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Perl Scripting

Introduction to Perl
What is Perl Perl History Writing first Perl script Executing Perl scripts

Basic Data Types

Scalar Data types Variable Interpolation Escape sequences Numeric Function Interpolation String Functions

Operators in Perl
Arthematic Operators Comparison Operators Logical Operators Auto Increment / Decrement Operators With Numerics With Strings String Repetion Operators

Lists and Array Variables

Introduction to Lists Introduction to Arrays Fast creation and access Operations on Lists and Arrays Built-in Array functions

Control Structures
Conditional Statements Single line conditions statements Relational & Logical Operators

Control Loops For loop in perl Foreach loop in perl do / redo statements next, last, continue keywords

Hashes in Perl (Associative Arrays)

What are Associative Arrays? Difference between Arrays and Associative Arrays. Creating Associative Arrays and access elements Built-in Hash functions

Command Line Arguments Processing

How to process CLA's ARGV array Shift Operator

Process Management
Backsticks qx system function

File System Interaction

What is a file? Various modes of file operations. File Handles and File Handling File and Arrays File handle switches viz e, -f, -d, -b, -z, -s etc Error Handling Directory Processing

Using Subroutines
What are subroutines in Perl Defining and invoking Subroutines Returning Values from a subroutines

Variable scoping Passing arguments to a subroutine Nested subroutine calls System defined subroutines i.g. BEGIN, END, AUTOLOAD

Regular Expressions (aka RegEx)

Introduction to Pattern matching Wildcards and Character Classes Recovering previous matches Greedy and Mimimal Searching Substitution Translations

References in Perl
What are references Using Backslash Operator (\) and Anonymous References 2-dimentional arrays Passing arguments to subroutines using Arrays

Perl Modules and Packages

What are packages and Modules Using Modules in perl scripts Introduction to basic CPAN modules

DBI Module
Impoerant functions availabl in DBI module Sample script by using DBI module

Excel Module
Impoerant functions availabl in Excel module Sample script by using DBI module

FTP Module
Important functions available in FTP module

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