&--<= 8or the se#ond o""ense, the person sha!! 3e p!a#ed on so#$a! sspens$on "or
s$/teen ;&9< weeBs and 3e "$ned two hndred do!!ars ;N)--<, wh$#h w$!! 3e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the
person or assessed a,a$nst the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on= 8or the
th$rd o""ense, the Ca3$net sha!! ter+$nate h$s hos$n, #ontra#t or anne/ a,ree+ent $++ed$ate!y and
re"er the +atter to the Board o" Trstees=
1-2050 No re#r$t or potent$a! re#r$t sha!! 3e $n%$ted to or attend any Chapter party, "n#t$on or so#$a! e%ent,
whether w$th$n or ots$de the Chapter Hose, where 3eer or a!#oho! $s present= No a#t$%e or p!ed,e
sha!! pro%$de, spp!y, pr#hase "or or ,$%e 3eer or a!#oho! to any re#r$t or potent$a! re#r$t=
: .ossess$on, #ons+pt$on, se or sa!e o" #ontro!!ed s3stan#es
;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< $s proh$3$ted=
1-2110 In the #ase o" possess$on, #ons+pt$on or se o" #ontro!!ed s3stan#es ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< $n the
Chapter Hose, on Chapter property, or at a Chapter "n#t$on or e%ent, or $n the #ase o" sa!e o"
#ontro!!ed s3stan#es ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< anywhere, the Ca3$net sha!! ter+$nate h$s hos$n,
#ontra#t and the person sha!! +o%e ot o" the Chapter Hose $++ed$ate!y=
1-2120 In the #ase o" the "$rst o##rren#e o" possess$on, #ons+pt$on or se o" #ontro!!ed s3stan#es
;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< on adDa#ent property or at an e%ent an o3ser%er wo!d asso#$ate w$th the
8ratern$ty, the Ca3$net sha!! p!a#e the person on sspens$on and !e%y a "$ne o" two hndred do!!ars
1-2130 In the #ase o" the se#ond o##rren#e o" possess$on, #ons+pt$on or se o" #ontro!!ed s3stan#es on
adDa#ent property or at an e%ent an o3ser%er wo!d asso#$ate w$th the 8ratern$ty, the Ca3$net sha!!
ter+$nate h$s hos$n, #ontra#t and the person sha!! +o%e ot o" the Chapter Hose $++ed$ate!y=
1-2140 In add$t$on to the a3o%e, other d$s#$p!$ne +ay 3e !e%$ed or $n%oBed 3y the Ca3$net, t$!$I$n, the r!es o"
the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or=
1-3000 DAMAGES: Any da+a,es to Chapter property sha!! 3e pa$d "or or $++ed$ate!y repa$red 3y the
person or persons respons$3!e=
1-4000 HOUSE RULES: Hose R!es sha!! 3e a%a$!a3!e $n Chapter ) o" the e!e#tron$# Me+3ers Mana! on
the ChapterAs *e3s$te= Hose R!es +ay 3e a+ended 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" a!! a#t$%es present
and %ot$n, $n Chapter +eet$n, where a Cor+ $s present=
1-5000 ADVERSE ACTIONS: No +e+3er sha!! part$#$pate $n any a#t$on wh$#h +$,ht re"!e#t ad%erse!y
pon th$s Chapter or on the 8ratern$ty=
IFC Policy for Dry Rush: See Chapter 18
Controlled Substances: See Chapters 7 and 17
Risk Management and Liability: See Chapter 7
Drinking and Driving: See Board of Trustees Policies in Chapter 5
House Rules: See Chapter 2
Procedures Concerning Disciplinary Matters: See Chapter 8
Members Manual 1.11
2-1100 SCHOLASTIC PROBATION: Any a#t$%e who has a ,rade po$nt a%era,e 3e!ow a )=:-- "or one
se+ester sha!! 3e p!a#ed on s#ho!ast$# pro3at$on=
2-1200 TERMINATION OF LIVING IN CHAPTER HOUSE: Any a#t$%e who has a ,rade po$nt a%era,e
3e!ow a )=:-- "or an ent$re a#ade+$# year sha!! not 3e a!!owed to !$%e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n, the
"o!!ow$n, s#hoo! year, n!ess wa$%ed $n wr$t$n, 3y the Board o" Trstees=
2-2000 SEMESTER DEFINED: A se+ester sha!! 3e de"$ned as 3e$n, e$ther the "a!! or spr$n, se+ester=
Howe%er, $" des$red, the spr$n, ter+ andGor s++er $nter$+ ter+ andGor s++er s#hoo! +ay 3e
#o+3$ned to ,et the spr$n, se+ester a%era,e, and the "a!! ter+ and w$nter $nter$+ ter+ +ay 3e
#o+3$ned to ,et the "a!! se+ester a%era,e=
2-2100 ACADEMIC YEAR DEFINED: The a#ade+$# year sha!! 3e,$n w$th the "$rst day o" spr$n, se+ester
$n 5anary and end w$th the !ast day o" the w$nter $nter$+ ter+ $n 5anary= The ,rade po$nt a%era,e
"or an a#ade+$# year sha!! 3e de"$ned as 3e$n, the #o+3$ned spr$n, and "a!! se+esters ,rade po$nt
a%era,es= Howe%er, $" des$red, the ,rade po$nt a%era,es "or the spr$n, $nter$+ ter+, s++er s#hoo!
andGor the w$nter $nter$+ ter+ $n that a#ade+$# year +ay 3e #o+3$ned w$th the spr$n, and "a!!
se+ester ,rade po$nt a%era,es to ,et the a#ade+$# year ,rade po$nt a%era,e=
2-3000 SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE: The S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, #o+posed o" the S#ho!arsh$p
Cha$r+an, who sha!! 3e #ha$r+an, the Resor#e Coord$nator, the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en,
the .res$dent, and +e+3ers appo$nted 3y the .res$dent w$th the #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee,
sha!! deter+$ne C$et hors, stdy ha!! and a!! +atters #on#ern$n, s#ho!arsh$p=
Scholarships, Awards and Grants-in-Aid: See Chapters 12, 14, 15 and 16
Board of Trustees Policies: See Chapter 5
1.12 Members Manual
3-1100 OFFICER QUALIFICATIONS AND TERMS OF OFFICE: A!! o""$#ers, e!e#ted or appo$nt$%e,
+st !$%e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n, the$r ter+ o" o""$#e> e/#ept "or the Anne/ Coord$nator, who
+st !$%e $n the Chapter Hose or an appro%ed anne/= A!! e!e#ted and appo$nt$%e o""$#ers +st ha%e a
)=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e or 3etter dr$n, the pre#ed$n, se+ester to 3e e!$,$3!e "or e!e#t$on or
3-1200 A!! o""$#ers +st Ca!$"y 3y the Nat$ona! By!aws and .o!$#$es and .ro#edres, E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es
and Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty and the
spe#$"$#at$ons there$n=
3-1300 The .res$dent and the Treasrer sha!! 3e e!e#ted to ter+s o" one year= Two Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on
Cha$r+en sha!! 3e e!e#ted to ter+s o" one year=
3-1400 The H$stor$an sha!! 3e e!e#ted to a ter+ o" one year=
3-1500 The A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er sha!! 3e e!e#ted to a ter+ o" one year= The S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an sha!!
3e e!e#ted to a ter+ o" one year=
3-1600 The .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an sha!! 3e e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed w$th other e!e#ted o""$#ers ea#h se+ester=
He sha!! ser%e that se+ester as Ass$stant .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an> and sha!! ser%e a se+ester ter+ as
.h$!anthropy Cha$r+an 3e,$nn$n, the "$rst day o" the ne/t se+ester=
3-1700 The Hose Mana,er sha!! 3e e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed w$th other e!e#ted o""$#ers ea#h se+ester= He sha!!
ser%e that se+ester as Ass$stant Hose Mana,er> and sha!! ser%e a se+ester ter+ as Hose Mana,er
3e,$nn$n, the "$rst day o" the ne/t se+ester=
3-1800 The V$#e-.res$dent, the Chap!a$n, the Se#retary, the R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#erGSo#$a! Cha$r+an, the
Ser,eant-at-Ar+s, the 0oorBeeper, the .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er, the So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator, the
Hose Mana,er, the Anne/ Coord$nator, the .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an, the K$t#hen Mana,er and the
Brotherhood Cha$r+an sha!! 3e e!e#ted tw$#e-year!y= Un!ess otherw$se pro%$ded here$n, they sha!! 3e
e!e#ted to ter+s o" one se+ester=
3-1900 A!! o""$#ers w$!! ser%e nt$! the$r s##essors ha%e 3een d!y e!e#ted, $nsta!!ed and Ca!$"$ed=
: E!e#t$%e
o""$#ers sha!! 3e e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed at the t$+es spe#$"$ed?
3-2110 The .res$dent, a V$#e-.res$dent and a Chap!a$n sha!! 3e e!e#ted dr$n, the "$rst or se#ond weeB o"
No%e+3er and $nsta!!ed w$th other e!e#ted o""$#ers $n the spr$n, se+ester= A V$#e-.res$dent and a
Chap!a$n sha!! 3e e!e#ted dr$n, the "$rst or se#ond weeB o" Apr$! and $nsta!!ed w$th other e!e#ted
o""$#ers $n the "a!! se+ester=
3-2120 The Treasrer sha!! 3e e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed w$th other e!e#ted o""$#ers $n the spr$n, se+ester and sha!!
ser%e a ter+ #on#rrent w$th the "$s#a! year o" the Chapter, 3e,$nn$n, the ne/t 5ne &st and end$n, the
"o!!ow$n, May 7&st=
3-2130 The H$stor$an sha!! 3e e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed w$th other e!e#ted o""$#ers $n the spr$n, se+ester and sha!!
ser%e a ter+ 3e,$nn$n, the "$rst day o" the "a!! se+ester=
Officer Qualifications, Elections and Installation: See Also Chapter 10
Elected Chapter Officers, Rank and 1ob Descriptions: See Chapter 11
Members Manual 1.13
3-2140 The R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#erGSo#$a! Cha$r+an sha!! 3e e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed w$th other e!e#ted
o""$#ers ea#h se+ester= To 3e e!$,$3!e "or e!e#t$on, he sha!! ha%e !$%ed $n the Chapter Hose "or at !east
three se+esters= He sha!! ser%e that se+ester as R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#er, Ass$stant So#$a! Cha$r+an
and 1AMMA representat$%e> and sha!! ser%e a se+ester ter+ as So#$a! Cha$r+an 3e,$nn$n, the "$rst
day o" the ne/t se+ester=
3-2150 The .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an sha!! 3e e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed w$th other e!e#ted o""$#ers ea#h se+ester=
He sha!! ser%e that se+ester as Ass$stant .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an> and sha!! ser%e a se+ester ter+ as
.h$!anthropy Cha$r+an 3e,$nn$n, the "$rst day o" that ne/t se+ester=
3-2160 The Hose Mana,er sha!! 3e e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed w$th other e!e#ted o""$#ers ea#h se+ester= He sha!!
ser%e that se+ester as Ass$stant Hose Mana,er> and sha!! ser%e a se+ester ter+ as Hose Mana,er
3e,$nn$n, the "$rst day o" that ne/t se+ester=
3-2210 The Se#retary, one R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#erGSo#$a! Cha$r+an, Ser,eant-at-Ar+s, 0oorBeeper, one
Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an, .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er, So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator, A!+n$
Re!at$ons 2""$#er, one Hose Mana,er, Anne/ Coord$nator, one .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an, K$t#hen
Mana,er and Brotherhood Cha$r+ansha!! 3e e!e#ted not sooner than one ;&< weeB nor !ater than two
;)< weeBs "o!!ow$n, spr$n, $n$t$at$on=
3-2220 Insta!!at$on o" a!! s#h o""$#ers sha!! 3e not sooner than one ;&< weeB a"ter the pre#ed$n, e!e#t$on,
e/#ept as pro%$ded $n 7-)&&-=
3-2310 The Se#retary, one R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#erGSo#$a! Cha$r+an, Ser,eant-at-Ar+s, 0oorBeeper, the
Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an other than the person e!e#ted $n the spr$n, se+ester, .3!$#
Re!at$ons 2""$#er, So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator, A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er, one Hose Mana,er, Anne/
Coord$nator, one .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an, K$t#hen Mana,er, Brotherhood Cha$r+an and S#ho!arsh$p
Cha$r+an sha!! 3e e!e#ted not sooner than one ;&< weeB nor !ater than two ;)< weeBs "o!!ow$n, "a!!
3-2320 Insta!!at$on o" a!! s#h o""$#ers sha!! 3e not sooner than one ;&< weeB a"ter the pre#ed$n, e!e#t$on,
e/#ept as pro%$ded $n 7-)&&-=
3-2400 E!e#t$ons sha!! 3e annon#ed two ;)< weeBs 3e"ore they are s#hed!ed to o##r=
OFFICERS: E!e#ted o""$#ers +ay 3e re+o%ed "ro+ o""$#e $n the "o!!ow$n, +anner?
3-3110 A +ot$on "or $+pea#h+ent +st 3e +ade and se#onded and a +aDor$ty o" a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers
present and %ot$n, +st #on#r= Th$s +ot$on $s ato+at$#a!!y ta3!ed "or a two-weeB per$od= A"ter that
t$+e, the ta3!ed +ot$on w$!! 3e d$s#ssed and %oted on=
3-3120 A %ote o" three-"orths ;7G6< o" the a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers present and %ot$n, +st 3e o3ta$ned "or an
e!e#ted o""$#er to 3e re+o%ed "ro+ o""$#e=
3-3200 Appo$nt$%e o""$#ers +ay 3e re!$e%ed o" the$r o""$#e $n the "o!!ow$n, +anner?
3-3210 A two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" the +e+3ers o" the Ca3$net +ay %ote to re+o%e an appo$nt$%e o""$#er "ro+
o""$#e= Therepon, the .res$dent sha!!, w$th the #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, appo$nt a
rep!a#e+ent "or the 3a!an#e o" the ter+ o" o""$#e=
3-3220 The Chapter +ay re#o++end to the Ca3$net, 3y +aDor$ty %ote, that an appo$nt$%e o""$#er 3e #ons$dered
"or d$s+$ssa!=
1.14 Members Manual
: The dt$es o" the o""$#ers sha!! 3e as de"$ned $n
the By!aws and .o!$#$es and .ro#edres, E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es and Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o"
2perat$ons o" the 8ratern$ty, w$th the "o!!ow$n, add$t$ons?
3-4100 VICE-PRESIDENT DUTIES: The V$#e-.res$dent sha!! 3e $n #har,e o" a!! appo$nt$%e o""$#ers and
#o++$ttees and sha!! #oord$nate the$r a#t$%$t$es= He sha!! 3e #ha$r+an o" any 3y-!aw #o++$ttee and $s
respons$3!e "or Beep$n, these By-Laws p-to-date=
3-4200 TREASURER DUTIES: The Treasrer sha!! 3e #ha$r+an o" the 8$nan#e Co++$ttee= He sha!! 3e
respons$3!e "or a!! "$nan#$a! transa#t$ons, d$s3rse+ents and #o!!e#t$ons o" the Chapter dr$n, the
"$s#a! year o" h$s ter+ o" o""$#e, $n#!d$n, the "$s#a! re%$ew 3y $ndependent ad$tors "o!!ow$n, the
#o+p!et$on o" s#h "$s#a! year= He sha!! persona!!y s$,n a!! d$s3rse+ents o" Chapter "nds, wh$#h
sha!! 3e #onters$,ned 3y the .res$dent or V$#e-.res$dent ;$" nder N&,---< or +ana!!y #onters$,ned
3y the .res$dent ;$" N&,--- or +ore<=
3-4300 MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION COMMITTEE PROGRAM: Be"ore the end o" the se+ester
pre#ed$n,, the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee sha!! s3+$t to the Chapter "or appro%a! the p!anned
+e+3ersh$p ed#at$on pro,ra+ "or the s##eed$n, se+ester, and at any other t$+e the Chapter sho!d
so reCest= 2n#e appro%ed, s#h pro,ra+ sha!! 3e the on!y +e+3ersh$p ed#at$on a#t$%$t$es and
pro,ra+s o" the Chapter= Any o+$ss$ons, add$t$ons or enhan#e+ents 3y any a#t$%e or ,rop o" a#t$%es,
other than thro,h pro#edres spe#$"$#a!!y appro%ed 3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee and
prsant to th$s se#t$on, are proh$3$ted= S#h a#t$%$t$es and a!! p!ed,e pro,ra+s and +e+3ersh$p
ed#at$on pro,ra+s sha!! 3e s3De#t to the appro%a! o" the Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees=
3-4400 HISTORIAN DUTIES: The H$stor$an sha!! 3e Ed$tor o" The Vintage, $n add$t$on to other dt$es and
respons$3$!$t$es= He sha!! p3!$sh two or +ore ed$t$ons o" The Vintage anna!!y= He and the A!+n$
Re!at$ons 2""$#er sha!! p3!$sh a d$re#tory o" 0e!ta Theta a!+n$ e%ery year= He sha!! $++ed$ate!y
"orward #op$es o" a!! #hapter p3!$#at$ons and other $te+s o" $nterest ;%$deos, newspaper art$#!es,
Chapter or $nd$%$da! a#h$e%e+ents< to the 0$re#tor o" Co++n$#at$ons at the Nat$ona! HeadCarters=
3-4500 ANNEX COORDINATOR DUTIES: The Anne/ Coord$nator sha!! 3e $n #har,e o" the p!ann$n,,
or,an$Iat$on and e/e#t$on o" pro,ra+s $n%o!%$n, a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n appro%ed
anne/es> and sha!! 3e the$r representat$%e and des$,nee on the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee=
3-4600 CHAPLAIN DUTIES: The Chap!a$n sha!! 3e the sp$r$ta! !eader o" the Chapter=
3-4700 ALUMNI RELATIONS OFFICER DUTIES: The A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er sha!! #oord$nate a!!
a!+n$ weeBends and e%ents, a!+n$ ren$ons, a!+n$ #o++n$#at$ons and other a!+n$ a#t$%$t$es o"
the Chapter= He sha!! $n%o!%e the Chapter $n a #ont$n$n, a!+n$ re!at$ons pro,ra+= He sha!! 3e the
!$a$son "or the Chapter w$th the 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on= He
sha!! 3e respons$3!e "or the ChapterAs +a$! and sha!! see that a!! +a$! $s proper!y re#e$%ed and a!!
a!+n$ and ot-o"-hose +a$! "orwarded= He and the H$stor$an sha!! p3!$sh a d$re#tory o" 0e!ta Theta
a!+n$ e%ery year=
3-4800 PHILANTHROPY CHAIRMAN DUTIES: The .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an sha!! p!an, or,an$Ie and
e/e#te one or +ore ph$!anthrop$# a#t$%$t$es ea#h se+ester to 3ene"$t not-"or-pro"$t or,an$Iat$on;s<
#hosen 3y the Chapter=
3-4900 BROTHERHOOD CHAIRMAN DUTIES: The Brotherhood Cha$r+an sha!! 3e respons$3!e "or a!!
Chapter-on!y a#t$%$t$es and e%ents, the pro+ot$on o" tota! 3rotherhood thro,hot the Chapter and
"oster$n, 3rotherhood 3etween a!! +e+3ers and p!ed,es= He sha!! #oord$nate a!! a#t$%$t$es and e%ents
w$th the .res$dent and R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en=
3-5000 SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN DUTIES: The S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an sha!! 3e respons$3!e "or a!! o"
the s#ho!arsh$p pro,ra+s o" the Chapter, $n#!d$n, Cortesy ;@$et< Hors, Stdy Hors, and p!ed,e
and a#t$%e s#ho!ast$# a#h$e%e+ents=
Members Manual 1.15
3-5100 BOARD OF TRUSTEES UNDERGRADUATE MEMBERS: In the spr$n, se+ester o" e%ery year,
the Chapter sha!! se!e#t a +e+3er as an at-!ar,e +e+3er o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees, who,
a!on, w$th the .res$dent, the V$#e-.res$dent, the Chap!a$n and the 2tstand$n, New Me+3er Award
re#$p$ent, sha!! represent the nder,radate $nterests o" the Chapter= He sha!! ser%e nt$! h$s s##essor
$s se!e#ted and Ca!$"$ed=
? The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee sha!! 3e #o+posed o" the "o!!ow$n,
twenty-threee ;)7< +e+3ers? The V$#e-.res$dent, who sha!! pres$de at a!! +eet$n,s> the .res$dent> the
Chap!a$n> the Treasrer> the Se#retary> two R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en> the
H$stor$an> the Ser,eant-at-Ar+s> the 0oorBeeper> the two Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en> the
.3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er> the So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator> the A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er> the Hose
Mana,er> the Anne/ Coord$nator> the .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an> the K$t#hen Mana,er> the Me+3ersh$p
Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an> the S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an> the Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er and the Brotherhood
Cha$r+an= A!! +e+3ers sha!! ha%e one %ote there$n, e/#ept the V$#e-.res$dent, who sha!! on!y %ote $"
the %ot$n, +e+3ers are eCa!!y d$%$ded> and e/#ept "or the non-ser%$n, Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on
Cha$r+an, who sha!! ha%e no %ote= 2ther o""$#ers pro%$ded $n 7-:&--, 7-(--- and 7-()&- sha!! 3e e/-
o""$#$o +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, w$thot %ote=
3-5210 They sha!! +eet when #a!!ed 3y the .res$dent and he sha!! annon#e the +eet$n, t$+e to the Chapter=
A Cor+ to do 3s$ness sha!! #ons$st o" twe!%e ;&)< o" the twenty-three ;)7< +e+3ers o" the
E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= M$ntes, ro!! and %otes o" ea#h +eet$n, sha!! 3e re#orded and e!e#tron$#a!!y
d$str$3ted 3y the Se#retary to a!! +e+3ers=
3-5300 Any de#$s$on +ade 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee +ay 3e a+ended or re%ersed 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7<
%ote o" the Chapter=
3-5410 The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee sha!! ha%e the "o!!ow$n, powers?
3-5411 0e!e,ate and a#t "or the Chapter when $t $s $+poss$3!e or $+pra#t$#a! "or that 3ody to +eet, e/#ept
when otherw$se pro%$ded $n these By-Laws=
3-5412 Constre, $nterpret and en"or#e these By-Laws, e/#ept when otherw$se pro%$ded $n these By-Laws=
3-5413 MaBe appropr$at$ons "or ne#essary #ap$ta! $+pro%e+ents or n3d,eted or e/traord$nary e/penses> 3t
$n no #ase sha!! an appropr$at$on "or a #ap$ta! $+pro%e+ent or n3d,eted or e/traord$nary e/pense
e/#eed one thosand do!!ars ;N&,---< "or a part$#!ar $te+ w$thot a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" those
%ot$n, +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee present at a +eet$n, where a Cor+ $s present=
3-5414 Sspend or e/pe! +e+3ers, t$!$I$n, the r!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or= A two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o"
those %ot$n, +e+3ers present at a +eet$n, where a Cor+ $s present sha!! 3e ne#essary "or a pena!ty
o" e/p!s$on "ro+ the 8ratern$ty=
3-5500 CABINET
: The Ca3$net sha!! 3e #o+posed o" the "o!!ow$n, e$,ht ;4< +e+3ers? The Chap!a$n,
who sha!! pres$de at a!! +eet$n,s> the .res$dent> the V$#e-.res$dent> the Treasrer> the Se#retary> the
H$stor$an> the Ser,eant-at-Ar+s> and the 0oorBeeper= A!! +e+3ers sha!! ha%e one %ote there$n,
e/#ept the Chap!a$n, who sha!! on!y %ote $" they 3e eCa!!y d$%$ded=
3-5600 They sha!! +eet when #a!!ed 3y the .res$dent= M$ntes, ro!! and %otes o" ea#h +eet$n, sha!! 3e
re#orded and e!e#tron$#a!!y d$str$3ted 3y the Se#retary to a!! +e+3ers=
3-5700 Any de#$s$on +ade 3y the Ca3$net +ay 3e a+ended or re%ersed 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" the
Chapter= Meet$n,s o" the Ca3$net are #!osed to a!! other +e+3ers and p!ed,es e/#ept those $n%$ted 3y
the Ca3$net= A Cor+ to do 3s$ness sha!! #ons$st o" "$%e ;:< o" the e$,ht ;4< +e+3ers=
1.16 Members Manual
3-5810 The Ca3$net sha!! ha%e the "o!!ow$n, powers and dt$es?
3-5811 Ser%e as the !on,-ran,e p!ann$n, #o++$ttee o" the Chapter=
3-5812 .ro+ote, en#ora,e and +on$tor the a#h$e%e+ent o" the 0e!ta Theta JM$ss$on State+entJ 3y the
3-5813 Ad%$se the .res$dent=
3-5814 Hand!e e+er,en#y 3s$ness=
3-5815 By a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote, re+o%e appo$nt$%e Chapter o""$#ers and sa!ar$ed e+p!oyees=
3-6100 CHAPTER MEETINGS: Chapter +eet$n,s w$!! 3e he!d at a t$+e to 3e de#$ded 3y the .res$dent=
3-6200 QUORUM: A +aDor$ty o" those a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose #onst$ttes a
Cor+ to do 3s$ness=
3-6300 ABSENCES: A!! ne/#sed a3sentees, pon deter+$nat$on 3y the .res$dent, sha!! 3e "$ned at !east
ten do!!ars ;N&-=--< "or ea#h re,!ar +eet$n, +$ssed=
3-6400 At !east one ;&< "or+a! +eet$n, sha!! 3e he!d ea#h +onth o" the s#hoo! year=
3-7000 APPOINTIVE OFFICERS: The appo$nt$%e o""$#ers sha!! 3e appo$nted 3y the .res$dent, w$th the
ad%$#e and #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, "or a ter+ o" one se+ester> e/#ept that the Chapter
sha!! se!e#t a +e+3er, who sha!! 3e appo$nted 3y the .res$dent, as Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent
Cha$r+an, "or a ter+ o" one year= Appo$nt$%e o""$#ers sha!! $n#!de, 3t not 3e !$+$ted to? Ass$stant
Treasrer, Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an and Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+en,
Ass$stant Hose Mana,er, S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an, Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er, Resor#e Coord$nator,
Intra+ra!s Cha$r+an, Son, Leader, Ca+ps A#t$%$t$es Coord$nator and BA00 0ty Coord$nator=
3-7110 ASSISTANT TREASURER DUTIES: The Ass$stant Treasrer sha!! ass$st the Treasrer w$th any
and a!! o" h$s dt$es, as ass$,ned 3y the Treasrer=
Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an and Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+en sha!! 3e respons$3!e "or
re#r$t$n, otstand$n,, Ca!$"$ed +en who w$!! 3e#o+e p!ed,es and then a#t$%e +e+3ers o" the
Chapter and the 8ratern$ty= They sha!! re#r$t two p!ed,e #!asses dr$n, the s#hoo! year and are
respons$3!e "or Beep$n, the Chapter Hose at "!! #apa#$ty thro,h the re#r$t+ent o" new +e+3ers=
3-7130 COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER DUTIES: The Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er sha!! 3e respons$3!e "or
a!! e!e#tron$# and #o+pter operat$ons o" the Chapter, $n#!d$n, a!! Chapter #o+pters and pr$nters,
phone syste+s and other e!e#tron$# +ed$a= He sha!! 3e the *e3 En,$neer o" the Chapter and
respons$3!e "or the ChapterAs Ho+e .a,e=
3-7140 RESOURCE COORDINATOR DUTIES: The Resor#e Coord$nator sha!! 3e respons$3!e "or a!! o"
the "$!es and re#ords perta$n$n, to n$%ers$ty #orses and Beep$n, s#h +ater$a!s p-to-date=
3-7150 INTRAMURALS CHAIRMAN DUTIES: The Intra+ra!s Cha$r+an sha!! 3e respons$3!e "or the
re#r$t+ent and #oord$nator o" a!! $nd$%$da! and tea+ $ntra+ra! e%ents=
3-7160 SONG LEADER DUTIES: The Son, Leader sha!! 3e respons$3!e "or a!! +s$#a! and s$n,$n,
a#t$%$t$es o" the Chapter, $n#!d$n, those $n%o!%$n, serenades and "n#t$ons= He w$!! pro+ote s$n,$n,
at +ea!s, +eet$n,s and other Chapter a#t$%$t$es=
Members Manual 1.17
3-7170 BADD DUTY COORDINATOR DUTIES: The BA00 0ty Coord$nator sha!! #oord$nate and
d$re#t the ChapterOs BA00 0ty ;Brothers A,a$nst 0r$%$n, 0rnB< .ro,ra+ and sha!! ass$,n e%ery
+e+3er and p!ed,e to BA00 0ty dr$n, *ednesday thro,h Satrday n$,hts dr$n, the s#hoo!
: The
.res$dent sha!! appo$nt s#h #o++$ttees and +e+3ers thereo" as he sha!! dee+ ne#essary "or the
e""$#$ent operat$on o" the Chapter, not $n#ons$stent w$th these By-Laws= The .res$dent sha!! appo$nt,
w$th the ad%$#e and #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, the #ha$r+en and ass$stant #ha$r+en o" s#h
3-7220 A!! appo$nt+ents +ade 3y the .res$dent sha!! 3e "or a ter+ o" one se+ester> e/#ept the Me+3ersh$p
Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an sha!! 3e appo$nted "or a ter+ #o++en#$n, w$th the 3e,$nn$n, o" the "a!!
se+ester and end$n, w$th the 3e,$nn$n, o" the ne/t "a!! se+ester, and e/#ept the 8a!! Ass$stant
Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+en sha!! 3e appo$nted "or ter+s #o++en#$n, w$th the 3e,$nn$n, o"
the "a!! se+ester and end$n, w$th the 3e,$nn$n, o" the spr$n, se+ester, and e/#ept that Spr$n,
Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+en sha!! 3e appo$nted "or ter+s #o++en#$n, w$th the
3e,$nn$n, o" the spr$n, se+ester and end$n, w$th the 3e,$nn$n, o" the "a!! se+ester= The Me+3ersh$p
Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an and any Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+en sha!! "n#t$on nder a
#ontra#ta! a,ree+ent w$th the Chapter=
3-7230 In appo$nt$n, #o++$ttee +e+3ers, the .res$dent sha!! ,$%e #ons$derat$on to the "o!!ow$n,?
3-7231 Ut$!$I$n, an e/$st$n, o""$#er as #ha$r+an o" s#h #o++$ttee, $" dee+ed to 3e appropr$ate>
3-7232 @a!$"$#at$ons and #rr$#!a o" +e+3ers o" the Chapter that wo!d 3e 3ene"$#$a! to s#h #o++$ttees>
3-7233 .roport$ona! representat$on o" +e+3ers as to #!asses and %$ewpo$nts>
3-7234 Representat$on o" 3oth a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers and p!ed,es> and
3-7235 Representat$on o" 3oth persons !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose and $n appro%ed anne/es=
3-7240 SELECT OR STANDING COMMITTEES: Co++$ttees sha!! 3e e$ther se!e#t or stand$n,
3-7241 Se!e#t #o++$ttees sha!! 3e those esta3!$shed as pro%$ded $n 7-()&-=
3-7242 Stand$n, #o++$ttees sha!! 3e those #o++$ttees whose +e+3ersh$p, athor$ty and dt$es are
esta3!$shed 3y these By-Laws or the By!aws and .o!$#$es and .ro#edres, E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es or
Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons o" the 8ratern$ty=
3-7250 A!! se!e#t #o++$ttees, as spe#$"$ed $n 7-()6&, sha!! s3+$t a report o" a!! %otes #ons$dered and taBen
on any +ot$on, to the Chapter "or a##eptan#e, +od$"$#at$on or reDe#t$on= S#h #o++$ttee report +st
3e a##epted 3y the Chapter at the sa+e +eet$n, at wh$#h $t $s s3+$tted, n!ess a#t$on $s postponed 3y
the Chapter> otherw$se, the #o++$ttee report $s reDe#ted=
3-7260 A!! stand$n, #o++$ttees, as spe#$"$ed $n 7-()6), sha!! s3+$t a report o" a!! %otes taBen, on a!!
+ot$ons, to the Chapter= S#h report sha!! 3e dee+ed to ha%e 3een adopted ato+at$#a!!y> n!ess the
Chapter, 3y a +aDor$ty %ote ;or as otherw$se pro%$ded $n these By-Laws< o" those present and %ot$n,,
sha!! d$sappro%e s#h #o++$ttee report or any port$on thereo"=
3-7300 VICE-PRESIDENT COMMITTEE DUTIES: The V$#e-.res$dent sha!! see that a!! appo$nt$%e
o""$#ers and #o++$ttees sha!! "a$th"!!y per"or+ the$r dt$es as esta3!$shed 3y Hose R!es, d!y-
ena#ted +ot$on o" the Chapter or E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, d$re#t$%e o" the .res$dent, or these By-Laws=
1.18 Members Manual
: The Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee sha!!
3e #o+posed o" the two Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en> the S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an> the Hose
Mana,er> the .res$dent> the V$#e-.res$dent> the Se#retary> the Ser,eant-at-Ar+s> the 0oorBeeper> and
two ;)< +e+3ers appo$nted 3y the .res$dent w$th the #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= A!! past
.res$dents and past Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en who are a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers sha!! 3e e/-
o""$#$o +e+3ers, w$thot %ote= The re,!ar +e+3ers o" the Co++$ttee sha!! #hoose one o" the re,!ar
+e+3ers to pres$de at a!! +eet$n,s= Meet$n,s o" the Co++$ttee are #!osed to a!! other +e+3ers and
p!ed,es e/#ept those $n%$ted 3y the Co++$ttee= A Cor+ to do 3s$ness sha!! #ons$st o" s$/ ;9< o" the
e!e%en ;&&< re,!ar +e+3ers=
3-8200 The pr$+ary powers o" the Co++$ttee sha!! 3e d$s#$p!$nary $n re,ards to p!ed,es= Any de#$s$on o" the
Co++$ttee sha!! 3e $n a##ordan#e w$th the r!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or and +ay 3e a+ended or
re%ersed 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" the Chapter=
3-8300 The pr$+ary dt$es o" the Co++$ttee sha!! 3e to d$s#ss w$th $nd$%$da! p!ed,es h$s pro3!e+s and
#on#erns and to "$nd sat$s"a#tory so!t$ons, to report to the Chapter on the p!ed,esA pro,ress, to d$s#ss
and a#t pon pro3!e+s w$th $nd$%$da! a#t$%es, and to e/a+$ne, d$s#ss and e%a!ate reports s3+$tted
3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en, S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an, Hose Mana,er, .res$dent, V$#e-
.res$dent and any other a#t$%e Chapter +e+3er=
3-8400 The Co++$ttee sha!! +eet re,!ar!y on#e ea#h +onth dr$n, the s#hoo! year at a t$+e to 3e
deter+$ned 3y the pres$d$n, o""$#er, and +ay +eet at s#h other t$+es as dee+ed ne#essary 3y the
pres$d$n, o""$#er, the ser%$n, Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an or the .res$dent=
: The 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee sha!! 3e #o+posed o" ten ;&-< +e+3ers?
The V$#e-.res$dent, who sha!! pres$de at a!! +eet$n,s> the .res$dent> the Chap!a$n> the Treasrer> the
Se#retary> the Ser,eant-at-Ar+s> the 0oorBeeper> and three ;7< +e+3ers appo$nted 3y the .res$dent
w$th the #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= A!! +e+3ers sha!! ha%e one %ote there$n, e/#ept the
V$#e-.res$dent, who sha!! on!y %ote $" the %ot$n, +e+3ers are eCa!!y d$%$ded=
3-9200 The 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee sha!! de#$de a!! d$s#$p!$nary #ases w$th$n the$r Dr$sd$#t$on and those $n%o!%$n,
"$nes "or a#t$%es and p!ed,es= Any de#$s$on +ade 3y the Co++$ttee sha!! 3e $n a##ordan#e w$th the
r!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or and +ay 3e a+ended or re%ersed 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" the
3-9300 The 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee sha!! +eet re,!ar!y on#e ea#h +onth dr$n, the s#hoo! year at a t$+e to 3e
deter+$ned 3y the V$#e-.res$dent, and +ay +eet at s#h other t$+es as dee+ed ne#essary 3y the V$#e-
.res$dent or the .res$dent= The Cor+ to do 3s$ness sha!! #ons$st o" s$/ ;9< o" the ten ;&-< %ot$n,
+e+3ers o" the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee= M$ntes, ro!! and %otes o" ea#h +eet$n, sha!! 3e e!e#tron$#a!!y
d$str$3ted 3y the Se#retary to a!! +e+3ers=
3-9400 RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: The R$sB Mana,e+ent Co++$ttee, #o+posed o" the two
R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en ;who sha!! 3e #o-#ha$r+en<, the .res$dent, V$#e-
.res$dent, the Chap!a$n and Treasrer, sha!! 3e respons$3!e "or p!ann$n, and #oord$nat$on o" a!! so#$a!
a#t$%$t$es o" the Chapter= A!! so#$a! a#t$%$t$es sha!! 3e annon#ed to the Chapter at !east s$/ days pr$or
to the e%ent, re%$ewed $n ad%an#e 3y the R$sB Mana,e+ent Co++$ttee and s3+$tted to 1reeB A""a$rs
at !east () hors pr$or to the e%ent= The R$sB Mana,e+ent Co++$ttee sha!! e%a!ate ea#h so#$a!
a#t$%$ty a"ter $ts #o+p!et$on> and sha!! +aBe a presentat$on to the Chapter on#e a se+ester re,ard$n,
a!#oho! sa"ety, !$a3$!$ty and "$re sa"ety=
3-9500 AWARDS COMMITTEE: The Awards Co++$ttee, #o+posed o" the V$#e-.res$dent as Cha$r+an,
the Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er as V$#e-Cha$r+an, the .res$dent, the H$stor$an and the .3!$# Re!at$ons
2""$#er, sha!! 3e respons$3!e "or #o+p$!at$on and #o+p!et$on o" the ChapterAs Anna! Report to 3oth
the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty and the KSU Inter"ratern$ty Con#$!, the Tho+as ArB!e C!arB Award and the
A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on S#ho!arsh$p Awards=
Members Manual 1.19
3-9600 COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: The Co++n$#at$ons Co++$ttee, #o+posed o" the
H$stor$an as Cha$r+an, the Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er as V$#e-Cha$r+an, the .res$dent, the .3!$#
Re!at$ons 2""$#er and the Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er, sha!! 3e respons$3!e "or a!! p3!$# #o++n$#at$ons,
$n#!d$n, Un$%ers$ty, e!e#tron$# +ed$a, pr$nt +ed$a and a!+n$=
Composition of Standing Committees: See Also Chapter 11
Meeting Times and Duties of Membership Education Committee: See Also Chapter 17
Methods and Procedures Concerning Disciplinary Matters: See Chapter 8
1.20 Members Manual
4-1000 WORK WEEK: A!! a#t$%es and spr$n, se+ester p!ed,es who do not retrn to s#hoo! $n the "a!! "or
worB weeB 3y the t$+e set 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee sha!! 3e assessed ten do!!ars ;N&-=--< per day
they are !ate p to th$rty do!!ars ;N7-=--<, n!ess sat$s"a#tory arran,e+ents are +ade w$th the
? Un!ess spe#$"$#a!!y otherw$se pro%$ded, "$nes a,a$nst
a#t$%es +ay 3e $+posed 3y the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee= Any person +ay re#o++end a "$ne a,a$nst any
a#t$%e to the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee= The a##sed sha!! ha%e the r$,ht to 3e present and to o""er a s$ta3!e
4-2110 No "$ne a,a$nst an a#t$%e sha!! 3e %a!$d n!ess e!e#tron$#a!!y d$str$3ted to a!! +e+3ers "o!!ow$n, the
de#$s$on o" the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee=
4-2120 8$nes a,a$nst a#t$%es sha!! 3e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the a#t$%e or assessed a,a$nst the$r da+a,e and
"$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on= Sspens$ons and e/p!s$ons sha!! 3e $+posed $n
a##ordan#e w$th pro#edres #onta$ned $n the r!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or=
? Un!ess spe#$"$#a!!y otherw$se pro%$ded, "$nes a,a$nst
p!ed,es +ay 3e $+posed 3y the .res$dent, the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an, the Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Co++$ttee, the Hose Mana,er ;w$th re,ard to hose dt$es and #!ean$n,<, the S#ho!arsh$p
Cha$r+an ;w$th re,ard to s#ho!arsh$p<, or 3y a +aDor$ty %ote o" the p!ed,e #!ass= Any person +ay
re#o++end a "$ne a,a$nst any p!ed,e to the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee= A!! "$nes a,a$nst p!ed,es sha!! 3e
re%$ewed 3y the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee 3e"ore they are !e%$ed, and the a##sed sha!! ha%e the r$,ht to 3e
present and to o""er a s$ta3!e de"ense= A!! "$nes a,a$nst p!ed,es sha!! 3e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the
p!ed,e or assessed a,a$nst the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on=
4-2210 8$nes a,a$nst p!ed,es $+posed 3y the +aDor$ty %ote o" the p!ed,e #!ass sha!! 3e #red$ted to the p!ed,e
#!ass treasry a##ont "or se as the p!ed,e #!ass sha!! deter+$ne=
4-2300 The 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee +ay pro%$de "or #onstr#t$%e a!ternat$%es to +onetary "$nes=
4-2400 The word J"$neJ sha!! 3e dee+ed to +ean an assess+ent=
: Ea#h o""$#er, e!e#t$%e or appo$nt$%e, sha!! 3ear any "$ne assessed "or h$s
"a$!re to proper!y per"or+ h$s dt$es=
4-3100 A!! +e+3ers, 3oth a#t$%es and p!ed,es, sha!! attend and part$#$pate $n a!! s#hed!ed re#r$t+ent
a#t$%$t$es dr$n, the s#hoo! year= A "$ne o" twenty do!!ars ;N)-=--< w$!! 3e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the
person or assessed a,a$nst the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on, n!ess the
+e+3er was e/#sed 3y the Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an=
4-3200 A!! +e+3ers, 3oth a#t$%es and p!ed,es, sha!! attend and part$#$pate $n at !east ): hors o" so#$a!
ser%$#e and #hapter ph$!anthropy e%ents dr$n, ea#h se+ester= A "$ne o" two do!!ars ;N)=--< "or ea#h
hor nder ): hors w$!! 3e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the person or assessed a,a$nst the$r da+a,e and
"$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on, n!ess the +e+3er was e/#sed 3y the 5d$#$a!
Co++$ttee= A!! so#$a! ser%$#e and #hapter ph$!anthropy "$nes sha!! 3e donated to #har$ty=
4-3300 A!! +e+3ers, 3oth a#t$%es and p!ed,es, sha!! part$#$pate as a dr$%er "or Brothers A,a$nst 0r$%$n,
0rnB ;B=A=0=0=< when ass$,ned= A "$ne o" "$"ty do!!ars ;N:-=--< w$!! 3e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the
person or assessed a,a$nst the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on "or any
ne/#sed a3sen#e or $n#apa#$tat$on=
Members Manual 1.21
4-4100 HOUSE BILLS: The hose 3$!! sha!! 3e set 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee=
4-4200 A!! hose 3$!!s are de when they are re#e$%ed> n!ess s3stant$a!, spe#$a! arran,e+ents ha%e 3een
+ade w$th the Treasrer, w$th the appro%a! o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee=
4-4300 In pay+ent o" the hose 3$!!, ;&< "$nes, ;)< des, ;7< roo+, and ;6< 3oard w$!! 3e taBen ot, $n that
order, "ro+ the a+ont re#e$%ed=
4-4410 I" any hose 3$!! re+a$ns npa$d "or +ore than ten ;&-< days or dr$n, dead weeB or "$na! weeB, the
person w$!! 3e taBen o"" ta3!es= I" any hose 3$!! $n e/#ess o" one +onthAs 3as$# hose 3$!! re+a$ns
npa$d "or +ore than th$rty ;7-< days, the person sha!! 3e 3ro,ht 3e"ore the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee=
4-4420 I" any hose 3$!! $n e/#ess o" one +onthAs 3as$# hose 3$!! or any se+ester!y anne/ "ee re+a$ns npa$d
"or +ore than s$/ty ;9-< days, the person w$!! 3e sspended and sha!! +o%e ot o" the Chapter Hose
or sha!! ha%e h$s anne/ a,ree+ent sspended ;as the #ase +ay 3e<, n!ess he appea!s to the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee and re#e$%es a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee present and %ot$n, to
wa$%e the sspens$on=
4-4430 No a#t$%e or p!ed,e sha!! 3e a!!owed to +o%e $nto the Chapter Hose at the 3e,$nn$n, o" a s#hoo! year
$" he has any npa$d a##onts re#e$%a3!e "ro+ the pre%$os s#hoo! year;s<=
4-4500 Un!ess sat$s"a#tory arran,e+ents ha%e 3een +ade, a!! hose 3$!!s de to 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta
2+e,a at the 3e,$nn$n, o" ea#h s##eed$n, s#hoo! year sha!! 3e trned o%er to 0e!ta Theta Chapter o"
A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on "or #o!!e#t$on=
4-4600 At the end o" ea#h and e%ery th$rty ;7-< day per$od, the Chapter sha!! #har,e a ser%$#$n, "$ne o" "$%e
do!!ars ;N:=--<, p!s $nterest at the +a/$++ !e,a! $nterest rate on a!! a##onts re#e$%a3!e=
4-4700 PARTY FAVOR FUNDS PROHIBITION: No "nds "or party "a%ors sha!! 3e pa$d "ro+ the ,enera!
Chapter treasry=
4-5000 DAMAGE AND FINE DEPOSIT: A!! persons !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose w$!! p!a#e a da+a,e and
"$ne depos$t w$th 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on= The Treasrer
sha!! #o!!e#t and "orward s#h depos$ts $++ed$ate!y pon re#e$pt= S#h depos$ts sha!! 3e sed 3y the
B$!d$n, Corporat$on and the Chapter "or da+a,es and "$nes 3y +e+3ers or p!ed,es and sha!! 3e
s3De#t to re"nd prsant to B$!d$n, Corporat$on ,$de!$nes=
4-6000 SPECIAL HOUSE BILLS: The Treasrer sha!! deter+$ne the a+ont o" spe#$a! hose 3$!!s ;"or
roo+ on!y, +ea!s on!y, et#=< w$th the appro%a! o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee=
4-7000 NON-ACTIVE MEMBERS, SOCIAL EVENT ATTENDANCE: Any +e+3er not !$%$n, $n the
Chapter Hose or an appro%ed anne/ w$!! not 3e on the Chapter Ro!! or sen$or$ty= No +e+3er or
p!ed,e, e/#ept those !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose or an appro%ed anne/, w$!! 3e $n%$ted to nor sha!!
they attend any Chapter so#$a! e%ent, e/#ept $" they +aBe "$nan#$a! arran,e+ents 3e"orehand w$th the
Treasrer, w$th the appro%a! o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee and pay appropr$ate "ees= Any a#t$%e who
has 3een a +e+3er or p!ed,e "or e$,ht se+esters or +ore, who $s !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose and has
s$,ned a hos$n, #ontra#t, sha!! 3e e/e+pt "ro+ pay+ent o" the so#$a! "ee= Any a#t$%e who has 3een a
+e+3er or p!ed,e "or e$,ht se+esters or +ore, who $s not !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose and has s$,ned
an anne/ a,ree+ent, sha!! 3e e/e+pt "ro+ pay+ent o" the ot-o"-hose "ee=
1.22 Members Manual
4-8000 KITCHEN CREW: A!! +e+3ers, 3oth a#t$%es and p!ed,es, who are s#hed!ed "or worB on B$t#hen
#rew +st worB the +ea! spe#$"$ed or "$nd a rep!a#e+ent= A "$ne o" twenty do!!ars ;N)-=--< w$!! 3e
pa$d $n #ash 3y the a3sentee to the K$t#hen Mana,er, who w$!! $++ed$ate!y "orward s#h "$ne to the
+e+3er rep!a#$n, the a3sentee, n!ess a +ta! a,ree+ent $s +ade 3etween the two part$es "or
s3st$tt$on o" worB at a !ater date= I" no +e+3er rep!a#ed the a3sentee, the "$ne sha!! 3e !e%$ed
d$re#t!y a,a$nst the a3sentee or assessed a,a$nst the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n,
Corporat$on= S3seCent a3sen#es w$!! 3e "$ned the or$,$na! "$ne p!s "$%e do!!ars ;N:=--< add$t$ona!
per o##rren#e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the a3sentee or assessed a,a$nst the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t
he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on==
4-8100 Any +e+3er, e$ther a#t$%e or p!ed,e, arr$%$n, e/#ess$%e!y !ate "or worB on B$t#hen #rew w$!! 3e "$ned
an a+ont not to e/#eed "$"teen do!!ars ;N&:=--<, !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the person or assessed a,a$nst
the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on=
4-9000 FISCAL YEAR: The "$s#a! year o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a sha!! 3e,$n on 5ne &st o" one
year and end on May 7&st o" the ne/t year=
Summary of Fees, Charges and Assessments: See Chapter 21
Rules of the National Chancellor: See Chapter 4
Building Corporation Chapter House Rules and Regulations: See Chapter 6
Make-Ups and Fines: See Chapter 17
Members Manual 1.23
5-1000 ELIGIBILITY FOR PLEDGING: No person sha!! 3e p!ed,ed to th$s Chapter n!ess he was $n the
top one-th$rd ;&G7< o" h$s h$,h s#hoo! ,radat$n, #!ass> or n!ess he has taBen and #o+p!eted at !east
twe!%e ;&)< hors, n$ne ;'< o" wh$#h are ,raded, and a#h$e%ed a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, a
re,!ar #o!!e,e se+ester=
: A %ote on any re#r$t +ay 3e #a!!ed "or 3y any a#t$%e Chapter
+e+3er at a +eet$n,=
5-2200 The ne#essary n+3er o" ne,at$%e %otes to +aBe a re#r$t $ne!$,$3!e "or p!ed,$n, sha!! 3e th$rty per#ent
;7-M< o" those a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers present at a +eet$n,=
: Any a#t$%e Chapter +e+3er +ay reCest a %ote on p!ed,es= A!!
p!ed,es then sha!! 3e d$s#ssed, and %oted on 3y a!! those present= Tentat$%e $n$t$ates +ay not 3e %oted
on a"ter the %otes pro%$ded $n 9-:))- and 9-:)7- are "$na!=
5-3200 E/#ept as pro%$ded otherw$se $n Art$#!e VI, the ne#essary n+3er o" %otes to dep!ed,e a p!ed,e sha!!
3e th$rty per#ent ;7-M< o" those a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose=
5-4000 PLEDGE FEE: The p!ed,e "ee sha!! 3e that pres#r$3ed 3y the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty and the
Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty p!s "$%e do!!ars ;N:=--<=
Final Vote on Pledges: See Article VI
Time-Frames, Necessary Votes and Questions Concerning Recruits/Pledges: See Chapter 9
Pledge Fees: See Also Chapter 21
1.24 Members Manual
6-1000 INITIATION FEE: The $n$t$at$on "ee sha!! 3e that pres#r$3ed 3y the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty and the
Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty p!s "orty do!!ars ;N)-=--<=
6-2000 INDEBTEDNESS PROHIBITED: No +an sha!! 3e $n$t$ated $nto th$s 8ratern$ty who, at the t$+e set
"or h$s $n$t$at$on, sha!! 3e $nde3ted to th$s 8ratern$ty or Chapter to any e/tent whatsoe%er=
6-3000 FRATERNITY TEST: A!! tentat$%e $n$t$ates sha!! 3e reC$red to taBe and pass a "ratern$ty test pr$or
to $n$t$at$on=
: A p!ed,e +st ha%e taBen and #o+p!eted at !east twe!%e ;&)< hors,
n$ne ;'< o" wh$#h are ,raded, and a#h$e%e at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the se+ester o"
h$s p!ed,esh$p $n order to 3e e!$,$3!e "or $n$t$at$on= Se+ester sha!! 3e de"$ned as $n )-)---=
6-4110 Notw$thstand$n, the pro%$s$ons o" )-)---, any p!ed,e who does not atta$n at !east a )=--- ,rade po$nt
a%era,e dr$n, the se+ester o" h$s p!ed,esh$p sha!! 3e dep!ed,ed $++ed$ate!y at the end o" that
: A!! p!ed,es sha!! 3e $n$t$ated dr$n, the "$rst weeB o" ea#h
se+ester who ha%e 3een p!ed,ed to th$s Chapter and who ha%e #o+p!$ed w$th the pro%$s$ons o" the
By!aws and .o!$#$es and .ro#edres, E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es and Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o"
2perat$ons o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty, these By-Laws, and the Const$tt$on o" the
Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty> s3De#t to the "o!!ow$n,?
6-5210 Notw$thstand$n, the pro%$s$ons o" :-7)--, %otes on a!! p!ed,es sha!! 3e taBen at a Chapter +eet$n,
dr$n, the !ast two weeBs o" No%e+3er and the !ast two weeBs o" Apr$! on the "o!!ow$n, Cest$ons?
6-5220 @est$on P&? Sha!! that p!ed,e 3e asBed to retrn the ne/t se+esterQ
6-5230 @est$on P)? Sha!! that p!ed,e 3e $n$t$ated the "o!!ow$n, se+esterQ
6-5310 The ne#essary n+3er o" ne,at$%e %otes pon the Cest$ons $n 9-:))- and 9-:)7- sha!! 3e "$"teen
per#ent ;&:M< o" a!! a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose=
6-5320 A re#ons$derat$on "or those Ca!$"y$n, and not Ca!$"y$n, nder 9-:))- and 9-:)7- +ay 3e #a!!ed "or
3y any a#t$%e Chapter +e+3er at any Chapter +eet$n, pr$or to the end o" that se+ester=
6-5330 The ne#essary n+3er o" ne,at$%e %otes pon s#h re#ons$derat$on sha!! 3e as pro%$ded $n 9-:7&-=
6-5340 A person +ay 3e e!e#ted to +e+3ersh$p 3y %$rte o" e/#ept$ona! ser%$#e at any Chapter +eet$n, 3y the
n+3er o" %ote spe#$"$ed $n 9-:7&- thro,h 9-:77-, $n#!s$%e= A"ter appro%a! 3y the Board o"
Trstees, $n$t$at$on o" s#h person +ay taBe p!a#e at any Chapter +eet$n, therea"ter=
6-5400 No a+end+ents to 9-:&-- thro,h 9-:77-, $n#!s$%e, +ay 3e +ade e/#ept at the "$rst a#t$%e Chapter
+eet$n, o" ea#h se+ester a"ter $n$t$at$on=
Initiation Fees and Charges: See Also Chapter 21
Fraternity Test: See Chapter 17
Time-Frames, Necessary Votes and Questions Concerning Recruits and Pledges: See Chapter 9
Members Manual 1.25
6-5500 2n!y those a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers who !$%e $n the Chapter Hose or an appro%ed anne/ and who
ha%e attended at !east a +aDor$ty o" Chapter +eet$n,s o" that se+ester +ay %ote on any Cest$on
#on#ern$n, p!ed,es=
6-6000 HONOR INITIATE: Any p!ed,e e!$,$3!e "or $n$t$at$on, who taBes and #o+p!etes at !east twe!%e ;&)<
hors o" ,raded worB and +aBes at !east a 7=7-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e and $s the h$,hest ,rade a%era,e
dr$n, the pre#ed$n, se+ester $n any $n$t$at$on #!ass o" e$,ht ;4< or +ore persons ;or a 6=--- ,rade
po$nt a%era,e no +atter the s$Ie o" the #!ass<, sha!! 3e ,$%en an honor $n$t$at$on=
6-7000 NEW MEMBER VOTING: No new!y-$n$t$ated +e+3er sha!! 3e a!!owed to %ote on any Chapter
+atters or to ho!d any o""$#e nt$! he has 3een tested and appro%ed 3y the .res$dent on the Se#ret
*orB, the By!aws and .o!$#$es and .ro#edres, E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es and Chapter M$n$++
1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons o" the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty, and these By-Laws=
6-8000 MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION COMMITTEE DUTIES: The Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee
sha!! esta3!$sh pro#edres, ,$de!$nes and +ethods o" #arry$n, ot the e%ents o" He!p *eeB, $n$t$at$on,
and other +e+3ersh$p ed#at$on a#t$%$t$es, s3De#t to appro%a! o" the Cha$r+an o" the Board o"
Trstees and as pro%$ded 3y these By-Laws=
Fangman Honor Initiate Award: See Chapters 12 and 17
1.26 Members Manual
7-1100 AMENDING PROCEDURES: These By-Laws +ay 3e a+ended 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" the
a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers present and %ot$n, $n Chapter Meet$n, where a Cor+ $s present= I"
proposed a+end+ents are not re%$ewed and d$s#ssed at a +eet$n, o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee pr$or
to the$r $ntrod#t$on at a Chapter Meet$n,, they sha!!, when $ntrod#ed at that Chapter Meet$n,, 3e
ato+at$#a!!y ta3!ed nt$! the ne/t Chapter Meet$n,= I" proposed a+end+ents are re%$ewed and
d$s#ssed at a +eet$n, o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee pr$or to the$r $ntrod#t$on at a Chapter Meet$n,,
they +ay 3e #ons$dered and %oted pon at that Chapter Meet$n,=
7-1200 No a+end+ent #on#ern$n, 9-:&-- thro,h 9-4--- and (-7--- +ay 3e #ons$dered e/#ept at the t$+es
spe#$"$ed> and $" a t$+e $s not spe#$"$ed, no a+end+ent +ay 3e #ons$dered dr$n, the per$od "ro+ a"ter
the %otes pro%$ded $n 9-:))- and 9-:)7- are "$na! nt$! a"ter the s3seCent $n$t$at$on=
7-2000 COMPILATION: The Se#retary sha!! see that a!! a+end+ents are $n#orporated $nto these By-Laws=
7-3000 EMERGENCY SUSPENSION OF BY-LAWS: These By-Laws +ay 3e te+porar$!y sspended, $n
#ase o" an e+er,en#y, 3y a three-"orths ;7G6< %ote o" the a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers present and %ot$n,
$n a Chapter Meet$n, where a Cor+ $s present, e/#ept that no pro%$s$on o" Art$#!e VI, or (-&)-- as
$t app!$es to Art$#!e VI, +ay 3e sspended=
#o%ered 3y these By-Laws are !e"t to the d$s#ret$on and #onstre+ent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee=
7-5000 DISTRIBUTION OF BY-LAWS: These By-Laws sha!! 3e e!e#tron$#a!!y a%a$!a3!e on the ChapterAs
*e3s$te and sha!! 3e pdated re,!ar!y=
7-6000 DATE OF EFFECT: These By-Laws w$!! ,o $nto e""e#t when appro%ed 3y a three-"orths ;7G6< %ote
o" the a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers present and %ot$n, $n Chapter +eet$n, where a Cor+ $s present, and
"$!ed w$th the Board o" Trstees and the Ch$e" E/e#t$%e 2""$#er o" the 8ratern$ty= S#h By-Laws sha!!
then spersede a!! pre-e/$st$n, By-Laws o" th$s Chapter=
By!aws and .o!$#$es and .ro#edres, E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es, Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o"
2perat$ons, any part o" these By-Laws, or o" any r!es +ade $n a##ordan#e w$th these By-Laws, sha!!
3e ,ronds "or d$s#$p!$nary a#t$on 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee ;w$th re,ard to
"$nes<, the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee ;w$th re,ard to p!ed,es<, or the Ca3$net ;w$th re,ard to
e+er,en#$es<, t$!$I$n, the r!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or= These "or #o++$ttees are de"$ned as
JE/e#t$%e BoardsJ nder the Nat$ona! .o!$#$es and .ro#edres, E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es and Chapter
M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons and the r!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or=
7-8000 ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER: Ro3ertAs R!es o" 2rder w$!! taBe pre#eden#e $n a!! #ases, e/#ept
as here$n otherw$se pro%$ded=
: E/#ept as
spe#$"$#a!!y otherw$se pro%$ded, +aDor$t$es w$!! 3e deter+$ned "ro+ the n+3er o" Ca!$"$ed a#t$%e
Chapter +e+3ers present and %ot$n,, and on!y those %ot$n, yes or no w$!! 3e sed $n deter+$n$n,
+aDor$ty "$,res=
7-9100 A!! %otes taBen on any a#t$on o" the Chapter sha!! 3e "$na! and 3$nd$n, at the t$+e o" the adDorn+ent
o" the Chapter +eet$n, $n wh$#h s#h a#t$on was or$,$na!!y %oted pon=
Members Manual 1.27
7-9200 Re#ons$derat$on o" %otes taBen, e/#ept as spe#$"$#a!!y otherw$se pro%$ded $n these By-Laws, +ay 3e
+ade at any Chapter +eet$n, therea"ter= Any re#ons$derat$on o" %otes taBen there$n sha!! 3e "$na! and
3$nd$n, at the t$+e o" the adDorn+ent o" s#h s3seCent Chapter +eet$n,= 2n!y one re#ons$derat$on
o" an or$,$na! %ote sha!! 3e a!!owed dr$n, any one Chapter +eet$n,=
7-9300 Votes taBen on any a#t$on o" the Chapter +ay 3e 3y hand, %o$#e or paper 3a!!ot, pon deter+$nat$on o"
the .res$dent=
7-9400 CHAPTER MINIMUM GUIDELINES OF OPERATIONS: The Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o"
2perat$ons, adopted and pro+!,ated 3y the Ch$e" E/e#t$%e 2""$#er o" the 8ratern$ty, are
$n#orporated 3y re"eren#e $n these By-Laws and sha!! 3e a%a$!a3!e $n Chapter 6 o" the e!e#tron$#
Me+3ers Mana! on the ChapterAs *e3s$te= To re+a$n a #hapter $n ,ood stand$n,, a #hapter sha!!
operate at a !e%e! at or a3o%e the ,$de!$nes #onta$ned w$th$n the Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o"
Robert's Rules of Order: See Chapter 22
Date of Effect of Chapter By-Laws: April 1, 1972
Methods and Procedures Concerning Disciplinary Matters: See Chapter 8
Rules of the National Chancellor: See Appendix in Chapter 4
Make-Ups and Fines: See Chapter 17
Chapter Minimum Guidelines of Operations: See Chapter 4
1.28 Members Manual
&Members Manual 2.01
HR 1. ALL-HOUSE MEETINGS: There w$!! 3e an A!!-Hose Meet$n, at !east on#e e%ery three weeBs
dr$n, the 8a!! and Spr$n, Se+esters and at !east on#e dr$n, the S++er +onths=
HR 2. COURTESY: A!! p!ed,es and a#t$%es sha!! show the t+ost #ortesy and respe#t to a!! persons,
$n#!d$n, a!+n$, a#t$%es, p!ed,es and ,ests=
;a< The .!ed,e Btton and A#t$%e .$n sha!! not 3e worn w$th sweatsh$rts, T-sh$rts, o!d Deans or #t-
;3< C!oth$n, w$th AT2-$dent$"$a3!e $n"or+at$on ;!etters, sy+3o!s, !o,os or words< sha!! not 3e worn
when dr$nB$n, a!#oho! at a p3!$# !o#at$on ots$de the Chapter Hose=
;#< No +e+3er or p!ed,e sha!! post or a!!ow to 3e posted p$#tres or $n"or+at$on on any $nternet
ser%$#e that $s a##ess$3!e 3y the p3!$# ;My Spa#e, 8a#e3ooB, et#=< that #onta$ns AT2-$dent$"$a3!e
$n"or+at$on, $!!e,a! a#ts, or #ond#t that %$o!ates Chapter By-Laws, Board o" Trstees .o!$#$es,
Un$%ers$ty or Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! re,!at$ons or A!pha Ta 2+e,a r!es or re,!at$ons=
HR 4. GUESTS ENTERING CHAPTER HOUSE: *hen a ,est #o+es to the "ront door, p!ed,es and
a#t$%es w$!! answer the door $++ed$ate!y, $n%$te the person $ns$de, $ntrod#e the+se!%es, as#erta$n the
personAs 3s$ness, he!p the+ w$th the$r reCest and +aBe the+ "ee! at ho+e=
;a< The 0$n$n, Roo+ and K$t#hen w$!! 3e #!osed and se#re!y !o#Bed "ro+ 4?-- .M nt$! (?-- AM
and )6-hors-a-day on days when +ea!s are not 3e$n, ser%ed=
;3< No person, e/#ept the K$t#hen Mana,er or Cater$n, e+p!oyees, sha!! 3e $n the K$t#hen dr$n,
per$ods when the K$t#hen $s #!osed=
HR 6. DINNER: 0$nner $s ser%ed at :?7- .M Snday thro,h Thrsday, $n#!s$%e ;n!ess otherw$se
deter+$ned and annon#ed 3y the .res$dent<, e/#ept on days when +ea!s are not ser%ed=
HR 7. SWEARING OR ABUSIVE LANGUAGE: There w$!! 3e no swear$n, or a3s$%e !an,a,e $n the
"n#t$ona! areas=
HR 8. FEMALE RESPECT: A!! p!ed,es and a#t$%es w$!! r$se whene%er a "e+a!e enters or !ea%es a roo+, $n
respe#t o" her=
HR 9. CONDUCT IN FUNCTIONAL AREAS: There w$!! no s#""!$n,, ro,h-hos$n,, or destr#t$%e
3eha%$or $n the Co++on Areas=
HR 10. FIREWORKS PROHIBITION: The !$,ht$n, o" any "$reworBs $s str$#t!y proh$3$ted $n the Chapter
Hose or on or arond Chapter Hose property=
2.02 Members Manual
HR 11. DEFINITION OF COMMON AREAS: Co++on Areas are Bathroo+s, *o+enAs Restroo+,
Stora,e Roo+s, Ha!!ways, Landry Roo+s, Stdy Roo+s, Meet$n, Roo+s, L$%$n, Roo+s, 0$n$n,
Roo+, K$t#hen, 8$rst and Se#ond 8!oor Entryway, Ha!! o" Honor and the Chapter Roo+=
;a< There w$!! 3e no a!#oho! or to3a##o #hew$n, $n the Ha!! o" Honor, the Chapter Roo+, any
#arpeted area, any ha!!way, Bathroo+s, *o+enAs Restroo+, Stora,e Roo+s, Landry Roo+s,
Stdy Roo+s, Meet$n, Roo+s, L$%$n, Roo+s, 8$rst or Se#ond 8!oor Entryways, the 0$n$n,
Roo+ or K$t#hen=
;3< There w$!! 3e no "ood $n any #arpeted area, any ha!!way or the Chapter Roo+ or Ha!! o" Honor=
There w$!! 3e no "ood taBen "ro+ the 0$n$n, Roo+ or K$t#hen=
the Chapter Hose= A "$ne o" at !east twenty-"$%e do!!ars ;N):=--< sha!! 3e assessed to the +e+3er or
p!ed,e who %$o!ates or whose ,est %$o!ates th$s r!e= S#h "$ne sha!! 3e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the
person or assessed a,a$nst the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on=
HR 14. GLASS CONTAINER PROHIBITION: There w$!! 3e no ,!ass #onta$ners a!!owed $n the Chapter
Hose or on any Chapter Hose property ots$de the Chapter Hose, e/#ept "or ,!ass w$ne 3ott!es
nder re,$stered #entra! #ontro!=
HR 15. COURTESY (QUIET) HOURS: Cortesy ;@$et< hors w$!! 3e en"or#ed "ro+ &)?-- M$dn$,ht nt$!
(?-- AM, Monday thro,h Thrsday> and )6-hors-a-day dr$n, 3oth 0ead *eeB and 8$na!s *eeB=
HR 16. 24-HOURS-A-DAY COURTESY (QUIET) AREAS: The Ha!! o" Honor and the Chapter
Roo+GL$3rary are des$,nated Cortesy ;@$et< Areas )6-hors-a-day=
HR 17. ASSIGNMENT OF PARKING AND ROOMS: .arB$n, !o#at$ons and roo+s w$!! 3e ass$,ned 3ased
on sen$or$ty=
;a< No +e+3er or p!ed,e !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose sha!! parB a +otor %eh$#!e $n any parB$n, !ot
!o#at$on e/#ept $n the !o#at$on ass$,ned=
;3< Anne/ +e+3ers, anne/ p!ed,es, and ,ests o" any +e+3er or p!ed,e !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose
sha!! on!y parB on M#Ca$n Lane=
;#< No person e/#ept those ass$,ned sha!! parB $n e+p!oyee reser%ed parB$n,=
;d< No person sha!! parB $n any !o#at$on des$,nated as Jno parB$n,J=
;e< No person sha!! parB $n the dr$%eway d$re#t!y west o" the Chapter Hose, as $t $s a #r$t$#a! 8$re
Lane and a##ess "or trash re+o%a!=
;"< A "$ne o" ten do!!ars ;N&-=--< sha!! 3e assessed to the +e+3er or p!ed,e who %$o!ates or whose
,est %$o!ates th$s r!e= S#h "$ne sha!! 3e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the person or assessed a,a$nst
the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on=
HR 19. ANIMALS/PETS: A!! an$+a!s or pets are proh$3$ted $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter property or
adDa#ent property=
Members Manual 2.03
HR 20. ROOM CARE AND MAINTENANCE: Respons$3$!$ty "or the #are, #!ean!$ness and +a$ntenan#e o"
$nd$%$da! S!eep$n, Roo+s sha!! 3e shared 3y a!! the o##pants o" s#h Roo+=
HR 21= INITIATION: 2n!y a#t$%es and new $n$t$ates sha!! 3e a!!owed $n the Chapter Hose on the day o"
$n$t$at$on "ro+ a"ter d$nner nt$! the #!os$n, o" Chapter Meet$n, that e%en$n,=
;a< No ,!asses, p!ates or s$!%erware sha!! 3e taBen "ro+ the 0$n$n, Roo+ or K$t#hen=
;3< No other ser%$#e or #ooB$n, p$e#es sha!! 3e taBen "ro+ the K$t#hen=
;#< A!! 0$n$n, Roo+ ta3!es and #ha$rs sha!! re+a$n $n the 0$n$n, Roo+=
;a< As the Chapter +st #o+p!y w$th state and !o#a! hea!th #odes "or a "ood-ser%$#e esta3!$sh+ent,
a!! a#t$%es and p!ed,es sha!!, at a +$n$++, wear a sh$rt, pants or shorts, and shoes $n the 0$n$n,
Roo+ and K$t#hen= A "$ne o" "$%e do!!ars ;N:=--< sha!! 3e assessed to the +e+3er or p!ed,e who
%$o!ates th$s r!e= S#h "$ne sha!! 3e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the person or assessed a,a$nst the$r
da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on=
;3< No a#t$%e or p!ed,e sha!! wear a hat dr$n, +ea!s $n the 0$n$n, Roo+=
HR 24. HOUSE RULES AND SUPPLEMENTARY RULES: A!! a#t$%es and p!ed,es w$!! 3e respons$3!e
"or Bnow$n, and "o!!ow$n, these Hose R!es and any spp!e+entary r!es=
Parking Rules and Regulations: See Also Chapter 6
General Guidelines and Rules for All Members: See Chapter 17
2.04 Members Manual
Members Manual 3.01-4.01
3.01-4.02 Members Manual
&Members Manual 5.01
Board of Trustees By-Laws
Effective November 20, 1994
Includes All Subsequent Amendments
Board of Trustees Policies
Effective September 7, 1998
Includes All Subsequent Amendments
5.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 5.03
WHEREAS, In &''6, the Nat$ona! .o!$#$es and .ro#edres were a+ended to #reate a Board o"
Trstees "or ea#h #hapter o" the 8ratern$ty, pres#r$3e dt$es o" the Boards, pro%$de that
the powers o" ea#h Board o" Trstees are the sa+e as the Nat$ona! Board o" 0$re#tors on
the !o#a! !e%e!, %est Dd$#$a! powers $" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or e/tends s#h powers to a!!
Board o" Trstees ;wh$#h o##rred on 5anary &, &''(< and states that +e+3ers o" ea#h
#hapterOs Board o" Trstees 3e appo$nted 3y the Ch$e" E/e#t$%e 2""$#er and ser%e at h$s
p!easre> and
WHEREAS, Those a+end+ents repea!ed the e/$st$n, #hapter str#tre "or Chapter Ad%$sors
appo$nted 3y .ro%$n#e 0$re#tors, #han,ed the Chapter Ad%$sor pos$t$on 3y +aB$n, $t the
Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees, and %ested the Cha$r+an w$th a!! powers o" the
Board o" Trstees w$th that #hapter, s3De#t to re%$ew and appro%a! 3y the Board o"
Trstees> and
WHEREAS, The Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees w$!! 3e the +a$n #onta#t and representat$%e o"
the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty on the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty #a+ps> and
WHEREAS, Ea#h Board o" Trstees w$!! se!e#ts $ts own o""$#ers and appo$nt 8a#!ty Ad%$sors and
other ad%$sors> and
WHEREAS, 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a, 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n,
Corporat$on, Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd, and
Kansas 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on are 3od$es
#orporate asso#$ated w$th 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty> and
WHEREAS, A Board o" Trstees "or 0e!ta Theta Chapter, #o+posed o" a reasona3!e n+3er o"
$nterested $nd$%$da!s represent$n, a 3road 3ase o" 3a#B,ronds, $nterest, and
#onst$ten#$es, $s des$ra3!e=
NOW, THEREFORE, 8or the 3etter a##o+p!$sh+ent o" these o3De#t$%es and prsant to re#o,n$t$on and
appo$nt+ent 3y the Nat$ona! Board o" 0$re#tors, these By-Laws are here3y orda$ned and
esta3!$shed 3y and "or the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees=
5.04 Members Manual
Members Manual 5.05
&(Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 45-1742721)
Section 1. NAME AND OFFICE. The name of this organization shall be the Delta Theta Board of
Trustees, sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "Board of Trustees". The principal
office of the Board of Trustees shall be the Delta Theta Chapter House located at 1632
McCain Lane, Manhattan, Kansas. RB=&? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6S
Section 2. BOARD COMPOSITION. The Board of Trustees shall consist of the following members:
(a) Nine (9) voting members, who shall not be undergraduates;
(b) Five (5) other voting members, who shall be the President, Vice-President and
Chaplain of Delta Theta of Alpha Tau Omega, the recipient of the Delta Theta
Chapter Outstanding New Member Award and one (1) other member of Delta
Theta of Alpha Tau Omega selected by the members of the Chapter; and
(c) Other persons, who the Board of Trustees may select or designate as non-voting
members of the Board of Trustees. RB=)? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6> A+?
&G&'':B2T, e""= &G7-G&'':> A+? 'G&''4B2T, e""= 'G(G&''4> A+? 'G&'''B2T, e""=
'G&)G&'''> A+? &)G)--&> e""= &)G)G)--&> A+? 'G)--)B2T, e""= 'G4G)--)> A+?
'G)--6B2T, e""= 'G9G)--6> A+? (G)-&-B2T, e""= (G&(G)-&-S
Section 3. APPOINTMENT. The members of the Board of Trustees shall be appointed by the Chief
Executive Officer, and shall serve at his pleasure. RB=7? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6> A+?
'G&''4B2T, e""= 'G(G&''4> A+? 'G)---B2T, e""= &-G&G)---> A+? 6G)--6B2T, e""= 6G(G)--6S
Section 4. DUTIES OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The duties of the Board of Trustees are derived
from the National Policies and Procedures and shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) Assist the Chief Executive Officer with matters relating to Delta Theta Chapter.
(b) Attend meetings and ceremonies of Delta Theta Chapter as often as possible.
(c) Counsel and advise the officers and members of Delta Theta Chapter.
(d) Work with Delta Theta Chapter to promote alumni interest, activities and
investment in the chapter. RB=6? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6> A+? 'G&''4B2T, e""=
'G(G&''4> A+? 'G)---B2T, e""= &-G&G)---> A+? 6G)--6B2T, e""= 6G(G)--6S
5.06 Members Manual
Section 5. POWERS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The Board of Trustees shall possess:
(a) The powers of the National Board of Directors with regard to the chapter. Such
decisions shall be subject to review by the Chief Executive Officer.
(b) All judicial powers in regard to the members and pledges of the chapter, as the
judicial power of the National Chancellor has been extended to all Boards of
Trustees by the National Chancellor. In disciplinary matters regarding members
and pledges, the Board of Trustees shall utilize procedures prescribed in the rules
of the National Chancellor. 1udicial decisions of the Board of Trustees regarding
members and pledges may be appealed to the Chief Executive Officer and then to
the National Chancellor.
(c) All judicial powers in regard to the chapter, as the judicial power of the National
Chancellor has been extended to all Boards of Trustees by the National Chancellor.
In disciplinary matters, the Board of Trustees shall utilize procedures prescribed in
the rules of the National Chancellor. 1udicial decisions of the Board of Trustees
may be appealed to the Chief Executive Officer and then to the National
Chancellor. RB=:? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6> A+? :G&''(B2T, e""= :G6G&''(> A+?
'G&''4B2T, e""= 'G(G&''4> A+? 'G)---B2T, e""= &-G&G)---> A+? 6G)--6B2T, e""=
6G(G)--6> A+? (G)-&-B2T, e""= (G&(G)-&-S
Section 6. CHAIRMAN. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall be selected by the voting
members of the Board of Trustees. The Chairman:
(a) Shall vote only in case of a tie.
(b) Shall possess the powers of the Board of Trustees with regard to the chapter,
subject to review and approval by the Board of Trustees.
(c) May, when finding that probable cause exists to believe that a member or pledge is
or has been involved in conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Fraternity,
suspend a member or pledge from the Fraternity or a Chapter officer from his
office. This suspension shall last no longer than 60 days, except if extended by the
Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Trustees shall investigate the facts and
circumstances concerning the suspension and shall either terminate the suspension,
refer the matter to the Executive Board of the Chapter or Chief Executive Officer
or decide the matter itself. Decisions shall be in accordance with the rules of the
National Chancellor. RB=9? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6> A+? :G&''(B2T, e""=
:G6G&''(> A+? 'G&''4B2T, e""= 'G(G&''4> A+? :G&'''B2T, e""= :G)G&'''> A+?
'G)---B2T, e""= &-G&G)---> A+? 6G)--6B2T, e""= 6G(G)--6> A+? 'G)--6B2T, e""=
'G9G)--6> A+? &&G)-&&B2T, e""= &&G&G)-&&S
Section 7. VICE-CHAIRMAN. The Vice-Chairman shall be selected by the voting members of the
Board of Trustees. The Vice-Chairman shall, in the absence or disability of the Chairman,
perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chairman, and shall perform such other
duties as the Board of Trustees shall prescribe. RB=(? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6> A+?
'G&''4B2T, e""= 'G(G&''4S
&Members Manual 5.07
Section 8. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall be selected by the voting members of the Board of
Trustees. The Secretary shall have all powers and perform all duties commonly incident to,
and vested in, the office of secretary of a corporation, including attendance at all meetings
of the Board of Trustees, be responsible for keeping and preserving in the books of the
Delta Theta Board of Trustees, for distributing true minutes of the proceedings of all such
meetings, and shall perform such other duties as the Chairman or the Board of Trustees
may, from time to time, designate. RB=4? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6> A+? 'G&''4B2T, e""=
Section 9. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall be selected by the voting members of the Board of
Trustees. The Treasurer shall have all powers and perform all duties commonly incident to,
and vested in, the office of treasurer of a corporation, including custody of all funds of the
Board of Trustees, keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in the
books of the Delta Theta Board of Trustees, deposit and disburse funds as may be ordered
by the Board of Trustees, and shall perform such other duties as the Chairman or the Board
of Trustees may, from time to time, designate. RB='? (G)-&-B2T, e""= (G&(G)-&-S
Section 10. MEETINGS. The Board of Trustees shall meet upon call of the Chairman giving notice to
the other members of the Board of Trustees in person or by telephone, telefacsimile, hand
delivery, e-mail or mail. Members may be present by telephonic communications to the
extent allowed by law. RB='? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6> A+? &-G&''9B2T, e""= &-G&7G&''9>
A+ and Tr to B=&-? (G)-&-B2T, e""= (G&(G)-&-S
Section 11. QUORUM. A majority of the voting members of the Board of Trustees then appointed and
qualified shall constitute a quorum to do business. RB=&-? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6> A+?
'G)--6B2T, e""= 'G9G)--6> Tr to B=&&? (G)-&-B2T, e""= (G&(G)-&-S
Section 12. VOTES. Except as otherwise provided in these By-Laws, any decision of the Board of
Trustees shall be by majority vote of those voting members of the Board of Trustees present
at a Meeting where there is a quorum present. RB=&&? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6> A+?
)G&''9B2T, e""= )G&4G&''9> Tr to B=&)? (G)-&-B2T, e""= (G&(G)-&-S
Section 13. BOARD APPOINTMENTS. The Board of Trustees shall appoint the following:
(a) Faculty Advisor(s), who shall guide and counsel the scholarship program of Delta
Theta Chapter.
(b) Such additional advisors as the Board of Trustees may, by majority vote, determine
as necessary and efficient. RB=&)? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6> A+? &-G&''9B2T,
e""= &-G&7G&''9> Tr to B=&7? (G)-&-B2T, e""= (G&(G)-&-S
Section 14. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Should the Chairman of the Board of Trustees determine that a
Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees is necessary for disciplinary matters, the
Chairman shall convene the voting members of the Board of Trustees at such time and such
place as he shall determine. The Board of Trustees shall proceed in such Special Meeting
utilizing the procedures prescribed in the rules of the National Chancellor. A majority vote
of those voting members of the Board of Trustees present at a Special Meeting where there
is a quorum present shall be necessary for a determination that a violation of Section 8.01 of
the Policies and Procedures has occurred; and shall be necessary for any penalty therefor,
except that a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those voting members of the Board of Trustees present
where a quorum is present shall be necessary for a penalty of expulsion from the Fraternity.
RB=&7? &&G&''6B2T, e""= &&G)-G&''6> A+? :G&''(B2T, e""= :G6G&''(> Tr to B=&6? (G)-&-B2T,
e""= (G&(G)-&-> A+? &&G)-&&B2T, e""= &&G&G)-&&S
5.08 Members Manual
Section 15. POLICIES. The Board of Trustees may adopt Policies, which shall be in the best interest
of the Chapter and the Fraternity, by majority vote of those voting members of the Board of
Trustees present at a Meeting where there is a quorum present. RB=&6? )G&''9B2T, e""=
)G&4G&''9> A+? 'G&'''B2T, e""= 'G&)G&'''> Tr to B=&:? (G)-&-B2T, e""= (G&(G)-&-S
Section 16. AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS. These By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed by
the Board of Trustees by two-thirds (2/3) vote of those voting members of the Board of
Trustees present at a Meeting where there is a quorum present. RB=&6? &&G&''6B2T, e""=
&&G)-G&''6> A+? &G&'':B2T, e""= &G7-G&'':> A+ and Tr to B=&:? )G&''9B2T, e""= )G&4G&''9>
A+? 'G&'''B2T, e""= 'G&)G&'''> Tr to B=&9? (G)-&-B2T, e""= (G&(G)-&-S
Section 17. SUSPENSION OF BY-LAWS. These By-Laws may be temporarily suspended by the
Board of Trustees by three-fourth (3/4) vote of those voting members of the Board of
Trustees present at a Meeting where there is a quorum present. RB=&9? )G&''9B2T, e""=
)G&4G&''9> A+? 'G&'''B2T, e""= 'G&)G&'''> Tr to B=&(? (G)-&-B2T, e""= (G&(G)-&-S
Delta Theta Board of Trustees Appointed by National Board of Directors on November 2, 1994 (1st in Nation).
By-Laws Adopted on November 20, 1994; Amended 1anuary 30, 1995; Amended February 18, 1996; Amended October 13, 1996; Amended May 4, 1997;
Amended September 7, 1998; Amended May 2, 1999; Amended September 12, 1999; Amended September 17, 2000, effective October 1, 2000; Amended
December 2, 2001; Amended September 8, 2002, Amended April 7, 2004; Amended September 6, 2004; Amended 1uly 17, 2010; Amended November 1, 2011.
Members Manual 5.09
2n No%e+3er &, &''6, the Nat$ona! .o!$#$es and .ro#edres were a+ended to pro%$de "or a
Board o" Trstees "or ea#h Chapter= 2n No%e+3er ), &''6, the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees
was esta3!$shed and the "$%e non-nder,radate %ot$n, +e+3ers ;Cha$r+an and "or Trstees<
and two nder,radate non-%ot$n, +e+3ers ;Chapter .res$dent and At-Lar,e Me+3er< were
appo$nted 3y the Nat$ona! Board o" 0$re#tors= 2n No%e+3er )-, &''6, at $ts "$rst +eet$n,, the
0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees adopted By-Laws ,o%ern$n, $ts operat$on= 2n 5anary 7-, &'':,
the two nder,radate +e+3ers were +ade %ot$n, +e+3ers= 2n Septe+3er (, &''4, prsant to
a+end+ents ena#ted 3y the 1enera! Asse+3!y, the Ch$e" E/e#t$%e 2""$#er 3e#a+e the
appo$nt$n, athor$ty and the Trstees 3e#a+e respons$3!e "or #hoos$n, the$r o""$#ers and
ad%$sors= 2n Septe+3er &), &''', the Board o" Trstees was e/panded to ten +e+3ers 3y the
add$t$on o" two +ore non-nder,radate %ot$n, +e+3ers and one +ore nder,radate %ot$n,
+e+3er ;Chapter Chap!a$n<= 2n 0e#e+3er ), )--&, the Chapter V$#e-.res$dent was added to
the Board o" Trstees as a non-%ot$n, +e+3er= 2n Septe+3er 4, )--), the 2tstand$n, New
Me+3er Award re#$p$ent was added to the Board o" Trstees as a %ot$n, +e+3er= 2n Septe+3er
9, )--6, the Board o" Trstees was e/panded to th$rteen +e+3ers 3y the add$t$on o" one +ore
non-nder,radate %ot$n, +e+3er and +aB$n, the Chapter V$#e-.res$dent a %ot$n, +e+3er= 2n
5!y &(, )-&-, the Board o" Trstees was e/panded to $ts #rrent "orteen +e+3ers 3y the
add$t$on o" one +ore non-nder,radate +e+3er and the #reat$on o" the o""$#e o" Treasrer= The
Board o" Trstees $s #har,ed w$th ensr$n, 0e!ta Theta ChapterAs adheren#e to and seeB$n, o"
the ,oa!s esta3!$shed 3y the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty, to ad%$se and #onse! w$th the o""$#ers and
+e+3ers o" the Chapter, to ,ard and prote#t the Chapter and to ser%e as a Dd$#$a! athor$ty=
2n 8e3rary &4, &''9, the Board o" Trstees a+ended $ts By-Laws to a!!ow "or the
esta3!$sh+ent o" J.o!$#$esJ= 2n Septe+3er (, &''4, the Board o" Trstees adopted the "$rst
.o!$#$es? Se+ester!y and Year!y 1rades, and 0r$nB$n, and 0r$%$n,= 2n Septe+3er &(, )---,
3oth .o!$#$es were a+ended and stren,thened= 2n 8e3rary 7, )--), two new .o!$#$es were
adopted? Reta!$at$on and .ranBs= 2n Septe+3er (, )--7, the .o!$#y on 1rades was a+ended to
#on"or+ to Nat$ona! .o!$#$es and .ro#edres #on#ern$n, +$n$++ ,rades "or p!ed,$n,, $n$t$at$on
and o""$#er e!e#t$on= 2n Mar#h &6, )--9, the .o!$#y on A!#oho! Cons+pt$on was adopted= 2n
Mar#h 9, )--(, the .o!$#y on A!#oho! Cons+pt$on was a+ended= 2n Septe+3er 7, )--(, the
.o!$#y on 1rades was a+ended "or ,rades 3e!ow a &=---= 2n Apr$! )', )--4, the .o!$#y on
A!#oho! Cons+pt$on was "rther a+ended= 2n May 7, )--', the .o!$#y on A!#oho!
Cons+pt$on was "rther a+ended= 2n 0e#e+3er 9, )--', the .o!$#y on A!#oho! Cons+pt$on
was "rther a+ended= 2n May ), )-&-, the .o!$#y on 1rades was a+ended and +$n$++s
ra$sed= 2n 5!y &(, )-&-, the .o!$#y on 1rades was a+ended to pro%$de "or "$nes "or $nadeCate
,rades= 2n Apr$! )', )-&), the .o!$#y on 1rades was a+ended to ra$se +$n$++ ,rades= 2n
5anary (, )-&7 and Apr$! )4, )-&7, the .o!$#y on A!#oho! Cons+pt$on was "rther a+ended=
A!! o" these .o!$#$es esta3!$sh !e%e!s o" e/pe#tat$ons that a!! +e+3ers o" the Chapter sho!d 3e
str$%$n, to a#h$e%e=
5.10 Members Manual
Members Manual 5.11
The Chapter and the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty ha%e esta3!$shed a +$n$++ standard o" a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e "or
e!$,$3$!$ty "or p!ed,esh$p, e!$,$3$!$ty "or $n$t$at$on and "or e!$,$3$!$ty "or e!e#t$on or appo$nt+ent to Chapter o""$#e>
3oth thro,h the ena#t+ent o" Nat$ona! Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons and Chapter By-Laws=
In add$t$on, the Chapter has esta3!$shed a standard o" )=--- ,rade po$nt a%era,e "or ter+$nat$on o" p!ed,sh$p
thro,h the ena#t+ent o" Chapter By-Law 9-6&--=
A!so, the Endow+ent 8nd has esta3!$shed a +$n$++ standard o" )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e "or e!$,$3$!$ty "or
+ost s#ho!arsh$ps e/#ept ,rants-$n-a$d and +ost-$+pro%ed ,rades, and a )=:-- "or e!$,$3$!$ty "or o""$#er
The Board o" Trstees has dee+ed ,rades 3e!ow )=:-- to 3e ,ronds "or sspens$on and +onetary "$nes "or
+e+3ers and p!ed,es, and 3e!ow )=--- to 3e ,ronds "or e/tre+e san#t$ons ;$n#!d$n, +onetary "$nes "or +e+3ers
and p!ed,es< and !oss o" a!! r$,hts and pr$%$!e,es o" +e+3ersh$p or p!ed,esh$p= There"ore, the "o!!ow$n, Policy
Concerning Semesterly and Yearly Grades $s adopted?
1. Grades Below 2.500 Grade Point Average but Equal to or Above 2.000 Grade Point Average= Any
+e+3er or p!ed,e who does not atta$n at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, a se+ester 3t atta$ns at
!east a )=--- sha!! 3e sspended "ro+ +e+3ersh$p "or the ne/t se+ester 3y the Board o" Trstees= S#h
sspens$on o" +e+3ersh$p sha!! $n#!de the "o!!ow$n,?
a. Loss of eligibility for scholarships, grants and awards from or through the Chapter or the
Endowment Fund for the next semester= The +e+3er or p!ed,e sha!! 3e $ne!$,$3!e to re#e$%e any
s#ho!arsh$p or award to 3e presented dr$n, the ne/t se+ester=
b. Social suspension for the next semester= The +e+3er or p!ed,e +ay not attend any Chapter so#$a!
"n#t$on dr$n, the ne/t se+ester=
c. Alcohol suspension for the next semester= The +e+3er or p!ed,e +ay not #ons+e a!#oho!$#
3e%era,es $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter property or at any o""$#$a! "ratern$ty e%ent or $n any
s$tat$on sponsored or endorsed 3y the #hapter or at any e%ent an o3ser%er wo!d asso#$ate w$th the
8ratern$ty dr$n, th$s per$od o" t$+e=
d. Scholarship fines= The +e+3er or p!ed,e sha!! 3e "$ned N:-, wh$#h sha!! 3e pa$d d$re#t!y to the
Board o" Trstees=
e. The Board of Trustees, under extraordinary circumstances, may waive or modify b. and/or c.
above for a member or pledge who had below a 2.500 grade point average but at least a 2.000
grade point average for that semester. Such waiver will be based on a Statement of
Improvement from the member or pledge and the recommendations of the Scholarship
Chairman and the Cabinet.
5.12 Members Manual
2. Grades Below 2.000 Grade Point Average= Any +e+3er or p!ed,e who does not atta$n at !east a )=---
,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the 8a!! or Spr$n, Se+ester w$!! 3e $ne!$,$3!e "or any award or s#ho!arsh$p "or that
se+ester and sha!! 3e sspended "ro+ +e+3ersh$p "or the ne/t se+ester 3y the Board o" Trstees=
Under th$s se#t$on, 8a!! Se+ester sspens$on sha!! $n#!de a!! o" S++er BreaB and 8a!! ter+> and Spr$n,
Se+ester sspens$on sha!! $n#!de *$nter BreaB and Spr$n, ter+= S#h sspens$on o" +e+3ersh$p sha!!
$n#!de the "o!!ow$n,?
a. Loss of eligibility for scholarships, grants and awards from or through the Chapter or the
Endowment Fund for the next semester= The +e+3er or p!ed,e sha!! 3e $ne!$,$3!e to re#e$%e any
award or s#ho!arsh$p to 3e presented dr$n, the ne/t se+ester=
b. Social suspension for the next semester= The +e+3er or p!ed,e +ay not attend any Chapter so#$a!
"n#t$on dr$n, the ne/t se+ester=
c. Alcohol suspension for the next semester= The +e+3er or p!ed,e +ay not #ons+e a!#oho!$#
3e%era,es $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter property or at any o""$#$a! "ratern$ty e%ent or $n any
s$tat$on sponsored or endorsed 3y the Chapter or at any e%ent an o3ser%er wo!d asso#$ate w$th the
8ratern$ty dr$n, th$s per$od o" t$+e=
d. Termination of Contractual Agreement or Annex Contract and loss of all privileges until
1. The +e+3er or p!ed,e, $" !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, sha!! ha%e h$s Contra#ta! A,ree+ent
ter+$nated and sha!! +o%e ot o" the Chapter Hose $++ed$ate!y= The +e+3er or p!ed,e, $"
not !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, sha!! ha%e h$s Anne/ A,ree+ent ter+$nated $++ed$ate!y=
2. The +e+3er or p!ed,e sha!! !ose a!! r$,hts and pr$%$!e,es ;$n#!d$n, the r$,ht to %ote< and
sha!! not 3e on Chapter Hose property at any t$+e=
Th$s ter+$nat$on sha!! end and the +e+3er re$nstated to +e+3ersh$p whene%er he sha!! atta$n at
!east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, a 8a!! or Spr$n, Se+ester=
e. Scholarship fines= The +e+3er or p!ed,e sha!! 3e "$ned N&--, wh$#h sha!! 3e pa$d d$re#t!y to the
Board o" Trstees=
f. The Board of Trustees, under extraordinary circumstances, may waive or modify b., c. and/or
d. above for a member or pledge who had below a 2.000 grade point average for that semester.
Such waiver will be based on a Statement of Improvement from the member or pledge and the
recommendations of the Scholarship Chairman and the Cabinet.
Any +e+3er who does not atta$n at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, an a#ade+$# year ;3e,$nn$n, o"
Spr$n, Se+ester thro,h the end o" the ne/t *$nter Intersess$on<, 3t atta$ns at !east a )=--- ,rade po$nt a%era,e,
+ay app!y to the Board o" Trstees "or a wa$%er to !$%e $n the Chapter Hose the "o!!ow$n, s#hoo! year, as pro%$ded
$n Chapter By-Law )-&)--= S#h app!$#at$on sha!! 3e $n wr$t$n, and sha!! state the reasons "or the $ns""$#$ent
,rades, p!ans "or 3etter stdy ha3$ts, s#ho!arsh$p ,oa!s "or the ne/t se+ester and year and why he sho!d 3e
a!!owed to !$%e $n the Chapter Hose= The app!$#at$on sha!! 3e s3+$tted, 3e"ore 8e3rary &st, to the Cha$r+an o"
the Board o" Trstees= No wa$%er +ay 3e ,ranted to a +e+3er who had 3e!ow a )=--- ,rade po$nt a%era,e "or that
a#ade+$# year=
Members Manual 5.13
There are "edera!, state, !o#a!, n$%ers$ty and "ratern$ty re,!at$ons #on#ern$n, #ons+pt$on o" a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es=
Bt the one that 3e,s "or en"or#e+ent, espe#$a!!y w$th the n+3er o" deaths $n%o!%$n, yon, ad!ts, $s the
proh$3$t$on o" dr$%$n, an ato+o3$!e wh$!e $nto/$#ated=
A death $n &''4 $n%o!%$n, a 0e!ta Theta Brother 3ro,ht that !esson ho+e $n the worst poss$3!e way= 0r$%$n,
nder the $n"!en#e o" a!#oho! #annot 3e a!!owed nder any #$r#+stan#es= The "o!!ow$n, Policy Concerning
Drinking and Driving $s adopted?
1. Driving while under the influence of alcohol by members and pledges shall not be tolerated or permitted=
JUnder the $n"!en#eJ $s de"$ned 3y Kansas !aw as .02 blood alcohol content (or greater) for those under
21 years of age, and .08 blood alcohol content (or greater) for those 21 years of age and older=
2. Any arrest and conviction or diversion for driving under the influence will result in immediate
suspension of membership or pledgship by the Board of Trustees. Suspension of membership or
pledgship shall include the following at a minimum:
a. Loss of eligibility for scholarships, grants and awards from the Chapter or the Endowment
Fund for the semester the conviction or diversion is final= The +e+3er or p!ed,e sha!! 3e
$ne!$,$3!e to re#e$%e any award to 3e presented dr$n, that se+ester= A!so, $" a s#ho!arsh$p, ,rant or
award has a!ready 3een presented to the +e+3er or p!ed,e "or that se+ester, the s#ho!arsh$p, ,rant or
award sha!! 3e "or"e$ted=
b. Social suspension for ten academic weeks (intersessions and summer school not included)= The
+e+3er or p!ed,e +ay not attend any Chapter so#$a! "n#t$on dr$n, th$s per$od o" t$+e=
c. Alcohol suspension for ten academic weeks (intersessions and summer school not included)= The
+e+3er or p!ed,e +ay not #ons+e a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter property
or at any o""$#$a! "ratern$ty e%ent or $n any s$tat$on sponsored or endorsed 3y the #hapter or at any
e%ent an o3ser%er wo!d asso#$ate w$th the 8ratern$ty dr$n, th$s per$od o" t$+e=
d. If a pledge, he shall not be initiated the next semester=
3. A second arrest and conviction or diversion for driving under the influence will result, at a minimum, in
the same penalties as above, plus immediate termination of Housing Contract or Annex Agreement=
4. The Board of Trustees will levy additional types and levels of penalties ;$n#!d$n, e/p!s$on or
dep!ed,$n,< if the blood alcohol content of the member or pledge is substantially above the minimum
percentage, or if substantial damage, bodily injury or death results=
5.14 Members Manual
A!#oho! #ons+pt$on has 3een a #onstant #on#ern "or the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty, 0e!ta Theta Chapter and the 0e!ta
Theta Board o" Trstees= L$+$tat$ons on a,e, dr$nB$n, ,a+es, so#$a! e%ents, #ond#t and other re,!at$ons ha%e
3een $nst$tted 3y the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty, th$s Board o" Trstees, the Un$%ers$ty and the Chapter= .otent$a! "or
a!#oho!-re!ated $n#$dents and a##$dents re+a$n %ery h$,h and !$a3$!$ty $nsran#e #osts are r$s$n,=
In 8a!! o" )--:, the Cha$r+an o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees $nst$tted a 3an on JE%er#!earJ $n the Chapter
Hose= The 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees e/panded th$s $n$t$a! step $n re,!at$on o" the #ontent o" a!#oho! $n )--9
3y proh$3$t$n, a!#oho! o" +ore than &-& proo" ;:-=:M<= JE%er#!earJ and other stron, a!#oho!s are dan,eros, and
ha%e 3een proh$3$ted 3y %ar$os state and !o#a! ,o%ern+ents and n$%ers$ty ad+$n$strat$ons= In )--(, the
per#enta,e o" a!#oho! #ontent was "rther red#ed to 49 proo" ;67M<= In )--4, the .o!$#y was "rther a+ended 3y
proh$3$t$n, any a!#oho! o" +ore than )- proo" ;&-M< at any Chapter so#$a! "n#t$on=
In add$t$on, the Nat$ona! .o!$#$es and .ro#edres were a+ended $n )--4 to spe#$"$#a!!y proh$3$t JshotsJ o" hard
a!#oho!= Shots o" hard a!#oho! are a +aDor #o!!e,e pro3!e+ T so a#t$ons 3y a!! +e+3ers and p!ed,es are #r$t$#a! to
the reptat$on and #a+ps stand$n, o" the Chapter= Not "o!!ow$n, the r!es andGor o%er-#ons+pt$on or dan,eros
a#t$%$t$es $n%o!%$n, hard a!#oho! w$!! res!t $n a#t$ons 3e$n, taBen 3y the Board o" Trstees= The Board o"
Trstetes responded $n )--' 3y a+end$n, the .o!$#y 3y spe#$"$#a!!y proh$3$t$n, JshotsJ o" hard a!#oho!=
2n No%e+3er ), )--', a"ter the near-death o" a "ratern$ty p!ed,e +e+3er, the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! o" Kansas
State Un$%ers$ty %oted to 3an hard a!#oho! $n a!! Chapter Hoses, e""e#t$%e 5anary &, )-&-, and th$s .o!$#y and
Chapter By!aws were a+ended a##ord$n,!y= In Spr$n, o" )-&-, the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! adDsted the
proo"Gper#enta,e !e%e!s, and th$s .o!$#y and Chapter By!aws were adDsted a##ord$n,!y=
The New Chapter Hose ne#ess$tated adDst+ents to Chapter a!#oho! po!$#$es $n preparat$on o" o##pat$on o" the
new str#tre, wh$#h were passed on 5anary (, )-&7= 8rther #!ar$"$#at$ons were ne#essary to "rther de"$ne
per+$tted and proh$3$ted a#ts and p!a#es, wh$#h were passed on Apr$! )4, )-&7= There"ore, the 0e!ta Theta Board
o" Trstees adopts the "o!!ow$n, Policy on Alcohol Consumption?
1. No person shall possess or consume, in the Chapter House or on Chapter House property or surrounding
property, any alcohol. Only beer or ale containing 7 or less alcohol by volume is allowed.
2. No person shall possess, in the Chapter House or on Chapter House property or surrounding property,
any alcohol container other than for beer. No glass beer bottles are allowed. Glass wine bottles under
registered central control are allowed.
3. No person shall participate in a drinking game where alcohol is consumed.
4. No person, at any Chapter social function, shall consume alcohol in violation of any law, rule or
regulation or third-party vender policies.
5. For violations of this Policy, the Board of Trustees shall take necessary action against that person, which
may include fines, social or other suspension, total suspension from membership, expulsion and/or
cancellation of their Housing Contract or Annex Agreement.
Members Manual 5.15
8or +any years, d$sa,ree+ents 3etween persons and or,an$Iat$ons ha%e 3een sett!ed thro,h reta!$at$on "or an
or$,$na! trans,ress$on= These reta!$at$ons sa!!y res!t $n +ore phys$#a! da+a,e, e+ot$ona! har+ and +ore
reta!$at$on= In )---, a s$tat$on o##rred where an $nd$%$da! atta#Bed a p!ed,e and the p!ed,e ;and se%era!
a#t$%es< reta!$ated 3y ,o$n, to the personAs res$den#e and #as$n, phys$#a! and e+ot$ona! da+a,es= S#h
reta!$at$on res!ted $n #r$+$na! and #$%$! a#t$ons and #on%$#t$ons=
That sa+e year, the Cha$r+an o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees $nst$tted a tota! 3an on s#h reta!$at$ons= He
d33ed $t JThe E!e%enth Co++and+ent? Tho sha!t not reta!$ateJ= In )--), the Chapter was sed "or the a#t$ons
o" those $nd$%$da!s $n )---= There"ore, th$s #!ear, #on#$se and #ont$n$n, Policy Against Retaliation $s here3y
1. No member or pledge shall retaliate for another person's actions against them by responding with
actions involving physical or emotional damage, including damage to the person's residence or property.
2. Any substantial evidence of such retaliation (including arrest records) will result in immediate
suspension of membership or pledgeship by the Board of Trustees. Suspension of membership or
pledgeship shall include the following at a minimum:
a. Loss of eligibility for scholarships, grants and awards from or through the Chapter or the
Endowment Fund for that semester. A!so, $" a s#ho!arsh$p, ,rant or award has a!ready 3een
presented to the +e+3er or p!ed,e "or that se+ester, the s#ho!arsh$p, ,rant or award sha!! 3e
b. Social suspension for ten academic weeks (intersessions and summer school not included). The
+e+3er or p!ed,e +ay not attend any Chapter so#$a! "n#t$on dr$n, th$s per$od o" t$+e=
c. Alcohol suspension for ten academic weeks (intersessions and summer school not included). The
+e+3er or p!ed,e +ay not #ons+e a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter property
or at any o""$#$a! "ratern$ty e%ent or $n any s$tat$on sponsored or endorsed 3y the #hapter or at any
e%ent an o3ser%er wo!d asso#$ate w$th the 8ratern$ty dr$n, th$s per$od o" t$+e=
d. At least twenty (20) hours of community service.
3. A conviction or diversion for actions of retaliation will result, at a minimum, in the same penalties as
above, plus immediate termination of Housing Contract or Annex Agreement.
4. The Board of Trustees, under extraordinary circumstances, may waive or modify Sections 2. and/or 3.
above for a member or pledge.
5. The Board of Trustees will levy additional types and levels of penalties (including expulsion or
depledging) if substantial property damage or bodily injury results.
5.16 Members Manual
Members Manual 5.17
0r$n, )--&, se%era! p!ed,es were #a,ht $n a soror$ty hose wh$!e atte+pt$n, to p!ay pranBs= *h$!e har+!ess on
the sr"a#e, the a#t$ons o##rred %ery !ate at n$,ht, w$thot per+$ss$on and s$n, stea!th ta#t$#s= The R$!ey Conty
.o!$#e 0epart+ent was #a!!ed and responded= The RC.0 arrested e%eryone and #har,ed the+ w$th "e!ony #r$+es=
*h$!e s3seCent !e,a! a#t$ons ha%e red#ed or ne,ated any #r$+$na! #har,es, the ne,at$%e p3!$#$ty $n%o!%ed and
the potent$a! har+ that #o!d ha%e 3een done were s3stant$a!=
I++ed$ate!y therea"ter, the Cha$r+an o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees $nst$tted a tota! 3an on s#h a#t$ons=
He #a!!ed $t JThe Twe!"th Co++and+ent? Tho sha!t not 3e $n a soror$ty hose a"ter darBJ= There"ore, th$s #!ear,
#on#$se and #ont$n$n, Policy Concerning Pranks $s here3y esta3!$shed= *h$!e the Chapter $s #har,ed w$th
3e#o+$n, a +ore respons$3!e +e+3er o" the 1reeB #o++n$ty, the Board o" Trstees w$!! dea! w$th s3stant$a!
%$o!at$ons $n the "o!!ow$n, +anner?
1. No member or pledge shall enter any fraternity or sorority house or property without the permission of
a member of that fraternity or sorority.
2. No member or pledge shall enter any fraternity or sorority house or property under cover of darkness
for the expressed purpose of removing property, causing damage or interrupting the sleep of the
occupants of the fraternity or sorority house.
3. Any substantial evidence of such actions of pranks (including arrest records) will result in immediate
suspension of membership or pledgeship by the Board of Trustees. Suspension of membership or
pledgeship shall include the following at a minimum:
a. Loss of eligibility for scholarships, grants and awards from or through the Chapter or the
Endowment Fund for that semester. A!so, $" a s#ho!arsh$p, ,rant or award has a!ready 3een
presented to the +e+3er or p!ed,e "or that se+ester, the s#ho!arsh$p, ,rant or award sha!! 3e
b. Social suspension for ten academic weeks (intersessions and summer school not included). The
+e+3er or p!ed,e +ay not attend any Chapter so#$a! "n#t$on dr$n, th$s per$od o" t$+e=
c. Alcohol suspension for ten academic weeks (intersessions and summer school not included). The
+e+3er or p!ed,e +ay not #ons+e a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter property
or at any o""$#$a! "ratern$ty e%ent or $n any s$tat$on sponsored or endorsed 3y the #hapter or at any
e%ent an o3ser%er wo!d asso#$ate w$th the 8ratern$ty dr$n, th$s per$od o" t$+e=
d. A written apology to the fraternity or sorority.
e. At least twenty (20) hours of community service.
4. A conviction or diversion for actions of pranks will result, at a minimum, in the same penalties as above,
plus immediate termination of Housing Contract or Annex Agreement.
5. The Board of Trustees, under extraordinary circumstances, may waive or modify Sections 3. and/or 4.
6. The Board of Trustees will levy additional types and levels of penalties (including expulsion or
depledging) if substantial property damage or bodily injury results.
5.18 Members Manual
Board of Trustees Policies Adopted on September 7, 1998; Amended on September 17, 2000; Amended
February 3, 2002; Amended September 7, 2003; Amended March 14, 2006; Amended March 6, 2007;
Amended September 3, 2007; Amended April 29, 2008; Amended May 3, 2009; Amended December 6, 2009;
Amended May 2, 2010; Amended 1uly 17, 2010; Amended April 29, 2012; Amended 1anuary 7, 2013;
Amended April 28, 2013.
Members Manual 6.01
Chapter House Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 1983
Includes All Subsequent Amendments
Corporation By-Laws
Effective February 26, 1955
Includes All Subsequent Amendments
6.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 6.03
The Chapter Hose $s owned 3y the Corporat$on and !eased to and o##p$ed 3y 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a ;JChapterJ<=
These Chapter Hose R!es and Re,!at$ons are here3y esta3!$shed 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha
Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on ;JCorporat$onJ< "or the Chapter Hose and srrond$n, property !o#ated at &97) M#Ca$n
Lane, Manhattan, Kansas 99:-)=
These Chapter Hose R!es and Re,!at$ons are "or the re,!at$on and #ontro! o" #onstr#t$on $n, o##pan#y o" and a#t$%$t$es $n
and arond sa$d property= A+end+ents to these Chapter Hose R!es and Re,!at$ons +ay 3e +ade 3y the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Corporat$on= V$o!at$ons sha!! 3e dea!t w$th 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the
Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Corporat$on $n a +anner they sha!! dee+ appropr$ate=
BCRA1. 1URISDICTION: The Corporat$on sha!! e/er#$se e/#!s$%e Dr$sd$#t$on #on#ern$n, the str#tre o" the Chapter
Hose and srrond$n, property> e/#ept as ,ranted 3y the Corporat$on to, or as %ested 3y #o++on or stattory
!aw $n, the Chapter=
BCRA2. ROOM DESIGNATIONS AND COMMON AREAS: The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on sha!!
des$,nate areas $n the Chapter Hose as S!eep$n, Roo+s and Co++on Areas= Co++on Areas +ay $n#!de 3t
are not !$+$ted to? Bathroo+s, *o+enAs Restroo+s, Stora,e Roo+s, Ha!!ways, Sta$rwe!!s, Landry Roo+s, Stdy
Roo+s, Meet$n, Roo+s, L$%$n, Roo+s, 0$n$n, Roo+, Re#reat$on Roo+, K$t#hen, Chapter Roo+, 8$rst and
Se#ond 8!oor Entryways and Ha!! o" Honor=
BCRA3. EXPENDITURES: No o3!$,at$on or e/pend$tre sha!! 3e $n#rred a,a$nst the Corporat$on e/#ept prsant to
the Bd,et o" the Corporat$on or w$th the appro%a! o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on=
BCRA4. DAMAGE AND FINE DEPOSIT: Ea#h +e+3er and p!ed,e !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose sha!! pay a da+a,e
and "$ne depos$t to the Corporat$on= The a+ont o" the da+a,e and "$ne depos$t $s N7:-=--, e""e#t$%e 8a!!, )-&->
N6--=--, e""e#t$%e 8a!!, )-&&> N6:-=--, e""e#t$%e 8a!!, )-&)> N9--, e""e#t$%e 8a!!, )-&7> and the eC$%a!ent o" one
+onthAs hose3$!!, e""e#t$%e 8a!!, )-&6= 0a+a,e and "$ne depos$ts sha!! 3e sed 3y the Corporat$on "or da+a,es
to "rn$tre, "$/tres, roo+s and property $n or arond the Chapter Hose and "$nes a,a$nst +e+3ers or p!ed,es=
Upon the deter+$nat$on o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on, ea#h da+a,e and "$ne depos$t w$!! 3e
s3De#t to part$a! or tota! "or"e$tre a"ter $nspe#t$on o" the Chapter Hose $s +ade= 0a+a,e and "$ne depos$ts +ay
a!so 3e sed 3y the Chapter "or "$nes assessed a,a$nst a#t$%es or p!ed,es, pon presentat$on o" $te+$Ied
state+ents $n 0e#e+3er and May and appro%a! thereo" 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on= 0a+a,e
and "$ne depos$ts +ay a!so 3e sed 3y the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees "or "$nes assessed a,a$nst a#t$%es or
p!ed,es= 0a+a,e and "$ne depos$ts sha!! 3e #ont$ned on $n the na+e o" the $nd$%$da! "ro+ year to year, and
sha!! 3e s3De#t to donat$on or re"nd pon ,radat$on or separat$on "ro+ the Un$%ers$ty or Chapter=
BCRA5. SUSPENSION FROM CORPORATION MEMBERSHIP: Any a#t$%e whose ,rades "or the "a!! or spr$n,
se+ester sha!! 3e 3e!ow )=:-- sha!! 3e dee+ed to not 3e $n ,ood stand$n, $n th$s Corporat$on and sha!! 3e
sspended "ro+ %ot$n, at a!! +eet$n,s o" the 1enera! Me+3ersh$p and the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Corporat$on
nt$! they sha!! atta$n a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, a "a!! or spr$n, se+ester=
part$#$pate $n any a#t$%$ty that +ay #ase da+a,e to the Chapter Hose or other property owned, +a$nta$ned or
!eased 3y the Corporat$on= No person sha!! re+o%e any property owned, +a$nta$ned or !eased 3y the Corporat$on
"ro+ the Chapter Hose or srrond$n, property= No person sha!! part$#$pate $n any a#t$%$ty that $s $!!e,a!, $n
%$o!at$on o" r!es o" the Un$%ers$ty, 8ratern$ty, Chapter, or 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees= No person sha!!
part$#$pate $n any a#t$%$ty that +ay re"!e#t ad%erse!y on the Corporat$on=
BCRB2. CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES: No person sha!! possess, #ons+e or se #ontro!!ed s3stan#es ;$n#!d$n,
+ar$Dana< $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter Hose property= The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on
sha!! ter+$nate a +e+3erAs or p!ed,eAs hos$n, #ontra#t and the person sha!! +o%e ot o" the Chapter Hose
6.04 Members Manual
AND OTHER DANGEROUS ITEMS: No person sha!! possess, se, +a$nta$n or store any dan,eros +ater$a!s or $te+s,
A. Loaded "$rear+s or ,aso!$ne #onta$ners $n the Chapter Hose=
B. Any type o" "$reworBs or other e/p!os$%e de%$#es $n or arond the Chapter Hose=
C. Any re"r$,erator or "reeIer on any Chapter Hose property e/#ept "or those pro%$ded 3y the Corporat$on "or ea#h
S!eep$n, Roo+=
D. Any !$,hted #and!e o" any B$nd or s$+$!ar open "!a+e $n the Chapter Hose=
BCRB4. FIRE PROTECTION DEVICES USAGE: 8$re e/t$n,$shers, spr$nB!er syste+s, s+oBe dete#tors and "$re a!ar+s sha!!
3e sed on!y $n #ase o" e+er,en#y= E+er,en#y !$,ht$n,, "$re e/t$n,$shers, s+oBe dete#tors, "$re a!ar+s, e/$t s$,n
$!!+$nat$on and 3attery 3a#Bp sha!! 3e tested at re,!ar $nter%a!s 3y the Hose Mana,er or other proper athor$ty=
BCRB5. CHAPTER HOUSE ROOFS, WINDOWS AND OUTSIDE DOORS: No person e/#ept the Hose Mana,er sha!! 3e on
the roo" o" the Chapter Hose w$thot the e/pressed appro%a! o" the Corporat$on= As the Chapter Hose $s tota!!y #!$+ate-
#ontro!!ed, no person sha!! open any w$ndow e/#ept $n #ase o" e+er,en#y= 8or se#r$ty and sa"ety reasons, no person sha!!
prop open any ots$de door or "$re door=
#ons+e a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es nor #hew to3a##o prod#ts $n any #arpeted area, any ha!!way, 0$n$n, Roo+, K$t#hen or 8$rst
and Se#ond 8!oor Entryways= A!! +e+3ers and p!ed,es w$!! proper!y d$spose o" a!! !$C$d #onta$ners and trash= No person
sha!! #ons+e any a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es $n the .arB$n, Lot, dr$%eways or ots$de ,ronds other than the Cortyard=
BCRB7. SMOKING: S+oB$n, $n the Chapter Hose $s proh$3$ted= S+oB$n, on Chapter Hose property sha!! 3e $n 0es$,nated
Areas on!y=
BCRB8. GLASS CONTAINERS OUTSIDE PROHIBITED: No person sha!! ha%e ,!ass #onta$ners $n the Chapter Hose or on
any Chapter Hose property, e/#ept "or ,!ass w$ne 3ott!es nder re,$stered #entra! #ontro!=
BCRB9. PARKING REGULATIONS: Motor %eh$#!e, +otor#y#!e and 3$#y#!e parB$n, on Chapter Hose property sha!! 3e $n
#o+p!$an#e w$th app!$#a3!e !aws, #$ty ord$nan#es, and the "o!!ow$n,?
A. No +e+3er or p!ed,e !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose sha!! parB a +otor %eh$#!e $n any parB$n, !ot !o#at$on e/#ept $n
the !o#at$on ass$,ned 3y the Chapter= The Chapter sha!! +aBe a%a$!a3!e to a!! +e+3ers and p!ed,es a spe#$"$#,
$dent$"$a3!e parB$n, !ot !o#at$on=
B. No +e+3er or p!ed,e !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose sha!! ha%e +ore than one parB$n, !ot !o#at$on=
C. Anne/ +e+3ers, anne/ p!ed,es, and ,ests o" any +e+3er or p!ed,e !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose sha!! on!y parB
on M#Ca$n Lane=
D. No person sha!! parB any +otor %eh$#!e $n +ore than one parB$n, !o#at$on=
E. No person, e/#ept those Ca!$"$ed or appro%ed 3y the Corporat$on, sha!! parB $n the parB$n, !o#at$ons reser%ed "or
hand$#apped dr$%ers west o" the Chapter Hose=
F. No person sha!! parB $n any !o#at$on des$,nated as Jno parB$n,J=
G. No person sha!! parB $n the "$re !ane d$re#t!y west o" the Chapter Hose=
H. No 3$#y#!e or +otor#y#!e sha!! 3e parBed on Chapter Hose property e/#ept $n !o#at$ons appro%ed 3y the
I. The Corporat$on and the Chapter sha!! ha%e #on#rrent power and athor$ty to en"or#e th$s se#t$on= The Chapter
sha!! ha%e the power to "rther restr$#t parB$n, on Chapter Hose property, w$th the #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on=
BCRB10. AREA NORTH OF CHAPTER HOUSE AND AIB PROPERTY: No +e+3er or p!ed,e sha!! enter pon, or taBe or
store property on, Chapter Hose property on the h$!! north o" the Chapter Hose or the property owned 3y the A+er$#an
Inst$tte o" BaB$n, ;!o#ated to the north o" the Chapter Hose property< w$thot the e/pressed appro%a! o" the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on= No person sha!! eneter pon the 3arr$er wa!! or the ro#B !ed,e north o" the Chapter
Hose, as th$s #reates a !$"e-threaten$n, s$tat$on=
Members Manual 6.05
BCRC1. DAMAGE, DRILLING AND ATTACHING: A!! roo+ #onstr#t$on sha!! 3e a##o+p!$shed w$thot da+a,e to
the Chapter Hose or srrond$n, property= No person sha!! dr$!! ho!es or atta#h any o3De#t to the #e$!$n,s, wa!!s
or "!oors o" any roo+ !o#ated $n the Chapter Hose w$thot the e/pressed appro%a! o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o"
the Corporat$on=
BCRC2. ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES: A!! ho!es, +arBs and other da+a,e to S!eep$n, Roo+s sha!! 3e repa$red or
rep!a#ed 3y the respons$3!e part$es= The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on sha!! $nspe#t the Chapter
Hose and assess da+a,es 3eyond nor+a! wear-and-tear $n a!! roo+s o" the Chapter Hose to the Chapter as a
who!e andGor $nd$%$da! +e+3er;s<=
BCRC3. COMPLIANCE WITH FIRE AND OTHER REGULATIONS: A!! roo+ #onstr#t$on sha!! 3e $n a##ordan#e
w$th app!$#a3!e "$re and other re,!at$ons= .hys$#a! +od$"$#at$on to roo+s sha!! not 3e ndertaBen nt$! des$,ns
are s3+$tted to and appro%ed 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on=
A. No #onstr#t$on sha!! 3!o#B or $nter"ere w$th entran#e to or e,ress "ro+ any S!eep$n, Roo+ door or
B. The entran#e to ea#h s!eep$n, areas $n a!! S!eep$n, Roo+s sha!! 3e open and a##ess$3!e=
C. The s!eep$n, area $n a!! S!eep$n, Roo+s sha!! not ha%e any sr"a#e #!osre=
D. No $te+s sha!! 3e stored $n the area &4J 3e!ow the #e$!$n, o" any S!eep$n, Roo+ or Co++on Area=
BCRC4. ELECTRICAL USAGE: A!! e!e#tr$#a! ot!et sa,e and !$,ht$n, sha!! 3e $n a##ordan#e w$th app!$#a3!e "$re and
e!e#tr$#a! re,!at$ons= 2n!y one UL appro%ed power str$p w$th 3$!t-$n #$r#$t 3reaBer sha!! 3e sed as e/tens$ons
"ro+ a per+anent dp!e/ ot!et= E/tens$on #ords are proh$3$ted= .er+anent ot!et 3o/es, Dn#t$on 3o/es,
#ond$ts and w$r$n, sha!! not 3e +od$"$ed, re+o%ed or ta+pered w$th=
BCRC5. CARPETED AREAS: No power saws or dr$!!s sha!! 3e operated $n #arpeted areas= There w$!! 3e no pa$nt$n, or
sta$n$n, $n #arpeted areas=
BCRC6. REMOVAL OF PERMANENT ITEM OR STRUCTURE: No per+anent $te+ or str#tre $nsta!!ed or
a""$/ed 3y the Corporat$on sha!! 3e re+o%ed 3y any person w$thot the e/pressed appro%a! o" the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on=
BCRC7. SLEEPING ROOM DOORS: The doors o" a!! S!eep$n, Roo+s are "$re doors and sha!! 3e +a$nta$ned $n proper
worB$n, #ond$t$on=
BCRC8. PERMANENT ADDITIONS: A!! add$t$ons to $nd$%$da! S!eep$n, Roo+s that are or appear to 3e per+anent
sha!! 3e#o+e the property o" the Corporat$on a"ter the$r #o+p!et$on=
BCRC9. ROOM CONSTRUCTION: No roo+ #onstr#t$on sha!! o##r w$thot the e/pressed appro%a! o" the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on=
BCRD1. OCCUPANCY BY CONTRACT ONLY: No +e+3er or p!ed,e sha!! o##py S!eep$n, Roo+s $n the Chapter
Hose n!ess he has e/e#ted a Hos$n, Contra#t w$th the Chapter and the Corporat$on=
BCRD2. CHAPTER HOUSE OCCUPANCY: No person sha!! 3e present $n the Chapter Hose e/#ept at t$+es stated $n
the$r Hos$n, Contra#t or Anne/ A,ree+ent= S#h o##pan#y sha!! 3e #ons$dered 3y the Corporat$on to 3e
BCRD3. OCCUPANCY DURING SUMMER MONTHS: No person sha!! 3e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n, the s++er
+onths, e/#ept when ad+$tted 3y o""$#ers o" the Corporat$on or $ts athor$Ied a,ents= 2%ern$,ht o##pan#y o" the
Chapter Hose dr$n, the s++er +onths $s a3so!te!y proh$3$ted, e/#ept at S++er Chapter Meet$n,=
the Chapter Hose dr$n, Se+ester BreaB and ho!$days or other t$+es when the Chapter Hose $s #!osed 3y
Corporat$on or Chapter dr$n, the s#hoo! year, e/#ept when ad+$tted 3y o""$#ers o" the Corporat$on or $ts
athor$Ied a,ents= 2%ern$,ht o##pan#y o" the Chapter Hose dr$n, the Se+ester BreaB and ho!$days or other
t$+es when the Chapter Hose $s #!osed 3y Corporat$on or Chapter dr$n, the s#hoo! year $s a3so!te!y
6.06 Members Manual
BCRD5. GUEST OCCUPANCY WHEN CHAPTER HOUSE IS OPEN: 0r$n, the s#hoo! year and when the Chapter
Hose $s open, no person who $s not a +e+3er or p!ed,e o" Chapter sha!! !$%e $n or o##py spa#e $n the Chapter
Hose "or a per$od e/#eed$n, one ;&< weeB=
BCRD6. MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM NUMBERS: There sha!! 3e not !ess than two ;)< nor +ore than "or ;6<
+e+3ers and p!ed,es o##py$n, any S!eep$n, Roo+ on a #ont$n$n, 3as$s=
BCRD7. PETS: No person sha!! Beep a pet o" any B$nd $n the Chapter Hose= No an$+a! o" any B$nd sha!! 3e Bept on
Chapter property ots$de the Chapter Hose or on srrond$n, property=
BCRD8. KEY COPIES: A!! +e+3ers sha!! 3e ,$%en one #opy o" the Bey to the !o#B$n, apparats o" the door o" the$r
S!eep$n, Roo+= The Hose Mana,er, .res$dent and persons athor$Ied 3y the Corporat$on sha!! ha%e a +aster
Bey "or e+er,en#y a##ess and $nspe#t$on prposes= Any !ost Bey w$!! 3e rep!a#ed "or a #ost o" N&--=
BCRD9. KEY FOBS: A!! +e+3ers sha!! 3e ,$%en one Key 8o3 "or a##ess to the Chapter Hose= Any !ost Key 8o3 w$!!
3e rep!a#ed "or a #ost o" N&--=
BCRE1. INSPECTIONS: The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on w$!! #as the Chapter Hose to 3e $nspe#ted at
the end o" ea#h se+ester and other t$+es and +ay assess ,enera! or $nd$%$da! "$nes= The 8a!! Inspe#t$on w$!! 3e
,enera! $n s#ope and natre, wh$!e the Spr$n, Inspe#t$on w$!! 3e tota!!y $n#!s$%e and thoro,h=
BCRE2. CHAPTER HOUSE STRUCTURE DAMAGE ITEMS COSTS: A!! da+a,es to the Chapter Hose ;$n#!d$n,
w$ndows, entry doors, e/ter$or doors, $nter$or doors $n Co++on Areas, ra$!$n,s, +$rrors, 3athroo+ e/hast "ans,
3athroo+ wa!! ,r$!!es, 3athroo+ "$/tres, 3athroo+ t$!es, e/$t !$,hts, e/ter$or !$,ht$n,, #e$!$n, t$!es, et#=< w$!! 3e
assessed at #rrent rep!a#e+ent #ost, p!s any "$ne deter+$ned to 3e appropr$ate=
BCRE3. FURNITURE/FIXTURES: M$ss$n, or da+a,ed Chapter Hose "rn$tre or "$/tres w$!! 3e rep!a#ed and
assessed at #rrent rep!a#e+ent #ost as deter+$ned 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on, p!s any "$ne
deter+$ned to 3e appropr$ate=
BCRE4. CARPETING DAMAGES: At any $nspe#t$on?
A. So$!ed or sta$ned #arpet $n Co++on Areas w$!! 3e assessed at N:=-- per sCare "oot p!s the #ost "or
proper #!ean$n,=
B. I" #arpet $n a Co++on Area $s 3eyond #!ean$n, and reC$res rep!a#e+ent, the Chapter w$!! 3e
respons$3!e "or tota! rep!a#e+ent #ost ;$" #arpet $s three years o!d or newer<=
BCRE5. CONDITION AT CLOSING: I" Co++on Areas o" the Chapter Hose are not adeCate!y #!eaned at the t$+e o"
the #!os$n, o" the Chapter Hose, the Chapter sha!! 3e assessed a +$n$++ o" N&,---=
A. Fire Extinguishers: A "$re e/t$n,$sher not $n p!a#e or $n worB$n, #ond$t$on w$!! 3e assessed a
+$n$++ "$ne o" N):- per o##rren#e=
B. Items Outside: Any o!d "rn$tre or other d$s#arded $te+s ;so"as, #ha$rs, et#=< !e"t at or near the
d+pster or other areas ots$de the Chapter Hose w$!! 3e assessed a +$n$++ "$ne o" N):- per $te+=
C. Graffiti: 1ra""$t$ on wa!!s, "!oors or #e$!$n,s $n Co++on Areas w$!! 3e assessed a +$n$++ "$ne o"
N&-- per o##rren#e and repa$red pro"ess$ona!!y=
D. Wall Holes: Ho!es $n drywa!! $n Co++on Areas w$!! 3e assessed a +$n$++ "$ne o" N&-- per
o##rren#e and repa$red pro"ess$ona!!y=
Members Manual 6.07
A. Smoke Detector: Inopera3!e or da+a,ed s+oBe or "$re dete#tors or syste+s $n S!eep$n, Roo+ w$!! 3e
assessed a +$n$++ "$ne o" N&-- per person per roo+=
B. Room Graffiti: 1ra""$t$ on wa!!s, "!oors or #e$!$n,s $n S!eep$n, Roo+s w$!! 3e assessed a +$n$++
"$ne o" N:- per person per roo+ and repa$red pro"ess$ona!!y=
C. Chapter Items in Rooms: Ite+s 3e!on,$n, to the Chapter ;d$shes, tens$!s, "rn$tre, B$t#hen $te+s,
et#=< "ond $n S!eep$n, Roo+s w$!! 3e assessed a +$n$++ "$ne o" N:- per person per roo+=
D. Refrigerators: Re"r$,erators !e"t rnn$n, andGor w$th "ood present at the t$+e o" the #!os$n, o" the
Chapter Hose w$!! 3e assessed a +$n$++ "$ne o" N:- per person per roo+=
E. Damaged Doors: Any da+a,ed S!eep$n, Roo+ door w$!! 3e rep!a#ed and assessed at #rrent
rep!a#e+ent #ost as deter+$ned 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on, p!s any "$ne
deter+$ned to 3e appropr$ate, to 3e pa$d "or 3y the o##pant;s< o" the roo+=
BCRE8. CLEANLINESS OF SLEEPING ROOMS: C!ean!$ness o" S!eep$n, Roo+s w$!! 3e as#erta$ned 3y the
E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on, w$th appropr$ate "$nes, as "o!!ows?
A. Acceptable: Roo+ $s C$te #!ean and no $te+s are !e"t that #o!d #ase odor=
B. Messy: Roo+ $s not #!ean= M$n$++ "$ne o" N:- per person per roo+=
C. Extremely Messy: Roo+ $s not #!ean, trash $s %$s$3!e and odors are present= M$n$++ "$ne o" N&--
per person per roo+=
BCRE9. ROOM RENOVATIONS APPROVALS: No S!eep$n, Roo+ reno%at$on sha!! 3e ndertaBen w$thot the
e/pressed appro%a! o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Corporat$on=
Corporat$on +ay, at $ts d$s#ret$on, +aBe awards to the o##pants $n ,ood stand$n, o" S!eep$n, Roo+s Dd,ed to
3e $n otstand$n, #o+p!$an#e w$th B$!d$n, Corporat$on Chapter Hose R!es and Re,!at$ons=
Adopted on No%e+3er &), &'47> A+ended 0e#e+3er :, &'4'> A+ended 5ne &9, &''-> A+ended No%e+3er 7, &''->
A+ended 0e#e+3er 6, &''-> A+ended 5ne 4, &''&> A+ended A,st 4, &''&> A+ended A,st ) and )6, &'')> A+ended
No%e+3er )&, &'')> A+ended 5anary 6, &''7> A+ended 5ne 4, &''7> A+ended A,st &:, &''7> A+ended 5anary 7 and
)', &''6> A+ended A,st ):, &''6> A+ended Septe+3er )6, &''6> A+ended May &9, &'':> A+ended 5ne )7, &'':>
A+ended May )-, &''9> A+ended 5!y &6, &''9> A+ended Apr$! &) and )4, &''(> A+ended 5!y &6, &''(> A+ended A,st
(, &''(> A+ended A,st )), &''4> A+ended Apr$! )-, &'''> A+ended May )(, &'''> A+ended Mar#h &), )---> A+ended
May &:, )--&> A+ended Septe+3er )(, )--&> A+ended May )(, )--)> A+ended 5!y ):, )--)> A+ended 5!y &, )--7>
A+ended No%e+3er & and :, )--7> A+ended Mar#h (, )--:> A+ended 5!y &-, )--:> A+ended 2#to3er )', )--:> A+ended
No%e+3er &-, )--(> A+ended 5ne &&, )--4> A+ended May )), )-&-> A+ended 5!y )(, )-&-> A+ended 2#to3er ), )-&->
A+ended Apr$! 7-, )-&&> A+ended Mar#h &, )-&)> A+ended Apr$! )(, )-&7> A+ended 2#to3er ):, )-&7=
6.08 Members Manual
Members Manual 6.09
(Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 48-6111335)
Section 1. The na+e o" the #orporat$on $s 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on,
so+et$+es here$na"ter re"erred to as Jth$s #orporat$onJ= The pr$n#$pa! o""$#e and +a$!$n, address o"
th$s #orporat$on $s &97) M#Ca$n Lane, Manhattan, Kansas 99:-)=
Section 2. Th$s #orporat$on +ay a!so ha%e s#h other o""$#es, te+porary or per+anent, "or the transa#t$on o"
3s$ness, !o#ated at s#h other p!a#es as the Board o" 0$re#tors +ay "ro+ t$+e to t$+e deter+$ne=
Section 1. Any +e+3er or a""$!$ate o" the 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a, a!so Bnown as 0e!ta Theta
o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a, In#=, +ay 3e#o+e a +e+3er ;+e+3ersh$ps are !$+$ted to !$"e donat$n,
+e+3ersh$ps< o" th$s #orporat$on= Me+3ersh$ps +ay 3e a#C$red 3y donat$n, the a+ont spe#$"$ed
3e!ow or any +!t$p!e thereo" to th$s #orporat$on, and the person sha!! ths 3e#o+e a +e+3er and 3e
ent$t!ed to #ast one %ote "or ea#h s#h a+ont donated, 3t no +e+3er sha!! 3e ent$t!ed to #ast +ore
than "or ;6< %otes re,ard!ess o" the donat$on +ade 3y h$+, to e!e#t the Board o" 0$re#tors o" th$s
#orporat$on at the anna! +eet$n, or any spe#$a! +eet$n, as pro%$ded $n Art$#!e IV= S#h
+e+3ersh$ps are non-ass$,na3!e, non-trans"erra3!e and %a!$d when the +e+3er $s $n ,ood stand$n,=
Me+3ersh$ps sha!! 3e#o+e %o$d pon the death o" the +e+3er or e/p!s$on "ro+ the A!pha Ta
2+e,a 8ratern$ty=
.r$or to 5!y &, &''6? N ):=--
5!y &, &''6 to 5ne 7-, )--6? N :-=--
5!y &, )--6 to 5ne 7-, )-&&? N&--=--
5!y &, )-&& to 5ne 7-, )-&7? N):-=--
8ro+ and a"ter 5!y &, )-&7? N7--=--
Section 1. 0$re#tors na+ed $n the Art$#!es o" In#orporat$on o" th$s #orporat$on, to w$t?
L!oyd C= R$,,s, 69)' *= 9'th Terra#e, .ra$r$e V$!!a,e, KS
Te+porary Cha$r+an
5ay H= .ayne, 9-- *est Rep3!$#, Sa!$na, KS
A#t$n, Se#retary
*a!ter 5= Ro,ers, &--& Co!!e,e A%ene, Manhattan, KS
A#t$n, Treasrer
V$r,$! *= Bod$ne, (6-- *est :- H$,hway, M$ss$on, KS
C= R$#hard Mann, &&&9 *ash3rn, TopeBa, KS
Howard K= *ood3ry, *ood3ry 8ar+s, 2!$%et, KS
Bro+ 0= H$/on, *aKeeney, KS
Vernon 1= Asher, R80 ), 1reat Bend, KS
5ohn Ste$ner, 7-: East &6th Street, Ht#h$nson, KS
Ke$th R= Keh+e$er, St= 8ran#$s, KS
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+, )7-: S= *e3ster, KoBo+o, IN
*a!ter T= Ro!"e, :&-& .$ne, Be!!a$re, TH
Char!es C= M#.herson, Sothha+pton, MA
Larens H= Rey3rn, '- Maywood 0r$%e, San 8ran#$s#o, CA
Lo *= 1rothsen, &:-' Be!+ont, .arsons, KS
6.10 Members Manual
sha!! ho!d o""$#e nt$! the$r s##essors are d!y e!e#ted and Ca!$"$ed as pro%$ded $n Se#t$on ) o" Art$#!e
Section 2. The Board o" 0$re#tors o" th$s #orporat$on sha!! #ons$st o" +e+3ers o" the 0e!ta Theta Chapter o"
A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty, a!so Bnown as 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a, In#=, who sha!! 3e
e!e#ted at the anna! +eet$n, o" the +e+3ers o" th$s #orporat$on or as otherw$se pro%$ded $n Art$#!e III
and Art$#!e IV= Any 0$re#tor +ay res$,n at anyt$+e 3y ,$%$n, wr$tten not$#e to the .res$dent or
Se#retary= Any 0$re#tor +ay 3e re+o%ed "ro+ o""$#e "or $n#apa#$ty or +$s#ond#t 3y the %ote o" three-
"orths ;7G6< o" the +e+3ers present at the anna! +eet$n, or any spe#$a! +eet$n, #a!!ed "or that
prpose= The %a#an#y o" any 0$re#tor sha!! 3e "$!!ed 3y the e!e#t$on o" a s##essor 0$re#tor, to ser%e
"or the re+a$nder o" the ter+ o" sa$d %a#ant d$re#torsh$p, at any anna! +eet$n, or any spe#$a! +eet$n,
o" th$s #orporat$on=
Section 1. The +e+3ers o" th$s #orporat$on sha!! ho!d an anna! +eet$n, "or the e!e#t$on o" +e+3ers o" the
Board o" 0$re#tors o" th$s #orporat$on $n the +onths o" Septe+3er, 2#to3er or No%e+3er, at a t$+e
and p!a#e to 3e deter+$ned 3y the .res$dent o" th$s #orporat$on, $n Manhattan, Kansas= Not$#e o" sa$d
+eet$n, sha!! 3e #o++n$#ated to ea#h +e+3er $n ,ood stand$n, at !east ten ;&-< days 3e"ore the
+eet$n,= A spe#$a! +eet$n, o" the +e+3ers o" th$s #orporat$on +ay 3e #a!!ed 3y the .res$dent or
Se#retary pon ,$%$n, not$#e as reC$red "or the anna! +eet$n,=
Section 2. 0$re#tors sha!! 3e se!e#ted $n the "o!!ow$n, +anner?
A= At the anna! +eet$n, o" the +e+3ers o" th$s #orporat$on to 3e he!d $n &''), s$/ ;9< 0$re#tors
sha!! 3e e!e#ted to ho!d o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n, $n &'':, one ;&< add$t$ona! 0$re#tor
sha!! 3e e!e#ted to ho!d o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n, $n &''7, and one ;&< add$t$ona!
0$re#tor sha!! 3e e!e#ted to ho!d o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n, $n &''6> the "$%e ;:< 0$re#tors
e!e#ted $n &''- sha!! ho!d o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n, $n &''7> and the "$%e ;:< 0$re#tors
e!e#ted $n &''& sha!! ho!d o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n, $n &''6= Be,$nn$n, w$th the
anna! +eet$n, $n &''7, s$/ ;9< 0$re#tors sha!! 3e e!e#ted to s##eed the s$/ ;9< 0$re#tors
whose ter+s o" o""$#e e/p$red w$th sa$d +eet$n, and therea"ter s$/ ;9< 0$re#tors sha!! 3e
e!e#ted at ea#h anna! +eet$n,= Be,$nn$n, w$th the 0$re#tors to 3e e!e#ted at the anna!
+eet$n, $n &''7, a!! 0$re#tors then and therea"ter e!e#ted sha!! ho!d o""$#e "or three ;7< years
and nt$! the$r s##essors are d!y e!e#ted and Ca!$"$ed=
B= The .res$dent, Treasrer and Hose Mana,er o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a sha!! 3e e/
o""$#$o, %ot$n, 0$re#tors and sha!! ser%e as 0$re#tors dr$n, the$r #ont$nat$on $n o""$#e=
Section 3. The Board o" 0$re#tors sha!! ho!d an anna! +eet$n, "or the transa#t$on o" any 3s$ness re!at$n, to the
a""a$rs o" th$s #orporat$on $n the +onths o" 5anary, 8e3rary or Mar#h, at a t$+e and p!a#e to 3e
deter+$ned 3y the .res$dent o" th$s #orporat$on= Not$#e o" sa$d +eet$n, sha!! 3e #o++n$#ated to ea#h
0$re#tor at !east ten ;&-< days 3e"ore the +eet$n,= A spe#$a! +eet$n, o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" th$s
#orporat$on +ay 3e #a!!ed 3y the .res$dent or Se#retary pon ,$%$n, not$#e as reC$red "or the anna!
Members Manual 6.11
Section 1. The property, 3s$ness and a""a$rs o" th$s #orporat$on sha!! 3e +ana,ed 3y a Board o" 0$re#tors= The
Board o" 0$re#tors sha!! ha%e twenty-one ;)&< %ot$n, +e+3ers= In add$t$on to the powers and
athor$ty 3y the Art$#!es o" In#orporat$on and 3y these By-Laws e/press!y #on"erred pon the+, the
Board +ay e/er#$se a!! s#h powers o" th$s #orporat$on and do a!! s#h !aw"! a#ts and th$n,s, w$th
respe#t to +ana,e+ent o" the a""a$rs, property and 3s$ness o" th$s #orporat$on, and the
a##o+p!$sh+ent o" the prposes "or wh$#h th$s #orporat$on $s #hartered, as are not 3y Statte, or 3y the
Art$#!es o" In#orporat$on, or 3y these By-Laws proh$3$ted=
Section 1. The o""$#ers o" th$s #orporat$on sha!! 3e #hosen 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors, and sha!! 3e a .res$dent, a
V$#e-.res$dent, a Se#retary and a Treasrer=
Section 2. At $ts "$rst +eet$n,, to 3e he!d $n a##ordan#e w$th Art$#!e ( o" the Charter o" th$s #orporat$on, the
Board sha!! e!e#t the o""$#ers and those so e!e#ted sha!! ho!d o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n, o" the
0$re#tors to 3e he!d $n &':9=
Section 3. The .res$dent, V$#e-.res$dent, Se#retary and Treasrer sha!! 3e the +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee= The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee sha!! ha%e the power, when the Board o" 0$re#tors $s not
+eet$n,, to?
A= A#t 3y and "or the Board o" 0$re#tors>
B= Re#e$%e and de#$de +atters re"erred to the+ 3y 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a, In#=>
C= MaBe appropr$at$ons "or ne#essary +a$ntenan#e, repa$rs and #ap$ta! $+pro%e+ents> 3t $n no
#ase sha!! an appropr$at$on "or a #ap$ta! $+pro%e+ent e/#eed N:,--- "or a part$#!ar $te+>
0= Constre, $nterpret and en"or#e these By-Laws=
The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee +ay 3e #a!!ed $nto sess$on 3y the .res$dent or Se#retary ,$%$n, not$#e to a!!
+e+3ers o" sa$d Co++$ttee, 3t $n no #ase dr$n, the &--day per$od pre#ed$n, a re,!ar or spe#$a!
+eet$n, o" the Board o" 0$re#tors=
A Cor+ sha!! 3e at !east three o" the +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, and any de#$s$on sha!! 3e
3y a""$r+at$%e %ote o" at !east three +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee=
A!! de#$s$ons o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee sha!! 3e s3De#t to re%$ew 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors=
S3De#t to the "ore,o$n,, the Board o" 0$re#tors +ay appo$nt other #o++$ttees as $t dee+s ne#essary,
who sha!! ho!d the$r o""$#e "or s#h ter+s and e/er#$se s#h powers and per"or+ s#h dt$es as sha!! 3e
deter+$ned "ro+ t$+e to t$+e 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors=
Section 4. Any o""$#er +ay 3e re+o%ed at any t$+e 3y the %ote o" three-"orths ;7G6< o" the 0$re#tors present= I"
the o""$#e o" any o""$#er 3e#o+es %a#ant "or any reason, the %a#an#y sha!! 3e "$!!ed on a te+porary 3as$s
3y a 0$re#tor appo$nted 3y the .res$dent, nt$! "$!!ed 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors at any spe#$a! or anna!
6.12 Members Manual
Section 5. Two or +ore o""$#es +ay 3e he!d 3y the sa+e person, e/#ept that the o""$#es o" .res$dent and Se#retary
sha!! a!ways 3e he!d 3y d$""erent persons=
Section 6. The .res$dent sha!! 3e the #h$e" e/e#t$%e o""$#er o" th$s #orporat$on= He sha!! pres$de at the +eet$n,s
o" the 0$re#tors, sha!! ha%e ,enera! #ontro! and +ana,e+ent o" the 3s$ness and a""a$rs o" th$s
#orporat$on, and sha!! see that a!! orders and reso!t$ons o" the Board o" 0$re#tors are #arr$ed $nto
e""e#t= He sha!! e/e#te 3onds, +ort,a,es and other #ontra#ts o" th$s #orporat$on, e/#ept where
reC$red or per+$tted 3y !aw to 3e otherw$se s$,ned and e/e#ted, and e/#ept where the s$,n$n,
thereo" sha!! 3e e/press!y de!e,ated 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors to so+e other o""$#er or a,ent o" th$s
Section 7. The V$#e-.res$dent sha!!, $n the a3sen#e or d$sa3$!$ty o" the .res$dent, per"or+ the dt$es and e/er#$se
the powers o" the .res$dent, and sha!! per"or+ s#h other dt$es as the Board o" 0$re#tors sha!!
Section 8. The Se#retary sha!! attend a!! +eet$n,s o" the Board o" 0$re#tors and sha!! re#ord a!! %otes and the
+$ntes o" a!! pro#eed$n,s $n a 3ooB to 3e Bept "or that prpose, and sha!! per"or+ !$Be dt$es "or the
stand$n, #o++$ttees when reC$red= He sha!! ,$%e or #ase to 3e ,$%en not$#e o" a!! +eet$n,s o" the
Board o" 0$re#tors and a!! +eet$n,s o" th$s #orporat$on, and sha!! per"or+ s#h other dt$es as +ay 3e
pres#r$3ed 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors or the .res$dent= He sha!! ha%e #stody o" the sea! o" th$s
#orporat$on and a""$/ the sa+e to any $nstr+ent reC$r$n, $t, and when so a""$/ed $t sha!! 3e attested
3y h$s s$,natre, or 3y the s$,natre o" the Treasrer= He sha!! $n ,enera! per"or+ a!! a#ts $n#$denta! to
the pos$t$on o" Se#retary, s3De#t to the #ontro! o" the Board o" 0$re#tors=
Section 9. The Treasrer sha!! ha%e the #stody o" the "nds and se#r$t$es o" th$s #orporat$on, and sha!! Beep "!!
and a##rate a##onts o" re#e$pts and d$s3rse+ents $n 3ooBs o" th$s #orporat$on, and sha!! depos$t a!!
+oneys and other %a!a3!e e""e#ts $n the na+e and to the #red$t o" th$s #orporat$on $n s#h depos$tor$es
as +ay 3e des$,nated 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors= He sha!! d$s3rse the "nds o" th$s #orporat$on as +ay
3e ordered 3y the Board, taB$n, proper %o#hers "or s#h d$s3rse+ents, and sha!! render to the
.res$dent and the Board o" 0$re#tors, at the anna! +eet$n,s o" the Board or whene%er they +ay
reC$re $t, an a##ont o" a!! h$s transa#t$ons as Treasrer and o" the "$nan#$a! #ond$t$on o" th$s
#orporat$on= He sha!! $n ,enera! per"or+ a!! a#ts $n#$denta! to the pos$t$on o" Treasrer, s3De#t to the
#ontro! o" the Board o" 0$re#tors= He sha!! ,$%e th$s #orporat$on a 3ond $n s#h s+ and w$th s#h
srety or sret$es as sha!! 3e sat$s"a#tory to the Board o" 0$re#tors "or the "a$th"! per"or+an#e o" h$s
dt$es, the e/pense o" s#h 3ond sha!! 3e 3orne 3y th$s #orporat$on=
Section 1. A!! #he#Bs, notes, dra"ts, 3$!!s o" e/#han,e, a##eptan#e and other o3!$,at$ons or orders "or the pay+ent
o" +oney sha!! 3e s$,ned 3y s#h o""$#er or o""$#ers or person or persons as the Board o" 0$re#tors +ay
"ro+ t$+e to t$+e des$,nate, and $n the a3sen#e o" s#h des$,nat$on they sha!! 3e s$,ned 3y the
.res$dent and the Treasrer=
Section 1. The "$s#a! year o" th$s #orporat$on sha!! 3e,$n the "$rst day o" 5!y $n ea#h year, and sha!! end on the
th$rt$eth day o" 5ne the "o!!ow$n, year=
Members Manual 6.13
Section 1. These By-Laws +ay 3e a!tered, a+ended or repea!ed e$ther at any anna! +eet$n, o" the Board o"
0$re#tors or at any spe#$a! +eet$n, o" the Board o" 0$re#tors, 3y the %ote o" three-"orths ;7G6< o" the
n+3er o" 0$re#tors present=
`Building Corporation Articles of Incorporation: See Book of Records Chapter 3
Original By-Laws Adopted: February 26, 1955
Effective Date of By-Laws as Amended: November 13, 1976
6.14 Members Manual
Members Manual 7.01
7.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 7.03
1. Risk Management and National Chapter Minimum Guidelines of Operations
2. Statement of the National Fraternity Concerning Controlled Substances
3. Statement of Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Building Corporation
4. Declaration of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Delta Theta
Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Building Corporation
5. Delta Theta Interpretive Statements
A. Concerning Homecoming
B. Concerning Out-of-House Activities
C. Concerning Pranks
6. Questions and Answers on Risk Management
7. Duties of the Risk Management Officers/Social Chairmen
8. Profile of a Safe Party
1. Emergency Powers of the Chapter President
2. General Provisions
3. Disciplinary Procedures Before the Executive Boards
A. The 1udicial Committee
B. The Executive Committee
C. The Membership Education Committee
D. The Cabinet
4. Appeal to the Board of Trustees
5. Appeal to the National Chancellor
1. Procedures Concerning Recruits
2. Procedures Concerning Pledges During Each Semester
3. Procedures at Chapter Meetings During Last Two Weeks of November and April
7.04 Members Manual
Members Manual 7.05
In &'4:, the A!pha Ta 2+e,a Board o" 0$re#tors tooB a 3o!d and dyna+$# stand on R$sB Mana,e+ent= At the
&'4' AT2 Con,ress, the 1enera! Asse+3!y, #o+posed o" nder,radates and a!+n$, ena#ted se%era! Nat$ona!
.o!$#$es and .ro#edres that #on#ern r$sB +ana,e+ent and !$a3$!$t$es= In )-&&, these .U.s were +o%ed to the
Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons= A!so, the 8ratern$ty 3e!on,s to an $nter"raterna! ,rop Bnown as
8I.1, #o+posed o" +ore than ): "ratern$t$es that poo! $nsran#e resor#es and r$sBs=
Yo are +e+3ers o" the 8ratern$ty when the $sses o" a!#oho! and !$a3$!$ty ha%e #o+e to a head= The 8ratern$ty has
spoBen as one w$th the nan$+os passa,e o" these r!es= Ea#h one o" s -- yes, ea#h one o" s -- are potent$a!!y
persona!!y !$a3!e= There"ore, the "o!!ow$n, Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons are stated "or yor se and
B1. The possess$on, sa!e, se andGor #ons+pt$on o" a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es, wh$!e on #hapter pre+$ses, dr$n,
a "ratern$ty e%ent, or $n any s$tat$on sponsored or endorsed 3y the #hapter, or at any e%ent an o3ser%er
wo!d asso#$ate w$th the 8ratern$ty, +st 3e $n #o+p!$an#e w$th any and a!! app!$#a3!e !aws o" the
#ontry, state, #onty, #$ty and n$%ers$ty> and +st #o+p!y w$th e$ther BY2B or Th$rd .arty Vendor
B2. No a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es +ay 3e pr#hased thro,h the #hapter treasry or w$th #hapter "nds nor +ay
the pr#hase o" sa+e "or +e+3ers or ,ests 3e ndertaBen or #oord$nated 3y any +e+3er $n the na+e
o" or on 3eha!" o" the #hapter=
B3. No #hapter +e+3ers, #o!!e#t$%e!y or $nd$%$da!!y, sha!! pr#hase "or, ser%e to, or se!! a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es
to any person nder the !e,a! dr$nB$n, a,e=
B4. No #hapter +ay #o-sponsor an e%ent w$th an a!#oho! d$str$3tor, #har$ta3!e or,an$Iat$on or ta%ern
;ta%ern de"$ned as an esta3!$sh+ent ,enerat$n, +ore than ha!" o" anna! ,ross sa!es "ro+ a!#oho!< where
a!#oho! $s ,$%en away, so!d or otherw$se pro%$ded to those present= Th$s $n#!des any e%ent he!d $n, at
or on the property o" a ta%ern as de"$n"ed a3o%e "or prposes o" "ndra$s$n,= Howe%er, a #hapter +ay
rent or se a roo+ or area $n a ta%ern as de"$ned a3o%e "or a #!osed e%ent he!d w$th$n the pro%$s$ons o"
th$s po!$#y, $n#!d$n, the se o" a th$rd party %endor and ,est !$st= An e%ent at wh$#h a!#oho! $s present
+ay 3e #ond#ted or #o-sponsored w$th a #har$ta3!e or,an$Iat$on $" the e%ent $s he!d w$th$n the
pro%$s$ons o" the AT2 R$sB Mana,e+ent .o!$#y=
B5. No #hapter +ay #o-sponsor or #o-"$nan#e or attend or part$#$pate $n a "n#t$on where a!#oho! $s
pr#hased 3y any o" the host #hapters, ,rops or or,an$Iat$on=
7.06 Members Manual
B6. A!! re#r$t+ent or rsh a#t$%$t$es asso#$ated w$th any #hapter w$!! 3e non-a!#oho!$#= No re#r$t+ent or
rsh a#t$%$t$es asso#$ated w$th any #hapter +ay 3e he!d at or $n #onDn#t$on w$th a ta%ern or a!#oho!
d$str$3tor as de"$ned $n the AT2 R$sB Mana,e+ent .o!$#y=
B7. 2pen part$es, +ean$n, those w$th nrestr$#ted a##ess 3y non-+e+3ers o" the 8ratern$ty, w$thot spe#$"$#
$n%$tat$on where a!#oho! $s present, are proh$3$ted=
B8. No $n$t$ated +e+3er or p!ed,e +e+3er sha!! per+$t, to!erate, en#ora,e or part$#$pate $n Jdr$nB$n,
,a+esJ= The de"$n$t$on o" dr$nB$n, ,a+es $n#!des 3t $s not !$+$ted to the #ons+pt$on o" shots o"
a!#oho!, the pra#t$#e o" #ons+$n, shots eCat$n, to oneAs a,e, J3eer pon,,J J#entry #!3,J JdaresJ or
any other a#t$%$ty $n%o!%$n, the #ons+pt$on o" a!#oho! wh$#h $n%o!%es dress or en#ora,e+ent re!ated
to the #ons+pt$on o" a!#oho!=
B9. No a!#oho! sha!! 3e present at any +e+3ersh$p ed#at$on pro,ra+s or r$ta! a#t$%$t$es o" the #hapter=
Th$s $n#!des 3t $s not !$+$ted to a#t$%$t$es asso#$ated w$th J3$d n$,ht,J V3$, 3rotherG!$tt!e 3rother,J
J"a+$!yJ a#t$%$t$es and $n$t$at$on=
B10. A!! 3!B d$str$3t$on and se o" a!#oho! ;other than 3y !$#ensed th$rd party %endors<, $n#!d$n, 3t not
!$+$ted to Be,s, #ases, party 3a!!s and a!#oho!$# pn#h, $s str$#t!y proh$3$ted=
B11. The possess$on, sa!e andGor se o" $!!e,a! dr,s or #ontro!!ed s3stan#es at any #hapter hose, sponsored
e%ent or at any e%ent that an o3ser%er wo!d asso#$ate w$th the "ratern$ty, $s str$#t!y proh$3$ted= `
B12. A!! #hapter hoses sho!d +eet a!! !o#a! "$re and hea!th #odes and standards=
B13. A!! #hapters sho!d post 3y #o++on phones and $n other !o#at$ons e+er,en#y n+3ers "or "$re, po!$#e
and a+3!an#e and sho!d ha%e posted e%a#at$on rotes "ro+ #hapter hoses $n #o++on areas as we!!
as on the 3a#B o" the door o" ea#h s!eep$n, roo+=
B14. The possess$on andGor se o" "$rear+s or e/p!os$%e de%$#es o" any B$nd w$th$n the #on"$nes and pre+$ses
o" a #hapter hose $s proh$3$ted=
B15. The se o" s+oB$n, prod#ts o" any B$nd w$th$n the #on"$nes and pre+$ses o" a #hapter hose $s
B16. Cand!es sho!d not 3e sed $n #hapter hoses or $nd$%$da! roo+s=
B17. HaI$n, $s proh$3$ted= The ter+ haI$n, $s here3y de"$ned to +ean any or a!! o" the "o!!ow$n,? Any
w$!!"! a#t or pra#t$#e 3y a +e+3er or p!ed,e, d$re#ted a,a$nst a +e+3er or p!ed,e, wh$#h, w$th or
w$thot $ntent?
;a< Is !$Be!y, w$th reasona3!e poss$3$!$ty, to #ase 3od$!y har+ or dan,er, o""ens$%e phys$#a!
pn$sh+ent, or d$str3$n, pa$n=
;3< Is !$Be!y to? ;&< #o+pro+$se the d$,n$ty o" a +e+3er or p!ed,e, ;)< #ase e+3arrass+ent or sha+e
to a +e+3er or p!ed,e $n p3!$#, ;7< #ase a +e+3er or p!ed,e to 3e the o3De#t o" +a!$#$os
a+se+ent or r$d$#!e, or ;6< #ase psy#ho!o,$#a! har+ or s3stant$a! e+ot$ona! stra$n=
B18. Any reC$re+ent 3y a +e+3er or p!ed,e wh$#h #o+pe!s a +e+3er or p!ed,e to part$#$pate $n any
a#t$%$ty wh$#h $s $!!e,a!, wh$#h $s Bnown 3y the #o+pe!!$n, person to 3e #ontrary to a +e+3erAs or
p!ed,eAs +ora! or re!$,$os 3e!$e"s, or wh$#h $s #ontrary to the r!es or re,!at$ons o" the +e+3erAs or
p!ed,eAs $nst$tt$on o" !earn$n,=
B19. Any reC$re+ent 3y a +e+3er or p!ed,e wh$#h #o+pe!s or en#ora,es a +e+3er or p!ed,e to
part$#$pate $n any a#t$%$ty, the natre o" wh$#h wo!d +aBe s#h an a#t$%$ty o""ens$%e andGor
na##epta3!e to, orn!$Be!y to 3e en,a,ed $n 3y, a prdent +an=
Members Manual 7.07
B20. Any reC$re+ent, a#t$%$ty, or a#t$on wh$#h s3De#ts a +e+3er or p!ed,e to de,rad$n,, de+ean$n,, or
de!$3erate!y np!easant and o""ens$%e treat+ent whether phys$#a! or +enta!=
B21. .er+$ss$on or appro%a! 3y the person 3e$n, haIed $s not a de"ense=
B22. The 8ratern$ty w$!! not to!erate or #ondone any "or+ o" se/$st or se/a!!y a3s$%e 3eha%$or on the part o"
$ts +e+3er, whether phys$#a!, +enta! or e+ot$ona!= Th$s $n#!des any a#t$ons, a#t$%$t$es or e%ents,
whether on #hapter pre+$ses or an o""-s$te !o#at$on wh$#h are de+ean$n, andGor se/a!!y s,,est$%e to
wo+en or +en, $n#!d$n, 3t not !$+$ted to %er3a! harass+ent, se/a! assa!t 3y $nd$%$da!s or se/a!
assa!t 3y +e+3ers a#t$n, to,ether= Str$ppers, e/ot$# dan#ers or s$+$!ar persons, whether pro"ess$ona!
or a+ater, at a "ratern$ty e%ent are proh$3$ted=
B23. Chapter wo+enAs a/$!$ary ,rops, s#h as L$tt!e S$sters or,an$Iat$ons, are proh$3$ted=
The Board o" Trstees has the power to sspend a +e+3er or to sspend an o""$#er "ro+ h$s o""$#e "or a per$od o"
not +ore than 9- days> a"ter wh$#h a d$s#$p!$nary a#t$on +ay 3e he!d 3y the E/e#t$%e Board o" the Chapter, the
Ch$e" E/e#t$%e 2""$#er or the Board o" Trstees=
The Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty has +ade $t C$te #!ear that they $ntend to a#t$%e!y prse the en"or#e+ent o" these r!es=
*e sho!d respond pos$t$%e!y to the$r #ontent not 3e#ase $t $s so+eth$n, "ro+ JNat$ona!J, 3t 3e#ase $t $s "or or
own prote#t$on= E%ery +e+3er $s potent$a!!y !$a3!e=
The Nat$ona! 2""$#ers o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a stand ready and a%a$!a3!e "or Cest$ons, #o++ents, #!ar$"$#at$ons and
7.08 Members Manual
`IFC Event Responsibility Policy: See Chapter 18
Members Manual 7.09
Adopted A,st )), &'(-

The A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty re#o,n$Ies the e/$sten#e o" 8edera!,
State and !o#a! ,o%ern+enta! !aws wh$#h "or3$d the se or possess$on o"
nar#ot$#s ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< and dan,eros dr,s= In an e""ort to
"rther nders#ore the dan,ers to the s##ess o" prod#t$%e #hapter
or,an$Iat$on and $nd$%$da! 8ratern$ty !eadersh$p, no nar#ot$#s ;$n#!d$n,
+ar$Dana< and dan,eros dr,s sho!d 3e per+$tted $n any Chapter
Hose or Chapter "n#t$on o" the 8ratern$ty=
In the e%ent that a %$o!at$on o##rs, the 8ratern$ty d$re#ts s#h Chapter
to prote#t $tse!", $ts +e+3ers and the 8ratern$ty thro,h the se o" the
R!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or o" the 8ratern$ty=
7.10 Members Manual
Adopted on November 5, 1975

WHEREAS, The laws of the United States and the State of Kansas prohibit or regulate
the possession, sale and consumption of certain controlled substances, and
prohibit and prescribe penalties for certain acts; and
WHEREAS, The Fraternity has recognized such regulations and has recommended the
chapters protect themselves through use of the provisions of the Policies and
Procedures of the Fraternity and the rules of the National Chancellor; and
WHEREAS, Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Building Corporation is the owner
in fact and title of the Chapter House located at 1632 McCain Lane,
Manhattan, Kansas 66502, which is leased to Delta Theta of Alpha Tau
Omega; and
WHEREAS, Certain court cases have strengthened the burden of criminal and civil
liability for corporate officers.
The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, by and on behalf of said Board, shall,
at times deemed appropriate, determine, in meeting called pursuant to the By-Laws of the
Corporation, when and if a violation described in the preamble of this Resolution has
occurred; and said Executive Committee is hereby authorized and directed to take such
action, after appropriate hearing, as they shall deem necessary, to the end that the rights,
privileges and property of the Corporation, as landlord, and officers thereof, are protected.
Members Manual 7.11
Adopted on May 27, 2002
Pursuant to the Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega
Building Corporation Concerning Controlled Substances and the provisions of Chapter By-Laws
concerning controlled substances in the Chapter House, on Chapter House property and surrounding
property, the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau
Omega Building Corporation hereby adopts the following Declaration:
I. In any case of possession, consumption or use of controlled substances
(including marijuana) in the Chapter House or on Chapter House property, the
Executive Committee shall terminate a member's or pledge's housing contract
and the person shall move out of the Chapter House immediately.
II. All officers, members and pledges are responsible for the enforcement of
this Declaration and Chapter By-Laws pertaining to controlled substances. No
member or pledge shall permit another member or pledge to violate this
Declaration or Chapter By-Laws pertaining to controlled substances.
See Also Chapter 6: Building Corporation Chapter House Rules and Regulations
7.12 Members Manual
Members Manual 7.13
The 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees and 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on ha%e +ade
po!$#$es and state+ents $nterpret$n, and de"$n$n, the Nat$ona! .o!$#$es and .ro#edres, E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es,
Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons and $nsran#e reC$re+ents, as they perta$n to 0e!ta Theta Chapter
and property owned 3y 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on=
Se%era! $te+s o" #on#ern ha%e 3een ra$sed $n asso#$at$on w$th the Ho+e#o+$n, *eeB a#t$%$t$es o" 0e!ta Theta
Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty=
*h$!e the Chapter sho!d 3e ,enera!!y #o+p!$+ented "or $ts #are and #on#ern "or the sa"ety and we!!-3e$n, o"
$ts +e+3ers and ,ests, the ot#o+e o" a #erta$n Ho+e#o+$n, *eeB a#t$%$ty was $n#ons$derate and ot-o"-!$ne=
Spe#$"$#a!!y, a water "$,ht that o##rred a"ter the Co+ed$anAs N$,ht was one o" the +ost rde and
$n#ons$derate $n#$dents 3y #erta$n +e+3ers $n%o!%$n, ,ests and others $n +e+ory, !et a!one 3e$n, a potent$a!
p3!$# re!at$ons d$saster=
A!so, the see+$n, d$sre,ard "or ,ests, +e+3ers o" the I8C So#$a! Respons$3$!$ty Co++$ttee and those who
d$d not want to part$#$pate $n the a#t$%$ty was s3stant$a!=
In add$t$on, the tota! d$sre,ard "or "rn$tre, "$/tres and #ontents o" the Chapter Hose was %ery e%$dent=
Con#ern has 3een e/pressed $n the past as to the e/tent and re,!ar$ty o" a#t$%$t$es $n%o!%$n, a!#oho!= There
has a!so 3een #on#ern e/pressed as to whether the I8C E%ent Resons$3$!$ty .o!$#y has 3een proper!y adhered to,
3oth $n "a#t and $n pr$n#$p!e=
There"ore, the "o!!ow$n, $te+s are a,reed to 3etween 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a and the
0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees, e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y?
&= Any water "$,ht, "ood "$,ht or other s$+$!ar d$str3an#e $n the Chapter Hose 0$n$n, Roo+ $s
proh$3$ted= *h$!e th$s proh$3$t$on ,enera!!y dea!s w$th Ho+e#o+$n, *eeB, any s#h a#t$on at any t$+e
$s proh$3$ted=
)= Ea#h +e+3er and p!ed,e sha!! read and 3e#o+e +ore "a+$!$ar w$th the I8C E%ent Respons$3$!$ty .o!$#y
as #onta$ned $n Chapter &4 o" the$r Members Manual= The R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en
and a!! "tre R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en sha!! p!an, or,an$Ie and e/e#te so#$a!
"n#t$ons $n #o+p!$an#e w$th th$s .o!$#y=
7.14 Members Manual
The 8ratern$ty has 3een h$t 3y n+eros s$tat$ons $n%o!%$n, a!#oho! #ons+pt$onGa3se, +any o" wh$#h $n%o!%e a#t$%$t$es
outside the Chapter Hose, 3t st$!! $n%o!%$n, AT2s= N+eros #hapter #harters ha%e 3een e$ther sspended or re%oBed,
+any 3e#ase o" a!#oho! %$o!at$ons= ThatAs not to s#are anyone, 3t to ha%e yo 3e a#Ca$nted w$th a #erta$n hard "a#t?
The 8ratern$ty w$!! not to!erate the a3se o" a!#oho! or #ontro!!ed s3stan#es 3y any +e+3er o"
A!pha Ta 2+e,a, whether they live in a Chapter House or live outside=
.!ease #ons$der so+e state+ents and s,,est$ons?
&= Yo are r$sB$n, yorse!%es and the "tre o" the Chapter 3y ha%$n, Be,s at part$es that yo sponsor ots$de the
Chapter Hose (whether at your place, the Stadium Parking Lot, Tuttle Creek or anywhere else) = The Nat$ona!
.o!$#$es and .ro#edres now pro%$de that Jthe possess$on, se andGor #ons+pt$on o" a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es, wh$!e on
#hapter pre+$ses, dr$n, an o""$#$a! "ratern$ty e%ent, $n any s$tat$on sponsored or endorsed 3y the #hapter, or at any
event an observer would associate with the Fraternity, +st 3e $n #o+p!$an#e w$th any and a!! app!$#a3!e !aws o"
the state, #onty, #$ty and n$%ers$ty=J
)= Yo are really ptt$n, yorse!%es and the Chapter at r$sB 3y pooling funds "or the pr#hase o" a!#oho! ;whether
3e"ore yo 3y $t or a"terwards, 3y asB$n, e%eryone to J#h$p $nJ<=
7= Everything a3ot an 2t-o"-Hose Anne/ party $n%o!%$n, Be,s %$o!ates the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! E%ent
Respons$3$!$ty .o!$#y= Let +e Cote Dst a "ew?
JAny so#$a! e%ent at wh$#h a!#oho! $s present sha!! 3e bring-your-own beverage (B!B" or licensed cash bar=J
JNo a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es +ay 3e pr#hased thro,h the #hapter treasry nor may the purchase o# alcoholic
beverages #or members or guests be underta$en or coordinated by any member in the name o# or on behal# o# the
chapter (passing the hat, s!sh "nd, selling cups, et#=<=J
%!pen parties ;de"$ned as those w$th nrestr$#ted a##ess 3y non-+e+3ers or w$thot spe#$"$# $n%$tat$on< where
a!#oho! $s present are prohibited=J
JNo $egs, pony Be,s, party 3a!!s, pn#h 3ow!s, tapped a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es or other #o++na! a!#oho!$# #onta$ner o"
+ore than ) !$ters are per+$tted at any so#$a! e%ent n!ess t$!$Ied and #ontro!!ed 3y a !$#ensed #aterer=J
6= *hen does a party 3e#o+e Jan AT2 .artyJQ Se%era! e/a+p!es? *hen a s3stant$a! n+3er o" those present are
Tas= *hen yo annon#e the party to the Chapter or post not$#es= *hen no one e!se $s $n%$ted=
:= 0o these r!es app!y to +eQ es they do= Yo are an nder,radate +e+3er o" the 8ratern$ty at Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty, who Dst happens to !$%e ots$de the Chapter Hose=
The 8ratern$ty $s try$n, to prote#t all chapters wh$!e ha%$n, "n#t$ons and part$es that are both safe and fun= Bt, !et +e
assre yo a!so, the days o" w$de-open part$es at s$tes ots$de the Chapter Hose, $n%o!%$n, $te+s !$sted a3o%e, are o%er=
Brothers, any &T! who organi'es, sponsors or even attends an out-o#-house party in violation o# the above rules ris$s
his eligibility #or scholarships, grants-in-aid and awards B and even his membership(
.!ease taBe th$s Me+o as a s$n#ere state+ent o" "a#ts, 3oth !o#a!!y and Nat$ona!!y, that +aBes s#h a#t$ons ne#essary= The
3otto+ !$ne prpose o" a!! these a#t$ons $s to assre that 0e!ta Theta Chapter $s arond "or the ne/t ,enerat$on ;wh$#h w$!!
$n#!de yor sons<=
Members Manual 7.15
In the "a!! o" )--&, se%era! new +e+3ers were $n%o!%ed $n a !ate-n$,ht $ntrs$on at a soror$ty hose= The )-
*tate Collegian wrote an art$#!e #on#ern$n, the $n#$dent on the "ront pa,e= In response, the Cha$r+an o" the 0e!ta
Theta Board o" Trstees $nst$tted a JNo-.ranB .o!$#yJ, wh$#h was "or+a!!y esta3!$shed 3y the 0e!ta Theta Board
o" Trstees as $ts J.o!$#y Con#ern$n, .ranBsJ on 8e3rary 7, )--)= The 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees "Policy
Concerning Pranks" $s "ond on .a,e 5.17=
December 4, 2001
The 2#to3er panty ra$d o" .$ Beta
.h$ 3y "$%e +e+3ers o" the A!pha
Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty was the
sor#e o" DoBes, 3t $n +any ways,
pranBs are no !a,h$n, +atter "or
the K-State 1reeB syste+=
2""$#$a!s o" the po!$#e, the !aw and
the 1reeB syste+ a,ree that pranBs
ha%e ne,at$%e $+p!$#at$ons "or
+e+3ers, hoses and the ent$re
syste+ a!! at the sa+e t$+e=
*hen asBed to d$s#ss pranBs and
deta$!s o" the panty ra$d, se%era! o"
those $n%o!%ed #hose not to
#o++ent, #$t$n, the des$re to +o%e
These $nd$%$da!s sa$d they d$d not
w$sh to #ontr$3te to any "rther
d$s#ss$on o" the ra$d= The pranB
a!ready had eno,h a""e#t on the$r
hoses, they sa$d=
JIt was a %ery np!easant e%ent,J
B$!! M$r, AT2 #hapter ad%$ser,
JThose B$nds o" th$n,s sho!d 3e
s#a!ed 3a#B, $" not !$+$ted,J he sa$d=
JThey ha%e #onseCen#es=J
The ra$d d$d ha%e $ts #onseCen#es
"or the AT2As $n%o!%ed= Ear!y $n
the +orn$n, o" 2#to3er (, "$%e
+e+3ers were arrested "or
a,,ra%ated 3r,!ary, and one a!so
was arrested "or 0UI=
Th$s pranB $s not ManhattanAs "$rst
to $n%o!%e the po!$#e= In#$dents
$n%o!%$n, 1reeB pranBs happen
e%ery year or e%ery #op!e o" years,
sa$d Capta$n 1ary 1r33s, !eader
o" the $n%est$,at$ons d$%$s$on "or
the R$!ey Conty .o!$#e
JIt $s a pro3!e+ that sho!dnOt 3e=
There are drast$# #r$+$na! #har,es,
s#h as $n th$s #ase,J he sa$d=
JA,,ra%ated 3r,!ary has se%era!
1r33s sa$d the pranBs need to end,
and stdents sho!d #ons$der the
a""e#ts the$r a#t$ons +$,ht ha%e=
JThe "or+ o" these th$n,s appears
to 3e trad$t$ona!, and the stdents
th$nB $n ter+s o" the+ Dst 3e$n,
#o!!e,e pranBs,J he sa$d= JBt
those a#t$ons are ser$os #r$+$na!
o""enses, and there are ser$os
#onseCen#es $" stdents are #a,ht
and arrested=J
The "$%e stdents $n%o!%ed $n the
ra$d +$,ht not re+a$n nder the
#har,e o" a,,ra%ated 3r,!ary,
wh$#h $s a "e!ony, sa$d B$!!
Kennedy, R$!ey Conty Attorney=
JThe soror$ty reCested that I not
"$!e #har,es,J he sa$d= JInstead,
they are draw$n, p a pro,ra+, a
proto#o!= A+on, other th$n,s, the
yon, +en w$!! ha%e to ta!B to ne/t
yearAs p!ed,es a3ot what happens
to peop!e who do th$n,s !$Be what
they are a##sed o" do$n,=J
Kennedy sa$d that $" the stdents
a,ree to the pro,ra+, they ha%e to
#o+p!ete a!! reC$re+ents w$th$n
two years= I" they do not "!"$!!
the$r respons$3$!$t$es 3y that t$+e,
he w$!! re"$!e the #har,es=
The "ratern$ty a!so has taBen a#t$on
$n response to the arrests, sa$d
J*e ha%e +ade #orre#t$%e
+easres,J he sa$d=
The pranB appeared to 3e t$ed to
so+e sort o" trad$t$on, Kennedy
JIt 3e#a+e o3%$os as th$s #ase
pro#eeded that $t was #ons$dered
the th$n, to do when yo ,et to K-
State to ,o $ns$de o" the !$%$n,
Carters o" the oppos$te se/ at so+e
$nopportne t$+e= It $s !$Be a r$te o"
passa,e,J he sa$d=
Kennedy sa$d the #ase showed h$+
the tre e/tent o" 1reeB pranBs=
JIt $s one th$n, to ,o rn arond
and ha%e "n at 7 Satrday
a"ternoon,J he sa$d= JBt $t $s
another th$n, to sneaB $nto a
res$den#e $n the wee +orn$n,
JTh$s o!d "o,ey doesnAt appro%e,J he
The panty ra$d o##rred a"ter a
ser$es o" pranBs a!ready had 3e,n
3etween the two hoses=
7.16 Members Manual
8ratern$t$es and soror$t$es are
,roped to,ether dr$n, A!!-
Un$%ers$ty Ho+e#o+$n, weeB, and
AT2 and .$ .h$ were partners=
M$r sa$d the hoses a!ready had
3een $n%o!%ed $n pranBs, $n#!d$n,
T.-$n, and s$n, shoe po!$sh on
JIt was 3$!d$n, spport and
#a+arader$e "or Ho+e#o+$n,, and
$t d$d a ,reat Do3 o" $t,J he sa$d=
M$r sa$d the "$%e stdents, who
were new +e+3ers, +$,ht ha%e
+$s$nterpreted the se or prpose
o" the pranBs=
JMay3e, the new +e+3ers saw
these pranBs and tho,ht $t was
a##epta3!e to do so+eth$n, the$r
own way,J he sa$d=
M$r sa$d he th$nBs the s$tat$on
es#a!ated 3e#ase o""$#ers $n 3oth
hoses were ot o" town re#e$%$n,
JThere was a %a#+ $n !eadersh$p
$n 3oth hoses,J he sa$d=
J8resh+en and sopho+ores were
JIt was !$Be MrphyAs Law "or
t$+es o%er,J M$r sa$d=
.ranBs do ha%e an e""e#t on the way
others %$ew the 1reeB syste+, M$r
JUnt$! a #op!e o" years a,o, I
tho,ht they were +ost!y
har+!ess,J he sa$d= J@$te "ranB!y,
pranBs #an 3e %ery har+!ess and
#an #ase no pro3!e+= Usa!!y
they are "$ne, they ,o 3a#B and
"orth, and no3ody ,ets hrt=J
So+et$+es, howe%er, pranBs #an ,o
too "ar, M$r sa$d=
JToo "ar $s the po$nt where there $s
da+a,e, destr#t$on or $nter"eren#e
w$th s!eep,J he sa$d= JIt $s the po$nt
where $t $s a pro3!e+ not Dst "or
,rops, 3t the syste+ as a who!e=J
M$r sa$d he $s see$n, +ore o" what
he #a!!s the har+"! B$nds o" pranBs
than the har+!ess=
JThere needs to 3e an e%a!at$on o"
the who!e th$n,, what $s done
3etween "ratern$t$es and soror$t$es,J
he sa$d=
.h$! Ste$n, Inter"ratern$ty Con#$!
pres$dent, sa$d pranBs ha%e a
ne,at$%e e""e#t on the way others
%$ew "ratern$t$es= L$ndsay Vo,e!,
.anhe!!en$# Con#$! pres$dent,
wo!d not retrn phone #a!!s=
JIt $s not a pos$t$%e th$n,,J he sa$d=
JIt $s an n"ortnate pro3!e+
3e#ase the o##rren#es are so
$so!ated= It $s rando+ +e+3ers,
3t they ,et !$nBed to the ent$re
,reeB syste+=J
Ste$n sa$d the d$""eren#e 3etween
other stdents and "ratern$ty
+e+3ers $s the$r hose a""$!$at$on=
JTh$n,s happen= .eop!e !$%e $n
res$den#e ha!!s and o""-#a+ps, and
they T. and st"",J he sa$d= JBt
"ratern$ty +e+3ers are a!!
asso#$ated w$th one stdent
JIt $s not ,ood p3!$# re!at$ons "or
s, and peop!e ha%e to re#o,n$Ie
that $t $s !$nBed to a ,rop o" peop!e
who ha%e no part $n $t,J Ste$n sa$d=
Be#ase o" th$s !$nBa,e, Ste$n sa$d
the p3!$# sho!d not D+p to
JE%eryone that reads the paper and
hears a3ot $t thro,h ,oss$p
sho!d taBe $t w$th a ,ra$n o" sa!t=
It $s 3!own ot o" proport$on,J he
sa$d= J5st 3e#ase $t happened to
one or two +e+3ers does not +ean
that the or,an$Iat$on appro%es o" or
#ondones that a#t$on=J
There are no spe#$"$# r!es or
po!$#$es #on#ern$n, pranBs $n the
,reeB syste+, Ste$n sa$d=
JIt has to 3e a #hapter-endorsed
e%ent,J he sa$d= JUsa!!y, pranBs
$n%o!%e rando+ peop!e th$nB$n, $t
wo!d 3e "n=J
Ste$n sa$d there ha%e 3een
+easres taBen to #r3 pranBs=
JLast year, I8C +ade a ,rop
state+ent to try and address $t= The
pranBs were ,ett$n, so n+eros
and "reCent,J he sa$d=
JThe #hapter a!+n$ and hos$n,
#orporat$ons ,ot $n%o!%ed 3e#ase
they ha%e "$nan#$a! staBes and own
the hoses,J Ste$n sa$d= JThey
were worr$ed that $t wo!d ,et to
the po$nt that %anda!$s+ wo!d 3e a
pro3!e+ and ,et too ser$os, so they
tr$ed to address $t=J
Ste$n sa$d I8C has not had to dea!
w$th a s$tat$on $n wh$#h a pranB
has rea#hed an na##epta3!e !$+$t=
J*e wo!d ha%e to #ross that
3r$d,e when we ,et to $t,J he sa$d=
JThe +e+3ers wo!d ha%e to dea!
w$th o""$#ers, and we wo!d ha%e to
"$nd a way to hand!e $t=J
Ste$n sa$d I8C has !$tt!e #ontro!
when stdents are arrested "or
JIn a #ase !$Be th$s one, $t $s ot o"
or hands,J he sa$d= JThe po!$#e
step $n, and $t 3e#o+es a +#h
+ore ser$os $sse=J
Ste$n sa$d he $s #on#erned w$th the
p3!$#As rea#t$on to these +ore
ser$os pranBs=
J.eop!e 3e#o+e rea#t$%e a3ot
what happens,J he sa$d= JYo #anAt
#ontro! e%eryone a!! the t$+e=J
Those $n%o!%ed w$th the ,reeB
syste+ a,ree that pranBs !$Be the
AT2 panty ra$d do not re"!e#t we!!
pon the$r or,an$Iat$ons=
JItAs 3een a !earn$n, e/per$en#e "or
s,J M$r sa$d= JBt $t $s one yo
hope doesnAt o##r a,a$n=J
Members Manual 7.17
+( ,hy is everyone dumping on us-
A. The National Fraternity isn't "dumping" on you, it's protecting you. Society no longer
tolerates the "animal house" image of the 1970's. People are simply fed up. Universities are
shutting down their fraternity systems, parents won't let their sons join, city and county
zoning boards refuse to grant building variances for fraternity houses, and offending
chapters and chapter officers are being sued, jailed, or both. Leaders of all fraternities are
being pushed to find answers to the values-related problems facing fraternal groups.
+( ,on.t the /is$ Management 0olicy $ill us on campus-
A. No. We are by no means alone. ATO and the 2% other fraternities operating under the same
Risk Management Policy comprise &0' of all national college fraternity chapters. Odds are
that these chapters make up the majority of your campus IFC. With the majority of IFC
members working together, you can pass a bylaw requiring everyone to follow the same
+( The drin$ing age is un#air(
A. While it can be argued that the legal drinking age is unfair, it is still the law and must
therefore be followed.
+( !ur house is a private residence(
A. Even if your chapter house is a private residence you still have an obligation to uphold the
law and Alpha Tau Omega policies. A fraternity house is not a tavern, and it is irresponsible
and illegal to act like one.
+( ,hat is a #raternity without alcohol-
A. Alcohol doesn't rank up there with Friendship, Leadership, and Service. Brotherhood, n(t
beer, is the base of our Fraternity.
+( Can we have $egs-
A. No. A keg is considered a common source of alcohol. Providing a common source of any
alcoholic beverage -- be it beer, alcoholic punch, or an open bar -- implies that it is provided
by or on behalf of the chapter, regardless of who actually purchased it.
+( Can we buy alcohol through a %slush #und%-
A. No. The Policies and Procedures specifically state that no member or members shall
coordinate the purchase of alcohol for the chapter or its members. A)) parties will be *$O*
for members and guests alike.
7.18 Members Manual
+( Can we have any alcohol at parties-
A. Yes. There are three ways to have alcohol at chapter parties and comply with the Risk
Management Policy, +r(,i-in. that you also follow a)) a++)icab)e /tate, )(ca) an- uni,er/it0
1. The party is BYOB, and only persons of legal drinking age consume alcohol.
2. The party is held away from the chapter house at a hotel or restaurant where alcohol
may be provided at a cash bar by a vendor with a liquor license.
3. The chapter contracts with a caterer with a liquor license to provide individual drinks
at a cash bar. The caterer provides a bartender responsible for checking IDs and takes
all excess alcohol back after the party.
+( Minors drin$( How can we be e1pected to alter a societal trend-
A. The simple fact is that we must uphold the law. Fraternities have long been viewed as havens
for underage drinking. If our reputation is to change and our survival is to be guaranteed,
we must halt any implied endorsement of illegal activities.
+( The 2ational Fraternity is doing this 3ust to protect itsel# -- the Chapter Minimum 4uidelines o# !perations
are unen#orceable(
A. If the National Fraternity were to enact Chapter Minimum Guidelines of Operations and do
nothing to enforce it, the resulting liability would be far greater than if it had done nothing at
all. The Chapter Minimum Guidelines of Operations must be enforced -- to protect b(t1 your
chapter and its officers, and every other chapter in the National Fraternity.
+( 5oes this policy apply to alumni groups-
A. Yes, the Risk Management Policy applies to undergraduates and alumni alike. Founders
Day and Homecoming celebrations have the same options as undergraduate parties. Alumni
have been notified of the Chapter Minimum Guidelines of Operations through T1e ATO
a)m. However, it is up to your chapter to notify your alumni of the same through chapter
alumni newsletters and alumni event announcements.
+( ,hy do we need insurance i# we don6t have a house-
A. As the saying goes, "anyone can sue anyone at any time for any reason". Not having a house
doesn't mean that a chapter can afford to be sued if something happens at a party, a
community service event, or even a chapter meeting. Every chapter has some degree of risk.
The purpose of this entire program is to reduce risk to persons and property to the best of
our ability.
+( 5oes the &T! Board o# 5irectors have the authority to en#orce these 0olicies and 0rocedures-
A. The Board of Directors has the authority under the National Bylaws and Policies and
Procedures to do all things necessary and proper for the good and welfare of Alpha Tau
Omega, including it`s chapters and members, both alumni and undergraduates.
Members Manual 7.19
+( ,hat happens to chapters that don6t #ollow these 0olicies and 0rocedures-
A. Upon initiation, every Brother of Alpha Tau Omega swears the Oath of Obedience. This
includes obedience to all enactments of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly.
Yes, individuals and chapters can and will be disciplined for non-compliance. However, it is
our hope that chapters and house corporations will work together with the volunteers and
staff of ATO to address this most important issue.
+( ,ho will en#orce the /is$ Management 0olicy-
A. You will and we will! The chapter officers, Board of Trustees, National Officers, and NHQ
staff of all participating national fraternities will enforce it together. Because if we don't, the
police, the universities, and the courts will.
If you witness a violation by another fraternity, report it immediately to the ATO National
Headquarters at 1-200-342-422&. NHQ will get word into the enforcement system. This is
not "ratting" on your friends or rivals. It's keeping ATO and all fraternities alive. And it's
keeping chapter officers out of court and out of jail.
+( ,ho is responsible on the chapter level-
A. All officers, chapter members -- specifically the Chapter President and the Risk
Management Officers/Social Chairmen -- and Board of Trustees.
7.20 Members Manual
Members Manual 7.21
As 8ratern$ty po!$#y #han,es, so +st the 8ratern$ty str#tre= Trad$t$ona!!y, the So#$a! Cha$r+an has 3een
respons$3!e "or or,an$I$n, part$es= As these part$es represent the #hapterAs ,reatest e/posre to !$a3$!$ty, $t $s on!y
!o,$#a! to $n#!de r$sB +ana,e+ent pro,ra++$n, $n the so#$a! pro,ra+= As a res!t, the o""$#e o" R$sB
Mana,e+ent 2""$#erGSo#$a! Cha$r+an has 3een e/panded to re"!e#t th$s added respons$3$!$ty=
The Risk Management Officers/Social Chairmen's duties shall include all presently listed in the Policies and
Procedures plus:
- Enforcing the ATO Risk Management Policy.
- Raising Risk Management awareness.
- Chairing the Risk Management/Social Committee.
- Meeting at least once each academic term with the University Risk Management Official and
the House Corporation President.
Yes, 3e!$e%e $t or not, yo #an ha%e "n and #o+p!y w$th the R$sB Mana,e+ent .o!$#y= Here are a "ew s$+p!e t$ps?
- Organize parties around a theme.
- Organize events at hotels and restaurants. Have a vendor with a liquor license provide a
cash bar, and make sure guests have safe transportation to and from the gathering.
- Use printed invitations.
- Hire appropriate security to enforce rules and maintain order.
- Check IDs at the door. Give each guest and Brother of legal drinking age a hospital bracelet
to wear as proof of age.
- Have all attendee's coolers or bottles checked in at a bar or designated area, labeling each
with a number. Then mark the hand of the guest with the corresponding number.
- FOOD -- Timing is important! Your early serving of such protein-rich foods as meats,
cheeses, and vegetables helps guarantee that your guests won't be drinking on an empty
stomach. Eating food later, especially starchy or salty foods, does not help absorb alcohol or
reduce its effects.
- Save money by serving soda from carbon dioxide (CO2) dispensing system. Check your local
bottling company for details.
- Always have designated drivers standing by to safely transport inebriated guests.
`IFC Event Responsibility Policy: See Chapter 18
7.22 Members Manual
Members Manual 8.01
Under Nat$ona! CM12 A&6, the Chapter .res$dent, Jwhen "$nd$n, that pro3a3!e #ase e/$sts to
3e!$e%e that a +e+3er or p!ed,e $s or has 3een $n%o!%ed $n #ond#t preDd$#$a! to the $nterests o"
the 8ratern$ty, w$th not$#e to the Board o" Trstees, +ay sspend any +e+3er or p!ed,e= Th$s
sspens$on sha!! !ast no !on,er than twenty ;)-< #a!endar days= 0r$n, th$s t$+e per$od, the V$#e-
.res$dent sha!! #ond#t an $n%est$,at$on and sha!! present h$s "$nd$n,sJ to the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee ;w$th re,ard to sspens$on or e/p!s$on<, the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee ;w$th
re,ard to p!ed,es< or the Ca3$net ;w$th re,ard to e+er,en#$es<=
A= The "o!!ow$n, #o++$ttees ha%e Dr$sd$#t$on o%er d$s#$p!$nary +atters? The 5d$#$a!
Co++$ttee, The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, The Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee and The
&= The 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee has pr$+ary Dr$sd$#t$on #on#ern$n, "$nes and
a!#oho! po!$#$es=
)= The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee has Dr$sd$#t$on #on#ern$n, sspens$ons or
e/p!s$ons, e/#ept "or e+er,en#$es and #ontro!!ed s3stan#es=
7= The Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee has Dr$sd$#t$on #on#ern$n, p!ed,es
and p!ed,e-re!ated +atters=
6= The Ca3$net has Dr$sd$#t$on #on#ern$n, e+er,en#$es and #ontro!!ed
B= A!! "or #o++$ttees are de"$ned as JE/e#t$%e BoardsJ nder the Nat$ona! .o!$#$es and
.ro#edres and Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons= A!! E/e#t$%e Boards sha!!
"o!!ow and adhere to the r!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or=
A= Any o""$#er spe#$"$#a!!y athor$Ied 3y Chapter By-Laws +ay $+pose a "$ne a,a$nst any
+e+3er or p!ed,e= 8$nes 3y the .res$dent, Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an, Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Co++$ttee, Hose Mana,er, Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an, So#$a! Ser%$#e
Coord$nator, and K$t#hen Mana,er sha!! 3e presented to the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee at any t$+e
a"ter the a!!e,ed o""ense o##rs=
B= Any person +ay re#o++end a "$ne or a!!e,e a %$o!at$on o" the a!#oho! po!$#$es to the 5d$#$a!
Co++$ttee at any t$+e a"ter the a!!e,ed o""ense o##rs=
8.02 Members Manual
C= The 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee sha!! ho!d a hear$n, to $n%est$,ate the #$r#+stan#es srrond$n, an
a!!e,ed %$o!at$on, #ond#t or o""ense= The a##sed sha!! 3e ,$%en not$#e o" the hear$n,= He
sha!! 3e a!!owed to 3e present at the hear$n, and a!!owed to o""er e%$den#e and #a!! w$tnesses=
0= The 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee sha!! de!$3erate $n pr$%ate and deter+$ne, 3y a +aDor$ty o" the %ot$n,
+e+3ers present and %ot$n,, ,$!t or $nno#en#e= Therea"ter, $" the deter+$nat$on was ,$!t,
the a+ont o" the "$ne andGor pena!ty to 3e $+posed sha!! 3e de#$ded= The Chap!a$n
;Cha$r+an< sha!! not %ote, e/#ept $n #ase o" a t$e=
E= A +aDor$ty o" the %ot$n, +e+3ers o" the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee present and %ot$n, sha!! 3e
ne#essary "or a de#$s$on o" a "$ne andGor pena!ty other than e/p!s$on= The V$#e-.res$dent
;Cha$r+an< sha!! not %ote, e/#ept $n #ase o" a t$e=
8= The 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee, on#e a de#$s$on has 3een rea#hed and a "$ne andGor pena!ty has 3een
deter+$ned, sha!! ha%e s#h de#$s$on read at the ne/t Chapter +eet$n,=
1= The Chapter +ay, 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" those %ot$n, +e+3ers present, a+end or
re%erse the deter+$nat$ons o" the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee at the Chapter +eet$n, that they are
read= 2therw$se, they 3e#o+e e""e#t$%e at the adDorn+ent o" that Chapter +eet$n,, n!ess
there $s an appea!=
H= MaBe-ps +ay 3e s3st$tted "or +onetary "$nes "or +e+3ers or p!ed,es=
A= Me+3ers +ay 3e d$s#$p!$ned "or any %$o!at$on o" the Nat$ona! By!aws or .o!$#$es and
.ro#edres, Chapter By-Laws or Hose R!es, "or any #ond#t preDd$#$a! to the $nterests o"
the 8ratern$ty or the Chapter, or "or any o""ense a,a$nst the !aws o" a #$ty, #onty, state or
"edera! ,o%ern+ent= 8a$!re on the part o" a +e+3er to pay h$s $nde3tedness sha!! 3e
re,arded as preDd$#$a! to the $nterests o" the Chapter=
B= I", a"ter deter+$n$n, that reasona3!e ,ronds e/$st, the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee sha!! ,$%e
wr$tten not$#e o" the a!!e,at$ons to the a##sed +e+3er and the date, t$+e and p!a#e o" the
hear$n, on the a!!e,at$ons= A wr$tten not$#e sha!! des$,nate, w$th as +#h spe#$"$#$ty as
poss$3!e, the "a#ts and #$r#+stan#es that a %$o!at$on has o##rred= *r$tten not$#e +ay 3e
de!$%ered 3y hand, o%ern$,ht e/press +a$! to the +e+3erAs !ast Bnown address, or e-+a$! to
the +e+3erAs !ast Bnown e-+a$! address= The hear$n, on any a!!e,ed %$o!at$on sha!! 3e he!d
no sooner than three ;7< days "ro+ the date o" de!$%ery o" wr$tten not$#e to the a##sed
C= The a##sed +e+3er has the r$,ht to appear at the hear$n, o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee $n
person or 3y te!ephone, to s3+$t a wr$tten response at the hear$n,, to #a!! w$tnesses or
present e%$den#e, or to wa$%e any appearan#e or response= A "a$!re to appear or to s3+$t a
wr$tten response sha!! 3e dee+ed to 3e a wa$%er o" h$s r$,ht to appear and respond=
0= The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee sha!! de!$3erate $n pr$%ate and deter+$ne, 3y a +aDor$ty o" the
%ot$n, +e+3ers present and %ot$n,, ,$!t or $nno#en#e= Therea"ter, $" the deter+$nat$on was
,$!t, the pena!ty to 3e $+posed sha!! 3e de#$ded= The V$#e-.res$dent ;Cha$r+an< sha!! not
%ote, e/#ept $n #ase o" a t$e=
Members Manual 8.03
E= A +aDor$ty o" the %ot$n, +e+3ers present and %ot$n, sha!! 3e ne#essary to deter+$ne any
pena!ty "or a %$o!at$on> e/#ept that a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" the %ot$n, +e+3ers o" the
E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee present and %ot$n, sha!! 3e ne#essary "or the pena!ty o" e/p!s$on "ro+
the 8ratern$ty= The V$#e-.res$dent ;Cha$r+an< sha!! not %ote, e/#ept $n #ase o" a t$e=
8= The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, on#e a de#$s$on has 3een rea#hed and pena!ty has 3een
deter+$ned, sha!! ha%e s#h de#$s$on read at the ne/t Chapter +eet$n,=
1= The Chapter +ay, 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" those %ot$n, +e+3ers present, a+end or
re%erse the deter+$nat$ons o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee at the Chapter +eet$n, that they are
read= 2therw$se, they 3e#o+e e""e#t$%e at the adDorn+ent o" that Chapter +eet$n,, n!ess
there $s an appea!=
H= A wr$tten s++ary o" the a#t$ons o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee and the Chapter, $n#!d$n,
de#$s$on on the %$o!at$on and pena!ty, sha!! 3e de!$%ered to the +e+3er w$th$n "$%e ;:< days o"
a#t$on taBen 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee or Chapter 3y hand, o%ern$,ht e/press to the
+e+3erAs !ast Bnown address, or e-+a$! to the +e+3erAs !ast Bnown e-+a$! address= 0e!$%ery
$s #o+p!ete pon +a$!$n,, e-+a$!$n, or hand de!$%ery=
A= Me+3ers or p!ed,es +ay 3e d$s#$p!$ned "or any %$o!at$on o" the Nat$ona! By!aws or .o!$#$es
and .ro#edres, Chapter By-Laws or Hose R!es, "or any #ond#t preDd$#$a! to the $nterests
o" the 8ratern$ty or the Chapter, or "or any o""ense a,a$nst the !aws o" a #$ty, #onty, state or
"edera! ,o%ern+ent= 8a$!re on the part o" a +e+3er or p!ed,e to pay h$s $nde3tedness sha!!
3e re,arded as preDd$#$a! to the $nterests o" the Chapter=
B= I" a"ter deter+$n$n, that reasona3!e ,ronds e/$st, the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee
sha!! ,$%e wr$tten not$#e o" the a!!e,at$ons to the a##sed +e+3er or p!ed,e and the date,
t$+e and p!a#e o" the hear$n, on the a!!e,at$ons= A wr$tten not$#e sha!! des$,nate, w$th as
+#h spe#$"$#$ty as poss$3!e, the "a#ts and #$r#+stan#es that a %$o!at$on has o##rred=
*r$tten not$#e +ay 3e de!$%ered 3y hand, o%ern$,ht e/press +a$! to the personAs !ast Bnown
address, or e-+a$! to the personAs !ast Bnown e-+a$! address= The hear$n, on any a!!e,ed
%$o!at$on sha!! 3e he!d no sooner than three ;7< days "ro+ the date o" de!$%ery o" wr$tten
not$#e to the a##sed +e+3er or p!ed,e=
C= The a##sed +e+3er or p!ed,e has the r$,ht to appear at the hear$n, o" the Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Co++$ttee $n person or 3y te!ephone, to s3+$t a wr$tten response at the hear$n,,
to #a!! w$tnesses or present e%$den#e, or to wa$%e any appearan#e or response= A "a$!re to
appear or to s3+$t a wr$tten response sha!! 3e dee+ed to 3e a wa$%er o" h$s r$,ht to appear
and respond=
0= The Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee sha!! de!$3erate $n pr$%ate and deter+$ne, 3y a
+aDor$ty o" the %ot$n, +e+3ers present and %ot$n,, ,$!t or $nno#en#e= Therea"ter, $" the
deter+$nat$on was ,$!t, the pena!ty to 3e $+posed sha!! 3e de#$ded= The non-ser%$n,
Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an sha!! not %ote=
E= A +aDor$ty o" the %ot$n, +e+3ers present and %ot$n, sha!! 3e ne#essary to deter+$ne any
pena!ty "or a %$o!at$on, e/#ept that a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" the %ot$n, +e+3ers present
sha!! 3e ne#essary "or a pena!ty o" e/p!s$on "ro+ the 8ratern$ty= The non-ser%$n,
Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an sha!! not %ote=
8.04 Members Manual
8= The Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee, on#e a de#$s$on has 3een rea#hed and pena!ty has
3een deter+$ned, sha!! ha%e s#h de#$s$on read at the ne/t Chapter +eet$n,=
1= The Chapter +ay, 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" those %ot$n, +e+3ers present, a+end or
re%erse the deter+$nat$ons o" the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee at the Chapter +eet$n,
that they are read= 2therw$se, they 3e#o+e e""e#t$%e at the adDorn+ent o" that Chapter
+eet$n,, n!ess there $s an appea!=
H= A wr$tten s++ary o" the a#t$ons o" the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee and the Chapter,
$n#!d$n, de#$s$on on the %$o!at$on and pena!ty, sha!! 3e de!$%ered to the +e+3er or p!ed,e
w$th$n "$%e ;:< days o" a#t$on taBen 3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee or Chapter 3y
hand, o%ern$,ht e/press +a$! to +e+3erAs or p!ed,eAs !ast Bnown address, or e-+a$! to the
+e+3erAs or p!ed,eAs !ast Bnown e-+a$! address= 0e!$%ery $s #o+p!ete pon +a$!$n,, e-
+a$!$n, or hand de!$%ery=
A= Me+3ers +ay 3e d$s#$p!$ned "or any %$o!at$on o" the Nat$ona! By!aws or .o!$#$es and
.ro#edres, Chapter By-Laws or Hose R!es, "or any #ond#t preDd$#$a! to the $nterests o"
the 8ratern$ty or the Chapter, or "or any o""ense a,a$nst the !aws o" a #$ty, #onty, state or
"edera! ,o%ern+ent= 8a$!re on the part o" a +e+3er to pay h$s $nde3tedness sha!! 3e
re,arded as preDd$#$a! to the $nterests o" the Chapter=
B= I", a"ter deter+$n$n, that reasona3!e ,ronds e/$st, the Ca3$net sha!! ,$%e wr$tten not$#e o"
the a!!e,at$ons to the a##sed +e+3er and the date, t$+e and p!a#e o" the hear$n, on the
a!!e,at$ons= A wr$tten not$#e sha!! des$,nate, w$th as +#h spe#$"$#$ty as poss$3!e, the "a#ts
and #$r#+stan#es that a %$o!at$on has o##rred= *r$tten not$#e +ay 3e de!$%ered 3y hand,
o%ern$,ht e/press +a$! to the +e+3erAs !ast Bnown address, or e-+a$! to the +e+3erAs !ast
Bnown e-+a$! address= The hear$n, on any a!!e,ed %$o!at$on sha!! 3e he!d no sooner than
three ;7< days "ro+ the date o" de!$%ery o" wr$tten not$#e to the a##sed +e+3er=
C= The a##sed +e+3er has the r$,ht to appear at the hear$n, o" the Ca3$net $n person or 3y
te!ephone, to s3+$t a wr$tten response at the hear$n,, to #a!! w$tnesses or present e%$den#e,
or to wa$%e any appearan#e or response= A "a$!re to appear or to s3+$t a wr$tten response
sha!! 3e dee+ed to 3e a wa$%er o" h$s r$,ht to appear and respond=
0= The Ca3$net sha!! de!$3erate $n pr$%ate and deter+$ne, 3y a +aDor$ty o" the %ot$n, +e+3ers
present and %ot$n,, ,$!t or $nno#en#e= Therea"ter, $" the deter+$nat$on was ,$!t, the pena!ty
to 3e $+posed sha!! 3e de#$ded= The Chap!a$n ;Cha$r+an< sha!! not %ote, e/#ept $n #ase o" a
E= A +aDor$ty o" the %ot$n, +e+3ers present and %ot$n, sha!! 3e ne#essary to deter+$ne any
pena!ty "or a %$o!at$on, e/#ept that a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" the %ot$n, +e+3ers present
sha!! 3e ne#essary "or a pena!ty o" e/p!s$on "ro+ the 8ratern$ty= The V$#e-.res$dent
;Cha$r+an< sha!! not %ote, e/#ept $n #ase o" a t$e=
8= The Ca3$net, on#e a de#$s$on has 3een rea#hed and pena!ty has 3een deter+$ned, sha!! ha%e
s#h de#$s$on read at the ne/t Chapter +eet$n,=
Members Manual 8.05
1= The Chapter +ay, 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" those %ot$n, +e+3ers present, a+end or
re%erse the deter+$nat$ons o" the Ca3$net at the Chapter +eet$n, that they are read=
2therw$se, they 3e#o+e e""e#t$%e at the adDorn+ent o" that Chapter +eet$n,, n!ess there $s
an appea!=
H= A wr$tten s++ary o" the a#t$ons o" the Ca3$net and the Chapter, $n#!d$n, de#$s$on on the
%$o!at$on and pena!ty, sha!! 3e de!$%ered to the +e+3er w$th$n "$%e ;:< days o" a#t$on taBen 3y
the Ca3$net or Chapter 3y hand, o%ern$,ht e/press +a$! to the +e+3erAs !ast Bnown address,
or e-+a$! to the +e+3erAs !ast Bnown e-+a$! address= 0e!$%ery $s #o+p!ete pon +a$!$n,, e-
+a$!$n, or hand de!$%ery=
A= A +e+3er +ay appea! the de#$s$on o" an E/e#t$%e Board and the Chapter to the Board o"
Trstees= A +e+3er w$sh$n, to prse an appea! to the Board o" Trstees sha!! ,$%e the
Chapter .res$dent wr$tten not$#e o" h$s app!$#at$on to the Board o" Trstees o" h$s appea!=
The Chapter .res$dent sha!! "orward a #opy o" the wr$tten s++ary o" the a#t$on o" an
E/e#t$%e Board and Chapter to the Board o" Trstees= The Board o" Trstees +ay, $n $ts
d$s#ret$on, hear w$tnesses and #ons$der do#+ents= The Board o" Trstees +ay, 3y +aDor$ty
%ote, a+end or re%erse the deter+$nat$on o" an E/e#t$%e Board or the Chapter=
B= A wr$tten s++ary o" the a#t$ons o" the Board o" Trstees, $n#!d$n, de#$s$ons on the
%$o!at$on and the pena!ty, sha!! 3e de!$%ered to the +e+3er w$th$n "$%e ;:< days o" a#t$on
taBen 3y the Board o" Trstees 3y hand, o%ern$,ht e/press +a$! to the +e+3erAs !ast Bnown
address, or e-+a$! to the +e+3erAs !ast Bnown e-+a$! address=
A +e+3er, an E/e#t$%e Board or the Chapter +ay pet$t$on the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or to appea! the
de#$s$on o" the Board o" Trstees= The wr$tten s++ary o" the a#t$ons o" an E/e#t$%e Board,
Chapter and Board o" Trstees sha!! 3e de!$%ered to the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or to,ether w$th a
wr$tten reCest "or re%$ew spe#$"y$n, the a#t$on or pena!ty to 3e re%$ewed= The de#$s$on o" the
Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or sha!! 3e "$na!=
Rules of the National Chancellor: See Appendix in Chapter 4
See Also National Policies and Procedures 8.01 and Chapter By-Laws 7-7000
See Also Chapter By-Laws 3-9100 through 3-9300
See Also Chapter By-Laws 3-5100 through 3-5414
See Also Chapter By-Laws 3-8100 through 3-8400
See Also Chapter By-Laws 3-5500 through 3-5815
8.06 Members Manual
Members Manual 9.01
Time-#rame5 Any a#t$%e Chapter +e+3er +ay reCest a %ote on a re#r$t at any t$+e and any
Nece//ar0 6(te5 The ne#essary n+3er o" ne,at$%e %otes to +aBe so+eone $ne!$,$3!e "or
p!ed,$n, $s th$rty per#ent ;7-M< o" those a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers present at the
*e7(re t1e 6(te5 .res$dent as#erta$ns the n+3er o" a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers present= There +st 3e a
+aDor$ty o" those a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose present
;Chapter By-Law 7-9)-- de"$nes th$s Cor+ reC$re+ent<=
8u/t *e7(re t1e 6(te5 .res$dent deter+$nes what the n+3er that $s th$rty per#ent ;7-M< o" those a#t$%e
Chapter +e+3ers present at the +eet$n, ;+!t$p!y the n+3er o" +e+3ers present 3y =
7-<= .res$dent annon#es to the +eet$n, the n+3er o" ne,at$%e %otes ne#essary=
9ue/ti(n5 "S1a)) Mr: ; be +)e-.e-< A)) t1(/e =1( are
(++(/e- t( 1im bein. +)e-.e-, +)ea/e rai/e 0(ur
ri.1t 1an-:"
Acti(n5 I" th$rty per#ent ;7-M< or +ore o" those a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers present at the
+eet$n, %ote $n the ne,at$%e, the person sha!! not 3e p!ed,ed=
Time-#rame5 At any Chapter +eet$n, dr$n, the s#hoo! year e/#ept at the Chapter +eet$n,s dr$n,
the !ast two weeBs o" No%e+3er and the !ast two weeBs o" Apr$!, any a#t$%e Chapter
+e+3er +ay reCest a %ote on p!ed,es= A!! p!ed,es sha!! 3e d$s#ssed and %oted on=
Nece//ar0 6(te5 The ne#essary n+3er o" %otes to dep!ed,e $s th$rty per#ent ;7-M< o" the a#t$%e
Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose=
*e7(re t1e 6(te5 .res$dent deter+$nes the n+3er o" a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter
8u/t *e7(re t1e 6(te5 .res$dent annon#es to the +eet$n, the n+3er o" %otes ne#essary=
9ue/ti(n5 "S1a)) )e-.e ; be -e+)e-.e-< A)) t1(/e =1( are
in 7a,(r (7 1im bein. -e+)e-.e-, +)ea/e rai/e
0(ur ri.1t 1an-:"
Acti(n5 I" th$rty per#ent ;7-M< or +ore o" those a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter
Hose %ote $n "a%or, the person sha!! 3e dep!ed,ed= I" !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, h$s
Hos$n, Contra#t sha!! 3e #an#e!ed and he sha!! +o%e ot o" the Chapter Hose
9.02 Members Manual
Time-#rame5 At the Chapter +eet$n,s dr$n, the !ast two weeBs o" No%e+3er and the !ast two
weeBs o" Apr$!, %otes on two Cest$ons are taBen on a!! p!ed,es=
Nece//ar0 6(te/5 2n the Cest$ons o" whether a p!ed,e $s asBed 3a#B and whether he w$!! 3e $n$t$ated
the "o!!ow$n, se+ester, $" the n+3er o" ne,at$%e %otes #ast $s eCa! to or ,reater than
"$"teen per#ent ;&:M< o" the n+3er o" a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter
Hose, the p!ed,e sha!! not Ca!$"y on that Cest$on= I" the n+3er o" ne,at$%e %otes
#ast $s !ess than "$"teen per#ent ;&:M< o" the n+3er o" a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n,
$n the Chapter Hose, the p!ed,e shall Ca!$"y on that Cest$on=
A re#ons$derat$on o" an or$,$na! %ote on any Cest$on +ay 3e #ons$dered at any t$+e
a"ter the or$,$na! %ote, e%en $n that sa+e Chapter +eet$n,> 3t on!y one
re#ons$derat$on o" a Cest$on sha!! o##r at that Chapter +eet$n, or any s3seCent
Chapter +eet$n,= Votes taBen $n Chapter +eet$n,s #a!!ed a"ter that Chapter +eet$n,,
3t 3e"ore the end o" the se+ester, that re#ons$der %otes on Cest$ons taBen pre%$os!y,
+st ha%e the a3o%e-stated ne,at$%e %otes #ast a,a$nst the+ $n order to not Ca!$"y on
the re#ons$derat$on o" that Cest$on= A +ot$on +st a!so 3e +ade to re#on"$r+ the
%otes pre%$os!y taBen "or those p!ed,es not d$s#ssed "rther at the s3seCent
Chapter +eet$n,= A"ter the end o" a se+ester 3t 3e"ore $n$t$at$on, no %otes +ay 3e
taBen on any tentat$%e $n$t$ate=
*e7(re t1e 6(te5 .res$dent as#erta$ns the n+3er o" a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter
Hose= There +st 3e a +aDor$ty o" those a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the
Chapter Hose present ;Chapter By-Law 7-9)-- de"$nes th$s Cor+ reC$re+ent<=
8u/t *e7(re t1e 6(te5 .res$dent annon#es to the +eet$n, the n+3er o" ne,at$%e %otes ne#essary=
9ue/ti(n >15 "S1a)) )e-.e ; be a/?e- t( return ne@t
/eme/ter<` A)) t1(/e =1( are (++(/e- t( 1im
returnin., +)ea/e rai/e 0(ur ri.1t 1an-:"
Acti(n5 I" "$"teen per#ent ;&:M< or +ore o" the a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter
Hose %ote $n the ne,at$%e on th$s Cest$on, the p!ed,e sha!! not 3e asBed to retrn the
ne/t se+ester=
9ue/ti(n >25 "S1a)) )e-.e ; be initiate- =it1 1i/ +)e-.e
c)a//< A)) t1(/e =1( are (++(/e- t( 1im bein.
initiate- at t1e be.innin. (7 ne@t /eme/ter, +)ea/e
rai/e 0(ur ri.1t 1an-:"
Acti(n5 I" "$"teen per#ent ;&:M< or +ore o" the a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter
Hose %ote $n the ne,at$%e on th$s Cest$on, the p!ed,e sha!! not 3e $n$t$ated w$th h$s
p!ed,e #!ass at the 3e,$nn$n, o" the ne/t se+ester=
#ina)it05 A!! %oted dr$n, Chapter +eet$n, are "$na! n!ess re#ons$dered at a s3seCent
Chapter Meet$n, 3e"ore the end o" the se+ester= All pledges will be informed of the
outcome of such final votes before the beginning of Finals if all pledges are
`Chapter By-Law 6-4110 provides that any pledge who does not attain at least a 2.000 grade point average during the semester of his pledgeship shall be depledged immediately at the
end of that semester.
Members Manual 10.01
10.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 10.03
A. Early Spring Elections
B. Spring Elections (With Order)
C. Early Fall Elections
D. Fall Elections (With Order)
E. General Information
F. General Qualifications for Elected and Appointive Officers
1. Chapter Offices and Rank
2. 1ob Descriptions
3. Standing Committees Composition
A. The Executive Committee
B. The Cabinet
C. The Membership Education Committee
D. The 1udicial Committee
E. The Scholarship Committee
F. The Risk Management Committee
G. The Awards Committee
H. The Communications Committee
10.04 Members Manual
Members Manual 10.05
A. EARLY SPRING ELECTIONS (First or Second Week in November, with Installation with Spring Officers): .res$dent ;& Year<
V$#e-.res$dent ;& Se+ester<
Chap!a$n ;& Se+ester<
B. SPRING ELECTIONS (WITH ORDER) (1-2 Weeks after Spring Initiation, with Installation of All including President, Treasurer and Historian 1 Week
&= Treasrer ;& Year<
4= 0oorBeeper ;& Se+ester<
)= Se#retary ;& Se+ester< '= So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator ;& Se+ester<
7= & R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#erGSo#$a! Cha$r+an ;& Year<
&-= Hose Mana,er ;& Year<
6= H$stor$an ;& Year<
&&= K$t#hen Mana,er ;& Se+ester<
:= & Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an ;& Year<
&)= .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er ;& Se+ester<
9= .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an ;& Year<
&7= Anne/ Coord$nator ;& Se+ester
(= Ser,eant-at-Ar+s ;& Se+ester< &6= Brotherhood Cha$r+an ;& Se+ester<
Board o" Trstees At-Lar,e Me+3er ;& Year<
C. EARLY FALL ELECTIONS (First or Second Week in April, with Installation with Fall Officers): V$#e-.res$dent ;& Se+ester<
Chap!a$n ;& Se+ester<
D. FALL ELECTIONS (WITH ORDER) (1-2 Weeks after Fall Initiation, with Installation of All including Vice-President and Chaplain 1 Week Later)
&= Se#retary ;& Se+ester< '= Hose Mana,er ;& Year<
)= & R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#erGSo#$a! Cha$r+an ;& Year<
&-= K$t#hen Mana,er ;& Se+ester<
7= Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an ;& Year<
&&= .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er ;& Se+ester<
6= & Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an ;& Year<
&)= A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er ;& Year<
:= .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an ;& Year<
&7= Anne/ Coord$nator ;& Se+ester<
9= Ser,eant-at-Ar+s ;& Se+ester< &6= Brotherhood Cha$r+an ;& Se+ester<
(= 0oorBeeper ;& Se+ester< &:= S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an ;& Year<
4= So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator ;& Se+ester<
&= A!! E!e#t$ons +st 3e annon#ed ) weeBs 3e"ore they o##r= A!! E!e#t$ons ;e/#ept the Ear!y Spr$n, E!e#t$on or
a spe#$a! e!e#t$on to "$!! a %a#an#y $n an e!e#ted o""$#e< sha!! 3e not sooner than & weeB nor !ater than ) weeBs
"o!!ow$n, any $n$t$at$on= RChapter By-Laws 7-)&&- thro,h 7-)&6-, 7-))&-, 7-)7&- and 7-)6--S
)= Insta!!at$on o" E!e#ted 2""$#ers +st 3e at !east & weeB a"ter the pre#ed$n, E!e#t$ons ;e/#ept the .res$dent
e!e#ted $n No%e+3er $s $nsta!!ed w$th other 2""$#ers $n the Spr$n, Se+ester<, $n a +anner pres#r$3ed 3y the
R$ta!= RNat! CM12 A&7 and Chapter By-Laws 7-)&&- thro,h 7-)&6-, 7-)))- and 7-)7)-S
&= Mst taBe and #o+p!ete &) hors ;' o" wh$#h are ,raded< and ha%e a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the
pre%$os se+ester ;as de"$ned 3y Chapter By-Laws<= RNat! CM12 A&) and Chapter By-Laws 7-&&-- and 7-
)= Mst ha%e no otstand$n, #hapter $nde3tedness at the t$+e o" e!e#t$on= RNat! CM12 A&)S
7= A!! e!e#ted and appo$nted 2""$#ers, e/#ept "or Anne/ Coord$nator, +st !$%e $n Chapter Hose dr$n, ter+ o"
o""$#e= Anne/ Coord$nator +st !$%e $n an appro%ed anne/ or Chapter Hose= RChapter By-Law 7-&&--S
6= Mst 3e a Ca!$"$ed, %ot$n, +e+3er o" the Chapter= RNat! CM12 A&)S
10.06 Members Manual
Treasrer e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed $n the Spr$n, Se+ester, w$th a ter+ 3e,$nn$n, 5ne &st and end$n, the ne/t May 7&st=
R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en are e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed $n that se+ester as R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#er, w$th dt$es as So#$a! Cha$r+an
#o++en#$n, on the "$rst day o" #!asses $n the ne/t se+ester= &To 3e e!$,$3!e "or e!e#t$on, they sha!! ha%e !$%ed $n the Chapter Hose "or at !east three
H$stor$an e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed $n the Spr$n, Se+ester, w$th a ter+ 3e,$nn$n, on the "$rst day o" #!asses $n the 8a!! Se+ester=
Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed $n that Se+ester, w$th "!! dt$es #o++en#$n, on the "$rst day o" #!asses $n the ne/t Se+ester=
.h$!anthropy Cha$r+an e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed $n that Se+ester as Ass$stant .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an, w$th dt$es as .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an #o++en#$n,
on the "$rst day o" #!asses $n the ne/t Se+ester=
Hose Mana,er e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed $n that Se+ester as Ass$stant Hose Mana,er, w$th dt$es as Hose Mana,er #o++en#$n, on the "$rst day o"
#!asses $n the ne/t Se+ester=
Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an $s se!e#ted 3y the Chapter and appo$nted 3y the .res$dent to a ter+ 3e,$nn$n, at "$rst o" the 8a!! Se+ester and
end$n, at #!ose o" the Spr$n, Se+ester= He $s #ons$dered an appointive o""$#er nder these By-Laws=
At-Lar,e Under,radate Me+3er o" Board o" Trstees $s se!e#ted 3y the Chapter and ser%es one-year ter+= He $s a selected o""$#er ;ne$ther e!e#ted
nor appo$nted< and +ay ho!d another o""$#e=
Members Manual 11.01
1. The President ;*orthy Master< and Chief Executive Officer
2. The Vice-President ;*orthy Marsha!< and Chairman of Executive and 1udicial Committees
3. The Chaplain ;*orthy Chap!a$n< and Chairman of Cabinet
4. The Treasurer ;*orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer< and Chief Financial Officer
5. The Secretary ;*orthy S#r$3e< and Campus Activities Coordinator
6,7. Two Risk Management Officers/Social Chairmen ;8a!! then Spr$n,<
8. The Historian ;*orthy Keeper o" Anna!s< and Editor of T1e 6inta.e
9. The Sergeant-at-Arms ;*orthy Usher< and BADD Duty Coordinator
10. The Doorkeeper ;*orthy Sent$ne!< and Resource Coordinator
11,12. Two Membership Education Chairmen ;8a!! then Spr$n,<
13. The Public Relations Officer
14. The Social Service Coordinator
15. The Alumni Relations Officer
16. The House Manager
17. The Annex Coordinator
18. The Philanthropy Chairman
19. The Kitchen Manager
20. The Brotherhood Chairman
21. The Scholarship Chairman
22. The Membership Recruitment Chairman
23. The Communications Officer
24. The Intramurals Chairman
25. The Song Leader
26,27. The Undergraduate Members of Board of Trustees ;At-Lar,e and 2tstand$n, New Me+3er<
28. The Assistant Treasurer/Treasurer-Elect
29. The Assistant Historian/Historian-Elect
30. The Assistant Alumni Relations Officer/Alumni Relations Officer-Elect
31. The Assistant Philanthropy Chairman/Philanthropy Chairman-Elect
32. The Assistant House Manager/House Manager-Elect
33. The Assistant Membership Recruitment Chairmen
34. Other Chapter Officers provided for in Chapter By-Laws
`Pursuant to ATO National CMGO A7 and Chapter By-Laws 3-5200 and 3-7000 through 3-7170
11.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 11.03
1. The President ;*orthy Master< $s the #h$e" e/e#t$%e o""$#er o" the Chapter and sha!! ha%e ,enera!
#har,e o" $ts a""a$rs= He #ond#ts the #orresponden#e o" the Chapter w$th the Nat$ona! o""$#ers, Board o"
0$re#tors, Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or and 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees= He #a!!s and pres$des at a!! +eet$n,s
o" the Chapter, e/#ept when otherw$se pro%$ded= He +st attend a!! Leadersh$p Con"eren#es and
Con,resses, or "or"e$t h$s o""$#e= He appo$nts a!! appo$nted o""$#ers, w$th the ad%$#e and #onsent o" the
E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= He appo$nts a!! #o++$ttees and +e+3ers thereo" as he sha!! dee+ ne#essary "or
the e""$#$ent operat$on o" the Chapter> and, w$th the ad%$#e and #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, the
#ha$r+en and ass$stant #ha$r+en o" s#h #o++$ttees= He or the V$#e-.res$dent sha!! #onters$,n a!!
d$s3rse+ents o" Chapter "nds $" nder N&,--- or he sha!! +ana!!y #onters$,n a!! d$s3rse+ents o"
Chapter "nds $" N&,--- or +ore= He or,an$Ies and e/e#tes an 2""$#er Trans$t$on Meet$n, tw$#e
anna!!y 3etween o""$#er e!e#t$ons and $nsta!!at$on= He $s a %ot$n, +e+3er o" the I8C Con#$! o"
.res$dents and the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees= He $s a %ot$n, +e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o"
the 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on and a non-%ot$n, +e+3er o" the
Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd and the
Kansas 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on= He $s e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e an
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ S#ho!arsh$p, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a
= He +st !$%e $n the Chapter Hose the ent$re
ne/t s#hoo! year= He $s a +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, the Ca3$net, the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee, the
Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee, the S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, the R$sB Mana,e+ent Co++$ttee, the
Awards Co++$ttee and the Co++n$#at$ons Co++$ttee= He $s e!e#ted dr$n, No%e+3er ea#h year to a
ter+ o" one year, 3e,$nn$n, and end$n, $n the spr$n,=
2. The Vice-President ;*orthy Marsha!< $s the se#ond-ranB$n, o""$#er o" the Chapter= He ass$sts the
.res$dent $n the dt$es o" h$s o""$#e and ass+es that o""$#e $" $t 3e#o+es per+anent!y %a#ant= He $s $n
#har,e o" a!! appo$nt$%e o""$#ers and #o++$ttees and sha!! #oord$nate the$r a#t$%$t$es= He sha!! see that
a!! appo$nt$%e o""$#ers and #o++$ttees sha!! "a$th"!!y per"or+ the$r dt$es as esta3!$shed 3y Hose R!es,
+ot$ons o" the Chapter or E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, d$re#t$%e o" the .res$dent, or the By-Laws= He has 3een
ass$,ned dt$es #on#ern$n, preparat$on and s3+$ss$on o" the Anna! Report to Nat$ona! HeadCarters=
In the a3sen#e o" the .res$dent, he sha!! #onters$,n a!! d$s3rse+ents o" Chapter "nds $" nder N&,---=
He $s a %ot$n, +e+3er o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees= He $s #ha$r+an o" any 3y-!aw #o++$ttee
and $s respons$3!e "or Beep$n, the By-Laws p-to-date= He $s e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e a R$#hard E= 8a,er3er,
S#ho!arsh$p, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a
= He $s Cha$r+an o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, the 5d$#$a!
Co++$ttee and the Awards Co++$ttee and a +e+3er o" the Ca3$net, the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on
Co++$ttee and the R$sB Mana,e+ent Co++$ttee= 1He $s e!e#ted tw$#e anna!!y dr$n, No%e+3er and
Apr$! to a ter+ o" one se+ester=
3. The Chaplain ;*orthy Chap!a$n< $s the th$rd-ranB$n, o""$#er o" the Chapter= He $s the sp$r$ta! !eader
o" the Chapter= He has 3een ass$,ned dt$es to assre the #o!!e#t$on o" a!! "$nes= He $s respons$3!e "or the
proper sa,e and per"or+an#e o" a!! #ere+on$es #onta$ned $n the R$ta!, $n#!d$n, the read$n, o" the
8or Le#tres= He $s e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e a Ste%en C= 5ohnson S#ho!arsh$p, $t he +eets the #r$ter$a
= He $s
a %ot$n, +e+3er o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees= He $s Cha$r+an o" the Ca3$net and a +e+3er o"
the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee and the R$sB Mana,e+ent Co++$ttee= He $s e!e#ted
tw$#e anna!!y dr$n, No%e+3er and Apr$! to a ter+ o" one se+ester=
11.04 Members Manual
4. The Treasurer ;*orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer< $s the #h$e" "$nan#$a! o""$#er o" the Chapter= He sha!!
Beep a##rate a##onts o" re#e$pts and d$s3rse+ents, $nsre the sa"eBeep$n, o" "nds, #o!!e#t a!! +oneys
de the Chapter, $nsre the pay+ent o" Chapter o3!$,at$ons and pro%$de +onth!y "$nan#$a! reports= He
sha!! pay a!! 3$!!s pro+pt!y and +aBe depos$ts at !east weeB!y= He $s respons$3!e "or a!! "$s#a!
transa#t$ons dr$n, h$s ter+ o" o""$#e, $n#!d$n, the "$s#a! re%$ew 3y $ndependent ad$tors "o!!ow$n, the
#o+p!et$on o" the "$s#a! year= He sha!! persona!!y s$,n a!! d$s3rse+ents o" Chapter "nds, wh$#h sha!!
3e #onters$,ned 3y the .res$dent or V$#e-.res$dent ;$" nder N&,---< or +ana!!y #onters$,ned 3y the
.res$dent ;$" N&,--- or +ore<= He #o!!e#ts a!! Nat$ona! "ees and des and "orwards the+ to the Nat$ona!
HeadCarters= He $s $n #har,e o" the Bd,et and re#o++ends to the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee s#h "$s#a!
$te+s as ne#essary, $n#!d$n, ne/t yearAs 3a!an#ed 3d,et= He $s a %ot$n, +e+3er o" the Board o"
0$re#tors o" the 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on and a non-%ot$n,
+e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd
and the Kansas 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on= He $s e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e
an A!!an 0= Ho!$day, 5r= S#ho!arsh$p, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a
= He +st !$%e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n,
h$s ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= He $s Cha$r+an o" the 8$nan#e Co++$ttee and a +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee, the Ca3$net, the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee and the R$sB Mana,e+ent Co++$ttee= He $s e!e#ted $n
the spr$n, to a ter+ o" one year 3e,$nn$n, on the ne/t 5ne &st and end$n, on the s3seCent May 7&st
;#on#rrent w$th the "$s#a! year o" the Chapter<=
5. The Secretary ;*orthy S#r$3e< sha!! Beep a##rate +$ntes o" a!! +eet$n,s o" the Chapter and
Corporat$on, the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, the Ca3$net, the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee and the Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Co++$ttee= He sha!! send +$ntes to the Cha$r+an o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees and
Nat$ona! HeadCarters w$th$n three days a"ter any +eet$n,= Under the sper%$s$on o" the .res$dent, he
sha!! #ond#t the #orresponden#e o" the Chapter= He has 3een ass$,ned dt$es as Ca+ps A#t$%$t$es
Coord$nator= He $s e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e a Ke%$n E= K$#Bhae"er and T$+othy S= Berends S#ho!arsh$p "or
s##ess"! #o+p!et$on o" h$s ter+ o" o""$#e, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a
= He $s a +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee, the Ca3$net, the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee and the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee= He $s
e!e#ted to a ter+ o" one se+ester=
6,7. The Risk Management Officers/Social Chairmen #oord$nate and d$re#t the R$sB Mana,e+ent
.ro,ra+ o" the Chapter= They p!an, #oord$nate and are respons$3!e "or the e/e#t$on o" a!! Chapter
so#$a! e%ents= They are respons$3!e to the .res$dent, the Chapter and the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees
"or the sa"e and !e,a! #o+p!et$on o" s#h pro,ra+s= They and the Hose Mana,er and Ass$stant Hose
Mana,er are respons$3!e "or the #!ean-p a"ter a!! re,$stered part$es= A"ter e!e#t$on 3t 3e"ore the
3e,$nn$n, o" the ter+ o" o""$#e as So#$a! Cha$r+an, they ser%e as Ass$stant So#$a! Cha$r+an and R$sB
Mana,e+ent 2""$#er= Be"ore the 3e,$nn$n, o" the$r ter+ o" o""$#e as So#$a! Cha$r+an, they sha!! present
to the .res$dent and the Cha$r+an o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees a p!anned s#hed!e o" +aDor
so#$a! e%ents "or the s##eed$n, se+ester= They are e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e a Ryan A= Newth S#ho!arsh$p "or
s##ess"! #o+p!et$on o" the$r ter+ o" o""$#e, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a
= They are +e+3ers o" the
E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= 1To 3e e!$,$3!e "or e!e#t$on, they sha!! ha%e !$%ed $n the Chapter Hose "or at
!east three se+esters= 2ne R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#erGSo#$a! Cha$r+an $s e!e#ted $n the pre%$os
se+ester to a ter+ o" one se+ester as R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#er, "o!!owed 3y a ter+ o" one se+ester as
So#$a! Cha$r+an 3e,$nn$n, on the "$rst day o" #!asses $n the s3seCent se+ester and sha!! ser%e nt$! a
se#ond R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#er $s e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed the ne/t se+ester=
8. The Historian ;*orthy Keeper o" Anna!s< $s the Ed$tor o" The Vintage, the ChapterAs award-w$nn$n,
a!+n$ +a,aI$ne= He sha!! p3!$sh two or +ore ed$t$ons o" The Vintage, and, w$th the A!+n$ Re!at$ons
2""$#er, sha!! p3!$sh an &lumni 5irectory e%ery year= He #o!!e#ts and preser%es $n"or+at$on o"
h$stor$#a! $nterest ;%$deos, newspaper art$#!es and Chapter or $nd$%$da! a#h$e%e+ents< #on#ern$n, the
Chapter and $ts +e+3ers and "orwards #op$es to the 0$re#tor o" Co++n$#at$ons at the Nat$ona!
HeadCarters= He Beeps an a##rate ro!! o" the +e+3ers and a""$!$ates o" the Chapter, and na+es and
addresses o" a!! $n$t$ates= He $s Cha$r+an o" the Co++n$#at$ons Co++$ttee and a +e+3er o" the
E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, the Ca3$net and the Awards Co++$ttee= He $s e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e a 5onathan S=
Kr#he S#ho!arsh$p "or s##ess"! #o+p!et$on o" h$s ter+ o" o""$#e, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a
= He $s e!e#ted
to a one-year ter+ $n the spr$n,, w$th the ter+ o" o""$#e 3e,$nn$n, on the "$rst day o" #!asses $n the 8a!!
Members Manual 11.05
9. The Sergeant-at-Arms ;*orthy Usher<
, nder the d$re#t$on o" the .res$dent, sha!! preser%e order at
+eet$n,s= He sha!! ha%e #har,e o" the Chapter Roo+ and ha%e #stody o" the Te+p!e eC$p+ent and
re,a!$a= He sha!! 3e respons$3!e "or the preparat$on o" the Chapter Roo+ "or Chapter Meet$n,s> and sha!!
3e respons$3!e "or retrn$n, the Chapter Roo+ to $ts pre%$os state $++ed$ate!y a"ter the #on#!s$on o"
Chapter Meet$n,s He has 3een ass$,ned dt$es #on#ern$n, parB$n, %$o!at$ons= He has 3een ass$,ned
dt$es as Brothers A,a$nst 0rnB 0r$%$n, ;BA00< 0ty Coord$nator= He $s a +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee, the Ca3$net, the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee and the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee= He $s
e!e#ted to a ter+ o" one se+ester=
10. The Doorkeeper ;*orthy Sent$ne!<
ad+$ts to +eet$n,s on!y s#h persons as +ay 3e Ca!$"$ed= He
ass$sts the Ser,eant-at-Ar+s $n the per"or+an#e o" h$s dt$es= He has 3een ass$,ned dt$es as Resor#e
Coord$nator ;respons$3!e "or the #are and +a$ntenan#e o" a!! #op$ers and pr$nters<= He $s a +e+3er o"
the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, the Ca3$net, the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee and the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on
Co++$ttee= He $s e!e#ted to a ter+ o" one se+ester=
11,12. Two Membership Education Chairmen ;8a!! and Spr$n,< are the #oord$nators o" tre +e+3ersh$p
ed#at$on pro,ra+s that sha!! en#o+pass a!! +e+3ers= Both sha!! ensre that p!ed,es do not nder,o
any "or+ o" haI$n,= Both sha!! ensre eCa! r$,hts and respons$3$!$t$es o" p!ed,es $n S!eep$n, Roo+s,
$n#!d$n, the possess$on o" $nd$%$da! Beys= Both sha!! present to the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on
Co++$ttee, the Chapter and the Cha$r+an o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees the$r p!anned
+e+3ersh$p ed#at$on pro,ra+ "or the s##eed$n, se+ester= Both are e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e an E!+er 0=
M#Co!!+ S#ho!arsh$p on!y $" 4-M o" the$r p!ed,e #!asses are $n$t$ated, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a
= Both
are +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee ;the non-ser%$n, Cha$r+an has no %ote there$n<, the
Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee and the S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee= 2ne Cha$r+an $s e!e#ted $n the "a!!
and one $n the spr$n,, 3oth to one-year ter+s=
13. The Public Relations Officer prepares art$#!es and $te+s o" $nterest "or presentat$on to the Ed$tor o" The
0alm, wh$#h $s the A!pha Ta 2+e,a Nat$ona! Ma,aI$ne> and the &T! /oad *how, wh$#h $s the
e!e#tron$#-report$n, s$te o" the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty= He $s respons$3!e "or the Chapter s3+$tt$n, $te+s to
the &T! /oad *how at !east weeB!y= He ass$sts the H$stor$an w$th the p3!$#at$ons o" the Chapter= He
ass$sts the .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an w$th p3!$#$I$n, the ph$!anthrop$# e%ents o" the Chapter= He s3+$ts
ad%ert$se+ents and art$#!es to the +ed$a, $n#!d$n, the )-*tate Collegian= He $s e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e a
M$#hae! K= Cor+a#$ S#ho!arsh$p "or s##ess"! #o+p!et$on o" h$s ter+ o" o""$#e, $" he +eests the #r$ter$a
He $s a +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, the Awards Co++$ttee and the Co++n$#at$ons
Co++$ttee= He $s e!e#ted to a ter+ o" one se+ester=
14. The Social Service Coordinator d$re#ts the Chapter $n "or+!at$n, and e/e#t$n, proDe#ts and ser%$#es
"or the 3etter+ent o" the #o++n$ty and the 8ratern$ty, $n#!d$n, H$,hway C!ean-Up at !east three t$+es
a year ;2#to3er, 8e3rary and Apr$!<= He $s respons$3!e "or $n%o!%$n, the ent$re Chapter $n #ont$n$n,
pro,ra+s o" so#$a! ser%$#e and !e%y "$nes a,a$nst those who do not part$#$pate= He #oord$nates w$th the
.h$!anthropy Cha$r+an= He $s e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e a 1ary R= Cottre!! and Rsse!! *= Tadd$Ben
S#ho!arsh$p "or s##ess"! #o+p!et$on o" h$s ter+ o" o""$#e, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a
= He $s a +e+3er o"
the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= He $s e!e#ted to a ter+ o" one se+ester=
15. The Alumni Relations Officer ser%es as the !$a$son o""$#$a! "or the Chapter w$th a!+n$ and the 0e!ta
Theta Chapter A!+n$ Asso#$at$on= He "or+!ates and e/e#tes proDe#ts "or the 3etter+ent o" a!+n$
re!at$ons w$th the Chapter and the 8ratern$ty= He sha!! $n%o!%e the Chapter $n a #ont$n$n, a!+n$
re!at$ons pro,ra+= He sha!! ha%e at !east one +aDor a!+n$ e%ent $n ea#h se+ester= He and the H$stor$an
sha!! p3!$sh the &lumni 5irectory o" 0e!ta Theta a!+n$ e%ery year= He $s respons$3!e "or the ChapterAs
+a$! and sha!! see that a!! +a$! $s proper!y re#e$%ed and a!! a!+n$ and ot-o"-hose +a$! "orwarded= He
$s a %ot$n, +e+3er ;and as A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er-e!e#t $s a non-%ot$n, +e+3er< o" the Board o"
0$re#tors o" the Kansas 0e!ta Theta Chapter A!+n$ Asso#$at$on= He $s e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e a 0$Be+an
8a+$!y S#ho!arsh$p "or s##ess"! #o+p!et$on o" h$s ter+ o" o""$#e, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a
= He $s a
+e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee and the Co++n$#at$ons Co++$ttee= He $s e!e#ted $n the "a!!
se+ester to a ter+ o" one year=
11.06 Members Manual
16. The House Manager and Ass$stant Hose Mana,er are $n #har,e o" the phys$#a! p!ant o" the Chapter
Hose, $ts #are, +a$ntenan#e and phys$#a! operat$ons= He and the Ass$stant Hose Mana,er report to the
Chapter and the 0e!ta Theta Chapter B$!d$n, Corporat$on Board o" 0$re#tors and E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee= H$s and the Ass$stant Hose Mana,erAs per"or+an#e o" ass$,ned tasBs, dt$es and
respons$3$!$t$es and $n%o!%e+ent o" all +e+3ers and p!ed,es $n hose +a$ntenan#e and hose #!ean$n,
a#t$%$t$es sha!! 3e #ons$dered and e%a!ated= He and the Ass$stant Hose Mana,er are respons$3!e "or the
#o+p!ete #!ean$n,, proper #ond$t$on and #!osre o" the Chapter Hose at the end o" the 8a!! and Spr$n,
Se+esters and ho!$days and 8a!! and Spr$n, BreaBs, s3De#t to the appro%a! o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on=
He and the Ass$stant Hose Mana,er and the R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en are
respons$3!e "or the #!ean-p a"ter a!! re,$stered part$es= He and the K$t#hen Mana,er are respons$3!e "or
Beep$n, the K$t#hen we!!-+a$nta$ned= The Hose Mana,er $s a %ot$n, +e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors
o" the 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on= The Hose Mana,er and
Ass$stant Hose Mana,er are e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e Larry 0= Mar%e! S#ho!arsh$ps "or s##ess"! #o+p!et$on
o" the$r ter+s o" o""$#e, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a
= The Hose Mana,er $s a +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee and the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee= 12ne Hose Mana,er $s e!e#ted ea#h se+ester,
ser%$n, one se+ester as Ass$stant Hose Mana,er> w$th dt$es as Hose Mana,er #o++en#$n, on the
"$rst day o" #!asses $n the ne/t se+ester=
17. The Annex Coordinator
$s $n #har,e o" the p!ann$n,, or,an$Iat$on and e/e#t$on o" pro,ra+s
$n%o!%$n, a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers !$%$n, $n appro%ed anne/es> and $s the$r representat$%e and des$,nee
on the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, wh$#h he $s a +e+3er= He $s e!e#ted to a ter+ o" one se+ester=
18. The Philanthropy Chairman $s respons$3!e "or the p!ann$n,, or,an$I$n, and e/e#t$on o" at !east one
+aDor ph$!anthrop$# e%ent ea#h se+ester that 3ene"$ts one or +ore not-"or-pro"$t or,an$Iat$ons #hosen 3y
the Chapter= He #oord$nates w$th the So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator and the .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er= A"ter
e!e#t$on 3t 3e"ore the 3e,$nn$n, o" the ter+ as .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an, he ser%es as Ass$stant
.h$!anthropy Cha$r+an and ass$sts the .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an w$th the ph$!anthrop$# e%ent;s< o" that
se+ester= He $s e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e a 0a!e L= 0n#an S#ho!arsh$p "or s##ess"! #o+p!et$on o" h$s ter+ o"
o""$#e, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a
= He $s a +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= 2ne .h$!anthropy
Cha$r+an $s e!e#ted ea#h se+ester, ser%$n, one se+ester as Ass$stant .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an> w$th
dt$es as .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an #o++en#$n, on the "$rst day o" #!asses $n the ne/t se+ester=
19. The Kitchen Manager $s respons$3!e "or the operat$ons o" the K$t#hen and 0$n$n, Roo+, $n #ooperat$on
w$th the Cater$n, personne!= He $s respons$3!e "or the open$n, and #!os$n, o" the K$t#hen at t$+es
spe#$"$ed $n Chapter Hose R!es and "or Beep$n, the K$t#hen #!ean and $n #o+p!$an#e w$th hea!th
re,!at$ons= He and the Hose Mana,ers are respons$3!e "or Beep$n, the K$t#hen we!!-+a$nta$ned= He $s
respons$3!e "or or,an$I$n, a!! K$t#hen Crews and +aB$n, sre that a!! ass$,ned +e+3ers and p!ed,es
#o+p!ete the$r ass$,ned K$t#hen Crew dt$es= He $s respons$3!e "or the #o+p!ete #!ean$n,, proper
#ond$t$on and #!osre o" the K$t#hen at the end o" the 8a!! and Spr$n, Se+esters and 8a!! and Spr$n,
BreaBs= He $s e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e a Henry 8= Kp"er S#ho!arsh$p "or s##ess"! #o+p!et$on o" the ter+ o"
o""$#e, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a
= He $s a +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= He $s e!e#ted to a ter+ o"
one se+ester=
20. The Brotherhood Chairman
$s respons$3!e "or a!! Chapter-on!y a#t$%$t$es and e%ents, the pro+ot$on o"
tota! 3rotherhood thro,hot the Chapter and "oster$n, 3rotherhood 3etween a!! +e+3ers and p!ed,es=
He $s a +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= He $s e!e#ted to a ter+ o" one se+ester=
Members Manual 11.07
21. The Scholarship Chairman $s respons$3!e "or a!! o" the s#ho!arsh$p pro,ra+s o" the Chapter, $n#!d$n,
Cortesy ;@$et< Hors, Stdy Hors, and p!ed,e and a#t$%e s#ho!ast$# a#h$e%e+ents= He $s respons$3!e
"or $n%o!%$n, the ent$re Chapter $n #ont$n$n, pro,ra+s o" s#ho!ast$# e/#e!!en#e and a#h$e%$n, a 7=---
or 3etter Chapter 1rade .o$nt A%era,e= He $s respons$3!e "or en"or#e+ent o" )6-hor Cortesy ;@$et<
Hors dr$n, 0ead *eeB and 8$na!s *eeB, espe#$a!!y $n the Re#reat$on Roo+, Chapter Roo+, Ha!! o"
Honor and other "n#t$ona! areas= He $s respons$3!e "or a!! o" the "$!es and re#ords perta$n$n, to
n$%ers$ty #orses and $nstr#tors and Beep$n, s#h +ater$a!s p-to-date= He $s a non-%ot$n, +e+3er o"
the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd= He $s
e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e a 1y *= 1ross S#ho!arsh$p "or the s##ess"! #o+p!et$on o" h$s dt$es o" o""$#e, $" he
+eets the #r$ter$a
= He $s a Cha$r+an o" the S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee and a +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee and the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee= He $s e!e#ted $n the "a!! se+ester to a ter+ o"
one year=
22. The Membership Recruitment Chairman $s respons$3!e "or re#r$t$n, otstand$n,, Ca!$"$ed +en who
w$!! 3e#o+e p!ed,es and then a#t$%e +e+3ers o" the Chapter and the 8ratern$ty= He and h$s Ass$stants
re#r$t two p!ed,e #!asses dr$n, the s#hoo! year and are respons$3!e "or Beep$n, the Chapter Hose at
"!! #apa#$ty thro,h the re#r$t+ent o" new +e+3ers, as spe#$"$ed $n the Chapter By-Laws and the
Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Contra#t= He $s e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e an E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ S#ho!arsh$p, $" he
+eets the #r$ter$a
= He +st !$%e $n the Chapter Hose the ent$re ne/t s#hoo! year= He $s a +e+3er o" the
E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= He $s se!e#ted 3y the Chapter $n the "a!! and appo$nted 3y the .res$dent to a ter+
o" one year=
23. The Communications Officer $s respons$3!e "or a!! e!e#tron$# and #o+pter operat$ons o" the Chapter,
$n#!d$n, a!! Chapter #o+pters, phone syste+s and other e!e#tron$# +ed$a= He $s the *e3 En,$neer o"
the Chapter and respons$3!e "or the ChapterAs Ho+e .a,e and pdat$n, $t at !east +onth!y= He $s e!$,$3!e
to re#e$%e a 5st$n 5= Ne!son S#ho!arsh$p "or the s##ess"! #o+p!et$on o" h$s dt$es o" o""$#e, $" he +eets
the #r$ter$a
= He $s V$#e-Cha$r+an o" the Awards Co++$ttee and the Co++n$#at$ons Co++$ttee and a
+e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= He $s appo$nted 3y the .res$dent, w$th the ad%$#e and #onsent o"
the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, to a ter+ o" one se+ester=
24. The Intramurals Chairman
$s respons$3!e "or the re#r$t+ent and #oord$nat$on o" a!! $nd$%$da! and
tea+ $ntra+ra! e%ents o" the Chapter= He $s appo$nted 3y the .res$dent, w$th the ad%$#e and #onsent o"
the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, to a ter+ o" one se+ester=
25. The Song Leader
$s respons$3!e "or a!! +s$#a! and s$n,$n, a#t$%$t$es o" the Chapter, $n#!d$n, those
$n%o!%$n, serenades and "n#t$ons= He pro+otes s$n,$n, at +ea!s, +eet$n,s and other Chapter a#t$%$t$es=
He $s appo$nted 3y the .res$dent, w$th the ad%$#e and #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, to a ter+ o"
one se+ester=
26,27. The Undergraduate Members of the Board of Trustees are two ;At-Lar,e Me+3er and 2tstand$n,
New Me+3er Award re#$p$ent< o" "$%e %ot$n,, nder,radate +e+3ers o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o"
Trstees ;the others are the Chapter .res$dent, Chapter V$#e-.res$dent and Chapter Chap!a$n<= A!! "$%e
represent the nder,radate $nterests o" the Chapter= The At-Lar,e Me+3er $s se!e#ted 3y the Chapter
$n the spr$n, se+ester o" e%ery year to a ter+ o" one year= The 2tstand$n, New Me+3er Award
re#$p$ent $s se!e#ted 3y the In$t$at$on C!ass and the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an and h$s Ass$stants
e%ery se+ester=
28. The Assistant Membership Recruitment Chairmen ass$st the Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an
w$th h$s dt$es, as ass$,ned 3y the Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an and spe#$"$ed $n the Me+3ersh$p
Re#r$t+ent Contra#t= Ea#h Ass$stant $s respons$3!e "or re#r$t$n, otstand$n,, Ca!$"$ed +en who w$!!
3e#o+e p!ed,es and then a#t$%e +e+3ers o" the Chapter and the 8ratern$ty= Ea#h Ass$stant and the
Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an re#r$t two p!ed,e #!asses dr$n, the s#hoo! year and are respons$3!e
"or Beep$n, the Chapter Hose at "!! #apa#$ty thro,h the re#r$t+ent o" new +e+3ers= Ea#h $s e!$,$3!e
to re#e$%e an E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ S#ho!arsh$p "or the s##ess"! #o+p!et$on o" the dt$es o" the$r o""$#e,
$" they +eet the #r$ter$a
= Ea#h $s appo$nted 3y the .res$dent ;$n #ons!tat$on w$th the Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Cha$r+an<, w$th the ad%$#e and #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, to a ter+ o" one
11.08 Members Manual
Criteria for Officer Scholarships: See Chapter 12
Officer Eligible for Freeman Family Outstanding Officer Award: See Chapter 12
Members Manual 11.09
A. The Executive Committee
;)7 Re,!ar Me+3ers<
RChapter By-Laws 7-:&-- thro,h 7-:6&6, and 7-(--- thro,h 7-()&-S
1. The Vice-President ;*orthy Marsha!< (Chairman)
2. The President ;*orthy Master<
3. The Chaplain ;*orthy Chap!a$n<
4. The Treasurer ;*orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer<
5. The Secretary ;*orthy S#r$3e<
6,7. Two Risk Management Officers/Social Chairmen
8. The Historian ;*orthy Keeper o" Anna!s<
9. The Sergeant-at-Arms ;*orthy Usher<
10. The Doorkeeper ;*orthy Sent$ne!<
11,12. Two Membership Education Chairmen
13. The Public Relations Officer
14. The Social Service Coordinator
15. The Alumni Relations Officer
16. The House Manager
17. The Annex Coordinator
18. The Philanthropy Chairman
19. The Kitchen Manager
20. The Brotherhood Chairman
21. The Scholarship Chairman
22. The Membership Recruitment Chairman
23. The Communications Officer
Plus Intramurals Chairman and Song Leader
Plus Assistant Treasurer/Treasurer-Elect and Assistant House Manager/House Manager-Elect
Plus Historian-Elect, Alumni Relations Officer-Elect and Philanthropy Chairman-Elect
Plus Assistant Membership Recruitment Chairmen and Undergraduate Members of the Board of Trustees
Plus All Other Appointive Officers and All Committee Chairmen and Assistant Chairmen
;A!! Non-Vot$n, Me+3ers<
Vice-President (Chairman) votes only if the Executive Committee is equally divided
Non-serving Membership Education Chairman has no vote
B. The Cabinet
;4 Me+3ers<
RChapter By-Laws 7-::-- thro,h 7-:4&:S
1. The Chaplain ;*orthy Chap!a$n< (Chairman)
2. The President ;*orthy Master<
3. The Vice-President ;*orthy Chap!a$n<
4. The Treasurer ;*orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer<
5. The Secretary ;*orthy S#r$3e<
6. The Historian ;*orthy Keeper o" Anna!s<
7. The Sergeant-at-Arms ;*orthy Usher<
8. The Doorkeeper ;*orthy Sent$ne!<
Chaplain (Chairman) votes only if the Cabinet is equally divided
C. The Membership Education Committee
;&& Re,!ar Me+3ers<
RChapter By-Laws 7-67--, 7-4&-- thro,h 7-46-- and 9-4---S
1,2. Two Membership Education Chairmen
3. The Scholarship Chairman
4. The House Manager
5. The President ;*orthy Master<
6. The Vice-President ;*orthy Marsha!<
7. The Secretary ;*orthy S#r$3e<
8. The Sergeant-at-Arms ;*orthy Usher<
9. The Doorkeeper ;*orthy Sent$ne!<
10,11. Two Members Appointed by President with Consent of Executive Committee
Plus Past Presidents and Past Membership Education Chairmen Who Are Chapter Members ;Non-Vot$n, Me+3ers<
Members of the Membership Education Committee choose one of their members to preside at all Meetings
11.10 Members Manual
D. The 1udicial Committee
;&- Me+3ers<
RChapter By-Laws 7-'&-- thro,h 7-'7--S
1. The Vice-President ;*orthy Marsha!< (Chairman)
2. The President ;*orthy Master<
3. The Chaplain ;*orthy Chap!a$n<
4. The Treasurer ;*orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer<
5. The Secretary ;*orthy S#r$3e<
6. The Sergeant-at-Arms ;*orthy Usher<
7. The Doorkeeper ;*orthy Sent$ne!<
8,9,10. Three Members Appointed by President with Consent of Executive Committee
Vice-President (Chairman) votes only if the 1udicial Committee is equally divided
E. The Scholarship Committee
RChapter By-Law )-7---S
1. The Scholarship Chairman (Chairman)
2. The Resource Coordinator
3,4. Two Membership Education Chairmen
5. The President ;*orthy Master<
Members Appointed by President with Consent of Executive Committee
F. The Risk Management Committee
;9 Me+3ers<
RChapter By-Law 7-'6--S
1,2. Two Risk Management Officers/Social Chairmen (Co-Chairmen)
3. The President ;*orthy Master<
4. The Vice-President ;*orthy Marsha!<
5. The Chaplain ;*orthy Chap!a$n<
6. The Treasurer ;*orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer<
G. The Awards Committee
;: Me+3ers<
RChapter By-Law 7-':--S
1. The Vice-President ;*orthy Marsha!< (Chairman
2. The Communications Officer (Vice-Chairman)
3. The President ;*orthy Master<
4. The Historian ;*orthy Keeper o" Anna!s<
5. The Public Relations Officer
H. The Communications Committee
;: Me+3ers<
RChapter By-Law 7-'9--S
1. The Historian ;*orthy Keeper o" Anna!s< (Chairman)
2. The Communications Officer (Vice-Chairman)
3. The President ;*orthy Master<
4. The Public Relations Officer
5. The Alumni Relations Officer
&1Members Manual 12.01
12.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 12.03
(Red Tie Club Established April 6, 1912)
(Alpha Theta Chi Fraternity Established October 15, 1917 and Incorporated February 19, 1920)
(Chapter Incorporated February 23, 1921 and September 3, 1971)
(Chartered and Installed by National Fraternity October 22 and 23, 1920)
A. Awards
1A1. The Robert M. Bensman President's Awards
Na+ed a"ter Brother Ro3ert M= ;Ro3< Bens+an ;0Th&''(<, )--- Nat$ona! Tho+as ArB!e C!arB
Award re#$p$ent= ;A!so See Endow+ent 8nd? The Ro3ert M= Bens+an .res$dentAs Award<
Esta3!$shed $n &')&= Na+ed $n )---= M#Co!!+ Cp=
1A2. The Trustees' Brotherhood Award
1$%en 3y the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees to the Chapter +e+3er;s< Jwho +ost re"!e#t $n the$r
!$%es the 8or 1reat .r$n#$p!es o" or BrotherhoodJ= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= ;A!so See Board o"
Trstees? The TrsteesA Brotherhood Award< Esta3!$shed as Chapter Ad%$sorAs Brotherhood
Award 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III ;0Th&'9(< $n &'(6= Crrent Na+e Esta3!$shed $n
1A3. The 1. B. Angle Tau of the Year Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5a+es B= ;5= B=< An,!e ;0Th&')-<, noted Chapter a!+ns and 3ene"a#tor,
who d$ed $n A,st o" &'9(= 1$%en 3y the Chapter to the a!+ns;$< o" 0e!ta Theta who has
;ha%e< done the +ost "or the Chapter dr$n, the year= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= Esta3!$shed and
Na+ed $n &'9(= An,!e Trophy and Ind$%$da! .!aCe=
1A4. The Tau of the Month Award
1$%en 3y the Ca3$net to the Chapter +e+3er;s< who has ;ha%e< done the +ost "or the Chapter
dr$n, that +onth= 1$%en ea#h +onth dr$n, the s#hoo! year= Esta3!$shed $n &''9= Cert$"$#ate=
1A5. The 1oseph P. Fangman Honor Initiate Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5oseph .= ;5oe< 8an,+an ;0Th&'47<, &'47 Chapter Honor In$t$ate= ;A!so
See Endow+ent 8nd? The 5oseph .= 8an,+an Honor In$t$ate Award< Esta3!$shed $n &'6(=
Na+ed $n &'')= Honor In$t$at$on=
1A6. The Michael 1. Brown Memorial Outstanding New Member Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother M$#hae! 5= ;M$Be< Brown ;0Th&''4<, who was B$!!ed $n an ato+o3$!e
a##$dent $n 5!y o" &''4= 0eter+$ned 3y a %ote o" the New In$t$ate C!ass, Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on
Cha$r+an and Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en and ,$%en 3y the Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Cha$r+an to the re#ent!y-$n$t$ated Chapter +e+3er who has done the +ost "or the
.!ed,e C!ass= 1$%en se+ester!y $n A,st and 5anary= ;A!so See The M$#hae! 5= Brown
Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, New Me+3er Bad,e< Esta3!$shed $n &'(4= Rena+ed $n &''(= Crrent
Na+e Esta3!$shed $n &''4= Cert$"$#ate=
12.04 Members Manual
1A7. The Wendy S. McCrary Chapter Sweetheart Awards
Na+ed a"ter *endy A= Sw$er#$nsBy M#Crary ;0e!ta 0e!ta 0e!ta &'4)<, 0e!ta Theta Chapter
Sweetheart $n &'46-&'4:, who d$ed $n No%e+3er o" &'''= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to one
or two "e+a!es se!e#ted 3y +e+3ers o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter as re#o,n$t$on o" ser%$#e to and the
a""e#t$on that $s "e!t 3y the Chapter= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= ;A!so See Endow+ent 8nd? The
*endy S= M#Crary A!pha Ta 2+e,a Chapter Sweetheart S#ho!arsh$ps< Esta3!$shed $n &':4=
Na+ed $n )---=
1A8. The Larry D. Marvel Memorial House Manager Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother Larry 0= Mar%e! ;0Th&'4:<, who was B$!!ed $n a para#ht$n, a##$dent $n
Mar#h o" &'4'= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the e!e#ted Hose Mana,er $n ,ood stand$n,=
1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= ;A!so See B$!d$n, Corporat$on and Endow+ent
8nd? The Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Hose Mana,er Award< Esta3!$shed $n &'9(= Na+ed $n
1A9. The Henry F. Kupfer Memorial Kitchen Manager Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother Henry 8= ;HanB< Kp"er ;0Th&'74<= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the
e!e#ted K$t#hen Mana,er $n ,ood stand$n,= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= ;A!so
See Endow+ent 8nd? The Henry 8= Kp"er Me+or$a! K$t#hen Mana,er Award< Esta3!$shed $n
&'9(= Na+ed $n &'''=
1A10. The 1ustin 1. Nelson Communications Officer Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5st$n 5= Ne!son ;0Th&''4<= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the
Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er $n ,ood stand$n,= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= ;A!so
See Endow+ent 8nd? The 5st$n 5= Ne!son Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er Award< Esta3!$shed and
Na+ed $n )---=
1A11. The Robert S. Krause Outstanding Campus Leader Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother Ro3ert S= ;Bo3< Krase ;0Th&'44<, Kansas State Un$%ers$ty V$#e .res$dent
and 0e!ta Theta 8a#!ty Ad%$sor "or &7 years= 1$%en anna!!y $n the S++er or 8a!! a"ter the
#o+p!et$on o" a s#hoo! year= ;A!so See Endow+ent 8nd? The Ro3ert S= Krase A!pha Ta
2+e,a 2tstand$n, Ca+ps Leader Award< Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n )--7=
1A12. The Parents of the Year Award
1$%en 3y the Chapter to the parents o" Chapter +e+3ers who are se!e#ted 3y the Chapter as the
+ost otstand$n, .arents o" the Year= 1$%en dr$n, the .arentsA C!3 Meet$n, $n the 8a!!
Se+ester as a part o" .arentsA *eeBend a#t$%$t$es= Esta3!$shed $n &'(:= Cert$"$#ate=
1A13. The Past President's Glazebrook Badge Award
1$%en 3y the Chapter .res$dent to the I++ed$ate .ast Chapter .res$dent on #o+p!et$on o" h$s
one-year ter+ o" o""$#e, $n re#o,n$t$on o" h$s ser%$#e and sa#r$"$#e "or the 3etter+ent o" the
Chapter= .resented one weeB a"ter 2""$#er Insta!!at$on= Esta3!$shed $n )--(= 1!aIe3rooB
2r$,$na! Bad,e and Cert$"$#ate=
Members Manual 12.05
B. Memorials and Gifts
1B1. The C. Richard Mann Memorial President's Badge
Na+ed a"ter Brother C= R$#hard ;0$#B< Mann ;0Th&'):<, "ond$n, 0$re#tor "or &9 years and
th$rd .res$dent o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on= Brother Mann d$ed $n 0e#e+3er o" &'':= .ear! and
,o!d A!pha Ta 2+e,a Bad,e w$th ,a%e! ,ard= 0onated 3y Brother Mann and 8a+$!y= To 3e
worn 3y the Chapter .res$dent at p3!$# +eet$n,s and o##as$ons dr$n, h$s ter+ o" o""$#e and
passed on to h$s s##essor at the #o+p!et$on o" h$s ter+= 0ed$#ated and Na+ed $n No%e+3er o"
1B2. The William L. Muir III Glazebrook Original Badge (Worthy Master's Badge)
Na+ed a"ter Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III ;0Th&'9(<, 0e!ta Theta Chapter Ad%$sor "or 7(
years= 1o!d rep!$#a o" the 1!aIe3rooB 2r$,$na! A!pha Ta 2+e,a Bad,e w$th en,ra%$n, on the
re%erse= 0onated 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III $n +e+ory o" h$s n#!e, Brother *$!!$a+
L= ;B$!!< M$r II ;0Th&'74<= To 3e worn 3y the Chapter .res$dent ;*orthy Master< at Chapter
Meet$n,s and R$ta! Cere+on$es dr$n, h$s ter+ o" o""$#e and passed on to h$s s##essor at the
#o+p!et$on o" h$s ter+= 0ed$#ated and Na+ed $n A,st o" &'''=
1B3. The Michael 1. Brown Memorial Outstanding New Member Badge
Na+ed a"ter Brother M$#hae! 5= ;M$Be< Brown ;0Th&''4<, who was B$!!ed $n an ato+o3$!e
a##$dent $n 5!y o" &''4= Re#$p$ent;s< #hosen 3y a %ote o" the New In$t$ate C!ass, Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Cha$r+an and Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en and ,$%en 3y the
Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an to the re#ent!y-$n$t$ated Chapter +e+3er;s< who has ;ha%e<
done the +ost "or the .!ed,e C!ass, to worn 3y h$+ ;the+< dr$n, the ne/t se+ester and then
passed on 3y h$+ ;the+< to the ne/t $n$t$at$on #!assA 2tstand$n, New Me+3er Award
re#$p$ent;s<= 0onated 3y Brothers 0an$e! .= Cata!d$ ;0Th&''9< and N$#ho!as H= Kr$er
;0Th&''(<= ;A!so See The M$#hae! 5= Brown Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, New Me+3er Award<
0ed$#ated $n A,st o" &'''=
C. Emblems, Pictures, Plaques and Certificates
1C1. The Delta Theta Charters
Esta3!$shed 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty= .resented a"ter the
$nsta!!at$on o" 0e!ta Theta on 2#to3er ))-)7, &')-, 3y Insta!!$n, 2""$#ers Ra!ph E= *ea%er!$n,
and Ar!$e *= Estes= S$,ned 3y Nat$ona! .res$dent ;*orthy 1rand Ch$e"< Tho+as ArB!e C!arB
and Cha$r+an o" the H$,h Con#$! .a! R= H$#BoB= Rep!$#a Charter presented $n Septe+3er o"
)-&7= Both Lo#ated $n Chapter Roo+=
1C2. The Austin G. Waldo Alpha Tau Omega Electric Chapter Badge
.resented to 0e!ta Theta Chapter 3y Brother Ast$n 1= *a!do ;0Th)--(<= Bad,e was
persona!!y hand-#ra"ted 3y Brother *a!do= 2r$,$na! 3ad,e ,$%en to the Chapter 3y Chapter
Hose+other Mrs= L= E= Kee"er "or se dr$n, 0e!ta Theta Chapter Meet$n,s $n 8e3rary o"
&'::= Crrent 3ad,e ,$%en 3y Brother Ast$n 1= *a!do and Reded$#ated $n 5anary o" )-&&=
Reded$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on North *a!! $n Chapter Roo+=
12.06 Members Manual
1C3. The Three Founders Pictures
8ra+ed p$#tres o" 2t$s A!!an 1!aIe3rooB, A!"red Marsha!! and ErsB$ne Mayo Ross= .resented
and 0ed$#ated at the 9-th Ann$%ersary Ce!e3rat$on $n 2#to3er o" &'4-= Reded$#ated $n
Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on North *a!! $n Chapter Roo+=
1C4. The Alpha Tau Omega Grand Seal
B!a#B-and-wh$te #opy o" the 1rand Sea! o" the 8ratern$ty= .resented dr$n, the 7:th
Ann$%ersary Ce!e3rat$on and Chapter Hose Add$t$on 0ed$#at$on $n Apr$! o" &':9= Re"ra+ed
and Reded$#ated $n Septe+3er o" &''9= Reded$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated $n Chapter
1C5. The Founders, Grand Seal and Coat of Arms Composite
.resented to 0e!ta Theta Chapter 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III ;0Th&'9(<= Co!or #op$es
o" portra$ts o" 8onders 2t$s A!!an 1!aIe3rooB, A!"red Marsha!! and ErsB$ne Mayo Ross
;or$,$na!s $n the A!pha Ta 2+e,a Nat$ona! HeadCarters< and the A!pha Ta 2+e,a Coat o"
Ar+s and a 3!a#B-and-wh$te #opy o" the 1rand Sea! o" the 8ratern$ty= 0ed$#ated $n A,st o"
&''4= Reded$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated $n Chapter Roo+=
1C6. The Delta Theta Composite
Crrent Co+pos$te $s !o#ated $n the L$%$n, Roo+=
1C7. The Thomas Arkle Clark Portrait
.resented to 0e!ta Theta Chapter 3y *$#h$ta State Un$%ers$ty V$#e .res$dent 0r= 5a+es 5= ;5$+<
Rhat$,an, as an e/press$on o" thanBs and ,rat$tde to the 0e!ta Theta Brothers who he!ped w$th
the $nsta!!at$on o" the Kansas Theta Ta Chapter at *$#h$ta State Un$%ers$ty $n 8e3rary o" &'4-=
0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" &'4-= Reded$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
1C8. The Henry O. Cronkite Portrait
.resented to 0e!ta Theta Chapter 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III ;0Th&'9(<= Brother
Henry 2= ;HanB< CronB$te ;0Th&')'<, otstand$n, ath!ete and JTa o" the 7-AsJ was Kansas
State Un$%ers$tyAs "$rst #onsenss 8oot3a!! A!!-A+er$#an $n &'7&= 0ed$#ated $n 5!y o" &''(=
Reded$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
1C9. The Battle of New Market Commemorative
.resented to 0e!ta Theta Chapter 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III ;0Th&'9(<, a"ter the
&):th Ann$%ersary Con,ress $n R$#h+ond, V$r,$n$a, $n A,st o" &''-, at wh$#h 0e!ta Theta
Brothers %$s$ted the New MarBet Batt!e"$e!d $n New MarBet, V$r,$n$a= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o"
&''-= Reded$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated $n Chapter Roo+=
Members Manual 12.07
1C10. The 50th Anniversary Plaque
.resented 3y the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty on the o##as$on o" the :-th Ann$%ersary o" the "ond$n, o"
0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty, on 2#to3er 7&, &'(-, 3y Nat$ona!
.res$dent ;*orthy 1rand Ch$e"< 5ohn L= .tna+ to Chapter .res$dent ;*orthy Master< 5ohn E=
Ho!stro+= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
1C11. The 75th Anniversary Plaques
.resented 3y the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty on 2#to3er )&, &'':, 3y Nat$ona! .res$dent ;*orthy 1rand
Ch$e"< *+= Br$an Ry!e to Chapter .res$dent ;*orthy Master< 0an$e! 0= ;0an< 0ow= Both
p!aCes re#o,n$Ie the (:th Ann$%ersary o" the Insta!!at$on o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha
Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty= 2ne p!aCe (A) $s a #ert$"$#ate s$,ned 3y Nat$ona! .res$dent ;*orthy
1rand Ch$e"< *+= Br$an Ry!e and Nat$ona! Se#retary ;*orthy 1rand S#r$3e< *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!<
M$r III and sea!ed w$th the 1rand Sea! o" the 8ratern$ty= The other p!aCe (B) $s a
#o++e+orat$%e render$n, #onta$n$n, the Banner o" the 8ratern$ty= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
1C12. The Honor Roll of National Award Recipients
The Honor Ro!! o" Nat$ona! Award Re#$p$ents re#o,n$Ies Nat$ona! Awards "ro+ the A!pha Ta
2+e,a 8ratern$ty and 8ondat$on and the North-A+er$#an Inter"ratern$ty Con"eren#e that 0e!ta
Theta Chapter and $nd$%$da!s +e+3ers ha%e re#e$%ed= Chapter Awards !$sted are Top Chapter
Award, Tre Mer$t Award, 1o!d Co++n$#at$ons Award, S$!%er Co++n$#at$ons Award,
E/#e!!en#e $n S#ho!arsh$p Award and North-A+er$#an Inter"ratern$ty Con"eren#e Award o"
0$st$n#t$on= 8ratern$ty Ind$%$da! Awards !$sted are Tho+as ArB!e C!arB Award, B$rd .3!$#
Re!at$ons Award, Nat$ona! .res$dent Award and Chapter Ad%$sor o" the Year Award=
8ondat$on Awards !$sted are Co++n$ty Awareness Award, .orts .3!$# A""a$rs Award,
Under,radate S#ho!arsh$p Award, 1radate S#ho!arsh$p Award, Lon, Me+or$a! Law Award
and R$#hardson Theo!o,$#a! Award= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
1C13. The Friends of the K-State Student Union Life Membership Certificate
L$"e Me+3ersh$p Cert$"$#ate "ro+ the 8r$ends o" the K-State Stdent Un$on presented to 0e!ta
Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a "or the +onetary spport to the proDe#ts and pro,ra+s o" the Un$on=
0ed$#ated $n Apr$! o" )--&= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
12.08 Members Manual
Members Manual 12.09
(Established by National Board of Directors November 2, 1994)
A. Awards
2A1. The Trustees' Brotherhood Award
1$%en 3y the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees to not +ore than two Chapter +e+3ers $n ,ood
stand$n, !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose Jwho +ost re"!e#t $n the$r !$%es the 8or 1reat .r$n#$p!es o"
or BrotherhoodJ, "ro+ re#o++endat$ons s3+$tted 3y Chapter .res$dents, V$#e-.res$dents,
Chap!a$ns, Award Re#$p$ents and )- Brothers rando+!y se!e#ted, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en
anna!!y $n May= No person sha!! 3e e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e award +ore than on#e= ;A!so See
Chapter? The TrsteesA Brotherhood Award< Esta3!$shed as Chapter Ad%$sorAs Brotherhood
Award $n May o" &'(6= Crrent Na+e Esta3!$shed $n A,st o" &''9= Brotherhood Trophy,
A!pha Ta 2+e,a R$n, and Ind$%$da! .!aCe= Va!e o" R$n,s? $1,500=
2A2. The Order of the Third Star Award
1$%en 3y the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees to not +ore than two Chapter +e+3ers $n ,ood
stand$n, J"or #ont$nos and e/traord$nary ser%$#e and se!"-sa#r$"$#e "or the ,ood o" others "ro+
the t$+e o" $n$t$at$on to the t$+e o" ,radat$onJ, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en $n May= Need
not 3e awarded anna!!y= 2n!y awarded "or otstand$n, and #onstant ser%$#e to 0e!ta Theta
Chapter, the #o++n$ty and h+an$ty= Esta3!$shed $n Apr$! o" &''(= Enshr$ne+ent $n Ha!! o"
Honor, Th$rd Star Ins$,n$a, A!pha Ta 2+e,a Nat$ona! L$"e Loya! Ta +e+3ersh$p and
Ind$%$da! .!aCe= Va!e o" L$"e Loya! Ta Me+3ersh$ps? $600=
2A3. The Trustees' Outstanding Achievement Award
1$%en 3y the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees to any +e+3er o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter $n ,ood
stand$n, who re#e$%es The A!pha Ta 2+e,a Nat$ona! Tho+as ArB!e C!arB Award or $s e!e#ted
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Stdent Body .res$dent, Stdent Body V$#e .res$dent, SpeaBer o" the
Stdent Senate or SpeaBer pro te+pore o" the Stdent Senate= A!pha Ta 2+e,a Nat$ona! L$"e
Loya! Ta +e+3ersh$p= Va!e o" L$"e Loya! Ta Me+3ersh$p? $300=
2A4. The Trustees' Senior Weekend Retreat Award
1$%en 3y the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees to any +e+3er o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter who $s $n
,ood stand$n, and a sen$or and who w$!! !$%e $n the Chapter Hose "or e$,ht se+esters o"
p!ed,eGa#t$%e +e+3ersh$p ;or se%en se+esters "or a !$%e-$n Spr$n, .!ed,e<= Award $n#!des a!!-
e/pense-pa$d 8a!! BreaB tr$p to Las Ve,as w$th Cha$r+an and V$#e-Cha$r+an o" the Board o"
Trstees= Esta3!$shed $n &''4= Endowed 3y Brothers A!!an 0= Ho!$day, 5r= ;0Th&'((< and
*$!!$a+ L= M$r III ;0Th&'9(<= Appro/$+ate Va!e o" Award? $1,500 per person=
Order of the Third Star Award Enshrinees: See Book of Records Chapter 12
12.10 Members Manual
B. Emblems, Pictures, Plaques and Certificates
2B1. The Delta Theta Board of Trustees Presidential Order
.res$dent$a! 2rder o" Nat$ona! .res$dent *+= Br$an Ry!e re#o,n$I$n, the 0e!ta Theta Board o"
Trstees, wh$#h was the "$rst Board o" Trstees appo$nted 3y the Nat$ona! Board o" 0$re#tors on
No%e+3er ), &''6, $s dated 8e3rary )-, &'':= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" &''9= Lo#ated $n
Chapter Roo+=
Members Manual 12.11
(Established October 21, 1995)
A. Awards
3A1. The Delta Theta Hall of Honor Award
1$%en 3y the 0e!ta Theta Ha!! o" Honor Co++$ttee= Re#o,n$Ies and honors 0e!ta Theta a!+n$
"or e/tended, #ont$nos and otstand$n, #ontr$3t$ons to 0e!ta Theta Chapter= The 0e!ta Theta
Ha!! o" Honor Co++$ttee $s #o+posed o" the .res$dents ;or the$r des$,nees< o" 0e!ta Theta o"
A!pha Ta 2+e,a, Kansas 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on, 0e!ta
Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on and Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a
StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd= Co++$ttee +eets anna!!y to deter+$ne, 3y nan$+os %ote,
new +e+3ers, $" any, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= Esta3!$shed $n 2#to3er o" &'':= Enshr$ne+ent $n
Ha!! o" Honor and Ind$%$da! .!aCe=
3A2. The Delta Theta Outstanding Service Award
1$%en 3y the 0e!ta Theta Ha!! o" Honor Co++$ttee= Re#o,n$Ies and honors 0e!ta Theta a!+n$
"or e/tended, #ont$nos and otstand$n, ser%$#e to the "or or,an$Iat$ons asso#$ated w$th 0e!ta
Theta Chapter? the 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on, the 0e!ta
Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on, the Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a
StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd and the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees= The 0e!ta Theta Ha!! o"
Honor Co++$ttee $s #o+posed o" the .res$dents ;or the$r des$,nees< o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta
2+e,a, Kansas 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on, 0e!ta Theta
Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on and Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a
StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd= Any a!+n$ +e+3er o" one o" these "or or,an$Iat$ons, who
re#e$%es a 0$st$n,$shed Ser%$#e Award "ro+ that or,an$Iat$on and who has at !east &: years o"
ser%$#e, sha!! re#e$%e The 0e!ta Theta 2tstand$n, Ser%$#e Award, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a=
Esta3!$shed $n )--4= 0e!ta Theta 2tstand$n, Ser%$#e Award .$n ;3!e and ,o!d #!o$sonnW !ape!
p$n w$th EFXGYZ #o+3$ned !etters< and Cert$"$#ate "ro+ or,an$Iat$on=
Hall of Honor Enshrinees: See Book of Records Chapter 12
12.12 Members Manual
Members Manual 12.13
(Incorporated December 1, 1954)
A. Awards and Scholarships
4A1. The 1ohn A. Towse, 1r. Summer House Manager Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5ohn A= Towse, 5r= ;0Th&'44<= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the
S++er Hose Mana,er;s< who proper!y #o+p!ete dt$es and respons$3$!$t$es "or the B$!d$n,
Corporat$on, $" he ;they< +eet;s< the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n Septe+3er to the S++er Hose
Mana,er $n ,ood stand$n,= ;A!so See Endow+ent 8nd? The 5ohn A= Towse, 5r= S++er Hose
Mana,er Award< Esta3!$shed 3y B$!d$n, Corporat$on $n &'(&= Na+ed $n )--9=
4A2. The Larry D. Marvel Memorial House Manager Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother Larry 0= Mar%e! ;0Th&'4:<, who was B$!!ed $n a para#ht$n, a##$dent $n
Mar#h o" &'4'= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the e!e#ted Hose Mana,er $n ,ood stand$n,,
$" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= ;A!so See Chapter and
Endow+ent 8nd? The Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Hose Mana,er Award< Esta3!$shed 3y
B$!d$n, Corporat$on $n &'47= Na+ed $n &''-=
B. Memorials and Gifts
4B1. The Muir Family Chapter House
Na+ed a"ter +e+3ers o" the M$r 8a+$!y "or the !$%es, !eadersh$p, ser%$#e and #ontr$3t$ons o"
three ,enerat$ons o" 8a+$!y +e+3ers? L!oyd *$!!$a+ M$r and Myrt!e Bertha N$/on M$r>
Brother *$!!$a+ L!oyd ;B$!!< M$r II ;0Th&'74< and Brother 5ohn Tho+as ;To+< M$r
;0Th&'74<> Brother *$!!$a+ L!oyd ;B$!!< M$r III ;0Th&'9(< and Betty 5ne M$r .opa ;Kappa
A!pha Theta &'(&<= Chapter Hose 2r$,$na!!y 0ed$#ated $n 2#to3er o" &'(-= 5ohn T= M$r
.ortra$t 0ed$#ated and Chapter Hose Na+ed $n No%e+3er o" &''-= Chapter Hose Reded$#ated
$n 2#to3er o" &'':= *$!!$a+ L= M$r II, 5ohn T= M$r, *$!!$a+ L= M$r III, Betty 5= M$r .opa
8a+$!y and L!oyd *= and Myrt!e B= M$r .ortra$ts and New Chapter Hose 0ed$#ated $n
Septe+3er o" )-&7=
4B2. The Leo L. Hadley Memorial Living Room
Na+ed a"ter Brother Leo L= Had!ey ;0Th&'9)<, who was B$!!ed $n V$etna+ $n A,st o" &'94=
0onated 3y .arents, Brothers and 8r$ends= Leo L= Had!ey .ortra$t and 2r$,$na! L$%$n, Roo+
0ed$#ated and Na+ed $n Septe+3er o" &'(-= L$%$n, Roo+ Reded$#ated $n 2#to3er o" &'':=
New L$%$n, Roo+ 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on 8$rst 8!oor=
4B3. The Walter 1. Rogers Memorial Staircase
Na+ed a"ter Brother *a!ter 5= ;*a!t< Ro,ers ;0Th&')-<, "$rst Chapter V$#e-.res$dent, se#ond
$n$t$ate and "ond$n, 0$re#tor and "$rst Treasrer o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on "or )) years, who
d$ed $n 5anary o" &'((= 0onated 3y 8a+$!y, Brothers and 8r$ends= *a!ter 5= Ro,ers .ortra$t
and 2r$,$na! L$3rary 0ed$#ated and Na+ed $n 2#to3er o" &'(4= Chapter Roo+GL$3rary
Reded$#ated $n A,st o" &'')= Sta$r#ase 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7=
12.14 Members Manual
4B4. The William L. Muir III Chapter Room
Na+ed a"ter Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III ;0Th&'9(<, 0e!ta Theta Chapter Ad%$sor,
Se#retary o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on and .res$dent o" the Endow+ent 8nd ;a!! o""$#es s$n#e
&'(&<, Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees and 8ratern$ty Nat$ona! Se#retary= 0ed$#ated $n
Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on Se#ond 8!oor=
4B5. The Steven C. 1ohnson Hall of Honor
Na+ed a"ter Brother Ste%en C= ;Ste%e< 5ohnson ;0Th&'()<, who was .res$dent o" the B$!d$n,
Corporat$on "or ): years= The Ha!! o" Honor was a n$Ce roo+ $n the Chapter Hose #reated 3y
0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on $n Septe+3er o" &''6, as a part
o" The (:th Ann$%ersary Chapter Hose Reno%at$onGAdd$t$on .roDe#t= It was a part o" the
Se#ond 8!oor 8n#t$ona! Area o" the Chapter Hose ne/t to the Chapter Roo+GL$3rary= It
#onta$ned p!aCes honor$n, The 0e!ta Theta Ha!! o" Honor enshr$nees, the p!aCe that honored
The 2rder o" the Th$rd Star enshr$nees, the trophy #ases and %ar$os p$#tres, e+3!e+s and
+e+ora3$!$a= ;A!so See Board o" Trstees? The 2rder o" the Th$rd Star and Ha!! o" Honor
Co++$ttee? The 0e!ta Theta Ha!! o" Honor Award and Chapter? The Honor Ro!! o" Nat$ona!
Award Re#$p$ents< 0ed$#ated $n 2#to3er o" &'':= Na+ed $n Mar#h o" )--4= New Ha!! o" Honor
;Ma$n Entryway and adDo$n$n, Ha!!way< 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on 8$rst
4B6. The Buser Family Courtyard
Na+ed a"ter Brothers Ro3ert H= ;Bo3< Bser ;0Th&'(&<, *$!!$a+ 0= ;B$!!< Bser ;0Th&'(9<,
5ohn .= Bser ;0Th&'((< and *$!!$a+ .= ;B$!!< Bser ;0Th)--)<= 0onated 3y Brother 5ohn .=
Bser, Chapter Bene"a#tor= 0ed$#ate $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated North o" Chapter Hose=
4B7. The Allan D. Holiday Academic Center
Na+ed a"ter Brother A!!an 0= ;0o#< Ho!$day, 5r= ;0Th&'((<, :6th Chapter Treasrer and "$rst
0e!ta Theta Treasrer to ser%e two #onse#t$%e one-year ter+s, Chapter Ad%$sor, +e+3er o" the
Board o" 0$re#tors o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on, Se#retary o" the Endow+ent 8nd, V$#e-
Cha$r+an o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees and Chapter Bene"a#tor= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er
o" )-&7= Lo#ated on 8$rst 8!oor=
4B8. The Matthew A. Bretz Study Lounge
Na+ed a"ter Brother Matthew A= ;Matt< BretI ;0Th&'(4<, Chapter Bene"a#tor= 0ed$#ated $n
Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on Se#ond 8!oor=
4B9. The Steven A. Swanson Study Lounge
Na+ed a"ter Brother Ste%en A= ;Ste%e< Swanson ;0Th&''-<, &-:th Chapter .res$dent and
B$!d$n, Corporat$on .res$dent= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on Th$rd 8!oor=
Members Manual 12.15
4B10. The 1effrey L. Gates Study Center
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5e""rey L= ;5e""< 1ates ;0Th&'4&<, two-ter+ Chapter Treasrer, +e+3er o"
the Endow+ent 8nd Board o" 0$re#tors, and Chapter Bene"a#tor= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o"
)-&7= Lo#ated on Se#ond 8!oor=
4B11. The Michael R. Widrig Study Center
Na+ed a"ter Brother M$#hae! R= ;M$Be< *$dr$, ;0Th&'4)<, '(th Chapter .res$dent and Chapter
Bene"a#tor= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on Th$rd 8!oor=
4B12. The Gilbert E. Compton Dining Room
Na+ed a"ter Brother 1$!3ert E= ;1$3< Co+pton ;0Th&'(9<, .res$dent o" Co+pton Constr#t$on
Corporat$on, who was the 1enera! Contra#tor "or the New Chapter Hose= 0ed$#ated $n
Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on 8$rst 8!oor=
4B13. The Henry F. Kupfer/Cameron K. Collins Kitchen
Na+ed a"ter Brother Henry 8= ;HanB< Kp"er ;0Th&'74< and Brother Ca+eron K= ;Ca+<
Co!!$ns ;0Th&'4)<= Brother Kp"er, 74th Chapter .res$dent, and .res$dent, V$#e-.res$dent and
+e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Endow+ent 8nd "or twe!%e years, d$ed $n )-&-=
Brother Co!!$ns was h$s nephew and Chapter Bene"a#tor= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7=
Lo#ated on 8$rst 8!oor=
4B14. The Dikeman Family Fitness Center
Na+ed a"ter Brothers *= Cary 0$Be+an ;0Th&'(7<, *= S#ott 0$Be+an ;0Th)--6<, 0a%$d C=
0$Be+an ;0Th)--4< and 0= 1ene 0$Be+an ;0Th&'(6<= 0onated 3y Brother *= Cary 0$Be+an,
+e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7=
Lo#ated on 8$rst 8!oor=
4B15. The Benjamin B. Barnert Memorial Conference Room
Na+ed a"ter Brother BenDa+$n B= ;Ben< Barnert ;0Th&'(7<, who was 4'th Chapter .res$dent
and B$!d$n, Corporat$on V$#e-.res$dent and +e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors, who d$ed $n
)-&7= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on 8$rst 8!oor=

4B16. The Douglas A. Firebaugh Conference Room
Na+ed a"ter Brother 0o,!as A= ;0o,< 8$re3a,h ;0Th&'9'<, who was 46th Chapter .res$dent
and B$!d$n, Corporat$on .res$dent and +e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors= 0ed$#ated $n
Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on 8$rst 8!oor=
12.16 Members Manual
4B17. The Mom Ollie Memorial Senior Suite
Na+ed a"ter 2!$%e 8= ;2!!$e< New#o+er, 0e!ta Theta Hose+other "or ten years, who d$ed $n
)--( at the a,e o" ')= Mo+ 2!!$e was the "$rst Hose+other $n the "or+er Chapter Hose and $s
3est re+e+3ered "or her war+ persona!$ty, her C$#B w$t, her "r$endsh$ps w$th e%ery +e+3er and
her end!ess 3r$d,e ,a+es $n the Hose+otherAs @arters= Hose+otherAs @artersGSen$or S$te
0ed$#ated $n &''9= Na+ed $n 5!y o" )--(= New Sen$or S$te 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7=
Lo#ated on Th$rd 8!oor=
4B18. The 1oseph P. Fangman Senior Suite
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5oseph .= ;5oe< 8an,+an ;0Th&'47<, &'47 Chapter Honor In$t$ate and
Chapter Bene"a#tor= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on Se#ond 8!oor=
4B19. The Michael H. Tolson Memorial Entryway
Na+ed a"ter Brother M$#hae! H= ;M$Be< To!son ;0Th&'94<, who des$,ned and #onstr#ted the
8ront Entryway ,reen spa#e= Brother To!son d$ed $n No%e+3er o" &''7= 2r$,$na!!y 0ed$#ated
and Na+ed as The M$#hae! H= To!son Me+or$a! 8onta$n $n Septe+3er o" &'(-= Re#onstr#ted
3y Brothers Bryan S= Tay!or ;0Th&''9< and 5= Ro3ert ;Ro33$e< Haas III ;0Th&''(< and
reded$#ated $n 8e3rary o" &''(= 8rther re#onstr#ted 3y Brothers Ste%en L= ;Ste%e< Be!!$n,er
;0Th)--&<, 5a#o3 5= ;5aBe< .erB$ns ;0Th)---<, Matthew T= ;Matt< Howe!! ;0Th)--&<, Aaron .=
KenBe! ;0Th)--&<, 0a%$d 5= *ea%er ;0Th)--&<, Char!es 0= ;Char!$e< Ro33en ;0Th)--)< and
Chr$stopher A= ;Chr$s< Beyer ;0Th)--)< and reded$#ated $n Apr$! o" )--)= 8rther
re#onstr#ted 3y Brothers S#ott R= Ke!!er ;0Th)--:<, .eter E= Boos ;0Th)--9< and the )--(
8a!! .!ed,e C!ass and reded$#ated as The M$#hae! H= To!son Me+or$a! 1arden $n Septe+3er o"
)--(= New Entryway 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on 8$rst 8!oor=
4B20. The L. Allyn Laybourn Memorial Entryway
Na+ed a"ter Brother L= A!!yn ;A!< Lay3orn ;0Th&')&<, "ond$n, 0$re#tor, 3ene"a#tor and "$rst
.res$dent o" the Endow+ent 8nd and 0$re#tor o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on "or &: years=
0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated on 8$rst 8!oor=
4B21. The L. Allyn Laybourn Memorial Piano
Na+ed a"ter Brother L= A!!yn ;A!< Lay3orn ;0Th&')&<, "ond$n, 0$re#tor, 3ene"a#tor and "$rst
.res$dent o" the Endow+ent 8nd and 0$re#tor o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on "or &: years=
2r$,$na! p$ano ,$%en to the B$!d$n, Corporat$on 3y Brother Lay3orn $n &'::= Rep!a#ed and
Na+ed $n No%e+3er o" &''- 3y a p$ano that was on !oan "ro+ the A!pha Ta 2+e,a
8ondat$on= Crrent p$ano donated 3y *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III ;0Th&'9(< and Reded$#ated $n
5!y o" )--(= Reded$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
4B22. The Omar L. Wagner Memorial Grandfather Clock
Na+ed a"ter Brother 2+ar L= *a,ner ;0Th&')4<= Brother *a,ner d$ed $n &'(7= C!o#B was
persona!!y hand-#ra"ted 3y Brother *a,ner= 0ed$#ated and Na+ed $n No%e+3er o" &'(-=
Reded$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
Members Manual 12.17
4B23. The Roger Y. Elkins Memorial Flag Pole
Na+ed a"ter Brother Ro,er Y= E!B$ns ;0Th&'46<, who was B$!!ed $n an ato+o3$!e a##$dent $n
2#to3er o" &'4:= 0onated 3y .arents, Brothers and 8r$ends= 0ed$#ated and Na+ed $n
Septe+3er o" &'49= .er+anent E!e#tr$#a! L$,ht$n, 0ed$#ated $n A,st o" &'':= Re!o#ated and
New 8!a, .o!e $n )--&= Reded$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated $n 8ront Yard=
4B24. The Larry D. Marvel Memorial Chapter Officers Table
Na+ed a"ter Brother Larry 0= Mar%e! ;0Th&'4:<, who was B$!!ed $n a para#ht$n, a##$dent $n
Mar#h o" &'4'= 0onated 3y Brothers, .arentsA C!3, B$!d$n, Corporat$on and 8r$ends=
Constr#ted 3y Tho+as 1= ;To+< 2AConnor, "ather o" Brother Ke%$n T= 2AConnor ;0Th&'4'<
and des$,ned 3y 5oy#e 8= 8$rner ;Kappa A!pha Theta &'4-<, w$"e o" Brother Anton$ .= ;Tony<
8$rner ;0Th&'('<= 0ed$#ated and Na+ed $n 2#to3er o" &'4'= Re"r3$shed and Reded$#ated $n
Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated $n Chapter Roo+=
4B25. The David L. Wille Carpet
Na+ed a"ter Brother 0a%$d L= ;0a%e< *$!!e ;0Th&'4)<, +e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the
B$!d$n, Corporat$on and Brotherhood Award re#$p$ent= Bad,e Carpet $s rep!$#a o" one $n
Nat$ona! HeadCarters= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Lo#ated $n Chapter Roo+=
4B26. The Versella Welton Memorial Pantry
Na+ed a"ter Verse!!a *= ;Verse< *e!ton, 0e!ta Theta Chapter CooB "or &: years= Her +ea!s,
persona!$ty and ,ood h+or +ade e%ery day spe#$a! "or her J3oysJ= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o"
)-&7= Lo#ated $n the K$t#hen=
4B27. Honored Brothers Suites and Rooms
The "o!!ow$n, S$tes and Roo+s are na+ed "or Brothers who #ontr$3ted t$+e, ta!ent and
treasre to the New Chapter Hose Ca+pa$,n?
1ames L. Filson Suite Na+ed a"ter 5a+es L= ;5$+< 8$!son ;0Th&':&< Roo+ )-&
Young Family Suite Na+ed a"ter Ste%en B= ;Ste%e< Yon, ;0Th&'(:<,
Kenda!! C= ;Ken< Yon, ;0Th&'4&< and
Carter B= Yon, ;0Th)--(<
0onated 3y Ste%en B= Yon, Roo+ )-)
Wade B. 1ensik Suite Na+ed a"ter *ade B= 5ens$B ;0Th&'4'< Roo+ )-7
Brent A. Taylor Suite Na+ed a"ter Brent A= Tay!or ;0Th&''9< Roo+ )-:
Michael E. Brown Suite Na+ed a"ter M$#hae! E= ;M$Be< Brown ;0Th&'('< Roo+ )-(
Timothy E. Congrove Suite Na+ed a"ter T$+othy E= ;T$+< Con,ro%e ;0Th&'46<Roo+ 7-&
1ohn E. Holstrom Suite Na+ed a"ter 5ohn E= Ho!stro+ ;0Th&'94<
0onated 3y 1era!d 5= ;5erry< Lan, ;0Th&'4-< Roo+ 7-)
1oseph D. Berlekamp Suite Na+ed a"ter 5oseph 0= ;5oe< Ber!eBa+p ;0Th&'(:< Roo+ 7-7
Marc S. Connor Suite Na+ed a"ter Mar# S= Connor ;0Th&'(&< Roo+ 7-:
12.18 Members Manual
C. Emblems, Pictures, Plaques and Certificates
4C1. The Muir Family Chapter House Plaques
Me+or$a!$Ie and re#o,n$Ie the M$r 8a+$!y "or the !$%es, !eadersh$p, ser%$#e and #ontr$3t$ons o"
three ,enerat$ons o" 8a+$!y +e+3ers? L!oyd *$!!$a+ ;L=*=< M$r ;&44'-&'((< and Myrt!e
Bertha N$/on M$r ;&444-&'(4<> Brother *$!!$a+ L!oyd ;B$!!< M$r II ;0Th&'74< ;&'&(-&'67<
and Brother 5ohn Tho+as ;To+< M$r ;0Th&'74< ;&'&'-&''-<> and Brother *$!!$a+ L!oyd
;B$!!< M$r III ;0Th&'9(< ;&'64- < and Betty 5ne M$r .opa ;Kappa A!pha Theta &'(&<
;&':)- <= 0ed$#ated and Chapter Hose Na+ed $n No%e+3er o" &''-= New Chapter Hose
0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" )-&7= Both Lo#ated on 8$rst 8!oor=
4C2. The Chapter House Golden Donors Plaque
Me+or$a!$Ies and re#o,n$Ies the Brothers and 8r$ends who donated o%er N:-,--- to the B$!d$n,
Corporat$on Chapter Hose 8nd 0r$%e, wh$#h !ed to the #onstr#t$on and ded$#at$on o" the
Chapter Hose $n 2#to3er o" &'(-= 0ed$#ated $n 2#to3er o" &'4-= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
4C3. The 75th Anniversary Chapter House Renovation/Addition Donors Plaque
Me+or$a!$Ies and re#o,n$Ies the Brothers who donated N&&4,7:- to the B$!d$n, Corporat$on
(:th Ann$%ersary Chapter Hose Reno%at$onGAdd$t$on 8nd 0r$%e, wh$#h !ed to the reno%at$on
o" and add$t$on to the Chapter Hose $n &''6= 0$a+ond, 1o!den, S$!%er, BronIe and Honor
0onors to th$s B$!d$n, Corporat$on (:th Ann$%ersary 8nd 0r$%e are +e+or$a!$Ied and
re#o,n$Ied= 0ed$#ated $n 2#to3er o" &'':= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
4C4. The Dan G. Tinder Memorial Chapter House Rendering
Na+ed a"ter Brother 0an 1= T$nder ;0Th&'(:<, who was B$!!ed $n an ato+o3$!e a##$dent $n
No%e+3er o" &'46= 0onated 3y 5o Ann Ross, +other o" Brother T$nder= 0ed$#ated and Na+ed
$n No%e+3er o" &''-= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
4C5. The 75th Anniversary Marker
The (:th Ann$%ersary MarBer, a ,ran$te stone en,ra%ed w$th the 8ratern$ty Coat o" Ar+s, was
des$,ned and donated 3y Brothers A!!an 0= ;0o#< Ho!$day, 5r= ;0Th&'((< and *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!<
M$r III ;0Th&'9(< and #onstr#ted 3y Manhattan Mon+ent Co+pany= 0ed$#ated $n 2#to3er
o" &'':, on the o##as$on o" the (:th Ann$%ersary Ce!e3rat$on= Lo#ated $n 8ront .at$o=
4C6. The Al Gore Capitol Flag Commemorative
Un$ted States 8!a, and Cert$"$#ate, donated 3y Brother Todd 8= LaB$n ;0Th&'')<, the &'':
R$#hard A= .orts .3!$# A""a$rs Nat$ona! Award w$nner, who ser%ed an $nternsh$p $n the 2""$#e
o" V$#e .res$dent o" the Un$ted States A! 1ore dr$n, the s++er o" &'':= The "!a, was "!own
o%er the Un$ted States Cap$to! on Septe+3er &&, &'':, the &7-th Ann$%ersary o" the "ond$n, o"
the 8ratern$ty= 0ed$#ated $n Septe+3er o" &'':= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
Members Manual 12.19
4C7. The Hollis House/Alpha Tau Omega Commemorative Plaque
Co++e+orat$%e .!aCe, p!a#ed Do$nt!y 3y 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n,
Corporat$on, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 8ondat$on and the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty A!+n$
Asso#$at$on, to a#Bnow!ed,e and +e+or$a!$Ie the 0e!ta Theta Chapter Hose that stood at &6-4
0en$son= The or$,$na! str#tre was ere#ted $n &44) on the or$,$na! ho+estead= It was
pr#hased 3y 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on $n &'69 "or the
Chapter Hose and ded$#ated on A,st &:, &'6(= 1rond3reaB$n, "or the North Add$t$on
o##rred on 8e3rary )9, &'::, #onstr#t$on o##rred $n &'::-:9, $t was o##p$ed dr$n, 8a!!
Se+ester, &'::, and ded$#ated on Apr$! &), &':9= The str#tre ser%ed as the A!pha Ta 2+e,a
Chapter Hose "ro+ &'6( to &'(-=
*$th the appro%a! o" the &'94 Kansas Le,$s!atre, 1o%ernor Ro3ert B= 0o#B$n, and Attorney
1enera! Kent 8r$IIe!!, Kansas State Un$%ers$ty was athor$Ied to a#C$re the property "ro+ 0e!ta
Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on on Mar#h )-, &'94=
In &'(-, the str#tre was re+ode!ed "or the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 8ondat$on and the Kansas
State Un$%ers$ty A!+n$ Asso#$at$on and rena+ed JHo!!$s HoseJ a"ter 5a+es L= Ho!!$s= It was
the ho+e o" the KSU A!+n$ Asso#$at$on and the KSU 8ondat$on "ro+ &'(- to &'')=
The e/pans$on o" Thro#B+orton Ha!! $n &'') ne#ess$tated the +o%e o" the KSU 8ondat$on and
the KSU A!+n$ Asso#$at$on "ro+ Ho!!$s Hose to the 8ondat$on Center on Anderson A%ene=
The str#tre was raIed $n &'')=
0ed$#ated $n 2#to3er o" &'':, on the o##as$on o" 0e!ta ThetaAs (:th Ann$%ersary Ce!e3rat$on=
Lo#ated $n Merr$!! Ha!! $n the Thro#B+orton .!ant S#$en#es Center=
4C8. The Delta Theta Chapter House Groundbreaking Photograph
8ra+ed photo,raph o" Chapter Hose 1rond3reaB$n, Cere+ony, show$n, *a!ter 5= Ro,ers
;)nd Chapter In$t$ate and B$!d$n, Corporat$on Treasrer<, 0on 8a!B ;A!pha Ta 2+e,a
.ro%$n#e HVIII Ch$e"< and 0r= 5a+es A= M#Ca$n ;Kansas State Un$%ers$ty .res$dent< 3reaB$n,
,rond "or the new Chapter Hose on A,st &(, &'9', w$th nder,radates and a!+n$
srrond$n,= A!so shown $s Brother Larry *= E+$,, Master o" Cere+on$es= Lo#ated on L$%$n,
4C9. The William L. Muir and Alpha Tau Omega K-State Alumni Association Display Case
Co++e+orat$%e .!aCe and 0$sp!ay Case +e+or$a!$Ies and re#o,n$Ies the !$"e and #ontr$3t$ons
o" Brother *$!!$a+ L= M$r ;0Th&'9(< and 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a
8ratern$ty= The 0$sp!ay Case hose +e+ora3$!$a and art$"a#ts asso#$ated w$th the h$story o"
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty= 0ed$#ated $n 0e#e+3er o" )--'= Lo#ated $n the K-State A!+n$
List of Chapter House Golden Donors: See Book of Records Chapter 3
List of 75th Anniversary Chapter House Renovation/Addition Donors:
See Book of Records Chapter 3
12.20 Members Manual
Members Manual 12.21
(Incorporated 1une 17, 1954)
A. Awards and Scholarships to ATOs through the KSU Foundation
5A1. The Elmer D. McCollum Alpha Tau Omega Scholastic Excellence Awards
Na+ed a"ter Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ ;0Th&')-<, "$rst Chapter .res$dent and "$rst $n$t$ate,
who d$ed $n No%e+3er o" &'44= 1$%en 3y the KSU 8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o" the
Endow+ent 8nd to the Un$%ers$ty 1enera! S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, to +e+3ers ;or p!ed,es who
are s3seCent!y $n$t$ated the ne/t se+ester< $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose or an
appro%ed Anne/, w$th not +ore than 4 +e+3ers or p!ed,es !$%$n, $n an appro%ed Anne/ e!$,$3!e,
$" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= Mst taBe and #o+p!ete
at !east &) hors ;' o" wh$#h are ,raded< and atta$n a ,rade po$nt a%era,e o" 7=7-- or a3o%e ;no
s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= S#ho!arsh$p a+ont eCa! to the n+3er o"
who!e tenths the ,rade po$nt a%era,e $s a3o%e 7=7-- +!t$p!$ed 3y the n+3er o" ,raded hors
#o+p!eted +!t$p!$ed 3y N6=-- and an add$t$ona! N&-- "or 6=--- ,rade po$nt a%era,es, w$th a
+a/$++ $nd$%$da! award o" N9--= ;A!so See The .res$dent$a! S#ho!ast$# A#h$e%e+ent
Awards< 2r$,$nated $n &'::= Endowed 3y the Estate o" Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+,
Esta3!$shed w$th KSU 8ondat$on and Na+ed $n &'4'= Top 1rades? Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++
A+ont? $8,000 per semester or $16,000 per year=
5A2. The Presidential Scholastic Achievement Awards
1$%en 3y the KSU 8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o" the Endow+ent 8nd to the Un$%ers$ty
1enera! S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, to +e+3ers ;or p!ed,es who are s3seCent!y $n$t$ated the ne/t
se+ester< $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose or an appro%ed Anne/, w$th not +ore
than 4 +e+3ers or p!ed,es !$%$n, $n an appro%ed Anne/ e!$,$3!e, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en
se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= Sa+e n+3ers and hors and ,rade po$nt a%era,e
+$n$++s as M#Co!!+ S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards, $" the ChapterAs 1rade .o$nt A%era,e $s
eCa! to or a3o%e a 7=---= ;A!so See The E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards
a3o%e< Base S#ho!arsh$p o" N&--= A+ont do3!ed $" the Chapter re#e$%es Inter"ratern$ty
Con#$! Top 1rades "or se+ester= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III and
Esta3!$shed w$th the Endow+ent 8nd $n &''&= 8rther Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!<
M$r III and Esta3!$shed w$th the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on $n )--)= 8rther Endowed 3y
Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III and Esta3!$shed w$th the KSU 8ondat$on $n )-&)= Base
A+ont? N6,--- per se+ester or N4,--- per year= Ma/$++ A+ont? $8,000 per semester or
$16,000 per year=
5A3. The Elmer D. McCollum Alpha Tau Omega Best Room Scholarship Awards
Na+ed a"ter Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ ;0Th&')-<, "$rst Chapter .res$dent and "$rst $n$t$ate,
who d$ed $n No%e+3er o" &'44= 1$%en 3y the KSU 8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o" the
Endow+ent 8nd to the Un$%ers$ty 1enera! S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee= 1$%en se+ester!y $n
Septe+3er and 8e3rary= 0$%$ded 3etween the two +e+3ers $n ,ood stand$n,
who o##p$ed the
sa+e S!eep$n, Roo+ $n the Chapter Hose the ent$re se+ester and whose #o+3$ned ,rade po$nt
a%era,es are the h$,hest $n the Chapter Hose, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= Mst taBe and #o+p!ete
at !east &) hors ;' o" wh$#h are ,raded< and atta$n a ,rade po$nt a%era,e o" 7=7-- or a3o%e ;no
s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= 2r$,$nated $n &'4)= Endowed 3y the Estate
o" Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+, Esta3!$shed w$th KSU 8ondat$on and Na+ed $n &''-=
Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $100 per person per semester or $400 per year=
12.22 Members Manual
5A4. The Elmer D. McCollum Alpha Tau Omega Worthy Master Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ ;0Th&')-<, "$rst Chapter .res$dent and "$rst $n$t$ate,
who d$ed $n No%e+3er o" &'44= *orthy Master ;.res$dent< $s #h$e" e/e#t$%e o""$#er o" the
Chapter= 1$%en 3y the KSU 8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o" the Endow+ent 8nd to the
Un$%ers$ty 1enera! S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, to the e!e#ted .res$dent $n ,ood stand$n,
, $" he
+eets the #r$ter$a= Awarded $n three se+ester!y a+onts? 6-M $s ,$%en $n 5anary "or Spr$n,
Se+ester a"ter e!e#t$on 3t 3e"ore the 3e,$nn$n, o" the ter+ o" o""$#e, 6-M $n A,st "or 8a!!
Se+ester and )-M $n 5anary "or Spr$n, Se+ester at the #o+p!et$on o" the ter+ o" o""$#e= Mst
!$%e $n the Chapter Hose "or the ent$re ne/t s#hoo! year= As *orthy Master, he +st attend a!!
Chapter $n$t$at$ons, n!ess e/#sed= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e
dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s
or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= 2r$,$nated $n &'(-=
Endowed 3y the Estate o" Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+, Esta3!$shed w$th KSU 8ondat$on and
Na+ed $n &''-= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $5,000 per year=
5A5. The Richard E. Fagerberg Alpha Tau Omega Worthy Marshal Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother R$#hard E= ;0$#B< 8a,er3er, ;0Th&'97<, (9th Chapter .res$dent, 9:th
Chapter V$#e-.res$dent, .res$dent and +e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the B$!d$n,
Corporat$on "or o%er 7: years and +e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Endow+ent 8nd=
*orthy Marsha! ;V$#e-.res$dent< $s Cha$r+an o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee and the 5d$#$a!
Co++$ttee o" the Chapter= 1$%en 3y the KSU 8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o" the
Endow+ent 8nd to the Un$%ers$ty 1enera! S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, to the e!e#ted V$#e-
.res$dent $n ,ood stand$n,
, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and
8e3rary= 8!! a+ont $" the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee +eets at !east tw$#e a +onth dr$n, the ter+
o" o""$#e= Mst !$%e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n, the ter+ o" o""$#e= As *orthy Marsha!, he +st
attend a!! Chapter $n$t$at$ons, n!ess e/#sed= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt
a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er
s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= Endowed 3y Brother
R$#hard E= ;0$#B< 8a,er3er,, Esta3!$shed w$th KSU 8ondat$on and Na+ed $n )--&= Cert$"$#ate=
Ma/$++ A+ont? $500 per semester or $1,000 per year=
5A6. The Allan D. Holiday, 1r. Alpha Tau Omega Worthy Keeper of Exchequer Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother A!!an 0= ;0o#< Ho!$day, 5r= ;0Th&'((<, :6th Chapter Treasrer and "$rst 0e!ta Theta
Treasrer to ser%e two #onse#t$%e one-year ter+s, Chapter Ad%$sor, +e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o"
the B$!d$n, Corporat$on and Se#retary o" the Endow+ent 8nd= *orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer ;Treasrer<
$s #h$e" "$nan#$a! o""$#er o" the Chapter= Treasrer sha!! Beep a##rate a##onts o" re#e$pts and
d$s3rse+ents, $nsre the sa"eBeep$n, o" $ts "nds, #o!!e#t a!! +oneys de the Chapter, $nsre the pay+ent
o" Chapter o3!$,at$ons, and pro%$de +onth!y "$nan#$a! reports= He sha!! pay a!! 3$!!s pro+pt!y and +aBe
depos$ts at !east weeB!y= He $s respons$3!e "or a!! "$s#a! transa#t$ons dr$n, h$s ter+ o" o""$#e, $n#!d$n, the
"$s#a! re%$ew 3y $ndependent ad$tors "o!!ow$n, the #o+p!et$on o" the "$s#a! year= He presents a 3a!an#ed
3d,et "or the ne/t "$s#a! year to the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee $n 0e#e+3er= He and the .res$dent ;or V$#e-
.res$dent< are s$,nator$es on a!! d$s3rse+ents o" Chapter "nds= 1$%en 3y the KSU 8ondat$on, pon
re#o++endat$on o" the Endow+ent 8nd to the Un$%ers$ty 1enera! S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, to the e!e#ted
Treasrer $n ,ood stand$n,
, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= Awarded $n three se+ester!y a+onts? 6-M $s ,$%en
$n A,st "or 8a!! Se+ester a"ter the 3e,$nn$n, o" the ter+ o" o""$#e, 6-M $n 5anary "or Spr$n, Se+ester
and )-M $n A,st "or 8a!! Se+ester a"ter the #o+p!et$on o" the ter+ o" o""$#e= S3stant$a! red#t$on $"
Chapter de"$#$t dr$n, ter+ o" o""$#e= Mst !$%e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n, ter+ o" o""$#e= As *orthy
Keeper o" E/#heCer, he +st attend a!! Chapter $n$t$at$ons, n!ess e/#sed= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a
)=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no
s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= 2r$,$nated $n &'9'=
Endowed 3y the Estate o" Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+, Esta3!$shed w$th KSU 8ondat$on and Na+ed $n
&''-= Crrent Na+e Esta3!$shed and Endowed 3y Brother A!!an 0= ;0o#< Ho!$day, 5r= $n &''(=
Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $5,000 per year=
Members Manual 12.23
5A7. The Elmer D. McCollum Alpha Tau Omega Membership Recruitment Chairman Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ ;0Th&')-<, "$rst Chapter .res$dent and "$rst $n$t$ate,
who d$ed $n No%e+3er o" &'44= 1$%en 3y the KSU 8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o" the
Endow+ent 8nd to the Un$%ers$ty 1enera! S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, to the Me+3ersh$p
Re#r$t+ent ;Rsh< Cha$r+an $n ,ood stand$n,
, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= Awarded $n three
se+ester!y a+onts? 6-M $s ,$%en $n 5anary "or Spr$n, Se+ester a"ter the 3e,$nn$n, o" the ter+
o" o""$#e, 6-M $n A,st "or 8a!! Se+ester and )-M $n 5anary "or Spr$n, Se+ester a"ter the
#o+p!et$on o" the ter+ o" o""$#e= 8!! a+ont $" &--M o" ,oa!s "or Spr$n, and 8a!! .!ed,e
C!asses are +et, $" at !east e$,ht +en are p!ed,ed dr$n, the se+ester, and $" 4-M or +ore o"
p!ed,es are $n$t$ated the ne/t se+ester= Mst !$%e $n the Chapter Hose "or the ent$re ne/t s#hoo!
year= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty
se+ester pre%$os to se!e#t$onGass+pt$on as Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an ;no s++er
s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= 2r$,$nated $n &'96=
Endowed 3y the Estate o" Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+, Esta3!$shed w$th KSU 8ondat$on and
Na+ed $n &''-= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $5,000 per year=
5A8. The Elmer D. McCollum Alpha Tau Omega Assistant Membership Recruitment Chairmen Awards
Na+ed a"ter Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ ;0Th&')-<, "$rst Chapter .res$dent and "$rst $n$t$ate,
who d$ed $n No%e+3er o" &'44= 1$%en 3y the KSU 8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o" the
Endow+ent 8nd to the Un$%ers$ty 1enera! S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, to the Ass$stant
Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent ;Rsh< Cha$r+en $n ,ood stand$n,
, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a=
Ma/$++ a+ont esta3!$shed as a potent$a! poo! "or Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent
Cha$r+en and re#o++ended to the Endow+ent 8nd 3y nan$+os %ote o" a 5o$nt Co++$ttee o"
the .res$dent o" the Endow+ent 8nd and the .res$dent and Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an
o" the Chapter ;or des$,nees<= The 5o$nt Co++$ttee re#o++ends to the Endow+ent 8nd the
a+onts and re#$p$ents o" the potent$a! poo!= 8!! a+ont awarded $" &--M o" ,oa!s "or Spr$n,
and 8a!! .!ed,e C!asses are +et, $" at !east e$,ht +en are p!ed,ed dr$n, the se+ester, and $"
4-M or +ore o" p!ed,es are $n$t$ated the ne/t se+ester= Mst !$%e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n,
the ter+ o" o""$#e= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas
State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to se!e#t$on as Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+en
;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e=
Endowed 3y the Estate o" Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+, Esta3!$shed w$th KSU 8ondat$on and
Na+ed $n )--&= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $500 per semester or $1,000 per year=
5A9. The Elmer D. McCollum Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Character Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ ;0Th&')-<, "$rst Chapter .res$dent and "$rst $n$t$ate,
who d$ed $n No%e+3er o" &'44= 1$%en 3y the KSU 8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o" the
Endow+ent 8nd to the Un$%ers$ty 1enera! S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, to +e+3ers $n ,ood
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose who enro!! $n and re#e$%e a Cert$"$#ate stat$n, #o+p!et$on
o" the Tre Mer$t Chara#ter .ro,ra+ sponsored 3y the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty= 1$%en se+ester!y $n
Septe+3er and 8e3rary a"ter the #o+p!et$on o" the Tre Mer$t Chara#ter .ro,ra+= Mst ha%e
atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester
pre%$os to e!e#t$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= Endowed 3y the
Estate o" Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n )--&= Ma/$++ A+ont?
$100 per person or $400 per year=
12.24 Members Manual
5A10. The Todd F. Lakin Alpha Tau Omega LeaderShape Awards
Na+ed a"ter Brother Todd 8= LaB$n ;0Th&'')<, &&4th Chapter V$#e-.res$dent and &''9
Nat$ona! Tho+as ArB!e C!arB Award re#$p$ent= Used to o""set "ees asso#$ated w$th e$ther The
Inst$tte, sponsored and he!d anna!!y 3y LeaderShape
, In#= or Chapter-Based
, sponsored and he!d anna!!y 3y A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty= 1$%en 3y the KSU
8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o" the Endow+ent 8nd to the Un$%ers$ty 1enera!
S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, to +e+3ers $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, 3ased on
!eadersh$p Ca!$t$es and a#h$e%e+ents, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= Cand$dates are #hosen 3y 0e!ta
Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a and are re#o++ended to the Endow+ent 8nd= ;A!so See The
*$!!$a+ L= M$r III LeaderShape Awards< Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt
a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to se!e#t$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or
s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= Mst !$%e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n, the #o+p!ete ne/t year=
Non-attendan#e or +$s#ond#t that #ases ear!y departre "ro+ the LeaderShape
sess$on or
other d$s#$p!$nary a#t$ons w$!! res!t $n the person repay$n, the ent$re a+ont to the Endow+ent
8nd= Endowed 3y Brother Todd 8= LaB$n, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n )--&= Ma/$++
A+ont? $1,500 per person or $3,000 per year=
5A11. The 1effrey L. Gates Alpha Tau Omega Business Administration Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5e""rey L= ;5e""< 1ates ;0Th&'4&<= 1$%en 3y the KSU 8ondat$on, pon
re#o++endat$on o" the Endow+ent 8nd to the Un$%ers$ty 1enera! S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, to
the +ost otstand$n, +e+3er $n ,ood stand$n,
enro!!ed $n the Co!!e,e o" Bs$ness
Ad+$n$strat$on who has #o+p!eted at !east 9- hors= 1$%en anna!!y $n Apr$! "or the "o!!ow$n,
8a!! Se+ester= 8$rst pre"eren#e w$!! 3e a stdent enro!!ed $n the 8$nan#e 0epart+ent= Mst ha%e
atta$ned at !east a 7=(:- #+!at$%e ,rade po$nt a%era,e= Mst !$%e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n,
the #o+p!ete ne/t year= Endowed 3y Brother 5e""rey L= ;5e""< 1ates, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n
)--6= 8rther Endowed 3y Brother 5e""rey L= ;5e""< 1ates $n )-&&= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++
A+ont? $2,000 per year=
"Good Standing": See Article IV of Endowment Fund By-Laws in Chapter 13
Elmer D. McCollum Scholastic Excellence Awards Criteria, Formula and Chart: See Chapter 14
Presidential Scholastic Achievement Awards Criteria, Formula and Chart: See Chapter 14
Members Manual 12.25
B. Grants-in-Aid, Awards and Scholarships to ATOs through the ATO Foundation
5B1. The William Lloyd Muir II and 1ohn Thomas Muir Memorial Grant-in-Aid Awards
Na+ed a"ter Brother *$!!$a+ L!oyd ;B$!!< M$r II ;0Th&'74< and Brother 5ohn Tho+as ;To+<
M$r ;0Th&'74<= B$!! M$r d$ed $n May o" &'67 dr$n, *or!d *ar II= To+ M$r d$ed $n
8e3rary o" &''-= 1$%en 3y the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o" the
Endow+ent 8nd, to +e+3ers $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose or an appro%ed
Anne/, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n No%e+3er= App!$#ants #o+p!ete a !en,thy
Endow+ent 8nd "or+= Based on ;w$th appro/$+ate per#enta,es<? 2tstand$n, !oans "or
ed#at$on ;7:M<, #rrent proDe#ted de"$#$t ;7:M<, ,rades ;):M< and a#t$%$t$es ;:M<= Made Do$nt!y
to +e+3er and 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a= Ea#h Award #annot 3e +ore than N),:-- ;"or
those !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose< or N6-- ;"or those !$%$n, $n an appro%ed Anne/<, n!ess an
add$t$ona! d$re#ted ,rant $s ,$%en= Mst !$%e $n the Chapter Hose the #o+p!ete year or $n an
appro%ed Anne/ the #o+p!ete year to 3e e!$,$3!e= Mst taBe and #o+p!ete at !east &) hors ;' o"
wh$#h are ,raded< and atta$n at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the pre%$os Kansas
State Un$%ers$ty Spr$n, Se+ester and o%era!! ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons
$n#!ded<= Endowed 3y the M$r 8a+$!y, 2r$,$nated and Na+ed $n &'(6= 8rther Endowed 3y
Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III and thro,h the Endow+ent 8nd 5ohn T= M$r Me+or$a!
S#ho!arsh$p 8nd 0r$%e and Esta3!$shed w$th the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on $n &''&=
8rther Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III $n &'''= Top Award? M$r Me+or$a!
Cp and Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+onts? $8,000, with not more than $800 for those in
approved Annexes=
5B2. The L. Allyn Laybourn Memorial Scholastic Excellence Awards (Province 18 Endowment)
Na+ed a"ter Brother L= A!!yn ;A!< Lay3orn ;0Th&')&<, "ond$n, 0$re#tor, 3ene"a#tor and "$rst
.res$dent o" the Endow+ent 8nd and 0$re#tor o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on, who d$ed $n 5!y o"
)--7 at the a,e o" &-7= 1$%en 3y the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o"
the Endow+ent 8nd, to "$%e +e+3ers ;or p!ed,es who are s3seCent!y $n$t$ated the ne/t
se+ester< $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose w$th the h$,hest ,rade po$nt a%era,es "or
the pre%$os s#hoo! year, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n Septe+3er, 3ased on
Endow+ent 8nd Lay3orn Awards #r$ter$a= ;A!so See Endow+ent 8nd? The L= A!!yn
Lay3orn Me+or$a! S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards< Endowed 3y the Kansas C$ty A!pha Ta
2+e,a .ro%$n#e &4 8ondat$on thro,h the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on $n &''4= Co+3$ned
w$th L= A!!yn Lay3orn Me+or$a! S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards "or tota! Award= Cert$"$#ate=
Top 1rades? Lay3orn .!aCe ;!o#ated $n Trophy Case $n Ha!! o" Honor< and N&,)-- ;p!s N4--
Endow+ent 8nd tota!s N),---<= 8$rst Rnner-Up? N9-- ;p!s N(-- Endow+ent 8nd tota!s
N&,7--<= Se#ond Rnner-Up? N:-- ;p!s N:-- Endow+ent 8nd tota!s N&,---<= Th$rd Rnner-
Up? N:-- ;p!s N)-- Endow+ent 8nd tota!s N(--<= 8orth Rnner-Up? N- ;p!s N6--
Endow+ent 8nd tota!s N6--<= Ma/$++ A+ont? $2,800 per year ;p!s N),9-- Endow+ent
8nd tota!s N:,6--<=
5B3. The Tyler F. Newton Noah's Ark Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother Ty!er 8= Newton ;0Th)--:<, re#$p$ent o" the Endow+ent 8nd :-th
Ann$%ersary Award= 1$%en 3y the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on to +e+3ers $n ,ood stand$n,
to attend NoahAs ArB S++er Retreat, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= Used to o""set the re,$strat$on "ee
and other e/penses= Ma/$++ o" two awards= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III
and Esta3!$shed $n )--6= Na+ed $n )--:= Ma/$++ A+ont? $500 per person or $1,000 per
12.26 Members Manual
Muir Memorial Grant-in-Aid Awards Formula and Criteria: See Chapter 15
L. Allyn Laybourn Memorial Scholastic Excellence Awards Criteria and Formula: See Chapter 14
Members Manual 12.27
C. Awards and Scholarships to ATOs through the Endowment Fund
5C1. The L. Allyn Laybourn Memorial Scholastic Excellence Awards
Na+ed a"ter Brother L= A!!yn ;A!< Lay3orn ;0Th&')&<, "ond$n, 0$re#tor, 3ene"a#tor and "$rst
.res$dent o" the Endow+ent 8nd and 0$re#tor o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on, who d$ed $n 5!y o"
)--7 at the a,e o" &-7= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to "$%e +e+3ers ;or p!ed,es who are
s3seCent!y $n$t$ated the ne/t se+ester< $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose the ent$re
year w$th the h$,hest ,rade po$nt a%era,es "or the pre%$os s#hoo! year, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a=
1$%en anna!!y $n Septe+3er, 3ased on Endow+ent 8nd Lay3orn Awards #r$ter$a= Mst taBe
and #o+p!ete at !east &) hors ;' o" wh$#h are ,raded< $n ea#h o" the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty
se+esters ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and atta$n a ,rade po$nt
a%era,e o" 7=7-- or a3o%e ea#h se+ester= ;A!so See Endow+ent 8nd? The L= A!!yn Lay3orn
Me+or$a! S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards ;.ro%$n#e &4 Endow+ent<< Endowed 3y Brother L=
A!!yn ;A!< Lay3orn, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n &'(9= 8rther Endowed 3y Brother Lay3orn
and thro,h the Endow+ent 8nd 7:th Ann$%ersary 8nd 0r$%e $n &''-= 8rther Endowed 3y
Brother Lay3orn $n &''7= 8rther Endowed thro,h the Endow+ent 8nd L= A!!yn Lay3orn
Me+or$a! 8nd 0r$%e $n )--6= Co+3$ned w$th L= A!!yn Lay3orn Me+or$a! S#ho!ast$#
E/#e!!en#e Awards ;.ro%$n#e &4 Endow+ent< "or tota! Award= Cert$"$#ate= Top 1rades?
Lay3orn .!aCe ;!o#ated $n Trophy Case $n Ha!! o" Honor< and N4-- ;p!s N&,)-- A!pha Ta
2+e,a 8ondat$on tota!s N),---<= 8$rst Rnner-Up? N(-- ;p!s N9-- A!pha Ta 2+e,a
8ondat$on tota!s N&,7--<= Se#ond Rnner-Up? N:-- ;p!s N:-- A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on
tota!s N&,---<= Th$rd Rnner-Up? N)-- ;p!s N:-- A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on tota!s N(--<=
8orth Rnner-Up? N6-- ;p!s N- A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on tota!s N6--<= Ma/$++
A+ont? $2,600 per year ;p!s N),4-- A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on tota!s N:,6--<=
5C2. The 1oseph P. Fangman Honor Initiate Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5oseph .= ;5oe< 8an,+an ;0Th&'47<, &'47 Chapter Honor In$t$ate= 1$%en
3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the new $n$t$ate $n ,ood stand$n,
$n any $n$t$at$on #!ass n+3er$n, at
!east 9 ;or a 6=--- 1.A no +atter the s$Ie o" the #!ass< who has the h$,hest ,rade po$nt a%era,e
and taBes and #o+p!etes at !east &) ,raded hors dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester
pre%$os to $n$t$at$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< w$th at !east a 7=7--
,rade po$nt a%era,e, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n A,st and 5anary= Monetary
award "or 5ewe!ed A!pha Ta 2+e,a Bad,e and s#ho!arsh$p "or re#$p$ent= ;A!so See Chapter?
The 5oseph .= 8an,+an Honor In$t$ate Award< 2r$,$nated $n &'6(= Endowed 3y Brother 5oseph
.= ;5oe< 8an,+an, Esta3!$shed w$th Endow+ent 8nd and Na+ed $n &'')= 5ewe!ed Bad,e and
Cert$"$#ate= Va!e o" Bad,e? $500 per semester or $1,000 per year= Ma/$++ A+ont o"
S#ho!arsh$p? $200 per semester or $400 per year= Tota! Ma/$++ A+ont? $700 per
semester or $1,400 per year=
5C3. The Maureen P. Newton Exemplary Initiate Award
Na+ed a"ter Mareen .= Newton, +other o" Brothers Andrew M= ;Andy< Newton ;0Th)---<,
5esse 0= Newton ;0Th)--)< and Ty!er 8= Newton ;0Th)--:<, who was .res$dent o" the V$r,$n$a
Ca!%ert Key S+$th 1!aIe3rooB Stars and Cres#ent .arentsA C!3 and .arent o" the Year= 1$%en
3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the new $n$t$ate $n ,ood stand$n,
$n any $n$t$at$on #!ass n+3er$n, at
!east 4 ;or a 6=--- 1.A no +atter the s$Ie o" the #!ass< who has the se#ond-h$,hest ,rade po$nt
a%era,e and taBes and #o+p!etes at !east &) ,raded hors dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty
se+ester pre%$os to $n$t$at$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< w$th at
!east a 7=7-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n A,st and
5anary= Endowed 3y Brothers Andrew M= ;Andy< Newton, 5esse 0= Newton and Ty!er 8=
Newton, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n )--4= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $200 per semester
or $400 per year=
12.28 Members Manual
5C4. The Matthew L. Bretz Most Improved Scholarship Awards
Na+ed a"ter Brother Matthew L= ;Matt< BretI ;0Th&'49<= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to
two +e+3ers ;or p!ed,es who are s3seCent!y $n$t$ated the ne/t se+ester< $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose whose ,rade po$nt a%era,es $n#rease the +ost o%er the pre%$os
se+ester, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= Mst ha%e
taBen at !east &) hors ;' o" wh$#h are ,raded< dr$n, 3oth Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+esters ;no
s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and had not !ess than a )=--- ,rade po$nt
a%era,e= Endowed 3y the Estate o" Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n
&''-= Crrent Na+e Esta3!$shed and Endowed 3y Brother Matthew L= ;Matt< BretI $n )--&=
Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $250 per person per semester or $1,000 per year=
5C5. The Larry D. Marvel Memorial House Manager Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother Larry 0= Mar%e! ;0Th&'4:<, who was B$!!ed $n a para#ht$n, a##$dent $n
Mar#h o" &'4'= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the e!e#ted Hose Mana,er $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, $n an a+ont deter+$ned 3y a +aDor$ty %ote o" a 5o$nt Co++$ttee o"
the .res$dents ;or des$,nees< o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a, 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha
Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on and the Endow+ent 8nd, "or e/#e!!en#e o" ser%$#e $n o""$#e, $"
he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= As a part o" s#h
deter+$nat$on, per"or+an#e o" the Hose Mana,er o" ass$,ned tasBs, dt$es and respons$3$!$t$es
and $n%o!%e+ent o" a!! +e+3ers and p!ed,es $n hose +a$ntenan#e and hose #!ean$n, a#t$%$t$es
;$n#!d$n, "$na! #!ean$n, 3e"ore the Chapter Hose $s se#red at the end o" the se+ester and at
!east "or A!!-Hose C!ean$n,s 3y a!! +e+3ers and p!ed,es dr$n, the se+ester< 3y the Hose
Mana,er sha!! 3e #ons$dered and e%a!ated= ;A!so See Chapter and B$!d$n, Corporat$on? The
Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Hose Mana,er Award< Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade
po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no
s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= 2r$,$nated
$n &'47= Endowed 3y 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on and
thro,h the Endow+ent 8nd 7:th Ann$%ersary 8nd 0r$%e, Esta3!$shed w$th Endow+ent 8nd
and Na+ed $n &''-= 8rther Endowed 3y 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a $n &''9 and )--)=
8rther Endowed 3y Brother 5ohn A= Towse, 5r= $n )--9= 8rther Endowed 3y 0e!ta Theta o"
A!pha Ta 2+e,a $n )-&7= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,500 per semester or $3,000
per year=
5C6. The Larry D. Marvel Memorial Assistant House Manager Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother Larry 0= Mar%e! ;0Th&'4:<, who was B$!!ed $n a para#ht$n, a##$dent $n Mar#h o"
&'4'= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the Ass$stant Hose Mana,erGHose Mana,er-e!e#t $n ,ood
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, $n an a+ont deter+$ned 3y a +aDor$ty %ote o" a 5o$nt Co++$ttee o"
the .res$dents ;or des$,nees< o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a, 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta
2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on and the Endow+ent 8nd, "or e/#e!!en#e o" ser%$#e $n o""$#e, $" he +eets the
#r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= He has 3een ass$,ned spe#$"$# respons$3$!$t$es
perta$n$n, to the Re#reat$on Roo+, L$%$n, Roo+ and *o+enAs Restroo+ and other dt$es as deter+$ned 3y
Chapter and B$!d$n, Corporat$on= As a part o" s#h deter+$nat$on, per"or+an#e o" the Hose Mana,er
and Ass$stant Hose Mana,er o" ass$,ned tasBs, dt$es and respons$3$!$t$es and $n%o!%e+ent o" a!! +e+3ers
and p!ed,es $n hose +a$ntenan#e and hose #!ean$n, a#t$%$t$es ;$n#!d$n, "$na! #!ean$n, 3e"ore the Chapter
Hose $s se#red at the end o" the se+ester and at !east "or A!!-Hose C!ean$n,s 3y a!! +e+3ers and
p!ed,es dr$n, the se+ester< 3y the Hose Mana,er and Ass$stant Hose Mana,er sha!! 3e #ons$dered and
e%a!ated= ;A!so See Chapter and B$!d$n, Corporat$on? The Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Hose Mana,er
Award< Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty
se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n,
ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= 2r$,$nated and Esta3!$shed 3y 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a w$th Endow+ent
8nd and Na+ed $n )--)= 8rther Endowed 3y 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a $n )-&7= Cert$"$#ate=
Ma/$++ A+ont? $500 per semester or $1,000 per year=
Members Manual 12.29
5C7. The 1ohn A. Towse, 1r. Summer House Manager Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5ohn A= Towse, 5r= ;0Th&'44<= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the
S++er Hose Mana,er;s< who proper!y #o+p!ete dt$es, respons$3$!$t$es and ass$,n+ents "or
the B$!d$n, Corporat$on ;thro,h $ts E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee< and the Endow+ent 8nd, $" he
;they< +eet;s< the #r$ter$a, "ro+ the day a"ter the B$!d$n, Corporat$on Spr$n, Inspe#t$on nt$!
the day the Chapter Hose opens "or the 8a!! Se+ester= 1$%en anna!!y $n Septe+3er to the
S++er Hose Mana,er $n ,ood stand$n,
= As a part o" s#h deter+$nat$on, per"or+an#e o" the
S++er Hose Mana,er o" ass$,ned tasBs ;$n#!d$n, #are, +a$ntenan#e, #!ean$n, and repa$rs o"
the Chapter Hose and property and +ow$n,, weed$n, and water$n, o" Chapter Hose ,ronds<
and $n%o!%e+ent o" a!! +e+3ers and p!ed,es $n hose #!ean$n, a#t$%$t$es dr$n, the s++er
+onths 3y the S++er Hose Mana,er, sha!! 3e #ons$dered and e%a!ated= ;A!so See B$!d$n,
Corporat$on? The S++er Hose Mana,er Award< Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade
po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to se!e#t$on ;no s++er
s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= Esta3!$shed $n &'(&=
Endowed 3y Chapter and B$!d$n, Corporat$on w$th Endow+ent 8nd $n )--)= 8rther
Endowed 3y Chapter $n )--6= Na+ed $n )--9= 8rther Endowed 3y B$!d$n, Corporat$on $n
)-&7= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,000 per year=
5C8. The Robert M. Bensman President's Awards
Na+ed a"ter Brother Ro3ert M= ;Ro3< Bens+an ;0Th&''(<, &&)th Chapter .res$dent and )---
Nat$ona! Tho+as ArB!e C!arB Award re#$p$ent= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to not +ore than
two Chapter +e+3ers $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose who ha%e done the +ost "or
the Chapter dr$n, the year, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= L$st o" a!!
+e+3ers $n ,ood stand$n, s3+$tted 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to a!! Ca!$"$ed +e+3ers !$%$n, $n
the Chapter Hose= Ea#h +e+3er ent$t!ed to %ote "or three ;$n order o" pre"eren#e T 7 $s top, ) $s
se#ond, & $s th$rd #ho$#e<= Me+3ers who so!$#$t %otes are ato+at$#a!!y d$sCa!$"$ed= Awarded
3y Endow+ent 8nd 3ased pon the res!ts o" s#h s3+$ss$ons= ;A!so See Chapter? The Ro3ert
M= Bens+an .res$dentAs Award< Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n,
the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to se!e#t$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er
$ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= 2r$,$nated $n &')&= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III,
Esta3!$shed w$th Endow+ent 8nd and Na+ed $n )---= M#Co!!+ Cp ;!o#ated $n Trophy Case
$n Ha!! o" Honor<, 1o!d AT2 1!aIe3rooB Bad,e and Ind$%$da! .!aCe= Va!e o" Bad,e? $325
per person or $650 total= Ma/$++ A+ont o" S#ho!arsh$p? $250 per person or $500 total=
Tota! Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,150 per year=
5C9. The 1ohn E. Holstrom Memorial Outstanding Senior Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5ohn E= Ho!stro+ ;0Th&'94<, who d$ed $n 0e#e+3er o" &'4'= 1$%en 3y the
Endow+ent 8nd to the otstand$n, sen$or $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, $" they
he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= L$st o" a!! sen$ors $n ,ood stand$n, s3+$tted 3y
the Endow+ent 8nd to a!! +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose= Ea#h +e+3er ent$t!ed to %ote
"or three ;$n order o" pre"eren#e T 7 $s top, ) $s se#ond, & $s th$rd #ho$#e<= Me+3ers who so!$#$t
%otes are ato+at$#a!!y d$sCa!$"$ed= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e
dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to se!e#t$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er
$ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= Endowed thro,h the Endow+ent 8nd 5ohn E= Ho!stro+ Me+or$a!
S#ho!arsh$p 8nd 0r$%e, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n &'4'= 8rther Endowed 3y Norr$s E=
Ho!stro+, "ather o" 5ohn E= Ho!stro+, $n )--9= 8rther Endowed 3y Tho+as A= Ho!stro+,
3rother o" 5ohn Ho!stro+, $n )-&&= Ind$%$da! .!aCe= Ma/$++ A+ont? $500 per year=
12.30 Members Manual
5C10. The Dan G. Tinder Memorial Outstanding 1unior Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 0an 1= T$nder ;0Th&'(:<, who was B$!!ed $n an ato+o3$!e a##$dent $n
No%e+3er o" &'46= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the otstand$n, Dn$or $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= L$st o" a!! Dn$ors
$n ,ood stand$n, s3+$tted 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to a!! +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose=
Ea#h +e+3er ent$t!ed to %ote "or three ;$n order o" pre"eren#e T 7 $s top, ) $s se#ond, & $s th$rd
#ho$#e<= Me+3ers who so!$#$t %otes are ato+at$#a!!y d$sCa!$"$ed= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a
)=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to se!e#t$on ;no
s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= Endowed thro,h the Endow+ent 8nd
7:th Ann$%ersary 8nd 0r$%e, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n &'4'= 8rther Endowed 3y Brother
Ste%en B= Yon, $n )--9= Ind$%$da! .!aCe= Ma/$++ A+ont? $500 per year=
5C11. The Richard R. Sterrett and Robert K. Sterrett Memorial Outstanding Sophomore Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother R$#hard R= ;0$#B< Sterrett ;0Th&'(&< and Brother Ro3ert K= ;Bo3< Sterrett
;0Th&'(-<= 0$#B Sterrett was B$!!ed $n an ato+o3$!e a##$dent $n 5ne o" &'(7 and Bo3 Sterrett
d$ed $n Mar#h o" &''9= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the otstand$n, sopho+ore $n ,ood
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= L$st o"
a!! sopho+ores $n ,ood stand$n, s3+$tted 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to a!! +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the
Chapter Hose= Ea#h +e+3er ent$t!ed to %ote "or three ;$n order o" pre"eren#e T 7 $s top, ) $s
se#ond, & $s th$rd #ho$#e<= Me+3ers who so!$#$t %otes are ato+at$#a!!y d$sCa!$"$ed= Mst ha%e
atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester
pre%$os to se!e#t$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= Endowed thro,h
the Endow+ent 8nd 7:th Ann$%ersary 8nd 0r$%e, 2r$,$nated and Na+ed a"ter R$#hard R=
Sterrett $n &'4'= Crrent Na+e Esta3!$shed $n &''9= 8rther Endowed 3y Conn$e S= Sterrett,
w$"e o" Bo3 Sterrett, $n &''(= Ind$%$da! .!aCe= Ma/$++ A+ont? $500 per year=
5C12. The Norris E. Holstrom Memorial Outstanding Freshman Award
Na+ed a"ter Norr$s E= Ho!stro+, "ather o" Brother 5ohn E= Ho!stro+ ;0Th&'94<, who d$ed $n
May o" )-&-= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the otstand$n, "resh+an $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= L$st o" a!!
"resh+en $n ,ood stand$n,
s3+$tted 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to a!! +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the
Chapter Hose= Ea#h +e+3er ent$t!ed to %ote "or three ;$n order o" pre"eren#e T 7 $s top, ) $s
se#ond, & $s th$rd #ho$#e<= Me+3ers who so!$#$t %otes are ato+at$#a!!y d$sCa!$"$ed= Mst ha%e
atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester
pre%$os to se!e#t$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= Endowed thro,h
the Endow+ent 8nd 5ohn E= Ho!stro+ Me+or$a! S#ho!arsh$p 8nd 0r$%e, Esta3!$shed and
Na+ed $n &'4'= 8rther Endowed 3y Norr$s E= Ho!stro+, "ather o" 5ohn Ho!stro+, $n )--9=
8rther Endowed thro,h the Endow+ent 8nd Norr$s E= Ho!stro+ 8nd 0r$%e and Crrent
Na+e Esta3!$shed $n )-&-= 8rther Endowed 3y Tho+as A= Ho!stro+, 3rother o" 5ohn Ho!stro+,
3rother o" 5ohn Ho!stro+, $n )-&&= Ind$%$da! .!aCe= Ma/$++ A+ont? $500 per year=
L. Allyn Laybourn Memorial Scholastic Excellence Awards Criteria and Formula: See Chapter 14
Members Manual 12.31
5C13. The William L. Muir III LeaderShape Awards
Na+ed a"ter Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III ;0Th&'9(<, 0e!ta Theta Chapter Ad%$sor "or 7(
years= Used to o""set "ees asso#$ated w$th e$ther The LeaderShape
Inst$tte, sponsored and he!d
anna!!y 3y LeaderShape
, In#= or Chapter-Based LeaderShape
, sponsored and he!d anna!!y 3y
A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty= 1$%en anna!!y 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to +e+3ers $n ,ood
and 3ased on !eadersh$p Ca!$t$es and a#h$e%e+ents, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a=
Cand$dates are #hosen 3y 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a and are re#o++ended to the
Endow+ent 8nd= ;A!so See The Todd 8= LaB$n A!pha Ta 2+e,a LeaderShape Awards< Mst
ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester
pre%$os to se!e#t$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= Mst !$%e $n the
Chapter Hose dr$n, the #o+p!ete ne/t year= Non-attendan#e or +$s#ond#t that #ases ear!y
departre "ro+ the LeaderShape
sess$on or other d$s#$p!$nary a#t$ons w$!! res!t $n the person
repay$n, the ent$re a+ont to the Endow+ent 8nd= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r
III, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n &''&= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,000 per person or $12,000 per
5C14. The Michael 1. McKernan Memorial Outstanding Athlete Awards
Na+ed a"ter Brother M$#hae! 5= ;M$Be< M#Kernan ;0Th&'(4<, who d$ed $n )-&-= 1$%en 3y the
Endow+ent 8nd to the two or three otstand$n, +e+3er ath!etes $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the
Chapter Hose, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= L$st o" +e+3ers $n ,ood
stand$n, s3+$tted 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to a!! +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose= Ea#h
+e+3er ent$t!ed to %ote "or three ;$n order o" pre"eren#e T 7 $s top, ) $s se#ond, & $s th$rd #ho$#e<=
Me+3ers who so!$#$t %otes are ato+at$#a!!y d$sCa!$"$ed= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:--
,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to se!e#t$on ;no
s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= Endowed 3y Brother M$#hae! 5= ;M$Be<
M#Kernan, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n &''-= 8rther Endowed 3y Brother M#Kernan $n &''4=
Na+e Chan,ed to honor Brother M#KernanAs step-,randda,hter Ka!e$,h B= 1r$+es $n )--7=
8rther Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III= 8rther Endowed thro,h the
M#Kernan Me+or$a! S#ho!arsh$p 8nd 0r$%e $n )-&-= Crrent Na+e Re-Esta3!$shed $n )-&-=
8rther Endowed 3y Nan#y M#Kernan, +other o" M$Be M#Kernan= Ind$%$da! .!aCe= Top
Award? $1,000= 8$rst Rnner-Up? $700= Se#ond Rnner-Up? $300= Ma/$++ A+ont?
$2,000 per year=
12.32 Members Manual
5C15. The Gary R. Cottrell and Russell W. Taddiken Social Service Coordinator Award
Na+ed a"ter Brothers 1ary R= Cottre!! ;0Th&''6< and Rsse!! *= ;Rss< Tadd$Ben ;0Th&'':<,
who were So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nators dr$n, the ter+s when the Chapter re#e$%ed &'': A!pha
Ta 2+e,a Nat$ona! Co++n$ty Awareness Award ;top So#$a! Ser%$#e Award $n Nat$on<=
Award na+e $s #han,ed to those o" the So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nators dr$n, the ter+s when the
Chapter re#e$%ed The Nat$ona! A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on Co++n$ty Awareness Award=
1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the
Chapter Hose who !eads the Chapter to a#h$e%$n, a s##ess"! so#$a! ser%$#e pro,ra+, $" he
+eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= Tota! a+ont to So#$a! Ser%$#e
Coord$nator $" the Chapter s##ess"!!y #o+p!etes at !east 7,--- hors o" so#$a! ser%$#e proDe#ts
dr$n, the pre#ed$n, se+ester and $" 4-M o" the +e+3ers and p!ed,es !$%$n, $n the Chapter
Hose atta$n at !east ): so#$a! ser%$#e hors= A+ont do3!ed $" the Chapter re#e$%es The
Nat$ona! A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on 1ood Sa+ar$tan Co++n$ty Awareness Award or the
Nat$ona! A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on ErsB$ne Mayo Ross I+pa#t Award= No Award $" the
Chapter does not s##ess"!!y #o+p!ete at !east 7,--- hors o" so#$a! ser%$#e proDe#ts or $" !ess
than 4-M o" the +e+3ers and p!ed,es !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose atta$n at !east ): so#$a!
ser%$#e hors= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons
$n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= 2r$,$na!!y Endowed 3y Brother M$#hae! T= ;M$Be<
."e$""er, 2r$,$nated and Na+ed a"ter Brothers 1re,ory A= ;1re,< L!oyd ;0Th&''-< and 0a%$d
M= ;0a%e< Sanders ;0Th&'')< $n &''6= S3seCent!y Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!<
M$r III and Crrent Na+e Esta3!$shed $n &''9= 8rther Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!<
M$r III $n )--(= Cert$"$#ate= Base A+ont? $400 per semester= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,600
per year=
5C16. The Ryan A. Newth Risk Management Officer/Social Chairman Awards
Na+ed a"ter Brother Ryan A= Newth ;0Th&''7<= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the two R$sB
Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose who !ead
the Chapter to a#h$e%$n, a s##ess"! and r$sB-"ree so#$a! pro,ra+, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a=
1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= 8!! a+onts to R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a!
Cha$r+en $" the Chapter has no r$sB +ana,e+ent %$o!at$ons or %$o!at$ons o" the Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! E%ent Respons$3$!$ty .o!$#y or A!pha Ta 2+e,a Nat$ona!
.o!$#$es and .ro#edres dr$n, the pre#ed$n, se+ester= S3stant$a! red#t$ons "or any +$nor
%$o!at$on and no awards "or +aDor %$o!at$on= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt
a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er
s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= Endowed 3y Brother
*$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n &''6= 8rther Endowed 3y Brother
*$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III $n )--7= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $500 per person per
semester or $2,000 per year=
5C17. The David L. Watson Education Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 0a%$d L= ;0a%e< *atson ;0Th&'()<= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd, as
se!e#ted 3y a 5o$nt Co++$ttee o" the .res$dent o" the Endow+ent 8nd, a +e+3er o" the *atson
8a+$!y and the .res$dent o" the Chapter, to the +e+3er;s< $n ,ood stand$n,
who $s ;are<
enro!!ed $n the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Co!!e,e o" Ed#at$on who possess;es< e/e+p!ary
attr$3tes $n s#ho!arsh$p, "e!!owsh$p and #hara#ter, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n
May= Made Do$nt!y to +e+3er and 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east
a )=:-- +$n$++ #+!at$%e ,rade po$nt a%era,e w$th at !east 9- ,raded hors #o+p!eted= No
person e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e "!! award +ore than on#e= Endowed 3y Brother 0a%$d L= ;0a%e<
*atson, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n &'':= .!aCe and Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $250 per
Members Manual 12.33
5C18. The Henry F. Kupfer Memorial Kitchen Manager Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother Henry 8= ;HanB< Kp"er ;0Th&'74<, .res$dent, V$#e-.res$dent and +e+3er
o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Endow+ent 8nd "or twe!%e years, who d$ed $n )-&-= 1$%en 3y
the Endow+ent 8nd to the e!e#ted K$t#hen Mana,er $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter
Hose, $n an a+ont deter+$ned 3y a nan$+os %ote o" a 5o$nt Co++$ttee o" the .res$dents ;or
des$,nees< o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a and the Endow+ent 8nd, "or e/#e!!en#e o"
ser%$#e $n o""$#e, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= 8!!
a+ont to K$t#hen Mana,er $" the Chapter K$t#hen and 0$n$n, Roo+ ha%e no s3stant$a! #r$t$#a!
%$o!at$ons "ro+ state andGor !o#a! hea!th athor$t$es dr$n, the pre#ed$n, se+ester= Red#t$on "or
any #r$t$#a! %$o!at$on and no award "or any s3stant$a! #r$t$#a! %$o!at$on= ;A!so See Chapter? The
Henry 8= Kp"er Me+or$a! K$t#hen Mana,er Award< Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade
po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no
s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= 2r$,$nated
$n &'9(= Endowed 3y 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a and Esta3!$shed w$th Endow+ent 8nd
$n &''9= 8rther Endowed 3y Brother Henry 8= ;HanB< Kp"er and thro,h the Endow+ent
8nd &67- 8a$r#h$!d 8nd 0r$%e and Na+ed $n &'''= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $600
per semester or $1,200 per year=
5C19. The Guy W. Gross Scholarship Chairman Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 1y *= 1ross ;0Th&'':<, who was S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an when the
Chapter a#h$e%ed a3o%e a 7=--- ,rade po$nt a%era,e "or the "$rst t$+e dr$n, the Spr$n, o" &''4=
1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the e!e#ted S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n
the Chapter Hose who !eads the Chapter and the .!ed,e C!ass to a#h$e%$n, 1rade .o$nt
A%era,es o" at !east 7=--- dr$n, e$ther the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 8a!! or Spr$n, Se+ester ;no
s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 2ne-ha!" $" the
Chapter ,oa! $s a#h$e%ed and one-ha!" $" the .!ed,e C!ass ,oa! $s a#h$e%ed= 1$%en se+ester!y $n
Septe+3er and 8e3rary= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er
$ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!<
M$r III, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n &''4= 8rther Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r
III $n )-&)= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $400 per semester or $800 per year=
5C20. The Christian 1. Kelly Law School Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother Chr$st$an 5= ;Chr$s< Ke!!y ;0Th&''6<= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd, as
se!e#ted 3y a 5o$nt Co++$ttee o" the .res$dent o" the Chapter, a +e+3er o" the Ke!!y 8a+$!y and
the .res$dent o" the Chapter, to the +e+3er;s< $n ,ood stand$n,
who $s ;are< ,radat$n, "ro+
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty and has ;ha%e< 3een ad+$tted to a S#hoo! o" Law who possesses ;possess<
e/e+p!ary attr$3tes $n s#ho!arsh$p, "e!!owsh$p and #hara#ter, $" he ;they< +eet the #r$ter$a=
1$%en anna!!y $n May= )=:-- +$n$++ #+!at$%e ,rade po$nt a%era,e= No person sha!! 3e
e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e "!! award +ore than on#e= Used to re$+3rse "or Law S#hoo! and LSAT
app!$#at$on "ees= Endowed 3y Brother Chr$st$an 5= ;Chr$s< Ke!!y, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n
)---= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $250 per year=
12.34 Members Manual
5C21. The Dale L. Duncan Memorial Philanthropy Chairman Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 0a!e L= 0n#an ;0Th&'74<, "ond$n, 0$re#tor and o""$#er o" the
Endow+ent 8nd "or &( years, "ond$n, 0$re#tor o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on "or &) years and
Chapter Ad%$sor, who d$ed $n A,st o" &'''= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the e!e#ted
.h$!anthropy Cha$r+an $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose who !eads the Chapter to
a#h$e%$n, a s##ess"! ph$!anthropy pro,ra+ dr$n, the se+ester, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= Mst
ha%e a +aDor ph$!anthropy $n 3oth 8a!! and Spr$n, Se+esters and +st ha%e 4-M o" the +e+3ers
and p!ed,es !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose and )-M o" those not !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose
part$#$pat$n,= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= A+ont do3!ed $" the Chapter
re#e$%es The Nat$ona! A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on 1ood Sa+ar$tan Co++n$ty Awareness
Award or the Nat$ona! A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on ErsB$ne Mayo Ross I+pa#t Award= Mst
ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester
pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and
dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= Endowed 3y the 0a!e L= 0n#an Me+or$a! 8nd 0r$%e, Esta3!$shed
and Na+ed $n )---= 8rther Endowed $n )--:= 8rther Endowed $n )--(= Cert$"$#ate= Base
A+ont? $300 per semester= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,200 per year=
5C22. The 1ustin 1. Nelson Communications Officer Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5st$n 5= Ne!son ;0Th&''4<, "$rst Chapter Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er= 1$%en
3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter
Hose, $n an a+ont deter+$ned 3y a nan$+os %ote o" a 5o$nt Co++$ttee o" the .res$dents ;or
des$,nees< o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a and the Endow+ent 8nd, "or e/#e!!en#e o"
ser%$#e $n o""$#e, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= ;A!so
See Chapter? The 5st$n 5= Ne!son Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er Award< Mst ha%e pdate the
ChapterAs *e3s$te at !east +onth!y= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e
dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to se!e#t$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er
$ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= 2r$,$nated and Endowed 3y 0e!ta Theta
o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a, Esta3!$shed w$th Endow+ent 8nd and Na+ed $n )---= 8rther Endowed
3y 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a $n )--:= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $500 per
semester or $1,000 per year=
5C23. The Freeman Family Outstanding Major Officer Award
Na+ed a"ter Brothers Chr$stopher L= ;Chr$s< 8ree+an ;0Th&''6<, 5onathan A= ;5on< 8ree+an
;0Th&'':< and M$#hae! T= 8ree+an ;0Th&''4<= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the
otstand$n, +aDor o""$#er o" the Chapter $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, $" he
+eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= L$st o" a!! +aDor o""$#ers who
are not e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e any other o""$#er s#ho!arsh$p awards "ro+ the Endow+ent 8nd
;Ser,eant-at-Ar+s, 0oorBeeper, Anne/ Coord$nator, Intra+ra!s Cha$r+an, Brotherhood
Cha$r+an and Son, Leader< $s s3+$tted 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the %ot$n, +e+3ers o" the
E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= Ea#h +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee ent$t!ed to %ote "or one person=
Me+3ers who so!$#$t %otes are ato+at$#a!!y d$sCa!$"$ed= Ser,eant-at-Ar+s ;*orthy Usher< and
0oorBeeper ;*orthy Sent$ne!< +st attend a!! Chapter $n$t$at$ons, n!ess e/#sed= Mst ha%e
atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester
pre%$os to se!e#t$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re
ter+ o" o""$#e= Endowed 3y Br#e *o""ord and Martha 8ree+an *o""ord, Esta3!$shed and
Na+ed $n )---= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $100 per semester or $200 per year=
Members Manual 12.35
5C24. The 1onathan S. Kurche Historian Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5onathan S= ;5on< Kr#he ;0Th&''4<, who ser%ed two years as Chapter
H$stor$an ;*orthy Keeper o" Anna!s< and Ed$tor o" The Vintage and was )--) Nat$ona! Tho+as
ArB!e C!arB Award re#$p$ent= 0r$n, these two one-year ter+s, the Chapter re#e$%ed The
Nat$ona! A!pha Ta 2+e,a 5oseph Re$d Anderson 1o!d Award tw$#e= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent
8nd to the e!e#ted Chapter H$stor$an ;*orthy Keeper o" Anna!s< $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the
Chapter Hose who !eads the Chapter to a#h$e%$n, a s##ess"! p3!$#at$ons and p3!$# re!at$ons
pro,ra+ dr$n, the year, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= Mst p3!$sh an ed$t$on o" The Vintage $n 3oth
8a!! and Spr$n, Se+esters and an &lumni 5irectory anna!!y= 1$%en anna!!y $n Septe+3er=
A+ont do3!ed $" the Chapter re#e$%es The Nat$ona! A!pha Ta 2+e,a 1o!d Co++n$#at$ons
Award "or the year= As *orthy Keeper o" Anna!s, he +st attend a!! Chapter $n$t$at$ons, n!ess
e/#sed= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons
$n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III,
Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n )--&= 8rther Endowed 3y Brother 5a+es L= ;5$+< 8$!son $n )--:=
8rther Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r $n )-&)= Cert$"$#ate= Base A+ont? $500
per year= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,000 per year=
5C25. The Steven C. 1ohnson Worthy Chaplain Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother Ste%en C= ;Ste%e< 5ohnson ;0Th&'()<, .res$dent and +e+3er o" the Board
o" 0$re#tors o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on and Treasrer and +e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o"
the A!+n$ Asso#$at$on, 3oth "or o%er ): years= *orthy Chap!a$n ;Chap!a$n< $s Cha$r+an o" the
Ca3$net= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the e!e#ted Chap!a$n $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the
Chapter Hose, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= 8!!
a+ont $" the Ca3$net +eets at !east on#e a +onth dr$n, the ter+ o" o""$#e= As *orthy
Chap!a$n, he +st attend a!! Chapter $n$t$at$ons, n!ess e/#sed= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a
)=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to
e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re
ter+ o" o""$#e= Endowed 3y the Estate o" Brother E!+er 0= M#Co!!+, Esta3!$shed w$th KSU
8ondat$on and Na+ed $n )--&= Crrent Na+e Esta3!$shed and Endowed 3y Brother Ste%en C=
;Ste%e< 5ohnson $n )--7= 8rther Endowed 3y Brother Ste%en C= ;Ste%e< 5ohnson $n )-&7=
Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $500 per semester or $1,000 per year=
5C26. The Richard R. Harrison Outstanding Out-of-House Member Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother R$#hard R= ;Bo3< Harr$son ;0Th&'''<, &7&st Chapter V$#e-.res$dent=
1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the otstand$n, nder,radate +e+3er o" the Chapter $n ,ood
not !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n
Septe+3er and 8e3rary= L$st o" a!! e!$,$3!e ot-o"-hose +e+3ers $s s3+$tted 3y the
Endow+ent 8nd to the %ot$n, +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= Ea#h +e+3er o" the
E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee ent$t!ed to %ote "or one person= Me+3ers who so!$#$t %otes are
ato+at$#a!!y d$sCa!$"$ed= Mst ha%e attended at !east :-M o" Chapter Meet$n,s and atta$ned at
!east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to
se!e#t$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+
L= ;B$!!< M$r III, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n )--:= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $100 per
semester or $200 per year=
12.36 Members Manual
5C27. The Dikeman Family Alumni Relations Officer Award
Na+ed a"ter Brothers *= Cary 0$Be+an ;0Th&'(7<, 0= 1ene 0$Be+an ;0Th&'(6<, *= S#ott
0$Be+an ;0Th)--6< and 0a%$d C= 0$Be+an ;0Th)--4<= A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er $s !$a$son
w$th a!+n$ and the 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on= 1$%en 3y
the Endow+ent 8nd to the e!e#ted A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the
Chapter Hose who !eads the Chapter to a#h$e%$n, a s##ess"! a!+n$ re!at$ons pro,ra+ dr$n,
the se+ester, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= Mst ha%e at !east one +aDor a!+n$ e%ent $n 3oth 8a!! and
Spr$n, Se+esters= 1$%en se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a
)=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to
e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re
ter+ o" o""$#e= Endowed 3y Brother *= Cary 0$Be+an, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n )--9=
Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $200 per semester or $400 per year=
5C28. The Founders' Memorial Senior Grant Awards
Na+ed a"ter the s$/ 8onders o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter ;E!+er 0= M#Co!!+, *a!ter *=
Rodewa!d, *a!ter R= Hor!a#her, Car! 8= Mershon, N= 0a!e Lnd and *a!ter 5= Ro,ers<= A!! s$/
Brothers were respons$3!e "or the "ond$n, o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter $n &')-= 1$%en 3y the
Endow+ent 8nd to sen$or +e+3ers $n ,ood stand$n,
who w$!! !$%e $n the Chapter Hose "or at
!east e$,ht "!! se+esters ;or se%en se+esters "or !$%e-$n Spr$n, .!ed,es<, $n an a+ont
appro/$+ate!y eCa! to the tota! o" the Nat$ona! Me+3er 0es and Nat$ona! L$a3$!$ty Insran#e
pay+ents "or that year, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n No%e+3er= Made Do$nt!y to
+e+3er and 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a= Mst !$%e $n the Chapter Hose the #o+p!ete
year to 3e e!$,$3!e= Mst taBe and #o+p!ete at !east &) hors ;' o" wh$#h are ,raded< and atta$n
at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the pre%$os Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Spr$n, Se+ester
and o%era!! ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= Endowed 3y Brothers A!!an
0= ;0o#< Ho!$day, 5r= and *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III $n )--(= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+onts?
$300 per person per year or $2,000 per year=
5C29. The Benjamin B. Barnert Memorial Membership Education Chairman Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother BenDa+$n B= ;Ben< Barnert ;0Th&'(7<, 4'th Chapter .res$dent and
+e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on, who d$ed $n 5!y o" )-&7= 1$%en
3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the e!e#ted Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose whose pro,ra+ #o+p!$es w$th esta3!$shed n$%ers$ty and "ratern$ty
p!ed,e ed#at$on ,$de!$nes and re,!at$ons, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en se+ester!y $n
Septe+3er and 8e3rary= Awarded on!y $" 4-M or +ore o" 9 or +ore p!ed,es are $n$t$ated the
ne/t se+ester= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons
$n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= Endowed 3y the Estate o" Brother E!+er 0=
M#Co!!+, Esta3!$shed w$th KSU 8ondat$on and Na+ed $n &''-= Crrent Na+e Esta3!$shed
and Endowed w$th the Endow+ent 8nd 3y Brother BenDa+$n B= ;Ben< Barnert $n )--(= 8rther
Endowed 3y 0ar!a M= Barnert $n )-&7= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $500 per semester or
$1,000 per year=
Members Manual 12.37
5C30. The Robert A. (Alex) Rolfing Service to Mankind Award
Na+ed a"ter Ro3ert A= ;A!e/< Ro!"$n,, son o" Brother Ky!e R= Ro!"$n, ;0Th&'49<, the &-&st
Chapter .res$dent and Brotherhood Award re#$p$ent, and h$s w$"e R$nd$ Ro!"$n,
;0ThSweetheart&'44<, who were 3!essed w$th the arr$%a! o" the$r son A!e/ on Septe+3er &(,
&'')= A!e/ was 3orn w$th 0own Syndro+e= He has ta,ht Brother Ro!"$n, and h$s "a+$!y the
tre Doy o" he!p$n, those !ess "ortnate= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to a +e+3er $n ,ood
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, 3y a nan$+os %ote o" a three-person Co++$ttee o" the
.res$dent ;or des$,nee< o" the Endow+ent 8nd, the Chapter .res$dent and a representat$%e o"
the Ky!e Ro!"$n, 8a+$!y, "or so#$a! and ph$!anthrop$# ser%$#e to the Chapter and the #o++n$ty
dr$n, the s#hoo! year= In #ons$der$n, +e+3ers "or the Award, appro/$+ate!y :-M w$!! 3e 3ased
on so#$a! and ph$!anthrop$# ser%$#e $n Chapter a#t$%$t$es and appro/$+ate!y :-M w$!! 3e 3ased on
so#$a! and ph$!anthrop$# ser%$#e to the #a+ps and #o++n$ty, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en
anna!!y $n Septe+3er= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to se!e#t$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er
$ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III $n )--(= Crrent Na+e
Esta3!$shed and Endowed 3y Brother Ky!e R= Ro!"$n, $n )--'= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont?
$500 per year=
5C31. The Michael K. Cormaci Public Relations Officer Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother M$#hae! K= ;M$Be< Cor+a#$ ;0Th&'49<, &'44 Nat$ona! Harry L= B$rd
.3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er Award re#$p$ent= .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er $s !$a$son 3etween the Chapter
and $ts %ar$os Jp3!$#sJ= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the e!e#ted .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er
$n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose who !eads the Chapter to a#h$e%$n, a s##ess"!
p3!$# re!at$ons pro,ra+ dr$n, the se+ester, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= Mst ha%e +aDor p3!$#
re!at$ons stor$es appear$n, $n the +ed$a $n 3oth 8a!! and Spr$n, Se+esters= 1$%en se+ester!y $n
Septe+3er and 8e3rary= A+ont do3!ed $" the Chapter re#e$%es The Nat$ona! Road Show
Award or eC$%a!ent "or the year= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n,
the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or
s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= Endowed 3y Brother M$#hae!
K= Cor+a#$, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n )--4= Cert$"$#ate= Base A+ont? $250 per semester or
$500 per year= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,000 per year=
5C32. The Kevin E. Kickhaefer and Timothy S. Berends Worthy Scribe Award
Na+ed a"ter Brothers Ke%$n E= K$#Bhae"er ;0Th&'44< and T$+othy S= Berends ;0Th&'44<,
Se#retar$es dr$n, the ter+ as .res$dent o" Ky!e R= Ro!"$n, ;0Th&'44<, &-&st Chapter .res$dent
and Brotherhood Award re#$p$ent= *orthy S#r$3e ;Se#retary< $s se#retary o" the Chapter and
0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a ;Corporat$on<= Se#retary sha!! Beep a##rate +$ntes o" the
Chapter and Corporat$on, the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, the Ca3$net, the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee and the
Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee> and sha!! send a #opy o" a!! +$ntes to the Cha$r+an o" the
Board o" Trstees and Nat$ona! HeadCarters w$th$n three days a"ter any +eet$n,= Se#retary $s
a!so the Ca+ps A#t$%$t$es Coord$nator and sha!! en#ora,e +e+3ers and p!ed,es to part$#$pate
$n other #a+ps or,an$Iat$ons and a#t$%$t$es= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to the e!e#ted
Se#retary $n ,ood stand$n,
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, $" he +eets the #r$ter$a= 1$%en
se+ester!y $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary= 8!! a+ont $" a!! re#ord-Beep$n,, +$nte-taB$n, and
#a+ps a#t$%$t$es reC$re+ents are +et= As *orthy S#r$3e, he +st attend a!! Chapter
$n$t$at$ons, n!ess e/#sed= Mst ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester pre%$os to e!e#t$onGass+pt$on ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er
$ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re ter+ o" o""$#e= Endowed 3y the Estate o" Brother E!+er
0= M#Co!!+, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n )--&= Crrent Na+e Esta3!$shed and Endowed 3y
Brother Ky!e R= Ro!"$n, $n )--'= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $250 per semester or $500
per year=
12.38 Members Manual
5C33. The Congressional Scholar Awards
1$%en dr$n, e%en-n+3ered years 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to +e+3ers or p!ed,es $n ,ood
attend$n, the A!pha Ta 2+e,a Con,ress, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= Used to o""set the
re,$strat$on "ee= Mst s##ess"!!y attend at !east 4-M o" the des$,nated a#t$%$t$es o" the
Con,ress= Ma/$++ o" )- awards= 2r$,$nated $n &'()= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!<
M$r III and Esta3!$shed w$th Endow+ent 8nd $n &'4)= Ma/$++ A+ont? $150 per person
or $3,000 per year in even-numbered years=
5C34. The Regional Leadership Conference Scholar Awards
1$%en anna!!y 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to +e+3ers or p!ed,es $n ,ood stand$n,
attend$n, the
A!pha Ta 2+e,a Re,$ona! Leadersh$p Con"eren#e, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= Used to o""set the
re,$strat$on "ee= Mst s##ess"!!y attend at !east 4-M o" the des$,nated a#t$%$t$es o" the Re,$ona!
Leadersh$p Con"eren#e= Ma/$++ o" )- awards= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r
III and Esta3!$shed $n &'49= Ma/$++ A+ont? $50 per person or $1,000 per year=
Congressional Scholar Awards Criteria: See Chapter 16
Regional Leadership Conference Scholar Awards Criteria: See Chapter 16
Members Manual 12.39
D. Awards and Scholarships to KSU Students and Others through the Endowment Fund
5D1. The 1ohn E. Holstrom Alpha Tau Omega Architectural Scholarship
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5ohn E= Ho!stro+ ;0Th&'94<, who d$ed $n 0e#e+3er o" &'4'= 1$%en 3y the
Endow+ent 8nd, as se!e#ted 3y the 0ean o" Co!!e,e o" Ar#h$te#tre, .!ann$n, and 0es$,n o"
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty, to one otstand$n, stdent $n ,ood stand$n, who $s or w$!! 3e a "$"th-
year ar#h$te#tre stdent, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n Apr$! or Septe+3er= Based
on s#ho!arsh$p, "e!!owsh$p and #hara#ter= )=(:- +$n$++ #+!at$%e ,rade po$nt a%era,e=
Endowed 3y *eeter-K$enast-A!e/ander ;*KA< Ar#h$te#ts o" 0a!!as, Te/as, and thro,h the
Endow+ent 8nd 5ohn E= Ho!stro+ Me+or$a! S#ho!arsh$p 8nd 0r$%e, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed
$n &'4'= Cere+ony, .!aCe ;!o#ated $n Co!!e,e o" Ar#h$te#tre, .!ann$n, and 0es$,n $n Seaton
Ha!!< and Ind$%$da! .!aCe= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,000 per year=
5D2. The Stanley L. Winter Alpha Tau Omega K-State Union Leadership Scholarship
Na+ed a"ter Brother Stan!ey L= ;Stan< *$nter ;0Th&'46<, who d$ed $n 8e3rary o" &'')= 1$%en
3y the Endow+ent 8nd, as se!e#ted 3y a 5o$nt Co++$ttee o" the .res$dent o" the Endow+ent
8nd, a +e+3er o" the *$nter 8a+$!y and the 0$re#tor o" the K-State Stdent Un$on, to at !east
one otstand$n, stdent $n ,ood stand$n, who possesses !eadersh$p a3$!$t$es and #apa3$!$t$es and
who $s ded$#ated to the ser%$#e and 3etter+ent o" pro,ra+s o" the K-State Stdent Un$on, $" they
+eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n Apr$!= )=:-- +$n$++ #+!at$%e ,rade po$nt a%era,e=
Endowed 3y the *$nter 8a+$!y and thro,h the Endow+ent 8nd Stan!ey L= *$nter Me+or$a!
S#ho!arsh$p 8nd 0r$%e, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n &'')= Add$t$ona! "nds pro%$ded 3y K-State
Stdent Un$on endow+ents $n )--4= Cere+ony, .!aCe ;!o#ated $n Ma$n Con#orse $n K-State
Stdent Un$on< and Ind$%$da! .!aCe= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,000 per person or $2,000 per
5D3. The William L. Muir II and 1ohn T. Muir Alpha Tau Omega Blue Key Leadership Scholarships
Na+ed a"ter Brother *$!!$a+ L!oyd ;B$!!< M$r II ;0Th&'74< and Brother 5ohn Tho+as ;To+<
M$r ;0Th&'74<= B$!! M$r d$ed $n May o" &'67 dr$n, *or!d *ar II= To+ M$r d$ed $n
8e3rary o" &''-= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd, as se!e#ted 3y a 5o$nt Co++$ttee o" the
.res$dent o" the Endow+ent 8nd or des$,nee, a +e+3er o" the M$r 8a+$!y se!e#ted 3y the +ost
sen$or +e+3er thereo" or des$,nee and the 0ean o" Stdents o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty or
des$,nee, to one +a!e +e+3er and one "e+a!e +e+3er o" B!e Key who are stdents at Kansas
State Un$%ers$ty and $n ,ood stand$n,, who are Dd,ed to 3e o" ,ood #hara#ter and sond
a#ade+$# stand$n, and who ha%e s3stant$a!!y and +er$tor$os!y #ontr$3ted to the Ca!$ty o"
stdent !$"e at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty and otstand$n, !eadersh$p $n B!e Key, $" they +eet the
#r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= 7=--- +$n$++ #+!at$%e ,rade po$nt a%era,e= Endowed 3y
the M$r 8a+$!y, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n &''4= Cere+ony, .!aCe ;!o#ated $n Leadersh$p
Std$es B$!d$n,< and Ind$%$da! .!aCe= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,000 per person or $2,000 per
12.40 Members Manual
5D4. The Wendy S. McCrary Alpha Tau Omega Chapter Sweetheart Awards
Na+ed a"ter *endy A= Sw$er#$nsBy M#Crary ;0e!ta 0e!ta 0e!ta &'4)<, 0e!ta Theta Chapter
Sweetheart $n &'46-&'4:, who d$ed $n No%e+3er o" &'''= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd to one
or two "e+a!es se!e#ted 3y +e+3ers o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter as re#o,n$t$on o" ser%$#e to and the
a""e#t$on that $s "e!t 3y the Chapter, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= ;A!so See
Chapter? The *endy S= M#Crary Chapter Sweetheart Awards< )=:-- +$n$++ #+!at$%e
,rade po$nt a%era,e= 2r$,$nated $n &':4= Endowed thro,h the Endow+ent 8nd *endy S=
M#Crary Me+or$a! S#ho!arsh$p 8nd 0r$%e and Na+ed $n )---= Sweetheart Trophy and
.!aCe= Ma/$++ A+ont? $200 per year=
5D5. The Robert S. Krause Alpha Tau Omega Outstanding Campus Leader Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother Ro3ert S= ;Bo3< Krase ;0Th&'44<, Kansas State Un$%ers$ty V$#e .res$dent
and 0e!ta Theta 8a#!ty Ad%$sor "or &7 years= 1$%en 3y the Endow+ent 8nd, as se!e#ted 3y a
%ote o" the Chapter, on 3eha!" o" a "a#!ty +e+3er, ad+$n$strator or sta"" person who possesses
!eadersh$p a3$!$t$es and #apa3$!$t$es and who $s ded$#ated to the ser%$#e and 3etter+ent o" Kansas
State Un$%ers$ty, "or donat$on to a #har$ty o" the$r #ho$#e= 1$%en anna!!y $n the S++er or 8a!!
a"ter the #o+p!et$on o" a s#hoo! year= ;A!so See Chapter? The Ro3ert S= Krase 2tstand$n,
Ca+ps Leader Award< Endowed 3y 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed
$n )--7= 8rther Endowed 3y 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a $n )--:= Cere+ony and
Ind$%$da! .!aCe= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,000 per year=
5D6. The Michael E. Brown Alpha Tau Omega Mortar Board Leadership Scholarship
Na+ed a"ter Brother M$#hae! E= ;M$Be< Brown ;0Th&'('<, Treasrer o" the Endow+ent 8nd
"or o%er )- years and Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Mortar Board Ad%$sor "or &7 years 1$%en 3y the
Endow+ent 8nd, as se!e#ted 3y a 5o$nt Co++$ttee o" the .res$dent o" the Endow+ent 8nd or
des$,nee, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 0ean o" Stdents ;or s##essor< or des$,nee, and the
0$re#tor o" the S#hoo! o" Leadersh$p Std$es ;or s##essor< or des$,nee, to a +e+3er o" Mortar
Board who $s a stdent at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty and $n ,ood stand$n,, who $s Dd,ed to 3e o"
,ood #hara#ter and sond a#ade+$# stand$n, and who has s3stant$a!!y and +er$tor$os!y
#ontr$3ted to the Ca!$ty o" stdent !$"e at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty and otstand$n, !eadersh$p $n
Mortar Board, $" they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L=
;B$!!< M$r III, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n )--'= Cere+ony and .!aCe= Ma/$++ A+ont?
$1,000 per year=
5D7. The Anthony L. Carter Alpha Tau Omega Service to Minorities Leadership Scholarship
Na+ed a"ter Brother Anthony L= Carter ;0Th)--6<, Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! .res$dent ;)--(-
)--4<, Stdent Senate Stand$n, Co++$ttee and Stdent Body .res$dentAs Ch$e" o" Sta"" ;)--9-
)--(<, and K-State Stdent Un$on 1o%ern$n, Board .res$dent ;)--:-)--9<= 1$%en 3y the
Endow+ent 8nd, as se!e#ted 3y a 5o$nt Co++$ttee o" the .res$dent o" the Endow+ent 8nd or
des$,nee, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Asso#$ate .ro%ost "or 0$%ers$ty and 0a! Career
0e%e!op+ent ;or s##essor< or des$,nee, and the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 0ean o" Stdents ;or
s##essor< or des$,nee, to a +e+3er o" a ,rop o" +ore than e$,ht ;4< $nd$%$da!s that $s on a !$st
o" +$nor$ty stdent ,rops on "$!e w$th the Asso#$ate .ro%ost "or 0$%ers$ty and 0a! Career
0e%e!op+ent ;or s##essor< and has atta$ned at !east a 7=--- #+!at$%e ,rade po$nt a%era,e,
who $s Dd,ed to 3e o" ,ood #hara#ter and sond a#ade+$# stand$n, and who has s3stant$a!!y
#ontr$3ted to the Ca!$ty o" stdent !$"e and otstand$n, !eadersh$p at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty, $"
they +eet the #r$ter$a= 1$%en anna!!y $n May= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III,
Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n )-&&= Cere+ony and .!aCe= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,000 per year=
Members Manual 12.41
E. Awards and Scholarships to KSU Students and Others through the KSU Foundation
5E1. The 1ohn T. (Tom) Muir Outstanding Greek Athlete Award
Na+ed a"ter Brother 5ohn T= ;To+< M$r ;0Th&'74<, Kansas State Un$%ers$ty ,radate and
3ene"a#tor, who d$ed $n 8e3rary o" &''-= 1$%en 3y the KSU 8ondat$on thro,h the Ath!et$#s
S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee, pon re#o++endat$on o" a Co++$ttee #o+posed o" the .res$dent or
des$,nee o" the Endow+ent 8nd, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 0$re#tor o" 1reeB A""a$rs or
des$,nee and the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 0$re#tor o" Ath!et$#s or des$,nee, to one or +ore
otstand$n, $nter#o!!e,$ate ath!etes who $s ;are< a +e+3er ;+e+3ers< o" a Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! ;I8C< +e+3er "ratern$ty or .anhe!!en$# Con#$! ;.HC<
+e+3er soror$ty= Mst 3e a +e+3er $n ,ood stand$n, enro!!ed at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty who
has ;ha%e< #o+p!eted at !east 9- hors= 1$%en anna!!y $n Septe+3er "or that s#hoo! year= Mst
ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- #+!at$%e ,rade po$nt a%era,e= Endowed 3y Brother *$!!$a+ L=
;B$!!< M$r III, Esta3!$shed and Na+ed $n )--(= Cert$"$#ate= Ma/$++ A+ont? $1,000 per
year thro,h the Un$%ers$ty Ath!et$#s S#ho!arsh$p 8nd=
12.42 Members Manual
F. Emblems, Pictures, Plaques and Certificates
5F1. The 35th Anniversary and Memorial Scholarship Fund Drives Donors Plaque
The 35th Anniversary Fund Drive added to the endow+ent o" The L= A!!yn Lay3orn
S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards and endowed The Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Hose Mana,er
Award, The 0an 1= T$nder Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, 5n$or Award and The R$#hard R= Sterrett
Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, Sopho+ore Award= It was #ond#ted 3y the Endow+ent 8nd "ro+ Apr$!
o" &'4' thro,h A,st o" &''- and ra$sed N)6,(-: "ro+ )-6 donors=
The 1ohn E. Holstrom Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive endowed The 5ohn E= Ho!stro+
Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, Sen$or Award, The 5ohn E= Ho!stro+ Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, 8resh+an
Award and The 5ohn E= Ho!stro+ A!pha Ta 2+e,a Ar#h$te#tra! S#ho!arsh$p= It was
#ond#ted 3y the Endow+ent 8nd "ro+ 5anary o" &''- thro,h A,st o" &''- and ra$sed
N)9,)94 "ro+ 9) donors=
The 1ohn T. Muir Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive added to the endow+ent o" The *$!!$a+
L!oyd M$r II and 5ohn Tho+as M$r Me+or$a! 1rant-$n-A$d Awards= It was #ond#ted 3y the
Endow+ent 8nd "ro+ Mar#h o" &''- thro,h A,st o" &''- and ra$sed N(&,'') "ro+ 9&
0$a+ond, 1o!den, S$!%er, BronIe and Honor 0onors to these Endow+ent 8nd Me+or$a!
S#ho!arsh$p 8nd 0r$%es are +e+or$a!$Ied and re#o,n$Ied= 0ed$#ated $n No%e+3er o" &''-=
Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
5F2. The Stanley L. Winter Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive Donors Plaque
The Stan!ey L= *$nter Me+or$a! S#ho!arsh$p 8nd 0r$%e endowed The Stan!ey L= *$nter A!pha
Ta 2+e,a K-State Un$on Leadersh$p S#ho!arsh$p= It was #ond#ted 3y the Endow+ent 8nd
"ro+ Mar#h o" &'') tho,h 8e3rary o" &''7 and ra$sed N&9,4)6 "ro+ &:9 donors=
0onors to th$s Endow+ent 8nd Me+or$a! S#ho!arsh$p 8nd 0r$%e are +e+or$a!$Ied and
re#o,n$Ied= 0ed$#ated $n Mar#h o" &''7= Lo#ated $n L$%$n, Roo+=
35th Anniversary and Memorial Scholarship Fund Drives: See Book of Records Chapter 6
Winter Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive: See Book of Records Chapter 6
Members Manual 12.43
(Established March 4, 1922)
(Incorporated October 25, 1927)
(Chartered by National Fraternity May 7, 1974)
A. Awards
6A1. T1e 6inta.e Financial Support
8nds ,ranted to 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a ;Chapter< "or #osts o" p3!$#at$on o" The
Vintage, the ChapterAs award-w$nn$n, a!+n$ news +a,aI$ne= Appro/$+ate Ma/$++ Spport
A+ont? $4,000 per year=
B. Emblems, Pictures, Plaques and Certificates
6B1. Delta Theta Chapter Alumni Association Charter
The Kansas 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on was #hartered as a
re#o,n$Ied A!+n$ Asso#$at$on 3y the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty on May (, &'(6, pon pet$t$on
s3+$tted on 3eha!" o" the A!+n$ Asso#$at$on 3y Brothers 0a!e K= A!!en, Larry *= E+$, and
*$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III= 0ed$#ated $n 2#to3er o" &'(6= Lo#ated $n Chapter Roo+=
112.44 Member Manual
(Beginning With Fall 2013)

EF Kansas State Alpha Tau Omega Students' Aid Endowment Fund Awards and Scholarships:
A. Scholarships Through the Kansas State University Foundation:
McCollum Awards Total Maximum
(Endowment Fund Recommendations): $27,800 per year
Presidential Scholastic Achievement Awards Total Maximum
(Endowment Fund Recommendations): $16,000 per year
Fagerberg Award Total Maximum
(Endowment Fund Recommendation): $ 1,000 per year
Holiday Award Total Maximum
(Endowment Fund Recommendation): $ 5,000 per year
Lakin Awards Total Maximum
(Endowment Fund Recommendations): $ 3,000 per year
Gates Award Total Maximum
(Endowment Fund Recommendation): $ 2,000 per year
Total Maximum: $ 54,800 per year
B. Scholarships Through the Alpha Tau Omega Foundation:
Muir Grant-in-Aid Awards Total Maximum
(Endowment Fund Recommendations): $ 8,000 per year
Laybourn Province 18 Awards Total Maximum
(Endowment Fund Recommendations): $ 2,800 per year
Newton Noah's Ark Awards Total Maximum
(Endowment Fund Recommendations): $ 1,000 per year
Total Maximum: $ 11,800 per year
C. Kansas State ATO Students' Aid Endowment Fund Scholarships to ATOs: $ 47,650 per year
(even-numbered years)
$ 44,650 per year
(odd-numbered years)
D. Kansas State ATO Students' Aid Endowment Fund Scholarships
to KSU
Students and
8,200 per year
Scholarships to
KSU Students
$ 1,000 per year
TTotals of Scholarships and Grants-in-Aid (A+B+C+D+E): $123,450 per year
(even-numbered years)
$120,450 per year
(odd-numbered years)
BT Delta Theta Board of Trustees Scholarships Maximum: $ 9,900 per year
AA Delta Theta Alumni Association Support Total Maximum: $ 4,000 per year
GT Grand Totals of Alumni Support (A+B+C+D+E+BT+AA): $137,350 per year
(even-numbered years)
$134,350 per year
(odd-numbered years)
Current as of February 1, 2014
Members Manual 12.45
Endow+ent 8nd S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards
*$!!$a+ L= II and 5ohn T= M$r Me+or$a! 1rant-$n-A$d Awards
L= A!!yn Lay3orn Me+or$a! S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards
Con,ress$ona! S#ho!ar Awards
Re,$ona! Leadersh$p Con"eren#e S#ho!ar Awards
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards
5ohn E= Ho!stro+ Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, Sen$or Award
0an 1= T$nder Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, 5n$or Award
R$#hard R= Sterrett Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, Sopho+ore Award
5ohn E= Ho!stro+ Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, 8resh+an Award
5ohn E= Ho!stro+ AT2 Ar#h$te#tra! S#ho!arsh$p
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ Best Roo+ S#ho!arsh$p Awards
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ *orthy Master Award
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ *orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer Award
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an Award
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an Award
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ Most I+pro%ed S#ho!arsh$p Awards
Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Hose Mana,er Award
M$#hae! 5= M#Kernan 2tstand$n, Ath!ete Awards
.res$dent$a! S#ho!ast$# A#h$e%e+ent Awards
*$!!$a+ L= M$r III LeaderShape Awards
5oseph .= 8an,+an Honor In$t$ate Award
Stan!ey L= *$nter AT2 K-State Un$on Leadersh$p S#ho!arsh$p
1re,ory A= L!oyd and 0a%$d M= Sanders So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator Award
Ryan A= Newth R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#erGSo#$a! Cha$r+an Awards
0a%$d L= *atson Ed#at$on Award
1ary R= Cottre!! and Rsse!! *= Tadd$Ben So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator Award
K$t#hen Mana,er Award
R$#hard R= and Ro3ert K= Sterrett Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, Sopho+ore Award
A!!an 0= Ho!$day, 5r= *orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer Award
L= A!!yn Lay3orn Me+or$a! S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards ;.ro% &4<
1y *= 1ross S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an Award
*$!!$a+ L= II and 5ohn T= M$r AT2 B!e Key Leadersh$p S#ho!arsh$ps
Henry 8= Kp"er K$t#hen Mana,er Award
Ro3ert M= Bens+an .res$dentAs Awards
Chr$st$an 5= Ke!!y Law S#hoo! Award
0a!e L= 0n#an Me+or$a! .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an Award
5st$n 5= Ne!son Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er Award
8ree+an 8a+$!y 2tstand$n, MaDor 2""$#er Award
*endy S= M#Crary AT2 Chapter Sweetheart Awards
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ *orthy Chap!a$n Award
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ Asst= Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an Award
R$#hard E= 8a,er3er, *orthy Marsha! Award
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ *orthy S#r$3e Award
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ Tre Mer$t Chara#ter Award
Todd 8= LaB$n LeaderShape Awards
Matthew L= BretI Most I+pro%ed S#ho!arsh$p Awards
5onathan S= Kr#he H$stor$an Award
Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Ass$stant Hose Mana,er Award
5ohn A= Towse, 5r= S++er Hose Mana,er Award
Ka!e$,h B= 1r$+es 2tstand$n, Ath!ete Awards
Ste%en C= 5ohnson *orthy Chap!a$n Award
5e""rey L= 1ates Bs$ness Ad+$n$strat$on Award
Ty!er 8= Newton NoahAs ArB Award
R$#hard R= ;Bo3< Harr$son 2tstand$n, 2t-o"-Hose Me+3er Award
Ro3ert S= Krase AT2 2tstand$n, Ca+ps Leader Award
0$Be+an 8a+$!y A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er Award
8ondersA Me+or$a! Sen$or 1rant Awards
BenDa+$n B= Barnert Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an Award
Ser%$#e to ManB$nd Award
5ohn T= ;To+< M$r 2tstand$n, 1reeB Ath!ete Award
M$#hae! K= Cor+a#$ .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er Award
Mareen .= Newton E/e+p!ary In$t$ate Award
Ro3ert A= ;A!e/< Ro!"$n, Ser%$#e to ManB$nd Award
Ke%$n E= K$#Bhae"er and T$+othy S= Berends *orthy S#r$3e Award
M$#hae! E= Brown AT2 Mortar Board Leadersh$p S#ho!arsh$p
M$#hae! 5= M#Kernan Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, Ath!ete Awards
Norr$s E= Ho!stro+ Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, 8resh+an Award
Anthony L= Carter AT2 Ser%$#e to M$nor$t$es Leadersh$p S#ho!arsh$p
E!+er 0= M#Co!!+ S#ho!ast$# E/#e!!en#e Awards
See A!so .re%$os or S3seCent Awards
12.46 Member Manual
Members Manual 13.01
CHAPTERS 13, 14, 15, AND 16
Corporation By-Laws
Effective September 11, 1955
Includes All Subsequent Amendments
Presidential, McCollum and Laybourn Awards Criteria and Formula
Effective December 22, 1983
Includes All Subsequent Amendments
Muir Grant-in-Aid Awards Criteria and Formula
Effective December 22, 1983
Includes All Subsequent Amendments
Congressional and Regional Leadership Conference Scholar Awards Criterias
Effective May 29, 1985
Includes All Subsequent Amendments
13.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 13.03
I. Offices
II. Directors
III. Officers
IV. Restrictions
V. Checks
VI. Fiscal Year
VII. Amendments of By-Laws
1. Presidential Scholastic Achievement and McCollum and Laybourn
Scholastic Excellence Awards Criteria and Formula
2. Presidential and McCollum Awards Chart
1. Congressional Scholar Awards Criteria
2. Regional Leadership Conference Awards Criteria
13.04 Members Manual
Members Manual 13.05
(Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 48-6111125)
Section 1. The na+e o" the #orporat$on $s The Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent
8nd, so+et$+es herea"ter re"erred to as JCorporat$onJ or Jth$s Corporat$on=J The pr$n#$pa! o""$#e
and +a$!$n, address o" the Corporat$on $s &97) M#Ca$n Lane, Manhattan, Kansas=
Section 2. Th$s Corporat$on +ay a!so ha%e s#h other o""$#es, te+porary or per+anent, "or the transa#t$on o"
3s$ness, !o#ated at s#h other p!a#es as the Board o" 0$re#tors +ay "ro+ t$+e to t$+e dee+=
Section 1. The property, 3s$ness and a""a$rs o" th$s Corporat$on sha!! 3e +ana,ed 3y a Board o" 0$re#tors=
The n+3er o" 0$re#tors sha!! 3e n$ne e!e#ted, %ot$n, +e+3ers and three e/ o""$#$o, non-%ot$n,
+e+3ers= In add$t$on to the powers and athor$ty 3y the Art$#!es o" In#orporat$on and 3y these By-
Laws e/press!y #on"erred pon the+, the Board +ay e/er#$se a!! s#h powers o" the Corporat$on and
do a!! s#h !aw"! a#ts and th$n,s, w$th respe#t to +ana,e+ent o" the a""a$rs, property and 3s$ness
o" th$s Corporat$on, and the a##o+p!$sh+ent o" the prposes "or wh$#h th$s Corporat$on $s #hartered,
as are not 3y Statte, or 3y the Art$#!es o" In#orporat$on, or 3y these By-Laws proh$3$ted=
Section 2. The Board o" 0$re#tors sha!! ho!d an anna! +eet$n, "or the e!e#t$on o" 0$re#tors and the
transa#t$on o" any other 3s$ness re!at$n, to the a""a$rs o" th$s Corporat$on dr$n, the +onths o"
Septe+3er, 2#to3er or No%e+3er o" any year pon the #a!! o" the .res$dent o" th$s Corporat$on=
Th$s +eet$n, sha!! 3e he!d $n Manhattan, Kansas, n!ess pr$or to the +eet$n, two-th$rds ;)G7< o" the
0$re#tors a,ree $n wr$t$n, that the +eet$n, sha!! 3e he!d at a d$""erent p!a#e w$th$n the State o"
Kansas, $n wh$#h e%ent the +eet$n, sha!! 3e he!d at the p!a#e so a,reed pon= Spe#$a! +eet$n,s o"
the Board +ay 3e #a!!ed 3y or at the d$re#t$on o" the .res$dent or Se#retary= Not$#e o" ea#h spe#$a!
+eet$n, sha!! 3e +a$!ed to ea#h 0$re#tor, addressed to h$+ at h$s res$den#e or sa! p!a#e o"
3s$ness at !east three days 3e"ore the +eet$n,> or sha!! 3e te!e,raphed, #a3!ed or rad$oed to ea#h
0$re#tor s$+$!ar!y addressed, or sha!! 3e de!$%ered persona!!y or 3y te!ephone, at !east two days
3e"ore the +eet$n,=
Section 3. The 0$re#tors na+ed $n the Art$#!es o" In#orporat$on o" th$s Corporat$on, to-w$t?
L= A= Lay3orn, &76 2%erh$!! Road, Sa!$na, Kansas
Te+porary Cha$r+an
Henry 0= Karns, 77) *= 9th, 5n#t$on C$ty, Kansas
5= B= An,!e, Bo/ ))(, Manhattan, Kansas
Henry 8= Kp"er, 9-&6 E= :4th St=, Kansas C$ty, M$ssor$
K$rB M= *ard, ))) N= 8onta$n, *$#h$ta, Kansas
Haro!d C= H$33s, &(-& Hdson Bo!e%ard, TopeBa, Kansas
0a!e L= 0n#an, Rote No= &, Manhattan, Kansas
Ir%$n, *a!Ber, *aKeeney, Kansas
A!"red A= Ho!+C$st, 6-9 N= State St=, Norton, Kansas
sha!! ho!d o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n, o" the 0$re#tors $n Septe+3er, &'::, or nt$! the$r
s##essors are e!e#ted and Ca!$"$ed=
13.06 Members Manual
At the anna! +eet$n, to 3e he!d $n Septe+3er, &'::, three ;7< 0$re#tors sha!! 3e e!e#ted to ho!d
o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n, $n Septe+3er, &':9> three ;7< to ho!d o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n,
$n Septe+3er, &':(> and three ;7< to ho!d o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n, $n Septe+3er, &':4 ;and,
$n ea#h #ase, nt$! the$r respe#t$%e s##essors are e!e#ted and Ca!$"$ed<= Be,$nn$n, w$th the anna!
+eet$n, $n Septe+3er, &'::, three ;7< 0$re#tors sha!! 3e e!e#ted to s##eed the three 0$re#tors
whose ter+s o" o""$#e e/p$re w$th sa$d +eet$n,, and 3e,$nn$n, w$th the 0$re#tors to 3e e!e#ted at the
anna! +eet$n, to 3e he!d $n Septe+3er, &'::, a!! 0$re#tors then and therea"ter e!e#ted sha!! ho!d
o""$#e "or three ;7< years, or nt$! the$r s##essors are d!y e!e#ted and Ca!$"$ed= In add$t$on to the
n$ne ;'< %ot$n, 0$re#tors, the .res$dent, Treasrer and S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an o" 0e!ta Theta
Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a sha!! a!so 3e +e+3ers, w$thot %ote=
Section 4. No person sha!! 3e e!e#ted a 0$re#tor o" th$s Corporat$on who $s not a +e+3er o" the A!pha Ta
2+e,a 8ratern$ty= Any 0$re#tor +ay res$,n at any t$+e 3y ,$%$n, wr$tten not$#e to the .res$dent or
Se#retary o" the Corporat$on= S#h res$,nat$on sha!! taBe e""e#t at the t$+e spe#$"$ed there$n, the
a##eptan#e o" s#h res$,nat$on sha!! not 3e ne#essary to +aBe $t e""e#t$%e= Any 0$re#tor +ay 3e
re+o%ed "ro+ o""$#e "or $n#apa#$ty or +$s#ond#t 3y the %ote o" three-"orths ;7G6< o" the 0$re#tors
then $n o""$#e=
Section 5. I" the o""$#e o" any 0$re#tor 3e#o+es %a#ant 3y reason o" death, res$,nat$on, re+o%a!, "a$!re to e!e#t,
or "or any other reason, a +aDor$ty o" the re+a$n$n, 0$re#tors +ay e!e#t a s##essor or s##essors,
pro%$ded that any %a#an#y o##rr$n, dr$n, the ter+ o" a 0$re#torOs o""$#e sha!! 3e "$!!ed on!y "or the
re+a$nder o" the ter+ "or wh$#h the 0$re#tor whose d$re#torsh$p so 3e#o+es %a#ant was e!e#ted=
Section 1. The o""$#ers o" th$s Corporat$on sha!! 3e #hosen 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors, and sha!! 3e a .res$dent,
a V$#e-.res$dent, a Se#retary, and a Treasrer, ea#h o" who+ sha!! 3e #hosen "ro+ a+on, the
Section 2. At $ts "$rst +eet$n,, to 3e he!d $n a##ordan#e w$th Art$#!e VI o" $ts Charter, the Board sha!! e!e#t a
.res$dent, a V$#e-.res$dent, a Se#retary and a Treasrer, and those so e!e#ted sha!! ho!d o""$#e nt$!
the re,!ar anna! +eet$n, o" the 0$re#tors to 3e he!d $n Septe+3er, &'::, or nt$! the$r respe#t$%e
s##essors are d!y e!e#ted and Ca!$"$ed=
Section 3. The .res$dent, Se#retary and Treasrer sha!! 3e +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= The V$#e-
.res$dent sha!! 3e a +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, 3t sha!! ha%e no %ote thereon= The
E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee sha!! ha%e the power, when the Board o" 0$re#tors $s not +eet$n,, to?
A= A#t 3y and "or the Board o" 0$re#tors>
B= Award 1rant-$n-A$d Awards 3ased on #r$ter$a and spe#$"$#at$ons esta3!$shed 3y the Board o"
C= Award se+ester!y and year!y S#ho!arsh$p Awards 3ased on #r$ter$a and spe#$"$#at$ons
esta3!$shed 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors>
0= Award Loans 3ased on #r$ter$a and spe#$"$#at$ons and w$th repay+ent s#hed!es esta3!$shed 3y
the Board o" 0$re#tors> and
E= Constre, $nterpret and en"or#e these By-Laws=
Members Manual 13.07
The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee +ay 3e #a!!ed $nto sess$on 3y the .res$dent or Se#retary ,$%$n, at !east s$/
;9< hors not$#e to a!! +e+3ers o" sa$d Co++$ttee, 3t $n no #ase dr$n, the &--day per$od
pre#ed$n, a re,!ar or spe#$a! +eet$n, o" the Board o" 0$re#tors=
A Cor+ sha!! 3e a +aDor$ty o" the %ot$n, +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, and any de#$s$on
sha!! 3e 3y nan$+os %ote=
A!! de#$s$ons o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee sha!! 3e s3De#t to re%$ew 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors=
S3De#t to the "ore,o$n,, the Board o" 0$re#tors +ay appo$nt s#h #o++$ttees as $t sha!! dee+
ne#essary, who sha!! ho!d the$r o""$#es "or s#h ter+ and sha!! e/er#$se s#h powers and per"or+
s#h dt$es as sha!! 3e deter+$ned "ro+ t$+e to t$+e 3y the Board=
Section 4. Any o""$#er +ay 3e re+o%ed at any t$+e 3y the %ote o" a +aDor$ty o" the tota! n+3er o" 0$re#tors= I"
the o""$#e o" any o""$#er 3e#o+es %a#ant "or any reason, the %a#an#y sha!! 3e "$!!ed 3y the Board o"
Section 5. Two or +ore o""$#es +ay 3e he!d 3y the sa+e person, e/#ept that the o""$#es o" .res$dent and
Se#retary sha!! a!ways 3e he!d 3y d$""erent persons=
Section 6. The .res$dent sha!! 3e the #h$e" e/e#t$%e o""$#er o" the Corporat$on> he sha!! pres$de at a!! +eet$n,s
o" the 0$re#tors, sha!! ha%e ,enera! #ontro! and +ana,e+ent o" the 3s$ness and a""a$rs o" the
Corporat$on, and sha!! see that a!! orders and reso!t$ons o" the Board o" 0$re#tors are #arr$ed $nto
e""e#t= He sha!! e/e#te 3onds, +ort,a,es and other #ontra#ts o" the Corporat$on, e/#ept where
reC$red or per+$tted 3y !aw to 3e otherw$se s$,ned and e/e#ted, and e/#ept where the s$,n$n,
thereo" sha!! 3e e/press!y de!e,ated 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors to so+e other o""$#er or a,ent o" the
Section 7. The V$#e-.res$dent sha!!, $n the a3sen#e or d$sa3$!$ty o" the .res$dent, per"or+ the dt$es and
e/er#$se the powers o" the .res$dent, and sha!! per"or+ s#h other dt$es as the Board o" 0$re#tors
sha!! pres#r$3e=
Section 8. The Se#retary sha!! attend a!! +eet$n,s o" the Board o" 0$re#tors and sha!! re#ord a!! %otes and the
+$ntes o" a!! pro#eed$n,s $n a 3ooB to 3e Bept "or that prpose, and sha!! per"or+ !$Be dt$es "or the
stand$n, #o++$ttees when reC$red= He sha!! ,$%e or #ase to 3e ,$%en not$#e o" a!! spe#$a! +eet$n,s
o" the Board o" 0$re#tors, and sha!! per"or+ s#h other dt$es as +ay 3e pres#r$3ed 3y the Board o"
0$re#tors or the .res$dent= He sha!! ha%e #stody o" the sea! o" the Corporat$on and a""$/ the sa+e
to any $nstr+ent reC$r$n, $t, and when so a""$/ed $t sha!! 3e attested 3y h$s s$,natre, or 3y the
s$,natre o" the Treasrer= He sha!! $n ,enera! per"or+ a!! a#ts $n#$dent to the pos$t$on o" Se#retary,
s3De#t to the #ontro! o" the Board o" 0$re#tors=
Section 9. The Treasrer sha!! ha%e the #stody o" the "nds and se#r$t$es o" the Corporat$on, and sha!! Beep
"!! and a##rate a##onts o" re#e$pts and d$s3rse+ents $n 3ooBs o" the Corporat$on, and sha!!
depos$t a!! +oneys and other %a!a3!e e""e#ts $n the na+e and to the #red$t o" the Corporat$on $n
s#h depos$tor$es as +ay 3e des$,nated 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors= He sha!! d$s3rse the "nds o" the
Corporat$on as +ay 3e ordered 3y the Board, taB$n, proper %o#hers "or s#h d$s3rse+ents, and
sha!! render to the .res$dent and the Board o" 0$re#tors, at the anna! +eet$n,s o" the Board or
whene%er they +ay reC$re $t, an a##ont o" a!! h$s transa#t$ons as Treasrer and o" the "$nan#$a!
#ond$t$on o" the Corporat$on= He sha!! $n ,enera! per"or+ a!! a#ts $n#$dent to the pos$t$on o"
Treasrer, s3De#t to the #ontro! o" the Board o" 0$re#tors= He sha!!, $" reC$red 3y the Board o"
0$re#tors, ,$%e the Corporat$on a 3ond $n s#h s+ and w$th s#h srety or sret$es as sha!! 3e
sat$s"a#tory to the Board o" 0$re#tors "or the "a$th"! per"or+an#e o" h$s dt$es, the e/pense o" wh$#h
3ond sha!! 3e 3orne 3y the Corporat$on=
13.08 Members Manual
Section 1. A!! awards, ,rants-$n-a$d or s#ho!arsh$ps "or those who are +e+3ers or p!ed,es o" 0e!ta Theta o"
A!pha Ta 2+e,a sha!! 3e awarded to persons $n ,ood stand$n,= 1ood stand$n, sha!! 3e de"$ned as
A= Mst 3e enro!!ed as a stdent at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed>
B= Mst taBe and #o+p!ete at !east &) hors, ' o" wh$#h are ,raded, dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed,
n!ess e/#ept$ons are spe#$"$ed and a!!owed>
C= 8or a!! o""$#er awards, ,rants-$n a$d or s#ho!arsh$ps, +st atta$n a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e "or
the pre%$os se+ester ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded< and dr$n, ent$re
ter+ o" o""$#e, n!ess a d$""erent ,rade po$nt a%era,e $s spe#$"$ed>
0= Mst !$%e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed, n!ess appro%ed Anne/es are
pro%$ded "or and a!!owed>
E= I" an $n$t$ated +e+3er !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, +st attend at !east (:M o" a!! Chapter
Meet$n,s dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed>
8= I" an $n$t$ated +e+3er attend$n, Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 3t not !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose,
+st attend at !east :-M o" a!! Chapter Meet$n,s dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed>
1= Mst ha%e no "$nan#$a! o3!$,at$ons to any ,rop or #orporat$on asso#$ated w$th 0e!ta Theta o"
A!pha Ta 2+e,a or the Nat$ona! A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty> and
H= Sha!! not ha%e 3een sspended "ro+ +e+3ersh$p or p!ed,esh$p dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed=
Section 2. A!! awards or s#ho!arsh$ps "or persons other than +e+3ers or p!ed,es o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta
2+e,a sha!! 3e awarded to persons $n ,ood stand$n,= 1ood stand$n, "or stdents sha!! 3e de"$ned as
A= Mst 3e enro!!ed as a stdent at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed>
B= Mst taBe and #o+p!ete at !east &) hors, ' o" wh$#h are ,raded, dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed,
n!ess e/#ept$ons are spe#$"$ed and a!!owed> and
C= Mst atta$n a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e "or the pre%$os se+ester ;no s++er s#hoo!s or
s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<, n!ess a d$""erent ,rade po$nt a%era,e $s spe#$"$ed=
Section 1. A!! #he#Bs, notes, dra"ts, 3$!!s o" e/#han,e, a##eptan#es and other o3!$,at$ons or orders "or the
pay+ent o" +oney sha!! 3e s$,ned 3y s#h o""$#er or o""$#ers or person or persons as the Board o"
0$re#tors +ay "ro+ t$+e to t$+e des$,nate and $n the a3sen#e o" s#h des$,nat$on they sha!! 3e
s$,ned 3y the .res$dent and the Treasrer=
Members Manual 13.09
Section 1. The "$s#a! year o" the Corporat$on sha!! 3e,$n the "$rst day o" 5!y $n ea#h year, and sha!! end o" the
th$rt$eth day o" 5ne o" s#h year=
Section 2. Upon d$sso!t$on, the assets o" th$s Corporat$on sha!! 3e d$str$3ted to the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty
8ondat$on, "or s#ho!arsh$ps "or Ca!$"$ed +e+3ers o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a
8ratern$ty= I" 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty sha!! not e/$st, the Kansas
State Un$%ers$ty 8ondat$on sha!! t$!$Ie s#h assets "or s#ho!arsh$ps "or Ca!$"$ed +e+3ers o"
1reeB-!etter or,an$Iat$ons at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty> e/#ept that $" 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the
A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty $s s3seCent!y reesta3!$shed, then the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty
8ondat$on sha!! res+e t$!$Iat$on o" s#h assets "or s#ho!arsh$ps "or 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the
A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty=
Section 1. These By-Laws +ay 3e a!tered, a+ended or repea!ed e$ther ;a< at any anna! +eet$n, o" the Board
o" 0$re#tors, or ;3< at any spe#$a! +eet$n, o" the Board o" 0$re#tors #a!!ed "or that prpose, 3y the
%ote o" a +aDor$ty o" the tota! n+3er o" 0$re#tors=
`Endowment Fund Articles of Incorporation: See Book of Records Chapter 6
By-Laws Adopted: September 11, 1955
13.10 Members Manual
Members Manual 14.01
The Presidential Scholastic Achievement Awards are awarded 3y the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 8ondat$on "ro+ a d$re#ted
donat$on that $s $++ed$ate!y e/penda3!e, pon re#o++endat$on o" the Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d
Endow+ent 8nd ;Endow+ent 8nd< and The Elmer D. McCollum Scholastic Excellence Awards are awarded 3y the
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 8ondat$on pon re#o++endat$on o" the Endow+ent 8nd to the Un$%ers$ty 1enera! S#ho!arsh$p
Co++$ttee= Both are awarded TWICE anna!!y a"ter the #o+p!et$on o" the 8a!! Se+ester and Spr$n, Se+ester= The L. Allyn
Laybourn Memorial Scholastic Excellence Awards are awarded ANNUALLY 3y the Endow+ent 8nd and the A!pha Ta
2+e,a 8ondat$on a"ter the #o+p!et$on o" 3oth the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 8a!! and Spr$n, Se+esters=
A. Ea#h person $n ,ood stand$n, +eet$n, the "o!!ow$n, #r$ter$a sha!! re#e$%e The Presidential Scholastic Achievement
Award, i7 the ChapterAs 1rade .o$nt A%era,e $s eCa! to or a3o%e a 7=--- 1rade .o$nt A%era,e dr$n, that #o+p!eted
&= Been a +e+3er ;or p!ed,e who $s s3seCent!y $n$t$ated the ne/t se+ester< o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta
2+e,a dr$n, the ent$re #o+p!eted se+ester>
)= L$%ed $n the Chapter Hose or an appro%ed Anne/ dr$n, the ent$re #o+p!eted se+ester, w$th not +ore
than e$,ht ;4< persons !$%$n, $n appro%ed Anne/es e!$,$3!e>
7= Been enro!!ed $n and #o+p!eted at !east twe!%e ;&)< hors, n$ne ;'< o" wh$#h are ,raded, dr$n, the
#o+p!eted se+ester ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<> and
6= Atta$ned a ,rade po$nt a%era,e o" a 7=7-- or a3o%e=
The Presidential Scholastic Achievement Award sha!! 3e $100 per person ;a+ont $s do3!ed $" Chapter re#e$%es I8C
Top 1rades "or se+ester<= I" the tota! awards e/#eed the tota! a+ont o" "nds a%a$!a3!e "or any se+ester, the $nd$%$da!
awards sha!! 3e pro rated=
B. Ea#h person +eet$n, the a3o%e #r$ter$a "or The Presidential Scholastic Achievement Award sha!! a!so re#e$%e The
Elmer D. McCollum Scholastic Excellence Award $n an a+ont eCa! to?
The n+3er o" who!e tenths the ,rade po$nt a%era,e $s a3o%e 7=7--, +!t$p!$ed 3y the n+3er o" ,raded
hors #o+p!eted, +!t$p!$ed 3y N6=--, w$th an add$t$ona! N&-- "or 6=--- ,rade po$nt a%era,es
w$th a +a/$++ "or any $nd$%$da! M#Co!!+ Award o" N9--= I" the tota! awards e/#eed the tota! a+ont o" "nds
a%a$!a3!e "or any se+ester, the $nd$%$da! awards sha!! 3e pro rated=
C. FIVE persons who +eet the a3o%e #r$ter$a "or the .res$dent$a! and M#Co!!+ Awards "or 3oth 8a!! and Spr$n, Se+esters,
ha%e the h$,hest C2MBINE0 1.A "or the pre%$os 8a!! and Spr$n, Se+ester and !$%ed $n the Chapter Hose sha!!
re#e$%e The L. Allyn Laybourn Memorial Scholastic Excellence Award= Co+3$ned 1.A deter+$ned 3y d$%$d$n, s+
o" a!! #red$ts 3y s+ o" a!! ,raded hors dr$n, the #o+p!eted 8a!! and Spr$n, Se+esters= Lay3orn .!aCe and $2,000.00
;N4--=-- Endow+ent 8nd and N&,)--=-- AT2 8ondat$on< "or Top 1rades= $1,300.00 ;N(--=-- Endow+ent 8nd and
N9--=-- AT2 8ondat$on< "or 8$rst Rnner-Up= $1,000.00 ;N:--=-- Endow+ent 8nd and N:--=-- AT2 8ondat$on< "or
Se#ond Rnner-Up= $700.00 ;N)--=-- Endow+ent 8nd and N:--=-- AT2 8ondat$on< "or Th$rd Rnner-Up= $400.00
;N6--=-- Endow+ent 8nd and N- AT2 8ondat$on< "or 8orth Rnner-Up= Tota! o" $5,400.00 ;N),9--=-- Endow+ent
8nd and N),4--=-- AT2 8ondat$on<=
Adopted 3y E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" Board o" 0$re#tors on 0e#e+3er )), &'47> A+ended Apr$! &, &'4'> A+ended 5ne &9, &''-> A+ended 5ne )7,
&''&> A+ended A,st &-, &'')> A+ended 5anary )&, &''7> A+ended No%e+3er :, &''6> A+ended 0e#e+3er &-, &'':> A+ended May &',
&''9> A+ended No%e+3er ), &''9> A+ended 5ne &, &''(> A+ended 5!y &4, &''4> A+ended Apr$! &-, &'''> A+ended 5anary &9, )--->
A+ended May &4, )--&> A+ended 5ne 9 and 5!y ', )--)> A+ended 8e3rary &', )--7> A+ended 5!y &&, )--6> A+ended 8e3rary &:, )--:>
A+ended Mar#h 7&, )--(> A+ended 2#to3er )4, )--'> A+ended 5anary )(, )-&)=
14.02 Members Manual
Total Tenths that Individual GPA is 3.300 Grade Point Average or Above
0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

9 $100 $136 $172 $208 $244 $280 $316 $416
N 10 $100 $140 $180 $220 $260 $300 $340 $440
u 11 $100 $144 $188 $232 $276 $320 $364 $464
m 12 $100 $148 $196 $244 $292 $340 $388 $488
b 13 $100 $152 $204 $256 $308 $360 $412 $512
e 14 $100 $156 $212 $268 $324 $380 $436 $536
r 15 $100 $160 $220 $280 $340 $400 $460 $560
16 $100 $164 $228 $292 $356 $420 $484 $584
o 17 $100 $168 $236 $304 $372 $440 $508 $608
f 18 $100 $172 $244 $316 $388 $460 $532 $632
19 $100 $176 $252 $328 $404 $480 $556 $656
H 20 $100 $180 $260 $340 $420 $500 $580 $680
o 21 $100 $184 $268 $352 $436 $520 $604 $700
u 22 $100 $188 $276 $364 $452 $540 $628 $700
r 23 $100 $192 $284 $376 $468 $560 $652 $700
s 24 $100 $196 $292 $388 $484 $580 $676 $700
25 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $700
` Assumes that Chapter equals or exceeds 3.000 Grade Point Average for Semester
Members Manual 15.01
The William Lloyd Muir II and 1ohn Thomas Muir Memorial Grant-in-Aid Awards are awarded 3y the
A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Kansas State A!pha Ta
2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd= Tar,et per#enta,es o" 7:M Ed#at$ona! Loans, 7:M Est$+ated 8tre
Year!y 0e"$#$t, ):M Ind$%$da! 1.A and :M A#t$%$t$es are re"!e#ted $n the "o!!ow$n, "or+!a, 3ased on 1rant
App!$#at$ons #o+p!eted and s3+$tted 3y Ca!$"$ed app!$#ants?
8ro+ Ca!$"$ed 1rant App!$#at$ons s3+$tted 3y +e+3ers $n ,ood stand$n, o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha
Ta 2+e,a, the Board deter+$nes the a##rate, ne#essary and proper Ed#at$ona! Loans Crrent!y
2tstand$n, ;Cate,ory &<, Est$+ated 8tre Year!y 0e"$#$t ;Cate,ory )<, Ind$%$da! 1.A ;Cate,ory 7< and
A#t$%$t$es ;Cate,ory 6<= The Board deter+$nes +a/$++ a!!owa3!e e/pense !$+$tat$ons "or Cate,ory )= The
Board w$!! not $n#!de Cate,ory & grant "nds re#e$%ed dr$n, the ne/t year as proDe#ted $n#o+e when
deter+$n$n, Cate,ory )= The Board w$!! not $n#!de $n#o+e earned dr$n, the s#hoo! year as a part o" Tota!
Net In#o+e=
The Board w$!! not #ons$der any app!$#ant whose a##rate, ne#essary and proper Cate,ory ) $s a pos$t$%e
3a!an#e, n!ess a d$re#ted ,rant $s ,$%en= The Board o" 0$re#tors ded#ts the "o!!ow$n, per#enta,es o" the
,rant award "or $n#o+p!eteness, $na##ra#y or !ateness? )-M per day an app!$#at$on $s !ate ;: days
+a/$++<> :M per day the trans#r$pt $s !ate ;)-M +a/$++<> &M "or any +aDor se#t$on or Cest$on !e"t
n#o+p!eted or $na##rate!y #o+p!eted ;:M +a/$++<=
To deter+$ne Cate,ory 7, as#erta$n the n+3er o" who!e &G&-th o" a ,rade po$nt that ea#h app!$#ant $s a3o%e
or 3e!ow a )=(-- 1rade .o$nt A%era,e "or the pre%$os 8a!! and Spr$n, se+ester, a%era,ed=
.o$nts are deter+$ned separate!y "or Cate,ory &, Cate,ory ), Cate,ory 7 and Cate,ory 6= In Cate,ory &, &
po$nt $s ,$%en "or ea#h N&-- o" Ed#at$ona! Loans Crrent!y 2tstand$n,= In Cate,ory ), & po$nt $s ,$%en "or
ea#h N:- $n Est$+ated 8tre Year!y 0e"$#$t= In Cate,ory 7, &- po$nts are ,$%en "or ea#h who!e &G&-th o" a
,rade po$nt that ea#h app!$#ant $s a3o%e or 3e!ow a )=(-- 1rade .o$nt A%era,e "or the pre%$os 8a!! and
Spr$n, se+ester, a%era,ed= In Cate,ory 6, p to :- po$nts +ay 3e ,$%en "or A#t$%$t$es=
Add Cate,ory &, Cate,ory ), Cate,ory 7 and Cate,ory 6= *$th th$s we$,hted n+3er, +aBe
!atenessG$na##ra#y per#enta,e ded#t$ons spe#$"$ed a3o%e= 0eter+$ne the "$na! we$,hted n+3er "or ea#h
app!$#ant= Tota! a!! "$na! we$,hted n+3ers= 0eter+$ne the tota! o" the "$na! we$,hted n+3ers= 0eter+$ne
the per#enta,e that ea#h app!$#antOs "$na! we$,hted n+3er $s o" the "$na! we$,hted who!e=
M!t$p!y th$s new per#enta,e o" the "$na! we$,hted who!e 3y the tota! do!!ars a%a$!a3!e= Ea#h 2""$#er o" the
8nd +ay t$!$Ie a )M d$s#ret$onary "a#tor, p!s and +$ns= The Board o" 0$re#tors w$!! add any d$re#ted
,rants-$n-a$d to any tota!= The res!t w$!! 3e the M$r Me+or$a! 1rant-$n-A$d Award "or ea#h app!$#ant= No
Award sha!! 3e "or +ore than the esta3!$shed +a/$++s, n!ess an add$t$ona! d$re#ted ,rant $s ,$%en= The
M$r Me+or$a! Cp and an Endow+ent 8nd #ert$"$#ate $s ,$%en to the top +onetary re#$p$ent=
A!! M$r 1rant-$n-A$d Awards are +ade jointly to the re#$p$ent and 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a
;Chapter< and are to 3e sed e/#!s$%e!y to o""set the hose 3$!! ;"or those !$%$n, $n the Chapter the #o+p!ete
year< or anne/ "ees ;"or those !$%$n, $n appro%ed Anne/es the #o+p!ete year< o" ea#h re#$p$ent "or that s#hoo!
year, n!ess a d$re#ted ,rant donat$on st$p!ates otherw$se= I" any re#$p$ent sha!! +o%e ot o" the Chapter
Hose dr$n, that s#hoo! year or "a$! to pay the anne/ "ees, the ent$re a+ont o" the ,rant award sha!! 3e
s3De#t to "or"e$tre=
15.02 Members Manual
Any srp!s sha!! 3e pro+pt!y "or"e$ted 3y the re#$p$ent to the 8nd= Any s3stant$%e #han,es $n the "$nan#$a!
#ond$t$on o", or $n"or+at$on spp!$ed 3y, any re#$p$ent sha!! 3e pro+pt!y reported 3y the re#$p$ent or any other
person to the Board o" 0$re#tors=
N( person sha!! 3e e!$,$3!e "or a M$r Me+or$a! 1rant-$n-A$d Award n!ess they taBe and #o+p!ete at !east
&) hors ;' o" wh$#h are ,raded< and atta$n at !east a 2.500 ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the pre%$os Spr$n,
Se+ester and o%era!! ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<=
The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Endow+ent 8nd w$!! anna!!y deter+$ne the a+ont o"
the tota! do!!ars a%a$!a3!e "or M$r Me+or$a! 1rant-$n-A$d Awards as '-M o" the $nterest $n#o+eGrea!$Ied retrn
on $n%est+ents reported 3y the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on "or the pre%$os "$s#a! year=
Maximum for Individual Award for Members Living in the Chapter House $s $2,500 per year, n!ess an
add$t$ona! d$re#ted ,rant $s ,$%en= Maximum for Individual Award for Members Living in Approved Annexes
$s $400 per year, n!ess an add$t$ona! d$re#ted ,rant $s ,$%en=
Total Amount Available $s $8,000, w$th not +ore than $800 o" tota! "or those $n Appro%ed Anne/es=
Adopted 3y E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" Board o" 0$re#tors on 0e#e+3er )), &'47> A+ended Apr$! &, &'4'> A+ended 2#to3er ', &'4'> A+ended 5ne
&9, &''-> A+ended 2#to3er &4, &''-> A+ended 5ne 9, &''&> A+ended 2#to3er 9, &'')> A+ended 5anary &), &''7> A+ended 2#to3er (, &''6>
A+ended No%e+3er 6, &'':> A+ended No%e+3er ), &''9> A+ended 5ne &, &''(> A+ended Apr$! &-, &'''> A+ended 5!y &), )--7> A+ended
Septe+3er 6, )-&)> A+ended 0e#e+3er 7&, )-&)= Tota! A+ont A%a$!a3!e adDsted anna!!y 3y the Endow+ent 8nd 3ased on EF2 8ondat$on
Conso!$dated Report= Ma/$++s Ind$%$da! Awards adDsted anna!!y 3y the Endow+ent 8nd "or 3as$# hose 3$!!Ganne/ "ees $n#reases=
Members Manual 16.01
The Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd has esta3!$shed the
"o!!ow$n, #r$ter$a "or Congressional Scholar Awards deter+$nat$ons, 3ased on App!$#at$ons "or Re$+3rse+ent
#o+p!eted and s3+$tted 3y a Ca!$"$ed app!$#ant, who?
A= Sha!! 3e a +e+3er or p!ed,e $n ,ood stand$n, o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a>
B= Sha!! s3+$t s#h App!$#at$on to the Endow+ent 8nd on or 3e"ore the th$rt$eth ;7-th< day
"o!!ow$n, the adDorn+ent o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a Con,ress>
C= Sha!! atta#h a re#e$pt or other a##epta3!e state+ent o" h$s pay+ent o" the Re,$strat$on 8ee>
0= In the #ase o" a +e+3er, sha!! ha%e !$%ed $n the Chapter Hose the pre%$os spr$n, se+ester> or $n
the #ase o" a spr$n, se+ester p!ed,e or new p!ed,e, sha!! ha%e s$,ned 3oth a p!ed,e #ard and a
Contra#t to !$%e $n the Chapter Hose the ne/t s#hoo! year>
E= In the #ase o" a +e+3er or spr$n, se+ester p!ed,e, sha!! ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt
a%era,e dr$n, the pre%$os spr$n, se+ester ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<,
or $n the #ase o" a new p!ed,e, sha!! ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the
pre%$os year= E/#ept$ons +ay 3e ,ranted 3y the Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees> and
8= Sha!! ha%e s##ess"!!y attended and part$#$pated $n at !east 4-M o" the a#t$%$t$es o" the Con,ress,
$n#!d$n, the Leadersh$p Con"eren#e Sess$ons and *orBshops, +eet$n,s #a!!ed 3y the Nat$ona!
.res$dent or other appropr$ate Nat$ona! 2""$#er that $n#!ded nder,radate +e+3ers, and the
Con,ress 2pen$n, and C!os$n, Cere+on$es> n!ess e/#sed 3y the Cha$r+an o" the Board o"
App!$#at$on "or Re$+3rse+ent o" the Con,ress 8ee sha!! 3e s3+$tted on "or+s pro%$ded 3y the Endow+ent 8nd
and sha!! #onta$n at !east the "o!!ow$n,? Na+e o" App!$#ant, .!ed,eGA#t$%e Stats, Year $n S#hoo!, Ho+e Address
and C$ty, 0ate o" .!ed,$n,, 0ate o" In$t$at$on ;$" app!$#a3!e<, 0ates o" the Meet$n,, Cert$"$#at$on 3y the App!$#ant,
and Ver$"$#at$on 3y the .res$dent and Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees=
The Endow+ent 8nd sha!! not 3e !$a3!e "or pay+ent o" the Con,ress 8ee o" the .res$dent o" the Chapter or
de!e,ate, as that $s the respons$3$!$ty o" the Chapter=
The Endow+ent 8nd sha!! deter+$ne the n+3er o" Ca!$"$ed App!$#ants and +aBe Con,ress$ona! S#ho!ar
Awards o" not +ore than N&:- ea#h to not +ore than twenty ;)-< Ca!$"$ed App!$#ants $n e%en-n+3ered years=
The +a/$++ a+ont a%a$!a3!e $s N7,--- "or Con,ress$ona! S#ho!ar Awards $n e%en-n+3ered years= Sho!d
there 3e +ore than th$rty ;7-< Ca!$"$ed App!$#ants, the tota! sha!! 3e awarded pro rata to those Ca!$"$ed=
16.02 Members Manual
The Board o" 0$re#tors o" the Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd has esta3!$shed the
"o!!ow$n, #r$ter$a "or Regional Leadership Conference Scholar Awards deter+$nat$ons, 3ased on App!$#at$ons
"or Re$+3rse+ent #o+p!eted and s3+$tted 3y a Ca!$"$ed app!$#ant, who?
A= Sha!! 3e a +e+3er or p!ed,e $n ,ood stand$n, o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a>
B= Sha!! s3+$t s#h App!$#at$on to the Endow+ent 8nd on or 3e"ore the th$rt$eth ;7-th< day
"o!!ow$n, the adDorn+ent o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a Re,$ona! Leadersh$p Con"eren#e>
C= Sha!! atta#h a re#e$pt or other a##epta3!e state+ent o" h$s pay+ent o" the Re,$strat$on 8ee>
0= In the #ase o" a +e+3er, sha!! ha%e !$%ed $n the Chapter Hose the pre%$os "a!! se+ester> or $n the
#ase o" a spr$n, se+ester p!ed,e or new p!ed,e, sha!! ha%e s$,ned 3oth a p!ed,e #ard and a Hos$n,
Contra#t or Anne/ A,ree+ent "or the #rrent se+ester>
E= In the #ase o" a +e+3er or spr$n, se+ester p!ed,e, sha!! ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt
a%era,e dr$n, the pre%$os "a!! se+ester ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<, or
$n the #ase o" a new p!ed,e, sha!! ha%e atta$ned at !east a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e dr$n, the
pre%$os se+ester= E/#ept$ons +ay 3e ,ranted 3y the Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees> and
8= Sha!! ha%e s##ess"!!y attended and part$#$pated $n at !east 4-M o" the a#t$%$t$es o" the Con"eren#e,
$n#!d$n, the Leadersh$p Con"eren#e Sess$ons and *orBshops, +eet$n,s #a!!ed 3y the Nat$ona!
.res$dent or other appropr$ate Nat$ona! 2""$#er that $n#!ded nder,radate +e+3ers, and the
Con"eren#e 2pen$n, and C!os$n,> n!ess e/#sed 3y the Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees=
App!$#at$on "or Re$+3rse+ent o" the Re,$ona! Leadersh$p Con"eren#e 8ee sha!! 3e s3+$tted on "or+s pro%$ded
3y the Endow+ent 8nd and sha!! #onta$n at !east the "o!!ow$n,? Na+e o" App!$#ant, .!ed,eGA#t$%e Stats, Year
$n S#hoo!, Ho+e Address and C$ty, 0ate o" .!ed,$n,, 0ate o" In$t$at$on ;$" app!$#a3!e<, 0ates o" the Meet$n,,
Cert$"$#at$on 3y the App!$#ant, and Ver$"$#at$on 3y the .res$dent and Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees=
The Endow+ent 8nd sha!! not 3e !$a3!e "or pay+ent o" the Leadersh$p Con"eren#e 8ee o" the .res$dent o" the
Chapter or de!e,ate, as that $s the respons$3$!$ty o" the Chapter=
The Endow+ent 8nd sha!! deter+$ne the n+3er o" Ca!$"$ed App!$#ants and +aBe Re,$ona! Leadersh$p
Con"eren#e S#ho!ar Awards o" not +ore than N:- ea#h to not +ore than twenty ;)-< Ca!$"$ed App!$#ants=
The +a/$++ a+ont a%a$!a3!e $s N&,--- "or Re,$ona! Leadersh$p Con"eren#e S#ho!ar Awards= Sho!d there 3e
+ore than twenty ;)-< Ca!$"$ed App!$#ants, the tota! sha!! 3e awarded pro rata to those Ca!$"$ed=
Adopted 3y E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" Board o" 0$re#tors on May )', &'4:> A+ended 2#to3er &, &'44> A+ended 8e3rary ', &''&> A+ended and
0$%$ded Apr$! ), &'')> A+ended Apr$! &(, &''6> A+ended No%e+3er )-, &''6> A+ended May &', &''9> A+ended No%e+3er ), &''9> A+ended
5ne &, &''(> A+ended Mar#h &:, &''4> A+ended 5!y &), )--7> A+ended Septe+3er 6, )-&)=
Members Manual 17.01
17.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.03
This New Member Syllabus is designed to assist you, the
pledge of Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity.
It is hoped that this work will be improved each year,
and that this improvement will aid in the building
of the strongest chapter of any fraternity
at Kansas State University and in the United States.
It is further hoped that these lessons will be learned
thoroughly and sincerely so that they may be applied
to the practices of all pledges and actives of Alpha Tau Omega
in an effort to strive for the ideals and principles that
our Founders set forth for us to achieve.
Study hard, work cheerfully, make great grades and help make
Delta Theta a truly great chapter in Alpha Tau Omega.
But most importantly, let us help you to help yourself
become a truly great success.
17.04 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.05
Foreword 17.03
Section 1. Membership Education 17.07
Section 2. The Statement of Otis Allan Glazebrook 17.09
Section 3. Facts About Alpha Tau Omega 17.11
Section 4. General House Rules 17.13
Section 5. General Guidelines and Rules for All Members 17.15
Section 6. Study Program Rules 17.21
Section 7. ATO National Chapter Minimum Guidelines of Operations Concerning Hazing 17.22
and Kansas Anti-Hazing Law
Section 8. Some Examples of Hazing a Pledge or Active 17.23
Section 9. Basic Expectations of Fraternity Membership 17.24
Section 10. Membership Education Committee 17.25
Section 11. 1oseph P. Fangman Honor Initiate Award, Maureen P. Newton Exemplary 17.26
Initiate Award and Michael 1. Brown Memorial Outstanding New Member Award
Section 12. Scholarships 17.27
Section 13. Chapter Statement Concerning Controlled Substances 17.29
Section 14. Controlled Substances and Pledges 17.31
Section 15. Pledge Fathers 17.33
Section 16. Interview/Signature Rules 17.34
Section 17. Help Week 17.35
Section 18. Weekend Trip Rules 17.37
Section 19. Retreats 17.37
Section 20. Etiquette Rules 17.39
Section 21. The Creed of Alpha Tau Omega 17.41
Section 22. ATO Oath of Pledgeship 17.41
Section 23. Pledge Class Officers 17.43
Section 24. Members of Pledge Class 17.45
Section 25. New Pledge Check List 17.46
17.06 Members Manual
Section 26. Weekly Lessons 17.47
Introduction Meet Your Pledge Brothers and Membership Education 17.49
Chairmen; Pay Your Housebill; "Proper Alcohol Use"; Know
By-Laws Concerning Controlled Substances and Risk
Management; "Zero Tolerance Rules"; Know By-Laws
Concerning Beer and Alcohol; Know House Rules; Know
Board of Trustees Policies on Drinking and Driving, Alcohol
Consumption, Retaliation and Pranks; Turn in and Post Class
Schedules; Learn About Shared Room Responsibilities
(Including Room Keys); "Activities Carnival" and 1oin a
Group; Complete "Goal List"
Week 1. Names and Hometowns of Pledge Brothers; Meet Housemother; 17.51
Meet Chairman/Members of Delta Theta Board of Trustees;
"Alpha Talk"; "ATO Cheer"; "First Floor Hangout";
Nominate Class Officers
Week 2. Names of Chapter Members; Hometowns of First Floor 17.53
Members; Greek Alphabet; Meet the Membership Education
Committee; Election of Pledge Class Officers, Designation of
Executive Committee; "Second Floor Hangout"; Begin
Interviews and Collecting Signatures; Make Sure You 1oin a
Campus Organization/Club/Activity
Week 3. Beginning Ideals; K-State Fraternities and Sororities; Meet 17.55
Chapter Officers; Hometowns of Second Floor Members;
"Third Floor Hangout"; Continue Interviews and Collecting
Signatures; "K-State Fight Song"; Delta Theta Home Page;
Weekend Trip Funds
Week 4. The Common Bond: By-Laws/House Rules/National Bylaws/ 17.57
Policies; Hometowns of Third Floor Members; Membership,
Chapter and National Officers and Organizational Structure;
IFC/PHC Policies; Continue Interviews and Collecting
Signatures; Etiquette Review with Housemother; Etiquette
Week 5. Leading the Charge: Founding and Early National History; 17.59
Statement of Otis Allan Glazebrook; "The ATO Creed";
Continue Interviews and Collecting Signatures; Meet with
MEC; Peer Evaluations; Social Service Project; Etiquette
Week 6. Later National History; "ATO Grace"; Continue Interviews 17.63
and Collecting Signatures; Etiquette Rules
Week 7. Local History; Chapter Awards, Scholarships, Grants, 17.65
Memorials, Pictures, Plaques, Certificates, Locator and
Summary; Continue Interviews and Collecting Signatures;
Etiquette Rules
Week 8. Making an Impression; Delta Theta Mission Statement; "Our 17.67
1ewels"; Meet with MEC; Continue Interviews and
Collecting Signatures; Etiquette Rules
Week 9. Being Involved (Chapter Involvement, Signature Evnets and 17.69
Brother Involvement); "Sweetheart of ATO"; Finish
Interviews and Collecting Signatures; Etiquette Rules
Week 10. "K-State Alma Mater"; "Old Alpha" 17.71
Week 11. Insignia 17.73
Week 12. National Awards; Always an ATO! 17.75
Section 27. Initiation Week Check List 17.77
Section 28. After-Initiation Check List 17.78
Section 29. Initiation Test 17.79
Section 30. Notes 17.81
Members Manual 17.07
The prpose o" +e+3ersh$p ed#at$on $s to prepare a!! p!ed,es #o+p!ete!y and "!!y,
AND BEYOND= So what yo, the new +e+3er, need to Bnow $s not the natre o" a
p!ed,e, "or th$s e/$sten#e $s on!y te+porary> 3t rather the #hara#ter o" a +e+3er= These
tra$ts are $!!+$nated 3y the three stars o" the p!ed,e p$n, wh$#h stand "or
+e+3erAs persona! ,oa!s? de%e!op+ent o" a stron, #hara#ter and #!ose "r$endsh$ps wh$!e
worB$n, toward an a#ade+$# de,ree=
Be$n, a JTaJ ,oes 3eyond the $nd$%$da!, tho,h= Me+3ersh$p ed#at$on sho!d not
on!y +o!d #hara#ter, 3t sho!d a!so prepare a p!ed,e to 3e#o+e a part o" the Chapter=
Idea!!y, the Chapter $s a s$n,!e ent$ty, +en worB$n, to,ether to a#h$e%e a #o++on ,oa!,
ran,$n, "ro+ a 3asBet3a!! ,a+e to a "nd dr$%e "or a needy #ase= Th$s reC$res
$nd$%$da!s who #are "or ea#h other -- $n "a#t, who #are more "or ea#h other than
the+se!%es= A!pha Ta 2+e,a $s not an apart+ent hose, 3t a !$%$n, en%$ron+ent=
Men 3ond to,ether $n s#h a 3rotherhood ha%e a potent$a! that ,oes "ar 3eyond
se%enty-two +en !$%$n, $n the sa+e 3$!d$n,= Th$s $s what we hope yo w$!! !earn $n the
#o+$n, se+ester> and at the end, yo w$!! 3e a part o" $t, !end$n, yor own spe#$a! ta!ents
to +aB$n, A!pha Ta 2+e,a e%en stron,er=
17.08 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.09
JI, 2t$s A!!an 1!aIe3rooB, e!dest #h$!d o" LarB$n *h$te 1!aIe3rooB and A+er$#a Henry B!!$n,ton, was 3orn $n
R$#h+ond, V$r,$n$a, 2#to3er &7, &46:, at the res$den#e o" +y parents, #orner o" Se#ond and East C!ay Streets,
R$#h+ond, V$r,$n$a=
A"ter the srrender Rat Appo+atto/ Cort HoseS, the Inst$tte and e%eryth$n, e!se 3e$n, d$sor,an$Ied, I retrned
to +y ho+e $n R$#h+ond, and re+a$ned there nt$! the "a!! o" &49:= It was dr$n, th$s soDorn $n R$#h+ond that
the tho,ht +atred o" #reat$n, an or,an$Iat$on, to ha%e $ts start$n, po$nt "ro+ the Inst$tte, "or the prpose o"
+aB$n, a "raterna! or,an$Iat$on o" yon, +en, o" a nat$ona! #hara#ter and ent$re!y "ree "ro+ part$san or se#t$ona!
3$as= Th$s tho,ht "$rst o##rred to +e $n #onseCen#e o" an $nter%$ew w$th 1enera! S+$th, the Sper$ntendent o"
the V$r,$n$a M$!$tary Inst$tte and a"terwards +y "ather-$n-!aw, $n wh$#h he ,a%e +e a !etter he had re#e$%ed "ro+
a Northern 1reeB Letter 8ratern$ty, reCest$n, h$+, 1enera! S+$th, to pt $t $n to#h w$th an $n"!ent$a! +e+3er
o" the Corps o" Cadets, $n order to "rther the re-esta3!$sh$n, o" the$r Chapters $n the soth, wh$#h had 3een
d$s#ont$ned on a##ont o" the C$%$! *ar= I to!d 1enera! S+$th that nder the #$r#+stan#es I d$d not "ee! at that
t$+e I #o!d sponsor the re-esta3!$sh+ent o" an or,an$Iat$on then e/$st$n, $n the north, and o" wh$#h I Bnew
noth$n, persona!!y, $n the soth= Th$s ended the +atter= I, howe%er, Bept th$s $nter%$ew $n +y +$nd and
deter+$ned that at the opportne t$+e I wo!d "or+ a "ratern$ty wh$#h wo!d ha%e "or $ts o3De#t the 3r$n,$n, a3ot
o" "raterna! re!at$ons a+on, a!! #o!!e,e +en $n the Un$ted States, $ndependent o" the north or soth= Under th$s
$+pets I wrote a Const$tt$on and In$t$at$on R$ta!, e+phas$I$n, and $!!strat$n, #erta$n "nda+enta! pr$n#$p!es o"
a +ora! #hara#ter, pon wh$#h I tho,ht s#h an or,an$Iat$on #o!d 3e se"!!y and s##ess"!!y "onded= At that
t$+e I was not a +e+3er o" any Mason$# or other se#ret or,an$Iat$on= I st$!! had one +ore year to #o+p!ete at the
V$r,$n$a M$!$tary Inst$tte, and $t was +y $ntent$on at the #o+p!et$on o" +y Inst$tte #orse to taBe p the stdy o"
!aw as a pro"ess$on= Howe%er, I was %ery +#h $nterested $n re!$,$os +atters and a #on"$r+ed +e+3er o" the
Ep$s#opa! Chr#h=
Ha%$n, dra"ted the Const$tt$on and R$ta! $n the shape o" a se#ret worB sy+3o!$I$n, the %$rtes pon wh$#h I
proposed to 3ase the or,an$Iat$on, I #ons$dered the ad%$sa3$!$ty o" asso#$at$n, w$th +e so+e one or +ore yon,
+en, and natra!!y trned to +e+3ers o" +y own #!ass who wo!d retrn w$th +e $n the "a!! to the Inst$tte= At
that t$+e A!"red Marsha!! o" +y #!ass was res$d$n, $n R$#h+ond= He was the son o" the Br$t$sh Cons! at
R$#h+ond, and a #!ose #adet "r$end o" +$ne= A!so at the t$+e ErsB$ne M= Ross, whose "a+$!y was "ro+ C!peper
Conty, V$r,$n$a, was %$s$t$n, R$#h+ond, and a!tho,h $n the #!ass ahead o" +$ne, was a #!ose persona! "r$end= He
had ,radated "ro+ the Inst$tte $n &496 and had deter+$ned to ,o to Ca!$"orn$a to 3e,$n h$s #areer= As the +ost
a%a$!a3!e +en I $n%$ted Marsha!! and Ross to +y hose $n R$#h+ond, and I n"o!ded +y p!an and asBed the+ $"
they wo!d 3e w$!$n, to Do$n +e $n !an#h$n, s#h an enterpr$se= A"ter read$n, the dra"t o" the Const$tt$on and
se#ret worB, I reCested the+, $" they appro%ed, to s$,n the$r na+es a"ter +$ne to the Const$tt$on, wh$#h they
#onsented to do, +aB$n, no #han,e whate%er $n the dra"t o" the Const$tt$on or the R$ta!= I s$,ned "$rst, Marsha!!
ne/t and Ross !ast= I to!d the+ that I wo!d taBe the Const$tt$on and se#ret worB to Le/$n,ton, and, as Marsha!!
and +yse!" were retrn$n, to the Inst$tte at the open$n, o" the "a!! ter+ o" &49:, we wo!d $na,rate the
enterpr$se 3y p!a#$n, the "$rst Chapter at the V= M= I= Ross, a"ter a short stay $n R$#h+ond, went to Ca!$"orn$a and
+ade $t h$s ho+e= Upon or retrn to the Inst$tte, Marsha!! and I se!e#ted "ro+ the Corps o" Cadets a ,rop o"
+en who were the otstand$n, +e+3ers o" the$r respe#t$%e #!asses= *e #a!!ed the+ to,ether and $n"or+ed the+ o"
or prpose, and pon the$r a,ree+ent I read the+ the dra"t o" the Const$tt$on and se#ret worB, ad+$n$ster$n, the
oath to ea#h one separate!y, and ths "or+ed the Mother Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a= My $+press$on $s that I
s,,ested that Marsha!! sho!d pres$de as *orthy Master, as I wo!d de!$%er an address, sett$n, "orth +ore "!!y
the p!an and prpose o" the proposed or,an$Iat$on wh$#h was $n +y +$nd, and wh$#h address was s3seCent!y
de!$%ered $n the "or+ o" an orat$on wh$#h I 3e!$e%e $s to-day $n the ar#h$%es o" the 8ratern$ty=
I had a!ready +ade a sBet#h o" a 3ad,e, the dra"t o" wh$#h I had +ade $n R$#h+ond, #hoos$n, the "or+ and the
!etters and the sy+3o!$s+ wh$#h appear on the "a#e o" the 3ad,e to-day= Th$s 3ad,e was a##epted w$thot
+od$"$#at$on Dst as I presented $t, and the n+3er to +eet the wants o" the A!pha Chapter was ordered "ro+ the
5ewe!er 1a!t $n *ash$n,ton= The "$rst 3ad,e ;wh$#h I a!ways wore as +y p$n< was sent to +e "or +y appro%a! and
$s now $n the possess$on o" +y son, 0r= 1!aIe3rooB, o" *ash$n,ton=
17.10 Members Manual
I was then #a!!ed to #hr#h worB $n Ba!t$+ore, and wh$!e there or,an$Ied and 3$!t the Ho!y Tr$n$ty Chr#h, and
where a!so I was $n so#$a! #onne#t$on w$th se%era! A!pha Tas, wh$#h ,a%e +e the opportn$ty o" a,a$n taB$n, an
a#t$%e $nterest $n 8ratern$ty a""a$rs= Th$s I d$d, a Con,ress o" A!pha Tas 3e$n, he!d $n Ba!t$+ore soon a"ter +y
arr$%a!= At that t$+e and on the o##as$on o" th$s #on#!a%e, Manne 0= H+es, 5oseph Anderson, 5r=, I th$nB,
Tho+as 1= Hayes and others, a#t$%e and ener,et$# A!pha Tas, n$ted w$th +e $n $n#orporat$n, the or,an$Iat$on=
It was +y hope that we #o!d p!a#e a s##ess"! Chapter at 5ohns HopB$ns Un$%ers$ty, and the e""ort was +ade 3t
$t was not s##ess"! on a##ont o" the pe#!$ar #!$ente!e o" that s#hoo!= 8ro+ the 3e,$nn$n, o" +y res$dent $n
Ba!t$+ore I a,a$n 3e#a+e +ost a#t$%e!y asso#$ated $n the #ond#t and the worB o" the 8ratern$ty=
At the Con,ress $n Ba!t$+ore $t was tho,ht we!! to re-wr$te the Const$tt$on and +ore "!!y de%e!op the R$ta!=
The worB on the Const$tt$on was #o++$tted to a #o++$ttee, 3t I reCested that the re-wr$t$n, o" the In$t$at$on
and Se#ret *orB sho!d 3e !e"t to +e a!one, and pro+$sed that $t wo!d 3e #o+p!eted $n t$+e to 3e presented at the
ne/t Con,ress o" the 8ratern$ty, whene%er and where%er that sho!d 3e #a!!ed=
A"ter "or years re#torsh$p $n Ba!t$+ore, I was #a!!ed to Chr$st Chr#h, Ma#on, 1eor,$a, one o" the $+portant
#hr#hes o" the soth, and I $n%$ted the ne/t Con,ress to +eet $n +y ho+e $n that #$ty, wh$#h tooB p!a#e $n &44-
and $s now Bnown as the Con,ress o" that year= I 3e,an worB on the R$ta! as soon as I rea#hed Ma#on, and 3e"ore
the +eet$n, o" that Con,ress had #o+p!eted $t $n "!!, $t ha%$n, 3een prepared $n +y stdy, and had $t ready "or
presentat$on at the +eet$n, $n &44-, where $t was adopted w$thot a!terat$on= In th$s new R$ta! the !and-+arBs o"
the or$,$na! In$t$at$on were str$#t!y adhered to so "ar as the oath and sy+3o!$s+ were #on#erned, e+phas$I$n, the
%$rtes wh$#h were sy+3o!$Ied $n the or$,$na! dra"t and wh$#h I #ons$dered, and the 8ratern$ty has a!ways
#ons$dered, "nda+enta!, the %ery +ora! #hara#ter and prpose o" the 8ratern$ty 3e$n, #onta$ned $n the sy+3o!$s+
o" the "$rst R$ta! and e+3!aIoned "ro+ the "$rst on the "a#e o" the 3ad,e $n the e+3!e+s that ha%e a!ways appeared
There are +any $nterest$n, "a#ts $n #onne#t$on w$th the persona! #areers and #hara#ters o" +y asso#$ates $n the "$rst
two Chapters, pon wh$#h I wo!d !$Be to dwe!!, 3t I ha%e not the t$+e to do so at present= S""$#e $t to say that
they were +en o" e/#ept$ona! worth and +enta!$ty, $n e%ery way !ead$n, +en $n the Inst$tt$ons as s#ho!ars and
a"terwards $n the$r #o++n$t$es as #$t$Iens= It has 3een a spe#$a! sorrow to +e that I ne%er saw +y "r$end ErsB$ne
Ross, s$n#e the +eet$n, 3etween h$+, Marsha!! and +yse!" $n R$#h+ond, when I s3+$tted the or$,$na! dra"t to
the+, and I re,ret e/#eed$n,!y that h$s $so!at$on o" the .a#$"$# Coast has pre%ented h$+ "ro+ taB$n, part $n the
de%e!op+ent o" the 8ratern$ty= The #!osest and +ost "raterna! re!at$ons were he!d 3etween Marsha!! and +yse!"
"ro+ the t$+e o" or Inst$tte a#Ca$ntan#e nt$! h$s nt$+e!y death o" ye!!ow "e%er $n A!a3a+a=
None o" the or$,$na! +e+3ers o" the A!pha Chapter were a#Ca$nted w$th or,an$Iat$ons Bnown as 1reeB Letter
8ratern$t$es, "or none o" the+ e/$sted $n the soth at that t$+e, and we were a!! %ery yon,, none ha%$n, o3ta$ned
h$s +aDor$ty, #erta$n!y I had no Bnow!ed,e whate%er o" se#ret or,an$Iat$ons, not e%en ha%$n, 3e#o+e a Mason nt$!
I was Chap!a$n to the Un$%ers$ty o" V$r,$n$a=J
I, 2TIS ALLAN 1LAKEBR22K, 3e$n, a sane and sond +$nd, depose and say?
That the atta#hed Me+orand+, drawn $n *ash$n,ton, 0= C=, U= S= A=, on 5!y )6, &')7, $s a tre and #orre#t
state+ent, and that I a!one a+ the or$,$nator o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty, the "$rst Chapter o" wh$#h was
p!a#ed at the V$r,$n$a M$!$tary Inst$tte at Le/$n,ton, V$r,$n$a, U= S= A=
I "rther test$"y that $n the year &49: I, at +y "atherAs res$den#e $n R$#h+ond, V$r,$n$a, na$ded wrote the
Const$tt$on and Se#ret *orB o" the a3o%e-+ent$oned A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty=
S$,ned? Oti/ A: G)aAebr((?
Members Manual 17.11
\\ 8onded Septe+3er &&, &49:, at R$#h+ond, V$r,$n$a, 3y 2t$s A!!an 1!aIe3rooB, ErsB$ne Mayo Ross and A!"red
Marsha!!, three Con"ederate C$%$! *ar #adetsGso!d$ers, who hoped to 3$nd p the Nat$on=s wonds 3y esta3!$sh$n, a
A pea#e so#$ety@ =
\\ More than )--,--- $n$t$ates and &6-,--- !$%$n, a!+n$ $n e%ery state $n the Nat$on and arond the wor!d=
\\ More than &6- Chapters and Co!on$es $n 7' States, w$th o%er 9,:-- nder,radate +e+3ers=
\\ The first 8ratern$ty $n the Nat$on to a3o!$sh haI$n, and other pre-$n$t$at$on a#t$%$t$es and $nst$tte $n the$r p!a#e a pos$t$%e
+e+3ersh$p ed#at$on pro,ra+=
\\ Tenth-!ar,est "ratern$ty $n n+3er o" $n$t$ates and tenth-!ar,est $n n+3er o" #hapters=
\\ Re#o,n$Ied as a !eader $n the 1reeB-!etter wor!d thro,h the esta3!$sh+ent o" JThe LeaderShape
Inst$tteJ, wh$#h
tea#hes #o!!e,e-a,e stdents, 3oth +a!e and "e+a!e, the art o" !eadersh$p=
\\ Spports s#ho!ast$# endea%ors thro,h the award$n, o" n+eros nat$ona! s#ho!arsh$ps thro,h The A!pha Ta 2+e,a
\\ N+eros 3s$ness, ,o%ern+ent, re!$,$os and sports !eaders $n $ts +e+3ersh$p, $n#!d$n, 4 +e+3ers o" Con,ress, Len
0awson, Art L$nB!etter, and the #h$e" e/e#t$%e o""$#ers o" &6 o" 8ortneAs &--=
\\ Esta3!$shed as a !o#a! or,an$Iat$on Bnown as the JRed T$e C!3J on Apr$! 9, &'&), and as a !o#a! "ratern$ty Bnown as
A!pha Theta Ch$ on 2#to3er &:, &'&(= In#orporated on 8e3rary &', &')-= 1ranted a Nat$ona! Charter as 0e!ta Theta
Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty and $nsta!!ed on 2#to3er )) and )7, &')-=
\\ 0e!ta Theta Chapter was the &-9th Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a to 3e $nsta!!ed and the (7rd Chapter o" the 8ratern$ty $n
e/$sten#e at that t$+e=
\\ 8onders o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter were E!+er 0= M#Co!!+, *a!ter *= Rodewa!d, *a!ter R= Hor!a#her, Car! 8=
Mershon, N= 0a!e Lnd and *a!ter 5= Ro,ers=
\\ Chapter Hoses "or the Red T$e C!3, A!pha Theta Ch$ and 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a were !o#ated at?
&)&& Moro ;&'&)-&'&9<, &6-4 Lara+$e ;&'&9-&'&(<, &6-6 8a$r#h$!d ;&'&(-&'&4<, &6-4 Lara+$e ;&'&4-&')-<, &96)
8a$r#h$!d ;&')--&'7&<, &67- 8a$r#h$!d ;&'7&-&'66<, *est Stad$+ ;&'66-&'6(<, &6-4 0en$son ;&'6(-&'(-<, &97)
M#Ca$n Lane ;&
Hose< ;&'(--)-&7< and &97) M#Ca$n Lane ;Crrent Hose< ;)-&7-.resent<=
\\ The "or+er Chapter Hose, owned 3y or B$!d$n, Corporat$on, was #onstr#ted at a #ost o" N)'7,--- and ded$#ated $n
&'(-= It was the on!y "ratern$ty hose at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty that had $nd$%$da! #!$+ate #ontro! $n ea#h o" the )4
stdyGs!eep$n, roo+s and #entra! a$r e%erywhere e!se= MaDor reno%at$ons o##rred $n &'(4, &'49, &''6, )--7, )--6,
)--9, )--( and )-&-= The new N6=7(: +$!!$on Chapter Hose was #o+p!eted $n A,st o" )-&7 and was ded$#ated on
Septe+3er )4, )-&7=
\\ The "or+er Chapter Hose was na+ed JThe M$r 8a+$!y Chapter HoseJ $n No%e+3er o" &''-, $n re#o,n$t$on o" the
past, present and #ont$ned #ontr$3t$ons o" the M$r 8a+$!y, $n#!d$n, L!oyd *= M$r and Myrt!e B= N$/on M$r,
Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r II ;YZ&'74<, Brother 5ohn T= ;To+< M$r ;YZ&'74< and Brother *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r
III ;YZ&'9(< and Betty 5= M$r .opa ;]EZ&'(&<= The New Chapter Hose #ont$nes that na+e=
\\ In &''4, &''', )---, )--), )--6 and a,a$n $n )--:, the Chapter was re#o,n$Ied "or o%era!! e/#e!!en#e 3y or Nat$ona!
8ratern$ty 3y the award$n, o" JThe Top Chapter AwardJ, wh$#h re#o,n$Ies the best Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a $n the
Nat$on= In )--7, we were awarded The Top Chapter Rnner-Up Award=
17.12 Members Manual
\\ In add$t$on, the Chapter has a!so re#e$%ed JThe True Merit AwardJ 77 o" the 6: years o" the AwardAs e/$sten#e and
Honora3!e Ment$on 4 t$+es= That Award re#o,n$Ies the top #hapters o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a $n the Nat$on= *e ha%e a!so
3een nat$ona!!y re#o,n$Ied )- t$+es "or the Best Co++n$#at$ons .ro,ra+, three t$+es as ha%$n, the Best .3!$#
Re!at$ons .ro,ra+ and on#e "or the 3est So#$a! Ser%$#e .ro,ra+=
\\ 8or t$+es $n the !ast "$"teen years, Chapter +e+3ers ha%e re#e$%ed JThe National Thomas Arkle Clark AwardJ as the
top A!pha Ta 2+e,a nder,radate $n the Nat$on=
\\ In )--7, the Chapter re#e$%ed JThe National Award of DistinctionJ "ro+ the North-A+er$#an Inter"ratern$ty Con"eren#e
;NIC<, re#o,n$I$n, 0e!ta Theta as the top nder,radate Chapter $n North A+er$#a ;ot o" o%er :,:-- "ratern$ty
#hapters<= In )--6, Brother Andy Newton re#e$%ed an $nd$%$da! Nat$ona! Award o" 0$st$n#t$on "ro+ the NIC=
\\ 2r Chapter stresses a pos$t$%e +e+3ersh$p ed#at$on pro,ra+= 0r$n, the se+ester o" yor p!ed,esh$p, #onstr#t$%e
and ed#at$ona! a#t$%$t$es and e%ents are #o+3$ned w$th so#$a!, s#ho!ast$# and ser%$#e-or$ented pro,ra+s= There $s no
haI$n,? not on!y doesnAt $t +aBe any sense, $tAs $!!e,a!=
\\ Bt e%eryth$n, $s not a!ways 3ooBs and std$es= So#$a! a#t$%$t$es are p!anned and e/e#ted at t$+es that do not #on"!$#t
w$th std$es= 8n#t$ons, date part$es, "or+a!s, date dashes, e/#han,e d$nners and other part$es are s#hed!ed thro,hot
the year=
\\ Ath!et$#s are stressed 3t not +andated= Tea+ and $nd$%$da! sports pro,ra+s at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty are n!$Be any
$n the Nat$on B and AT2 part$#$pates $n the+ a!!L *e #ons$stent!y ranB $n the top &- $n $ntra+ra!s, and the Chapter has
+ore than one tea+ enter$n, $n se%era! e%ents=
\\ Co++n$ty and so#$a! ser%$#e $s $+portant to AT2, 3oth !o#a!!y and nat$ona!!y= *e are ser%$#e-or$ented= 8ro+
sponsor$n, Color /un to #o-sponsor$n, the &li )emp Bandstand> "ro+ ra$s$n, +oney "or The 0rea+ 8a#tory or Cyst$#
8$3ros$s to proDe#ts at Snset Koo and Ttt!e CreeB State .arB and the JAdopt-a-H$,hwayJ pro,ra+ B AT2s are there=
Not on!y $s there a tre+endos a+ont o" se!"-sat$s"a#t$on, 3t the #!oseness and #a+arader$e $s pheno+ena!=
\\ Ho+e#o+$n, $s a ,reat t$+e o" the year, and we are s##ess"! $n the KSU Ho+e#o+$n, Co+pet$t$on= 0r$n, the !ast )-
years, AT2 has won the "!oat #o+pet$t$on &- t$+es and the o%era!! trophy e$,ht t$+es B $n#!d$n, )-&&= S$n#e $t $s a
weeB-!on, a#t$%$ty and done w$th a soror$ty, we ha%e "n too=
\\ The New Chapter Hose hoses () +en $n &4 three- or "or-+an roo+s and two two-+an Sen$or S$tes= .!ed,es +o%e
roo+s on#e dr$n, the se+ester, w$th the ,oa! o" ha%$n, the+ e/per$en#e !$%$n, on the two res$den#e "!oors= Mea!s are
ser%ed at the Chapter Hose and p!anned and prepared 3y or Cater$n, Ser%$#e= AT2 $s one o" the on!y "ratern$t$es to
ha%e Snday e%en$n, +ea!s at the Chapter Hose= The Hos$n, Contra#t pro%$des "or "or Carter!y pay+ents o" $1,600
;eC$%a!ent to $800 per month< or total B !ess $" pa$d 3y the se+ester or year> p!s a te!e#o++n$#at$ons "ee ;add$t$ona!
N&--Gse+ester or N)--Gyear< that "$nan#es a!! #o+pter a##ess and se#r$ty #osts= There $s a!so a N&-- se+ester!y so#$a!
"ee, N'- per se+ester "or Nat$ona! !$a3$!$ty $nsran#e and N9&=:- per se+ester "or Nat$ona! +e+3ersh$p des= 0r$n, the
"$rst year o" +e+3ersh$p, yo w$!! pay a N&-: p!ed,e "ee and a N)-- $n$t$at$on "ee= Yo w$!! a!so pay N7-- ea#h o" the
years yo !$%e $n the Chapter Hose and a N9-- da+a,e and "$ne depos$t to or B$!d$n, Corporat$on= E%en tho,h the
Chapter Hose $s the ne=e/t on #a+ps, the #osts are $n the mi--)e o" KSU "ratern$t$es=
\\ Chapter +e+3ers are as d$%erse $n the$r 3a#B,ronds as yo #an $+a,$ne= They #o+e "ro+ e%ery part o" Kansas and
se%era! other states= E%ery #o!!e,e at KSU $s represented B and there $s 3ond to 3e so+e3ody $n the Chapter who has
taBen that #orse that yo are ha%$n, tro3!e w$thL The Chapter pr$des $tse!" on #!oseness and 3rotherhood B so there $s
no way yo #an ,et !ost $n the #rowd= The 8a!! .!ed,e C!ass w$!! n+3er )- or +ore and the Spr$n, .!ed,e C!ass w$!! 3e
9 or +ore> and 3oth w$!! 3e as d$%erse as the Chapter= Upon #o+p!et$on o" yor +e+3ersh$p ed#at$on pro,ra+ and
appro%a! 3y a %ote o" the Chapter +e+3ers, $n$t$at$on $s he!d $n the +$dd!e o" 5anary "or 8a!! p!ed,es and $n the +$dd!e
o" A,st "or Spr$n, p!ed,es=
\\ Need!ess to say, 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty $s prod o" or
her$ta,e, a##o+p!$sh+ents, re!at$%e pos$t$on o" e/#e!!en#e at KSU and what the "tre has $n store "or s= Bt we need
,ood, ded$#ated, #ar$n,, ener,et$# peop!e "or the "tre= *e we!#o+e yo to 0e!ta ThetaL
\\ The Chapter Hose address $s 1632 McCain Lane, Manhattan, KS 66502-4657= The ChapterAs *e3 S$te $s
Members Manual 17.13
HR 1. ALL-HOUSE MEETINGS: There w$!! 3e an A!!-Hose Meet$n, at !east on#e e%ery three weeBs dr$n, the 8a!! and Spr$n, Se+esters
and at !east on#e dr$n, the S++er +onths=
HR 2. COURTESY: A!! p!ed,es and a#t$%es sha!! show the t+ost #ortesy and respe#t to a!! persons, $n#!d$n, a!+n$, a#t$%es, p!ed,es and
;a< The .!ed,e Btton and A#t$%e .$n sha!! not 3e worn w$th sweatsh$rts, T-sh$rts, o!d Deans or #t-o""s=
;3< C!oth$n, w$th AT2-$dent$"$a3!e $n"or+at$on ;!etters, sy+3o!s, !o,os or words< sha!! not 3e worn when dr$nB$n, a!#oho! at a p3!$#
!o#at$on ots$de the Chapter Hose=
;#< No +e+3er or p!ed,e sha!! post or a!!ow to 3e posted p$#tres or $n"or+at$on on any $nternet ser%$#e that $s a##ess$3!e 3y the
p3!$# ;My Spa#e, 8a#e3ooB, et#=< that #onta$ns AT2-$dent$"$a3!e $n"or+at$on, $!!e,a! a#ts, or #ond#t that %$o!ates Chapter By-
Laws, Board o" Trstees .o!$#$es, Un$%ers$ty or Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! re,!at$ons or A!pha Ta 2+e,a r!es or re,!at$ons=
HR 4. GUESTS ENTERING CHAPTER HOUSE: *hen a ,est #o+es to the "ront door, p!ed,es and a#t$%es w$!! answer the door
$++ed$ate!y, $n%$te the person $ns$de, $ntrod#e the+se!%es, as#erta$n the personAs 3s$ness, he!p the+ w$th the$r reCest and +aBe the+
"ee! at ho+e=
;a< The K$t#hen w$!! 3e #!osed and se#re!y !o#Bed "ro+ 4?-- .M nt$! (?-- AM and )6-hors-a-day on days when +ea!s are not
3e$n, ser%ed=
;3< No person, e/#ept the K$t#hen Mana,er or the Cater$n, e+p!oyees, sha!! 3e $n the 0$n$n, Roo+ or K$t#hen dr$n, per$ods when
the 0$n$n, Roo+ and K$t#hen are #!osed=
HR 6. DINNER: 0$nner $s ser%ed at :?6: .M Snday thro,h Thrsday, $n#!s$%e ;n!ess otherw$se deter+$ned and annon#ed 3y the
.res$dent<, e/#ept on days when +ea!s are not ser%ed=
HR 7. SWEARING OR ABUSIVE LANGUAGE: There w$!! 3e no swear$n, or a3s$%e !an,a,e $n the Co++or Areas=
HR 8. FEMALE RESPECT: A!! p!ed,es and a#t$%es w$!! r$se whene%er a "e+a!e enters or !ea%es a roo+, $n respe#t o" her=
HR 9. CONDUCT IN FUNCTIONAL AREAS: There w$!! no s#""!$n,, ro,h-hos$n,, or destr#t$%e 3eha%$or $n the Co++on Areas=
HR 10. FIREWORKS PROHIBITION: The !$,ht$n, o" any "$reworBs $s str$#t!y proh$3$ted $n the Chapter Hose or on or arond Chapter
Hose property=
HR 11. DEFINITION OF COMMON AREAS: Co++on Areas are the Bathroo+s, *o+enAs Restroo+, Stora,e Roo+s, Ha!!ways, Landry
Roo+s, Stdy Roo+s, Meet$n, Roo+s, L$%$n, Roo+s, 0$n$n, Roo+, Re#reat$on Roo+, K$t#hen, 8$rst and Se#ond 8!oor Entryway, Ha!!
o" Honor and the Chapter Roo+=
;a< There w$!! 3e no a!#oho! or to3a##o #hew$n, $n the Ha!! o" Honor, the Chapter Roo+, any #arpeted area, any ha!!way,
Bathroo+s, *o+enAs Restroo+, Stora,e Roo+s, Landry Roo+s, Stdy Roo+s, Meet$n, Roo+s, L$%$n, Roo+s, 8$rst or Se#ond
8!oor Entryways, the 0$n$n, Roo+ or K$t#hen=
;3< There w$!! 3e no "ood $n any #arpeted area, any ha!!way or the Chapter Roo+ or Ha!! o" Honor= There w$!! 3e no "ood taBen "ro+
the 0$n$n, or K$t#hen=
HR 13. SMOKING IN CHAPTER HOUSE PROHIBITION AND FINES: There w$!! 3e no s+oB$n, $n the Chapter Hose= A "$ne o" at !east
twenty-"$%e do!!ars ;N):=--< sha!! 3e assessed to the +e+3er or p!ed,e who %$o!ates or whose ,est %$o!ates th$s r!e= S#h "$ne sha!! 3e
!e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the person or assessed a,a$nst the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on=
17.14 Members Manual
HR 14. GLASS CONTAINER PROHIBITION: There w$!! 3e no ,!ass #onta$ners a!!owed at any t$+e $n the Chapter Hose or on any Chapter
Hose property ots$de the Chapter Hose=
HR 15. COURTESY (QUIET) HOURS: Cortesy ;@$et< hors w$!! 3e en"or#ed "ro+ &)?-- M$dn$,ht nt$! (?-- AM, Monday thro,h
Thrsday> and )6-hors-a-day dr$n, 3oth 0ead *eeB and 8$na!s *eeB=
HR 16. 24-HOURS-A-DAY COURTESY (QUIET) AREAS: The Ha!! o" Honor, the Chapter Roo+, Stdy Roo+s and Meet$n, Roo+s are
des$,nated Cortesy ;@$et< Areas )6-hors-a-day=
HR 17. ASSIGNMENT OF PARKING AND ROOMS: .arB$n, !o#at$ons and roo+s w$!! 3e ass$,ned 3ased on sen$or$ty=
;a< No +e+3er or p!ed,e !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose sha!! parB a +otor %eh$#!e $n any parB$n, !ot !o#at$on e/#ept $n the !o#at$on
;3< Anne/ +e+3ers, anne/ p!ed,es, and ,ests o" any +e+3er or p!ed,e !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose sha!! on!y parB on M#Ca$n
;#< No person e/#ept those ass$,ned sha!! parB $n e+p!oyee reser%ed parB$n,=
;d< No person sha!! parB $n any !o#at$on des$,nated as Jno parB$n,J=
;e< No person sha!! parB $n the dr$%eway d$re#t!y west o" the Chapter Hose, as $t $s a #r$t$#a! 8$re Lane and a##ess "or trash re+o%a!=
;"< A "$ne o" ten do!!ars ;N&-=--< sha!! 3e assessed to the +e+3er or p!ed,e who %$o!ates or whose ,est %$o!ates th$s r!e= S#h "$ne
sha!! 3e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the person or assessed a,a$nst the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on=
HR 19. ANIMALS/PETS: A!! an$+a!s or pets are proh$3$ted $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter property or adDa#ent property=
HR 20. ROOM CARE AND MAINTENANCE: Respons$3$!$ty "or the #are, #!ean!$ness and +a$ntenan#e o" $nd$%$da! S!eep$n, Roo+s sha!! 3e
shared 3y a!! the o##pants o" s#h Roo+=
HR 21= INITIATION: 2n!y a#t$%es and new $n$t$ates sha!! 3e a!!owed $n the Chapter Hose on the day o" $n$t$at$on "ro+ a"ter d$nner nt$! the
#!os$n, o" Chapter Meet$n, that e%en$n,=
;a< No ,!asses, p!ates or s$!%erware sha!! 3e taBen "ro+ the 0$n$n, Roo+ or K$t#hen=
;3< No other ser%$#e or #ooB$n, p$e#es sha!! 3e taBen "ro+ the K$t#hen=
;#< A!! 0$n$n, Roo+ ta3!es and #ha$rs sha!! re+a$n $n the 0$n$n, Roo+=
;a< As the Chapter +st #o+p!y w$th state and !o#a! hea!th #odes "or a "ood-ser%$#e esta3!$sh+ent, a!! a#t$%es and p!ed,es sha!!, at a
+$n$++, wear a sh$rt, pants or shorts, and shoes $n the 0$n$n, Roo+ and K$t#hen= A "$ne o" "$%e do!!ars ;N:=--< sha!! 3e
assessed to the +e+3er or p!ed,e who %$o!ates th$s r!e= S#h "$ne sha!! 3e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst the person or assessed a,a$nst
the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on=
;3< No a#t$%e or p!ed,e sha!! wear a hat dr$n, +ea!s $n the 0$n$n, Roo+=
HR 24. HOUSE RULES AND SUPPLEMENTARY RULES: A!! a#t$%es and p!ed,es w$!! 3e respons$3!e "or Bnow$n, and "o!!ow$n, these
Hose R!es and any spp!e+entary r!es=
Parking Rules and Regulations: See Also Chapter 6
General Guidelines and Rules for All Members: See Next Page
Members Manual 17.15
MG 1. A!! a#t$%es and p!ed,es w$!! 3e respons$3!e "or Bnow$n, and "o!!ow$n, the Hose R!es p!s these and
any spp!e+entary r!es= Ea#h a#t$%e and p!ed,e $s respons$3!e "or h$s a#t$ons and those o" other
+e+3ers and p!ed,es=
(A) Kitchen Crews: A#t$%es w$!! 3e ass$,ned B$t#hen #rew, 3y sen$or$ty= .!ed,es w$!! 3e ass$,ned to
Snday B$t#hen #rew ;3e#ase o" Chapter Meet$n,<= A#t$%es and p!ed,es ;$n#!d$n, ho!do%ers<
w$!! report to the K$t#hen 3y the t$+e des$,nated 3y the K$t#hen Mana,er and #o+p!ete the$r
B$t#hen #rew when ass$,ned or "$nd a rep!a#e+ent> otherw$se, a +aBe-p andGor "$ne +ay 3e
assessed, $n a##ordan#e w$th Chapter By-Laws=
(B) All-House Cleanings: A#t$%es and a!! p!ed,es w$!! 3e ass$,ned to A!!-Hose #!ean$n, #rews= All
a#t$%es and p!ed,es ;$n#!d$n, ho!do%ers< w$!! part$#$pate $n A!!-Hose #!ean$n, #rews when an
A!!-Hose #!ean$n, $s #a!!ed 3y the Hose Mana,er= A!! p!ed,es and a#t$%es w$!! per"or+ and
#o+p!ete the$r dt$es as ass$,ned 3y the Hose Mana,er or "$nd a rep!a#e+ent> otherw$se, a +aBe-
p andGor "$ne +ay 3e assessed=
(C) House Duties: Ea#h weeB, p!ed,es ;$n#!d$n, ho!do%ers< w$!! 3e ass$,ned a hose dty= A!! hose
dt$es w$!! 3e #o+p!eted Monday through Thursday 3y 5:00PM and Friday through Sunday 3y
12:00 Noon and other t$+es des$,nated 3y the Hose Mana,er= I" a p!ed,e ;$n#!d$n, ho!do%ers<
$s na3!e to per"or+ h$s ass$,ned dty, he +st "$nd h$s own rep!a#e+ent and $n"or+ the Hose
Mana,er o" h$s rep!a#e+ent> otherw$se a +aBe-p andGor "$ne +ay 3e assessed=
MG 3. WEEKEND ABSENCES: A#t$%es and p!ed,es ;$n#!d$n, ho!do%ers< are to arran,e "or a!! o" the$r
dt$es and respons$3$!$t$es to 3e #o+p!eted "or the+ when !ea%$n, "or a weeBend> otherw$se a +aBe-p
andGor "$ne +ay 3e assessed, $n a##ordan#e w$th Chapter By-Laws= A!! p!ed,es ;$n#!d$n, ho!do%ers<
are to not$"y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an and the Hose Mana,er $" they are p!ann$n, to ,o
ho+e any weeBend=
MG 4. Ro3ertAs R!es o" 2rder w$!! taBe pre#eden#e dr$n, a!! a#t$%e and p!ed,e +eet$n,s=
MG 5. A!! a#t$%es and p!ed,es w$!! 3e e/pe#ted to attend a!! hose "n#t$ons, so#$a! e%ents and +aDor
$ntra+ra! a#t$%$t$es=
MG 6. In order that new +e+3ers e/per$en#e !$%$n, on 3oth res$den#e "!oors o" the Chapter Hose, p!ed,es w$!!
sw$t#h roo+s dr$n, the se+ester?
Beginning of the Ninth (9th) Week In-Residence
*hene%er Chapter By-Laws, Hose R!es or these r!es pres#r$3e a J+aBe-pJ or J"$neJ "or a#t$%es or
p!ed,es, the .res$dent ;w$th re,ard to a#t$%es<, the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an or the Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Co++$ttee ;w$th re,ard to p!ed,es<, the Hose Mana,er ;w$th re,ard to hose dt$es and
#!ean$n,<, the S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an ;w$th re,ard to s#ho!arsh$p<, the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee ;w$th re,ard
to a#t$%es and p!ed,es<, or the .!ed,e C!ass ;3y +aDor$ty %ote w$th re,ard to p!ed,es< +ay assess the
17.16 Members Manual
A. Make-Ups
;&< A +aBe-p $n t$+e and e""ort o" the a#t$%$ty +$ssed> or
;)< A so#$a! ser%$#e proDe#t 3ene"$t$n, the #o++n$ty that
$n%o!%es the sa+e a+ont o" t$+e as the a#t$%$ty +$ssed> or
;7< A hose $+pro%e+ent 3ene"$t$n, the Chapter $n ,enera!
;and not any $nd$%$da! or roo+< that $n%o!%es the sa+e
a+ont o" t$+e as the a#t$%$ty +$ssed=
B. Fines
;&< In add$t$on to a J+aBe-pJ, a +$nor "$ne to 3e deter+$ned
or the a+ont pres#r$3ed 3y Chapter By-Laws or Hose
R!es> or
;)< *$thot a J+aBe-pJ, a +aDor "$ne to 3e deter+$ned or the
a+ont pres#r$3ed 3y Chapter By-Laws or Hose R!es=
C. Generally
*hene%er Chapter By-Laws or Hose R!es spe#$"$#a!!y pres#r$3e
a J"$neJ "or an a#t$%e or p!ed,e, a J+aBe-pJ +ay 3e s3st$tted $n
!$e thereo" 3y the 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee or other proper athor$ty=
A!! +aBe-ps and "$nes herender are re%$ewa3!e 3y the 5d$#$a!
Co++$ttee, $n a##ordan#e w$th Chapter By-Laws and the r!es o"
the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or=
MG 8. MEETINGS: Chapter Meet$n,s, A!!-Hose Meet$n,s and .!ed,e Meet$n,s sha!! 3e attended n!ess the
person $s e/#sed 3y the .res$dent or the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an, as the #ase +ay 3e>
otherw$se a +aBe-p andGor "$ne sha!! 3e assessed=
(A) Chapter Meetings:
Chapter Meet$n,s are he!d $n the Chapter Roo+ and are "or a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers=
(B) All-House Meetings:
A!!-Hose Meet$n,s are he!d $n the Chapter Roo+ and are open to a!! a#t$%es and p!ed,es= They are
he!d +any t$+es dr$n, the s#hoo! year=
(C) Pledge Meetings:
.!ed,e Meet$n,s are he!d $n the Chapter Roo+ ea#h Tesday n$,ht $++ed$ate!y a"ter the p!ed,e test at
'?-- .M or at any other t$+e pre%$os!y annon#ed 3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an=
Members Manual 17.17
(A) Chapter Meetings:
The 2rder o" Bs$ness "or Chapter Meet$n,s $s pro%$ded $n the R$ta! o" the 8ratern$ty?
;&< 2pen$n, Cere+ony
;)< Ro!! Ca!!
;7< M$ntes o" .re%$os Meet$n,s> and o" A!! 2ther Meet$n,s, the M$ntes o" *h$#h Ha%e Not Been
;6< 2""$#$a! Co++n$#at$ons "ro+ Nat$ona! 2""$#ers and 2ther 2""$#ers
;:< Reports o" Co++$ttees
;9< Un"$n$shed Bs$ness
;(< New Bs$ness
;4< In$t$at$ons= ;*hen the Chapter Meet$n, has 3een #a!!ed "or the spe#$"$# prpose o" $n$t$at$n, new
+e+3ers, the .res$dent +ay annon#e $++ed$ate!y a"ter $te+ ;7< Jthe ne/t order o" 3s$ness $s
;'< E!e#t$on o" 2""$#ers
;&-< Insta!!at$on o" 2""$#ers
;&&< 1ood o" the 2rder
;&)< Annon#e+ents and 0ate o" Ne/t Meet$n,
;&7< C!os$n, Cere+ony
;&6< S$n,$n, o" J2r 5ewe!sJ
(B) Pledge Meetings:
The 2rder o" Bs$ness "or .!ed,e Meet$n,s $s?
0ledge Test
;&< E/a+ on .re%$os Lesson
;)< E/p!anat$on o" .re%$os Lesson
;7< .resentat$on o" Ne/t *eeBAs Lesson
Business Meeting
;&< Ca!! to 2rder
;)< Ro!! Ca!!
;7< Annon#e+ents
;6< M$ntes o" .re%$os Meet$n,;s<
;:< Reports o" .!ed,e C!ass 2""$#ers
;a< .res$dent
;3< V$#e-.res$dent
;#< Chap!a$n
;d< Treasrer
;e< Se#retary
;"< R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#er
;,< So#$a! Cha$r+an
;h< H$stor$anGA!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er
;$< Ser,eant-at-Ar+s
;D< 0oorBeeper
;B< So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator
;!< .!ed,e C!ass Hose Mana,er
17.18 Members Manual
Pledge Meetings (Concluded):
;+< Ho+e#o+$n, Cha$r+an
;n< .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an
;o< Brotherhood Cha$r+an
;p< Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an
;C< S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an
;r< Intra+ra!s Cha$r+an
;s< Ca+ps A#t$%$t$es Coord$nator
;t< Ca+pont Coord$nator
;< 8ndra$s$n, Cha$r+an
;%< 2ther 2""$#ers
;9< Co++$ttee Reports
;(< 1enera! Bs$ness
;a< Un"$n$shed Bs$ness
;3< New Bs$ness
;4< Re+arBs 3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an
;'< 1ood o" the 2rder
;&-< Annon#e+ents and 0ate o" Ne/t Meet$n,
;&&< AdDorn+ent
;&)< S$n,$n, o" J2r 5ewe!sJ
*$th twe!%e +e+3ers or +ore, the "o!!ow$n, se%en 2""$#ers sha!! 3e the .!ed,e C!ass E/e#t$%e
;&< V$#e-.res$dent ;Cha$r+an and %otes on!y to 3reaB a t$e<
;)< .res$dent
;7< Chap!a$n
;6< Treasrer
;:< Se#retary
;9< .!ed,e C!ass Hose Mana,er
;(< 8ndra$s$n, Cha$r+an
(A) Chapter Officers: Chapter 2""$#ers sha!! 3e as pro%$ded $n Chapter By-Laws?
;&< .res$dent ;*orthy Master<
;)< V$#e-.res$dent ;*orthy Marsha!<
Ass$stant V$#e-.res$dent;s<
;7< Chap!a$n ;*orthy Chap!a$n<
Ass$stant Chap!a$n;s<
;6< Treasrer ;*orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer<
Ass$stant Treasrer;s<
;:< Se#retary ;*orthy S#r$3e< and Ca+ps A#t$%$t$es Coord$nator
Ass$stant Se#retary;$es< and Ass$stant Ca+ps A#t$%$t$es Coord$nator;s<
;9< R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en
Ass$stant R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#er;s<
Ass$stant So#$a! Cha$r+an;+en<
;(< H$stor$an ;*orthy Keeper o" Anna!s< and Ed$tor o" The Vintage
Ass$stant H$stor$an;s< and Ass$stant Ed$tor;s<
;4< Ser,eant-at-Ar+s ;*orthy Usher< and BA00 0ty Coord$nator
Ass$stant Ser,eant;s<-at-Ar+s and Ass$stant BA00 0ty Coord$nator;s<
;'< 0oorBeeper ;*orthy Sent$ne!< and Resor#e Coord$nator
Ass$stant 0oorBeeper;s< and Ass$stant Resor#e Coord$nator;s<
Members Manual 17.19
;&-< Two Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en ;8a!! and Spr$n,<
Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en
;&&< .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er
Ass$stant .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er;s<
;&)< So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator
Ass$stant So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator;s<
;&7< A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er
Ass$stant A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er;s<
;&6< Hose Mana,er
Ass$stant Hose Mana,erGHose Mana,er-E!e#t
Ass$stant Hose Mana,er;s<
;&:< Anne/ Coord$nator
Ass$stant Anne/ Coord$nator;s<
;&9< .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an
Ass$stant .h$!anthropy Cha$r+anG.h$!anthropy Cha$r+an-E!e#t
Ass$stant .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an;+en<
;&(< K$t#hen Mana,er
Ass$stant K$t#hen Mana,er;s<
;&4< Brotherhood Cha$r+an
Ass$stant Brotherhood Cha$r+an;+en<
;&'< S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an
Ass$stant S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an;+en<
;)-< Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an
Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+en
;)&< Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er
Ass$stant Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er;s<
;))< Intra+ra!s Cha$r+an
Ass$stant Intra+ra!s Cha$r+an;+en<
;)7< Son, Leader;s<
;)6< Under,radate Me+3er o" the Board o" Trstees
;):< Mo+AsG0adAsG.arentsA *eeBend Coord$nators
;)9< Ho+e#o+$n, Cha$r+an;+en<
;)(< Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee At-Lar,e Me+3ers
;)4< 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee At-Lar,e Me+3ers
;)'< S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee At-Lar,e Me+3ers
17.20 Members Manual
(B) Pledge Class Officers: The .!ed,e C!ass o""$#ers sha!! $n#!de 3t not 3e !$+$ted to?
R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#er
So#$a! Cha$r+an
H$stor$anGA!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er
So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator
Hose Mana,er
Ho+e#o+$n, Cha$r+an
.h$!anthropy Cha$r+an
Brotherhood Cha$r+an
Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an
S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an
Intra+ra!s Cha$r+an
Ca+ps A#t$%$t$es Coord$nator
8ndra$s$n, Cha$r+an
It is the goal of the Membership Education Program that all members, both pledge and active, will
be selected to and shall serve in an office.
Members Manual 17.21
Co!!e,e $s very d$""erent "ro+ h$,h s#hoo!= *e "ee! that new +e+3ers need ,$dan#e and d$re#t$on $n proper stdy sB$!!s=
The Stdy .ro,ra+ at A!pha Ta 2+e,a $s des$,ned, thro,h past e/per$en#e and #rrent trends, to ass$st the $n#o+$n, new
+e+3er towards the "$rst phase o" Ca!$"y$n, to $n$t$at$on? na+e!y to atta$n a 2.500 grade point average or better= Th$s
pro,ra+ $s a!so $ntended to esta3!$sh ,ood stdy ha3$ts that w$!! +aBe yo a s#ho!ast$# asset to 3oth A!pha Ta 2+e,a and
SR 1. All actives and pledges should be awake each school day in order to attend all classes = *hen not $n #!ass,
a#t$%es and p!ed,es sho!d 3e stdy$n, on #a+ps or $n the Chapter Hose= Mandatory Stdy Hors "or p!ed,es
;$n#!d$n, those he!d o%er "or a#ade+$# reasons< are?
E,enin./: (Sunday thru Thursday) 6:30-8:30 PM Monitored Study on Campus
or Chapter House
Dai)0: (Monday thru Friday) 2 Other Hours Unmonitored Study
T1e T=( Bee?/ *e7(re #ir/t "(un- Te/t/: 9:00 AM-3:00 PM Study on Campus or Chapter
(Except When in Class)
6:30-8:30 PM "
T1e T=( Bee?/ *e7(re C(mec(min.: 9:00 AM-3:00 PM "
(Except When in Class)
6:30-8:30 PM "
The Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an, h$s Ass$stants, Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee andGor the S#ho!arsh$p
Cha$r+an w$!! sper%$se E%en$n, Stdy Hors=
SR 2. Courtesy (Quiet) Hours "or a!! a#t$%es and p!ed,es are?
Sunday Evening through Friday Morning 6:30PM to 7:00AM and
24-Hours-a-Day in Study Rooms and Hall of Honor
24-Hours-a-Day in Entire Chapter House During Dead Week and Finals Week
SR 3. .!ed,es w$!! not 3e a!!owed $n dr$nB$n, esta3!$sh+ents on Snday thro,h Thrsday ;$n#!s$%e<, e/#ept "or hose
SR 4. In order to proper!y +on$tor the s#ho!ast$# pro,ress o" a new +e+3er, p!ed,es w$!! trn $n persona! ,rade reports at
!east tw$#e se+ester!y "or e%a!at$on=
SR 5. In order to assre proper s#ho!ast$# pro,ress, A#ade+$# Mentors sha!! attend Stdy Hors at !east on#e a weeB=
SR 6. Any p!ed,e w$sh$n, to 3e $n%o!%ed $n any re#rr$n, a#t$%$ty dr$n, stdy ha!! hors ;$n#!d$n, ath!et$# !ea,es, Do3s,
et#=< +st "$rst re#e$%e per+$ss$on "ro+ the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee=
SR 7. As ot!$ned a3o%e, a minimum of 20 hours of studying are reC$red ea#h weeB> 3t ea#h p!ed,e sho!d t$!$Ie other
times o" the day "or stdy$n,, stdy w$th so+eone $n h$s +aDor or the sa+e #!ass, or stdy w$th h$s .!ed,e 8ather or
A#ade+$# Mentor=
SR 8. A!! p!ed,es w$!! 3e $n the$r roo+s 3y 12:00 Midnight, Snday thro,h Thrsday e%en$n,s ;$n#!s$%e<= A!! p!ed,es
3e e$ther $n 3ed or stdy$n, 3y 12:30 AM, $n order to attend a!! the$r #!asses on t$+e the "o!!ow$n, +orn$n,=
17.22 Members Manual
AT2 Nat$ona! Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons B&(= thro,h B))= de"$ne and proh$3$t haI$n,?
B17. HaI$n, $s proh$3$ted= The ter+ haI$n, $s here3y de"$ned to +ean any or a!! o" the "o!!ow$n,?
B18. Any w$!!"! a#t or pra#t$#e 3y a +e+3er or p!ed,e, d$re#ted a,a$nst a +e+3er or p!ed,e, wh$#h,
w$th or w$thot $ntent?
;a< Is !$Be!y, w$th reasona3!e poss$3$!$ty, to #ase 3od$!y har+ or dan,er, o""ens$%e phys$#a!
pn$sh+ent or d$str3$n, pa$n=
;3< Is !$Be!y to ;&< #o+pro+$se the d$,n$ty o" a +e+3er or p!ed,e, ;)< #ase e+3arrass+ent
or sha+e to a +e+3er or p!ed,e $n p3!$#, ;7< #ase a +e+3er or p!ed,e to 3e the o3De#t
o" +a!$#$os a+se+ent or r$d$#!e, or ;6< #ase psy#ho!o,$#a! har+ or s3stant$a!
e+ot$ona! stra$n=
;#< *$!!, nreasona3!y or nsa!!y, $+pa$r a +e+3erAs or p!ed,eAs a#ade+$# e""orts
$n#!d$n,, w$thot !$+$tat$on, depr$%$n, h$+ o" nor+a! s!eep=
B19. Any reC$re+ent 3y a +e+3er or p!ed,e wh$#h #o+pe!s a +e+3er or p!ed,e to part$#$pate $n any
a#t$%$ty wh$#h $s $!!e,a!, wh$#h $s Bnown 3y the #o+pe!!$n, person to 3e #ontrary to a +e+3erAs or
p!ed,eAs +ora! or re!$,$os 3e!$e"s, or wh$#h $s #ontrary to the r!es or re,!at$ons o" the +e+3erAs
or p!ed,eAs $nst$tt$on o" !earn$n,=
B20. Any reC$re+ent 3y a +e+3er or p!ed,e wh$#h #o+pe!s or en#ora,es a +e+3er or p!ed,e to
part$#$pate $n any a#t$%$ty, the natre o" wh$#h wo!d +aBe s#h an a#t$%$ty o""ens$%e andGor
na##epta3!e to, or n!$Be!y to 3e en,a,ed $n 3y, a prdent +an=
B21. Any reC$re+ent, a#t$%$ty, or a#t$on wh$#h s3De#ts a +e+3er or p!ed,e to de,rad$n,, de+ean$n,,
or de!$3erate!y np!easant and o""ens$%e treat+ent, whether phys$#a! or +enta!=
B22. .er+$ss$on or appro%a! 3y the person 3e$n, haIed $s not a de"ense=
1Kansas !aw ;K=S=A= )&-7676< proh$3$ts haI$n, and pres#r$3es Da$! ter+s andGor "$nes?
21-3434 Promoting or permitting hazing.
;a< No so#$a! or "raterna! or,an$Iat$on sha!! pro+ote or per+$t haI$n,=
;3< HaI$n, $s $ntent$ona!!y, #oer#$n,, de+and$n, or en#ora,$n, another person to per"or+ as a
#ond$t$on o" +e+3ersh$p $n a so#$a! or "raterna! or,an$Iat$on, any a#t wh$#h #o!d reasona3!y
3e e/pe#ted to res!t $n ,reat 3od$!y har+, d$s"$,re+ent or death or wh$#h $s done $n a
+anner where3y ,reat 3od$!y har+, d$s"$,re+ent or death #o!d 3e $n"!$#ted=
;#< .ro+ot$n, or per+$tt$n, haI$n, $s a #!ass B nonperson +$sde+eanor= R6 months
confinement and/or $1,000 fineS
Members Manual 17.23
\ Transport$n, h$+ a,a$nst h$s w$!!
\ 8or#$n, h$+ to eat or dr$nB a,a$nst h$s w$!!
\ Treat$n, h$+ $n any de,rad$n, de+ean$n, or de!$3erate!y np!easant way
\ .re%ent$n, #!ass attendan#e or nor+a! s!eep
\ .add!$n, or str$B$n, $n any +anner
\ Sta,$n, any "or+ o" J!$nepJ
\ .re%ent$n, nor+a! persona! hy,$ene
\ Cas$n, $nde#ent e/posre
\ ReC$r$n, n#o+"orta3!e or e+3arrass$n, dress
\ .rpose"!!y and ntrth"!!y +aB$n, h$+ 3e!$e%e that he +ay 3e reDe#ted "or +e+3ersh$p
\ ReC$r$n, "or#ed #a!$sthen$#s
\ B!$nd"o!d$n, "or any prpose re!ated to haI$n,
\ ReC$r$n, a#ts o" ser%$tde
\ AsB$n, or reC$r$n, h$+ to s$,n a state+ent that he w$!! w$!!$n,!y s3+$t to haI$n,
\ Cond#t$n, a He!! *eeB
\ ReC$r$n, part$#$pat$on $n any other a#t$%$ty na##epta3!e to a prdent +an
17.24 Members Manual
The North-A+er$#an Inter"ratern$ty Con"eren#e ;NIC<, an asso#$at$on o" a!! 99 Nat$ona! Co!!e,e 8ratern$t$es, o"
wh$#h A!pha Ta 2+e,a $s a #harter +e+3er, has esta3!$shed and pro+!,ated th$s State+ent o" Bas$#
E/pe#tat$ons o" 8ratern$ty Me+3ersh$p=
1. I w$!! Bnow and nderstand the $dea!s e/pressed $n +y "ratern$ty r$ta! and w$!! str$%e to
$n#orporate the+ $n +y da$!y !$"e=
2. I w$!! str$%e "or a#ade+$# a#h$e%e+ent and pra#t$#e a#ade+$# $nte,r$ty=
3. I w$!! respe#t the d$,n$ty o" a!! persons> there"ore, I w$!! not phys$#a!!y, +enta!!y,
psy#ho!o,$#a!!y or se/a!!y a3se or haIe any h+an 3e$n,=
4. I w$!! prote#t the hea!th and sa"ety o" a!! h+an 3e$n,s=
5. I w$!! respe#t +y property and the property o" others> there"ore, I w$!! ne$ther a3se nor
to!erate the a3se o" property=
6. I w$!! +eet +y "$nan#$a! o3!$,at$ons $n a t$+e!y +anner=
7. I w$!! ne$ther se nor spport the se o" $!!e,a! dr,s> I w$!! ne$ther a3se nor spport the
a3se o" a!#oho!=
8. I a#Bnow!ed,e that a #!ean and attra#t$%e en%$ron+ent $s essent$a! to 3oth phys$#a! and
+enta! hea!th> there"ore, I w$!! do a!! $n +y power to see that the #hapter property $s
proper!y #!eaned and +a$nta$ned=
9. I w$!! #ha!!en,e a!! +y "ratern$ty +e+3ers to a3$de 3y these "raterna! e/pe#tat$ons and w$!!
#on"ront those who %$o!ate the+=
&Members Manual 17.25
The Membership Education Committee ;MEC< $s #o+posed o" the "o!!ow$n, e!e%en ;&&< %ot$n, +e+3ers?
The two Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en> the S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an> the Hose Mana,er> the .res$dent> the
V$#e-.res$dent> the Se#retary> the Ser,eant-at-Ar+s> the 0oorBeeper> and two +e+3ers appo$nted 3y the .res$dent
w$th the #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= In add$t$on, a!! past .res$dents and past Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on
Cha$r+en who are a#t$%e Chapter +e+3ers are e/-o""$#$o, non-%ot$n, +e+3ers= Meet$n, o" MEC are #!osed to a!!
other +e+3ers e/#ept those $n%$ted 3y the Co++$ttee=
The dt$es o" the MEC are to ser%e as an ad%$sory and Dd$#$a! 3oard "or p!ed,es= It a!so ser%es as a +eans o"
#o++n$#at$ons 3etween p!ed,es and a#t$%es and as a d$s#$p!$nary athor$ty= MEC worBs 3oth ways? a p!ed,e
who $s ha%$n, tro3!es w$th an a#t$%e #an reCest a +eet$n, o" MEC and %$#e %ersa= Meet$n,s #on#ern$n, MEC
dr$n, each semester sha!! #ons$st o" "$%e types?
MEC1= The "!! Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee w$!! +eet on an or,an$Iat$ona! 3as$s soon a"ter the e!e#t$on
and appo$nt+ent o" a!! $ts +e+3ers, sa!!y 3e"ore the end o" the third (3rd) academic week= The "!!
MEC w$!! se!e#t one o" $ts +e+3ers to pres$de at a!! +eet$n,s, deter+$ne the t$+es o" the$r +eet$n, and
d$s#ss other or,an$Iat$ona! +atters=
MEC2. At a Chapter Meet$n, at the end o" the fifth (5th) academic week, d$s#ss$on o" a!! p!ed,es ;$n#!d$n,
ho!do%ers< w$!! 3e an $te+ o" 3s$ness= Re#o++endat$ons and s,,est$ons "ro+ a#t$%e Chapter
+e+3ers at that Meet$n, w$!! 3e sed 3y the "!! MEC $n a +eet$n, the ne/t weeB w$th $nd$%$da!
MEC3= The "!! Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee w$!! +eet w$th ea#h p!ed,e ;$n#!d$n, ho!do%ers< on an
$nd$%$da! 3as$s dr$n, the sixth (6th) academic week=
MEC4= The "!! Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee w$!! +eet w$th ea#h p!ed,e ;$n#!d$n, ho!do%ers< on an
$nd$%$da! 3as$s 3e"ore the end o" the ninth (9th) academic week= M$d-ter+ ,rades and a#ade+$#
pro,ress w$!! 3e e%a!ated= Corre#t$%e +easres and $+pro%e+ent pro,ra+s w$!! 3e $nst$tted "or those
whose +$d-ter+ ,rades are de"$#$ent=
MEC5= The Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an andGor h$s Ass$stants or the MEC +ay +eet w$th a p!ed,e
;$n#!d$n, ho!do%ers< on an $nd$%$da! 3as$s at any t$+e "or d$s#ss$on o" per"or+an#e and any
#orre#t$%e a#t$on dee+ed appropr$ate= S#h +eet$n,s are to 3e #ond#ted $n a #o!!e,$a! and "r$end!y
at+osphere, 3t +ay $n#!de "ranB d$s#ss$on and poss$3!e san#t$ons, s$n, pro#edres ot!$ned $n th$s
MEC Duties: See Chapter By-Laws 3-8100 through 3-8400, 3-4300 and 6-8000 in Chapter 1
Disciplinary Procedures: See Chapter 10
Rules of the National Chancellor: See Chapter 4
17.26 Members Manual
The Honor In$t$ate Award was or$,$na!!y esta3!$shed $n &'6( to re#o,n$Ie the new $n$t$ate w$th the
h$,hest ,rades $n an In$t$at$on C!ass= In &''), the Award was rena+ed The 1oseph P. Fangman
Honor Initiate Award "or Brother 5oseph .= 8an,+an, who was the ChapterAs &'47 Honor
In$t$ate= In )--4, The Maureen P. Newton Exemplary Initiate Award was #reated to honor
the ne/t h$,hest ,rades $n an In$t$at$on C!ass= The #r$ter$as pro%$de that any p!ed,es e!$,$3!e "or
$n$t$at$on who +eet the "o!!ow$n, Ca!$"$#at$ons?
;&< TaBe and #o+p!ete &) ,raded hors w$th a 7=7-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e or
a3o%e $n any In$t$at$on C!ass ha%$n, at !east s$/ ;9< +e+3ers, or a 6=---
,rade po$nt a%era,e no +atter the s$Ie o" the #!ass> and
;)< Ha%e the h$,hest or ne/t-h$,hest ,rade po$nt a%era,es $n that In$t$at$on
w$!! re#e$%e the 8an,+an Award o" a N(-- s#ho!arsh$p that $n#!des a ,o!d, pear! and sapph$re
A!pha Ta 2+e,a Bad,e and an Honor In$t$at$on Cere+ony at the t$+e o" h$s $n$t$at$on w$th h$s
In$t$at$on C!ass "or h$,hest ,rades> or the Newton Award o" a N)-- s#ho!arsh$p "or the ne/t-
h$,hest ,rades=
The 2tstand$n, .!ed,e Award was or$,$na!!y esta3!$shed $n &'(4 to re#o,n$Ie the new!y-$n$t$ated
+e+3er who had done the +ost "or the .!ed,e C!ass= In &''(, the Award was rena+ed The
2tstand$n, New Me+3er Award to +ore a##rate!y re"!e#t the AwardAs s$,n$"$#an#e= In &''4,
the Award was rena+ed The Michael 1. Brown Memorial Outstanding New Member Award
"or Brother M$#hae! 5= Brown, who was B$!!ed $n an ato+o3$!e a##$dent $n 5!y o" &''4 and
posth+os!y $n$t$ated on A,st )-, &''4= The Award $s deter+$ned 3y a %ote o" the New
In$t$ate C!ass, the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an and Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Cha$r+en and
,$%en 3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an ea#h se+ester= The re#$p$ent $s +ade a +e+3er o"
the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees dr$n, that ne/t se+ester=
In &''', Brothers 0an$e! .= Cata!d$ and N$#ho!as H= Kr$er donated Brother Cata!d$As Honor
In$t$ate Bad,e to 3e sed as The Michael 1. Brown Memorial Outstanding New Member
Badge= It $s to 3e worn 3y the 2tstand$n, New Me+3er dr$n, the ne/t se+ester and then
passed on 3y h$+ to the ne/t $n$t$at$on #!assA 2tstand$n, New Me+3er Award re#$p$ent;s<=
Members Manual 17.27
Fifty-six ;:9< d$""erent %ar$et$es o" +onetary s#ho!arsh$ps are awarded to A!pha Ta 2+e,a +e+3ers and
p!ed,es and Kansas State Un$%ers$ty stdents-at-!ar,e $n ,ood stand$n,
and "a#!tyGad+$n$stratorsGsta""= The
Kansas State Alpha Tau Omega Students' Aid Endowment Fund, a not-"or-pro"$t #har$ta3!e "ondat$on
ad+$n$stered 3y a Board o" 0$re#tors o" 7 nder,radates and ' a!+n$, awards or re#o++ends the award$n, o"
s#ho!arsh$ps and ,rants-$n-a$d o" D12E,4%0 $n e%en-n+3ered years and D120,4%0 $n odd-n+3ered years= In
add$t$on to s#ho!arsh$ps "or ,ood ,rades, p!ed,e honors $n#!de, "or the $n$t$ates who taBe and #o+p!ete at !east &)
,raded hors w$th the two h$,hest ,rade po$nt a%era,es o" 7=7-- or a3o%e $n the $n$t$at$on #!ass, The 1oseph P.
Fangman Honor Initiate Award o" a $700 s#ho!arsh$p that $n#!des a Dewe!ed A!pha Ta 2+e,a Bad,e and an
Honor In$t$at$on, or The Maureen P. Newton Exemplary Initiate Award o" $200=
Ea#h se+ester, The Presidential Scholastic Achievement Awards and The Elmer D. McCollum
Scholastic Excellence Awards are ,$%en 3y the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 8ondat$on, 3oth pon re#o++endat$on
o" or Endow+ent 8nd, to the +e+3ers ;or p!ed,es who are s3seCent!y $n$t$ated the ne/t se+ester< $n ,ood
!$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose or an appro%ed Anne/, w$th not +ore than 4 +e+3ers or p!ed,es !$%$n, $n
an appro%ed Anne/ e!$,$3!e= Mst taBe and #o+p!ete at !east 12 hors ;9 o" wh$#h are ,raded< dr$n, the pre%$os
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty se+ester ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<= The Presidential
Scholastic Achievement Awards o" $100 ea#h are ,$%en to ea#h person who atta$ns a ,rade po$nt a%era,e o" 7=7--
or a3o%e, but (n)0 i7 the Chapter Grade Point Average is equal to or above 3.000 (amount is doubled if
Chapter receives IFC Top Grades for semester)= The Elmer D. McCollum Scholastic Excellence Awards are
an add$t$ona! s#ho!arsh$p o" an a+ont eCa! to the n+3er o" who!e tenths the ,rade po$nt a%era,e $s a3o%e 7=7--
+!t$p!$ed 3y the n+3er o" ,raded hors #o+p!eted +!t$p!$ed 3y N6=--, w$th an add$t$ona! N&-- "or 6=--- ,rade
po$nt a%era,es, w$th a +a/$++ $nd$%$da! award o" N9--= The .res$dent$a! and M#Co!!+ S#ho!arsh$p Awards
#o+3$ned tota! +a/$++ a+onts are $16,000 +er /eme/ter or $32,000 annua))0=
The five +e+3ers !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose +eet$n, the #r$ter$a esta3!$shed "or the .res$dent$a! and
M#Co!!+ Awards w$th the h$,hest 1.As "or the /c1(() 0ear re#e$%e The L. Allyn Laybourn Memorial
Scholastic Excellence Awards Do$nt!y "ro+ the Endow+ent 8nd and the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on= Year!y
Top 1rades re#e$%es a $2,000 s#ho!arsh$p, the 8$rst Rnner-Up $1,300, the Se#ond Rnner-Up $1,000, the Th$rd
Rnner-Up $700 and the 8orth Rnner-Up $400=
The A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on, pon re#o++endat$on o" the Endow+ent 8nd, awards p to $8,000 per
year to needy Chapter +e+3ers $n ,ood stand$n,
thro,h The William Lloyd Muir II and 1ohn Thomas Muir
Memorial Grant-in-Aid Awards= These Awards, 3ased on need, s#ho!arsh$p, a#t$%$t$es and "raterna! and
#o++n$ty !eadersh$p, are to o""set hose 3$!!s or anne/ e/penses, and are +ade Do$nt!y to the +e+3er and the
Chapter= A!so, the Endow+ent 8nd awards Founders' Memorial Senior Grant Awards to sen$ors who #hose to
#ont$ne !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose=
A!so, the Endow+ent 8nd, e$ther so!e!y or thro,h the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 8ondat$on, awards to
+e+3ers $n ,ood stand$n,
The Robert M. Bensman President's Awards ;$1,150 per year<, The Memorial
Outstanding Class Awards annually ;$500 Norris E. Holstrom Freshman Award, $500 Richard R. and
Robert K. Sterrett Sophomore Award, $500 Dan G. Tinder 1unior Award and $500 1ohn E. Holstrom Senior
Award<, The Michael 1. McKernan Memorial Outstanding Athlete Awards ;$1,000, $700 and $300
annually<, The Matthew L. Bretz Most Improved Scholarship Awards ;$250 for two persons per semester or
$1,000 per year<, The Elmer D. McCollum Best Room Scholarship Awards ;$200 per semester or $400 per
year<, and twenty-two Awards to Chapter 2""$#ers? The Elmer D. McCollum Awards to the President ;p to
$5,000 per year<, Membership Recruitment Chairman ;p to $5,000 per year< and Assistant Membership
Recruitment Chairmen ;p to $500 per semester or $1,000 per year<, The Richard E. Fagerberg Award to the
Vice-President ;p to $500 per semester or $1,000 per year<, The Allan D. Holiday, 1r. Award to the
Treasurer ;p to $5,000 per year<, The Kevin E. Kickhaefer and Timothy S. Berends Award to the
Secretary ;p to $250 per semester or $500 per year<, The Larry D. Marvel House Manager Awards to the
Hose Mana,er ;p to $1,500 per semester or $3,000 per year< and Ass$stant Hose Mana,er ;p to $500 per
semester or $1,000 per year<, The 1ohn A. Towse, 1r. Summer House Manager Award ;p to $1,000 per
17.28 Members Manual
summer<, The Gary R. Cottrell and Russell W. Taddiken Social Service Coordinator Award ;p to $1,600
per year<, The Ryan A. Newth Risk Management Officers/Social Chairmen Awards ;p to $1,000 for two
persons per semester or $2,000 per year<, The Henry F. Kupfer Memorial Kitchen Manager Award ;p to
$600 per semester or $1,200 per year<, The Guy W. Gross Scholarship Chairman Award ;p to $400 per
semester or $800 per year<, The Dale L. Duncan Memorial Philanthropy Chairman Award ;p to $1,200 per
year<, The 1ustin 1. Nelson Communications Officer Award ;p to $500 per semester or $1,000 per year<,
The Freeman Family Outstanding Major Officer Award ;p to $100 per semester or $200 per year<, The
1onathan S. Kurche Historian Award ;p to $1,000 per year<, The Steven C. 1ohnson Chaplain Award ;p to
$500 per semester or $1,000 per year<, The Dikeman Family Alumni Relations Officer Award ;p to $200 per
semester or $400 per year<, The Benjamin B. Barnert Membership Education Chairman Award ;p to $500
per semester or $1,000 per year< and The Michael K. Cormaci Public Relations Officer Award ;p to $1,000
per year<= The Endow+ent 8nd a!so awards $2,000 per year "or The 1effrey L. Gates Business
Administration Award, $250 per year "or The David L. Watson Education Award, $250 per year "or The
Christian 1. Kelly Law School Award, $500 per year "or The Robert A. (Alex) Rolfing Service to Mankind
Award, $100 per semester or $200 per year "or The Richard R. Harrison Outstanding Out-of-Hose Me+3er
Award, p to $3,000 $n s#ho!arsh$ps "or the Alpha Tau Omega Congress dr$n, e%en-n+3ered years ;"or p to
20 +e+3ers or p!ed,es< and p to $1,000 per year $n s#ho!arsh$ps "or the Alpha Tau Omega Regional
Leadership Conference ;"or p to 20 +e+3ers or p!ed,es<= The Endow+ent 8nd, e$ther so!e!y or thro,h the
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 8ondat$on or the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on, awards The William L. Muir III
LeaderShape Awards and The Todd F. Lakin LeaderShape Awards ;p to $15,000 per year< to attend e$ther
The LeaderShape7 Institute $n I!!$no$s or Chapter-Based LeaderShape7 $n Ind$ana, and The Tyler F. Newton
Noah's Ark Awards ;p to $1,000 per year< to attend "Altitude" $n Co!orado=
The Endow+ent 8nd a!so awards the "o!!ow$n, anna! s#ho!arsh$ps to e!$,$3!e stdents $n ,ood stand$n,
the Un$%ers$ty at !ar,e? The 1ohn E. Holstrom Alpha Tau Omega Architectural Scholarship o" $1,000 to one
student annually, The Stanley L. Winter Alpha Tau Omega K-State Union Leadership Scholarship o" $1,000
each to two students annually, The William L. Muir II and 1ohn T. Muir Alpha Tau Omega Blue Key
Leadership Scholarships o" $1,000 each per year to one male member and one female member o" B!e Key,
The Wendy S. McCrary Alpha Tau Omega Chapter Sweetheart Scholarships o" $200 each year to one or two
females #hosen 3y the Chapter as Chapter Sweetheart and The Michael E. Brown Alpha Tau Omega Mortar
Board Leadership Scholarship o" $1,000 per year to one member o" Mortar Board and The Anthony L. Carter
Alpha Tau Omega Service to Minorities Leadership Scholarship o" $1,000 per year= The Endow+ent 8nd
a!so awards The Robert S. Krause Alpha Tau Omega Outstanding Campus Leader Award o" $1,000 annually
to one faculty member, administrator or staff person #hosen 3y the Chapter= The KSU 8ondat$on awards The
1ohn T. (Tom) Muir Outstanding Greek Athlete Award o" $1,000 annually to the top $nter#o!!e,$ate ath!ete $n
,ood stand$n,
who $s a +e+3er o" a "ratern$ty or soror$ty=
The 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees pro%$des p to $900 per year "or L$"e Loya! Ta +e+3ersh$ps, p to
$1,500 per year "or Brotherhood Award r$n,s and p to $7,500 per year "or Sen$or Retreat *eeBend> and or
A!+n$ Asso#$at$on pro%$des p to $4,000 annually "or p3!$#at$on o" the The Vintage, or a!+n$ news
+a,aI$ne= So, a!+n$ "$nan#$a! spport "or the Chapter a+onts to +ore $134,000 per year= In add$t$on, o%er
N7&-,--- anna!!y $s awarded thro,h the Nat$ona! A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on=
Chapter Awards, Scholarships, Grants, Memorials and Certificates: See Also Chapter 12
"Good Standing", as de"$ned $n Art$#!e IV o" the Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd By-Laws, +eans? 8or
awards, ,rants-$n-a$d or s#ho!arsh$ps to those who are +e+3ers or p!ed,es o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a, 3e$n, enro!!ed as a stdent at Kansas
State Un$%ers$ty dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed> taB$n, and #o+p!et$n, at !east &) hors, ' o" wh$#h are ,raded, dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed, n!ess
e/#ept$ons are spe#$"$ed and a!!owed> atta$n$n, a )=:-- "or a!! o""$#er awards or s#ho!arsh$ps "or the pre%$os se+ester ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er
$ntersess$ons $n#!ded<, n!ess a d$""erent ,rade po$nt a%era,e $s spe#$"$ed> !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed, n!ess appro%ed
Anne/es are pro%$ded "or and a!!owed> $" an $n$t$ated +e+3er !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, +st attend at !east (:M o" a!! Chapter Meet$n,s dr$n, the
per$od spe#$"$ed> $" an $n$t$ated +e+3er attend$n, Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 3t not !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose, +st attend at !east :-M o" a!! Chapter
Meet$n,s dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed> ha%$n, no "$nan#$a! o3!$,at$ons to any ,rop or #orporat$on asso#$ated w$th 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a or
the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty> and not 3e$n, sspended "ro+ +e+3ersh$p or p!ed,esh$p dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed= 8or awards or s#ho!arsh$ps to persons
other than +e+3ers or p!ed,es o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a, 3e$n, enro!!ed as a stdent at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed>
taB$n, and #o+p!et$n, at !east &) hors, ' o" wh$#h are ,raded, dr$n, the per$od spe#$"$ed, n!ess e/#ept$ons are spe#$"$ed and a!!owed> and atta$n$n,
a )=:-- ,rade po$nt a%era,e "or the pre%$os se+ester ;no s++er s#hoo!s or s++er $ntersess$ons $n#!ded<, n!ess a d$""erent ,rade po$nt a%era,e $s
spe#$"$ed= See Also Chapter 13: Endowment Fund By-Laws=
Members Manual 17.29
The A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty re#o,n$Ies the e/$sten#e o" "edera!, state and !o#a!
,o%ern+ent !aws wh$#h "or3$d the se or possess$on o" nar#ot$#s ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana<
and dan,eros dr,s= In an e""ort to "rther nders#ore the dan,ers to the s##ess o"
prod#t$%e #hapter or,an$Iat$on and $nd$%$da! 8ratern$ty !eadersh$p, n( nar#ot$#s
;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< and dan,eros dr,s sha!! 3e per+$tted $n any Chapter Hose or
#hapter "n#t$on o" the 8ratern$ty ;See A!so Chapter 7<= In add$t$on, Chapter By-Laws
proh$3$t s#h a#t$%$t$es and pro%$des se%ere pena!t$es?
1-2100 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES: .ossess$on, #ons+pt$on, se or sa!e o"
#ontro!!ed s3stan#es ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< $s proh$3$ted=
1-2110 In the #ase o" possess$on, #ons+pt$on or se o" #ontro!!ed s3stan#es
;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< $n the Chapter Hose, on Chapter property, or at a
Chapter "n#t$on or e%ent, or $n the #ase o" sa!e o" #ontro!!ed s3stan#es
;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< anywhere, the Ca3$net sha!! ter+$nate h$s hos$n,
#ontra#t and the person sha!! +o%e ot o" the Chapter Hose $++ed$ate!y=
1-2120 In the #ase o" the "$rst o##rren#e o" possess$on, #ons+pt$on or se o"
#ontro!!ed s3stan#es ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< on adDa#ent property or at an
e%ent an o3ser%er wo!d asso#$ate w$th the 8ratern$ty, the Ca3$net sha!! p!a#e
the person on sspens$on and !e%y a "$ne o" two hndred do!!ars ;N)--<=
1-2130 In the #ase o" the se#ond o##rren#e o" possess$on, #ons+pt$on or se o"
#ontro!!ed s3stan#es on adDa#ent property or at an e%ent an o3ser%er wo!d
asso#$ate w$th the 8ratern$ty, the Ca3$net sha!! ter+$nate h$s hos$n, #ontra#t
and the person sha!! +o%e ot o" the Chapter Hose $++ed$ate!y=
1-2140 In add$t$on to the a3o%e, other d$s#$p!$ne +ay 3e !e%$ed or $n%oBed 3y the
Ca3$net, t$!$I$n, the r!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or=
See Also Chapter 7: Building Corporation Declaration
See Also Section 14 Following: Controlled Substances and Pledges
17.30 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.31
New +e+3ers ;p!ed,es< ha%e a per$od o" +e+3ersh$p ed#at$on $n order to 3e#o+e tota!!y a#Ca$nted
w$th the Chapter, $ts h$story and a!! r!es o" the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty, the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees, the
0e!ta Theta B$!d$n, Corporat$on, the Endow+ent 8nd, the Un$%ers$ty and the Chapter=
Chapter By!aws 1-2100 through 1-2140 pro%$de "or pn$sh+ent "or possess$on, #ons+pt$on, se or
sa!e o" #ontro!!ed s3stan#es ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< in (r ar(un- t1e C1a+ter C(u/e (r at a C1a+ter
7uncti(n (r e,ent=
The Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty, the 0e!ta Theta B$!d$n, Corporat$on and the Chapter ha%e adopted stron,
State+ents Con#ern$n, Contro!!ed S3stan#es ;See .a,es 7.09, 7.10 and 7.11 and Section 13 pre%$os<=
A!so, the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees and $ts Cha$r+an possess and ha%e e/er#$sed Dr$sd$#t$on
#on#ern$n, #ontro!!ed s3stan#es prsant to the Nat$ona! .o!$#$es and .ro#edres and the$r By!aws=
7n addition, the New Me+3er .ro,ra+ has "Zero Tolerance Rules" "or 3oth p!ed,es and a#t$%es
#on#ern$n, possess$on andGor #ons+pt$on o" #ontro!!ed s3stan#es ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< 3y p!ed,es
an0=1ere (ut/i-e t1e C1a+ter C(u/e (r /urr(un-in. +r(+ert0= S#h R!es $n#!de?
CSP1. Any p!ed,e who sha!! 3e d$s#o%ered s$n,, possess$n, or arrested "or possess$on or
#ons+pt$on o" any #ontro!!ed s3stan#e ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< anywhere sha!! not 3e
e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e any s#ho!arsh$p, ,rant or award "ro+ the Chapter or the Endow+ent
8nd "or that se+ester> sha!! 3e p!a#ed on so#$a! sspens$on "or ten ;&-< weeBs> sha!!
not attend the *eeBend Tr$p sponsored 3y the .!ed,e C!ass> and sha!! not 3e e!$,$3!e
"or $n$t$at$on w$th h$s .!ed,e C!ass= In add$t$on, he sha!! 3e "$ned N)-- "or the "$rst
o""ense and ha%e h$s hos$n, #ontra#t or anne/ a,ree+ent ter+$nated "or the se#ond
CSA1. Any a#t$%e who sha!! pro%$de "or or a!!ow any p!ed,e to #ons+e any #ontro!!ed
s3stan#e ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< anywhere sha!! not 3e e!$,$3!e to re#e$%e any
s#ho!arsh$p or award "ro+ the Chapter or the Endow+ent 8nd "or that se+ester or
any ,rant "ro+ the Endow+ent 8nd "or that year> sha!! 3e p!a#ed on so#$a! sspens$on
"or ten ;&-< weeBs> sha!! "or"e$t h$s %ot$n, r$,hts "or the "o!!ow$n, se+ester> and sha!!
not 3e e!$,$3!e "or e!e#t$on to o""$#e "or one se+ester= In add$t$on, he sha!! 3e "$ned
N)-- "or the "$rst o""ense and ha%e h$s hos$n, #ontra#t or anne/ a,ree+ent ter+$nated
"or the se#ond o""ense=
.!ease note that these are minimum pena!t$es "or p!ed,es and a#t$%es who %$o!ate these Kero To!eran#e
R!es= These minimum penalties w$!! 3e $n#reased $n Cant$ty and s#ope $" the %$o!at$on $n%o!%es death,
$nDry, $!!e,a! sa!e or d$str$3t$on, #o!!s$on or #o!!a3orat$on or the poss$3$!$ty o" #r$+$na! pena!t$es= An
a#t$%e or p!ed,e +ay 3e sspended 3y the .res$dent andGor the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees and +ay 3e
reC$red to +o%e ot o" the Chapter Hose=
See Also Section 13 Previous: Chapter Statement Concerning Controlled Substances
17.32 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.33
Ear!y $n the se+ester, ea#h p!ed,e w$!! se!e#t an a#t$%e as h$s .!ed,e 8ather= The .!ed,e
8ather ser%es $n "or #apa#$t$es? "r$end, s#ho!ast$# resor#e, #o++n$#at$on !$nB and so#$a! !$nB=
*hen yo #ons$der who to se!e#t as yor .!ed,e 8ather, th$nB o" these "or areas?
1. Closeness: Yor .!ed,e 8ather sho!d 3e the person to who+ yo #an speaB "ree!y
and "ranB!y a3ot anyth$n,=
2. Scholarship: Yor .!ed,e 8ather sho!d 3e so+eone that has so+e e/per$en#e $n
the areas o" stdy yo ha%e #hosen=
3. Communications: Yor .!ed,e 8ather sho!d 3e so+eone who $s $n%o!%ed $n the
Chapter a#t$%$t$es=
4. Social: Yor .!ed,e 8ather sho!d 3e so+eone who $s $n%o!%ed so#$a!!y=
Yor .!ed,e 8ather w$!! !ead yo thro,h yor p!ed,esh$p and $n$t$at$on $nto the Chapter and
8ratern$ty, so #hoose an a#t$%e 3est s$ted to he!p yo a#h$e%e th$s= Yor .!ed,e 8ather $s 3ond
3y the "o!!ow$n, r!es?
PF 1. .!ed,e 8athers are reC$red to stay pdated on the$r .!ed,e SonAs ,rades and
s#ho!ast$# pro,ress=
PF 2. .!ed,e 8athers are reC$red to attend a!! .!ed,e 8atherG.!ed,e Son a#t$%$t$es,
n!ess e/#sed $n ad%an#e 3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an=
17.34 Members Manual
Ea#h se+ester, ea#h p!ed,e $nter%$ews w$th $n-hose a#t$%es and se#red the$r s$,natre on a
s$,natre padd!e= In order that th$s pro#ess not 3e a3sed, the "o!!ow$n, r!es are esta3!$shed?
ISR 1. S$,natres w$!! 3e reada3!e "$rst and !ast na+es wr$tten on!y $n darB $nB=
ISR 2. No padd!e w$!! 3e sed $n any way other than "or s$,natres=
ISR 3. 1$%$n, o" a s$,natre sha!! not 3e s3De#t to any per"or+an#e, Cest$on or
persona! dty or a#t$on=
ISR 4. Ind$%$da!s w$!! e/#han,e $n"or+at$on on ea#h other=
ISR 5. S$,natres w$!! not 3e #ont$n,ent on any other personAs pre%$os s$,natre=
ISR 6. No s$,natre padd!e w$!! 3e 3orrowed, h$dden, taBen, #on#ea!ed, a!tered or
de"a#ed $n any way=
ISR 7. 2n!y $n-hose a#t$%esA s$,natres are reC$red=
Members Manual 17.35
There are three +a$n reasons "or a He!p *eeB= The "$rst and pper+ost $s that the Chapter wants to pro+ote
3rotherhood w$th$n yor .!ed,e C!ass= There are st$!! so+e J#!$CesJ= 0r$n, He!p *eeB, yo are ,$%en the
opportn$ty to ta!B w$th so+e o" yor p!ed,e 3rothers who yo donAt rea!!y Bnow that we!! or ha%enAt had a #han#e
to ta!B to !ate!y= Use He!p *eeB to han,-ot w$th so+eone d$""erent and stren,then the who!e p!ed,e #!assA
The se#ond reason $s s#ho!arsh$p= *e "ee! $t $s %ery $+portant that a!! p!ed,es ,et o"" to a ,ood start a#ade+$#a!!y
$n the Chapter= Ths, w$th ,ood stdy ha3$ts and ,ood ,rades, the Chapter as a who!e w$!! 3ene"$t $n the !on, rn=
The th$rd and "$na! reason $s the #han#e "or the .!ed,e C!ass to show the Chapter that a!! o" yo want to 3e
$n%o!%ed $n th$s or,an$Iat$on B that yo want to 3e an AT2=
8$na!!y, He!p *eeB $s n(t a ne,at$%e e/per$en#e= It $s a t$+e that a!! p!ed,es and a#t$%es worB, p!ay, stdy and
part$#$pate as +e+3ers o" a ,reat 8ratern$ty= .art$#$pate $n a!! o" the He!p *eeB a#t$%$t$es=
1ENERAL RULES ;Monday to and $n#!d$n, Thrsday<?
&= He!p *eeB 3e,$ns Snday E%en$n, at (?-- .=M= w$th the "$rst Re!e%an#e Ser$es= Bt the #ont$nos
a#t$%$t$es 3e,$n Monday Morn$n, at 4?-- A=M= and end on Thrsday E%en$n, at '?-- .=M=
)= Be p $n t$+e to ,o to stdy $n the L$3rary ;)
8!oor<, arr$%$n, there 3y 4?-- A=M= D( n(t go from
Chapter House to Union in one big group=
7= 0a$!y, dr$n, the per$od "ro+ 4?-- A=M= to 7?-- .=M=, stdy $n the L$3rary at all t$+es when yo are not
$n #!ass or at !n#h= Make sure you study!
6= Attend all classes ;no e/#ept$ons<=
:= Ln#h $n the Un$on "or & hor=
9= Retrn to the Chapter Hose at 7?-- .=M= to do A!!-Hose .roDe#t and Hose 0t$es= 0$nner w$!! 3e at
:?6: .=M=
(= Nor+a! E%en$n, Stdy Hors w$!! 3e "ro+ 9?&: .=M= to arond 4?-- or '?-- .=M=
4= There w$!! 3e no a3se o" r!es #on#ern$n, C$et hors, a!#oho! #ons+pt$on, te!e%$s$on, phone #a!!s,
rad$oGstereo or ,$r!"r$ends=
'= MaBe sre yoAre $n 3ed 3y &&?7- .=M= and ,et so+e Ca!$ty s!eep=
&-= Eat a 3$, !n#h on 8r$day 3e"ore the *eeBend Tr$p=
17.36 Members Manual
Sunday? (?-- .M In"or+at$ona! Meet$n, and Re!e%an#e Ser$es
Monday? Dress Sharp Casual
4?-- AM-7?-- .M L$3rary Stdy$n, ;)
&&?7--&)?7- .M Ln#h BreaB
;I" yo donAt ha%e a"ternoon #!asses, retrn to Chapter Hose "or .roDe#t<
By )?:: .M Retrn to Chapter Hose
7?---:?-- .M Hose .roDe#t and Hose 0t$es
:?6: .M 0$nner
9?---(?-- .M Re!e%an#e Ser$es
(?---'?-- .M Stdy Hors
'?---&-?7- .M Brotherhood E%ent
&&?-- .M In Yor Roo+s
Tuesday? Dress Sharp Casual
4?-- AM-7?-- .M L$3rary Stdy$n,
&&?7--&)?7- .M Ln#h BreaB
By )?:: .M Retrn to Chapter Hose
7?---:?-- .M Hose 0t$esG.roDe#ts
:?6: .M 0$nner
9?---(?-- .M Re!e%an#e Ser$es
(?---'?-- .M Stdy Hors
'?---&&?-- .M .!ed,e Meet$n,GTest
&&?-- .M In Yor Roo+s
Wednesday? Dress Sharp Casual
4?-- AM-7?-- .M Un$on Stdy$n,
&&?7--&)?7- .M Ln#h BreaB
By )?:: .M Retrn to Chapter Hose
7?---:?-- .M Hose 0t$es
:?6: .M 0$nner
9?---(?-- .M Re!e%an#e Ser$es
(?---'?-- .M Stdy Hors
'?---&-?6: .M Brotherhood A#t$%$ty
&&?-- .M In Yor Roo+s
Thursday? Everyone Dress in ATO Letters
4?7- AM-7?-- .M L$3rary Stdy$n,
&&?7--&)?7- .M Ln#h BreaB
7?-- .M Bow!$n, at the Un$on
6?7- .M Retrn to Chapter Hose
6?6:-:?7- .M Hose 0t$es
:?6: .M 0$nner
9?---(?-- .M Re!e%an#e Ser$es
(?---'?-- .M Stdy Hors
'?-- .M .ersona! T$+e at Chapter Hose
&&?-- .M In Yor Roo+s
Friday? Go to Class, Eat Lunch, Study and Pack (Bus Loads Early Afternoon)
Members Manual 17.37
The *eeBend Tr$p $s a p!anned and or,an$Ied weeBend tr$p ots$de Manhattan, 3e,$nn$n, on a 8r$day n$,ht and end$n, Snday=
The *eeBend Tr$p $s to pro%$de t$+e "or the p!ed,e #!ass to 3e to,ether as a ,rop=
WT 1. The .!ed,e C!ass +st 3e a##o+pan$ed 3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an and h$s Ass$stants and at !east one Chapter
Ad%$sor= Add$t$ona! a#t$%es w$!! on!y a##o+pany when spe#$"$#a!!y asBed 3y the .!ed,e C!ass, as spa#e and "nds per+$t=
WT 2. The Hose+other and the .res$dent +st 3e $n"or+ed at !east three weeBs pre%$os to the *eeBend Tr$p= The Chapter sha!!
3e $n"or+ed 3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an at !east two weeBs pre%$os=
WT 3. No +e+3er o" the .!ed,e C!ass +ay +$ss any #!asses= The .!ed,e C!ass +st retrn to,ether on Snday 3y 9?-- .=M=,
n!ess s#h t$+e $s e/tended 3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an=
WT 4. The .!ed,e C!ass $s respons$3!e "or all e/penses= They +st arran,e, well in advance, "or?
(1) Group transportation= All tra%e! sha!! 3e 3y 3s ;w$th a th$rd-party dr$%er respons$3!e "or the %eh$#!e<, p!ane
andGor tra$n, w$th no a!#oho! present whatsoe%er= No pr$%ate %eh$#!es +ay 3e sed=
(2) Lodging= A!! !od,$n, and #osts thereo", $n#!d$n, those o" the a#t$%es and ad%$sors a##o+pany$n,, sha!! 3e
arran,ed "or 3y and 3e the respons$3$!$ty o" the .!ed,e C!ass=
(3) Meals= The .!ed,e C!ass sha!! 3e respons$3!e to pay "or a!! ,rop +ea!s and arran,e the !o#at$ons thereo"=
(4) Activities= 1rop a#t$%$t$es, %$s$tat$ons, tors and ot$n,s, sha!! 3e arran,ed "or 3y the .!ed,e C!ass= The .!ed,e
C!ass sha!! ha%e a ,rop +ea! Satrday e%en$n,=
WT 5. By the end o" the third week o" the se+ester, every pledge w$!! depos$t w$th the .!ed,e C!ass Treasrer a #he#B ad%an#e o"
at !east $400 to 3e p!a#ed $n the .!ed,e C!ass Treasry #he#B$n, a##ont to 3e sed "or e/penses o" the *eeBend Tr$p= A!!
*eeBend Tr$p ,rop e/penses shall be paid from the .!ed,e C!ass Treasry #he#B$n, a##ont=
WT 6. By the end o" the sixth week o" the se+ester, every active w$!! depos$t w$th the .!ed,e C!ass Treasrer a #he#B ad%an#e o" at
!east $100 to 3e p!a#ed $n the .!ed,e C!ass Treasry #he#B$n, a##ont to 3e sed "or e/penses o" the *eeBend Tr$p=1
WT 7. The .!ed,e C!ass sha!! stay to,ether $n a ,rop dr$n, the ent$re weeBend, n!ess sp!$t-,rop e%ents are appro%ed $n ad%an#e
3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an= The .!ed,e C!ass sha!! ha%e a Retreat dr$n, the *eeBend Tr$p ;see 3e!ow<=
WT 8. .!ed,es not a3!e to ,o on the *eeBend Tr$p +st +aBe arran,e+ents w$th the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an and the
Chapter .res$dent=
At !east three t$+es dr$n, the per$od o" yor p!ed,esh$p, yo w$!! ha%e .!ed,e C!ass Retreats= These Retreats are opportn$t$es "or
the .!ed,e C!ass to ,ather at a s$te ots$de the Chapter Hose to d$s#ss "ee!$n,s, $nterests, #o++on $te+s and #on#erns= .art$#$pat$on at
a!! three Retreats $s en#ora,ed and attendan#e $s reC$red= Attendan#e 3y other persons, e/#ept as noted, $s not per+$tted=
PR 1. 2n the Weekend Trip ;see a3o%e<, the .!ed,e C!ass sha!! asse+3!e "or a "Tau Talk" Retreat o" at !east 7 hors drat$on,
attended on!y 3y the +e+3ers o" the .!ed,e C!ass and a##o+pany$n, a#t$%es and a!+n$=
PR 2. 2n a 8r$day n$,ht, the .!ed,e C!ass sha!! ha%e a Camp Out at a !o#at$on pre%$os!y deter+$ned to ,et to Bnow ea#h other
3etter= The Ca+p 2t sha!! 3e attended 3y the +e+3ers o" the .!ed,e C!ass and the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an and
h$s ass$stants= No other a#t$%es or a!+n$ are per+$tted to attend, e/#ept w$th the e/pressed per+$ss$on o" the Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Cha$r+an and the Cha$r+an o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees=
17.38 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.39
The +anners o" a ,ent!e+an #an 3e o3ta$ned eas$!y 3y +ere!y 3e$n, a!ert= The po$se and ease de%e!oped
thro,h proper tra$n$n, are e/h$3$ted e%ery +$nte o" yor e%eryday !$"e= Know$n, the ways o" a ,ent!e+an w$!!
e!$+$nate e+3arrass+ent, nhappy $n#$dents, and #an eas$!y +aBe a d$""eren#e to yo $n e%en do!!ars and #ents $n
the "tre= The Chapter w$!! d$re#t yor pro,ress, and add$t$ona! $n"or+at$on #an 3e "ond $n Chapter By-Laws
and Hose R!es and JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ=
ER 1. 8$!! the head ta3!e "$rst, then the other ta3!es $n order toward the rear=
ER 2. Es#ort a!! ,ests to and "ro+ the d$n$n, roo+= Be sre that they pre#ede the #hapter +e+3ers=
ER 3. 0o not 3e seated nt$! !ad$es or other ,ests are seated=
ER 4. *hen w$th a !ady, d$re#t her to the #ha$r to yor right, and $ntrod#e her to e%eryone at the ta3!e before
3e$n, seated= *hen the +ea! $s "$n$shed, r$se soon eno,h 3e"ore the !ady to p!! her #ha$r ot as she
ER 5. The person at the "oot o" ea#h ta3!e w$!! por water or other 3e%era,e= *hen a personAs ,!ass $s e+pty,
asB the+? JMay I "$!! yor ,!ass, p!easeQJ or JMay I ,$%e yo so+e +ore water, p!easeQJ AsB the ta3!e
head "or +ore water when the p$t#her $s e+pty= AsB to 3e e/#sed to re"$!! the p$t#her=
ER 6. 0o not start to eat nt$! a!! are ser%ed and the ta3!e head 3e,$ns to eat= 0o not start dessert nt$! $t has
3een ser%ed to a!!=
ER 7. Use s$!%er $n the order o" arran,e+ent= 8o!!ow the !ead o" the hostess, start$n, "ro+ the ots$de $n=
ER 8. Eat as C$et!y as poss$3!e=
ER 9. 0onAt ta!B w$th a +oth "!! o" "ood= 0onAt #hew w$th the +oth open or taBe 3$, 3$tes=
ER 10. 0o not spear "ood w$th the "orB=
ER 11. *hen sop $s ser%ed, d$p away "ro+ the near ed,e o" the 3ow!, and s$p "ro+ the ed,e o" the spoon
ER 12. The "orB +ay 3e sed "or #tt$n, so"t "oods and sa!ads=
ER 13. 0onAt 3tter a who!e p$e#e o" 3read or ro!!= BreaB o"" a p$e#e and ho!d $t $n yor hand o%er the 3tter
p!ate wh$!e 3tter$n,= The 3ttered p$e#e sho!d 3e no !ar,er than two 3$tes and sho!d 3e eaten at one
ER 14. Use the Bn$"e "or #tt$n, on!y= *hen not $n se, p!a#e $t on the s$de o" the p!ate w$th the #tt$n, ed,e
toward the #enter o" the p!ate= *hen thro,h w$th tens$!s, p!a#e the+ para!!e! $n the #enter o" the
ER 15. 0o not toy w$th s$!%er or tw$r! yor ,!ass=
ER 16. .ass e%eryth$n, #ross-handed= Be on the a!ert to pass "ood or #ond$+ents to others=
ER 17. 0o not dr$nB water $n 3$, ,!ps, nor t$p yor head 3a#B when dr$nB$n,= S$t ere#t at a!! t$+es=
17.40 Members Manual
ER 18. Keep yor hands $n yor !ap or at yor s$des when not s$n, the+= Ne%er pt yor e!3ows on the ta3!e=
ER 19. *hen yo des$re so+eth$n,, say? J.!ease pass the ;sa!t, pepper, ,ra%y, 3tter, et#=<=J
ER 20. A!! "ood and #ond$+ents start at the head o" the ta3!e= Ho!d yor "$n,ers away "ro+ the r$+ o" the o3De#t
when pass$n,=
ER 21. Ta!B at the ta3!e, 3e p!easant and en,a,$n, $n a C$et, ,ent!e+an!y +anner= Never be loud or
boisterous and talk only about pleasant and appropriate subjects.
ER 22. 0o not ,!p or hrry wh$!e eat$n,= A!ways 3e on t$+e "or +ea!s=
ER 23. There $s no s+oB$n, $n the Chapter Hose "or any reason=
ER 24. The napB$n w$!! 3e "o!ded !oose!y and p!a#ed at the !e"t o" the p!ate when !ea%$n, the d$n$n, roo+ a"ter
eat$n,= I" "or any reason one !ea%es 3e"ore the +ea! $s "$n$shed 3t $ntends to retrn, the napB$n $s
p!a#ed on yor #ha$r=
ER 25. I" $t $s ne#essary to re+o%e 3ones and seeds and so "orth, re+o%e w$th the "$n,ers as $n#onsp$#os!y as
poss$3!e= If necessary to yawn, cough, sneeze, etc., use your napkin to h$de $t $n#onsp$#os!y and
trn yor head away "ro+ the ta3!e=
ER 26. *hen e/#s$n, yorse!", asB per+$ss$on to 3e e/#sed "ro+ the ta3!e head, then e/#se yorse!" "ro+
the peop!e at the ta3!e= If late, do not enter the dining room while the Grace is being sung=
ER 27. 0o not he!p yorse!" to "ood "ro+ a #onta$ner rest$n, on the ta3!e= .$#B $t p, then he!p yorse!"=
ER 28. 0ress sh$rts +st a!ways 3e worn when t$es are st$p!ated "or d$nner dress=
ER 29. *hen a "e+a!e enters or !ea%es the 0$n$n, Roo+, all persons $n the roo+ w$!! r$se=
ER 30. *$th$n the !$+$ts o" #o++on sense and #ortesy, yor ,estAs des$res w$!! taBe pr$or$ty o%er #hapter or
p!ed,e r!es= E%eryone w$!!, howe%er, 3e e/pe#ted to se th$s r!e w$th d$s#ret$on=
ER 31. Re+o%e spoon "ro+ ,!ass 3e"ore dr$nB$n,=
ER 32. A!ways n"o!d napB$n to ha!" and p!a#e $n !ap 3e"ore ser%$n, starts=
ER 33. Ne%er se "$n,ers to psh "ood onto "orB=
ER 34. A!! "ood sho!d 3e eaten w$th a "orB e/#ept sop and dessert=
ER 35. Ne%er #t p a!! yor +eat at one t$+e= 2n!y #t a #op!e o" 3$tes=
ER 36. *hen ,o$n, thro,h the 3""et !$ne, taBe on!y a s$n,!e, a%era,e ser%$n, the "$rst t$+e thro,h= TaBe
se#onds on!y when a!! others ha%e had the$r "$rst ser%$n,=
Members Manual 17.41
JTo 3$nd +en to,ether $n a 3rotherhood 3ased on eterna! and
$++ta3!e pr$n#$p!es, w$th a 3ond as stron, as r$,ht $tse!" and as
!ast$n, as h+an$ty> to Bnow no North, no Soth, no East, no *est,
3t to Bnow +an as +an, to tea#h that tre +en the wor!d o%er
sho!d stand to,ether and #ontend "or the spre+a#y o" ,ood o%er
e%$!> to tea#h not po!$t$#s, 3t +ora!s> to "oster not part$sansh$p, 3t
the re#o,n$t$on o" tre +er$t where%er "ond> to ha%e no narrower
!$+$ts w$th$n wh$#h to worB to,ether "or the e!e%at$on o" +an than
the ot!$nes o" the wor!d? these were the tho,hts and hopes
pper+ost $n the +$nds o" the "onders o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a
2t$s A!!an 1!aIe3rooB, &44-
JI, $n the presen#e o" 1od and these w$tnesses, do +ost so!e+n!y
pro+$se to !earn the $dea!s and pr$n#$p!es o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a
8ratern$ty, and to +a$nta$n a h$,h standard o" persona! #ond#t $n
a##ord w$th these pr$n#$p!es= I sha!! not 3y word or a#t 3r$n,
d$s#red$t, d$s,ra#e, or d$shonor to +y Chapter or +y 8ratern$ty, nor
sha!! I s""er any Brother to do so= I "rther pro+$se to wa!B
pr$,ht!y 3e"ore 1od and +an, and to o""er +yse!" "or $n$t$at$on
$nto "!! +e+3ersh$p $n the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty as soon as
I +ay 3e Ca!$"$ed= So he!p +e 1od=J
17.42 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.43
17.44 Members Manual
2014 Spring Pledge Class Officers
.res$dent^GIntra+ra!s Cha$r+an Brandon 5= Be!!
GChap!a$nGHose Mana,er Kody M= Chase
Treasrer^GK$t#hen Mana,er Er$# .= He""ern
Se#retary^GH$stor$anGS#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an
R$sB M,+nt 2""#rGSo#$a!GCo++n$#at$ons Chr$stopher L= ;Chr$s< *$!!$a+s
Ser,eant-at-Ar+sG0oorBeeper 5a+es 0= ;5$+< Mass$n,a!e
.h$!anthropyGSo#$a! Ser%$#e Cha$r+an Chr$stopher A= ;Chr$s< 1earon
Brotherhood Cha$r+an 5oseph A= ;5oe< MendoIa
8ndra$s$n, Co++$ttee A!!
^Me+3ers o" .!ed,e C!ass E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee
Votes 2n!y to BreaB T$es $n E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee
Members Manual 17.45
Na+e Ho+etown
1Brandon James Bell Chanut e, Kansas
Kody Michael Chase Chanut e, Kansas
Christopher Alan (Chris) Gearon Leawood, Kansas
Eric Patrick Heffern Iola, Kansas
James Donald (Jim) Massi ngal e Overl and Park, Kansas
Jovanny Alexander (Joe) Mendoza Faribaul t , Minnesot a
Christopher Lee (Chris) Williams Wichit a, Kansas
17.46 Members Manual
The "o!!ow$n, are reC$re+ents #on#ern$n, New .!ed,es ;w$th respons$3!e o""$#ers a!so !$sted<?
1,3,4 A!! new .!ed,es retrn to s#hoo! at !east 3y the *ednesday 3e"ore the start o" #!asses= Mo%e $nto ass$,ned
1,3,4 The Chapter .res$dent, $n #ons!tat$on w$th the Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an, ass$,ns a!! new
.!ed,es to S!eep$n, Roo+s $n the Chapter Hose= 2n#e therea"ter dr$n, the se+ester, the Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Cha$r+an +aBes sre that a!! new .!ed,es are ass$,ned to a d$""erent roo+ $n the Chapter
Hose, w$th the ,oa! o" the+ e/per$en#$n, !$%$n, on 3oth res$den#e "!oors ;See MG 6= on .a,e 17.15<=
2 The Chapter Treasrer w$!! $sse yor Hose3$!!= E%eryone pays a!! "ees ;Hose3$!!, .!ed,e 8ee, So#$a!
8ee, 0a+a,eG8$ne 0epos$t, Te!e#o++n$#at$ons 8ee, et#=< to the Chapter Treasrer 3e"ore +o%$n, $nto
the Chapter Hose ;S++er .!ed,es w$!! re#e$%e the$r Hose3$!! dr$n, the S++er<= A!! a#t$%es and
p!ed,es sha!! Beep the$r hose3$!! #rrent and pa$d thro,hot the year or "a#e d$s#$p!$nary a#t$on 3y the
E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee ;See .a,e 1.20<= A!so, +aBe sre 1reeBB$!! "or Nat$ona! L$a3$!$ty Insran#e
#o%era,e has a!so 3een pa$d=
1 The Chapter .res$dent +aBes sre that a!! new .!ed,es are "or+a!!y p!ed,ed $n the 8or+a! .!ed,$n,
Cere+ony, wh$#h sha!! o##r dr$n, the "$rst "ew weeBs o" the se+ester= The 8or+a! .!ed,$n, Cere+ony
$s open to parents, re!at$%es and "r$ends, and #an 3e $n #onDn#t$on w$th .arentsA *eeBend, 8atherAs
*eeBend or MotherAs *eeBend= The Chapter .res$dent +aBes sre that preparat$ons ha%e 3een +ade,
$n#!d$n, a re%$ew$n, o" the 8or+a! .!ed,$n, Cere+ony w$th the Chapter V$#e-.res$dent and Chap!a$n
the day 3e"ore=
4 The Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an +aBes sre that a!! new .!ed,es are $n attendan#e at the 8or+a!
.!ed,$n, Cere+ony=
1 The Chapter .res$dent +aBes sre that a!! a#t$%es are ad%$sed o" the date and t$+e o" the 8or+a! .!ed,$n,
Cere+ony> $n#!d$n, a!! .!ed,e 8athers and +aBes sre that they are present to ,$%e the .!ed,e Btton to
the$r .!ed,e Sons=
1 The Chapter .res$dent orders eno,h .!ed,e Bttons "ro+ the Nat$ona! HeadCarters "or a!! new .!ed,es
we!! $n ad%an#e o" the 8or+a! .!ed,$n, Cere+ony=
1,5 The Chapter .res$dent and the Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees w$!! report $n"or+at$on #on#ern$n, the
new .!ed,es to Nat$ona! HeadCarters= They w$!! ,$%e a #opy to the Chapter Treasrer=
2 The Chapter Treasrer w$!! "orward ea#h new .!ed,esA p!ed,e "ee to the Nat$ona! HeadCarters=
6 Nat$ona! HeadCarters w$!! +a$! new .!ed,esA 0ositive 81perience 3ooB pon re#e$pt o" #orre#t p!ed,e
"ees ;sa!!y ) weeBs<=
1 .res$dent 2 Treasrer 3 Re#r$t+ent Cha$r 4 Me+3 Ed Cha$r+an 5 B2T Cha$r+an 6 NH@
Members Manual 17.47
17.48 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.49
&= Meet and ,et to Bnow yor .!ed,e Brothers=
)= Meet and ,et to Bnow the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an and h$s Ass$stants=
7= Read and re%$ew $n $ts ent$rety th$s Chapter &( o" the %Members Manual%? 0e!ta Theta Chapter New Me+3er
6= .ay yor Hose3$!! ;$n#!d$n, .!ed,e 8ee, 0a+a,eG8$ne 0epos$t, So#$a! 8ee and Te!e#o++n$#at$ons 8ee< to
the Chapter Treasrer= I" yo are pay$n, Carter!y, pay yor Hose3$!! on the &st o" e%ery Carter dr$n, the
Contra#t per$od= *hen yo ,et yor Nat$ona! Insran#e state+ent "ro+ 1reeBB$!!, pay the a+ont
$++ed$ate!y ;there $s a $35 late charge $" not pa$d on t$+e<= S$,n yor Hos$n, Contra#t or Anne/
A,ree+ent ;as the #ase +ay 3e<, $" yo ha%enAt a!ready=
:= R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#er and Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an +aBe presentat$on on "Proper Alcohol
Use" at 3e,$nn$n, o" se+ester= A!! +e+3ers are he!d respons$3!e "or the$r a#t$ons, p!ed,es and a#t$%es a!$Be=
Hard a!#oho! and shots are a +aDor #o!!e,e pro3!e+ T so yor a#t$ons as a new +e+3er are #r$t$#a! to yor
and or reptat$on and #a+ps stand$n,= Not "o!!ow$n, the r!es andGor o%er-#ons+pt$on or dan,eros
a#t$%$t$es w$!! res!t $n a#t$ons 3e$n, taBen 3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee andGor the Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Cha$r+an= Be sa"e and 3e s+artL
9= Read, Bnow and a3sor3 Chapter By-Laws Con#ern$n, Contro!!ed S3stan#es?
1-2100 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES: .ossess$on, #ons+pt$on, se or sa!e o" #ontro!!ed s3stan#es
;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< $s proh$3$ted=
1-2110 In the #ase o" possess$on, #ons+pt$on or se o" #ontro!!ed s3stan#es ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< $n the
Chapter Hose, on Chapter property, or at a Chapter "n#t$on or e%ent, or $n the #ase o" sa!e o"
#ontro!!ed s3stan#es ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< anywhere, the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee sha!! ter+$nate
h$s hos$n, #ontra#t and the person sha!! +o%e ot o" the Chapter Hose $++ed$ate!y=
1-2120 In the #ase o" the "$rst o##rren#e o" possess$on, #ons+pt$on or se o" #ontro!!ed s3stan#es
;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< on adDa#ent property or at an e%ent an o3ser%er wo!d asso#$ate w$th the
8ratern$ty, the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee sha!! p!a#e the person on pro3at$on and !e%y a "$ne o" two
hndred do!!ars ;N)--<=
1-2130 In the #ase o" the se#ond o##rren#e o" possess$on, #ons+pt$on or se o" #ontro!!ed s3stan#es on
adDa#ent property or at an e%ent an o3ser%er wo!d asso#$ate w$th the 8ratern$ty, the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee sha!! ter+$nate h$s hos$n, #ontra#t and the person sha!! +o%e ot o" the Chapter
Hose $++ed$ate!y=
1-2140 In add$t$on to the a3o%e, other d$s#$p!$ne +ay 3e !e%$ed or $n%oBed 3y the Ca3$net, t$!$I$n, the
r!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or=
(= Read and Bnow Chapter ( o" the %Members Manual%? R$sB Mana,e+ent and L$a3$!$ty= Read and Bnow the
State+ent o" the Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty and the 0e#!arat$on o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on, 3oth o" wh$#h dea! w$th
%$o!at$ons o" !aws #on#ern$n, #ontro!!ed s3stan#es ;$n#!d$n, +ar$Dana< ;See Chapter ( o" the %Members
4= Read and Bnow the ChapterAs JZero Tolerance RulesJ #on#ern$n, #ontro!!ed s3stan#es ;See Se#t$ons &7 and
&6 pre%$os<=
17.50 Members Manual
'= Read and Bnow Chapter By-Laws Con#ern$n, Beer and A!#oho!?
1-2000 BEER AND ALCOHOL: .ossess$on and #ons+pt$on o" 3eer and a!#oho! sha!! 3e re,!ated 3y
the Ca3$net, and a!! po!$#$es sha!! 3e $n !$ne w$th those re,!at$ons esta3!$shed 3y the Nat$ona!
8ratern$ty and the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty=
1-2010 No 3eer or a!#oho! +ay 3e pr#hased "ro+ #hapter "nds= No 3eer or a!#oho! +ay 3e pr#hased
thro,h a #oord$nated e""ort 3y any a#t$%e or p!ed,e $n the na+e o" or on 3eha!" o" the Chapter=
1-2020 No hard a!#oho! +ay 3e possessed or #ons+ed $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter Hose
property or srrond$n, property or at any Chapter so#$a! "n#t$on= JHard a!#oho!J $s de"$ned as
any a!#oho! #onta$n$n, +ore than )9 proo" ;&7M<= No person sha!! possess, $n the Chapter Hose
or on Chapter Hose property or srrond$n, property, any a!#oho! #onta$ner other than "or 3eer or
1-2030 Ke,s are proh$3$ted $n the Chapter Hose or on Chapter property or adDa#ent property, e/#ept when
t$!$Ied and +a$nta$ned 3y a !$#ensed, th$rd-party %endor at a re,$stered so#$a! "n#t$on=
1-2040 Any person %$o!at$n, &-)-&- thro,h &-)-7- "or the "$rst o""ense sha!! 3e "$ned a +$n$++ o" one
hndred do!!ars ;N&--<= 8or the se#ond o""ense, the person sha!! 3e p!a#ed on so#$a! sspens$on "or
s$/teen ;&9< weeBs and 3e "$ned two hndred do!!ars ;N)--<, wh$#h w$!! 3e !e%$ed d$re#t!y a,a$nst
the person or assessed a,a$nst the$r da+a,e and "$ne depos$t he!d 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on= 8or
the th$rd o""ense, the Ca3$net sha!! ter+$nate h$s hos$n, #ontra#t or anne/ a,ree+ent $++ed$ate!y
and re"er the +atter to the Board o" Trstees=
1-2050 No re#r$t or potent$a! re#r$t sha!! 3e $n%$ted to or attend any Chapter party, "n#t$on or so#$a!
e%ent, whether w$th$n or ots$de the Chapter Hose, where 3eer or a!#oho! $s present= No a#t$%e or
p!ed,e sha!! pro%$de, spp!y, pr#hase "or or ,$%e 3eer or a!#oho! to any re#r$t or potent$a! re#r$t=
&-= Read and Bnow the 1enera! Hose R!es ;See Chapter ) o" the %Members Manual% or .a,e 17.13<=
&&= Know that the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees has esta3!$shed a .o!$#y on 0r$nB$n, and 0r$%$n, that
pres#r$3es se%ere pena!t$es "or +e+3ers and p!ed,es who are arrested and #on%$#ted or re#e$%e d$%ers$on "or
dr$%$n, nder the $n"!en#e ;See Chapter : o" the %Members Manual%<=
&)= Know that the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees has a!so esta3!$shed .o!$#$es Con#ern$n, A!#oho! Cons+pt$on,
Reta!$at$on and .ranBs that pres#r$3e se%ere pena!t$es "or +e+3ers and p!ed,es who are arrested and
#on%$#ted or re#e$%e d$%ers$on "or #erta$n a#ts ;See Chapter : o" the %Members Manual%<=
&7= Trn $n C!ass S#hed!e to Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an and post $t $n yor S!eep$n, Roo+=
&6= Know that ea#h person $n a S!eep$n, Roo+ has eCa! r$,hts and respons$3$!$t$es, $n#!d$n, #!ean!$ness,
stora,e spa#e and a##ess= A!! persons $n a S!eep$n, Roo+ sha!! ha%e a Bey to that roo+ and p!ed,es w$!!
trans"er that Bey to the ne/t o##pant when they #han,e S!eep$n, Roo+s dr$n, the se+ester=
&:= Attend the JA#t$%$t$es Carn$%a!J andGor s$,n p "or a #a+ps or,an$Iat$onG#!3Ga#t$%$ty ;s#h as @est,
Stdent 1o%ern$n, Asso#$at$on, Co!!e,e-3ased or,an$Iat$on or any #!3<=
&9= Co+p!ete a J1oa! L$stJ "or the se+ester, #onta$n$n, at !east three persona! and "or .!ed,e C!ass J1oa!sJ=
Members Manual 17.51
&= Learn and Bnow the Na+es, Ho+etowns and MaDors o" yor .!ed,e Brothers ;See .a,e 17.45<=
)= Read and Bnow Chapters & and ) o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ? *e!#o+e to AT2 and TaB$n, .r$de=
7= 1et to Bnow the Cha$r+an and +e+3ers o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees? "Alpha Talk"=
a= Re%$ew A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty H$story and A#h$e%e+ents
3= Re%$ew 0e!ta Theta H$story and A#h$e%e+ents
#= E/p!a$n 8or Corporat$ons Asso#$ated w$th the Chapter and Ea#h o" The$r Respons$3$!$t$es
&= 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a ;Chapter<
)= Kansas 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on ;A!+n$ Asso#$at$on<
7= 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on ;B$!d$n, Corporat$on<
6= Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd ;Endow+ent 8nd<
d= E/p!a$n Board o" Trstees and Cha$r+anAs Ro!e
e= E/p!a$n the 8$%e Board .o!$#$es o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees
&= Se+ester!y and Year!y 1rades
)= 0r$nB$n, and 0r$%$n,
7= A!#oho! Cons+pt$on
6= Reta!$at$on
:= .ranBs
"= E/p!a$n B$!d$n, Corporat$on 0e#!arat$on on Contro!!ed S3stan#es
,= Re%$ew Nat$ona! By!aws, .o!$#$es and .ro#edres, E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es, Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes
o" 2perat$ons, I8C .o!$#$es and Chapter By-Laws
h= Re%$ew Chapter Hose R!es ;$n#!d$n, .arB$n, and AT2-Ident$"$a3!e In"or+at$on<
$= Re%$ew B$!d$n, Corporat$on Chapter Hose R!es and Re,!at$ons ;$n#!d$n, "$nes<
D= Re%$ew .!ed,e Se+ester
6= Learn and Bnow that +e+3ersh$p $n A!pha Ta 2+e,a $s?
a= A L$"et$+e Co++$t+ent to the Brotherhood
3= A 8or-Year Co!!e,e 8$nan#$a! Co++$t+ent ;whether $n-hose or ot-o" hose<
#= A Co++$t+ent to L$%e $n the Chapter Hose "or at !east ) Co+p!ete Contra#t Years
:= Learn and Bnow how to wr$te and spe!! the 8ratern$tyAs na+e? A!pha Ta 2+e,a ;EFX<=
Learn and Bnow how to wr$te and spe!! the ChapterAs na+e? 0e!ta Theta ;YZ<=
9= Learn the "ATO Cheer"?
JRoo, Rah, Re,a,
A!pha Ta 2+e,a=
H$p Hoorah, H$p Hoorah,
Three Cheers "or A!pha Ta,
A= T= 2=J
(= V$s$t e%ery roo+ on 8$rst 8!oor "or J8$rst 8!oor Han,otJ=
4= No+$nat$ons "or .!ed,e C!ass 2""$#ers ;See .a,e 17.20<=
17.52 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.53
&= Learn and Bnow the Na+es o" A!! Chapter +e+3ers=
)= Learn and Bnow the Ho+etowns and MaDors o" a!! First Floor +e+3ers=
7= Learn and Bnow the 1reeB A!pha3et?
A A!pha N N
B Beta 5 H$
I 1a++a O 2+$#ron
A 0e!ta H .$
E Eps$!on P Rho
Z Keta L S$,+a
H Eta T Ta
O Theta Y Ups$!on
I Iota d .h$
K Kappa X Ch$
A La+3da T .s$
M M O 2+e,a
6= Learn and Bnow the #o+pos$t$on, dt$es and respons$3$!$t$es o" the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee ;See
.a,e 17.25<=
:= Meet and ,et to Bnow the re#ent!y-se!e#ted Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee=
9= E!e#t$on o" .!ed,e C!ass 2""$#ers ;See .a,e 17.20<=
(= New .!ed,e C!ass Treasrer ,oes w$th pre%$os se+esterAs .!ed,e C!ass Treasrer to #han,e s$,natre
athor$Iat$on at 3anB where .!ed,e C!ass #he#B$n, a##ont $s !o#ated= He ass+es a!! "$nan#$a! athor$ty "or
a!! depos$ts and #he#Bs=
4= .!ed,e C!ass E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee +eets w$th Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an=
'= Be,$n Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres=
&-= V$s$t e%ery roo+ on Se#ond 8!oor "or JSe#ond 8!oor Han,otJ=
&&= MaBe sre yoAre $n%o!%ed $n a #a+ps or,an$Iat$onG#!3Ga#t$%$ty=
17.54 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.55
&= Read and Bnow Chapter 7 o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ? The Be,$nn$n, Idea!s=
)= Learn and Bnow the na+es o" a!! the Soror$t$es and &: o" the 8ratern$t$es at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty?
A!pha Ch$ 2+e,a
A!pha 0e!ta .$
A!pha H$ 0e!ta
Ch$ 2+e,a
0e!ta 0e!ta 0e!ta
1a++a .h$ Beta
Kappa A!pha Theta
Kappa 0e!ta
Kappa Kappa 1a++a
.$ Beta .h$
S$,+a Kappa
Keta Ta A!pha
A!pha 1a++a Rho
A!pha Ta 2+e,a
Beta S$,+a .s$
Beta Theta .$
Fraternities (Concluded"
0e!ta Ch$
0e!ta La+3da .h$
0e!ta S$,+a .h$
0e!ta Ups$!on
Kappa S$,+a
La+3da Ch$ A!pha
.h$ 0e!ta Theta
.h$ 1a++a 0e!ta
.h$ Kappa Theta
.$ Kappa A!pha
S$,+a A!pha Eps$!on
S$,+a Ch$
S$,+a N
S$,+a .h$ Eps$!on
S$,+a .$
Ta Kappa Eps$!on
Theta H$
7= Meet and ,et to Bnow Bey Chapter 2""$#ers=
6= Learn and Bnow the Ho+etown and MaDors o" a!! *econd Floor +e+3ers=
:= V$s$t e%ery roo+ on Th$rd 8!oor "or JTh$rd 8!oor Han,otJ=
9= Cont$ne Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres=
(= Learn and Bnow the "Kansas State University Fight Song", wr$tten $n &')(?
J8$,ht, yo K-State *$!d#ats,
8or A!+a Mater, "$,ht ;"$,ht, "$,ht, "$,ht<>
1!ory $n the #o+3at "or the prp!e and the wh$te=
8a$th"! to or #o!ors,
*e w$!! e%er 3e
8$,ht$n,, e%er "$,ht$n,, "or a *$!d#at %$#toryL
1o StateLJ
4= Know that the Delta Theta Chapter's Home Page address on the *or!dw$de *e3 $s?
'= *r$te a #he#B "or at !east $400 to the AT2 .!ed,e C!ass to he!p "$nan#e the *eeBend Tr$p ;See .a,e 17.37<=
1$%e the #he#B to the .!ed,e C!ass Treasrer 3e"ore the ne/t +eet$n, T th$s $s a man-at(r0 "$rst pay+ent=
.!ed,e C!ass Treasrer w$!! depos$t a!! #he#Bs $n the .!ed,e C!ass Treasry and not$"y the Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Cha$r+an and the Cha$r+an o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees when a!! #he#Bs are re#e$%ed
and depos$ted=
17.56 Members Manual
&-= Re,$ster "or and #o+p!ete 3oth se,+ents o" 1reeBL$"e=ed on-!$ne th$s weeB= 8$rst part de $++ed$ate!y and
se#ond part de w$th$n 7- days therea"ter=
I" the ent$re .!ed,e C!ass does not #o+p!ete th$s sr%ey +od!e, the ent$re ChapterAs Insran#e rates
;$n#!d$n, p!ed,es< w$!! $n#rease 3y N)- per se+ester=
Members Manual 17.57
Membership, Chapter and National Officers and Organizational Structure
&= Read and Bnow .a,es 4( thro,h '9 o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ? The Co++on Board, 1enera! Asse+3!y,
Board o" 0$re#tors, Nat$ona! 8ratern$ty Sta"", Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or, Vo!nteers, Boards o" Trstees, Hose
Corporat$ons, L$"e Loya! Ta and AT2 8ondat$on=
)= Read and Bnow Chapters &, ), 7 and 6 o" the %Members Manual%9 Chapter By-Laws> Hose R!es> Nat$ona!
By!aws> and .o!$#$es and .ro#edres, E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es, Chapter M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons,
R!es o" the 1enera! Asse+3!y and R!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or=
7= Learn and Bnow the Ho+etown and MaDors o" a!! Third Floor +e+3ers=
6= Learn and Bnow the reC$re+ents "or $n$t$at$on and +e+3ersh$p?
a= Mst 3e a##epted 3y a %ote o" the a#t$%e #hapter ;See Chapter '<=
3= Mst 3e appro%ed 3y the Board o" Trstees=
#= Mst ha%e no otstand$n, de3t to the #hapter=
d= Mst +eet the s#ho!ast$# reC$re+ents o" the #hapter ;at !east a 2.500 1.A "or that se+ester "or $n$t$at$on and
2.000 to re+a$n a p!ed,e#<=
e= Mst +eet the s#ho!ast$# reC$re+ents o" the n$%ers$ty=
:= Learn and Bnow who are the %ot$n, +e+3ers o" the General Assembly?
a= 2ne de!e,ate "ro+ ea#h #hapter $n ,ood stand$n,=
3= 2ne de!e,ate "ro+ ea#h a!+n$ asso#$at$on $n ,ood stand$n,=
#= The Nat$ona! .res$dent, Nat$ona! Chap!a$n and +e+3ers o" the Board o" 0$re#tors=
d= .ast Nat$ona! .res$dents and .ast Nat$ona! Chan#e!!ors who ser%ed a "!! ter+ o" o""$#e=
e= The Cha$r+an or other +e+3er o" ea#h Board o" Trstees=
"= Nat$ona! 2""$#ers E+er$ts=
9= Learn and Bnow that the National Board of Directors #ons$sts o" the "o!!ow$n, +e+3ers?
a= Twe!%e %ot$n, +e+3ers?
$= The Nat$ona! .res$dent ;who %otes on!y $n #ase o" a t$e< $s Cha$r+an and $s e!e#ted 3y the 1enera! Asse+3!y
to a ter+ o" two years>
$$= E$,ht ;4< a!+n$ +e+3ers are e!e#ted 3y the 1enera! Asse+3!y to sta,,ered ter+s o" "or years> and
$$$= Three ;7< nder,radate +e+3ers are e!e#ted 3y the 1enera! Asse+3!y or the Board o" 0$re#tors to sta,,ered
ter+s o" two years=
3= Three e/-o""$#$o, non-%ot$n, +e+3ers?
$= The Nat$ona! Chap!a$n, who $s e!e#ted 3y the 1enera! Asse+3!y>
$$= The Nat$ona! Treasrer^> and
$$$= The Nat$ona! Se#retary^=
The Nat$ona! Board o" 0$re#tors e!e#ts the Nat$ona! V$#e-.res$dent, the Nat$ona! Treasrer and the Nat$ona!
Se#retary= The Board o" 0$re#tors ,o%erns the 8ratern$ty when the 1enera! Asse+3!y $s not $n sess$on, ena#ts
.o!$#$es and .ro#edres and appo$nts the Ch$e" E/e#t$%e 2""$#er= The Nat$ona! Board o" 0$re#tors was
#reated w$th the ,o%ern+enta! #onso!$dat$on and re"or+s o" &''-=
#Chapter By-Laws 6-4110 provides that any pledge who does not attain at least a 2.000 grade point average during the semester of
his pledgeshipshall be depledged immediately at the end of that semester.
`These officers are ex-officio, non-voting members of the Board of Directors unless they are voting members elected by the General
17.58 Members Manual
(= Learn and Bnow the National Officers o" the 8ratern$ty, the$r R$ta! t$t!es and the person o##py$n, ea#h
a= Nat$ona! .res$dent ;*orthy 1rand Ch$e"< 5e""rey 1= Bs#h
3= Nat$ona! V$#e-.res$dent ;*orthy 1rand Marsha!< T$+othy *= C!$pson
#= Nat$ona! Chap!a$n ;*orthy 1rand Chap!a$n< Re%erend 1= Co+"orted Keen
d= Nat$ona! Treasrer ;*orthy 1rand Keeper o" E/#heCer< 5a+es C= ;5$+< Spooner
e= Nat$ona! Se#retary ;*orthy 1rand S#r$3e< *$!!$a+ L= ;B$!!< M$r III
"= Nat$ona! H$stor$an ;*orthy 1rand Keeper o" Anna!s< 5ohn M= ;M$!es< B#hanan
,= Nat$ona! Ser,eant-at-Ar+s ;*orthy 1rand Usher< Cody M= Anderson
h= Nat$ona! 0oorBeeper ;*orthy 1rand Sent$ne!< Ka#hary C= ;Ka#B< M#@$ston
Know that a +e+3er o" 0e!ta Theta ser%es as a Nat$ona! 2""$#er? Nat$ona! Se#retary B$!! M$r=
4= Learn and Bnow that the National Chancellor $s Tho+as M= ;To+< S#hne$der= The Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or $s
the Dd$#$ary o" the 8ratern$ty and $s e!e#ted to a ter+ o" "or years 3y the 1enera! Asse+3!y= He has the "$na!
de#$s$on and say o%er Dd$#$a! +atters=
'= Learn and Bnow that the Chief Executive Officer $s *ynn R= S+$!ey= He $s appo$nted 3y the Board o"
0$re#tors, $s $n #har,e o" the Nat$ona! HeadCarters and sta"" and $s the #h$e" e/e#t$%e o""$#er o" the
&-= Learn and Bnow ea#h o" these Chapter Officers, the$r dt$es and the person now o##py$n, ea#h o""$#e?
a= .res$dent ;*orthy Master< Brendan R= Carney
3= V$#e-.res$dent ;*orthy Marsha!< Ro3ert L= ;LBe< S#hne"Be
#= Chap!a$n ;*orthy Chap!a$n< Ryan C= L$n,!e
d= Treasrer ;*orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer< .atr$#B L= ;.at< Bennett
e= Se#retary ;*orthy S#r$3e< and Ca+ps A#t$%$t$es Coord$nator 0y!an A= Ko#h
"-,= R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en Re$d .= 8rye
Ky!e M= S#h$e3er
h= H$stor$an ;*orthy Keeper o" Anna!s<
Brandon E= 5a+es
$= Ser,eant-at-Ar+s ;*orthy Usher< and BA00 0ty Coord$nator Ryan 5= Msta$n
D= 0oorBeeper ;*orthy Sent$ne!< and Resor#e Coord$nator Ke$th C= ;KC< 1!oe II
B-!= Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en 5oseph R= ;5oe< 2aBs
BenDa+$n 0= ;Ben< 8an,+an
+= .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er 0y!an A= Sp!$#ha!
n= So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator Ty!er 5= Sweh!a
o= A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er Ka#hary A= ;Ka#B< K$%nsBa
p= Hose Mana,er
0e%$n .= Rose
C= Anne/ Coord$nator Chr$stopher 5= ;Chr$s< 1a3e!
r= .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an 0= Andrew Unrh
s= K$t#hen Mana,er Ky!e M= ."ats#h
t= Brotherhood Cha$r+an 5a#o3 C= ;5aBe< Unrh
= S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an Er$# A= Car!son
%= Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an Re$d .= 8rye
w= Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er Ka#hary A= ;Ka#B< K$%nsBa
To,ether, these )7 o""$#ers are the Executive Committee B the Board o" 0$re#tors B o" the Chapter, wh$#h $s
a Kansas not-"or-pro"$t #orporat$on= A!! o" these o""$#ers are e!e#ted 3y the Chapter> e/#ept "or the
Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an, who $s se!e#ted 3y a %ote o" the Chapter and appo$nted 3y the .res$dent,
and e/#ept "or the Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er, who $s appo$nted 3y the .res$dent w$th the ad%$#e and #onsent o"
the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee=
A!! o" these o""$#ers, e/#ept the .res$dent, Treasrer, two R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en,
H$stor$an, two Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en, A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er, S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an and
Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an, ser%e ter+s o" one se+ester= The .res$dent, Treasrer, two R$sB
Mana,e+ent 2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en, H$stor$an, two Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en, A!+n$ Re!at$ons
2""$#er, S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+an and Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+an ser%e ter+s o" one year=
Members Manual 17.59
The H$stor$an
$s e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed w$th other e!e#ted o""$#ers $n the Spr$n, se+ester and ser%es a year
ter+ as H$stor$an 3e,$nn$n, the "$rst day o" the 8a!! se+ester=
The Hose Mana,er
$s e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed w$th other e!e#ted o""$#ers ea#h se+ester, ser%es that se+ester
as Ass$stant Hose Mana,er and ser%es a se+ester ter+ as Hose Mana,er 3e,$nn$n, the "$rst day o" the ne/t
The .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an
$s e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed w$th other e!e#ted o""$#ers ea#h se+ester, ser%es that
se+ester as Ass$stant .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an and ser%es a se+ester ter+ as .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an
3e,$nn$n, the "$rst day o" the ne/t se+ester=
A!! o" the a3o%e +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee ha%e one %ote> e/#ept "or the V$#e-.res$dent
;Cha$r+an<, who on!y %otes $" they are eCa!!y d$%$ded> and e/#ept "or the non-ser%$n, Me+3ersh$p
Ed#at$on Cha$r+an
= 2ne R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#erGSo#$a! Cha$r+an sha!! 3e e!e#ted and $nsta!!ed w$th
other e!e#ted o""$#ers ea#h se+ester? one sha!! ser%e that se+ester as R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#er
, Ass$stant
So#$a! Cha$r+an and 1AMMA representat$%e> and sha!! ser%e a se+ester ter+ as So#$a! Cha$r+an
3e,$nn$n, the "$rst day o" the ne/t se+ester= A!! other appo$nt$%e o""$#ers, #o++$ttee #ha$r+en and ass$stant
#ha$r+en are e/ o""$#$o +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, w$thot %ote=
The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee $s e+powered to de!e,ate and a#t "or the Chapter when $t $s $+poss$3!e or
$+pra#t$#a! "or that 3ody to +eet and to #onstre, $nterpret and en"or#e the Chapter By-Laws, n!ess
otherw$se pro%$ded $n the By-Laws= They a#t on +ost appo$nt+ents o" the .res$dent, appropr$ate "or
n3d,eted $te+s and ha%e other spe#$"$# powers ot!$ned $n the Chapter By-Laws=
&&= Learn and Bnow that the Chap!a$n ;Cha$r+an<, .res$dent, V$#e-.res$dent, Treasrer, Se#retary, H$stor$an,
Ser,eant-at-Ar+s and 0oorBeeper ;the e$,ht J*orthyJ 2""$#ers< are the Cabinet, wh$#h $s the !on,-ran,e
p!ann$n, #o+-+$ttee o" the Chapter= It a!so ad%$ses the .res$dent, hand!es $sses $n%o!%$n, #ontro!!ed
s3stan#es, en#ora,es and +on$tors a#h$e%e+ents 3y the Chapter, "$res Chapter e+p!oyees and d$s+$sses
appo$nt$%e o""$#ers, and hand!es e+er,en#y 3s$ness=
&)= Learn and Bnow that the 1udicial Committee $s #o+posed o" the V$#e-.res$dent ;Cha$r+an<, .res$dent,
Chap!a$n, Treasrer, Se#retary, Ser,eant-at-Ar+s, 0oorBeeper and three other Chapter +e+3ers appo$nted
3y the .res$dent w$th the ad%$#e and #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= The 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee
deter+$nes and hand!es $te+s $n%o!%$n, a!#oho! po!$#$es and hears a!! reports "or "$nes "or a#t$%es and p!ed,es
and +aBes a de#$s$on on a!! o" these $te+s=
&7= Learn and Bnow that the Risk Management Committee $s #o+posed o" the two R$sB Mana,e+ent
2""$#ersGSo#$a! Cha$r+en ;Co-Cha$r+en<, .res$dent, V$#e-.res$dent, Chap!a$n and Treasrer= The R$sB
Mana,e+ent Co++$ttee $s respons$3!e "or p!ann$n, and #oord$nat$on o" a!! so#$a! a#t$%$t$es o" the Chapter
and e%a!ates ea#h so#$a! a#t$%$ty a"ter $ts #o+p!et$on=
&6= Learn and Bnow that so+e o" the #o++$ttees wh$#h the .res$dent appo$nts are?
a= Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Co++$ttee
3= S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee
#= So#$a! Ser%$#e Co++$ttee
d= Intra+ra!s Co++$ttee
e= So#$a! Co++$ttee
"= Vintage and .3!$# Re!at$ons Co++$ttee
,= 8$nan#e Co++$ttee
h= Brotherhood Co++$ttee
$= Ho+e#o+$n, Co++$ttee
17.60 Members Manual
The .res$dent appo$nts the Cha$r+an and Ass$stant Cha$r+an o" these and other #o++$ttees, w$th the ad%$#e
and #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee ;n!ess Chapter By-Laws pro%$de otherw$se<= The .res$dent
possesses the so!e power to appo$nt +e+3ers to these and other #o++$ttees n!ess the Chapter By-Laws
pro%$de "or an o""$#er to ato+at$#a!!y 3e on a #o++$ttee= A!! a#t$%es and p!ed,es are appo$nted to one or
+ore #o++$ttees, e/#ept where there $s a #on"!$#t or t$+e #on#erns=
&:= Learn and Bnow the "o!!ow$n, appo$nted o""$#ers and the persons appo$nted to those pos$t$ons?
a= Intra+ra!s Cha$r+an LBe .= 8$s#her
3= Son, Leader Hnter S= Ash!ey
#= Mo+As *eeBend Coord$nator Brendan R= Carney
and the "o!!ow$n, ass$stant o""$#ers and at-!ar,e +e+3ers o" #o++$ttees pro%$ded $n Chapter By-Laws and the
persons appo$nted to those pos$t$ons?
d= Ass$stant V$#e-.res$dent 5oseph A= ;5oe< Hnd
e= Ass$stant Chap!a$n Matthew A= ;Matt< R$33!e
"= Ass$stant Treasrer
GTreasrer-e!e#t Ke$th C= ;KC< 1!oe II
,= Ass$stant Se#retary Er$# M= Bran
h= Ass$stant Ca+ps A#t$%$t$es Coord$nator 5a#o3 C= ;5aBe< Unrh
$= Ass$stant So#$a! Cha$r+an Andrew 5= 2w$n,s
D= Ass$stant R$sB Mana,e+ent 2""$#er Bea A= Trner
B= Ass$stant H$stor$an
GH$stor$an-e!e#t A3raha+ 5= ;A3e< 8an,+an
!= Ass$stant Ser,eant-at-Ar+s 0o,!as S= ;T$,er< 8!eet
+= Ass$stant BA00 0ty Coord$nator 1rant 5= Ka!3erer
n= Ass$stant Resor#e Coord$nators Spen#er K= Andresen Tanner A= 8o/
o= Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en Ky!e M= S#h$e3er .atr$#B 0= ;.at< Ke#B Brett *= Kap!eta!
p= Ass$stant .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#ers Tho+as .= ;To++y< Hoopes Ryan 5= Msta$n
C= Ass$stant So#$a! Ser%$#e Coord$nator N$#ho!as C= ;N$#B< Ha++er
r= Ass$stant A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er
Andrew *= 8$s#her
s= Ass$stant Hose Mana,er
GHose Mana,er-e!e#t 5a#o3 *= ;5aBe< .r$dd!e
Ass$stant Hose Mana,ers ;8!oor Mana,ers< 5a#o3 *= ;5aBe< .r$dd!e
0e%$n .= Rose
Br$#e S= Beh!er
t= Ass$stant .h$!anthropy Cha$r+an
G.h$!anthropy Cha$r+an-e!e#t M$#hae! R= ;M$Be< S#h!$#ht
= Ass$stant Brotherhood Cha$r+an Co!3y 5= K$shBa
%= Ass$stant S#ho!arsh$p Cha$r+en BenDa+$n 0= ;Ben< 8an,+an Nathan 0= ;Nate< Ka!3erer
w= Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Re#r$t+ent Cha$r+en Ke$th C= ;KC< 1!oe II 5onathan 5= ;5ordan< E%ans
/= Ass$stant Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er Matthew R= ;Matt< Moran
I= Ass$stant Son, Leader Matthew 5= ;Matt< K$e""er
aa= Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee At-Lar,e Me+3ers Re$d .= 8rye 5a#o3 *= ;5aBe< .r$dd!e
33= 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee At-Lar,e Me+3ers Ka#hary A= ;Ka#B< K$%nsBa .atr$#B 0= ;.at< Ke#B 5a#o3 *= ;5aBe< .r$dd!e
##= S#ho!arsh$p Co++$ttee At-Lar,e Me+3er 5oseph A= ;5oe< Hnd 5ason M= *arr$n,
These o""$#ers and #o++$ttee +e+3ers are appo$nted 3y the .res$dent w$th the #onsent o" the E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee, e/#ept "or the Ass$stant TreasrerGTreasrer-e!e#t
, Ass$stant H$stor$anGH$stor$an-e!e#t
Ass$stant A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#erGA!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er-e!e#t
, Ass$stant Hose Mana,erGHose
and Ass$stant .h$!anthropy Cha$r+anG.h$!anthropy Cha$r+an-e!e#t
, who are e!e#ted 3y the
Chapter= The .res$dent possesses the so!e power to appo$nt appo$nt$%e o""$#ers and #o++$ttee +e+3ers
n!ess Chapter By-Laws pro%$de otherw$se= E/#ept as otherw$se pro%$ded $n Chapter By-Laws, a!! s#h
o""$#ers ser%e "or one se+ester=
&9= Learn and Bnow the I8C .!ed,e Ed#at$on Contra#t 23!$,at$ons and the I8C .o!$#y "or 0ry Rsh ;See
Chapter &4< and the 5o$nt I8CG.HC .o!$#$es and Codes on So#$a! Respons$3$!$ty, HaI$n, and H+an R$,hts
;See Chapter &4<=
&(= Cont$ne Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres=
&4= Re%$ew Et$Cette R!es & thro,h 9 ;See .a,e 17.39<=
Members Manual 17.61
Founding and Early National History
&= Read and Bnow .a,es :7 thro,h 9- o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ? Lead$n, the Char,e ;8ond$n, and Ear!y
)= Read and Bnow JThe 2t$s A!!an 1!aIe3rooB State+entJ ;See .a,e 17.09<=
7= Learn and Bnow "The ATO Creed", wr$tten 3y 8onder 2t$s A!!an 1!aIe3rooB $n &44-, word "or word?
JTo 3$nd +en to,ether $n a 3rotherhood 3ased pon eterna! and $++ta3!e pr$n#$p!es,
w$th a 3ond as stron, as r$,ht $tse!" and as !ast$n, as h+an$ty>
to Bnow no North, no Soth, no East, no *est, 3t to Bnow +an as +an,
to tea#h that tre +en the wor!d o%er sho!d stand to,ether and #ontend "or the spre+a#y o" ,ood o%er e%$!>
to tea#h, not po!$t$#s, 3t +ora!s>
to "oster, not part$sansh$p, 3t the re#o,n$t$on o" tre +er$t where%er "ond>
to ha%e no narrower !$+$ts w$th$n wh$#h to worB to,ether "or the e!e%at$on o" +an than the ot!$nes o" the
these were the tho,hts and hopes pper+ost $n the +$nds o" the "onders o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a
and re%$ew The AT2 Creed se#t$on o" the .hase 2ne New Me+3er .ro,ra+=
6= Learn and Bnow the Founders of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity?
a= Founder Otis Allan Glazebrook
\ Born 2#to3er &7, &46: and d$ed Apr$! )9, &'7&=
\ Marr$ed V$r,$n$a Ca!%ert Key S+$th, da,hter o" 1enera! 8ran#$s Henney S+$th, the
Sper$ntendent o" the V$r,$n$a M$!$tary Inst$tte=
\ H$s e!dest son was LarB$n *h$te 1!aIe3rooB who, at a,e &7, 3e#a+e the "$rst $n$t$ate o" the Mer#er
Chapter and !ater 3e#a+e *orthy 1rand Ch$e" ;Nat$ona! .res$dent<=
\ A"ter +arr$a,e, he 3e#a+e $ntense!y $nterested $n #hr#h worB= He a!so 3e#a+e a ,ood "r$end o"
.res$dent *oodrow *$!son, who appo$nted h$+ to two A+3assadorsh$ps ;The Ho!y Land and
\ In &'&6, 1!aIe3rooB was +arr$ed to E++a!$ne A= R+"ord, a"ter the death o" h$s "$rst w$"e wh$!e
he was A+3assador=
3= Founder Alfred Marshall
\ Born 0e#e+3er ):, &46: and d$ed Septe+3er )), &4(-=
\ 0$ed at a yon, a,e o" ye!!ow "e%er= At the t$+e o" h$s death, he was worB$n, on the Mont,o+ery
U Mo3$!e Ra$!road=
#= Founder Erskine Mayo Ross
\ Born on 5ne 7-, &46: and d$ed 0e#e+3er &-, &')4=
\ Mo%ed to Ca!$"orn$a and 3e#a+e one o" the "onders o" 1!enda!e, Ca!$"orn$a= He 3e#a+e a Un$ted
States 0$str$#t 5d,e $n &449=
\ H$s 3eCest o" N:,--- to A!pha Ta 2+e,a !an#hed the AT2 8ondat$on=
:= a= L$II$e Let#her 3e#a+e the on!y "e+a!e JhonoraryJ +e+3er o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a= She $s #ons$dered the
"onder o" V$r,$n$a Beta at *ash$n,ton and Lee=
3= V$r,$n$a Beta was the se#ond AT2 #hapter and $t was "onded on No%e+3er &4, &49:=
#= Learn and Bnow who the J0e!$n, BrothersJ were and 3e a3!e to te!! the story=
17.62 Members Manual
d= The or$,$na! $n$t$at$on #ere+ony was 3orrowed "ro+ the r$tes o" +ed$e%a! #h$%a!ry= Be "a+$!$ar w$th the
na+es JKn$,hts o" Ma!taJ and JKn$,hts o" the Ma!tese CrossJ=
e= Co++n$ty Chapters were non-#o!!e,$ate #hapters> howe%er, they were a""$!$ated w$th #o!!e,$ate
"= There were &) AT2 #hapters - ( #o!!e,$ate and : #o++n$ty - esta3!$shed 3e"ore &4(-=
,= The 8$rst Con,ress #on%ened $n the Upper Roo+ $n Le/$n,ton $n &4(-=
h= The +ost $+portant ot#o+e o" the 8$rst Con,ress was the trans"er o" power "ro+ the Mother Chapter
;V$r,$n$a A!pha at VMI< to the Con,ress=
9= Cont$ne Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres=
(= Meet on an $nd$%$da! 3as$s w$th the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee=
4= Co+p!ete .!ed,e C!ass .eer E%a!at$ons=
'= Co+p!ete a So#$a! Ser%$#e .roDe#t as a .!ed,e C!ass=
&-= Re%$ew Et$Cette R!es ( thro,h &) ;See .a,e 17.39<=
Members Manual 17.63
Later National History
&= Read and Bnow .a,es 9- thro,h 4: o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ? Later H$story=
)= Read and Bnow a3ot the JLean YearsJ ;&4(&-&4(9<=
a= The Lean Years were the "$%e years "o!!ow$n, the 8$rst Con,ress=
3= Rea!$Ie that the +aDor pro3!e+ dr$n, th$s per$od was a !a#B o" #ohes$%eness and the #hapters d$d not
ha%e a deep sense o" nat$ona!$ty=
#= The Se#ond Con,ress=
\ He!d $n Nash%$!!e, Tennessee on 5!y ):, &4()=
\ Adopted a #oat o" ar+s ;!ater #a!!ed the 1rand Sea!< as pa$nted 3y R$#hard N= BrooBe=
\ Created a new o""$#e o" Ass$stant 1rand Ch$e"=
\ Sp!$t the N&- "ee $nto !o#a! and nat$ona! "ees o" N: ea#h=
\ A!!owed Co++n$ty Chapters=
d= The Th$rd Con,ress was he!d $n Le/$n,ton, V$r,$n$a on 5!y &9 and &(, &4(6=
7= Read and Bnow a3ot the JCr$t$#a! YearsJ ;&4(9-&44-<=
a= The Cr$t$#a! Years were the per$od that AT2 "a#ed a rea! threat o" e/t$n#t$on=
3= The 8orth Con,ress=
\ He!d $n Ra!e$,h, North Caro!$na $n &4(9=
\ *as #a!!ed the J*a!ter .a,e Con,ressJ=
\ Co++n$ty Chapters were a3o!$shed=
\ Anna! +eet$n,s o" the Con,ress were adopted=
\ *a!ter H$nes .a,e was appo$nted #ha$r+an o" a #o++$ttee to prepare a #ata!o,e and +e+3ersh$p
\ 5oseph R= Anderson, a!tho,h not present, was e!e#ted Sen$or 1rand Ch$e"=
#= The 8$"th Con,ress=
\ He!d $n R$#h+ond, V$r,$n$a $n &4((=
\ *as #a!!ed the JAnderson Con,ressJ=
\ 5oseph R= Anderson presented a report on the we!!-3e$n, o" AT2, wh$#h stated that J#hapter$s+J
was the +a$n "ratern$ty pro3!e+ ;3e a3!e to de"$ne #hapter$s+<=
\ AndersonAs re#o++endat$ons?
- Esta3!$sh an o""$#$a! +a,aI$ne=
- Ear!y #o+p!et$on and p3!$#at$on o" the #ata!o,e o" +e+3ers=
- I+pos$t$on o" pena!t$es a+on, ne,!$,ent and re#a!#$trant #hapters=
- Re#ast the Const$tt$on and the R$ta! o" the 8ratern$ty=
- E/tend AT2s 3ondar$es to the north and to the west=
d= Understand and Bnow that 5oseph R= Anderson $s Bnown $n A!pha Ta 2+e,a as the JSe#ond 8onderJ
3e#ase o" h$s s##ess $n re%$%$n, a "ratern$ty that was near!y dead=
17.64 Members Manual
6= Read and Bnow a3ot the JE/pans$on YearsJ ;&4(4-&4':<=
a= The S$/th Con,ress=
\ He!d $n Ba!t$+ore, Mary!and on 0e#e+3er )(-)', &4(4=
\ *as #a!!ed the JRe#onstr#t$on Con,ressJ=
\ .rod#ed a #o+p!ete!y new Const$tt$on wh$#h a!tered the #hapter no+en#!atre=
\ Adopted 1!aIe3rooBAs new R$ta!=
\ Adopted a new #$pher $n the Se#ret *orB=
\ Created the H$,h Con#$!, wh$#h ser%ed as an ad%$sory #on#$! to the *orthy 1rand Ch$e" nt$!
&'&9, when $t 3e#a+e a part o" the !e,$s!at$%e 3ran#h o" the 8ratern$tyAs ,o%ern+ent=
\ Athor$Ied the $n#orporat$on o" the 8ratern$ty=
\ Know that AT2 was the "$rst "ratern$ty to 3e#o+e $n#orporated on 5anary &, &4('=
3= The "$rst Northern Chapter=
\ Know that $n &44& N= *$!ey Tho+as was the "$rst AT2 $n$t$ated north o" the Mason-0$/on L$ne=
\ .ennsy!%an$a Ta was h$s #hapter at the Un$%ers$ty o" .ennsy!%an$a=
\ Tho+as !ater 3e#a+e *orthy 1rand Ch$e" and ser%ed on the H$,h Con#$! "or )4 years=
\ 1!aIe3rooB a##!a$+ed h$+ JThe St= .a! o" AT2J=
#= Read and Bnow what J+a$! order #haptersJ were and what the$r prpose was= Know who "onded the
+a$! order #hapters=
d= AT2 ,rew $++ense!y nder *orthy 1rand Ch$e" E= 5= Sh$%es= The Sh$%es Era was &449 to &4'6=
:= Read and Bnow that the Conser%at$%e Years were ,enera!!y "ro+ &4': to &'--= LarB$n *h$te 1!aIe3rooB
and 1eor,e H= La+ar were the !eaders dr$n, the #onser%at$%e per$od= The$r +$ss$on was to stren,then the
e/$st$n, #hapters rather than e/tend$n, and e/pand$n, the 8ratern$ty=
9= Learn and Bnow "The ATO Grace" word "or word ;See .a,e &:: o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ<=
JLord o" +anB$nd,
Master d$%$ne=
Keep s pre $n heart and +$nd=
So we +ay Bnow Thee,
Thy presen#e show=
1ard s and ,$de s $n A= T= 2=J
(= Cont$ne Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres=
4= Re%$ew Et$Cette R!es &7 thro,h &4 ;See .a,e 17.39<=
'= A!! a#t$%es +st wr$te a #he#B "or at !east $100 to the AT2 .!ed,e C!ass to he!p "$nan#e the *eeBend Tr$p
;See .a,e 17.37<= 1$%e the #he#B to the .!ed,e C!ass Treasrer 3e"ore the ne/t +eet$n, B th$s $s a
man-at(r0 "$rst pay+ent= .!ed,e C!ass Treasrer w$!! depos$t a!! #he#Bs $n the .!ed,e C!ass Treasry and
not$"y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an and the Cha$r+an o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees when a!!
#he#Bs are re#e$%ed and depos$ted=
Members Manual 17.65
Local History
&= Read and Bnow Chapter ( o" the %Boo$ o# /ecords%? 0e!ta Theta Lo#a! H$story=
)= Learn and Bnow a!! a3ot the "ond$n, o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter= Know that 0e!ta Theta Chapter was $nsta!!ed on
2#to3er )) and )7, &')-, at &96) 8a$r#h$!d= Know that the s$/ Founders of Delta Theta Chapter are?
a= Elmer D. McCollum
3= Walter W. Rodewald
#= Walter R. Horlacher
d= Carl F. Mershon
e= N. Dale Lund
"= Walter 1. Rogers
7= The pet$t$on to 3e#o+e a #hapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a was drawn p 3y E!+er 0= M#Co!!+, *a!ter R= Hor!a#her
and *a!ter *= Rodewa!d= *a!ter 5= Ro,ers tooB the pet$t$on to the C!e%e!and Con,ress $n 0e#e+3er o" &'&'= The
or$,$na! ,rop, or,an$Ied on Apr$! 9, &'&), was Bnown as the Red T$e C!3 ;R= T= C=<= 2n 2#to3er &:, &'&(, $t
3e#a+e the A!pha Theta Ch$ 8ratern$ty= A!pha Theta Ch$ re#e$%ed the annon#e+ent o" a##eptan#e o" the$r pet$t$on
on May )(, &')-=
6= The na+es wh$#h appear on the #harter are those o" *orthy 1rand Ch$e" ;Nat$ona! .res$dent< Tho+as ArB!e C!arB
and Cha$r+an o" the H$,h Con#$! .a! R= H$#BoB= Ch$e" o" .ro%$n#e III Ra!ph E= *ea%er!$n, and Ar!$e Estes ;"ro+
the 1a++a M Chapter at the Un$%ers$ty o" Kansas< $nsta!!ed the Chapter=
:= Th$rty-three ;77< +en were $n$t$ated when the Chapter was $nsta!!ed= && were a!+n$ and )) were nder,radates=
9= 0e!ta Theta Chapter was the &-9th Chapter to 3e $nsta!!ed and the (7rd $n e/$sten#e at the t$+e=
(= Ray B= *atson was the Ta o" the )-As= He was on the tra#B tea+ at KSAC and $n &')- entered the 2!y+p$#
Tryots, where he +ade the tea+= He went to the Brsse!s 2!y+p$#s $n Be!,$+, where he ran the steep!e#hase= In
&')6, he on#e a,a$n +ade the 2!y+p$# Tea+ and went to the .ar$s 2!y+p$#s= He was a!so Ed$tor o" the /oyal
0urple, a +e+3er o" A!pha Keta and 1a++a S$,+a 0e!ta and a K-State ye!! !eader=
4= 2n May &(, &'7&, the AT2s rented the wh$te hose at &67- 8a$r#h$!d= In &'6&, that hose was pr#hased=
'= In &'66, AT2 was "or#ed to se!! the Chapter Hose 3e#ase a!! the +e+3ers o" the Chapter had ,one o"" to "$,ht $n
*or!d *ar II=
&-= Henry 2= ;HanB< CronB$te was the Ta o" the 7-As= In &'7&, he was the #apta$n o" the "oot3a!! tea+ and an A!!-
A+er$#an "oot3a!! p!ayer= He #o!d p!ay e%ery pos$t$on and o"ten d$d= He was a!so a +e+3er o" the tra#B tea+ as a
shot ptter and a #enter on the 3asBet3a!! tea+= He ser%ed as .res$dent o" the Chapter $n &'7)=
&&= In &'6(, the JContry 1ent!e+anAs HoseJ at &(7- C!a"!$n ;!ater #han,ed to &6-4 0en$son< was pr#hased= In &':6,
an add$t$on was 3$!t onto th$s hose, Dst $n t$+e "or or 7:th Ann$%ersary= Th$s Chapter Hose was pr#hased 3y
the Un$%ers$ty $n &'94, sed "or the KSU 8ondat$on and the K-State A!+n$ Asso#$at$on "ro+ &'(- to &''&, and
was raIed de to the #onstr#t$on o" Merr$!! Ha!!, the add$t$on to the Thro#B+orton .!ant S#$en#es Center $n &'')= A
#o++e+orat$%e p!aCe $n was ded$#ated $n 2#to3er o" &'':=
&)= 1rond3reaB$n, Cere+on$es "or or "or+er Chapter Hose, !o#ated at &97) M#Ca$n Lane, were he!d on A,st &(,
&'9'= The Chapter Hose was 3$!t at a #ost o" N)'7,---= It was o##p$ed $n A,st o" &'(- and ded$#ated on
2#to3er 7&, &'(-=
&7= 1rond3reaB$n, Cere+on$es "or or New Chapter Hose, a!so !o#ated at &97) M#Ca$n Lane, were he!d on Apr$! &6,
)-&)= It was o##p$ed on A,st &(, )-&7 and ded$#ated on Septe+3er )4, )-&7=
17.66 Members Manual
&7= Know that 0e!ta Theta #e!e3rated $ts '-th Ann$%ersary as an AT2 #hapter on No%e+3er :, )-&&=
&6= Know that the Chapter Hose L$%$n, Roo+ $s na+ed "The Leo Hadley Memorial Living Room"= It was
ded$#ated to Brother Leo L= Had!ey, who was B$!!ed $n V$etna+ $n &'94= H$s portra$t han,s on the east wa!!= The
L$%$n, Roo+ was reded$#ated on 2#to3er )&, &'': dr$n, the (:th Ann$%ersary Ce!e3rat$on=
&:= Know that "The Walter 1. Rogers Staircase" $s na+ed $n honor o" 0e!ta ThetaAs se#ond $n$t$ate and "$rst Chapter
V$#e-.res$dent, who ser%ed as an o""$#er o" the A!+n$ Asso#$at$on and Treasrer o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on "or
o%er )) years= The or$,$na! L$3rary and the portra$t o" Brother Ro,ers were ded$#ated $n 2#to3er o" &'(4=
&9= Know that the Chapter Hose was na+ed as "The Muir Family Chapter House" on No%e+3er :, &''-, $n honor
o" the #ontr$3t$ons o" the M$r 8a+$!y, three o" who+ are $n$t$ates o" 0e!ta Theta? *$!!$a+ L!oyd ;B$!!< M$r II
;0Th&'74<, 5ohn Tho+as ;To+< M$r ;0Th&'74< and *$!!$a+ L!oyd ;B$!!< M$r III ;0Th&'9(<= The 0ed$#at$on
.!aCe and p$#tres o" the three Brothers M$r, a!on, w$th L!oyd *= M$r and Myrt!e B= N$/on M$r and Betty 5=
M$r .opa and her "a+$!y, han, $n the Ma$n Entryway o" the New Chapter Hose= Know that the New Chapter
Hose was ded$#ated on Septe+3er )4, )-&7=
&(= Know that there are "or not-"or-pro"$t #orporat$ons that ha%e &97) M#Ca$n Lane as the$r res$dent address? Delta
Theta of Alpha Tau Omega ;the Chapter<, Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Building Corporation
;the B$!d$n, Corporat$on, wh$#h owns the Chapter Hose<, Kansas State Alpha Tau Omega Students' Aid
Endowment Fund ;the Endow+ent 8nd, wh$#h awards or re#o++ends s#ho!arsh$ps and ,rants-$n-a$d<, and
Kansas Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Alumni Association ;the A!+n$ Asso#$at$on, wh$#h "$nan#es
a!+n$ e%ents and the p3!$#at$on o" The Vintage<=
&4= Know that the Delta Theta Board of Trustees $s appo$nted 3y the Ch$e" E/e#t$%e 2""$#er o" the 8ratern$ty to
ad%$se, #onse!, ass$st and en#ora,e the Chapter and $ts +e+3ers, to ha%e a!! the powers o" the Nat$ona! Board o"
0$re#tors $n re!at$on to the Chapter, and, $n d$s#$p!$nary +atters, to ha%e Dd$#$a! powers ,ranted 3y the Nat$ona!
Chan#e!!or= The 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees was the "$rst Board o" Trstees appo$nted $n the Nat$on=
&'= Know that the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees se!e#ts one or +ore Brothers to re#e$%e two prest$,$os awards? The
Trustees' Brotherhood Award and The Order of the Third Star= The Brotherhood Award re#o,n$Ies one or two
Brothers Jwho +ost re"!e#t $n the$r !$%es the 8or 1reat .r$n#$p!es o" or BrotherhoodJ and The 2rder o" the Th$rd
Star re#o,n$Ies Brother;s< J"or #ont$nos and e/traord$nary ser%$#e and se!"-sa#r$"$#e "or the ,ood o" others "ro+ the
t$+e o" h$s $n$t$at$on to the t$+e o" h$s ,radat$onJ= Brotherhood Award re#$p$ents re#e$%e a spe#$a! Brotherhood
Award r$n, and 2rder o" the Th$rd Star re#$p$ents re#e$%e L$"e Loya! Ta +e+3ersh$ps and Th$rd Star !ape! p$ns=
)-= Know that the Endow+ent 8nd presents The Robert M. Bensman President's Award (Worthy Master Award),
3ased on 3a!!ots "ro+ ea#h +e+3er o" the Chapter, to not +ore than two Chapter +e+3ers who ha%e done the +ost
"or the Chapter dr$n, the year= Bes$des the$r s#ho!arsh$ps, re#$p$ents re#e$%e p!aCes and ,o!d 1!aIe3rooB 3ad,es=
)&= Know that the Delta Theta Hall of Honor re#o,n$Ies the e/tended, #ont$nos and otstand$n, #ontr$3t$ons o"
se!e#ted a!+n$ to 0e!ta Theta Chapter, as #hosen 3y the 0e!ta Theta Ha!! o" Honor Co++$ttee, 3y nan$+os %ote=
The Co++$ttee $s #o+posed o" the .res$dents ;or the$r des$,nees< o" the Chapter, the A!+n$ Asso#$at$on, the
B$!d$n, Corporat$on and the Endow+ent 8nd=
))= Know that N$#B 1a3e! was the &,4--th $n$t$ate o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter on 5anary &7, )-&)=
)7= Read and Bnow Chapter &) $n the %Members Manual%? Chapter Awards, S#ho!arsh$ps, 1rants, Me+or$a!s, 1$"ts,
E+3!e+s, .$#tres, .!aCes, Cert$"$#ates, Lo#ator and S++ar$es=
)6= Cont$ne Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres=
):= Re%$ew Et$Cette R!es &' thro,h )6 ;See .a,e 17.40<=
Members Manual 17.67
&= Read and Bnow Chapter ( o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ? MaB$n, an I+press$on=
)= Learn and Bnow "The Delta Theta Mission Statement" ;See .a,e I o" the 8oreword $n the %Members
7= Learn and Bnow "Our 1ewels" word "or word ;See .a,e &:9 o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ<?
JThere are so+e who pra$se the d$a+onds 3!aIe
And the r3yAs 3!ood red he,
*h$!e others pra$se the opa!As rays
2r the sapph$res deep #!ear 3!e>
There are those who de!$,ht $n the topaI 3r$,ht,
2r the pear! w$th $ts C$et ,!oss>
Bt 3r$,hter "ar $s ea#h rad$ant star
That we set $n or Ma!tese Cross=
J2h, A!pha Ta 2+e,a
2r hearts are e%er th$ne
*e set the+ as the Dewe!s
In the Ma!tese Cross to sh$ne>
To these we p!ed,e a!!e,$an#e,
2r ser%$#e tre and 3o!d
And e%er weA!! 3e !oya! to the AIre and the 1o!d=J
6= Meet on an $nd$%$da! 3as$s w$th the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Co++$ttee=
:= Cont$ne Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres=
9= Re%$ew Et$Cette R!es ): thro,h 7- ;See .a,e 17.40<=
17.68 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.69
&= Read and Bnow .a,es &&& thro,h &&( o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ? Be$n, In%o!%ed ;Chapter In%o!%e+ent,
S$,natre E%ents and Brother In%o!%e+ent<=
)= Learn and Bnow "Sweetheart of ATO" word "or word ;See .a,e &:4 o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ<?
JMost ,$r!s IA%e +et, IA!! soon "or,et,
They #o!d ne%er 3e tre=
ACase "or +e there $s on!y one
*ho #o!d stand "or the 1o!d and B!e=
JIn +y heart $s a ,$r! w$th a s+$!e on her !$ps
Lo%e!y to see, pre#$os to +e
*$th her eyes !$Be the stars
And a rose $n her ha$r
No one #an C$te #o+pare=
*hen shadows try to h$de s
0rea+s w$!! see s thro,h=
ThoA the years #o+e and ,o,
SheA!! 3e !oya! I Bnow,
SheAs the sweet heart o" A= T= 2=J
7= 8$n$sh Inter%$ews and Co!!e#t$n, S$,natres=
6= Re%$ew Et$Cette R!es 7& thro,h 79 ;See .a,e 17.40<=
17.70 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.71
&= Learn and Bnow the "Kansas State University Alma Mater", wr$tten $n &'-7?
JI Bnow a spot that I !o%e "!! we!!,
AT$s not $n "orest nor yet $n de!!>
E%er $t ho!ds +e w$th +a,$# spe!!,
I th$nB o" thee, A!+a Mater=
JKSU, weA!! #arry thy 3anner h$,h=
KSU, !on,, !on, +ay thy #o!ors "!y=
Loya! to thee, thy #h$!dren w$!! swe!! the #ry=
Ha$!, ha$!, ha$!, A!+a Mater=J
)= Learn and Bnow "Old Alpha" word "or word ;See .a,e &9- o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ<?
J2!d A!pha how we !o%e yo thr and thr
And Ta to yo we pro+$se to 3e tre
2+e,a a!! or pra$ses are "or yo
8or A!pha Ta 2+e,a, 2+e,a
8or dear o!d 1o!d and B!e=J
17.72 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.73
&= Read and Bnow .a,es &-6 thro,h &-4 o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ? Ins$,n$a=
)= Learn and Bnow the Fraternity Insignia?
a= The Badge
\ Know the des$,ner and the year $t was des$,ned? 2t$s A= 1!aIe3rooB= &49:=
\ 0raw the Bad,e, $dent$"y$n, a!! parts, as was done on .a,e &-: o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ=
\ Know that the Bad,e $s a""e#t$onate!y Bnown as the Ma!tese Cross, 3t $n a#ta!$ty $t $s $n the "or+
o" a #ross pattWe=
\ Know where a +e+3er wears the Bad,e? 2n a sh$rt d$re#t!y o%er the heart=
3= The Pledge Pin
\ Know $ts des$,ner and the year $t was appro%ed? 2tto *= Carpenter= &4'9=
\ 0raw the .!ed,e .$n, $dent$"y$n, a!! parts, as was done on .a,e &-9 o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ=
\ Know the +ean$n, and sy+3o!$s+ o" the .!ed,e .$n=
\ Understand that, n!$Be the Bad,e, $t +ay 3e d$sp!ayed on the !ape! o" a s$t #oat or sports Da#Bet=
#= The Colony Badge
\ Know that $t $s "or #o!ony +e+3ers - $t $s %o$d o" sy+3o!s and $ts #o!ors are sBy-3!e ;aIre< and
\ Know what year was $t de%$sed "or +e+3ers o" AT2 #o!on$es? &'(7=
d= The Colors
\ Know the "or 2""$#$a! Co!ors? sBy-3!e, ,o!d, ,reen and wh$te=
\ Know that the Cartet o" sy+3o!$# #o!ors appear to,ether $n #erta$n "!ora! arran,e+ents? *h$te tea
roses w$th 3!e and ,o!d r$33ons=
e= The Coat of Arms
\ Know the year o" adopt$on? &'&-=
\ 0raw the Coat o" Ar+s, $dent$"y$n, a!! parts, as was done on .a,e &-( o" JThe 0ositive
\ Know who the three stars +e+or$a!$Ie? The Three 8onders=
"= The Grand Seal
\ Know the pa$nter and the year pa$nted? R$#hard N= BrooBe= &4()=
\ 0raw the 1rand Sea!, $dent$"y$n, a!! parts, as was done on .a,e &-4 o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ=
,= The Flag
\ Know the des$,ner and the year $t was adopted? *$!!$a+ C= S+$!ey= &'&6=
\ 0raw the 8!a,, $dent$"y$n, a!! parts, as was done on .a,e &-' o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ=
h= The Flower
\ Know the na+e and why $t was se!e#ted? *h$te tea rose= Be#ase $t had wh$te peta!s and a ,reen
sta!B? two o" the "or sy+3o!$# #o!ors=
17.74 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.75
&= Read and Bnow .a,es '4 thro,h &-7 o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ? Awards, Med$a and Ms$#=
)= Read and Bnow .a,es &77 thro,h &66 o" JThe 0ositive 81perienceJ? A!ways an AT2L
7= Learn and Bnow that The Thomas Arkle Clark Award $s the h$,hest honor that #an 3e awarded to an AT2
nder,radate 3y the 8ratern$ty= Ea#h #hapter no+$nates a ,radat$n, sen$or who 3est de+onstrates
#hara#ter, s#ho!arsh$p, !eadersh$p and ser%$#e= The Nat$ona! w$nner and "$na!$sts are se!e#ted 3y the Nat$ona!
.res$dent= Know that "or +e+3ers o" 0e!ta Theta ha%e re#e$%ed the Nat$ona! Award? Brother Todd 8=
LaB$n $n &''9, Brother Ro3ert M= Bens+an $n )---, Brother 5onathan S= Kr#he $n )--) and Brother
Andrew M= Newton $n )--6= Nat$ona! Rnner-Up re#$p$ents were Brother Stephen L= .atton $n &''), Brother
5oe 1= Ste$n $n &''(, Brother Br$an M= K$n, $n )--9 and Brother 5ared M= S#hne"Be $n )-&-= E$,ht
+e+3ers o" 0e!ta Theta ha%e re#e$%ed Nat$ona! Honora3!e Ment$on re#o,n$t$on? Brother Edward R= N$#Be!
;&'44<, Brother 5a+es 0= .ers$n,er, 5r= ;&''7<, Brother 0a%$d M= Sanders ;&'':<, Brother 5onathan A=
8ree+an ;&''4<, Brother 1a3r$e! 5= 1raha+ ;&'''<, Brother R$#hard R= ;Bo3< Harr$son ;)--7<, Brother Er$B
M= Ro+e ;)--:< and Brother Anthony L= Carter ;)--4<=
6= Learn and Bnow that The Top Chapter Award $s the h$,hest Nat$ona! honor that #an 3e awarded to an AT2
Chapter= 0e!ta Theta won th$s Award the "$rst, se#ond, th$rd, "$"th, se%enth and e$,hth years $t was presented
;&''4, &''', )---, )--), )--6 and )--:<= 0e!ta Theta won the Nat$ona! Rnner-Up Award $n )--7=
:= The True Merit Award $s ,$%en anna!!y to those #hapters wh$#h +ost de+onstrate e""$#$en#y, e/#e!!en#e
and otstand$n, a#h$e%e+ent= Learn and Bnow that 0e!ta Theta has won th$s Award 77 t$+es $n the 6: years
o" the AwardAs e/$sten#e and has re#e$%ed Nat$ona! Honora3!e Ment$on 4 t$+es=
9= Unt$! &''), The 1oseph R. Anderson Award was presented to the #hapter w$th the 3est a!+n$ news!etters
"or the year= 0e!ta Theta !ed the Nat$on w$th 4 Awards, s$/ Rnners-Up and "or Honora3!e Ment$ons=
A"ter &''), The Gold Communications Award $s presented to the #hapter w$th the 3est o%era!!
#o++n$#at$ons= 0e!ta Theta has won th$s Award twe!%e t$+es=
(= Unt$! &''), The Harry L. Bird Award honored the 3est #hapter .3!$# Re!at$ons 2""$#er "or the year= 0e!ta
Theta Brothers re#e$%ed th$s Award three t$+es, Rnner-Up on#e and Honora3!e Ment$on three t$+es=
A"ter &''), The Silver Communications Award $s presented to the #hapter w$th otstand$n, o%era!!
#o++n$#at$ons, ranB$n, se#ond a"ter the 1o!d Award= 0e!ta Theta has won th$s Award "or t$+es=
4= The Bronze Communications Award $s presented to the #hapter w$th otstand$n, o%era!! #o++n$#at$ons,
ranB$n, th$rd a"ter the 1o!d Award= 0e!ta Theta has won th$s Award on#e=
'= The Richard A. Ports Public Affairs Award re#o,n$Ies the top 5n$or $n the Nat$on w$th a s++er
$nternsh$p $n *ash$n,ton, 0= C=, at the *h$te Hose or a Ca3$net Se#retar$at= Know that two +e+3ers o"
0e!ta Theta ha%e re#e$%ed the Nat$ona! Award? Brother Stephen L= .atton ;&''&< and Brother Todd 8= LaB$n
;&'':<= Two +e+3ers o" 0e!ta Theta ha%e re#e$%ed Nat$ona! Rnner-Up re#o,n$t$on? Brother Edward R=
N$#Be! ;&'4(< and Brother Ky!e R= Ro!"$n, ;&'44<=
&-= The Community Awareness Award, awarded 3y the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on, re#o,n$Ies the top
#hapters "or so#$a! ser%$#e and ph$!anthropy proDe#ts= 0e!ta Theta re#e$%ed the Nat$ona! Award $n &'':, has
3een Nat$ona! Rnner-Up "$%e t$+es and has re#e$%ed Nat$ona! Spe#$a! Ment$on or Honora3!e Ment$on &'
17.76 Members Manual
&-= The Undergraduate Scholarship Award, presented 3y the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on, re#o,n$Ies
otstand$n, nder,radate +e+3ers "or e/#e!!ent s#ho!arsh$p= Brother Todd 8= LaB$n re#e$%ed the Nat$ona!
Award $n &''6 and was Nat$ona! Rnner-Up $n &''7= Brother Ro3ert M= Bens+an re#e$%ed the Nat$ona!
Award $n &''' and was Nat$ona! At-Lar,e Re#$p$ent $n &''4= Nat$ona! Rnner-Up Awards were a!so
re#e$%ed 3y Brother 5oe 1= Ste$n $n &''9, Brother 5onathan A= 8ree+an $n &''( and Brother Br$an M= K$n,
$n )--6= 0e!ta Theta Brothers ha%e 3een Nat$ona! At-Lar,e Award Re#$p$ents ): t$+es=
&&= The Graduate Scholarship Award, presented 3y the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ondat$on, re#o,n$Ies otstand$n,
+e+3ers $n ,radate pro,ra+s= 8or Brothers ha%e re#e$%ed the Nat$ona! Award? Brother Bryan T= No!t
;&''6<, Brothers 5onathan A= 8ree+an and 1y *= 1ross ;&''4<, Brother R$#hard R= ;Bo3< Harr$son ;)--7<
and Brother .eter E= Boos ;)-&-<= Brother Andrew M= Newton re#e$%ed The Lawrence A. Long Memorial
Law Award $n )--6 and )--9= Brother 5ordan S= M#8a!! re#e$%ed The 1. Milton Richardson Theological
Award $n )-&-=
&)= The NIC Award of Distinction $s presented 3y the North-A+er$#an Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! ;NIC< to #hapters
and $nd$%$da!s de+onstrat$n, o%era!! e/#e!!en#e "or that year= There are o%er :,:-- +e+3er #hapters $n the
NIC= Know that 0e!ta Theta re#e$%ed a Chapter Award o" 0$st$n#t$on and The Iron Man Trophy $n )--7,
and that Brother Andrew M= Newton re#e$%ed an Ind$%$da! Award o" 0$st$n#t$on and The Iron Man Trophy
$n )--6=
Members Manual 17.77
The "o!!ow$n, are reC$re+ents #on#ern$n, .!ed,es-to-3e In$t$ates and In$t$at$on *eeB ;w$th respons$3!e o""$#ers a!so
1 In the 8a!!, a!! Cand$dates retrn to s#hoo! at !east 3y the Snday e$,ht days 3e"ore the start o" #!asses= In the
Spr$n,, a!! Cand$dates retrn to s#hoo! at !east 3y the Monday e$,ht days 3e"ore the start o" #!asses= Mo%e $nto
ass$,ned roo+=
1 In$t$at$on w$!! 3e he!d on e$ther Thrsday, 8r$day or Satrday e%en$n,=
2 The Chapter Treasrer w$!! $sse yor Hose3$!!= E%eryone pays a!! "ees ;Hose3$!!, In$t$at$on 8ee, B$!d$n,
Corporat$on N7-- anna! "ee, 0a+a,eG8$ne 0epos$t, et#=< to the Chapter Treasrer 3e"ore In$t$at$on= MaBe sre
1reeBB$!! "or Nat$ona! L$a3$!$ty Insran#e ;3oth !ast se+ester and the #o+$n, se+ester< ha%e a!so 3een pa$d=
A"ter $n$t$at$on, ea#h new In$t$ate w$!! re#e$%e an add$t$ona! 1reeBB$!! "or Nat$ona! 0es, wh$#h sha!! 3e pa$d
5 A!! Cand$dates start and #o+p!ete Hose .roDe#ts as ass$,ned 3y the Hose Mana,er=
4 A!! Cand$dates order t/edos w$th 3!a#B #oats, 3!a#B pants and red t$es "or $n$t$at$on 3y Tesday= A!! *orthy
2""$#ers ;.res$dent, V$#e-.res$dent, Chap!a$n, Treasrer, Se#retary, H$stor$an, Ser,eant-at-Ar+s and 0oorBeeper<
order t/edos w$th wh$te #oats, 3!a#B pants and red t$es 3y Tesday=
3 A!! Cand$dates stdy "or In$t$at$on Test ;See .a,e 17.79<= A!! Cand$dates taBe In$t$at$on Test on Tesday or
*ednesday, as deter+$ned 3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an= 4-M $s ne#essary "or pass$n,= Those who
do not pass the In$t$at$on Test on the "$rst try +st taBe $t a,a$n and pass 3e"ore 8r$day=
1 The Chapter .res$dent w$!! ha%e an A!!-Hose Meet$n, on *ednesday=
3 The Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an, Ass$stant Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+en and a!! Cand$dates w$!! %ote
on the one +e+3er o" the New In$t$ate C!ass to re#e$%e The M$#hae! 5= Brown Me+or$a! 2tstand$n, New
Me+3er Award and Bad,e, wh$#h w$!! 3e presented 3y the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an at In$t$at$on=
2,3,5,6 2n the day o" $n$t$at$on, a!! reC$re+ents "or $n$t$at$on ;)=:-- or 3etter 1.A, pay+ent o" a!! "$nan#$a! o3!$,at$ons
and appro%a! o" Board o" Trstees Cha$r+an< +st 3e #o+p!eted= The Chapter Hose and ots$de ,ronds +st
3e #!eaned=
4 A!! Cand$dates and *orthy 2""$#ers p$#B p t/edos 3e"ore $n$t$at$on=
1,3 The In$t$at$on BanCet $s he!d on the day o" $n$t$at$on, w$th a!! +e+3ers, Cand$dates and new p!ed,es $n
attendan#e= A"terwards, new p!ed,es w$!! depart the Chapter Hose w$th the Me+3ersh$p Ed#at$on Cha$r+an
and h$s Ass$stants=
1,4,6 The Chapter .res$dent +aBes sre that a!! preparat$ons ha%e 3een +ade, $n#!d$n, a In$t$at$on Rehearsa! on the
day 3e"ore In$t$at$on= He +aBes sre that a!! a#t$%es are ad%$sed o" the date and t$+e o" the Cere+ony, $n#!d$n,
a!! .!ed,e 8athers ;and +aBes sre that they 3r$n, the$r 3ad,es to ,$%e to the$r .!ed,e Sons<= The Cha$r+an o"
the Board o" Trstees +st appro%e the In$t$at$on $n ad%an#e= A 0$st$n,$shed A!+ns sha!! 3e present "or
6 "Omega Talk" w$th the Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees=
1,4 No +e+3er or p!ed,e sha!! #ons+e a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es 3e"ore or dr$n, the In$t$at$on BanCet or dr$n,
1,3 8or+a! Chapter Meet$n, "or In$t$at$on ;#oat and t$e<= The Chapter Hose $s #!osed= New p!ed,es retrn a"ter &-
1 .res$dent 2 Treasrer 3 Me+3 Ed Cha$r+an 4 *orthy 2""$#ers 5 Hose Mana,er 6 B2T Cha$r+an
17.78 Members Manual
The "o!!ow$n, are reC$re+ents #on#ern$n, New In$t$ates and A"ter-In$t$at$on E%ents ;w$th respons$3!e o""$#ers
a!so !$sted<?
1,3 2n the Snday ;"or 8a!! In$t$ates< or Monday ;"or Spr$n, In$t$ates< "o!!ow$n, In$t$at$on, a!! new In$t$ates
w$!! +eet w$th the Chapter .res$dent and the Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees=
1 The Chapter .res$dent w$!! e/p!a$n In$t$at$on, p#o+$n, e!e#t$ons, respons$3$!$t$es o" +e+3ers and the
8ratern$ty Test that a!! new In$t$ates +st pass 3e"ore they are ent$t!ed to %ote and ho!d o""$#e=
1 A!! new In$t$ates w$!! stdy Chapters &, ), 7, 6, : and 9 o" the %Members Manual%? Chapter By-Laws>
Hose R!es> Nat$ona! By!aws and .o!$#$es and .ro#edres> E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es> Chapter M$n$++
1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons> R!es o" the 1enera! Asse+3!y and R!es o" the Nat$ona! Chan#e!!or> By!aws
and .o!$#$es o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees> and Chapter Hose R!es and Re,!at$ons and By!aws
o" the B$!d$n, Corporat$on=
1 A!! new In$t$ates w$!! pass a 8ratern$ty Test #on#ern$n, these s$/ #hapters, ad+$n$stered 3y the Chapter
.res$dent, dr$n, that weeB, $n order to 3e e!$,$3!e to %ote and ho!d o""$#e=
1 The Chapter .res$dent w$!! asB s$/ or +ore Cest$ons #on#ern$n, these s$/ #hapters=
3 The Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees w$!! e/p!a$n the In$t$at$on Cere+ony, read and e/p!a$n the 8or
Le#tres and e/p!a$n the Se#ret *orB=
1 Ea#h new In$t$ate w$!! de#$pher the Se#ret *orB=
1,3 The Chapter .res$dent and the Cha$r+an o" the Board o" Trstees w$!! report $n"or+at$on #on#ern$n, the
new In$t$ates to Nat$ona! HeadCarters w$th$n )6 hors o" In$t$at$on= They w$!! ,$%e a #opy to the Chapter
2 The Chapter Treasrer w$!! "orward ea#h new In$t$atesA $n$t$at$on "ee to the Nat$ona! HeadCarters w$th$n
)6 hors o" In$t$at$on=
4 Nat$ona! HeadCarters w$!! +a$! new In$t$atesA 3ad,es and Cert$"$#ates o" In$t$at$on pon re#e$pt o" #orre#t
$n$t$at$on "ees ;sa!!y )-6 weeBs<= 1 New In$t$ates w$!! re#e$%e an $n%o$#e "ro+ 1reeBB$!! #on#ern$n,
pay+ent o" Nat$ona! 0es "or that se+ester, wh$#h +st 3e pa$d $++ed$ate!y=
1 .res$dent 2 Treasrer 3 B2T Cha$r+an 4 Nat$ona! HeadCarters
Members Manual 17.79
&-- .oss$3!e .o$nts $n &9 @est$ons
Those who do not pass ;4-M< +st taBe $t a,a$n
1ood !#BL
R7 po$ntsS 1. Who were the three Founders of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity ;"!! na+es or no #red$t<?
R7 po$ntsS 2. What three fraternities make up the Miami Triad?
R7 po$ntsS 3. What three fraternities make up the Lexington Triad?
R& po$ntS 4. The Chapter House is dedicated to whom and why ;3e spe#$"$#<?
R)& po$ntsS 5. What twenty-one officers are 7u)) ,(tin. members of the Executive Committee?
R& po$ntS 6. What officer is Chairman of the Executive Committee and votes only in case of a tie?
R: po$ntsS 7. What are the five requirements for initiation?
R9 po$ntsS 8. Who were the six founders of Delta Theta?
R& po$ntS 9. What is the True Merit Award and how many times has it been awarded to Delta Theta?
R& po$ntS 10. What is the National Top Chapter Award and how many times has Delta Theta Chapter
received it?
R& po$ntS 11. What is the National Thomas Arkle Clark Award and how many times have members of
Delta Theta received it?
R& po$ntS 12. What form does the Alpha Tau Omega Badge take?
R&- po$ntsS 13. List five sororities and five fraternities at Kansas State University.
R)- po$ntsS 14. List all Delta Theta members ;"$rst and !ast na+e< and hometowns.
R&: po$ntsS 15. Write the ATO Creed word for word.
R4 po$ntsS 16. Write the Greek alphabet in order.
17.80 Members Manual
Members Manual 17.81
17.82 Members Manual
&Members Manual 18.01
18.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 18.03
I. Scholarship
II. Social Development
III. Fraternity and University Life
IV. Pledge Education Practices
(Rush Without Alcoholic Beverages) 1806
Section 1. Purpose
Section 2. General Definitions
Section 3. Fire/Health/Safety
Section 4. General Provisions
Section 5. Registration
Section 6. Event Management
Section 7. Social Responsibility Committee (SRC)
Section 8. Education
Section 9. Good Faith
Section 10. Indemnification
Section 11. Review
Section 12. Amendments and Effective Date
I. Definition
II. Meeting and Time Restrictions (General Program Restrictions)
III. Physical Abuse
IV. Psychological Abuse
V. Improper Requirements or Obligations
VI. Responsibilities
VII. Implementation
18.04 Members Manual
I. Introduction
II. Racial and Ethnic Harassment
III. Harassment Based on Sexual Orientation
IV. Sexual Harassment
V. Sexual Violence
VI. Human Respect
VII. Public Actions and Displays
VIII. General Guidelines
Members Manual 18.05
Ea#h +e+3er o" the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty, $n#!d$n, A!pha Ta 2+e,a, has a,reed to ass+e
the "o!!ow$n, o3!$,at$ons, as they are $n Beep$n, w$th the +odern, #onstr#t$%e p!ed,e ed#at$on pro,ra+ we present!y
I= S#ho!arsh$p
A= In add$t$on to nor+a! stdy t$+e, we ,arantee p!ed,es a +$n$++ o" three hors o" tota!!y
nd$str3ed stdy t$+e Snday thro,h Thrsday e%en$n,s end$n, no !ater than &&?7- .M=
B= *e +a$nta$n C$et hors $n se!e#ted stdy areas $n the hose "ro+ a"ter d$nner nt$! day3reaB=
C= *e pro%$de $n#ent$%es "or s#ho!ast$# a#h$e%e+ent=
0= *e per$od$#a!!y re%$ew the ,rades o" ea#h p!ed,e=
E= *e reC$re da$!y #!ass attendan#e 3y p!ed,es=
II= So#$a! 0e%e!op+ent
A= *e en#ora,e p!ed,es to date, 3t do not "or#e the+ to date, nor st$p!ate who+ they are to date=
B= *e en#ora,e p!ed,es to part$#$pate $n e/tra-#rr$#!ar a#t$%$t$es=
C= *e $ns$st on ,ent!e+an!y 3eha%$or and proper et$Cette at a!! t$+es and pro%$de $nstr#t$on "or
a!! p!ed,es=
III= 8ratern$ty and Un$%ers$ty L$"e
A= *e reC$re p!ed,es to 3e#o+e "a+$!$ar w$th "ratern$ty h$story, 3oth !o#a! and nat$ona!=
B= *e reC$re p!ed,es to 3e#o+e "a+$!$ar w$th the "ratern$ty syste+=
C= *e reC$re p!ed,es to 3e#o+e "a+$!$ar w$th the #sto+s, h$story, and re,!at$ons o" Kansas State
0= *e +a$nta$n a syste+ o" p!ed,e #onse!$n,, 3oth persona! and a#ade+$#=
E= *e +a$nta$n a p!ed,e ed#at$on pro,ra+ that $s pos$t$%e and pro,ress$%e $n $ts a$+s and
8= *e endorse the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! ant$d$s#r$+$nat$on reso!t$on=
IV= .!ed,e Ed#at$on .ra#t$#es
A= *e do not $nd!,e $n padd!$n, $n any "or+=
B= *e do not $nd!,e $n J,a+esJ that +ay #ase e/#ess$%e "at$,e, +enta! harass+ent, +ora!
de,radat$on or phys$#a! $nDry=
C= A!! pre-$n$t$at$on a#t$%$t$es ;w$th$n or ots$de the #on"$nes o" the #hapter hose< #on"or+ to the
standards stated $n the I8C Const$tt$on=
0= *e do not taBe part $n !o#Bots o" e$ther p!ed,es 3y a#t$%es or a#t$%es 3y p!ed,es= The #hapter
hose +st 3e a##ess$3!e at a!! t$+es to those who res$de $n $t=
E= *e do not reC$re p!ed,es to per"or+ any persona! ser%$#es=
8= *e ha%e no p!ed,e a#t$%$t$es 3etween &)?-- +$dn$,ht and 9?-- AM, Monday thro,h 8r$day=
1= *e do not reC$re p!ed,es to wear any h+$!$at$n, or n#o+"orta3!e att$re=
H= *e ne%er $+pose pon a p!ed,e any a#t$on wh$#h #o!d poss$3!y 3r$n, n"a%ora3!e #r$t$#$s+
pon the "ratern$ty or the "ratern$ty syste+=
18.06 Members Manual
WHEREAS K=S=A= 6&-)()& pro%$des that any person nder the a,e o" )& years who possesses, atte+pts to pr#hase or
o3ta$n, or #ons+es #erea! +a!t 3e%era,es sha!! 3e ,$!ty o" a +$sde+eanor pon #on%$#t$on> and
WHEREAS K=S=A= )&-79&-a pro%$des anyone 3y$n,, se!!$n,, ,$%$n,, or "rn$sh$n,, whether d$re#t!y or $nd$re#t!y,
any #erea! +a!t 3e%era,e to any person nder the a,e o" )& years sha!! 3e ,$!ty o" a C!ass B
+$sde+eanor> and
WHEREAS 8ratern$t$es are "a#ed w$th $n#reased pre+$+s "or !$a3$!$ty $nsran#e, and e/#!s$ons "ro+ #o%era,e "or
a!#oho!-re!ated $n#$dents> and
WHEREAS The Nat$ona! Inter"ratern$ty Con"eren#e $n &'47 passed a reso!t$on stat$n, the se o" a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es
3y "raterna! or,an$Iat$ons sha!! 3e $n #o+p!$an#e w$th a!! !aws> and
WHEREAS The Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty $s re#o,n$Ied nat$ona!!y as a !eader $n "raterna!
re!at$ons> and
WHEREAS The Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! has "a$!ed to pass a #on#rete reso!t$on 3$nd$n, pon a!! +e+3ers #on#ern$n,
0ry Rsh=
Section 1. The possess$on, #ons+pt$on, and se o" a!#oho!$# and #erea! +a!t 3e%era,es sha!! 3e the respons$3$!$ty o"
ea#h $nd$%$da! "ratern$ty, e/#ept "or the pro%$s$ons o" th$s a+end+ent=
Section 2. The possess$on, #ons+pt$on, or se o" a!#oho!$# or #erea! +a!t 3e%era,es dr$n, any rsh a#t$%$ty sha!! 3e
proh$3$ted 3y any and a!! "raterna! or,an$Iat$ons asso#$ated w$th Kansas State Un$%ers$ty=
a= 0e"$n$t$on? A rsh a#t$%$ty sha!! 3e de"$ned as any a#t$on, "or+a! or $n"or+a!, 3y one or +ore
a#t$%e +e+3ers or p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers, to +eet, e/per$en#e, de%e!op asso#$at$ons w$th,
andGor persade any non-+e+3ers $n an atte+pt to pro%$de the opportn$ty "or +e+3ersh$p to a
"raterna! or,an$Iat$on= Th$s $n#!des but is not limited to9
: /ush 0arties
: !ne-on-!ne /ush
: *ummer /ush
: Chapter Functions
: Chapter 5ate 0arties
: Chapter 0hilanthropies
: &#ter Hours 0arties
: /oom 0arties
: 81change 5inners
The de"$n$t$on o" a!! a#t$%$t$es $s nder the d$s#ret$on o" the I8C Board o" 0$re#tors=
Members Manual 18.07
Section 3. 8ro+ and a"ter passa,e o" th$s a+end+ent, any "raterna! ,rop #har,ed on $n"or+at$on or 3e!$e", or pon
"or+a! #o+p!a$nt, w$th the %$o!at$on o" Se#t$on ) o" th$s art$#!e sha!! 3e a""orded a hear$n, 3e"ore the
Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! 5d$#$a! Board, to deter+$ne whether a w$!!"! %$o!at$on o" th$s se#t$on has
o##rred, wh$#h "$nd$n, sha!! 3e Dd,ed 3y the Con#$! o" .res$dents=
a= A "or+a! #o+p!a$nt "or+ +st 3e "$!!ed ot $n "!! 3e"ore the I8C 5d$#$a! Board w$!! #ons$der the
a!!e,ed %$o!at$ons=
3= A!! #hapters adher$n, to the proposa! w$!! 3e reC$red to s3+$t the dates o" the$r "or+a! rsh
a#t$%$t$es at !east one weeB $n ad%an#e o" the s#hed!ed date=
Section 4. Any "raterna! or,an$Iat$on "ond $n %$o!at$on o" Se#t$on ) as set "orth $n Se#t$on 7 sha!! 3e s3De#t to the
"o!!ow$n, pena!t$es?
a= A "$ne o" not !ess than N:=-- per +e+3er and not +ore than N&:=-- per +e+3er o" the "raterna!
3= I8C pro3at$on nder the d$s#ret$on o" the I8C Board o" 0$re#tors, and
#= Not$"$#at$on to the nat$ona!G$nternat$ona! "ratern$ty o" s#h %$o!at$on=
d= Any s3seCent %$o!at$on o" th$s se#t$on 3y the sa+e "raterna! or,an$Iat$on sha!! res!t $n #!ose
s#rt$n$Iat$on 3y the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! and the poss$3$!$ty o" add$t$ona! san#t$ons as ot!$ned
$n the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! Const$tt$on=
Section 5. Sho!d the State o" Kansas, or the !aws o" the Un$ted States, #han,e the !e,a! dr$nB$n, a,e "ro+ )& years
o" a,e to a !ower a,e, th$s a+end+ent sha!! 3e#o+e n!! and %o$d pon s#h happen$n, w$thot "rther
a#t$on on the part o" the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$!=
Section 6. The Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! sha!! pro%$de a worB$n, ,rop to ass$st $n esta3!$sh$n, non-a!#oho!$# rsh
a#t$%$t$es, esta3!$sh worBshops, and ass$st rsh #ha$r+en to pro%$de %$a3!e a!ternat$%es, to +aBe "ratern$ty
rsh an Je%en +ore reward$n, e/per$en#e=J
Section 7. Th$s a+end+ent sha!! taBe e""e#t on the "$rst day o" the ne/t se+ester "o!!ow$n, passa,e hereo"=
Section 8. Th$s po!$#y w$!! 3e s$,ned and retrned to the 1reeB A""a$rs 2""$#e at the 3e,$nn$n, o" ea#h se+ester=
ADOPTED and ENACTED on Septe+3er )4, &'4(, e""e#t$%e 5anary &7, &'44= REVISED and AMENDED on 2#to3er
&-, &'44, e""e#t$%e 5anary &6, &'4'= REAFFIRMED $n No%e+3er o" &''6, e""e#t$%e 5anary &9, &'':> and Apr$! o" )---=
18.08 Members Manual
Members Manual 18.09
Section 1. Purpose. The Inter"ratern$ty Con#$!, $n #onDn#t$on w$th the 1reeB A""a$rs sta"" and .anhe!!en$# Con#$!
!eaders, w$!! pro%$de $ts +e+3ers w$th !earn$n, opportn$t$es as they re!ate to so#$a! respons$3$!$ty and e%ents +ana,e+ent
wh$#h atte+pt to do the "o!!ow$n,?
A= Create sa"e and "n en%$ron+ents "or #hapter +e+3ers and ,ests,
B= E+power #hapter +e+3ers to ho!d the+se!%es, ,ests and other +e+3ers a##onta3!e "or a#t$ons,
C= 0e%e!op a +e+3ersh$p $n"or+ed o" !oss pre%ent$on and r$sB +ana,e+ent pra#t$#es, and
0= Inst$!! +e+3ers w$th Bnow!ed,e, w$!!$n,ness, and des$re to #o+p!y w$th po!$#$es a$+ed at the #reat$on o" a
sa"e en%$ron+ent=
`` Th$s po!$#y $s $ndependent o", 3t worBs $n #onDn#t$on w$th ea#h #hapterAs $nternat$ona! or nat$ona!
po!$#$es= In spe#$"$# $nstan#es where e$ther the K-State or $nterGnat$ona! po!$#y $s +ore se%ere or "$r+, the
+ore se%ere or "$r+ po!$#y $s the pres$d$n, po!$#y=
Section 2. General Definitions.
A= An event $s de"$ned as any a#t$%$ty that $s p!anned, or,an$Ied, "nded or sponsored 3y a #hapter that an
o3ser%er wo!d asso#$ate w$th that #hapter= Th$s de"$n$t$on app!$es to a!! e%ents re,ard!ess o" !o#at$on=
S3stan#e "ree e%ents $n%o!%$n, +e+3ers o" a s$n,!e #hapter do not ha%e to 3e re,$stered=
B= A function $s de"$ned as an e%ent ;or the #ont$nat$on o" s#h e%ent< p!anned, or,an$Ied, "nded or
sponsored 3y two or +ore #hapters, where +e+3ers do not ha%e spe#$"$# ,ests ;$=e= e%entsGa#t$%$t$es
res!t$n, "ro+ "n#t$on 3$dd$n,<=
C= Acceptable alcoholic beverages
&= An acceptable beer and/or malt beverage $s de"$ned as a s$n,!e-se, nopened #onta$ner w$th
!ess than &7=:M a!#oho! 3y %o!+e, or )( proo", $n a non-,!ass #onta$ner, ser%ed &9 oI= or !ess=
)= An acceptable wine and/or champagne beverage $s de"$ned as an nopened #onta$ner w$th !ess
than &7=:M a!#oho! 3y %o!+e, or )( proo", ser%ed (:- +! or !ess=
0= A Third Party Vendor $s de"$ned as a !$#ensed #aterer, as de"$ned 3y Kansas Law and ord$nan#es o" the
#$ty o" Manhattan, s$n, a #ash 3ar or a !$#ensed !$Cor esta3!$sh+ent=
E= A guest $s #ons$dered to 3e a person who $s not a +e+3er and $s &4 years o" a,e or o!der= A ,est +ay 3e
nder the a,e o" &4 $" the e%ent $s a!#oho! "ree or $" the stdent $s #rrent!y enro!!ed $n #o!!e,e ;$=e=
s$3!$n,As weeBend<=
8= Sober $s de"$ned as -=-- 3!ood a!#oho! #ontent and not 3e$n, nder the $n"!en#e o" $!!$#$tG$!!e,a! dr,s=
18.10 Members Manual
1= A philanthropic event 3e,$ns when a #hapter +e+3er ;$n$t$ated or new +e+3ers< 3e,$ns to represent
the$r #hapter $n #onDn#t$on w$th the s#hed!ed ph$!anthropy= Th$s $n#!des, 3t $s not !$+$ted to,
transport$n, ph$!anthropy part$#$pantsGspe#tators to the e%ent or #onta#t w$th part$#$pantsGspe#tators
d$re#t!y pr$or to or "o!!ow$n, the e%ent, re,ard!ess o" the !o#at$on o" the representat$onG#onta#t= The host
#hapter;s< has ;ha%e< the r$,ht and the respons$3$!$ty to re"se entran#e $nto or re+o%e "ro+ the e%ent any
part$#$pantGspe#tator who 3eha%es $n a threaten$n, or nreasona3!e +anner=
H= A philanthropy $s any e%ent p!anned, or,an$Ied, "nded or sponsored 3y one or +ore #hapters= Th$s
e%ent $s des$,ned w$th the $ntent$on o" donat$n, t$+e or resor#es to the "nd$n, o" a spe#$"$#
Section 3. Fire/Health/Safety.
A= A!! +e+3er #hapters hos$n, "a#$!$t$es +st a3$de 3y a!! app!$#a3!e "$re #odes and re,!at$ons=
B= A!! !o#at$ons $n wh$#h an e%ent $s 3e$n, he!d +st #o+p!y w$th a!! app!$#a3!e "$re #odes and re,!at$ons=
C= Se/a! assa!t o" any natre $s proh$3$ted ;see Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty and .anhe!!en$#
Con#$! H+an R$,hts Code<=
0= HaI$n, o" any "or+ $s proh$3$ted ;see Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty and .anhe!!en$# Con#$!
Ant$-HaI$n, .o!$#y<=
E= The sa!e, se or possess$on o" any $!!e,a!G#ontro!!ed s3stan#e, as de"$ned 3y !o#a!, state, and "edera! !aw,
$s proh$3$ted on or o"" #hapter pre+$ses or $n any a#t$%$ty sponsored or endorsed 3y a #hapter=
8= No +e+3er or p!ed,e, asso#$ateGnew +e+3er or no%$#e sha!! per+$t, to!erate, en#ora,e or part$#$pate $n
Jdr$nB$n, ,a+es=J The de"$n$t$on o" dr$nB$n, ,a+es $n#!des 3t $s not !$+$ted to the #ons+pt$on o"
shots o" a!#oho!, !$Cor or a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es, the pra#t$#e o" #ons+$n, shots eCat$n, to oneAs a,e,
J3eer pon,,J J#entry #!3,J JdaresJ or any other a#t$%$ty $n%o!%$n, the #ons+pt$on o" a!#oho! wh$#h
$n%o!%ed dress or en#ora,e+ent re!ated to the #ons+pt$on o" a!#oho!=
1= A!#oho! #annot 3e sed as a reward or pn$sh+ent=
H= A!! non-+e+3ers +st 3e !$+$ted to the des$,nated party area wh$#h $s not to $n#!de pr$%ate roo+s or
!$%$n, Carters as spe#$"$ed 3y the I8C 0$re#tor o" R$sB Mana,e+ent, an ad%$sor "ro+ the 2""$#e o" 1reeB
A""a$rs, +e+3ers o" SRC, and #hapter +e+3ers=
&= Chapter and e%ent "a#$!$t$es that do not ha%e adeCate #o++on spa#es +ay t$!$Ie pr$%ate roo+s
or !$%$n, Carters as !on, as proper e%ent +on$tor$n, and +ana,e+ent #an o##r= .r$or
#ons!tat$on and appro%a! "ro+ the I8C 0$re#tor o" R$sB Mana,e+ent, an ad%$sor "ro+ the 2""$#e
o" 1reeB A""a$rs, and +e+3ers o" SRC=
)= E%ents w$thot a!#oho! do not need a des$,nated party area=
I= 2t-o"-hose e%ent des$,nated party areas +st 3e appro%ed 3y the I8C 0$re#tor o" R$sB Mana,e+ent, an
ad%$sor "ro+ the 2""$#e o" 1reeB A""a$rs, and +e+3ers o" SRC at !east one weeB pr$or to the "$rst e%ent
he!d at that !o#at$on=
5= 8or otdoor e%ents, "en#es +st 3e $n p!a#e to +arB and se#re the des$,nated party area and 3e appro%ed
3y the I8C 0$re#tor o" R$sB Mana,e+ent, an ad%$sor "ro+ the 2""$#e o" 1reeB A""a$rs, and +e+3ers o"
Members Manual 18.11
Section 4. General Provisions.
A= The possess$on, se andGor #ons+pt$on o" a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es, dr$n, a!! #hapter e%ents, +st 3e $n
#o+p!$an#e w$th app!$#a3!e !o#a!, state and "edera! !aws=
B= A!! e%ents at wh$#h a!#oho! $s present sha!! 3e 3r$n,-yor-own-3e%era,e ;BY2B< or th$rd party %endor=
C= Br$n,-yo-own-3e%era,e ;BY2B< e%ents w$!! on!y per+$t a##epta3!e a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es= Ea#h ,est or
+e+3er +ay 3r$n, no +ore than s$/ nopened a##epta3!e 3e%era,es o" &9 oI= or !ess= Hard a!#oho!, Be,s
and a!! other a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es, $n#!d$n, 3t not !$+$ted to #o++na! a!#oho!$# #onta$ners, are ne%er
per+$tted at #hapter "a#$!$t$es or #hapter e%ents n!ess a th$rd party %endor $s t$!$Ied=
0= Hard a!#oho! and Be,s, $n#!d$n, 3t not !$+$ted to #o++na! a!#oho!$# #onta$ners, are ne%er per+$tted at
#hapter "a#$!$t$es or #hapter e%ents n!ess a th$rd party %endor $s t$!$Ied=
&= *$ne and #ha+pa,ne +ay 3e #ons$dered an a##epta3!e a!#oho!$# 3e%era,e $" re%$ewed and appro%ed $n
ad%an#e 3y I8C 0$re#tor o" R$sB Mana,e+ent $n #ons!tat$on w$th 1reeB A""a$rs=
)= A!#oho!$# 3e%era,es, as de"$ned $n Se#t$on )=C, $n ,!ass #onta$ners +ay 3e #ons$dered an a##epta3!e
a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es $" re%$ewed and appro%ed $n ad%an#e 3y I8C 0$re#tor o" R$sB Mana,e+ent $n
#onso!at$on w$th 1reeB A""a$rs=
E= A!! e%ents #o-sponsored w$th N.C or,an$Iat$ons +st 3e a!#oho! "ree or he!d at a 7
.arty Vendor=
8= A!#oho! $s a!!owed at ph$!anthrop$# e%ents on!y thro,h a 7
.arty Vendor= A ph$!anthrop$# e%ent 3e,$ns
when a #hapter +e+3er ;$n$t$ated or new +e+3ers< 3e,$ns to represent the$r #hapter $n #onDn#t$on w$th
the s#hed!ed ph$!anthropy= Th$s $n#!des, 3t $s not !$+$ted to, transport$n, ph$!anthropy
part$#$pantsGspe#tators to the e%ent, re,ard!ess o" the !o#at$on o" the representat$onG#onta#t= The host
#hapter;s< has ;ha%e< the r$,ht and the respons$3$!$ty to re"se entran#e $nto or re+o%e "ro+ the e%ent any
part$#$pantGspe#tator who 3eha%es $n a threaten$n, or nreasona3!e +anner=
1= No e%ent $n%o!%$n, a!#oho! +ay 3e he!d on the sa+e day as a "n#t$on=
H= A!!-Un$%ers$ty Ho+e#o+$n, a#t$%$t$es w$!! 3e a!#oho! "ree, $n#!d$n,, 3t not !$+$ted to, any type o"
pra#t$#$n,, preparat$on, #onstr#t$on and part$#$pat$on w$th the e/#ept$on o" e%ents he!d at a 7
VendorAs "a#$!$ty=
I= No a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es +ay 3e pr#hased thro,h the #hapter treasry nor +ay the pr#hase o" a!#oho!$#
3e%era,es 3e ndertaBen or #oord$nated 3y anyone on 3eha!" o" the #hapter, $n#!d$n,, 3t not !$+$ted to,
pass$n, the hat, s!sh "nd or se!!$n, #ps, #o++n$ty "nd=
5= Char,$n, ,ests or +e+3ers to part$#$pate $n an e%ent, $n any #apa#$ty other than ph$!anthrpy, $s
K= 2pen .art$es, +ean$n, those w$th nrestr$#ted a##ess 3y non-+e+3ers o" the "ratern$ty, w$thot spe#$"$#
$n%$tat$on, where a!#oho! $s present, are proh$3$ted=
L= A!! the+ed e%ents asso#$ated w$th or sponsored 3y a +e+3er #hapter sha!! ha%e non-d$s#r$+$natory, non-
threaten$n, the+e=
18.12 Members Manual
M= Chapters w$!! 3e restr$#ted $n the n+3er o" $n%$ted ,ests to three t$+es the$r tota! #hapter +e+3ersh$p or
the +a/$++ a!!owed 3y 8$re Code= Chapters #hoos$n, to #o-sponsor an e%ent sha!! 3e !$+$ted to a
+a/$++ o" "or d$""erent #hapters=
N= *hen s$n, a th$rd party %endor, the K-State I8CG.HC Th$rd-.arty Vendor Contra#t +st 3e #o+p!eted
and atta#hed to the so#$a! e%ent re,$strat$on "or+=
Section 5. Registration.
A= A!! e%ents +st 3e re,$stered 79: days a year ;799 days $n a !eap year<=
B= A!! e%ents w$th a!#oho! +st 3e re,$stered on #rrent "or+s pro%$ded 3y the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! and
the .anhe!!en$# Con#$!, 3y :?-- .=M= the Tesday pr$or to the e%ent= I" the e%ent o##rs on a Tesday or
*ednesday the e%ent +st 3e re,$stered the Tesday one weeB pr$or to the e%ent=
C= A!! e%ents w$thot a!#oho! +st 3e re,$stered )6 hors pr$or to the e%ent=
0= A!! e%ents w$th a!#oho! present, other than ph$!anthrop$# e%ents, reC$re a ,est !$st $n#!d$n, #orre#t "$rst
and !ast na+es o" +e+3ers and ,ests 3e trned $n no !ater than 64 hors pr$or to the e%ent= 1est !$st
n+3er +st +at#h the ,est tota! on the e%ent re,$strat$on "or+=
Section 6. Event Management. Any e%ent, where a!#oho! $s present, the "o!!ow$n, #r$ter$a w$!! 3e "o!!owed?
A= Chapter;s< +st +a$nta$n so3er e%ent +on$tors who are n$"or+!y dressed to ensre the sa"ety o" a!!
,ests 3y reta$n$n, ,ests $n des$,nated areas, o3ser%$n, 3eha%$or, and ensr$n, the #o+p!$an#e o" the
po!$#y and $nternat$ona! and nat$ona! po!$#$es= These +on$tors +st 3e #hapter o""$#ers, h$red personne!,
or +e+3ers w$!!$n, to en"or#e th$s po!$#y as we!! as the #hapterAs $nterGnat$ona! po!$#$es> the +on$tors +ay
not $n#!de the des$,nated dr$%ers, door +on$tors, or 3artenders= Bartenders +st 3e )& years o" a,e= The
n+3er o" so3er +on$tors "or an e%ent +st 3e as "o!!ows?
_ I" a s$n,!e #hapter $s host$n, the e%ent?
-) +on$tors or +ore "or !ess than :- tota! attendees
-7 +on$tors or +ore "or :- to &:- tota! attendees
-: +on$tors or +ore "or +ore than &:- tota! attendees
_ I" ) or +ore #hapters are host$n, the e%ent?
-ea#h #hapter +st spp!y +on$tors $n a##ordan#e w$th the a3o%e ,$de!$nes= The
n+3er o" +on$tors +st #orrespond to the tota! n+3er o" peop!e $n attendan#e, not
Dst the tota! n+3er "ro+ the$r $nd$%$da! #hapter=
B= Chapter;s< +st +a$nta$n ) so3er door +on$tors at the des$,nated entran#e open to ,ests= 0oor +on$tors
w$!! 3e #hapter +e+3ers or #ontra#ted= Those +on$tors +st?
&= 0eny ad+$ttan#e to those who are not on the ,est !$st=
)= 0eny ad+$ttan#e to any $nd$%$da! who does not ha%e a %a!$d state or #o!!e,e $dent$"$#at$on=
7= 0eny ad+$ttan#e and e/$t to those w$th open a!#oho!$# #onta$ners=
6= 0eny ad+$ttan#e to $nto/$#ated peop!e=
:= ReC$re a!! ,ests to s$,n $n and ot o" the e%ent to ensre that a!! ,ests are a##onted "or at the
#!ose o" the e%ent=
9= Ensre a!! a!#oho! $s !e"t at a s$n,!e #he#B-$n po$nt and see that a )& year o!d so3er +on$tor taBes
the 3e%era,es to the d$str$3t$on !o#at$on=
(= Ensre that a!! persons )& years o" a,e or o!der are ,$%en a wr$st 3and or appropr$ate!y +arBed 3y
the th$rd party %endor=
C= A!! a!#oho! at any e%ent re,$stered as 3r$n,-yor-own-3e%era,e ;BY2B< w$!! 3e Bept $n a #entra!$Ied
!o#at$on and w$!! 3e d$str$3ted 3y a des$,nated, )& year o!d so3er $nd$%$da!=
Members Manual 18.13
0= Methods o" d$str$3t$on o" a!#oho! 3oth dr$n, and a"ter the e%ent w$!! 3e spe#$"$ed pr$or to the +e+3er
#hapterAs "$rst e%ent o" ea#h se+ester 3y the I8C and .HC 0$re#tors o" R$sB Mana,e+ent, an ad%$sor "ro+
the 2""$#e o" 1reeB A""a$rs, +e+3ers o" SRC, and #hapter +e+3ers=
E= Chapter;s< +st pro%$de sa"e transportat$on opt$ons "or a!! ,ests "or the drat$on o" the e%ent= Conta#t
$n"or+at$on "or transportat$on +st 3e posted at entran#esGe/$ts and pro%$ded to the 3artender at any
Th$rd .arty Vendor=
8= Chapter;s< w$!! post s$,ns w$th the "o!!ow$n, $n"or+at$on at a!! e%ents 3oth at the pr$+ary entran#e and
near the a!#oho! d$str$3t$on s$te?
&= 8ratern$tyGSoror$ty reser%es the r$,ht to deny ad+$ttan#e to anyone e%en $" they are on the ,est
)= 8ratern$tyGSoror$ty reser%es the r$,ht to asB anyone to !ea%e=
7= A!! a!#oho! $s BY2B= I" yo d$d not 3r$n, $t, p!ease do not dr$nB $t=
6= 0es$,nated dr$%ersA na+es and #onta#t $n"o ;$" t$!$Ied<=
:= Sa"e R$de (4:-:7'--64- .o!$#e '&& 8$re '&&
9= Kansas Law proh$3$ts #ons+pt$on o" a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es 3y persons nder the a,e o" )&=
(= I8C and 1reeB A""a$rs w$!! pro%$de standard$Ied s$,na,e "or #hapter e%ents=
1= At !east one non-a!#oho!$# 3e%era,e ;e/#!d$n, water< and "ood ;e/#!d$n, d$nner $" $t $s a part o" the
e%ent< w$!! 3e pro%$ded thro,h the #hapter treasry= The #hapter sho!d pro%$de a s""$#$ent a+ont "or
+e+3ers and ,ests=
Section 7. Social Responsibility Committee (SRC).
A= SRC w$!! #ons$st o" a +a/$++ o" twe!%e +e+3ers o" "ratern$t$es, se!e#ted 3y the I8C E/e#t$%e Board
des$,nee thro,h an open app!$#at$on pro#ess "or a ter+ o" one year= SRC +e+3ers w$!! 3e tra$ned ea#h
se+ester on how to +on$tor e%ents and ed#ate the 1reeB #o++n$ty re,ard$n, r$sB +ana,e+ent top$#s=
Ea#h +e+3er w$!! s$,n a #ontra#t w$th I8C that states the$r #o++$t+ent to SRC and the$r respons$3$!$ty
to the 1reeB #o++n$ty= I" at any t$+e th$s #ontra#t $s 3rea#hed, the I8C 0$re#tor o" R$sB Mana,e+ent
#an d$s+$ss that +e+3er= The 0$re#tor w$!! then appo$nt another Ca!$"$ed #and$date=
B= SRC w$!! not 3e re"sed ad+$ss$on to the ,enera! s$te o" any #hapter e%ent= Any +$streat+ent o" +e+3ers
o" SRC $s a %$o!at$on o" the 1ood 8a$r #!ase and +ay res!t $n a "$ne andGor san#t$on=
C= SRC w$!! +on$tor e%ents a##ord$n, to the "o!!ow$n, ,$de!$nes?
&= SRC +e+3ers w$!! 3e es#orted 3y a #hapter o""$#er and #o+p!ete a o3ser%at$on "or+ "or ea#h
e%ent +on$tored=
)= SRC w$!! not #he#B $nd$%$da! $dent$"$#at$on, 3t o3ser%e ,enera! #o+p!$an#e "or ndera,e
#ons+pt$on o" a!#oho!=
7= SRC reser%es the r$,ht to +on$tor an e%ent +ore than on#e=
6= Upon #o+p!et$on o" the o3ser%at$on "or+, $t sha!! 3e s$,ned 3y a #hapter o""$#er #orrespond$n, to
those noted on the re,$strat$on "or+ o" a!! +e+3er #hapters present at the e%ent=
:= SRC o3ser%at$on "or+s w$!! 3e s3+$tted to I8CG.HC 0$re#tors o" R$sB Mana,e+ent= The
0$re#tors w$!! "o!!ow p w$th #hapters re,ard$n, any #on#erns or potent$a! %$o!at$ons noted on the
#o+p!eted SRC o3ser%at$on "or+=
0= Sho!d the SRC +e+3ers "ee! that the e%ent has 3e#o+e a %$o!at$on o" the po!$#y, the I8C and .HC
0$re#tors o" R$sB Mana,e+ent as we!! as the #hapter pres$dent, or another o""$#er sho!d the pres$dent 3e
nrea#ha3!e, w$!! 3e #a!!ed= At that appropr$ate a#t$on w$!! 3e taBen to ensre the sa"ety o" a!! $n%o!%ed
18.14 Members Manual
E= In the #ase o" an nre,$stered e%ent, the #hapter pres$dent, or other o""$#er sho!d the pres$dent 3e
nrea#ha3!e, w$!! 3e #a!!ed= SRC w$!! #he#B the e%ent a##ord$n, to the a3o%e ,$de!$nes=
8= The SRC +e+3ers ass+e no !$a3$!$ty as a res!t o" the$r o3ser%at$ons= The SRCAs ,enera! o3ser%at$on o"
an e%ent $s to per+$t the Inter"ratern$ty and .anhe!!en$# Con#$!s to render an op$n$on as to the +e+3er
#hapterAs #on"or+an#e w$th th$s E%ent Respons$3$!$ty .o!$#y= 1$%en the $nherent !$+$tat$on o" s#h
o3ser%at$on, the SRC o3ser%at$on sha!! not 3e re!$ed pon 3y the +e+3er #hapter as appro%a! o" the e%ent
a#t$%$ty, nor sha!! o3ser%at$ons 3y SRC re!$e%e the +e+3er #hapter "ro+ any !$a3$!$ty ar$s$n, ot o" the
Section 8. Education.
A= So#$a! Cha$rpersons, R$sB Mana,e+ent Cha$rpersons, and .res$dents o" a!! I8C +e+3er #hapter are
reC$red to attend the E%ent Mana,e+ent Tra$n$n, Sess$on at the 3e,$nn$n, o" ea#h se+ester= 8a$!re to
attend any ed#at$ona! se+$nar or tra$n$n, sess$on w$!! res!t $n the den$a! o" that spe#$"$# #hapterAs
re,$stered e%ents nt$! the #hapter has rea#hed #o+p!$an#e=
B= SRC w$!! "a#$!$tate a!! new +e+3er #!asses $n %$ew$n, a so#$a! respons$3$!$ty presentat$on w$th$n the "$rst
+onth o" s#hoo!= 8a$!re to %$ew the presentat$on 3y any #hapter w$th$n the stated t$+e w$!! res!t $n the
den$a! o" that spe#$"$# #hapterAs re,$stered e%ents nt$! the #hapter has rea#hed #o+p!$an#e=
C= Ea#h #hapter +st host one Respons$3$!$ty .o!$#y presentat$on per #a!endar year= Th$s presentat$on w$!!
3e #ond#ted 3y +e+3ers o" I8C andGor SRC= It $s the #hapterAs respons$3$!$ty to s#hed!e the se+$nars $n
a t$+e!y +anner thro,h the 0$re#tor o" R$sB Mana,e+ent=
Section 9. Good Faith. No po!$#y #an #o%er a!! o" the poss$3!e s$tat$ons wh$#h +ay ar$se nor w$!! th$s po!$#y spersede
#hapterAs "ratern$ty $nterGnat$ona! po!$#y= Ea#h #hapter $s e/pe#ted to Bnow and "o!!ow those po!$#$es as we!!= *hen th$s
po!$#y $s not spe#$"$# $n a #erta$n po$nt, #hapters are e/pe#ted to #ond#t the$r a#t$%$t$es $n the sp$r$t o" so#$a! respons$3$!$ty
e+3od$ed $n th$s po!$#y= Chapters $n %$o!at$on o" th$s po!$#yAs $ntent w$!! 3e s3De#t to re%$ew and san#t$ons 3y the
Inter"ratern$ty Con#$!=
Section 10. Indemnification. The +e+3er #hapters and the$r +e+3ers a,ree to ho!d har+!ess and $nde+n$"y the
Inter"ratern$ty and .anhe!!en$# Con#$!s, the So#$a! Respons$3$!$ty Co++$ttee +e+3ers, and the 1reeB A""a$rs ad%$sor;s<
"ro+ any and a!! !$a3$!$ty, $n#!d$n,, 3t not !$+$ted to, #ost o" de"ense ar$s$n, ot o" the ad+$n$strat$on o" the po!$#$es
des#r$3ed here$n=
Section 11. Review. Th$s .o!$#y w$!! 3e rea""$r+ed on an anna! 3as$s and re%$ewed a +$n$++ o" e%ery 7 years, or as
Section 12. Amendments and Effective Date. Th$s 5o$nt .o!$#y +ay 3e a+ended 3y a +aDor$ty o" the Inter"ratern$ty
Con#$!= Th$s .o!$#y has 3een $n "or#e s$n#e Septe+3er &, &''&, and a!! "tre a+end+ents sha!! taBe e""e#t $++ed$ate!y
n!ess spe#$"$#a!!y noted=
ADOPTED and ENACTED on May 9, &''&, 3y the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! and the .anhe!!en$# Con#$! o" Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty= AMENDED on Apr$! )(, &''), w$th a+end+ents to 3e#o+e e""e#t$%e "ro+ and a"ter A,st &:, &'')=
AMENDED on Apr$! )9, &''7, w$th a+end+ents to 3e#o+e e""e#t$%e "ro+ and a"ter A,st &, &''7= AMENDED on
Apr$! )6, &'':, w$th a+end+ents to 3e#o+e e""e#t$%e "ro+ and a"ter A,st &:, &'':= AMENDED on Mar#h 6, &''9,
e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y= AMENDED on Apr$! )4, &''(, w$th a+end+ents to 3e#o+e e""e#t$%e "ro+ and a"ter Apr$! )',
&''(= AMENDED on Apr$! )6, )--9, e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y= AMENDED on Apr$! )4, )--4, e""e#t$%e 5!y &, )--4=
AMENDED on May 6, )-&-, e""e#t$%e 5!y &, )-&-=
Members Manual 18.15
I. Definition
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 1reeB A""a$rs de"$nes haI$n, as? Any $nstan#e o" phys$#a! a3se, psy#ho!o,$#a! a3se, or
$+proper o3!$,at$ons, reC$re+ents, or t$+e restr$#t$ons asso#$ated w$th or $n%o!%$n, new +e+3ers ;#o++on!y
Bnown as p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers< or the$r a#t$%$t$es or asso#$ated w$th or $n%o!%$n, any $+proper #ont$n$n,
o3!$,at$on "or +e+3ersh$p= V$o!at$ons des#r$3ed 3e!ow sha!! there"ore 3e nderstood to 3e $n#$dents o" haI$n,=
II. Meeting and Time Restrictions (General Program Restrictions)
A!! stdents at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty are re#o,n$Ied to ha%e a#ade+$# and #o!!e,$ate o3!$,at$ons wh$#h +st not
3e nd!y restr$#ted or #onstra$ned= E/a+p!es o" $+proper!y restr$#t$%e t$+e reC$re+ents $n#!de 3t are not
!$+$ted to the "o!!ow$n,?
_ Any a#t$%$ty or reC$re+ent wh$#h $s so t$+e #ons+$n, as to s$,n$"$#ant!y $nter"ere w$th #!ass
worB or stdy t$+e= Th$s $n#!des 3t $s not !$+$ted to pre-$n$t$at$on and $n$t$at$on per$ods=
_ Cond#t$n, a new +e+3er-re!ated a#t$%$ty 3etween the hors to &)?-- +$dn$,ht and 9?-- a=+=
Monday thro,h 8r$day=
_ .er+$tt$n, !ess than s$/ #ont$nos hors o" s!eep "or p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers ea#h n$,ht
3etween &)?-- +$dn$,ht and '?-- a=+=
_ Cond#t$n, any non-a#ade+$# p!ed,eGasso#$ate a#t$%$ty w$th$n one #o+p!ete weeB pr$or to "$na!
e/a+$nat$ons ea#h se+ester=
III. Physical Abuse
.hys$#a! a3se $s nderstood to 3e any a#t$on taBen or s$tat$on #reated wh$#h +ay "oreseea3!y #ase pa$n, $nDry,
or nde phys$#a! stress, "at$,e, or d$s#o+"ort= E/a+p!es o" phys$#a! a3se $n#!de 3t are not !$+$ted to the
_ 8or#ed or reC$red #ons+pt$on o" a!#oho!$# or non-a!#oho!$# 3e%era,es or s3stan#es=
_ 8or#ed or reC$red #ons+pt$on o" spo$!ed "oods, raw on$ons, ,o!d"$sh, or any
npa!ata3!e "oods wh$#h an $nd$%$da! re"ses to eat
_ 0ropp$n, "ood s#h as e,,s, ,rapes, !$%er, et#= $n +oths
_ Ca!$sthen$#s, s#h as psh-ps, s$t-ps, or rns
_ Ty$n, $nd$%$da!s to #ha$rs, po!es, or other o3De#ts
_ S$+!ated or a#ta! 3rand$n,
_ Cas$n, e/#ess$%e "at$,e thro,h phys$#a! or psy#ho!o,$#a! sho#Bs, s#h as "or#ed part$#$pat$on
$n e/tre+e e/er#$se 3eyond nor+a! a3$!$ty
_ .add!e swats o" any natre, $n#!d$n, the trad$n, o" swats w$th a#t$%es
_ .sh$n,, sho%$n,, ta#B!$n,, or any other B$nd o" phys$#a! a3se
_ Throw$n, anyth$n,, s#h as wh$pped #rea+, ,ar3a,e, water, pa$nt, et#= at an $nd$%$da!
IV. Psychological Abuse
.sy#ho!o,$#a! a3se $s nderstood to 3e any a#t$on taBen or s$tat$on #reated wh$#h +ay "oreseea3!y prod#e
e+3arrass+ent, r$d$#!e, harass+ent, +enta! or e+ot$ona! d$s#o+"ort, or 3e threaten$n, or "r$,hten$n, $n natre=
E/a+p!es o" psy#ho!o,$#a! a3se $n#!de 3t are not !$+$ted to the "o!!ow$n,?
_ L$ne-ps, any "or+ o" %er3a! a3se, or any other a#t$%$ty wh$#h ser%es no #onstr#t$%e prpose
18.16 Members Manual
_ 0e#ept$on o" new +e+3ers pr$or to the r$ta! wh$#h $s des$,ned to #on%$n#e a p!ed,eGasso#$ate
+e+3er that he w$!! not 3e $n$t$ated or that he w$!! 3e hrt dr$n, the r$ta! #ere+ony
_ Ye!!$n, or s#rea+$n, at p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers
_ Ca!!$n, p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers de+ean$n, na+es ;s#+, et#=<
_ .!ay$n, e/tre+e!y !od +s$#, +s$# repeated #ont$nos!y, or any other ad$3!e harass+ent
_ Any $nd$%$da! or ,rop $nterro,at$ons o" a ne,at$%e or de+ean$n, natre
_ Creat$n, roo+s or areas that are n#o+"orta3!e de to te+peratre, no$se, s$Ie, or a$r Ca!$ty
V. Improper Requirements or Obligations
A!! +e+3ersh$p reC$re+ents or o3!$,at$ons +st $n so+e way enhan#e the $nd$%$da!Os e+ot$ona!, sp$r$ta!, or
$nte!!e#ta! de%e!op+ent= E/a+p!es o" $+proper reC$re+ents or o3!$,at$ons $n#!de 3t are not !$+$ted to the
_ Ass$,n$n, or endors$n, pranBs s#h as panty-ra$ds, harass$n, another or,an$Iat$on, et#=
_ Ass$,n$n, or endors$n, an a#t$%$ty that $s $!!e,a! or n!aw"!, that wo!d #onst$tte the"t,
3r,!ary, or trespass$n,, or that wo!d 3e +ora!!y o3De#t$ona3!e to an $nd$%$da!
_ 0e"a#$n, trees, ,ronds, 3$!d$n,s, or o3De#ts
_ Cond#t$n, Cests, treasre hnts, s#a%en,er hnts, padd!e hnts, 3$, s$ster hnts, or !$tt!e s$ster
hnts that $n#!de $!!e,a! a#t$%$ty, phys$#a! a3se, or psy#ho!o,$#a! a3se
_ ReC$r$n, p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers to +ar#h $n "or+at$on
_ Carry$n, $te+s s#h as #o#onts, he!+ets, swords, 3r!ap 3a,s, sh$e!ds, padd!es, ro#Bs, do,
#o!!ars, 3r$#Bs, et#=
_ Ass$,n$n, or endors$n, the wear$n, o" appare! wh$#h $s #onsp$#os and not nor+a!!y $n ,ood
_ ReC$r$n, or endors$n, the p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers to ye!! or #hant when enter$n, or !ea%$n,
the #hapter hose
_ ReC$r$n, +e+or$Iat$on o" non-"ratern$ty re!ated +ater$a!s
_ Not per+$tt$n, p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers to ta!B "or e/tended a+onts o" t$+e
_ Ass$,n$n, or endors$n, p3!$# stnts or 3""oonery
_ ReC$r$n, or en#ora,$n, p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers to a#t !$Be an$+a!s or other o3De#ts
_ Intent$ona!!y +ess$n, p the hose or a roo+ "or p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers to #!ean
_ ReC$r$n, or en#ora,$n, tota! or part$a! nd$ty at any t$+e
_ ReC$r$n, or en#ora,$n, p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers to rn persona! errands or any other "or+ o"
persona! ser%$tde
_ ReC$r$n, or en#ora,$n, p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers to part$#$pate $n the a#t o" "!or$n, andGor
shower$n, other +e+3ers
VI. Responsibilities
&= Any person ;p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3er, a#t$%e +e+3er, ,est, a!+n$Gae, n$%ers$ty sta""G"a#!ty +e+3er<
s""er$n, or w$tness$n, a haI$n, a3se +st report the $n#$dent;s< to appropr$ate 1reeB A""a$rs o""$#$a!s=
)= The appropr$ate #hapter o""$#er ;pres$dent, p!ed,eGasso#$ate ed#ator, et#=< +st appro%e a!! new +e+3er-
re!ated a#t$%$t$es pr$or to the e%ent=
7= Me+3ersh$p-re!ated a#t$%$t$es sho!d 3e Bept w$th$n the proper!y reser%ed spa#e= The a#t$%$ty +st not
$nter"ere w$th the r$,hts and a#t$%$t$es o" others, and sho!d a!ways re"!e#t the 3est $nterest o" the +e+3ers
o" the #hapter $t represents and the n$%ers$ty #o++n$ty as a who!e=
Members Manual 18.17
6= A!! #hapters wh$#h are +e+3ers o" the Inter"ratern$ty or .anhe!!en$# Con#$!s and the$r $nd$%$da!
+e+3ers w$!! a3$de 3y th$s po!$#y=
:= Chapters sha!! 3e he!d respons$3!e "or any a#t$on or s$tat$on $n %$o!at$on o" th$s po!$#y, whether $n#rred
3y p!ed,eGasso#$ate, a#t$%e, a!+n$Gae, or ,est=
9= Any repr$sa! or threat o" repr$sa! taBen a,a$nst a person "or report$n, a %$o!at$on o" th$s po!$#y sha!! 3e
#ons$dered a %$o!at$on o" th$s po!$#y, e%en $" the #hapter $" "ond $nno#ent o" the $n$t$a! a!!e,ed #har,e=
(= Any %$o!at$on o" th$s po!$#y sha!! 3e reported= I8C and .anhe!!en$# w$!! ha%e the respons$3$!$ty to
deter+$ne %$o!at$ons and sha!! #hoose "ro+ a 3road array o" poss$3!e san#t$ons those appropr$ate to the
VI. Implementation
&= The o""$#ers, pr$n#$pa!!y the .res$dent o" ea#h #hapter, are respons$3!e "or $n"or+$n, +e+3ers
;p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3ers, a#t$%e +e+3ers, a!+n$Gae, and ,ests< o" the a3o%e po!$#y= The po!$#y sha!!
3e read 3y the .res$dent to the +e+3ersh$p at the "$rst #hapter +eet$n, o" ea#h se+ester and sha!! 3e
posted $n a pro+$nent p!a#e "or the +e+3ers to see "or not !ess than two weeBs at the 3e,$nn$n, o" ea#h
)= Any $nd$%$da! or ,rop who w$shes to d$s#ss w$th 1reeB A""a$rs o""$#$a!s any Cest$ona3!e a#t$%$t$es
wh$#h +ay 3e $n %$o!at$on o" th$s po!$#y sha!! ha%e #o+p!ete anony+$ty $" so des$red nt$! or n!ess that
$nd$%$da! or ,rop de#$des to "$!e "or+a! #har,es=
7= The #hapter $s respons$3!e "or any ,rop or $nd$%$da! a#t$%$ty deter+$ned to 3e a %$o!at$on o" th$s haI$n,
po!$#y= V$o!at$ons +ay res!t $n Un$%ers$ty, 1reeB A""a$rs, andGor !e,a! a#t$on=
6= In a!! #ases o" a!!e,ed %$o!at$ons o" th$s po!$#y, "a#!ty and a!+n$Gae ad%$sors w$!! 3e not$"$ed o" the
a!!e,ed %$o!at$ons= In add$t$on, the $nternat$ona!Gnat$ona! headCarters o" any #hapter wh$#h a!!e,ed!y
%$o!ates th$s po!$#y w$!! 3e not$"$ed o" the a!!e,ed %$o!at$ons=
:= A##ord$n, to the I8C Const$tt$on ;Art$#!e III, Se#t$on 7-6<, the Dd$#$a! powers and athor$ty o" the I8C
sha!! 3e %ested $n the Board o" 0$re#tors= The Board o" 0$re#tors +ay $n%est$,ate and Dd,e #har,es o"
+e+3ers o" the I8C $n%o!%$n, the a!!e,ed $n"ra#t$ons o" the Un$%ers$ty or I8C po!$#$es=
9= A##ord$n, to the .anhe!!en$# Const$tt$on ;Art$#!e V, Se#t$on 0<, the Dd$#$a! powers and athor$ty o" the
.anhe!!en$# Con#$! sha!! 3e %ested $n the .anhe!!en$# o""$#ers= They +ay $n%est$,ate and Dd,e #har,es
o" +e+3ers o" the .anhe!!en$# Con#$! $n%o!%$n, the a!!e,ed $n"ra#t$ons o" Un$%ers$ty or .anhe!!en$#
(= The Inter"ratern$ty and .anhe!!en$# Con#$!s w$!! e%a!ate ea#h #ase on $ts own $nd$%$da! +er$t=
4= In the e%ent that "or+a! wr$tten #har,es are 3ro,ht a,a$nst a #hapter "or %$o!at$n, the pro%$s$ons
#onta$ned here$n, they sha!! 3e ent$t!ed to not$#e, hear$n,, and appea! $n a##ordan#e w$th those r!es
ot!$ned $n the hear$n, pro#edres=
18.18 Members Manual
Members Manual 18.19
I. Introduction
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty and .anhe!!en$# Con#$!s re#o,n$Ie and spport the r$,hts o" a!! $nd$%$da!s
$n the 1reeB syste+ and a!! $nd$%$da!s who +ay #o+e $n #onta#t w$th the "ratern$tyGsoror$ty #o++n$ty $n any way= The
Con#$!s there"ore w$!! not to!erate or #ondone any "or+ o" ra#$a! or ethn$# harass+ent> harass+ent 3ased on se/a!
or$entat$on> se/a! harass+ent> se/a! %$o!en#e> phys$#a!, +enta!, or e+ot$ona! a3se> or any a#t$on or d$sp!ay wh$#h +ay
3e dee+ed ra#$a!, ethn$#, se/a!, or e+ot$ona! harass+ent 3y the ,enera! p3!$#=
II. Racial and Ethnic Harassment
No "or+ o" ra#$a! andGor ethn$# harass+ent w$!! 3e to!erated or #ondoned 3y the Inter"ratern$ty and .anhe!!en$#
Con#$!s= Ra#$a! andGor ethn$# harass+ent $n#!des %er3a!, phys$#a!, or wr$tten 3eha%$or d$re#ted toward or re!at$n, to an
$nd$%$da! or ,rop on the 3as$s o" ra#e, ethn$#$ty, or ra#$a! a""$!$at$on and has the prpose or e""e#t o"?
&= Creat$n, an $nt$+$dat$n,, host$!e, or o""ens$%e en%$ron+ent>
)= Inter"er$n, w$th an $nd$%$da!Os worB, a#ade+$# per"or+an#e, !$%$n, en%$ron+ent, persona! se#r$ty, or
part$#$pat$on $n any Un$%ers$ty- or "ratern$tyGsoror$ty-sponsored a#t$%$t$es=
Th$s de"$n$t$on a!so app!$es to harass+ent o" persons 3e#ase o" the$r asso#$at$on w$th or spport o" +e+3ers o" a
spe#$"$# ra#$a! or ethn$# ,rop=
*h$!e so+e e/a+p!es o" ra#$a! andGor ethn$# harass+ent, s#h as phys$#a! and %er3a! assa!ts, are eas$!y $dent$"$ed,
+ore "reCent and ,enera!$Ied $nstan#es, s#h as 3!atant and s3t!e ,ra""$t$ and $nsens$t$%e se o" !an,a,e T $n#!d$n,
ep$thets and Jh+orJ T o"ten ,o na#Bnow!ed,ed= A!! o" the a3o%e $nstan#es are eCa!!y de+ean$n, and %$o!ate the sp$r$t o"
th$s po!$#y=
III. Harassment Based on Sexual Orientation
No "or+ o" harass+ent 3ased on se/a! or$entat$on w$!! 3e to!erated or #ondoned 3y the Inter"ratern$ty and
.anhe!!en$# Con#$!s= Th$s $n#!des %er3a!, phys$#a!, or wr$tten 3eha%$or wh$#h #reates an n#o+"orta3!e, nsta3!e, or
har+"! en%$ron+ent as a res!t o" the $nd$%$da!As se/a! or$entat$on=
IV. Sexual Harassment
No "or+ o" se/a! harass+ent w$!! 3e to!erated or #ondoned 3y the Inter"ratern$ty or .anhe!!en$# Con#$!s= Se/a!
harass+ent $s any %er3a!, phys$#a!, or wr$tten 3eha%$or wh$#h, thro,h $nappropr$ate se/a! #ontent or d$spara,e+ent o"
+e+3ers o" one se/, #reates a s$tat$on $n wh$#h?
&= A person $s reC$red to to!erate or a##ept se/a! attent$ons as a #ond$t$on o" any B$nd>
)= The 3eha%$or #reates an en%$ron+ent that $s $nt$+$dat$n,, host$!e, or o""ens$%e "or +e+3ers o"
one se/>
7= Any ed#at$ona!, e+p!oy+ent, or "raterna! de#$s$on has 3een a""e#ted 3y a personOs re"sa! to
#o+p!y w$th or to!erate $nappropr$ate se/a! 3eha%$or>
6= Any repr$sa!s are taBen "or report$n, or o3De#t$n, to se/a! harass+ent=
In the past, se/a! harass+ent has so+et$+es 3een to!erated 3e#ase o" the +$staBen not$on that se/a! attent$ons
and ad%an#es are a!ways #o+p!$+entary or "!atter$n,= 5oBes, s!rs, d$spara,e+ents, or $ns!ts d$re#ted at +e+3ers o" one
se/, o"ten se/a! $n #ontent, ha%e "reCent!y 3een d$s+$ssed as har+!ess h+or= Howe%er, s#h 3eha%$or #an $nter"ere w$th
an $nd$%$da!Os r$,hts= Se/a! harass+ent $s proh$3$ted not 3e#ase $t $s se/a!, 3t 3e#ase $t $s harass+ent and a "or+ o"
18.20 Members Manual
V. Sexual Violence
No "or+ o" se/a! %$o!en#e w$!! 3e to!erated or #ondoned 3y the Inter"ratern$ty or .anhe!!en$# Con#$!s= Th$s po!$#y
ths proh$3$ts not on!y those a#ts #o++on!y nderstood to #onst$tte Jse/a! assa!t,J 3t a!! atte+pts to #oer#e se/a!
a#t$%$ty as we!!=
Th$s po!$#y proh$3$ts a#ts on!y when they are "or#ed on another person= An a#t $s "or#ed $" the %$#t$+ re"ses, or when
the %$#t$+ does not %er3a!!y or otherw$se $nd$#ate re"sa! 3t?
&= Is o%er#o+e 3y "or#e or "ear>
)= Is n#ons#$os or phys$#a!!y power!ess>
7= Is $n#apa3!e o" re"s$n, 3e#ase o" +enta! de"$#$en#y or d$sease> or
6= Is $n#apa3!e o" re"s$n, 3e#ase o" the e""e#ts o" a!#oho!, nar#ot$#s, dr,s or any other s3stan#es=
V$#t$+s o" se/a! %$o!en#e w$!! 3e en#ora,ed and ass$sted to seeB redress to whate%er e/tent they des$re thro,h the
re!e%ant !aws o" so#$ety=
VI. Human Respect
The Inter"ratern$ty and .anhe!!en$# Con#$!s w$!! not to!erate or #ondone any a3se o" a phys$#a!, +enta!, or
e+ot$ona! natre= .hys$#a! a3se $s de"$ned to 3e any a#t$on or s$tat$on wh$#h #ases pa$n, $nDry, or phys$#a! har+= Any
a#t$on or s$tat$on wh$#h #ases r$d$#!e, harass+ent, d$s#o+"ort, or "r$,ht to s#h an e/tent that +enta! or e+ot$ona! har+
$s $n#rred w$!! 3e #ons$dered a3s$%e=
VII. Public Actions and Displays
The Inter"ratern$ty and .anhe!!en$# Con#$!s rea!$Ie that or "ratern$ty syste+ does not !$%e $n a %a#+, 3t +st
re#o,n$Ie and 3e sens$t$%e to persons $n or n$%ers$ty and #o++n$ty= There"ore, the Con#$!s w$!! not to!erate any a#t$on
or d$sp!ay wh$#h +ay 3e #ons$dered o""ens$%e or o3s#ene, $n that $t #reates ra#$a!, ethn$#, se/a!, e+ot$ona! or other
harass+ent or a3se=
VIII. General Guidelines
Any a#t$on, s$tat$on, or d$sp!ay 3y a +e+3er "ratern$tyGsoror$ty, or any a#t$on, s$tat$on, or d$sp!ay wh$#h +ay 3e
#ons$dered to 3e endorsed 3y a +e+3er "ratern$tyGsoror$ty, and $s $n %$o!at$on o" any se#t$on o" th$s po!$#y, w$!! 3e
#ons$dered a %$o!at$on o" th$s H+an R$,hts Code= Th$s w$!! app!y whether the a#t$on, s$tat$on, or d$sp!ay $n%o!%es on!y
"ratern$tyGsoror$ty +e+3ers, or +e+3ers o" the !ar,er #o++n$ty=
Any person ;p!ed,eGasso#$ate +e+3er, a#t$%e +e+3er, ,est, a!+n$Gae, n$%ers$ty "a#!tyGsta"" +e+3er< s""er$n, or
w$tness$n, a %$o!at$on o" th$s po!$#y +st report the $n#$dent;s< to appropr$ate 1reeB A""a$rs o""$#$a!s=
The $ntent$ons o" th$s po!$#y are nderstood to 3e $n a##ordan#e w$th the po!$#$es o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty
re,ard$n, ra#$a!Gethn$# harass+ent, se/a! harass+ent, and se/a! %$o!en#e=
Any #o+p!a$nt o" a %$o!at$on o" th$s po!$#y 3ro,ht to the attent$on o" the Inter"ratern$ty or .anhe!!en$# Con#$! w$!!
3e heard 3y the ent$re 3ody o" the Con#$!= A!! part$es $n Cest$on w$!! 3e a!!owed to present $n"or+at$on a##ord$n, to the
hear$n, pro#ess "or a!! 1reeB A""a$rs po!$#$es=
I" a +e+3er #hapter $s "ond to 3e $n %$o!at$on o" th$s po!$#y, the 3ody o" the Con#$! w$!! ha%e the "reedo+ to app!y
whate%er pn$sh+ent $s dee+ed appropr$ate a##ord$n, to the %$o!at$on, $n#!d$n, ed#at$on, pro3at$on, "$nes, sspens$on,
and w$thdrawa! o" n$%ers$ty re#o,n$t$on=
ADOPTED on Mar#h &', &''&= AMENDED on Apr$! ):, &''6= AMENDED on Apr$! ):, &'':= REAFFIRMED on
Apr$! )), )---=
Members Manual 19.01
Effective May 3, 2004
Amended in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012
Se#t$on &= The #hapters o" +enAs "ratern$t$es at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty ;Un$%ers$ty< here3y asso#$ate and adopt $n
p!a#e o" a!! pre%$os a,ree+ents these art$#!es as the Const$tt$on o" the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty
Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! ;I8C<, $n#orporated nder the !aws o" the State o" Kansas=
Se#t$on )= The prposes o" I8C sha!! 3e to "oster #ooperat$on a+on, the +e+3er #hapters and to pro+ote the
stren,ths and ,enera! we!"are o" the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty "ratern$ty syste+=
Se#t$on 7= The I8C der$%es $ts athor$ty "ro+ the .res$dent o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty, as stated $n the A,ree+ent
dated Mar#h &', )--6, wh$#h $s +ade a part o" th$s Const$tt$on 3y re"eren#e=
Se#t$on &= The I8C sha!! 3e #o+pr$sed o" any North A+er$#an Inter"ratern$ty Con"eren#e ;NIC< #hapter or non NIC,
3t st$!! $nterGnat$ona! "ratern$ty re#o,n$Ied 3y Kansas State Un$%ers$ty=
Se#t$on )= A!! +e+3ers o" "ratern$t$es sha!! 3e stdents enro!!ed at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty=
Se#t$on 7= Any nat$ona!G$nternat$ona! ,enera! #o!!e,e "ratern$ty +ay pet$t$on the I8C "or #o!ony stats= Co!ony stats
sha!! 3e appro%ed 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" the Con#$! o" .res$dents=
Se#t$on 7= Co!on$es sha!! 3e non-%ot$n, +e+3ers o" the I8C and the Con#$! o" .res$dents= Ea#h #hapter sha!! ha%e
one ;&< %ote $n the I8C and the Con#$! o" .res$dents=
Se#t$on 9= The I8C and a!! +e+3er #hapters and #o!on$es sha!! 3e ,o%erned 3y the Con#$! o" .res$dents o" the I8C,
wh$#h sha!! 3e #o+posed o" the d!y e!e#ted .res$dent or pres$d$n, o""$#er o" ea#h %ot$n, +e+3er #hapter
o" the I8C= In any e%ent that a pres$dent or a pres$d$n, o""$#er $s na3!e to attend a +eet$n,, that #hapter
sha!! se!e#t a Ca!$"$ed rep!a#e+ent "ro+ that #hapterAs e/e#t$%e 3oard to attend that +eet$n,=
Se#t$on 9= The Con#$! o" .res$dents sha!! a#t as the !e,$s!at$%e and e!e#tora! 3ody o" I8C= They sha!!?
A= *orB $n the 3est $nterest o" the 1reeB Co++n$ty=
B= E!e#t a @a!$"$ed Board o" 0$re#tors on an anna! 3as$s=
C= Attend a!! o""$#$a! I8C and .res$dents Con#$! +eet$n,s=
0= Meet on a +onth!y 3as$s as a #on#$! o" pres$dents to d$s#ss #o++n$ty $sses=
Se#t$on (= *hen a +e+3er o" the Con#$! o" .res$dents $s e!e#ted to the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the I8C, h$s #hapter
sha!! therea"ter #hoose another representat$%e who sha!! ha%e eCa! %ote w$th a!! other +e+3ers o" the
Con#$! o" .res$dents=
19.02 Members Manual
Se#t$on 4= Me+3ers o" the Board o" 0$re#tors o" the I8C sha!! ha%e no %ote $n the Con#$! o" .res$dents , e/#ept that
the .res$dent o" I8C +ay %ote to 3reaB a t$e %ote=
Se#t$on &= The Con#$! o" .res$dents sha!! anna!!y e!e#t the "o!!ow$n, e$,ht o""$#ers9 .res$dent, V$#e .res$dent,
0$re#tor o" 5d$#$a! A""a$rs, 0$re#tor o" R$sB Mana,e+ent, 0$re#tor o" .3!$# Re!at$ons, 0$re#tor o"
Co++n$ty and Interna! Re!at$ons, 0$re#tor o" Inter"raterna! Re!at$ons and 0$re#tor o" Re#r$t+ent=
A= The .res$dent sha!! 3e the #h$e" e/e#t$%e o""$#er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors and the Con#$! o"
.res$dents= He sha!! 3e the o""$#$a! representat$%e o" the I8C to non-I8C a#t$%$t$es n!ess another
person $s de!e,ated as h$s representat$%e= He sha!!?
&= Ca!! and pres$de at a!! +eet$n, o" the Board o" 0$re#tors and Con#$! o" .res$dents(
)= .ro+ote 1reeB A""a$rs resor#es(
7= Co++n$#ate w$th #hapters and #o!on$es on po!$#y %$o!at$ons=
6= 2r,an$Ie I8CG.HA e/e#t$%e retreat at the 3e,$nn$n, o" the se+ester=
:= Ser%e as #ha$r o" I8C Dd$#$a! hear$n,s, and worB w$th the 0$re#tor o" 5d$#$a! A""a$rs
and a 1reeB A""a$rs sta"" +e+3er on the en"or#e+ent o" san#t$ons "or po!$#y %$o!at$ons=
9= Ensre that I8C Board o" 0$re#tors and I8C #o++n$ty are a#h$e%$n, the 1reeB A""a$rs
Strate,$# .!an=
(= 8a#$!$tate a +eet$n, spe#$"$#a!!y "or #hapter pres$dents at !east on#e a +onth=
4= Ser%e as the +a$n resor#e "or non-1reeB stdents to ,et $n #onta#t w$th the 1reeB
'= Be respons$3!e "or #ont$na! e%a!at$on o" the "n#t$ona!$ty o" the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$!
E/e#t$%e Con#$! and restr#tre as ne#essary to "$t strate,$# ,oa!s o" the 1reeB
&-= Ensre that a!! +e+3ers o" the I8C Board o" 0$re#tors are pro,ress$n, toward the ,oa!s
o" the$r prospe#t$%e o""$#es=
&&= Ma$nta$n o%era!! respons$3$!$ty "or the operat$on o" the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! and ser%e
as the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! representat$%e to the #a+ps and #o++n$ty=
&)= *orB w$th the e/e#t$%e 3oard, Con#$! o" .res$dents and 1reeB A""a$rs sta"" $n a!!
+atters perta$n$n, to I8C=
B= The V$#e .res$dent sha!! ass$st the .res$dent as d$re#ted, pres$de at o""$#$a! +eet$n,s $n the
a3sen#e o" the .res$dent, and s##eed to the o""$#e o" .res$dent whene%er that o""$#e $s de#!ared
%a#ant 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors= He sha!!?
&= 0e%e!op s#ho!arsh$p pro,ra++$n, and a#ade+$# $n#ent$%es "or $nd$%$da!s and
)= 2r,an$Ie, $+p!e+ent, and #ond#t +e+3ersh$p de%e!op+ent a#t$%$t$es and
pro,ra++$n, $n#!d$n, 1reeB LEA0S, Rondta3!es, and other $n$t$at$%es=
7= Ser%e as the pr$+ary ad%$sor to the New Me+3er Con#$!=
6= Coord$nate New Me+3er Con#$! de%e!op+ent a#t$%$t$es $n#!d$n, a retreat $n the
spr$n, or "a!!=
:= Re%$ew the #on#$!As #onst$tt$on and 3y!aws on an anna! 3as$s and s,,est #han,es as
9= UndertaBe and ass$st $n spe#$a! proDe#ts de!e,ated 3y the .res$dent=
C= The 0$re#tor o" 5d$#$a! A""a$rs sha!!?
&= Coord$nate a!! $n%est$,at$ons o" po!$#y %$o!at$ons 3y I8C +e+3er #hapters and #o!on$es
that are 3ro,ht to the attent$on o" the 0$re#tor= These $n%est$,at$ons sha!! 3e #ond#ted
$ndependent!y "ro+ the Board o" 0$re#tors and w$thot the$r $n"!en#e 3y an
$n%est$,at$%e tea+ that $s #hosen 3y the 0$re#tor o" 5d$#$a! A""a$rs=
)= Ha%e the power to +aBe a "or+a! #o+p!a$nt on 3eha!" o" a #o+p!a$nant and present the
wr$tten test$+ony o" the #o+p!a$nant $n a "or+a! hear$n,=
Members Manual 19.03
7= Be respons$3!e "or the $nterpretat$on and #orre#t $+p!e+entat$on o" the I8C 5d$#$a!
6= Be respons$3!e, a!on, w$th the .res$dent and a 1reeB A""a$rs sta"" +e+3er, "or #reat$on
and en"or#e+ent o" ad+$n$strat$%e san#t$ons "or +$nor po!$#y %$o!at$ons=
:= Assess "$nes "or %$o!at$ons o" the E%ent Respons$3$!$ty .o!$#y=
9= *orB w$th #hapters to o%ersee #o+p!$an#e o" a!! Dd$#$a! san#t$ons=
(= Ass$st the 0$re#tor o" R$sB Mana,e+ent $n tra$n$n, the SRC +e+3ers=
4= Re%$ew the #on#$!As Dd$#$a! po!$#y on an anna! 3as$s and +aBe #han,es as needed=
'= UndertaBe and ass$st $n spe#$a! proDe#ts de!e,ated 3y the .res$dent=
0= The 0$re#tor o" R$sB Mana,e+ent sha!!?
&= .ro%$de #hapters w$th ed#at$ona! se+$nars and presentat$ons ;e=,= date rape, haI$n,,
"$re sa"ety, a!#oho! a3se, et#=< "or ea#h o" the "o!!ow$n,? new +e+3er #!asses,
pres$dents, and so#$a! #ha$rs re,ard$n, the Respons$3$!$ty .o!$#y at the 3e,$nn$n, o" ea#h
se+ester, and #hapter and #o!ony +e+3ers on r$sB +ana,e+ent $sses=
)= Create a r$sB +ana,e+ent +ana! "or #hapters=
7= Cond#t r$sB +ana,e+ent pro,ra++$n, at !east tw$#e a se+ester=
6= Be respons$3!e "or the $nterpretat$on and #orre#t $+p!e+entat$on o" the I8C
Respons$3$!$ty .o!$#y=
:= Send !etters to !o#a! esta3!$sh+ents $n"or+$n, the+ o" the E%ent Respons$3$!$ty .o!$#y
and the SRC as we!! as #o!!e#t$n, p-to-date esta3!$sh+ent $nsran#e and !$a3$!$ty
9= Re%$ew e%ent re,$strat$on "or+s to ensre #o+p!$an#e w$th the So#$a! Respons$3$!$ty
.o!$#y and a!! other app!$#a3!e po!$#$es=
(= Se!e#t, tra$n, and sper%$se So#$a! Respons$3$!$ty Co++$ttee ;SRC< +e+3ers=
4= 0$re#t the a#t$%$t$es o" the SRC, 3y s#hed!$n, the SRC to +on$tor re,$stered "ratern$ty
e%ents e%ery weeB=
'= Re%$ew the #on#$!As respons$3$!$ty po!$#y on an anna! 3as$s and +aBe #han,es as
&-= UndertaBe and ass$st $n spe#$a! proDe#ts de!e,ated 3y the .res$dent=
E= The 0$re#tor o" MarBet$n, and .3!$# Re!at$ons sha!!?
&= .3!$sh the *eeB!y 1reeB w$th the .anhe!!en$# 0$re#tor o" .3!$# Re!at$ons=
)= Send news re!eases to +ed$a "or a!! I8CG.HA +aDor e%entsG pro,ra++$n,Gawards=
7= Ser%e as a resor#e to #hapters and #o!on$es "or p3!$#$I$n, the$r e%ents ;e=,= p3!$#
re!at$ons hand3ooB, press re!eases, ,enera! p3!$#$ty<=
6= *orB w$th 0$re#tor o" Inter"raterna! Re!at$ons to #reate one pro,ra+ ea#h se+ester to
pro+ote pos$t$%e $nter-1reeB re!at$onsGa#t$%$t$es= He sha!! "o#s spe#$"$#a!!y on
ad%ert$s$n,, and sponsorsh$p o" the e%ent=
:= *orB w$th 1reeB A""a$rs sta"" to pdate and +a$nta$n the 1reeB A""a$rs we3s$te and
9= Cond#t p3!$# re!at$ons pro,ra++$n, at !east on#e a se+ester=
(= *orB w$th 1reeB A""a$rs sta"" and I8C Board o" 0$re#tors on a!! pro+ot$ona! +ater$a!s
and Brand$n, ;e=,= !etter heads, !o,os, news!etters, +e+os<=
4= Re%$ew #hapter we3s$tes at !east on#e per se+ester=
'= Mana,e the #on#$!As so#$a! +ed$a a##onts and se the+ to pro+ote I8C and the 1reeB
#o++n$ty as a who!e=
&-= UndertaBe and ass$st $n spe#$a! proDe#ts de!e,ated 3y the .res$dent=
8= The 0$re#tor o" Co++n$ty and Interna! Re!at$ons sha!!?
&= Ca!! ro!! and taBe +$ntes at a!! I8C and Board o" 0$re#tors +eet$n,s=
)= Type and d$str$3te an a,enda and +$ntes o" +eet$n,s= Meet$n, a,enda and +$ntes
sha!! 3e d$str$3ted w$th$n 64 hors o" the +eet$n,=
19.04 Members Manual
7= Coord$nate the Adopt-A-S#hoo! pro,ra+=
6= 2r,an$Ie and $+p!e+ent the "a!! and spr$n, A!!-1reeB .h$!anthropy as we!! as
add$t$ona! ph$!anthrop$# opportn$t$es=
:= Co!!e#t, #o+p$!e and d$str$3te a!! #hapter ph$!anthropy res!ts ea#h se+ester=
9= 2r,an$Ie and p!an, $n #onDn#t$on w$th .HA 0$re#tor o" Co++n$ty and Interna!
Re!at$ons, en%$ron+enta! e""orts "or 1reeB A""a$rs and the #o++n$ty=
(= Cond#t ph$!anthropy pro,ra++$n, at !east on#e a se+ester=
4= Ma$nta$n a!! #rrent I8C do#+ents and po!$#$es=
1= The 0$re#tor o" Inter"raterna! Re!at$ons sha!!?
&= *orB w$th the 1reeB A""a$rs sta"" to or,an$Ie a!+n$Ga!+nae +eet$n,s and e%ents=
)= Cond#t a!+n$Ga!+nae o""$#er pro,ra++$n, at !east on#e a se+ester=
7= Coord$nate Ho+e#o+$n, a#t$%$t$es and +eet$n,s sponsored 3y 1reeB A""a$rs and $ts
6= *orB w$th A!+n$ Asso#$at$on "or Ho+e#o+$n, and ser%e on A!!-Un$%ers$ty
Ho+e#o+$n, #o++$ttee=
:= Coord$nate the Brotherhood E/#han,e pro,ra+=
9= Cha$r the 1reeB *eeB Steer$n, Co++$ttee=
H= The 0$re#tor o" Re#r$t+ent sha!!?
&= *orB w$th 1reeB A""a$rs sta"" to #oord$nate the I8C +e+3ersh$p re#r$t+ent pro,ra+=
)= *orB w$th 1reeB A+3assadors and New Stdent Ser%$#es to present parent and "a+$!y
sess$ons and $n"or+at$on ta3!es dr$n, a!! Un$%ers$ty re#r$t+ent e%ents s#h as?
S++er 2r$entat$on and Enro!!+ent, The 8ratern$ty E/per$en#e, A!!-Un$%ers$ty 2pen
Hose, Sen$or 0ays, %$s$tat$ons, and s#ho!arsh$p days=
7= *orB w$th 1reeB A""a$rs sta"" and I8C Board o" 0$re#tors on a!! re#r$t+ent
pro+ot$ona! +ater$a!s and 3rand$n, ;e=,= !etter heads, !o,os, news!etters, +e+os<=
6= Ho!d +onth!y re#r$t+ent rondta3!es w$th re#r$t+ent #ha$rs, ad%$sors, 1reeB
#o++n$ty !eaders, prospe#t$%e new +e+3ers that d$d not Do$n, new!y a""$!$ated
+e+3ers, and ad+$ss$ons and or$entat$on personne! to $+pro%e #rrent and "tre
re#r$t+ent pro#esses and e%ents=
:= .ro+ote "ratern$ty +e+3ersh$p to prospe#t$%e +e+3ers and the$r parents=
9= Ed#ate "ratern$ty re#r$t+ent #ha$r+en a3ot dry re#r$t+ent, re#r$t+ent eth$#s, and
re#r$t+ent 3est pra#t$#e te#hn$Ces=
(= *orB w$th #hapters to he!p the+ rea#h the$r re#r$t+ent ,oa!s=
4= Ho!d at !east one re#r$t+ent e%ent ots$de o" the Manhattan Area per se+ester=
Se#t$on )= The Board o" 0$re#tors sha!! 3e #o+posed o" the e$,ht e!e#ted o""$#ers pro%$ded $n Se#t$on & o" th$s
Art$#!e= The 0$re#tor o" 1reeB A""a$rs sha!! 3e an e/-o""$#$o, non-%ot$n, +e+3er o" the Board o"
0$re#tors= Me+3ers o" the Con#$! o" .res$dents +ay attend any +eet$n, o" the Board o" 0$re#tors= The
Board o" 0$re#tors sha!!?
A= Be the ,o%ern$n, 3ody o" I8C when the Con#$! o" .res$dents $s not $n sess$on=
B= Ad+$n$ster rot$ne 3s$ness 3etween +eet$n,s o" the Con#$! o" .res$dents when ad%$sa3!e and
s#h other 3s$ness as has 3een appro%ed "or a#t$on 3y the Con#$! o" .res$dents=
C= Report a!! a#t$on taBen 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors at the ne/t +eet$n, o" the Con#$! o" .res$dents=
0= Re%$ew the A8LV awards app!$#at$on and #o+p!ete app!$#at$ons 3ased on e!$,$3$!$ty and 3oard
E= Attend a!! I8CG.HA a#t$%$t$es, $n#!d$n, 3t not !$+$ted to, e/e#t$%e 3oard +eet$n,s, #on#$! o"
.res$dents +eet$n,s, ed#at$ona! pro,ra+s and re#r$t+ent e%ents= ;e=,=, 1reeB LEA0S, 1reeB
Leadersh$p Retreat, and A!!-1reeB .h$!anthropy<=
8= Cond#t a thoro,h trans$t$on "or new o""$#ers=
1= Keep a we!!-or,an$Ied and #o+prehens$%e note3ooBGe!e#tron$# "$!es o" a!! a#t$%$t$es perta$n$n, to
the o""$#e, and pass $t on to the ne/t o""$#er=
Members Manual 19.05
H= .ro%$de an o""$#er report o" a!! a#t$ons and 3s$ness re!ated to respe#t$%e o""$#e at a!! Board o"
0$re#tors and Con#$! o" .res$dents +eet$n,s=
I= Ser%e as +e+3ers o" the I8C 5d$#$a! Board as needed=
5= Me+3ers o" the Board o" 0$re#tors w$th +ore than three ne/#sed a3sen#es "ro+ 2""$#$a! I8C
+eet$n,s or sponsored e%ents sha!! 3e s3De#t to re#a!!=
K= Ser%e two o""$#e hors per weeB $n the 1reeB A""a$rs o""$#e=
Se#t$on 7= Sho!d a %a#an#y e/$st on the Board o" 0$re#tors, the re+a$n$n, +e+3ers o" the Board o" 0$re#tors sha!!
e!e#t a Ca!$"$ed +a!e to #o+p!ete the %a#ant ter+, s3De#t to the +aDor$ty appro%a! o" the Con#$! o"
Se#t$on 6= Any o""$#er who "a$!s to per"or+ h$s dt$es as ot!$ned 3y the #onst$tt$on and the I8C oath o" o""$#e sha!!
3e s3De#t to re#a!!=
Se#t$on := Re#a!! pro#edres o" E/e#t$%e Con#$! 2""$#ers?
A= Any o""$#er "a$!$n, to per"or+ h$s dt$es as ot!$ned sha!! +eet $nd$%$da!!y w$th the I8C
.res$dent to d$s#ss h$s per"or+an#e= I" the o""$#er #ont$nes to not per"or+ h$s dt$es, he w$!!
+eet w$th the I8C Board o" 0$re#tors= Upon a )G7 %ote 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors, the o""$#er w$!!
3e #ons$dered "or re+o%a! s3De#t to a )G7 appro%a! o" the Con#$! o" .res$dent=
B= Upon a )G7 appro%a! 3y the Con#$! o" .res$dents, the o""$#er w$!! 3e re+o%ed "ro+ o""$#e, and a
new o""$#er w$!! 3e $nstated as spe#$"$ed 3y Art$#!e III, Se#t$on 7 o" the I8C Const$tt$on=
Se#t$on 9= There sha!! 3e the "o!!ow$n, stand$n, #o++$ttees o" the I8C?
A= The .ersonne! Co++$ttee, wh$#h w$!! e%a!ate a!! 1reeB A""a$rs e+p!oyees anna!!y, sha!! 3e
#o+posed o" the "o!!ow$n, %ot$n, +e+3ers?
&= The I8C .res$dent, to,ether w$th the .HA .res$dent, as Co-Cha$rs=
)= Three nder,radate +a!es, to,ether w$th three nder,radate "e+a!es, #hosen 3y the
7= Two "ratern$ty a!+n$ ;to,ether w$th two soror$ty a!+n$<, #hosen to o%er-!app$n, ter+s
o" o""$#e 3y %otes o" a!+n$ representat$%es o" ea#h "ratern$ty ;and soror$ty<, "ro+ a !$st
o" no+$nees pro%$ded 3y "ratern$ty ;and soror$ty< a!+n$=
B= The Sear#h Co++$ttee, wh$#h w$!! +aBe re#o++endat$ons to the 0ean o" Stdent L$"e
#on#ern$n, %a#an#$es $n 1reeB A""a$rs n#!ass$"$ed pos$t$ons= The +e+3ers o" the Sear#h
Co++$ttee sha!! 3e #hosen "ro+ the nder,radate and a!+n$ +e+3ersh$p o" the .ersonne!
Co++$ttee p!s others, a!! se!e#ted 3y the I8C .res$dent, to,ether w$th the .HA .res$dent ;as
Co-Cha$rs<, s3De#t to the appro%a! o" the 0ean o" Stdent L$"e=
C= The 8$nan#e Co++$ttee, wh$#h w$!! +aBe re#o++endat$ons to the I8C and .HA Boards o"
0$re#tors #on#ern$n, the anna! 1reeB A""a$rs 3d,et, sha!! 3e #o+posed o" the "o!!ow$n, %ot$n,
&= The I8C .res$dent, to,ether w$th the .HA .res$dent, as Co-Cha$rs=
)= Two nder,radate +a!es, to,ether w$th two nder,radate "e+a!es, #hosen 3y the Co-
7= Two "ratern$ty a!+n$ ;to,ether w$th two soror$ty a!+n$<, #hosen to o%er-!app$n, ter+s
o" o""$#e 3y %otes o" a!+n$ representat$%es o" ea#h "ratern$ty ;and soror$ty<, "ro+ a !$st
o" no+$nees pro%$ded 3y "ratern$ty ;and soror$ty< a!+n$=
0= The 5d$#$a! Board $s the 3oard that w$!! ha%e de#$d$n, power o%er Dd$#$a! hear$n,s= They w$!!
ha%e the athor$ty to deter+$ne respons$3$!$ty "or a!!e,ed %$o!at$ons and to deter+$ne appropr$ate
san#t$ons= It #ons$sts o" the "o!!ow$n, +e+3ers?
&= The I8C Board o" 0$re#tors=
a= The I8C .res$dent w$!! ser%e as the #ha$rperson o" the 5d$#$a! Board "or ea#h
Dd$#$a! hear$n,=
19.06 Members Manual
3= Two other +e+3ers o" the 3oard w$!! 3e appo$nted to ser%e on the 3oard "or
ea#h hear$n, 3y the 5d$#$a! Board #ha$rperson= The +e+3ers o" the 3oard
sha!! 3e se!e#ted $n the "o!!ow$n, pr$or$ty order to ser%e T 0$re#tor o" R$sB
Mana,e+ent, V$#e .res$dent, 0$re#tor o" .3!$# Re!at$ons, 0$re#tor o"
Co++n$ty U Interna! Re!at$ons, and 0$re#tor o" Re#r$t+ent=
#= No +e+3er o" the Board o" 0$re#tors +ay 3e appo$nted to a #ase where h$s
#hapter $s the #o+p!a$nant or respondent de to #on"!$#t o" $nterest=
)= The I8C .res$dent w$!! ser%e as the #ha$rperson o" the 5d$#$a! Board "or ea#h Dd$#$a!
a= 2ne o" these appo$ntees w$!! 3e present at a!! ad+$n$strat$%e re%$ew and Dd$#$a!
3= An a!+n$ representat$%e $s not e!$,$3!e to ser%e $n a Dd$#$a! pro#eed$n, where
h$s #hapter $s the #o+p!a$nant or respondent de to #on"!$#t o" $nterest=
#= I" ne$ther o" the a!+n$ representat$%es $s a3!e to attend a Dd$#$a! pro#eed$n,,
the V$#e .res$dent o" Stdent L$"e sho!d 3e #onta#ted to pro%$de an a!ternate
representat$%e to ser%e=
7= 8or #hapter representat$%es appo$nted 3y the I8C 0$re#tor o" 5d$#$a! A""a$rs=
a= Two o" these representat$%es w$!! 3e appo$nted to ser%e "or ea#h hear$n,=
3= No #hapter representat$%e $s e!$,$3!e to ser%e $n a Dd$#$a! pro#eed$n, when h$s
#hapter $s the #o+p!a$nant or respondent de to #on"!$#t o" $nterested=
#= Se!e#t$on o" #hapter appo$ntees?
$= At the 3e,$nn$n, o" the 8a!! se+ester, the I8C 0$re#tor o" 5d$#$a!
A""a$rs w$!! re!ease an app!$#at$on=
$$= An app!$#ant +st +eet the "o!!ow$n, Ca!$"$#at$ons?
&= Be a +e+3er $n ,ood stand$n, o" the$r "ratern$ty as %er$"$ed
3y the$r #hapter pres$dent=
)= Be at !east Dn$or stand$n,=
7= Ha%e a !etter o" spport "ro+ #hapter pres$dent=
$$$= The I8C 0$re#tor o" 5d$#$a! A""a$rs w$!! re%$ew a!! app!$#at$ons
re#e$%ed and se!e#t "or +en to ser%e a one year ter+ on the 3oard=
$%= No +ore than one +e+3er "ro+ ea#h "ratern$ty +ay 3e se!e#ted=
6= A sta"" person represent$n, 1reeB A""a$rs sha!! 3e present to ad%$se the I8C 5d$#$a!
Board and ser%e as an Je/ o""$#$oJ +e+3er o" the 5d$#$a! Board=
:= A!! pro#edres and a#t$ons o" th$s 3oard sha!! "o!!ow the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty
Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! 5d$#$a! .o!$#y=
Se#t$on (= E/#ept as otherw$se pro%$ded $n the Const$tt$on or By!aws, the Board o" 0$re#tors $s athor$Ied to #reate
spe#$a! or ad ho# #o++$ttees as the Board o" 0$re#tors sha!! dee+ ne#essary, w$th nder,radate and
a!+n$ %ot$n, +e+3ers appo$nted 3y the I8C .res$dent=
Se#t$on &= E!e#t$ons sha!! o##r anna!!y, on the !ast I8C +eet$n, pr$or to 8a!! BreaB=
Se#t$on )= The .res$dent sha!! appo$nt, w$th the appro%a! o" the Board o" 0$re#tors, a S!at$n, Co++$ttee #o+posed
o" se%en +en= At !east three +e+3ers o" the S!at$n, Co++$ttee sha!! ha%e pre%$os!y he!d or are to
#o+p!ete ter+s as #hapter pres$dent, w$th the re+a$nder ha%$n, ser%ed as an I8C o""$#er= Chapters whose
pres$dents ser%e on the S!at$n, Co++$ttee +ay not 3e represented a,a$n "or three years= The S!at$n,
Co++$ttee sha!! re#r$t, a##ept app!$#at$ons "ro+ and $nter%$ew a!! +en app!y$n, "or an e!e#ted o""$#e $n
the I8C, and deter+$ne the I8C Board o" 0$re#tors S!ate=
Members Manual 19.07
Se#t$on 7= The S!at$n, Co++$ttee sha!! not #ons$st o" +ore than two +en "ro+ the sa+e I8C +e+3er #hapter=
Se#t$on 6= Any +an who has 3een $n$t$ated $nto the +e+3ersh$p o" an I8C +e+3er #hapter and who $s $n ,ood
stand$n, w$th that +e+3er #hapter, and whose #+!at$%e 1=.=A $s )=(: or ,reater, sha!! 3e e!$,$3!e "or
no+$nat$on to an I8C e!e#ted o""$#e=
Se#t$on := The S!at$n, Co++$ttee sha!! not d$s#r$+$nate a,a$nst yon,er +en w$th !eadersh$p potent$a! "or the
e!e#ted I8C o""$#es other than .res$dent and V$#e .res$dent=
Se#t$on 9= The S!at$n, Co++$ttee sha!! present no+$nat$ons "or ea#h e!e#ted I8C o""$#e, a!on, w$th 3$o,raph$#a!
data on ea#h #and$date, to the Con#$! o" .res$dents no !ater than two weeBs pr$or to the anna! e!e#t$on=
Se#t$on (= The se o" JRo!! 0own No+$nat$onsJ sha!! not 3e sed 3y the S!at$n, Co++$ttee> howe%er, the
$nd$%$da!s +ay 3e s!ated "or +!t$p!e o""$#es as !on, as the S!at$n, Co++$ttee 3e!$e%es the #and$date $s
Ca!$"$ed "or ea#h e!e#ted o""$#e=
Se#t$on 4= A s!ated #and$date +ay 3e no+$nated 3y a %ot$n, +e+3er o" the Con#$! o" .res$dents "or another
0$re#tor pos$t$on $n the e%ent that one or no #and$dates are e!$,$3!e to ho!d o""$#e=
Se#t$on '= The Con#$! o" .res$dents sha!!, $n one +eet$n, w$thot a re#ess or adDorn+ent, e!e#t a!! o""$#ers "ro+
those re#o++ended 3y the S!at$n, Co++$ttee=
Se#t$on &-= A!! o""$#ers d!y e!e#ted sha!! ass+e the$r respons$3$!$t$es 5anary & and sha!! ser%e nt$! the$r s##essors
ha%e 3een e!e#ted and taBe o""$#e=
Se#t$on &&= The Board o" 0$re#tors sha!! ensre that nder,radate and a!+n$ pos$t$ons on stand$n, #o++$ttees are
"$!!ed $n a t$+e!y +anner=
Se#t$on &)= Any +e+3er o" the I8C whose #hapter !oses I8C re#o,n$t$on +ay 3e a!!owed to "$n$sh h$s ter+ w$th the
appro%a! o" a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" the Con#$! o" .res$dents= 8a$!re to +eet two-th$rds ;)G7< w$!!
reC$re a re+o%a! "ro+ o""$#e=
Se#t$on &= The Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! 3e#a+e the "$rst I8C $n the nat$on to ot!aw JHe!!
*eeBJ and re!ated haI$n, a#t$%$t$es= The or$,$na! reso!t$on o" Mar#h &', &':9, $s a per+anent part o"
th$s Const$tt$on?
J*e #ons$der the "ratern$ty respons$3!e "or a pos$t$%e #ontr$3t$on to the pr$+ary "n#t$ons o" #o!!e,es and
n$%ers$t$es, and there"ore nder an o3!$,at$on to en#ora,e the +ost #o+p!ete persona! de%e!op+ent o"
$ts +e+3ers, $nte!!e#ta!, phys$#a!, and so#$a!= There"ore, we de#!are that any +e+3er "ratern$ty o" the
Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty sha!! not $nd!,e $n He!! *eeB or any a#t$%$t$es wh$#h
A= Ha%e an ad%erse e""e#t on the worth o" the $nd$%$da!, 3e $t +enta!!y, phys$#a!!y, or +ora!!y
de,rad$n, to h$s #hara#ter=
B= H$nder the $nd$%$da!As part$#$pat$on $n any a#t$%$t$es, a#ade+$# or e/tra#rr$#!ar, o" Kansas
State Un$%ers$ty=
19.08 Members Manual
And "rther+ore, $t sha!! 3e the prpose o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty "ratern$t$es at a!! t$+es= There"ore,
any %$o!at$on o" the a3o%e de#!arat$on 3y any +e+3er "ratern$ty w$!! res!t $n $++ed$ate a#t$on 3y the
Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! w$th +a/$++ pn$sh+ent 3e$n, per+anent e/p!s$on "ro+ the Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty Con#$!=J
Se#t$on )= A!! "ratern$t$es at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty s3s#r$3e to the 8ratern$ty E/e#t$%es Asso#$at$on JState+ent o"
.os$t$on on HaI$n, and .re-In$t$at$on A#t$%$t$esJ and the KSU Ant$-HaI$n, .o!$#y and H+an R$,hts
Se#t$on &= In a##ordan#e w$th the Art$#!es o" In#orporat$on, sho!d the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty
Con#$! e%er #ease to e/$st, a!! assets o" the I8C at s#h t$+e o" d$sso!t$on sha!! 3e pa$d to the Kansas
State Un$%ers$ty 8ondat$on=
Se#t$on &= Th$s Const$tt$on +ay 3e a+ended 3y a three-"orths ;7G6< %ote o" the Con#$! o" .res$dents= Any
a+end+ent sha!! 3e $ntrod#ed at an o""$#$a! +eet$n, 3e"ore 3e$n, adopted at a s3seCent o""$#$a!
Se#t$on )= The By!aws +ay 3e a+ended 3y a two-th$rds ;)G7< %ote o" the Con#$! o" .res$dents=
Effective Mar#h &', )--6> Amended on No%e+3er &, )--6 ;e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y<> Reaffirmed on Apr$! ):, )--:>
Amended on No%e+3er )4, )--: ;e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y<> Amended on No%e+3er )(, )--9 ;e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y<>
Amended on 8e3rary )9, )--( ;e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y<> Amended on May &6, )--( ;e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y<> Amended on
0e#e+3er &), )--( ;e""e#t$%e 5anary &, )--4<> Amended on 2#to3er (, )--4 ;e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y<> Amended on
0e#e+3er (, )--' ;e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y<> Amended on May 6, )-&- ;e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y< Amended on May ), )-&&
;e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y<> Amended on No%e+3er &), )-&) ;e""e#t$%e $++ed$ate!y<=
Members Manual 19.09
Effective May 3, 2004
Amended 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012
&-&= Meet$n,s? The Con#$! o" .res$dents sha!! o""$#$a!!y +eet e%ery two weeBs n!ess %oted on 3y the Con#$!=
Add$t$ona! o""$#$a! +eet$n,s +ay 3e #a!!ed 3y the I8C .res$dent or the 0$re#tor o" 1reeB A""a$rs=
The Board o" 0$re#tors sha!! +eet re,!ar!y at !east tw$#e ea#h +onth at t$+es other than when
the Con#$! o" .res$dents $s +eet$n,, as deter+$ned 3y the I8C .res$dent=
&-)= @or+? Two-th$rds ;)G7< o" a!! the %ot$n, +e+3ers o" the Con#$! o" .res$dents sha!! #onst$tte a Cor+
"or the transa#t$on o" 3s$ness= 8$%e ;:< %ot$n, +e+3ers o" the Board o" 0$re#tors sha!!
#onst$tte a Cor+ "or the transa#t$on o" 3s$ness o" the Board o" 0$re#tors= E/#ept as
otherw$se pro%$ded $n the Const$tt$on or these By!aws, $n 3oth the Con#$! o" .res$dents and the
Board o" 0$re#tors, a +aDor$ty o" those present and %ot$n, sha!! 3e ne#essary "or any de#$s$on on
any +atter=
&-7= Attendan#e? Ea#h +e+3er #hapter sha!! ha%e $ts .res$dent or pres$d$n, o""$#er present at a!! o""$#$a! +eet$n,s
o" the Con#$! o" .res$dents= 0r$n, the #orse o" a se+ester a"ter the th$rd t$+e a +e+3er
#hapter $s a3sent "ro+ an 2""$#$a! I8C or Con#$! o" .res$dents +eet$n, that #hapter sha!! !ose
the$r %ot$n, r$,hts $n I8C +eet$n,s "or the ne/t +eet$n,= A"ter the "orth a3sen#e "ro+ a
+eet$n, a "$ne o" N)-- sha!! 3e $+posed on the #hapter= A"ter the "$"th a3sen#e the #hapter sha!!
3e p!a#ed on so#$a! pro3at$on "or the re+a$nder o" the se+ester or a +$n$++ o" a +onth= *hen
a #hapter pres$dent has a per+anent a#ade+$# #on"!$#t w$th the re,!ar +eet$n, t$+e o" the
Con#$! o" .res$dents, the Board o" 0$re#tors +ay per+$t h$s #hapter to des$,nate a per+anent
s3st$tte "or that se+ester who sha!! +eet w$th the Con#$! o" .res$dents and ha%e "!! %ot$n,
)-&= 8$nan#e? A= The "$s#a! year o" the Kansas State I8C sha!! 3e "ro+ 5!y & to 5ne 7-=
B= The s$,natre o" the 0$re#tor o" 1reeB A""a$rs sha!! 3e reC$red to 3$nd I8C=
C= I8C sha!! "o!!ow the Un$%ers$ty Restr$#ted 8ees A##onts po!$#$es and pro#edres=
0= Me+3ersh$p 0es
&= The des o" ea#h I8C #hapter sha!! 3e an assess+ent per #hapter per se+ester
and per $n$t$ated +e+3er and new +e+3er o" an a+ont deter+$ned 3y the
I8C #on#$! when $t appro%es $ts anna! 3d,et=
)= The des o" ea#h I8C #hapter sha!! 3e paya3!e 3y the th$rd weeB o" ea#h
7= NIC des are pa$d year!y as $n%o$#ed 3y the NIC o""$#e, th$s a+ont $s assessed
thro,h re,!ar +e+3ersh$p des=
)-)= 0e!$nCen#$es? Me+3er #hapters w$th de!$nCent "$nan#$a! o3!$,at$ons to the I8C sha!! 3e s3De#t to re%$ew 3y
the Board o" 0$re#tors= The Board o" 0$re#tors +ay, as a +atter o" po!$#y, #ease to pro%$de
ser%$#es to or re#o,n$t$on o" the +e+3ers or new +e+3ers o" a +e+3er #hapter de!$nCent $n $ts
o3!$,at$ons to I8C=
)-7= Me+3er 8ee? 8or e%ery +e+3er, ea#h #hapter sha!! pay to the I8C a new +e+3er "ee as deter+$ned $n the
anna! 3d,et=
19.10 Members Manual
7-&= Sta""? A= The 0ean o" Stdent L$"e w$!! h$re, as re#o++ended 3y the Sear#h Co++$ttee, the
0$re#tor o" 1reeB A""a$rs and s#h n#!ass$"$ed and #!ass$"$ed sta"" as stated $n the
A,ree+ent dated Mar#h &', )--6, wh$#h $s +ade a part o" th$s Const$tt$on 3y re"eren#e
and the Cont$nan#e o" the A,ree+ent Between Kansas State Un$%ers$ty and the Kansas
State Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! and the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty .anhe!!en$# Con#$! dated
May :, )--4= The 0$re#tor o" 1reeB A""a$rs sha!! 3e a "ratern$tyGsoror$ty a!+= The
0$re#tor o" 1reeB A""a$rs w$!! ha%e a!! "$s#a! and personne! respons$3$!$t$es, $n#!d$n,
the "o!!ow$n,?
&= Be respons$3!e "or the ,enera! sper%$s$on o" the e+p!oyees and "$nan#es o" the
KSU I8C and 1reeB A""a$rs=
)= Be respons$3!e "or the preparat$on and s3+$ss$on to the 8$nan#e Co++$ttee o"
the anna! 3d,et=
7= Be respons$3!e "or the re#e$pt o" a!! pay+ents de to the I8C, #o!!e#t a!! des,
and 3$!!$n, "or a!! a+onts owed to the I8C=
6= Be respons$3!e "or the pro+pt pay+ent o" a!! 3$!!s o" the KSU I8C thro,h
2r,an$Iat$on Sa"eBeep$n, pro#edres o" the Un$%ers$ty=
:= Be respons$3!e "or worB$n, w$th the Un$%ers$ty Interna! Ad$tor to +a$nta$n
p-to-date "$nan#$a! re#ords and ass$st $n the year!y Un$%ers$ty ad$t=
9= Be respons$3!e "or the preparat$on o" a!! ta/ "or+s and re%$ew 3ooBs at the end
o" the "$s#a! year=
B= The .ersonne! Co++$ttee sha!! anna!!y e%a!ate the e+p!oyees o" 1reeB A""a$rs and
report the$r "$nd$n,s and re#o++endat$ons to the 0ean o" Stdent L$"e=
6-&= S#ho!arsh$p
Standards? A= A +e+3er #hapter and $ts new +e+3er #!ass +st +a$nta$n a se+ester 1.A o" at !east
B= I" a +e+3er #hapter or $ts new +e+3er #!ass "a$!s to a#h$e%e at !east a 1.A o" )=:--, $t
sha!! prepare an a#t$on p!an des$,ned to $+pro%e the ,rades o" the ,rop $n poor
a#ade+$# stand$n, and present th$s pro,ra+ to the I8C V$#e .res$dent w$th$n two weeBs
o" 3e$n, not$"$ed 3y the I8C V$#e .res$dent= The #hapter w$!! treated as de!$nCent $"
th$s dead!$ne $s not +et, and w$!! 3e treated as s#h nt$! the reC$re+ent $s "!"$!!ed=
Upon appro%a! o" the I8C V$#e .res$dent, the +e+3er #hapter sha!! $+p!e+ent the
pro,ra+ "or the re+a$n$n, port$on o" that se+ester=
C= I" a +e+3er #hapter or $ts new +e+3er #!ass "a$!s to a#h$e%e at !east a 1.A o" )=:-- "or
two #onse#t$%e se+esters the #hapter sha!! 3e s3De#t to +ore se%ere pn$sh+ent 3y the
I8C V$#e .res$dent nt$! a )=:-- 1.A $s o3ta$ned=
&= The #hapter +ay 3e p!a#ed on so#$a! pro3at$on "or a se+ester or +ore as
deter+$ned 3y the I8C Board o" 0$re#tors as s,,ested 3y the I8C V$#e
.res$dent= A +aDor$ty %ote 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors $s reC$red to $+pose the
so#$a! pro3at$on=
0= I8C o""$#er #and$dates sha!! ha%e at !east a )=(: #+!at$%e 1.A, and I8C o""$#ers sha!!
+a$nta$n at !east a )=4: #+!at$%e 1.A wh$!e $n o""$#e=
:-&= Co!on$Iat$on
.ro#edres? A= The I8C reser%es the pr$%$!e,e o" #onta#t$n, nat$ona! "ratern$t$es #on#ern$n,
#o!on$Iat$on at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty=
B= A nat$ona! or $nternat$ona! "ratern$ty w$sh$n, to #o!on$Ie at Kansas State Un$%ers$ty
sho!d address a JReCest "or Co!on$Iat$onJ to the 0$re#tor o" 1reeB A""a$rs, I8C
.res$dent, and V$#e .res$dent "or Stdent L$"e=
Members Manual 19.11
C= The reCest sha!! 3e s3De#t to the +aDor$ty appro%a! o" the Con#$! o" .res$dents and the
V$#e .res$dent "or Stdent L$"e= The reCest sha!! $n#!de?
&= The n+3er o" a!+n$ $n the Manhattan area and the State o" Kansas=
)= The n+3er o" nder,radate, ,radate, and "a#!ty +e+3ers at KSU=
7= 0e,ree o" spport and p!an o" #ons!tat$ons and sper%$s$on "or esta3!$sh$n, a
6= 8$nan#$a! spport a%a$!a3!e to the #o!ony "ro+ the nat$ona! "ratern$ty and the
:= A #opy o" the InterGNat$ona! #onst$tt$on and 3y!aws as we!! as a!! other r!es,
re,!at$ons, po!$#$es, et#=, perta$n$n, to #o!on$es=
9= Sa+p!es o" a!! !$teratre and p3!$#at$ons o" the InterGNat$ona! "ratern$ty
a%a$!a3!e to or "or the se o" the #o!ony=
(= The InterGNat$ona! "ratern$ty sha!! show "$nan#$a! sta3$!$ty thro,h a #rrent
InterGNat$ona! 3a!an#e state+ent, a state+ent as to a3$!$ty to ass$st $n "$nan#$n,
a #hapter hose and de,ree to wh$#h $t w$!! ass+e respons$3$!$ty "or the #o!ony
and #hapter "$nan#$a! !$a3$!$t$es=
4= The InterGNat$ona! "ratern$ty sho!d $nd$#ate the n+3er o" #o!on$es $t has, or
p!ans to ha%e, wh$!e ha%$n, a #o!ony at KSU and how $t p!ans to sper%$se and
ass$st $t=
0= 8o!!ow$n, #ons$derat$on o" a reCest 3y the Con#$! o" .res$dents and the V$#e .res$dent
"or Stdent L$"e, the InterGNat$ona! "ratern$ty w$!! 3e not$"$ed= I" appro%a! to #o!on$Ie $s
,ranted, the !etter w$!! #onta$n the re#o++endat$ons o" the I8C and spe#$"y the
#ond$t$ons o" #o!on$Iat$on as we!! as the reC$re+ents "or $nsta!!at$on o" an a#t$%e
E= The #o!ony +ay 3e esta3!$shed e$ther 3y trans"er o" +e+3ers "ro+ another #hapter or 3y
a representat$%e o" the InterGNat$ona! "ratern$ty=
8= The #o!ony +ay or,an$Ie nder a na+e re"!e#t$n, the na+e o" the nat$ona! "ratern$ty so
!on, as the na+e #onta$ns the word J#o!ony=J
1= No +e+3er o" the #o!ony +ay 3e $n$t$ated $nto a#t$%e +e+3ersh$p 3y the "ratern$ty nt$!
the !o#a! #o!ony $s #hartered as an a#t$%e #hapter=
H= The InterGNat$ona! "ratern$ty sha!! de%e!op a re#r$t+ent strate,y to #o!on$Ie the
I= The InterGNat$ona! "ratern$ty sha!! appo$nt "a#!ty and a!+n$ ad%$sors and +a$nta$n
these pos$t$ons=
5= The #o!ony $s 3ond 3y a!! Un$%ers$ty r!es and re,!at$ons perta$n$n, to or,an$Ied
!$%$n, ,rops and 3y the Const$tt$on and By!aws o" I8C=
:-)= Insta!!at$on
.ro#edres? A= A #o!ony +st operate "or at !east two s##ess$%e s#hoo! se+esters ;not $n#!d$n,
s++er s#hoo!< 3e"ore $t +ay 3e ,ranted "!! re#o,n$t$on 3y the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$!=
B= The #o!ony and InterGNat$ona! "ratern$ty sha!! pet$t$on I8C reCest$n, a #harter "or the
pre%$os!y esta3!$shed #o!ony= The pet$t$on sha!! $n#!de the "o!!ow$n, $n"or+at$on?
&= L$st o" #o!ony +e+3ers ;p!ed,esGasso#$ates<, the$r s#ho!ast$# stand$n,, and
a#ade+$# #!ass$"$#at$ons=
)= The 3y!aws o" the #o!ony=
7= H$story o" the a##o+p!$sh+ents o" the #o!ony=
6= 8$nan#$a! reports "or at !east the pre#ed$n, se+ester ;or year< $n#!d$n, the
3a!an#e sheet and e/pense state+ents=
:= Letter o" appro%a! and spport "ro+ the InterGNat$ona! "ratern$ty assr$n, that
the #o!ony w$!! 3e #hartered 3y the nat$ona! "ratern$ty=
9= A state+ent #on#ern$n, n+3er, !en,th, and p!an "or #ons!tat$ons 3y the
InterGNat$ona! sta"" w$th $ts #hapters=
19.12 Members Manual
(= A state+ent o" #o+p!$an#e w$th a!! Kansas State Un$%ers$ty and Manhattan
#o++n$ty po!$#$es=
4= Any add$t$ona! !etters o" re#o++endat$on or spport wh$#h the #o!ony #ares to
C= The or,an$Iat$on +st 3e $n#orporated nder the !aws o" the State o" Kansas or
spported and sper%$sed 3y an a!+n$ or,an$Iat$on so $n#orporated=
0= The #o!ony sha!! #ons$st o" not !ess than twenty ;)-< +en who +eet I8C standards "or
$n$t$at$on, w$th two-th$rds ;)G7< e!$,$3!e and p!ann$n, to retrn to KSU the "o!!ow$n,
E= I" hosed, a #o!ony or #hapter $s en#ora,ed to se#re and +a$nta$n a hose+other,
res$dent ad%$sor, or so+e #o+para3!e pro,ra+ that $s appro%ed 3y the I8C Board o"
9-&= Co+p!$an#e? Sho!d a +e+3er #hapter or #o!ony "a$! to #o+p!y w$th the Const$tt$on and By!aws and other
de#$s$ons o" the I8C, the ,rop +ay 3e de#!ared $na#t$%e and $ts +e+3ersh$p $n the I8C
ter+$nated= S#h #ons$derat$on and s3seCent re#o++endat$ons sha!! 3e $n$t$ated 3e"ore the
5d$#$a! Co++$ttee nder Art$#!e III, Se#t$on 7 o" the Const$tt$on=
(-&= R!es o" 2rder? The KSU I8C sha!! 3e ,o%erned 3y Ro3erts R!es o" 2rder, New!y Re%$sed, e/#ept as spe#$"$#a!!y
otherw$se pro%$ded "or $n the Const$tt$on and By!aws=
4-&= Re%$s$on? The I8C V$#e .res$dent sha!!, on an anna! 3as$s, re%$ew the I8C #onst$tt$on and By-Laws=
'-&= Strate,$# .!an? The 1reeB A""a$rs Strate,$# .!an sha!! 3e #ons$dered $n a!! a#t$ons o" I8C=
Effective Mar#h &', )--6> Reaffirmed on Apr$! ):, )--:> Amended on Apr$! 7, )--9> Amended on May &6, )--(>
Amended on 0e#e+3er 7, )--(> Amended on 0e#e+3er (, )--'> Amended on May 6, )-&-> Amended on May ), )-&&>
Amended on No%e+3er &), )-&)> Amended on 0e#e+3er ), )-&)=
Members Manual 19.13
WHEREAS, The Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 1reeB Syste+ 3e,an w$th the esta3!$sh+ent o" !o#a! and nat$ona! "ratern$t$es
and soror$t$es $n the ear!y &'&-s> and
WHEREAS, The Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! ;I8C< and the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty .anhe!!en$#
Con#$! ;.HC< o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty ha%e represented the $nterests o" K-State 1reeBs "or a!+ost '-
years> and
WHEREAS, Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 8ratern$t$es and Soror$t$es are %a!es-3ased !earn$n, #o++n$t$es respons$3!e "or
the $nte!!e#ta! and +ora! de%e!op+ent o" the$r nder,radate +e+3ers> and
WHEREAS, A!! Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 1reeB Co++n$ty JStaBeho!dersJ ;Kansas State Un$%ers$ty I8C, Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty .HC, Kansas State Un$%ers$ty A!+n$ 8ratern$ty Con#$!, 8!$nt H$!!s .anhe!!en$# Asso#$at$on,
respe#t$%e InterGNat$ona! HeadCarters, and Kansas State Un$%ers$ty 8ratern$ty and Soror$ty A!+n$<
e/pe#t e/#ept$ona! per"or+an#e "ro+ the K-State 1reeB Co++n$ty and $ts respe#t$%e +e+3er #hapters>
WHEREAS, S#h s##ess reC$res a shared respons$3$!$ty a+on, StaBeho!ders to "oster hea!thy, sa"e and "n !$%$n,
and !earn$n, en%$ron+ents wh$!e d$!$,ent!y worB$n, toward the a#h$e%e+ent o" stated strate,$# p!ann$n,
o3De#t$%es> and
WHEREAS, .res$dents o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty ha%e %ested the$r Dd$#$a! powers and other athor$t$es $n I8C and
.HC thro,h a do#tr$ne o" #o!!e,$a! se!"-,o%ernan#e> and
WHEREAS, In )--7, the 1reeB A""a$rs 2r,an$Iat$ona! TasB 8or#e was #o++$ss$oned 3y I8C and .HC to stdy and
e/a+$ne J3est pra#t$#esJ o" 1reeB ad%$s$n, and +aBe a Report and Re#o++endat$ons to the I8C and
.HC> and
WHEREAS, The Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty Con#$!, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty .anhe!!en$# Con#$! and
Kansas State Un$%ers$ty s$,ned an h$stor$# A,ree+ent on Mar#h &', )--6> and
WHEREAS, That A,ree+ent #a!!ed "or a re%$ew dr$n, the )--(-)--4 s#hoo! year> and
WHEREAS, The or$,$na! Kansas State Un$%ers$ty and 1reeB A""a$rs re!at$onsh$p state+ent e/$sts and are st$!! $n ,ood
stand$n, and #on"$r+ed 3y th$s do#+ent=
&= Kansas State Un$%ers$ty rea""$r+s the ,rant o" powers o" the .res$dent o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty #on#ern$n, se!"-
,o%ernan#e ;$n#!d$n, po!$#y and Dd$#$a! +atters< to the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! ;I8C< and
the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty .anhe!!en$# Con#$! ;.HC<= A!! Dd$#$a! +atters sha!! 3e $n #o+p!$an#e w$th
Un$%ers$ty re,!at$ons and app!$#a3!e !aws o" the State o" Kansas and the Un$ted States o" A+er$#a=
19.14 Members Manual
)= The I8C ,o%ern$n, 3ody $s the Con#$! o" .res$dents= The .HC ,o%ern$n, 3ody $s the .anhe!!en$# Con#$!=
7= Kansas State Un$%ers$ty a,rees to #ont$ne to e+p!oy a 0$re#tor o" 1reeB A""a$rs, $n the n#!ass$"$ed ser%$#e, who
sha!! ser%e at the p!easre o" the 0ean o" Stdent L$"e> and at !east two Ass$stant 0$re#tors o" 1reeB A""a$rs, $n the
n#!ass$"$ed ser%$#e, who sha!! ser%e at the p!easre o" the 0$re#tor o" 1reeB A""a$rs= In add$t$on, Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty a,rees to #ont$ne to e+p!oy an Ad+$n$strat$%e Ass$stant $n the #!ass$"$ed ser%$#e=
6= A!! "nds "or sa!ar$es and 3ene"$ts "or s#h e+p!oyees sha!! 3e trans"erred on a re,!ar 3as$s 3y Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty and 1reeB A""a$rs $nto a #entra! payro!! a##ont=
:= Three stand$n, #o++$ttees w$!! 3e esta3!$shed? 5d$#$a!, .ersonne! and 8$nan#$a!= These 3od$es w$!! 3e #o+posed
o" nder,radates and a!+n$, w$th nder,radate +e+3ers ho!d$n, a +aDor$ty o" seats on a!! #o++$ttees= A
+$n$++ o" two a!+n$ on the I8C 5d$#$a! Co++$ttee and "or a!+n$ ;two +en and two wo+en< on the
.ersonne! Co++$ttee and on the 8$nan#$a! Co++$ttee w$!! 3e se!e#ted 3y a!+n$= Ea#h #o++$ttee $s #har,ed w$th
e/e#t$n, the$r respons$3$!$t$es as ot!$ned $n the respe#t$%e po!$#$es=
9= *hene%er there $s a %a#an#y $n any 1reeB A""a$rs n#!ass$"$ed pos$t$on, the .ersonne! Co++$ttee sha!! 3e#o+e a
#o+ponent o" a Un$%ers$ty Sear#h Co++$ttee $n#!d$n, "a#!ty, sta"", and nder,radates= A!! e/penses asso#$ated
w$th the sear#h pro#ess are to 3e shared $n the sa+e proport$on as sta"" sa!ar$es 3y Kansas State Un$%ers$ty,
Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! and .anhe!!en$# Con#$!=
(= I8C and .HC sha!! assess des and "ees to pro%$de other "nds "or the spport o" 1reeB A""a$rs $n a##ordan#e w$th
e/$st$n, po!$#$es=
4= A!! a##ont$n,, e/pend$tres and re#e$pt o" "nds o" 1reeB A""a$rs sha!! 3e thro,h the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty
2r,an$Iat$ona! Sa"eBeep$n, pro#edres= There +ay 3e an I+prest or .etty Cash "nd esta3!$shed "or e+er,en#y or
t$+e-sens$t$%e pr#hases=
'= Kansas State Un$%ers$ty w$!! #ont$ne to a!!o#ate "nds "or sta"" sa!ar$es, 3ene"$ts and other e/penses, 3e,$nn$n,
5!y &, )--4= 8nd$n, sha!! 3e on a +$n$++ o" (-G7- per#ent Kansas State Un$%ers$tyGI8C and .HC ph$!osophy
o" "$nan#$a! #ontr$3t$on= There"ore, $" s$,n$"$#ant 3d,etary $n#reases o##r, these "nds sho!d 3e adDsted
&-= E%ery two years, a!! 1reeB A""a$rs a##onts sha!! 3e ad$ted 3y the Un$%ers$ty Interna! Ad$tor, w$thot "ee or
#har,e= Th$s ad$t $s $n add$t$on to the pre-ad$t e/a+$nat$ons #o+p!eted on a!! transa#t$ons 3y the Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty 2r,an$Iat$ona! Sa"eBeep$n, pro#ess=
&&= *$th the #on#rren#e o" I8C and .HC, Kansas State Un$%ers$ty w$!! pro%$de adeCate and ne#essary o""$#e spa#e to
a##o++odate 1reeB A""a$rs e+p!oyees, I8C and .HC=
&)= Kansas State Un$%ers$ty sha!! #ont$ne to pro%$de the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! and .anhe!!en$# Con#$! s$,n$"$#ant
a##ess to and part$#$pat$on $n a!! appropr$ate Un$%ers$ty re#r$t$n, e%ents=
&7= Me+3er #hapters o" the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! and .anhe!!en$# Con#$! a,ree to +a$nta$n a +$n$++ o" one
#hapter ad%$sor who $s not a 1reeB A""a$rs e+p!oyee=
&6= Chapters and representat$%e a!+n$ a,ree to pro%$de Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! and .anhe!!en$# Con#$! and the
0$re#tor o" 1reeB A""a$rs t$+e!y, a##rate, and #o+p!ete Jessent$a! do#+entsJ as ot!$ned $n the I8C and .HC
Const$tt$on or By!aws or 1reeB A""a$rs po!$#y=
&:= Any StaBeho!der to th$s A,ree+ent +ay pet$t$on ;thro,h an athor$Ied representat$%e< any party to th$s
A,ree+ent to address any Cest$on or #on#ern re,ard$n, th$s A,ree+ent at any t$+e= At !east two o" the part$es to
th$s A,ree+ent +st a,ree that the Cest$on or #on#ern warrants "rther "or+a! re%$ew=
Members Manual 19.15
&9= Any powers not e/press!y en+erated $n th$s a,ree+ent are ass+ed to 3e nder the pr%$ew o" the Inter"ratern$ty
Con#$! and .anhe!!en$# Con#$!=
&(= Th$s A,ree+ent sha!! 3e s3De#t to re%$ew $n 8a!! Se+ester, )-&& "or 8$s#a! Year )-&7 and e%ery "or years
therea"ter= Th$s A,ree+ent sha!! #ont$ne nt$! a+ended or n!!$"$ed 3y the nan$+os a,ree+ent o" Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! and the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty .anhe!!en$#
Original Agreement Signed and Agreed To on March 19, 2004, by President 1on Wefald, Vice President Robert S.
Krause and Dean of Student Life Pat 1. Bosco for Kansas State University, Interfraternity Council President Aaron
M. Siders and Interfraternity Council Vice President Nicholas D. Ahlerich for the Kansas State University
Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council President Sara L. 1ahansouz and Panhellenic Council Vice
President Casey A. Hale for the Kansas State University Panhellenic Council.
Continuance of the Agreement Signed and Agreed To on May 5, 2008, by President 1on Wefald, Vice President
Robert S. Krause and Dean of Student Life Pat 1. Bosco for Kansas State University, Interfraternity Council
President Andrew T. Gigstad and Interfraternity Council Vice President Marshal A. Van Tuyl for the Kansas State
University Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council President Macy E. Wendler and Panhellenic Council
Vice President Erin R. Parrott for the Kansas State University Panhellenic Council.
Members Manual 20.01
20.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 20.03
(Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 45-1762813)
Section 1. The na+e o" the #orporat$on $s 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a A!+n$ Asso#$at$on, so+et$+es
herea"ter re"erred to as JCorporat$onJ or Jth$s Corporat$on=J The pr$n#$pa! o""$#e and +a$!$n, address o"
the Corporat$on $s &97) M#Ca$n Lane, Manhattan, Kansas=
Section 2. Th$s Corporat$on +ay a!so ha%e s#h other o""$#es, te+porary or per+anent, "or the transa#t$on o"
3s$ness, !o#ated at s#h other p!a#es as the Board o" 0$re#tors +ay "ro+ t$+e to t$+e dee+=
Section 1. The property, 3s$ness and a""a$rs o" th$s Corporat$on sha!! 3e +ana,ed 3y a Board o" 0$re#tors= The
n+3er o" 0$re#tors sha!! 3e s$/ %ot$n, +e+3ers, one e/ o""$#$o %ot$n, +e+3er and two e/ o""$#$o non-
%ot$n, +e+3ers= In add$t$on to the powers and athor$ty 3y the Art$#!es o" In#orporat$on and 3y these By-
Laws e/press!y #on"erred pon the+, the Board +ay e/er#$se a!! s#h powers o" the Corporat$on and do
a!! s#h !aw"! a#ts and th$n,s, w$th respe#t to +ana,e+ent o" the a""a$rs, property and 3s$ness o" th$s
Corporat$on, and the a##o+p!$sh+ent o" the prposes "or wh$#h th$s Corporat$on $s #hartered, as are not
3y Statte, or 3y the Art$#!es o" In#orporat$on, or 3y these By-Laws proh$3$ted=
Section 2. The Board o" 0$re#tors sha!! ho!d an anna! +eet$n, "or the e!e#t$on o" 0$re#tors and the transa#t$on o"
any other 3s$ness re!at$n, to the a""a$rs o" th$s Corporat$on dr$n, the +onths o" Septe+3er, 2#to3er or
No%e+3er o" any year pon the #a!! o" the .res$dent o" th$s Corporat$on= Th$s +eet$n, sha!! 3e he!d $n
Manhattan, Kansas, n!ess pr$or to the +eet$n, two-th$rds ;)G7< o" the 0$re#tors a,ree $n wr$t$n, that the
+eet$n, sha!! 3e he!d at a d$""erent p!a#e w$th$n the State o" Kansas, $n wh$#h e%ent the +eet$n, sha!! 3e
he!d at the p!a#e so a,reed pon= Spe#$a! +eet$n,s o" the Board +ay 3e #a!!ed 3y or at the d$re#t$on o" the
.res$dent or Se#retary= Not$#e o" ea#h spe#$a! +eet$n, sha!! 3e +a$!ed to ea#h 0$re#tor, addressed to h$+
at h$s res$den#e or sa! p!a#e o" 3s$ness at !east three ;7< days 3e"ore the +eet$n,> or sha!! 3e
te!e,raphed, #a3!ed or rad$oed to ea#h 0$re#tor s$+$!ar!y addressed, or sha!! 3e de!$%ered persona!!y or 3y
te!ephone, at !east two ;)< days 3e"ore the +eet$n,=
Section 3. The 0$re#tors #rrent!y ho!d$n, o""$#e nder the Art$#!es o" In#orporat$on o" th$s Corporat$on, to w$t?
5a+es 0= .ers$n,er, 5r=, 6--6 .arBway Cort, Lawren#e, Kansas 99-6(
R$#hard E= 8a,er3er,, &44 H$!!#rest Road *est, LaBe @$%$ra, Kansas 99&-9
Stephen L= .atton, 6(-: *= ):th Street, Lawren#e, Kansas 99-6(
Ste%en C= 5ohnson, 6(-4 M$r"$e!d 0r$%e, Lawren#e, Kansas 99-6(
sha!! ho!d o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n, o" the 0$re#tors $n &''(, or nt$! the$r s##essors are e!e#ted and
20.04 Members Manual
Therea"ter, 0$re#tors sha!! 3e se!e#ted $n the "o!!ow$n, +anner?
A= At the anna! +eet$n, to 3e he!d $n &''(, two ;)< 0$re#tors sha!! 3e e!e#ted to ho!d o""$#e nt$!
the anna! +eet$n, $n &''4> two ;)< to ho!d o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n, $n &'''> and two ;)<
to ho!d o""$#e nt$! the anna! +eet$n, $n )--- ;and, $n ea#h #ase, nt$! the$r respe#t$%e
s##essors are e!e#ted and Ca!$"$ed<= Be,$nn$n, w$th the anna! +eet$n, $n &''4, two ;)<
0$re#tors sha!! 3e e!e#ted to s##eed the two 0$re#tors whose ter+s o" o""$#e e/p$re w$th sa$d
+eet$n,, and 3e,$nn$n, w$th the 0$re#tors to 3e e!e#ted at the anna! +eet$n, to 3e he!d $n &''4,
a!! 0$re#tors then and therea"ter e!e#ted sha!! ho!d o""$#e "or three ;7< years, or nt$! the$r
s##essors are d!y e!e#ted and Ca!$"$ed=
B= The A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a sha!! 3e an e/ o""$#$o, %ot$n,
0$re#tor and sha!! ser%e as 0$re#tor dr$n, h$s #ont$nat$on $n o""$#e= The .res$dent, Treasrer
and A!+n$ Re!at$ons 2""$#er-e!e#t o" 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a sha!! 3e e/ o""$#$o, non-
%ot$n, 0$re#tors and sha!! ser%e as 0$re#tors dr$n, the$r #ont$nat$on $n o""$#e=
Section 4. No person sha!! 3e e!e#ted a 0$re#tor o" th$s Corporat$on who $s not a +e+3er o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a
8ratern$ty= Any 0$re#tor +ay res$,n at any t$+e 3y ,$%$n, wr$tten not$#e to the .res$dent or Se#retary o"
the Corporat$on= S#h res$,nat$on sha!! taBe e""e#t at the t$+e spe#$"$ed there$n, the a##eptan#e o" s#h
res$,nat$on sha!! not 3e ne#essary to +aBe $t e""e#t$%e= Any 0$re#tor +ay 3e re+o%ed "ro+ o""$#e "or
$n#apa#$ty or +$s#ond#t 3y the %ote o" three-"orths ;7G6< o" the 0$re#tors then $n o""$#e=
Section 5. I" the o""$#e o" any 0$re#tor 3e#o+es %a#ant 3y reason o" death, res$,nat$on, re+o%a!, "a$!re to e!e#t, or
"or any other reason, a +aDor$ty o" the re+a$n$n, 0$re#tors +ay e!e#t a s##essor or s##essors, pro%$ded
that any %a#an#y o##rr$n, dr$n, the ter+ o" a 0$re#torAs o""$#e sha!! 3e "$!!ed on!y "or the re+a$nder o"
the ter+ "or wh$#h the 0$re#tor whose d$re#torsh$p so 3e#o+es %a#ant was e!e#ted=
Section 1. The o""$#ers o" th$s Corporat$on sha!! 3e a .res$dent, a V$#e-.res$dent, a Se#retary, and a Treasrer, ea#h
o" who+ sha!! 3e #hosen "ro+ a+on, the 0$re#tors=
Section 2. The Board sha!! e!e#t the o""$#ers and those so e!e#ted sha!! ho!d o""$#e nt$! the ne/t re,!ar anna!
+eet$n, o" the 0$re#tors, and nt$! the$r respe#t$%e s##essors are d!y e!e#ted and Ca!$"$ed=
Section 3. The .res$dent, Se#retary and Treasrer sha!! 3e +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee= The V$#e-
.res$dent sha!! 3e a +e+3er o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, 3t sha!! ha%e no %ote thereon= The E/e#t$%e
Co++$ttee sha!! ha%e the power, when the Board o" 0$re#tors $s not +eet$n,, to?
A= A#t 3y and "or the Board o" 0$re#tors>
B= Constre, $nterpret and en"or#e these By-Laws=
The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee +ay 3e #a!!ed $nto sess$on 3y the .res$dent or Se#retary ,$%$n, at !east s$/ ;9<
hors not$#e to a!! +e+3ers o" sa$d Co++$ttee, 3t $n no #ase dr$n, the 7-day per$od pre#ed$n, a re,!ar
or spe#$a! +eet$n, o" the Board o" 0$re#tors=
Members Manual 20.05
A Cor+ sha!! 3e a +aDor$ty o" the %ot$n, +e+3ers o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee, and any de#$s$on sha!!
3e 3y nan$+os %ote=
A!! de#$s$ons o" the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee sha!! 3e s3De#t to re%$ew 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors=
S3De#t to the "ore,o$n,, the Board o" 0$re#tors +ay appo$nt s#h #o++$ttees as $t sha!! dee+ ne#essary,
who sha!! ho!d the$r o""$#es "or s#h ter+ and sha!! e/er#$se s#h powers and per"or+ s#h dt$es as sha!!
3e deter+$ned "ro+ t$+e to t$+e 3y the Board=
Section 4. Any o""$#er +ay 3e re+o%ed at any t$+e 3y the %ote o" a +aDor$ty o" the tota! n+3er o" 0$re#tors= I" the
o""$#e o" any o""$#er 3e#o+es %a#ant "or any reason, the %a#an#y sha!! 3e "$!!ed 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors=
Section 5. Two or +ore o""$#es +ay 3e he!d 3y the sa+e person, e/#ept that the o""$#es o" .res$dent and Se#retary
sha!! a!ways 3e he!d 3y d$""erent persons=
Section 6. The .res$dent sha!! 3e the #h$e" e/e#t$%e o""$#er o" the Corporat$on> he sha!! pres$de at a!! +eet$n,s o" the
0$re#tors, sha!! ha%e ,enera! #ontro! and +ana,e+ent o" the 3s$ness and a""a$rs o" the Corporat$on, and
sha!! see that a!! orders and reso!t$ons o" the Board o" 0$re#tors are #arr$ed $nto e""e#t= He sha!! e/e#te
3onds, +ort,a,es and other #ontra#ts o" the Corporat$on, e/#ept where reC$red or per+$tted 3y !aw to 3e
otherw$se s$,ned and e/e#ted, and e/#ept where the s$,n$n, thereo" sha!! 3e e/press!y de!e,ated 3y the
Board o" 0$re#tors to so+e other o""$#er or a,ent o" the Corporat$on=
Section 7. The V$#e-.res$dent sha!!, $n the a3sen#e or d$sa3$!$ty o" the .res$dent, per"or+ the dt$es and e/er#$se the
powers o" the .res$dent, and sha!! per"or+ s#h other dt$es as the Board o" 0$re#tors sha!! pres#r$3e=
Section 8. The Se#retary sha!! attend a!! +eet$n,s o" the Board o" 0$re#tors and sha!! re#ord a!! %otes and the
+$ntes o" a!! pro#eed$n,s $n a 3ooB to 3e Bept "or that prpose, and sha!! per"or+ !$Be dt$es "or the
stand$n, #o++$ttees when reC$red= He sha!! ,$%e or #ase to 3e ,$%en not$#e o" a!! spe#$a! +eet$n,s o"
the Board o" 0$re#tors, and sha!! per"or+ s#h other dt$es as +ay 3e pres#r$3ed 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors
or the .res$dent= He sha!! ha%e #stody o" the sea! o" the Corporat$on and a""$/ the sa+e to any
$nstr+ent reC$r$n, $t, and when so a""$/ed $t sha!! 3e attested 3y h$s s$,natre, or 3y the s$,natre o" the
Treasrer= He sha!! $n ,enera! per"or+ a!! a#ts $n#$dent to the pos$t$on o" Se#retary, s3De#t to the #ontro!
o" the Board o" 0$re#tors=
Section 9. The Treasrer sha!! ha%e the #stody o" the "nds and se#r$t$es o" the Corporat$on, and sha!! Beep "!!
and a##rate a##onts o" re#e$pts and d$s3rse+ents $n 3ooBs o" the Corporat$on, and sha!! depos$t a!!
+oneys and other %a!a3!e e""e#ts $n the na+e and to the #red$t o" the Corporat$on $n s#h depos$tor$es as
+ay 3e des$,nated 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors= He sha!! d$s3rse the "nds o" the Corporat$on as +ay 3e
ordered 3y the Board, taB$n, proper %o#hers "or s#h d$s3rse+ents, and sha!! render to the .res$dent
and the Board o" 0$re#tors, at the anna! +eet$n,s o" the Board or whene%er they +ay reC$re $t, an
a##ont o" a!! h$s transa#t$ons as Treasrer and o" the "$nan#$a! #ond$t$on o" the Corporat$on= He sha!! $n
,enera! per"or+ a!! a#ts $n#$dent to the pos$t$on o" Treasrer, s3De#t to the #ontro! o" the Board o"
0$re#tors= He sha!!, $" reC$red 3y the Board o" 0$re#tors, ,$%e the Corporat$on a 3ond $n s#h s+ and
w$th s#h srety or sret$es as sha!! 3e sat$s"a#tory to the Board o" 0$re#tors "or the "a$th"! per"or+an#e
o" h$s dt$es, the e/pense o" wh$#h 3ond sha!! 3e 3orne 3y the Corporat$on=
20.06 Members Manual
Section 1. A!! #he#Bs, notes, dra"ts, 3$!!s o" e/#han,e, a##eptan#es and other o3!$,at$ons or orders "or the pay+ent o"
+oney sha!! 3e s$,ned 3y s#h o""$#er or o""$#ers or person or persons as the Board o" 0$re#tors +ay "ro+
t$+e to t$+e des$,nate and $n the a3sen#e o" s#h des$,nat$on they sha!! 3e s$,ned 3y the .res$dent and the
Section 1. The "$s#a! year o" the Corporat$on sha!! 3e,$n the "$rst day o" 5!y $n ea#h year, and sha!! end o" the
th$rt$eth day o" 5ne o" s#h year=
Section 1. These By-Laws +ay 3e a!tered, a+ended or repea!ed e$ther ;a< at any anna! +eet$n, o" the Board o"
0$re#tors, or ;3< at any spe#$a! +eet$n, o" the Board o" 0$re#tors #a!!ed "or that prpose, 3y the %ote o" a
+aDor$ty o" the tota! n+3er o" 0$re#tors=
`Alumni Association Articles of Incorporation: See Book of Records Chapter 8
By-Laws Adopted: 1uly 13, 1997
Members Manual 21.01
21.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 21.03
1. Costs to the Individual Member
2. Schedule of Fees Paid by Chapter to
IFC and National Headquarters
21.04 Members Manual
Members Manual 21.05
(Effective Fall, 2013)
`Added on to Quarterly/Semesterly/Yearly Housebill
(Effective Fall, 2013)
ATO Housing and Meals Total
Quarterly 4 Payments of $1,600.00/quarter $6,400.00
Semesterly 2 Payments of $3,175.00/semester ($25.00/semester
Yearly 1 Payment of $6,240.00 ($160.00/year discount) $6,240.00
National and Chapter Fees
National Member Dues $61.50/semester $123.00
National Liability Insurance $90.00/semester $180.00
Telecommunications Fee $100.00/semester (r $200.00/year` $200.00
Social Fee
(Members with More Than 8 Semesters of Pledge and Active
Membership are Exempt from Payment of Social Fee)
$100.00/semester` $200.00
ATO and IFC Pledging Fees One-Time` $105.00
Initiation Fee One-Time` $200.00
Building Corporation Payments
Building Corporation Donation
;In-House Active Members Only)
Per Year` $300.00
Damage/Fine Deposit Retained by Building Corporation While Attending KSU` $600.00
Annex Program Fees
Out-of-House Fee
(Members with More Than 8 Semesters of Pledge and Active
Membership are Exempt from Out-of-House Fee)
$100.00/semester` $200.00
Meal Program (Dinners Only) $450.00/semester` $900.00
Service and Delinquent Fees
Service Fee for Late Payment Per Month` $ 5.00
Delinquent 30 days or more Per Month` 10
Pledge Fee to NHQ $ 50.00
Initiation Fee to NHQ $150.00
21.06 Members Manual
Members Manual 22.01
NAME OF MOTION ? ? ? E ? ?

Adjourn No No Yes Maj No No
Recess Yes No Yes Maj No No
Point of Privilege Yes No No 0 Yes No
Point of Order No No No 0 Yes No
Appeal Ruling of the Chair Yes No Yes Maj Yes Yes
Suspension of the Rules No No Yes ` No No
Division of the Question No Yes Yes Maj Yes No
Point of Information No No No 0 Yes No
Lay on the Table No No Yes Maj No No
Previous Question No No Yes No Yes
Limit or Extend Debate No Yes Yes No Yes
Postpone to a Definite Time Yes Yes Yes Maj No Yes
Refer to Committee Yes Yes Yes Maj No Yes
Amend Main Motion Yes Yes Yes Maj No Yes
Postpone Indefinitely Yes No Yes Maj No No
MAIN MOTION Yes Yes Yes Maj# No Yes
Reconsideration Yes No Yes Maj Yes No
Rescind Previous Action Yes Yes Yes Maj No Yes
Take from the Table No No Yes Maj No No
`Robert`s Rules of Order is Superceded by Provisions of Chapter By-Laws
#By-Laws and House Rules Amendments Require Majority for Passage
22.02 Members Manual
Members Manual 22.03
22.04 Members Manual
(Grade Ranking Within Initiation Classes)
11J 1. Ben Fangman
11J 2. Jake Unruh
11J 3. Nat e Kalberer
11J 4. Brendan Carney
11J 5. Joe Hund
11J 6. Dylan Koch
11J 7. Matt Kieffer
11J 8. Kyle Pfaut sch
11A 9. Zack Zivnuska
12J 10. Connor Zishka
12J 11. Mack Valenti ne
12J 12. Jordan Carney
12J 13. Ryan Lingle
12J 14. Jake Pruitt
12J 15. Matt Ribble
12A 16. Ryan Must ai n
12A 17. Ryan Ferguson
13J 18. Reid Frye
13J 10. Joe Oaks
13J 20. Kyle Schieber
13J 21. Pat Bennet t
13J 22. Pat Keck
13J 23. Drew Unruh
13J 24. Dylan Splichal
13J 25. Luke Schnefke
13J 26. Neil Haas
13J 27. Spencer Andresen
13J 28. Devin Rose
13J 29. Tommy Hoopes
13J 30. Andrew Owings
Actives with More Than 8 Semes t er s of
Pledge/Active Member s hi p
31. Ben LeCluyse
32. Alex McKean
33. Tanner Fox
34. Eric Carlson
35. Andrew Fischer
36. Brandon James
37. Austin Scot t
38. KC Gloe
39. Brett Zapl et al
40. Matt Moran
41. Tyler Swehl a
42. Jason Warring
43. Mike Schlicht
44. Jake Priddl e
45. Abe Fangman
46. Austin Gilroy
47. Beau Turner
48. Tiger Fleet
49. Hayden Garvey
50. Eric Braun
51. Chase Congrove
52. Nick Hammer
53. Colby Zishka
54. Hunt er Ashley
55. Grant Kalber er
56. Blake Saville
57. Luke Fischer
58. Jordan Evans
59. Cain Blaha
60. Brice Buehl er
2/5/2014 1
(February, 2014 - September, 2014)
President ;*orthy Master<
and Chief Executive Officer R. Luke Schnefke
Vice-President ;*orthy Marsha!<
E! C1! MRW
and Chairman of Executive, 1udicial and Awards Committees D. Andrew Unruh
Assistant Vice-President 1oseph A. Hund
Chaplain ;*orthy Chap!a$n<
EC! 1R
and Chairman of Cabinet Ryan C. Lingle
Assistant Chaplain Matthew A. Ribble
Treasurer ;*orthy Keeper o" E/#heCer<
, Chief Financial Officer and Chairman of Budget Committee Patrick L. Bennett
Assistant Treasurer and Treasurer-elect Keith C. Gloe II
Secretary ;*orthy S#r$3e<
and Campus Activities Coordinator Tyler 1. Swehla
Assistant Secretary Eric M. Braun
Assistant Campus Activities Coordinator 1acob C. Unruh
Risk Management Officer and Social Chairman ;Spr$n,<
and Co-Chairman of Risk Management Committee Kyle M. Schieber
Assistant Social Chairman Andrew 1. Owings
Risk Management Officer
and Social Chairman ;8a!!<, Asst Social Chrmn and Co-Chairman of Risk Mgmnt Comm 1. 1ordan Evans
Assistant Risk Management Officer Beau A. Turner
Historian ;*orthy Keeper o" Anna!s<
, Editor of T1e 6inta.e and Chairman of Communications Committee Brandon E. 1ames
Assistant Historian and Historian-elect Abraham 1. Fangman
Sergeant-at-Arms ;*orthy Usher<
and BADD Duty Coordinator Dylan A. Splichal
Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms Douglas S. Fleet
Assistant BADD Duty Coordinator Grant 1. Kalberer
Doorkeeper ;*orthy Sent$ne!<
and Resource Coordinator Chase R. Congrove
Assistant Resource Coordinator ;Stdy 8$!es and Cop$ers< Spencer K. Andresen
Assistant Resource Coordinator ;Cop$ers< Tanner A. Fox
Membership Education Chairman ;Spr$n,<
1oseph R. Oaks
Assistant Membership Education Chairmen Kyle M. Schieber Patrick D. Keck Brett W. Zapletal
Membership Education Chairman ;8a!!<
Patrick D. Keck
Public Relations Officer
Blake A. Saville
Assistant Public Relations Officer ;AT2 Road Show< Thomas P. Hoopes
Assistant Public Relations Officer ;Ca+ps Re!at$ons< Ryan 1. Mustain
Social Service Coordinator
Austin M. Gilroy
Assistant Social Service Coordinator Nicholas C. Hammer
Alumni Relations Officer
Zachary A. Zivnuska
Assistant Alumni Relations Officer Andrew W. Fischer
House Manager
Patrick D. Keck
First Assistant House Manager/House Manager-elect ;&st 8!oor, Re# Roo+, L$%$n, Roo+ and *o+enAs Restroo+< 1acob W. Priddle
Assistant House Manager ;)nd 8!oor Mana,er< Devin P. Rose
Assistant House Manager ;7rd 8!oor Mana,er< Brice S. Buehler
Annex Coordinator
Christopher 1. Gabel
Philanthropy Chairman
Brett W. Zapletal
Assistant Philanthropy Chairman/Philanthropy Chairman-elect Michael R. Schlicht
Kitchen Manager
1ason M. Warring
Brotherhood Chairman
Cain A. Blaha
Assistant Brotherhood Chairman Colby 1. Zishka
Scholarship Chairman
and Chairman of Scholarship Committee Eric A. Carlson
Assistant Scholarship Chairmen Benjamin D. Fangman Nathan D. Kalberer
Membership Recruitment Chairman
Reid P. Frye
Assistant Membership Recruitment Chairmen Keith C. Gloe II 1. 1ordan Evans
Communications Officer ;*e3 En,$neer<
Zachary A. Zivnuska
Assistant Communications Officer ;*e3 En,$neer< Matthew R. Moran
Intramurals Chairman
Luke P. Fischer
Song Leader
Hunter S. Ashley
Assistant Song Leader Matthew 1. Kieffer
Mom's Weekend Coordinator Brendan R. Carney
Membership Education Committee At-Large Members
Reid P. Frye 1acob W. Priddle
1udicial Committee At-Large Members
Zachary A. Zivnuska Patrick D. Keck 1acob W. Priddle
Scholarship Committee At-Large Members
1oseph A. Hund 1ason M. Warring
Executive Committee
1udicial Committee
Membership Education Committee
Scholarship Committee
Risk Management Committee
Awards Committee
Non-Voting Member
Votes Only to Break Tie
Building Corporation Board of Directors
Endowment Fund Board of Directors
Alumni Association Board of Directors
Chairman and Trustee William L. Muir III
Vice-Chairman and Trustee Allan D. Holiday, 1r.
Secretary and Trustee Maria E. Unruh
Treasurer and Trustee 1oshua T. Ault
Trustee Kent H. Kiracofe
Trustee Scott H. 1ones
Trustee Michael S. Ribble
Trustee Monty E. Nielsen
Trustee Michael P. Hinkin
Trustee (Chapter President) R. Luke Schnefke
Trustee (Chapter Vice-President) D. Andrew Unruh
Trustee (Chapter Chaplain) Ryan C. Lingle
Trustee (At-Large Chapter Member) 1ason M. Warring
Trustee (Chapter Outstanding New Member Award Recipient) 1acob W. Priddle
Faculty Advisor Scott H. 1ones
Chapter Advisors Allan D. Holiday, 1r. and William L. Muir III
Assistant Chapter Advisors Richard R. Harrison, 1oshua T. Ault, Brice S. Ebert and Nicholas 1. Sevart
President Michael S. Ribble
Vice-President Todd F. Lakin
Secretary Richard R. Harrison
Treasurer Steven C. 1ohnson
Board of Directors
Patrick L. Bennett 2011
Chad R. Fagerberg 1991 Steven C. 1ohnson 1972
Richard R. Harrison 1999 Todd F. Lakin 1992 Stephen L. Patton 1989
Michael S. Ribble 1986 R. Luke Schnefke 2013
Zachary A. Zivnuska 2011
President Steven A. Swanson
Vice-President Brice S. Ebert
Secretary William L. Muir III
Treasurer Brent A. Taylor
Board of Directors
Patrick L. Bennett 2013 1oseph D. Berlekamp 1975 Timothy E. Congrove 1984
Marc S. Connor 1971 W. Cary Dikeman 1973 Brice S. Ebert 1998
Chad R. Fagerberg 1991 Allan D. Holiday, 1r. 1977 Steven C. 1ohnson 1972
Patrick D. Keck 2013 Kent H. Kiracofe 1988 Frederick G. Miller 1969
William L. Muir 1967 Stephen L. Patton 1989 Kyle M. Pfautsch 2011
Richard R. Ray II 1968 Michael S. Ribble 1986 R. Luke Schnefke 2013
Steven A. Swanson 1990 Brent A. Taylor 1996 David L. Wille 1982
President William L. Muir III
Vice-President Todd F. Lakin
Secretary Allan D. Holiday, 1r.
Treasurer Michael E. Brown
Board of Directors
Patrick L. Bennett 2013
1oseph D. Berlekamp 1975 Michael E. Brown 1979
Eric A. Carlson 2013
Brendan R. Carney 2011
Larry W. Emig 1964
1effrey L. Gates 1981 Allan D. Holiday, 1r. 1977 Kent H. Kiracofe 1988
Todd F. Lakin 1992 William L. Muir III 1967 Erik M. Rome 2001
President Clay and Cindy Zapletal
Vice-President Tim and Sara Congrove
Secretary 1oe and Susan Congrove
Treasurer 1olene Keck
Non-Voting Member 2/5/2014
THIS AGREEMENT $s 3etween the nders$,ned $nd$%$da!, here$na"ter re"erred to as "Student" and DELTA
THETA OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA, a Kansas #orporat$on, here$na"ter re"erred to as "Chapter" and DELTA
re"erred to as "Corporation"=
W I T N E S S E T H :
&= Chapter, a #hartered ent$ty o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty ("Fraternity"), sha!! pro%$de roo+
spa#e to Stdent at the Chapter Hose !o#ated at &97) M#Ca$n Lane, Manhattan, Kansas 99:-), wh$#h $s owned 3y
Corporat$on and !eased to Chapter, "or the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty ("University") a#ade+$# per$ods 3e,$nn$n, A,st
&', )-&7, thro,h 0e#e+3er )-, )-&7, and 5anary &6, )-&6, tho,h May &(, )-&6=
)= Stdent sha!! a##ept and reta$n the roo+ spa#e ass$,ned to h$+ 3y Chapter at the Chapter Hose=
Chapter +ay #ase the Chapter Hose to 3e #!osed dr$n, Un$%ers$ty %a#at$on per$ods and other t$+es, and Corporat$on
+ay #ase the Chapter Hose to 3e #!osed dr$n, days not #o%ered $n th$s A,ree+ent and other t$+es> and $n s#h e%ents,
Stdent sha!! not 3e ent$t!ed to o##py the Chapter Hose dr$n, s#h per$ods=
7= Chapter and Corporat$on sha!! not 3e respons$3!e "or !oss o", or da+a,e to, any property owned or
p!a#ed $n or a3ot the Chapter Hose 3y Stdent, $n any #ase whatsoe%er=
6= Stdent sha!! p!a#e w$th Corporat$on, nder ter+s and #ond$t$ons pres#r$3ed 3y Corporat$on, a da+a,e
and "$ne depos$t= Stdent sha!! re$+3rse Chapter and Corporat$on "or a!! da+a,es to the Chapter Hose and "or a!!
da+a,e to, or !oss o", any "$/tre, "rn$sh$n, or property 3e!on,$n, to Chapter or Corporat$on=
:= a= I" Stdent sha!! ;&< dep!ed,e the Chapter ;$" a p!ed,e<, ;)< w$thdraw or 3e d$s+$ssed "ro+ the
Un$%ers$ty, or ;7< #an#e! th$s A,ree+ent ;$" an a#t$%e and on!y thro,h the pet$t$on pro#ess pro%$ded $n Chapter By-Laws,
w$th appro%a!s o" Chapter, Corporat$on and the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees<, h$s r$,hts to roo+ and 3oard, the se o"
the Chapter Hose and a!! r$,hts and pr$%$!e,es sha!! ter+$nate> and he sha!! pay a #an#e!!at$on "ee to Chapter o" at !east
N:-- and not +ore than N&,:-- ;sh# a+ont to 3e 3ased on the #ost to the Chapter "or ha%$n, a Ca!$"$ed person rep!a#e
Stdent as an o##pant o" the Chapter Hose $n order to "$!! $t to tota! #apa#$ty<= Stdents who stdy a3road w$!! 3e
s3De#t to th$s "ee=
3= I" Stdent sha!! 3e dep!ed,ed 3y Chapter, e/pe!!ed or ha%e th$s A,ree+ent ter+$nated 3y
Chapter or Corporat$on, h$s r$,hts to roo+ and 3oard and the se o" the Chapter Hose sha!! ter+$nate> and the a+onts
de nder th$s A,ree+ent sha!! 3e !$+$ted to the proport$ona! a+ont de "or the se+ester or year, wh$#h $s deter+$ned 3y
the re!at$onsh$p 3etween the n+3er o" the a#ade+$# weeB $n wh$#h the ter+$nat$on $s e/er#$sed and the "!! n+3er o"
a#ade+$# weeBs at the Un$%ers$ty $n that ,$%en se+ester ;"or se+ester!y A,ree+ents< or year ;"or year!y A,ree+ents<=
9= Stdent sha!! o3ser%e and o3ey the By!aws, .o!$#$es and .ro#edres, E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es and Chapter
M$n$++ 1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons o" 8ratern$ty, the By-Laws and Hose R!es o" Chapter, the Chapter Hose R!es
and Re,!at$ons o" Corporat$on, the R!es and Re,!at$ons o" Un$%ers$ty, the Const$tt$on o" the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! o"
Un$%ers$ty, and d$re#t$%es o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees, as we!! as the !aws o" the State o" Kansas and o" the
Un$ted States o" A+er$#a=
(= Chapter and Corporat$on sha!! ha%e the r$,ht to enter a!! roo+s $n the Chapter Hose "or the prpose o"
$nspe#t$on and repa$r> and Chapter sha!! ha%e the r$,ht to reass$,n roo+s $n the Chapter Hose at any t$+e= Stdent +ay
not ass$,n or otherw$se trans"er h$s r$,hts nder th$s A,ree+ent or e/tend ser%$#es o" Chapter or Corporat$on w$thot the
pr$or appro%a! o" Chapter and Corporat$on= Th$s A,ree+ent sha!! 3$nd the he$rs, representat$%es and ass$,ns o" the part$es
4= Stdent a,rees to pay any and a!! des, "ees and assess+ents proper!y and !aw"!!y #har,ed to and owed
3y Stdent "ro+ Chapter or Corporat$on or 8ratern$ty=
'= 8or the per$ods o" th$s A,ree+ent, Stdent se!e#ts and a,rees to pay Chapter, "or roo+ spa#e and +ea!s
ot!$ned a3o%e and s#h other pro,ra+s as de#$ded 3y Chapter to 3e pa$d "ro+ the 3d,et o" Chapter, the a+ont;s< de and
paya3!e nder the one o" the .!ans ot!$ned 3e!ow?
1 -- One (1) yearly payment of $6,240.00 p!s Te!e#o++n$#at$ons and So#$a! 8ees,
Yearly -- 0a+a,eG8$ne 0epos$t and other #har,es, de and paya3!e $n #ash or #he#B on or
3e"ore 5!y )-, )-&7=
n 2 -- Two (2) semesterly payments of $3,175.00 each p!s Te!e#o++n$#at$ons and So#$a!
e Semesterly -- 8ees, 0a+a,eG8$ne 0epos$t and other #har,es, de and paya3!e $n #ash or #he#B on or
3e"ore 5!y )-, )-&7 and 5anary &-, )-&6=
l 4 -- Four (4) quarterly payments of $1,600.00 each p!s Te!e#o++n$#at$ons and So#$a!
a Quarterly -- 8ees, 0a+a,eG8$ne 0epos$t and other #har,es, de and paya3!e $n #ash or #he#B on or
n 3e"ore 5!y )-, )-&7, 2#to3er &, )-&7, 5anary &-, )-&6 and Mar#h &, )-&6=
&-= 2n or 3e"ore the date;s< $nd$#ated nder the 2pt$on se!e#ted a3o%e, Stdent sha!! 3e $ssed a state+ent o" a!!
a+onts de, $n#!d$n, a!! +$s#e!!aneos e/penses $n#rred 3y h$+ or "or h$+ and "$nes and assess+ents as +ay 3e !e%$ed
a##ord$n, to Chapter By-Laws= S#h a+ont;s< sha!! 3e pa$d 3y Stdent 3e"ore the tenth day a"ter $t was de and paya3!e=
Any a+onts o%er th$rty ;7-< days de and paya3!e Chapter sha!! 3e s3De#t to a ser%$#e #har,e o" N:=-- ea#h +onth and a !ate
#har,e o" ten per#ent ;&-M< per ann+ ea#h +onth on the de!$nCent a+ont=
&&= A!! pay+ents sha!! 3e +ade to the Treasrer o" Chapter, paya3!e to 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a=
&)= Stdent a,rees to renew th$s A,ree+ent and !$%e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n, h$s s##ess$%e nder,radate
years at Un$%ers$ty n!ess re!$e%ed o" th$s o3!$,at$on 3y Chapter, t$!$I$n, pro#edres #onta$ned $n the By!aws and .o!$#$es and
.ro#edres o" 8ratern$ty and Chapter By-Laws=
&7= Th$s A,ree+ent sha!! 3e e/e#ted 3y Stdent and sha!! 3e#o+e e""e#t$%e pon e/e#t$on 3y Chapter and
Corporat$on, thro,h the$r appropr$ate o""$#ers= 2ne photo#opy w$!! 3e ,$%en to Stdent, two photo#op$es w$!! 3e reta$ned 3y
Chapter and the or$,$na! w$!! 3e reta$ned 3y Corporat$on=
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part$es hereto ha%e #ased th$s A,ree+ent to 3e e/e#ted 3y the+se!%es or the$r
d!y athor$Ied representat$%es, on =
;8$!! $n 0ate<
"Chapter" "Student"
President Signature
BUILDING CORPORATION "Building Corporation" Home Address

President or Secretary City, State, Zip
&PLEASE NOTE: Any active or pledge living outside the Chapter House who does n(t complete, sign and pay fees on an Annex
Agreement and any active who does not attend at least %0' of Chapter Meetings each semester is ine)i.ib)e to receive scholarships,
grants or awards from or through the Kansas State Alpha Tau Omega Students' Aid Endowment Fund during the entire school year.
THIS AGREEMENT $s 3etween the nders$,ned $nd$%$da!, here$na"ter re"erred to as "Student", and DELTA THETA
OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA, a Kansas #orporat$on, here$na"ter re"erred to as "Chapter", and DELTA THETA
CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA BUILDING CORPORATION, a Kansas #orporat$on, here$na"ter re"erred to
as "Corporation"=
W I T N E S S E T H :
&= Chapter, a #hartered ent$ty o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty ("Fraternity"), !eases and rents the Chapter
Hose !o#ated at &97) M#Ca$n Lane, Manhattan, Kansas 99:-), wh$#h $s owned 3y Corporat$on= Chapter has $nst$tted
an Annex Program thro,h the ena#t+ent o" By-Laws= Chapter sha!! pro%$de the ser%$#es #onta$ned $n th$s A,ree+ent
dr$n, the Kansas State Un$%ers$ty ("University") a#ade+$# per$ods 3e,$nn$n, A,st &', )-&7, thro,h 0e#e+3er )-,
)-&7, and 3e,$nn$n, 5anary &6, )-&6, thro,h May &(, )-&6=
)= Stdent has opted and has 3een appro%ed, prsant to Chapter By-Laws, to part$#$pate $n the Chapter Anne/
.ro,ra+= The Anne/ .ro,ra+ a!!ows Chapter +e+3ers to !$%e ots$de o" the Chapter Hose, yet part$#$pate $n Chapter
a#t$%$t$es, 3y ha%$n, !$%$n, areas that they rent dr$n, the s#hoo! year des$,nated as a Chapter Annex= Be$n, des$,nated 3y
Chapter as an Anne/ ent$t!es Stdent to 3e #ons$dered as !$%$n, $n the Chapter Hose and "!"$!!$n, h$s o3!$,at$on o" "or-
year +e+3ersh$p esta3!$shed 3y the .o!$#$es and .ro#edres o" 8ratern$ty= *h$!e Chapter re#o,n$Ies the rented !$%$n,
"a#$!$t$es o" Stdent as a Chapter Anne/, Chapter and Corporat$on ass+e no respons$3$!$ty $n any way "or any da+a,es,
!$a3$!$t$es, $nDr$es, !osses o" property, the"t, non-pay+ent o" rents or any %$o!at$ons or a3ro,at$ons o" the !and!ord-tenant
re!at$onsh$p asso#$ated w$th the !ease arran,e+ent 3etween Stdent and the owner o" the Anne/= Stdent $s not, nor sha!! he
ho!d h$+se!" ot to 3e, an a,ent o" or "or Chapter or Corporat$on, and the ,rant$n, o" stats as a Chapter Anne/ $n no way
,rants r$,hts and pr$%$!e,es other than those spe#$"$#a!!y #onta$ned $n th$s A,ree+ent=
7= Stdent sha!! 3e ent$t!ed to %ote $n +eet$n,s $n wh$#h he $s ent$t!ed, attend $ntra+ra! e%ents, and 3e $n the Chapter
Hose at any t$+e $t $s open to the ,enera! +e+3ersh$p> so !on, as he $s $n ,ood stand$n,= Chapter +ay #ase the Chapter
Hose to 3e #!osed dr$n, Un$%ers$ty %a#at$on per$ods and other t$+es, and Corporat$on +ay #ase the Chapter Hose to 3e
#!osed dr$n, days not #o%ered $n th$s A,ree+ent and other t$+es> and $n s#h e%ents, Stdent sha!! not 3e ent$t!ed to 3e $n
the Chapter Hose= Stdent sha!! on!y 3e ent$t!ed to eat e%en$n, +ea!s when they are ser%ed and attend a!! so#$a! e%ents, $"
he has se!e#ted and pa$d "or s#h 2pt$ons as ot!$ned 3e!ow=
6= Chapter and Corporat$on sha!! not 3e respons$3!e "or !oss o", or da+a,e to, any property owned or p!a#ed $n or
a3ot the Chapter Hose 3y Stdent, $n any #ase whatsoe%er=
:= Stdent sha!! re$+3rse Chapter and Corporat$on "or a!! da+a,es to the Chapter Hose and "or a!! da+a,e to, or
!oss o", any "$/tres, "rn$sh$n,s or property 3e!on,$n, to Chapter or Corporat$on=
9= I" Stdent sha!! w$thdraw or 3e d$s+$ssed "ro+ the Un$%ers$ty, or $" Stdent sha!! 3e dep!ed,ed 3y Chapter,
e/pe!!ed or ha%e th$s A,ree+ent ter+$nated 3y Chapter or Corporat$on, h$s r$,hts and ent$t!e+ents nder Se#t$on 7 sha!! 3e
(= Stdent sha!! o3ser%e and o3ey the By!aws, .o!$#$es and .ro#edres, E/e#t$%e 0$re#t$%es and Chapter M$n$++
1$de!$nes o" 2perat$ons o" 8ratern$ty, the By-Laws and Hose R!es o" Chapter, the Chapter Hose R!es and
Re,!at$ons o" Corporat$on, the R!es and Re,!at$ons o" Un$%ers$ty, the Const$tt$on o" the Inter"ratern$ty Con#$! o"
Un$%ers$ty, and d$re#t$%es o" the 0e!ta Theta Board o" Trstees, as we!! as the !aws o" the State o" Kansas and o" the Un$ted
States o" A+er$#a=
4= Stdent +ay not ass$,n or otherw$se trans"er h$s r$,hts nder th$s A,ree+ent or e/tend ser%$#es o" Chapter or
Corporat$on w$thot the pr$or appro%a! o" Chapter and Corporat$on= Th$s A,ree+ent sha!! 3$nd the he$rs, representat$%es
and ass$,ns o" the part$es hereto=
'= 8or the per$ods o" th$s A,ree+ent, Stdent a,rees to pay the Chapter 2t-o"-Hose 8ee and the a+ont de
and paya3!e nder the 2pt$on ot!$ned 3e!ow= A!! pay+ents are se+ester!y and de and paya3!e $n "!! on or 3e"ore A,st &,
)-&7 and 5anary &-, )-&6?
Mandatory OUT-OF-HOUSE FEE: $100.00 per semester= Stdent sha!! 3e ent$t!ed to attend a!! Chapter and
Fee A!!-Hose Meet$n,s, $ntra+ra!s and 3rotherhood and so#$a! e%ents=
-- MEALS PROGRAM: $450.00 per semester= Stdent se!e#ts and sha!! 3e ent$t!ed to eat e%en$n,
-- +ea!s when they are ser%ed at the Chapter Hose=
Stdent a!so a,rees to pay any and a!! des, "ees and assess+ents proper!y and !aw"!!y #har,ed to and owed 3y Stdent "ro+
Chapter or Corporat$on or 8ratern$ty=
&-= 2n or 3e"ore the date;s< $nd$#ated a3o%e, Stdent sha!! 3e $ssed a state+ent o" a!! a+onts de, $n#!d$n, a!!
+$s#e!!aneos e/penses $n#rred 3y h$+ or "or h$+ and "$nes and assess+ents as +ay 3e !e%$ed a##ord$n, to Chapter By-Laws=
S#h a+ont;s< sha!! 3e pa$d 3y Stdent 3e"ore the tenth day a"ter $t was de and paya3!e= Any a+onts o%er th$rty ;7-< days de
and ow$n, Chapter sha!! 3e s3De#t to a ser%$#e #har,e o" N:=-- ea#h +onth and a !ate #har,e o" ten per#ent ;&-M< per ann+
ea#h +onth on the de!$nCent a+ont=
&&= A!! pay+ents sha!! 3e +ade to the Treasrer o" Chapter, paya3!e to 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a=
&)= Stdent a,rees to renew th$s A,ree+ent or !$%e $n the Chapter Hose dr$n, h$s s##ess$%e nder,radate
years at Un$%ers$ty n!ess re!$e%ed o" th$s o3!$,at$on 3y Chapter, t$!$I$n, pro#edres #onta$ned $n the By!aws and .o!$#$es and
.ro#edres o" 8ratern$ty and Chapter By-Laws=
&7= Th$s A,ree+ent sha!! 3e e/e#ted 3y Stdent and sha!! 3e#o+e e""e#t$%e pon e/e#t$on 3y Chapter and
Corporat$on, thro,h the$r appropr$ate o""$#ers= 2ne photo#opy w$!! 3e ,$%en to Stdent, two photo#op$es w$!! 3e reta$ned 3y
Chapter and the or$,$na! w$!! 3e reta$ned 3y Corporat$on=
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part$es hereto ha%e #ased th$s A,ree+ent to 3e e/e#ted 3y the+se!%es or the$r d!y
athor$Ied representat$%es, on =
;8$!! $n 0ate<
"Chapter" "Student"
President Signature
BUILDING CORPORATION "Building Corporation" Home Address
City, State
President or Secretary
2012 Act 2013 Est 2014 Bgt
In-Hose ;(&=- / $1,600GCtr / 6 Cts< N74(,-76 N6&(,-6- N6:6,6--
2t-o"-Hose ;A%e $100 / ) / 7:< 6,:'- 9,--- (,---
B$!d$n, Corporat$on Sto#B ;$300< &7,6:- &',:-- )&,---
So#$a! 8ees ;$100 / ) / (&< &),--- &:,--- &6,)--
Te!e#o++n$#at$ons 8ee ;$100 / ) / (&< &),4-- &),--- &6,)--
.!ed,e and In$t$at$on 8ees 9,4(- 4,--- (,---
M$s#e!!aneos and Interest 9,::4 9,:-- 9,)):
Total Revenue N667,7-) N646,-6- N:)6,-):
B$!d$n, Corporat$on Rent N&7:,6:( N&64,974 N)--,---
8ood ;N'=(6Gday / 77 wBs / 9 days / (&< &7&,7&( &7),(-) &79,'):
E!e#tr$#$ty, 1as and *ater :',464 9&,--- ::,---
.ayro!! ;Hose+other and CooB< - - -
Hose Spp!$es &7,4)4 &4,:-- &:,---
I8C 0es :,6:) 9,--- :,:--
.!ed,e and In$t$at$on 8ees 9,696 9,4-- 9,:--
Con,ressGRLC ','64 (,:-- 4,:--
Re#r$t+ent '46 &,)-- &,)--
A!+n$G.3!$# Re!at$ons &-,))6 ',--- :,---
.r$nt$n, and .3!$#at$ons :-- :-- :--
Repa$rs and Ma$ntenan#e &9,'6- &9,--- &-,---
Landry &,'4- ),)-- ),)--
.osta,e :(6 :-- :--
Intra+ra!s )4) 7-- 7--
Brotherhood 7() 7-- 7--
So#$a! &(,(94 &9,--- &9,---
.ayro!! Ta/es - - -
Te!ephone and Internet :,:)7 :,:-- (,---
.ro"ess$ona! 8ees 7,:(: 7,9-- 7,9--
BanB Ser%$#e Char,es )7) 7-- 7--
.arty 8a%ors, .$#tres and .hoto,raphy 7,':: 6,--- 6,---
.h$!anthrop$es &,94- ),--- ),---
Ho+e#o+$n, &,)66 ),--- ),---
2""$#e Spp!$es, Toner U .aper &,(7' ),--- ),---
Bad 0e3ts 6,747 6,--- 6,---
EC$p+ent ;In#!d$n, Leases< 7,'4& 6,--- 6,---
Cap$ta! I+pro%e+ents 7,:-- 7,:-- ),:--
Endow+ent 8nd S#ho!arsh$p 0onat$ons 6,--- 6,--- 6,---
B$!d$n, Corporat$on Sto#B and 8$nes &6,(-- &4,--- )),---
M$s#e!!aneos 7,9'' 6,--- 6,---
Total Expenses N697,9:4 N646,-6- N:)6,-):
Gross Profit (Loss) ;N )-,7:9< N - N -
&< Chapter Basic Housebill #ont$ne to 3e four Quarterly payments and w$!! r$se "ro+ $1,360 to
$1,600 per quarter "or 6 Carters or $6,400 per year ;17.65 $n#rease, de +ost!y to the #ost o"
a new Chapter Hose<= That wo!d 3e a +onth!y #ost $n#rease "ro+ N94- to N4-- nder the o!d
J+onth!yJ syste+=
)< 0$s#ont "or Se+ester!y Hose3$!!s are "$,red at 0.75 per se+ester= 0$s#ont "or Year!y
Hose3$!! $s "$,red at 2.5 "or the year= There"ore?
a< Semesterly Housebills are $3,175 per semester ;$25 per se+ester d$s#ont<=
3< Yearly Housebill $s $6,240 per year ;$160 per year d$s#ont<=
7< Other Chapter House Fees are?
a< Social Fee goes to $100 per semester=
3< "Telecommunications Fee" goes to $100/semester or $200/year, depend$n, on how yo pay
yor Hose3$!!= The JTe!e#o++n$#at$ons 8eeJ $n#!des $nternet !$nBa,es, !o#a! a##ess and
6< B$!d$n, Corporat$on Sto#B ,oes to $300 per year=
:< Cater$n, Contra#t $n#!des !n#hes ser%ed at Chapter Hose dr$n, S#hoo! *eeB=
9< Out-of-House Annex "ees are?
a< Out-of-House Fee goes to $100 per se+ester, wh$#h $s the sa+e as the In-Hose So#$a! 8ee=
Those w$th o%er 4 se+esters o" p!ed,eGa#t$%e +e+3ersh$p ha%e "ee wa$%ed=
3< Meals Program stays at $450 per se+ester and on!y #o%ers e%en$n, +ea!s=
#< Landry $s "or In-Hose +e+3ers on!y=
(< 2%era!! Bd,et ,oes "ro+ N646,-6- to N:)6,-): ;8.26 $n#rease<=
4< .arty p$#s and "a%ors #ont$ne not to "!ow thro,h Chapter Bd,et ;pa$d "or 3y $nd$%$da!<=
This Lease, +ade th$s )(th day o" Apr$!, )-&7, 3y and 3etween DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA
TAU OMEGA BUILDING CORPORATION, here$na"ter re"erred to as "Lessor", and DELTA THETA OF
ALPHA TAU OMEGA, here$na"ter re"erred to as "Lessee"=
W I T N E S S E T H :
Lessor does !et, !ease and rent to Lessee the "o!!ow$n, des#r$3ed property, s$tated $n R$!ey Conty, State o"
Kansas, to w$t? Lot 1, Alpha Tau Omega Addition, City of Manhattan, with a street address of 1632 McCain
Lane, and the Buildings situated thereon, sa$d property to 3e e/#!s$%e!y sed 3y Lessee as a so#$a! "ratern$ty=
Lessee to ha%e and ho!d the sa+e "or the ter+ o" four (4) years "ro+ the "$rst day o" Septe+3er, )-&7, to the th$rty-
"$rst day o" A,st, )-&(= Lessor +ay #!ose the property and 3$!d$n,s dr$n, s++er %a#at$on, 3reaBs, ho!$days
and at other t$+es=
Lessee a,rees to pay Lessor a +onth!y o##pan#y "ee "or ea#h +e+3er and p!ed,e o##py$n, the property, on the
"$rst day o" ea#h +onth, Septe+3er thro,h Apr$! ;e$,ht pay+ents per year<, a##ord$n, to the "o!!ow$n, rate per
+e+3er and p!ed,e "or the years $nd$#ated?
2013-14: $200,000 ($25,000/month)
2014-15: $205,000 ($25,626/month)
2015-16: $210,000 ($26,250/month)
2016-17: $215,000 ($26,875/month)
Lessee a,rees to pay "or? A!! water, ,as, e!e#tr$#$ty and te!ephone "or the des#r$3ed property> a!! +$nor repa$rs to
the des#r$3ed property> and the repa$r o" a!! da+a,es 3eyond nor+a! wear-and-tear 3y Lessee and $ts +e+3ers and
p!ed,es to the des#r$3ed property= Lessee a,rees to se sa$d property "or the prposes pres#r$3ed 3y and #onta$ned
$n th$s Lease and prsant to R!es and Re,!at$ons and other ena#t+ents o" Lessor, and at no t$+e sha!! Lessee
ass$,n th$s Lease or otherw$se s3!et the des#r$3ed property=
Th$s Lease sha!! e/tend to and 3e 3$nd$n, pon the s##essors and ass$,ns o" the part$es hereto= 8ro+ and a"ter
Septe+3er &, )-&7, th$s Lease sha!! sper#ede any and a!! pre%$os!y e/$st$n, !eases> and s#h pre%$os !eases sha!!
therea"ter 3e dee+ed n!! and %o$d=
/s/ Steven A. Swanson /s/ Brendan R. Carney
President President
/s/ William L. Muir /s/ Patrick D. Keck
Secretary Secretary
02N2RS? 0e!ta Theta o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a ;JChapterJ< and 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on ;JB$!d$n, Corporat$onJ<, 3oth o" &97) M#Ca$n
Lane, Manhattan, Kansas 99:-)=
.UR.2SES? The prpose o" The Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Hose Mana,er Awards are to perpetate the +e+ory o" Larry 0= Mar%e! on the #a+ps o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty,
re#o,n$Ie e/#e!!en#e and pro%$de ed#at$ona! opportn$t$es and ass$stan#e "or stdents who are +e+3ers o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty
and who possess e/e+p!ary attr$3tes $n s#ho!arsh$p, "e!!owsh$p and #hara#ter=
The prpose o" The 5ohn A= Towse, 5r= S++er Hose Mana,er Award $s to perpetate the +e+ory o" 5ohn A= Towse, 5r= on the #a+ps o" Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty, re#o,n$Ie e/#e!!en#e and pro%$de ed#at$ona! opportn$t$es and ass$stan#e "or stdents who are +e+3ers o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta
2+e,a 8ratern$ty and who possess e/e+p!ary attr$3tes $n s#ho!arsh$p, "e!!owsh$p and #hara#ter=
The prpose o" The Henry 8= Kp"er K$t#hen Mana,er Award $s to perpetate the +e+ory o" Henry 8= Kp"er on the #a+ps o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty, re#o,n$Ie
e/#e!!en#e and pro%$de ed#at$on opportn$t$es and ass$stan#e "or stdents who are +e+3ers o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty and who
possess e/e+p!ary attr$3tes $n s#ho!arsh$p, "e!!owsh$p and #hara#ter=
The prpose o" The 5st$n 5= Ne!son Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er $s to perpetate the +e+ory o" 5st$n 5= Ne!son on the #a+ps o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty, re#o,n$Ie
e/#e!!en#e and pro%$de ed#at$on opportn$t$es and ass$stan#e "or stdents who are +e+3ers o" 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" the A!pha Ta 2+e,a 8ratern$ty and who
possess e/e+p!ary attr$3tes $n s#ho!arsh$p, "e!!owsh$p and #hara#ter=
The prpose o" The Ro3ert S= Krase 2tstand$n, Ca+ps Leader Award $s to perpetate the +e+ory o" Ro3ert S= Krase on the #a+ps o" Kansas State
Un$%ers$ty and re#o,n$Ie a "a#!ty +e+3er, ad+$n$strator or sta"" person who possesses !eadersh$p a3$!$t$es and #apa3$!$t$es and who $s ded$#ated to the ser%$#e and
3etter+ent o" Kansas State Un$%ers$ty=
AM2UNTS? The LARRY 0= MARVEL MEM2RIAL H2USE MANA1ER A*AR0 was #reated $n &'47 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on, esta3!$shed w$th and endowed 3y the
Kansas State A!pha Ta 2+e,a StdentsA A$d Endow+ent 8nd ;JEndow+ent 8ndJ< thro,h $ts 7:th Ann$%ersary 8nd 0r$%e $n &'4', na+ed $n &''- and "rther
endowed 3y Brother 5ohn A= Towse, 5r= $n )--9= B$!d$n, Corporat$on a,rees to #ont$ne to #ontr$3te to Endow+ent 8nd at !east N&,:-- ea#h year "or th$s Award=
Endow+ent 8nd a,rees to pro%$de at !east N&,--- ea#h year "or these Awards= Chapter a,rees to #ontr$3te to Endow+ent 8nd at !east N),--- ea#h year $n A,st
"or these Awards= The tota! Awards a%a$!a3!e w$!! 3e at !east N6,--- per year=
The 52HN A= T2*SE, 5R= SUMMER H2USE MANA1ER A*AR0 was #reated $n &'(7 3y the B$!d$n, Corporat$on, esta3!$shed w$th and endowed 3y the
B$!d$n, Corporat$on w$th the Endow+ent 8nd $n )--) and na+ed $n )--9= B$!d$n, Corporat$on a,rees to #ont$ne to #ontr$3te to Endow+ent 8nd at !east
N:-- ea#h year "or th$s Award= Chapter a,rees to #ontr$3te to Endow+ent 8nd at !east N:-- ea#h year $n A,st "or th$s Award= The tota! Award a%a$!a3!e w$!! 3e
at !east N&,--- per year=
The HENRY 8= KU.8ER KITCHEN MANA1ER A*AR0 was #reated $n &'9( 3y the Chapter, esta3!$shed w$th and endowed 3y the Endow+ent 8nd $n &''9
and "rther endowed thro,h the &67- 8a$r#h$!d 8nd 0r$%e and na+ed $n &'''= Endow+ent 8nd a,rees to #ont$ne to #ontr$3te at !east N)-- ea#h year "or th$s
Award= Chapter a,rees to #ontr$3te to Endow+ent 8nd at !east N&,--- ea#h year $n A,st "or th$s ;these< Award;s<= The tota! Award;s< a%a$!a3!e w$!! 3e at !east
N&,)-- per year=
The 5USTIN 5= NELS2N C2MMUNICATI2NS 288ICER A*AR0 was #reated 3y the Chapter and esta3!$shed w$th the Endow+ent 8nd $n )---= Chapter
a,rees to #ontr$3te to Endow+ent 8nd at !east N&,--- ea#h year $n A,st "or th$s Award= The tota! Award a%a$!a3!e w$!! 3e at !east N&,--- per year=
The R2BERT S= KRAUSE 2UTSTAN0IN1 CAM.US LEA0ER A*AR0 was #reated 3y the Chapter, esta3!$shed w$th and endowed w$th the Endow+ent 8nd
$n )--7= Chapter a,rees to #ontr$3te to Endow+ent 8nd at !east N&,--- ea#h year "or th$s Award= The tota! Award a%a$!a3!e w$!! 3e at !east N&,--- per year=
RAnna! Tota!s? N),)-- "ro+ B$!d$n, Corporat$on> N&,)-- "ro+ Endow+ent 8nd> and N:,--- "ro+ Chapter=S
The Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Hose Mana,er Award 8nd, The 5ohn A= Towse, 5r= S++er Hose Mana,er Award 8nd, The Henry 8= Kp"er K$t#hen Mana,er
Award, The 5st$n 5= Ne!son Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er Award 8nd and The Ro3ert S= Krase 2tstand$n, Ca+ps Leader Award 8nd are Jopen-endJ a##onts
w$th$n the Endow+ent 8nd and +ay re#e$%e add$t$ona! depos$ts when and $" +ore #ontr$3t$ons are "orth#o+$n,=
ELI1IBILITIES? The LARRY 0= MARVEL MEM2RIAL H2USE MANA1ER A*AR0S w$!! 3e awarded se+ester!y to the Hose Mana,er;s< $n ,ood stand$n, who s##ess"!!y
#o+p!ete;s< the reC$re+ents, ,oa!s and ass$,n+ents esta3!$shed 3y B$!d$n, Corporat$on, Endow+ent 8nd and Chapter=
The 52HN A= T2*SE, 5R= SUMMER H2USE MANA1ER A*AR0S w$!! 3e awarded a"ter S++er to the S++er Hose Mana,er;s< $n ,ood stand$n, who
s##ess"!!y #o+p!ete;s< the reC$re+ents, ,oa!s and ass$,n+ent esta3!$shed 3y B$!d$n, Corporat$on, Endow+ent 8nd and Chapter=
The HENRY 8= KU.8ER KITCHEN MANA1ER A*AR0S w$!! 3e awarded se+ester!y to the K$t#hen Mana,er;s< $n ,ood stand$n, who s##ess"!!y
#o+p!ete;s< the reC$re+ents, ,oa!s and ass$,n+ents esta3!$shed 3y Endow+ent 8nd and Chapter=
The 5USTIN 5= NELS2N C2MMUNICATI2NS 288ICER A*AR0 w$!! 3e awarded se+ester!y to the Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er $n ,ood stand$n, who
s##ess"!!y #o+p!etes the reC$re+ents, ,oa!s and ass$,n+ents esta3!$shed 3y the Endow+ent 8nd and Chapter=
The R2BERT S= KRAUSE 2UTSTAN0IN1 CAM.US LEA0ER A*AR0 w$!! 3e awarded $n S++er or 8a!! to the 2tstand$n, Ca+ps Leader, #hosen 3y the
Chapter, who +eets the #r$ter$a esta3!$shed 3y the Endow+ent 8nd and Chapter=
In a!! other respe#ts, these Awards w$!! 3e awarded w$thot restr$#t$on to ra#e, hand$#ap, re!$,$on or nat$ona! or$,$n=
TATI2NS? Re#$p$ents o" The Larry 0= Mar%e! Me+or$a! Hose Mana,er Award w$!! re#e$%e a Cert$"$#ate de#!ar$n, the+ to 3e a LARRY 0= MARVEL MEM2RIAL H2USE
MANA1ER A*AR0 re#$p$ent= Re#$p$ents o" The 5ohn A= Towse, 5r= S++er Hose Mana,er Award w$!! re#e$%e a Cert$"$#ate de#!ar$n, the+ to 3e a 52HN A=
T2*SE, 5R= SUMMER H2USE MANA1ER A*AR0 re#$p$ent= Re#$p$ents o" The Henry 8= Kp"er K$t#hen Mana,er Award w$!! re#e$%e a Cert$"$#ate de#!ar$n,
the+ to 3e a HENRY 8= KU.8ER KITCHEN MANA1ER A*AR0 re#$p$ent= Re#$p$ents o" The 5st$n 5= Ne!son Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er Award w$!! re#e$%e a
Cert$"$#ate de#!ar$n, the+ to 3e a 5USTIN 5= NELS2N C2MMUNICATI2NS 288ICER A*AR0 re#$p$ent= Re#$p$ents o" The Ro3ert S= Krase 2tstand$n,
Ca+ps Leader Award w$!! re#e$%e a Cert$"$#ate de#!ar$n, the+ to 3e a R2BERT S= KRAUSE 2UTSTAN0IN1 CAM.US LEA0ER A*AR0 re#$p$ent= A!!
s#h Cert$"$#ates w$!! 3e presented 3y Endow+ent 8nd at an appropr$ate Awards Cere+ony and w$!! 3e s$ta3!y $ns#r$3ed= Cert$"$#ates w$!! 3e s$,ned 3y the
.res$dent, Se#retary and Treasrer o" Endow+ent 8nd=
CH2ICE? The LARRY 0= MARVEL MEM2RIAL H2USE MANA1ER A*AR0S w$!! 3e awarded $n an a+ont deter+$ned 3y a +aDor$ty %ote o" a Co++$ttee o" three
persons? 2ne sha!! 3e the .res$dent o" Endow+ent 8nd or des$,nee> one sha!! 3e the .res$dent o" B$!d$n, Corporat$on or des$,nee> and one sha!! 3e the .res$dent
o" Chapter or des$,nee= The Co++$ttee w$!! e%a!ate the a##o+p!$sh+ents o" the Hose Mana,er;s< $n re!at$onsh$p to the #r$ter$a, reC$re+ents, ,oa!s and
ass$,n+ents esta3!$shed 3y Endow+ent 8nd, B$!d$n, Corporat$on and Chapter= 2ne se+esterAs Award;s< sha!! not e/#eed N),---, n!ess add$t$ona! "nds are
+ade a%a$!a3!e=
The 52HN A= T2*SE, 5R= SUMMER H2USE MANA1ER A*AR0S w$!! 3e awarded $n an a+ont deter+$ned 3y the E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee o" the Board o"
0$re#tors o" the 0e!ta Theta Chapter o" A!pha Ta 2+e,a B$!d$n, Corporat$on and re#o++ended to the Endow+ent 8nd= The E/e#t$%e Co++$ttee w$!!
e%a!ate the a##o+p!$sh+ents o" the S++er Hose Mana,er;s< $n re!at$onsh$p to the #r$ter$a, reC$re+ents, ,oa!s and ass$,n+ents esta3!$shed 3y the Endow+ent
8nd, B$!d$n, Corporat$on and Chapter= 2ne s++erAs Award;s< sha!! not e/#eed N&,---, n!ess add$t$ona! "nds are +ade a%a$!a3!e=
The HENRY 8= KU.8ER KITCHEN MANA1ER A*AR0S w$!! 3e awarded $n an a+ont deter+$ned 3y a nan$+os %ote o" the .res$dent o" Endow+ent 8nd
or des$,nee and the .res$dent o" Chapter or des$,nee= They w$!! e%a!ate the a##o+p!$sh+ents o" the K$t#hen Mana,er;s< $n re!at$onsh$p to the #r$ter$a,
reC$re+ents, ,oa!s and ass$,n+ents esta3!$shed 3y Endow+ent 8nd and Chapter= 2ne se+esterAs Award;s< sha!! not e/#eed N9--, n!ess add$t$ona! "nds are
+ade a%a$!a3!e=
The 5USTIN 5= NELS2N C2MMUNICATI2NS 288ICER A*AR0 w$!! 3e awarded $n an a+ont deter+$ned 3y a nan$+os %ote o" the .res$dent o"
Endow+ent 8nd or des$,nee and the .res$dent o" Chapter or des$,nee= They w$!! e%a!ate the a##o+p!$sh+ents o" the Co++n$#at$ons 2""$#er $n re!at$onsh$p to
the #r$ter$a, reC$re+ents, ,oa!s and ass$,n+ents esta3!$shed 3y Endow+ent 8nd and Chapter= 2ne se+esterAs Award sha!! not e/#eed N:--, n!ess add$t$ona!
"nds are +ade a%a$!a3!e=
The R2BERT S= KRAUSE 2UTSTAN0IN1 CAM.US LEA0ER A*AR0 w$!! 3e awarded 3y the Endow+ent 8nd, prsant to the %ote o" the Chapter, to the
re#$p$ent or a #har$ty o" the person=s #ho$#e= 2ne yearAs Award sha!! not e/#eed N&,---, n!ess add$t$ona! "nds are +ade a%a$!a3!e=
CH2ICE? The LARRY 0= MARVEL MEM2RIAL H2USE MANA1ER A*AR0;S< sha!! 3e deter+$ned $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary a"ter the e!e#t$on and $nsta!!at$on o" a
s##essor Hose Mana,er;s< and awarded w$th$n 7- days therea"ter=
The 52HN A= T2*SE, 5R= SUMMER H2USE MANA1ER A*AR0;S< sha!! 3e deter+$ned $n Septe+3er o" e%ery year and awarded w$th$n 7- days therea"ter=
The HENRY 8= KU.8ER KITCHEN MANA1ER A*AR0;S< sha!! 3e deter+$ned $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary a"ter the e!e#t$on and $nsta!!at$on o" a s##essor
K$t#hen Mana,er and awarded w$th$n 7- days therea"ter=
The 5USTIN 5= NELS2N C2MMUNICATI2NS 288ICER sha!! 3e deter+$ned $n Septe+3er and 8e3rary a"ter the appo$nt+ent o" a s##essor Co++n$#at$ons
2""$#er and awarded w$th$n 7- days therea"ter=
The R2BERT S= KRAUSE 2UTSTAN0IN1 CAM.US LEA0ER A*AR0 sha!! 3e deter+$ned 3y %ote o" the Chapter $n S++er or 8a!! and awarded w$th$n 7-
days therea"ter=
CUST20Y 28
8UN0S? Endow+ent 8nd a,rees to a#t as #stod$an o" a!! "nds $n #onne#t$on w$th these Awards and to +ana,e the sa+e to the 3est o" $ts a3$!$ty= It $s nderstood that
Endow+ent 8nd $s athor$Ied to +er,e these "nds w$th other +on$es $n order to se!e#t $n%est+ents w$th +a/$++ $n#o+e and sa"ety "a#tors=
Endow+ent 8nd w$!! +a$nta$n The LARRY 0= MARVEL MEM2RIAL H2USE MANA1ER A*AR0 8nd, The 52HN A= T2*SE, 5R= SUMMER H2USE
A*AR0 8nd and The R2BERT S= KRAUSE 2UTSTAN0IN1 CAM.US LEA0ER A*AR0 8nd $n perpet$ty=
SUCCESSI2N? 8ro+ and a"ter the e""e#t$%e date o" th$s Me+orand+ o" Understand$n,, th$s Me+orand+ sha!! spersede the or$,$na! Me+orand+s o" Understand$n, dated
0e#e+3er ), &''9, 5!y &, )---, Septe+3er 4, )--), 5ne )4, )--7, 8e3rary &7, )--:, 5!y &6, )--(> and s#h pre%$os Me+orand+s sha!! therea"ter 3e dee+ed
n!! and %o$d=
0ATE? A,st &- , )-&7=
GsG Brendan R= Carney
Brendan R= Carney, .res$dent
GsG Ste%en A= Swanson
Ste%en A= Swanson, .res$dent
GsG *$!!$a+ L= M$r
*$!!$a+ L= M$r, .res$dent
What Every College Student Should Know
A Bad Credit History +aBes $t harder to ,et a !oan, 3y a #ar,
e%en ,et a Do3=
Pay Off Your Balance e%ery +onth= I" yo on!y +aBe the
+$n$++ +onth!y pay+ent on a N),--- 3a!an#e, $t w$!! taBe &4
years to pay o"" T p!s N),9&: $n $nterestL
Pay on Time= A +$ssed pay+ent hrts yor #red$t rat$n,=
Never Take Cash Advances= ItAs h,e!y e/pens$%e=
Shop "or a re,!ar, se#red or stdent #red$t #ard at
===:ban?rate:c(m= Co+pare?
Annual Percentage Rate, the $nterest rate on otstand$n,
3a!an#es= LooB at the "!! rate, not the J$ntrod#toryJ rate=
Grace Period, the $nterest-"ree t$+e 3etween a pr#hase
and the 3$!!$n, date T sa!!y 7- days= ThereAs no ,ra#e
per$od on #ash ad%an#es=
Annual fees, late fees and other costs=
(All Numbers are Area Code 785 Unless Otherwise Indicated)
Administrative Offices 537-2112
Administrative Offices 532-6412
A))an D: FD(cG C()i-a0, 8r:
Cellular 532-8281
Bi))iam L: F*i))G Muir III
Home 539-5050
Cellular 341-9509
B0nn ": Smi)e0, CEO 800/798-9286 or
Office (Daytime) 317/684-1865
Emergency (After-Hours) 800/754-9611
SAFERIDE 539-0480
Ke0 !ni,er/it0 O77ice/ 532- S(r(ritie/
General Information 6011
Academic and Career Info Center 7494
Academic Assistance Center 6492
Admissions 6250
Agriculture (Dean) 7137
Alcohol and Drug Education Services 6927
Alumni Association 6260
Architecture, Planning and Design (Dean) 5950
Art Museum 7718
Arts and Sciences (Dean) 6900
Athletic Ticket Office 7606
Attorney (Student`s) 6541
Business Administration (Dean) 6180
Career and Employment Services 6506
C())e.ian 6556
Computing and Network Services 6311
Continuing Education 5566
Controller 6210
Counseling Services 6927
Education (Dean) 5525
Engineering (Dean) 5590
Enrollment Services 6321
Financial Assistance 6420
Foundation 6266
Graduate School 6191
Greek Affairs 5546
Health Center (Lafene) 6544
Honor System 5344
Human Ecology (Dean) 5500
KSDB-FM 6960
Library 3014
New Student Services 6318
Parking Services 7275
Police (KSU) 6412
President 6221
Provost 6224
Recreational Services 6980
Registrar 6254
Student Activities & Services 6541
Student Life Office 6432
Student Senate 6541
Telecommunications 7001
Ticket Office 7606
Tutoring Center 5703
Union (Director) 6591
University Attorney 5730
Veterinary Medicine (Dean) 5660
Vice Presidents
Administration and Finance 6226
Communications and Marketing 2535
Research 5110
Student Life 6237
Vice Provost
Academic Services & Technology 6520
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Xi Delta
Chi Omega
Delta Delta Delta
Gamma Phi Beta
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Delta
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Pi Beta Phi
Sigma Kappa
Zeta Tau Alpha
Alpha Gamma Rho
Alpha Tau Omega
Beta Sigma Psi
Beta Theta Pi
Delta Chi
Delta Sigma Phi
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Upsilon
Kappa Sigma
Lambda Chi Alpha
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Kappa Theta
Pi Kappa Alpha
Pi Kappa Phi
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Theta Xi
"e/i-ence Ca))/ 395-
Boyd Hall 6477
Ford Hall 3136
Goodnow Hall 5150
Haymaker Hall 3710
Marlatt Hall 3411
Moore Hall 2362
Putnam Hall 6628
Smurthwaite House 2900
Van Zile Hall 2999
West Hall 3727
E%ery #hapter +ay "a#t e%ents that are tra,ed$es or #r$ses that o##r on or o"" #a+ps or #hapter property=
E/a+p!es o" those s$tat$ons $n#!de? death or ser$os $nDry to a +e+3er, "$re at a #hapter hose, a##$dent at a
so#$a! "n#t$on or a!!e,at$ons o" #r$+$na! a#t$%$ty=
*hen the a3o%e types o" e%ents happen, $" not hand!ed proper!y, they #o!d do ser$os da+a,e to the "tre o" the
#hapter= Hope"!!y, these ,$de!$nes w$!! he!p the Chapter and the$r Board o" Trstees to dea! w$th the #r$s$s $n the
+ost e""e#t$%e +anner= *$th the proper hand!$n,, the e%ent #an 3e dea!t w$th and nor+a! #hapter operat$ons #an 3e
res+ed as soon as the s$tat$on a!!ows=
1. The Chapter President is in charge= I" the .res$dent $s not a%a$!a3!e, the ne/t h$,hest-ranB$n, o""$#er
sho!d taBe #ontro! o" the s$tat$on= Th$s sho!d 3e ato+at$# and not ar,ed a3ot w$th$n the Chapter= I"
the s$tat$on ne#ess$tates +ed$#a! attent$on, #a!! 911 $++ed$ate!y= I" yo Cest$on whether or not the
$nd$%$da! needs +ed$#a! attent$on, $t $s 3est to ,et $t and not need $t than $t $s to not ha%e $t and rea!!y need
2. The Chapter House should be closed immediately= I" there $s a so#$a! e%ent ,o$n, on, sht the +s$# o""
and es#ort ,ests ot o" the Chapter Hose $++ed$ate!y= No one sho!d 3e $n the Chapter Hose that $s not
a +e+3er o" the Chapter, Board o" Trstees, s#hoo! o""$#$a! or e+er,en#y personne!= Ass$,n $nd$%$da!s to
,ard the doors and +on$tor who #o+es $n and ot= Re%$ew #r$s$s +ana,e+ent pro#edres ot!$ned $n the
/is$ Management Manual=
3. Notify the National Headquarters IMMEDIATELY at 1-800-798-9286= I" yo #a!! a"ter nor+a!
worB$n, hors, #a!! 1-800-754-9611 to ,et aho!d o" the AT2 sta"" +e+3er on dty= That person w$!! 3e
pa,ed and w$!! #a!! yo r$,ht 3a#B= It $s $+perat$%e that yo #a!! the Nat$ona! HeadCarters= AT2 sta""
+e+3ers ha%e an e/tens$%e a+ont o" e/per$en#e $n #r$s$s +ana,e+ent and #an he!p yo na%$,ate a
potent$a!!y e/p!os$%e s$tat$on= A"ter speaB$n, w$th the Nat$ona! HeadCarters, not$"y yor Board o"
Trstees Cha$r+an=
4. The Board of Trustees Chairman or other des$,nated +e+3er should be notified as soon as possible=
0ay or n$,ht, th$s person sho!d 3e a%a$!a3!e to respond= *hether $t 3e the Cha$r+an or other +e+3er o"
the Board o" Trstees, an $++ed$ate response $s ne#essary to he!p the Chapter Beep$n, th$n,s nder #ontro!=
5. Assemble your members in an emergency meeting= E/p!a$n to the+ that there $s a #r$s$s and that the
Chapter Hose $s #!osed= No3ody 3t +e+3ers o" the Chapter and the Board o" Trstees are a!!owed $n the
Chapter Hose at anyt$+e dr$n, the #r$s$s= AsB the+ to #ooperate w$th e%eryth$n, 3y stopp$n, a!! ot,o$n,
#a!!s nt$! the s$tat$on $s nder #ontro!= Instr#t the +e+3ers o" the Chapter that any #o++ents +ade 3y
any +e+3er ha%e the potent$a! to do ser$os da+a,e to $nd$%$da! +e+3ers or that Chapter as a who!e=
Re+a$n #a!+ nt$! the s$tat$on $s nder #ontro!= 0epend$n, on the s$tat$on, ot-o"-hose +e+3ers +ay
need to 3e #a!!ed $n= 0e!e,ate th$s tasB to a respons$3!e o""$#er=
6. Handling the Media? Reporters $n yor #o++n$ty +ay 3e 3$ased a,a$nst the "ratern$ty= It $s $+portant
that the +ed$a 3e dea!t w$th "ro+ a pos$t$on o" e/per$en#e= Ne,er say JNo Co++entJ= Re"er a!! #a!!s "ro+
the press to the Nat$ona! HeadCarters=
The Nat$ona! HeadCarters w$!! he!p yo prepare a strate,y to hand!e the +ed$a= 0r$n, a #r$s$s, e/p!a$n to
the reporters that the Nat$ona! HeadCarters w$!! ta!B to the+= 8ee! "ree to ,$%e the+ the NH@ phone
n+3er? 317-684-1865= Ne%er a,ree to an $nter%$ew or any d$s#ss$on o"" #a+era, and do not +aBe
#o++ents o"" the re#ord w$th a reporter= Noth$n, $s rea!!y o"" the re#ord w$th reporters= Yor 3est 3et $s to
re"er the+ to the Nat$ona! HeadCarters=

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