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In Search of a definition Poulin, 15-35; Pinckaers, 12-24; Davis, 1-5; Gula, 1-11; O Connell, 3-9; Regan, 3-16; LESSON 2: Can Ethics be Christian? The Existence and Specificity of Christian Morality George F. Thomas, Christian Ethics and Moral Philosophy, pp. 367-390. Hans Kng, The Criterion for Deciding What is Christian, in Hamel, pp. 120-132. James M. Gustafson, Can Ethics be Christian? Some Conclusions in Hamel and Himes (eds.), Introduction to Christian Ethics: A Reader, pp. 133-139. Richard A. McCormick, Does Religious Faith Add to Ethical Perception? in Hamel and Himes (eds.), Introduction to Christian Ethics: A Reader, pp. 140-145. Richard M. Gula, Reason Informed by Faith, pp. 43-59. LESSON 3: Scripture in Moral Theology Sen Freyne, The Bible and Christian Morality, in Hamel and Himes (eds.), Introduction to Christian Ethics: A Reader, pp. 9-32. William Spohn, What Are They Saying About Scripture and Ethics? in Hamel and Himes (eds.), Introduction to Christian Ethics: A Reader, pp. 313-321. Hans Schrmann and Philippe Delhaye, The Actual Impact of Moral Norms of the New Testament: Report from the International Theological Commission, in Curran and McCormick (eds.), Readings in Moral Theology No. 4, pp. 78-104. Edouard Hamel, Scripture, The Soul of Moral Theology? in Curran and McCormick (eds.), Readings in Moral Theology No. 4, pp. 105-132. James M. Gustafson, The Place of Scripture in Christian Ethics: A Methodological Study, in Curran and McCormick (eds.), Readings in Moral Theology No. 4, pp. 151-177. Charles E. Curran, The Role and Function of the Scriptures in Moral Theology, in Curran and McCormick (eds.), Readings in Moral Theology No. 4, pp. 178-212. Stanley Hauerwas, The Moral Authority of Scripture: The Politics and Ethics of Remembering, in Curran and McCormick (eds.), Readings in Moral Theology No. 4, pp. 242-275. LESSON 4: Jesus and the Moral Life: The Sermon on the Mount Rudolf Schnackenburg, The Moral Teaching of the New Testament, pp. 15-167. Servais (Th.) Pinckaers, Les Sources de la Morale Chrtienne, pp. 144-173. LESSON 5: The Church and the Moral Life Richard Gula, Reason Informed by Faith, pp. 199-219. LESSON 6: History of Moral Theology: From the Patristic Period to the Middle Ages History of Moral Theology: From the Modern Period to Veritatis Splendor John Mahoney, The Making of Moral Theology, pp. 1-70; 72-341. Bernard Hring, The Law of Christ, pp. 3-34. George M. Regan, New Trends in Moral Theology, pp. 17-26; 27-46 Servais (Th.) Pinckaers, Les Sources de la Morale Chrenne, pp. 197-257; 258-326.

LESSON 7: Freedom and the Nature of Human Action Richard Gula, Reason Informed by Faith, pp. 63-88; 265-282. Karl Peschke, Christian Ethics: Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican II, pp. 228-283. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, I-IIae, qq. 6-21. Henry Davis, Moral and Pastoral Theology, pp. 11-63.

LESSON 8: Conscience Henry Davis, Moral and Pastoral Theology, pp. 64-115. Bernard Hring, Conscience: The Sanctuary of Creative Fidelity and Liberty, in Hamel and Himes (eds.), Introduction to Christian Ethics: A Reader, pp. 252-280. Karl Peschke, Christian Ethics: Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican II, pp. 158-207. Bernard Hring, The Law of Christ, pp. 135-188. Richard Gula, Reason Informed by Faith, pp. 123-162. LESSON 9: Natural Law Karl Peschke, Christian Ethics: Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican II, pp. 64-157. Richard Gula, Reason Informed by Faith, pp. 220-249. Romanus Cessario, Introduction to Moral Theology, pp. 52-98. Columba Ryan, The Traditional Concept of Natural Law: An Interpretation, in Hamel and Himes (eds.), Introduction to Christian Ethics: A Reader, pp. 413-427. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, I-IIae, q. 90-108. LESSON 10: Moral Norms Gula, 283-299; Gula, WATSA Moral Norms, 5-117; Hamel, 487-512; 513-531; OConnell, 155-166; Richard Gula, Reason Informed by Faith, pp. 283-299. Richard Gula, What Are They Saying About Moral Norms, pp. 5-117. Josef Fuchs, The Absoluteness of Behavioral Moral Norms, in Hamel and Himes (eds.), Introduction to Christian Ethics: A Reader, pp. 487-512. John R. Connery, Catholic Ethics: Has the Norm for Rule-Making Changed? in Hamel and Himes (eds.), Introduction to Christian Ethics: A Reader, pp. 513-528. LESSON 11: Sin and Conversion Richard Gula, Christian Ethics: Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican II, pp. 285-324; 326-340. Henry Davis, Moral and Pastoral Theology, pp. 203-235. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, I-IIae, q. 71-89. LESSON 12: Veritatis Splendor

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