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Stephanie Ludwig Mrs. Rowe English 12A 14 November 201 Ameri!an Red "ross #he Ameri!

an Red "ross$ also %nown as the Ameri!an National Red "ross$ is a humanitarian organi&ation that provides emergen!' assistan!e$ disaster relie( and edu!ation inside the )nited States. *t is the designated ).S. a((iliate o( the *nternational +ederation o( the Red "ross and "resent So!ieties,Ameri!an Ameri!an Red "ross was (ounded to assist with war e((orts and has sin!e then evolved to help during disasters and in lo!al !ommunities. #oda'$ in addition to domesti! disaster relie($ the Ameri!an Red "ross o((ers servi!es in (ive other areas. !ommunit' servi!es that help the need'/ !ommuni!ations servi!es and !om(ort (or militar' members and their (amil' members/ the !olle!tion$ pro!essing and distribution o( blood and blood produ!ts/ edu!ational programs on preparedness$ health$ and sa(et'/ and international relie( and development programs,Morrow-. *ssued a !orporate !hapter b' the )nited States "ongress under #itle 0 o( the )nited States "ode$ Se!tion 001$ the Ameri!an National Red "ross is governed b' volunteers and supported b' !ommunit' donations$ in!ome (rom health and sa(et' training and produ!ts$ and in!ome (rom blood produ!ts,1i%i-. #he Ameri!an Red "ross has its main head2uarters in 1ashington$ 3.". #he "hairman o( the 4oard o( 5overnors$ serving her se!ond three6'ear term$ is 4onnie M!Elveen67unter. #he !urrent 8resident and "hie( E9e!utive :((i!er is 5ail ;. M!5overn,Ameri!an "lara 4arton was born in 1<21 and had been a s!hooltea!her$ a !ler% in the ).S. 8atent :((i!e$ and had earned the ni!%name =Angel o( the 4attle(ield= during the "ivil 1ar. She (ounded the Ameri!an Red "ross in 1<<1,Ameri!an 4arton>s e9perien!es o( !olle!ting and distributing supplies to soldiers during the "ivil 1ar$ as well as wor%ing as a nurse on battle(ields$ made her a

!hampion (or the rights o( wounded soldiers,About-. She was in Europe in 1<?0 when the +ran!o6 8russian 1ar bro%e out$ and she went behind the 5erman lines to wor% (or the *nternational Red "ross,About-. *n 1<? $ she !ame ba!% to the )nited States$ and (our 'ears later she organi&ed an Ameri!an bran!h o( the *nternational Red "ross. #he Ameri!an Red "ross re!eived its (irst ).S. (ederal !harter in 1@00. 4arton was the leader o( the organi&ation and she died in 1@12. #he Red "ross$ a stri!tl' neutral and impartial worldwide organi&ation is dedi!ated to humanitarian interests in general and to alleviating human su((ering in parti!ular$ is !omposed o( three basi! elements,"ommittee-. A(ter the war$ the Red "ross (o!used on servi!e to veterans and enhan!ed our programs in sa(et' training$ a!!ident prevention$ home !are (or the si!%$ and nutrition edu!ation,+ounded *t also provided relie( (or vi!tims o( su!h maAor disasters as the Mississippi River (loods in 1@2? and severe drought and the 3epression during the 1@ 0s.

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