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Amaal beneficial at difficult times of the hereafter

Key: Daily Every Friday (Thursday night or day) In rajab In shabaan In (month of) Ramadhan S e!ial o!!ations li"e death #) to ease death maintain !ordial relations $ith his "ith % "in be "ind to his arents re!ite follo$ing & times during death: '() *+, ./012+, 1 35 4 6 175 )8 * 1 9:1 ;+, '< => 1 ?4>,1@ 1 *9A19+, '< =C B D 4 1EF 4 , B*9:1 ;+, B G1 > /04HI 1@ 1 1 *9A19+, D1EJ 4 1I G 41 C KI give !lothes to his brother believer during the summer or in $inter Re!iting SurahLalLMaseenN SurahLasLSaffat and the follo$ing su li!ation (duOa) eases the tribulation during death: P4EA B ) +, 1G9Q1.R, S T. 1 1@ BP4EA ) +, B U,/V) A+, S T1. B W, 1XKY4EZ - [\9]1H+, S 'B^1H+, W, < _8 1 `+8 _ [\I*1;+, \9^1Y+, W, < _8 1 `+8 _ 1G9V1 +KH+, B T1. B WaV1 Y+,1 @ B\9]1H+, B b*1 H+, c T1. 1 /d1@ ) Ge1fY1 g KC1 @) GeF 1 /1 h KC1@ ) Ge= 19 4i 1 KC1 @) GB e9B h KC1 @ th Fasting on jk rajab and the last day of rajab re!ite four unit (Ra"Oat) lamam on the night of nth Rajab in a manner that in ea!h unit (Ra"Oat) after SurahLalLoamd re!ites thri!e SurahLatLTa$heedN on!e SurahLalLFalapN and on!e SurahLanLlaas[ qfter finishing the lamamN sends Sala$at and re!ites ten times Tabeehate qrba[ a erson $ho re!ites the follo$ing su li!ation (DuOa) #r times dailyN qllah ill forgive four thousand major sins (sunahane Kabeera) of hisN offer him refuge from one la! !alamities at the time of deathN the spueeme in the grave (Fishare tabr) % tayamat[ qllah $ill also save him from satan (shaitaan) and his armyN $ill ay off his dues and save him from troubles and anuieties[ SD ;+ B1@ BW B *;c v+, w xKy1 .S D;+ B@ 1 BW aV 4Y 1 +1 , wz1 VH 45 BD S;+ B1@ W, 1 xK{ KC | \d 11 @| \1} S D;+ B1@ W, < _8 1 `+8 _ w~/1d S D;+ BU4a 1> 46 DS ;+ B1@ W, 1'E BA 4 1( w49Q 1 S D;+ B1@ 1X/H,S . B`49+ 18 K< 58@ B W K< 58 wz1 E9CD S;+ B1@ 1W, *B042f 1Z 4 1, w45 1D S;+ B1@ BW, 1 XKY4EZ - wz1 i/> 4, 'B^1H+, B S WKB i_ < 81 ) /F _@ ~ 1 /1( _ z w1 9 B 4HC 1@ 1 wz1 >K S D;+ B1@ BWKi 3V 4 1 1f> 4B ,| @a> 1 S D;+ B1@ B W, ^1> 3^ 4) / 1 1g w.1aF 1@ 1 wxK1 F \9]1H+, B re!itation of the follo$ing duOa seventy times 1G9VB KY+, 1\1;( 4 6 KI1@ 1G9EB ZKY+, 1* 1 4Z6 KI@ 1GI*B4EV - +, 1 * 1 4i6 KI1@ 1G9HB CK) A+, 1P1 VZ6 KI re!ite SurahLamLilmal in the Su ererogatory rayers re!ite surah al mominoon every friday re!ite dua adeela re!ite duaLeL(radhitu billah) after everobligatory rayers ray namam on time re!iting duaLeLtamjeed (dua ## of shaifaLeL"amila) re!ite the follo$ing su li!ation (dua) in the lamam of sundays in the month of ilpad:

TKc d1 /+, 135 4 6 175 )8 z 1 V( 4 1. 175 4a -+ 1 4GB C K=1 + 41d1 @ K=1fI 4 1ad 1 48 a 1 4Hi 1 K=1 i/^F 4 Bg _ K=) i. 1 tasbeeh of bibi fatema (a[s) $ear a red apeep ring re!ite the follo$ing dua after every fajr and maghrib rayer: ']1H+, S 'B^1H+, B WKB i< _8 1 ) /F _1 @1 ~4/1( _ B\9() *+, BGV4() *+, BW, B\A 4 Bi To re!ite units (Ra"Oat) lamam on the night of jjnd RajabN in ea!h unit (Ra"Oat) after SurahLalLoamd re!ites n times SurahLatLTa$heed[ qfter ending lamamN re!ite #r times Sala$atN and #r times Istighfar (Astagferullah Rabbi wa atoobo Ilayh). re!ite k units (Ra"Oats) lamam in the month of ShaObanN su!h that in ea!h unit (Ra"Oat) after SurahLalLoamd re!ites r times SurahLatLTa$heed j) $arding off fear of grave re!iting the full mi"r of ru"u ronlonging it re!ite #rr times daily: G9EV+, c Y 1 +, 7^ B1V+, W, < _8 1 `+8 _ amal of laylatur raghib fasting #j days of shabaan being !areful of being a" re!ite surah nisa every Friday re!ite surah am mu"hruf re!ite surah al palam in $ajib or nafl rayers dying bet$een sunset of Thursday and sunset of Friday namamLeLshab re!ite surah at ta"athur before going to bed being buried in najaf utting the jareedatain q erson $ho re!ites ten units (Ra"Oat) of lamam on the #st of RajabN su!h that in every Ra"Oat after SurahLalLoamd re!ites three times SurahLatLTa$heedN $ill be saved from the spueeme in the grave[ To re!ite t$enty Ra"Oat lamam on the night of #st RajabN su!h that in every Ra"Oat after SurahLalLoamd re!ite on!e SurahLatLTa$heed is benefi!ial to save oneself from the unishment in the grave To fast for four days in the month of Rajab or t$elve days in the month of ShaOban is also benefi!ial Re!iting surah al mul" on ones grave $hen a erson is being buried and someone re!ites this su li!ation (duOa) thri!eN the !or se $ill remain safe from the unishment in the grave till the day of tayamat: 3S 9V 1 +, ,d T 1 S Hg_X 4 6 wa) VY 1C - ~ B @ wa) VY 1C - S 1YBi 7 1+ -1Z6 '< 58 \ ) ec ^+, if a erson re!ites the follo$ing t$o Ra"Oat lamam on friday nightN qllah $ill free him from the unishment in the graveN and save him from fear on the day of tayamat[ In ea!h Ra"Oat after SurahLalLoamd re!ite fifteen times SurahLamL ilmal[ To re!ite thirty Ra"Oat lamam in the middle art of the month of RajabN su!h that in ea!h Ra"Oat after SurahLalLoamd re!ite ten times SrahLatLTa$heed is benefi!ial to $ard off unishment in the grave[ In the same manner to re!ite

the above lamam on the night of #th and #nth Rajab and the #st of ShaOban is also benefi!ial[ n the night of the #st of ShaOban to re!ite #rr Ra"Oat lasmamN su!h that in ea!h Ra"Oat after SurahLalLoamd re!ite on!e SurahLatLTa$heedN after ending the lamam re!ite fifty times SurahLatLTa$heed[ n the night of jkth ShaOban re!ite one hundred Ra"Oat lamamN su!h that in ea!h Ra"Oat after SurahLalLoamd re!ite ten times SurahLanLlasr[ qlso to re!ite fifty Ra"Oat lamam su!h that in ea!h Ra"Oat after SurahLalLoamd re!ite fifty times SurahL atLTa$heedN fifty times SurahLalLFalapN and r tiems SurahLanLlaas saves one from the unishment in the grave[ To re!ite the same lamam on the night of qshoora (#rth of oharram) is also benefi!ial[ To "ee Kha"e Shifa (the mud of the grave of Imam ousain q[S[) in the shroud ("afan)N or to rub it on the arts of rostration (Sajdah)[ forty ersons gather near the body and re!ite: `1 + 4*0 B 4}K1h K< =C B ` BB i\ - 1^> 4 6 13456@ ,*91y < _8 `4=C B \ - 1^4H5 1 _ K< 58 \ ) ec ^+, &) those hel ful in barma"h on Thursday nightsL give sadpaN ray for the dead Imam aOfarLasLSadip (q[S[) used to re!ite t$o units (Ra"Oat) lamam during the night for his !hildrenN and during the day for his arents[ In ea!h Ra"Oat after SurahLalLoamd he re!ited on!e SurahLalLtadrN and in the se!ond Ra"Oat after SurahLalLoamd on!e SurahLalLKausar k) hel ful on day of tayamat Re!ite surah alLyusuf daily (day or night) Re!ite surah du"han in nafl or $ajib rayers to stay a$ay from fear of that day Re!ite surah ahpaf (day or night) Re!ite surah asr in nafl Res e!t a man $ith $hite beard guarding oneself from lustful desires for the sa"e of qllah and from fear of ois unishment Su ressing ones anger ilayah of Imam qli and his sons oel ing a momin brother Imam qliLarLRema (q[S[) says hat $hoever goes to the grave of a believer brotherN la!es his hand on it and re!ites SurahLalLtadr seven timesN qllah $ill "ee him a$ay from the troubles of tayamat[ In another tradition it is narrated that $hile re!iting SurahLalLtadr on the graveN one should turn to$ards the tibla and dig oneOs fingers in the mud (of the grave) and re!ite the follo$ing after re!iting surah padr: KC 7fV(. GC \e9+, G;Z,@ K5,/Q. 7=C \d@ \e(,@., 79+, a>K@ \ei/= G> ._, K \e^+, *IaF x'{ D ^> 75, \efv(@ 5g@ \ega(@ `i Dg qttending another believers funeral Relieving the roubles of another momin re!ite the follo$ing su li!ation (duOa) one thousand times in the month of ShaOban (better $ayN re!ite #rr times daily in shabaan) 1 /B X *v 4V+, B*1 / 4 1+@ 1 GI) a+, ` -1 + 1G9B^4C - Kc I8 _ < 8aEH 45 1 _1 @ W, < _8 `+8 _ re!ite ja$shane "abeer in the first art of the month of ramadhan

) memaan re!iting sala$aat ) assing the ulLeLsiraat re!ite t$enty units (Ra"at) of rayers after lamame aghrib on the night of the first of RajabN su!h that in ea!h Ra"at after SurahLal oamd re!ites on!e SurahLalLTa$heed fast siu days in rajab re!ite ten units of lamam on the night of t$enty ninth ShabanN su!h that in ea!h unit after SurahLalLoamd re!ites ten times SurahLatLTa"asurN SurahLanL laasN SurahLalLFalapN SurahLalL"aferoonN and SurahLatLTa$heed ea!h going for the miarat of Imam Radha (a[s) n) some benefi!ial su li!ations

in the blessed month fo RamamanN the re!itation of this dua every day and night is highly re!ommended: 'h 191+ < +, ,1 KI@ x'{ B`B ^4:V B 1 1 49+ 1 < +, , KI x'{ ) D =40I1@ JE1I \ ) x'1 {) DD 1 E1 F 1XK1 < +, ,1 KI /4J1I _, a - 4VY 1 +, 17+ 1*49} 1 aEHI `+8 ) Ge1=9 4i 1 _@ ) Gef 1Y 4 1g _@ G )eF 1/ 4 1h _@ ^40c A+, 1G9Q1.R, 'h _@ ^H+, B U,/V1A+, 35 1 46 _ < 8 KeBK4(8 ^> /4J1I _ 1 a| VYC ^> S D1 h3 1 56 < _, B B`B K4(, ^> duaLeLmarefat duaLeLslamatiLeLimamLeLmamana

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