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Music Production Loop Dee-Loop Project

1. Listen to a pop song and decide how it is formed. You can listen to any pop song on YouTube as long as it is appropriate. a. Form would be Verse, Chorus, Verse or Verse, Verse, Chorus Verse etc. b. Listen for sections that are the same and for sections that are different. 2. Do you know what the AABA form is? 3. Open the MUSICPRODUCTION.PBWORKS.COM page and click on MUSIC PRODUCTION 1 LESSONS. 4. Click on the file under 5. LOOP DE LOOP BEGINNER TEMPLATES and then hit download. 5. Go to your download folder and open up Chapter 5 LOOP DEELOOP TEMPLATE. 6. Click on the LOOP BROWSER icon in the bottom of toolbar. 7. Focus on the INSTRUMENTS and NOT STYLE descriptors. 8. Click on ALL DRUMS. The bottom portion of the Loop Browser will now display a list of hundreds of drum loops available. 9. Click on one of the loops and it will begin to play. 10. Click the FAV column (on the right) to place a check mark next to a loop you like. 11. Click the RESET button and then repeat the process with other instrument categories. 12. After browsing other instruments and picking your favorites, click the RESET button and then the FAVORITES . The LOOP BROWSER will only display the loops that you marked as favorites. 13. Listen to loop that has been picked for you. This is a bass line and will serve as the foundation of your loop based composition. 14. Click the CYCLE button in the bottom toolbar. 15. Stretch the YELLOW CYCLE BAR near the top of the screen so it cycles the entire A SECTION from Bar 1 to Bar 9.

16. Press Play and allow GarageBand to cycle the A SECTION. 17. With FAVORITES still selected in the LOOP BROWSER, click ALL DRUMS. 18. Click on various drum loops to audition the drum loop with the BASS LOOP. How do the loops sound together? Does the rhythm work? Continue clicking on drum loops to find one that fits well with the bass loop. 19. When you have found a drum loop that sounds good with the bass loop, drag it into the main ARRANGE window. 20. If the drum loop is fewer than eight full measures, loop out the drum loop audio region so it lasts eight full measures and stops at MEASURE 9. 21. Click ALL DRUMS to deselect it in the LOOP BROWSER 22. Select Electric Piano and audition various electric piano loops to hear if they go with the Bass and Drums. 23. When you have found one that sounds good, drag it into your composition. 24. Now make it 4 measures long and then pick another similar loop to finish off the next 4 measures. This will give it some variety. 25. Select all of the loops in your composition by clicking OUTSIDE OF ANY LOOP and dragging across all of your loops. This is called a RUBBER-BAND DRAG. 26. COPY AND PASTE (READ BELOW) the first A SECTION into the other sections marked A. (Bars 9-17 and 25-43) a. TO COPY and PASTE loops, hold down the OPTION KEY and click and drag the loop. You can also use EDIT > COPY and EDIT >PASTE OR COMMAND C and COMMAND V but OPTION dragging is the most efficient way to copy and paste. COMPOSING A B SECTION A B Section should be similar but different from your A section. USE THE SAME INTRUMENTS FOR THE B SECTION THAT YOU USED FOR THE A 1. Drag the YELLOW CYCLE BAR so it stretches from Bar 17 to Bar 25.

2. Audition bass loops from the LOOP BROWSER. When you found one that you think works in the song as a CONTRAST to the first Bass loop , drag it into the gray area in the ARRANGE WINDOW. 3. Repeat the previous step to add a contrasting drum and electric piano loop. 4. Select the pitched loops in your B Section. Do not select any drum or percussion loops. 5. Open the TRACK EDITOR by clicking on the SCISSORS icon in the left of the bottom toolbar. 6. Drag the PITCH SLIDER in the TRACK EDIT window to transpose the pitched loops. Try various settings until you find one that works well with your song. If you change the pitch too much, your loops may sound odd so try to keep the pitch transposition to somewhere between -5 and +5. 7. SAVE AS and name your composition LOOP DEE LOOP and your initials. Make sure you SAVE AS into YOUR FOLDER NOT A GARAGEBAND FOLDER.

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