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Dear Bros in Christ,

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Brothers in Christ, this weekly encouragement is sent and meant to be an encouragement to all and to build up and edify in the Lord Jesus Christ. Oikodome means "Builder". The Lord has put this on my heart to send out a monthly ron !an Oikodome "oy#kod#om#ay$% to build up and encourage the men who lo&e and follow Jesus Christ in their walk with 'im. Hebrews 3:13 " ut encoura!e one another dai"#, as "on! as it is ca""ed $oda#, so that none of #ou ma# be hardened b# sin%s deceitfu"ness." PRAYER REQUESTS: f you ha&e any prayer re(uests please send them and will send them out to the bros for prayer, if pri&acy is needed will send in a discreet way.

IRON MAN OIKODOME BOX TOP 101 but love edifies. 1!o"i#t$i%#s &'1 NK()* +ove Te%,$es Bros e&er notice when instruction comes in lo&e that we ha&e a tendency to recei&e the teaching at greater depth) *hen we recei&e harsh instructions we tend to spend half our instructional time being bitter or resentful about or towards the instructor) Lo&e teaches us and encourages us and edifies us in the ways of the Lord so much more powerful than any other way. Lo&e can come in many different forms of instruction and correction. +uch as truth# it,s better to be truthful, where is lo&e found in lies- ./aithful 0are1 the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy 0are1 deceitful.2 03ro&erbs 4567 89J:1 know what appealed to me about coming to the Lord and probably many others would say is always 'is great lo&e for us. The fact that 'e lo&es us no matter what we ha&e done, or how far we kept oursel&es from 'im or where we ha&e been hiding in sin in our li&es or how much we might ha&e hated or re;ected <od at one time, 'is lo&e for us ne&er fails) =nd that is what drew me into <od could not resist 'is lo&e and could not belie&e that 'e could lo&e me the way 'e surely did. 'e did not coerce me to come to 'im, 'e did not beat me or threaten me physically or &erbally abuse me into recei&ing Christ but 'e lo&ed me into 'is 9ingdom, 'is arms, 'is heart and eternal life with 'im. 'is lo&e ne&er fails or runs empty towards us> 'is lo&e corrects us while lo&ing us simultaneously and that is such a hard thing to learn for us that correction in lo&e instructs us, teaches us, edifies us# that is until we recei&e the Lo&e of Christ and we see it demonstrated by <od towards us then we get it) 8ow rightly applying that in our own li&es towards instructing others in lo&e# help us Lord we pray> 3aul is instructing the Corinthians in the principles of liberty and the weaker brother in this &erse and chapter about eating things offered to idols. 'e then goes on to remind them not to let their knowledge puff them up)they being the knowing, that there is only one real <od our Lord and +a&ior Jesus Christ and knowing that the idols are not a god but meaningless ob;ects).yet for us 0there is1 one <od, the /ather, of whom 0are1 all things, and we for 'im? and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom 0are1 all things, and through whom we 0li&e1. 'owe&er, 0there is1 not in e&eryone that knowledge? for some, with consciousness of the idol, until now eat 0it1 as a thing offered to an idol? and their conscience, being weak, is defiled.2 0@Corinthians A67#5 89J:1 =t the end of his instruction 3aul encourages them not to be a stumbling block to the weaker brother e&en though they ha&e the liberty to partake, but as an eBample of instruction that belie&e is in lo&e he encourages them to not stumble the brethren and takes a stance of lo&e and instruction by saying about the meat offered to idols# . will ne&er eat meat lest make my brother stumble.2 Lo&e sacrifices our liberties for our brother,s wellbeing and keeping him from stumbling. Lo&e teaches us to lo&e others in lo&e in all things#amen> =gape,
Caniel *right Iron Man Oikodome 3ro&erbs 456@5

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