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IBPS Specialist Officer General Awareness Sample Question

I8S Spec|a||st Cff|cer Genera| Awareness Mode| uest|on aper
rov|ded by>>koushal Slngh klroula
1. A nat|ona| po||cy to prov|de rura| cred|t was |aunched by the Govt. of Ind|a |n genera| and by k8I
and NA8AkD |n part|cu|ar. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng cannot be cons|dered as one of the ob[ect|ves of
th|s Nat|ona| o||cy ?
I. 1o ensure t|me|y and |ncreased f|ow of cred|t to the rura| sector.
II. 1o make ava||ab|e cred|t fac|||t|es to every reg|on of the country so that there are no reg|ona|
III. 1o estab||sh a we|| organ|zed network of |nforma|]non |nst|tut|ona| cred|t system |n the country.
(A) Cnly l
(8) 8oth l and ll
(C) Cnly lll
(u) 8oth l and lll
(L) All l, ll and lll
Ans : (C)
2. Under 8harat N|rman rogramme of the Govt. of Ind|a act|on |s proposed |n var|ous areas. Wh|ch of
the fo||ow|ng |s not one of these areas ?
(A) lrrlgatlon
(8) 8ural 8oads
(C) 8ural Pouslng
(u) 8ural Water Supply
(L) 8ural Lmployment
Ans : (L)
3. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |s the name of the |eg|s|at|on, wh|ch prov|des emp|oyment to the poors |n
remote areas of the country ?
(A) n8LCA
(8) C1A
(C) lLMA
(L) none ol these
Ans : (A)
4. 1he keserve 8ank of Ind|a |ssues co|ns and notes of var|ous denom|nat|ons. At present k8I does not
|ssue co|ns of wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng denom|nat|ons ?
(A) 10 palse
(8) 23 palse
(C) 30 palse
(u) 100 8upee
(L) 300 8upee
Ans : (A)
S. Many a t|mes we come across a term 'know our Customer' |n area of bank|ng transact|ons. Wh|ch
of the fo||ow|ng |s the ma|n purpose of |ssu|ng know our Customer gu|de||nes by the k8I ?
(A) 1o provlde better customer servlce
(8) 1o keep a check on money launderlng
(C) 1o brlng more and more people ln the lncome 1ax net
(u) 1o make hlgh value transactlons laster
(L) none ol these
Ans : (8)
6. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |s not correct about the var|ous targets set for 11th I|ve ear |an ? (Who|e
p|an per|od 2007-12).
(A) larm sector growth to be lncreased to 8
(8) Cu growth rate to be lncreased to 10
(C) Create 7 Crore new [obs
(u) Llteracy rate ls to be lncreased to 80
(L) 8eductlon ln unemployment amongst the educated youth
Ans : (A)
7. Many a t|mes we come across a term read as 'GM' |n reference to certa|n crops. What |s the fu||
form of the term 'GM' ?
(A) Ceographlcally Moderated
(8) Cenetlcally Modllled
(C) Clobally Marketed
(u) Crown alter Modlllcatlons
(L) none ol these
Ans : (8)
8. Many a t|mes we see a term |n newspapers 'IC'. What |s the fu|| form of the same ?
(A) lndlan ubllc Cller
(8) lnstltutlonal urchase Cller
(C) lndustrlal urchase Crder
(u) lndlan urchase Cller
(L) lnltlal ubllc Cller
Ans : (L)
9. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |s not the part of the Charter of the Nat|ona| kura| nea|th M|ss|on (NknM) ?
I. NknM has to pay spec|a| attent|on to 18 States, wh|ch have weak ub||c nea|th Ind|cators.
II. M|ss|on prov|des for appo|ntment of Accred|ted Soc|a| nea|th Act|v|st (ASnA) |n each one of four
metros so that these metros become free from o||o, Ma|ar|a, and nIV |nfect|ons by 2010 ?
III. It a|ms at effect|ve |ntegrat|on of r|vate Sector |n hea|th sector so that government burden can be
reduced to the |eve| of mere po||cy maker.
(A) Cnly l
(8) Cnly ll
(C) 8oth ll and lll
(u) Cnly lll
(L) 8oth l and lll
Ans : (C)
10. Who amongst the fo||ow|ng had sa|d 'sma|| a|m |s cr|me' ?
(A) !awaharlal nehru
(8) Lal 8ahadur Shastrl
(C) Smt. lndlra Candhl
(u) ur. A. . !. kalam
(L) ur. Manmohan Slngh
Ans : (u)
11. 1he rate on wh|ch banks |end to k8I |s known as
(A) C88
(8) L8
(C) 8ank 8ate
(u) 8LC 8ate
(L) SL8
Ans : (A)
12. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng name |s not assoc|ated w|th the |nsurance bus|ness |n Ind|a ?
(A) 8a[a[ Alllanz
(8) LlC
(C) ClC
(u) 1ata AlC
(L) CL Money
Ans : (L)
13. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng awards |s g|ven for exce||ence |n the f|e|d of sports ?
(A) kalldas Samman
(8) uhyanchand Award
(C) Shram vlr Award
(u) Shantl Swarup 8hatnagar Award
(L) none ol these
Ans : (8)
14. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng does not represent the name of a bank work|ng |n Ind|a ?
(A) ?LS
(8) PulC
(C) 1A1A
(u) kotak Mahlndra
(L) Axls
Ans : (C)
1S. Who amongst the fo||ow|ng addresses the nat|on on the Independence Day from the ramparts of
the ked Iort, De|h| ?
(A) resldent ol lndla
(8) uA Chalr person
(C) Speaker ol the Lok Sabha
(u) rlme Mlnlster ol lndla
(L) none ol these
Ans : (u)
16. Many a t|me we read |n the newspapers that k8I has changed or rev|sed a part|cu|ar rat|o]rate by
a few bas|s po|nts. What |s bas|s po|nt ?
(A) 1en per cent ol one hundredth polnt
(8) Cne hundredth ol 1
(C) Cne hundredth ol 10
(u) 1en per cent ol 1000
(L) none ol these
Ans : (8)
17. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |ssues cannot come under the purv|ew of the funct|on|ng of the numan
k|ghts Comm|ss|on of a country ?
(A) 8aclal ulscrlmlnatlon
(8) 1reatment to rlsoners ol War
(C) Puman 1ralllcklng
(u) Chlld Abuse
(L) Cllmate Mlgratlon
Ans : (L)
18. A prom|nent |nternat|ona| week|y somet|me ago pr|nted a capt|on on |ts cover page wh|ch read
'8raz|| 1akes Cff'. Cther ma[or newspapers]magaz|nes a|so pr|nted s|m||ar stor|es]art|c|es |n the|r
pub||cat|ons at that t|me. Why have magaz|nes]newspapers dec|ded to ta|k about 8raz|| these days ?
(1) A|| ma[or econom|es of the wor|d have been tak|ng t|me to recover from the recess|on but 8raz||
was one of those wh|ch was 'Last |n and I|rst out'.
(2) 8raz|| |s a member of 8kIC but un||ke Ch|na |t |s a democracy, un||ke Ind|a, |t has no host||e
ne|ghbours, no |nsurgents and un||ke kuss|a |t exports more o|| and arms and treats fore|gn |nvestors
w|th more respect.
(3) 8raz|| |s the wor|d's second |argest boom|ng economy.
(A) Cnly 1
(8) Cnly 2
(C) Cnly 3
(u) All 1, 2 and 3
(L) Cnly 1 and 2
Ans : (A)
19. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng countr|es has conferred the honour of 'Leg|on d' honneur' on 8harat katna
Lata Mangeshkar ?
(A) Cermany
(8) norway
(C) !apan
(u) u.k.
(L) lrance
Ans : (L)
20. Lxpand the term NkLGA
(A) natlonal 8ural Lmployment Cuarantee Agency
(8) natlonal 8ural Llectrlllcatlon Covernlng Agency
(C) natlonal 8ural Lmployment Cuarantee Act
(u) new 8ural Lmployment Cuarantee Agency
(L) none ol these
Ans : (C)
21. 1he ka[ya Sabha has recent|y c|eared the new po|| b|||. Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng amendment(s)
|s]are made |n th|s b||| ? It has proposed -
(A) lncreaslng the securlty deposlts to more than double
(8) 8estrlctlng the publlcatlon ol exlt polls
(C) Lnsurlng speedy dlsposal ol electoral dlsputes
(u) Cnly (A) and (8)
(L) All (A), (8) and (C)
Ans : (u)
22. 1he market |n wh|ch |ong term secur|t|es such as stocks and bonds are bought and so|d |s
common|y known as
(A) Commodltles Lxchange
(8) Capltal Market
(C) 8ull Market
(u) 8ulllon Market
(L) none ol these
Ans : (8)
23. Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng was Ind|a's top dest|nat|on for exports dur|ng 2009 ?
(A) uAL
(8) uSA
(C) 8ussla
(u) Chlna
(L) 8angladesh
Ans : (A)
24. Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng w||| be the f|rst n|gh Court |n Ind|a, to |mp|ement the concept of
'ecourts' ?
(A) uelhl
(8) A..
(C) Chennal
(u) kolkata
(L) none ol these
Ans : (A)
2S. Amongst the fo||ow|ng, wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng sectors prov|des the h|ghest contr|but|on |n
Industr|a| roduct|on Index ?
(A) Crude Cll
(8) etro 8ellnery roducts
(C) Llectrlclty
(u) Coal
(L) none ol these
Ans : (C)
26. Amongst the fo||ow|ng sectors, wh|ch sector]segment has shown the h|ghest per cent growth |n
the current f|sca| ?
(A) Mlnlng
(8) Manulacturlng
(C) Llectrlclty, gas and water supply
(u) 8anklng and llnance
(L) none ol these
Ans : (8)
27. As per the reports pub||shed |n newspapers, Ind|a purchased around 200 tonnes of go|d (a|most
ha|f the quant|ty of go|d put up for sa|e) |n Sept. 2009. Ind|a purchased th|s go|d from wh|ch of the
fo||ow|ng organ|zat|ons ?
(A) World 8ank
(8) Aslan uevelopment 8ank
(C) lnternatlonal Monetary lund
(u) lnternatlonal Cold Councll
(L) none ol these
Ans : (C)
28. Wor|d 1rade Crgan|sat|on (W1C)'s m|n|ster|a| meet|ng was organ|zed |n wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng
c|t|es recent|y ?
(A) Ceneva
(8) Washlngton
(C) arls
(u) ort ol Spaln
(L) none ol these
Ans : (A)
29. In wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng countr|es, was the recent Commonwea|th Meet (CnCGAM) he|d ?
(A) 1rlnldad
(8) Canada
(C) Australla
(u) !amalca
(L) u.k.
Ans : (A)
30. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng dec|s|ons taken by the k8I w||| promote the concept of f|nanc|a| |nc|us|on |n
the country ?
(A) 1o appolnt some addltlonal entltles as buslness correspondents
(8) 1o collect reasonable servlce charges lrom the customer ln a transparent manner lor provldlng the
(C) 1o ask the banks to open at least 30 new accounts dally ln non servlced areas.
(u) Cnly (A) and (8)
(L) none ol these
Ans : (L)
31. Ior recap|ta||zat|on of ub||c Sector 8anks, the Wor|d 8ank has dec|ded to prov|de funds to Ind|a.
1hese funds w||| be made ava||ab|e |n the form of
(A) Solt Loan
(8) 1erm Loan
(C) Lmergency ald
(u) Crants
(L) none ol these
Ans : (A)
32. C|t|zens of wh|ch one of he fo||ow|ng age-groups (|n years) are covered under the New ens|on
System (NS) ?
(A) 18-30
(8) 21-33
(C) 23-33
(u) 18-60
(L) none ol these
Ans : (u)
33. Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng |s the ob[ect|ve of the f|agsh|p scheme 'kashtr|ya Swasthya 8|ma
o[ana' (kS8) ?
(A) 1o provlde llle lnsurance cover to rural households
(8) 1o provlde health lnsurance cover to rural households
(C) 1o provlde both llle and health lnsurance cover to rural household
(u) 1o provlde llle and health lnsurance covers only to people llvlng below poverty llne
(L) none ol these
Ans : (u)
34. Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng had set up the N. k. Narayana Murthy Comm|ttee on |ssues re|at|ng to
Corporate Governance ?
(A) SL8l
(8) 88l
(C) Cll
(u) Mlnlstry ol llnance, CCl
(L) none ol these
Ans : (A)
3S. 1he proceeds of the d|s|nvestment of prof|tab|e pub||c sector un|ts w||| be used for wh|ch of the
fo||ow|ng purposes ?
(A) Lxpanslon ol exlstlng capaclty ol SLs
(8) Modernlsatlon ol SLs
(C) Cpenlng ol new SLs
(u) Meetlng the expendlture lor varlous soclal sector schemes
(L) none ol these
Ans : (u)
36. Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng |s the target f|xed for f|sca| def|c|t |n the year 2010-2011 ?
(A) 3.3
(8) 4.0
(C) 3.3
(u) 3.0
(L) none ol these
Ans : (C)
37. Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng compan|es |s the |argest producer of natura| gas |n the country ?
(A) CnCC
(8) ClL
(C) Calrn lndla
(u) 8lL
(L) none ol these
Ans : (A)
38. Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng states has sought a package of ks. S00 crores (5 100 m||||on) for |ts
kura| overty keduct|on rogramme ?
(A) M..
(8) 1amll nadu
(C) A..
(u) karnataka
(L) none ol these
Ans : (C)
39. Ch|nese ob[ect|ons have sta||ed the road work at the v|||age of Demchok, on the Ind|an s|de of the
||ne of contro|. In wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng states |s th|s v|||age |ocated ?
(A) Arunachal radesh
(8) Assam
(C) Plmachal radesh
(u) 8a[asthan
(L) none ol these
Ans : (L)
40. Const|tut|ona||y, wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng can |evy Serv|ce 1ax ?
(A) unlon Covt. only
(8) State Covt. only
(C) unlon 1errltory Covt. only
(u) All ol these
(L) none ol these
Ans : (u)
41. As per est|mates g|ven by the k8I the Lconom|c Growth dur|ng the year 2010-11 w||| be at wh|ch of
the fo||ow|ng |eve|s ?
(A) 6.3
(8) 7
(C) 7.3
(u) 8
(L) none ol these
Ans : (u)
42. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |s]are correct about the k8I's cred|t po||cy announced |n Apr|| 2010 ?
I. kepo rate ra|sed by 2S bps.
II. A new report|ng p|atform was |ntroduced for secondary market transact|ons |n Cert|f|cate of
Depos|ts (CDs) and Commerc|a| apers (Cs).
III. Core Investment Compan|es (CICs) hav|ng an asset s|ze of ks. 100 crore are requ|red to reg|ster a|so
w|th the k8I.
(A) Cnly l
(8) Cnly ll
(C) Cnly lll
(u) All l, ll and lll
(L) none ol these
Ans : (A)
43. As per the announcement made by the k8I some Stock Lxchanges |n Ind|a are a||owed to
|ntroduce |a|n Van|||a Currency Cpt|ons. 1he term |a|n Van|||a Currency Cpt|ons |s assoc|ated w|th
wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng act|v|t|es ] operat|ons ?
(A) uollar-8upee Lxchange 8ate
(8) lloatlng ol Commerclal apers
(C) Launch ol new mutual lunds
(u) uecldlng the openlng prlce ol a share on a partlcular buslness day
(L) none ol these
Ans : (A)
44. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |s not a term re|ated to bank|ng]f|nance operat|ons ?
(A) rovlslon Coverage 8atlo
(8) Securltlzatlon
(C) Consolldatlon
(u) Commodlllcatlon
(L) uerlvatlves
Ans : (C)
4S. 1he process of "Art|f|c|a| App||cat|on of Water to the so|| usua||y for ass|st|ng |n grow|ng crops", |s
techn|ca||y known as
(A) water harvestlng
(8) lrrlgatlon
(C) water recharglng
(u) percolatlon
(L) none ol these
Ans : (8)
46. As per the news pub||shed |n ma[or newspapers ] [ourna|s henceforth the Cred|t Card ho|ders w|||
be ab|e to access the|r cred|t card |nformat|on though automated |nteract|ve vo|ce response system
over the phone |nstead of speak|ng to the staff. 1h|s dec|s|on of the banks]cred|t card compan|es w|||
I. an add|t|ona| hurd|e to the customers as peop|e fee| comfortab|e |n ta|k|ng to the staff |nstead of
ta|k|ng to a mach|ne.
II. an add|t|ona| secur|ty to the customers as th|s does not a||ow any staff to hand|e any transact|on
III. some comfort to the banks as they w||| be ab|e to reduce the|r staff strength.
(A) Cnly l
(8) Cnly ll
(C) Cnly lll
(u) All l, ll and lll
(L) Cnly l and lll
Ans : (8)
47. 1he 34th Nat|ona| Game wh|ch were postponed severa| t|mes are schedu|ed to be he|d |n wh|ch of
the fo||ow|ng states ?
(A) Cu[arat
(8) kerala
(C) 1amll nadu
(u) uttar radesh
(L) !harkhand
Ans : (L)
48. Waste Water generates wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng gases wh|ch |s more powerfu| and dangerous than
CC2 ?
(A) nltrogen
(8) Sulphur dl-oxlde
(C) Pydrogen
(u) Methane
(L) none ol these
Ans : (u)
49. Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng days was observed as Wor|d Water Day 2010 ?
(A) 20th !une
(8) 22nd !uly
(C) 22nd March
(u) 20th May
(L) none ol these
Ans : (C)
S0. Late V|nda karand|kar who d|ed a few months back was a famous
(A) Author
(8) Clne-Actor
(C) Sportsman
(u) Classlcal Slnger
(L) Soclal Worker
Ans : (A)

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