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Chapter 1 Chapter & Chapter % Chapter + Chapter Chapter 1 Chapter * Chapter 2 Chapter ( Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 1& Chapter 1% Chapter 1+ Chapter 1Chapter 11 The Necessity o !e"i#io$ The !ea" Nat're o Ma$ Maya a$) I""'sio$ Maya a$) the E,o"'tio$ o the Co$ceptio$ o Go) Maya a$) .ree)o/ The Abso"'te a$) Ma$i estatio$ Go) i$ E,erythi$# !ea"isatio$ 3$ity i$ Di,ersity The .ree)o/ o the So'" The Cos/os4 The Macrocos/ The Cos/os4 The Microcos/ I//orta"ity The At/a$ The At/a$4 Its 5o$)a#e a$) .ree)o/ The !ea" a$) Appare$t Ma$ % ( 1* &+ %0 %+1 +1 -11 1* *1 ** 2& 2( (%

CHAPTER I THE NECESSITY OF RELIGION O a"" the orces that ha,e 6or7e) a$) are sti"" 6or7i$# to /o'") the )esti$ies o the h'/a$ race8 $o$e8 certai$"y8 is /ore pote$t tha$ that8 the /a$i estatio$ o 6hich 6e ca"" re"i#io$9 A"" socia" or#a$isatio$s ha,e as a bac7#ro'$)8 so/e6here8 the 6or7i$#s o that pec'"iar orce8 a$) the #reatest cohesi,e i/p'"se e,er bro'#ht i$to p"ay a/o$#st h'/a$ '$its has beer )eri,e) ro/ this po6er9 It is ob,io's to a"" o 's that i$ ,ery /a$y cases the bo$)s o re"i#io$ ha,e pro,e) stro$#er tha$ the bo$)s o race8 or c"i/ate8 or e,e$ o )esce$t9 It is a 6e""-7$o6$ act that perso$s 6orshippi$# the sa/e Go)8 be"ie,i$# i$ the sa/e re"i#io$8 ha,e stoo) by each other8 6ith /'ch #reater stre$#th a$) co$sta$cy8 tha$ peop"e o /ere"y the sa/e )esce$t8 or e,e$ brothers9 Vario's atte/pts ha,e bee$ /a)e to trace the be#i$$i$#s o re"i#io$9 I$ a"" the a$cie$t re"i#io$s 6hich ha,e co/e )o6$ to 's at the prese$t )ay8 6e i$) o$e c"ai/ /a)e : that they are a"" s'per$at'ra"8 that their #e$esis is $ot8 as it 6ere8 i$ the h'/a$ brai$8 b't that they ha,e ori#i$ate) so/e6here o'tsi)e o it9 T6o theories ha,e #ai$e) so/e accepta$ce a/o$#st /o)er$ scho"ars9 O$e is the spirit theory o re"i#io$8 the other the e,o"'tio$ o the i)ea o the I$ i$ite9 O$e party /ai$tai$s that a$cestor 6orship is the be#i$$i$# o re"i#io's i)eas; the other8 that re"i#io$ ori#i$ates i$ the perso$i icatio$ o the po6ers o $at're9 Ma$ 6a$ts to 7eep 'p the /e/ory o his )ea) re"ati,es a$) thi$7s they are "i,i$# e,e$ 6he$ the bo)y is )isso",e)8 a$) he 6a$ts to p"ace oo) or the/ a$)8 i$ a certai$ se$se8 to 6orship the/9 O't o that ca/e the #ro6th 6e ca"" re"i#io$9 St')yi$# the a$cie$t re"i#io$s o the E#yptia$s8 5aby"o$ia$s8 Chi$ese8 a$) /a$y other races i$ A/erica a$) e"se6here8 6e i$) ,ery c"ear traces o this a$cestor 6orship bei$# the be#i$$i$# o re"i#io$9 With the a$cie$t E#yptia$s8 the irst i)ea o the so'" 6as that o a )o'b"e9 E,ery h'/a$ bo)y co$tai$e) i$ it a$other bei$# ,ery si/i"ar to it; a$) 6he$ a /a$ )ie)8 this )o'b"e 6e$t o't o the bo)y a$) yet "i,e) o$9 5't the "i e o the )o'b"e "aste) o$"y so "o$# as the )ea) bo)y re/ai$e) i$tact8 a$) that is 6hy 6e i$) a/o$# the E#yptia$s so /'ch so"icit')e to 7eep the bo)y '$i$<'re)9 A$) that is 6hy they b'i"t those h'#e pyra/i)s i$ 6hich they preser,e) the bo)ies9 .or8 i a$y portio$ o the e=ter$a" bo)y 6as h'rt8 the )o'b"e 6o'") be correspo$)i$#"y i$<'re)9 This is c"ear"y a$cestor 6orship9 With the a$cie$t 5aby"o$ia$s 6e i$) the sa/e i)ea o the )o'b"e8 b't 6ith a ,ariatio$9 The )o'b"e "ost a"" se$se o "o,e; it ri#hte$e) the "i,i$# to #i,e it oo) a$) )ri$78 a$) to he"p it i$ ,ario's 6ays9 It e,e$ "ost a"" a ectio$ or its o6$ chi")re$ a$) its o6$ 6i e9 A/o$# the a$cie$t >i$)'s a"so8 6e i$) traces o this a$cestor 6orship9 A/o$# the Chi$ese8 the basis o their re"i#io$ /ay a"so be sai) to be a$cestor 6orship8 a$) it sti"" per/eates the "e$#th a$) brea)th o that ,ast co'$try9 I$ act8 the o$"y re"i#io$ that ca$ rea""y be sai) to "o'rish i$ Chi$a is that o a$cestor 6orship9 Th's it see/s8 o$ the o$e ha$)8 a ,ery #oo) positio$ is /a)e o't or those 6ho ho") the theory o a$cestor 6orship as the be#i$$i$# o re"i#io$9 O$ the other ha$)8 there are scho"ars 6ho ro/ the a$cie$t Arya$ "iterat're sho6 that re"i#io$ ori#i$ate) i$ $at're 6orship9 A"tho'#h i$ I$)ia 6e i$) proo s o a$cestor 6orship e,ery6here8 yet i$ the o")est recor)s there is $o trace o it 6hatsoe,er9 I$ the !i#-Ve)a Sa/hit?8 the /ost a$cie$t recor) o the Arya$ race8 6e )o $ot i$) a$y trace o it9 Mo)er$ scho"ars thi$78 it is the 6orship o $at're that they i$) there9 The h'/a$ /i$) see/s to str'##"e to #et a peep behi$) the sce$es9 The )a6$8 the e,e$i$#8 the h'rrica$e8 the st'pe$)o's a$) #i#a$tic orces o $at're8 its bea'ties8 these ha,e e=ercise) the h'/a$ /i$)8 a$) it aspires to #o beyo$)8 to '$)ersta$) so/ethi$# abo't the/9 I$ the str'##"e they e$)o6 these phe$o/e$a 6ith perso$a" attrib'tes8 #i,i$# the/ so'"s a$) bo)ies8 so/eti/es bea'ti '"8 so/eti/es tra$sce$)e$t9 E,ery atte/pt e$)s by these phe$o/e$a beco/i$# abstractio$s 6hether perso$a"ise) or $ot9 So a"so it is o'$) 6ith the a$cie$t Gree7s; their 6ho"e /ytho"o#y is si/p"y this abstracte) $at're 6orship9 So a"so 6ith the a$cie$t Ger/a$s8 the Sca$)i$a,ia$s8 a$) a"" the other Arya$ races9 Th's8 o$ this si)e8 too8 a ,ery stro$# case has bee$ /a)e o't8 that re"i#io$ has its ori#i$ i$ the perso$i icatio$ o the po6ers o $at're9

These t6o ,ie6s8 tho'#h they see/ to be co$tra)ictory8 ca$ be reco$ci"e) o$ a thir) basis8 6hich8 to /y /i$)8 is the rea" #er/ o re"i#io$8 a$) that I propose to ca"" the str'##"e to tra$sce$) the "i/itatio$s o the se$ses9 Either8 /a$ #oes to see7 or the spirits o his a$cestors8 the spirits o the )ea)8 that is8 he 6a$ts to #et a #"i/pse o 6hat there is a ter the bo)y is )isso",e)8 or8 he )esires to '$)ersta$) the po6er 6or7i$# behi$) the st'pe$)o's phe$o/e$a o $at're9 Whiche,er o these is the case8 o$e thi$# is certai$8 that he tries to tra$sce$) the "i/itatio$s o the se$ses9 >e ca$$ot re/ai$ satis ie) 6ith his se$ses; he 6a$ts to #o beyo$) the/9 The e=p"a$atio$ $ee) $ot be /ysterio's9 To /e it see/s ,ery $at'ra" that the irst #"i/pse o re"i#io$ sho'") co/e thro'#h )rea/s9 The irst i)ea o i//orta"ity /a$ /ay 6e"" #et thro'#h )rea/s9 Is that $ot a /ost 6o$)er '" state@ A$) 6e 7$o6 that chi")re$ a$) '$t'tore) /i$)s i$) ,ery "itt"e )i ere$ce bet6ee$ )rea/i$# a$) their a6a7e$e) state9 What ca$ be /ore $at'ra" tha$ that they i$)8 as $at'ra" "o#ic8 that e,e$ )'ri$# the s"eep state 6he$ the bo)y is appare$t"y )ea)8 the /i$) #oes o$ 6ith a"" its i$tricate 6or7i$#s@ What 6o$)er that /e$ 6i"" at o$ce co/e to the co$c"'sio$ that 6he$ this bo)y is )isso",e) or e,er8 the sa/e 6or7i$# 6i"" #o o$@ This8 to /y /i$)8 6o'") be a /ore $at'ra" e=p"a$atio$ o the s'per$at'ra"8 a$) thro'#h this )rea/ i)ea the h'/a$ /i$) rises to hi#her a$) hi#her co$ceptio$s9 O co'rse8 i$ ti/e8 the ,ast /a<ority o /a$7i$) o'$) o't that these )rea/s are $ot ,eri ie) by their 6a7i$# states8 a$) that )'ri$# the )rea/ state it is $ot that /a$ has a resh e=iste$ce8 b't si/p"y that he recapit'"ates the e=perie$ces o the a6a7e$e) state9 5't by this ti/e the search ha) be#'$8 a$) the search 6as i$6ar)8 ari) /a$ co$ti$'e) i$A'iri$# /ore )eep"y i$to the )i ere$t sta#es o the /i$) a$) )isco,ere) hi#her states tha$ either the 6a7i$# or the )rea/i$#9 This state o thi$#s 6e i$) i$ a"" the or#a$ise) re"i#io$s o the 6or")8 ca""e) either ecstasy or i$spiratio$9 I$ a"" or#a$ise) re"i#io$s8 their o'$)ers8 prophets8 a$) /esse$#ers are )ec"are) to ha,e #o$e i$to states o /i$) that 6ere $either 6a7i$# $or s"eepi$#8 i$ 6hich they ca/e ace to ace 6ith a $e6 series o acts re"ati$# to 6hat is ca""e) the spirit'a" 7i$#)o/9 They rea"ise) thi$#s there /'ch /ore i$te$se"y tha$ 6e rea"ise acts aro'$) 's i$ o'r 6a7i$# state9 Ta7e8 or i$sta$ce8 the re"i#io$s o the 5rah/i$s9 The Ve)as are sai) to be 6ritte$ by !ishis9 These !ishis 6ere sa#es 6ho rea"ise) certai$ acts9 The e=act )e i$itio$ o the Sa$s7rit 6or) !ishi is a Seer o Ma$tras : o the tho'#hts co$,eye) i$ the Ve)ic hy/$s9 These /e$ )ec"are) that they ha) rea"ise) : se$se)8 i that 6or) ca$ be 'se) 6ith re#ar) to the s'perse$s'o's : certai$ acts8 a$) these acts they procee)e) to p't o$ recor)9 We i$) the sa/e tr'th )ec"are) a/o$#st both the Je6s a$) the Christia$s9 So/e e=ceptio$s /ay be ta7e$ i$ the case o the 5'))hists as represe$te) by the So'ther$ sect9 It /ay be as7e) : i the 5'))hists )o $ot be"ie,e i$ a$y Go) or so'"8 ho6 ca$ their re"i#io$ be )eri,e) ro/ the s'perse$s'o's state o e=iste$ce@ The a$s6er to this is that e,e$ the 5'))hists i$) a$ eter$a" /ora" "a68 a$) that /ora" "a6 6as $ot reaso$e) o't i$ o'r se$se o the 6or) 5't 5'))ha o'$) it8 )isco,ere) it8 i$ a s'perse$s'o's state9 Those o yo' 6ho ha,e st')ie) the "i e o 5'))ha e,e$ as brie "y #i,e$ i$ that bea'ti '" poe/8 The Light of Asia8 /ay re/e/ber that 5'))ha is represe$te) as sitti$# '$)er the 5o-tree '$ti" he reache) that s'perse$s'o's state o /i$)9 A"" his teachi$#s ca/e thro'#h this8 a$) $ot thro'#h i$te""ect'a" co#itatio$s9 Th's8 a tre/e$)o's state/e$t is /a)e by a"" re"i#io$s; that the h'/a$ /i$)8 at certai$ /o/e$ts8 tra$sce$)s $ot o$"y the "i/itatio$s o the se$ses8 b't a"so the po6er o reaso$i$#9 It the$ co/es ace to ace 6ith acts 6hich it co'") $e,er ha,e se$se)8 co'") $e,er hi,e reaso$e) o't9 These acts are the basis o a"" the re"i#io$s o the 6or")9 O co'rse 6e ha,e the ri#ht to cha""e$#e these acts8 to p't the/ to the test o reaso$9 Ne,erthe"ess8 a"" the e=isti$# re"i#io$s o the 6or") c"ai/ or the h'/a$ /i$) this pec'"iar po6er o tra$sce$)i$# the "i/its o the se$ses a$) the "i/its o reaso$; a$) this po6er they p't or6ar) as a state/e$t o act9 Apart ro/ the co$si)eratio$ o tie A'estio$ ho6 ar these acts c"ai/e) by re"i#io$s are tr'e8 6e i$) o$e characteristic co//o$ to the/ a""9 They are a"" abstractio$s as co$traste) 6ith the co$crete )isco,eries o physics8 or i$sta$ce; a$) i$ a"" the hi#h"y or#a$ise) re"i#io$s they ta7e the p'rest or/ o 3$it Abstractio$8 either i$ the or/ o a$ Abstracte) Brese$ce8 as a$ O/$iprese$t 5ei$#8 as a$ Abstract Berso$a"ity ca""e) Go)8 as a Mora" Ca68 or i$ the or/ o a$ Abstract Esse$ce

'$)er"yi$# e,ery e=iste$ce9 I$ /o)er$ ti/es8 too8 the atte/pts /a)e to preach re"i#io$s 6itho't appea"i$# to the s'perse$s'o's state i the /i$) ha,e ha) to ta7e 'p the o") abstractio$s o the A$cie$ts a$) #i,e )i ere$t $a/es to the/ as DMora" Ca6D8 the DI)ea" 3$ityD8 a$) so orth8 th's sho6i$# that these abstractio$s are $ot i$ the se$ses9 No$e o 's ha,e yet see$ a$ DI)ea" >'/a$ 5ei$#D8 a$) yet 6e are to") to be"ie,e i$ it9 No$e o 's ha,e yet see$ a$ i)ea""y per ect /a$8 a$) yet 6itho't that i)ea" 6e ca$$ot pro#ress9 Th's8 this o$e act sta$)s o't ro/ a"" these )i ere$t re"i#io$s8 that there is a$ I)ea" 3$it Abstractio$8 6hich is p't be ore 's8 either i$ the or/ o a Berso$ or a$ I/perso$a" 5ei$#8 or a Ca68 or a Brese$ce8 or a$ Esse$ce9 We are a"6ays str'##"i$# to raise o'rse",es 'p to that i)ea"9 E,ery h'/a$ bei$#8 6hosoe,er a$) 6heresoe,er he /ay be8 has a$ i)ea" o i$ i$ite po6er9 E,ery h'/a$ bei$# has a$ i)ea" o i$ i$ite p"eas're9 Most o the 6or7s that 6e i$) aro'$) 's8 the acti,ities )isp"aye) e,ery6here8 are )'e to the str'##"e or this i$ i$ite po6er or this i$ i$ite p"eas're9 5't a e6 A'ic7"y )isco,er that a"tho'#h they are str'##"i$# or i$ i$ite po6er8 it is $ot thro'#h the se$ses that it ca$ be reache)9 They i$) o't ,ery soo$ that that i$ i$ite p"eas're is $ot to be #ot thro'#h the se$ses8 or8 i$ other 6or)s8 the se$ses are too "i/ite)8 a$) the bo)y is too "i/ite)8 to e=press the I$ i$ite9 To /a$i est the I$ i$ite thro'#h the i$ite is i/possib"e8 a$) soo$er or "ater8 /a$ "ear$s to #i,e 'p the atte/pt to e=press the I$ i$ite thro'#h the i$ite9 This #i,i$# 'p8 this re$'$ciatio$ o the atte/pt8 is the bac7#ro'$) o ethics9 !e$'$ciatio$ is the ,ery basis 'po$ 6hich ethics sta$)s9 There $e,er 6as a$ ethica" co)e preache) 6hich ha) $ot re$'$ciatio$ or its basis9 Ethics a"6ays says8 DNot I8 b't tho'9D Its /otto is8 DNot se" 8 b't $o$-se" 9D The ,ai$ i)eas o i$)i,i)'a"is/8 to 6hich /a$ c"i$#s 6he$ he is tryi$# to i$) that I$ i$ite Bo6er or that I$ i$ite B"eas're thro'#h the se$ses8 ha,e to be #i,e$ 'p : say the "a6s o ethics9 Yo' ha,e to p't yourself "ast8 a$) others be ore yo'9 The se$ses say8 DMyse" irst9D Ethics says8 DI /'st ho") /yse" "ast9D Th's8 a"" co)es o ethics are base) 'po$ this re$'$ciatio$; )estr'ctio$8 $ot co$str'ctio$8 o the i$)i,i)'a" o$ the /ateria" p"a$e9 That I$ i$ite 6i"" $e,er i$) e=pressio$ 'po$ the /ateria" p"a$e8 $or is it possib"e or thi$7ab"e9 So8 /a$ has to #i,e 'p the p"a$e o /atter a$) rise to other spheres to see7 a )eeper e=pressio$ o that I$ i$ite9 I$ this 6ay the ,ario's ethica" "a6s are bei$# /o'")e)8 b't a"" ha,e that o$e ce$tra" i)ea8 eter$a" se" -ab$e#atio$9 Ber ect se" -a$$ihi"atio$ is the i)ea" o ethics9 Beop"e are start"e) i they are as7e) $ot to thi$7 o their i$)i,i)'a"ities9 They see/ so ,ery /'ch a rai) o "osi$# 6hat they ca"" their i$)i,i)'a"ity9 At the sa/e ti/e8 the sa/e /e$ 6o'") )ec"are the hi#hest i)ea"s o ethics to be ri#ht8 $e,er or a /o/e$t thi$7i$# that the scope8 the #oa"8 the i)ea o a"" ethics is the )estr'ctio$8 a$) $ot the b'i")i$# 'p8 o the i$)i,i)'a"9 3ti"itaria$ sta$)ar)s ca$$ot e=p"ai$ the ethica" re"atio$s o /e$8 or8 i$ the irst p"ace8 6e ca$$ot )eri,e a$y ethica" "a6s ro/ co$si)eratio$s o 'ti"ity9 Witho't the s'per$at'ra" sa$ctio$ as it is ca""e)8 or the perceptio$ o the s'perco$scio's as I pre er to ter/ it8 there ca$ be $o ethics9 Witho't the str'##"e to6ar)s the I$ i$ite there ca$ be $o i)ea"9 A$y syste/ that 6a$ts to bi$) /e$ )o6$ to the "i/its o their o6$ societies is $ot ab"e to i$) a$ e=p"a$atio$ or the ethica" "a6s o /a$7i$)9 The 3ti"itaria$ 6a$ts 's to #i,e 'p the str'##"e a ter the I$ i$ite8 the reachi$#-o't or the S'perse$s'o's8 as i/practicab"e a$) abs'r)8 a$)8 i$ the sa/e breath8 as7s 's to ta7e 'p ethics a$) )o #oo) to society9 Why sho'") 6e )o #oo)@ Doi$# #oo) is a seco$)ary co$si)eratio$9 We /'st ha,e a$ i)ea"9 Ethics itse" is $ot the e$)8 b't the /ea$s to the e$)9 I the e$) is $ot there8 6hy sho'") 6e be ethica"@ Why sho'") I )o #oo) to other /e$8 a$) $ot i$<'re the/@ I happi$ess is the #oa" o /a$7i$)8 6hy sho'") I $ot /a7e /yse" happy a$) others '$happy@ What pre,e$ts /e@ I$ the seco$) p"ace8 the basis o 'ti"ity is too $arro69 A"" the c'rre$t socia" or/s a$) /etho)s are )eri,e) ro/ society as it e=ists8 b't 6hat ri#ht has the 3ti"itaria$ to ass'/e that society is eter$a"@ Society )i) $ot e=ist a#es a#o8 possib"y 6i"" $ot e=ist a#es he$ce9 Most probab"y it is o$e o the passi$# sta#es thro'#h 6hich 6e are #oi$# to6ar)s a hi#her e,o"'tio$8 a$) a$y "a6 that is )eri,e) ro/ society a"o$e ca$$ot be eter$a"8 ca$$ot co,er the 6ho"e #ro'$) o /a$Es $at're9 At best8 there ore8 3ti"itaria$ theories ca$ o$"y 6or7 '$)er prese$t socia" co$)itio$s9 5eyo$) that they ha,e $o ,a"'e9 5't a /ora"ity a$ ethica" co)e8 )eri,e) ro/ re"i#io$ a$) spirit'a"ity8 has the 6ho"e o

i$ i$ite /a$ or its scope9 It ta7es 'p the i$)i,i)'a"8 b't its re"atio$s are to the I$ i$ite8 a$) it ta7es 'p society a"so : beca'se society is $othi$# b't $'/bers o these i$)i,i)'a"s #ro'pe) to#ether; a$) as it app"ies to the i$)i,i)'a" a$) his eter$a" re"atio$s8 it /'st $ecessari"y app"y to the 6ho"e o society8 i$ 6hate,er co$)itio$ it /ay be at a$y #i,e$ ti/e9 Th's 6e see that there is a"6ays the $ecessity o spirit'a" re"i#io$ or /a$7i$)9 Ma$ ca$$ot a"6ays thi$7 o /atter8 ho6e,er p"eas'rab"e it /ay be9 It has bee$ sai) that too /'ch atte$tio$ to thi$#s spirit'a" )ist'rbs o'r practica" re"atio$s i$ this 6or")9 As ar bac7 as i$ the )ays o the Chi$ese sa#e Co$ 'ci's8 it 6as sai)8 DCet 's ta7e care o this 6or")4 a$) the$8 6he$ 6e ha,e i$ishe) 6ith this 6or")8 6e 6i"" ta7e care o other 6or")9D It is ,ery 6e"" that 6e sho'") take care o this 6or")9 5't i too /'ch atte$tio$ to the spirit'a" /ay a ect a "itt"e o'r practica" re"atio$s8 too /'ch atte$tio$ to the so-ca""e) practica" h'rts 's here a$) herea ter9 It /a7es 's /ateria"istic9 .or /a$ is $ot to re#ar) nature as his #oa"8 b't so/ethi$# hi#her9 Man is man so long as he is struggling to rise above nature8 a$) this $at're is both i$ter$a" a$) e=ter$a"9 Not o$"y )oes it co/prise the "a6s that #o,er$ the partic"es o /atter o'tsi)e 's a$) i$ o'r bo)ies8 b't a"so the /ore s'bt"e $at're 6ithi$8 6hich is8 i$ act8 the /oti,e po6er #o,er$i$# the e=ter$a"9 It is #oo) a$) ,ery #ra$) to co$A'er e=ter$a" $at're8 b't #ra$)er sti"" to co$A'er o'r i$ter$a" $at're9 It is #ra$) a$) #oo) to 7$o6 the "a6s that #o,er$ the stars a$) p"a$ets; it is i$ i$ite"y #ra$)er a$) better to 7$o6 the "a6s that #o,er$ the passio$s8 the ee"i$#s8 the 6i""8 o /a$7i$)9 This co$A'eri$# o the i$$er /a$8 '$)ersta$)i$# the secrets o the s'bt"e 6or7i$#s that are 6ithi$ the h'/a$ /i$)8 a$) 7$o6i$# its 6o$)er '" secrets8 be"o$# e$tire"y to re"i#io$9 >'/a$ $at're : the or)i$ary h'/a$ $at're8 I /ea$ : 6a$ts to see bi# /ateria" acts9 The or)i$ary /a$ ca$$ot '$)ersta$) a$ythi$# that is s'bt"e9 We"" has it bee$ sai) that the /asses a)/ire the "io$ that 7i""s a tho'sa$) "a/bs8 $e,er or a /o/e$t thi$7i$# that it is )eath to the "a/bs9 A"tho'#h a /o/e$tary tri'/ph or the "io$; beca'se they i$) p"eas're o$"y i$ /a$i estatio$s o physica" stre$#th9 Th's it is 6ith the or)i$ary r'$ o /a$7i$)9 They '$)ersta$) a$) i$) p"eas're i$ e,erythi$# that is e=ter$a"9 5't i$ e,ery society there is a sectio$ 6hose p"eas'res are $ot i$ the se$ses8 b't beyo$)8 a$) 6ho $o6 a$) the$ catch #"i/pses o so/ethi$# hi#her tha$ /atter a$) str'##"e to reach it9 A$) i 6e rea) the history o $atio$s bet6ee$ the "i$es8 6e sha"" a"6ays i$) that the rise o a $atio$ co/es 6ith a$ i$crease i$ the $'/ber o s'ch /e$; a$) the a"" be#i$s 6he$ this p'rs'it a ter the I$ i$ite8 ho6e,er ,ai$ 3ti"itaria$s /ay ca"" it8 has cease)9 That is to say8 the /ai$spri$# o the stre$#th O e,ery race "ies i$ its spirit'a"ity8 a$) the )eath o that race be#i$s the )ay that spirit'a"ity 6a$es a$) /ateria"is/ #ai$s #ro'$)9 Th's8 apart ro/ the so"i) acts a$) tr'ths that 6e /ay "ear$ ro/ re"i#io$8 apart ro/ the co/ orts that 6e /ay #ai$ ro/ it8 re"i#io$8 as a scie$ce8 as a st')y8 is the #reatest a$) hea"thiest e=ercise that the h'/a$ /i$) ca$ ha,e9 This p'rs'it o the I$ i$ite8 this str'##"e to #rasp the I$ i$ite8 this e ort to #et beyo$) the "i/itatio$s o the se$ses : o't o /atter8 as it 6ere : a$) to e,o",e the spirit'a" /a$ : this stri,i$# )ay a$) $i#ht to /a7e the I$ i$ite o$e 6ith o'r bei$# : this str'##"e itse" is the #ra$)est a$) /ost #"orio's that /a$ ca$ /a7e9 So/e perso$s i$) the #reatest p"eas're i$ eati$#9 We ha,e $o ri#ht to say that they sho'") $ot9 Others i$) the #reatest p"eas're i$ possessi$# certai$ thi$#s9 We ha,e $o ri#ht to say that they sho'") $ot9 5't they a"so ha,e $o ri#ht to say D$oD to the /a$ 6ho i$)s his hi#hest p"eas're i$ spirit'a" tho'#ht9 The "o6er the or#a$isatio$8 the #reater the p"eas're i$ the se$ses9 Very e6 /e$ ca$ eat a /ea" 6ith the sa/e #'sto as a )o# or a 6o" 9 5't a"" the p"eas'res o the )o# or the 6o" ha,e #o$e8 as it 6ere i$to the se$ses9 The "o6er types o h'/a$ity i$ a"" $atio$s i$) p"eas're i$ the se$ses8 6hi"e the c'"t're) a$) the e)'cate) i$) it i$ tho'#ht8 i$ phi"osophy8 i$ arts a$) scie$ces9 Spirit'a"ity is a sti"" hi#her p"a$e9 The s'b<ect bei$# i$ i$ite8 that p"a$e is the hi#hest8 a$) the p"eas're there is the hi#hest or those 6ho ca$ appreciate it9 So8 e,e$ o$ the 'ti"itaria$ #ro'$) that /a$ is to see7 or p"eas're8 he sho'") c'"ti,ate re"i#io's tho'#ht8 or it is the hi#hest p"eas're that e=ists9 Th's re"i#io$8 as a st')y8 see/s to /e to be abso"'te"y $ecessary9 We ca$ see it i$ its e ects9 It is the #reatest /oti,e po6er that /o,es the h'/a$ /i$) No other

i)ea" ca$ p't i$to 's the sa/e /ass o e$er#y as the spirit'a"9 So ar as h'/a$ history #oes8 it is ob,io's to a"" o 's that this has bee$ the case a$) that its po6ers are $ot )ea)9 I )o $ot )e$y that /e$8 o$ si/p"y 'ti"itaria$ #ro'$)s8 ca$ be ,ery #oo) a$) /ora"9 There ha,e bee$ /a$y #reat /e$ i$ this 6or") per ect"y so'$)8 /ora"8 a$) #oo)8 si/p"y o$ 'ti"itaria$ #ro'$)s9 5't the 6or")-/o,ers8 /e$ 6ho bri$#8 as It 6ere8 a /ass o /a#$etis/ i$to the 6or") 6hose spirit 6or7s i$ h'$)re)s a$) i$ tho'sa$)s8 6hose "i e i#$ites others 6ith a spirit'a" ire : s'ch /e$8 6e a"6ays i$)8 ha,e that spirit'a" bac7#ro'$)9 Their /oti,e po6er ca/e ro/ re"i#io$9 !e"i#io$ is the #reatest /oti,e po6er or rea"isi$# that i$ i$ite e$er#y 6hich is the birthri#ht a$) $at're o e,ery /a$9 I$ b'i")i$# 'p character i$ /a7i$# or e,erythi$# that is #oo) a$) #reat8 i$ bri$#i$# peace to others a$) peace to o$eEs o6$ se" 8 re"i#io$ is the hi#hest /oti,e po6er a$)8 there ore8 o'#ht to be st')ie) ro/ that sta$)poi$t9 !e"i#io$ /'st be st')ie) o$ a broa)er basis tha$ or/er"y9 A"" $arro6 "i/ite)8 i#hti$# i)eas o re"i#io$ ha,e to #o9 A"" sect i)eas a$) triba" or $atio$a" i)eas o re"i#io$ /'st be #i,e$ 'p9 That each tribe or $atio$ sho'") ha,e its o6$ partic'"ar Go) a$) thi$7 that e,ery other is 6ro$# is a s'perstitio$ that sho'") be"o$# to the past9 A"" s'ch i)eas /'st be aba$)o$e)9 As the h'/a$ /i$) broa)e$s8 its spirit'a" steps broa)e$ too9 The ti/e has a"rea)y co/e 6he$ a /a$ ca$$ot recor) a tho'#ht 6itho't its reachi$# to a"" cor$ers o the earth; by /ere"y physica" /ea$s8 6e ha,e co/e i$to to'ch 6ith the 6ho"e 6or"); so the 't're re"i#io$s o the 6or") ha,e to beco/e as '$i,ersa"8 as 6i)e9 The re"i#io's i)ea"s o the 't're /'st e/brace a"" that e=ists i$ the 6or") a$) is #oo) a$) #reat8 a$)8 at the sa/e ti/e8 ha,e i$ i$ite scope or 't're )e,e"op/e$t9 A"" that 6as #oo) i$ the past /'st be preser,e); a$) the )oors /'st be 7ept ope$ or 't're a))itio$s to the a"rea)y e=isti$# store9 !e"i#io$s /'st a"so be i$c"'si,e a$) $ot "oo7 )o6$ 6ith co$te/pt 'po$ o$e a$other beca'se their partic'"ar i)ea"s o Co) are )i ere$t9 I$ /y "i e I ha,e see$ a #reat /a$y spirit'a" /e$8 a #reat /a$y se$sib"e perso$s8 6ho )i) $ot be"ie,e i$ Go) at a"" that is to say8 $ot i$ o'r se$se o the 6or)9 Berhaps they '$)erstoo) Go) better tha$ 6e ca$ e,er )o9 The Berso$a" i)ea o Go) or the I/perso$a"8 the I$ i$ite8 Mora" Ca68 or the I)ea" Ma$ : these a"" ha,e to co/e '$)er the )e i$itio$ o re"i#io$9 A$) 6he$ re"i#io$s ha,e beco/e th's broa)e$e)8 their po6er or #oo) 6i"" ha,e i$crease) a h'$)re) o")9 !e"i#io$s8 ha,i$# tre/e$)o's po6er i$ the/8 ha,e o te$ )o$e /ore i$<'ry to the 6or") tha$ #oo)8 si/p"y o$ acco'$t o their $arro6$ess a$) "i/itatio$s9 E,e$ at the prese$t ti/e 6e i$) /a$y sects a$) societies8 6ith a"/ost the sa/e i)eas8 i#hti$# each other8 beca'se o$e )oes $ot 6a$t to set orth those i)eas i$ precise"y the sa/e 6ay as a$other9 There ore8 re"i#io$s 6i"" ha,e to broa)e$9 !e"i#io's i)eas 6i"" ha,e to beco/e '$i,ersa"8 ,ast8 a$) i$ i$ite; a$) the$ a"o$e 6e sha"" ha,e the '""est p"ay o re"i#io$8 or the po6er o re"i#io$ has o$"y <'st be#'$ to /a$i est i$ the 6or")9 It is so/eti/es sai) that re"i#io$s are )yi$# o't8 that spirit'a" i)eas are )yi$# o't o the 6or")9 To /e it see/s that they ha,e <'st be#'$ to #ro69 The po6er o re"i#io$8 broa)e$e) a$) p'ri ie)8 is #oi$# to pe$etrate e,ery part o h'/a$ "i e9 So "o$# as re"i#io$ 6as i$ the ha$)s o a chose$ e6 or o a bo)y o priests8 it 6as i$ te/p"es8 ch'rches8 boo7s8 )o#/as8 cere/o$ia"s8 or/s8 a$) rit'a"s9 5't 6he$ 6e co/e to the rea"8 spirit'a"8 '$i,ersa" co$cept8 the$8 a$) the$ a"o$e re"i#io$ 6i"" beco/e rea" a$) "i,i$#; it 6i"" co/e i$to o'r ,ery $at're8 "i,e i$ o'r e,ery /o,e/e$t8 pe$etrate e,ery pore o o'r society8 a$) be i$ i$ite"y /ore a po6er or #oo) tha$ it has e,er bee$ be ore9 What is $ee)e) is a e""o6- ee"i$# bet6ee$ the )i ere$t types o re"i#io$8 seei$# that they a"" sta$) or a"" to#ether8 a e""o6- ee"i$# 6hich spri$#s ro/ /'t'a" estee/ a$) /'t'a" respect8 a$) $ot the co$)esce$)i$#8 patro$isi$#8 $i##ar)"y e=pressio$ o #oo)6i""8 '$ ort'$ate"y i$ ,o#'e at the prese$t ti/e 6ith /a$y9 A$) abo,e a""8 this is $ee)e) bet6ee$ types o re"i#io's e=pressio$ co/i$# ro/ the st')y o /e$ta" phe$o/e$a : '$ ort'$ate"y8 e,e$ $o6 "ayi$# e=c"'si,e c"ai/ to the $a/e o re"i#io$ : a$) those e=pressio$s o re"i#io$ 6hose hea)s8 as it 6ere8 are pe$etrati$# /ore i$to the secrets o hea,e$ tho'#h their eet are c"i$#i$# to earth8 I /ea$ the so-ca""e) /ateria"istic scie$ces9 To bri$# abo't this har/o$y8 both 6i"" ha,e to /a7e co$cessio$s8 so/eti/es ,ery "ar#e8 $ay /ore8 so/eti/es pai$ '"8 b't each 6i"" i$) itse" the better or the sacri ice a$) /ore a),a$ce) i$ tr'th9

A$) i$ the e$)8 the 7$o6"e)#e 6hich is co$ i$e) 6ithi$ the )o/ai$ o ti/e a$) space 6i"" /eet a$) beco/e o$e 6ith that 6hich is beyo$) the/ both8 6here the /i$) a$) se$ses ca$$ot reach : the Abso"'te8 the I$ i$ite8 the O$e 6itho't a seco$)9

CHAPTER II THE REAL NATURE OF MAN Great is the te$acity 6ith 6hich /a$ c"i$#s to the se$ses9 Yet8 ho6e,er s'bsta$tia" he /ay thi$7 the e=ter$a" 6or") i$ 6hich he "i,es a$) /o,es8 there co/es a ti/e i$ the "i,es o i$)i,i)'a"s a$) o races 6he$8 i$,o"'$tari"y8 they as78 DIs this rea"@D To the perso$ 6ho $e,er i$)s a /o/e$t to A'estio$ the cre)e$tia"s o his se$ses8 6hose e,ery /o/e$t is occ'pie) 6ith so/e sort o se$see$<oy/e$t : e,e$ to hi/ )eath co/es8 a$) he a"so is co/pe""e) to as78 DIs this rea"@D !e"i#io$ be#i$s 6ith this A'estio$ a$) e$)s 6ith its a$s6er9 E,e$ i$ the re/ote past8 6here recor)e) history ca$$ot he"p 's8 i$ the /ysterio's "i#ht o /ytho"o#y8 bac7 i$ the )i/ t6i"i#ht o ci,i"isatio$8 6e i$) the sa/e A'estio$ 6as as7e)8 DWhat beco/es o this@ What is rea"@D O$e o the /ost poetica" o the 3pa$isha)s8 the Katha 3pa$isha)8 be#i$s 6ith the i$A'iry4 DWhe$ a /a$ )ies8 there is a )isp'te9 O$e party )ec"ares that he has #o$e or e,er8 the other i$sists that he is sti"" "i,i$#9 Which is tr'e@D Vario's a$s6ers ha,e bee$ #i,e$9 The 6ho"e sphere o /etaphysics8 phi"osophy8 a$) re"i#io$ is rea""y i""e) 6ith ,ario's a$s6ers to this A'estio$9 At the sa/e ti/e8 atte/pts ha,e bee$ /a)e to s'ppress it8 to p't a stop to the '$rest o /i$) 6hich as7s8 DWhat is beyo$)@ What is rea"@D 5't so "o$# as )eath re/ai$s8 a"" these atte/pts at s'ppressio$ 6i"" a"6ays pro,e to be '$s'ccess '"9 We /ay ta"7 abo't seei$# $othi$# beyo$) a$) 7eepi$# a"" o'r hopes a$) aspiratio$s co$ i$e) to the prese$t /o/e$t8 a$) str'##"e har) $ot to thi$7 o a$ythi$# beyo$) the 6or") o se$ses; a$)8 perhaps8 e,erythi$# o'tsi)e he"ps to 7eep 's "i/ite) 6ithi$ its $arro6 bo'$)s9 The 6ho"e 6or") /ay co/bi$e to pre,e$t 's ro/ broa)e$i$# o't beyo$) the prese$t9 Yet8 so "o$# as there is )eath8 the A'estio$ /'st co/e a#ai$ a$) a#ai$8 DIs )eath the e$) o a"" these thi$#s to 6hich 6e are c"i$#i$#8 as i they 6ere the /ost rea" o a"" rea"ities8 the /ost s'bsta$tia" o a"" s'bsta$ces@D The 6or") ,a$ishes i$ a /o/e$t a$) is #o$e9 Sta$)i$# o$ the bri$7 o a precipice beyo$) 6hich is the i$ i$ite ya6$i$# chas/8 e,ery /i$)8 ho6e,er har)e$e)8 is bo'$) to recoi" a$) as78 DIs this rea"@D The hopes o a "i eti/e8 b'i"t 'p "itt"e by "itt"e 6ith a"" the e$er#ies o a #reat /i$)8 ,a$ish i$ a seco$)9 Are they rea"@ This A'estio$ /'st be a$s6ere)9 Ti/e $e,er "esse$s its po6er; o$ the other ha$)8 it a))s stre$#th to it9 The$ there is the )esire to be happy9 We r'$ a ter e,erythi$# to /a7e o'rse",es happy; 6e p'rs'e o'r /a) career i$ the e=ter$a" 6or") o se$ses9 I yo' as7 the yo'$# /a$ 6ith 6ho/ "i e is s'ccess '"8 he 6i"" )ec"are that it is rea"; a$) he rea""y thi$7s so9 Berhaps8 6he$ the sa/e /a$ #ro6s o") a$) i$)s ort'$e e,er e"')i$# hi/8 he 6i"" the$ )ec"are that it is ate9 >e i$)s at "ast that his )esires ca$$ot be '" i""e)9 Where,er he #oes8 there is a$ a)a/a$ti$e 6a"" beyo$) 6hich he ca$$ot pass9 E,ery se$se-acti,ity res'"ts i$ a reactio$9 E,erythi$# is e,a$esce$t9 E$<oy/e$t8 /isery8 "'='ry8 6ea"th8 po6er8 a$) po,erty8 e,e$ "i e itse" 8 are a"" e,a$esce$t9 T6o positio$s re/ai$ to /a$7i$)9 O$e is to be"ie,e 6ith the $ihi"ists that a"" is $othi$#8 that 6e 7$o6 $othi$#8 that 6e ca$ $e,er 7$o6 a$ythi$# either abo't the 't're8 the past8 or e,e$ the prese$t9 .or 6e /'st re/e/ber that he 6ho )e$ies the past a$) the 't're a$) 6a$ts to stic7 to the prese$t is si/p"y a /a)/a$9 O$e /ay as 6e"" )e$y the ather a$) /other a$) assert the chi")9 It 6o'") be eA'a""y "o#ica"9 To )e$y the past a$) 't're8 the prese$t /'st i$e,itab"y be )e$ie) a"so9 This is o$e positio$8 that o the $ihi"ists9 I ha,e $e,er see$ a /a$ 6ho co'") rea""y beco/e a $ihi"ist or o$e /i$'te9 It is ,ery easy to ta"79 The$ there is the other positio$ : to see7 or a$ e=p"a$atio$8 to see7 or the rea"8 to )isco,er i$ the /i)st o this eter$a""y cha$#i$# a$) e,a$esce$t 6or") 6hate,er is rea"9 I$ this bo)y 6hich is a$ a##re#ate o /o"ec'"es o /atter8 is there a$ythi$# 6hich is rea"@ This has bee$ the search thro'#ho't the history o the8 h'/a$ /i$)9 I$ the ,ery o")est ti/es8 6e o te$ i$) #"i/pses o "i#ht co/i$# i$to /e$Es /i$)s9 We i$) /a$8 e,e$ the$8 #oi$# a step beyo$) this bo)y8 i$)i$# so/ethi$# 6hich is $ot this e=ter$a" bo)y8 a"tho'#h ,ery /'ch "i7e it8 /'ch /ore co/p"ete8 /'ch

/ore per ect8 a$) 6hich re/ai$s e,e$ 6he$ this bo)y is )isso",e)9 We rea) i$ the hy/$s o the !i#-Ve)a8 a))resse) to the Go) o .ire 6ho is b'r$i$# a )ea) bo)y8 DCarry hi/8 O .ire8 i$ yo'r ar/s #e$t"y8 #i,e hi/ a per ect bo)y8 a bri#ht bo)y8 carry hi/ 6here the athers "i,e8 6here there is $o /ore sorro68 6here there is $o /ore )eath9D The sa/e i)ea yo' 6i"" i$) prese$t i$ e,ery re"i#io$9 A$) 6e #et a$other i)ea 6ith it9 It is a si#$i ica$t act that a"" re"i#io$s8 6itho't o$e e=ceptio$8 ho") that /a$ is a )e#e$eratio$ o 6hat he 6as8 6hether they c"othe this i$ /ytho"o#ica" 6or)s8 or i$ the c"ear "a$#'a#e o phi"osophy8 or i$ the bea'ti '" e=pressio$s o poetry9 This is the o$e act that co/es o't o e,ery script're a$) o e,ery /ytho"o#y that the /a$ that is8 is a )e#e$eratio$ o 6hat he 6as9 This is the 7er$e" o tr'th 6ithi$ the story o A)a/Es a"" i$ the Je6ish script're9 This is a#ai$ a$) a#ai$ repeate) i$ the script'res o the >i$)'s; the )rea/ o a perio) 6hich they ca"" the A#e o Tr'th8 6he$ $o /a$ )ie) '$"ess he 6ishe) to )ie8 6he$ he co'") 7eep his bo)y as "o$# as he "i7e)8 a$) his /i$) 6as p're a$) stro$#9 There 6as $o e,i" a$) $o /isery; a$) the prese$t a#e is a corr'ptio$ o that state o per ectio$9 Si)e by si)e 6ith this8 6e i$) the story o the )e"'#e e,ery6here9 That story itse" is a proo that this prese$t a#e is he") to be a corr'ptio$ o a or/er a#e by e,ery re"i#io$9 It 6e$t o$ beco/i$# /ore a$) /ore corr'pt '$ti" the )e"'#e s6ept a6ay a "ar#e portio$ o /a$7i$)8 a$) a#ai$ the asce$)i$# series be#a$9 It is #oi$# 'p s"o6"y a#ai$ to reach o$ce /ore that ear"y state o p'rity9 Yo' are a"" a6are o the story o the )e"'#e i$ the O") Testa/e$t9 The sa/e story 6as c'rre$t a/o$# the a$cie$t 5aby"o$ia$s8 the E#yptia$s8 the Chi$ese8 a$) the >i$)'s9 Ma$'8 a #reat a$cie$t sa#e8 6as prayi$# o$ the ba$7 o the Ga$#?8 6he$ a "itt"e /i$$o6 ca/e to hi/ or protectio$8 a$) he p't it i$to a pot o 6ater he ha) be ore hi/9 DWhat )o yo' 6a$t@D as7e) Ma$'9 The "itt"e /i$$o6 )ec"are) he 6as p'rs'e) by a bi##er ish a$) 6a$te) protectio$9 Ma$' carrie) the "itt"e ish to his ho/e8 a$) i$ the /or$i$# he ha) beco/e as bi# as the pot a$) sai)8 DI ca$$ot "i,e i$ this pot a$y "o$#erD9 Ma$' p't hi/ i$ a ta$78 a$) the $e=t )ay he 6as as bi# as the ta$7 a$) )ec"are) he co'") $ot "i,e there a$y /ore9 So Ma$' ha) to ta7e hi/ to a ri,er8 a$) i$ the /or$i$# the ish i""e) the ri,er9 The$ Ma$' p't hi/ i$ the ocea$8 a$) he )ec"are)8 DMa$'8 I a/ the Creator o the '$i,erse9 I ha,e ta7e$ this or/ to co/e a$) 6ar$ yo' that I 6i"" )e"'#e the 6or")9 Yo' b'i") a$ ar7 a$) i$ it p't a pair o e,ery 7i$) o a$i/a"8 a$) "et yo'r a/i"y e$ter the ar78 a$) there 6i"" pro<ect o't o the 6ater /y hor$9 .aste$ the ar7 to it; a$) 6he$ the )e"'#e s'bsi)es8 co/e o't a$) peop"e the earth9D So the 6or") 6as )e"'#e)8 a$) Ma$' sa,e) his o6$ a/i"y a$) t6o o e,ery 7i$) o a$i/a" a$) see)s o e,ery p"a$t9 Whe$ the )e"'#e s'bsi)e)8 he ca/e a$) peop"e) the 6or"); a$) 6e are a"" ca""e) D/a$D8 beca'se 6e are the pro#e$y o Ma$'9 No68 h'/a$ "a$#'a#e is the atte/pt to e=press the tr'th that is 6ithi$9 I a/ '""y pers'a)e) that a baby 6hose "a$#'a#e co$sists o '$i$te""i#ib"e so'$)s is atte/pti$# to e=press the hi#hest phi"osophy8 o$"y the baby has $ot the or#a$s to e=press it $or the /ea$s9 The )i ere$ce bet6ee$ the "a$#'a#e o the hi#hest phi"osophers a$) the 'ttera$ces o babies is o$e o )e#ree a$) $ot o 7i$)9 What yo' ca"" the /ost correct8 syste/atic8 /athe/atica" "a$#'a#e o the prese$t ti/e8 a$) the haFy8 /ystica"8 /ytho"o#ica" "a$#'a#es o the a$cie$ts8 )i er o$"y i$ )e#ree9 A"" o the/ ha,e a #ra$) i)ea behi$)8 6hich is8 as it 6ere8 str'##"i$# to e=press itse" ; a$) o te$ behi$) these a$cie$t /ytho"o#ies are $'##ets o tr'th; a$) o te$8 I a/ sorry to say8 behi$) the i$e8 po"ishe) phrases o the /o)er$s is arra$t trash9 So8 6e $ee) $ot thro6 a thi$# o,erboar) beca'se it is c"othe) i$ /ytho"o#y8 beca'se it )oes $ot it i$ 6ith the $otio$s o Mr9 So-a$)-so or Mrs9 So-a$)-so o /o)er$ ti/es9 I peop"e sho'") "a'#h at re"i#io$ beca'se /ost re"i#io$s )ec"are that /e$ /'st be"ie,e i$ /ytho"o#ies ta'#ht by s'ch a$) s'ch a prophet8 they o'#ht to "a'#h /ore at these /o)er$s9 I$ /o)er$ ti/es8 i a /a$ A'otes a Moses or a 5'))ha or a Christ8 he is "a'#he) at; b't "et hi/ #i,e the $a/e o a >'="ey8 a Ty$)a""8 or a Dar6i$8 a$) it is s6a""o6e) 6itho't sa"t9 D>'="ey has sai) itD8 that is e$o'#h or /a$y9 We are ree ro/ s'perstitio$s i$)ee)G That 6as a re"i#io's s'perstitio$8 a$) this a scie$ti ic s'perstitio$; o$"y8 i$ a$) thro'#h that s'perstitio$ ca/e "i e-#i,i$# i)eas o spirit'a"ity; i$ a$) thro'#h this /o)er$ s'perstitio$ co/e "'st a$) #ree)9 That s'perstitio$ 6as 6orship o Go)8 a$) this s'perstitio$ is 6orship o i"thy "'cre8 o a/e or po6er9 That is the )i ere$ce9

To ret'r$ to /ytho"o#y9 5ehi$) a"" these stories 6e i$) o$e i)ea sta$)i$# s'pre/e : that /a$ is a )e#e$eratio$ o 6hat he 6as9 Co/i$# to the prese$t ti/es8 /o)er$ research see/s to rep')iate this positio$ abso"'te"y9 E,o"'tio$ists see/ to co$tra)ict e$tire"y this assertio$9 Accor)i$# to the/8 /a$ is the e,o"'tio$ o the /o""'sc; a$)8 there ore8 6hat /ytho"o#y states ca$$ot be tr'e9 There is i$ I$)ia8 ho6e,er8 a /ytho"o#y 6hich is ab"e to reco$ci"e both these positio$s9 The I$)ia$ /ytho"o#y has a theory o cyc"es8 that a"" pro#ressio$ is i$ the or/ o 6a,es9 E,ery 6a,e is atte$)e) by a a""8 a$) that by a rise the $e=t /o/e$t8 that by a a"" i$ the $e=t8 a$) a#ai$ a$other rise9 The /otio$ is i$ cyc"es9 Certai$"y it is tr'e8 e,e$ o$ the #ro'$)s o /o)er$ research8 that /a$ ca$$ot be si/p"y a$ e,o"'tio$9 E,ery e,o"'tio$ pres'pposes a$ i$,o"'tio$9 The /o)er$ scie$ti ic /a$ 6i"" te"" yo' that yo' ca$ o$"y #et the a/o'$t o e$er#y o't o a /achi$e 6hich yo' ha,e pre,io's"y p't i$to it9 So/ethi$# ca$$ot be pro)'ce) o't o $othi$#9 I a /a$ is a$ e,o"'tio$ o the /o""'sc8 the$ the per ect /a$ : the 5'))ha-/a$8 the Christ-/a$ : 6as i$,o",e) i$ the /o""'sc9 I it is $ot so8 6he$ce co/e these #i#a$tic perso$a"ities@ So/ethi$# ca$$ot co/e o't o $othi$#9 Th's 6e are i$ the positio$ o reco$ci"i$# the script'res 6ith /o)er$ "i#ht9 That e$er#y 6hich /a$i ests itse" s"o6"y thro'#h ,ario's sta#es '$ti" it beco/es the per ect /a$8 ca$$ot co/e o't o $othi$#9 It e=iste) so/e6here; a$) i the /o""'sc or the protop"as/ is the irst poi$t to 6hich yo' ca$ trace it8 that protop"as/8 so/eho6 or other8 /'st ha,e co$tai$e) the e$er#y9 There is a #reat )isc'ssio$ #oi$# o$ as to 6hether the a##re#ate o /ateria"s 6e ca"" the bo)y is the ca'se o /a$i estatio$ o the orce 6e ca"" the so'"8 tho'#ht8 etc98 or 6hether it is the tho'#ht that /a$i ests this bo)y9 The re"i#io$s o the 6or") o co'rse ho") that the orce ca""e) tho'#ht /a$i ests the bo)y8 a$) $ot the re,erse9 There are schoo"s o /o)er$ tho'#ht 6hich ho") that 6hat 6e ca"" tho'#ht is si/p"y the o'tco/e o the a)<'st/e$t o the parts o the /achi$e 6hich 6e ca"" bo)y9 Ta7i$# the seco$) positio$ that the so'" or the /ass o tho'#ht8 or ho6e,er yo' /ay ca"" it8 is the o'tco/e o this /achi$e8 the o'tco/e o the che/ica" a$) physica" co/bi$atio$s o /atter /a7i$# 'p the bo)y a$) brai$8 "ea,es the A'estio$ '$a$s6ere)9 What /a7es the bo)y@ What orce co/bi$es the /o"ec'"es i$to the bo)y or/@ What orce is there 6hich ta7es 'p /ateria" ro/ the /ass o /atter aro'$) a$) or/s /y bo)y o$e 6ay8 a$other bo)y a$other 6ay8 a$) so o$@ What /a7es these i$ i$ite )isti$ctio$s@ To say that the orce ca""e) so'" is the o'tco/e o the co/bi$atio$s o the /o"ec'"es o the bo)y is p'tti$# the cart be ore the horse9 >o6 )i) the co/bi$atio$s co/e; 6here 6as the orce to /a7e the/@ I yo' say that so/e other orce 6as the ca'se o these co/bi$atio$s8 a$) so'" 6as the o'tco/e o that /atter8 a$) that so'" : 6hich co/bi$e) a certai$ /ass o /atter : 6as itse" the res'"t o the co/bi$atio$s8 it is $o a$s6er9 That theory o'#ht to be ta7e$ 6hich e=p"ai$s /ost o the acts8 i $ot a""8 a$) that 6itho't co$tra)icti$# other e=isti$# theories9 It is /ore "o#ica" to say that the orce 6hich ta7es 'p the /atter a$) or/s the bo)y is the sa/e 6hich /a$i ests thro'#h that bo)y9 To say8 there ore8 that the tho'#ht orces /a$i este) by the bo)y are the o'tco/e o the arra$#e/e$t o /o"ec'"es a$) ha,e $o i$)epe$)e$t e=iste$ce has $o /ea$i$#; $either ca$ orce e,o",e o't o /atter9 !ather it is possib"e to )e/o$strate that 6hat 6e ca"" /atter )oes $ot e=ist at a""9 It is o$"y a certai$ state o orce9 So"i)ity8 har)$ess8 or a$y other state o /atter ca$ be pro,e) to be the res'"t o /otio$9 I$crease o ,orte= /otio$ i/parte) to "'i)s #i,es the/ the orce o so"i)s9 A /ass o air i$ ,orte= /otio$8 as i$ a tor$a)o8 beco/es so"i)-"i7e a$) by its i/pact brea7s or c'ts thro'#h so"i)s9 A threa) o a spi)erEs 6eb8 i it co'") be /o,e) at a"/ost i$ i$ite ,e"ocity8 6o'") be as stro$# as a$ iro$ chai$ a$) 6o'") c't thro'#h a$ oa7 tree9 Coo7i$# at it i$ this 6ay8 it 6o'") be easier to pro,e that 6hat 6e ca"" /atter )oes $ot e=ist9 5't the other 6ay ca$$ot be pro,e)9 What is the orce 6hich /a$i ests itse" thro'#h the bo)y@ It is ob,io's to a"" o 's8 6hate,er that orce be8 that it is ta7i$# partic"es 'p8 as it 6ere8 a$) /a$ip'"ati$# or/s o't o the/ : the h'/a$ bo)y9 No$e e"se co/es here to /a$ip'"ate bo)ies or yo' a$) /e9 I $e,er sa6 a$ybo)y eat oo) or /e9 I ha,e to assi/i"ate it8 /a$' act're b"oo) a$) bo$es a$) e,erythi$# o't o that oo)9 What is this /ysterio's orce@ I)eas abo't the 't're a$) abo't the past see/ to be terri yi$# to /a$y9 To /a$y they see/ to be /ere spec'"atio$9 We 6i"" ta7e the prese$t the/e9 What is this orce 6hich is $o6 6or7i$# thro'#h 's@ We 7$o6

ho6 i$ o") ti/es8 i$ a"" the a$cie$t script'res8 this po6er8 this /a$i estatio$ o po6er8 6as tho'#ht to be a bri#ht s'bsta$ce ha,i$# the or/ o this bo)y8 a$) 6hich re/ai$e) e,e$ a ter this bo)y e""9 Cater o$8 ho6e,er8 6e i$) a hi#her i)ea co/i$# : that this bri#ht bo)y )i) $ot represe$t the orce9 Whatsoe,er has or/ /'st be the res'"t o co/bi$atio$s o partic"es a$) reA'ires so/ethi$# e"se behi$) it to /o,e it9 I this bo)y reA'ires so/ethi$# 6hich is $ot the bo)y to /a$ip'"ate it8 the bri#ht bo)y8 by the sa/e $ecessity8 6i"" a"so reA'ire so/ethi$# other tha$ itse" to /a$ip'"ate it9 So8 that so/ethi$# 6as ca""e) the so'"8 the At/a$ i$ Sa$s7rit9 It 6as the At/a$ 6hich thro'#h the bri#ht bo)y8 as it 6ere8 6or7e) o$ the #ross bo)y o'tsi)e9 The bri#ht bo)y is co$si)ere) as the receptac"e o the /i$)8 a$) the At/a$ is beyo$) that It is $ot the /i$) e,e$; it 6or7s the /i$)8 a$) thro'#h the /i$) the bo)y9 Yo' ha,e a$ At/a$8 I ha,e a$other each o$e o 's has a separate At/a$ a$) a separate i$e bo)y8 a$) thro'#h that 6e 6or7 o$ the #ross e=ter$a" bo)y9 H'estio$s 6ere the$ as7e) abo't this At/a$ abo't its $at're9 What is this At/a$8 this so'" o /a$ 6hich is $either the bo)y $or the /i$)@ Great )isc'ssio$s o""o6e)9 Spec'"atio$s 6ere /a)e8 ,ario's sha)es o phi"osophic i$A'iry ca/e i$to e=iste$ce; a$) I sha"" try to p"ace be ore yo' so/e o the co$c"'sio$s that ha,e bee$ reache) abo't this At/a$9 The )i ere$t phi"osophies see/ to a#ree that this At/a$8 6hate,er it be8 has $either or/ $or shape8 a$) that 6hich has $either or/ $or shape /'st be o/$iprese$t9 Ti/e be#i$s 6ith /i$)8 space a"so is i$ the /i$)9 Ca'satio$ ca$$ot sta$) 6itho't ti/e9 Witho't the i)ea o s'ccessio$ there ca$$ot be a$y i)ea o ca'satio$9 Ti/e8 space a$) ca'satio$8 there ore8 are i$ the /i$)8 a$) as this At/a$ is beyo$) the /i$) a$) or/"ess8 it /'st be beyo$) ti/e8 beyo$) space8 a$) beyo$) ca'satio$9 No68 i it is beyo$) ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$8 it /'st be i$ i$ite9 The$ co/es the hi#hest spec'"atio$ i$ o'r phi"osophy9 The i$ i$ite ca$$ot be t6o9 I the so'" be i$ i$ite8 there ca$ be o$"y o$e So'"8 a$) a"" i)eas o ,ario's so'"s : yo' ha,i$# o$e so'"8 a$) I ha,i$# a$other8 a$) so orth : are $ot rea"9 The !ea" Ma$8 there ore8 is o$e a$) i$ i$ite8 the o/$iprese$t Spirit9 A$) the appare$t /a$ is o$"y a "i/itatio$ o that !ea" Ma$9 I$ that se$se the /ytho"o#ies are tr'e that the appare$t /a$8 ho6e,er #reat he /ay be8 is o$"y a )i/ re "ectio$ o the !ea" Ma$ 6ho is beyo$)9 The !ea" Ma$8 the Spirit8 bei$# beyo$) ca'se a$) e ect8 $ot bo'$) by ti/e a$) space8 /'st8 there ore8 be ree9 >e 6as $e,er bo'$)8 a$) co'") $ot be bo'$)9 The appare$t /a$8 the re "ectio$8 is "i/ite) by ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$8 a$) is8 there ore8 bo'$)9 Or i$ the "a$#'a#e o so/e o o'r phi"osophers8 he appears to be bo'$)8 b't rea""y is $ot9 This is the rea"ity i$ o'r so'"s8 this o/$iprese$ce8 this spirit'a" $at're8 this i$ i$ity9 E,ery so'" is i$ i$ite8 there ore there is $o A'estio$ o birth a$) )eath9 So/e chi")re$ 6ere bei$# e=a/i$e)9 The e=a/i$er p't the/ rather har) A'estio$s8 a$) a/o$# the/ 6as this o$e4 DWhy )oes $ot the earth a""@D >e 6a$te) to e,o7e a$s6ers abo't #ra,itatio$9 Most o the chi")re$ co'") $ot a$s6er at a""; a e6 a$s6ere) that it 6as #ra,itatio$ or so/ethi$#9 O$e bri#ht "itt"e #ir" a$s6ere) it by p'tti$# a$other A'estio$4 DWhere sho'") it a""@D The A'estio$ is $o$se$se9 Where sho'") the earth a""@ There is $o a""i$# or risi$# or the earth9 I$ i$ i$ite space there is $o 'p or )o6$; that is o$"y i$ the re"ati,e9 Where is the #oi$# or co/i$# or the i$ i$ite@ Whe$ce sho'") it co/e a$) 6hither sho'") it #o@ Th's8 6he$ peop"e cease to thi$7 o the past or 't're8 6he$ they #i,e 'p the i)ea o bo)y8 beca'se the bo)y co/es a$) #oes a$) is "i/ite)8 the$ they ha,e rise$ to a hi#her i)ea"9 The bo)y is $ot the !ea" Ma$8 $either is the /i$)8 or the /i$) 6a=es a$) 6a$es9 It is the Spirit beyo$)8 6hich a"o$e ca$ "i,e or e,er9 The bo)y a$) /i$) are co$ti$'a""y cha$#i$#8 a$) are8 i$ act8 o$"y $a/es o series o cha$#e '" phe$o/e$a8 "i7e ri,ers 6hose 6aters are i$ a co$sta$t state o "'=8 yet prese$ti$# the appeara$ce o '$bro7e$ strea/s9 E,ery partic"e i$ this bo)y is co$ti$'a""y cha$#i$#; $o o$e has the sa/e bo)y or /a$y /i$'tes to#ether8 a$) yet 6e thi$7 o it as the sa/e bo)y9 So 6ith the /i$); o$e /o/e$t it is happy8 a$other /o/e$t '$happy; o$e /o/e$t stro$#8 a$other 6ea7; a$ e,ercha$#i$# 6hir"poo"9 That ca$$ot be the Spirit 6hich is i$ i$ite9 Cha$#e ca$ o$"y be i$ the "i/ite)9 To say that the i$ i$ite cha$#es i$ a$y 6ay is abs'r); it ca$$ot be9 Yo' ca$ /o,e a$) I ca$ /o,e8 as "i/ite) bo)ies; e,ery partic"e i$ this '$i,erse is i$ a co$sta$t state o "'=8 b't ta7i$# the '$i,erse as a '$it8 as o$e 6ho"e8 it ca$$ot /o,e8 it ca$$ot cha$#e9 Motio$ is a"6ays a re"ati,e thi$#9 I /o,e i$ re"atio$ to so/ethi$# e"se9 A$y partic"e i$ this '$i,erse ca$ cha$#e i$ re"atio$ to a$y other

partic"e; b't ta7e the 6ho"e '$i,erse as o$e8 a$) i$ re"atio$ to 6hat ca$ it /o,e@ There is $othi$# besi)es it9 So this i$ i$ite 3$it is '$cha$#eab"e8 i//o,ab"e8 abso"'te8 a$) this is the !ea" Ma$9 O'r rea"ity8 there ore8 co$sists i$ the 3$i,ersa" a$) $ot i$ the "i/ite)9 These are o") )e"'sio$s8 ho6e,er co/ ortab"e they are8 to thi$7 that 6e are "itt"e "i/ite) bei$#s8 co$sta$t"y cha$#i$#9 Beop"e are ri#hte$e) 6he$ they are to") that they are 3$i,ersa" 5ei$#8 e,ery6here prese$t9 Thro'#h e,erythi$# yo' 6or78 thro'#h e,ery oot yo' /o,e8 thro'#h e,ery "ip yo' ta"78 thro'#h e,ery heart yo' ee"9 Beop"e are ri#hte$e) 6he$ they are to") this9 They 6i"" a#ai$ a$) a#ai$ as7 yo' i they are $ot #oi$# to 7eep their i$)i,i)'a"ity9 What is i$)i,i)'a"ity@ I sho'") "i7e to see it9 A baby has $o /o'stache; 6he$ he #ro6s to be a /a$8 perhaps he has a /o'stache a$) bear)9 >is i$)i,i)'a"ity 6o'") be "ost8 i it 6ere i$ the bo)y9 I I "ose o$e eye8 or i I "ose o$e o /y ha$)s8 /y i$)i,i)'a"ity 6o'") be "ost i it 6ere i$ the bo)y9 The$8 a )r'$7ar) sho'") $ot #i,e 'p )ri$7i$# beca'se he 6o'") "ose his i$)i,i)'a"ity9 A thie sho'") $ot be a #oo) /a$ beca'se he 6o'") thereby "ose his i$)i,i)'a"ity9 No /a$ o'#ht to cha$#e his habits or ear o this9 There is $o i$)i,i)'a"ity e=cept i$ the I$ i$ite9 That is the o$"y co$)itio$ 6hich )oes $ot cha$#e9 E,erythi$# e"se is i$ a co$sta$t state o "'=9 Neither ca$ i$)i,i)'a"ity be i$ /e/ory9 S'ppose8 o$ acco'$t o a b"o6 o$ the hea) I or#et a"" abo't /y past; the$8 I ha,e "ost a"" i$)i,i)'a"ity; I a/ #o$e9 I )o $ot re/e/ber t6o or three years o /y chi")hoo)8 a$) i /e/ory a$) e=iste$ce are o$e8 the$ 6hate,er I or#et is #o$e9 That part o /y "i e 6hich I )o $ot re/e/ber8 I )i) $ot "i,e9 That is a ,ery $arro6 i)ea o i$)i,i)'a"ity9 We are $ot i$)i,i)'a"s yet9 We are str'##"i$# to6ar)s i$)i,i)'a"ity8 a$) that is the I$ i$ite8 that is the rea" $at're o /a$9 >e a"o$e "i,es 6hose "i e is i$ the 6ho"e '$i,erse8 a$) the /ore 6e co$ce$trate o'r "i,es o$ "i/ite) thi$#s8 the aster 6e #o to6ar)s )eath9 Those /o/e$ts a"o$e 6e "i,e 6he$ o'r "i,es are i$ the '$i,erse8 i$ others; a$) "i,i$# this "itt"e "i e is )eath8 si/p"y )eath8 a$) that is 6hy the ear o )eath co/es9 The ear o )eath ca$ o$"y be co$A'ere) 6he$ /a$ rea"ises that so "o$# as there is o$e "i e i$ this '$i,erse8 he is "i,i$#9 Whe$ he ca$ say8 DI a/ i$ e,erythi$#8 i$ e,erybo)y8 I a/ i$ a"" "i,es8 I a/ the '$i,erse8D the$ a"o$e co/es the state o ear"ess$ess9 To ta"7 o i//orta"ity i$ co$sta$t"y cha$#i$# thi$#s is abs'r)9 Says a$ o") Sa$s7rit phi"osopher4 It is o$"y the Spirit that is the i$)i,i)'a"8 beca'se it is i$ i$ite9 No i$ i$ity ca$ be )i,i)e); i$ i$ity ca$$ot be bro7e$ i$to pieces9 It is the sa/e o$e8 '$)i,i)e) '$it or e,er8 a$) this is the i$)i,i)'a" /a$8 the !ea" Ma$9 The appare$t /a$ is /ere"y a str'##"e to e=press8 to /a$i est this i$)i,i)'a"ity 6hich is beyo$); a$) e,o"'tio$ is $ot i$ the Spirit9 These cha$#es 6hich are #oi$# o$ : the 6ic7e) beco/i$# #oo)8 the a$i/a" beco/i$# /a$8 ta7e the/ i$ 6hate,er 6ay yo' "i7e : are $ot i$ the Spirit9 They are e,o"'tio$ o $at're a$) /a$i estatio$ o Spirit9 S'ppose there is a scree$ hi)i$# yo' ro/ /e8 i$ 6hich there is a s/a"" ho"e thro'#h 6hich I ca$ see so/e o the aces be ore /e8 <'st a e6 aces9 No6 s'ppose the ho"e be#i$s to #ro6 "ar#er a$) "ar#er8 a$) as it )oes so8 /ore a$) /ore o the sce$e be ore /e re,ea"s itse" a$) 6he$ at "ast the 6ho"e scree$ has )isappeare)8 I sta$) ace to ace 6ith yo' a""9 Yo' )i) $ot cha$#e at a"" i$ this case; it 6as the ho"e that 6as e,o",i$#8 a$) yo' 6ere #ra)'a""y /a$i esti$# yo'rse",es9 So it is 6ith the Spirit9 No per ectio$ is #oi$# to be attai$e)9 Yo' are a"rea)y ree a$) per ect9 What are these i)eas o re"i#io$ a$) Go) a$) searchi$# or the herea ter@ Why )oes /a$ "oo7 or a Go)@ Why )oes /a$8 i$ e,ery $atio$8 i$ e,ery state o society8 6a$t a per ect i)ea" so/e6here8 either i$ /a$8 i$ Go)8 or e"se6here@ 5eca'se that i)ea is 6ithi$ yo'9 It 6as yo'r o6$ heart beati$# a$) yo' )i) $ot 7$o6; yo' 6ere /ista7i$# it or so/ethi$# e=ter$a"9 It is the Go) 6ithi$ yo'r o6$ se" that is prope""i$# yo' to see7 or >i/8 to rea"ise >i/9 A ter "o$# searches here a$) there8 i$ te/p"es a$) i$ ch'rches8 i$ earths a$) i$ hea,e$s8 at "ast yo' co/e bac78 co/p"eti$# the circ"e ro/ 6here yo' starte)8 to yo'r o6$ so'" a$) i$) that >e or 6ho/ yo' ha,e bee$ see7i$# a"" o,er the 6or")8 or 6ho/ yo' ha,e bee$ 6eepi$# a$) prayi$# i$ ch'rches a$) te/p"es8 o$ 6ho/ yo' 6ere "oo7i$# as the /ystery o a"" /ysteries shro')e) i$ the c"o')s8 is $earest o the $ear8 is yo'r o6$ Se" 8 the rea"ity o yo'r "i e8 bo)y8 a$) so'"9 That is yo'r o6$ $at're9 Assert it8 /a$i est it9 Not to beco/e p're8 yo' are p're a"rea)y9 Yo' are $ot to be per ect8 yo' are that a"rea)y9 Nat're is "i7e that scree$ 6hich is hi)i$# the rea"ity beyo$)9 E,ery #oo) tho'#ht that yo' thi$7 or act 'po$ is si/p"y teari$# the ,ei"8 as it 6ere;

a$) the p'rity8 the I$ i$ity8 the Go) behi$)8 /a$i ests Itse" /ore a$) /ore9 This is the 6ho"e history o /a$9 .i$er a$) i$er beco/es the ,ei"8 /ore a$) /ore o the "i#ht behi$) shi$es orth8 or it is its $at're to shi$e9 It ca$$ot be 7$o6$; i$ ,ai$ 6e try to 7$o6 it9 Were it 7$o6ab"e8 it 6o'") $ot be 6hat it is8 or it is the eter$a" s'b<ect9 K$o6"e)#e is a "i/itatio$8 7$o6"e)#e is ob<ecti yi$#9 >e is the eter$a" s'b<ect o e,erythi$#8 the eter$a" 6it$ess i$ this '$i,erse8 yo'r o6$ Se" 9 K$o6"e)#e is8 as it 6ere8 a "o6er step8 a )e#e$eratio$9 We are that eter$a" s'b<ect a"rea)y; ho6 ca$ 6e 7$o6 it@ It is the rea" $at're o e,ery /a$8 a$) he is str'##"i$# to e=press it i$ ,ario's 6ays; other6ise8 6hy are there so /a$y ethica" co)es@ Where is the e=p"a$atio$ o a"" ethics@ O$e i)ea sta$)s o't as the ce$tre o a"" ethica" syste/s8 e=presse) i$ ,ario's or/s8 $a/e"y8 )oi$# #oo) to others9 The #'i)i$# /oti,e o /a$7i$) sho'") be charity to6ar)s /e$8 charity to6ar)s a"" a$i/a"s9 5't these are a"" ,ario's e=pressio$s o that eter$a" tr'th that8 DI a/ the '$i,erse; this '$i,erse is o$e9D Or e"se8 6here is the reaso$@ Why sho'") I )o #oo) to /y e""o6/e$@ Why sho'") I )o #oo) to others@ What co/pe"s /e@ It is sy/pathy8 the ee"i$# o sa/e$ess e,ery6here9 The har)est hearts ee" sy/pathy or other bei$#s so/eti/es9 E,e$ the /a$ 6ho #ets ri#hte$e) i he is to") that this ass'/e) i$)i,i)'a"ity is rea""y a )e"'sio$8 that it is i#$ob"e to try to c"i$# to this appare$t i$)i,i)'a"ity8 that ,ery /a$ 6i"" te"" yo' that e=tre/e se" ab$e#atio$ is the ce$tre o a"" /ora"ity9 A$) 6hat is per ect se" -ab$e#atio$@ It /ea$s the ab$e#atio$ o this appare$t se" 8 the ab$e#atio$ o a"" se" ish$ess9 This i)ea o D/e a$) /i$eD : Aha/7?ra a$) Ma/at? : is the res'"t o past S'perstitio$8 a$) the /ore this prese$t se" pastes a6ay8 the /ore the rea" Se" beco/es /a$i est9 This is tr'e se" -ab$e#atio$8 the ce$tre8 the basis8 the #ist o a"" /ora" teachi$#; a$) 6hether /a$ 7$o6s it or $ot the 6ho"e 6or") is s"o6"y #oi$# to6ar)s it8 practici$# it /ore or "ess9 O$"y8 the ,ast /a<ority o /a$7i$) are )oi$# it '$co$scio's"y9 Cet the/ )o it co$scio's"y9 Cet the$ /a7e the sacri ice8 7$o6i$# that this D/e a$) /i$eD is $ot the rea" Se" 8 b't o$"y a "i/itatio$9 5't o$e #"i/pse O that i$ i$ite rea"ity 6hich is behi$) : b't o$e spar7 o that i$ i$ite ire that is the A"" : represe$ts the prese$t /a$; the I$ i$ite is his tr'e $at're9 What is the 'ti"ity8 the e ect8 the res'"t8 o this 7$o6"e)#e@ I$ these )ays8 6e ha,e to /eas're e,erythi$# by 'ti"ity : by ho6 /a$y po'$)s shi""i$#s8 a$) pe$ce it represe$ts9 What ri#ht has a perso$ to as7 that tr'th sho'") be <')#e) by the sta$)ar) o 'ti"ity or /o$ey@ S'ppose there is $o 'ti"ity8 6i"" it be "ess tr'e@ 3ti"ity is $ot the test o tr'th9 Ne,erthe"ess8 there is the hi#hest 'ti"ity i$ this9 >appi$ess8 6e see is 6hat e,eryo$e is see7i$# or8 b't the /a<ority see7 it i$ thi$#s 6hich are e,a$esce$t a$) $ot rea"9 No happi$ess 6as e,er o'$) i$ the se$ses9 There $e,er 6as a perso$ 6ho o'$) happi$ess i$ the se$ses or i$ e$<oy/e$t o the se$ses9 >appi$ess is o$"y o'$) i) the Spirit9 There ore the hi#hest 'ti"ity or /a$7i$) is to i$) this happi$ess i$ the Spirit9 The $e=t poi$t is that i#$ora$ce is the #reat /other o a"" /isery8 a$) the '$)a/e$ta" i#$ora$ce is to thi$7 that the I$ i$ite 6eeps a$) cries8 that >e is i$ite9 This is the basis o a"" i#$ora$ce that 6e8 the i//orta"8 the e,er p're8 the per ect Spirit8 thi$7 that 6e are "itt"e /i$)s8 that 6e are "itt"e bo)ies; it is the /other o a"" se" ish$ess9 As soo$ as I thi$7 that I a/ a "itt"e bo)y8 I 6a$t to preser,e it8 to protect it8 to 7eep it $ice8 at the e=pe$se o other bo)ies; the$ yo' a$) I beco/e separate9 As soo$ as this i)ea o separatio$ co/es8 it ope$s the )oor to a"" /ischie a$) "ea)s to a"" /isery9 This is the 'ti"ity that i a ,ery s/a"" ractio$a" part o h'/a$ bei$#s "i,i$# to)ay ca$ p't asi)e the i)ea o se" ish$ess8 $arro6$ess8 a$) "itt"e$ess8 this earth 6i"" beco/e a para)ise to/orro6; b't 6ith /achi$es a$) i/pro,e/e$ts o /ateria" 7$o6"e)#e o$"y8 it 6i"" $e,er be9 These o$"y i$crease /isery8 as oi" po're) o$ ire i$creases the "a/e a"" the /ore9 Witho't the 7$o6"e)#e o the Spirit8 a"" /ateria" 7$o6"e)#e is o$"y a))i$# 'e" to ire8 o$"y #i,i$# i$to the ha$)s o se" ish /a$ o$e /ore i$str'/e$t to ta7e 6hat be"o$#s to others8 to "i,e 'po$ the "i e o others8 i$stea) o #i,i$# 'p his "i e or the/9 Is it practica" @ : is a$other A'estio$9 Ca$ it be practise) i$ /o)er$ society@ Truth does not pay homage to any society, ancient or modern. Society has to pay homage to Truth or die9 Societies sho'") be /o'")e) 'po$ tr'th8 a$) tr'th has $ot to a)<'st itse" to society9 I s'ch a $ob"e tr'th as '$se" ish$ess ca$$ot be practice) i$ society8 it is better or /a$ to #i,e 'p society a$) #o i$to the orest9 That is the )ari$# /a$9 There are t6o sorts o co'ra#e9 O$e is the co'ra#e o aci$# the

ca$$o$9 A$) the other is the co'ra#e o spirit'a" co$,ictio$9 A$ E/peror 6ho i$,a)e) I$)ia 6as to") by his teacher to #o a$) see so/e o the sa#es there9 A ter a "o$# search or o$e8 he o'$) a ,ery o") /a$ sitti$# o$ a b"oc7 o sto$e9 The E/peror ta"7e) 6ith hi/ a "itt"e a$) beca/e ,ery /'ch i/presse) by his 6is)o/9 >e as7e) the sa#e to #o to his co'$try 6ith hi/9 DNo8D sai) the sa#e8 DI a/ A'ite satis ie) 6ith /y orest here9D Sai) the E/peror8 DI 6i"" #i,e yo' /o$ey8 positio$8 6ea"th9 I a/ the E/peror o the 6or")9D DNo8D rep"ie) the /a$8 DI )o$Et care or those thi$#s9D The E/peror rep"ie)8 DI yo' )o $ot #o8 I 6i"" 7i"" yo'9D The /a$ s/i"e) sere$e"y a$) sai)8 DThat is the /ost oo"ish thi$# yo' e,er sai)8 E/peror9 Yo' ca$$ot 7i"" /e9 Me the s'$ ca$$ot )ry8 ire ca$$ot b'r$8 s6or) ca$$ot 7i""8 or I a/ the birth"ess8 the )eath"ess8 the e,er-"i,i$# o/$ipote$t8 o/$iprese$t Spirit9D This is spirit'a" bo")$ess8 6hi"e the other is the co'ra#e o a "io$ or a ti#er9 I$ the M'ti$y o 12-* there 6as a S6a/i8 a ,ery #reat so'"8 6ho/ a Moha//e)a$ /'ti$eer stabbe) se,ere"y9 The >i$)' /'ti$eers ca'#ht a$) bro'#ht the /a$ to the S6a/i8 o eri$# to 7i"" hi/9 5't the S6a/i "oo7e) 'p ca"/"y a$) sai)8 DMy brother8 tho' art >e8 tho' art >eGD a$) e=pire)9 This is a$other i$sta$ce9 What #oo) is it to ta"7 o the stre$#th o yo'r /'sc"es8 o the s'periority o yo'r Wester$ i$stit'tio$s8 i yo' ca$$ot /a7e Tr'th sA'are 6ith yo'r society8 i yo' ca$$ot b'i") 'p a society i$to 6hich the hi#hest Tr'th 6i"" it@ What is the #oo) o this boast '" ta"7 abo't yo'r #ra$)e'r a$) #reat$ess8 i yo' sta$) 'p a$) say8 DThis co'ra#e is $ot practica"9D Is $othi$# practica" b't po'$)s8 shi""i$#s8 a$) pe$ce@ I so8 6hy boast o yo'r society@ That society is the greatest, where the highest truths become practical9 That is /y opi$io$; a$) i society is; $ot it or the hi#hest tr'ths8 /a7e it so; a$) the soo$er8 the better9 Sta$) 'p8 /e$ a$) 6o/e$8 i$ this spirit8 )are to be"ie,e i$ the Tr'th8 )are to practice the Tr'thG The 6or") reA'ires a e6 h'$)re) bo") /e$ a$) 6o/e$9 Bractise that bo")$ess 6hich )ares 7$o6 the Tr'th8 6hich )ares sho6 the Tr'th i$ "i e8 6hich )oes $ot A'a7e be ore )eath8 $ay8 6e"co/es )eath8 /a7es a /a$ 7$o6 that he8 is the Spirit8 that8 i$ the 6ho"e '$i,erse8 $othi$# ca$ 7i"" hi/9 The$ yo' 6i"" be ree9 The$ yo' 6i"" 7$o6 yo'rs rea" So'"9 DThis At/a$ is irst to be hear)8 the$ tho'#hts abo't a$) the$ /e)itate) 'po$9D There is a #reat te$)e$cy i$ /o)er$ ti/es to ta"7 too /'ch o 6or7 a$) )ecry tho'#ht9 Doi$# is ,ery #oo)8 b't that co/es ro/ thi$7i$#9 Citt"e /a$i estatio$s o e$er#y thro'#h the /'sc"es are ca""e) 6or79 5't 6here there is $o tho'#ht8 there 6i"" be $o 6or79 .i"" the brai$8 there ore8 6ith hi#h tho'#hts8 hi#hest i)ea"s8 p"ace the/ )ay a$) $i#ht be ore yo'8 a$) o't o that 6i"" co/e #reat 6or79 Ta"7 $ot abo't i/p'rity8 b't say that 6e are p're9 We ha,e hyp$otise) o'rse",es i$to this tho'#ht that 6e are "itt"e8 that 6e are bor$8 a$) that 6e are #oi$# to )ie8 a$) i$to a co$sta$t state o ear9 There is a story abo't a "io$ess8 6ho 6as bi# 6ith yo'$#8 #oi$# abo't i$ search o prey; a$) seei$# a "oc7 o sheep8 she <'/pe) 'po$ the/9 She )ie) i$ the e ort; a$) a "itt"e baby "io$ 6as bor$8 /other"ess9 It 6as ta7e$ care o by the sheep a$) the sheep bro'#ht it 'p8 a$) it #re6 'p 6ith the/8 ate #rass8 a$) b"eate) "i7e the sheep9 A$) a"tho'#h i$ ti/e it beca/e a bi#8 '""-#ro6$ "io$9 it tho'#ht it 6as a sheep9 O$e )ay a$other "io$ ca/e i$ search o prey a$) 6as asto$ishe) to i$) that i$ the /i)st o this "oc7 o sheep 6as a "io$8 "eei$# "i7e the sheep at the approach o )a$#er9 >e trie) to #et $ear the sheep-"io$8 to te"" it that it 6as $ot a sheep b't a "io$; b't the poor a$i/a" "e) at his approach9 >o6e,er8 he 6atche) his opport'$ity a$) o$e )ay o'$) the sheep-"io$ s"eepi$#9 >e approache) it a$) sai)8 DYo' are a "io$9D DI a/ a sheep8D crie) the other "io$ a$) co'") $ot be"ie,e the co$trary b't b"eate)9 The "io$ )ra##e) hi/ to6ar)s a "a7e a$) sai)8 DCoo7 here8 here is /y re "ectio$ a$) yo'rs9D The$ ca/e the co/pariso$9 It "oo7e) at the "io$ a$) the$ at its o6$ re "ectio$8 a$) i$ a /o/e$t ca/e the i)ea that it 6as a "io$9 The "io$ roare)8 the b"eati$# 6as #o$e9 Yo' are "io$s8 yo' are so'"s8 p're8 i$ i$ite8 a$) per ect9 The /i#ht o the '$i,erse is 6ithi$ yo'9 DWhy 6eepest tho'8 /y rie$)@ There is $either birth $or )eath or thee9 Why 6eepest tho'@ There is $o )isease $or /isery or thee8 b't tho' art "i7e the i$ i$ite s7y; c"o')s o ,ario's co"o'rs co/e o,er it8 p"ay or a /o/e$t8 the$ ,a$ish9 5't the s7y is e,er the sa/e eter$a" b"'e9D Why )o 6e see 6ic7e)$ess@ There 6as a st'/p o a tree8 a$) i$ the )ar78 a thie ca/e that 6ay a$) sai)8 DThat is a po"ice/a$9D A yo'$# /a$ 6aiti$# or his be"o,e) sa6 it a$) tho'#ht that it 6as his s6eetheart9 A chi") 6ho ha) bee$ to") #host stories too7 it or a #host a$) be#a$ to shrie79 5't a"" the ti/e it 6as

the st'/p o a tree9 We see the 6or") as 6e are9 S'ppose there is a baby i$ a roo/ 6ith a ba# o #o") o$ the tab"e a$) a thie co/es a$) stea"s the #o")9 Wo'") the baby 7$o6 it 6as sto"e$@ That 6hich 6e ha,e i$si)e8 6e see o'tsi)e9 The baby has $o thie i$si)e a$) sees $o thie o'tsi)e9 So 6ith a"" 7$o6"e)#e9 Do $ot ta"7 o the 6ic7e)$ess o the 6or") a$) a"" its si$s9 Weep that yo' are bo'$) to see 6ic7e)$ess yet9 Weep that yo' are bo'$) to see si$ e,ery6here8 a$) i yo' 6a$t to he"p the 6or")8 )o $ot co$)e/$ it9 Do $ot 6ea7e$ it /ore9 .or 6hat is si$ a$) 6hat is /isery8 a$) 6hat are a"" these8 b't the res'"ts o 6ea7$ess@ The 6or") is /a)e 6ea7er a$) 6ea7er e,ery )ay by s'ch teachi$#s9 Me$ are ta'#ht ro/ chi")hoo) that they are 6ea7 a$) si$$ers9 Teach the/ that they are a"" #"orio's chi")re$ o i//orta"ity8 e,e$ those 6ho are the 6ea7est i$ /a$i estatio$9 Cet positi,e8 stro$#8 he"p '" tho'#ht e$ter i$to their brai$s ro/ ,ery chi")hoo)9 Cay yo'rse",es ope$ to these tho'#hts8 a$) $ot to 6ea7e$i$# a$) para"ysi$# o$es9 Say to yo'r o6$ /i$)s8 DI a/ >e8 I a/ >e9D Cet it ri$# )ay a$) $i#ht i$ yo'r /i$)s "i7e a so$#8 a$) at the poi$t o )eath )ec"are DI a/ >e9D That is the Tr'th; the i$ i$ite stre$#th o the 6or") is yo'rs9 Dri,e o't the s'perstitio$ that has co,ere) yo'r /i$)s9 Cet 's be bra,e9 K$o6 the Tr'th a$) practice the Tr'th9 The #oa" /ay be )ista$t8 b't a6a7e8 arise8 a$) stop $ot ti"" the #oa" is reache)9

CHAPTER III MAYA AND ILLUSION A"/ost a"" o yo' ha,e hear) o the 6or) M?y?9 Ge$era""y it is 'se)8 tho'#h i$correct"y8 to )e$ote i""'sio$8 or )e"'sio$8 or so/e s'ch thi$#9 5't the theory o Maya or/s o$e o the pi""ars 'po$ 6hich the Ve)a$ta rests; it is8 there ore8 $ecessary that it sho'") be proper"y '$)erstoo)9 I as7 a "itt"e patie$ce o yo'8 or there is a #reat )a$#er o its bei$# /is'$)erstoo)9 The o")est i)ea o Maya that 6e i$) i$ Ve)ic "iterat're is the se$se o )e"'sio$; b't the$ the rea" theory ha) $ot bee$ reache)9 We i$) s'ch passa#es as8 DI$)ra thro'#h his Maya ass'/e) ,ario's or/s9D >ere it is tr'e the 6or) Maya /ea$s so/ethi$# "i7e /a#ic8 a$) 6e i$) ,ario's other passa#es8 a"6ays ta7i$# the sa/e /ea$i$#9 The 6or) Maya the$ )roppe) o't o si#ht a"to#ether9 5't i$ the /ea$ti/e the i)ea 6as )e,e"opi$#9 Cater8 the A'estio$ 6as raise)4 DWhy ca$Et 6e 7$o6 this secret o the '$i,erse@D A$) the a$s6er #i,e$ 6as ,ery si#$i ica$t4 D5eca'se 6e ta"7 i$ ,ai$8 a$) beca'se 6e are satis ie) 6ith the thi$#s o the se$ses8 a$) beca'se 6e are r'$$i$# a ter )esires; there ore8 6e8 as it 6ere8 co,er the !ea"ity 6ith a /ist9D >ere the 6or) Maya is $ot 'se) at a""8 b't 6e #et the i)ea that the ca'se o o'r i#$ora$ce is a 7i$) o /ist that has co/e bet6ee$ 's a$) the Tr'th9 M'ch "ater o$8 i$ o$e o the "atest 3pa$isha)s8 6e i$) the 6or) Maya reappeari$#8 b't this ti/e8 a tra$s or/atio$ has ta7e$ p"ace i$ it8 a$) a /ass o $e6 /ea$i$# has attache) itse" to the 6or)9 Theories ha) bee$ propo'$)e) a$) repeate)8 others ha) bee$ ta7e$ 'p8 '$ti" at "ast the i)ea o Maya beca/e i=e)9 We rea) i$ the Sh,et?sh,atara 3pa$isha)8 DK$o6 $at're to be Maya a$) the !'"er o this Maya is the Cor) >i/se" 9D Co/i$# to o'r phi"osophers8 6e i$) that this 6or) Maya has bee$ /a$ip'"ate) i$ ,ario's ashio$s8 '$ti" 6e co/e to the #reat Sha$7ar?ch?rya9 The theory o Maya 6as /a$ip'"ate) a "itt"e by the 5'))hists too8 b't i$ the ha$)s o the 5'))hists it beca/e ,ery /'ch "i7e 6hat is ca""e) I)ea"is/8 a$) that is the /ea$i$# that is $o6 #e$era""y #i,e$ to the 6or) Maya9 Whe$ the >i$)' says the 6or") is Maya8 at o$ce peop"e #et the i)ea that the 6or") is a$ i""'sio$9 This i$terpretatio$ has so/e basis8 as co/i$# thro'#h the 5'))histic phi"osophers8 beca'se there 6as o$e sectio$ o phi"osophers 6ho )i) $ot be"ie,e i$ the e=ter$a" 6or") at a""9 5't the Maya o the Ve)a$ta8 i$ its "ast )e,e"ope) or/8 is $either I)ea"is/ $or !ea"is/8 $or is it a theory9 It is a si/p"e state/e$t o acts : 6hat 6e are a$) 6hat 6e see aro'$) 's9 As I ha,e to") yo' be ore8 the /i$)s o the peop"e ro/ 6ho/ the Ve)as ca/e 6ere i$te$t 'po$ o""o6i$# pri$cip"es8 )isco,eri$# pri$cip"es9 They ha) $o ti/e to 6or7 'po$ )etai"s or to 6ait or the/; they 6a$te) to #o )eep i$to the heart o thi$#s9 So/ethi$# beyo$) 6as ca""i$# the/8 as it 6ere8 a$) they co'") $ot 6ait9 Scattere) thro'#h the 3pa$isha)s8 6e i$) that the )etai"s o s'b<ects 6hich 6e $o6 ca"" /o)er$ scie$ces are o te$ ,ery erro$eo's8 b't8 at the sa/e ti/e8 their pri$cip"es are correct9 .or i$sta$ce8 the i)ea o ether8 6hich is o$e o the "atest theories o /o)er$ scie$ce8 is to be o'$) i$ o'r a$cie$t "iterat're i$ or/s /'ch /ore )e,e"ope) tha$ is the /o)er$ scie$ti ic theory o ether to)ay8 b't it 6as i$ pri$cip"e9 Whe$ they trie) to )e/o$strate the 6or7i$#s o that pri$cip"e8 they /a)e /a$y /ista7es9 The theory o the a""-per,a)i$# "i e pri$cip"e8 o 6hich a"" "i e i$ this '$i,erse is b't a )i eri$# /a$i estatio$8 6as '$)erstoo) i$ Ve)ic ti/es; it is o'$) i$ the 5r?h/a$as9 There is a "o$# hy/$ i$ the Sa/hit?s i$ praise o Br?$a o 6hich a"" "i e is b't a /a$i estatio$9 5y the by8 it /ay i$terest so/e o yo' to 7$o6 that there are theories i$ the Ve)ic phi"osophy abo't the ori#i$ o "i e o$ this earth ,ery si/i"ar to those 6hich ha,e bee$ a),a$ce) by so/e /o)er$ E'ropea$ scie$tists9 Yo'8 o co'rse8 a"" 7$o6 that there is a theory that "i e ca/e ro/ other p"a$ets9 It is a sett"e) )octri$e 6ith so/e Ve)ic phi"osophers that "i e co/es i$ this 6ay ro/ the /oo$9 Co/i$# to the pri$cip"es8 6e i$) these Ve)ic thi$7ers ,ery co'ra#eo's a$) 6o$)er '""y bo") i$ propo'$)i$# "ar#e a$) #e$era"ise) theories9 Their so"'tio$ o the /ystery o the '$i,erse8 ro/ the e=ter$a" 6or")8 6as as satis actory as it co'") be9 The )etai"e) 6or7i$#s o /o)er$ scie$ce )o $ot bri$# the A'estio$ o$e step $earer to so"'tio$8 beca'se the pri$cip"es ha,e ai"e)9 I the theory o

ether ai"e) i$ a$cie$t ti/es to #i,e a so"'tio$ o the /ystery o the '$i,erse8 6or7i$# o't the )etai"s o that ether theory 6o'") $ot bri$# 's /'ch $earer to the tr'th9 I the theory o a""per,a)i$# "i e ai"e) as a theory o this '$i,erse8 it 6o'") $ot /ea$ a$ythi$# /ore i 6or7e) o't i$ )etai"8 or the )etai"s )o $ot cha$#e the pri$cip"e o the '$i,erse9 What I /ea$ is that i$ their i$A'iry i$to the pri$cip"e8 the >i$)' thi$7ers 6ere as bo")8 a$) i$ so/e cases8 /'ch bo")er tha$ the /o)er$s9 They /a)e so/e o the #ra$)est #e$era"iFatio$s that ha,e yet bee$ reache)8 a$) so/e sti"" re/ai$ as theories8 6hich /o)er$ scie$ce has yet to #et e,e$ as theories9 .or i$sta$ce8 they $ot o$"y arri,e) at the ether theory8 b't 6e$t beyo$) a$) c"assi ie) /i$) a"so as a sti"" /ore rare ie) ether9 5eyo$) that a#ai$8 they o'$) a sti"" /ore rare ie) ether9 Yet that 6as $o so"'tio$8 it )i) $ot so",e the prob"e/9 No a/o'$t o 7$o6"e)#e o the e=ter$a" 6or") co'") so",e the prob"e/9 D5'tD8 says the scie$tist8 D6e are <'st be#i$$i$# to 7$o6 a "itt"e4 6ait a e6 tho'sa$) years a$) 6e sha"" #et the so"'tio$9D DNo8D says the Ve)a$tist8 or he has pro,e) beyo$) a"" )o'bt that the /i$) is "i/ite)8 that it ca$$ot #o beyo$) certai$ "i/its : beyo$) ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$9 As $o /a$ ca$ <'/p o't o his o6$ se" 8 so $o /a$ ca$ #o beyo$) the "i/its that ha,e bee$ p't 'po$ hi/ by the "a6s o ti/e a$) space9 E,ery atte/pt to so",e the "a6s o ca'satio$8 ti/e8 a$) space 6o'") be 'ti"e8 beca'se the ,ery atte/pt 6o'") ha,e to be /a)e by ta7i$# or #ra$te) the e=iste$ce o these three9 What )oes the state/e$t o the e=iste$ce o the 6or") /ea$8 the$@ DThis 6or") has $o e=iste$ce9D What is /ea$t by that@ It /ea$s that it has $o abso"'te e=iste$ce9 It e=ists o$"y i$ re"atio$ to /y /i$)8 to yo'r /i$)8 a$) to the /i$) o e,eryo$e e"se9 We see this 6or") 6ith the i,e se$ses b't i 6e ha) a$other se$se8 6e 6o'") see i$ it so/ethi$# /ore9 I 6e ha) yet a$other se$se8 it 6o'") appear as so/ethi$# sti"" )i ere$t9 It has8 there ore8 $o rea" e=iste$ce; it has $o '$cha$#eab"e8 i//o,ab"e8 i$ i$ite e=iste$ce9 Nor ca$ it be ca""e) $o$-e=iste$ce8 seei$# that it e=ists8 a$) 6e s"a,e to 6or7 i$ a$) thro'#h it9 It is a /i=t're o e=iste$ce a$) $o$-e=iste$ce9 Co/i$# ro/ abstractio$s to the co//o$8 e,ery)ay )etai"s o o'r "i,es8 6e i$) that o'r 6ho"e "i e is a co$tra)ictio$8 a /i=t're o e=iste$ce a$) $o$-e=iste$ce9 There is this co$tra)ictio$ i$ 7$o6"e)#e9 It see/s that /a$ ca$ 7$o6 e,erythi$#8 i he o$"y 6a$ts to 7$o6; b't be ore he has #o$e a e6 steps8 he i$)s a$ a)a/a$ti$e 6ai" 6hich he ca$$ot pass9 A"" his 6or7 is i$ a circ"e8 a$) he ca$$ot #o beyo$) that circ"e9 The prob"e/s 6hich are $earest a$) )earest to hi/ are i/pe""i$# hi/ o$ a$) ca""i$#8 )ay a$) $i#ht8 or a so"'tio$8 b't he ca$$ot so",e the/8 beca'se he ca$$ot #o beyo$) his i$te""ect9 A$) yet that )esire is i/p"a$te) stro$#"y i$ hi/9 Sti"" 6e 7$o6 that the o$"y #oo) is to be obtai$e) by co$tro""i$# a$) chec7i$# it9 With e,ery breath8 e,ery i/p'"se o o'r heart as7s 's to be se" ish9 At the sa/e ti/e8 there is so/e po6er beyo$) 's 6hich says that it is '$se" ish$ess a"o$e 6hich is #oo)9 E,ery chi") is a bor$ opti/ist; he )rea/s #o")e$ )rea/s9 I$ yo'th he beco/es sti"" /ore opti/istic9 It is har) or a yo'$# /a$ to be"ie,e that there is s'ch a thi$# as )eath8 s'ch a thi$# as )e eat or )e#ra)atio$9 O") a#e co/es8 a$) "i e is a /ass o r'i$s9 Drea/s ha,e ,a$ishe) i$to the air8 a$) the /a$ beco/es a pessi/ist9 Th's 6e #o ro/ o$e e=tre/e to a$other8 b' ete) by $at're8 6itho't 7$o6i$# 6here 6e are #oi$#9 It re/i$)s /e o a ce"ebrate) so$# i$ the Lalita Vistara8 the bio#raphy o 5'))ha9 5'))ha 6as bor$8 says the boo78 as the sa,io'r o /a$7i$)8 b't he or#ot hi/se" i$ the "'='ries o his pa"ace9 So/e a$#e"s ca/e a$) sa$# a so$# to ro'se hi/9 A$) the b'r)e$ o the 6ho"e so$# is that 6e are "oati$# )o6$ the ri,er o "i e 6hich is co$ti$'a""y cha$#i$# 6ith $o stop a$) $o rest9 So are o'r "i,es8 #oi$# o$ a$) o$ 6itho't 7$o6i$# a$y rest9 What are 6e to )o@ The /a$ 6ho has e$o'#h to eat a$) )ri$7 is a$ opti/ist8 a$) he a,oi)s a"" /e$tio$ o /isery8 or it ri#hte$s hi/9 Te"" $ot to hi/ o the sorro6s a$) the s' eri$#s o the 6or"); #o to hi/ a$) te"" that it is a"" #oo)9 DYes8 I a/ sa e8D says he9 DCoo7 at /eG I ha,e a $ice ho'se to "i,e i$9 I )o $ot ear co") a$) h'$#er; there ore )o $ot bri$# these horrib"e pict'res be ore /e9D 5't8 o$ the other ha$)8 there are others )yi$# o co") a$) h'$#er9 I yo' #o a$) teach them that it is a"" #oo)8 they 6i"" $ot hear yo'9 >o6 ca$ they 6ish others to be happy 6he$ they are /iserab"e@ Th's 6e are osci""ati$# bet6ee$ opti/is/ a$) pessi/is/9 The$8 there is the tre/e$)o's act o )eath9 The 6ho"e 6or") is #oi$# to6ar)s )eath; e,erythi$# )ies9 A"" o'r pro#ress8 o'r ,a$ities8 o'r re or/s8 o'r "'='ries8 o'r 6ea"th8 o'r 7$o6"e)#e8 ha,e that o$e e$) : )eath9 That is a"" that is certai$9 Cities co/e a$) #o8 e/pires rise a$) a""8 p"a$ets brea7

i$to pieces a$) cr'/b"e i$to )'st8 to be b"o6$ abo't by the at/ospheres o other p"a$ets9 Th's it has bee$ #oi$# o$ ro/ ti/e 6itho't be#i$$i$#9 Death is the e$) o e,erythi$#9 Death is the e$) o "i e8 o bea'ty8 o 6ea"th8 o po6er8 o ,irt'e too9 Sai$ts )ie a$) si$$ers )ie8 7i$#s )ie a$) be##ars )ie9 They are a"" #oi$# to )eath8 a$) yet this tre/e$)o's c"i$#i$# o$ to "i e e=ists9 So/eho68 6e )o $ot 7$o6 6hy8 6e c"i$# to "i e; 6e ca$$ot #i,e it 'p9 A$) this is Maya9 The /other is $'rsi$# a chi") 6ith #reat care; a"" her so'"8 her "i e8 is i$ that chi")9 The chi") #ro6s8 beco/es a /a$8 a$) percha$ce beco/es a b"ac7#'ar) a$) a br'te8 7ic7s her a$) beats her e,ery )ay; a$) yet the /other c"i$#s to the chi"); a$) 6he$ her reaso$ a6a7es8 she co,ers it 'p 6ith the i)ea o "o,e9 She "itt"e thi$7s that it is $ot "o,e8 that it is so/ethi$# 6hich has #ot ho") o her $er,es8 6hich she ca$$ot sha7e o ; ho6e,er she /ay try8 she ca$$ot sha7e o the bo$)a#e she is i$9 A$) this is Maya9 We are a"" a ter the Go")e$ ."eece9 E,ery o$e o 's thi$7s that this 6i"" be his9 E,ery reaso$ab"e /a$ sees that his cha$ce is8 perhaps8 o$e i$ t6e$ty /i""io$s8 yet e,eryo$e str'##"es or it9 A$) this is Maya9 Death is sta"7i$# )ay a$) $i#ht o,er this earth o o'rs8 b't at the sa/e ti/e 6e thi$7 6e sha"" "i,e eter$a""y9 A A'estio$ 6as o$ce as7e) o Ki$# Y')hishthira8 DWhat is the /ost 6o$)er '" thi$# o$ this earth@D A$) the 7i$# rep"ie)8 DE,ery )ay peop"e are )yi$# aro'$) 's8 a$) yet /e$ thi$7 they 6i"" $e,er )ie9D A$) this is Maya9 These tre/e$)o's co$tra)ictio$s i$ o'r i$te""ect8 i$ o'r 7$o6"e)#e8 yea8 i$ a"" the acts o o'r "i e ace 's o$ a"" si)es9 A re or/er arises a$) 6a$ts to re/e)y the e,i"s that are e=isti$# i$ a certai$ $atio$; a$) be ore they ha,e bee$ re/e)ie)8 a tho'sa$) other e,i"s arise i$ a$other p"ace9 It is "i7e a$ o") ho'se that is a""i$#; yo' patch it 'p i$ o$e p"ace a$) the r'i$ e=te$)s to a$other9 I$ I$)ia8 o'r re or/ers cry a$) preach a#ai$st the e,i"s o e$ orce) 6i)o6hoo)9 I$ the West8 $o$-/arria#e is the #reat e,i"9 >e"p the '$/arrie) o$ o$e si)e; they are s' eri$#9 >e"p the 6i)o6s o$ the other; they are s' eri$#9 It is "i7e chro$ic rhe'/atis/4 yo' )ri,e ro/ the hea)8 a$) it #oes to the bo)y; yo' )ri,e it ro/ there8 a$) it #oes to the eet9 !e or/ers arise a$) preach that "ear$i$#8 6ea"th8 a$) c'"t're sho'") $ot be i$ the ha$)s o a se"ect e6; a$) they )o their best to /a7e the/ accessib"e to a""9 These /ay bri$# /ore happi$ess to so/e8 b't8 perhaps8 as c'"t're co/es8 physica" happi$ess "esse$s9 The 7$o6"e)#e o happi$ess bri$#s the 7$o6"e)#e o '$happi$ess9 Which 6ay the$ sha"" 6e #o@ The "east a/o'$t o /ateria" prosperity that 6e e$<oy is ca'si$# the sa/e a/o'$t o /isery e"se6here9 This is the "a69 The yo'$#8 perhaps8 )o $ot see it c"ear"y8 b't those 6ho ha,e "i,e) "o$# e$o'#h a$) those 6ho ha,e str'##"e) e$o'#h 6i"" '$)ersta$) it9 A$) this is Maya9 These thi$#s are #oi$# o$8 )ay a$) $i#ht8 a$) to i$) a so"'tio$ o this prob"e/ is i/possib"e9 Why sho'") it be so@ It is i/possib"e to a$s6er this8 beca'se the A'estio$ ca$$ot be "o#ica""y or/'"ate)9 There is $either how $or why i$ act; 6e o$"y 7$o6 that it is a$) that 6e ca$$ot he"p it9 E,e$ to #rasp it8 to )ra6 a$ e=act i/a#e o it i$ o'r o6$ /i$)8 is beyo$) o'r po6er9 >o6 ca$ 6e so",e it the$@ Maya is a state/e$t o the act o this '$i,erse8 o ho6 it is #oi$# o$9 Beop"e #e$era""y #et ri#hte$e) 6he$ these thi$#s are to") to the/9 5't bo") 6e /'st be9 >i)i$# acts is $ot the 6ay to i$) a re/e)y9 As yo' a"" 7$o68 a hare h'$te) by )o#s p'ts its hea) )o6$ a$) thi$7s itse" sa e; so8 6he$ 6e r'$ i$to opti/is/; 6e )o <'st "i7e the hare8 b't that is $o re/e)y9 There are ob<ectio$s a#ai$st this8 b't yo' /ay re/ar7 that they are #e$era""y ro/ peop"e 6ho possess /a$y o the #oo) thi$#s o "i e9 I$ this co'$try IE$#"a$)J it is ,ery )i ic'"t to beco/e a pessi/ist9 E,eryo$e te""s /e ho6 6o$)er '""y the 6or") is #oi$# o$8 ho6 pro#ressi,e; b't 6hat he hi/se" is8 is his o6$ 6or")9 O") A'estio$s arise4 Christia$ity /'st be the o$"y tr'e re"i#io$ o the 6or") beca'se Christia$ $atio$s are prospero'sG 5't that assertio$ co$tra)icts itse" 8 beca'se the prosperity o the Christia$ $atio$ )epe$)s o$ the /is ort'$e o $o$-Christia$ $atio$s9 There /'st be so/e to prey o$9 S'ppose the 6ho"e 6or") 6ere to beco/e Christia$8 the$ the Christia$ $atio$s 6o'") beco/e poor8 beca'se there 6o'") be $o $o$-Christia$ $atio$s or the/ to prey 'po$9 Th's the ar#'/e$t 7i""s itse" 9 A$i/a"s are "i,i$# 'po$ p"a$ts8 /e$ 'po$ a$i/a"s a$)8 6orst o a""8 'po$ o$e a$other8 the stro$# 'po$ the 6ea79 This is #oi$# o$ e,ery6here9 A$) this is Maya9 What so"'tio$ )o yo' i$) or this@

We hear e,ery )ay /a$y e=p"a$atio$s8 a$) are to") that i$ the "o$# r'$ a"" 6i"" be #oo)9 Ta7i$# it or #ra$te) that this is possib"e8 6hy sho'") there be this )iabo"ica" 6ay o )oi$# #oo)@ Why ca$$ot #oo) be )o$e thro'#h #oo)8 i$stea) o thro'#h these )iabo"ica" /etho)s@ The )esce$)a$ts o the h'/a$ bei$#s o to)ay 6i"" be happy; b't 6hy /'st there be a"" this s' eri$# $o6@ There is $o so"'tio$9 This is Maya9 A#ai$8 6e o te$ hear that it is o$e o the eat'res o e,o"'tio$ that it e"i/i$ates e,i"8 a$) this e,i" bei$# co$ti$'a""y e"i/i$ate) ro/ the 6or")8 at "ast o$"y #oo) 6i"" re/ai$9 That is ,ery $ice to hear8 a$) it pa$)ers to the ,a$ity o those 6ho ha,e e$o'#h o this 6or")Es #oo)s8 6ho ha,e $ot a har) str'##"e to ace e,ery c"ay a$) are $ot bei$# cr'she) '$)er the 6hee" o this so-ca""e) e,o"'tio$9 It is ,ery #oo) a$) co/ orti$# i$)ee) to s'ch ort'$ate o$es9 The co//o$ her) /ay s'r er8 b't they )o $ot care; "et the/ )ie8 they are o $o co$seA'e$ce9 Very #oo)8 yet this ar#'/e$t is a""acio's ro/ be#i$$i$# to e$)9 It ta7es or #ra$te)8 i$ the irst p"ace8 that /a$i este) #oo) a$) e,i" i$ this 6or") are t6o abso"'te rea"ities9 I$ the seco$) p"ace8 it /a7e8 at sti"" 6orse ass'/ptio$ that the a/o'$t o #oo) is a$ i$creasi$# A'a$tity a$) the a/o'$t o e,i" is a )ecreasi$# A'a$tity9 So8 i e,i" is bei$# e"i/i$ate) i$ this 6ay by 6hat they ca"" e,o"'tio$8 there 6i"" co/e a ti/e 6he$ a"" this e,i" 6i"" be e"i/i$ate) a$) 6hat re/ai$s 6i"" be a"" #oo)9 Very easy to say8 b't ca$ it be pro,e) that e,i" is a "esse$i$# A'a$tity@ Ta7e8 or i$sta$ce8 the /a$ 6ho "i,es i$ a orest8 6ho )oes $ot 7$o6 ho6 to c'"ti,ate the /i$)8 ca$$ot rea) a boo78 has $ot hear) o s'ch a thi$# as 6riti$#9 I he is se,ere"y 6o'$)e)8 he is soo$ a"" ri#ht a#ai$; 6hi"e 6e )ie i 6e #et a scratch9 Machi$es are /a7i$# thi$#s cheap8 /a7i$# or pro#ress a$) e,o"'tio$8 b't /i""io$s are cr'she)8 that o$e /ay beco/e rich; 6hi"e o$e beco/es rich8 tho'sa$)s at the sa/e ti/e beco/e poorer a$) poorer8 a$) 6ho"e /asses o h'/a$ bei$#s are /a)e s"a,es9 That 6ay it is #oi$# o$9 The a$i/a" /a$ "i,es i$ the se$ses9 I he )oes $ot #et e$o'#h to eat8 he is /iserab"e; or i so/ethi$# happe$s to his bo)y8 he is /iserab"e9 I$ the se$ses both his /isery a$) his happi$ess be#i$ a$) e$)9 As soo$ as this /a$ pro#resses8 as soo$ as his horiFo$ o happi$ess i$creases8 his horiFo$ o '$happi$ess i$creases proportio$ate"y9 The /a$ i$ the orest )oes $ot 7$o6 6hat it is to be <ea"o's8 to be i$ the "a6 co'rts8 to pay ta=es8 to be b"a/e) by society8 to be r'"e) o,er )ay a$) $i#ht by the /ost tre/e$)o's tyra$$y that h'/a$ )iabo"is/ e,er i$,e$te)8 6hich pries i$to the secrets o e,ery h'/a$ heart9 >e )oes $ot 7$o6 ho6 /a$ beco/es a tho'sa$) ti/es /ore )iabo"ica" tha$ a$y other a$i/a"8 6ith a"" his ,ai$ 7$o6"e)#e a$) 6ith a"" his pri)e9 Th's it is that8 as 6e e/er#e o't o the se$ses8 6e )e,e"op hi#her po6ers o e$<oy/e$t8 a$) at the sa/e ti/e 6e ha,e to )e,e"op hi#her po6ers o s' eri$# too9 The $er,es beco/e i$er a$) capab"e o /ore s' eri$#9 I$ e,ery society8 6e o te$ i$) that the i#$ora$t8 co//o$ /a$8 6he$ ab'se)8 )oes $ot ee" /'ch8 b't he ee"s a #oo) thrashi$#9 5't the #e$t"e/a$ ca$$ot bear a si$#"e 6or) o ab'se; he has beco/e so i$e"y $er,e)9 Misery has i$crease) 6ith his s'sceptibi"ity to happi$ess9 This )oes $ot #o /'ch to pro,e the e,o"'tio$istEs case9 As 6e i$crease o'r po6er to be happy8 6e a"so i$crease o'r po6er to s' er8 a$) so/eti/es I a/ i$c"i$e) to thi$7 that i 6e i$crease o'r po6er to beco/e happy i$ arith/etica" pro#ressio$8 6e sha"" i$crease8 o$ the other ha$)8 o'r po6er to beco/e /iserab"e i$ #eo/etrica" pro#ressio$9 We 6ho are pro#ressi$# 7$o6 that the /ore 6e pro#ress8 the /ore a,e$'es are ope$e) to pai$ as 6e"" as to p"eas're9 A$) this is Maya9 Th's 6e i$) that Maya is $ot a theory or the e=p"a$atio$ o the 6or"); it is si/p"y a state/e$t o acts as they e=ist8 that the ,ery basis o o'r bei$# is co$tra)ictio$8 that e,ery6here 6e ha,e to /o,e thro'#h this tre/e$)o's co$tra)ictio$8 that 6here,er there is #oo)8 there /'st a"so be e,i"8 a$) 6here,er there is e,i"8 there /'st be so/e #oo)8 6here,er there is "i e8 )eath /'st o""o6 as its sha)o68 a$) e,eryo$e 6ho s/i"es 6i"" ha,e to 6eep8 a$) ,ice ,ersa9 Nor ca$ this state o thi$#s be re/e)ie)9 We /ay ,eri"y i/a#i$e that there 6i"" be a p"ace 6here there 6i"" be o$"y #oo) a$) $o e,i"8 6here 6e sha"" o$"y s/i"e a$) $e,er 6eep9 This is i/possib"e i$ the ,ery $at're o thi$#s; or the co$)itio$s 6i"" re/ai$ the sa/e9 Where,er there is the po6er o pro)'ci$# a s/i"e i$ 's8 there "'r7s the po6er o pro)'ci$# tears9 Where,er there is the po6er o pro)'ci$# happi$ess8 there "'r7s so/e6here the po6er o /a7i$# 's /iserab"e9 Th's the Ve)a$ta phi"osophy is $either opti/istic $or pessi/istic9 It ,oices both these ,ie6s a$)

ta7es thi$#s as they are9 It a)/its that this 6or") is a /i=t're o #oo) a$) e,i"8 happi$ess a$) /isery8 a$) that to i$crease the o$e8 o$e /'st o $ecessity i$crease the other9 There 6i"" $e,er be a per ect"y #oo) or ba) 6or")8 beca'se the ,ery i)ea is a co$tra)ictio$ i$ ter/s9 The #reat secret re,ea"e) by this a$a"ysis is that #oo) a$) ba) are $ot t6o c't-a$)-)rie)8 separate e=iste$ces9 There is $ot o$e thi$# i$ this 6or") o o'rs 6hich yo' ca$ "abe" as #oo) a$) #oo) a"o$e8 a$) there is $ot o$e thi$# i$ the '$i,erse 6hich yo' ca$ "abe" as ba) a$) ba) a"o$e9 The ,ery sa/e phe$o/e$o$ 6hich is appeari$# to be #oo) $o68 /ay appear to be ba) to/orro69 The sa/e thi$# 6hich is pro)'ci$# /isery i$ o$e8 /ay pro)'ce happi$ess i$ a$other9 The ire that b'r$s the chi")8 /ay coo7 a #oo) /ea" or a star,i$# /a$9 The sa/e $er,es that carry the se$satio$s o /isery carry a"so the se$satio$s o happi$ess9 The o$"y 6ay to stop e,i"8 there ore8 is to stop #oo) a"so; there is $o other 6ay9 To stop )eath8 6e sha"" ha,e to stop "i e a"so9 Ci e 6itho't )eath a$) happi$ess 6itho't /isery are co$tra)ictio$s8 a$) $either ca$ be o'$) a"o$e8 beca'se each o the/ is b't a )i ere$t /a$i estatio$ o the sa/e thi$#9 What I tho'#ht to be #oo) yester)ay8 I )o $ot thi$7 to be #oo) $o69 Whe$ I "oo7 bac7 'po$ /y "i e a$) see 6hat 6ere /y i)ea"s at )i ere$t ti/es8 I i$a" this to be so9 At o$e ti/e /y i)ea" 6as to )ri,e a stro$# pair o horses; at a$other ti/e I tho'#ht8 i I co'") /a7e a certai$ 7i$) o s6eet/eat8 I sho'") be per ect"y happy; "ater I i/a#i$e) that I sho'") be e$tire"y satis ie) i I ha) a 6i e a$) chi")re$ a$) p"e$ty o /o$ey9 To)ay I "a'#h at a"" these i)ea"s as /ere chi")ish $o$se$se9 The Ve)a$ta says8 there /'st co/e a ti/e 6he$ 6e sha"" "oo7 bac7 a$) "a'#h at the i)ea"s 6hich /a7e 's a rai) o #i,i$# 'p o'r i$)i,i)'a"ity9 Each o$e o 's 6a$ts to 7eep this bo)y or a$ i$)e i$ite ti/e8 thi$7i$# 6e sha"" be ,ery happy8 b't there 6i"" co/e a ti/e 6he$ 6e sha"" "a'#h at this i)ea9 No68 i s'ch be the tr'th8 6e are i$ a state o hope"ess co$tra)ictio$ : $either e=iste$ce $or $o$-e=iste$ce8 $either /isery $or happi$ess8 b't a /i=t're o the/9 What8 the$8 is the 'se o Ve)a$ta a$) a"" other phi"osophies a$) re"i#io$s@ A$)8 abo,e a""8 6hat is the 'se o )oi$# #oo) 6or7@ This is a A'estio$ that co/es to the /i$)9 I it is tr'e that yo' ca$$ot )o #oo) 6itho't )oi$# e,i"8 a$) 6he$e,er yo' try to create happi$ess there 6i"" a"6ays be /isery8 peop"e 6i"" as7 yo'8 DWhat is the 'se o )oi$# #oo)@D The a$s6er is i$ the irst p"ace8 that 6e /'st 6or7 or "esse$i$# /isery8 or that is the o$"y 6ay to /a7e o'rse",es happy9 E,ery o$e o 's i$)s it o't soo$er or "ater i$ o'r "i,es9 The bri#ht o$es i$) it o't a "itt"e ear"ier8 a$) the )'"" o$es a "itt"e "ater9 The )'"" o$es pay ,ery )ear"y or the )isco,ery a$) the bri#ht o$es "ess )ear"y9 I$ the seco$) p"ace8 6e /'st )o o'r part8 beca'se that is the o$"y 6ay o #etti$# o't o this "i e o co$tra)ictio$9 5oth the orces o #oo) a$) e,i" 6i"" 7eep the '$i,erse a"i,e or 's8 '$ti" 6e a6a7e ro/ o'r )rea/s a$) #i,e 'p this b'i")i$# o /') pies9 That "esso$ 6e sha"" ha,e to "ear$8 a$) it 6i"" ta7e a "o$#8 "o$# ti/e to "ear$ it9 Atte/pts ha,e bee$ /a)e i$ Ger/a$y to b'i") a syste/ o phi"osophy o$ the basis that the I$ i$ite has beco/e the i$ite9 S'ch atte/pts are a"so /a)e i$ E$#"a$)9 A$) the a$a"ysis o the positio$ o these phi"osophers is this8 that the I$ i$ite is tryi$# to e=press itse" i$ this '$i,erse8 a$) that there 6i"" co/e a ti/e 6he$ the I$ i$ite 6i"" s'ccee) i$ )oi$# so9 It is a"" ,ery 6e""8 a$) 6e ha,e 'se) the 6or)s nfinite a$) manifestation a$) e!pression8 a$) so o$8 b't phi"osophers $at'ra""y as7 or a "o#ica" '$)a/e$ta" basis or the state/e$t that the i$ite ca$ '""y e=press the I$ i$ite9 The Abso"'te a$) the I$ i$ite ca$ beco/e this '$i,erse o$"y by "i/itatio$9 E,erythi$# /'st be "i/ite) that co/es thro'#h the se$ses8 or thro'#h the /i$)8 or thro'#h the i$te""ect; a$) or the "i/ite) to be the '$"i/ite) is si/p"y abs'r) a$) ca$ $e,er be9 The Ve)a$ta8 o$ the other ha$)8 says that it is tr'e that the Abso"'te or the I$ i$ite is tryi$# to e=press itse" i$ the i$ite8 b't there 6i"" co/e a ti/e 6he$ it 6i"" i$) that it is i/possib"e8 a$) it 6i"" the$ ha,e to beat a retreat8 a$) this beati$# a retreat /ea$s re$'$ciatio$ 6hich is the rea" be#i$$i$# o re"i#io$9 No6a)ays it is ,ery har) e,e$ to ta"7 o re$'$ciatio$9 It 6as sai) o /e i$ A/erica that I 6as a /a$ 6ho ca/e o't o a "a$) that ha) bee$ )ea) a$) b'rie) or i,e tho'sa$) years8 a$) ta"7e) o re$'$ciatio$9 So says8 perhaps8 the E$#"ish phi"osopher9 Yet it is tr'e that that is the o$"y path to re"i#io$9 !e$o'$ce a$) #i,e 'p9 What )i) Christ say@ D>e that "oseth his "i e or /y sa7e sha"" i$) it9D A#ai$ a$) a#ai$ )i) he preach re$'$ciatio$ as the o$"y 6ay to per ectio$9 There co/es a ti/e 6he$ the /i$) a6a7es ro/ this

"o$# a$) )reary )rea/ : the chi") #i,es 'p its p"ay a$) 6a$ts to #o bac7 to its /other9 It i$)s the tr'th o the state/e$t8 DDesire is $e,er satis ie) by the e$<oy/e$t o )esires8 it o$"y i$creases the /ore8 as ire8 6he$ b'tter is po're) 'po$ it9D This is tr'e o a"" se$se-e$<oy/e$ts8 o a"" i$te""ect'a" e$<oy/e$ts8 a$) o a"" the e$<oy/e$ts o 6hich the h'/a$ /i$) is capab"e9 They are $othi$#8 they are 6ithi$ Maya8 6ithi$ this $et6or7 beyo$) 6hich 6e ca$$ot #o9 We /ay r'$ therei$ thro'#h i$ i$ite ti/e a$) i$) $o e$)8 a$) 6he$e,er 6e str'##"e to #et a "itt"e e$<oy/e$t8 a /ass o /isery a""s 'po$ 's9 >o6 a6 '" is thisG A$) 6he$ I thi$7 o it8 I ca$$ot b't co$si)er that this theory o Maya8 this state/e$t that it is a"" Maya8 is the best a$) o$"y e=p"a$atio$9 What a$ a/o'$t o /isery there is i$ this 6or"); a$) i yo' tra,e" a/o$# ,ario's $atio$s yo' 6i"" i$) that o$e $atio$ atte/pts to c're its e,i"s by o$e /ea$s8 a$) a$other by a$other9 The ,ery sa/e e,i" has bee$ ta7e$ 'p by ,ario's races8 a$) atte/pts ha,e bee$ /a)e i$ ,ario's 6ays to chec7 it8 yet $o $atio$ has s'ccee)e)9 I it has bee$ /i$i/ise) at o$e poi$t8 a /ass o e,i" has bee$ cro6)e) at a$other poi$t9 Th's it #oes9 The >i$)'s8 to 7eep 'p a hi#h sta$)ar) o chastity i$ the race8 ha,e sa$ctio$e) chi")-/arria#e8 6hich i$ the "o$# r'$ has )e#ra)e) the race9 At the sa/e ti/e8 I ca$$ot )e$y that this chi")-/arria#e /a7es the race /ore chaste9 What 6o'") yo' ha,e@ I yo' 6a$t the $atio$ to be /ore chaste8 yo' 6ea7e$ /e$ a$) 6o/e$ physica""y by chi")-/arria#e9 O$ the other ha$)8 are yo' i$ E$#"a$) a$y better o @ No8 beca'se chastity is the "i e o a $atio$9 Do yo' $ot i$) i$ history that the irst )eath-si#$ o a $atio$ has bee$ '$chastity@ Whe$ that has e$tere)8 the e$) o the race is i$ si#ht9 Where sha"" 6e #et a so"'tio$ o these /iseries the$@ I pare$ts se"ect h'sba$)s a$) 6i,es or their chi")re$8 the$ this e,i" is /i$i/ise)9 The )a'#hters o I$)ia are /ore practica" tha$ se$ti/e$ta"9 5't ,ery "itt"e o poetry re/ai$s i$ their "i,es9 A#ai$8 i peop"e se"ect their o6$ h'sba$)s a$) 6i,es8 that )oes $ot see/ to bri$# /'ch happi$ess9 The I$)ia$ 6o/a$ is #e$era""y ,ery happy; there are $ot /a$y cases o A'arre""i$# bet6ee$ h'sba$) a$) 6i e9 O$ the other ha$) i$ the 3$ite) States8 6here the #reatest "iberty obtai$s8 the $'/ber o '$happy ho/es a$) /arria#es is "ar#e9 3$happi$ess is here8 there8 a$) e,ery6here9 What )oes it sho6@ That8 a ter a""8 $ot /'ch happi$ess has bee$ #ai$e) by a"" these i)ea"s9 We a"" str'##"e or happi$ess a$) as soo$ as 6e #et a "itt"e happi$ess o$ o$e si)e8 o$ the other si)e there co/es '$happi$ess9 Sha"" 6e $ot 6or7 to )o #oo) the$@ Yes8 6ith /ore Fest tha$ e,er8 b't 6hat this 7$o6"e)#e 6i"" )o or 's is to brea7 )o6$ o'r a$aticis/9 The E$#"ish/a$ 6i"" $o /ore be a a$atic a$) c'rse the >i$)'9 >e 6i"" "ear$ to respect the c'sto/s o )i ere$t $atio$s9 There 6i"" be "ess o a$aticis/ a$) /ore o rea" 6or79 .a$atics ca$$ot 6or78 they 6aste three- o'rths o their e$er#y9 It is the "e,e"hea)e)8 ca"/8 practica" /a$ 6ho 6or7s9 So8 the po6er to 6or7 6i"" i$crease ro/ this i)ea9 K$o6i$# that this is the state o thi$#s8 there 6i"" be /ore patie$ce9 The si#ht o /isery or o e,i" 6i"" $ot be ab"e to thro6 's o o'r ba"a$ce a$) /a7e 's r'$ a ter sha)o6s9 There ore8 patie$ce 6i"" co/e to 's8 7$o6i$# that the 6or") 6i"" ha,e to #o o$ i$ its o6$ 6ay9 I 8 or i$sta$ce8 a"" /e$ ha,e beco/e #oo)8 the a$i/a"s 6i"" ha,e i$ the /ea$ti/e e,o",e) i$to /e$8 a$) 6i"" ha,e to pass thro'#h the sa/e state8 a$) so 6ith the p"a$ts9 5't o$"y o$e thi$# is certai$; the /i#hty ri,er is r'shi$# to6ar)s the ocea$8 a$) a"" the )rops that co$stit'te the strea/ 6i"" i$ ti/e be )ra6$ i$to that bo'$)"ess ocea$9 So8 i$ this "i e8 6ith a"" its /iseries a$) sorro6s8 its <oys a$) s/i"es a$) tears8 o$e thi$# is certai$8 that a"" thi$#s are r'shi$# to6ar)s their #oa"8 a$) it4 is o$"y a A'estio$ o ti/e 6he$ yo' a$) I8 a$) p"a$ts a$) a$i/a"s8 a$) e,ery partic"es o "i e that e=ists /'st reach the I$ i$ite Ocea$ o Ber ectio$8 /'st attai$ to .ree)o/8 to Go)9 Cet /e repeat8 o$ce /ore8 that the Ve)a$tic positio$ is $either pessi/is/ $or opti/is/9 It )oes $ot say that this 6or") is a"" e,i" or a"" #oo)9 It says that o'r e,i" is o $o "ess ,a"'e tha$ o'r #oo)8 a$) o'r #oo) o $o /ore ,a"'e tha$ o'r e,i"9 They are bo'$) to#ether9 This is the 6or")8 a$) 7$o6i$# this8 yo' 6or7 6ith patie$ce9 What or@ Why sho'") 6e 6or7@ I this is the state o thi$#s8 6hat sha"" 6e )o@ Why $ot beco/e a#$ostics@ The /o)er$ a#$ostics a"so 7$o6 there is $o so"'tio$ o this prob"e/8 $o #etti$# o't o this e,i" o Maya8 as 6e say i$ o'r "a$#'a#e; there ore they te"" 's to be satis ie) a$) e$<oy "i e9 >ere8 a#ai$8 is a /ista7e8 a tre/e$)o's /ista7e8 a /ost i""o#ica" /ista7e9 A$) it is this9 What )o yo' /ea$ by "i e@ Do yo' /ea$ o$"y the "i e o the se$ses@ I$ this8 e,ery

o$e o 's )i ers o$"y s"i#ht"y ro/ the br'tes9 I a/ s're that $o o$e is prese$t here 6hose "i e is o$"y i$ the se$ses9 The$8 this prese$t "i e /ea$s so/ethi$# /ore tha$ that9 O'r ee"i$#s8 tho'#hts8 a$) aspiratio$s are a"" part a$) parce" o o'r "i e; a$) is $ot the str'##"e to6ar)s the area8 i)ea"8 to6ar)s per ectio$8 o$e o the /ost i/porta$t co/po$e$ts o 6hat 6e ca"" "i e@ Accor)i$# to the a#$ostics8 6e /'st e$<oy "i e as it is9 5't this "i e /ea$s8 abo,e a""8 this search a ter the i)ea"; the esse$ce o "i e is #oi$# to6ar)s per ectio$9 We /'st ha,e that8 a$)8 there ore8 6e ca$$ot be a#$ostics or ta7e the 6or") as it appears9 The a#$ostic positio$ ta7es this "i e8 minus the i)ea" co/po$e$t8 to be a"" that e=ists9 A$) this8 the a#$ostic c"ai/s8 ca$$ot be reache)8 there ore he /'st #i,e 'p the search9 This is 6hat is ca""e) Maya : this $at're8 this '$i,erse9 A"" re"i#io$s are /ore or "ess atte/pts to #et beyo$) $at're : the cr')est or the /ost )e,e"ope)8 e=presse) thro'#h /ytho"o#y or sy/bo"o#y8 stories o #o)s8 a$#e"s or )e/o$s8 or thro'#h stories o sai$ts or seers8 #reat /e$ or prophets8 or thro'#h the abstractio$s o phi"osophy : a"" ha,e that o$e ob<ect8 a"" are tryi$# to #et beyo$) these "i/itatio$s9 I$ o$e 6or)8 they are a"" str'##"i$# to6ar)s ree)o/9 Ma$ ee"s8 co$scio's"y or '$co$scio's"y8 that he is bo'$); he is $ot 6hat he 6a$ts to be9 It 6as ta'#ht to hi/ at the ,ery /o/e$t he be#a$ to "oo7 aro'$)9 That ,ery i$sta$t he "ear$t that he 6as bo'$)8 a$) be a"so o'$) that there 6as so/ethi$# i$ hi/ 6hich 6a$te) to "y beyo$)8 6here the bo)y co'") $ot o""o68 b't 6hich 6as as yet chai$e) )o6$ by this "i/itatio$9 E,e$ i$ the "o6est o re"i#io's i)eas8 6here )eparte) a$cestors a$) other spirits : /ost"y ,io"e$t a$) cr'e"8 "'r7i$# abo't the ho'ses o their rie$)s8 o$) o b"oo)she) a$) stro$# )ri$7 : are 6orshippe)8 e,e$ there 6e i$) that o$e co//o$ actor8 that o ree)o/9 The /a$ 6ho 6a$ts to 6orship the #o)s sees i$ the/8 abo,e a"" thi$#s8 #reater ree)o/ tha$ i$ hi/se" 9 I a )oor is c"ose)8 he thi$7s the #o)s ca$ #et thro'#h it8 a$) that 6a""s ha,e $o "i/itatio$s or the/9 This i)ea o ree)o/ i$creases '$ti" it co/es to the i)ea" o a Berso$a" Go)8 o 6hich the ce$tra" co$cept is that >e is a 5ei$# beyo$) the "i/itatio$ o $at're8 o Maya9 I see be ore /e8 as it 6ere8 that i$ so/e o those orest retreats this A'estio$ is bei$#8 )isc'sse) by those a$cie$t sa#es o I$)ia; a$) i$ o$e o the/8 6here e,e$ the o")est a$) the ho"iest ai" to reach the so"'tio$s a yo'$# /a$ sta$)s 'p i$ the /i)st o the/8 a$) )ec"ares8 D>ear8 ye chi")re$ o i//orta"ity8 hear8 ye 6ho "i,e i$ the hi#hest p"aces8 I ha,e o'$) the 6ay9 5y 7$o6i$# >i/ 6ho is beyo$) )ar7$ess 6e ca$ #o beyo$) )eath9D This Maya is e,ery6here9 It is terrib"e9 Yet 6e ha,e to 6or7 thro'#h it9 The /a$ 6ho says that he 6i"" 6or7 6he$ the 6or") has beco/e a"" #oo) a$) the$ he 6i"" e$<oy b"iss is as "i7e"y to s'ccee) as the /a$ 6ho sits besi)e the Ga$#a a$) says8 DI 6i"" or) the ri,er 6he$ a"" the 6ater has r'$ i$to the ocea$9D The 6ay is $ot 6ith Maya8 b't a#ai$st it9 This is a$other act to "ear$9 We are $ot bor$ as he"pers o $at're8 b't co/petitors 6ith $at're9 We are its bo$)-/asters8 b't 6e bi$) o'rse",es )o6$9 Why is this ho'se here@ Nat're )i) $ot b'i") it9 Nat're says8 #o a$) "i,e i$ the orest9 Ma$ says8 I 6i"" b'i") a ho'se a$) i#ht 6ith $at're8 a$) he )oes so9 The 6ho"e history o h'/a$ity is a co$ti$'o's i#ht a#ai$st the so-ca""e) "a6s o $at're8 a$) /a$ #ai$s i$ the e$)9 Co/i$# to the i$ter$a" 6or")8 there too the sa/e i#ht is #oi$# o$8 this i#ht bet6ee$ the a$i/a" /a$ a$) the spirit'a" /a$8 bet6ee$ "i#ht a$) )ar7$ess; a$) here too /a$ beco/es ,ictorio's9 >e8 as it 6ere8 c'ts his 6ay o't o $at're to ree)o/9 We see8 the$8 that beyo$) this Maya the Ve)a$tic phi"osophers i$) so/ethi$# 6hich is $ot bo'$) by Maya; a$) i 6e ca$ #et there8 6e sha"" $ot be bo'$) by Maya9 This i)ea is i$ so/e or/ or other the co//o$ property o a"" re"i#io$s9 5't8 6ith the Ve)a$ta8 it is o$"y the be#i$$i$# o re"i#io$ a$) $ot the e$)9 The i)ea o a Berso$a" Go)8 the !'"er a$) Creator o this '$i,erse8 as >e has bee$ sty"e)8 the !'"er o Maya8 or $at're8 is $ot the e$) o these Ve)a$tic i)eas; it is o$"y the be#i$$i$#9 The i)ea #ro6s a$) #ro6s '$ti" the Ve)a$tist i$)s that >e 6ho8 he tho'#ht8 6as sta$)i$# o'tsi)e8 is he hi/se" a$) is i$ rea"ity 6ithi$9 >e is the o$e 6ho is ree8 b't 6ho thro'#h "i/itatio$ tho'#ht he 6as bo'$)9

CHAPTER IV MAYA AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE CONCEPTION OF GOD We ha,e see$ ho6 the i)ea o M?y?8 6hich or/s8 as it 6ere8 o$e o the basic )octri$es o the A),aita Ve)a$ta8 is8 i$ its #er/s8 o'$) e,e$ i$ the Sa/hit?s8 a$) that i$ rea"ity a"" the i)eas 6hich are )e,e"ope) i$ the 3pa$isha)s are to be o'$) a"rea)y i$ the Sa/hitas i$ so/e or/ or other9 Most o yo' are by this ti/e a/i"iar 6ith the i)ea o Maya8 a$) 7$o6 that it is so/eti/es erro$eo's"y e=p"ai$e) as i""'sio$8 so that 6he$ the '$i,erse is sai) to be Maya8 that a"so has to be e=p"ai$e) as bei$# i""'sio$9 The tra$s"atio$ o the 6or) is $either happy $or correct9 Maya is $ot a theory; it is si/p"y a state/e$t o acts abo't the '$i,erse as it e=ists8 a$) to '$)ersta$) Maya 6e /'st #o bac7 to the Sa/hitas a$) be#i$ 6ith the co$ceptio$ i$ the #er/9 We ha,e see$ ho6 the i)ea o the De,as ca/e9 At the sa/e ti/e 6e 7$o6 that these De,as 6ere at irst o$"y po6er '" bei$#s8 $othi$# /ore9 Most o yo' are horri ie) 6he$ rea)i$# the o") script'res8 6hether o the Gree7s8 the >ebre6s8 the Bersia$s8 or others8 to i$) that the a$cie$t #o)s so/eti/es )i) thi$#s 6hich8 to 's8 are ,ery rep'#$a$t9 5't 6he$ 6e rea) these boo7s8 6e e$tire"y or#et that 6e are perso$s o the $i$etee$th ce$t'ry8 a$) these #o)s 6ere bei$#s e=isti$# tho'sa$)s o years a#o9 We a"so or#et that the peop"e 6ho 6orshippe) these #o)s o'$) $othi$# i$co$#r'o's i$ their characters8 o'$) $othi$# to ri#hte$ the/8 beca'se they 6ere ,ery /'ch "i7e the/se",es9 I /ay a"so re/ar7 that that is the o$e #reat "esso$ 6e ha,e to "ear$ thro'#ho't o'r "i,es9 I$ <')#i$# others 6e a"6ays <')#e the/ by o'r o6$ i)ea"s9 That is $ot as it sho'") be9 E,eryo$e /'st be <')#e) accor)i$# to his o6$ i)ea"8 a$) $ot by that o a$yo$e e"se9 I$ o'r )ea"i$#s 6ith o'r e""o6-bei$#s 6e co$sta$t"y "abo'r '$)er this /ista7e8 a$) I a/ o opi$io$ that the ,ast /a<ority o o'r A'arre"s 6ith o$e a$other arise si/p"y ro/ this o$e ca'se that 6e are a"6ays tryi$# to <')#e othersE #o)s by o'r o6$8 othersE i)ea"s by o'r i)ea"s8 a$) othersE /oti,es by o'r /oti,es9 3$)er certai$ circ'/sta$ces I /i#ht )o a certai$ thi$#8 a$) 6he$ I see a$other perso$ ta7i$# the sa/e co'rse I thi$7 he has a"so the sa/e /oti,e act'ati$# hi/8 "itt"e )rea/i$# that a"tho'#h the e ect /ay be the sa/e8 yet /a$y other ca'ses /ay pro)'ce the sa/e thi$#9 >e /ay ha,e per or/e) the actio$ 6ith A'ite a )i ere$t /oti,e ro/ that 6hich i/pe""e) /e to )o it9 So i$ <')#i$# o those a$cie$t re"i#io$s 6e /'st $ot ta7e the sta$)poi$t to 6hich 6e i$c"i$e8 b't /'st p't o'rse",es i$to the positio$ o tho'#ht a$) "i e o those ear"y ti/es9 The i)ea o the cr'e" a$) r'th"ess Jeho,ah i$ the O") Testa/e$t has ri#hte$e) /a$y : b't 6hy@ What ri#ht ha,e they to ass'/e that the Jeho,ah o the a$cie$t Je6s /'st represe$t the co$,e$tio$a" i)ea o the Go) o the prese$t )ay@ A$) at the sa/e ti/e8 6e /'st $ot or#et that there 6i"" co/e /e$ a ter 's 6ho 6i"" "a'#h at o'r i)eas o re"i#io$ a$) Go) i$ the sa/e 6ay that 6e "a'#h at those o the a$cie$ts9 Yet8 thro'#h a"" these ,ario's co$ceptio$s r'$s the #o")e$ threa) o '$ity8 a$) it is the p'rpose o the Ve)a$ta to )isco,er this threa)9 DI a/ the threa) that r'$s thro'#h a"" these ,ario's i)eas8 each o$e o 6hich is; "i7e a pear"8D says the Cor) Krish$a; a$) it is the )'ty o Ve)a$ta to estab"ish this co$$ecti$# threa)8 ho6 e,er i$co$#r'o's or )is#'sti$# /ay see/ these i)eas 6he$ <')#e) accor)i$# to the co$ceptio$s o to)ay9 These i)eas8 i$ the setti$# o past ti/es8 6ere har/o$io's a$) $ot /ore hi)eo's tha$ o'r prese$t i)eas9 It is o$"y 6he$ 6e try to ta7e the/ o't o their setti$#s a$) app"y to o'r o6$ prese$t circ'/sta$ces that the hi)eo's$ess beco/es ob,io's9 .or the o") s'rro'$)i$#s are )ea) a$) #o$e9 J'st as the a$cie$t Je6 has )e,e"ope) i$to the 7ee$8 /o)er$8 sharp Je68 a$) the a$cie$t Arya$ i$to the i$te""ect'a" >i$)' si/i"ar"y Jeho,ah has #ro6$8 a$) De,as ha,e #ro6$9 The #reat /ista7e is i$ reco#$isi$# the e,o"'tio$ o the 6orshippers8 6hi"e 6e )o $ot ac7$o6"e)#e the e,o"'tio$ o the Worshippe)9 >e is $ot cre)ite) 6ith the a),a$ce that his )e,otees ha,e /a)e9 That is to say8 yo' a$) I8 represe$ti$# i)eas8 ha,e #ro6$; these #o)s a"so8 as represe$ti$# i)eas8 ha,e #ro6$9 This /ay see/ so/e6hat c'rio's to yo' : that Go) ca$ #ro69 >e ca$$ot9 >e is

'$cha$#eab"e9 I$ the sa/e se$se the rea" /a$ $e,er #ro6s9 5't /a$Es i)eas o Go) are co$sta$t"y cha$#i$# a$) e=pa$)i$#9 We sha"" see "ater o$ ho6 the rea" /a$ behi$) each o$e o these h'/a$ /a$i estatio$s is i//o,ab"e8 '$cha$#eab"e8 p're8 a$) a"6ays per ect; a$) i$ the sa/e 6ay the i)ea that 6e or/ o Go) is a /ere /a$i estatio$8 o'r o6$ creatio$9 5ehi$) that is the rea" Go) 6ho $e,er cha$#es8 the e,er p're8 the i//'tab"e9 5't the /a$i estatio$ is a"6ays cha$#i$# re,ea"i$# the rea"ity behi$) /ore a$) /ore9 Whe$ it re,ea"s /ore o the act behi$)8 it is ca""e) pro#ressio$8 6he$ it hi)es /ore o the act behi$)8 it is ca""e) retro#ressio$9 Th's8 as 6e #ro68 so the #o)s #ro69 .ro/ the or)i$ary poi$t o ,ie68 <'st as 6e re,ea" o'rse",es as 6e e,o",e8 so the #o)s re,ea" the/se",es9 We sha"" $o6 be i$ a positio$ to '$)ersta$) the theory o Maya9 I$ a"" the re#io$s o the 6or") the o$e A'estio$ they propose to )isc'ss is this4 Why is there )ishar/o$y i$ the '$i,erse@ Why is there this e,i" i$ the '$i,erse@ We )o $ot i$) this A'estio$ i$ the ,ery i$ceptio$ o pri/iti,e re"i#io's i)eas8 beca'se the 6or") )i) $ot appear i$co$#r'o's to the pri/iti,e /a$9 Circ'/sta$ces 6ere $ot i$har/o$io's or hi/; there 6as $o )ash o opi$io$s; to hi/ there 6as $o a$ta#o$is/ o #oo) a$) e,i"9 There 6as /ere"y a ee"i$# i$ his o6$ heart o so/ethi$# 6hich sai) yea8 a$) so/ethi$# 6hich sai) $ay9 The pri/iti,e /a$ 6as a /a$ o i/p'"se9 >e )i) 6hat occ'rre) to hi/8 a$) trie) to bri$# o't thro'#h his /'sc"es 6hate,er tho'#ht ca/e i$to his /i$)8 a$) he $e,er stoppe) to <')#e8 a$) se")o/ trie) to chec7 his i/p'"ses9 So 6ith the #o)s8 they 6ere a"so creat'res o i/p'"se9 I$)ra co/es a$) shatters the orces o the )e/o$s9 Jeho,ah is p"ease) 6ith o$e perso$ a$) )isp"ease) 6ith a$other8 or 6hat reaso$ $o o$e 7$o6s or as7s9 The habit o i$A'iry ha) $ot the$ arise$8 a$) 6hate,er he )i) 6as re#ar)e) as ri#ht9 There 6as $o i)ea o #oo) or e,i"9 The De,as )i) /a$y 6ic7e) thi$#s i$ o'r se$se o the 6or); a#ai$ a$) a#ai$ I$)ra a$) other #o)s co//itte) ,ery 6ic7e) )ee)s8 b't to the 6orshippers o I$)ra the i)eas o 6ic7e)$ess a$) e,i" )i) $ot occ'r8 so they )i) $ot A'estio$ the/9 With the a),a$ce o ethica" i)eas ca/e the i#ht9 There arose a certai$ se$se i$ /a$8 ca""e) i$ )i ere$t "a$#'a#es a$) $atio$s by )i ere$t $a/es9 Ca"" it the ,oice o Go)8 or the res'"t o past e)'catio$8 or 6hate,er e"se yo' "i7e8 b't the e ect 6as this that it ha) a chec7i$# po6er 'po$ the $at'ra" i/p'"ses o /a$9 There is o$e i/p'"se i$ o'r /i$)s 6hich says8 )o9 5ehi$) it rises a$other ,oice 6hich says8 )o $ot9 There is o$e set o i)eas i$ o'r /i$) 6hich is a"6ays str'##"i$# to #et o'tsi)e thro'#h the cha$$e"s o the se$ses8 a$) behi$) that8 a"tho'#h it /ay be thi$ a$) 6ea78 there is a$ i$ i$ite"y s/a"" ,oice 6hich says8 )o $ot #o o'tsi)e9 The t6o bea'ti '" Sa$s7rit 6or)s or these phe$o/e$a are Bra,ritti a$) Ni,ritti8 Dcirc"i$# or6ar)D a$) Dcirc"i$# i$6ar)D9 It is the circ"i$# or6ar) 6hich 's'a""y #o,er$s o'r actio$s9 !e"i#io$ be#i$s 6ith this circ"i$# i$6ar)9 !e"i#io$ be#i$s 6ith this D)o $otD9 Spirit'a"ity be#i$s 6ith this D)o $otD9 Whe$ the D)o $otD is $ot there8 re"i#io$ has $ot be#'$9 A$) this D)o $otD ca/e8 ca'si$# /e$Es i)eas to #ro68 )espite the i#hti$# #o)s 6hich they ha) 6orshippe)9 A "itt"e "o,e a6o7e i$ the hearts o /a$7i$)9 It 6as ,ery s/a"" i$)ee)8 a$) e,e$ $o6 it is $ot /'ch #reater9 It 6as at irst co$ i$e) to a tribe e/braci$# perhaps /e/bers o the sa/e tribe; these #o)s "o,e) their tribes a$) each #o) 6as a triba" #o)8 the protector o that tribe9 A$) so/eti/es the /e/bers o a tribe 6o'") thi$7 o the/se",es as the )esce$)a$ts o their #o)8 <'st as the c"a$s i$ )i ere$t $atio$s thi$7 that they are the co//o$ )esce$)a$ts o the /a$ 6ho 6as the o'$)er o the c"a$9 There 6ere i$ a$cie$t ti/es8 a$) are e,e$ $o68 so/e peop"e 6ho c"ai/ to be )esce$)a$ts $ot o$"y o these triba" #o)s8 b't a"so o the S'$ a$) the Moo$9 Yo' rea) i$ the a$cie$t Sa$s7rit boo7s o the #reat heroic e/perors o the so"ar a$) the "'$ar )y$asties9 They 6ere irst 6orshippers o the S'$ a$) the Moo$8 a$) #ra)'a""y ca/e to thi$7 o the/se",es as )esce$)a$ts o the #o) o the S'$ o the Moo$8 a$) so orth9 So 6he$ these triba" i)eas be#a$ to #ro6 there ca/e a "itt"e "o,e8 so/e s"i#ht i)ea o )'ty to6ar)s each other8 a "itt"e socia" or#a$isatio$9 The$8 $at'ra""y8 the i)ea ca/e4 >o6 ca$ 6e "i,e to#ether 6itho't beari$# a$) orbeari$#@ >o6 ca$ o$e /a$ "i,e 6ith a$other 6itho't ha,i$# so/e ti/e or other to chec7 his i/p'"ses8 to restrai$ hi/se" 8 to orbear ro/ )oi$# thi$#s 6hich his /i$) 6o'") pro/pt hi/ to )o@ It is i/possib"e9 Th's co/es the i)ea o restrai$t9 The 6ho"e socia" abric is base) 'po$ that i)ea o restrai$t8 a$) 6e a"" 7$o6 that the /a$ or 6o/a$

6ho has $ot "ear$t the #reat "esso$ o beari$# a$) orbeari$# "ea)s a /ost /iserab"e "i e9 No68 6he$ these i)eas o re"i#io$ ca/e8 a #"i/pse o so/ethi$# hi#her8 /ore ethica"8 )a6$e) 'po$ the i$te""ect o /a$7i$)9 The o") #o)s 6ere o'$) to be i$co$#r'o's : these boistero's8 i#hti$#8 )ri$7i$#8 bee -eati$# #o)s o the a$cie$ts : 6hose )e"i#ht 6as i$ the s/e"" o b'r$i$# "esh a$) "ibatio$s o stro$# "iA'or9 So/eti/es I$)ra )ra$7 so /'ch that he e"" 'po$ the #ro'$) a$) ta"7e) '$i$te""i#ib"y9 These #o)s co'") $o "o$#er be to"erate)9 The $otio$ ha) arise$ o i$A'iri$# i$to /oti,es8 a$) the #o)s ha) to co/e i$ or their share o i$A'iry9 !easo$ or s'ch-a$)-s'ch actio$s 6as )e/a$)e) a$) the reaso$ 6as 6a$ti$#9 There ore /a$ #a,e 'p these #o)s8 or rather they )e,e"ope) hi#her i)eas co$cer$i$# the/9 They too7 a s'r,ey8 as it 6ere8 o a"" the actio$s a$) A'a"ities o the #o)s a$) )iscar)e) those 6hich they co'") $ot har/o$ise8 a$) 7ept those 6hich they co'") '$)ersta$)8 a$) co/bi$e) the/8 "abe""i$# the/ 6ith o$e $a/e8 De,a-)e,a8 the Go) o #o)s9 The #o) to be 6orshippe) 6as $o /ore a si/p"e sy/bo" o po6er; so/ethi$# /ore 6as reA'ire) tha$ that9 >e 6as a$ ethica" #o); he "o,e) /a$7i$)8 a$) )i) #oo) to /a$7i$)9 5't the i)ea o #o) sti"" re/ai$e)9 They i$crease) his ethica" si#$i ica$ce8 a$) i$crease) a"so his po6er9 >e beca/e the /ost ethica" bei$# i$ the '$i,erse8 as 6e"" as a"/ost a"/i#hty9 5't a"" this patch6or7 6o'") $ot )o9 As the e=p"a$atio$ ass'/e) #reater proportio$s8 the )i ic'"ty 6hich it so'#ht to so",e )i) the sa/e9 I the A'a"ities o the #o) i$crease) i$ arith/etica" pro#ressio$8 the )i ic'"ty a$) )o'bt i$crease) i$ #eo/etrica" pro#ressio$9 The )i ic'"ty o Jeho,ah 6as ,ery "itt"e besi)e the )i ic'"ty o the Go) o the '$i,erse8 a$) this A'estio$ re/ai$s to the prese$t )ay9 Why '$)er the rei#$ o a$ a"/i#hty a$) a""-"o,i$# Go) o the '$i,erse sho'") )iabo"ica" thi$#s be a""o6e) to re/ai$@ Why so /'ch /ore /isery tha$ happi$ess8 a$) so /'ch /ore 6ic7e)$ess tha$ #oo)@ We /ay sh't o'r eyes to a"" these thi$#s8 b't the act sti"" re/ai$s that this 6or") is a hi)eo's 6or")9 At best8 it is the he"" o Ta$ta"'s9 >ere 6e are 6ith stro$# i/p'"ses a$) stro$#er cra,i$#s or se$se-e$<oy/e$ts8 b't ca$$ot satis y the/9 There rises a 6a,e 6hich i/pe"s 's or6ar) i$ spite o o'r o6$ 6i""8 a$) as soo$ as 6e /o,e o$e step8 co/es a b"o69 We are a"" )oo/e) to "i,e here "i7e Ta$ta"'s9 I)ea"s co/e i$to o'r hea) ar beyo$) the "i/it o o'r se$sei)ea"s8 b't 6he$ 6e see7 to e=press the/8 6e ca$$ot )o so9 O$ the other ha$)8 6e are cr'she) by the s'r#i$# /ass aro'$) 's9 Yet i I #i,e 'p a"" i)ea"ity a$) /ere"y str'##"e thro'#h this 6or")8 /y e=iste$ce is that o a br'te8 a$) I )e#e$erate a$) )e#ra)e /yse" 9 Neither 6ay is happi$ess9 3$happi$ess is the ate o those 6ho are co$te$t to "i,e i$ this 6or")8 bor$ as they are9 A tho'sa$) ti/es #reater /isery is the ate o those 6ho )are to sta$) orth or tr'th a$) or hi#her thi$#s a$) 6ho )are to as7 or so/ethi$# hi#her tha$ /ere br'te e=iste$ce here9 These are acts; b't there is $o e=p"a$atio$ : there ca$$ot be a$y e=p"a$atio$9 5't the Ve)a$ta sho6s the 6ay o't9 Yo' /'st bear i$ /i$) that I ha,e to te"" yo' acts that 6i"" ri#hte$ yo' so/eti/es8 b't i yo' re/e/ber 6hat I say8 thi$7 o it8 a$) )i#est it8 it 6i"" be yo'rs8 it 6i"" raise yo' hi#her8 a$) /a7e yo' capab"e o '$)ersta$)i$# a$) "i,i$# i$ tr'th9 No68 it is a state/e$t o act that this 6or") is a Ta$ta"'sEs he""8 that 6e )o $ot 7$o6 a$ythi$# abo't this '$i,erse8 yet at the sa/e ti/e 6e ca$$ot say that 6e )o $ot 7$o69 I ca$$ot say that this chai$ e=ists8 6he$ I thi$7 that I )o $ot 7$o6 it9 It /ay be a$ e$tire )e"'sio$ o /y brai$9 I /ay be )rea/i$# a"" the ti/e9 I a/ )rea/i$# that I a/ ta"7i$# to yo'8 a$) that yo' are "iste$i$# to /e9 No o$e ca$ pro,e that it is $ot a )rea/9 My brai$ itse" /ay be a )rea/8 a$) as to that $o o$e has e,er see$ his o6$ brai$9 We a"" ta7e it or #ra$te)9 So it is 6ith e,erythi$#9 My o6$ bo)y I ta7e or #ra$te)9 At the sa/e ti/e I ca$$ot say8 I )o $ot 7$o69 This sta$)i$# bet6ee$ 7$o6"e)#e a$) i#$ora$ce8 this /ystic t6i"i#ht8 the /i$#"i$# o tr'th a$) a"sehoo) : a$) 6here they /eet : $o o$e 7$o6s9 We are 6a"7i$# i$ the /i)st o a )rea/8 ha" s"eepi$#8 ha" 6a7i$#8 passi$# a"" o'r "i,es i$ a haFe; this is the ate o e,eryo$e o 's9 This is the ate o a"" se$se-7$o6"e)#e9 This is the ate o a"" phi"osophy8 o a"" boaste) scie$ce8 o a"" boaste) h'/a$ 7$o6"e)#e9 This is the '$i,erse9 What yo' ca"" /atter8 or spirit8 or /i$)8 or a$ythi$# e"se yo' /ay "i7e to ca"" the/8 the act re/ai$s the sa/e4 6e ca$$ot say that they are8 6e ca$$ot say that they are $ot9 We ca$$ot say they are o$e8 6e ca$$ot say they are /a$y9 This eter$a" p"ay o "i#ht a$) )ar7$ess : i$)iscri/i$ate8 i$)isti$#'ishab"e8 i$separab"e : is a"6ays there9 A act8 yet at the sa/e ti/e $ot a act; a6a7e a$)

at the sa/e ti/e as"eep9 This is a state/e$t o acts8 a$) this is 6hat is ca""e) Maya9 We are bor$ i$ this Maya8 6e "i,e i$ it8 6e thi$7 i$ it8 6e )rea/ i$ it9 We are phi"osophers i$ it8 6e are spirit'a" /e$ i$ it8 $ay8 6e are )e,i"s i$ this Maya8 a$) 6e are #o)s i$ this Maya9 Stretch yo'r i)eas as ar as yo' ca$ /a7e the/ hi#her a$) hi#her8 ca"" the/ i$ i$ite or by a$y other $a/e yo' p"ease8 e,e$ these i)eas are 6ithi$ this Maya9 It ca$$ot be other6ise8 a$) the 6ho"e o h'/a$ 7$o6"e)#e is a #e$era"iFatio$ o this Maya tryi$# to 7$o6 it as it appears to be9 This is the 6or7 o N?/a-!'pa : $a/e a$) or/9 E,erythi$# that has or/8 e,erythi$# that ca""s 'p a$ i)ea i$ yo'r /i$)8 is 6ithi$ Maya; or e,erythi$# that is bo'$) by the "a6s o ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$ is 6ithi$ Maya9 Cet 's #o bac7 a "itt"e to those ear"y i)eas o Go) a$) see 6hat beca/e o the/9 We percei,e at o$ce that the i)ea o so/e 5ei$# 6ho is eter$a""y "o,i$# 's : eter$a""y '$se" ish a$) a"/i#hty8 r'"i$# this '$i,erse : co'") $ot satis y9 DWhere is the <'st8 /erci '" Go)@D as7e) the phi"osopher9 Does >e $ot see /i""io$s a$) /i""io$s o >is chi")re$ perish8 i$ the or/ o /e$ a$) a$i/a"s; or 6ho ca$ "i,e o$e /o/e$t here 6itho't 7i""i$# others@ Ca$ yo' )ra6 a breath 6itho't )estroyi$# tho'sa$)s o "i,es@ Yo' "i,e8 beca'se8 /i""io$s )ie9 E,ery /o/e$t o yo'r "i e8 e,ery breath that yo' breathe8 is )eath to tho'sa$)s; e,ery /o,e/e$t that yo' /a7e is )eath to /i""io$s9 E,ery /orse" that yo' eat is )eath to /i""io$s9 Why sho'") they )ie@ There is a$ o") sophis/ that they are ,ery "o6 e=iste$ces9 S'pposi$# they are : 6hich is A'estio$ab"e8 or 6ho 7$o6s 6hether the a$t is #reater tha$ the /a$8 or the /a$ tha$ the a$t : 6ho ca$ pro,e o$e 6ay or the other@ Apart ro/ that A'estio$8 e,e$ ta7i$# it or #ra$te) that these are ,ery "o6 bei$#s8 sti"" 6hy sho'") they )ie@ I they are "o68 they ha,e /ore reaso$ to "i,e9 Why $ot@ 5eca'se they "i,e /ore i$ the se$ses8 they ee" p"eas're a$) pai$ a tho'sa$) o") /ore tha$ yo' or I ca$ )o9 Which o 's eats a )i$$er 6ith the sa/e #'sto as a )o# or 6o" @ No$e8 beca'se o'r e$er#ies are $ot i$ the se$ses; they are i$ the i$te""ect8 i$ the spirit9 5't i$ a$i/a"s8 their 6ho"e so'" is i$ the se$ses8 a$) they beco/e /a) a$) e$<oy thi$#s 6hich 6e h'/a$ bei$#s $e,er )rea/ o 8 a$) the pai$ is co//e$s'rate 6ith the p"eas're9 B"eas're a$) pai$ are /ete) o't i$ eA'a" /eas're9 I the p"eas're e"t by a$i/a"s is so /'ch 7ee$er tha$ that e"t by /a$8 it o""o6s that the a$i/a"sE se$se o pai$ is as 7ee$8 i $ot 7ee$er tha$ /a$Es9 So the act is8 the pai$ a$) /isery /e$ ee" i$ )yi$# is i$te$si ie) a tho'sa$) o") i$ a$i/a"s8 a$) yet 6e 7i"" the/ 6itho't tro'b"i$# o'rse",es abo't their /isery9 This is Maya9 A$) i 6e s'ppose there is a Berso$a" Go) "i7e a h'/a$ bei$#8 6ho /a)e e,erythi$#8 these so-ca""e) e=p"a$atio$s a$) theories 6hich try to pro,e that o't o e,i" co/es #oo) are $ot s' icie$t9 Cet t6e$ty tho'sa$) #oo) thi$#s co/e8 b't 6hy sho'") they co/e ro/ e,i"@ O$ that pri$cip"e8 I /i#ht c't the throats o others beca'se I 6a$t the '"" p"eas're o /y i,e se$ses9 That is $o reaso$9 Why sho'") #oo) co/e thro'#h e,i"@ The A'estio$ re/ai$s to be a$s6ere)8 a$) it ca$$ot be a$s6ere)9 The phi"osophy o I$)ia 6as co/pe""e) to a)/it this9 The Ve)a$ta 6as Ia$) isJ the bo")est syste/ o re"i#io$9 It stoppe) $o6here8 a$) it ha) o$e a),a$ta#e9 There 6as $o bo)y o priests 6ho so'#ht to s'ppress e,ery /a$ 6ho trie) to te"" the tr'th9 There 6as a"6ays abso"'te re"i#io's ree)o/9 I$ I$)ia the bo$)a#e o s'perstitio$ is a socia" o$e; here i$ the West society is ,ery ree9 Socia" /atters i$ I$)ia are ,ery strict8 b't re"i#io's opi$io$ is ree9 I$ E$#"a$) a /a$ /ay )ress a$y 6ay he "i7es8 or eat 6hat he "i"ies : $o o$e ob<ects; b't i he /isses atte$)i$# ch'rch8 the$ Mrs9 Gr'$)y is )o6$ o$ hi/9 >e has to co$ or/ irst to 6hat society says o$ re"i#io$8 a$) the$ he /ay thi$7 o the tr'th9 I$ I$)ia8 o$ the other ha$)8 i a /a$ )i$es 6ith o$e 6ho )oes $ot be"o$# to his o6$ caste8 )o6$ co/es society 6ith a"" its terrib"e po6ers a$) cr'shes hi/ the$ a$) there9 I he 6a$ts to )ress a "itt"e )i ere$t"y ro/ the 6ay i$ 6hich his a$cestor )resse) a#es a#o8 he is )o$e or9 I ha,e hear) o a /a$ 6ho 6as cast o't by society beca'se he 6e$t se,era" /i"es to see the irst rai"6ay trai$9 We""8 6e sha"" pres'/e that 6as $ot tr'eG 5't i$ re"i#io$8 6e i$) atheists8 /ateria"ists8 a$) 5'))hists8 cree)s8 opi$io$s8 a$) spec'"atio$s o e,ery phase a$) ,ariety8 so/e o a /ost start"i$# character8 "i,i$# si)e by si)e9 Breachers o a"" sects #o abo't reachi$# a$) #etti$# a)here$ts8 a$) at the ,ery #ates o the te/p"es o #o)s8 the 5r?h/i$s : to their cre)it be it sai) : a""o6 e,e$ the /ateria"ists to sta$) a$) #i,e orth their opi$io$s9 5'))ha )ie) at a ripe o") a#e9 I re/e/ber a rie$) o /i$e8 a #reat A/erica$ scie$tist8 6ho 6as

o$) o rea)i$# his "i e9 >e )i) $ot "i7e the )eath o 5'))ha8 beca'se he 6as $ot cr'ci ie)9 What a a"se i)eaG .or a /a$ to be #reat he /'st be /'r)ere)G S'ch i)eas $e,er pre,ai"e) i$ I$)ia9 This #reat 5'))ha tra,e""e) a"" o,er I$)ia8 )e$o'$ci$# her #o)s a$) e,e$ the Go) o the '$i,erse8 a$) yet he "i,e) to a #oo) o") a#e9 .or ei#hty years he "i,e)8 a$) ha) co$,erte) ha" the co'$try9 The$8 there 6ere the Ch?r,?7as8 6ho preache) horrib"e thi$#s8 the /ost ra$78 '$)is#'ise) /ateria"is/8 s'ch as i$ the $i$etee$th ce$t'ry they )are $ot ope$"y preach9 These Char,a7as 6ere a""o6e) to preach ro/ te/p"e to te/p"e8 a$) city to city8 that re"i#io$ 6as a"" $o$se$se8 that it 6as priestcra t8 that the Ve)as 6ere the 6or)s a$) 6riti$#s o oo"s8 ro#'es8 a$) )e/o$s8 a$) that there 6as $either Go) $or a$ eter$a" so'"9 I there 6as a so'"8 6hy )i) it $ot co/e bac7 a ter )eath )ra6$ by the "o,e o 6i e a$) chi")9 Their i)ea 6as that i there 6as a so'" it /'st sti"" "o,e a ter )eath8 a$) 6a$t #oo) thi$#s to eat a$) $ice )ress9 Yet $o o$e h'rt these Char,a7as9 Th's I$)ia has a"6ays ha) this /a#$i ice$t i)ea o re"i#io's ree)o/8 a$) yo' /'st re/e/ber that ree)o/ is the irst co$)itio$ o #ro6th9 What yo' )o $ot /a7e ree8 6i"" $e,er #ro69 The i)ea that yo' ca$ /a7e others #ro6 a$) he"p their #ro6th8 that yo' ca$ )irect a$) #'i)e the/8 a"6ays retai$i$# or yo'rse" the ree)o/ o the teacher8 is $o$se$se8 a )a$#ero's "ie 6hich has retar)e) the #ro6th o /i""io$s a$) /i""io$s o h'/a$ bei$#s i$ this 6or")9 Cet /e$ ha,e the "i#ht o "iberty9 That is the o$"y co$)itio$ o #ro6th9 We8 i$ I$)ia8 a""o6e) "iberty i$ spirit'a" /atters8 a$) 6e ha,e a tre/e$)o's spirit'a" po6er i$ re"i#io's tho'#ht e,e$ to)ay9 Yo' #ra$t the sa/e "iberty i$ socia" /atters8 a$) so ha,e a sp"e$)i) socia" or#a$isatio$9 We ha,e $ot #i,e$ a$y ree)o/ to the e=pa$sio$ o socia" /atters8 a$) o'rs is a cra/pe) society9 Yo' ha,e $e,er #i,e$ a$y ree)o/ i$ re"i#io's /atters b't 6ith ire a$) s6or) ha,e e$ orce) yo'r be"ie s8 a$) the res'"t is that re"i#io$ is a st'$te)8 )e#e$erate) #ro6th i$ the E'ropea$ /i$)9 I$ I$)ia8 6e ha,e to ta7e o the shac7"es ro/ society; i$ E'rope8 the chai$s /'st be ta7e$ ro/ the eet o spirit'a" pro#ress9 The$ 6i"" co/e a 6o$)er '" #ro6th a$) )e,e"op/e$t o /a$9 I 6e )isco,er that there is o$e '$ity r'$$i$# thro'#h a"" these )e,e"op/e$ts8 spirit'a"8 /ora"8 a$) socia"8 6e sha"" i$) that re"i#io$8 i$ the '""est se$se o the 6or)8 /'st co/e i$to society8 a$) i$to o'r e,ery)ay "i e9 I$ the "i#ht o Ve)a$ta yo' 6i"" 3$)ersta$) that a"" scie$ces are b't /a$i estatio$s o re"i#io$8 a$) so is e,erythi$# that e=ists i$ this 6or")9 We see8 the$8 that thro'#h ree)o/ the scie$ces 6ere b'i"t; a$) i$ the/ 6e ha,e t6o sets o opi$io$s8 the o$e the /ateria"istic a$) )e$o'$ci$#8 a$) the other the positi,e a$) co$str'cti,e9 It is a /ost c'rio's act that i$ e,ery society yo' i$) the/9 S'pposi$# there is a$ e,i" i$ society8 yo' 6i"" i$) i//e)iate"y o$e #ro'p rise 'p a$) )e$o'$ce it i$ ,i$)icti,e ashio$8 6hich so/eti/es )e#e$erates i$to a$aticis/9 There are a$atics i$ e,ery society8 a$) 6o/e$ reA'e$t"y <oi$ i$ these o'tcries8 beca'se o their i/p'"si,e $at're9 E,ery a$atic 6ho #ets 'p a$) )e$o'$ces so/ethi$# ca$ sec're a o""o6i$#9 It is ,ery easy to brea7 )o6$; a /a$iac ca$ brea7 a$ythi$# he "i7es8 b't it 6o'") be har) or hi/ to b'i") 'p a$ythi$#9 These a$atics /ay )o so/e #oo)8 accor)i$# to their "i#ht8 b't /'ch /or$ har/9 5eca'se socia" i$stit'tio$s are $ot /a)e i$ a )ay8 a$) to cha$#e the/ /ea$s re/o,i$# the ca'se9 S'ppose there is a$ e,i"; )e$o'$ci$# it 6i"" $ot re/o,e it8 b't yo' /'st #o to 6or7 at the root9 .irst i$) o't the ca'se8 the$ re/o,e it8 a$) the e ect 6i"" be re/o,e) a"so9 Mere o'tcry $ot pro)'ce a$y e ect8 '$"ess i$)ee) it pro)'ces /is ort'$e9 There are others 6ho ha) sy/pathy i$ their hearts a$) 6ho '$)erstoo) the i)ea that 6e /'st #o )eep i$to the ca'se8 these 6ere the #reat sai$ts9 O$e act yo' /'st re/e/ber8 that a"" the #reat teachers o the 6or") ha,e )ec"are) that they ca/e $ot to )estroy b't to '" i"9 Ma$y ti/es his has $ot bee$ '$)erstoo)8 a$) their orbeara$ce has bee$ tho'#ht to be a$ '$6orthy co/pro/ise 6ith e=isti$# pop'"ar opi$io$s9 E,e$ $o68 yo' occasio$a""y hear that these prophets a$) #reat teachers 6ere rather co6ar)"y8 a$) )are) $ot say a$) )o 6hat they tho'#ht 6as ri#ht; b't that 6as $ot so9 .a$atics "itt"e '$)ersta$) the i$ i$ite po6er o "o,e i$ the hearts o these #reat sa#es 6ho "oo7e) 'po$ the i$habita$ts o this 6or") as their chi")re$9 They 6ere the rea" athers8 the rea" #o)s8 i""e) 6ith i$ i$ite sy/pathy a$) patie$ce or e,eryo$e; they 6ere rea)y to bear a$) orbear9 They 7$e6 ho6 h'/a$ society sho'") #ro68 a$) patie$t"y s"o6"y8 s're"y8 6e$t o$ app"yi$# their re/e)ies8 $ot

by )e$o'$ci$# a$) ri#hte$i$# peop"e8 b't by #e$t"y a$) 7i$)"y "ea)i$# the/ 'p6ar)s step by step9 S'ch 6ere the 6riters o the 3pa$isha)s9 They 7$e6 '"" 6e"" ho6 the o") i)eas o Go) 6ere $ot reco$ci"ab"e 6ith the a),a$ce) ethica" i)eas o the ti/e; they 7$e6 '"" 6e"" that 6hat the atheists 6ere preachi$# co$tai$e) a #oo) )ea" o tr'th8 $ay8 #reat $'##ets o tr'th; b't at the sa/e ti/e8 they '$)erstoo) that those 6ho 6ishe) to se,er the threa) that bo'$) the bea)s8 6ho 6a$te) to b'i") a $e6 society i$ the air8 6o'") e$tire"y ai"9 We $e,er b'i") a$e68 6e si/p"y cha$#e p"aces; 6e ca$$ot ha,e a$ythi$# $e68 6e o$"y cha$#e the positio$ o thi$#s9 The see) #ro6s i$to the tree8 patie$t"y a$) #e$t"y; 6e /'st )irect o'r e$er#ies to6ar)s the tr'th a$) '" i" the tr'th that e=ists8 $ot try to /a7e $e6 tr'ths9 Th's8 i$stea) o )e$o'$ci$# these o") i)eas o Go) as '$ it or /o)er$ ti/es8 the a$cie$t sa#es be#a$ to see7 o't the rea"ity that 6as i$ the/9 The res'"t 6as the Ve)a$ta phi"osophy8 a$) o't o the o") )eities8 o't o the /o$otheistic Go)8 the !'"er o the '$i,erse8 they o'$) yet hi#her a$) hi#her i)eas i$ 6hat is ca""e) the I/perso$a" Abso"'te; they o'$) o$e$ess thro'#ho't the '$i,erse9 >e 6ho sees i$ this 6or") o /a$i o")$ess that O$e r'$$i$# thro'#h a""8 i$ this 6or") o )eath he 6ho i$)s that O$e I$ i$ite Ci e8 a$) i$ this 6or") o i$se$tie$ce a$) i#$ora$ce he 6ho i$)s that O$e Ci#ht a$) K$o6"e)#e8 '$to hi/ be"o$#s eter$a" peace9 3$to $o$e e"se8 '$to $o$e e"se9

CHAPTER V MAYA AND FREEDOM DTrai"i$# c"o')s o #"ory 6e co/e8D says the poet9 Not a"" o 's co/e as trai"i$# c"o')s o #"ory ho6e,er; so/e o 's co/e as trai"i$# b"ac7 o#s; there ca$ be $o A'estio$ abo't that9 5't e,ery o$e o 's co/es i$to this 6or") to i#ht8 as o$ a batt"e ie")9 We co/e here 6eepi$# to i#ht o'r 6ay8 as 6e"" as 6e ca$8 a$) to /a7e a path or o'rse",es thro'#h this i$ i$ite ocea$ o "i e; or6ar) 6e #o8 ha,i$# "o$# a#es behi$) 's a$) a$ i//e$se e=pa$se beyo$)9 So o$ 6e #o8 ti"" )eath co/es a$) ta7es 's o the ie") : ,ictorio's or )e eate)8 6e )o $ot 7$o69 A$) this is M?y?9 >ope is )o/i$a$t i$ the heart o chi")hoo)9 The 6ho"e 6or") is a #o")e$ ,isio$ to the ope$i$# eyes o the chi"); he thi$7s his 6i"" is s'pre/e9 As he /o,es o$6ar)8 at e,ery step $at're sta$)s as a$ a)a/a$ti$e 6a""8 barri$# his 't're pro#ress9 >e /ay h'r" hi/se" a#ai$st it a#ai$ a$) a#ai$8 stri,i$# to brea7 thro'#h9 The 'rther he #oes8 the 'rther rece)es the i)ea"8 ti"" )eath co/es8 a$) there is re"ease8 perhaps9 A$) this is Maya9 A /a$ o scie$ce rises8 he is thirsti$# a ter 7$o6"e)#e9 No sacri ice is too #reat8 $o str'##"e too hope"ess or hi/9 >e /o,es o$6ar) )isco,eri$# secret a ter secret o $at're8 searchi$# o't the secrets ro/ her i$$er/ost heart8 a$) 6hat or@ What is it a"" or@ Why sho'") 6e #i,e hi/ #"ory@ Why sho'") he acA'ire a/e@ Does $ot $at're )o i$ i$ite"y /ore tha$ a$y h'/a$ bei$# ca$ )o@ : a$) $at're is )'""8 i$se$tie$t9 Why sho'") it be #"ory to i/itate the )'""8 the i$se$tie$t@ Nat're ca$ h'r" a th'$)erbo"t o a$y /a#$it')e to a$y )ista$ce9 I a /a$ ca$ )o o$e s/a"" part as /'ch8 6e praise hi/ a$) "a') hi/ to the s7ies9 Why@ Why sho'") 6e praise hi/ or i/itati$# $at're8 i/itati$# )eath8 i/itati$# )'""$ess i/itati$# i$se$tie$ce@ The orce o #ra,itatio$ ca$ p'"" to pieces the bi##est /ass that e,er e=iste); yet it is i$se$tie$t9 What #"ory is there i$ i/itati$# the i$se$tie$t@ Yet 6e are a"" str'##"i$# a ter that9 A$) this is /aya9 The se$ses )ra# the h'/a$ so'" o't9 Ma$ is see7i$# or p"eas're a$) or happi$ess 6here it ca$ $e,er be o'$)9 .or co'$t"ess a#es 6e are a"" ta'#ht that this is 'ti"e a$) ,ai$8 there is $o happi$ess here9 5't 6e ca$$ot "ear$; it is i/possib"e or 's to )o so8 e=cept thro'#h o'r o6$ e=perie$ces9 We try the/8 a$) a b"o6 co/es9 Do 6e "ear$ the$@ Not e,e$ the$9 Ci7e /oths h'r"i$# the/se",es a#ai$st the "a/e8 6e are h'r"i$# o'rse",es a#ai$ a$) a#ai$ i$to se$se-p"eas'res8 hopi$# to i$) satis actio$ there9 We ret'r$ a#ai$ a$) a#ai$ 6ith reshe$e) e$er#y; th's 6e #o o$8 ti"" cripp"e) a$) cheate) 6e )ie9 A$) this is Maya9 So 6ith o'r i$te""ect9 I$ o'r )esire to so",e the /ysteries o the '$i,erse8 6e ca$$ot stop o'r A'estio$i$#8 6e ee" 6e /'st 7$o6 a$) ca$$ot be"ie,e that $o 7$o6"e)#e is to be #ai$e)9 A e6 steps8 a$) there arises the 6a"" o be#i$$i$#"ess a$) e$)"ess ti/e 6hich 6e ca$$ot s'r/o'$t9 A e6 steps8 a$) there appears a 6a"" o bo'$)"ess space 6hich ca$$ot be s'r/o'$te)8 a$) the 6ho"e is irre,ocab"y bo'$) i$ by the 6a""s o ca'se a$) e ect9 We ca$$ot #o beyo$) the/9 Yet 6e str'##"e8 a$) sti"" ha,e to str'##"e9 A$) this is Maya9 With e,ery breath8 6ith e,ery p'"satio$ o the heart 6ith e,ery o$e o o'r /o,e/e$ts8 6e thi$7 6e are ree8 a$) the ,ery sa/e /o/e$t 6e are sho6$ that 6e are $ot9 5o'$) s"a,es8 $at'reEs bo$)s"a,es8 i$ bo)y8 i$ /i$)8 i$ a"" o'r tho'#hts8 i$ a"" o'r ee"i$#s9 A$) this is Maya9 There 6as $e,er a /other 6ho )i) $ot thi$7 her chi") 6as a bor$ #e$i's8 the /ost e=traor)i$ary chi") that 6as e,er bor$; she )otes 'po$ her chi")9 >er 6ho"e so'" is i$ the chi")9 The chi") #ro6s 'p8 perhaps beco/es a )r'$7ar)8 a br'te8 i""-treats the /other8 a$) the /ore he i""-treats her8 the /ore her "o,e i$creases9 The 6or") "a')s it as the '$se" ish "o,e o the /other8 "itt"e )rea/i$# that the /other is a bor$ s"a,e8 she ca$$ot he"p it9 She 6o'") a tho'sa$) ti/es rather thro6 o the b'r)e$8 b't she ca$$ot9 So she co,ers it 6ith a /ass o "o6ers8 6hich she ca""s 6o$)er '" "o,e9 A$) this is Maya9

We are a"" "i7e this i$ the 6or")9 A "e#e$) te""s ho6 o$ce N?ra)a sai) to Krish$a8 DCor)8 sho6 /e Maya9D A e6 )ays passe) a6ay8 a$) Krish$a as7e) Nara)a to /a7e a trip 6ith hi/ to6ar)s a )esert8 a$) a ter 6a"7i$# or se,era" /i"es8 Krish$a sai)8 DNara)a8 I a/ thirsty; ca$ yo' etch so/e 6ater or /e@D DI 6i"" #o at o$ce8 sir8 a$) #et yo' 6ater9D So Nara)a 6e$t9 At a "itt"e )ista$ce there 6as a ,i""a#e; he e$tere) the ,i""a#e i$ search o 6ater a$) 7$oc7e) at a )oor8 6hich 6as ope$e) by a /ost bea'ti '" yo'$# #ir"9 At the si#ht o her he i//e)iate"y or#ot that his Master 6as 6aiti$# or 6ater8 perhaps )yi$# or the 6a$t o it9 >e or#ot e,erythi$# a$) be#a$ to ta"7 6ith the #ir"9 A"" that )ay he )i) $ot ret'r$ to his Master9 The $e=t )ay8 he 6as a#ai$ at the ho'se8 ta"7i$# to the #ir"9 That ta"7 ripe$e) i$to "o,e; he as7e) the ather or the )a'#hter8 a$) they 6ere /arrie) a$) "i,e) there a$) ha) chi")re$9 Th's t6e",e years passe)9 >is ather-i$-"a6 )ie)8 he i$herite) his property9 >e "i,e)8 as he see/e) to thi$78 a ,ery happy "i e 6ith his 6i e a$) chi")re$8 his ie")s a$) his catt"e9 a$) so orth9 The$ ca/e a "oo)9 O$e $i#ht the ri,er rose '$ti" it o,er "o6e) its ba$7s a$) "oo)e) the 6ho"e ,i""a#e9 >o'ses e""8 /e$ a$) a$i/a"s 6ere s6ept a6ay a$) )ro6$e)8 a$) e,erythi$# 6as "oati$# i$ the r'sh o the strea/9 Nara)a ha) to escape9 With o$e ha$) be he") his 6i e8 a$) 6ith the other t6o o his chi")re$; a$other chi") 6as o$ his sho'")ers8 a$) he 6as tryi$# to or) this tre/e$)o's "oo)9 A ter a e6 steps he o'$) the c'rre$t 6as too stro$#8 a$) the chi") o$ his sho'")ers e"" a$) 6as bor$e a6ay9 A cry o )espair ca/e ro/ Nara)a9 I$ tryi$# to sa,e that chi")8 he "ost his #rasp 'po$ o$e o the others8 a$) it a"so 6as "ost9 At "ast his 6i e8 6ho/ he c"aspe) 6ith a"" his /i#ht8 6as tor$ a6ay by the c'rre$t8 a$) he 6as thro6$ o$ the ba$78 6eepi$# a$) 6ai"i$# i$ bitter "a/e$tatio$9 5ehi$) hi/ there ca/e a #e$t"e ,oice8 DMy chi")8 6here is the 6ater@ Yo' 6e$t to etch a pitcher o 6ater8 a$) I a/ 6aiti$# or yo'; yo' ha,e bee$ #o$e or A'ite ha" a$ ho'r9D D>a" a$ ho'rG D Nara)a e=c"ai/e)9 T6e",e 6ho"e years ha) passe) thro'#h his /i$)8 a$) a"" these sce$es ha) happe$e) i$ ha" a$ ho'rG A$) this is Maya9 I$ o$e or/ or a$other8 6e are a"" i$ it9 It is a /ost )i ic'"t a$) i$tricate state o thi$#s to '$)ersta$)9 It has bee$ preache) i$ e,ery co'$try8 ta'#ht e,ery6here8 b't o$"y be"ie,e) i$ by a e68 beca'se '$ti" 6e #et the e=perie$ces o'rse",es 6e ca$$ot be"ie,e i$ it9 What )oes it sho6@ So/ethi$# ,ery terrib"e9 .or it is a"" 'ti"e9 Ti/e8 the a,e$#er o e,erythi$#8 co/es8 a$) $othi$# is "e t9 >e s6a""o6s 'p the sai$t a$) the si$$er8 the 7i$# a$) the peasa$t8 the bea'ti '" a$) the '#"y; he "ea,es $othi$#9 E,erythi$# is r'shi$# to6ar)s that o$e #oa" )estr'ctio$9 O'r 7$o6"e)#e8 o'r arts8 o'r scie$ces8 e,erythi$# is r'shi$# to6ar)s it9 No$e ca$ ste/ the ti)e8 $o$e ca$ ho") it bac7 or a /i$'te9 We /ay try to or#et it8 i$ the sa/e 6ay that perso$s i$ a p"a#'e-stri7er city try to create ob"i,io$ by )ri$7i$#8 )a$ci$#8 a$) other ,ai$ atte/pts8 a$) so beco/i$# para"yse)9 So 6e are tryi$# to or#et8 tryi$# to create ob"i,io$ by a"" sorts o se$se-p"eas'res9 A$) this is Maya9 T6o 6ays ha,e bee$ propose)9 O$e /etho)8 6hich e,eryo$e 7$o6s8 is ,ery co//o$8 a$) that is4 DIt /ay be ,ery tr'e8 b't )o $ot thi$7 o it9 EMa7e hay 6hi"e the s'$ shi$es8E as the pro,erb says9 It is a"" tr'e8 it is a act8 b't )o $ot /i$) it9 SeiFe the e6 p"eas'res yo' ca$8 )o 6hat "itt"e yo' ca$8 )o $ot "oo7 at ti"e )ar7 si)e o the pict're8 b't a"6ays to6ar)s the hope '"8 the positi,e si)e9D There is so/e tr'th i$ this8 b't there is a"so a )a$#er9 The tr'th is that it is a #oo) /oti,e po6er9 >ope a$) a positi,e i)ea" are ,ery #oo) /oti,e po6ers or o'r "i,es8 b't there is a certai$ )a$#er i$ the/9 The )a$#er "ies i$ o'r #i,i$# 'p the str'##"e i$ )espair9 S'ch is the case 6ith those 6ho preach8 DTa7e the 6or") as it is8 sit )o6$ as ca"/"y a$) co/ ortab"y as yo' ca$ a$) be co$te$te) 6ith a"" these /iseries9 Whe$ yo' recei,e b"o6s8 say they are $ot b"o6s b't "o6ers; a$) 6he$ yo' are )ri,e$ abo't "i7e s"a,es8 say that yo' are ree9 Day a$) $i#ht te"" "ies to others a$) to yo'r o6$ so'"s8 beca'se that is the o$"y 6ay to "i,e happi"y9D This is 6hat is ca""e) practica" 6is)o/8 a$) $e,er 6as it /ore pre,a"e$t i$ the 6or") tha$ i$ this $i$etee$th ce$t'ry; beca'se $e,er 6ere har)er b"o6s hit tha$ at the prese$t ti/e8 $e,er 6as co/petitio$ 7ee$er8 $e,er 6ere /e$ so cr'e" to their e""o6-/e$ as $o6; a$)8 there ore8 /'st this co$so"atio$ be o ere)9 It is p't or6ar) i$ the stro$#est 6ay at the prese$t ti/e; b't it ai"s8 as it a"6ays /'st ai"9 We ca$$ot hi)e a carrio$ 6ith roses; it is i/possib"e9 It 6o'") $ot a,ai" "o$#; or soo$ the roses 6o'") a)e8 a$) the carrio$ 6o'") be 6orse tha$ e,er be ore9 So 6ith o'r "i,es9 We /ay try to co,er o'r o") a$) esteri$# sores 6ith c"oth o #o")8 b't there co/es a )ay 6he$ the c"oth o #o") is re/o,e)8 a$) the sore i$ a"" its '#"i$ess is

re,ea"e)9 Is there $o hope the$@ Tr'e it is that 6e are a"" s"a,es o Maya8 bor$ i$ Maya8 a$) "i,e i$ Maya9 Is there the$ $o 6ay o't8 $o hope@ That 6e are a"" /iserab"e8 that this 6or") is rea""y a priso$8 that e,e$ o'r so-ca""e) trai"i$# bea'ty is b't a priso$-ho'se8 a$) that e,e$ o'r i$te""ects a$) /i$)s are priso$-ho'ses8 ha,e bee$ 7$o6$ or a#es 'po$ a#es9 There has $e,er bee$ a /a$8 there has $e,er bee$ a h'/a$ so'"8 6ho has $ot e"t this so/eti/e or other8 ho6e,er he /ay ta"79 A$) the o") peop"e ee" it /ost8 beca'se i$ the/ is the acc'/'"ate) e=perie$ce o a 6ho"e "i e8 beca'se they ca$$ot be easi"y cheate) by the "ies o $at're9 Is there $o 6ay o't@ We i$) that 6ith a"" this8 6ith this terrib"e act be ore 's8 i$ the /i)st o sorro6 a$) s' eri$#8 e,e$ i$ this 6or") 6here "i e a$) )eath are sy$o$y/o's8 e,e$ here8 there is a sti"" s/a"" ,oice that is ri$#i$# thro'#h a"" a#es8 thro'#h e,ery co'$try8 a$) i$ e,ery heart4 DThis My Maya is )i,i$e8 /a)e 'p o A'a"ities8 a$) ,ery )i ic'"t to cross9 Yet those that co/e '$to Me8 cross the ri,er o "i e9D DCo/e '$to Me a"" ye that "abo'r a$) are hea,y "a)e$ a$) I 6i"" #i,e yo' rest9D This is the ,oice that is "ea)i$# 's or6ar)9 Ma$ has hear) it8 a$) is heari$# it a"" thro'#h the a#es9 This ,oice co/es to /e$ 6he$ e,erythi$# see/s to be "ost a$) hope has "e)8 6he$ /a$Es )epe$)e$ce o$ his o6$ stre$#th has bee$ cr'she) )o6$ a$) e,erythi$# see/s to /e"t a6ay bet6ee$ his i$#ers8 a$) "i e is a hope"ess r'i$9 The$ he hears it9 This is ca""e) re"i#io$9 O$ the o$e si)e8 there ore8 is the bo") assertio$ that this is a"" $o$se$se8 that this is Maya8 b't a"o$# 6ith it there is the /ost hope '" assertio$ that beyo$) Maya8 there is a 6ay o't9 O$ the other ha$)8 practica" /e$ te"" 's8 DDo$Et bother yo'r hea)s abo't s'ch $o$se$se as re"i#io$ a$) /etaphysics9 Ci,e here; this is a ,ery ba) 6or") i$)ee)8 b't /a7e the best o it9D Which p't i$ p"ai$ "a$#'a#e /ea$s8 "i,e a hypocritica"8 "yi$# "i e8 a "i e o co$ti$'o's ra')8 co,eri$# a"" sores i$ the best 6ay yo' ca$9 Go o$ p'tti$# patch a ter patch8 '$ti" e,erythi$# is "ost8 a$) yo' are a /ass o patch6or79 This is 6hat is ca""e) practica" "i e9 Those that are satis ie) 6ith this patch6or7 6i"" $e,er co/e to re"i#io$9 !e"i#io$ be#i$s 6ith a tre/e$)o's )issatis actio$ 6ith the prese$t state o thi$#s8 6ith o'r "i,es8 a$) a hatre)8 a$ i$te$se hatre)8 or this patchi$# 'p o "i e8 a$ '$bo'$)e) )is#'st or ra') a$) "ies9 >e a"o$e ca$ be re"i#io's 6ho )ares say8 as the /i#hty 5'))ha o$ce sai) '$)er the 5otree8 6he$ this i)ea o practica"ity appeare) be ore hi/ a$) he sa6 that it 6as $o$se$se8 a$) yet co'") $ot i$) a 6ay o't9 Whe$ the te/ptatio$ ca/e to hi/ to #i,e 'p his search a ter tr'th8 to #o bac7 to the 6or") a$) "i,e the o") "i e o ra')8 ca""i$# thi$#s by 6ro$# $a/es8 te""i$# "ies to o$ese" a$) to e,erybo)y8 he8 the #ia$t8 co$A'ere) it a$) sai)8 DDeath is better tha$ a ,e#etati$# i#$ora$t "i e; it is better to )ie o$ the batt"e- ie") tha$ to "i,e a "i e o )e eat9D This is the basis o re"i#io$9 Whe$ a /a$ ta7es this sta$)8 he is o$ the 6ay to i$) the tr'th8 he is o$ the 6ay to Go)9 That )eter/i$atio$ /'st be the irst i/p'"se to6ar)s beco/i$# re"i#io's9 I 6i"" he6 o't a 6ay or /yse" 9 I 6i"" 7$o6 the tr'th or #i,e 'p /y "i e i$ the atte/pt9 .or o$ this si)e it is $othi$#8 it is #o$e8 it is ,a$ishi$# e,ery )ay9 The bea'ti '"8 hope '"8 yo'$# perso$ o to)ay is the ,etera$ o to/orro69 >opes a$) <oys a$) p"eas'res 6i"" )ie "i7e b"osso/s 6ith to/orro6Es rost9 That is o$e si)e; o$ the other8 there are the #reat char/s o co$A'est8 ,ictories o,er a"" the i""s o "i e8 ,ictory o,er "i e itse" 8 the co$A'est o the '$i,erse9 O$ that si)e /e$ ca$ sta$)9 Those 6ho )are8 there ore8 to str'##"e or ,ictory8 or tr'th8 or re"i#io$8 are i$ the ri#ht 6ay; a$) that is 6hat the Ve)as preach4 5e $ot i$ )espair8 the 6ay is ,ery )i ic'"t8 "i7e 6a"7i$# o$ the e)#e o a raFor; yet )espair $ot8 arise8 a6a7e8 a$) i$) the i)ea"8 the #oa"9 No6 a"" these ,ario's /a$i estatio$s o re"i#io$8 i$ 6hate,er shape a$) or/ they ha,e co/e to /a$7i$)8 ha,e this o$e co//o$ ce$tra" basis9 It is the preachi$# o ree)o/8 the 6ay o't o this 6or")9 They $e,er ca/e to reco$ci"e the 6or") a$) re"i#io$8 b't to c't the Gor)ia$ 7$ot8 to estab"ish re"i#io$ i$ its o6$ i)ea"8 a$) $ot to co/pro/ise 6ith the 6or")9 That is 6hat e,ery re"i#io$ preaches8 a$) the )'ty o the Ve)a$ta is to har/o$ise a"" these aspiratio$s8 to /a7e /a$i est the co//o$ #ro'$) bet6ee$ a"" the re"i#io$s o the 6or")8 the hi#hest as 6e"" as the "o6est9 What 6e ca"" the /ost arra$t s'perstitio$ a$) the hi#hest phi"osophy rea""y ha,e a co//o$ ai/ i$ that they both try to sho6 the 6ay o't o the sa/e )i ic'"ty8 a$) i$ /ost cases this 6ay is thro'#h the he"p o so/eo$e 6ho is $ot hi/se" bo'$) by the "a6s o $at're i$ o$e 6or)8 so/eo$e 6ho is ree9 I$

spite o a"" the )i ic'"ties a$) )i ere$ces o opi$io$ abo't the $at're o the o$e ree a#e$t8 6hether he is a Berso$a" Go)8 or a se$tie$t bei$# "i7e /a$8 6hether /asc'"i$e8 e/i$i$e8 or $e'ter : a$) the )isc'ssio$s ha,e bee$ e$)"ess : the '$)a/e$ta" i)ea is the sa/e9 I$ spite o the a"/ost hope"ess co$tra)ictio$s o the )i ere$t syste/s8 6e i$) the #o")e$ threa) o '$ity r'$$i$# thro'#h the/ a""8 a$) i$ this phi"osophy8 this #o")e$ threa) has bee$ trace) re,ea"e) "itt"e by "itt"e to o'r ,ie68 a$) the irst step to this re,e"atio$ is the co//o$ #ro'$) that a"" are a),a$ci$# to6ar)s ree)o/9 O$e c'rio's act prese$t i$ the /i)st o a"" o'r <oys a$) sorro6s8 )i ic'"ties a$) str'##"es8 is that 6e are s're"y <o'r$eyi$# to6ar)s ree)o/9 The A'estio$ 6as practica""y this4 DWhat is this '$i,erse@ .ro/ 6hat )oes it arise@ I$to 6hat )oes it #o@D A$) the a$s6er 6as4 DI$ ree)o/ it rises8 i$ ree)o/ it rests8 a$) i$to ree)o/ it /e"ts a6ay9D This i)ea o ree)o/ yo' ca$$ot re"i$A'ish9 Yo'r actio$s8 yo'r ,ery "i,es 6i"" be "ost 6itho't it9 E,ery /o/e$t $at're is pro,i$# 's to be s"a,es a$) $ot ree9 Yet8 si/'"ta$eo's"y rises the other i)ea8 that sti"" 6e are ree At e,ery step 6e are 7$oc7e) )o6$8 as it 6ere8 by Maya8 a$) sho6$ that 6e are bo'$); a$) yet at the sa/e /o/e$t8 to#ether 6ith this b"o68 to#ether 6ith this ee"i$# that 6e are bo'$)8 co/es the other ee"i$# that 6e are ree9 So/e i$$er ,oice te""s 's that 6e are ree9 5't i 6e atte/pt to rea"ise that ree)o/8 to /a7e it /a$i est8 6e i$) the )i ic'"ties a"/ost i$s'perab"e Yet8 i$ spite o that it i$sists o$ asserti$# itse" i$6ar)"y8 DI a/ ree8 I a/ ree9D A$) i yo' st')y a"" the ,ario's re"i#io$s o the 6or") yo' 6i"" i$) this i)ea e=presse)9 Not o$"y re"i#io$ : yo' /'st $ot ta7e this 6or) i$ its $arro6 se$se : b't the 6ho"e "i e o society is the assertio$ o that o$e pri$cip"e o ree)o/9 A"" /o,e/e$ts are the assertio$ o that o$e ree)o/9 That ,oice has bee$ hear) by e,eryo$e8 6hether he 7$o6s it or $ot8 that ,oice 6hich )ec"ares8 DCo/e '$to Me a"" ye that "abo'r a$) are hea,y "a)e$9D It /ay $ot be i$ the sa/e "a$#'a#e or the sa/e or/ o speech8 b't i$ so/e or/ or other8 that ,oice ca""i$# or ree)o/ has bee$ 6ith 's9 Yes8 6e are bor$ here o$ acco'$t o that ,oice; e,ery o$e o o'r /o,e/e$ts is or that9 We are a"" r'shi$# to6ar)s ree)o/8 6e are a"" o""o6i$# that ,oice8 6hether 6e 7$o6 it or $ot; as the chi")re$ o the ,i""a#e 6ere attracte) by the /'sic o the "'te-p"ayer8 so 6e are a"" o""o6i$# the /'sic o the ,oice 6itho't 7$o6i$# it9 We are ethica" 6he$ 6e o""o6 that ,oice9 Not o$"y the h'/a$ so'"8 b't a"" creat'res8 ro/ the "o6est to the hi#hest ha,e hear) the ,oice a$) are r'shi$# to6ar)s it; a$) i$ the str'##"e are either co/bi$i$# 6ith each other or p'shi$# each other o't o the 6ay9 Th's co/e co/petitio$8 <oys8 str'##"es8 "i e8 p"eas're8 a$) )eath8 a$) the 6ho"e '$i,erse is $othi$# b't the res'"t o this /a) str'##"e to reach the ,oice9 This is the /a$i estatio$ o $at're9 What happe$s the$@ The sce$e be#i$s to shi t9 As soo$ as yo' 7$o6 the ,oice a$) '$)ersta$) 6hat it is8 the 6ho"e sce$e cha$#es9 The sa/e 6or") 6hich 6as the #hast"y batt"e- ie") o Maya is $o6 cha$#e) i$to so/ethi$# #oo) a$) bea'ti '"9 We $o "o$#er c'rse $at're8 $or say that the 6or") is horrib"e a$) that it is a"" ,ai$; 6e $ee) $o "o$#er 6eep a$) 6ai"9 As soo$ as 6e '$)ersta$) the ,oice8 6e see the reassert 6hy this str'##"e sho'") be here8 this i#ht8 this co/petitio$8 this )i ic'"ty8 this cr'e"ty8 these "itt"e p"eas'res a$) <oys; 6e see that they are i$ the $at're o thi$#s8 beca'se 6itho't the/ there 6o'") be $o #oi$# to6ar)s the ,oice8 to attai$ 6hich 6e are )esti$e)8 6hether 6e 7$o6 it or $ot9 A"" h'/a$ "i e8 a"" $at're8 there ore8 is str'##"i$# to attai$ to ree)o/9 The s'$ is /o,i$# to6ar)s the #oa"8 so is the earth i$ circ"i$# ro'$) the s'$8 so is the /oo$ i$ circ"i$# ro'$) the earth9 To that #oa" the p"a$et is /o,i$#8 a$) the air is b"o6i$#9 E,erythi$# is str'##"i$# to6ar)s that9 The sai$t is #oi$# to6ar)s that ,oice : he ca$$ot he"p it8 it is $o #"ory to hi/9 So is the si$$er9 The charitab"e /a$ is #oi$# strai#ht to6ar)s that ,oice8 a$) ca$$ot be hi$)ere); the /iser is a"so #oi$# to6ar)s the sa/e )esti$atio$4 the #reatest 6or7er o #oo) hears the sa/e ,oice 6ithi$8 a$) he ca$$ot resist it8 he /'st #o to6ar)s the ,oice; so 6ith the /ost arra$t i)"er9 O$e st'/b"es /ore tha$ a$other8 a$) hi/ 6ho st'/b"es /ore 6e ca"" ba)8 hi/ 6ho st'/b"es "ess 6e ca"" #oo)9 Goo) a$) ba) are $e,er t6o )i ere$t thi$#s8 they are o$e a$) the sa/e; the )i ere$ce is $ot o$e o 7i$)8 b't o )e#ree9 No68 i the /a$i estatio$ o this po6er o ree)o/ is rea""y #o,er$i$# the 6ho"e '$i,erse : app"yi$# that to re"i#io$8 o'r specia" st')y : 6e i$) this i)ea has bee$ the o$e assertio$

thro'#ho't9 Ta7e the "o6est or/ o re"i#io$ 6here there is the 6orship o )eparte) a$cestors or certai$ po6er '" a$) cr'e" #o)s; 6hat is the pro/i$e$t i)ea abo't the #o)s or )eparte) a$cestors@ That they are s'perior to $at're8 $ot bo'$) by its restrictio$s9 The 6orshipper has8 $o )o'bt8 ,ery "i/ite) i)eas o $at're9 >e hi/se" ca$$ot pass thro'#h a 6a""8 $or "y 'p i$to the s7ies8 b't the #o)s 6ho/ he 6orships ca$ )o these thi$#s9 What is /ea$t by that8 phi"osophica""y@ That the assertio$ o ree)o/ is there8 that the #o)s 6ho/ he 6orships are s'perior to $at're as he 7$o6s it9 So 6ith those 6ho 6orship sti"" hi#her bei$#s9 As the i)ea o $at're e=pa$)s8 the i)ea o the so'" 6hich is s'perior to $at're a"so e=pa$)s8 '$ti" 6e co/e to 6hat 6e ca"" /o$otheis/8 6hich ho")s that there is Maya I$at'reJ8 a$) that there is so/e 5ei$# 6ho is the !'"er o this Maya9 >ere Ve)a$ta be#i$s8 6here these /o$otheistic i)eas irst appear9 5't the Ve)a$ta phi"osophy 6a$ts 'rther e=p"a$atio$9 This e=p"a$atio$ : that there is a 5ei$# beyo$) a"" these /a$i estatio$s o Maya8 6ho is s'perior to a$) i$)epe$)e$t o Maya8 a$) 6ho is attracti$# 's to6ar)s >i/se" 8 a$) that 6e are a"" #oi$# to6ar)s >i/ : is ,ery #oo)8 says the Ve)a$ta8 b't yet the perceptio$ is $ot c"ear8 the ,isio$ is )i/ a$) haFy8 a"tho'#h it )oes $ot )irect"y co$tra)ict reaso$9 J'st as i$ yo'r hy/$ it is sai)8 DNearer /y Go) to Thee8D the sa/e hy/$ 6o'") be ,ery #oo) to the Ve)a$ti$8 o$"y he 6o'") cha$#e a 6or)8 a$) /a7e it8 DNearer /y Go) to /e9D The i)ea that the #oa" is ar o 8 ar beyo$) $at're8 attracti$# 's a"" to6ar)s it8 has to be bro'#ht $earer a$) $earer8 6itho't )e#ra)i$# or )e#e$erati$# it9 The Go) o hea,e$ beco/es the Go) i$ $at're8 a$) the Go) i$ $at're beco/es the Go) 6ho is $at're8 a$) the Go) 6ho is $at're beco/es the Go) 6ithi$ this te/p"e o the bo)y8 a$) the Go) )6e""i$# i$ the te/p"e o the bo)y at "ast beco/es the te/p"e itse" 8 beco/es the so'" a$) /a$ : a$) there it reaches the "ast 6or)s it ca$ teach9 >e 6ho/ the sa#es ha,e bee$ see7i$# i$ a"" these p"aces is i$ o'r o6$ hearts; the ,oice that yo' hear) 6as ri#ht8 says the Ve)a$ta8 b't the )irectio$ yo' #a,e to the ,oice 6as 6ro$#9 That i)ea" o ree)o/ that yo' percei,e) 6as correct8 b't yo' pro<ecte) it o'tsi)e yo'rse" 8 a$) that 6as yo'r /ista7e9 5ri$# it $earer a$) $earer8 '$ti" yo' i$) that it 6as a"" the ti/e 6ithi$ yo'8 it 6as the Se" o yo'r o6$ se" 9 That ree)o/ 6as yo'r o6$ $at're8 a$) this Maya $e,er bo'$) yo'9 Nat're $e,er has po6er o,er yo'9 Ci7e a ri#hte$e) chi") yo' 6ere )rea/i$# that it 6as thrott"i$# yo'8 a$) the re"ease ro/ this ear is the #oa"4 $ot o$"y to see it i$te""ect'a""y8 b't to percei,e it8 act'a"ise it8 /'ch /ore )e i$ite"y tha$ 6e percei,e this 6or")9 The$ 6e sha"" 7$o6 that 6e are ree9 The$8 a$) the$ a"o$e8 6i"" a"" )i ic'"ties ,a$ish8 the$ 6i"" a"" the perp"e=ities o heart be s/oothe) a6ay8 a"" croo7e)$ess /a)e strai#ht8 the$ 6i"" ,a$ish the )e"'sio$ o /a$i o")$ess a$) $at're; a$) Maya i$stea) o bei$# a horrib"e8 hope"ess )rea/8 as it is $o6 6i"" beco/e bea'ti '"8 a$) this earth8 i$stea) o bei$# a priso$-ho'se8 6i"" beco/e o'r p"ay#ro'$)8 a$) e,e$ )a$#ers a$) )i ic'"ties8 e,e$ a"" s' eri$#s8 6i"" beco/e )ei ie) a$) sho6 's their rea" $at're8 6i"" sho6 's that behi$) e,erythi$#8 as the s'bsta$ce o e,erythi$#8 >e is sta$)i$#8 a$) that >e is the o$e rea" Se" 9

CHAPTER VI THE ABSOLUTE AND MANIFESTATION The o$e A'estio$ that is /ost )i ic'"t to #rasp i$ '$)ersta$)i$# the A),aita phi"osophy8 a$) the o$e A'estio$ that 6i"" be as7e) a#ai$ a$) a#ai$ a$) that 6i"" a"6ays re/ai$ is4 >o6 has the I$ i$ite8 the Abso"'te8 beco/e the i$ite@ I 6i"" $o6 ta7e 'p this A'estio$8 a$)8 i$ or)er to i""'strate it8 I 6i"" 'se a i#'re9 >ere is the Abso"'te IaJ8 a$) this is the '$i,erse IbJ9 The Abso"'te has beco/e the '$i,erse9 5y this is $ot o$"y /ea$t the /ateria" 6or")8 b't the /e$ta" 6or")8 the spirit'a" 6or") : hea,e$s a$) earths8 a$) i$ act8 e,erythi$# that e=ists9 Mi$) is the $a/e o a cha$#e8 a$) bo)y the $a/e o a$other cha$#e8 a$) so o$8 a$) a"" these cha$#es co/pose o'r '$i,erse9 This Abso"'te IaJ has beco/e the '$i,erse IbJ by co/i$# thro'#h ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$ IcJ9 This is the ce$tra" i)ea o A),aita9 Ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$ are "i7e the #"ass thro'#h 6hich the Abso"'te is see$8 a$) 6he$ It is see$ o$ the "o6er si)e8 It appears as the '$i,erse9 No6 6e at o$ce #ather ro/ this that i$ the Abso"'te there is $either ti/e8 space8 $or ca'satio$9 The i)ea o ti/e ca$$ot be there8 seei$# that there is $o /i$)8 $o tho'#ht9 The i)ea o space ca$$ot be there8 seei$# that there is $o e=ter$a" cha$#e9 What yo' ca"" /otio$ a$) ca'satio$ ca$$ot e=ist 6here there is o$"y O$e9 We ha,e to '$)ersta$) this8 a$) i/press it o$ o'r /i$)s8 that 6hat 6e ca"" ca'satio$ be#i$s a ter8 i 6e /ay be per/itte) to say so8 the )e#e$eratio$ o the Abso"'te i$to the phe$o/e$a"8 a$) $ot be ore; that o'r 6i""8 o'r )esire a$) a"" these thi$#s a"6ays co/e after that9 I thi$7 Schope$ha'erEs phi"osophy /a7es a /ista7e i$ its i$terpretatio$ o Ve)a$ta8 or it see7s to /a7e the 6i"" e,erythi$#9 Schope$ha'er /a7es the 6i"" sta$) i$ the p"ace o the Abso"'te9 5't the abso"'te ca$$ot be prese$te) as 6i""8 or 6i"" is so/ethi$# cha$#eab"e a$) phe$o/e$a"8 a$) o,er the "i$e8 )ra6$ abo,e ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$8 there is $o cha$#e8 $o /otio$; it is o$"y be"o6 the "i$e that e=ter$a" /otio$ a$) i$ter$a" /otio$8 ca""e) tho'#ht be#i$9 There ca$ be $o 6i"" o$ the other si)e8 a$) 6i"" there ore8 ca$$ot be the ca'se o this '$i,erse9 Co/i$# $earer8 6e see i$ o'r o6$ bo)ies that 6i"" is $ot the ca'se o e,ery /o,e/e$t9 I /o,e this chair; /y 6i"" is the ca'se o this /o,e/e$t8 a$) this 6i"" beco/es /a$i este) as /'sc'"ar /otio$ at the other e$)9 5't the sa/e po6er that /o,es the chair is /o,i$# the heart8 the "'$#s8 a$) so o$8 b't $ot thro'#h 6i""9 Gi,e$ that the po6er is the sa/e8 it o$"y beco/es 6i"" 6he$ it rises to the p"a$e o co$scio's$ess8 a$) to ca"" it 6i"" be ore it has rise$ to this p"a$e is a /is$o/er9 This /a7es a #oo) )ea" o co$ 'sio$ i$ Schope$ha'erEs phi"osophy9 A sto$e a""s a$) 6e as78 6hy@ This A'estio$ is possib"e o$"y o$ the s'ppositio$ that $othi$# happe$s 6itho't a ca'se9 I reA'est yo' to /a7e this ,ery c"ear i$ yo'r /i$)s8 or 6he$e,er 6e as7 6hy a$ythi$# happe$s8 6e are ta7i$# or #ra$te) that e,erythi$# that happe$s /'st ha,e a 6hy8 that is to say8 it /'st ha,e bee$ prece)e) by so/ethi$# e"se 6hich acte) as the ca'se9 This prece)e$ce a$) s'ccessio$ are 6hat 6e ca"" the "a6 o ca'satio$9 It /ea$s that e,erythi$# i$ the '$i,erse is by t'r$ a ca'se a$) a$ e ect9 It is the ca'se o certai$ thi$#s 6hich co/e a ter it8 a$) is itse" the e ect o so/ethi$# e"se 6hich has prece)e) it9 This is ca""e) the "a6 o ca'satio$ a$) is a $ecessary co$)itio$ o a"" o'r thi$7i$#9 We be"ie,e that e,ery partic"e i$ the '$i,erse8 6hate,er it be8 is i$ re"atio$ to e,ery other partic"e9 There has bee$ /'ch )isc'ssio$ as to ho6 this i)ea arose9 I$ E'rope8 there ha,e bee$ i$t'iti,e phi"osophers 6ho be"ie,e) that it 6as co$stit'tio$a" i$ h'/a$ity8 others ha,e be"ie,e) it ca/e ro/ e=perie$ce8 b't the A'estio$ has $e,er bee$ sett"e)9 We sha"" see "ater o$ 6hat the Ve)a$ta has to say abo't it9 5't irst 6e ha,e to '$)ersta$) this that the ,ery as7i$# o the A'estio$ D6hyD pres'pposes that e,erythi$# ro'$) 's has bee$ prece)e) by certai$ thi$#s a$) 6i"" be s'ccee)e) by certai$ other thi$#s9 The other be"ie i$,o",e) i$ this A'estio$ is that $othi$# i$ the '$i,erse is i$)epe$)e$t8 that e,erythi$# is acte) 'po$ by so/ethi$# o'tsi)e itse" 9 I$ter)epe$)e$ce is the "a6 o the 6ho"e '$i,erse9 I$ as7i$# 6hat ca'se) the Abso"'te8 6hat

a$ error 6e are /a7i$#G To as7 this A'estio$ 6e ha,e to s'ppose that the Abso"'te a"so is bo'$) by so/ethi$#8 that It is )epe$)e$t o$ so/ethi$#; a$) i$ /a7i$# this s'ppositio$8 6e )ra# the Abso"'te )o6$ to the "e,e" o the '$i,erse9 .or i$ the Abso"'te there is $either ti/e8 space8 $or ca'satio$; It is a"" o$e9 That 6hich e=ists by itse" a"o$e ca$$ot ha,e a$y ca'se9 That 6hich is ree ca$$ot ha,e a$y ca'se; e"se it 6o'") $ot be ree8 b't bo'$)9 That 6hich has re"ati,ity ca$$ot be ree9 Th's 6e see the ,ery A'estio$8 6hy the I$ i$ite beca/e the i$ite8 is a$ i/possib"e o$e8 or it is se" co$tra)ictory9 Co/i$# ro/ s'bt"eties to the "o#ic o o'r co//o$ p"a$e8 to co//o$ se$se8 6e ca$ see this ro/ a$other si)e8 6he$ 6e see7 to 7$o6 ho6 the Abso"'te has beco/e the re"ati,e9 S'pposi$# 6e 7$e6 the a$s6er8 6o'") the Abso"'te re/ai$ the Abso"'te@ It 6o'") ha,e beco/e re"ati,e9 What is /ea$t by 7$o6"e)#e i$ o'r co//o$-se$se i)ea@ It is o$"y so/ethi$# that has beco/e "i/ite) by o'r /i$)8 that 6e 7$o68 a$) 6he$ it is beyo$) o'r /i$)8 it is $ot 7$o6"e)#e9 No6 i the Abso"'te beco/es "i/ite) by the /i$)8 It is $o /ore Abso"'te; It has beco/e i$ite9 E,erythi$# "i/ite) by the /i$) beco/es i$ite9 There ore to 7$o6 the Abso"'te is a#ai$ a co$tra)ictio$ i$ ter/s9 That is 6hy this A'estio$ has $e,er bee$ a$s6ere)8 beca'se i it 6ere a$s6ere)8 there 6o'") $o /ore be a$ Abso"'te9 A Go) 7$o6$ is $o /ore Go); >e has beco/e i$ite "i7e o$e o 's9 >e ca$$ot be 7$o6$ >e is a"6ays the 3$7$o6ab"e O$e9 5't 6hat A),aita says is that Go) is /ore tha$ 7$o6ab"e9 This is a #reat act to "ear$9 Yo' /'st $ot #o ho/e 6ith the i)ea that Go) is '$7$o6ab"e i$ the se$se i$ 6hich a#$ostics p't it9 .or i$sta$ce8 here is a chair8 it is 7$o6$ to 's9 5't 6hat is beyo$) ether or 6hether peop"e e=ist there or $ot is possib"y '$7$o6ab"e9 5't Go) is $either 7$o6$ $or '$7$o6ab"e i$ this se$se9 >e is so/ethi$# sti"" hi#her tha$ 7$o6$; that is 6hat is /ea$t by Go) bei$# '$7$o6$ a$) '$7$o6ab"e9 The e=pressio$ is $ot 'se) i$ the se$se i$ 6hich it /ay be sai) that so/e A'estio$s are '$7$o6$ a$t '$7$o6ab"e9 Go) is /ore tha$ 7$o6$9 This chair is 7$o6$8 b't Go) is i$te$se"y /ore tha$ that beca'se i$ a$) thro'#h >i/ 6e ha,e to 7$o6 this chair itse" 9 >e is the Wit$ess8 the eter$a" Wit$ess o a"" 7$o6"e)#e9 Whate,er 6e 7$o6 6e ha,e to 7$o6 i$ a$) thro'#h >i/9 >e is the Esse$ce o o'r o6$ Se" 9 >e is the Esse$ce o this e#o8 this I a$) 6e ca$$ot 7$o6 a$ythi$# e=cepti$# i$ a$) thro'#h that I9 There ore yo' ha,e to 7$o6 e,erythi$# i$ a$) thro'#h the 5rah/a$9 To 7$o6 the chair yo' ha,e to 7$o6 it i$ a$) thro'#h Go)9 Th's Go) is i$ i$ite"y $earer to 's tha$ the chair8 b't yet >e is i$ i$ite"y hi#her9 Neither 7$o6$8 $or '$7$o6$8 b't so/ethi$# i$ i$ite"y hi#her tha$ either9 >e is yo'r Se" 9 DWho 6o'") "i,e a seco$)8 6ho 6o'") breathe a seco$) i$ this '$i,erse8 i that 5"esse) O$e 6ere $ot i""i$# it@D 5eca'se i$ a$) thro'#h >i/ 6e breathe8 i$ a$) thro'#h >i/ 6e e=ist9 Not the >e is sta$)i$# so/e6here a$) /a7i$# /y b"oo) circ'"ate9 What is /ea$t is that >e is the Esse$ce o a"" this8 the So'" o /y so'"9 Yo' ca$$ot by a$y possibi"ity say yo' 7$o6 >i/; it 6o'") be )e#ra)i$# >i/9 Yo' ca$$ot #et o't o yo'rse" 8 so yo' ca$$ot 7$o6 >i/9 K$o6"e)#e is ob<ecti icatio$9 .or i$sta$ce8 i$ /e/ory yo' are ob<ecti yi$# /a$y thi$#s8 pro<ecti$# the/ o't o yo'rse" 9 A"" /e/ory8 a"" the thi$#s 6hich I ha,e see$ a$) 6hich I 7$o6 are i$ /y /i$)9 The pict'res8 the i/pressio$s o a"" these thi$#s8 are i$ /y /i$)8 a$) 6he$ I 6o'") try to thi$7 o the/8 to 7$o6 the/8 the irst act o 7$o6"e)#e 6o'") be to pro<ect the/ o'tsi)e9 This ca$$ot be )o$e 6ith Go)8 beca'se >e is the Esse$ce o o'r so'"s8 6e ca$$ot pro<ect >i/ o'tsi)e o'rse",es9 >ere is o$e o the pro o'$)est passa#es i$ Ve)a$ta4 D>e that is the Esse$ce o yo'r so'"8 >e is the Tr'th8 >e is the Se" 8 tho' art That8 O Sh,eta7et'9D This is 6hat is /ea$t by DTho' art Go)9D Yo' ca$$ot )escribe >i/ by a$y other "a$#'a#e9 A"" atte/pts o "a$#'a#e8 ca""i$# >i/ ather8 or brother8 or o'r )earest rie$)8 are atte/pts to ob<ecti y Go)8 6hich ca$$ot be )o$e9 >e is the Eter$a" S'b<ect o e,erythi$#9 I a/ the s'b<ect o this chair; I see the chair; so Go) is the Eter$a" S'b<ect o /y so'"9 >o6 ca$ yo' ob<ecti y >i/8 the Esse$ce o yo'r so'"s8 the !ea"ity o e,erythi$#@ Th's8 I 6o'") repeat to yo' o$ce /ore8 Go) is $either 7$o6ab"e $or '$7$o6ab"e8 b't so/ethi$# i$ i$ite"y hi#her tha$ either9 >e is o$e 6ith 's8 a$) that 6hich is o$e 6ith 's is $either 7$o6ab"e $or '$7$o6ab"e8 as o'r o6$ se" 9 Yo' ca$$ot 7$o6 yo'r o6$ se" ; yo' ca$$ot /o,e it o't a$) /a7e it a$ ob<ect to "oo7 at8 beca'se yo' are that a$) ca$$ot separate yo'rse" ro/ it9 Neither is it '$7$o6ab"e8 or 6hat is better 7$o6$ tha$ yo'rse" @ It is rea""y the ce$tre o o'r 7$o6"e)#e9 I$ e=act"y the sa/e se$se8 Go) is $either '$7$o6ab"e $or 7$o6$8 b't i$ i$ite"y hi#her tha$ both; or >e is o'r rea" Se" 9

.irst8 6e see the$ that the A'estio$8 DWhat ca'se) the Abso"'te@D is a co$tra)ictio$ i$ ter/s; a$) seco$)"y8 6e i$) that the i)ea o Go) i$ the A),aita is this O$e$ess; a$)8 there ore8 6e ca$$ot ob<ecti y >i/8 or 6e are a"6ays "i,i$# a$) /o,i$# i$ >i/8 6hether 6e 7$o6 it or $ot9 Whate,er 6e )o is a"6ays thro'#h >i/9 No6 the A'estio$ is4 What are ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$@ A),aita /ea$s $o$-)'a"ity; there are $o t6o8 b't o$e9 Yet 6e see that here is a propositio$ that the Abso"'te is /a$i esti$# Itse" as /a$y8 thro'#h the ,ei" o ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$9 There ore it see/s that here are t6o8 the Abso"'te a$) M?y? Ithe s'/ tota" o ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$J9 It see/s appare$t"y ,ery co$,i$ci$# that there are t6o9 To this the A),aitist rep"ies that it ca$$ot be ca""e) t6o9 To ha,e t6o8 6e /'st ha,e t6o abso"'te i$)epe$)e$t e=iste$ces 6hich ca$$ot be ca'se)9 I$ the irst p"ace ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$ ca$$ot be sai) to be i$)epe$)e$t e=iste$ces9 Ti/e is e$tire"y a )epe$)e$t e=iste$ce; it cha$#es 6ith e,ery cha$#e o o'r /i$)9 So/eti/es i$ )rea/ o$e i/a#i$es that o$e has "i,e) se,era" years8 at other ti/es se,era" /o$ths 6ere passe) as o$e seco$)9 So8 ti/e is e$tire"y )epe$)e$t o$ o'r state o /i$)9 Seco$)"y8 the i)ea o ti/e ,a$ishes a"to#ether8 so/eti/es9 So 6ith space9 We ca$$ot 7$o6 6hat space is9 Yet it is there8 i$)e i$ab"e8 a$) ca$$ot e=ist separate ro/ a$ythi$# e"se9 So 6ith ca'satio$9 The o$e pec'"iar attrib'te 6e i$) i$ ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$ is that they ca$$ot e=ist separate ro/ other thi$#s9 Try to thi$7 o space 6itho't co"o'r8 or "i/its8 or a$y co$$ectio$ 6ith the thi$#s aro'$) : <'st abstract space9 Yo' ca$$ot; yo' ha,e to thi$7 o it as the space bet6ee$ t6o "i/its or bet6ee$ three ob<ects9 It has to be co$$ecte) 6ith so/e ob<ect to ha,e a$y e=iste$ce9 So 6ith ti/e; yo' ca$$ot ha,e a$y i)ea o abstract ti/e8 b't yo' ha,e to ta7e t6o e,e$ts8 o$e prece)i$# a$) the other s'ccee)i$#8 a$) <oi$ the t6o e,e$ts by the i)ea o s'ccessio$9 Ti/e )epe$)s o$ t6o e,e$ts8 <'st as space has to be re"ate) to o'tsi)e ob<ects9 A$) the i)ea o ca'satio$ is i$separab"e ro/ ti/e a$) space9 This is the pec'"iar thi$# abo't the/ that they ha,e $o i$)epe$)e$t e=iste$ce9 They ha,e $ot e,e$ the e=iste$ce 6hich the chair or the 6a"" has9 They are as sha)o6s aro'$) e,erythi$# 6hich yo' ca$$ot catch9 They ha,e $o rea" e=iste$ce; yet they are $ot $o$-e=iste$t8 seei$# that thro'#h the/ a"" thi$#s are /a$i esti$# as this '$i,erse9 Th's 6e see8 irst8 that the co/bi$atio$ o ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$ has $either e=iste$ce $or $o$-e=iste$ce9 Seco$)"y8 it so/eti/es ,a$ishes9 To #i,e a$ i""'stratio$8 there is a 6a,e o$ the ocea$9 The 6a,e is the sa/e as the ocea$ certai$"y8 a$) yet 6e 7$o6 it is a 6a,e8 a$) as s'ch )i ere$t ro/ the ocea$9 What /a7es this )i ere$ce@ The $a/e a$) the or/8 that is8 the i)ea i$ the /i$) a$) the or/9 No68 ca$ 6e thi$7 o a 6a,e- or/ as so/ethi$# separate ro/ the ocea$@ Certai$"y $ot9 It is a"6ays associate) 6ith the ocea$ i)ea9 I the 6a,e s'bsi)es8 the or/ ,a$ishes i$ a /o/e$t8 a$) yet the or/ 6as $ot a )e"'sio$9 So "o$# as the 6a,e e=iste) the or/ 6as there8 a$) yo' 6ere bo'$) to see the or/9 This is Maya9 The 6ho"e o this '$i,erse8 there ore8 is8 as it 6ere8 a pec'"iar or/; the Abso"'te is that ocea$ 6hi"e yo' a$) I8 a$) s'$s a$) stars8 a$) e,erythi$# e"se are ,ario's 6a,es o that ocea$9 A$) 6hat /a7es the 6a,es )i ere$t@ O$"y the or/8 a$) that or/ is ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$8 a"" e$tire"y )epe$)e$t o$ the 6a,e9 As soo$ as the 6a,e #oes8 they ,a$ish9 As soo$ as the i$)i,i)'a" #i,es 'p this Maya8 it ,a$ishes or hi/ a$) he beco/es ree9 The 6ho"e str'##"e is to #et ri) o this c"i$#i$# o$ to ti/e8 space8 a$) ca'satio$8 6hich are a"6ays obstac"es i$ o'r 6ay9 What is the theory o e,o"'tio$@ What are the t6o actors@ A tre/e$)o's pote$tia" po6er 6hich is tryi$# to e=press itse" 8 a$) circ'/sta$ces 6hich are ho")i$# it )o6$8 the e$,iro$/e$ts $ot a""o6i$# it to e=press itse" 9 So8 i$ or)er to i#ht 6ith these e$,iro$/e$ts8 the po6er is ta7i$# $e6 bo)ies a#ai$ a$) a#ai$9 A$ a/oeba8 i$ the str'##"e8 #ets a$other bo)y a$) co$A'ers so/e obstac"es8 the$ #ets a$other bo)y a$) so o$8 '$ti" it beco/es /a$9 No68 i yo' carry this i)ea to its "o#ica" co$c"'sio$8 there /'st co/e a ti/e 6he$ that po6er that 6as i$ the a/oeba a$) 6hich e,o",e) as /a$ 6i"" ha,e co$A'ere) a"" the obstr'ctio$s that $at're ca$ bri$# be ore it a$) 6i"" th's escape ro/ a"" its e$,iro$/e$ts9 This i)ea e=presse) i$ /etaphysics 6i"" ta7e this or/; there are t6o co/po$e$ts i$ e,ery actio$8 the o$e the s'b<ect8 the other the ob<ect a$) the o$e ai/ o "i e is to /a7e the s'b<ect /aster o the ob<ect9 .or i$sta$ce8 I ee" '$happy beca'se a /a$ sco")s /e9 My str'##"e 6i"" be to /a7e /yse" stro$# e$o'#h to co$A'er the e$,iro$/e$t8 so that he /ay sco") a$) I sha"" $ot ee"9 That is ho6 6e are a""

tryi$# to co$A'er9 What is /ea$t by /ora"ity@ Ma7i$# the s'b<ect stro$# by att'$i$# it to the Abso"'te8 so that i$ite $at're ceases to ha,e co$tro" o,er 's9 It is a "o#ica" co$c"'sio$ o o'r phi"osophy that there /'st co/e a ti/e 6he$ 6e sha"" ha,e co$A'ere) a"" the e$,iro$/e$ts8 beca'se $at're is i$ite9 >ere is a$other thi$# to "ear$9 >o6 )o yo' 7$o6 that $at're is i$ite@ Yo' ca$ o$"y 7$o6 this thro'#h /etaphysics9 Nat're is that I$ i$ite '$)er "i/itatio$s9 There ore it is i$ite9 So8 there /'st co/e a ti/e 6he$ 6e sha"" ha,e co$A'ere) a"" e$,iro$/e$ts9 A$) ho6 are 6e to co$A'er the/@ We ca$$ot possib"y co$A'er all the ob<ecti,e e$,iro$/e$ts9 We ca$$ot9 The "itt"e ish 6a$ts to "y ro/ its e$e/ies i$ the 6ater9 >o6 )oes it )o so@ 5y e,o",i$# 6i$#s a$) beco/i$# a bir)9 The ish )i) $ot cha$#e the 6ater or the air; the cha$#e 6as i$ itse" 9 Cha$#e is a"6ays s'b<ecti,e9 A"" thro'#h e,o"'tio$ yo' i$) that the co$A'est o $at're co/es by cha$#e i$ the s'b<ect9 App"y this to re"i#io$ a$) /ora"ity8 a$) yo' 6i"" i$) that the co$A'est o e,i" co/es by the cha$#e i$ the s'b<ecti,e a"o$e9 That is ho6 the A),aita syste/ #ets its 6ho"e orce8 o$ the s'b<ecti,e si)e o /a$9 To ta"7 o e,i" a$) /isery is $o$se$se8 beca'se they )o $ot e=ist o'tsi)e9 I I a/ i//'$e a#ai$st a"" a$#er8 I $e,er ee" a$#ry9 I I a/ proo a#ai$st a"" hatre)8 I $e,er ee" hatre)9 This is8 there ore8 the process by 6hich to achie,e that co$A'est : thro'#h the s'b<ecti,e8 by per ecti$# the s'b<ecti,e9 I /ay /a7e bo") to say that the o$"y re"i#io$ 6hich a#rees 6ith8 a$) e,e$ #oes a "itt"e 'rther tha$ /o)er$ researches8 both o$ physica" a$) /ora" "i$es is the A),aita8 a$) that is 6hy it appea"s to /o)er$ scie$tists so /'ch9 They i$) that the o") )'a"istic theories are $ot e$o'#h or the/8 )o $ot satis y their $ecessities9 A /a$ /'st ha,e $ot o$"y aith8 b't i$te""ect'a" aith too9 No68 i$ this "ater part o the $i$etee$th ce$t'ry8 s'ch a$ i)ea as that re"i#io$ co/i$# ro/ a$y other so'rce tha$ o$eEs o6$ here)itary re"i#io$ /'st be a"se sho6s that there is sti"" 6ea7$ess "e t8 a$) s'ch i)eas /'st be #i,e$ 'p9 I )o $ot /ea$ that s'ch is the case i$ this co'$try a"o$e8 it is i$ e,ery co'$try8 a$) $o6here /ore tha$ i$ /y o6$9 This A),aita 6as $e,er a""o6e) to co/e to the peop"e9 At irst so/e /o$7s #ot ho") o it a$) too7 it to the orests8 a$) so it ca/e to be ca""e) the D.orest Bhi"osophyD9 5y the /ercy o the Cor)8 the 5'))ha ca/e a$) preache) it to the /asses8 a$) the 6ho"e $atio$ beca/e 5'))hists9 Co$# a ter that8 6he$ atheists a$) a#$ostics ha) )estroye) the $atio$ a#ai$8 it 6as o'$) o't that A),aita 6as the o$"y 6ay to sa,e I$)ia ro/ /ateria"is/9 Th's has A),aita t6ice sa,e) I$)ia ro/ /ateria"is/ 5e ore the 5'))ha ca/e8 /ateria"is/ ha) sprea) to a ear '" e=te$t8 a$) it 6as o a /ost hi)eo's 7i$)8 $ot "i7e that o the prese$t )ay8 b't o a ar 6orse $at're9 I a/ a /ateria"ist i$ a certai$ se$se8 beca'se I be"ie,e that there is o$"y O$e9 That is 6hat the /ateria"ist 6a$ts yo' to be"ie,e; o$"y he ca""s it /atter a$) I ca"" it Go)9 The /ateria"ists a)/it that o't o this /atter a"" hope8 a$) re"i#io$8 a$) e,erythi$# ha,e co/e9 I say8 a"" these ha,e co/e o't o 5rah/a$9 5't the /ateria"is/ that pre,ai"e) be ore 5'))ha 6as that cr')e sort o /ateria"is/ 6hich ta'#ht8 DEat8 )ri$78 a$) be /erry; there is $o Go)8 so'" or hea,e$; re"i#io$ is a co$coctio$ o 6ic7e) priests9D It ta'#ht the /ora"ity that so "o$# as yo' "i,e8 yo' /'st try to "i,e happi"y; eat8 tho'#h yo' ha,e to borro6 /o$ey or the oo)8 a$) $e,er /i$) abo't repayi$# it9 That 6as the o") /ateria"is/8 a$) that 7i$) o phi"osophy sprea) so /'ch that e,e$ to)ay it has #ot the $a/e o Dpop'"ar phi"osophyD9 5'))ha bro'#ht the Ve)a$ta to "i#ht8 #a,e it to the peop"e8 a$) sa,e) I$)ia9 A tho'sa$) years a ter his )eath a si/i"ar state o thi$#s a#ai$ pre,ai"e)9 The /obs8 the /asses8 a$) ,ario's races8 ha) bee$ co$,erte) to 5'))his/; $at'ra""y the teachi$#s o the 5'))ha beca/e i$ ti/e )e#e$erate)8 beca'se /ost o the peop"e 6ere ,ery i#$ora$t9 5'))his/ ta'#ht $o Go)8 $o !'"er o the '$i,erse8 so #ra)'a""y the /asses bro'#ht their #o)s8 a$) )e,i"s8 a$) hob#ob"i$s o't a#ai$8 a$) a tre/e$)o's hotchpotch 6as /a)e o 5'))his/ i$ I$)ia9 A#ai$ /ateria"is/ ca/e to the ore8 ta7i$# the or/ o "ice$ce 6ith the hi#her c"asses a$) s'perstitio$ 6ith the "o6er9 The$ Sha$7aracharya arose a$) o$ce /ore re,i,i ie) the Ve)a$ta phi"osophy9 >e /a)e it a ratio$a"istic phi"osophy9 I$ the 3pa$isha)s the ar#'/e$ts are o te$ ,ery obsc're9 5y 5'))ha the /ora" si)e o the phi"osophy 6as "ai) stress 'po$8 a$) by Sha$7aracharya8 the i$te""ect'a" si)e9 >e 6or7e) o't8 ratio$a"ise)8 a$) p"ace) be ore /e$ the 6o$)er '" cohere$t syste/ o A),aita9 Materia"is/ pre,ai"s i$ E'rope to)ay9 Yo' /ay pray or the sa",atio$ o the /o)er$ sceptics8 b't

they )o $ot yie")8 they 6a$t reaso$9 The sa",atio$ o E'rope )epe$)s o$ a ratio$a"istic re"i#io$8 a$) A),aita : the $o$-)'a"ity8 the O$e$ess8 the i)ea o the I/perso$a" Go) : is the o$"y re"i#io$ that ca$ ha,e a$y ho") o$ a$y i$te""ect'a" peop"e9 It co/es 6he$e,er re"i#io$ see/s to )isappear a$) irre"i#io$ see/s to pre,ai"8 a$) that is 6hy it has ta7e$ #ro'$) i$ E'rope a$) A/erica9 I 6o'") say o$e thi$# /ore i$ co$$ectio$ 6ith this phi"osophy9 I$ the o") 3pa$isha)s 6e i$) s'b"i/e poetry; their a'thors 6ere poets9 B"ato says8 i$spiratio$ co/es to peop"e thro'#h poetry8 a$) it see/s as i these a$cie$t !ishis8 seers o Tr'th8 6ere raise) abo,e h'/a$ity to sho6 these tr'ths thro'#h poetry9 They $e,er preache)8 $or phi"osophise)8 $or 6rote9 M'sic ca/e o't o their hearts9 I$ 5'))ha 6e ha) the #reat8 '$i,ersa" heart a$) i$ i$ite patie$ce8 /a7i$# re"i#io$ practica" a$) bri$#i$# it to e,eryo$eEs )oor9 I$ Sha$7aracharya 6e sa6 tre/e$)o's i$te""ect'a" po6er8 thro6i$# the scorchi$# "i#ht o reaso$ 'po$ e,erythi$#9 We 6a$t to)ay that bri#ht s'$ o i$te""ect'a"ity <oi$e) 6ith the heart o 5'))ha8 the 6o$)er '" i$ i$ite heart o "o,e a$) /ercy9 This '$io$ 6i"" #i,e 's the hi#hest phi"osophy9 Scie$ce a$) re"i#io$ 6i"" /eet a$) sha7e ha$)s9 Boetry a$) phi"osophy 6i"" beco/e rie$)s9 This 6i"" be the re"i#io$ o the 't're8 a$) i 6e ca$ 6or7 it o't8 6e /ay be s're that it 6i"" be or a"" ti/es a$) peop"es9 This is the o$e 6ay that 6i"" pro,e acceptab"e to /o)er$ scie$ce8 or it has a"/ost co/e to it9 Whe$ the scie$ti ic teacher asserts that a"" thi$#s are the /a$i estatio$ o o$e orce8 )oes it $ot re/i$) yo' o the Go) o 6ho/ yo' hear i$ the 3pa$isha)s4 DAs the o$e ire e$teri$# i$to the '$i,erse e=presses itse" i$ ,ario's or/s8 e,e$ so that O$e So'" is e=pressi$# Itse" i$ e,ery so'" a$) yet is i$ i$ite"y /ore besi)es@D Do yo' $ot see 6hither scie$ce is te$)i$#@ The >i$)' $atio$ procee)e) thro'#h the st')y o the /i$)8 thro'#h /etaphysics a$) "o#ic9 The E'ropea$ $atio$s start ro/ e=ter$a" $at're8 a$) $o6 they too are co/i$# to the sa/e res'"ts9 We i$) that searchi$# thro'#h the /i$) 6e at "ast co/e to that O$e$ess8 that 3$i,ersa" O$e8 the I$ter$a" So'" o e,erythi$#8 the Esse$ce a$) !ea"ity o e,erythi$#8 the E,er-.ree8 the E,er-b"iss '"8 the E,er-E=isti$#9 Thro'#h /ateria" scie$ce 6e co/e to the sa/e O$e$ess9 Scie$ce to)ay is te""i$# 's that a"" thi$#s are b't the /a$i estatio$ o o$e e$er#y 6hich is the s'/ tota" o e,erythi$# 6hich e=ists8 a$) the tre$) o h'/a$ity is to6ar)s ree)o/ a$) $ot to6ar)s bo$)a#e9 Why sho'") /e$ be /ora"@ 5eca'se thro'#h /ora"ity is the path to6ar)s ree)o/8 a$) i//ora"ity "ea)s to bo$)a#e9 A$other pec'"iarity o the A),aita syste/ is that ro/ its ,ery start it is $o$-)estr'cti,e9 This is a$other #"ory8 the bo")$ess to preach8 DDo $ot )ist'rb the aith o a$y8 e,e$ o those 6ho thro'#h i#$ora$ce ha,e attache) the/se",es to "o6er or/s o 6orship9D That is 6hat it says8 )o $ot )ist'rb8 b't he"p e,eryo$e to #et hi#her a$) hi#her; i$c"')e a"" h'/a$ity9 This phi"osophy preaches a Go) 6ho is a s'/ tota"9 I yo' see7 a '$i,ersa" re"i#io$ 6hich ca$ app"y to e,eryo$e8 that re"i#io$ /'st $ot be co/pose) o o$"y the parts8 b't it /'st a"6ays be their s'/ tota" a$) i$c"')e a"" )e#rees o re"i#io's )e,e"op/e$t9 This i)ea is $ot c"ear"y o'$) i$ a$y other re"i#io's syste/9 They are a"" parts eA'a""y str'##"i$# to attai$ to the 6ho"e9 The e=iste$ce o the part is o$"y or this9 So8 ro/ the ,ery irst8 A),aita ha) $o a$ta#o$is/ 6ith the ,ario's sects e=isti$# i$ I$)ia9 There are )'a"ists e=isti$# to)ay8 a$) their $'/ber is by ar the "ar#est i$ I$)ia8 beca'se )'a"is/ $at'ra""y appea"s to "ess e)'cate) /i$)s9 It is a ,ery co$,e$ie$t8 $at'ra"8 co//o$-se$se e=p"a$atio$ o the '$i,erse9 5't 6ith these )'a"ists8 A),aita has $o A'arre"9 The o$e thi$7s that Go) is o'tsi)e the '$i,erse8 so/e6here i$ hea,e$8 a$) the other8 that >e is his o6$ So'"8 a$) that it 6i"" be a b"asphe/y to ca"" >i/ a$ythi$# /ore )ista$t9 A$y i)ea o separatio$ 6o'") be terrib"e9 >e is the $earest o the $ear9 There is $o 6or) i$ a$y "a$#'a#e to e=press this $ear$ess e=cept the 6or) O$e$ess9 With a$y other i)ea the A),aitist is $ot satis ie) <'st as the )'a"ist is shoc7e) 6ith the co$cept o the A),aita8 a$) thi$7s it b"asphe/o's9 At the sa/e ti/e the A),aitist 7$o6s that these other i)eas /'st be8 a$) so has $o A'arre" 6ith the )'a"ist 6ho is o$ the ri#ht roa)9 .ro/ his sta$)poi$t8 the )'a"ist 6i"" ha,e to see /a$y9 It is a co$stit'tio$a" $ecessity o his sta$)poi$t9 Cet hi/ ha,e it9 The A),aitist 7$o6s that 6hate,er /ay be his theories8 he is #oi$# to the sa/e #oa" as he hi/se" 9 There he )i ers e$tire"y ro/ )'a"ist 6ho is orce) by his poi$t o ,ie6 to be"ie,e that a"" )i eri$# ,ie6s are 6ro$#9 The )'a"ists a"" the 6or") o,er $at'ra""y be"ie,e i$ a Berso$a" Go) 6ho is p're"y a$thropo/orphic8 6ho "i7e a #reat

pote$tate i$ this 6or") is p"ease) 6ith so/e a$) )isp"ease) 6ith others9 >e is arbitrari"y p"ease) 6ith so/e peop"e or races a$) sho6ers b"essi$# 'po$ the/9 Nat'ra""y the )'a"ist co/es to the co$c"'sio$ that Go) has a,o'rites8 a$) he hopes to be o$e o the/9 Yo' 6i"" i$) that i$ a"/ost e,ery re"i#io$ is the i)ea4 DWe are the a,o'rites o o'r Go)8 a$) o$"y by be"ie,i$# as 6e )o8 ca$ yo' be ta7e$ i$to a,o'r 6ith >i/9D So/e )'a"ists are so $arro6 as to i$sist that o$"y the e6 that ha,e bee$ pre)esti$e) to the a,o'r o Go) ca$ be sa,e); the rest /ay try e,er so har)8 b't they ca$$ot be accepte)9 I cha""e$#e yo' to sho6 /e o$e )'a"istic re"i#io$ 6hich has $ot /ore or "ess o this e=c"'si,e$ess9 A$)8 there ore8 i$ the $at're o thi$#s8 )'a"istic re"i#io$s are bo'$) to i#ht a$) A'arre" 6ith each other8 a$) this they ha,e e,er bee$ )oi$#9 A#ai$8 these )'a"ists 6i$ the pop'"ar a,o'r by appea"i$# to the ,a$ity o the '$e)'cate)9 They "i7e to ee" that they e$<oy e=c"'si,e pri,i"e#es9 The )'a"ist thi$7s yo' ca$$ot be /ora" '$ti" yo' ha,e a Go) 6ith a ro) i$ >is ha$)8 rea)y to p'$ish yo'9 The '$thi$7i$# /asses are #e$era""y )'a"ists8 a$) they8 poor e""o6s8 ha,e bee$ persec'te) or tho'sa$)s o years i$ e,ery co'$try; a$) their i)ea o sa",atio$ is8 there ore8 ree)o/ ro/ the ear o p'$ish/e$t9 I 6as as7e) by a c"er#y/a$ i$ A/erica8 DWhatG yo' ha,e $o De,i" i$ yo'r re"i#io$@ >o6 ca$ that be@D 5't 6e i$) that the best a$) the #reatest /e$ that ha,e bee$ bor$ i$ the 6or") ha,e 6or7e) 6ith that hi#h i/perso$a" i)ea9 It is the Ma$ 6ho sai)8 DI a$) /y .ather are O$eD8 6hose po6er has )esce$)e) '$to /i""io$s9 .or tho'sa$)s o years it has 6or7e) or #oo)9 A$) 6e 7$o6 that the sa/e Ma$8 beca'se he 6as a $o$)'a"ist8 6as /erci '" to others9 To the /asses 6ho co'") $ot co$cei,e o a$ythi$# hi#her tha$ a Berso$a" Go)8 he sai)8 DBray to yo'r .ather i$ hea,e$9D To others 6ho co'") #rasp a hi#her i)ea8 he sai)8 DI a/ the ,i$e8 ye are the bra$ches8D b't to his )iscip"es to 6ho/ he re,ea"e) hi/se" /ore '""y8 he proc"ai/e) the hi#hest tr'th8 DI a$) /y .ather are O$e9D It 6as the #reat 5'))ha8 6ho $e,er care) or the )'a"ist #o)s8 a$) 6ho has bee$ ca""e) a$ atheist a$) /ateria"ist8 6ho yet 6as rea)y to #i,e 'p his bo)y or a poor #oat9 That Ma$ set i$ /otio$ the hi#hest /ora" i)eas a$y $atio$ ca$ ha,e9 Whe$e,er there is a /ora" co)e8 it is ray o "i#ht ro/ that Ma$9 We ca$$ot orce the #reat hearts o the 6or") i$to $arro6 "i/its8 a$) 7eep the/ there8 especia""y at this ti/e i$ the history o h'/a$ity 6he$ there is a )e#ree o i$te""ect'a" )e,e"op/e$t s'ch as 6as $e,er )rea/e) o e,e$ a h'$)re) years a#o8 6he$ a 6a,e o scie$ti ic 7$o6"e)#e has arise$ 6hich $obo)y8 e,e$ i ty years a#o8 6o'") ha,e )rea/e) o 9 5y tryi$# to orce peop"e i$to $arro6 "i/its yo' )e#ra)e the/ i$to a$i/a"s a$) '$thi$7i$# /asses9 Yo' 7i"" their /ora" "i e9 What is $o6 6a$te) is a co/bi$atio$ o the #reatest heart 6ith the hi#hest i$te""ect'a"ity8 o i$ i$ite "o,e 6ith i$ i$ite 7$o6"e)#e9 The Ve)a$tist #i,es $o other attrib'tes to Go) e=cept these three : that >e is I$ i$ite E=iste$ce8 I$ i$ite K$o6"e)#e8 a$) I$ i$ite 5"iss8 a$) he re#ar)s these three as O$e9 E=iste$ce 6itho't 7$o6"e)#e a$) "o,e ca$$ot be; 7$o6"e)#e 6itho't "o,e a$) "o,e 6itho't 7$o6"e)#e ca$$ot be9 What 6e 6a$t is the har/o$y o E=iste$ce8 K$o6"e)#e8 a$) 5"iss I$ i$ite9 .or that is o'r #oa"9 We 6a$t har/o$y8 $ot o$e-si)e) )e,e"op/e$t9 A$) it is possib"e to ha,e the i$te""ect o a Sha$7ara 6ith the heart o a 5'))ha9 I hope 6e sha"" a"" str'##"e to attai$ to that b"esse) co/bi$atio$9

CHAPTER VII GOD IN EVERYTHING We ha,e see$ ho6 the #reater portio$ o o'r "i e /'st o $ecessity be i""e) 6ith e,i"s8 ho6e,er 6e /ay resist8 a$) that this /ass o e,i" is practica""y a"/ost i$ i$ite or 's9 We ha,e bee$ str'##"i$# to re/e)y this si$ce the be#i$$i$# o ti/e8 yet e,erythi$# re/ai$s ,ery /'ch the sa/e9 The /ore 6e )isco,er re/e)ies8 the /ore 6e i$) o'rse",es beset by s'bt"er e,i"s9 We ha,e a"so see$ that a"" re"i#io$s propose a Go)8 as the o$e 6ay o escapi$# these )i ic'"ties9 A"" re"i#io$s te"" 's that i yo' ta7e the 6or") as it is8 as /ost practica" peop"e 6o'") a),ise 's to )o i$ this a#e8 the$ $othi$# 6o'") be "e t to 's b't e,i"9 They 'rther assert that there is so/ethi$# beyo$) this 6or")9 This "i e i$ the i,e se$ses8 "i e i$ the /ateria" 6or")8 is $ot a""; it is o$"y a s/a"" portio$8 a$) /ere"y s'per icia"9 5ehi$) a$) beyo$) is the I$ i$ite i$ 6hich there is $o /ore e,i"9 So/e peop"e ca"" It Go)8 so/e A""ah8 so/e Jeho,ah8 Jo,e8 a$) so o$9 The Ve)a$ti$ ca""s It 5rah/a$9 The irst i/pressio$ 6e #et o the a),ice #i,e$ by re"i#io$s is that 6e ha) better ter/i$ate o'r e=iste$ce9 To the A'estio$ ho6 to c're the e,i"s o "i e8 the a$s6er appare$t"y is8 #i,e 'p "i e9 It re/i$)s o$e o the o") story9 A /osA'ito sett"e) o$ the hea) o a /a$8 a$) a rie$)8 6ishi$# to 7i"" the /osA'ito8 #a,e it s'ch a b"o6 that he 7i""e) both /a$ a$) /osA'ito9 The re/e)y o e,i" see/s to s'##est a si/i"ar co'rse o actio$9 Ci e is '"" o i""s8 the 6or") is '"" o e,i"s; that is a act $o o$e 6ho is o") e$o'#h to 7$o6 the 6or") ca$ )e$y9 5't 6hat is re/e)y propose) by a"" the re"i#io$s@ That this 6or") is $othi$#9 5eyo$) this 6or") is so/ethi$# 6hich is ,ery rea"9 >ere co/es the )i ic'"ty9 The re/e)y see/s to )estroy e,erythi$#9 >o6 ca$ that be a re/e)y@ Is there $o 6ay o't the$@ The Ve)a$ta says that 6hat a"" the re"i#io$s a),a$ce is per ect"y tr'e8 b't it sho'") be proper"y '$)erstoo)9 O te$ it is /is'$)erstoo)8 beca'se the re"i#io$s are $ot ,ery c"ear i$ their /ea$i$#9 What 6e rea""y 6a$t is hea) a$) heart co/bi$e)9 The heart is #reat i$)ee); it is thro'#h the heart that co/e the #reat i$spiratio$s o "i e9 I 6o'") a h'$)re) ti/es rather ha,e a "itt"e heart a$) $o brai$8 tha$ be a"" brai$s a$) $o heart9 Ci e is possib"e8 pro#ress is possib"e or hi/ 6ho has heart8 b't he 6ho has $o heart a$) o$"y brai$s )ies o )ry$ess9 At the sa/e ti/e 6e 7$o6 that he 6ho is carrie) a"o$# by his heart a"o$e has to '$)er#o /a$y i""s8 or $o6 a$) the$ he is "iab"e to t'/b"e i$to pit a""s9 The co/bi$atio$ o heart a$) hea) is 6hat 6e 6a$t9 I )o $ot /ea$ that a /a$ sho'") co/pro/ise his heart or his brai$ or ,ice ,ersa8 b't "et e,eryo$e ha,e a$ i$ i$ite a/o'$t o heart a$) ee"i$#8 a$) at the sa/e ti/e a$ i$ i$ite a/o'$t o reaso$9 Is there a$y "i/it to 6hat 6e 6a$t i$ this 6or")@ Is $ot the 6or") i$ i$ite@ There is roo/ or a$ i$ i$ite a/o'$t o ee"i$#8 a$) so a"so or a$ i$ i$ite a/o'$t o c'"t're a$) reaso$9 Cet the/ co/e to#ether 6itho't "i/it8 "et the/ be r'$$i$# to#ether8 as it 6ere8 i$ para""e" "i$es each 6ith the other9 Most o the re"i#io$s '$)ersta$) the act8 b't the error i$to 6hich they a"" see/ to a"" is the sa/e; they are carrie) a6ay by the heart8 the ee"i$#s9 There is e,i" i$ the 6or")8 #i,e 'p the 6or"); that is the #reat teachi$#8 a$) the o$"y teachi$#8 $o )o'bt9 Gi,e 'p the 6or")9 There ca$$ot be t6o opi$io$s that to '$)ersta$) the tr'th e,eryo$e o 's has to #i,e 'p error9 There ca$$ot be t6o opi$io$s that e,eryo$e o 's i$ or)er to ha,e #oo) /'st #i,e 'p e,i"; there ca$$ot be t6o opi$io$s that e,eryo$e o 's to ha,e "i e /'st #i,e 'p 6hat is )eath9 A$) yet8 6hat re/ai$s to 's8 i this theory i$,o",es #i,i$# 'p the "i e o the se$ses8 the "i e as 6e 7$o6 it@ A$) 6hat e"se )o 6e /ea$ by "i e@ I 6e #i,e this 'p8 6hat re/ai$s@ We sha"" '$)ersta$) this better8 6he$8 "ater o$8 6e co/e to the /ore phi"osophica" portio$s o the Ve)a$ta9 5't or the prese$t I be# to state that i$ Ve)a$ta a"o$e 6e i$) a ratio$a" so"'tio$ o the prob"e/9 >ere I ca$ o$"y "ay be ore yo' 6hat the Ve)a$ta see7s to teach8 a$) that is the )ei icatio$ o the 6or")9 The Ve)a$ta )oes $ot i$ rea"ity )e$o'$ce the 6or")9 The i)ea" o re$'$ciatio$

$o6here attai$s s'ch a hei#ht as i$ the teachi$#s o the Ve)a$ta9 5't8 at the sa/e ti/e8 )ry s'ici)a" a),ice is $ot i$te$)e); it rea""y /ea$s )ei icatio$ o the 6or") : #i,i$# 'p the 6or") as 6e thi$7 o it8 as 6e 7$o6 it8 as it appears to 's : a$) to 7$o6 6hat it rea""y is9 Dei y it; it is Go) a"o$e9 We rea) at the co//e$ce/e$t o o$e o the o")est o the 3pa$isha)s8 DWhate,er e=ists i$ this '$i,erse is to be co,ere) 6ith the Cor)9D We ha,e to co,er e,erythi$# 6ith the Cor) >i/se" 8 $ot by a a"se sort o opti/is/8 $ot by b"i$)i$# o'r eyes to the e,i"8 b't by rea""y seei$# Go) i$ e,erythi$#9 Th's 6e ha,e to #i,e 'p the 6or")8 a$) 6he$ the 6or") is #i,e$ 'p8 6hat re/ai$s@ Go)9 What is /ea$t@ Yo' ca$ ha,e yo'r 6i e; it )oes $ot /ea$ that yo' are to aba$)o$ her8 b't that yo' are to see Go) i$ the 6i e9 Gi,e 'p yo'r chi")re$; 6hat )oes that /ea$@ To t'r$ the/ o't o )oors8 as so/e h'/a$ br'tes )o i$ e,ery co'$try@ Certai$"y $ot9 That is )iabo"is/; it is $ot re"i#io$9 5't see Go) i$ yo'r chi")re$9 So8 i$ e,erythi$#9 I$ "i e a$) i$ )eath8 i$ happi$ess a$) i$ /isery8 the Cor) is eA'a""y prese$t9 The 6ho"e 6or") is '"" o the Cor)9 Ope$ yo'r eyes a$) see >i/9 This is 6hat Ve)a$ta teaches9 Gi,e 'p the 6or") 6hich yo' ha,e co$<ect're)8 beca'se yo'r co$<ect're 6as base) 'po$ a ,ery partia" e=perie$ce8 'po$ ,ery poor reaso$i$#8 a$) 'po$ yo'r o6$ 6ea7$ess9 Gi,e it 'p; the 6or") 6e ha,e bee$ thi$7i$# o so "o$#8 the 6or") to 6hich 6e ha,e bee$ c"i$#i$# so "o$#8 is a a"se 6or") o o'r o6$ creatio$9 Gi,e that 'p; ope$ yo'r eyes a$) see that as s'ch it $e,er e=iste); it 6as a )rea/8 Maya9 What e=iste) 6as the Cor) >i/se" 9 It is >e 6ho is i$ the chi")8 i$ the 6i e8 a$) i$ the h'sba$); it is >e 6ho is i$ the #oo) a$) i$ the ba); >e is i$ the si$ a$) i$ the si$$er; >e is i$ "i e a$) i$ )eath9 A tre/e$)o's assertio$ i$)ee)G Yet that is the the/e 6hich the Ve)a$ta 6a$ts to )e/o$strate8 to teach8 a$) to preach9 This is <'st the ope$i$# the/e9 Th's 6e a,oi) the )a$#ers o "i e a$) its e,i"s9 Do $ot )esire a$ythi$#9 What /a7es 's /iserab"e@ The ca'se o a"" /iseries ro/ 6hich 6e s' er is )esire9 Yo' )esire so/ethi$#8 a$) the )esire is $ot '" i""e); the res'"t is )istress9 I there is $o )esire8 there is $o s' eri$#9 5't here8 too8 there is the )a$#er o /y bei$# /is'$)erstoo)9 So it is $ecessary to e=p"ai$ 6hat I /ea$ by #i,i$# 'p )esire a$) beco/i$# ree ro/ a"" /isery9 The 6a""s ha,e $o )esire a$) they $e,er s' er9 Tr'e8 b't they $e,er e,o",e9 This chair has $o )esires8 it $e,er s' ers; b't it is a"6ays a chair9 There is a #"ory i$ happi$ess8 there is a #"ory i$ s' eri$#9 I I /ay )are to say so8 there is a 'ti"ity i$ e,i" too9 The #reat "esso$ i$ /isery 6e a"" 7$o69 There are h'$)re)s o thi$#s 6e ha,e )o$e i$ o'r "i,es 6hich 6e 6ish 6e ha) $e,er )o$e8 b't 6hich8 at the sa/e ti/e8 ha,e bee$ #reat teachers9 As or /e8 I a/ #"a) I ha,e )o$e so/ethi$# #oo) a$) /a$y thi$#s ba); #"a) I ha,e )o$e so/ethi$# ri#ht8 a$) #"a) I ha,e co//itte) /a$y errors8 beca'se e,ery o$e o the/ has bee$ a #reat "esso$9 I8 as I a/ $o68 a/ the res'"ta$t o a"" I ha,e )o$e8 a"" I ha,e tho'#ht9 E,ery actio$ a$) tho'#ht ha,e ha) their e ect8 a$) these e ects are the s'/ tota" o /y pro#ress9 We a"" '$)ersta$) that )esires are 6ro$#8 b't 6hat is /ea$t by #i,i$# 'p )esires@ >o6 co'") "i e #o o$@ It 6o'") be the sa/e s'ici)a" a),ice8 7i""i$# the )esire a$) the /a$ too9 The so"'tio$ is this9 Not that yo' sho'") $ot ha,e property8 $ot that yo' sho'") $ot ha,e thi$#s 6hich are $ecessary a$) thi$#s 6hich are e,e$ "'='ries9 >a,e a"" that yo' 6a$t8 a$) /ore8 o$"y 7$o6 the tr'th a$) rea"ise it9 Wea"th )oes $ot be"o$# to a$ybo)y9 >a,e $o i)ea o proprietorship8 possessorship9 Yo' are $obo)y8 $or a/ I8 $or a$yo$e e"se9 A"" be"o$#s to the Cor)8 beca'se the ope$i$# ,erse to") 's to p't the Cor) i$ e,erythi$#9 Go) is i$ the 6ea"th that yo' e$<oy9 >e is i$ the )esire that rises i$ yo'r /i$)9 >e is i$ the thi$#s yo' b'y to satis y yo'r )esire; >e is i$ yo'r bea'ti '" attire8 i$ yo'r bea'ti '" or$a/e$ts9 This is the "i$e o tho'#ht9 A"" 6i"" be /eta/orphose) as soo$ as yo' be#i$ to see thi$#s i$ that "i#ht9 I yo' p't Go) i$ yo'r e,ery /o,e/e$t8 i$ yo'r co$,ersatio$8 i$ yo'r or/8 i$ e,erythi$#8 the 6ho"e sce$e cha$#es8 a$) the 6or")8 i$stea) o appeari$# as o$e o 6oe a$) /isery8 6i"" beco/e a hea,e$9 DThe 7i$#)o/ o hea,e$ is 6ithi$ yo'8D says Jes's; so says the Ve)a$ta8 a$) e,ery #reat teacher9 D>e that hath eyes to see8 "et hi/ see8 a$) he that hath ears to hear8 "et hi/ hear9D The Ve)a$ta pro,es that the tr'th or 6hich 6e ha,e bee$ searchi$# a"" this ti/e is prese$t8 a$) 6as a"" the ti/e

6ith 's9 I$ o'r i#$ora$ce8 6e tho'#ht 6e ha) "ost it8 a$) 6e$t abo't the 6or") cryi$# a$) 6eepi$#8 str'##"i$# to i$) the tr'th8 6hi"e a"" a"o$# it 6as )6e""i$# i$ o'r o6$ hearts9 There a"o$e ca$ 6e i$) it9 I 6e '$)ersta$) the #i,i$# 'p o the 6or") i$ its o")8 cr')e se$se8 the$ it 6o'") co/e to this4 that 6e /'st $ot 6or78 that 6e /'st be i)"e8 sitti$# "i7e "'/ps o earth8 $either thi$7i$# $or )oi$# a$ythi$#8 b't /'st beco/e ata"ists8 )ri,e$ abo't by e,ery circ'/sta$ce8 or)ere) abo't by the "a6s o $at're8 )ri ti$# ro/ p"ace to p"ace9 That 6o'") be the res'"t9 5't that is $ot 6hat is /ea$t9 We /'st 6or79 Or)i$ary /a$7i$)8 )ri,e$ e,ery6here by a"se )esire8 6hat )o they 7$o6 o 6or7@ The /a$ prope""e) by his o6$ ee"i$#s a$) his o6$ se$ses8 6hat )oes he 7$o6 abo't 6or7@ >e 6or7s8 6ho is $ot prope""e) by his o6$ )esires8 by a$y se" ish$ess 6hatsoe,er9 >e 6or7s8 6ho has $o '"terior /oti,e i$ ,ie69 >e 6or7s8 6ho has $othi$# to #ai$ ro/ 6or79 Who e$<oys the pict're8 the se""er or the seer@ The se""er is b'sy 6ith his acco'$ts8 co/p'ti$# 6hat his #ai$ 6i"" be8 ho6 /'ch pro it he 6i"" rea"ise o$ the pict're9 >is brai$ is '"" o that9 >e is "oo7i$# at the ha//er8 a$) 6atchi$# the bi)s9 >e is i$te$t o$ heari$# ho6 ast the bi)s are risi$#9 That /a$ is e$<oyi$# the pict're 6ho has #o$e there 6itho't a$y i$te$tio$ o b'yi$# or se""i$#9 >e "oo7s at the pict're a$) e$<oys it9 So this 6ho"e '$i,erse is a pict're8 a$) 6he$ these )esires ha,e ,a$ishe)8 /e$ 6i"" e$<oy the 6or")8 a$) the$ this b'yi$# a$) se""i$# a$) these oo"ish i)eas o possessio$ 6i"" be e$)e)9 The /o$ey-"e$)er #o$e8 the b'yer #o$e8 the se""er #o$e8 this 6or") re/ai$s the pict're8 a bea'ti '" pai$ti$#9 I $e,er rea) o a$y /ore bea'ti '" co$ceptio$ o Go) tha$ the o""o6i$#4 D>e is the Great Boet8 the A$cie$t Boet; the 6ho"e '$i,erse is >is poe/8 co/i$# i$ ,erses a$) rhy/es a$) rhyth/s8 6ritte$ i$ i$ i$ite b"iss9D Whe$ 6e ha,e #i,e$ 'p )esires8 the$ a"o$e sha"" 6e be ab"e to rea) a$) e$<oy this '$i,erse o Go)9 The$ e,erythi$# 6i"" beco/e )ei ie)9 Noo7s a$) cor$ers8 by-6ays a$) sha)y p"aces8 6hich 6e tho'#ht )ar7 a$) '$ho"y8 6i"" be a"" )ei ie)9 They 6i"" a"" re,ea" their tr'e $at're8 a$) 6e sha"" s/i"e at o'rse",es a$) thi$7 that a"" this 6eepi$# a$) cryi$# has bee$ b't chi")Es p"ay8 a$) 6e 6ere o$"y sta$)i$# by8 6atchi$#9 So8 )o yo'r 6or78 says the Ve)a$ta9 It irst a),ises 's ho6 to 6or7 : by #i,i$# 'p : #i,i$# 'p the appare$t8 i""'si,e 6or")9 What is /ea$t by that@ Seei$# Go) e,ery6here9 Th's )o yo' 6or79 Desire to "i,e a h'$)re) years8 ha,e a"" earth"y )esires8 i yo' 6ish8 o$"y )ei y the/8 co$,ert the/ i$to hea,e$9 >a,e the )esire to "i,e a "o$# "i e o he"p '"$ess8 o b"iss '"$ess a$) acti,ity o$ this earth9 Th's 6or7i$#8 yo' 6i"" i$) the 6ay o't9 There is $o other 6ay9 I a /a$ p"'$#es hea)"o$# i$to oo"ish "'='ries o the 6or") 6itho't 7$o6i$# the tr'th8 he has /isse) his ooti$#8 he ca$$ot reach the #oa"9 A$) i a /a$ c'rses the 6or")8 #oes i$to a orest8 /orti ies his "esh8 a$) 7i""s hi/se" "itt"e by "itt"e by star,atio$8 /a7es his heart a barre$ 6aste8 7i""s o't a"" ee"i$#s8 a$) beco/es harsh8 ster$8 a$) )rie)-'p8 that /a$ a"so has /isse) the 6ay9 These are the t6o e=tre/es8 the t6o /ista7es at either e$)9 5oth ha,e "ost the 6ay8 both ha,e /isse) the #oa"9 So 6or78 says the Ve)a$ta8 p'tti$# Go) i$ e,erythi$#8 a$) 7$o6i$# >i/ to be i$ e,erythi$#9 Wor7 i$cessa$t"y8 ho")i$# "i e as so/ethi$# )ei ie)8 as Go) >i/se" 8 a$) 7$o6i$# that this is a"" 6e ha,e to )o8 this is a"" 6e sho'") as7 or9 Go) is i$ e,erythi$#8 6here e"se sha"" 6e #o to i$) >i/@ >e is a"rea)y i$ e,ery 6or78 i$ e,ery tho'#ht8 i$ e,ery ee"i$#9 Th's 7$o6i$#8 6e /'st 6or7 : this is the o$"y 6ay8 there is $o other9 Th's the e ects o 6or7 6i"" $ot bi$) 's9 We ha,e see$ ho6 a"se )esires are the ca'se o a"" the /isery a$) e,i" 6e s' er8 b't 6he$ they are th's )ei ie)8 p'ri ie)8 thro'#h Go)8 they bri$# $o e,i"8 they bri$# $o /isery9 Those 6ho ha,e $ot "ear$t this secret 6i"" ha,e to "i,e i$ a )e/o$iaca" 6or") '$ti" they )isco,er it9 Ma$y )o $ot 7$o6 6hat a$ i$ i$ite /i$e o b"iss is i$ the/8 aro'$) the/8 e,ery6here; they ha,e $ot yet )isco,ere) it9 What is a )e/o$iaca" 6or")@ The Ve)a$ta says8 i#$ora$ce9 We are )yi$# o thirst sitti$# o$ the ba$7s o the /i#htiest ri,er9 We are )yi$# o h'$#er sitti$# $ear heaps o oo)9 >ere is the b"iss '" '$i,erse8 yet 6e )o $ot i$) it9 We are i$ it a"" the ti/e8 a$) 6e are a"6ays /ista7i$# it9 !e"i#io$ proposes to i$) this o't or 's9 The "o$#i$# or this b"iss '" '$i,erse is i$ a"" hearts9 It has bee$ the search o a"" $atio$s8 it is the o$e #oa" o re"i#io$8 a$) this i)ea" is e=presse) i$ ,ario's "a$#'a#es i$ )i ere$t re"i#io$s9 It is o$"y the )i ere$ce o "a$#'a#e

that /a7es a"" these appare$t )i,er#e$ces9 O$e e=presses a tho'#ht i$ o$e 6ay8 a$other a "itt"e )i ere$t"y8 yet perhaps each is /ea$i$# e=act"y 6hat the other is e=pressi$# i$ a )i ere$t "a$#'a#e9 More A'estio$s arise i$ co$$ectio$ 6ith this9 It is ,ery easy to ta"79 .ro/ /y chi")hoo) I ha,e hear) o seei$# Go) e,ery6here a$) i$ e,erythi$#8 a$) the$ I ca$ rea""y e$<oy the 6or")8 b't as soo$ as I /i= 6ith the 6or")8 a$) #et a e6 b"o6s ro/ it8 the i)ea ,a$ishes9 I a/ 6a"7i$# i$ the street thi$7i$# that Go) is i$ e,ery /a$8 a$) a stro$# /a$ co/es a"o$# a$) #i,es /e a p'sh a$) I a"" "at o$ the ootpath9 The$ I rise 'p A'ic7"y 6ith c"e$che) ist8 the b"oo) has r'she) to /y hea)8 a$) the re "ectio$ #oes9 I//e)iate"y I ha,e beco/e /a)9 E,erythi$# is or#otte$; i$stea) o e$co'$teri$# Go) I see the )e,i"9 E,er si$ce 6e 6ere bor$ 6e ha,e bee$ to") to see Go) i$ a""9 E,ery re"i#io$ teaches that : see Go) i$ e,erythi$# a$) e,ery6here9 Do yo' $ot re/e/ber i$ the Ne6 Testa/e$t ho6 Christ says so@ We ha,e a"" bee$ ta'#ht that; b't it is 6he$ 6e co/e to the practica" si)e8 that the )i ic'"ty be#i$s9 Yo' a"" re/e/ber ho6 i$ "esop#s $ables a i$e sta# is "oo7i$# at his or/ re "ecte) i$ a "a7e a$) is sayi$# to his yo'$# o$e8 D>o6 po6er '" I a/8 "oo7 at /y sp"e$)i) hea)8 "oo7 at /y "i/bs8 ho6 stro$# a$) /'sc'"ar they are; a$) ho6 s6i t"y I ca$ r'$9D I$ the /ea$ti/e he hears the bar7i$# o )o#s i$ the )ista$ce8 a$) i//e)iate"y ta7es to his hee"s8 a$) a ter he has r'$ se,era" /i"es8 he co/es bac7 pa$ti$#9 The yo'$# o$e says8 DYo' <'st to") /e ho6 stro$# yo' 6ere8 ho6 6as it that 6he$ the )o# bar7e)8 yo' ra$ a6ay@D DYes8 /y so$; b't 6he$ the )o#s bar7 a"" /y co$ i)e$ce ,a$ishes9D S'ch is the case 6ith 's9 We thi$7 hi#h"y o h'/a$ity8 6e ee" o'rse",es stro$# a$) ,a"ia$t8 6e /a7e #ra$) reso",es; b't 6he$ the D)o#sD o tria" a$) te/ptatio$ bar78 6e are "i7e the sta# i$ the ab"e9 The$8 i s'ch is the case8 6hat is the 'se o teachi$# a"" these thi$#s@ There is the #reatest 'se9 The 'se is this8 that perse,era$ce 6i"" i$a""y co$A'er9 Nothi$# ca$ be )o$e i$ a )ay9 DThis Se" is irst to be hear)8 the$ to be tho'#ht 'po$8 a$) the$ /e)itate) 'po$9D E,eryo$e ca$ see the s7y8 e,e$ the ,ery 6or/ cra6"i$# 'po$ the earth sees the b"'e s7y8 b't ho6 ,ery ar a6ay it isG So it is 6ith o'r i)ea"9 It is ar a6ay8 $o )o'bt8 b't at the sa/e ti/e8 6e 7$o6 that 6e /'st ha,e it9 We /'st e,e$ ha,e the hi#hest i)ea"9 3$ ort'$ate"y i$ this "i e8 the ,ast /a<ority o perso$s are #ropi$# thro'#h this )ar7 "i e 6itho't a$y i)ea" at a""9 I a /a$ 6ith a$ i)ea" /a7es a tho'sa$) /ista7es8 I a/ s're that the /a$ 6itho't a$ i)ea" /a7es i ty tho'sa$)9 There ore8 it is better to ha,e a$ i)ea"9 A$) this i)ea" 6e /'st hear abo't as /'ch as 6e ca$8 ti"" it e$ters i$to o'r hearts8 i$to o'r brai$s8 i$to o'r ,ery ,ei$s8 '$ti" it ti$#"es i$ e,ery )rop o o'r b"oo) a$) per/eates e,ery pore i$ o'r bo)y9 We /'st /e)itate 'po$ it9 DO't o the '""$ess o the heart the /o'th spea7eth8D a$) o't o the '""$ess o the heart the ha$) 6or7s too9 It is tho'#ht 6hich is the prope""i$# orce i$ 's9 .i"" the /i$) 6ith the hi#hest tho'#hts8 hear the/ )ay a ter )ay8 thi$7 the/ /o$th a ter /o$th9 Ne,er /i$) ai"'res; they are A'ite $at'ra"8 they are the bea'ty o "i e8 these ai"'res9 What 6o'") "i e be 6itho't the/@ It 6o'") $ot be 6orth ha,i$# i it 6ere $ot or str'##"es9 Where 6o'") be the poetry o "i e@ Ne,er /i$) the str'##"es8 the /ista7es9 I $e,er hear) a co6 te"" a "ie8 b't it is o$"y a co6 : $e,er a /a$9 So $e,er /i$) these ai"'res8 these "itt"e bac7s"i)i$#s; ho") the i)ea" a tho'sa$) ti/es8 a$) i yo' ai" a tho'sa$) ti/es8 /a7e the atte/pt o$ce /ore9 The i)ea" o /a$ is to see Go) i$ e,erythi$#9 5't i yo' ca$$ot see >i/ i$ e,erythi$#8 see >i/ i$ o$e thi$#8 i$ that thi$# 6hich yo' "i7e best8 a$) the$ see >i/ i$ a$other9 So o$ yo' ca$ #o9 There is i$ i$ite "i e be ore the so'"9 Ta7e yo'r ti/e a$) yo' 6i"" achie,e yo'r e$)9 D>e8 the O$e8 6ho ,ibrates /ore A'ic7"y tha$ /i$)8 6ho attai$s to /ore spee) tha$ /i$) ca$ e,er )o8 6ho/ e,e$ the #o)s reach $ot8 $or tho'#ht #rasps8 >e /o,i$#8 e,erythi$# /o,es9 I$ >i/ a"" e=ists9 >e is /o,i$#9 >e is a"so i//o,ab"e9 >e is $ear a$) >e is ar9 >e is i$si)e e,erythi$#9 >e is o'tsi)e e,erythi$#8 i$terpe$etrati$# e,erythi$#9 Whoe,er sees i$ e,ery bei$# that sa/e At/a$8 a$) 6hoe,er sees e,erythi$# i$ that At/a$8 he $e,er #oes ar ro/ that At/a$9 Whe$ a"" "i e a$) the 6ho"e '$i,erse are see$ i$ this At/a$8 the$ a"o$e /a$ has attai$e) the secret9 There is $o /ore )e"'sio$ or hi/9 Where is a$y /ore /isery or hi/ 6ho sees this O$e$ess i$ the '$i,erse@D This is a$other #reat the/e o the Ve)a$ta8 this O$e$ess o "i e8 this O$e$ess o e,erythi$#9 We sha"" see ho6 it )e/o$strates that a"" o'r /isery co/es thro'#h i#$ora$ce8 a$) this i#$ora$ce is the

i)ea o /a$i o")$ess8 this separatio$ bet6ee$ /a$ a$) /a$8 bet6ee$ $atio$ a$) $atio$8 bet6ee$ earth a$) /oo$8 bet6ee$ /oo$ a$) s'$9 O't o this i)ea o separatio$ bet6ee$ ato/ a$) ato/ co/es a"" /isery9 5't the Ve)a$ta says this separatio$ )oes $ot e=ist8 it is $ot rea"9 It is /ere"y appare$t8 o$ the s'r ace9 I$ the heart o thi$#s there is 3$ity sti""9 I yo' #o be"o6 the s'r ace8 yo' i$) that 3$ity bet6ee$ /a$ a$) /a$8 bet6ee$ races a$) races8 hi#h a$) "o68 rich a$) poor8 #o)s a$) /e$8 a$) /e$ a$) a$i/a"s9 I yo' #o )eep e$o'#h8 a"" 6i"" be see$ as o$"y ,ariatio$s o the O$e8 a$) he 6ho has attai$e) to this co$ceptio$ o O$e$ess has $o /ore )e"'sio$9 What ca$ )e"')e hi/@ >e 7$o6s the rea"ity o e,erythi$#8 the secret o e,erythi$#9 Where is there a$y /ore /isery or hi/@ What )oes he )esire@ >e has trace) the rea"ity o e,erythi$# to the Cor)8 the Ce$tre8 the 3$ity o e,erythi$#8 a$) that is Eter$a" E=iste$ce8 Eter$a" K$o6"e)#e8 Eter$a" 5"iss9 Neither )eath $or )isease8 $or sorro68 $or /isery8 $or )isco$te$t is there9 A"" is Ber ect 3$io$ a$) Ber ect 5"iss9 .or 6ho/ sho'") he /o'r$ the$@ I$ the !ea"ity8 there is $o )eath8 there is $o /isery; i$ the !ea"ity8 there is $o o$e to /o'r$ or8 $o o$e to be sorry or9 >e has pe$etrate) e,erythi$#8 the B're O$e8 the .or/"ess8 the 5o)i"ess8 the Stai$"ess9 >e the K$o6er8 >e the Great Boet8 the Se" -E=iste$t8 >e 6ho is #i,i$# to e,eryo$e 6hat he )eser,es9 They #rope i$ )ar7$ess 6ho 6orship this i#$ora$t 6or")8 the 6or") that is pro)'ce) o't o i#$ora$ce8 thi$7i$# o it as E=iste$ce8 a$) those 6ho "i,e their 6ho"e "i,es i$ this 6or")8 a$) $e,er i$) a$ythi$# better or hi#her8 are #ropi$# i$ sti"" #reater )ar7$ess9 5't he 6ho 7$o6s the secret o $at're8 seei$# That 6hich is beyo$) $at're thro'#h the he"p o $at're8 he crosses )eath8 a$) thro'#h the he"p o That 6hich is beyo$) $at're8 he e$<oys Eter$a" 5"iss9 DTho' s'$8 6ho hast co,ere) the Tr'th 6ith thy #o")e$ )isc8 )o tho' re/o,e the ,ei"8 so that I /ay see the Tr'th that is 6ithi$ thee9 I ha,e 7$o6$ the Tr'th that is 6ithi$ thee8 I ha,e 7$o6$ 6hat is the rea" /ea$i$# o thy rays a$) thy #"ory a$) ha,e see$ That 6hich shi$es i$ thee; the Tr'th i$ thee I see8 a$) That 6hich is 6ithi$ thee is 6ithi$ /e8 a$) I a/ That9D

CHAPTER VIII REALISATION I 6i"" rea) to yo' ro/ o$e o the 3pa$isha)s9 It is ca""e) the Katha 3pa$isha)9 So/e o yo'8 perhaps8 ha,e rea) the tra$s"atio$ by Sir E)6i$ Ar$o")8 ca""e) the Secret o Death9 I$ o'r "ast Ki9e9 a pre,io'sL "ect're 6e sa6 ho6 the i$A'iry 6hich starte) 6ith the ori#i$ o the 6or")8 a$) the creatio$ o the '$i,erse8 ai"e) to obtai$ a satis actory a$s6er ro/ 6itho't8 a$) ho6 it the$ t'r$e) i$6ar)s9 This boo7 psycho"o#ica""y ta7es 'p that s'##estio$8 A'estio$i$# i$to the i$ter$a" $at're o /a$9 It 6as irst as7e) 6ho create) the e=ter$a" 6or")8 a$) ho6 it ca/e i$to bei$#9 No6 the A'estio$ is4 What is that i$ /a$; 6hich /a7es hi/ "i,e a$) /o,e8 a$) 6hat beco/es o that 6he$ he )ies@ The irst phi"osophers st')ie) the /ateria" s'bsta$ce8 a$) trie) to reach the '"ti/ate thro'#h that9 At the best8 they o'$) a perso$a" #o,er$or o the '$i,erse8 a h'/a$ bei$# i//e$se"y /a#$i ie)8 b't yet to a"" i$te$ts a$) p'rposes a h'/a$ bei$#9 5't that co'") $ot be the 6ho"e o tr'th; at best8 it co'") be o$"y partia" tr'th9 We see this '$i,erse as h'/a$ bei$#s8 a$) o'r Go) is o'r h'/a$ e=p"a$atio$ o the '$i,erse9 S'ppose a co6 6ere phi"osophica" a$) ha) re"i#io$ it 6o'") ha,e a co6 '$i,erse8 a$) a co6 so"'tio$ o the prob"e/8 a$) it 6o'") $ot be possib"e that it sho'") see o'r Go)9 S'ppose cats beca/e phi"osophers8 they 6o'") see a cat '$i,erse a$) ha,e a cat so"'tio$ o the prob"e/ o the '$i,erse8 a$) a cat r'"i$# it9 So 6e see ro/ this that o'r e=p"a$atio$ o the '$i,erse is $ot the 6ho"e o the so"'tio$9 Neither )oes o'r co$ceptio$ co,er the 6ho"e o the '$i,erse9 It 6o'") be a #reat /ista7e to accept that tre/e$)o's"y se" ish positio$ 6hich /a$ is apt to ta7e9 S'ch a so"'tio$ o the '$i,ersa" prob"e/ as 6e ca$ #et ro/ the o'tsi)e "abo'rs '$)er this )i ic'"ty that i$ the irst p"ace the '$i,erse 6e see is o'r o6$ partic'"ar '$i,erse8 o'r o6$ ,ie6 o the !ea"ity9 That !ea"ity 6e ca$$ot see thro'#h the se$ses; 6e ca$$ot co/prehe$) It9 We o$"y 7$o6 the '$i,erse ro/ the poi$t o ,ie6 o bei$#s 6ith i,e se$ses9 S'ppose 6e obtai$ a$other se$se8 the 6ho"e '$i,erse /'st cha$#e or 's9 S'ppose 6e ha) a /a#$etic se$se8 it is A'ite possib"e that 6e /i#ht the$ i$) /i""io$s a$) /i""io$s o orces i$ e=iste$ce 6hich 6e )o $ot $o6 7$o68 a$) or 6hich 6e ha,e $o prese$t se$se or ee"i$#9 O'r se$ses are "i/ite)8 ,ery "i/ite) i$)ee); a$) 6ithi$ these "i/itatio$s e=ists 6hat 6e ca"" o'r '$i,erse; a$) o'r Go) is the so"'tio$ o that '$i,erse8 b't that ca$$ot be the so"'tio$ o the 6ho"e prob"e/9 5't /a$ ca$$ot stop there9 >e is a thi$7i$# bei$# a$) 6a$ts to i$) a so"'tio$ 6hich 6i"" co/prehe$si,e"y e=p"ai$ a"" the '$i,erses9 >e 6a$ts to see a 6or") 6hich is at o$ce the 6or") o /e$8 a$) o #o)s8 a$) o a"" possib"e bei$#s8 a$) to i$) a so"'tio$ 6hich 6i"" e=p"ai$ a"" phe$o/e$a9 We see8 6e /'st irst i$) the '$i,erse 6hich i$c"')es a"" '$i,erses; 6e /'st i$) so/ethi$# 6hich8 by itse" 8 /'st be the /ateria" r'$$i$# thro'#h a"" these ,ario's p"a$es o e=iste$ce8 6hether 6e apprehe$) it thro'#h the se$ses or $ot9 I 6e co'") possib"y i$) so/ethi$# 6hich 6e co'") 7$o6 as the co//o$ property o the "o6er as 6e"" as o the hi#her 6or")s8 the$ o'r prob"e/ 6o'") be so",e)9 E,e$ i by the sheer orce o "o#ic a"o$e 6e co'") '$)ersta$) that there /'st be o$e basis o a"" e=iste$ce8 the$ o'r prob"e/ /i#ht approach to so/e sort o so"'tio$; b't this so"'tio$ certai$"y ca$$ot be obtai$e) o$"y thro'#h the 6or") 6e see a$) 7$o68 beca'se it is o$"y a partia" ,ie6 o the 6ho"e9 O'r o$"y hope the$ "ies i$ pe$etrati$# )eeper9 The ear"y thi$7ers )isco,ere) that the arther they 6ere ro/; the ce$tre8 the /ore /ar7e) 6ere the ,ariatio$s a$) )i ere$tiatio$s; a$) that the $earer they approache) the ce$tre8 the $earer they 6ere to '$ity9 The $earer 6e are to the ce$tre o a circ"e8 the $earer 6e are to the co//o$ #ro'$) i$ 6hich a"" the ra)ii /eet; a$) the arther 6e are ro/ the ce$tre8 the /ore )i,er#e$t is o'r ra)ia" "i$e ro/ the others9 The e=ter$a" 6or") is ar a6ay ro/ the ce$tre8 a$) so there is $o co//o$ #ro'$) i$ it 6here a"" the phe$o/e$a o e=iste$ce ca$ /eet9 At best8 the e=ter$a" 6or") is b't o$e part o the 6ho"e o phe$o/e$a9 There are other parts8 the

/e$ta"8 the /ora"8 a$) the i$te""ect'a" : the ,ario's p"a$es o e=iste$ce : a$) to ta7e 'p o$"y o$e8 a$) i$) a so"'tio$ o the 6ho"e o't o that o$e8 is si/p"y i/possib"e9 We irst8 there ore8 6a$t to i$) so/e6here a ce$tre ro/ 6hich8 as it 6ere8 a"" the other p"a$es o e=iste$ce start8 a$) sta$)i$# there 6e sho'") try to i$) a so"'tio$9 That is the propositio$9 A$) 6here is that ce$tre@ It is 6ithi$ 's9 The a$cie$t sa#es pe$etrate) )eeper a$) )eeper '$ti" they o'$) that i$ the i$$er/ost core o the h'/a$ so'" is the ce$tre o the 6ho"e '$i,erse9 A"" the p"a$es #ra,itate to6ar)s that o$e poi$t9 That is the co//o$ #ro'$)8 a$) sta$)i$# there a"o$e ca$ 6e i$) a co//o$ so"'tio$9 So the A'estio$ 6ho /a)e this 6or") is $ot ,ery phi"osophica"8 $or )oes its so"'tio$ a/o'$t to a$ythi$#9 This the Katha 3pa$isha) spea7s i$ ,ery i#'rati,e "a$#'a#e9 There 6as8 i$ a$cie$t ti/es8 a ,ery rich /a$8 6ho /a)e a certai$ sacri ice 6hich reA'ire) that he sho'") #i,e a6ay e,erythi$# that he ha)9 No68 this /a$ 6as $ot si$cere9 >e 6a$te) to #et the a/e a$) #"ory o ha,i$# /a)e the sacri ice8 b't he 6as o$"y #i,i$# thi$#s 6hich 6ere o $o 'rther 'se to hi/ : o") co6s8 barre$8 b"i$)8 a$) "a/e9 >e ha) a boy ca""e) Nachi7etas9 This boy sa6 that his ather 6as $ot )oi$# 6hat 6as ri#ht8 that he 6as brea7i$# his ,o6; b't he )i) $ot 7$o6 6hat to say to hi/9 I$ I$)ia8 ather a$) /other are "i,i$# #o)s to their chi")re$9 A$) so the boy approache) the ather 6ith the #reatest respect a$) h'/b"y i$A'ire) o hi/8 D.ather8 to 6ho/ are yo' #oi$# to #i,e /e@ .or yo'r sacri ice reA'ires that e,erythi$# sha"" be #i,e$ a6ay9D The ather 6as ,ery /'ch ,e=e) at this A'estio$ a$) rep"ie)8 DWhat )o yo' /ea$8 boy@ A ather #i,i$# a6ay his o6$ so$@D The boy as7e) the A'estio$ a seco$) a$) a thir) ti/e8 a$) the$ the a$#ry ather a$s6ere)8 DThee I #i,e '$to Death IYa/aJ9D A$) the story #oes o$ to say that the boy 6e$t to Ya/a8 the #o) o )eath9 Ya/a 6as the irst /a$ 6ho )ie)9 >e 6e$t to hea,e$ a$) beca/e the #o,er$or o a"" the Bitris; a"" the #oo) peop"e 6ho )ie8 #o8 a$) "i,e 6ith hi/ or a "o$# ti/e9 >e is a ,ery p're a$) ho"y perso$8 chaste a$) #oo)8 as his $a/e IYa/aJ i/p"ies9 So the boy 6e$t to Ya/aEs 6or")9 5't e,e$ #o)s are so/eti/es $ot at ho/e8 a$) three )ays this boy ha) to 6ait there9 A ter the thir) )ay Ya/a ret'r$e)9 DO "ear$e) o$e8D sai) Ya/a8 Dyo' ha,e bee$ 6aiti$# here or three )ays 6itho't oo)8 a$) yo' are a #'est 6orthy o respect9 Sa"'tatio$ to thee8 O 5rah/i$8 a$) 6e" are to /eG I a/ ,ery sorry I 6as $ot at ho/e9 5't or that I 6i"" /a7e a/e$)s9 As7 three boo$s8 o$e or each )ay9D A$) the boy as7e)8 DMy irst boo$ is that /y atherEs a$#er a#ai$st /e /ay pass a6ay; that he 6i"" be 7i$) to /e a$) reco#$ise /e 6he$ yo' a""o6 /e to )epart9D Ya/a #ra$te) this '""y9 The $e=t boo$ 6as that he 6a$te) to 7$o6 abo't a certai$ sacri ice 6hich too7 peop"e to hea,e$9 No6 6e ha,e see$ that the o")est i)ea 6hich 6e #ot i$ the Sa/hit? portio$ o the Ve)as 6as o$"y abo't hea,e$ 6here they ha) bri#ht bo)ies a$) "i,e) 6ith the athers9 Gra)'a""y other i)eas ca/e8 b't they 6ere $ot satis yi$#; there 6as sti"" $ee) or so/ethi$# hi#her9 Ci,i$# i$ hea,e$ 6o'") $ot be ,ery )i ere$t ro/ "i e i$ this 6or")9 At best8 it 6o'") o$"y be a ,ery hea"thy rich /a$Es "i e8 6ith p"e$ty o se$se-e$<oy/e$ts a$) a so'$) bo)y 6hich 7$o6s $o )isease9 It 6o'") be this /ateria" 6or")8 o$"y a "itt"e /ore re i$e); a$) 6e ha,e see$ the )i ic'"ty that the e=ter$a" /ateria" 6or") ca$ $e,er so",e the prob"e/9 So $o hea,e$ ca$ so",e the prob"e/9 I this 6or") ca$$ot so",e the prob"e/8 $o /'"tip"icatio$ o this 6or") ca$ )o so8 beca'se 6e /'st a"6ays re/e/ber that /atter is o$"y a$ i$ i$itesi/a" part o the phe$o/e$a o $at're9 The ,ast part o phe$o/e$a 6hich 6e act'a""y see is $ot /atter9 .or i$sta$ce8 i$ e,ery /o/e$t o o'r "i e 6hat a #reat part is p"aye) by tho'#ht a$) ee"i$#8 co/pare) 6ith the /ateria" phe$o/e$a o'tsi)eG >o6 ,ast is this i$ter$a" 6or") 6ith its tre/e$)o's acti,ityG The se$sephe$o/e$a are ,ery s/a"" co/pare) 6ith it9 The hea,e$ so"'tio$ co//its this /ista7e; it i$sists that the 6ho"e o phe$o/e$a is o$"y i$ to'ch8 taste8 si#ht8 etc9 So this i)ea o hea,e$ )i) $ot #i,e '"" satis actio$ to a""9 Yet Nachi7etas as7s8 as the seco$) boo$8 abo't so/e sacri ice thro'#h 6hich peop"e /i#ht attai$ to this hea,e$9 There 6as a$ i)ea i$ the Ve)as that these sacri ices p"ease) the #o)s a$) too7 h'/a$ bei$#s to hea,e$9 I$ st')yi$# a"" re"i#io$s yo' 6i"" $otice the act that 6hate,er is o") beco/es ho"y9 .or i$sta$ce8 o'r ore athers i$ I$)ia 'se) to 6rite o$ birch bar78 b't i$ ti/e they "ear$t ho6 to /a7e paper9 Yet the birch bar7 is sti"" "oo7e) 'po$ as ,ery ho"y9 Whe$ the 'te$si"s i$ 6hich they 'se) to coo7 i$ a$cie$t ti/es 6ere i/pro,e) 'po$8 the o") o$es beca/e ho"y; a$) $o6here is this i)ea /ore 7ept 'p tha$ i$

I$)ia9 O") /etho)s8 6hich /'st be $i$e or te$ tho'sa$) years o")8 as o r'bbi$# t6o stic7s to#ether to /a7e ire8 are sti"" o""o6e)9 At the ti/e o sacri ice $o other /etho) 6i"" )o9 So 6ith the other bra$ch o the Asiatic Arya$s9 Their /o)er$ )esce$)a$ts sti"" "i7e to obtai$ ire ro/ "i#ht$i$#8 sho6i$# that they 'se) to #et ire i$ this 6ay9 E,e$ 6he$ they "ear$t other c'sto/s8 they 7ept 'p the o") o$es8 6hich the$ beca/e ho"y9 So 6ith the >ebre6s9 They 'se) to 6rite o$ parch/e$t9 They $o6 6rite o$ paper8 b't parch/e$t is ,ery ho"y9 So 6ith a"" $atio$s9 E,ery rite 6hich yo' $o6 co$si)er ho"y 6as si/p"y a$ o") c'sto/8 a$) the Ve)ic sacri ice 6ere o this $at're9 I$ co'rse o ti/e8 as they o'$) better /etho)s o "i e8 their i)eas 6ere /'ch i/pro,e); sti"" these o") or/s re/ai$e)8 a$) ro/ ti/e to ti/e they 6ere practice) a$) recei,e) a ho"y si#$i ica$ce9 The$8 a bo)y o /e$ /a)e it their b'si$ess to carry o$ these sacri ices9 These 6ere the priests8 6ho spec'"ate) o$ the sacri ices8 a$) the sacri ices beca/e e,erythi$# to the/9 The #o)s ca/e to e$<oy the ra#ra$ce o the sacri ices8 a$) it 6as co$si)ere) that e,erythi$# i$ this 6or") co'") be #ot by the po6er o sacri ices9 I certai$ ob"atio$s 6ere /a)e8 certai$ hy/$s cha$te)8 certai$ pec'"iar or/s o a"tars /a)e8 the #o)s 6o'") #ra$t e,erythi$#9 So Nachi7etas as7s by 6hat or/ o sacri ice ca$ a /a$ #o to hea,e$9 The seco$) boo$ 6as a"so rea)i"y #ra$te) by Ya/a 6ho pro/ise) that this sacri ice sho'") he$ce orth be $a/e) a ter Nachi7etas9 The$ the thir) boo$ co/es8 a$) 6ith that the 3pa$isha) proper be#i$s9 The boy sai)8 DThere is this )i ic'"ty4 6he$ a /a$ )ies so/e say he is8 others that he is $ot9 I$str'cte) by yo' I )esire to '$)ersta$) this9D 5't Ya/a 6as ri#hte$e)9 >e ha) bee$ ,ery #"a) to #ra$t the other t6o boo$s9 No6 he sai)8 DThe #o)s i$ a$cie$t ti/es 6ere p'FF"e) o$ this poi$t9 This s'bt"e "a6 is $ot easy to '$)ersta$)9 Choose so/e other boo$8 O Nachi7etas8 )o $ot press /e o$ this poi$t8 re"ease /e9D The boy 6as )eter/i$e)8 a$) sai)8 DWhat yo' ha,e sai) is tr'e8 O Death8 that e,e$ the #o)s ha) )o'bts o$ this poi$t8 a$) it is $o easy /atter to '$)ersta$)9 5't I ca$$ot obtai$ a$other e=po$e$t "i7e yo' a$) there is $o other boo$ eA'a" to this9D Death sai)8 DAs7 or so$s a$) #ra$)so$s 6ho 6i"" "i,e o$e h'$)re) years8 /a$y catt"e8 e"epha$ts8 #o")8 a$) horses9 As7 or e/pire o$ this earth a$) "i,e as /a$y ears as yo' "i7e9 Or choose a$y other boo$ 6hich yo' thi$7 eA'a" to these : 6ea"th a$) "o$# "i e9 Or be tho' a 7i$#8 O Nachi7etas8 o$ the 6i)e earth9 I 6i"" /a7e thee the e$<oyer o a"" )esires9 As7 or a"" those )esires 6hich are )i ic'"t to obtai$ i$ the 6or")9 These hea,e$"y /ai)e$s 6ith chariots a$) /'sic8 6hich are $ot to be obtai$e) by /a$8 are yo'rs9 Cet the/ ser,e yo'9 O Nachi7etas8 b't )o $ot A'estio$ /e as to 6hat co/es a ter )eath9D Nachi7etas sai)8 DThese are /ere"y thi$#s o a )ay8 O Death8 they 6ear a6ay the e$er#y o a"" the se$se-or#a$s9 E,e$ the "o$#est "i e is ,ery short9 These horses a$) chariots8 )a$ces a$) so$#s8 /ay re/ai$ 6ith Thee9 Ma$ ca$$ot be satis ie) by 6ea"th9 Ca$ 6e retai$ 6ea"th 6he$ 6e beho") Thee@ We sha"" "i,e o$"y so "o$# as Tho' )esiresD9 O$"y the boo$ 6hich I ha,e as7e) is chose$ by /e9D Ya/a 6as p"ease) 6ith this a$s6er a$) sai)8 DBer ectio$ is o$e thi$# a$) e$<oy/e$t a$other; these t6o ha,i$# )i ere$t e$)s8 e$#a#e /e$ )i ere$t"y9 >e 6ho chooses per ectio$ beco/es p're9 >e 6ho chooses e$<oy/e$t /isses his tr'e e$)9 5oth per ectio$ a$) e$<oy/e$t prese$t the/se",es to /a$; the 6ise /a$ ha,i$# e=a/i$e) both )isti$#'ishes o$e ro/ the other9 >e chooses per ectio$ as bei$# s'perior to e$<oy/e$t8 b't the oo"ish /a$ chooses e$<oy/e$t or the p"eas're o his bo)y9 O Nachi7etas8 ha,i$# tho'#ht 'po$ the thi$#s 6hich are o$"y appare$t"y )esirab"e8 tho' hast 6ise"y aba$)o$e) the/9D Death the$ procee)e) to teach Nachi7etas9 We $o6 #et a ,ery )e,e"ope) i)ea o re$'$ciatio$ a$) Ve)ic /ora"ity8 that '$ti" o$e has co$A'ere) the )esires or e$<oy/e$t the tr'th 6i"" $ot shi$e i$ hi/9 So "o$# as these ,ai$ )esires o o'r se$ses are c"a/o'ri$# a$) as it 6ere )ra##i$# 's o't6ar)s e,ery /o/e$t8 /a7i$# 's s"a,es to e,erythi$# o'tsi)e : to a "itt"e co"o'r8 a "itt"e taste8 a "itt"e to'ch : $ot6ithsta$)i$# a"" o'r prete$sio$s8 ho6 ca$ the tr'th e=press itse" i$ o'r hearts@ Ya/a sai)8 DThat 6hich is beyo$) $e,er rises be ore the /i$) o a tho'#ht"ess chi") )e"')e) by the o""y o riches9 EThis 6or") e=ists8 the other )oes $ot8E thi$7i$# th's they co/e a#ai$ a$) a#ai$

'$)er /y po6er9 To '$)ersta$) this tr'th is ,ery )i ic'"t9 Ma$y8 e,e$ heari$# it co$ti$'a""y8 )o $ot '$)ersta$) it8 or the spea7er /'st be 6o$)er '"8 so /'st be the hearer9 The teacher /'st be 6o$)er '"8 so /'st be the ta'#ht9 Neither is the /i$) to be )ist'rbe) 5y ,ai$ ar#'/e$ts8 or it is $o /ore a A'estio$ o ar#'/e$t8 it is a A'estio$ o act9D We ha,e a"6ays hear) that e,ery re"i#io$ i$sists o$ o'r ha,i$# aith9 We ha,e bee$ ta'#ht to be"ie,e b"i$)"y9 We""8 this i)ea o b"i$) aith is ob<ectio$ab"e8 $o )o'bt8 b't a$a"ysi$# it8 6e i$) that behi$) it is a ,ery #reat tr'th9 What it rea""y /ea$s is 6hat 6e rea) $o69 The /i$) is $ot to be r' "e) by ,ai$ ar#'/e$ts8 beca'se ar#'/e$t 6i"" $ot he"p 's to 7$o6 Go)9 It is a A'estio$ o act8 a$) $ot o ar#'/e$t9 A"" ar#'/e$t a$) reaso$i$# /'st be base) 'po$ certai$ perceptio$s9 Witho't these8 there ca$$ot be a$y ar#'/e$t9 !easo$i$# is the /etho) o co/pariso$ bet6ee$ certai$ acts 6hich 6e ha,e a"rea)y percei,e)9 I these percei,e) acts are $ot there a"rea)y8 there ca$$ot be a$y reaso$i$#9 I this is tr'e o e=ter$a" phe$o/e$a8 6hy sho'") it $ot be so o the i$ter$a"@ The che/ist ta7es certai$ che/ica"s a$) certai$ res'"ts are pro)'ce)9 This is a act; yo' see it8 se$se it8 a$) /a7e that the basis o$ 6hich to b'i") a"" yo'r che/ica" ar#'/e$ts9 So 6ith the physicists8 so 6ith a"" other scie$ces9 A"" 7$o6"e)#e /'st sta$) o$ perceptio$ o certai$ acts8 a$) 'po$ that 6e ha,e to b'i") o'r reaso$i$#9 5't8 c'rio's"y e$o'#h the ,ast /a<ority o /a$7i$) thi$78 especia""y at the prese$t ti/e8 that $o s'ch perceptio$ is possib"e i$ re"i#io$8 that re"i#io$ ca$ o$"y be apprehe$)e) by ,ai$ ar#'/e$ts9 There ore 6e are to") $ot to )ist'rb the /i$) by ,ai$ ar#'/e$ts9 !e"i#io$ is a A'estio$ o act8 $ot o ta"79 We ha,e to a$a"yse o'r o6$ so'"s a$) to i$) 6hat is there9 We ha,e to '$)ersta$) it a$) to rea"ise 6hat is '$)erstoo)9 That is re"i#io$9 No a/o'$t o ta"7 6i"" /a7e re"i#io$9 So the A'estio$ 6hether there is a Go) or $ot ca$ $e,er be pro,e) by ar#'/e$t8 or the ar#'/e$ts are as /'ch o$ o$e si)e as o$ the other9 5't i there is a Go)8 >e is i$ o'r o6$ hearts9 >a,e yo' e,er see$ >i/@ The A'estio$ as to 6hether this 6or") e=ists or $ot has $ot yet bee$ )eci)e)8 a$) the )ebate bet6ee$ the i)ea"ists a$) the rea"ists is e$)"ess9 Yet 6e 7$o6 that the 6or") e=ists8 that it #oes o$9 We o$"y cha$#e the /ea$i$# o 6or)s9 So8 6ith a"" the A'estio$s o "i e8 6e /'st co/e to acts9 There are certai$ re"i#io's acts 6hich8 as i$ e=ter$a" scie$ce8 ha,e to be percei,e)8 a$) 'po$ the/ re"i#io$ 6i"" be b'i"t9 O co'rse8 the e=tre/e c"ai/ that yo' /'st be"ie,e e,ery )o#/a o a re"i#io$ is )e#ra)i$# to the h'/a$ /i$)9 The /a$ 6ho as7s yo' to be"ie,e e,erythi$#8 )e#ra)es hi/se" 8 a$)8 i yo' be"ie,e8 )e#ra)es yo' too9 The sa#es o the 6or") ha,e o$"y the ri#ht to te"" 's that they ha,e a$a"yse) their /i$)s a$) ha,e o'$) these acts8 a$) i 6e )o the sa/e 6e sha"" a"so be"ie,e8 a$) $ot be ore9 That is a"" that there is i$ re"i#io$9 5't yo' /'st a"6ays re/e/ber this8 that as a /atter o act ((9( per ce$t o those 6ho attac7 re"i#io$ ha,e $e,er a$a"yse) their /i$)s8 ha,e $e,er str'##"e) to #et at the acts9 So their ar#'/e$ts )o $ot ha,e a$y 6ei#ht a#ai$st re"i#io$8 a$y /ore tha$ the 6or)s o a b"i$) /a$ 6ho cries o't8 DYo' are a"" oo"s 6ho be"ie,e i$ the s'$8D 6o'") a ect 's9 This is o$e #reat i)ea to "ear$ a$) to ho") o$ to8 this i)ea o rea"isatio$9 This t'r/oi" a$) i#ht a$) )i ere$ce i$ re"i#io$s 6i"" cease o$"y 6he$ 6e '$)ersta$) that re"i#io$ is $ot i$ boo7s a$) te/p"es9 It is a$ act'a" perceptio$9 O$"y the /a$ 6ho has act'a""y percei,e) Go) a$) so'" has re"i#io$9 There is $o rea" )i ere$ce bet6ee$ the hi#hest ecc"esiastica" #ia$t 6ho ca$ ta"7 by the ,o"'/e8 a$) the "o6est8 /ost i#$ora$t /ateria"ist9 We are a"" atheists; "et 's co$ ess it9 Mere i$te""ect'a" asse$t )oes $ot /a7e 's re"i#io's9 Ta7e a Christia$8 or a Moha//e)a$8 or a o""o6er o a$y other re"i#io$ i$ the 6or")9 A$y /a$ 6ho tr'"y rea"ise) the tr'th o the Ser/o$ o$ the Mo'$t 6o'") be per ect8 a$) beco/e a #o) i//e)iate"y9 Yet it is sai) that there are /a$y /i""io$s o Christia$s i$ the 6or")9 What is /ea$t is that /a$7i$) /ay at so/e ti/e try to rea"ise that Ser/o$9 Not o$e i$ t6e$ty /i""io$s is a rea" Christia$9 So8 i$ I$)ia8 there are sai) to be three h'$)re) /i""io$s o Ve)a$ti$s9 5't i there 6ere o$e i$ a tho'sa$) 6ho ha) act'a""y rea"ise) re"i#io$8 this 6or") 6o'") soo$ be #reat"y cha$#e)9 We are a"" atheists8 a$) yet 6e try to i#ht the /a$ 6ho a)/its it9 We are a"" i$ the )ar7; re"i#io$ is to 's a /ere i$te""ect'a" asse$t8 a /ere ta"78 a /ere $othi$#9 We o te$ co$si)er a /a$ re"i#io's 6ho ca$ ta"7 6e""9 5't this is $ot re"i#io$9 DWo$)er '" /etho)s o <oi$i$# 6or)s8 rhetorica" po6ers8 a$) e=p"ai$i$# te=ts o the boo7s i$ ,ario's 6ays : these are o$"y or the e$<oy/e$t o the "ear$e)8

a$) $ot re"i#io$9D !e"i#io$ co/es 6he$ that act'a" rea"isatio$ i$ o'r o6$ so'"s be#i$s9 That 6i"" be the )a6$ o re"i#io$; a$) the$ a"o$e 6e sha"" be /ora"9 No6 6e are $ot /'ch /ore /ora" tha$ the a$i/a"s9 We are o$"y he") )o6$ by the 6hips o society9 I society sai) to)ay8 DI 6i"" $ot p'$ish yo' i yo' stea"D8 6e sho'") <'st /a7e a r'sh or each otherEs property9 It is the po"ice/a$ that /a7es 's /ora"9 It is socia" opi$io$ that /a7es 's /ora"8 a$) rea""y 6e are "itt"e better tha$ a$i/a"s9 We '$)ersta$) ho6 /'ch this is so i$ the secret o o'r o6$ hearts9 So "et 's $ot be hypocrites9 Cet 's co$ ess that 6e are $ot re"i#io's a$) ha,e $o ri#ht to "oo7 )o6$ o$ others9 We are a"" brothers a$) 6e sha"" be tr'"y /ora" 6he$ 6e ha,e rea"ise) re"i#io$9 I yo' ha,e see$ a certai$ co'$try8 a$) a /a$ orces yo' to say that yo' ha,e $ot see$ it8 sti"" i$ yo'r heart o hearts yo' 7$o6 yo' ha,e9 So8 6he$ yo' see re"i#io$ a$) Go) i$ a /ore i$te$se se$se tha$ yo' see this e=ter$a" 6or")8 $othi$# 6i"" be ab"e to sha7e yo'r be"ie 9 The$ yo' ha,e rea" aith9 That is 6hat is /ea$t by the 6or)s i$ yo'r Gospe"8 D>e 6ho has aith e,e$ as a #rai$ o /'star) see)9D The$ yo' 6i"" 7$o6 the Tr'th beca'se yo' ha,e beco/e the Tr'th9 This is the 6atch6or) o the Ve)a$ta : rea"ise re"i#io$8 $o ta"7i$# 6i"" )o9 5't it is )o$e 6ith #reat )i ic'"ty9 >e has hi))e$ >i/se" i$si)e the ato/8 this A$cie$t O$e 6ho resi)es i$ the i$/ost recess o e,ery h'/a$ heart9 The sa#es rea"ise) >i/ thro'#h the po6er o i$trospectio$8 a$) #ot beyo$) both <oy a$) /isery8 beyo$) 6hat 6e ca"" ,irt'e a$) ,ice8 beyo$) #oo) a$) ba) )ee)s8 beyo$) bei$# a$) $o$-bei$#; he 6ho has see$ >i/ has see$ the !ea"ity9 5't 6hat the$ abo't hea,e$@ It 6as the i)ea o happi$ess /i$'s '$happi$ess9 That is to say8 6hat 6e 6a$t is the <oys o this "i e /i$'s its sorro6s9 That is a ,ery #oo) i)ea8 $o )o'bt; it co/es $at'ra""y; b't it is a /ista7e thro'#ho't8 beca'se there is $o s'ch thi$# as abso"'te #oo)8 $or a$y s'ch thi$# as abso"'te e,i"9 Yo' ha,e a"" hear) o that rich /a$ i$ !o/e 6ho "ear$t o$e )ay that he ha) o$"y abo't a /i""io$ po'$)s o his property "e t; he sai)8 DWhat sha"" I )o to/orro6@D a$) orth6ith co//itte) s'ici)e9 A /i""io$ po'$)s 6as po,erty to hi/9 What is <oy8 a$) 6hat is sorro6@ It is a ,a$ishi$# A'a$tity8 co$ti$'a""y ,a$ishi$#9 Whe$ I 6as a chi") I tho'#ht i I co'") be a cab/a$8 it 6o'") be the ,ery ac/e o happi$ess or /e to )ri,e abo't9 I )o $ot thi$7 so $o69 To 6hat <oy 6i"" yo' c"i$#@ This is the o$e poi$t 6e /'st a"" try to '$)ersta$)8 a$) it is o$e o the "ast s'perstitio$s to "ea,e 's9 E,eryo$eEs i)ea o p"eas're is )i ere$t9 I ha,e see$ a /a$ 6ho is $ot happy '$"ess he s6a""o6s a "'/p o opi'/ e,ery )ay9 >e /ay )rea/ o a hea,e$ 6here the "a$) is /a)e o opi'/9 That 6o'") be a ,ery ba) hea,e$ or /e9 A#ai$ a$) a#ai$ i$ Arabia$ poetry 6e rea) o hea,e$ 6ith bea'ti '" #ar)e$s8 thro'#h 6hich ri,ers r'$9 I "i,e) /'ch o /y "i e i$ a co'$try 6here there is too /'ch 6ater; /a$y ,i""a#es are "oo)e) a$) tho'sa$)s o "i,es are sacri ice) e,ery year9 So8 /y hea,e$ 6o'") $ot ha,e #ar)e$s thro'#h 6hich ri,ers "o6; I 6o'") ha,e a "a$) 6here ,ery "itt"e rai$ a""s9 O'r p"eas'res are a"6ays cha$#i$#9 I a yo'$# /a$ )rea/s o hea,e$8 he )rea/s o a hea,e$ 6here he 6i"" ha,e a bea'ti '" 6i e9 Whe$ that sa/e /a$ beco/es o") he )oes $ot 6a$t a 6i e9 It is o'r $ecessities 6hich /a7e o'r hea,e$8 a$) the hea,e$ cha$#es 6ith the cha$#e o o'r $ecessities9 I 6e ha) a hea,e$ "i7e that )esire) by those to 6ho/ se$se-e$<oy/e$t is the ,ery e$) o e=iste$ce8 the$ 6e 6o'") $ot pro#ress9 That 6o'") be the /ost terrib"e c'rse 6e co'") pro$o'$ce o$ the so'"9 Is this a"" 6e ca$ co/e to@ A "itt"e 6eepi$# a$) )a$ci$#8 a$) the$ to )ie "i7e a )o#G What a c'rse yo' pro$o'$ce o$ the hea) o h'/a$ity 6he$ yo' "o$# or these thi$#sG That is 6hat yo' )o 6he$ yo' cry a ter the <oys o this 6or")8 or yo' )o $ot 7$o6 6hat tr'e <oy is9 What phi"osophy i$sists o$ is $ot to #i,e 'p <oys8 b't to 7$o6 6hat <oy rea""y is9 The Nor6e#ia$ hea,e$ is a tre/e$)o's i#hti$# p"ace 6here they a"" sit be ore O)i$; they ha,e a 6i") boar h'$t8 a$) the$ they #o to 6ar a$) s"ash each other to pieces9 5't i$ so/e 6ay or other8 a ter a e6 ho'rs o s'ch i#hti$#8 the 6o'$)s are a"" hea"e) 'p8 a$) they #o i$to a ha"" 6here the boar has bee$ roaste)8 a$) ha,e a caro'sa"9 A$) the$ the 6i") boar ta7es or/ a#ai$8 rea)y to be h'$te) the $e=t )ay9 That is /'ch the sa/e thi$# as o'r hea,e$8 $ot a 6hit 6orse8 o$"y o'r i)eas /ay be a "itt"e /ore re i$e)9 We 6a$t to h'$t 6i") boars8 a$) #et to a p"ace 6here a"" e$<oy/e$ts 6i"" co$ti$'e8 <'st as the Nor6e#ia$ i/a#i$es that the 6i") boar is h'$te) a$) eate$ e,ery )ay8 a$) reco,ers the $e=t )ay9 No68 phi"osophy i$sists that there is a <oy 6hich is abso"'te8 6hich $e,er cha$#es9 That <oy ca$$ot be the <oys a$) p"eas'res 6e ha,e i$ this "i e8 a$) yet Ve)a$ta sho6s that e,erythi$# that is <oy '"

i$ this "i e is b't a partic"e o that rea" <oy8 beca'se that is the o$"y <oy there is9 E,ery /o/e$t rea""y 6e are e$<oyi$# the abso"'te b"iss8 tho'#h co,ere) 'p8 /is'$)erstoo)8 a$) caricat're)9 Where,er there is a$y b"essi$#8 b"iss '"$ess8 or <oy8 e,e$ the <oy o the thie i$ stea"i$#8 it is that abso"'te b"iss co/i$# o't8 o$"y it has beco/e obsc're)8 /'))"e) 'p8 as it 6ere8 6ith a"" sorts o e=tra$eo's co$)itio$s8 a$) /is'$)erstoo)9 5't to '$)ersta$) that8 6e ha,e to #o thro'#h the $e#atio$8 a$) the$ the positi,e si)e 6i"" be#i$9 We ha,e to #i,e 'p i#$ora$ce a$) a"" that is a"se8 a$) the$ tr'th 6i"" be#i$ to re,ea" itse" to 's9 Whe$ 6e ha,e #raspe) the tr'th8 thi$#s 6hich 6e #a,e 'p at irst 6i"" ta7e $e6 shape a$) or/8 6i"" appear to 's i$ a $e6 "i#ht8 a$) beco/e )ei ie)9 They 6i"" ha,e beco/e s'b"i/ate)8 a$) the$ 6e sha"" '$)ersta$) the/ i$ their tr'e "i#ht9 5't to '$)ersta$) the/8 6e ha,e irst to #et a #"i/pse o tr'th; 6e /'st #i,e the/ 'p at irst8 a$) the$ 6e #et the/ bac7 a#ai$8 )ei ie)9 We ha,e to #i,e 'p a"" o'r /iseries a$) sorro6s8 a"" o'r "itt"e <oys9 DThat 6hich a"" the Ve)as )ec"are8 6hich is proc"ai/e) by a"" pe$a$ces8 see7i$# 6hich /e$ "ea) "i,es o co$ti$e$ce8 I 6i"" te"" yo' i$ o$e 6or) : it is EO/E9D Yo' 6i"" i$) this 6or) DO/D praise) ,ery /'ch i$ the Ve)as8 a$) it is he") to be ,ery sacre)9 No6 Ya/a a$s6ers the A'estio$4 DWhat beco/es o a /a$ 6he$ the bo)y )ies @D DThis Wise O$e $e,er )ies8 is $e,er bor$8 It arises ro/ $othi$#8 a$) $othi$# arises ro/ It9 3$bor$8 Eter$a"8 E,er"asti$#8 this A$cie$t O$e ca$ $e,er be )estroye) 6ith the )estr'ctio$ o the bo)y9 I the s"ayer thi$7s he ca$ s"ay8 or i the s"ai$ thi$7s he is s"ai$8 they both )o $ot 7$o6 the tr'th8 or the Se" $either s"ays $or is s"ai$9D A /ost tre/e$)o's positio$9 I sho'") "i7e to )ra6 yo'r atte$tio$ to the a)<ecti,e i$ the irst "i$e8 6hich is D6iseD9 As 6e procee) 6e sha"" i$) that the i)ea" o the Ve)a$ta is that a"" 6is)o/ a$) a"" p'rity are i$ the so'" a"rea)y8 )i/"y e=presse) or better e=presse) : that is a"" the )i ere$ce9 The )i ere$ce bet6ee$ /a$ a$) /a$8 a$) a"" thi$#s i$ the 6ho"e creatio$8 is $ot i$ 7i$) b't o$"y i$ )e#ree9 The bac7#ro'$)8 the rea"ity8 o e,eryo$e is that sa/e Eter$a"8 E,er 5"esse)8 E,er B're8 a$) E,er Ber ect O$e9 It is the At/a$8 the So'"8 i$ the sai$t a$) the si$$er8 i$ the happy a$) the /iserab"e8 i$ the bea'ti '" a$) the '#"y8 i$ /e$ a$) i$ a$i/a"s; it is the sa/e thro'#ho't9 It is the shi$i$# O$e9 The )i ere$ce is ca'se) by the po6er o e=pressio$9 I$ so/e It is e=presse) /ore8 i$ others "ess8 b't this )i ere$ce o e=pressio$ has $o e ect 'po$ the At/a$9 I i$ their )ress o$e /a$ sho6s /ore o his bo)y tha$ a$other8 it )oes $ot /a7e a$y )i ere$ce i$ their bo)ies; the )i ere$ce is i$ their )ress9 We ha) better re/e/ber here that thro'#ho't the Ve)a$ta phi"osophy8 there is $o s'ch thi$# as #oo) a$) ba)8 they are $ot t6o )i ere$t thi$#s; the sa/e thi$# is #oo) or ba)8 a$) the )i ere$ce is o$"y i$ )e#ree9 The ,ery thi$# I ca"" p"eas'rab"e to)ay8 to/orro6 '$)er better circ'/sta$ces I /ay ca"" pai$9 The ire that 6ar/s 's ca$ a"so co$s'/e 's; it is $ot the a'"t o the ire9 Th's8 the So'" bei$# p're a$) per ect8 the /a$ 6ho )oes e,i" is #i,i$# the "ie '$to hi/se" 8 he )oes $ot 7$o6 the $at're o hi/se" 9 E,e$ i$ the /'r)erer the p're So'" is there; It )ies $ot9 It 6as his /ista7e; he co'") $ot /a$i est It; he ha) co,ere) It 'p9 Nor i$ the /a$ 6ho thi$7s that he is 7i""e) is the So'" 7i""e); It is eter$a"9 It ca$ $e,er be 7i""e)8 $e,er )estroye)9 DI$ i$ite"y s/a""er tha$ the s/a""est8 i$ i$ite"y "ar#er tha$ the "ar#est8 this Cor) o a"" is prese$t i$ the )epths o e,ery h'/a$ heart9 The si$"ess8 bere t o a"" /isery8 see >i/ thro'#h the /ercy o the Cor); the 5o)i"ess8 yet )6e""i$# i$ the bo)y; the Space"ess8 yet see/i$# to occ'py space; I$ i$ite8 O/$iprese$t4 7$o6i$# s'ch to be the So'"8 the sa#es $e,er are /iserab"e9D DThis At/a$ is $ot to be rea"ise) by the po6er o speech8 $or by a ,ast i$te""ect8 $or by the st')y o their Ve)as9D This is a ,ery bo") 'ttera$ce9 As I to") yo' be ore8 the sa#es 6ere ,ery bo") thi$7ers8 a$) $e,er stoppe) at a$ythi$#9 Yo' 6i"" re/e/ber that i$ I$)ia these Ve)as are re#ar)e) i$ a /'ch hi#her "i#ht tha$ e,e$ the Christia$s re#ar) their 5ib"e9 Yo'r i)ea o re,e"atio$ is that a /a$ 6as i$spire) by Go); b't i$ I$)ia the i)ea is that thi$#s e=ist beca'se they are i$ the Ve)as9 I$ a$) thro'#h the Ve)as the 6ho"e creatio$ has co/e9 A"" that is ca""e) 7$o6"e)#e is i$ the Ve)as9 E,ery 6or) is sacre) a$) eter$a"8 eter$a" as the so'"8 6itho't be#i$$i$# a$) 6itho't e$)9 The 6ho"e o the CreatorEs /i$) is i$ this boo78 as it 6ere9 That is the "i#ht i$ 6hich the Ve)as are he")9 Why is this thi$# /ora"@ 5eca'se the Ve)as say so9 Why is that thi$# i//ora"@ 5eca'se the Ve)as say so9 I$ spite o that8 "oo7 at the bo")$ess o these sa#es 6ho/ proc"ai/e) that the tr'th is $ot to be o'$) by /'ch st')y o the Ve)as9 DWith 6ho/ the Cor) is p"ease)8 to that /a$ >e e=presses >i/se" 9D

5't the$8 the ob<ectio$ /ay be a),a$ce) that this is so/ethi$# "i7e partisa$ship9 5't at Ya/a e=p"ai$s8 DThose 6ho are e,i"-)oers8 6hose /i$)s area $ot peace '"8 ca$ $e,er see the Ci#ht9 It is to those 6hore are tr'e i$ heart8 p're i$ )ee)8 6hose se$ses are co$tro""e)8 that this Se" /a$i ests Itse" 9D >ere is a bea'ti '" i#'re9 Bict're the Se" to be the$ ri)er a$) this bo)y the chariot8 the i$te""ect to be the charioteer8 /i$) the rei$s8 a$) the se$ses the horses9 >e 6hose horses are 6e"" bro7e$8 a$) 6hose rei$s are stro$# a$) 7ept 6e"" i$ the ha$)s o the charioteer Ithe i$te""ectJ reaches the #oa" 6hich is the state o >i/8 the O/$iprese$t9 5't the /a$ 6hose horses Ithe se$sesJ are $ot co$tro""e)8 $or the rei$s Ithe /i$)J 6e"" /a$a#e)8 #oes to )estr'ctio$9 This At/a$ i$ a"" bei$#s )oes $ot /a$i est >i/se" to the eyes or the se$ses8 b't those 6hose /i$)s ha,e beco/e p'ri ie) a$) re i$e) rea"ise >i/9 5eyo$) a"" so'$)8 a"" si#ht8 beyo$) or/8 abso"'te8 beyo$) a"" taste a$) to'ch8 i$ i$ite8 6itho't be#i$$i$# a$) 6itho't e$)8 e,e$ beyo$) $at're8 the 3$cha$#eab"e; he 6ho rea"ises >i/8 rees hi/se" ro/ the <a6s o )eath9 5't it is ,ery )i ic'"t9 It is8 as it 6ere8 6a"7i$# o$ the e)#e o a raFor; the 6ay is "o$# a$) peri"o's8 b't str'##"e o$8 )o $ot )espair9 A6a7e8 arise8 a$) stop $ot ti"" the #oa" is reache)9 The o$e ce$tra" i)ea thro'#ho't a"" the 3pa$isha)s is that o rea"isatio$9 A #reat /a$y A'estio$s 6i"" arise ro/ ti/e to ti/e8 a$) especia""y to the /o)er$ /a$9 There 6i"" be the A'estio$ o 'ti"ity8 there 6i"" be ,ario's other A'estio$s8 b't i$ a"" 6e sha"" i$) that 6e are pro/pte) by o'r past associatio$s9 It is associatio$ o i)eas that has s'ch a tre/e$)o's po6er o,er o'r /i$)s9 To those 6ho ro/ chi")hoo) ha,e a"6ays hear) o a Berso$a" Go) a$) the perso$a"ity o the /i$)8 these i)eas 6i"" o co'rse appear ,ery ster$ a$) harsh8 b't i they "iste$ to the/ a$) thi$7 o,er the/8 they 6i"" beco/e part o their "i,es a$) 6i"" $o "o$#er ri#hte$ the/9 The #reat A'estio$ that #e$era""y arises is the 'ti"ity o phi"osophy9 To that there ca$ be o$"y o$e a$s6er4 i o$ the 'ti"itaria$ #ro'$) it is #oo) or /e$ to see7 or p"eas're8 6hy sho'") $ot those 6hose p"eas're is i$ re"i#io's spec'"atio$ see7 or that@ 5eca'se se$se-e$<oy/e$ts p"ease /a$y8 they see7 or the/8 b't there /ay be others 6ho/ they )o $ot p"ease8 6ho 6a$t hi#her e$<oy/e$t9 The )o#Es p"eas're is o$"y i$ eati$# a$) )ri$7i$#9 The )o# ca$$ot '$)ersta$) the p"eas're o the scie$tist 6ho #i,es 'p e,erythi$#8 a$)8 perhaps8 )6e""s o$ the top o a /o'$tai$ to obser,e the positio$ o certai$ stars9 The )o#s /ay s/i"e at hi/ a$) thi$7 he is a /a)/a$9 Berhaps this poor scie$tist $e,er ha) /o$ey e$o'#h to /arry e,e$8 a$) "i,es ,ery si/p"y9 May be8 the )o# "a'#hs at hi/9 5't the scie$tist says8 DMy )ear )o#8 yo'r p"eas're is o$"y i$ the se$ses 6hich yo' e$<oy8 a$) yo' 7$o6 $othi$# beyo$); b't or /e this is the /ost e$<oyab"e "i e8 a$) i yo' ha,e the ri#ht to see7 yo'r p"eas're i$ yo'r o6$ 6ay8 so ha,e I i$ /i$e9D The /ista7e is that 6e 6a$t to tie the 6ho"e 6or") )o6$ to o'r o6$ p"a$e o tho'#ht a$) to /a7e o'r /i$) the /eas're o the 6ho"e '$i,erse9 To yo'8 the o") se$sethi$#s are8 perhaps8 the #reatest p"eas're8 b't it is $ot $ecessary that /y p"eas're sho'") be the sa/e8 a$) 6he$ yo' i$sist 'po$ that8 I )i er ro/ yo'9 That is the )i ere$ce bet6ee$ the 6or")"y 'ti"itaria$ a$) the re"i#io's /a$9 The irst /a$ says8 DSee ho6 happy I a/9 I #et /o$ey8 b't )o $ot bother /y hea) abo't re"i#io$9 It is too '$searchab"e8 a$) I a/ happy 6itho't it9D So ar8 so #oo); #oo) or a"" 'ti"itaria$s9 5't this 6or") is terrib"e9 I a /a$ #ets happi$ess i$ a$y 6ay e=cepti$# by i$<'ri$# his e""o6-bei$#s8 #o)spee) hi/; b't 6he$ this /a$ co/es to /e a$) says8 DYo' too /'st )o these thi$#s8 yo' 6i"" be a oo" i yo' )o $ot8D I say8 DYo' are 6ro$#8 beca'se the ,ery thi$#s8 6hich are p"eas'rab"e to yo'8 ha,e $ot the s"i#htest attractio$ or /e9 I I ha) to #o a ter a e6 ha$) '"s o #o")8 /y "i e 6o'") $ot be 6orth "i,i$#G I sho'") )ie9D That is the a$s6er the re"i#io's /a$ 6o'") /a7e9 The act is that re"i#io$ is possib"e o$"y or those 6ho ha,e i$ishe) 6ith these "o6er thi$#s9 We /'st ha,e o'r o6$ e=perie$ces8 /'st ha,e o'r '"" r'$9 It is o$"y 6he$ 6e ha,e i$ishe) this r'$ that the other 6or") ope$s9 The e$<oy/e$ts o the se$ses so/eti/es ass'/e a$other phase 6hich is )a$#ero's a$) te/pti$#9 Yo' 6i"" a"6ays hear the i)ea : i$ ,ery o") ti/es8 i$ e,ery re"i#io$ : that a ti/e 6i"" co/e 6he$ a"" the /iseries o "i e 6i""s cease8 a$) o$"y its <oys a$) p"eas'res 6i"" re/ai$8 a$) this earth 6i"" beco/e a hea,e$9 That I )o $ot be"ie,e9 This earth 6i"" a"6ays re/ai$ this sa/e 6or")9 It is a /ost terrib"e thi$# to say8 yet I )o $ot see /y 6ay o't o ite/ The /isery i$ the 6or") is "i7e chro$ic

rhe'/atis/ i$ the bo)y; )ri,e it ro/ o$e part a$) it #oes to a$other8 )ri,e it ro/ there a$) yo' 6i"" ee" it so/e6here e"se9 Whate,er yo' )o8 it is sti"" there9 I$ o")e$ ti/es peop"e "i,e) i$ orests8 a$) ate each other; i$ /o)er$ ti/es they )o $ot eat each otherEs "esh8 b't they cheat o$e a$other9 Who"e co'$tries a$) cities are r'i$e) by cheati$#9 That )oes $ot sho6 /'ch pro#ress9 I )o $ot see that 6hat yo' ca"" pro#ress i$ the 6or") is other tha$ the /'"tip"icatio$ o )esires9 I o$e thi$# is ob,io's to /e it is this that )esires bri$# a"" /isery; it is the state o the be##ar8 6ho is a"6ays be##i$# or so/ethi$#8 a$) '$ab"e to see a$ythi$# 6itho't the 6ish to possess it8 is a"6ays "o$#i$#8 "o$#i$# or /ore9 I the po6er to satis y o'r )esires is i$crease) i$ arith/etica" pro#ressio$8 the po6er o )esire is i$crease) i$ #eo/etrica" pro#ressio$9 The s'/ tota" o happi$ess a$) /isery i$ this 6or") is at "east the sa/e thro'#ho't9 I a 6a,e rises i$ the ocea$ it /a7es a ho""o6 so/e6here9 I happi$ess co/es to o$e /a$8 '$happi$ess co/es to a$other or8 perhaps8 to so/e a$i/a"9 Me$ are i$creasi$# i$ $'/bers a$) so/e a$i/a"s are )ecreasi$#; 6e are 7i""i$# the/ o 8 a$) ta7i$# their "a$) ; 6e are ta7i$# a"" /ea$s o s'ste$a$ce ro/ the/9 >o6 ca$ 6e say8 the$8 that happi$ess is i$creasi$#@ The stro$# race eats 'p the 6ea7er8 b't )o yo' thi$7 that the stro$# race 6i"" be ,ery happy@ No; they 6i"" be#i$ to 7i"" each other9 I )o $ot see o$ practica" #ro'$)s ho6 this 6or") ca$ beco/e a hea,e$9 .acts are a#ai$st it9 O$ theoretica" #ro'$)s a"so8 I see it ca$$ot be9 Ber ectio$ is a"6ays i$ i$ite9 We are this i$ i$ite a"rea)y8 a$) 6e are tryi$# to /a$i est that i$ i$ity9 Yo' a$) I8 a$) a"" bei$#s8 are tryi$# to /a$i est it9 So ar it is a"" ri#ht9 5't ro/ this act so/e Ger/a$ phi"osophers ha,e starte) a pec'"iar theory : that this /a$i estatio$ 6i"" beco/e hi#her a$) hi#her '$ti" 6e attai$ per ect /a$i estatio$8 '$ti" 6e ha,e beco/e per ect bei$#s9 What is /ea$t by per ect /a$i estatio$@ Ber ectio$ /ea$s i$ i$ity8 a$) /a$i estatio$ /ea$s "i/it8 a$) so it /ea$s that 6e sha"" beco/e '$"i/ite) "i/ite)s8 6hich is se" -co$tra)ictory9 S'ch a theory /ay p"ease chi")re$; b't it is poiso$i$# their /i$)s 6ith "ies8 a$) is ,ery ba) or re"i#io$9 5't 6e 7$o6 that this 6or") is a )e#ra)atio$8 that /a$ is a )e#ra)atio$ o Go)8 a$) that A)a/ e""9 There is $o re"i#io$ to)ay that )oes $ot teach that /a$ is a )e#ra)atio$9 We ha,e bee$ )e#ra)e) )o6$ to the a$i/a"8 a$) are $o6 #oi$# 'p8 to e/er#e o't o this bo$)a#e9 5't 6e sha"" $e,er be ab"e e$tire"y to /a$i est the I$ i$ite here9 We sha"" str'##"e har)8 b't there 6i"" co/e a ti/e 6he$ 6e sha"" i$) that it is i/possib"e to be per ect here8 6hi"e 6e are bo'$) by the se$ses9 A$) the$ the /arch bac7 to o'r ori#i$a" state o I$ i$ity 6i"" be so'$)e)9 This is re$'$ciatio$9 We sha"" ha,e to #et o't o the )i ic'"ty by re,ersi$# the process by 6hich 6e #ot i$8 a$) the$ /ora"ity a$) charity 6i"" be#i$9 What is the 6atch6or) o a"" ethica" co)es@ DNot I8 b't tho'D8 a$) this DID is the o'tco/e o the I$ i$ite behi$)8 tryi$# to /a$i est Itse" o$ the o'tsi)e 6or")9 This "itt"e DID is the res'"t8 a$) it 6i"" ha,e to #o bac7 a$) <oi$ the I$ i$ite8 its o6$ $at're9 E,ery ti/e yo' say8 DNot I8 /y brother8 b't tho'D8 yo' are tryi$# to #o bac78 a$) e,ery ti/e yo' say DI8 a$) $ot tho'D8 yo' ta7e the a"se step o tryi$# to /a$i est the I$ i$ite thro'#h the se$se6or")9 That bri$#s str'##"es a$) e,i"s i$to the 6or")8 b't a ter a ti/e re$'$ciatio$ /'st co/e8 eter$a" re$'$ciatio$9 The "itt"e DID is )ea) a$) #o$e9 Why care so /'ch or this "itt"e "i e@ A"" these ,ai$ )esires o "i,i$# a$) e$<oyi$# this "i e8 here or i$ so/e other p"ace8 bri$# )eath9 I 6e are )e,e"ope) ro/ a$i/a"s8 the a$i/a"s a"so /ay be )e#ra)e) /e$9 >o6 )o yo' 7$o6 it is $ot so@ Yo' ha,e see$ that the proo o e,o"'tio$ is si/p"y this4 yo' i$) a series o bo)ies ro/ the "o6est to the hi#hest risi$# i$ a #ra)'a""y asce$)i$# sca"e9 5't ro/ that ho6 ca$ yo' i$sist that it is a"6ays ro/ the "o6er 'p6ar)s8 a$) $e,er ro/ the hi#her )o6$6ar)s@ The ar#'/e$t app"ies both 6ays8 a$) i a$ythi$# is tr'e8 I be"ie,e it is that the series is repeati$# itse" i$ #oi$# 'p a$) )o6$9 >o6 ca$ yo' ha,e e,o"'tio$ 6itho't i$,o"'tio$@ O'r str'##"e or the hi#her "i e sho6s that 6e ha,e bee$ )e#ra)e) ro/ a hi#h state9 It /'st be so8 o$"y it /ay ,ary as to )etai"s9 I a"6ays c"i$# to the i)ea set orth 6ith o$e ,oice by Christ8 5'))ha8 a$) the Ve)a$ta8 that 6e /'st a"" co/e to per ectio$ i$ ti/e8 b't o$"y by #i,i$# 'p this i/per ectio$9 This 6or") is $othi$#9 It is at best o$"y a hi)eo's caricat're8 a sha)o6 o the !ea"ity9 We /'st #o to the !ea"ity9 !e$'$ciatio$ 6i"" ta7e 's to It9 !e$'$ciatio$ is the ,ery basis o o'r tr'e "i e; e,ery /o/e$t o #oo)$ess a$) rea" "i e that 6e e$<oy is 6he$ 6e )o $ot thi$7 o o'rse",es9 This "itt"e separate se" /'st )ie9 The$ 6e sha"" i$) that 6e are i$ the !ea"8 a$) that !ea"ity is Go)8 a$) >e is o'r o6$ tr'e $at're8 a$) >e is a"6ays i$ 's

a$) 6ith 's9 Cet 's "i,e i$ >i/ a$) sta$) i$ >i/9 It is the o$"y <oy '" state o e=iste$ce9 Ci e o$ the p"a$e o the Spirit is the o$"y "i e8 a$) "et 's a"" try to attai$ to this rea"isatio$9

CHAPTER IX UNITY IN DIVERSITY DThe Se" -e=iste$t O$e pro<ecte) the se$ses o't6ar)s a$)8 there ore8 a /a$ "oo7s o't6ar)8 $ot 6ithi$ hi/se" 9 A certai$ 6ise o$e8 )esiri$# i//orta"ity8 6ith i$,erte) se$ses8 percei,e) the Se" 6ithi$9D As I ha,e a"rea)y sai)8 the irst i$A'iry that 6e i$) i$ the Ve)as 6as co$cer$i$# o't6ar) thi$#s8 a$) the$ a $e6 i)ea ca/e that the rea"ity o thi$#s is $ot to be o'$) i$ the e=ter$a" 6or"); $ot by "oo7i$# o't6ar)s8 b't by t'r$i$# the eyes8 as it is "itera""y e=presse)8 i$6ar)s9 A$) the 6or) 'se) or the So'" is ,ery si#$i ica$t4 it is >e 6ho has #o$e i$6ar)8 the i$$er/ost rea"ity o o'r bei$#8 the heart ce$tre8 the core8 ro/ 6hich8 as it 6ere8 e,erythi$# co/es o't; the ce$tra" s'$ o 6hich the /i$)8 the bo)y8 the se$se-or#a$s8 a$) e,erythi$# e"se 6e ha,e are b't rays #oi$# o't6ar)s9 DMe$ o chi")ish i$te""ect8 i#$ora$t perso$s8 r'$ a ter )esires 6hich are e=ter$a"8 a$) e$ter the trap o ar-reachi$# )eath8 b't the 6ise8 '$)ersta$)i$# i//orta"ity8 $e,er see7 or the Eter$a" i$ this "i e o i$ite thi$#s9D The sa/e i)ea is here /a)e c"ear that i$ this e=ter$a" 6or")8 6hich is '"" o i$ite thi$#s8 it is i/possib"e to see a$) i$) the I$ i$ite9 The I$ i$ite /'st be so'#ht i$ that a"o$e 6hich is i$ i$ite8 a$) the o$"y thi$# i$ i$ite abo't 's is that 6hich is 6ithi$ 's8 o'r o6$ so'"9 Neither the bo)y8 $or the /i$)8 $ot e,e$ o'r tho'#hts8 $or the 6or") 6e see aro'$) 's8 are i$ i$ite9 The Seer8 >e to 6ho/ they a"" be"o$#8 the So'" o /a$8 >e 6ho is a6a7e i$ the i$ter$a" /a$8 a"o$e is i$ i$ite8 a$) to see7 or the I$ i$ite Ca'se o this 6ho"e '$i,erse 6e /'st #o there9 I$ the I$ i$ite So'" a"o$e 6e ca$ i$) it9 DWhat is here is there too8 a$) 6hat is there is here a"so9 >e 6ho sees the /a$i o") #oes ro/ )eath to )eath9D We ha,e see$ ho6 at irst there 6as the )esire to #o to hea,e$9 Whe$ these a$cie$t Arya$s beca/e )issatis ie) 6ith the 6or") aro'$) the/8 they $at'ra""y tho'#ht that a ter )eath they 6o'") #o to so/e p"ace 6here there 6o'") be a"" happi$ess 6itho't a$y /isery; these p"aces they /'"tip"ie) a$) ca""e) S,ar#as : the 6or) /ay be tra$s"ate) as hea,e$s : 6here there 6o'") be <oy or e,er8 the bo)y 6o'") beco/e per ect8 a$) a"so the /i$)8 a$) there they 6o'") "i,e 6ith their ore athers9 5't as soo$ as phi"osophy ca/e8 /e$ o'$) that this 6as i/possib"e a$) abs'r)9 The ,ery i)ea o a$ i$ i$ite i$ p"ace 6o'") be a co$tra)ictio$ i$ ter/s8 as a p"ace /'st be#i$ a$) co$ti$'e i$ ti/e9 There ore they ha) to #i,e 'p that i)ea9 They o'$) o't that the #o)s 6ho "i,e) i$ these hea,e$s ha) o$ce bee$ h'/a$ bei$#s o$ earth8 6ho thro'#h their #oo) 6or7s ha) beco/e #o)s8 a$) the #o)hoo)s8 as they ca"" the/8 6ere )i ere$t states8 )i ere$t positio$s; $o$e o the #o)s spo7e$ o i$ the Ve)as are per/a$e$t i$)i,i)'a"s9 .or i$sta$ce8 I$)ra a$) Var'$a are $ot the $a/es o certai$ perso$s8 b't the $a/es o positio$s as #o,er$ors a$) so o$9 The I$)ra 6ho ha) "i,e) be ore is $ot the sa/e perso$ as the I$)ra o the prese$t )ay; he has passe) a6ay8 a$) a$other /a$ ro/ earth has i""e) his p"ace9 So 6ith a"" the other #o)s These are certai$ positio$s8 6hich are i""e) s'ccessi,e"y by h'/a$ so'"s 6ho ha,e raise) the/se",es to the co$)itio$ o #o)s8 a$) yet e,e$ they )ie9 I$ the o") !i#-Ve)a 6e i$) the 6or) Di//orta"ityD 'se) 6ith re#ar) to these #o)s8 b't "ater o$ it is )roppe) e$tire"y8 or they o'$) that i//orta"ity 6hich is beyo$) ti/e a$) space ca$$ot be spo7e$ o 6ith re#ar) to a$y physica" or/8 ho6e,er s'bt"e it /ay be9 >o6e,er i$e it /ay be8 it /'st ha,e a be#i$$i$# i$ ti/e a$) space8 or the $ecessary actors that e$ter i$to the /a7e-'p o or/ are i$ space9 Try to thi$7 o a or/ 6itho't space4 it is i/possib"e9 Space is o$e o the /ateria"s8 as it 6ere8 6hich /a7e 'p the or/8 a$) this is co$ti$'a""y cha$#i$# Space a$) ti/e are i$ Maya8 a$) this i)ea is e=presse) i$ the "i$e : DWhat is ho"e8 that is there too9D I there are these #o)s8 they /'st be bo'$) by the sa/e "a6s that app"y here8 a$) a"" "a6s i$,o",e )estr'ctio$ a$) re$e6a" a#ai$ a$) a#ai$9 These "a6s are /o'")i$# /atter i$to )i ere$t or/s8 a$) cr'shi$# the/ o't a#ai$9 E,erythi$# bor$ /'st )ie; a$) so8 i there are hea,e$s8 the sa/e "a6s /'st ho") #oo) there9 I$ this 6or") 6e i$) that a"" happi$ess is o""o6e) by /isery as its sha)o69 Ci e has its sha)o68 )eath9 They /'st #o to#ether8 beca'se they are $ot co$tra)ictory8 $ot t6o separate e=iste$ces8 b't )i ere$t /a$i estatio$s o the sa/e '$it8 "i e a$) )eath8 sorro6 a$) happi$ess8 #oo) a$) e,i"9 The

)'a"istic co$ceptio$ that #oo) a$) e,i" are t6o separate e$tities8 a$) that they are both #oi$# o$ eter$a""y is abs'r) o$ the ace o it9 They are the )i,erse /a$i estatio$s o o$e a$) the sa/e act8 o$e ti/e appeari$# as ba)8 a$) at a$other ti/e as #oo)9 The )i ere$ce )oes $ot e=ist i$ 7i$)8 b't o$"y i$ )e#ree9 They )i er ro/ each other i$ )e#ree o i$te$sity9 We i$) as a act that the sa/e $er,e syste/s carry #oo) a$) ba) se$satio$s a"i7e8 a$) 6he$ the $er,es are i$<'re)8 $either se$satio$ co/es to 's9 I a certai$ $er,e is para"yse)8 6e )o $ot #et the p"eas'rab"e ee"i$#s that 'se) to co/e a"o$# that 6ires a$) at the sa/e ti/e 6e )o $ot #et the pai$ '" ee"i$#s either9 They are $e,er t6o8 b't the sa/e9 A#ai$9 the sa/e thi$# pro)'ces p"eas're a$) pai$ at )i ere$t ti/es o "i e9 The sa/e phe$o/e$o$ 6i"" pro)'ce p"eas're i$ o$e8 a$) pai$ i$ a$other9 The eati$# o /eat pro)'ces p"eas're to a /a$8 b't pai$ to the a$i/a" 6hich is eate$9 There has $e,er bee$ a$ythi$# 6hich #i,es p"eas're to a"" a"i7e9 So/e are p"ease)8 others )isp"ease)9 So o$ it 6i"" #o9 There ore8 this )'a"ity o e=iste$ce is )e$ie)9 A$) 6hat o""o6s@ I to") yo' i$ /y "ast "ect're that 6e ca$ $e,er ha,e '"ti/ate"y e,erythi$# #oo) o$ this earth a$) $othi$# ba)9 It /ay ha,e )isappoi$te) a$) ri#hte$e) so/e o yo'8 b't I ca$$ot he"p it8 a$) I a/ ope$ to co$,ictio$ 6he$ I a/ sho6$ to the co$trary; b't '$ti" that ca$ be pro,e) to /e8 a$) I ca$ i$) that it is tr'e8 I ca$$ot say so9 The #e$era" ar#'/e$t a#ai$st /y state/e$t8 a$) appare$t"y a ,ery co$,i$ci$# o$e8 is this that i$ the co'rse o e,o"'tio$8 a"" that is e,i" i$ 6hat 6e see aro'$) 's is #ra)'a""y bei$# e"i/i$ate)8 a$) the res'"t is that i this e"i/i$atio$ co$ti$'es or /i""io$s o years8 a ti/e 6i"" co/e 6he$ a"" the e,i" 6i"" ha,e bee$ e=tirpate)8 a$) the #oo) a"o$e 6i"" re/ai$9 This is appare$t"y a ,ery so'$) ar#'/e$t9 Wo'") to Go) it 6ere tr'eG 5't there is a a""acy i$ it8 a$) it is this that it ta7es or #ra$te) that both #oo) a$) e,i" are thi$#s that are eter$a""y i=e)9 It ta7es or #ra$te) that there is a )e i$ite /ass o e,i"8 6hich /ay be represe$te) by a h'$)re)8 a$) "i7e6ise o #oo)8 a$) that this /ass o e,i" is bei$# )i/i$ishe) e,ery )ay8 "ea,i$# o$"y the #oo)9 5't is it so@ The history o the 6or") sho6s that e,i" is a co$ti$'o's"y i$creasi$# A'a$tity8 as 6e"" as #oo)9 Ta7e the "o6est /a$; he "i,es i$ the orest9 >is se$se o e$<oy/e$t is ,ery s/a""8 a$) so a"so is his po6er to s' er9 >is /isery is e$tire"y o$ the se$se-p"a$e9 I he )oes $ot #et p"e$ty o oo)8 he is /iserab"e; b't #i,e hi/ p"e$ty o oo) a$) ree)o/ to ro,e a$) to h'$t8 a$) he is per ect"y happy9 >is happi$ess co$sists o$"y i$ the se$ses8 a$) so )oes his /isery a"so9 5't i that /a$ i$creases i$ 7$o6"e)#e8 his happi$ess 6i"" i$crease8 the i$te""ect 6i"" ope$ to hi/8 a$) his se$se-e$<oy/e$t 6i"" e,o",e i$to i$te""ect'a" e$<oy/e$t9 >e 6i"" ee" p"eas're i$ rea)i$# a bea'ti '" poe/8 a$) a /athe/atica" prob"e/ 6i"" be o absorbi$# i$terest to hi/9 5't8 6ith these8 the i$$er $er,es 6i"" beco/e /ore a$) /ore s'sceptib"e to /iseries o /e$ta" pai$8 o 6hich the sa,a#e )oes $ot thi$79 Ta7e a ,ery si/p"e i""'stratio$9 I$ Tibet there is $o /arria#e8 a$) there is $o <ea"o'sy8 yet 6e 7$o6 that /arria#e is a /'ch hi#her state9 The Tibeta$s ha,e $ot 7$o6$ the 6o$)er '" e$<oy/e$t8 the b"essi$# o chastity8 the happi$ess o ha,i$# a chaste8 ,irt'o's 6i e8 or a chaste8 ,irt'o's h'sba$)9 These peop"e ca$$ot ee" that9 A$) si/i"ar"y they )o $ot ee" the i$te$se <ea"o'sy o the chaste 6i e or h'sba$)8 or the /isery ca'se) by '$ aith '"$ess o$ either si)e8 6ith a"" the heart-b'r$i$#s a$) sorro6s 6hich be"ie,ers i$ chastity e=perie$ce9 O$ o$e si)e8 the "atter #ai$ happi$ess8 b't o$ the other8 they s' er /isery too9 Ta7e yo'r co'$try 6hich is the richest i$ the 6or")8 a$) 6hich is /ore "'='rio's tha$ a$y other8 a$) see ho6 i$te$se is the /isery8 ho6 /a$y /ore "'$atics yo' ha,e8 co/pare) 6ith other races8 o$"y beca'se the )esires are so 7ee$9 A /a$ /'st 7eep 'p a hi#h sta$)ar) o "i,i$#8 a$) the a/o'$t o /o$ey he spe$)s i$ o$e year 6o'") be a ort'$e to a /a$ i$ I$)ia9 Yo' ca$$ot preach to hi/ o si/p"e "i,i$# beca'se society )e/a$)s so /'ch o hi/9 The 6hee" o society is ro""i$# o$; it stops $ot or the 6i)o6Es tears or the orpha$sE 6ai"s9 This is the state o thi$#s e,ery6here9 Yo'r se$se o e$<oy/e$t is )e,e"ope)8 yo'r society is ,ery /'ch /ore bea'ti '" tha$ so/e others9 Yo' ha,e so /a$y /ore thi$#s to e$<oy9 5't those 6ho ha,e e6er ha,e /'ch "ess /isery9 Yo' ca$ ar#'e th's thro'#ho't8 the hi#her the i)ea" yo' ha,e i$ the brai$8 the #reater is yo'r e$<oy/e$t8 a$) the /ore pro o'$) yo'r /isery9 O$e is "i7e the sha)o6 o the other9 That the e,i"s are bei$# e"i/i$ate) /ay be tr'e8 b't i so8 the #oo) a"so /'st be )yi$# o't9 5't are $ot e,i"s /'"tip"yi$# ast8 a$) #oo) )i/i$ishi$#8 i I /ay so p't it@ I #oo) i$creases i$ arith/etica" pro#ressio$8 e,i" i$crease i$

#eo/etrica" pro#ressio$9 A$) this is Maya9 This is $either opti/is/ $or pessi/is/9 Ve)a$ta )oes $ot ta7e he positio$ that this 6or") is o$"y a /iserab"e o$e9 That 6o'") be '$tr'e9 At the sa/e ti/e8 it is a /ista7e to say that this 6or") is '"" o happi$ess a$) b"essi$#s9 So it is 'se"ess to te"" chi")re$ that this 6or") is a"" #oo)8 a"" "o6ers8 a"" /i"7 a$) ho$ey9 That is 6hat 6e ha,e a"" )rea/t9 At the sa/e ti/e it is erro$eo's to thi$78 beca'se o$e /a$ has s' ere) /ore tha$ a$other8 that a"" is e,i"9 It is this )'a"ity8 this p"ay o #oo) a$) e,i" that /a7es o'r 6or") o e=perie$ces9 At the sa/e ti/e the Ve)a$ta says8 DDo $ot thi$7 that #oo) a$) e,i" are t6o8 are t6o separate esse$ces8 or they are o$e a$) the sa/e thi$#8 appeari$# i$ )i ere$t )e#rees a$) i$ )i ere$t #'ises a$) pro)'ci$# )i ere$ces o ee"i$# i$ the sa/e /i$)9D So8 the irst tho'#ht o the Ve)a$ta is the i$)i$# o '$ity i$ the e=ter$a"; the O$e E=iste$ce /a$i esti$# Itse" 8 ho6e,er )i ere$t It /ay appear i$ /a$i estatio$9 Thi$7 o the o") cr')e theory o the Bersia$s : t6o #o)s creati$# this 6or")8 the #oo) #o) )oi$# e,erythi$# that is #oo)8 a$) the ba) o$e8 e,erythi$# ba)9 O$ the ,ery ace o it8 yo' see the abs'r)ity8 or i it be carrie) o't8 e,ery "a6 o $at're /'st ha,e t6o parts8 o$e o 6hich is /a$ip'"ate) by o$e #o)8 a$) the$ he #oes a6ay a$) the other #o) /a$ip'"ates the other part9 There the )i ic'"ty co/es that both are 6or7i$# i$ the sa/e 6or")8 a$) these t6o #o)s 7eep the/se",es i$ har/o$y by i$<'ri$# o$e portio$ a$) )oi$# #oo) to a$other9 This is a cr')e case8 o co'rse8 the cr')est 6ay o e=pressi$# the )'a"ity o e=iste$ce9 5't8 ta7e the /ore a),a$ce)8 the /ore abstract theory that this 6or") is part"y #oo) a$) part"y ba)9 This a"so is abs'r)8 ar#'i$# ro/ the sa/e sta$)poi$t9 It is the "a6 o '$ity that #i,es 's o'r oo)8 a$) it is the sa/e "a6 that 7i""s /a$y thro'#h acci)e$ts or /isa),e$t're9 We i$)8 the$8 that this 6or") is $either opti/istic $or pessi/istic; it is a /i=t're o both8 a$) as 6e #o o$ 6e sha"" i$) that the 6ho"e b"a/e is ta7e$ a6ay ro/ $at're a$) p't 'po$ o'r o6$ sho'")ers9 At the sa/e ti/e the Ve)a$ta sho6s the 6ay o't8 b't $ot by )e$ia" o e,i"8 beca'se it a$a"yses bo")"y the act as it is a$) )oes $ot see7 to co$cea" a$ythi$#9 It is $ot hope"ess; it is $ot a#$ostic9 It i$)s o't a re/e)y8 b't it 6a$ts to p"ace that re/e)y o$ a)a/a$ti$e o'$)atio$s4 $ot by sh'tti$# the chi")Es /o'th a$) b"i$)i$# its eyes 6ith so/ethi$# 6hich is '$tr'e8 a$) 6hich the chi") 6i"" i$) o't i$ a e6 )ays9 I re/e/ber 6he$ I 6as yo'$#8 a yo'$# /a$Es ather )ie) a$) "e t hi/ poor"y o 8 6ith a "ar#e a/i"y to s'pport8 a$) he o'$) that his atherEs rie$)s 6ere '$6i""i$# to he"p hi/9 >e ha) a co$,ersatio$ 6ith a c"er#y/a$ 6ho o ere) this co$so"atio$8 DOh8 it is a"" #oo)8 a"" is se$t or o'r #oo)9D That is the o") /etho) o tryi$# to p't a piece o #o") "ea o$ a$ o") sore9 It is a co$ essio$ o 6ea7$ess8 o abs'r)ity9 The yo'$# /a$ 6e$t a6ay8 a$) si= /o$ths a ter6ar)s a so$ 6as bor$ to the c"er#y/a$8 a$) he #a,e a tha$7s#i,i$# party to 6hich the yo'$# /a$ 6as i$,ite)9 The c"er#y/a$ praye)8 DTha$7 Go) or >is /ercies9D A$) the yo'$# /a$ stoo) 'p a$) sai)8 DStop8 this is a"" /isery9D The c"er#y/a$ as7e)8 DWhy@D D5eca'se 6he$ /y ather )ie) yo' sai) it 6as #oo)8 tho'#h appare$t"y e,i"; so $o68 this is appare$t"y #oo)8 b't rea""y e,i"9D Is this the 6ay to c're the /isery o the 6or")@ 5e #oo) a$) ha,e /ercy o$ those 6ho s' er9 Do $ot try to patch it 'p8 $othi$# 6i"" c're this 6or"); #o beyo$) it9 This is a 6or") o #oo) a$) e,i"9 Where,er there is #oo)8 e,i" o""o6s8 b't beyo$) a$) behi$) a"" these /a$i estatio$s8 a"" these co$tra)ictio$s8 the Ve)a$ta i$)s o't that 3$ity9 It says8 DGi,e 'p 6hat is e,i" a$) #i,e 'p 6hat is #oo)9D What re/ai$s the$@ 5ehi$) #oo) a$) e,i" sta$)s so/ethi$# 6hich is yo'rs8 the rea" yo'8 beyo$) e,ery e,i"8 a$) beyo$) e,ery #oo) too8 a$) it is that 6hich is /a$i esti$# itse" as #oo) a$) ba)9 K$o6 that irst8 a$) the$ a$) the$ a"o$e yo' 6i"" be a tr'e opti/ist8 a$) $ot be ore; or the$ yo' 6i"" be ab"e to co$tro" e,erythi$#9 Co$tro" these /a$i estatio$s a$) yo' 6i"" be at "iberty to /a$i est the rea" Dyo'D9 .irst be /aster o yo'rse" 8 sta$) 'p a$) be ree8 #o beyo$) the pa"e o these "a6s8 or these "a6s )o $ot abso"'te"y #o,er$ yo'8 they are o$"y part o yo'r bei$#9 .irst i$) o't that yo' are $ot the s"a,e o $at're8 $e,er 6ere a$) $e,er 6i"" be; that this $at're8 i$ i$ite as yo' /ay thi$7 it8 is o$"y i$ite8 a )rop i$ the ocea$8 a$) yo'r So'" is the ocea$; yo' are beyo$) the stars8 the s'$8 a$) the9 They are "i7e /ere b'bb"es co/pare) 6ith yo'r i$ i$ite bei$#9 K$o6 that8 a$) yo' 6i"" co$tro" both #oo) a$) e,i"9 The$ a"o$e the 6ho"e ,isio$ 6i"" cha$#e a$) yo' 6i"" sta$) 'p a$) say8 D>o6 bea'ti '" is #oo) a$) ho6 6o$)er '" is e,i"GD

That is 6hat the Ve)a$ta teaches9 It )oes $ot propose a$y s"ipsho) re/e)y by co,eri$# 6o'$)s 6ith #o") "ea a$) the /ore the 6o'$) esters8 p'tti$# o$ /ore #o") "ea 9 This "i e is a har) act; 6or7 yo'r 6ay thro'#h it bo")"y8 tho'#h it /ay be a)a/a$ti$e; $o /atter8 the so'" is stro$#er9 It "ays $o respo$sibi"ity o$ "itt"e #o)s; or yo' are the /a7ers o yo'r o6$ ort'$es9 Yo' /a7e yo'rse",es s' er8 yo' /a7e #oo) a$) e,i"8 a$) it is yo' 6ho p't yo'r ha$)s be ore yo'r eyes a$) say it is )ar79 Ta7e yo'r ha$)s a6ay a$) see the "i#ht; yo' are e '"#e$t8 yo' are per ect a"rea)y8 ro/ the ,ery be#i$$i$#9 We $o6 '$)ersta$) the ,erse4 D>e #oes ro/ )eath to )eath 6ho sees the /a$y here9D See that O$e a$) be ree9 >o6 are 6e to see it@ This /i$)8 so )e"')e)8 so 6ea78 so easi"y "e)8 e,e$ this /i$) ca$ be stro$# a$) /ay catch a #"i/pse o that 7$o6"e)#e8 that O$e$ess8 6hich sa,es 's ro/ )yi$# a#ai$ a$) a#ai$9 As rai$ a""i$# 'po$ a /o'$tai$ "o6s i$ ,ario's strea/s )o6$ the si)es o the /o'$tai$8 so a"" the e$er#ies 6hich yo' see here are ro/ that o$e 3$it9 It has beco/e /a$i o") a""i$# 'po$ Maya9 Do $ot r'$ a ter the /a$i o"); #o to6ar)s the O$e9 D>e is i$ a"" that /o,es; >e is i$ a"" that is p're; >e i""s the '$i,erse; >e is i$ the sacri ice; >e is the #'est i$ the ho'se; >e is i$ /a$8 i$ 6ater8 i$ a$i/a"s8 i$ tr'th; >e is the Great O$e9 As ire co/i$# i$to this 6or") is /a$i esti$# itse" i$ ,ario's or/s8 e,e$ so8 that o$e So'" o the '$i,erse is /a$i esti$# >i/se" i$ a"" these ,ario's or/s9 As air co/i$# i$to this '$i,erse /a$i ests itse" i$ ,ario's or/s8 e,e$ so8 the O$e So'" o a"" so'"s8 o a"" bei$#s8 is /a$i esti$# >i/se" i$ a"" or/s9D This is tr'e or yo' 6he$ yo' ha,e '$)erstoo) this 3$ity8 a$) $ot be ore The$ is a"" opti/is/8 beca'se >e is see$ e,ery6here9 The A'estio$ is that i a"" this be tr'e that that B're O$e : the Se" 8 the I$ i$ite : has e$tere) a"" this8 ho6 is it that >e s' ers8 ho6 is it that >e beco/es /iserab"e8 i/p're@ >e )oes $ot8 says the 3pa$isha)9 DAs the s'$ is the ca'se o the eyesi#ht o e,ery bei$#8 yet is $ot /a)e )e ecti,e by the )e ect i$ a$y eye8 e,e$ so the Se" o a"" is $ot a ecte) by the /iseries o the bo)y8 or by a$y /isery that is aro'$) yo'9D I /ay ha,e so/e )isease a$) see e,erythi$# ye""o68 b't the s'$ is $ot a ecte) by it9 D>e is the O$e8 the Creator o a""8 the !'"er o a""8 the I$ter$a" So'" o e,ery bei$# : >e 6ho /a7es >is O$e$ess /a$i o")9 Th's sa#es 6ho rea"ise >i/ as the So'" o their so'"s8 '$to the/ be"o$#s eter$a" peace; '$to $o$e e"se8 '$to $o$e e"se9 >e 6ho i$ this 6or") o e,a$esce$ce i$)s >i/ 6ho $e,er cha$#es8 he 6ho i$ this '$i,erse o )eath i$)s that O$e Ci e8 he 6ho i$ this /a$i o") i$)s that O$e$ess8 a$) a"" those 6ho rea"ise >i/ as the So'" o their so'"s8 to the/ be"o$#s eter$a" peace; '$to $o$e e"se8 '$to $o$e e"se9 Where to i$) >i/ i$ the e=ter$a" 6or")8 6here to i$) >i/ i$ the s'$s8 a$) /oo$s8 a$) stars@ There the s'$ ca$$ot i""'/i$e8 $or the /oo$8 $or the stars8 the "ash o "i#ht$i$# ca$$ot i""'/i$e the p"ace; 6hat to spea7 o this /orta" ire@ >e shi$i$#8 e,erythi$# e"se shi$es9 It is >is "i#ht that they ha,e borro6e)8 a$) >e is shi$i$# thro'#h the/9D >ere is a$other bea'ti '" si/i"e9 Those o yo' 6ho ha,e bee$ i$ I$)ia a$) ha,e see$ ho6 the ba$ya$ tree co/es ro/ o$e root a$) sprea)s itse" ar aro'$)8 6i"" '$)ersta$) this9 >e is that ba$ya$ tree; >e is the root o a"" a$) has bra$che) o't '$ti" >e has beco/e this '$i,erse8 a$) ho6e,er ar >e e=te$)s8 e,ery o$e o these tr'$7s a$) bra$ches is co$$ecte)9 Vario's hea,e$s are spo7e$ o i$ the 5r?h/a$a portio$s o the Ve)as8 b't the phi"osophica" teachi$# o the 3pa$isha)s #i,es 'p the i)ea o #oi$# to hea,e$9 >appi$ess is $ot i$ this hea,e$ or i$ that hea,e$8 it is i$ the so'"; p"aces )o $ot si#$i y a$ythi$#9 >ere is a$other passa#e 6hich sho6s the )i ere$t states o rea"isatio$ DI$ the hea,e$ o the ore athers8 as a /a$ sees thi$#s i$ a )rea/8 so the !ea" Tr'th is see$9D As i$ )rea/s 6e see thi$#s haFy a$) $ot so )isti$ct8 so 6e see the !ea"ity there9 There is a$other hea,e$ ca""e) the Ga$)har,a8 i$ 6hich it is sti"" "ess c"ear; as a /a$ sees his o6$ re "ectio$ i$ the 6ater8 so is the !ea"ity see$ there9 The hi#hest hea,e$8 o 6hich the >i$)'s co$cei,e is ca""e) the 5rah/a"o7a; a$) i$ this8 the Tr'th is see$ /'ch /ore c"ear"y8 "i7e "i#ht a$) sha)e8 b't $ot yet A'ite )isti$ct"y9 5't as a /a$ sees his o6$ ace i$ a /irror8 per ect8 )isti$ct8 a$) c"ear8 so is the Tr'th shi$i$# i$ the so'" o /a$9 The hi#hest hea,e$8 there ore8 is i$ o'r o6$ so'"s; the #reatest te/p"e o 6orship is the h'/a$ so'"8 #reater tha$ a"" hea,e$s8 says the Ve)a$ta; or i$ $o hea,e$ a$y6here8 ca$ 6e '$)ersta$) the rea"ity as )isti$ct"y a$) c"ear"y as i$ this "i e8 i$ o'r o6$ so'"9 Cha$#i$# p"aces )oes $ot he"p o$e /'ch9 I tho'#ht 6hi"e I 6as i$ I$)ia that the ca,e 6o'") #i,e /e c"earer ,isio$9 I o'$) it 6as $ot so9 The$ I tho'#ht the orest 6o'") )o

so8 the$8 Vara$asi9 5't the sa/e )i ic'"ty e=iste) e,ery6here8 beca'se 6e /a7e o'r o6$ 6or")s9 I I a/ e,i"8 the 6ho"e 6or") is e,i" to /e9 That is 6hat the 3pa$isha) says9 A$) the sa/e thi$# app"ies to a"" 6or")s9 I I )ie a$) #o to hea,e$8 I sho'") i$) the sa/e8 or '$ti" I a/ p're it is $o 'se #oi$# to ca,es8 or orests8 or to Vara$asi8 or to hea,e$8 a$) i I ha,e po"ishe) /y /irror8 it )oes $ot /atter 6here I "i,e8 I #et the !ea"ity <'st as It is9 So it is 'se"ess8 r'$$i$# hither a$) thither8 a$) spe$)i$# e$er#y i$ ,ai$8 6hich sho'") be spe$t o$"y i$ po"ishi$# the /irror9 The sa/e i)ea is e=presse) a#ai$4 DNo$e sees >i/8 $o$e sees >is or/ 6ith the eyes9 It is i$ the /i$)8 i$ the p're /i$)8 that >e is see$8 a$) this i//orta"ity is #ai$e)9D Those 6ho 6ere at the s'//er "ect'res o$ !?<a-Yo#a 6i"" be i$tereste) to 7$o6 that 6hat 6as ta'#ht the$ 6as a )i ere$t 7i$) o Yo#a9 The Yo#a 6hich 6e are $o6 co$si)eri$# co$sists chie "y i$ co$tro""i$# the se$ses9 Whe$ the se$ses are he") as s"a,es by the h'/a$ so'"8 6he$ they ca$ $o "o$#er )ist'rb the /i$)8 the$ the Yo#i has reache) the #oa"9 DWhe$ a"" ,ai$ )esires o the heart ha,e bee$ #i,e$ 'p8 the$ this ,ery /orta" beco/es i//orta"8 the$ he beco/es o$e 6ith Go) e,e$ here9 Whe$ a"" the 7$ots o the heart are c't as'$)er8 the$ the /orta" beco/es i//orta"8 a$) he e$<oys 5rah/a$ here9D >ere8 o$ this earth8 $o6here e"se9 A e6 6or)s o'#ht to be sai) here9 Yo' 6i"" #e$era""y hear that this Ve)a$ta8 this phi"osophy a$) other Easter$ syste/s8 "oo7 o$"y to so/ethi$# beyo$)8 "etti$# #o the e$<oy/e$ts a$) str'##"e o this "i e9 This i)ea is e$tire"y 6ro$#9 It is o$"y i#$ora$t peop"e 6ho )o $ot 7$o6 a$ythi$# o Easter$ tho'#ht8 a$) $e,er ha) brai$ e$o'#h to '$)ersta$) a$ythi$# o its rea" teachi$#8 that te"" yo' so9 O$ the co$trary8 6e rea) i$ o'r script'res that o'r phi"osophers )o $ot 6a$t to #o to other 6or")s8 b't )epreciate the/ as p"aces 6here peop"e 6eep a$) "a'#h or a "itt"e 6hi"e o$"y a$) the$ )ie9 As "o$# as 6e are 6ea7 6e sha"" ha,e to #o thro'#h these e=perie$ces; b't 6hate,er is tr'e8 is here8 a$) that is the h'/a$ so'"9 A$) this a"so is i$siste) 'po$8 that by co//itti$# s'ici)e8 6e ca$$ot escape the i$e,itab"e; 6e ca$$ot e,a)e it9 5't the ri#ht path is har) to i$)9 The >i$)' is <'st as practica" as the Wester$8 o$"y 6e )i er i$ o'r ,ie6s o "i e9 The o$e says8 b'i") a #oo) ho'se8 "et 's ha,e #oo) c"othes a$) oo)8 i$te""ect'a" c'"t're8 a$) so o$8 or this is the 6ho"e o "i e; a$) i$ that he is i//e$se"y practica"9 5't the >i$)' says8 tr'e 7$o6"e)#e o the 6or") /ea$s 7$o6"e)#e o the so'"8 /etaphysics; a$) he 6a$ts to e$<oy that "i e9 I$ A/erica there 6as a #reat a#$ostic8 a ,ery $ob"e /a$8 a ,ery #oo) /a$8 a$) a ,ery i$e spea7er9 >e "ect're) o$ re"i#io$8 6hich he sai) 6as o $o 'se; 6hy bother o'r hea)s abo't other 6or")s@ >e e/p"oye) this si/i"e; 6e ha,e a$ ora$#e here8 a$) 6e 6a$t to sA'eeFe a"" the <'ice o't o it9 I /et hi/ o$ce a$) sai)8 DI a#ree 6ith yo' e$tire"y9 I ha,e so/e r'it8 a$) I too 6a$t to sA'eeFe o't the <'ice9 O'r )i ere$ce "ies i$ the choice o the r'it9 Yo' 6a$t a$ ora$#e8 a$) I pre er a /a$#o9 Yo' thi$7 it is e$o'#h to "i,e here a$) eat a$) )ri$7 a$) ha,e a "itt"e scie$ti ic 7$o6"e)#e; b't yo' ha,e $o ri#ht to say that that 6i"" s'it a"" tastes9 S'ch a co$ceptio$ is $othi$# to /e9 I I ha) o$"y to "ear$ ho6 a$ app"e a""s to the #ro'$)8 or ho6 a$ e"ectric c'rre$t sha7es /y $er,es8 I 6o'") co//it s'ici)e9 I 6a$t to '$)ersta$) the heart o thi$#s8 the ,ery 7er$e" itse" 9 Yo'r st')y is the /a$i estatio$ o "i e8 /i$e is the "i e itse" 9 My phi"osophy says yo' /'st 7$o6 that a$) )ri,e o't ro/ yo'r /i$) a"" tho'#hts o hea,e$ a$) he"" a$) a"" other s'perstitio$s8 e,e$ tho'#h they e=ist i$ the sa/e se$se that this 6or") e=ists9 I /'st 7$o6 the heart o this "i e8 its ,ery esse$ce8 6hat it is8 $ot o$"y ho6 it 6or7s a$) 6hat are its /a$i estatio$s9 I 6a$t the why o e,erythi$#8 I "ea,e the how to chi")re$9 As o$e o yo'r co'$try/e$ sai)8 EWhi"e I a/ s/o7i$# a ci#arette8 i I 6ere to 6rite a boo78 it 6o'") be the scie$ce o the ci#arette9E It is #oo) a$) #reat to be scie$ti ic8 Go) b"ess the/ i$ their search; b't 6he$ a /a$ says that is a""8 he is ta"7i$# oo"ish"y8 $ot cari$# to 7$o6 the raison d#%tre o "i e8 $e,er st')yi$# e=iste$ce itse" 9 I /ay ar#'e that a"" yo'r 7$o6"e)#e is $o$se$se8 6itho't a basis9 Yo' are st')yi$# the /a$i estatio$s o "i e8 a$) 6he$ I as7 yo' 6hat "i e is8 yo' say yo' )o $ot 7$o69 Yo' are 6e"co/e to yo'r st')y8 b't "ea,e /e to /i$e9D I a/ practica"8 ,ery practica"8 i$ /y o6$ 6ay9 So yo'r i)ea that o$"y the West is practica" is $o$se$se9 Yo' are practica" i$ o$e 6ay8 a$) I i$ a$other9 There are )i ere$t types o /e$ a$) /i$)s9 I i$ the East a /a$ is to") that he 6i"" i$) o't the tr'th by sta$)i$# o$ o$e "e# a"" his "i e8 he 6i"" p'rs'e that /etho)9 I i$ the West /e$ hear that there is a #o") /i$e so/e6here i$ a$

'$ci,i"ise) co'$try8 tho'sa$)s 6i"" ace the )a$#ers there8 i$ the hope o #etti$# the #o"); a$)8 perhaps8 o$"y o$e s'ccee)s9 The sa/e /e$ ha,e hear) that they ha,e so'"s b't are co$te$t to "ea,e the care o the/ to the ch'rch9 The irst /a$ 6i"" $ot #o $ear the sa,a#es8 he says it /ay be )a$#ero's9 5't i 6e te"" hi/ that o$ the top o a hi#h /o'$tai$ "i,es a 6o$)er '" sa#e 6ho ca$ #i,e hi/ 7$o6"e)#e o the so'"8 he tries to c"i/b 'p to hi/8 e,e$ i he be 7i""e) i$ the atte/pt9 5oth types o /e$ are practica"8 b't the /ista7e "ies i$ re#ar)i$# this 6or") as the 6ho"e o "i e9 Yo'rs is the ,a$ishi$# poi$t o e$<oy/e$t o the se$ses : there is $othi$# per/a$e$t i$ it8 it o$"y bri$#s /ore a$) /ore /isery : 6hi"e /i$e bri$#s eter$a" peace9 I )o $ot say yo'r ,ie6 is 6ro$#8 yo' are 6e"co/e to it9 Great #oo) a$) b"essi$# co/e o't o it8 b't )o $ot8 there ore8 co$)e/$ /y ,ie69 Mi$e a"so is practica" i$ its o6$ 6ay9 Cet 's a"" 6or7 o$ o'r o6$ p"a$s9 Wo'") to Go) a"" o 's 6ere eA'a""y practica" o$ both si)es9 I ha,e see$ so/e scie$tists 6ho 6ere eA'a""y practica"8 both as scie$tists a$) as spirit'a" /e$8 a$) it is /y #reat hope that i$ co'rse o ti/e the 6ho"e o h'/a$ity 6i"" be e icie$t i$ the sa/e /a$$er9 Whe$ a 7ett"e o 6ater is co/i$# to the boi"8 i yo' 6atch the phe$o/e$o$8 yo' i$) irst o$e b'bb"e risi$#8 a$) the$ a$other a$) so o$8 '$ti" at "ast they a"" <oi$8 a$) a tre/e$)o's co//otio$ ta7es p"ace9 This 6or") is ,ery si/i"ar9 Each i$)i,i)'a" is "i7e a b'bb"e8 a$) the $atio$s8 rese/b"e /a$y b'bb"es9 Gra)'a""y these $atio$s are <oi$i$#8 a$) I a/ s're the )ay 6i"" co/e 6he$ separatio$ 6i"" ,a$ish a$) that O$e$ess to 6hich 6e are a"" #oi$# 6i"" beco/e /a$i est9 A ti/e /'st co/e 6he$ e,ery /a$ 6i"" be as i$te$se"y practica" i$ the scie$ti ic 6or") as i$ the spirit'a"8 a$) the$ that O$e$ess8 the har/o$y o O$e$ess8 6i"" per,a)e the 6ho"e 6or")9 The 6ho"e o /a$7i$) 6i"" beco/e Ji,a$/'7tas : ree 6hi"st "i,i$#9 We are a"" str'##"i$# to6ar)s that o$e e$) thro'#h o'r <ea"o'sies a$) hatre)s8 thro'#h o'r "o,e a$) co-operatio$9 A tre/e$)o's strea/ is "o6i$# to6ar)s the ocea$ carryi$# 's a"" a"o$# 6ith it; a$) tho'#h "i7e stra6s a$) scraps o paper 6e /ay at ti/es "oat ai/"ess"y abo't8 i$ the "o$# r'$ 6e are s're to <oi$ the Ocea$ o Ci e a$) 5"iss9

CHAPTER X THE FREEDOM OF THE SOUL The Katha 3pa$isha)8 6hich 6e ha,e bee$ st')yi$#8 6as 6ritte$ /'ch "ater tha$ that to 6hich 6e $o6 t'r$ : the Chh?$)o#ya9 The "a$#'a#e is /ore /o)er$8 a$) the tho'#ht /ore or#a$ise)9 I$ the o")er 3pa$isha)s the "a$#'a#e is ,ery archaic8 "i7e that o the hy/$ portio$ o the Ve)as8 a$) o$e has to 6a)e so/eti/es thro'#h A'ite a /ass o '$$ecessary thi$#s to #et at the esse$tia" )octri$es9 The rit'a"istic "iterat're abo't 6hich I to") yo' 6hich or/s the seco$) )i,isio$ o the Ve)as8 has "e t a #oo) )ea" o its /ar7 'po$ this o") 3pa$isha)8 so that /ore tha$ ha" o it is sti"" rit'a"istic9 There is8 ho6e,er8 o$e #reat #ai$ i$ st')yi$# the ,ery o") 3pa$isha)s9 Yo' trace8 as it 6ere8 the historica" #ro6th o spirit'a" i)eas9 I$ the /ore rece$t 3pa$isha)s8 the spirit'a" i)eas ha,e bee$ co""ecte) a$) bro'#ht i$to o$e p"ace; as i$ the 5ha#a,a) Git?8 or i$sta$ce8 6hich 6e /ay8 perhaps8 "oo7 'po$ as the "ast o the 3pa$isha)s8 yo' )o $ot i$) a$y i$7"i$# o these rit'a"istic i)eas9 The Gita is "i7e a bo'A'et co/pose) o the bea'ti '" "o6ers o spirit'a" tr'ths co""ecte) ro/ the 3pa$isha)s9 5't i$ the Gita yo' ca$$ot st')y the rise o the spirit'a" i)eas8 yo' ca$$ot trace the/ to their so'rce9 To )o that8 as has bee$ poi$te) o't by /a$y8 yo' /'st st')y the Ve)as9 The #reat i)ea o ho"i$ess that has bee$ attache) to these boo7s has preser,e) the/8 /ore tha$ a$y other boo7 i$ the 6or")8 ro/ /'ti"atio$9 I$ the/8 tho'#hts at their hi#hest a$) at their "o6est ha,e a"" bee$ preser,e)8 the esse$tia" a$) the $o$-esse$tia"8 the /ost e$$ob"i$# teachi$#s a$) the si/p"est /atters o )etai" sta$) si)e by si)e; or $obo)y has )are) to to'ch the/9 Co//e$tators ca/e a$) trie) to s/ooth the/ )o6$ a$) to bri$# o't 6o$)er '" $e6 i)eas ro/ the o") thi$#s; they trie) to i$) spirit'a" i)eas i$ e,e$ the /ost or)i$ary state/e$ts8 b't the te=ts re/ai$e)8 a$) as s'ch8 they are the /ost 6o$)er '" historica" st')y9 We a"" 7$o6 that i$ the script'res o e,ery re"i#io$ cha$#es 6ere /a)e to s'it the #ro6i$# spirit'a"ity o "ater ti/es; o$e 6or) 6as cha$#e) here a$) a$other p't i$ there8 a$) so o$9 This8 probab"y8 has $ot bee$ )o$e 6ith the Ve)ic "iterat're8 or i e,er )o$e8 it is a"/ost i/perceptib"e9 So 6e ha,e this #reat a),a$ta#e8 6e are ab"e to st')y tho'#hts i$ their ori#i$a" si#$i ica$ce8 to $ote ho6 they )e,e"ope)8 ho6 ro/ /ateria"istic i)eas i$er a$) i$er spirit'a" i)eas are e,o",e)8 '$ti" they attai$e) their #reatest hei#ht i$ the Ve)a$ta9 Descriptio$s o so/e o the o") /a$$ers a$) c'sto/s are a"so there8 b't they )o $ot appear /'ch i$ the 3pa$isha)s9 The "a$#'a#e 'se) is pec'"iar8 terse8 /$e/o$ic9 The 6riters o these boo7s si/p"y <otte) )o6$ these "i$es as he"ps to re/e/ber certai$ acts 6hich they s'ppose) 6ere a"rea)y 6e"" 7$o6$9 I$ a $arrati,e8 perhaps8 6hich they are te""i$#8 they ta7e it or #ra$te) that it is 6e"" 7$o6$ to e,eryo$e they are a))ressi$#9 Th's a #reat )i ic'"ty arises8 6e scarce"y 7$o6 the rea" /ea$i$# o a$y o$e o these stories8 beca'se the tra)itio$s ha,e $ear"y )ie) o't8 a$) the "itt"e that is "e t o the/ has bee$ ,ery /'ch e=a##erate)9 Ma$y $e6 i$terpretatio$s ha,e bee$ p't 'po$ the/8 so that 6he$ yo' i$) the/ i$ the B'r?$as they ha,e a"rea)y beco/e "yrica" poe/s9 J'st as i$ the West8 6e i$) this pro/i$e$t act i$ the po"itica" )e,e"op/e$t o Wester$ races that they ca$$ot bear abso"'te r'"e8 that they are a"6ays tryi$# to pre,e$t a$y o$e /a$ ro/ r'"i$# o,er the/8 a$) are #ra)'a""y a),a$ci$# to hi#her a$) hi#her )e/ocratic i)eas8 hi#her a$) hi#her i)eas o physica" "iberty8 so8 i$ I$)ia$ /etaphysics8 e=act"y the sa/e phe$o/e$o$ appears i$ the )e,e"op/e$t o spirit'a" "i e9 The /'"tip"icity o #o)s #a,e p"ace to o$e Go) o the '$i,erse8 a$) i$ the 3pa$isha)s there is a rebe""io$ e,e$ a#ai$st that o$e Go)9 Not o$"y 6as the i)ea o /a$y #o,er$ors o the '$i,erse r'"i$# their )esti$ies '$bearab"e8 b't it 6as a"so i$to"erab"e that there sho'") be o$e perso$ r'"i$# this '$i,erse9 This is the irst thi$# that stri7es 's9 The i)ea #ro6s a$) #ro6s8 '$ti" it attai$s its c"i/a=9 I$ a"/ost a"" o the 3pa$isha)s8 6e i$) the c"i/a= co/i$# at the "ast8 a$) that is the )ethro$i$# o this Go) o the '$i,erse9 The perso$a"ity o Go) ,a$ishes8 the i/perso$a"ity co/es9 Go) is $o /ore a perso$8 $o /ore a h'/a$ bei$#8 ho6e,er /a#$i ie) a$) e=a##erate)8 6ho r'"es this '$i,erse8 b't >e has beco/e a$ e/bo)ie) pri$cip"e i$ e,ery bei$#8 i//a$e$t i$ the 6ho"e '$i,erse9 It 6o'") be i""o#ica" to #o ro/ the Berso$a" Go) to

the I/perso$a"8 a$) at the sa/e ti/e to "ea,e /a$ as a perso$9 So the perso$a" /a$ is bro7e$ )o6$8 a$) /a$ as pri$cip"e is b'i"t 'p9 The perso$ is o$"y a phe$o/e$o$8 the pri$cip"e is behi$) it9 Th's ro/ both si)es8 si/'"ta$eo's"y8 6e i$) the brea7i$# )o6$ o perso$a"ities a$) the approach to6ar)s pri$cip"es8 the Berso$a" Go) approachi$# the I/perso$a"8 the perso$a" /a$ approachi$# the I/perso$a" Ma$9 The$ co/e the s'ccee)i$# sta#es o the #ra)'a" co$,er#e$ce o the t6o a),a$ci$# "i$es o the I/perso$a" Go) a$) the I/perso$a" Ma$9 A$) the 3pa$isha)s e/bo)y the sta#es thro'#h 6hich these t6o "i$es at "ast beco/e o$e8 a$) the "ast 6or) o each 3pa$isha) is8 DTho' art ThatD9 There is b't O$e Eter$a""y 5"iss '" Bri$cip"e8 a$) that O$e is /a$i esti$# Itse" as a"" this ,ariety9 The$ ca/e the phi"osophers9 The 6or7 o the 3pa$isha)s see/s to ha,e e$)e) at that poi$t; the $e=t 6as ta7e$ 'p by the phi"osophers9 The ra/e6or7 6as #i,e$ the/ by the 3pa$isha)s8 a$) they ha) to i"" i$ the )etai"s9 So8 /a$y A'estio$s 6o'") $at'ra""y arise9 Ta7i$# or #ra$te) that there is b't O$e I/perso$a" Bri$cip"e 6hich is /a$i esti$# Itse" i$ a"" these /a$i o") or/s8 ho6 is it that the O$e beco/es /a$y@ It is a$other 6ay o p'tti$# the sa/e o") A'estio$ 6hich i$ its cr')e or/ co/es i$to the h'/a$ heart as the i$A'iry i$to the ca'se o e,i" a$) so orth9 Why )oes e,i" e=ist i$ the 6or")8 a$) 6hat is its ca'se@ 5't the sa/e A'estio$ has $o6 beco/e re i$e)8 abstracte)9 No /ore is it as7e) ro/ the p"at or/ o the se$ses 6hy 6e are '$happy8 b't ro/ the p"at or/ o phi"osophy9 >o6 is it that this O$e Bri$cip"e beco/es /a$i o")@ A$) the a$s6er8 as 6e ha,e see$8 the best a$s6er that I$)ia has pro)'ce) is the theory o Maya 6hich says that It rea""y has $ot beco/e /a$i o")8 that It rea""y has $ot "ost a$y o Its rea" $at're9 Ma$i o")$ess is o$"y appare$t9 Ma$ is o$"y appare$t"y a perso$8 b't i$ rea"ity he is the I/perso$a" 5ei$#9 Go) is a perso$ o$"y appare$t"y8 b't rea""y >e is the I/perso$a" 5ei$#9 E,e$ i$ this a$s6er there ha,e bee$ s'ccee)i$# sta#es8 a$) phi"osophers ha,e ,arie) i$ their opi$io$s9 A"" I$)ia$ phi"osophers )i) $ot a)/it this theory o Maya9 Bossib"y /ost o the/ )i) $ot9 There are )'a"ists8 6ith a cr')e sort o )'a"is/8 6ho 6o'") $ot a""o6 the A'estio$ to be as7e)8 b't sti "e) it at its ,ery birth9 They sai)8 DYo' ha,e $o ri#ht to as7 s'ch a A'estio$8 yo' ha,e $o ri#ht to as7 or a$ e=p"a$atio$; it is si/p"y the 6i"" o Go)8 a$) 6e ha,e to s'b/it to it A'iet"y9 There is $o "iberty or the h'/a$ so'"9 E,erythi$# is pre)esti$e) : 6hat 6e sha"" )o8 ha,e8 e$<oy8 a$) s' er; a$) 6he$ s' eri$# co/es8 it is o'r )'ty to e$)'re it patie$t"y; i 6e )o $ot8 6e sha"" be p'$ishe) a"" the /ore9 >o6 )o 6e 7$o6 that@ 5eca'se the Ve)as say so9D A$) th's they ha,e their te=ts a$) their /ea$i$#s a$) they 6a$t to e$ orce the/9 There are others 6ho8 tho'#h $ot a)/itti$# the Maya theory8 sta$) /i)6ay9 They say that the 6ho"e o this creatio$ or/s8 as it 6ere8 the bo)y o Go)9 Go) is the So'" o a"" so'"s a$) o the 6ho"e o $at're9 I$ the case o i$)i,i)'a" so'"s8 co$tractio$ co/es ro/ e,i" )oi$#9 Whe$ a /a$ )oes a$ythi$# e,i"8 his so'" be#i$s to co$tract a$) his po6er is )i/i$ishe) a$) #oes o$ )ecreasi$#8 '$ti" he )oes #oo) 6or7s8 6he$ it e=pa$)s a#ai$9 O$e i)ea see/s to be co//o$ i$ a"" the I$)ia$ syste/s8 a$) I thi$78 i$ e,ery syste/ i$ the 6or")8 6hether they 7$o6 it or $ot8 a$) that is 6hat I sho'") ca"" the )i,i$ity o /a$9 There is $o o$e syste/ i$ the 6or")8 $o rea" re"i#io$8 6hich )oes $ot ho") the i)ea that the h'/a$ so'"8 6hate,er it be8 or 6hate,er its re"atio$ to Go)8 is esse$tia""y p're a$) per ect8 6hether e=presse) i$ the "a$#'a#e o /ytho"o#y8 a""e#ory8 or phi"osophy9 Its rea" $at're is b"esse)$ess a$) po6er8 $ot 6ea7$ess a$) /isery9 So/eho6 or other this /isery has co/e9 The cr')e syste/s /ay ca"" it a perso$i ie) e,i"8 a )e,i"8 or a$ Ahri/a$8 to e=p"ai$ ho6 this /isery ca/e9 Other syste/s /ay try to /a7e a Go) a$) a )e,i" i$ o$e8 6ho /a7es so/e peop"e /iserab"e a$) others happy8 6itho't a$y reaso$ 6hate,er9 Others a#ai$8 /ore tho'#ht '"8 bri$# i$ the theory o Maya a$) so orth9 5't o$e act sta$)s o't c"ear"y8 a$) it is 6ith this that 6e ha,e to )ea"9 A ter a""8 these phi"osophica" i)eas a$) syste/s are b't #y/$astics o the /i$)8 i$te""ect'a" e=ercises9 The o$e #reat i)ea that to /e see/s to be c"ear8 a$) co/es o't thro'#h /asses o s'perstitio$ i$ e,ery co'$try a$) i$ e,ery re"i#io$8 is the o$e "'/i$o's i)ea that /a$ is )i,i$e8 that )i,i$ity is o'r $at're9 Whate,er e"se co/es is a /ere s'peri/positio$8 as the Ve)a$ta ca""s it9 So/ethi$# has bee$ s'peri/pose)8 b't that )i,i$e $at're $e,er )ies9 I$ the /ost )e#ra)e) as 6e"" as i$ the /ost sai$t"y it is e,er prese$t9 It has to be ca""e) o't8 a$) it 6i"" 6or7 itse" o't9 We ha,e to as79 a$) it 6i""

/a$i est itse" 9 The peop"e o o") 7$e6 that ire "i,e) i$ the "i$t a$) i$ )ry 6oo)8 b't rictio$ 6as $ecessary to ca"" it o't9 So this ire o ree)o/ a$) p'rity is the $at're o e,ery so'"8 a$) $ot a A'a"ity8 beca'se A'a"ities ca$ be acA'ire) a$) there ore ca$ be "ost9 The so'" is o$e 6ith .ree)o/8 a$) the so'" is o$e 6ith E=iste$ce8 a$) the so'" is o$e 6ith K$o6"e)#e9 The Sat-Chit-M$a$)a : E=iste$ce-K$o6"e)#e-5"iss Abso"'te : is the $at're8 the birthri#ht o the So'"8 a$) a"" the /a$i estatio$s that 6e see are Its e=pressio$s8 )i/"y or bri#ht"y /a$i esti$# Itse" 9 E,e$ )eath is b't a /a$i estatio$ o that !ea" E=iste$ce9 5irth a$) )eath8 "i e a$) )ecay8 )e#e$eratio$ a$) re#e$eratio$ : are a"" /a$i estatio$s o that O$e$ess9 So8 7$o6"e)#e8 ho6e,er it /a$i ests itse" 8 either as i#$ora$ce or as "ear$i$#8 is b't the /a$i estatio$ o that sa/e Chit8 the esse$ce o 7$o6"e)#e; the )i ere$ce is o$"y i$ )e#ree8 a$) $ot i$ 7i$)9 The )i ere$ce i$ 7$o6"e)#e bet6ee$ the "o6est 6or/ that cra6"s '$)er o'r eet a$) the hi#hest #e$i's that the 6or") /ay pro)'ce is o$"y o$e o )e#ree8 a$) $ot o 7i$)9 The Ve)a$ti$ thi$7er bo")"y says that the e$<oy/e$ts i$ this "i e8 e,e$ the /ost )e#ra)e) <oys8 are b't /a$i estatio$s o that O$e Di,i$e 5"iss8 the Esse$ce o the So'"9 This i)ea see/s to be the /ost pro/i$e$t i$ Ve)a$ta8 a$)8 as I ha,e sai)8 it appears to /e that e,ery re"i#io$ ho")s it9 I ha,e yet to 7$o6 the re"i#io$ 6hich )oes $ot9 It is the o$e '$i,ersa" i)ea 6or7i$# thro'#h a"" re"i#io$s9 Ta7e the 5ib"e or i$sta$ce9 Yo' i$) there the a""e#orica" state/e$t that the irst /a$ A)a/ 6as p're8 a$) that his p'rity 6as ob"iterate) by his e,i" )ee)s a ter6ar)s9 It is c"ear ro/ this a""e#ory that they tho'#ht that the $at're o the pri/iti,e /a$ 6as per ect9 The i/p'rities that 6e see8 the 6ea7$esses that 6e ee"8 are b't s'peri/positio$s o$ that $at're8 a$) the s'bseA'e$t history o the Christia$ re"i#io$ sho6s that they a"so be"ie,e i$ the possibi"ity8 $ay8 the certai$ty o re#ai$i$# that o") state9 This is the 6ho"e history o the 5ib"e8 O") a$) Ne6 Testa/e$ts to#ether9 So 6ith the Moha//e)a$s4 they a"so be"ie,e) i$ A)a/ a$) the p'rity o A)a/8 a$) thro'#h Moha//e) the 6ay 6as ope$e) to re#ai$ that "ost state9 So 6ith the 5'))hists4 they be"ie,e i$ the state ca""e) Nir,a$a 6hich is beyo$) this re"ati,e 6or")9 It is e=act"y the sa/e as the 5rah/a$ o the Ve)a$ti$s8 a$) the 6ho"e syste/ o the 5'))hists is o'$)e) 'po$ the i)ea o re#ai$i$# that "ost state o Nir,a$a9 I$ e,ery syste/ 6e i$) this )octri$e prese$t8 that yo' ca$$ot #et a$ythi$# 6hich is $ot yo'rs a"rea)y9 Yo' are i$)ebte) to $obo)y i$ this '$i,erse9 Yo' c"ai/ yo'r o6$ birthri#ht8 as it has bee$ /ost poetica""y e=presse) by a #reat Ve)a$ti$ phi"osopher8 i$ the tit"e o o$e o his boo7s : DThe attai$/e$t o o'r o6$ e/pireD9 That e/pire is o'rs; 6e ha,e "ost it a$) 6e ha,e to re#ai$ it9 The M?y?,?)i$8 ho6e,er8 says that this "osi$# o the e/pire 6as a ha""'ci$atio$; yo' $e,er "ost it9 This is the o$"y )i ere$ce9 A"tho'#h a"" the syste/s a#ree so ar that 6e ha) the e/pire8 a$) that 6e ha,e "ost it8 they #i,e 's ,arie) a),ice as to ho6 to re#ai$ it9 O$e says that yo' /'st per or/ certai$ cere/o$ies8 pay certai$ s'/s o /o$ey to certai$ i)o"s8 eat certai$ sorts o oo)8 "i,e i$ a pec'"iar ashio$ to re#ai$ that e/pire9 A$other says that i yo' 6eep a$) prostrate yo'rse",es a$) as7 par)o$ o so/e 5ei$# beyo$) $at're8 yo' 6i"" re#ai$ that e/pire9 A#ai$8 a$other says i yo' "o,e s'ch a 5ei$# 6ith a"" yo'r heart8 yo' 6i"" re#ai$ that e/pire9 A"" this ,arie) a),ice is i$ the 3pa$isha)s9 As I #o o$8 yo' 6i"" i$) it so9 5't the "ast a$) the #reatest co'$se" is that yo' $ee) $ot 6eep at a""9 Yo' $ee) $ot #o thro'#h a"" these cere/o$ies8 a$) $ee) $ot ta7e a$y $otice o ho6 to re#ai$ yo'r e/pire8 beca'se yo' $e,er "ost it9 Why sho'") yo' #o to see7 or 6hat yo' $e,er "ost@ Yo' are p're a"rea)y8 yo' are ree a"rea)y9 I yo' thi$7 yo' are ree8 ree yo' are this /o/e$t8 a$) i yo' thi$7 yo' are bo'$)8 bo'$) yo' 6i"" be9 This is a ,ery bo") state/e$t8 a$) as I to") yo' at the be#i$$i$# o this co'rse8 I sha"" ha,e to spea7 to yo' ,ery bo")"y9 It /ay ri#hte$ yo' $o68 b't 6he$ yo' thi$7 o,er it8 a$) rea"ise it i$ yo'r o6$ "i e8 the$ yo' 6i"" co/e to 7$o6 that 6hat I say is tr'e9 .or8 s'pposi$# that ree)o/ is $ot yo'r $at're8 by $o /a$$er o /ea$s ca$ yo' beco/e ree9 S'pposi$# yo' 6ere ree a$) i$ so/e 6ay yo' "ost that ree)o/8 that sho6s that yo' 6ere $ot ree to be#i$ 6ith9 >a) yo' bee$ ree8 6hat co'") ha,e /a)e yo' "ose it@ The i$)epe$)e$t ca$ $e,er be /a)e )epe$)e$t; i it is rea""y )epe$)e$t8 its i$)epe$)e$ce 6as a ha""'ci$atio$9 O the t6o si)es8 the$8 6hich 6i"" yo' ta7e@ I yo' say that the so'" 6as by its o6$ $at're p're a$) ree8 it $at'ra""y o""o6s that there 6as $othi$# i$ this '$i,erse 6hich co'") /a7e it bo'$) or

"i/ite)9 5't i there 6as a$ythi$# i$ $at're 6hich co'") bi$) the so'"8 it $at'ra""y o""o6s that it 6as $ot ree8 a$) yo'r state/e$t that it 6as ree is a )e"'sio$9 So i it is possib"e or 's to attai$ to ree)o/8 the co$c"'sio$ is i$e,itab"e that the so'" is by its $at're ree9 It ca$$ot be other6ise9 .ree)o/ /ea$s i$)epe$)e$ce o a$ythi$# o'tsi)e8 a$) that /ea$s that $othi$# o'tsi)e itse" co'") 6or7 'po$ it as a ca'se9 The so'" is ca'se"ess8 a$) ro/ this o""o6 a"" the #reat i)eas that 6e ha,e9 Yo' ca$$ot estab"ish the i//orta"ity o the so'"8 '$"ess yo' #ra$t that it is by its $at're ree8 or i$ other 6or)s8 that it ca$$ot be acte) 'po$ by a$ythi$# o'tsi)e9 .or )eath is a$ e ect pro)'ce) by so/e o'tsi)e ca'se9 I )ri$7 poiso$ a$) I )ie8 th's sho6i$# that /y bo)y ca$ be acte) 'po$ by so/ethi$# o'tsi)e that is ca""e) poiso$9 5't i it be tr'e that the so'" is ree8 it $at'ra""y o""o6s that $othi$# ca$ a ect it8 a$) it ca$ $e,er )ie9 .ree)o/8 i//orta"ity8 b"esse)$ess8 a"" )epe$) 'po$ the so'" bei$# beyo$) the "a6 o ca'satio$8 beyo$) this Maya9 O these t6o 6hich 6i"" yo' ta7e@ Either /a7e the irst a )e"'sio$8 or /a7e the seco$) a )e"'sio$9 Certai$"y I 6i"" /a7e the seco$) a )e"'sio$9 It is /ore co$so$a$t 6ith a"" /y ee"i$#s a$) aspiratio$s9 I a/ per ect"y a6are that I a/ ree by $at're8 a$) I 6i"" $ot a)/it that this bo$)a#e is tr'e a$) /y ree)o/ a )e"'sio$9 This )isc'ssio$ #oes o$ i$ a"" phi"osophies8 i$ so/e or/ or other9 E,e$ i$ the /ost /o)er$ phi"osophies yo' i$) the sa/e )isc'ssio$ arisi$#9 There are t6o parties9 O$e says that there is $o so'"8 that the i)ea o so'" is a )e"'sio$ pro)'ce) by the repeate) tra$sit o partic"es or /atter8 bri$#i$# abo't the co/bi$atio$ 6hich yo' ca"" the bo)y or brai$; that the i/pressio$ o ree)o/ is the res'"t o the ,ibratio$s a$) /otio$s a$) co$ti$'o's tra$sit o these partic"es9 There 6ere 5'))histic sects 6ho he") the sa/e ,ie6 a$) i""'strate) it by this e=a/p"e4 I yo'$# ta7e a torch a$) 6hir" it ro'$) rapi)"y8 there 6i"" be a circ"e o "i#ht9 That circ"e )oes $ot rea""y e=ist8 beca'se the torch is cha$#i$# p"ace e,ery /o/e$t9 We are b't b'$)"es o "itt"e partic"es8 6hich i$ their rapi) 6hir"i$# pro)'ce the )e"'sio$ o a per/a$e$t so'"9 The other party states that i$ the rapi) s'ccessio$ o tho'#ht8 /atter occ'rs as a )e"'sio$8 a$) )oes $ot rea""y e=ist9 So 6e see o$e si)e c"ai/i$# that spirit is a )e"'sio$ a$) the other8 that /atter is a )e"'sio$9 Which si)e 6i"" yo' ta7e@ O co'rse8 6e 6i"" ta7e the spirit a$) )e$y /atter9 The ar#'/e$ts are si/i"ar or both8 o$"y o$ the spirit si)e the ar#'/e$t is "itt"e stro$#er9 .or $obo)y has e,er see$ 6hat /atter is9 We ca$ o$"y ee" o'rse",es9 I $e,er 7$e6 a /a$ 6ho co'") ee" /atter o'tsi)e o hi/se" 9 Nobo)y 6as e,er ab"e to <'/p o'tsi)e o hi/se" 9 There ore the ar#'/e$t is a "itt"e stro$#er o$ the si)e o the spirit9 Seco$)"y8 the spirit theory e=p"ai$s the '$i,erse8 6hi"es /ateria"is/ )oes $ot9 >e$ce the /ateria"istic e=p"a$atio$ is i""o#ica"9 I yo' boi" )o6$ a"" the phi"osophies a$) a$a"yse the/8 yo' 6i"" i$) that they are re)'ce) to o$e; or the other o these t6o positio$s9 So here8 too8 i$ a /ore i$tricate or/8 i$ a /ore phi"osophica" or/8 6e i$) the sa/e A'estio$ abo't $at'ra" p'rity a$) ree)o/9 O$es si)e says that the irst is a )e"'sio$8 a$) the other8 that the seco$) is a )e"'sio$9 A$)8 o co'rse8 6e si)e 6ith the seco$)8 i$ be"ie,i$# that o'r bo$)a#e is a )e"'sio$9 The so"'tio$ o the Ve)a$ta is that 6e are $ot bo'$)8 6e are ree a"rea)y9 Not o$"y so8 b't to say or to thi$7 that 6e are bo'$) is )a$#ero's : it is a /ista7e8 it is se" -hyp$otis/9 As soo$ as yo' say8 DI a/ bo'$)8D DI a/ 6ea78D DI a/ he"p"ess8D 6oe '$to yo'; yo' ri,et o$e /ore chai$ 'po$ yo'rse" 9 Do $ot say it8 )o $ot thi$7 it9 I ha,e hear) o a /a$ 6ho "i,e) i$ a orest a$) 'se) to repeat )ay a$) $i#ht8 DShi,oha/D : I a/ the 5"esse) O$e : a$) o$e )ay a ti#er e"" 'po$ hi/ a$) )ra##e) hi/ a6ay to 7i"" hi/; peop"e o$ the other si)e o the ri,er sa6 it8 a$) hear) the ,oice so "o$# as ,oice re/ai$e) i$ hi/8 sayi$#8 DShi,oha/D : e,e$ i$ the ,ery <a6s o the ti#er9 There ha,e bee$ /a$y s'ch /e$9 There ha,e bee$ cases o /e$ 6ho8 6hi"e bei$# c't to pieces8 ha,e b"esse) their e$e/ies9 DI a/ >e8 I a/ >e; a$) so art tho'9 I a/ p're a$) per ect a$) so are a"" /y e$e/ies9 Yo' are >e8 a$) so a/ I9D That is - the positio$ o stre$#th9 Ne,erthe"ess8 there are #reat a$) 6o$)er '" thi$#s i$ the re"i#io$s o the )'a"ists; 6o$)er '" is the i)ea o the Berso$a" Go) apart ro/ $at're8 6ho/ 6e 6orship a$) "o,e9 So/eti/es this i)ea is ,ery soothi$#9 5't8 says the Ve)a$ta8 the soothi$# is so/ethi$# "i7e the e ect that co/es ro/ a$ opiate8 $ot $at'ra"9 It bri$#s 6ea7$ess i$ the "o$# r'$8 a$) 6hat this 6or") 6a$ts to)ay8 /ore tha$ it e,er )i) be ore8 is stre$#th9 It is 6ea7$ess8 says the Ve)a$ta8 6hich is the ca'se o a"" /isery i$ this 6or")9 Wea7$ess is the o$e ca'se o s' eri$#9 We beco/e /iserab"e beca'se 6e are 6ea79 We "ie8 stea"8 7i""8 a$) co//it other

cri/es8 beca'se 6e are 6ea79 We s' er beca'se 6e are 6ea79 We )ie beca'se 6e are 6ea79 Where there is $othi$# to 6ea7e$ 's8 there is $o )eath $or sorro69 We are /iserab"e thro'#h )e"'sio$9 Gi,e 'p the )e"'sio$8 a$) the 6ho"e thi$# ,a$ishes9 It is p"ai$ a$) si/p"e i$)ee)9 Thro'#h a"" these phi"osophica" )isc'ssio$s a$) tre/e$)o's /e$ta" #y/$astics 6e co/e to this o$e re"i#io's i)ea8 the si/p"est i$ the 6ho"e 6or")9 The /o$istic Ve)a$ta is the si/p"est or/ i$ 6hich yo' ca$ p't tr'th9 To teach )'a"is/ 6as a tre/e$)o's /ista7e /a)e i$ I$)ia a$) e"se6here8 beca'se peop"e )i) $ot "oo7 at the '"ti/ate pri$cip"es8 b't o$"y tho'#ht o the process 6hich is ,ery i$tricate i$)ee)9 To /a$y8 these tre/e$)o's phi"osophica" a$) "o#ica" propositio$s 6ere a"ar/i$#9 They tho'#ht these thi$#s co'") $ot be /a)e '$i,ersa"8 co'") $ot be o""o6e) i$ e,ery)ay practica" "i e8 a$) that '$)er the #'ise o s'ch a phi"osophy /'ch "a=ity o "i,i$# 6o'") arise9 5't I )o $ot be"ie,e at a"" that /o$istic i)eas preache) to the 6or") 6o'") pro)'ce i//ora"ity a$) 6ea7$ess9 O$ the co$trary8 I ha,e reaso$ to be"ie,e that it is the o$"y re/e)y there is9 I this be the tr'th8 6hy "et peop"e )ri$7 )itch 6ater 6he$ the strea/ o "i e is "o6i$# by@ I this be the tr'th8 that they are a"" p're8 6hy $ot at this /o/e$t teach it to the 6ho"e 6or")@ Why $ot teach it 6ith the ,oice o th'$)er to e,ery /a$ that is bor$8 to sai$ts a$) si$$ers8 /e$8 6o/e$8 a$) chi")re$8 to the /a$ o$ the thro$e a$) to the /a$ s6eepi$# the streets@ It appears $o6 a ,ery bi# a$) a ,ery #reat '$)erta7i$#; to /a$y it appears ,ery start"i$#8 b't that is beca'se o s'perstitio$8 $othi$# e"se9 5y eati$# a"" sorts o ba) a$) i$)i#estib"e oo)8 or by star,i$# o'rse",es8 6e are i$co/pete$t to eat a #oo) /ea"9 We ha,e "iste$e) to 6or)s o 6ea7$ess ro/ o'r chi")hoo)9 Yo' hear peop"e say that they )o $ot be"ie,e i$ #hosts8 b't at the sa/e ti/e8 there are ,ery e6 6ho )o $ot #et a "itt"e creepy se$satio$ i$ the )ar79 It is si/p"y s'perstitio$9 So 6ith a"" re"i#io's s'perstitio$s There are peop"e i$ this co'$try 6ho8 i I to") the/ there 6as $o s'ch bei$# as the )e,i"8 6i"" thi$7 a"" re"i#io$ is #o$e9 Ma$y peop"e ha,e sai) to /e8 ho6 ca$ there be re"i#io$ 6itho't a )e,i"@ >o6 ca$ there be re"i#io$ 6itho't so/eo$e to )irect 's@ >o6 ca$ 6e "i,e 6itho't bei$# r'"e) by so/ebo)y@ We "i7e to be so treate)8 beca'se 6e ha,e beco/e 'se) to it9 We are $ot happy '$ti" 6e ee" 6e ha,e bee$ repri/a$)e) by so/ebo)y e,ery )ay9 The sa/e s'perstitio$G 5't ho6e,er terrib"e it /ay see/ $o68 the ti/e 6i"" co/e 6he$ 6e sha"" "oo7 bac78 each o$e o 's8 a$) s/i"e at e,ery o$e o those s'perstitio$s 6hich co,ere) the p're a$) eter$a" so'"8 a$) repeat 6ith #"a)$ess8 6ith tr'th8 a$) 6ith stre$#th8 I a/ ree8 a$) 6as ree8 a$) a"6ays 6i"" be ree9 This /o$istic i)ea 6i"" co/e o't o Ve)a$ta8 a$) it is the o$e i)ea that )eser,es to "i,e9 The script'res /ay perish to/orro69 Whether this i)ea irst "ashe) i$to the brai$s o >ebre6s or o peop"e "i,i$# i$ the Arctic re#io$s8 $obo)y cares9 .or this is the tr'th a$) tr'th is eter$a"; a$) tr'th itse" teaches that it is $ot the specia" property o a$y i$)i,i)'a" or $atio$9 Me$8 a$i/a"s8 a$) #o)s are a"" co//o$ recipie$ts o this o$e tr'th9 Cet the/ a"" recei,e it9 Why /a7e "i e /iserab"e@ Why "et peop"e a"" i$to a"" sorts o s'perstitio$s@ I 6i"" #i,e te$ tho'sa$) "i,es8 i t6e$ty o the/ 6i"" #i,e 'p their s'perstitio$9 Not o$"y i$ this co'$try8 b't i$ the "a$) o its ,ery birth8 i yo' te"" peop"e this tr'th8 they are ri#hte$e)9 They say8 DThis i)ea is or Sa$$y?si$s 6ho #i,e 'p the 6or") a$) "i,e i$ orests; or the/ it is a"" ri#ht9 5't or 's poor ho'seho")ers8 6e /'st a"" ha,e so/e sort o ear8 6e /'st ha,e cere/o$ies8D a$) so o$9 D'a"istic i)eas ha,e r'"e) the 6or") "o$# e$o'#h8 a$) this is the res'"t9 Why $ot /a7e a $e6 e=peri/e$t@ It /ay ta7e a#es or a"" /i$)s to recei,e /o$is/8 b't 6hy $ot be#i$ $o6@ I 6e ha,e to") it to t6e$ty perso$s i$ o'r "i,es8 6e ha,e )o$e a #reat 6or79 There is o$e i)ea 6hich o te$ /i"itates a#ai$st it9 It is this9 It is a"" ,ery 6e"" to say8 DI a/ the B're8 the 5"esse)8D b't I ca$$ot sho6 it a"6ays i$ /y "i e9 That is tr'e; the i)ea" is a"6ays ,ery har)9 E,ery chi") that is bor$ sees the s7y o,erhea) ,ery ar a6ay8 b't is that a$y reaso$ 6hy 6e sho'") $ot "oo7 to6ar)s the s7y@ Wo'") it /e$) /atters to #o to6ar)s s'perstitio$@ I 6e ca$$ot #et $ectar8 6o'") it /e$) /atters or 's to )ri$7 poiso$@ Wo'") it be a$y he"p or 's8 beca'se 6e ca$$ot rea"ise the tr'th i//e)iate"y8 to #o i$to )ar7$ess a$) yie") to 6ea7$ess a$) s'perstitio$@ I ha,e $o ob<ectio$ to )'a"is/ i$ /a$y o its or/s9 I "i7e /ost o the/8 b't I ha,e ob<ectio$s to

e,ery or/ o teachi$# 6hich i$c'"cates 6ea7$ess9 This is the o$e A'estio$ I p't to e,ery /a$8 6o/a$8 or chi")8 6he$ they are i$ physica"8 /e$ta"8 or spirit'a" trai$i$#9 Are yo' stro$#@ Do yo' ee" stre$#th@ : or I 7$o6 it is tr'th a"o$e that #i,es stre$#th9 I 7$o6 that tr'th a"o$e #i,es "i e8 a$) $othi$# b't #oi$# to6ar)s rea"ity 6i"" /a7e 's stro$#8 a$) $o$e 6i"" reach tr'th '$ti" he is stro$#9 E,ery syste/8 there ore8 6hich 6ea7e$s the /i$)8 /a7es o$e s'perstitio's8 /a7es o$e /ope8 /a7es o$e )esire a"" sorts o 6i") i/possibi"ities8 /ysteries8 a$) s'perstitio$s8 I )o $ot "i7e8 beca'se its e ect is )a$#ero's9 S'ch syste/s $e,er bri$# a$y #oo); s'ch thi$#s create /orbi)ity i$ the /i$)8 /a7e it 6ea78 so 6ea7 that i$ co'rse o ti/e it 6i"" be a"/ost i/possib"e to recei,e tr'th or "i,e 'p to it9 Stre$#th8 there ore8 is the o$e thi$# $ee) '"9 Stre$#th is the /e)ici$e or the 6or")Es )isease9 Stre$#th is the /e)ici$e 6hich the poor /'st ha,e 6he$ tyra$$ise) o,er by the rich9 Stre$#th is the /e)ici$e that the i#$ora$t /'st ha,e 6he$ oppresse) by the "ear$e); a$) it is the /e)ici$e that si$$ers /'st ha,e 6he$ tyra$$ise) o,er by other si$$ers; a$) $othi$# #i,es s'ch stre$#th as this i)ea o /o$is/9 Nothi$# /a7es 's so /ora" as this i)ea o /o$is/9 Nothi$# /a7es 's 6or7 so 6e"" at o'r best a$) hi#hest as 6he$ a"" the respo$sibi"ity is thro6$ 'po$ o'rse",es9 I cha""e$#e e,eryo$e o yo'9 >o6 6i"" yo' beha,e i I p't a "itt"e baby i$ yo'r ha$)s@ Yo'r 6ho"e "i e 6i"" be cha$#e) or the /o/e$t; 6hate,er yo' /ay be8 yo' /'st beco/e se" "ess or the ti/e bei$#9 Yo' 6i"" #i,e 'p a"" yo'r cri/i$a" i)eas as soo$ as respo$sibi"ity is thro6$ 'po$ yo' : yo'r 6ho"e character 6i"" cha$#e9 So i the 6ho"e respo$sibi"ity is thro6$ 'po$ o'r o6$ sho'")ers8 6e sha"" be at o'r hi#hest a$) best; 6he$ 6e ha,e $obo)y to #rope to6ar)s8 $o )e,i" to "ay o'r b"a/e 'po$8 $o Berso$a" Go) to carry o'r b'r)e$s8 6he$ 6e are a"o$e respo$sib"e8 the$ 6e sha"" rise to o'r hi#hest a$) best9 I a/ respo$sib"e or /y ate8 I a/ the bri$#er o #oo) '$to /yse" 8 I a/ the bri$#er o e,i"9 I a/ the B're a$) 5"esse) O$e9 We /'st re<ect a"" tho'#hts that assert the co$trary9 DI ha,e $either )eath $or ear8 I ha,e $either caste $or cree)8 I ha,e $either ather $or /other $or brother8 $either rie$) $or oe8 or I a/ E=iste$ce8 K$o6"e)#e8 a$) 5"iss Abso"'te; I a/ the 5"iss '" O$e8 I a/ the 5"iss '" O$e9 I a/ $ot bo'$) either by ,irt'e or ,ice8 by happi$ess or /isery9 Bi"#ri/a#es a$) boo7s a$) cere/o$ia"s ca$ $e,er bi$) /e9 I ha,e $either h'$#er $or thirst; the bo)y is $ot /i$e8 $or a/ I s'b<ect to the s'perstitio$s a$) )ecay that co/e to the bo)y8 I a/ E=iste$ce8 K$o6"e)#e8 a$) 5"iss Abso"'te; I a/ the 5"iss '" O$e8 I a/ the 5"iss '" O$e9D This8 says the Ve)a$ta8 is the o$"y prayer that 6e sho'") ha,e9 This is the o$"y 6ay to reach the #oa"8 to te"" o'rse",es8 a$) to te"" e,erybo)y e"se8 that 6e are )i,i$e9 A$) as 6e #o o$ repeati$# this8 stre$#th co/es9 >e 6ho a"ters at irst 6i"" #et stro$#er a$) stro$#er8 a$) the ,oice 6i"" i$crease i$ ,o"'/e '$ti" the tr'th ta7es possessio$ o o'r hearts8 a$) co'rses thro'#h o'r ,ei$s8 a$) per/eates o'r bo)ies9 De"'sio$ 6i"" ,a$ish as the "i#ht beco/es /ore a$) /ore e '"#e$t8 "oa) a ter "oa) o i#$ora$ce 6i"" ,a$ish8 a$) the$ 6i"" co/e a ti/e 6he$ a"" e"se has )isappeare) a$) the S'$ a"o$e shi$es9

CHAPTER XI THE COSMOS T>E MAC!OCOSM The "o6ers that 6e see a"" aro'$) 's are bea'ti '"8 bea'ti '" is the risi$# o the /or$i$# s'$8 bea'ti '" are the ,arie#ate) h'es o $at're9 The 6ho"e '$i,erse is bea'ti '"8 a$) /a$ has bee$ e$<oyi$# it si$ce his appeara$ce o$ earth9 S'b"i/e a$) a6e-i$spiri$# are the /o'$tai$s; the #i#a$tic r'shi$# ri,ers ro""i$# to6ar)s the sea8 the trac7"ess )eserts8 the i$ i$ite ocea$8 the starry hea,e$s : a"" these are a6e-i$spiri$#8 s'b"i/e8 a$) bea'ti '" i$)ee)9 The 6ho"e /ass o e=iste$ce 6hich 6e ca"" $at're has bee$ acti$# o$ the h'/a$ /i$) si$ce ti/e i//e/oria"9 It has bee$ acti$# o$ the tho'#ht o /a$8 a$) as its reactio$ has co/e o't the A'estio$4 What are these8 6he$ce are they@ As ar bac7 as the ti/e o the o")est portio$ o that /ost a$cie$t h'/a$ co/positio$8 the Ve)as8 6e i$) the sa/e A'estio$ as7e)4 DWhe$ce is this@ Whe$ there 6as $either a'#ht $or $a'#ht8 a$) )ar7$ess 6as hi))e$ i$ )ar7$ess8 6ho pro<ecte) this '$i,erse@ >o6@ Who 7$o6s the secret@D A$) the A'estio$ has co/e )o6$ to 's at the prese$t ti/e9 Mi""io$s o atte/pts ha,e bee$ /a)e to a$s6er it8 yet /i""io$s o ti/es it 6i"" ha,e to be a$s6ere) a#ai$9 It is $ot that each a$s6er 6as a ai"'re; e,ery a$s6er to this A'estio$ co$tai$e) a part o tr'th8 a$) this tr'th #athers stre$#th as ti/e ro""s o$9 I 6i"" try to prese$t be ore yo' the o't"i$e o the a$s6er that I ha,e #athere) ro/ the a$cie$t phi"osophers o I$)ia; i$ har/o$y 6ith /o)er$ 7$o6"e)#e9 We i$) that i$ this o")est o A'estio$s a e6 poi$ts ha) bee$ a"rea)y so",e)9 The irst is that there 6as a ti/e 6he$ there 6as D$either a'#ht $or $a'#htD8 6he$ this 6or") )i) $ot e=ist; o'r /other earth 6ith the seas a$) ocea$s8 the ri,ers8 a$) /o'$tai$s8 cities a$) ,i""a#es h'/a$ races8 a$i/a"s8 p"a$ts8 bir)s8 a$) p"a$ets a$) "'/i$aries8 a"" this i$ i$ite ,ariety o creatio$8 ha) $o e=iste$ce9 Are 6e s're o that@ We 6i"" try to trace ho6 this co$c"'sio$ is arri,e) at9 What )oes /a$ see aro'$) hi/@ Ta7e a "itt"e p"a$t9 >e p'ts a see) i$ the #ro'$)8 a$) "ater8 he i$)s a p"a$t peep o't8 "i t itse" s"o6"y abo,e the #ro'$)8 a$) #ro6 a$) #ro68 ti"" it beco/es a #i#a$tic tree9 The$ it )ies8 "ea,i$# o$"y the see)9 It co/p"etes the circ"e : it co/es o't o the see)8 beco/es the tree8 a$) e$)s i$ the see) a#ai$9 Coo7 at a bir)8 ho6 ro/ the e## it spri$#s8 "i,es its "i e8 a$) the$ )ies8 "ea,i$# other e##s8 see)s o 't're bir)s9 So 6ith the a$i/a"s8 so 6ith /a$9 E,erythi$# i$ $at're be#i$s8 as it 6ere8 ro/ certai$ see)s8 certai$ r')i/e$ts8 certai$ i$e or/s8 a$) beco/es #rosser a$) #rosser8 a$) )e,e"ops8 #oi$# o$ that 6ay or a certai$ ti/e8 a$) the$ a#ai$ #oes bac7 to that i$e or/8 a$) s'bsi)es9 The rai$)rop i$ 6hich the bea'ti '" s'$bea/ is p"ayi$# 6as )ra6$ i$ the or/ o ,apo'r ro/ the ocea$8 6e$t ar a6ay i$to the air8 a$) reache) a re#io$ 6here it cha$#e) i$to 6ater8 a$) )roppe) )o6$ i$ its prese$t or/ : to be co$,erte) i$to ,apo'r a#ai$9 So 6ith e,erythi$# i$ $at're by 6hich 6e are s'rro'$)e)9 We 7$o6 that the h'#e /o'$tai$s are bei$# 6or7e) 'po$ by #"aciers a$) ri,ers8 6hich are s"o6"y b't s're"y po'$)i$# the/ a$) p'",erisi$# the/ i$to sa$)8 that )ri ts a6ay i$to the ocea$ 6here it sett"es )o6$ o$ its be)8 "ayer a ter "ayer8 beco/i$# har) as roc7s8 o$ce /ore to be heape) 'p i$to /o'$tai$s o a 't're #e$eratio$9 A#ai$ they 6i"" be po'$)e) a$) p'",erise)8 a$) th's the co'rse #oes o$9 .ro/ sa$) rise these /o'$tai$s; '$to sa$) they #o9 I it be tr'e that $at're is '$i or/ thro'#ho't8 i it be tr'e8 a$) so ar $o h'/a$ e=perie$ce has co$tra)icte) it8 that the sa/e /etho) '$)er 6hich a s/a"" #rai$ o sa$) is create)8 6or7s i$ creati$# the #i#a$tic s'$s a$) stars a$) a"" this '$i,erse8 i it be tr'e that the 6ho"e o this '$i,erse is b'i"t o$ e=act"y the sa/e p"a$ as the ato/8 i it be tr'e that the sa/e "a6 pre,ai"s thro'#ho't the '$i,erse8 the$8 as it has bee$ sai) i$ the Ve)as8 DK$o6i$# o$e "'/p o c"ay 6e 7$o6 the $at're o a"" the c"ay that is i$ the '$i,erse9D Ta7e 'p a "itt"e p"a$t a$) st')y its "i e8 a$) 6e 7$o6 the '$i,erse as it is9 I 6e 7$o6 o$e #rai$ o sa$)8 6e '$)ersta$) the secret o the 6ho"e '$i,erse9 App"yi$# this co'rse o reaso$i$# to phe$o/e$a8 6e i$)8 i$ the irst p"ace8 that e,erythi$# is

a"/ost si/i"ar at the be#i$$i$# a$) the e$)9 The /o'$tai$ co/es ro/ the sa$)8 a$) #oes bac7 to the sa$); the ri,er co/es o't o ,apo'r8 a$) #oes bac7 to ,apo'r; p"a$t "i e co/es ro/ the see)8 a$) #oes bac7 to the see); h'/a$ "i e co/es o't o h'/a$ #er/s8 a$) #oes bac7 to h'/a$ #er/s9 The '$i,erse 6ith its stars a$) p"a$ets has co/e o't o a $eb'"o's state a$) /'st #o bac7 to it9 What )o 6e "ear$ ro/ this@ That the /a$i este) or the #rosser state is the e ect8 a$) the i$er state the ca'se9 Tho'sa$)s o years a#o8 it 6as )e/o$strate) by Kapi"a8 the #reat ather o a"" phi"osophy8 that )estr'ctio$ /ea$s #oi$# bac7 to the ca'se9 I this tab"e here is )estroye)8 it 6i"" #o bac7 to its ca'se8 to those i$e or/s a$) partic"es 6hich8 co/bi$e)8 /a)e this or/ 6hich 6e ca"" a tab"e9 I a /a$ )ies8 he 6i"" #o bac7 to the e"e/e$ts 6hich #a,e hi/ his bo)y; i this earth )ies8 it 6i"" #o bac7 to the e"e/e$ts 6hich #a,e it or/9 This is 6hat is ca""e) )estr'ctio$8 #oi$# bac7 to the ca'se9 There ore 6e "ear$ that the e ect is the sa/e as the ca'se8 $ot )i ere$t9 It is o$"y i$ a$other or/9 This #"ass is a$ e ect8 a$) it ha) its ca'se8 a$) this ca'se is prese$t i$ this or/9 A certai$ a/o'$t o the /ateria" ca""e) #"ass p"'s the orce i$ the ha$)s o the /a$' act'rer8 are the ca'ses8 the i$str'/e$ta" a$) the /ateria"8 6hich8 co/bi$e)8 pro)'ce) this or/ ca""e) a #"ass9 The orce 6hich 6as i$ the ha$)s o the /a$' act'rer is prese$t i$ the #"ass as the po6er o a)hesio$8 6itho't 6hich the partic"es 6o'") a"" apart; a$) the #"ass /ateria" is a"so prese$t9 The #"ass is o$"y a /a$i estatio$ o these i$e ca'ses i$ a $e6 shape8 a$) i it be bro7e$ to pieces8 the orce 6hich 6as prese$t i$ the or/ o a)hesio$ 6i"" #o bac7 a$) <oi$ its o6$ e"e/e$t8 a$) the partic"es o #"ass 6i"" re/ai$ the sa/e '$ti" they ta7e $e6 or/s9 Th's 6e i$) that the e ect is $e,er )i ere$t ro/ the ca'se9 It is o$"y that this e ect is a repro)'ctio$ o the ca'se i$ a #rosser or/9 Ne=t8 6e "ear$ that a"" these partic'"ar or/s 6hich 6e ca"" p"a$ts8 a$i/a"s8 or /e$ are bei$# repeate) ad infinitum, risi$# a$) a""i$#9 The see) pro)'ces the tree9 The tree pro)'ces the see)8 6hich a#ai$ co/es 'p as a$other tree8 a$) so o$ a$) o$; there is $o e$) to it9 Water-)rops ro"" )o6$ the /o'$tai$s i$to the ocea$8 a$) rise a#ai$ as ,apo'r8 #o bac7 to the /o'$tai$s a$) a#ai$ co/e )o6$ to the ocea$9 So8 risi$# a$) a""i$#8 the cyc"e #oes o$9 So 6ith a"" "i,es8 so 6ith a"" e=iste$ce that 6e ca$ see8 ee"8 hear8 or i/a#i$e9 E,erythi$# that is 6ithi$ the bo'$)s o o'r 7$o6"e)#e is procee)i$# i$ the sa/e 6ay8 "i7e breathi$# i$ a$) breathi$# o't i$ the h'/a$ bo)y9 E,erythi$# i$ creatio$ #oes o$ i$ this or/8 o$e 6a,e risi$#8 a$other a""i$#8 risi$# a#ai$8 a""i$# a#ai$9 Each 6a,e has its ho""o68 each ho""o6 has its 6a,e9 The sa/e "a6 /'st app"y to the '$i,erse ta7e$ as a 6ho"e8 beca'se o its '$i or/ity9 This '$i,erse /'st be reso",e) i$to its ca'ses; the s'$8 /oo$8 stars8 a$) earth8 the bo)y a$) /i$)8 a$) e,erythi$# i$ this '$i,erse /'st ret'r$ to their i$er ca'ses8 )isappear8 be )estroye) as it 6ere9 5't they 6i"" "i,e i$ the ca'ses as i$e or/s9 O't o these i$e or/s they 6i"" e/er#e a#ai$ as $e6 earths8 s'$s8 /oo$s8 a$) stars9 There is o$e act /ore to "ear$ abo't this risi$# a$) a""i$#9 The see) co/es o't o the tree; it )oes $ot i//e)iate"y beco/e a tree8 b't has a perio) o i$acti,ity8 or rather8 a perio) o ,ery i$e '$/a$i este) actio$9 The see) has to 6or7 or so/e ti/e be$eath the soi"9 It brea7s i$to pieces8 )e#e$erates as it 6ere8 a$) re#e$eratio$ co/es o't o that )e#e$eratio$9 I$ the be#i$$i$#8 the 6ho"e o this '$i,erse has to 6or7 "i7e6ise or a perio) i$ that /i$'te or/8 '$see$ a$) '$/a$i este)8 6hich is ca""e) chaos8 a$); o't o that co/es a $e6 pro<ectio$9 The 6ho"e perio) o o$e /a$i estatio$ o this '$i,erse : its #oi$# )o6$ i$to the i$er or/8 re/ai$i$# there or so/e ti/e8 a$) co/i$# o't a#ai$ : is8 i$ Sa$s7rit8 ca""e) a Ka"pa or a Cyc"e9 Ne=t co/es a ,ery i/porta$t A'estio$ especia""y or /o)er$; ti/es9 We see that the i$er or/s )e,e"op s"o6"y a$) s"o6"y8 a$) #ra)'a""y beco/es #rosser a$) #rosser9 We ha,e see$ that the ca'se is the sa/e as the e ect8 a$) the e ect is o$"y the ca'se i$ a$other or/9 There ore this 6ho"e '$i,erse ca$$ot be pro)'ce) o't o $othi$#9 Nothi$# co/es 6itho't a ca'se8 a$) the ca'se is the e ect i$ a$other or/9 O't o 6hat has this '$i,erse bee$ pro)'ce) the$@ .ro/ a prece)i$# i$e '$i,erse9 O't o 6hat has /e$ bee$ pro)'ce)@ The prece)i$# i$e or/9 O't o 6hat has the tree bee$ pro)'ce)@ O't o the see); the 6ho"e o the tree 6as there i$ the see)9 It co/es o't a$) beco/es /a$i est9 So8 the 6ho"e o this '$i,erse has bee$ create) o't o this ,ery '$i,erse e=isti$# i$ a /i$'te or/9 It has bee$ /a)e /a$i est $o69 It 6i"" #o bac7 to that /i$'te or/8 a$) a#ai$ 6i"" be /a)e /a$i est9 No6 6e i$) that the i$e or/s s"o6"y co/e o't a$) beco/e #rosser a$) #rosser '$ti" they reach their "i/it8

a$) 6he$ they reach their "i/it they #o bac7 'rther a$) 'rther8 beco/i$# i$er a$) i$er a#ai$9 This co/i$# o't o the i$e a$) beco/i$# #ross8 si/p"y cha$#i$# the arra$#e/e$ts o its parts8 as it 6ere8 is 6hat i$ /o)er$ ti/es ca""e) e,o"'tio$9 This is ,ery tr'e8 per ect"y tr'e; 6e see it i$ o'r "i,es9 No ratio$a" /a$ ca$ possib"y A'arre" 6ith these e,o"'tio$ists9 5't 6e ha,e to "ear$ o$e thi$# /ore9 We ha,e to #o o$e step 'rther8 a$) 6hat is that@ That e,ery e,o"'tio$ is prece)e) by a$ i$,o"'tio$9 The see) is the ather o the tree8 b't a$other tree 6as itse" the ather o the see)9 The see) is the i$e or/ o't o 6hich the bi# tree co/es8 a$) a$other bi# tree 6as the or/ 6hich is i$,o",e) i$ that see)9 The 6ho"e o this '$i,erse 6as prese$t i$ the cos/ic i$e '$i,erse9 The "itt"e ce""8 6hich beco/es a ter6ar)s the /a$8 6as si/p"y the i$,o",e) /a$ a$) beco/es e,o",e) as a /a$9 I this is c"ear8 6e ha,e $o A'arre" 6ith the e,o"'tio$ists8 or 6e see that i they a)/it this step8 i$stea) o their )estroyi$# re"i#io$8 they 6i"" be the #reatest s'pporters o it9 We see the$8 that $othi$# ca$ be create) o't o $othi$#9 E,erythi$# e=ists thro'#h eter$ity8 a$) 6i"" e=ist thro'#h eter$ity9 O$"y the /o,e/e$t is i$ s'ccee)i$# 6a,es a$) ho""o6s8 #oi$# bac7 to i$e or/s8 a$) co/i$# o't i$to #ross /a$i estatio$s9 This i$,o"'tio$ a$) e,o"'tio$ is #oi$# o$ thro'#ho't the 6ho"e o $at're9 The 6ho"e series o e,o"'tio$ be#i$$i$# 6ith the "o6est /a$i estatio$ o "i e a$) reachi$# 'p to the hi#hest8 the /ost per ect /a$8 /'st ha,e bee$ the i$,o"'tio$ o so/ethi$# e"se9 The A'estio$ is4 The i$,o"'tio$ o 6hat@ What 6as i$,o",e)@ Go)9 The e,o"'tio$ist 6i"" te"" yo' that yo'r i)ea that it 6as Go) is 6ro$#9 Why@ 5eca'se yo' see Go) is i$te""i#e$t8 b't 6e i$) that i$te""i#e$ce )e,e"ops /'ch "ater o$ i$ the co'rse o e,o"'tio$9 It is i$ /a$ a$) the hi#her a$i/a"s that 6e i$) i$te""i#e$ce8 b't /i""io$s o years ha,e passe) i$ this 6or") be ore this i$te""i#e$ce ca/e9 This ob<ectio$ o the e,o"'tio$ists )oes $ot ho") 6ater8 as 6e sha"" see by app"yi$# o'r theory9 The tree co/es o't o the see)8 #oes bac7 to the see); the be#i$$i$# a$) the e$) are the sa/e9 The earth co/es o't o its ca'se a$) ret'r$s to it9 We 7$o6 that i 6e ca$ i$) the be#i$$i$# 6e ca$ i$) the e$)9 & converso8 i 6e i$) the e$) 6e ca$ i$) the be#i$$i$#9 I that is so8 ta7e this 6ho"e e,o"'tio$ary series8 ro/ the protop"as/ at o$e e$) to the per ect /a$ at the other8 a$) this 6ho"e series is o$e "i e9 I$ the e$) 6e i$) the per ect /a$8 so i$ the be#i$$i$# it /'st ha,e bee$ the sa/e9 There ore8 the protop"as/ 6as the i$,o"'tio$ o the hi#hest i$te""i#e$ce9 Yo' /ay $ot see it b't that i$,o",e) i$te""i#e$ce is 6hat is '$coi"i$# itse" '$ti" it beco/es /a$i este) i$ the /ost per ect /a$9 That ca$ be /athe/atica""y )e/o$strate)9 I the "a6 o co$ser,atio$ o e$er#y is tr'e8 yo' ca$$ot #et a$ythi$# o't o a /achi$e '$"ess yo' p't it i$ there irst9 The a/o'$t o 6or7 that yo' #et o't o a$ e$#i$e is e=act"y the sa/e as yo' ha,e p't i$to it i$ the or/ o 6ater a$) coa"8 $either /ore $or "ess9 The 6or7 I a/ )oi$# $o6 is <'st 6hat I p't i$to /e8 i$ the shape o air8 oo)8 a$) other thi$#s9 It is o$"y a A'estio$ o cha$#e a$) /a$i estatio$9 There ca$$ot be a))e) i$ the eco$o/y o this '$i,erse o$e partic"e o /atter or o$e oot-po'$) o orce8 $or ca$ o$e partic"e o /atter or o$e oot-po'$) o orce be ta7e$ o't9 I that be the case8 6hat is this i$te""i#e$ce@ I it 6as $ot prese$t i$ the protop"as/8 it /'st ha,e co/e a"" o a s'))e$8 so/ethi$# co/i$# o't o $othi$#8 6hich is abs'r)9 It8 there ore8 o""o6s abso"'te"y that the per ect /a$8 the ree /a$8 the Go)-/a$8 6ho has #o$e beyo$) the "a6s o $at're8 a$) tra$sce$)e) e,erythi$#8 6ho has $o /ore to #o thro'#h this process o e,o"'tio$8 thro'#h birth a$) )eath8 that /a$ ca""e) the DChrist-/a$D by the Christia$s8 a$) the D5'))ha-/a$D by the 5'))hists8 a$) the D.reeD by the Yo#is : that per ect /a$ 6ho is at o$e e$) o the chai$ o e,o"'tio$ 6as i$,o",e) i$ the ce"" o the protop"as/8 6hich is at the other e$) o the sa/e chai$9 App"yi$# the sa/e reaso$ to the 6ho"e o the '$i,erse8 6e see that i$te""i#e$ce /'st be the Cor) o creatio$8 the ca'se9 What is the /ost e,o",e) $otio$ that /a$ has o this '$i,erse@ It is i$te""i#e$ce8 the a)<'st/e$t o part to part8 the )isp"ay o i$te""i#e$ce8 o 6hich the a$cie$t )esi#$ theory 6as a$ atte/pt at e=pressio$9 The be#i$$i$# 6as8 there ore8 i$te""i#e$ce9 At the be#i$$i$# that i$te""i#e$ce beco/es i$,o",e)8 a$) i$ the e$) that i$te""i#e$ce #ets e,o",e)9 The s'/ tota" o the i$te""i#e$ce )isp"aye) i$ the '$i,erse /'st8 there ore8 be the i$,o",e) '$i,ersa" i$te""i#e$ce '$ o")i$# itse" 9 This '$i,ersa" i$te""i#e$ce is 6hat 6e ca"" Go)9 Ca"" it by a$y other $a/e8 it is abso"'te"y certai$ that i$ the be#i$$i$# there is that I$ i$ite cos/ic i$te""i#e$ce9 This cos/ic i$te""i#e$ce #ets i$,o",e)8 a$) it /a$i ests8 e,o",es itse" 8 '$ti" it beco/es the per ect /a$8 the DChrist-/a$8D the

D5'))ha-/a$9D The$ it #oes bac7 to its o6$ so'rce9 That is 6hy a"" the script'res say8 DI$ >i/ 6e "i,e a$) /o,e a$) ha,e o'r bei$#9D That is 6hy a"" the script'res preach that 6e co/e ro/ Go) a$) #o bac7 to Go)9 Do $ot be ri#hte$e) by theo"o#ica" ter/s; i ter/s ri#hte$ yo'8 yo' are $ot it to be phi"osophers9 This cos/ic i$te""i#e$ce is 6hat the theo"o#ia$s ca"" Go)9 I ha,e bee$ as7e) /a$y ti/es8 DWhy )o yo' 'se that o") 6or)8 Go)@ D 5eca'se it is the best 6or) or o'r p'rpose; yo' ca$$ot i$) a better 6or) tha$ that8 beca'se a"" the hopes8 aspiratio$s8 a$) happi$ess o h'/a$ity ha,e bee$ ce$tre) i$ that 6or)9 It is i/possib"e $o6 to cha$#e the 6or)9 Wor)s "i7e these 6ere irst coi$e) by #reat sai$ts 6ho rea"ise) their i/port a$) '$)erstoo) their /ea$i$#9 5't as they beco/e c'rre$t i$ society8 i#$ora$t peop"e ta7e these 6or)s8 a$) the res'"t is that they "ose their spirit a$) #"ory9 The 6or) Go) has bee$ 'se) ro/ ti/e i//e/oria"8 a$) the i)ea o this cos/ic i$te""i#e$ce8 a$) a"" that is #reat a$) ho"y8 is associate) 6ith it9 Do yo' /ea$ to say that beca'se so/e oo" says it is $ot a"" ri#ht8 6e sho'") thro6 it a6ay@ A$other /a$ /ay co/e a$) say8 DTa7e /y 6or)8D a$) a$other a#ai$8 DTa7e my 6or)9D So there 6i"" be $o e$) to oo"ish 6or)s9 3se the o") 6or)8 o$"y 'se it i$ the tr'e spirit8 c"ea$se it o s'perstitio$8 a$) rea"ise '""y 6hat this #reat a$cie$t 6or) /ea$s9 I yo' '$)ersta$) the po6er o the "a6s o associatio$8 yo' 6i"" 7$o6 that these 6or)s are associate) 6ith i$$'/erab"e /a<estic a$) po6er '" i)eas; they ha,e bee$ 'se) a$) 6orshippe) by /i""io$s o h'/a$ so'"s a$) associate) by the/ 6ith a"" that is hi#hest a$) best8 a"" that is ratio$a"8 a"" that is "o,ab"e8 a$) a"" that is #reat a$) #ra$) i$ h'/a$ $at're9 A$) they co/e as s'##estio$s o these associatio$s8 a$) ca$$ot be #i,e$ 'p9 I I trie) to e=press a"" these by o$"y te""i$# yo' that Go) create) the '$i,erse8 it 6o'") ha,e co$,eye) $o /ea$i$# to yo'9 Yet8 a ter a"" this str'##"e8 6e ha,e co/e bac7 to >i/8 the A$cie$t a$) S'pre/e O$e9 We $o6 see that a"" the ,ario's or/s o cos/ic e$er#y8 s'ch as /atter8 tho'#ht8 orce8 i$te""i#e$ce a$) so orth8 are si/p"y the /a$i estatio$s o that cos/ic i$te""i#e$ce8 or8 as 6e sha"" ca"" it he$ce orth8 the S'pre/e Cor)9 E,erythi$# that yo' see8 ee"8 or hear8 the 6ho"e '$i,erse8 is >is creatio$8 or to be a "itt"e /ore acc'rate8 is >is pro<ectio$; or to be sti"" /ore acc'rate8 is the Cor) >i/se" 9 It is >e 6ho is shi$i$# as the s'$ a$) the stars8 >e is the /other earth9 >e is the ocea$ >i/se" 9 >e co/es as #e$t"e sho6ers8 >e is the #e$t"e air that 6e breathe i$8 a$) >e it is 6ho is 6or7i$# as orce i$ the bo)y9 >e is the speech that is 'ttere)8 >e is the /a$ 6ho is ta"7i$#9 >e is the a')ie$ce that is here9 >e is the p"at or/ o$ 6hich I sta$)8 >e is the "i#ht that e$ab"es /e to see yo'r aces9 It is a"" >e9 >e >i/se" is both the /ateria" a$) the e icie$t ca'se o this '$i,erse8 a$) >e it is that #ets i$,o",e) i$ the /i$'te ce""8 a$) e,o",es at the other e$) a$) beco/es Go) a#ai$9 >e it is that co/es )o6$ a$) beco/es the "o6est ato/8 a$) s"o6"y '$ o")i$# >is $at're8 re<oi$s >i/se" 9 This is the /ystery o the '$i,erse9 DTho' art the /a$8 Tho' art the 6o/a$8 Tho' art the stro$# /a$ 6a"7i$# i$ the pri)e o yo'th8 Tho' art the o") /a$ totteri$# o$ cr'tches8 Tho' art i$ e,erythi$#9 Tho' art e,erythi$#8 O Cor)9D This is the o$"y so"'tio$ o the Cos/os that satis ies the h'/a$ i$te""ect9 I$ o$e 6or)8 6e are bor$ o >i/8 6e "i,e i$ >i/8 a$) '$to >i/ 6e ret'r$9

CHAPTER XI THE COSMOS T>E MIC!OCOSM The h'/a$ /i$) $at'ra""y 6a$ts to #et o'tsi)e8 to peer o't o the bo)y8 as it 6ere8 thro'#h the cha$$e"s o the or#a$s9 The eye /'st see8 the ear /'st hear8 the se$ses /'st se$se the e=ter$a" 6or") : a$) $at'ra""y the bea'ties a$) s'b"i/ities o $at're capti,ate the atte$tio$ o /a$ irst9 The irst A'estio$s that arose i$ the h'/a$ so'" 6ere abo't the e=ter$a" 6or")9 The so"'tio$ o the /ystery 6as as7e) o the s7y8 o the stars8 o the hea,e$"y bo)ies8 o the earth8 o the ri,ers8 o the /o'$tai$s8 o the ocea$; a$) i$ a"" a$cie$t re"i#io$s 6e i$) traces o ho6 the #ropi$# h'/a$ /i$) at irst ca'#ht at e,erythi$# e=ter$a"9 There 6as a ri,er-#o)8 a s7y-#o)8 a c"o')-#o)8 a rai$-#o); e,erythi$# e=ter$a"8 a"" o 6hich 6e $o6 ca"" the po6ers o $at're8 beca/e /eta/orphose)8 tra$s i#'re)8 i$to 6i""s8 i$to #o)s8 i$to hea,e$"y /esse$#ers9 As the A'estio$ 6e$t )eeper a$) )eeper8 these e=ter$a" /a$i estatio$s ai"e) to satis y the h'/a$ /i$)8 a$) i$a""y the e$er#y t'r$e) i$6ar)8 a$) the A'estio$ 6as as7e) o /a$Es o6$ so'"9 .ro/ the /acrocos/ the A'estio$ 6as re "ecte) bac7 to the /icrocos/; ro/ the e=ter$a" 6or") the A'estio$ 6as re "ecte) to the i$ter$a"9 .ro/ a$a"ysi$# the e=ter$a" $at're8 /a$ is "e) to a$a"yse the i$ter$a"; this A'estio$i$# o the i$ter$a" /a$ co/es 6ith a hi#her state o ci,i"isatio$8 6ith a )eeper i$si#ht i$to $at're8 6ith a hi#her state o #ro6th9 The s'b<ect o )isc'ssio$ this a ter$oo$ is this i$ter$a" /a$9 No A'estio$ is so $ear a$) )ear to /a$Es heart as that o the i$ter$a" /a$9 >o6 /a$y /i""io$s o ti/es8 i$ ho6 /a$y co'$tries has this A'estio$ bee$ as7e)G Sa#es a$) 7i$#s8 rich a$) poor8 sai$ts a$) si$$ers8 e,ery /a$8 e,ery 6o/a$8 a"" ha,e ro/ ti/e to ti/e as7e) this A'estio$9 Is there $othi$# per/a$e$t i$ this e,a$esce$t h'/a$ "i e@ Is there $othi$#8 they ha,e as7e)8 6hich )oes $ot )ie a6ay 6he$ this bo)y )ies@ Is there $ot so/ethi$# "i,i$# 6he$ this ra/e cr'/b"es i$to )'st@ Is there $ot so/ethi$# 6hich s'r,i,es the ire 6hich b'r$s the bo)y i$to ashes@ A$) i so8 6hat is its )esti$y@ Where )oes it #o@ Whe$ce )i) it co/e@ These A'estio$s ha,e bee$ as7e) a#ai$ a$) a#ai$8 a$) so "o$# as this creatio$ "asts8 so "o$# as there are h'/a$ brai$s to thi$78 this A'estio$ 6i"" ha,e to be as7e)9 Yet8 it is $ot that the a$s6er )i) $ot co/e; each ti/e the a$s6er ca/e8 a$) as ti/e ro""s o$8 the a$s6er 6i"" #ai$ stre$#th /ore a$) /ore9 The A'estio$ 6as a$s6ere) o$ce or a"" tho'sa$)s o years a#o8 a$) thro'#h a"" s'bseA'e$t ti/e it is bei$# restate)8 rei""'strate)8 /a)e c"earer to o'r i$te""ect9 What 6e ha,e to )o8 there ore8 is to /a7e a restate/e$t o the a$s6er9 We )o $ot prete$) to thro6 a$y $e6 "i#ht o$ those a""-absorbi$# prob"e/s8 b't o$"y to p't be ore yo' the a$cie$t tr'th i$ the "a$#'a#e o /o)er$ ti/es8 to spea7 the tho'#hts o the a$cie$ts i$ the "a$#'a#e o the /o)er$s8 to spea7 the tho'#hts o the phi"osophers i$ the "a$#'a#e o the peop"e8 to spea7 the tho'#hts o the a$#e"s i$ the "a$#'a#e o /a$8 to spea7 the tho'#hts o Go) i$ the "a$#'a#e o poor h'/a$ity8 so that /a$ 6i"" '$)ersta$) the/; or the sa/e )i,i$e esse$ce ro/ 6hich the i)eas e/a$ate) is e,er prese$t i$ /a$8 a$)8 there ore8 he ca$ a"6ays '$)ersta$) the/9 I a/ "oo7i$# at yo'9 >o6 /a$y thi$#s are $ecessary or this ,isio$@ .irst8 the eyes9 .or i I a/ per ect i$ e,ery other 6ay8 a$) yet ha,e $o eyes8 I sha"" $ot be ab"e to see yo'9 Seco$)"y8 the rea" or#a$ o ,isio$9 .or the eyes are $ot the or#a$s9 They are b't the i$str'/e$ts o ,isio$8 a$) behi$) the/ is the rea" or#a$8 the $er,e ce$tre i$ the brai$9 I that ce$tre be i$<'re)8 a /a$ /ay ha,e the c"earest pair o eyes8 yet he 6i"" $ot be ab"e to see a$ythi$#9 So8 it is $ecessary that this ce$tre8 or the rea" or#a$8 be there9 Th's8 6ith a"" o'r se$ses9 The e=ter$a" ear is b't the i$str'/e$t or carryi$# the ,ibratio$ o so'$) i$6ar) to the ce$tre9 Yet8 that is $ot s' icie$t9 S'ppose i$ yo'r "ibrary yo' are i$te$t"y rea)i$# a boo78 a$) the c"oc7 stri7es8 yet yo' )o $ot hear it9 The so'$) is there8 the p'"satio$s i$ the air are there8 the ear a$) the ce$tre are a"so there8 a$) these ,ibratio$s ha,e bee$

carrie) thro'#h the ear to the ce$tre8 a$) yet yo' )o $ot hear it9 What is 6a$ti$#@ The /i$) is $ot there9 Th's 6e see that the thir) thi$# $ecessary is8 that the /i$) /'st be there9 .irst the e=ter$a" i$str'/e$ts8 the$ the or#a$ to 6hich this e=ter$a" i$str'/e$t 6i"" carry the se$satio$8 a$) "ast"y the or#a$ itse" /'st be <oi$e) to the /i$)9 Whe$ the /i$) is $ot <oi$e) to the or#a$8 the or#a$ a$) the ear /ay ta7e the i/pressio$8 a$) yet 6e sha"" $ot be co$scio's o it9 The /i$)8 too8 is o$"y the carrier; it has to carry the se$satio$ sti"" or6ar)8 a$) prese$t it to the i$te""ect9 The i$te""ect is the )eter/i$i$# ac'"ty a$) )eci)es 'po$ 6hat is bro'#ht to it9 Sti"" this is $ot s' icie$t9 The i$te""ect /'st carry it or6ar) a$) prese$t the 6ho"e thi$# be ore the r'"er i$ the bo)y8 the h'/a$ so'"8 the 7i$# o$ the thro$e9 5e ore hi/ this is prese$te)8 a$) the$ ro/ hi/ co/es the or)er8 6hat to )o or 6hat $ot to )o; a$) the or)er #oes )o6$ i$ the sa/e seA'e$ce to the i$te""ect8 to the /i$)8 to the or#a$s8 a$) the or#a$s co$,ey it to the i$str'/e$ts8 a$) the perceptio$ is co/p"ete9 The i$str'/e$ts are i$ the e=ter$a" bo)y8 the #ross bo)y o /a$; b't the /i$) a$) the i$te""ect are $ot9 They are i$ 6hat is ca""e) i$ >i$)' phi"osophy the i$er bo)y; a$) 6hat i$ Christia$ theo"o#y yo' rea) o as the spirit'a" bo)y o /a$; i$er8 ,ery /'ch i$er tha$ the bo)y8 a$) yet $ot the so'"9 This so'" is beyo$) the/ a""9 The e=ter$a" bo)y perishes i$ a e6 years; a$y si/p"e ca'se /ay )ist'rb a$) )estroy it9 The i$er bo)y is $ot so easi"y perishab"e; yet it so/eti/es )e#e$erates8 a$) at other ti/es beco/es stro$#9 We see ho68 i$ the o") /a$8 the /i$) "oses its stre$#th8 ho68 6he$ the bo)y is ,i#oro's8 the /i$) beco/es ,i#oro's8 ho6 ,ario's /e)ici$es a$) )r'#s a ect it8 ho6 e,erythi$# e=ter$a" acts o$ it8 a$) ho6 it reacts o$ the e=ter$a" 6or")9 J'st as the bo)y has its pro#ress a$) )eca)e$ce8 so a"so has the /i$)8 a$)8 there ore8 the /i$) is $ot the so'"8 beca'se the so'" ca$ $either )ecay $or )e#e$erate9 >o6 ca$ 6e 7$o6 that@ >o6 ca$ 6e 7$o6 that there is so/ethi$# behi$) this /i$)@ 5eca'se 7$o6"e)#e 6hich is se" -i""'/i$ati$# a$) the basis o i$te""i#e$ce ca$$ot be"o$# to )'""8 )ea) /atter9 Ne,er 6as see$ a$y #ross /atter 6hich ha) i$te""i#e$ce as its o6$ esse$ce9 No )'"" or )ea) /atter ca$ i""'/i$e itse" 9 It is i$te""i#e$ce that i""'/i$es a"" /atter9 This ha"" is here o$"y thro'#h i$te""i#e$ce beca'se8 as a ha""8 its e=iste$ce 6o'") be '$7$o6$ '$"ess so/e i$te""i#e$ce b'i"t it9 This bo)y is $ot se" -"'/i$o's; i it 6ere8 it 6o'") be so i$ a )ea) /a$ a"so9 Neither ca$ the /i$) $or the spirit'a" bo)y be se" -"'/i$o's9 They are $ot o the esse$ce o i$te""i#e$ce9 That 6hich is se" -"'/i$o's ca$$ot )ecay9 The "'/i$osity o that 6hich shi$es thro'#h a borro6e) "i#ht co/es a$) #oes; b't that 6hich is "i#ht itse" 8 6hat ca$ /a7e that co/e a$) #o8 "o'rish a$) )ecay@ We see that the /oo$ 6a=es a$) 6a$es8 beca'se it shi$es thro'#h the borro6e) "i#ht o the s'$9 I a "'/p o iro$ is p't i$to the ire a$) /a)e re)-hot8 it #"o6s a$) shi$es8 b't its "i#ht 6i"" ,a$ish8 beca'se it is borro6e)9 So8 )eca)e$ce is possib"e o$"y o that "i#ht 6hich is borro6e) a$) is $ot o its o6$ esse$ce9 No6 6e see that the bo)y8 the e=ter$a" shape8 has $o "i#ht as its o6$ esse$ce8 is $ot se" -"'/i$o's8 a$) ca$$ot 7$o6 itse" ; $either ca$ the /i$)9 Why $ot@ 5eca'se the /i$) 6a=es a$) 6a$es8 beca'se it is ,i#oro's at o$e ti/e a$) 6ea7 at a$other8 beca'se it ca$ be acte) 'po$ by a$ythi$# a$) e,erythi$#9 There ore the "i#ht 6hich shi$es thro'#h the /i$) is $ot its o6$9 Whose is it the$@ It /'st be"o$# to that 6hich has it as its o6$ esse$ce8 a$) as s'ch8 ca$ $e,er )ecay or )ie8 $e,er beco/e stro$#er or 6ea7er; it is se" -"'/i$o's8 it is "'/i$osity itse" 9 It ca$$ot be that the so'" 7$o6s8 it is 7$o6"e)#e9 It ca$$ot be that the so'" has e=iste$ce8 b't it is e=iste$ce9 It ca$$ot be that the so'" is happy8 it is happi$ess itse" 9 That 6hich is happy has borro6e) its happi$ess; that 6hich has 7$o6"e)#e has recei,e) its 7$o6"e)#e; a$) that 6hich has re"ati,e e=iste$ce has o$"y a re "ecte) e=iste$ce9 Where,er there are A'a"ities these A'a"ities ha,e bee$ re "ecte) 'po$ the s'bsta$ce8 b't the so'" has $ot 7$o6"e)#e8 e=iste$ce8 a$) b"esse)$ess as its A'a"ities8 they are the esse$ce o the so'"9 A#ai$8 it /ay be as7e)8 6hy sha"" 6e ta7e this or #ra$te)@ Why sha"" 6e a)/it that the so'" has 7$o6"e)#e8 b"esse)$ess8 e=iste$ce8 as its esse$ce8 a$) has $ot borro6e) the/@ It /ay be ar#'e)8 6hy $ot say that the so'"Es "'/i$osity8 the so'"Es b"esse)$ess8 the so'"Es 7$o6"e)#e8 are borro6e) i$ the sa/e 6ay as the "'/i$osity o the bo)y is borro6e) ro/ the /i$)@ The a""acy o ar#'i$# i$ this 6ay 6i"" be that there 6i"" be $o "i/it9 .ro/ 6ho/ 6ere these borro6e)@ I 6e say ro/ so/e other so'rce8 the sa/e A'estio$ 6i"" be as7e) a#ai$9 So8 at "ast 6e sha"" ha,e to co/e to o$e 6ho is

se" -"'/i$o's; to /a7e /atters short the$8 the "o#ica" 6ay is to stop 6here 6e #et se" -"'/i$osity8 a$) procee) $o 'rther9 We see8 the$8 that this h'/a$ bei$# is co/pose) irst o this e=ter$a" co,eri$#8 the bo)y; seco$)"y8 the i$er bo)y8 co$sisti$# o /i$)8 i$te""ect8 a$) e#ois/9 5ehi$) the/ is the rea" Se" o /a$9 We ha,e see$ that a"" the A'a"ities a$) po6ers o the #ross bo)y are borro6e) ro/ the /i$)8 a$) the /i$)8 the i$er bo)y8 borro6s its po6ers a$) "'/i$osity ro/ the so'"8 sta$)i$# behi$)9 A #reat /a$y A'estio$s $o6 arise abo't the $at're o this so'"9 I the e=iste$ce o the so'" is )ra6$ ro/ the ar#'/e$t that it is se" -"'/i$o's8 that 7$o6"e)#e8 e=iste$ce8 b"esse)$ess are its esse$ce8 it $at'ra""y o""o6s that this so'" ca$$ot ha,e bee$ create)9 A se" -"'/i$o's e=iste$ce8 i$)epe$)e$t o a$y other e=iste$ce8 co'") $e,er ha,e bee$ the o'tco/e o a$ythi$#9 It a"6ays e=iste); there 6as $e,er a ti/e 6he$ it )i) $ot e=ist8 beca'se i the so'" )i) $ot e=ist8 6here 6as ti/e@ Ti/e is i$ the so'"; it is 6he$ the so'" re "ects its po6ers o$ the /i$) a$) the /i$) thi$7s8 that ti/e co/es9 Whe$ there 6as $o so'"8 certai$"y there 6as $o tho'#ht8 a$) 6itho't tho'#ht8 there 6as $o ti/e9 >o6 ca$ the so'"8 there ore8 be sai) to be e=isti$# i$ ti/e8 6he$ ti/e itse" e=ists i$ the so'"@ It has $either birth $or )eath8 b't it is passi$# thro'#h a"" these ,ario's sta#es9 It is /a$i esti$# s"o6"y a$) #ra)'a""y ro/ "o6er to hi#her8 a$) so o$9 It is e=pressi$# its o6$ #ra$)e'r8 6or7i$# thro'#h the /i$) o$ the bo)y; a$) thro'#h the bo)y it is #raspi$# the e=ter$a" 6or") a$) '$)ersta$)i$# it9 It ta7es 'p a bo)y a$) 'ses it; a$) 6he$ that bo)y has ai"e) a$) is 'se) 'p8 it ta7es a$other bo)y; a$) so o$ it #oes9 >ere co/es a ,ery i$teresti$# A'estio$8 that A'estio$ 6hich is #e$era""y 7$o6$ as the rei$car$atio$ o the so'"9 So/eti/es peop"e #et ri#hte$e) at the i)ea8 a$) s'perstitio$ is so stro$# that thi$7i$# /e$ e,e$ be"ie,e that they are the o'tco/e o $othi$#8 a$) the$8 6ith the #ra$)est "o#ic8 try to )e)'ce the theory that a"tho'#h they ha,e co/e o't o Fero8 they 6i"" be eter$a" e,er a ter6ar)s9 Those that co/e o't o Fero 6i"" certai$"y ha,e to #o bac7 to Fero9 Neither yo'8 $or I $or a$yo$e prese$t8 has co/e o't o Fero8 $or 6i"" #o bac7 to Fero9 We ha,e bee$ e=isti$# eter$a""y8 a$) 6i"" e=ist8 a$) there is $o po6er '$)er the s'$ or abo,e the s'$ 6hich ca$ '$)o yo'r or /y e=iste$ce or se$) 's bac7 to Fero9 No6 this i)ea o rei$car$atio$ is $ot o$"y $ot a ri#hte$i$# i)ea8 b't is /ost esse$tia" or the /ora" 6e""-bei$# o the h'/a$ race9 It is the o$"y "o#ica" co$c"'sio$ that tho'#ht '" /e$ ca$ arri,e at9 I yo' are #oi$# to e=ist i$ eter$ity herea ter8 it /'st be that yo' ha,e e=iste) thro'#h eter$ity i$ the past4 it ca$$ot be other6ise9 I 6i"" try to a$s6er a e6 ob<ectio$s that are #e$era""y bro'#ht a#ai$st the theory9 A"tho'#h /a$y o yo' 6i"" thi$7 they are ,ery si""y ob<ectio$s8 sti"" 6e ha,e to a$s6er the/8 or so/eti/es 6e i$) that the /ost tho'#ht '" /e$ are rea)y to a),a$ce the si""iest i)eas9 We"" has it bee$ sai) that there $e,er 6as a$ i)ea so abs'r) that it )i) $ot i$) phi"osophers to )e e$) it9 The irst ob<ectio$ is8 6hy )o 6e $ot re/e/ber o'r past@ Do 6e re/e/ber a"" o'r past i$ this "i e@ >o6 /a$y o yo' re/e/ber 6hat yo' )i) 6he$ yo' 6ere babies@ No$e o yo' re/e/ber yo'r ear"y chi")hoo)8 a$) i 'po$ /e/ory )epe$)s yo'r e=iste$ce8 the$ this ar#'/e$t pro,es that yo' )i) $ot e=ist as babies8 beca'se yo' )o $ot re/e/ber yo'r babyhoo)9 It is si/p"y '$/iti#ate) $o$se$se to say that o'r e=iste$ce )epe$)s o$ o'r re/e/beri$# it9 Why sho'") 6e re/e/ber the past@ That brai$ is #o$e8 bro7e$ i$to pieces8 a$) a $e6 brai$ has bee$ /a$' act're)9 What has co/e to this brai$ is the res'"ta$t8 the s'/ tota" o the i/pressio$s acA'ire) i$ o'r past8 6ith 6hich the /i$) has co/e to i$habit the $e6 bo)y9 I8 as I sta$) here8 a/ the e ect8 the res'"t8 o a"" the i$ i$ite past 6hich is tac7e) o$ to /e9 A$) 6hy is it $ecessary or /e to re/e/ber a"" the past@ Whe$ a #reat a$cie$t sa#e8 a seer8 or a prophet o o")8 6ho ca/e ace to ace 6ith the tr'th8 says so/ethi$#8 these /o)er$ /e$ sta$) 'p a$) say8 DOh8 he 6as a oo"GD 5't <'st 'se a$other $a/e8 D>'="ey says it8 or Ty$)a""D; the$ it /'st be tr'e8 a$) they ta7e it or #ra$te)9 I$ p"ace o a$cie$t s'perstitio$s they ha,e erecte) /o)er$ s'perstitio$s8 i$ p"ace o the o") Bopes o re"i#io$ they ha,e i$sta""e) /o)er$ Bopes o scie$ce9 So 6e see that this ob<ectio$ as to /e/ory is $ot ,a"i)8 a$) that is abo't the o$"y serio's ob<ectio$ that is raise) a#ai$st this theory9 A"tho'#h 6e ha,e see$ that it is $ot $ecessary or the theory that there sha"" be the /e/ory o past "i,es8 yet at the sa/e ti/e8 6e are i$ a positio$ to assert that there are i$sta$ces 6hich sho6 that this /e/ory )oes co/e8 a$) that each o$e o 's 6i"" #et bac7 this /e/ory i$ that

"i e i$ 6hich he 6i"" beco/e ree9 The$ a"o$e yo' 6i"" i$) that this 6or") is b't a )rea/; the$ a"o$e yo' 6i"" rea"ise i$ the so'" o yo'r so'" that yo' are b't actors a$) the 6or") is a sta#e; the$ a"o$e 6i"" the i)ea o $o$-attach/e$t co/e to yo' 6ith the po6er o th'$)er; the$ a"" this thirst or e$<oy/e$t8 this c"i$#i$# o$ to "i e a$) this 6or") 6i"" ,a$ish or e,er; the$ the /i$) 6i"" see )ear"y as )ay"i#ht ho6 /a$y ti/es a"" these e=iste) or yo'8 ho6 /a$y /i""io$s o ti/es yo' ha) athers a$) /others8 so$s a$) )a'#hters8 h'sba$)s a$) 6i,es8 re"ati,es a$) rie$)s8 6ea"th a$) po6er9 They ca/e a$) 6e$t9 >o6 /a$y ti/es yo' 6ere o$ the top/ost crest o the 6a,e8 a$) ho6 /a$y ti/es yo' 6ere )o6$ at the botto/ o )espairG Whe$ /e/ory 6i"" bri$# a"" these to yo'8 the$ a"o$e 6i"" yo' sta$) as a hero a$) s/i"e 6he$ the 6or") ro6$s 'po$ yo'9 The$ a"o$e 6i"" yo' sta$) 'p a$) say9 DI care $ot or thee e,e$8 O Death8 6hat terrors hast tho' or /e@D This 6i"" co/e to a""9 Are there a$y ar#'/e$ts8 a$y ratio$a" proo s or this rei$car$atio$ o the so'"@ So ar 6e ha,e bee$ #i,i$# the $e#ati,e si)e8 sho6i$# that the opposite ar#'/e$ts to )ispro,e it are $ot ,a"i)9 Are there a$y positi,e proo s@ There are; a$) /ost ,a"i) o$es8 too9 No other theory e=cept that o rei$car$atio$ acco'$ts or the 6i)e )i,er#e$ce that 6e i$) bet6ee$ /a$ a$) /a$ i$ their po6ers to acA'ire 7$o6"e)#e9 .irst8 "et 's co$si)er the process by /ea$s o 6hich 7$o6"e)#e is acA'ire)9 S'ppose I #o i$to the street a$) see a )o#9 >o6 )o I 7$o6 it is a )o#@ I re er it to /y /i$)8 a$) i$ /y /i$) are #ro'ps o a"" /y past e=perie$ces8 arra$#e) a$) pi#eo$-ho"e)8 as it 6ere9 As soo$ as a $e6 i/pressio$ co/es8 I ta7e it 'p a$) re er it to so/e o the o") pi#eo$-ho"es8 a$) as soo$ as I i$) a #ro'p o the sa/e i/pressio$s a"rea)y e=isti$#8 I p"ace it i$ that #ro'p8 a$) I a/ satis ie)9 I 7$o6 it is a )o#8 beca'se it coi$ci)es 6ith the i/pressio$s a"rea)y there9 Whe$ I )o $ot i$) the co#$ates o this $e6 e=perie$ce i$si)e8 I beco/e )issatis ie)9 Whe$8 $ot i$)i$# the co#$ates o a$ i/pressio$8 6e beco/e )issatis ie)8 this state o the /i$) is ca""e) Di#$ora$ceD; b't8 6he$8 i$)i$# the co#$ates o a$ i/pressio$ a"rea)y e=isti$#8 6e beco/e satis ie)8 this is ca""e) D7$o6"e)#eD9 Whe$ o$e app"e e""8 /e$ beca/e )issatis ie)9 The$ #ra)'a""y they o'$) o't the #ro'p9 What 6as the #ro'p they o'$)@ That a"" app"es e""8 so they ca""e) it D#ra,itatio$D9 No6 6e see that 6itho't a '$) o a"rea)y e=isti$# e=perie$ce8 a$y $e6 e=perie$ce 6o'") be i/possib"e8 or there 6o'") be $othi$# to 6hich to re er the $e6 i/pressio$9 So8 i 8 as so/e o the E'ropea$ phi"osophers thi$78 a chi") ca/e i$to the 6or") 6ith 6hat they ca"" tabula rasa, s'ch a chi") 6o'") $e,er attai$ to a$y )e#ree o i$te""ect'a" po6er8 beca'se he 6o'") ha,e $othi$# to 6hich to re er his $e6 e=perie$ces9 We see that the po6er o acA'iri$# 7$o6"e)#e ,aries i$ each i$)i,i)'a"8 a$) this sho6s that each o$e o 's has co/e 6ith his o6$ '$) o 7$o6"e)#e9 K$o6"e)#e ca$ o$"y be #ot i$ o$e 6ay8 the 6ay o e=perie$ce; there is $o other 6ay to 7$o69 I 6e ha,e $ot e=perie$ce) it i$ this "i e8 6e /'st ha,e e=perie$ce) it i$ other "i,es9 >o6 is it that the ear o )eath is e,ery6here@ A "itt"e chic7e$ is <'st o't o a$ e## a$) a$ ea#"e co/es8 a$) the chic7e$ "ies i$ ear to its /other9 There is a$ o") e=p"a$atio$ II sho'") har)"y )i#$i y it by s'ch a $a/eJ9 It is ca""e) i$sti$ct9 What /a7es that "itt"e chic7e$ <'st o't o the e## a rai) to )ie@ >o6 is it that as soo$ as a )'c7"i$# hatche) by a he$ co/es $ear 6ater8 it <'/ps i$to it a$) s6i/s@ It $e,er s6a/ be ore8 $or sa6 a$ythi$# s6i/9 Beop"e ca"" it i$sti$ct9 It is a bi# 6or)8 b't it "ea,es 's 6here 6e 6ere be ore9 Cet 's st')y this phe$o/e$o$ o i$sti$ct9 A chi") be#i$s to p"ay o$ the pia$o9 At irst she /'st pay atte$tio$ to e,ery 7ey she is i$#eri$#8 a$) as she #oes o$ a$) o$ or /o$ths a$) years8 the p"ayi$# beco/es a"/ost i$,o"'$tary8 i$sti$cti,e9 What 6as irst )o$e 6ith co$scio's 6i"" )oes $ot reA'ire "ater o$ a$ e ort o the 6i""9 This is $ot yet a co/p"ete proo 9 O$e ha" re/ai$s8 a$) that is that a"/ost a"" the actio$s 6hich are $o6 i$sti$cti,e ca$ be bro'#ht '$)er the co$tro" o the 6i""9 Each /'sc"e o the bo)y ca$ be bro'#ht '$)er co$tro"9 This is per ect"y 6e"" 7$o6$9 So the proo is co/p"ete by this )o'b"e /etho)8 that 6hat 6e $o6 ca"" i$sti$ct is )e#e$eratio$ o ,o"'$tary actio$s; there ore8 i the a$a"o#y app"ies to the 6ho"e o creatio$8 i a"" $at're is '$i or/8 the$ 6hat is i$sti$ct i$ "o6er a$i/a"s8 as 6e"" as i$ /e$8 /'st be the )e#e$eratio$ o 6i""9 App"yi$# the "a6 6e )6e"t 'po$ '$)er /acrocos/ that each i$,o"'tio$ pres'pposes a$ e,o"'tio$8 a$) each e,o"'tio$ a$ i$,o"'tio$8 6e see that i$sti$ct is i$,o",e) reaso$9 What 6e ca"" i$sti$ct i$ /e$ or a$i/a"s /'st there ore be i$,o",e)8 )e#e$erate)8 ,o"'$tary actio$s8 a$) ,o"'$tary actio$s are i/possib"e 6itho't e=perie$ce9 E=perie$ce starte) that 7$o6"e)#e8 a$) that 7$o6"e)#e is there9

The ear o )eath8 the )'c7"i$# ta7i$# to the 6ater a$) a"" i$,o"'$tary actio$s i$ the h'/a$ bei$# 6hich ha,e beco/e i$sti$cti,e8 are the res'"ts o past e=perie$ces9 So ar 6e ha,e procee)e) ,ery c"ear"y8 a$) so ar the "atest scie$ce is 6ith 's9 5't here co/es o$e /ore )i ic'"ty9 The "atest scie$ti ic /e$ are co/i$# bac7 to the a$cie$t sa#es8 a$) as ar as they ha,e )o$e so8 there is per ect a#ree/e$t9 They a)/it that each /a$ a$) each a$i/a" is bor$ 6ith a '$) o e=perie$ce8 a$) that a"" these actio$s i$ the /i$) are the res'"t o past e=perie$ce9 D5't 6hat8D they as78 Dis the 'se o sayi$# that that e=perie$ce be"o$#s to the so'"@ Why $ot say it be"o$#s to the bo)y8 a$) the bo)y a"o$e@ Why $ot say it is here)itary tra$s/issio$@D This is the "ast A'estio$9 Why $ot say that a"" the e=perie$ce 6ith 6hich I a/ bor$ is the res'"ta$t e ect o a"" the past e=perie$ce o /y a$cestors@ The s'/ tota" o the e=perie$ce ro/ the "itt"e protop"as/ 'p to the hi#hest h'/a$ bei$# is i$ /e8 b't it has co/e ro/ bo)y to bo)y i$ the co'rse o here)itary tra$s/issio$9 Where 6i"" the )i ic'"ty be@ This A'estio$ is ,ery $ice8 a$) 6e a)/it so/e part o this here)itary tra$s/issio$9 >o6 ar@ As ar as 'r$ishi$# the /ateria"9 We8 by o'r past actio$s8 co$ or/ o'rse",es to a certai$ birth i$ a certai$ bo)y8 a$) the o$"y s'itab"e /ateria" or that bo)y co/es ro/ the pare$ts 6ho ha,e /a)e the/se",es it to ha,e that so'" as their o spri$#9 The si/p"e here)itary theory ta7es or #ra$te) the /ost asto$ishi$# propositio$ 6itho't a$y proo 8 that /e$ta" e=perie$ce ca$ be recor)e) i$ /atters8 that /e$ta" e=perie$ce ca$ be i$,o",e) i$ /atter9 Whe$ I "oo7 at yo' i$ the "a7e o /y /i$) there is a 6a,e9 That 6a,e s'bsi)es8 b't it re/ai$s i$ i$e or/8 as a$ i/pressio$9 We '$)ersta$) a physica" i/pressio$ re/ai$i$# i$ the bo)y9 5't 6hat proo is there or ass'/i$# that the /e$ta" i/pressio$ ca$ re/ai$ i$ the bo)y8 si$ce the bo)y #oes to pieces@ What carries it@ E,e$ #ra$ti$# it 6ere possib"e or each /e$ta" i/pressio$ to re/ai$ i$ the bo)y8 that e,ery i/pressio$8 be#i$$i$# ro/ the irst /a$ )o6$ to /y ather8 6as i$ /y atherEs bo)y8 ho6 co'") it be tra$s/itte) to /e@ Thro'#h the biop"as/ic ce""@ >o6 co'") that be@ 5eca'se the atherEs bo)y )oes $ot co/e to the chi") in toto9 The sa/e pare$ts /ay ha,e a $'/ber o chi")re$; the$8 ro/ this theory o here)itary tra$s/issio$8 6here the i/pressio$ a$) the i/presse) Ithat is to say8 /ateria"J are o$e8 it ri#oro's"y o""o6s that by the birth o e,ery chi") the pare$ts /'st "ose a part o their o6$ i/pressio$s8 or8 i the pare$ts sho'") tra$s/it the 6ho"e o their i/pressio$s8 the$8 a ter the birth o the irst chi")8 their /i$)s 6o'") be a ,ac''/9 A#ai$8 i i$ the biop"as/ic ce"" the i$ i$ite a/o'$t o i/pressio$s ro/ a"" ti/e has e$tere)8 6here a$) ho6 is it@ This is a /ost i/possib"e positio$8 a$) '$ti" these physio"o#ists ca$ pro,e ho6 a$) 6here those i/pressio$s "i,e i$ that ce""8 a$) 6hat they /ea$ by a /e$ta" i/pressio$ s"eepi$# i$ the physica" ce""8 their positio$ ca$$ot be ta7e$ or #ra$te)9 So ar it is c"ear the$8 that this i/pressio$ is i$ the /i$)8 that the /i$) co/es to ta7e its birth a$) rebirth8 a$) 'ses the /ateria" 6hich is /ost proper or it8 a$) that the /i$) 6hich has /a)e itse" it or o$"y a partic'"ar 7i$) o bo)y 6i"" ha,e to 6ait '$ti" it #ets that /ateria"9 This 6e '$)ersta$)9 The theory the$ co/es to this8 that there is here)itary tra$s/issio$ so ar as 'r$ishi$# the /ateria" to the so'" is co$cer$e)9 5't the so'" /i#rates a$) /a$' act'res bo)y a ter bo)y8 a$) each tho'#ht 6e thi$78 a$) each )ee) 6e )o8 is store) i$ it i$ i$e or/s8 rea)y to spri$# 'p a#ai$ a$) ta7e a $e6 shape9 Whe$ I "oo7 at yo' a 6a,e rises i$ /y /i$)9 It )i,es )o6$8 as it 6ere8 a$) beco/es i$er a$) i$er8 b't it )oes $ot )ie9 It is rea)y to start 'p a#ai$ as a 6a,e i$ the shape o /e/ory9 So a"" these i/pressio$s are i$ /y /i$)8 a$) 6he$ I )ie the res'"ta$t orce o the/ 6i"" be 'po$ /e9 A ba"" is here8 a$) each o$e o 's ta7es a /a""et i$ his ha$)s a$) stri7es the ba"" ro/ a"" si)es; the ba"" #oes ro/ poi$t to poi$t i$ the roo/8 a$) 6he$ it reaches the )oor it "ies o't9 What )oes it carry o't 6ith it@ The res'"ta$t o a"" these b"o6s9 That 6i"" #i,e it its )irectio$9 So8 6hat )irects the so'" 6he$ the bo)y )ies@ The res'"ta$t8 the s'/ tota" o a"" the 6or7s it has )o$e8 o the tho'#hts it has tho'#ht9 I the res'"ta$t is s'ch that it has to /a$' act're a $e6 bo)y or 'rther e=perie$ce8 it 6i"" #o to those pare$ts 6ho are rea)y to s'pp"y it 6ith s'itab"e /ateria" or that bo)y9 Th's8 ro/ bo)y to bo)y it 6i"" #o8 so/eti/es to a hea,e$8 a$) bac7 a#ai$ to earth8 beco/i$# /a$8 or so/e "o6er a$i/a"9 This 6ay it 6i"" #o o$ '$ti" it has i$ishe) its e=perie$ce8 a$) co/p"ete) the circ"e9 It the$ 7$o6s its o6$ $at're8 7$o6s 6hat it is8 a$) i#$ora$ce ,a$ishes8 its po6ers beco/e /a$i est8 it beco/es per ect; $o /ore is there a$y $ecessity or the so'" to 6or7 thro'#h physica" bo)ies8 $or is there a$y

$ecessity or it to 6or7 thro'#h i$er8 or /e$ta" bo)ies9 It shi$es i$ its o6$ "i#ht8 a$) is ree8 $o /ore to be bor$8 $o /ore to )ie9 We 6i"" $ot #o $o6 i$to the partic'"ars o this9 5't I 6i"" bri$# be ore yo' o$e /ore poi$t 6ith re#ar) to this theory o rei$car$atio$9 It is the theory that a),a$ces the ree)o/ o the h'/a$ so'"9 It is the o$e theory that )oes $ot "ay the b"a/e o a"" o'r 6ea7$ess 'po$ so/ebo)y e"se8 6hich is a co//o$ h'/a$ a""acy9 We )o $ot "oo7 at o'r o6$ a'"ts; the eyes )o $ot see the/se",es8 they see the eyes o e,erybo)y e"se9 We h'/a$ bei$#s are ,ery s"o6 to reco#$ise o'r o6$ 6ea7$ess8 o'r o6$ a'"ts8 so "o$# as 6e ca$ "ay the b"a/e 'po$ so/ebo)y e"se9 Me$ i$ #e$era" "ay a"" the b"a/e o "i e o$ their e""o6-/e$8 or8 ai"i$# that8 o$ Go)8 or they co$<'re 'p a #host8 a$) say it is ate9 Where is ate8 a$) 6ho is ate@ We reap 6hat 6e so69 We are the /a7ers o o'r o6$ ate9 No$e e"se has the b"a/e8 $o$e has the praise9 The 6i$) is b"o6i$#; those ,esse"s 6hose sai"s are '$ 'r"e) catch it8 a$) #o or6ar) o$ their 6ay8 b't those 6hich ha,e their sai"s 'r"e) )o $ot catch the 6i$)9 Is that the a'"t o the 6i$)@ Is it the a'"t o the /erci '" .ather8 6hose 6i$) o /ercy is b"o6i$# 6itho't ceasi$#8 )ay a$) $i#ht8 6hose /ercy 7$o6s $o )ecay8 is it >is a'"t that so/e o 's are happy a$) so/e '$happy@ We /a7e o'r o6$ )esti$y9 >is s'$ shi$es or the 6ea7 as 6e"" as or the stro$#9 >is 6i$) b"o6s or sai$t a$) si$$er a"i7e9 >e is the Cor) o a""8 the .ather o a""8 /erci '"8 a$) i/partia"9 Do yo' /ea$ to say that >e8 the Cor) o creatio$8 "oo7s 'po$ the petty thi$#s o o'r "i e i$ the sa/e "i#ht as 6e )o@ What a )e#e$erate i)ea o Go) that 6o'") beG We are "i7e "itt"e p'ppies8 /a7i$# "i e-a$)-)eath str'##"es here8 a$) oo"ish"y thi$7i$# that e,e$ Go) >i/se" 6i"" ta7e it as serio's"y as 6e )o9 >e 7$o6s 6hat the p'ppiesE p"ay /ea$s9 O'r atte/pts to "ay the b"a/e o$ >i/8 /a7i$# >i/ the p'$isher8 a$) the re6ar)er8 are o$"y oo"ish9 >e $either p'$ishes8 $or re6ar)s a$y9 >is i$ i$ite /ercy is ope$ to e,ery o$e8 at a"" ti/es8 i$ a"" p"aces8 '$)er a"" co$)itio$s8 '$ ai"i$#8 '$s6er,i$#9 3po$ us )epe$)s ho6 6e 'se it9 3po$ 's )epe$)s ho6 6e 'ti"ise it9 5"a/e $either /a$8 $or Go)8 $or a$yo$e i$ the 6or")9 Whe$ yo' i$) yo'rse",es s' eri$#8 b"a/e yo'rse",es8 a$) try to )o better9 This is the o$"y so"'tio$ o the prob"e/9 Those that b"a/e others : a$)8 a"asG the $'/ber o the/ is i$creasi$# e,ery )ay : are #e$era""y /iserab"e 6ith he"p"ess brai$s; they ha,e bro'#ht the/se",es to that pass thro'#h their o6$ /ista7es a$) b"a/e others8 b't this )oes $ot a"ter their positio$9 It )oes $ot ser,e the/ i$ a$y 6ay9 This atte/pt to thro6 the b"a/e 'po$ others o$"y 6ea7e$s the/ the /ore9 There ore8 b"a/e $o$e or yo'r o6$ a'"ts8 sta$) 'po$ yo'r o6$ eet8 a$) ta7e the 6ho"e respo$sibi"ity 'po$ yo'rse",es9 Say8 DThis /isery that I a/ s' eri$# is o /y o6$ )oi$#8 a$) that ,ery thi$# pro,es that it 6i"" ha,e to be '$)o$e by /e a"o$e9D That 6hich I create)8 I ca$ )e/o"ish; that 6hich is create) by so/e o$e e"se I sha"" $e,er be ab"e to )estroy9 There ore8 sta$) 'p8 be bo")8 be stro$#9 Ta7e the 6ho"e respo$sibi"ity o$ yo'r o6$ sho'")ers8 a$) 7$o6 that yo' are the creator o yo'r o6$ )esti$y9 A"" the stre$#th a$) s'cco'r yo' 6a$t is 6ithi$ yo'rse",es9 There ore8 /a7e yo'r o6$ 't're9 DCet the )ea) past b'ry its )ea)9D The i$ i$ite 't're is be ore yo'8 a$) yo' /'st a"6ays re/e/ber that each 6or)8 tho'#ht8 a$) )ee)8 "ays 'p a store or yo' a$) that as the ba) tho'#hts a$) ba) 6or7s are rea)y to spri$# 'po$ yo' "i7e ti#ers8 so a"so there is the i$spiri$# hope that the #oo) tho'#hts a$) #oo) )ee)s are rea)y 6ith the po6er o a h'$)re) tho'sa$) a$#e"s to )e e$) yo' a"6ays a$) or e,er9

CHAPTER XII IMMORTALITY What A'estio$ has bee$ as7e) a #reater $'/ber o ti/es8 6hat i)ea has "e) /e$ /ore to search the '$i,erse or a$ a$s6er8 6hat A'estio$ is $earer a$) )earer to the h'/a$ heart8 6hat A'estio$ is /ore i$separab"y co$$ecte) 6ith o'r e=iste$ce8 tha$ this o$e8 the i//orta"ity o the h'/a$ so'"@ It has bee$ the the/e o poets a$) sa#es8 o priests a$) prophets; 7i$#s o$ the thro$e ha,e )isc'sse) it8 be##ars i$ the street ha,e )rea/t o it9 The best o h'/a$ity ha,e approache) it8 a$) the 6orst o /e$ ha,e hope) or it9 The i$terest i$ the the/e has $ot )ie) yet8 $or 6i"" it )ie so "o$# as h'/a$ $at're e=ists9 Vario's a$s6ers ha,e bee$ prese$te) to the 6or") by ,ario's /i$)s9 Tho'sa$)s8 a#ai$8 i$ e,ery perio) o history ha,e #i,e$ 'p the )isc'ssio$8 a$) yet the A'estio$ re/ai$s resh as e,er9 O te$ i$ the t'r/oi" a$) str'##"e o o'r "i,es 6e see/ to or#et it8 b't s'))e$"y so/e o$e )ies : o$e8 perhaps8 6ho/ 6e "o,e)8 o$e $ear a$) )ear to o'r hearts is s$atche) a6ay ro/ 's : a$) the str'##"e8 the )i$ a$) t'r/oi" o the 6or") aro'$) 's8 cease or a /o/e$t8 a$) the so'" as7s the o") A'estio$s DWhat a ter this@D DWhat beco/es o the so'"@D A"" h'/a$ 7$o6"e)#e procee)s o't o e=perie$ce; 6e ca$$ot 7$o6 a$ythi$# e=cept by e=perie$ce9 A"" o'r reaso$i$# is base) 'po$ #e$era"ise) e=perie$ce8 a"" o'r 7$o6"e)#e is b't har/o$ise) e=perie$ce9 Coo7i$# aro'$) 's8 6hat )o 6e i$)@ A co$ti$'o's cha$#e9 The p"a$t co/es o't o the see)8 #ro6s i$to the tree8 co/p"etes the circ"e8 a$) co/es bac7 to the see)9 The a$i/a" co/es8 "i,es a certai$ ti/e8 )ies8 a$) co/p"etes the circ"e9 So )oes /a$9 The /o'$tai$s s"o6"y b't s're"y cr'/b"e a6ay8 the ri,ers s"o6"y b't s're"y )ry 'p8 rai$s co/e o't o the sea8 a$) #o bac7 to the sea9 E,ery6here circ"es are bei$# co/p"ete)8 birth8 #ro6th8 )e,e"op/e$t8 a$) )ecay o""o6i$# each other 6ith /athe/atica" precisio$9 This is o'r e,ery)ay e=perie$ce9 I$si)e o it a""8 behi$) a"" this ,ast /ass o 6hat 6e ca"" "i e8 o /i""io$s o or/s a$) shapes8 /i""io$s 'po$ /i""io$s o ,arieties8 be#i$$i$# ro/ the "o6est ato/ to the hi#hest spirit'a"ise) /a$8 6e i$) e=isti$# a certai$ '$ity9 E,ery )ay 6e i$) that the 6a"" that 6as tho'#ht to be )i,i)i$# o$e thi$# a$) a$other is bei$# bro7e$ )o6$8 a$) a"" /atter is co/i$# to be reco#$ise) by /o)er$ scie$ce as o$e s'bsta$ce8 /a$i esti$# i$ )i ere$t 6ays a$) i$ ,ario's or/s; the o$e "i e that r'$s thro'#h a"" "i7e a co$ti$'o's chai$8 o 6hich a"" these ,ario's or/s represe$t the "i$7s8 "i$7 a ter "i$78 e=te$)i$# a"/ost i$ i$ite"y8 b't o the sa/e o$e chai$9 This is 6hat is ca""e) e,o"'tio$9 It is a$ o")8 o") i)ea8 as o") as h'/a$ society8 o$"y it is #etti$# resher a$) resher as h'/a$ 7$o6"e)#e is pro#ressi$#9 There is o$e thi$# /ore8 6hich the a$cie$ts percei,e)8 b't 6hich i$ /o)er$ ti/es is $ot yet so c"ear"y percei,e)8 a$) that is i$,o"'tio$9 The see) is beco/i$# the p"a$t; a #rai$ o sa$) $e,er beco/es a p"a$t9 It is the ather that beco/es a chi"); a "'/p o c"ay $e,er beco/es the chi")9 .ro/ 6hat )oes this e,o"'tio$ co/e8 is the A'estio$9 What 6as the see)@ It 6as the sa/e as the tree9 A"" the possibi"ities o a 't're tree are i$ that see); a"" the possibi"ities o a 't're /a$ are i$ the "itt"e baby; a"" the possibi"ities o a$y 't're "i e are i$ the #er/9 What is this@ The a$cie$t phi"osophers o I$)ia ca""e) it i$,o"'tio$9 We i$) the$8 that e,ery e,o"'tio$ pres'pposes a$ i$,o"'tio$9 Nothi$# ca$ be e,o",e) 6hich is $ot a"rea)y there9 >ere8 a#ai$8 /o)er$ scie$ce co/es to o'r he"p9 Yo' 7$o6 by /athe/atica" reaso$i$# that the s'/ tota" o the e$er#y that is )isp"aye) i$ the '$i,erse is the sa/e thro'#ho't9 Yo' ca$$ot ta7e a6ay o$e ato/ o /atter or o$e oot-po'$) o orce9 Yo' ca$$ot a)) to the '$i,erse o$e ato/ o /atter or o$e oot-po'$) o orce9 As s'ch8 e,o"'tio$ )oes $ot co/e o't o Fero; the$8 6here )oes it co/e ro/@ .ro/ pre,io's i$,o"'tio$9 The chi") is the /a$ i$,o",e)8 a$) the /a$ is the chi") e,o",e)9 The see) is the tree i$,o",e)8 a$) the tree is the see) e,o",e)9 A"" the possibi"ities o "i e are i$ the #er/9 The prob"e/ beco/es a "itt"e c"earer9 A)) to it the irst i)ea o co$ti$'atio$ o "i e9 .ro/ the "o6est protop"as/ to the /ost per ect h'/a$ bei$# there is rea""y b't o$e "i e9 J'st as i$ o$e "i e 6e ha,e so /a$y ,ario's phases o e=pressio$8 the protop"as/ )e,e"opi$# i$to the baby8 the chi")8 the yo'$# /a$8 the o") /a$8 so8 ro/ that protop"as/ 'p to the /ost per ect /a$ 6e #et o$e co$ti$'o's "i e8 o$e chai$9 This is e,o"'tio$8 b't

6e ha,e see$ that each e,o"'tio$ pres'pposes a$ i$,o"'tio$9 The 6ho"e o this "i e 6hich s"o6"y /a$i ests itse" e,o",es itse" ro/ the protop"as/ to the per ecte) h'/a$ bei$# : the I$car$atio$ o Go) o$ earth : the 6ho"e o this series is b't o$e "i e8 a$) the 6ho"e o this /a$i estatio$ /'st ha,e bee$ i$,o",e) i$ that ,ery protop"as/9 This 6ho"e "i e8 this ,ery Go) o$ earth8 6as i$,o",e) i$ it a$) s"o6"y ca/e o't8 /a$i esti$# itse" s"o6"y8 s"o6"y8 s"o6"y9 The hi#hest e=pressio$ /'st ha,e bee$ there i$ the #er/ state i$ /i$'te or/; there ore this o$e orce8 this 6ho"e chai$8 is the i$,o"'tio$ o that cos/ic "i e 6hich is e,ery6here9 It is this o$e /ass o i$te""i#e$ce 6hich8 ro/ the protop"as/ 'p to the /ost per ecte) /a$8 is s"o6"y a$) s"o6"y '$coi"i$# itse" 9 Not that it #ro6s9 Ta7e o a"" i)eas o #ro6th ro/ yo'r /i$)9 With the i)ea o #ro6th is associate) so/ethi$# co/i$# ro/ o'tsi)e8 so/ethi$# e=tra$eo's8 6hich 6o'") #i,e the "ie to the tr'th that the I$ i$ite 6hich "ies "ate$t i$ e,ery "i e is i$)epe$)e$t o a"" e=ter$a" co$)itio$s9 It ca$ $e,er #ro6; It 6as a"6ays there8 a$) o$"y /a$i ests Itse" 9 The e ect is the ca'se /a$i este)9 There is $o esse$tia" )i ere$ce bet6ee$ the e ect a$) the ca'se9 Ta7e this #"ass8 or i$sta$ce9 There 6as the /ateria"8 a$) the /ateria" p"'s the 6i"" o the /a$' act'rer /a)e the #"ass a$) these t6o 6ere its ca'ses a$) are prese$t i$ it9 I$ 6hat or/ is the 6i"" prese$t@ As a)hesio$9 I the orce 6ere $ot here8 each partic"e 6o'") a"" a6ay9 What is the e ect the$@ It is the sa/e as the ca'se8 o$"y ta7i$#; )i ere$t or/8 a )i ere$t co/positio$9 Whe$ the ca'se is cha$#e) a$) "i/ite) or a ti/e8 it beco/es the e ect We /'st re/e/ber this9 App"yi$# it to o'r i)ea o "i e the 6ho"e o the /a$i estatio$ o this o$e series8 ro/ the protop"as/ 'p to the /ost per ect /a$8 /'st be the ,ery sa/e thi$# as cos/ic "i e9 .irst it #ot i$,o",e) a$) beca/e i$er; a$) o't o that i$e so/ethi$#8 6hich 6et the ca'se8 it has #o$e o$ e,o",i$#8 /a$i esti$# itse" 8 a$) beco/i$# #rosser9 5't the A'estio$ o i//orta"ity is $ot yet sett"e)9 We ha,e see$ that e,erythi$# i$ this '$i,erse is i$)estr'ctib"e9 There is $othi$# $e6; there 6i"" be $othi$# $e69 The sa/e series o /a$i estatio$s are prese$ti$# the/se",es a"ter$ate"y "i7e a 6hee"8 co/i$# 'p a$) #oi$# )o6$9 A"" /otio$ i$ this '$i,erse is i$ the or/ o 6a,es8 s'ccessi,e"y risi$# a$) a""i$#9 Syste/s a ter syste/s are co/i$# o't o i$e or/s8 e,o",i$# the/se",es8 a$) ta7i$# #rosser or/s8 a#ai$ /e"ti$# )o6$8 as it 6ere8 a$) #oi$# bac7 to the i$e or/s9 A#ai$ they rise o't o that8 e,o",i$# or a certai$ perio) a$) s"o6"y #oi$# bac7 to the ca'se9 So 6ith a"" "i e9 Each /a$i estatio$ o "i e is co/i$# 'p a$) the$ #oi$# bac7 a#ai$9 What #oes )o6$@ The or/9 The or/ brea7s to pieces8 b't it co/es 'p a#ai$9 I$ o$e se$se bo)ies a$) or/s e,e$ are eter$a"9 >o6@ S'ppose 6e ta7e a $'/ber o )ice a$) thro6 the/8 a$) they a"" i$ this ratio : 1 : - : % : +9 We ta7e the )ice 'p a$) thro6 the/ a#ai$ a$) a#ai$; there /'st be a ti/e 6he$ the sa/e $'/bers 6i"" co/e a#ai$; the sa/e co/bi$atio$ /'st co/e9 No6 each partic"e8 each ato/8 that is i$ this '$i,erse8 I ta7e or s'ch a )ie8 a$) these are bei$# thro6$ o't a$) co/bi$e) a#ai$ a$) a#ai$9 A"" these or/s be ore yo' are o$e co/bi$atio$9 >ere are the or/s o a #"ass8 a tab"e8 a pitcher o 6ater8 a$) so orth9 This is o$e co/bi$atio$; i$ ti/e8 it 6i"" a"" brea79 5't there /'st co/e a ti/e 6he$ e=act"y the sa/e co/bi$atio$ co/es a#ai$8 6he$ yo' 6i"" be here8 a$) this or/ 6i"" be here8 this s'b<ect 6i"" be ta"7e)8 a$) this pitcher 6i"" be here9 A$ i$ i$ite $'/ber o ti/es this has bee$8 a$) a$ i$ i$ite $'/ber o ti/es this 6i"" be repeate)9 Th's ar 6ith the physica" or/s9 What )o 6e i$)@ That e,e$ the co/bi$atio$ o physica" or/s is eter$a""y repeate)9 A /ost i$teresti$# co$c"'sio$ that o""o6s ro/ this theory is the e=p"a$atio$ o acts s'ch as these4 So/e o yo'8 perhaps8 ha,e see$ a /a$ 6ho ca$ rea) the past "i e o others a$) orete"" the 't're9 >o6 is it possib"e or a$y o$e to see 6hat the 't're 6i"" be8 '$"ess there is a re#'"ate) 't're@ E ects o the past 6i"" rec'r i$ the 't're8 a$) 6e see that it is so9 Yo' ha,e see$ the bi# .erris Whee"N i$ Chica#o9 The 6hee" re,o",es8 a$) the "itt"e roo/s i$ the 6hee" are re#'"ar"y co/i$# o$e a ter a$other; o$e set o perso$s #ets i$to these8 a$) a ter they ha,e #o$e ro'$) the circ"e8 they #et o't8 a$) a resh batch o peop"e #ets i$9 Each o$e o these batches is "i7e o$e o these /a$i estatio$s8 ro/ the "o6est a$i/a"s to the hi#hest /a$9 Nat're is "i7e the chai$ o the .erris Whee"8 e$)"ess a$) i$ i$ite8 a$) these "itt"e carria#es are the bo)ies or or/s i$ 6hich resh batches o so'"s are ri)i$#8 #oi$# 'p hi#her a$) hi#her '$ti" they beco/e per ect a$) co/e o't o the 6hee"9

5't the 6hee" #oes o$9 A$) so "o$# as the bo)ies are i$ the 6hee"8 it ca$ be abso"'te"y a$) /athe/atica""y oreto") 6here they 6i"" #o8 b't $ot so o the so'"s9 Th's it is possib"e to rea) the past a$) the 't're o $at're 6ith precisio$9 We see8 the$8 that there is rec'rre$ce o the sa/e /ateria" phe$o/e$a at certai$ perio)s8 a$) that the sa/e co/bi$atio$s ha,e bee$ ta7i$# p"ace thro'#h eter$ity9 5't that is $ot the i//orta"ity o the so'"9 No orce ca$ )ie8 $o /atter ca$ be a$$ihi"ate)9 What beco/es o it@ It #oes o$ cha$#i$#8 bac76ar)s a$) or6ar)s8 '$ti" it ret'r$s to the so'rce ro/ 6hich it ca/e9 There is $o /otio$ i$ a strai#ht "i$e9 E,erythi$# /o,es i$ a circ"e; a strai#ht "i$e8 i$ i$ite"y pro)'ce)8 beco/es a circ"e9 I that is the case8 there ca$$ot be eter$a" )e#e$eratio$ or a$y so'"9 It ca$$ot be9 E,erythi$# /'st co/p"ete the circ"e8 a$) co/e bac7 to its so'rce9 What are yo' a$) I a$) a"" these so'"s@ I$ o'r )isc'ssio$ o e,o"'tio$ a$) i$,o"'tio$8 6e ha,e see$ that yo' a$) I /'st be part o the cos/ic co$scio's$ess8 cos/ic "i e8 cos/ic /i$)8 6hich #ot i$,o",e) a$) 6e /'st co/p"ete the circ"e a$) #o bac7 to this cos/ic i$te""i#e$ce 6hich is Go)9 This cos/ic i$te""i#e$ce is 6hat peop"e ca"" Cor)8 or Go)8 or Christ8 or 5'))ha8 or 5rah/a$8 6hat the /ateria"ists percei,e as orce8 a$) the a#$ostics as that i$ i$ite8 i$e=pressib"e beyo$); a$) 6e are a"" parts o that9 This is the seco$) i)ea8 yet this is $ot s' icie$t; there 6i"" be sti"" /ore )o'bts9 It is ,ery #oo) to say that there is $o )estr'ctio$ or a$y orce9 5't a"" the orces a$) or/s that 6e see are co/bi$atio$s9 This or/ be ore 's is a co/positio$ o se,era" co/po$e$t parts8 a$) so e,ery orce that 6e see is si/i"ar"y co/posite9 I yo' ta7e the scie$ti ic i)ea o orce8 a$) ca"" it the s'/ tota"8 the res'"ta$t o se,era" orces8 6hat beco/es o yo'r i$)i,i)'a"ity@ E,erythi$# that is a co/po'$) /'st soo$er or "ater #o bac7 to its co/po$e$t parts9 Whate,er i$ this '$i,erse is the res'"t o the co/bi$atio$ o /atter or orce /'st soo$er or "ater #o bac7 to its co/po$e$ts9 Whate,er is the res'"t o certai$ ca'ses /'st )ie8 /'st be )estroye)9 It #ets bro7e$ 'p8 )isperse)8 a$) reso",e) bac7 i$to its co/po$e$ts9 So'" is $ot a orce; $either is it tho'#ht9 It is the /a$' act'rer o tho'#ht8 b't $ot tho'#ht itse" ; it is the /a$' act'rer o the bo)y8 b't $ot the bo)y9 Why so@ We see that the bo)y ca$$ot be the so'"9 Why $ot@ 5eca'se it is $ot i$te""i#e$t9 A corpse is $ot i$te""i#e$t8 $or a piece o /eat i$ a b'tcherEs shop9 What )o 6e /ea$ by i$te""i#e$ce@ !eacti,e po6er9 We 6a$t to #o a "itt"e /ore )eep"y i$to this9 >ere is a pitcher; I see it9 >o6@ !ays o "i#ht ro/ the pitcher e$ter /y eyes8 a$) /a7e a pict're i$ /y reti$a8 6hich is carrie) to the brai$9 Yet there is $o ,isio$9 What the physio"o#ists ca"" the se$sory $er,es carry this i/pressio$ i$6ar)s9 5't 'p to this there is $o reactio$9 The $er,e ce$tre i$ the brai$ carries the i/pressio$ to the /i$)8 a$) the /i$) reacts8 a$) as soo$ as this reactio$ co/es8 the pitcher "ashes be ore it9 Ta7e a /ore co//o$p"ace e=a/p"e9 S'ppose yo' are "iste$i$# to /e i$te$t"y a$) a /osA'ito is sitti$# o$ the tip o yo'r $ose a$) #i,i$# yo' that p"easa$t se$satio$ 6hich /osA'itoes ca$ #i,e; b't yo' are so i$te$t o$ heari$# /e that yo' )o $ot ee" the /osA'ito at a""9 What has happe$e)@ The /osA'ito has bitte$ a certai$ part o yo'r s7i$8 a$) certai$ $er,es are there9 They ha,e carrie) a certai$ se$satio$ to the brai$8 a$) the i/pressio$ is there8 b't the /i$)8 bei$# other6ise occ'pie)8 )oes $ot react8 so yo' are $ot a6are o the prese$ce o the /osA'ito9 Whe$ a $e6 i/pressio$ co/es8 i the /i$) )oes $ot react8 6e sha"" $ot be co$scio's o it8 b't 6he$ the reactio$ co/es 6e ee"8 6e see8 6e hear8 a$) so orth9 With this reactio$ co/es i""'/i$atio$8 as the S?/7hya phi"osophers ca"" it9 We see that the bo)y ca$$ot i""'/i$ate8 beca'se i$ the abse$ce o atte$tio$ $o se$satio$ is possib"e9 Cases ha,e bee$ 7$o6$ 6here8 '$)er pec'"iar co$)itio$s8 a /a$ 6ho ha) $e,er "ear$t a partic'"ar "a$#'a#e 6as o'$) ab"e to spea7 it9 S'bseA'e$t i$A'iries pro,e) that the /a$ ha)8 6he$ a chi")8 "i,e) a/o$# peop"e 6ho spo7e that "a$#'a#e a$) the i/pressio$s 6ere "e t i$ his brai$9 These i/pressio$s re/ai$e) store) 'p there8 '$ti" thro'#h so/e ca'se the /i$) reacte)8 a$) i""'/i$atio$ ca/e8 a$) the$ the /a$ 6as ab"e to spea7 the "a$#'a#e9 This sho6s that the /i$) a"o$e is $ot s' icie$t8 that the /i$) itse" is a$ i$str'/e$t i$ the ha$)s o so/eo$e9 I$ the case o that boy the /i$) co$tai$e) that "a$#'a#e8 yet he )i) $ot 7$o6 it8 b't "ater there ca/e a ti/e 6he$ he )i)9 It sho6s that there is so/eo$e besi)es the /i$); a$) 6he$ the boy 6as a baby8 that so/eo$e )i) $ot 'se the po6er; b't 6he$ the boy #re6 'p8 he too7 a),a$ta#e o it8 a$) 'se) it9 .irst8 here is the bo)y8 seco$) the /i$)8 or i$str'/e$t o tho'#ht8 a$) thir) behi$) this /i$) is the Se" o /a$9 The Sa$s7rit 6or) is At/a$9 As /o)er$ phi"osophers ha,e i)e$ti ie) tho'#ht 6ith /o"ec'"ar cha$#es i$ the brai$8 they )o $ot 7$o6 ho6 to

e=p"ai$ s'ch a case8 a$) they #e$era""y )e$y it9 The /i$) is i$ti/ate"y co$$ecte) 6ith the brai$ 6hich )ies e,ery ti/e the bo)y cha$#es9 The Se" is the i""'/i$ator8 a$) the /i$) is the i$str'/e$t i$ Its ha$)s8 a$) thro'#h that i$str'/e$t It #ets ho") o the e=ter$a" i$str'/e$t8 a$) th's co/es perceptio$9 The e=ter$a" i$str'/e$ts #et ho") o the i/pressio$s a$) carry the/ to the or#a$s8 or yo' /'st re/e/ber a"6ays8 that the eyes a$) ears are o$"y recei,ers : it is the i$ter$a" or#a$s8 the brai$ ce$tres8 6hich act9 I$ Sa$s7rit these ce$tres are ca""e) I$)riyas8 a$) they carry se$satio$s to the /i$)8 a$) the /i$) prese$ts the/ 'rther bac7 to a$other state o the /i$)8 6hich i$ Sa$s7rit is ca""e) Chitta8 a$) there they are or#a$ise) i$to 6i""8 a$) a"" these prese$t the/ to the Ki$# o 7i$#s i$si)e8 the !'"er o$ >is thro$e8 the Se" o /a$9 >e the$ sees a$) #i,es >is or)ers9 The$ the /i$) i//e)iate"y acts o$ the or#a$s8 a$) the or#a$s o$ the e=ter$a" bo)y9 The rea" Bercei,er8 the rea" !'"er8 the Go,er$or8 the Creator8 the Ma$ip'"ator o a"" this8 is the Se" o /a$9 We see8 the$8 that the Se" o /a$ is $ot the bo)y8 $either is It tho'#ht9 It ca$$ot be a co/po'$)9 Why $ot@ 5eca'se e,erythi$# that is a co/po'$) ca$ be see$ or i/a#i$e)9 That 6hich 6e ca$$ot i/a#i$e or percei,e8 6hich 6e ca$$ot bi$) to#ether8 is $ot orce or /atter8 ca'se or e ect8 a$) ca$$ot be a co/po'$)9 The )o/ai$ o co/po'$)s is o$"y so ar as o'r /e$ta" '$i,erse8 o'r tho'#ht '$i,erse e=te$)s9 5eyo$) this it )oes $ot ho") #oo); it is as ar as "a6 rei#$s8 a$) i there is a$ythi$# beyo$) "a68 it ca$$ot be a co/po'$) at a""9 The Se" o /a$ bei$# beyo$) the "a6 o ca'satio$8 is $ot a co/po'$)9 It is e,er ree a$) is the !'"er o e,erythi$# that is 6ithi$ "a69 It 6i"" $e,er )ie8 beca'se )eath /ea$s #oi$# bac7 to the co/po$e$t parts8 a$) that 6hich 6as $e,er a co/po'$) ca$ $e,er )ie9 It is sheer $o$se$se to say It )ies9 We are $o6 trea)i$# o$ i$er a$) i$er #ro'$)8 a$) so/e o yo'8 perhaps8 6i"" be ri#hte$e)9 We ha,e see$ that this Se" 8 bei$# beyo$) the "itt"e '$i,erse o /atter a$) orce a$) tho'#ht8 is a si/p"e; a$) as a si/p"e It ca$$ot )ie9 That 6hich )oes $ot )ie ca$$ot "i,e9 .or "i e a$) )eath are the ob,erse a$) re,erse o the sa/e coi$9 Ci e is a$other $a/e or )eath8 a$) )eath or "i e9 O$e partic'"ar /o)e o /a$i estatio$ is 6hat 6e ca"" "i e; a$other partic'"ar /o)e o /a$i estatio$ o the sa/e thi$# is 6hat 6e ca"" )eath9 Whe$ the 6a,e rises o$ the top it is "i e; a$) 6he$ it a""s i$to the ho""o6 it is )eath9 I a$ythi$# is beyo$) )eath8 6e $at'ra""y see it /'st a"so be beyo$) "i e9 I /'st re/i$) yo' o the irst co$c"'sio$ that the so'" o /a$ is part o the cos/ic e$er#y that e=ists8 6hich is Go)9 We $o6 i$) that it is beyo$) "i e a$) )eath9 Yo' 6ere $e,er bor$8 a$) yo' 6i"" $e,er )ie9 What is this birth a$) )eath that 6e see aro'$) 's@ This be"o$#s to the bo)y o$"y8 beca'se the so'" is o/$iprese$t9 D>o6 ca$ that be@D yo' /ay as79 DSo /a$y peop"e are sitti$# here8 a$) yo' say the so'" is o/$iprese$t@D What is there8 I as78 to "i/it a$ythi$# that is beyo$) "a68 beyo$) ca'satio$@ This #"ass is "i/ite); it is $ot o/$iprese$t8 beca'se the s'rro'$)i$# /atter orces it to ta7e that or/8 )oes $ot a""o6 it to e=pa$)9 It is co$)itio$e) be e,erythi$# aro'$) it8 a$) is8 there ore8 "i/ite)9 5't that 6hich is beyo$) "a68 6here there is $othi$# to act 'po$ it8 ho6 ca$ that be "i/ite)@ It /'st be o/$iprese$t9 Yo' are e,ery6here i$ the '$i,erse9 >o6 is it the$ that I a/ bor$ a$) I a/ #oi$# to )ie8 a$) a"" that@ That is the ta"7 o i#$ora$ce8 ha""'ci$atio$ o the brai$9 Yo' 6ere $either bor$8 $or 6i"" yo' )ie9 Yo' ha,e ha) $either birth8 $or 6i"" ha,e rebirth8 $or "i e8 $or i$car$atio$8 $or a$ythi$#9 What )o yo' /ea$ by co/i$# a$) #oi$#@ A"" sha""o6 $o$se$se9 Yo' are e,ery6here9 The$ 6hat is this co/i$# a$) #oi$#@ It is the ha""'ci$atio$ pro)'ce) by the cha$#e o this i$e bo)y 6hich yo' ca"" the /i$)9 That is #oi$# o$9 J'st a "itt"e spec7 o c"o') passi$# be ore the s7y9 As it /o,es o$ a$) o$8 it /ay create the )e"'sio$ that the s7y /o,es9 So/eti/es yo' see a c"o') /o,i$# be ore the /oo$8 a$) yo' thi$7 that the /oo$ is /o,i$#9 Whe$ yo' are i$ a trai$ yo' thi$7 the "a$) is "yi$#8 or 6he$ yo' are i$ a boat8 yo' thi$7 the 6ater /o,es9 I$ rea"ity yo' are $either #oi$# $or co/i$#8 yo' are $ot bei$# bor$8 $or #oi$# to be rebor$; yo' are i$ i$ite8 e,er-prese$t8 beyo$) a"" ca'satio$8 a$) e,er- ree9 S'ch a A'estio$ is o't o p"ace8 it is arra$t $o$se$se9 >o6 co'") there be /orta"ity 6he$ there 6as $o birth@ O$e step /ore 6e 6i"" ha,e to ta7e to co/e to a "o#ica" co$c"'sio$9 There is $o ha" -6ay ho'se9 Yo' are /etaphysicia$s8 a$) there is $o cryi$# A'arter9 I the$ 6e are beyo$) a"" "a68 6e /'st be o/$iscie$t8 e,er-b"esse); a"" 7$o6"e)#e /'st be i$ 's a$) a"" po6er a$) b"esse)$ess9 Certai$"y9 Yo' are the o/$iscie$t9 o/$iprese$t bei$# o the '$i,erse9 5't o s'ch bei$#s ca$ there be /a$y@

Ca$ there be a h'$)re) tho'sa$) /i""io$s o o/$iprese$t bei$#s@ Certai$"y $ot9 The$8 6hat beco/es o 's a""@ Yo' are o$"y o$e; there is o$"y o$e s'ch Se" 8 a$) that O$e Se" is yo'9 Sta$)i$# behi$) this "itt"e $at're is 6hat 6e ca"" the So'"9 There is o$"y O$e 5ei$#8 O$e E=iste$ce8 the e,erb"esse)8 the o/$iprese$t8 the o/$iscie$t8 the birth"ess8 )eath"ess9 DThro'#h >is co$tro" the s7y e=pa$)s8 thro'#h >is co$tro" the air breathes8 thro'#h >is co$tro" the s'$ shi$es8 a$) thro'#h >is co$tro" a"" "i,e9 >e is the !ea"ity i$ $at're8 >e is the So'" o yo'r so'"8 $ay8 /ore8 yo' are >e8 yo' are o$e 6ith >i/9D Where,er there are t6o8 there is ear8 there is )a$#er8 there is co$ "ict8 there is stri e9 Whe$ it is a"" O$e8 6ho is there to hate8 6ho is there to str'##"e 6ith@ Whe$ it is a"" >e8 6ith 6ho/ ca$ yo' i#ht@ This e=p"ai$s the tr'e $at're o "i e; this e=p"ai$s the tr'e $at're o bei$#9 this is per ectio$8 a$) this is Go)9 As "o$# as yo' see the /a$y8 yo' are '$)er )e"'sio$9 DI$ this 6or") o /a$y he 6ho sees the O$e8 i$ this e,ercha$#i$# 6or") he 6ho sees >i/ 6ho $e,er cha$#es8 as the So'" o his o6$ so'"8 as his o6$ Se" 8 he is ree8 he is b"esse)8 he has reache) the #oa"9D There ore 7$o6 that tho' art >e; tho' art the Go) o this '$i,erse8 DTat T,a/ AsiD IThat tho' artJ9 A"" these ,ario's i)eas that I a/ a /a$ or a 6o/a$8 or sic7 or hea"thy8 or stro$# or 6ea78 or that I hate or I "o,e8 or ha,e a "itt"e po6er8 are b't ha""'ci$atio$s9 A6ay 6ith the/ I What /a7es yo' 6ea7@ What /a7es yo' ear@ Yo' are the O$e 5ei$# i$ the '$i,erse9 What ri#hte$s yo'@ Sta$) 'p the$ a$) be ree9 K$o6 that e,ery tho'#ht a$) 6or) that 6ea7e$s yo' i$ this 6or") is the o$"y e,i" that e=ists9 Whate,er /a7es /e$ 6ea7 a$) ear is the o$"y e,i" that sho'") be sh'$$e)9 What ca$ ri#hte$ yo'@ I the s'$s co/e )o6$8 a$) the /oo$s cr'/b"e i$to )'st8 a$) syste/s a ter syste/s are h'r"e) i$to a$$ihi"atio$8 6hat is that to yo'@ Sta$) as a roc7; yo' are i$)estr'ctib"e9 Yo' are the Se" 8 the Go) o the '$i,erse9 Say : DI a/ E=iste$ce Abso"'te8 5"iss Abso"'te8 K$o6"e)#e Abso"'te8 I a/ >e8D a$) "i7e a "io$ brea7i$# its ca#e8 brea7 yo'r chai$ a$) be ree or e,er9 What ri#hte$s yo'8 6hat ho")s yo' )o6$@ O$"y i#$ora$ce a$) )e"'sio$; $othi$# e"se ca$ bi$) yo'9 Yo' are the B're O$e8 the E,er-b"esse)9 Si""y oo"s te"" yo' that yo' are si$$ers8 a$) yo' sit )o6$ i$ a cor$er a$) 6eep9 It is oo"ish$ess8 6ic7e)$ess8 )o6$ri#ht rasca"ity to say that yo' are si$$ersG Yo' are a"" Go)9 See yo' $ot Go) a$) ca"" >i/ /a$@ There ore8 i yo' )are8 sta$) o$ that : /o'") yo'r 6ho"e "i e o$ that9 I a /a$ c'ts yo'r throat8 )o $ot say $o8 or yo' are c'tti$# yo'r o6$ throat9 Whe$ yo' he"p a poor /a$8 )o $ot ee" the "east pri)e9 That is 6orship or yo'8 a$) $ot the ca'se o pri)e9 Is $ot the 6ho"e '$i,erse yo'@ Where is there a$y o$e that is $ot yo'@ Yo' are the So'" o this '$i,erse9 Yo' are the s'$8 /oo$8 a$) stars8 it is yo' that are shi$i$# e,ery6here9 The 6ho"e '$i,erse is yo'9 Who/ are yo' #oi$# to hate or to i#ht@ K$o68 the$8 that tho' art >e8 a$) /o)e" yo'r 6ho"e "i e accor)i$#"y; a$) he 6ho 7$o6s this a$) /o)e"s his "i e accor)i$#"y 6i"" $o /ore #ro,e" i$ )ar7$ess9

CHAPTER XIII THE ATMAN Ma$y o yo' ha,e rea) Ma= MO""erEs ce"ebrate) boo78 Three Lectures on the Vedanta 'hilosophy8 a$) so/e o yo' /ay8 perhaps8 ha,e rea)8 i$ Ger/a$8 Bro essor De'sse$Es boo7 o$ the sa/e phi"osophy9 I$ 6hat is bei$# 6ritte$ a$) ta'#ht i$ the West abo't the re"i#io's tho'#ht o I$)ia8 o$e schoo" o I$)ia$ tho'#ht is pri$cipa""y represe$te)8 that 6hich is ca""e) A),aitis/8 the /o$istic si)e o I$)ia$ re"i#io$; a$) so/eti/es it is tho'#ht that a"" the teachi$#s o the Ve)as are co/prise) i$ that o$e syste/ o phi"osophy9 There are8 ho6e,er8 ,ario's phases o I$)ia$ tho'#ht; a$)8 perhaps8 this $o$-)'a"istic or/ is i$ the /i$ority as co/pare) 6ith the other phases9 .ro/ the /ost a$cie$t ti/es there ha,e bee$ ,ario's sects o tho'#ht i$ I$)ia8 a$) as there $e,er 6as a or/'"ate) or reco#$ise) ch'rch or a$y bo)y o /e$ to )esi#$ate the )octri$es 6hich sho'") be be"ie,e) by each schoo"8 peop"e 6ere ,ery ree to choose their o6$ or/8 /a7e their o6$ phi"osophy a$) estab"ish their o6$ sects9 We8 there ore8 i$) that ro/ the /ost a$cie$t ti/es I$)ia 6as '"" o re"i#io's sects9 At the prese$t ti/e8 I )o $ot 7$o6 ho6 /a$y h'$)re)s o sects 6e ha,e i$ I$)ia8 a$) se,era" resh o$es are co/i$# i$to e=iste$ce e,ery year9 It see/s that the re"i#io's acti,ity o that $atio$ is si/p"y i$e=ha'stib"e9 O these ,ario's sects8 i$ the irst p"ace8 there ca$ be /a)e t6o /ai$ )i,isio$s8 the ortho)o= a$) the '$ortho)o=9 Those that be"ie,e i$ the >i$)' script'res8 the Ve)as8 as eter$a" re,e"atio$s o tr'th8 are ca""e) ortho)o=8 a$) those that sta$) o$ other a'thorities8 re<ecti$# the Ve)as8 are the hetero)o= i$ I$)ia9 The chie /o)er$ '$ortho)o= >i$)' sects are the Jai$s a$) the 5'))hists9 A/o$# the ortho)o= so/e )ec"are that the script'res are o /'ch hi#her a'thority tha$ reaso$; others a#ai$ say that o$"y that portio$ o the script'res 6hich is ratio$a" sho'") be ta7e$ a$) the rest re<ecte)9 O the three ortho)o= )i,isio$s8 the S?$7hyas8 the Naiy?yi7as8 a$) the Mi/?/sa7as8 the or/er t6o8 a"tho'#h they e=iste) as phi"osophica" schoo"s8 ai"e) to or/ a$y sect9 The o$e sect that $o6 rea""y co,ers I$)ia is that o the "ater Mi/a/sa7as or the Ve)a$tists9 Their phi"osophy is ca""e) Ve)a$tis/9 A"" the schoo"s o >i$)' phi"osophy start ro/ the Ve)a$ta or 3pa$isha)s8 b't the /o$ists too7 the $a/e to the/se",es as a specia"ity8 beca'se they 6a$te) to base the 6ho"e o their theo"o#y a$) phi"osophy 'po$ the Ve)a$ta a$) $othi$# e"se9 I$ the co'rse o ti/e the Ve)a$ta pre,ai"e)8 a$) a"" the ,ario's sects o I$)ia that $o6 e=ist ca$ be re erre) to o$e or other o its schoo"s9 Yet these schoo"s are $ot '$a$i/o's i$ their opi$io$s9 We i$) that there are three pri$cipa" ,ariatio$s a/o$# the Ve)a$tists9 O$ o$e poi$t they a"" a#ree8 a$) that is that they a"" be"ie,e i$ Go)9 A"" these Ve)a$tists a"so be"ie,e the Ve)as to be the re,ea"e) 6or) o Go)8 $ot e=act"y i$ the sa/e se$se8 perhaps8 as the Christia$s or the Moha//e)a$s be"ie,e8 b't i$ a ,ery pec'"iar se$se9 Their i)ea is that the Ve)as are a$ e=pressio$ o the 7$o6"e)#e o Go)8 a$) as Go) is eter$a"8 >is 7$o6"e)#e is eter$a""y 6ith >i/8 a$) so are the Ve)as eter$a"9 There is a$other co//o$ #ro'$) o be"ie 4 that o creatio$ i$ cyc"es8 that the 6ho"e o creatio$ appears a$) )isappears; that it is pro<ecte) a$) beco/es #rosser a$) #rosser8 a$) at the e$) o a$ i$ca"c'"ab"e perio) o ti/e it beco/es i$er a$) i$er8 6he$ it )isso",es a$) s'bsi)es8 a$) the$ co/es a perio) o rest9 A#ai$ it4 be#i$s to appear a$) #oes thro'#h the sa/e process9 They post'"ate the e=iste$ce o a /ateria" 6hich they ca"" M7?sha8 6hich is so/ethi$# "i7e the ether o the scie$tists8 a$) a po6er 6hich they ca"" Br?$a9 Abo't; this Bra$a they )ec"are that by its ,ibratio$ the '$i,erse is pro)'ce)9 Whe$ a cyc"e e$)s8 a"" this /a$i estatio$ o $at're beco/es i$er a$) i$er a$) )isso",es i$to that A7asha 6hich ca$$ot be see$ or e"t8 yet o't o 6hich e,erythi$# is /a$' act're)9 A"" the orces that 6e see i$ $at're8 s'ch as #ra,itatio$8 attractio$8 a$) rep'"sio$8 or as tho'#ht8 ee"i$#8 a$) $er,o's /otio$ : a"" these ,ario's orces reso",e i$to that Bra$a8 a$) the ,ibratio$ o the Bra$a ceases9 I$ that state it re/ai$s '$ti" the be#i$$i$# o the $e=t cyc"e9 Bra$a the$ be#i$s to ,ibrate8 a$) that ,ibratio$ acts 'po$ the A7asha8 a$) a"" these or/s are

thro6$ o't i$ re#'"ar s'ccessio$9 The irst schoo" I 6i"" te"" yo' abo't is sty"e) the )'a"istic schoo"9 The )'a"ists be"ie,e that Go)8 6ho is the creator o the '$i,erse a$) its r'"er8 is eter$a""y separate ro/ $at're8 eter$a""y separate ro/ the h'/a$ so'"9 Go) is eter$a"; $at're is eter$a"; so are a"" so'"s9 Nat're a$) the so'"s beco/e /a$i este) a$) cha$#e8 b't Go) re/ai$s the sa/e9 Accor)i$# to the )'a"ists8 a#ai$8 this Go) is perso$a" i$ that >e has A'a"ities8 $ot that >e has a bo)y9 >e has h'/a$ attrib'tes; >e is /erci '"8 >e is <'st8 >e is po6er '"8 >e is a"/i#hty8 >e ca$ be approache)8 >e ca$ be praye) to8 >e ca$ be "o,e)8 >e "o,es i$ ret'r$8 a$) so orth9 I$ o$e 6or)8 >e is a h'/a$ Go)8 o$"y i$ i$ite"y #reater tha$ /a$; >e has $o$e o the e,i" A'a"ities 6hich /e$ ha,e9 D>e is the repository o a$ i$ i$ite $'/ber o b"esse) A'a"itiesD : that is their )e i$itio$9 >e ca$$ot create 6itho't /ateria"s8 a$) $at're is the /ateria" o't o 6hich >e creates the 6ho"e '$i,erse9 There are so/e $o$-Ve)a$tic )'a"ists8 ca""e) DAto/istsD8 6ho be"ie,e that $at're is $othi$# b't a$ i$ i$ite $'/ber o ato/s8 a$) Go)Es 6i""8 acti$# 'po$ these ato/s8 creates9 The Ve)a$tists )e$y the ato/ic theory; they say it is per ect"y i""o#ica"9 The i$)i,isib"e ato/s are "i7e #eo/etrica" poi$ts 6itho't parts or /a#$it')e; b't so/ethi$# 6itho't parts or /a#$it')e8 i /'"tip"ie) a$ i$ i$ite $'/ber o ti/es8 6i"" re/ai$ the sa/e9 A$ythi$# that has $o parts 6i"" $e,er /a7e so/ethi$# that has parts; a$y $'/ber o Feros a))e) to#ether 6i"" $ot /a7e o$e si$#"e 6ho"e $'/ber9 So8 i these ato/s are s'ch that they ha,e $o parts or /a#$it')e8 the creatio$ o the '$i,erse is si/p"y i/possib"e o't o s'ch ato/s9 There ore8 accor)i$# to the Ve)a$tic )'a"ists8 there is 6hat they ca"" i$)iscrete or '$)i ere$tiate) $at're8 a$) o't o that Go) creates the '$i,erse9 The ,ast /ass o I$)ia$ peop"e are )'a"ists9 >'/a$ $at're or)i$ari"y ca$$ot co$cei,e o a$ythi$# hi#her9 We i$) that $i$ety per ce$t o the pop'"atio$ o the earth 6ho be"ie,e i$ a$y re"i#io$ are )'a"ists9 A"" the re"i#io$s o E'rope a$) Wester$ Asia are )'a"istic; they ha,e to be9 The or)i$ary /a$ ca$$ot thi$7 o a$ythi$# 6hich is $ot co$crete9 >e $at'ra""y "i7es to c"i$# to that 6hich his i$te""ect ca$ #rasp9 That is to say8 he ca$ o$"y co$cei,e o hi#her spirit'a" i)eas by bri$#i$# the/ )o6$ to his o6$ "e,e"9 >e ca$ o$"y #rasp abstract tho'#hts by /a7i$# the/ co$crete9 This is the re"i#io$ o the /asses a"" o,er the 6or")9 They be"ie,e i$ a Go) 6ho is e$tire"y separate ro/ the/8 a #reat 7i$#8 a hi#h8 /i#hty /o$arch8 as it 6ere9 At the sa/e ti/e they /a7e >i/ p'rer tha$ the /o$archs o the earth; they #i,e >i/ a"" #oo) A'a"ities a$) re/o,e the e,i" A'a"ities ro/ >i/9 As i it 6ere e,er possib"e or #oo) to e=ist 6itho't e,i"; as i there co'") be a$y co$ceptio$ o "i#ht 6itho't a co$ceptio$ o )ar7$essG With a"" )'a"istic theories the irst )i ic'"ty is8 ho6 is it possib"e that '$)er the r'"e o a <'st a$) /erci '" Go)8 the repository o a$ i$ i$ite $'/ber o #oo) A'a"ities8 there ca$ be so /a$y e,i"s i$ this 6or")@ This A'estio$ arose i$ a"" )'a"istic re"i#io$s8 b't the >i$)'s $e,er i$,e$te) a Sata$ as a$ a$s6er to it9 The >i$)'s 6ith o$e accor) "ai) the b"a/e o$ /a$8 a$) it 6as easy or the/ to )o so9 Why@ 5eca'se8 as I ha,e <'st $o6 to") yo'8 they )i) $ot be"ie,e that so'"s 6ere create) o't o $othi$# We see i$ this "i e that 6e ca$ shape a$) or/ o'r 't're e,ery o$e o 's8 e,ery )ay8 is tryi$# to shape the /orro6; to)ay 6e i= the ate o the /orro6; to/orro6 6e sha"" i= the ate o the )ay a ter8 a$) so o$9 It is A'ite "o#ica" that this reaso$i$# ca$ be p'she) bac76ar) too9 I by o'r o6$ )ee)s 6e shape o'r )esti$y i$ the 't're 6hy $ot app"y the sa/e r'"e to the past@ I 8 i$ a$ i$ i$ite chai$8 a certai$ $'/ber o "i$7s are a"ter$ate"y repeate) the$8 i o$e o these #ro'ps o "i$7s be e=p"ai$e)8 6e ca$ e=p"ai$ the 6ho"e chai$9 So8 i$ this i$ i$ite "e$#th o ti/e8 i 6e ca$ c't o o$e portio$ a$) e=p"ai$ that portio$ a$) '$)ersta$) it8 the$8 i it be tr'e that $at're is '$i or/8 the sa/e e=p"a$atio$ /'st app"y to the 6ho"e chai$ o ti/e9 I it be tr'e that 6e are 6or7i$# o't o'r o6$ )esti$y here 6ithi$ this short space o ti/e i it be tr'e that e,erythi$# /'st ha,e a ca'se as 6e see it $o68 it /'st a"so be tr'e that that 6hich 6e are $o6 is the e ect o the 6ho"e o o'r past; there ore8 $o other perso$ is $ecessary to shape the )esti$y o /a$7i$) b't /a$ hi/se" 9 The e,i"s that are i$ the 6or") are ca'se) by $o$e e"se b't o'rse",es9 We ha,e ca'se) a"" this e,i"; a$) <'st as 6e co$sta$t"y see /isery res'"ti$# ro/ e,i" actio$s8 so ca$ 6e a"so see that /'ch o the e=isti$# /isery i$ the 6or") is the e ect o the past 6ic7e)$ess o /a$9 Ma$ a"o$e8 there ore8 accor)i$# to this theory8 is respo$sib"e9 Go) is $ot to b"a/e9 >e8 the eter$a""y /erci '" .ather8 is $ot to b"a/e at a""9 DWe reap 6hat 6e so69D

A$other pec'"iar )octri$e o the )'a"ists is8 that e,ery so'" /'st e,e$t'a""y co/e to sa",atio$9 No o$e 6i"" be "e t o't9 Thro'#h ,ario's ,icissit')es8 thro'#h ,ario's s' eri$#s a$) e$<oy/e$ts8 each o$e o the/ 6i"" co/e o't i$ the e$)9 Co/e o't o 6hat@ The o$e co//o$ i)ea o a"" >i$)' sects is that a"" so'"s ha,e to #et o't o this '$i,erse9 Neither the '$i,erse 6hich 6e see a$) ee"8 $or e,e$ a$ i/a#i$ary o$e8 ca$ be ri#ht8 the rea" o$e8 beca'se both are /i=e) 'p 6ith #oo) a$) e,i"9 Accor)i$# to the )'a"ists8 there is beyo$) this '$i,erse a p"ace '"" o happi$ess a$) #oo) o$"y; a$) 6he$ that p"ace is reache)8 there 6i"" be $o /ore $ecessity o bei$# bor$ a$) rebor$8 o "i,i$# a$) )yi$#; a$) this i)ea is ,ery )ear to the/9 No /ore )isease there8 a$) $o /ore )eath9 There 6i"" be eter$a" happi$ess8 a$) they 6i"" be i$ the prese$ce o Go) or a"" ti/e a$) e$<oy >i/ or e,er9 They be"ie,e that a"" bei$#s8 ro/ the "o6est 6or/ 'p to the hi#hest a$#e"s a$) #o)s8 6i"" a""8 soo$er or "ater8 attai$ to that 6or") 6here there 6i"" be $o /ore /isery9 5't o'r 6or") 6i"" $e,er e$); it #oes o$ i$ i$ite"y8 a"tho'#h /o,i$# i$ 6a,es9 A"tho'#h /o,i$# i$ cyc"es it $e,er e$)s9 The $'/ber o so'"s that are to be sa,e)8 that are to be per ecte)8 is i$ i$ite9 So/e are i$ p"a$ts8 so/e are i$ the "o6er a$i/a"s8 so/e are i$ /e$8 so/e are i$ #o)s8 b't a"" o the/8 e,e$ the hi#hest #o)s8 are i/per ect8 are i$ bo$)a#e9 What is the bo$)a#e@ The $ecessity o bei$# bor$ a$) the $ecessity o )yi$#9 E,e$ the hi#hest #o)s )ie9 What are these #o)s@ They /ea$ certai$ states8 certai$ o ices9 .or i$sta$ce8 I$)ra the 7i$# o #o)s8 /ea$s a certai$ o ice; so/e so'" 6hich 6as ,ery hi#h has #o$e to i"" that post i$ this cyc"e8 a$) a ter this cyc"e he 6i"" be bor$ a#ai$ as /a$ a$) co/e )o6$ to this earth8 a$) the /a$ 6ho is ,ery #oo) i$ this cyc"e 6i"" #o a$) i"" that post i$ the $e=t cyc"e9 So 6ith a"" these #o)s; they are certai$ o ices 6hich ha,e bee$ i""e) a"ter$ate"y by /i""io$s a$) /i""io$s o so'"s8 6ho8 a ter i""i$# those o ices8 ca/e )o6$ a$) beca/e /e$9 Those 6ho )o #oo) 6or7s i$ this 6or") a$) he"p others8 b't 6ith a$ eye to re6ar)8 hopi$# to reach hea,e$ or to #et the praise o their e""o6-/e$8 /'st 6he$ they )ie8 reap the be$e it o those #oo) 6or7s : they beco/e these #o)s9 5't that is $ot sa",atio$; sa",atio$ $e,er 6i"" co/e thro'#h hope o re6ar)9 Whate,er /a$ )esires the Cor) #i,es hi/9 Me$ )esire po6er8 they )esire presti#e8 they )esire e$<oy/e$ts as #o)s8 a$) they #et these )esires '" i""e)8 b't $o e ect o 6or7 ca$ be eter$a"9 The e ect 6i"" be e=ha'ste) a ter a certai$ "e$#th o ti/e; it /ay be aeo$s8 b't a ter that it 6i"" be #o$e8 a$) these #o)s /'st co/e )o6$ a#ai$ a$) beco/e /e$ a$) #et a$other cha$ce or "iberatio$9 The "o6er a$i/a"s 6i"" co/e 'p a$) beco/e /e$8 beco/e #o)s8 perhaps8 the$ beco/e /e$ a#ai$8 or #o bac7 to a$i/a"s8 '$ti" the ti/e 6he$ they 6i"" #et ri) o a"" )esire or e$<oy/e$t8 the thirst or "i e8 this c"i$#i$# o$ to the D/e a$) /i$eD9 This D/e a$) /i$eD is the ,ery root o a"" the e,i" i$ the 6or")9 I yo' as7 a )'a"ist8 DIs yo'r chi") yo'rs@D he 6i"" say8 DIt is Go)Es9 My property is $ot /i$e8 it is Go)Es9D E,erythi$# sho'") be he") as Go)Es9 No68 these )'a"istic sects i$ I$)ia are #reat ,e#etaria$s8 #reat preachers o $o$-7i""i$# o a$i/a"s9 5't their i)ea abo't it is A'ite )i ere$t ro/ that o the 5'))hist9 I yo' as7 a 5'))hist8 DWhy )o yo' preach a#ai$st 7i""i$# a$y a$i/a"@D he 6i"" a$s6er8 DWe ha,e $o ri#ht to ta7e a$y "i e;D a$) i yo' as7 a )'a"ist8 DWhy )o yo' $ot 7i"" a$y a$i/a"@D he says8 D5eca'se it is the Cor)Es9D So the )'a"ist says that this D/e a$) /i$eD is to be app"ie) to Go) a$) Go) a"o$e; >e is the o$"y D/eD a$) e,erythi$# is >is9 Whe$ a /a$ has co/e to the state 6he$ he has $o D/e a$) /i$e8D 6he$ e,erythi$# is #i,e$ 'p to the Cor)8 6he$ he "o,es e,erybo)y a$) is rea)y e,e$ to #i,e 'p his "i e or a$ a$i/a"8 6itho't a$y )esire or re6ar)8 the$ his heart 6i"" be p'ri ie)8 a$) 6he$ the heart has bee$ p'ri ie)8 i$to that heart 6i"" co/e the "o,e o Go)9 Go) is the ce$tre o attractio$ or e,ery so'"8 a$) the )'a"ist says8 DA $ee)"e co,ere) 'p 6ith c"ay 6i"" $ot be attracte) by a /a#$et8 b't as soo$ as the c"ay is 6ashe) o 8 it 6i"" be attracte)9D Go) is the /a#$et a$) h'/a$ so'" is the $ee)"e8 a$) its e,i" 6or7s8 the )irt a$) )'st that co,er it9 As soo$ as the so'" is p're it 6i"" by $at'ra" attractio$ co/e to Go) a$) re/ai$ 6ith >i/ or e,er8 b't re/ai$ eter$a""y separate9 The per ecte) so'"8 i it 6ishes8 ca$ ta7e a$y or/; it is ab"e to ta7e a h'$)re) bo)ies8 i it 6ishes9 or ha,e $o$e at a""8 i it so )esires9 It beco/es a"/ost a"/i#hty8 e=cept that it ca$$ot create; that po6er be"o$#s to Go) a"o$e9 No$e8 ho6e,er per ect8 ca$ /a$a#e the a airs o the '$i,erse; that '$ctio$ be"o$#s to Go)9 5't a"" so'"s8 6he$ they beco/e per ect8 beco/e happy or e,er a$) "i,e eter$a""y 6ith Go)9 This is the )'a"istic state/e$t9

O$e other i)ea the )'a"ists preach9 They protest a#ai$st the i)ea o prayi$# to Go)8 DCor)8 #i,e /e this a$) #i,e /e that9D They thi$7 that sho'") $ot be )o$e9 I a /a$ /'st as7 so/e /ateria" #i t8 he sho'") as7 i$ erior bei$#s or it; as7 o$e o these #o)s8 or a$#e"s or a per ecte) bei$# or te/pora" thi$#s9 Go) is o$"y to be "o,e)9 It is a"/ost a b"asphe/y to pray to Go)8 DCor)8 #i,e /e this8 a$) #i,e /e that9D Accor)i$# to the )'a"ists8 there ore8 6hat a /a$ 6a$ts8 he 6i"" #et soo$er or "ater8 by prayi$# to o$e o the #o)s; b't i he 6a$ts sa",atio$8 he /'st 6orship Go)9 This is the re"i#io$ o the /asses o I$)ia9 The rea" Ve)a$ta phi"osophy be#i$s 6ith those 7$o6$ as the A'a"i ie) $o$-)'a"ists9 They /a7e the state/e$t that the e ect is $e,er )i ere$t ro/ the ca'se; the e ect is b't the ca'se repro)'ce) i$ a$other or/9 I the '$i,erse is the e ect a$) Go) the ca'se8 it /'st be Go) >i/se" : it ca$$ot be a$ythi$# b't that9 They start 6ith the assertio$ that Go) is both the e icie$t a$) the /ateria" ca'se o the '$i,erse; that >e >i/se" is the creator8 a$) >e >i/se" is the /ateria" o't o 6hich the 6ho"e o $at're is pro<ecte)9 The 6or) Dcreatio$D i$ yo'r "a$#'a#e has $o eA'i,a"e$t i$ Sa$s7rit8 beca'se there is $o sect i$ I$)ia 6hich be"ie,es i$ creatio$8 as it is re#ar)e) i$ the West8 as so/ethi$# co/i$# o't o $othi$#9 It see/s that at o$e ti/e there 6ere a e6 that ha) so/e s'ch i)ea8 b't they 6ere ,ery A'ic7"y si"e$ce)9 At the prese$t ti/e I )o $ot 7$o6 o a$y sect that be"ie,es this9 What 6e /ea$ by creatio$ is pro<ectio$ o that 6hich a"rea)y e=iste)9 No68 the 6ho"e '$i,erse8 accor)i$# to this sect8 is Go) >i/se" 9 >e is the /ateria" o the '$i,erse9 We rea) i$ the Ve)as8 DAs the 3r$a$?bhi Ispi)erJ spi$s the threa) o't o its o6$ bo)y8 9 9 9 e,e$ so the 6ho"e '$i,erse has co/e o't o the 5ei$#9D I the e ect is the ca'se repro)'ce)8 the A'estio$ is4 D>o6 is it that 6e i$) this /ateria"8 )'""8 '$i$te""i#e$t '$i,erse pro)'ce) ro/ a Go)8 6ho is $ot /ateria"8 b't 6ho is eter$a" i$te""i#e$ce@ >o68 i the ca'se is p're a$) per ect8 ca$ the e ect be A'ite )i ere$t@D What )o these A'a"i ie) $o$-)'a"ists say@ Theirs is a ,ery pec'"iar theory9 They say that these three e=iste$ces8 Go)8 $at're8 a$) the so'"8 are o$e9 Go) is8 as it 6ere8 the So'"8 a$) $at're a$) so'"s are the bo)y o Go)9 J'st as I ha,e a bo)y a$) I ha,e a so'"8 so the 6ho"e '$i,erse a$) a"" so'"s are the bo)y o Go)8 a$) Go) is the So'" o so'"s9 Th's8 Go) is the /ateria" ca'se o the '$i,erse9 The bo)y /ay be cha$#e) : /ay be yo'$# or o")8 stro$# or 6ea7 : b't that )oes $ot a ect the so'" at a""9 It is the sa/e eter$a" e=iste$ce8 /a$i esti$# thro'#h the bo)y9 5o)ies co/e a$) #o8 b't the so'" )oes $ot cha$#e9 E,e$ so the 6ho"e '$i,erse is the bo)y o Go)8 a$) i$ that se$se it is Go)9 5't the cha$#e i$ the '$i,erse )oes $ot a ect Go)9 O't o this /ateria" >e creates the '$i,erse8 a$) at the e$) o a cyc"e >is bo)y beco/es i$er8 it co$tracts; at the be#i$$i$# o a$other cyc"e it beco/es e=pa$)e) a#ai$8 a$) o't o it e,o",e a"" these )i ere$t 6or")s9 No6 both the )'a"ists a$) the A'a"i ie) $o$-)'a"ists a)/it that the so'" is by its $at're p're8 b't thro'#h its o6$ )ee)s it beco/es i/p're9 The A'a"i ie) $o$-)'a"ists e=press it /ore bea'ti '""y tha$ the )'a"ists8 by sa,i$# that the so'"Es p'rity a$) per ectio$ beco/e co$tracte) a$) a#ai$ beco/e /a$i est8 a$) 6hat 6e are $o6 tryi$# to )o is to re/a$i est the i$te""i#e$ce8 the p'rity8 the po6er 6hich is $at'ra" to the so'"9 So'"s ha,e a /'"tit')e o A'a"ities8 b't $ot that o a"/i#hti$ess or a""-7$o6i$#$ess9 E,ery 6ic7e) )ee) co$tracts the $at're o the so'"8 a$) e,ery #oo) )ee) e=pa$)s it8 a$) these so'"s8 are a"" parts o Go)9 DAs ro/ a b"aFi$# ire "y /i""io$s o spar7s o the sa/e $at're8 e,e$ so ro/ this I$ i$ite 5ei$#8 Go)8 these so'"s ha,e co/e9D Each has the sa/e #oa"9 The Go) o the A'a"i ie) $o$-)'a"ists is a"so a Berso$a" Go)8 the repository o a$ i$ i$ite $'/ber o b"esse) A'a"ities8 o$"y >e is i$terpe$etrati$# e,erythi$# i$ the '$i,erse9 >e is i//a$e$t i$ e,erythi$# a$) e,ery6here; a$) 6he$ the script'res say that Go) is e,erythi$#8 it /ea$s that Go) is i$terpe$etrati$# e,erythi$#8 $ot that Go) has beco/e the 6a""8 b't that Go) is i$ the 6a""9 There is $ot a partic"e8 $ot a$ ato/ i$ the '$i,erse 6here >e is $ot9 So'"s are a"" "i/ite); they are $ot o/$iprese$t9 Whe$ they #et e=pa$sio$ o their po6ers a$) beco/e per ect8 there is $o /ore birth a$) )eath or the/; they "i,e 6ith Go) or e,er9 No6 6e co/e to A),aitis/8 the "ast a$)8 6hat 6e thi$78 the airest "o6er o phi"osophy a$) re"i#io$ that a$y co'$try i$ a$y a#e has pro)'ce)8 6here h'/a$ tho'#ht attai$s its hi#hest e=pressio$ a$) e,e$ #oes beyo$) the /ystery 6hich see/s to be i/pe$etrab"e9 This is the $o$-

)'a"istic Ve)a$tis/9 It is too abstr'se8 too e"e,ate) to be the re"i#io$ o the /asses9 E,e$ i$ I$)ia8 its birthp"ace8 6here it has bee$ r'"i$# s'pre/e or the "ast three tho'sa$) years8 it has $ot bee$ ab"e to per/eate the /asses9 As 6e #o o$ 6e sha"" i$) that it is )i ic'"t or e,e$ the /ost tho'#ht '" /a$ a$) 6o/a$ i$ a$y co'$try to '$)ersta$) A),aitis/9 We ha,e /a)e o'rse",es so 6ea7; 6e ha,e /a)e o'rse",es so "o69 We /ay /a7e #reat c"ai/s8 b't $at'ra""y 6e 6a$t to "ea$ o$ so/ebo)y e"se9 We are "i7e "itt"e8 6ea7 p"a$ts8 a"6ays 6a$ti$# a s'pport9 >o6 /a$y ti/es I ha,e bee$ as7e) or a Dco/ ortab"e re"i#io$GD Very e6 /e$ as7 or the tr'th8 e6er sti"" )are to "ear$ the tr'th8 a$) e6est o a"" )are to o""o6 it i$ a"" its practica" beari$#s9 It is $ot their a'"t; it is a"" 6ea7$ess o the brai$9 A$y $e6 tho'#ht8 especia""y o a hi#h 7i$)8 creates a )ist'rba$ce8 tries to /a7e a $e6 cha$$e"8 as it 6ere8 i$ the brai$ /atter8 a$) that '$hi$#es the syste/8 thro6s /e$ o their ba"a$ce9 They are 'se) to certai$ s'rro'$)i$#s8 a$) ha,e to o,erco/e a h'#e /ass o a$cie$t s'perstitio$s8 a$cestra" s'perstitio$8 c"ass s'perstitio$8 city s'perstitio$8 co'$try s'perstitio$8 a$) behi$) a""8 the ,ast /ass o s'perstitio$ that is i$$ate i$ e,ery h'/a$ bei$#9 Yet there are a e6 bra,e so'"s i$ the 6or") 6ho )are to co$cei,e the tr'th8 6ho )are to ta7e it 'p8 a$) 6ho )are to o""o6 it to the e$)9 What )oes the A),aitist )ec"are@ >e says8 i there is a Go)8 that Go) /'st be both the /ateria" a$) the e icie$t ca'se o the '$i,erse9 Not o$"y is >e the creator8 b't >e is a"so the create)9 >e >i/se" is this '$i,erse9 >o6 ca$ that be@ Go)8 the p're8 the spirit8 has beco/e the '$i,erse@ Yes; appare$t"y so9 That 6hich a"" i#$ora$t peop"e see as the '$i,erse )oes $ot rea""y e=ist9 What are yo' a$) I a$) a"" these thi$#s 6e see@ Mere se" -hyp$otis/; there is b't o$e E=iste$ce8 the I$ i$ite8 the E,er-b"esse) O$e9 I$ that E=iste$ce 6e )rea/ a"" these ,ario's )rea/s9 It is the At/a$8 beyo$) a""8 the I$ i$ite8 beyo$) the 7$o6$8 beyo$) the 7$o6ab"e; i$ a$) thro'#h That 6e see the '$i,erse9 It is the o$"y !ea"ity9 It is this tab"e; It is the a')ie$ce be ore /e; It is the 6a""; It is e,erythi$#8 /i$'s the $a/e a$) or/9 Ta7e a6ay the or/ o the tab"e8 ta7e a6ay the $a/e; 6hat re/ai$s is It9 The Ve)a$tist )oes $ot ca"" It either >e or She : these are ictio$s8 )e"'sio$s o the h'/a$ brai$ : there is $o se= i$ the so'"9 Beop"e 6ho are '$)er i""'sio$8 6ho ha,e beco/e "i7e a$i/a"s8 see a 6o/a$ or a /a$; "i,i$# #o)s )o $ot see /e$ or 6o/e$9 >o6 ca$ they 6ho are beyo$) e,erythi$# ha,e a$y se= i)ea@ E,eryo$e a$) e,erythi$# is the At/a$ : the Se" : the se="ess8 the p're8 the e,er-b"esse)9 It is the $a/e8 the or/8 the bo)y8 6hich are /ateria"8 a$) they /a7e a"" this )i ere$ce9 I yo' ta7e a6ay these t6o )i ere$ces o $a/e a$) or/8 the 6ho"e '$i,erse is o$e; there are $o t6o8 b't o$e e,ery6here9 Yo' a$) I are o$e9 There is $either $at're8 $or Go)8 $or the '$i,erse8 o$"y that o$e I$ i$ite E=iste$ce8 o't o 6hich8 thro'#h $a/e a$) or/8 a"" these are /a$' act're)9 >o6 to 7$o6 the K$o6er@ It ca$$ot be 7$o6$9 >o6 ca$ yo' see yo'r o6$ Se" @ Yo' ca$ o$"y re "ect yo'rse" 9 So a"" this '$i,erse is the re "ectio$ o that O$e Eter$a" 5ei$#8 the At/a$8 a$) as the re "ectio$ a""s 'po$ #oo) or ba) re "ectors8 so #oo) or ba) i/a#es are cast 'p9 Th's i$ the /'r)erer8 the re "ector is ba) a$) $ot the Se" 9 I$ the sai$t the re "ector is p're9 The Se" : the At/a$ : is by Its o6$ $at're p're9 It is the sa/e8 the o$e E=iste$ce o the '$i,erse that is re "ecti$# Itse" ro/ the "o6est 6or/ to the hi#hest a$) /ost per ect bei$#9 The 6ho"e o this '$i,erse is o$e 3$ity8 o$e E=iste$ce8 physica""y8 /e$ta""y8 /ora""y a$) spirit'a""y9 We are "oo7i$# 'po$ this o$e E=iste$ce i$ )i ere$t or/s a$) creati$# a"" these i/a#es 'po$ It9 To the bei$# 6ho has "i/ite) hi/se" to the co$)itio$ o /a$8 It appears as the 6or") o /a$9 To the bei$# 6ho is o$ a hi#her p"a$e o e=iste$ce8 It /ay see/ "i7e hea,e$9 There is b't o$e So'" i$ the '$i,erse8 $ot t6o9 It $either co/es $or #oes9 It is $either bor$8 $or )ies8 $or rei$car$ates9 >o6 ca$ It )ie@ Where ca$ It #o@ A"" these hea,e$s8 a"" these earths8 a$) a"" these p"aces are ,ai$ i/a#i$atio$s o the /i$)9 They )o $ot e=ist8 $e,er e=iste) i$ the past8 a$) $e,er 6i"" e=ist i$ the 't're9 I a/ o/$iprese$t8 eter$a"9 Where ca$ I #o@ Where a/ I $ot a"rea)y@ I a/ rea)i$# this boo7 o $at're9 Ba#e a ter pa#e I a/ i$ishi$# a$) t'r$i$# o,er8 a$) o$e )rea/ o "i e a ter a$other #oes A6ay9 A$other pa#e o "i e is t'r$e) o,er; a$other )rea/ o "i e co/es8 a$) it #oes a6ay8 ro""i$# a$) ro""i$#8 a$) 6he$ I ha,e i$ishe) /y rea)i$#8 I "et it #o a$) sta$) asi)e8 I thro6 a6ay the boo78 a$) the 6ho"e thi$# is i$ishe)9 What )oes the A),aitist preach@ >e )ethro$es a"" the #o)s that e,er e=iste)8 or e,er 6i"" e=ist i$ the '$i,erse a$) p"aces o$ that thro$e the Se" o /a$8 the At/a$8

hi#her tha$ the s'$ a$) the /oo$8 hi#her tha$ the hea,e$s8 #reater tha$ this #reat '$i,erse itse" 9 No boo7s8 $o script'res8 $o scie$ce ca$ e,er i/a#i$e the #"ory o the Se" that appears as /a$8 the /ost #"orio's Go) that e,er 6as8 the o$"y Go) that e,er e=iste)8 e=ists8 or e,er 6i"" e=ist9 I a/ to 6orship8 there ore8 $o$e b't /yse" 9 DI 6orship /y Se" 8D says the A),aitist9 To 6ho/ sha"" I bo6 )o6$@ I sa"'te /y Se" 9 To 6ho/ sha"" I #o or he"p@ Who ca$ he"p /e8 the I$ i$ite 5ei$# o the '$i,erse@ These are oo"ish )rea/s8 ha""'ci$atio$s; 6ho e,er he"pe) a$y o$e@ No$e9 Where,er yo' see a 6ea7 /a$8 a )'a"ist8 6eepi$# a$) 6ai"i$# or he"p ro/ so/e6here abo,e the s7ies8 it is beca'se he )oes $ot 7$o6 that the s7ies a"so are i$ hi/9 >e 6a$ts he"p ro/ the s7ies8 a$) the he"p co/es9 We see that it co/es; b't it co/es ro/ 6ithi$ hi/se" 8 a$) he /ista7es it as co/i$# ro/ 6itho't9 So/eti/es a sic7 /a$ "yi$# o$ his be) /ay hear a tap o$ the )oor9 >e #ets 'p a$) ope$s it a$) i$)s $o o$e there9 >e #oes bac7 to be)8 a$) a#ai$ he hears a tap9 >e #ets 'p a$) ope$s the )oor9 Nobo)y is there9 At "ast he i$)s that it 6as his o6$ heartbeat 6hich he a$cie) 6as a 7$oc7 at the )oor9 Th's /a$8 a ter this ,ai$ search a ter ,ario's #o)s o'tsi)e hi/se" 8 co/p"etes the circ"e8 a$) co/es bac7 to the poi$t ro/ 6hich he starte) : the h'/a$ so'"8 a$) he i$)s that the Go) 6ho/ he 6as searchi$# i$ hi"" a$) )a"e8 6ho/ he 6as see7i$# i$ e,ery broo78 i$ e,ery te/p"e8 i$ ch'rches a$) hea,e$s8 that Go) 6ho/ he 6as e,e$ i/a#i$i$# as sitti$# i$ hea,e$ a$) r'"i$# the 6or")8 is his o6$ Se" 9 I a/ >e8 a$) >e is I9 No$e b't I 6as Go)8 a$) this "itt"e I $e,er e=iste)9 Yet8 ho6 co'") that per ect Go) ha,e bee$ )e"')e)@ >e $e,er 6as9 >o6 co'") a per ect Go) ha,e bee$ )rea/i$#@ >e $e,er )rea/e)9 Tr'th $e,er )rea/s9 The ,ery A'estio$ as to 6he$ce this i""'sio$ arose is abs'r)9 I""'sio$ arises ro/ i""'sio$ a"o$e9 There 6i"" be $o i""'sio$ as soo$ as the tr'th is see$9 I""'sio$ a"6ays rests 'po$ i""'sio$; it $e,er rests 'po$ Go)8 the Tr'th8 the At/a$9 Yo' are $e,er i$ i""'sio$; it is i""'sio$ that is i$ yo'8 be ore yo'9 A c"o') is here; a$other co/es a$) p'shes it asi)e a$) ta7es its p"ace9 Sti"" a$other co/es a$) p'shes that o$e a6ay9 As be ore the eter$a" b"'e s7y8 c"o')s o ,ario's h'e a$) co"o'r co/e8 re/ai$ or a short ti/e a$) )isappear8 "ea,i$# it the sa/e eter$a" b"'e8 e,e$ so are yo'8 eter$a""y p're8 eter$a""y per ect9 Yo' are the ,eritab"e Go)s o the '$i,erse; $ay8 there are $ot t6o : there is b't O$e9 It is a /ista7e to say8 Dyo' a$) ID; say DID9 It is I 6ho a/ eati$# i$ /i""io$s o /o'ths; ho6 ca$ I be h'$#ry@ It is I 6ho a/ 6or7i$# thro'#h a$ i$ i$ite $'/ber o ha$)s; ho6 ca$ I be i$acti,e@ It is I 6ho a/ "i,i$# the "i e o the 6ho"e '$i,erse; 6here is )eath or /e@ I a/ beyo$) a"" "i e8 beyo$) a"" )eath9 Where sha"" I see7 or ree)o/@ I a/ ree by /y $at're9 Who ca$ bi$) /e : the Go) o this '$i,erse@ The script'res o the 6or") are b't "itt"e /aps8 6a$ti$# to )e"i$eate /y #"ory8 6ho a/ the o$"y e=iste$ce o the '$i,erse9 The$ 6hat are these boo7s to /e@ Th's says the A),aitist9 DK$o6 the tr'th a$) be ree i$ a /o/e$t9D A"" the )ar7$ess 6i"" the$ ,a$ish9 Whe$ /a$ has see$ hi/se" as o$e 6ith the I$ i$ite 5ei$# o the '$i,erse8 6he$ a"" separate$ess has cease)8 6he$ a"" /e$ a$) 6o/e$8 a$ #o)s a$) a$#e"s8 a"" a$i/a"s a$) p"a$ts8 a$) the 6ho"e '$i,erse ha,e /e"te) i$to that O$e$ess8 the$ a"" ear )isappears9 Ca$ I h'rt /yse" @ Ca$ I 7i"" /yse" @ Ca$ I i$<'re /yse" @ Who/ to ear@ Ca$ yo' ear yo'rse" @ The$ 6i"" a"" sorro6 )isappear9 What ca$ ca'se /e sorro6@ I a/ the O$e E=iste$ce o the '$i,erse9 The$ a"" <ea"o'sies 6i"" )isappear; o 6ho/ to be <ea"o's@ O /yse" @ The$ a"" ba) ee"i$#s )isappear9 A#ai$st 6ho/ ca$ I ha,e ba) ee"i$#@ A#ai$st /yse" @ There is $o$e i$ the '$i,erse b't I9 A$) this is the o$e 6ay8 says the Ve)a$tist8 to K$o6"e)#e9 Ki"" o't this )i ere$tiatio$8 7i"" o't this s'perstitio$ that there are /a$y9 D>e 6ho i$ this 6or") o /a$y sees that O$e8 he 6ho i$ this /ass o i$se$tie$cy sees that o$e Se$tie$t 5ei$#8 he 6ho i$ this 6or") o sha)o6s catches that !ea"ity8 '$to hi/ be"o$#s eter$a" peace8 '$to $o$e e"se8 '$to $o$e e"se9D These are the sa"ie$t poi$ts o the three steps 6hich I$)ia$ re"i#io's tho'#ht has ta7e$ i$ re#ar) to Go)9 We ha,e see$ that it be#a$ 6ith the Berso$a"8 the e=tra-cos/ic Go)9 It 6e$t ro/ the e=ter$a" to the i$ter$a" cos/ic bo)y8 Go) i//a$e$t i$ the '$i,erse8 a$) e$)e) i$ i)e$ti yi$# the so'" itse" 6ith that Go)8 a$) /a7i$# o$e So'"8 a '$it o a"" these ,ario's /a$i estatio$s i$ the '$i,erse9 This is the "ast 6or) o the Ve)as9 It be#i$s 6ith )'a"is/8 #oes thro'#h a A'a"i ie) /o$is/ a$) e$)s i$ per ect /o$is/9 We 7$o6 ho6 ,ery e6 i$ this 6or") ca$ co/e to the "ast8 or e,e$ )are be"ie,e i$ it8 a$) e6er sti"" )are act accor)i$# to it9 Yet 6e 7$o6 that therei$ "ies the e=p"a$atio$ o a"" ethics8

o a"" /ora"ity a$) a"" spirit'a"ity i$ the '$i,erse9 Why is it that e,ery o$e says8 DDo #oo) to others@D Where is the e=p"a$atio$@ Why is it that a"" #reat /e$ ha,e preache) the brotherhoo) o /a$7i$)8 a$) #reater /e$ the brotherhoo) o a"" "i,es@ 5eca'se 6hether they 6ere co$scio's o it or $ot8 behi$) a"" that8 thro'#h a"" their irratio$a" a$) perso$a" s'perstitio$s8 6as peeri$# orth the eter$a" "i#ht o the Se" )e$yi$# a"" /a$i o")$ess8 a$) asserti$# that the 6ho"e '$i,erse is b't o$e9 A#ai$8 the "ast 6or) #a,e 's o$e '$i,erse8 6hich thro'#h the se$ses 6e see as /atter8 thro'#h the i$te""ect as so'"s8 a$) thro'#h the spirit as Go)9 To the /a$ 6ho thro6s 'po$ hi/se" ,ei"s8 6hich the 6or") ca""s 6ic7e)$ess a$) e,i"8 this ,ery '$i,erse 6i"" cha$#e a$) beco/e a hi)eo's p"ace; to a$other /a$8 6ho 6a$ts e$<oy/e$ts8 this ,ery '$i,erse 6i"" cha$#e its appeara$ce a$) beco/e a hea,e$8 a$) to the per ect /a$ the 6ho"e thi$# 6i"" ,a$ish a$) beco/e his o6$ Se" 9 No68 as society e=ists at the prese$t ti/e8 a"" these three sta#es are $ecessary; the o$e )oes $ot )e$y the other8 o$e is si/p"y the '" i"/e$t o the other9 The A),aitist or the A'a"i ie) A),aitist )oes $ot say that )'a"is/ is 6ro$#; it is a ri#ht ,ie68 b't a "o6er o$e9 It is o$ the 6ay to tr'th; there ore "et e,erybo)y 6or7 o't his o6$ ,isio$ o this '$i,erse8 accor)i$# to his o6$ i)eas9 I$<'re $o$e8 )e$y the positio$ o $o$e; ta7e /a$ 6here he sta$)s a$)8 i yo' ca$8 "e$) hi/ a he"pi$# ha$) a$) p't hi/ o$ a hi#her p"at or/8 b't )o $ot i$<'re a$) )o $ot )estroy9 A"" 6i"" co/e to tr'th i$ the "o$# r'$9 DWhe$ a"" the )esires o the heart 6i"" be ,a$A'ishe)8 the$ this ,ery /orta" 6i"" beco/e i//orta"D : the$ the ,ery /a$ 6i"" beco/e Go)9

CHAPTER XIV THE ATMAN: ITS BONDAGE AND FREEDOM Accor)i$# to the A),aita phi"osophy8 there is o$"y o$e thi$# rea" i$ the '$i,erse8 6hich it ca""s 5rah/a$; e,erythi$# e"se is '$rea"8 /a$i este) a$) /a$' act're) o't o 5rah/a$ by the po6er o M?y?9 To reach bac7 to that 5rah/a$ is o'r #oa"9 We are8 each o$e o 's8 that 5rah/a$8 that !ea"ity8 p"'s this Maya9 I 6e ca$ #et ri) o this Maya or i#$ora$ce8 the$ 6e beco/e 6hat 6e rea""y are9 Accor)i$# to this phi"osophy8 each /a$ co$sists o three parts : the bo)y8 the i$ter$a" or#a$ or the /i$)8 a$) behi$) that8 6hat is ca""e) the Mt/a$8 the Se" 9 The bo)y is the e=ter$a" coati$# a$) the /i$) is the i$ter$a" coati$# o the At/a$ 6ho is the rea" percei,er8 the rea" e$<oyer8 the bei$# i$ the bo)y 6ho is 6or7i$# the bo)y by /ea$s o the i$ter$a" or#a$ or the /i$)9 The Mt/a$ is the o$"y e=iste$ce i$ the h'/a$ bo)y 6hich is i//ateria"9 5eca'se it is i//ateria"8 it ca$$ot be a co/po'$)8 a$) beca'se it is $ot a co/po'$)8 it )oes $ot obey the "a6 o ca'se a$) e ect8 a$) so it is i//orta"9 That 6hich is i//orta" ca$ ha,e $o be#i$$i$# beca'se e,erythi$# 6ith a be#i$$i$# /'st ha,e a$ e$)9 It a"so o""o6s that it /'st be or/"ess; there ca$$ot be a$y o$) 6itho't /atter9 E,erythi$# that has or/ /'st ha,e a be#i$$i$# a$) a$ e$)9 We ha,e $o$e o 's see$ a or/ 6hich ha) $ot a be#i$$i$# a$) 6i"" $ot ha,e a$ e$)9 A or/ co/es o't o a co/bi$atio$ o orce a$) /atter9 This chair has a pec'"iar or/8 that is to say a certai$ A'a$tity o /atter is acte) 'po$ by a certai$ a/o'$t o orce a$) /a)e to ass'/e a partic'"ar shape9 The shape is the res'"t o a co/bi$atio$ o /atter a$) orce9 The co/bi$atio$ ca$$ot be eter$a"; there /'st co/e to e,ery co/bi$atio$ a ti/e 6he$ it 6i"" )isso",e9 So a"" or/s ha,e a be#i$$i$# a$) a$ e$)9 We 7$o6 o'r bo)y 6i"" perish; it ha) a be#i$$i$# a$) it 6i"" ha,e a$ e$)9 5't the Se" ha,i$# $o or/8 ca$$ot be bo'$) by the "a6 o be#i$$i$# a$) e$)9 It is e=isti$# ro/ i$ i$ite ti/e; <'st as ti/e is eter$a"8 so is the Se" o /a$ eter$a"9 Seco$)"y8 it /'st be a""-per,a)i$#9 It is o$"y or/ that is co$)itio$e) a$) "i/ite) by space; that 6hich is or/"ess ca$$ot be co$ i$e) i$ space9 So8 accor)i$# to A),aita Ve)a$ta8 the Se" 8 the At/a$8 i$ yo'8 i$ /e8 i$ e,ery o$e8 is o/$iprese$t9 Yo' are as /'ch i$ the s'$ $o6 as i$ this earth8 as /'ch i$ E$#"a$) as i$ A/erica9 5't the Se" acts thro'#h the /i$) a$) the bo)y8 a$) 6here they are8 its actio$ is ,isib"e9 Each 6or7 6e )o8 each tho'#ht 6e thi$78 pro)'ces a$ i/pressio$8 ca""e) i$ Sa$s7rit Sa/s7?ra8 'po$ the /i$) a$) the s'/ tota" o these i/pressio$s beco/es the tre/e$)o's orce 6hich is ca""e) DcharacterD9 The character o a /a$ is 6hat he has create) or hi/se" ; it is the res'"t o the /e$ta" a$) physica" actio$s that he has )o$e i$ his "i e9 The s'/ tota" o the Sa/s7aras is the orce 6hich #i,es a /a$ the $e=t )irectio$ a ter )eath9 A /a$ )ies; the bo)y a""s a6ay a$) #oes bac7 to the e"e/e$ts; b't the Sa/s7aras re/ai$8 a)heri$# to the /i$) 6hich8 bei$# /a)e o i$e /ateria"8 )oes $ot )isso",e8 beca'se the i$er the /ateria"8 the /ore persiste$t it is9 5't the /i$) a"so )isso",es i$ the "o$# r'$8 a$) that is 6hat 6e are str'##"i$# or9 I$ this co$$ectio$8 the best i""'stratio$ that co/es to /y /i$) is that o the 6hir"6i$)9 Di ere$t c'rre$ts o air co/i$# ro/ )i ere$t )irectio$s /eet a$) at the /eeti$#-poi$t beco/e '$ite) a$) #o o$ rotati$#; as they rotate8 they or/ a bo)y o )'st8 )ra6i$# i$ bits o paper8 stra68 etc98 at o$e p"ace8 o$"y to )rop the/ a$) #o o$ to a$other8 a$) so #o o$ rotati$#8 raisi$# a$) or/i$# bo)ies o't o the /ateria"s 6hich are be ore the/9 E,e$ so the orces8 ca""e) Br?$a i$ Sa$s7rit8 co/e to#ether a$) or/ the bo)y a$) the /i$) o't o /atter8 a$) /o,e o$ '$ti" the bo)y a""s )o6$8 6he$ they raise other /ateria"s to /a7e a$other bo)y8 a$) 6he$ this a""s8 a$other rises8 a$) th's the process #oes o$9 .orce ca$$ot tra,e" 6itho't /atter9 So 6he$ the bo)y a""s )o6$8 the /i$)-st' re/ai$s8 Bra$a i$ the or/ o Sa/s7aras acti$# o$ it; a$) the$ it #oes o$ to a$other poi$t8 raises 'p a$other 6hir" ro/ resh /ateria"s8 a$) be#i$s a$other /otio$; a$) so it tra,e"s ro/ p"ace to p"ace '$ti" the orce is a"" spe$t; a$) the$ it a""s )o6$8 e$)e)9 So 6he$ the /i$) 6i"" e$)8 be bro7e$ to pieces e$tire"y8 6itho't "ea,i$# a$y Sa/s7ara8 6e sha"" be e$tire"y ree8 a$) '$ti" that ti/e 6e are i$ bo$)a#e; '$ti" the$ the At/a$ is co,ere) by the 6hir" o the /i$)8 a$) i/a#i$es it is bei$# ta7e$ ro/ p"ace to

p"ace9 Whe$ the 6hir" a""s )o6$8 the At/a$ i$)s that It is a""-per,a)i$#9 It ca$ #o 6here It "i7es8 is e$tire"y ree8 a$) is ab"e to /a$' act're a$y $'/ber o /i$)s or bo)ies It "i7es; b't '$ti" the$ It ca$ #o o$"y 6ith the 6hir"9 This ree)o/ is the #oa" to6ar)s 6hich 6e are a"" /o,i$#9 S'ppose there is a ba"" i$ this roo/8 a$) 6e each ha,e a /a""et i$ o'r ha$)s a$) be#i$ to stri7e the ba""8 #i,i$# it h'$)re)s o b"o6s8 )ri,i$# it ro/ poi$t to poi$t8 '$ti" at "ast it "ies o't o the roo/9 With 6hat orce a$) i$ 6hat )irectio$ 6i"" it #o o't@ These 6i"" be )eter/i$e) by the orces that ha,e bee$ acti$# 'po$ it a"" thro'#h the roo/9 A"" the )i ere$t b"o6s that ha,e bee$ #i,e$ 6i"" ha,e their e ects9 Each o$e o o'r actio$s8 /e$ta" a$) physica"8 is s'ch a b"o69 The h'/a$ /i$) is a ba"" 6hich is bei$# hit9 We are bei$# hit abo't this roo/ o the 6or") a"" the ti/e8 a$) o'r passa#e o't o it is )eter/i$e) by the orce o a"" these b"o6s9 I$ each case8 the spee) a$) )irectio$ o the ba"" is )eter/i$e) by the hits it has recei,e); so a"" o'r actio$s i$ this 6or") 6i"" )eter/i$e o'r 't're birth9 O'r prese$t birth8 there ore8 is the res'"t o o'r past9 This is o$e case4 s'ppose I #i,e yo' a$ e$)"ess chai$8 i$ 6hich there is a b"ac7 "i$7 a$) a 6hite "i$7 a"ter$ate"y8 6itho't be#i$$i$# a$) 6itho't e$)8 a$) s'ppose I as7 yo' the $at're o the chai$9 At irst yo' 6i"" i$) a )i ic'"ty i$ )eter/i$i$# its $at're8 the chai$ bei$# i$ i$ite at both e$)s8 b't s"o6"y yo' i$) o't it is a chai$9 Yo' soo$ )isco,er that this i$ i$ite chai$ is a repetitio$ o the t6o "i$7s8 b"ac7 a$) 6hite8 a$) these /'"tip"ie) i$ i$ite"y beco/e a 6ho"e chai$9 I yo' 7$o6 the $at're o o$e o these "i$7s8 yo' 7$o6 the $at're o the 6ho"e chai$8 beca'se it is a per ect repetitio$9 A"" o'r "i,es8 past8 prese$t8 a$) 't're8 or/8 as it 6ere8 a$ i$ i$ite chai$8 6itho't be#i$$i$# a$) 6itho't e$)8 each "i$7 o 6hich is o$e "i e8 6ith t6o e$)s8 birth a$) )eath9 What 6e are a$) )o here is bei$# repeate) a#ai$ a$) a#ai$8 6ith b't "itt"e ,ariatio$9 So i 6e 7$o6 these t6o "i$7s8 6e sha"" 7$o6 a"" the passa#es 6e sha"" ha,e to pass thro'#h i$ this 6or")9 We see8 there ore8 that o'r passa#e i$to this 6or") has bee$ e=act"y )eter/i$e) by o'r pre,io's passa#es9 Si/i"ar"y 6e are i$ this 6or") by o'r o6$ actio$s9 J'st as 6e #o o't 6ith the s'/ tota" o o'r prese$t actio$s 'po$ 's8 so 6e see that 6e co/e i$to it 6ith the s'/ tota" o o'r past actio$s 'po$ 's; that 6hich ta7es 's o't is the ,ery sa/e thi$# that bri$#s 's i$9 What bri$#s 's i$@ O'r past )ee)s9 What ta7es 's o't@ O'r o6$ )ee)s here8 a$) so o$ a$) o$ 6e #o9 Ci7e the caterpi""ar that ta7es the threa) ro/ its o6$ /o'th a$) b'i")s its cocoo$ a$) at "ast i$)s itse" ca'#ht i$si)e the cocoo$8 6e ha,e bo'$) o'rse",es by o'r o6$ actio$s8 6e ha,e thro6$ the $et6or7 o o'r actio$s aro'$) o'rse",es9 We ha,e set the "a6 o ca'satio$ i$ /otio$8 a$) 6e i$) it har) to #et o'rse",es o't o it9 We ha,e set the 6hee" i$ /otio$8 a$) 6e are bei$# cr'she) '$)er it9 So this phi"osophy teaches 's that 6e are '$i or/"y bei$# bo'$) by o'r o6$ actio$s8 #oo) or ba)9 The At/a$ $e,er co/es $or #oes8 is $e,er bor$ $or )ies9 It is $at're /o,i$# be ore the At/a$8 a$) the re "ectio$ o this /otio$ is o$ the At/a$; a$) the At/a$ i#$ora$t"y thi$7s it is /o,i$#8 a$) $ot $at're9 Whe$ the At/a$ thi$7s that8 it is i$ bo$)a#e; b't 6he$ it co/es to i$) it $e,er /o,es8 that it is o/$iprese$t8 the$ ree)o/ co/es9 The At/a$ i$ bo$)a#e is ca""e) Ji,a9 Th's yo' see that 6he$ it is sai) that the At/a$ co/es a$) #oes8 it is sai) o$"y or aci"ity o '$)ersta$)i$#8 <'st as or co$,e$ie$ce i$ st')yi$# astro$o/y yo' are as7e) to s'ppose that the s'$ /o,es ro'$) the earth8 tho'#h s'ch is $ot the case9 So the Ji,a8 the so'"8 co/es to hi#her or "o6er states9 This is the 6e""7$o6$ "a6 o rei$car$atio$; a$) this "a6 bi$)s a"" creatio$9 Beop"e i$ this co'$try thi$7 it too horrib"e that /a$ sho'") co/e 'p ro/ a$ a$i/a"9 Why@ What 6i"" be the e$) o these /i""io$s o a$i/a"s@ Are they $othi$#@ I 6e ha,e a so'"8 so ha,e they8 a$) i they ha,e $o$e8 $either ha,e 6e9 It is abs'r) to say that /a$ a"o$e has a so'"8 a$) the a$i/a"s $o$e9 I ha,e see$ /e$ 6orse tha$ a$i/a"s9 The h'/a$ so'" has so<o'r$e) i$ "o6er a$) hi#her or/s8 /i#rati$# ro/ o$e to a$other8 accor)i$# to the Sa/s7aras or i/pressio$s8 b't it is o$"y i$ the hi#hest or/ as /a$ that it attai$s to ree)o/9 The /a$ or/ is hi#her tha$ e,e$ the a$#e" or/8 a$) o a"" or/s it is the hi#hest; /a$ is the hi#hest bei$# i$ creatio$8 beca'se he attai$s to ree)o/9 A"" this '$i,erse 6as i$ 5rah/a$8 a$) it 6as8 as it 6ere8 pro<ecte) o't o >i/8 a$) has bee$ /o,i$# o$ to #o bac7 to the so'rce ro/ 6hich it 6as pro<ecte)8 "i7e the e"ectricity 6hich co/es o't o the

)y$a/o8 co/p"etes the circ'it8 a$) ret'r$s to it9 The sa/e is the case 6ith the so'"9 Bro<ecte) ro/ 5rah/a$8 it passe) thro'#h a"" sorts o ,e#etab"e a$) a$i/a" or/s8 a$) at "ast it is i$ /a$8 a$) /a$ is the $earest approach to 5rah/a$9 To #o bac7 to 5rah/a$ ro/ 6hich 6e ha,e bee$ pro<ecte) is the #reat str'##"e o "i e9 Whether peop"e 7$o6 it or $ot )oes $ot /atter9 I$ the '$i,erse8 6hate,er 6e see o /otio$8 o str'##"es i$ /i$era"s or p"a$ts or a$i/a"s is a$ e ort to co/e bac7 to the ce$tre a$) be at rest9 There 6as a$ eA'i"ibri'/8 a$) that has bee$ )estroye); a$) a"" parts a$) ato/s a$) /o"ec'"es are str'##"i$# to i$) their "ost eA'i"ibri'/ a#ai$9 I$ this str'##"e they are co/bi$i$# a$) re- or/i$#8 #i,i$# rise to a"" the 6o$)er '" phe$o/e$a o $at're9 A"" str'##"es a$) co/petitio$s i$ a$i/a" "i e8 p"a$t "i e8 a$) e,ery6here e"se8 a"" socia" str'##"es a$) 6ars are b't e=pressio$s o that eter$a" str'##"e to #et bac7 to that eA'i"ibri'/9 The #oi$# ro/ birth to )eath8 this tra,e""i$#8 is 6hat is ca""e) Sa/sara i$ Sa$s7rit8 the ro'$) o birth a$) )eath "itera""y9 A"" creatio$8 passi$# thro'#h this ro'$)8 6i"" soo$er or "ater beco/e ree9 The A'estio$ /ay be raise) that i 6e a"" sha"" co/e to ree)o/8 6hy sho'") 6e struggle to attai$ it@ I e,ery o$e is #oi$# to be ree8 6e 6i"" sit )o6$ a$) 6ait9 It is tr'e that e,ery bei$# 6i"" beco/e ree8 soo$er or "ater; $o o$e ca$ be "ost9 Nothi$# ca$ co/e to )estr'ctio$; e,erythi$# /'st co/e 'p9 I that is so8 6hat is the 'se o o'r str'##"i$#@ I$ the irst p"ace8 the str'##"e is the o$"y /ea$s that 6i"" bri$# 's to the ce$tre8 a$) i$ the seco$) p"ace8 6e )o $ot 7$o6 6hy 6e str'##"e9 We ha,e to9 DO tho'sa$)s o /e$ so/e are a6a7e$e) to the i)ea that they 6i"" beco/e ree9D The ,ast /asses o /a$7i$) are co$te$t 6ith /ateria" thi$#s8 b't there are so/e 6ho a6a7e8 a$) 6a$t to #et bac78 6ho ha,e ha) e$o'#h o this p"ayi$#8 )o6$ here9 These str'##"e co$scio's"y8 6hi"e the rest )o it '$co$scio's"y9 The a"pha a$) o/e#a o Ve)a$ta phi"osophy is to D#i,e 'p the 6or")8D #i,i$# 'p the '$rea" a$) ta7i$# the rea"9 Those 6ho are e$a/o're) o the 6or") /ay as78 DWhy sho'") 6e atte/pt to #et o't o it8 to #o bac7 to the ce$tre@ S'ppose 6e ha,e a"" co/e ro/ Go)8 b't 6e i$) this 6or") is p"eas'rab"e a$) $ice; the$ 6hy sho'") 6e $ot rather try to #et /ore a$) /ore o the 6or")@ Why sho'") 6e try to #et o't o it@D They say8 "oo7 at the 6o$)er '" i/pro,e/e$ts #oi$# o$ i$ the 6or") e,ery )ay8 ho6 /'ch "'='ry is bei$# /a$' act're) or it9 This is ,ery e$<oyab"e9 Why sho'") 6e #o a6ay8 a$) stri,e or so/ethi$# 6hich is $ot this@ The a$s6er is that the 6or") is certai$ to )ie8 to be bro7e$ i$to pieces a$) that /a$y ti/es 6e ha,e ha) the sa/e e$<oy/e$ts9 A"" the or/s 6hich 6e are seei$# $o6 ha,e bee$ /a$i este) a#ai$ a$) a#ai$8 a$) the 6or") i$ 6hich 6e "i,e has bee$ here /a$y ti/es be ore9 I ha,e bee$ here a$) ta"7e) to yo' /a$y ti/es be ore9 Yo' 6i"" 7$o6 that it /'st be so8 a$) the ,ery 6or)s that yo' ha,e bee$ "iste$i$# to $o68 yo' ha,e hear) /a$y ti/es be ore9 A$) /a$y ti/es /ore it 6i"" be the sa/e9 So'"s 6ere $e,er )i ere$t8 the bo)ies ha,e bee$ co$sta$t"y )isso",i$# a$) rec'rri$#9 Seco$)"y8 these thi$#s perio)ica""y occ'r9 S'ppose here are three or o'r )ice8 a$) 6he$ 6e thro6 the/8 o$e co/es 'p i,e8 a$other o'r8 a$other three8 a$) a$other t6o9 I yo' 7eep o$ thro6i$#8 there /'st co/e ti/es 6he$ those ,ery sa/e $'/bers 6i"" rec'r9 Go o$ thro6i$#8 a$) $o /atter ho6 "o$# /ay be the i$ter,a"8 those $'/bers /'st co/e a#ai$9 It ca$$ot be asserte) i$ ho6 /a$y thro6s they 6i"" co/e a#ai$; this is the "a6 o cha$ce9 So 6ith so'"s a$) their associatio$s9 >o6e,er )ista$t /ay be the perio)s8 the sa/e co/bi$atio$s a$) )isso"'tio$s 6i"" happe$ a#ai$ a$) a#ai$9 The sa/e birth8 eati$# a$) )ri$7i$#8 a$) the$ )eath8 co/e ro'$) a#ai$ a$) a#ai$9 So/e $e,er i$) a$ythi$# hi#her tha$ the e$<oy/e$ts o the 6or")8 b't those 6ho 6a$t to soar hi#her i$) that these e$<oy/e$ts are $e,er i$a"8 are o$"y by the 6ay9 E,ery or/8 "et 's say8 be#i$$i$# ro/ the "itt"e 6or/ a$) e$)i$# i$ /a$8 is "i7e o$e o the cars o the Chica#o .erris Whee" 6hich is i$ /otio$ a"" the ti/e8 b't the occ'pa$ts cha$#e9 A /a$ #oes i$to a car8 /o,es 6ith the 6hee"8 a$) co/es o't9 The 6hee" #oes o$ a$) o$9 A so'" e$ters o$e or/8 resi)es i$ it or a ti/e8 the$ "ea,es it a$) #oes i$to a$other a$) A'its that a#ai$ or a thir)9 Th's the ro'$) #oes o$ ti"" it co/es o't o the 6hee" a$) beco/es ree9 Asto$ishi$# po6ers o rea)i$# the past a$) the 't're o a /a$Es "i e ha,e bee$ 7$o6$ i$ e,ery co'$try a$) e,ery a#e9 The e=p"a$atio$ is that so "o$# as the At/a$ is 6ithi$ the rea"/ o ca'satio$ : tho'#h its i$here$t ree)o/ is $ot e$tire"y "ost a$) ca$ assert itse" 8 e,e$ to the e=te$t o ta7i$# the so'" o't o the ca'sa" chai$8 as it )oes i$ the case o /e$ 6ho beco/e ree : its actio$s are

#reat"y i$ "'e$ce) by the ca'sa" "a6 a$) th's /a7e it possib"e or /e$8 possesse) 6ith the i$si#ht to trace the seA'e$ce o e ects8 to te"" the past a$) the 't're9 So "o$# as there is )esire or 6a$t8 it is a s're si#$ that there is i/per ectio$9 A per ect8 ree bei$# ca$$ot ha,e a$y )esire9 Go) ca$$ot 6a$t a$ythi$#9 I >e )esires8 >e ca$$ot be Go)9 >e 6i"" be i/per ect9 So a"" the ta"7 abo't Go) )esiri$# this a$) that8 a$) beco/i$# a$#ry a$) p"ease) by t'r$s is babiesE ta"78 b't /ea$s $othi$#9 There ore it has bee$ ta'#ht by a"" teachers8 DDesire $othi$#8 #i,e 'p a"" )esires a$) be per ect"y satis ie)9D A chi") co/es i$to the 6or") cra6"i$# a$) 6itho't teeth8 a$) the o") /a$ #ets o't 6itho't teeth a$) cra6"i$#9 The e=tre/es are a"i7e8 b't the o$e has $o e=perie$ce o the "i e be ore hi/8 6hi"e the other has #o$e thro'#h it a""9 Whe$ the ,ibratio$s o ether are ,ery "o68 6e )o $ot see "i#ht8 it is )ar7$ess; 6he$ ,ery hi#h8 the res'"t is a"so )ar7$ess9 The e=tre/es #e$era""y appear to be the sa/e8 tho'#h o$e is as )ista$t ro/ the other as the po"es9 The 6a"" has $o )esires8 so $either has the per ect /a$9 5't the 6a"" is $ot se$tie$t e$o'#h to )esire8 6hi"e or the per ect /a$ there is $othi$# to )esire9 There are i)iots 6ho ha,e $o )esires i$ this 6or")8 beca'se their brai$ is i/per ect9 At the sa/e ti/e8 the hi#hest state is 6he$ 6e ha,e $o )esires8 b't the t6o are opposite po"es o the sa/e e=iste$ce9 O$e is $ear the a$i/a"8 a$) the other $ear to Go)9

CHAPTER XIV THE REAL AND THE APPARENT MAN >ere 6e sta$)8 a$) o'r eyes "oo7 or6ar) so/eti/es /i"es ahea)9 Ma$ has bee$ )oi$# that si$ce he be#a$ to thi$79 >e is a"6ays "oo7i$# or6ar)8 "oo7i$# ahea)9 >e 6a$ts to 7$o6 6here he #oes e,e$ a ter the )isso"'tio$ o his bo)y9 Vario's theories ha,e bee$ propo'$)e)8 syste/ a ter syste/ has bee$ bro'#ht or6ar) to s'##est e=p"a$atio$s9 So/e ha,e bee$ re<ecte)8 6hi"e others ha,e bee$ accepte)8 a$) th's it 6i"" #o o$8 so "o$# as /a$ is here8 so "o$# as /a$ thi$7s9 There is so/e tr'th i$ each o these syste/s9 There is a #oo) )ea" o 6hat is $ot tr'th i$ a"" o the/9 I sha"" try to p"ace be ore yo' the s'/ a$) s'bsta$ce8 the res'"t8 o the i$A'iries i$ this "i$e that ha,e bee$ /a)e i$ I$)ia9 I sha"" try to har/o$ise the ,ario's tho'#hts o$ the s'b<ect8 as they ha,e co/e 'p ro/ ti/e to ti/e a/o$# I$)ia$ phi"osophers9 I sha"" try to har/o$ise the psycho"o#ists a$) the /etaphysicia$s8 a$)8 i possib"e8 I sha"" har/o$ise the/ 6ith /o)er$ scie$ti ic thi$7ers a"so9 The o$e the/e o the Ve)a$ta phi"osophy is the search a ter '$ity9 The >i$)' /i$) )oes $ot care or the partic'"ar; it is a"6ays a ter the #e$era"8 $ay8 the '$i,ersa"9 DWhat is that8 by 7$o6i$# 6hich e,erythi$# e"se is to be 7$o6$@D That is the o$e the/e9 DAs thro'#h the 7$o6"e)#e o o$e "'/p o c"ay a"" that is o c"ay is 7$o6$8 so8 6hat is that8 by 7$o6i$# 6hich this 6ho"e '$i,erse itse" 6i"" be 7$o6$@D That is the o$e search9 The 6ho"e o this '$i,erse8 accor)i$# to the >i$)' phi"osophers8 ca$ be reso",e) i$to o$e /ateria"8 6hich they ca"" M7?sha9 E,erythi$# that 6e see aro'$) 's8 ee"8 to'ch8 taste8 is si/p"y a )i ere$tiate) /a$i estatio$ o this A7asha9 It is a""per,a)i$#8 i$e9 A"" that 6e ca"" so"i)s8 "iA'i)s8 or #ases8 i#'res8 or/s8 or bo)ies8 the earth8 s'$8 /oo$8 a$) stars : e,erythi$# is co/pose) o this A7asha9 What orce is it 6hich acts 'po$ this A7asha a$) /a$' act'res this '$i,erse o't o it@ A"o$# 6ith A7asha e=ists '$i,ersa" po6er; a"" that is po6er i$ the '$i,erse8 /a$i esti$# as orce or attractio$ : $ay8 e,e$ as tho'#ht : is b't a )i ere$t /a$i estatio$ o that o$e po6er 6hich the >i$)'s ca"" Br?$a9 This Bra$a8 acti$# o$ A7asha8 is creati$# the 6ho"e o this '$i,erse9 I$ the be#i$$i$# o a cyc"e8 this Bra$a8 as it 6ere8 s"eeps i$ the i$ i$ite ocea$ o A7asha9 It e=iste) /otio$"ess i$ the be#i$$i$#9 The$ arises /otio$ i$ this ocea$ o A7asha by the actio$ o this Bra$a8 a$) as this Bra$a be#i$s to /o,e8 to ,ibrate8 o't o this ocea$ co/e the ,ario's ce"estia" syste/s8 s'$s8 /oo$s8 stars8 earth8 h'/a$ bei$#s8 a$i/a"s8 p"a$ts8 a$) the /a$i estatio$s o a"" the ,ario's orces a$) phe$o/e$a9 E,ery /a$i estatio$ o po6er8 there ore8 accor)i$# to the/8 is this Bra$a9 E,ery /ateria" /a$i estatio$ is A7asha9 Whe$ this cyc"e 6i"" e$)8 a"" that 6e ca"" so"i) 6i"" /e"t a6ay i$to the $e=t or/8 the $e=t i$er or the "iA'i) or/; that 6i"" /e"t i$to the #aseo's8 a$) that i$to i$er a$) /ore '$i or/ heat ,ibratio$s8 a$) a"" 6i"" /e"t bac7 i$to the ori#i$a" A7asha8 a$) 6hat 6e $o6 ca"" attractio$8 rep'"sio$8 a$) /otio$8 6i"" s"o6"y reso",e i$to the ori#i$a" Bra$a9 The$ this Bra$a is sai) to s"eep or a perio)8 a#ai$ to e/er#e a$) to thro6 o't a"" those or/s; a$) 6he$ this perio) 6i"" e$)8 the 6ho"e thi$# 6i"" s'bsi)e a#ai$9 Th's this process o creatio$ is #oi$# )o6$8 a$) co/i$# 'p8 osci""ati$# bac76ar)s a$) or6ar)s9 I$ the "a$#'a#e o /o)er$ scie$ce8 it is beco/i$# static )'ri$# o$e perio)8 a$) )'ri$# a$other perio) it is beco/i$# )y$a/ic9 At o$e ti/e it beco/es pote$tia"8 a$) at the $e=t perio) it beco/es acti,e9 This a"teratio$ has #o$e o$ thro'#h eter$ity9 Yet8 this a$a"ysis is o$"y partia"9 This /'ch has bee$ 7$o6$ e,e$ to /o)er$ physica" scie$ce9 5eyo$) that8 the research o physica" scie$ce ca$$ot reach9 5't the i$A'iry )oes $ot stop i$ co$seA'e$ce9 We ha,e $ot yet o'$) that o$e8 by 7$o6i$# 6hich e,erythi$# e"se 6i"" be 7$o6$9 We ha,e reso",e) the 6ho"e '$i,erse i$to t6o co/po$e$ts8 i$to 6hat are ca""e) /atter a$) e$er#y8 or 6hat the a$cie$t phi"osophers o I$)ia ca""e) A7asha a$) Bra$a9 The $e=t step is to reso",e this A7asha a$) the Bra$a i$to their ori#i$9 5oth ca$ be reso",e) i$to the sti"" hi#her e$tity 6hich is ca""e) /i$)9 It is o't o /i$)8 the Mahat8 the '$i,ersa""y e=isti$# tho'#ht-po6er8 that these t6o ha,e bee$ pro)'ce)9 Tho'#ht is a sti"" i$er /a$i estatio$ o bei$# tha$ either A7asha or Bra$a9 It is

tho'#ht that sp"its itse" i$to these t6o9 The '$i,ersa" tho'#ht e=iste) i$ the be#i$$i$#8 a$) that /a$i este)8 cha$#e)8 e,o",e) itse" i$to these t6o A7asha a$) Bra$a4 a$) by the co/bi$atio$ o these t6o the 6ho"e '$i,erse has bee$ pro)'ce)9 We $e=t co/e to psycho"o#y9 I a/ "oo7i$# at yo'9 The e=ter$a" se$satio$s are bro'#ht to /e by the eyes; they are carrie) by the se$sory $er,es to the brai$9 The eyes are $ot the or#a$s o ,isio$9 They are b't the e=ter$a" i$str'/e$ts8 beca'se i the rea" or#a$ behi$)8 that 6hich carries the se$satio$ to the brai$8 is )estroye)8 I /ay ha,e t6e$ty eyes8 yet I ca$$ot see yo'9 The pict're o$ the reti$a /ay be as co/p"ete as possib"e8 yet I sha"" $ot see yo'9 There ore8 the or#a$ is )i ere$t ro/ its i$str'/e$ts; behi$) the i$str'/e$ts8 the eyes8 there /'st be the or#a$ So it is 6ith a"" the se$satio$s9 The $ose is $ot the se$se o s/e""; it is b't the i$str'/e$t8 a$) behi$) it is the or#a$9 With e,ery se$se 6e ha,e8 there is irst the e=ter$a" i$str'/e$t i$ the physica" bo)y; behi$) that i$ the sa/e physica" bo)y8 there is the or#a$; yet these are $ot s' icie$t9 S'ppose I a/ ta"7i$# to yo'8 a$) yo' are "iste$i$# to /e 6ith c"ose atte$tio$9 So/ethi$# happe$s8 say8 a be"" ri$#s; yo' 6i"" $ot8 perhaps8 hear the be"" ri$#9 The p'"satio$s o that so'$) ca/e to yo'r ear8 str'c7 the ty/pa$'/8 the i/pressio$ 6as carrie) by the $er,e i$to the brai$; i the 6ho"e process 6as co/p"ete 'p to carryi$# the i/p'"se to the brai$8 6hy )i) yo' $ot hear@ So/ethi$# e"se 6as 6a$ti$# : the /i$) 6as $ot attache) to the or#a$9 Whe$ the /i$) )etaches itse" ro/ the or#a$8 the or#a$ /ay bri$# a$y $e6s to it8 b't the /i$) 6i"" $ot recei,e it9 Whe$ it attaches itse" to the or#a$8 the$ a"o$e is it possib"e or the /i$) to recei,e the $e6s9 Yet8 e,e$ that )oes $ot co/p"ete the 6ho"e9 The i$str'/e$ts /ay bri$# the se$satio$ ro/ o'tsi)e8 the or#a$s /ay carry it i$si)e8 the /i$) /ay attach itse" to the or#a$8 a$) yet the perceptio$ /ay $ot be co/p"ete9 O$e /ore actor is $ecessary; there /'st be a reactio$ 6ithi$9 With this reactio$ co/es 7$o6"e)#e9 That 6hich is o'tsi)e se$)s8 as it 6ere8 the c'rre$t o $e6s i$to /y brai$9 My /i$) ta7es it 'p8 a$) prese$ts it to the i$te""ect8 6hich #ro'ps it i$ re"atio$ to pre-recei,e) i/pressio$s a$) se$)s a c'rre$t o reactio$8 a$) 6ith that reactio$ co/es perceptio$9 >ere8 the$8 is the 6i""9 The state o /i$) 6hich reacts is ca""e) 5'))hi8 the i$te""ect9 Yet8 e,e$ this )oes $ot co/p"ete the 6ho"e9 O$e step /ore is reA'ire)9 S'ppose here is a ca/era a$) there is a sheet o c"oth8 a$) I try to thro6 a pict're o$ that sheet9 What a/ I to )o@ I a/ to #'i)e ,ario's rays o "i#ht thro'#h the ca/era to a"" 'po$ the sheet a$) beco/e #ro'pe) there9 So/ethi$# is $ecessary to ha,e the pict're thro6$ 'po$8 6hich )oes $ot /o,e9 I ca$$ot or/ a pict're 'po$ so/ethi$# 6hich is /o,i$#; that so/ethi$# /'st be statio$ary8 beca'se the rays o "i#ht 6hich I thro6 o$ it are /o,i$#8 a$) these /o,i$# rays o "i#ht8 /'st be #athere)8 '$i ie)8 coor)i$ate)8 a$) co/p"ete) 'po$ so/ethi$# 6hich is statio$ary9 Si/i"ar is the case 6ith the se$satio$s 6hich these or#a$s o o'rs are carryi$# i$si)e a$) prese$ti$# to the /i$)8 a$) 6hich the /i$) i$ its t'r$ is prese$ti$# to the i$te""ect9 This process 6i"" $ot be co/p"ete '$"ess there is so/ethi$# per/a$e$t i$ the bac7#ro'$) 'po$ 6hich the pict're8 as it 6ere8 /ay be or/e)8 'po$ 6hich 6e /ay '$i y a"" the )i ere$t i/pressio$s9 What is it that #i,es '$ity to the cha$#i$# 6ho"e o o'r bei$#@ What is it that 7eeps 'p the i)e$tity o the /o,i$# thi$# /o/e$t a ter /o/e$t@ What is it 'po$ 6hich a"" o'r )i ere$t i/pressio$s are piece) to#ether8 'po$ 6hich the perceptio$s8 as it 6ere8 co/e to#ether8 resi)e8 a$) or/ a '$ite) 6ho"e@ We ha,e o'$) that to ser,e this e$) there /'st be so/ethi$#8 a$) 6e a"so see that that so/ethi$# /'st be8 re"ati,e"y to the bo)y a$) /i$)8 /otio$"ess9 The sheet o c"oth 'po$ 6hich the ca/era thro6s the pict're is8 re"ati,e"y to the rays o "i#ht8 /otio$"ess8 e"se there 6i"" be $o pict're9 That is to say8 the percei,er /'st be a$ i$)i,i)'a"9 This so/ethi$# 'po$ 6hich the /i$) is pai$ti$# a"" these pict'res8 this so/ethi$# 'po$ 6hich o'r se$satio$s8 carrie) by the /i$) a$) i$te""ect8 are p"ace) a$) #ro'pe) a$) or/e) i$to a '$ity8 is 6hat is ca""e) the so'" o /a$9 We ha,e see$ that it is the '$i,ersa" cos/ic /i$) that sp"its itse" i$to the A7asha a$) Bra$a8 a$) beyo$) /i$) 6e ha,e o'$) the so'" i$ 's9 I$ the '$i,erse8 behi$) the '$i,ersa" /i$)8 there is a So'" that e=ists8 a$) it is ca""e) Go)9 I$ the i$)i,i)'a" it is the so'" o /a$9 I$ this '$i,erse8 i$ the cos/os8 <'st as the '$i,ersa" /i$) beco/es e,o",e) i$to A7asha a$) Bra$a8 e,e$ so8 6e /ay i$) that the 3$i,ersa" So'" Itse" beco/es e,o",e) as /i$)9 Is it rea""y so 6ith the i$)i,i)'a" /a$@ Is his /i$) the creator o his bo)y8 a$) his so'" the creator o his /i$)@ That is to say8 are his bo)y8

his /i$)8 a$) his so'" three )i ere$t e=iste$ces or are they three i$ o$e or8 a#ai$8 are they )i ere$t states o e=iste$ce o the sa/e '$it bei$#@ We sha"" #ra)'a""y try to i$) a$ a$s6er to this A'estio$9 The irst step that 6e ha,e $o6 #ai$e) is this4 here is this e=ter$a" bo)y8 behi$) this e=ter$a" bo)y are the or#a$s8 the /i$)8 the i$te""ect8 a$) behi$) this is the so'"9 At the irst step8 6e ha,e o'$)8 as it 6ere8 that the so'" is separate ro/ the bo)y8 separate ro/ the /i$) itse" 9 Opi$io$s i$ the re"i#io's 6or") beco/e )i,i)e) at this poi$t8 a$) the )epart're is this9 A"" those re"i#io's ,ie6s 6hich #e$era""y pass '$)er the $a/e o )'a"is/ ho") that this so'" is A'a"i ie)8 that it is o ,ario's A'a"ities8 that a"" ee"i$#s o e$<oy/e$t8 p"eas're8 a$) pai$ rea""y be"o$# to the so'"9 The $o$)'a"ists )e$y that the so'" has a$y s'ch A'a"ities; they say it is '$A'a"i ie)9 Cet /e irst ta7e 'p the )'a"ists8 a$) try to prese$t to yo' their positio$ 6ith re#ar) to the so'" a$) its )esti$y; $e=t8 the syste/ that co$tra)icts the/; a$) "ast"y8 "et 's try to i$) the har/o$y 6hich $o$-)'a"is/ 6i"" bri$# to 's9 This so'" o /a$8 beca'se it is separate ro/ the /i$) a$) bo)y8 beca'se it is $ot co/pose) o A7asha a$) Bra$a8 /'st be i//orta"9 Why@ What )o 6e /ea$ by /orta"ity@ Deco/positio$9 A$) that is o$"y possib"e or thi$#s that are the res'"t o co/positio$; a$ythi$# that is /a)e o t6o or three i$#re)ie$ts /'st beco/e )eco/pose)9 That a"o$e 6hich is $ot the res'"t o co/positio$ ca$ $e,er beco/e )eco/pose)8 a$)8 there ore8 ca$ $e,er )ie9 It is i//orta"9 It has bee$ e=isti$# thro'#ho't eter$ity; it is '$create9 E,ery ite/ o creatio$ is si/p"y a co/positio$; $o o$e e,er sa6 creatio$ co/e o't o $othi$#9 A"" that 6e 7$o6 o creatio$ is the co/bi$atio$ o a"rea)y e=isti$# thi$#s i$to $e6er or/s9 That bei$# so8 this so'" o /a$8 bei$# si/p"e8 /'st ha,e bee$ e=isti$# or e,er8 a$) it 6i"" e=ist or e,er9 Whe$ this bo)y a""s o 8 the so'" "i,es o$9 Accor)i$# to the Ve)a$tists8 6he$ this bo)y )isso",es8 the ,ita" orces o the /a$ #o bac7 to his /i$) a$) the /i$) beco/es )isso",e)8 as it 6ere8 i$to the Bra$a8 a$) that Bra$a e$ters i$to the so'" o /a$8 a$) the so'" o /a$ co/es o't8 c"othe)8 as it 6ere8 6ith 6hat they ca"" the i$e bo)y8 the /e$ta" bo)y8 or spirit'a" bo)y8 as yo' /ay "i7e to ca"" it9 I$ this bo)y are the Sa/s7?ras o the /a$9 What are the Sa/s7aras@ This /i$) is "i7e a "a7e8 a$) e,ery tho'#ht is "i7e a 6a,e 'po$ that "a7e9 J'st as i$ the "a7e 6a,es rise a$) the$ a"" )o6$ a$) )isappear8 so these tho'#ht-6a,es are co$ti$'a""y risi$# i$ the /i$)-st' a$) the$ )isappeari$#8 b't they )o $ot )isappear or e,er9 They beco/e i$er a$) i$er8 b't they are a"" there8 rea)y to start 'p at a$other ti/e 6he$ ca""e) 'po$ to )o so9 Me/ory is si/p"y ca""i$# bac7 i$to 6a,e or/ so/e o those tho'#hts 6hich ha,e #o$e i$to that i$er state o e=iste$ce9 Th's8 e,erythi$# that 6e ha,e tho'#ht8 e,ery actio$ that 6e ha,e )o$e8 is "o)#e) i$ the /i$); it is a"" there i$ i$e or/8 a$) 6he$ a /a$ )ies8 the s'/ tota" o these i/pressio$s is i$ the /i$)8 6hich a#ai$ 6or7s 'po$ a "itt"e i$e /ateria" as a /e)i'/9 The so'"8 c"othe)8 as it 6ere8 6ith these i/pressio$s a$) the i$e bo)y8 passes o't8 a$) the )esti$y o the so'" is #'i)e) by the res'"ta$t o a"" the )i ere$t orces represe$te) by the )i ere$t i/pressio$s9 Accor)i$# to 's8 there are three )i ere$t #oa"s or the so'"9 Those that are ,ery spirit'a"8 6he$ they )ie8 o""o6 the so"ar rays a$) reach 6hat is ca""e) the so"ar sphere8 thro'#h 6hich they reach 6hat is ca""e) the "'$ar sphere8 a$) thro'#h that they reach 6hat is ca""e) the sphere o "i#ht$i$#8 a$) there they /eet 6ith a$other so'" 6ho is a"rea)y b"esse)8 a$) he #'i)es the $e6-co/er or6ar) to the hi#hest o a"" spheres8 6hich is ca""e) the 5rah/a"o7a8 the sphere o 5rah/?9 There these so'"s attai$ to o/$iscie$ce a$) o/$ipote$ce8 beco/e a"/ost as po6er '" a$) a""-7$o6i$# as Go) >i/se" ; a$) they resi)e there or e,er8 accor)i$# to the )'a"ists8 or8 accor)i$# to the $o$-)'a"ists8 they beco/e o$e 6ith the 3$i,ersa" at the e$) o the cyc"e9 The $e=t c"ass o perso$s8 6ho ha,e bee$ )oi$# #oo) 6or7 6ith se" ish /oti,es8 are carrie) by the res'"ts o their #oo) 6or7s8 6he$ they )ie8 to 6hat is ca""e) "'$ar sphere8 6here there are ,ario's hea,e$s8 a$) there they acA'ire i$e bo)ies8 the bo)ies o #o)s9 They beco/e #o)s a$) "i,e there a$) e$<oy the b"essi$# o hea,e$ or a "o$# perio); a$) a ter that perio) is i$ishe)8 the o") Kar/a is a#ai$ 'po$ the/8 a$) so they a"" bac7 a#ai$ to the earth; they co/e )o6$ thro'#h the spheres o air a$) c"o')s a$) a"" these ,ario's re#io$s8 a$)8 at "ast8 reach the earth thro'#h rai$)rops9 There o$ the earth they attach the/se",es to so/e cerea" 6hich is e,e$t'a""y eate$ by so/e /a$ 6ho is it to s'pp"y the/ 6ith /ateria" to /a7e a $e6 bo)y9 The "ast c"ass8 $a/e"y8 the 6ic7e)8 6he$ they )ie8 beco/e #hosts or )e/o$s8 a$) "i,e so/e6here /i)6ay bet6ee$ the "'$ar sphere a$) this earth9

So/e try to )ist'rb /a$7i$)8 so/e are rie$)"y; a$) a ter "i,i$# there or so/e ti/e they a"so a"" bac7 to the earth a$) beco/e a$i/a"s9 A ter "i,i$# or so/e ti/e i$ a$ a$i/a" bo)y they #et re"ease)8 a$) co/e bac78 a$) beco/e /e$ a#ai$8 a$) th's #et o$e /ore cha$ce to 6or7 o't their sa",atio$9 We see8 the$8 that those 6ho ha,e $ear"y attai$e) to per ectio$8 i$ 6ho/ o$"y ,ery "itt"e o i/p'rity re/ai$s8 #o to the 5rah/a"o7a thro'#h the rays o the s'$; those 6ho 6ere a /i))"i$# sort o peop"e8 6ho )i) so/e #oo) 6or7 here 6ith the i)ea o #oi$# to hea,e$8 #o to the hea,e$s i$ the "'$ar sphere a$) there obtai$ #o)-bo)ies; b't they ha,e a#ai$ to beco/e /e$ a$) so ha,e o$e /ore cha$ce to beco/e per ect9 Those that are ,ery 6ic7e) beco/e #hosts a$) )e/o$s8 a$) the$ they /ay ha,e to beco/e a$i/a"s; a ter that they beco/e /e$ a#ai$ a$) #et a$other cha$ce to per ect the/se",es9 This earth is ca""e) the Kar/a-5h'/i8 the sphere o Kar/a9 >ere a"o$e /a$ /a7es his #oo) or ba) Kar/a9 Whe$ a /a$ 6a$ts to #o to hea,e$ a$) )oes #oo) 6or7s or that p'rpose8 he beco/es as #oo) a$) )oes $ot as s'ch store 'p a$y ba) Kar/a9 >e <'st e$<oys the e ects o the #oo) 6or7 he )i) o$ earth; a$) 6he$ this #oo) Kar/a is e=ha'ste)8 there co/e8 'po$ hi/ the res'"ta$t orce o a"" the e,i" Kar/a he ha) pre,io's"y store) 'p i$ "i e8 a$) that bri$#s hi/ )o6$ a#ai$ to this earth9 I$ the sa/e 6ay8 those that beco/e #hosts re/ai$ i$ that state8 $ot #i,i$# rise to resh Kar/a8 b't s' er the e,i" res'"ts o their past /is)ee)s8 a$) "ater o$ re/ai$ or a ti/e i$ a$ a$i/a" bo)y 6itho't ca'si$# a$y resh Kar/a9 Whe$ that perio) is i$ishe)8 they too beco/e /e$ a#ai$9 The states o re6ar) a$) p'$ish/e$t )'e to #oo) a$) ba) Kar/as are )e,oi) o the orce #e$erati$# resh Kar/as; they ha,e o$"y to be e$<oye) or s' ere)9 I there is a$ e=traor)i$ari"y #oo) or a$ e=traor)i$ari"y e,i" Kar/a8 it bears r'it ,ery A'ic7"y9 .or i$sta$ce8 i a /a$ has bee$ )oi$# /a$y e,i" thi$#s a"" his "i e8 b't )oes o$e #oo) act8 the res'"t o that #oo) act 6i"" i//e)iate"y appear8 b't 6he$ that res'"t has bee$ #o$e thro'#h8 a"" the e,i" acts /'st pro)'ce their res'"ts a"so9 A"" /e$ 6ho )o certai$ #oo) a$) #reat acts8 b't the #e$era" te$or o 6hose "i,es has $ot bee$ correct8 6i"" beco/e #o)s; a$) a ter "i,i$# or so/e ti/e i$ #o)-bo)ies8 e$<oyi$# the po6ers o #o)s8 they 6i"" ha,e a#ai$ to beco/e /e$; 6he$ the po6er o the #oo) acts is th's i$ishe)8 the o") e,i" co/es 'p to be 6or7e) o't9 Those 6ho )o e=traor)i$ari"y e,i" acts ha,e to p't o$ #host a$) )e,i" bo)ies8 a$) 6he$ the e ect o those e,i" actio$s is e=ha'ste)8 the "itt"e #oo) actio$ 6hich re/ai$s associate) 6ith the/8 /a7es the/ a#ai$ beco/e /e$9 The 6ay to 5rah/a"o7a8 ro/ 6hich there is $o /ore a"" or ret'r$8 is ca""e) the De,ay?$a8 i9e9 the 6ay to Go); the 6ay to hea,e$ is 7$o6$ as Bitriy?$a8 i9e9 the 6ay to the athers9 Ma$8 there ore8 accor)i$# to the Ve)a$ta phi"osophy8 is the #reatest bei$# that is i$ the '$i,erse8 a$) this 6or") o 6or7 the best p"ace i$ it8 beca'se o$"y herei$ is the #reatest a$) the best cha$ce or hi/ to beco/e per ect9 A$#e"s or #o)s8 6hate,er yo' /ay ca"" the/8 ha,e a"" to beco/e /e$8 i they 6a$t to beco/e per ect9 This is the #reat ce$tre8 the 6o$)er '" poise8 a$) the 6o$)er '" opport'$ity : this h'/a$ "i e9 We co/e $e=t to the other aspect o phi"osophy9 There are 5'))hists 6ho )e$y the 6ho"e theory o the so'" that I ha,e <'st $o6 bee$ propo'$)i$#9 DWhat 'se is there8D says the 5'))hist8 Dto ass'/e so/ethi$# as the s'bstrat'/8 as the bac7#ro'$) o this bo)y a$) /i$)@ Why /ay 6e $ot a""o6 tho'#hts to r'$ o$@ Why a)/it a thir) s'bsta$ce beyo$) this or#a$is/8 co/pose) o /i$) a$) bo)y8 a thir) s'bsta$ce ca""e) the so'"@ What is its 'se@ Is $ot this or#a$is/ s' icie$t to e=p"ai$ itse" @ Why ta7e a$e6 a thir) so/ethi$#@D These ar#'/e$ts are ,ery po6er '"9 This reaso$i$# is ,ery stro$#9 So ar as o'tsi)e research #oes8 6e see that this or#a$is/ is a s' icie$t e=p"a$atio$ o itse" : at "east8 /a$y o 's see it i$ that "i#ht9 Why the$ $ee) there be a so'" as s'bstrat'/8 as a so/ethi$# 6hich is $either /i$) $or bo)y b't sta$)s as a bac7#ro'$) or both /i$) a$) bo)y@ Cet there be o$"y /i$) a$) bo)y9 5o)y is the $a/e o a strea/ o /atter co$ti$'o's"y cha$#i$#9 Mi$) is the $a/e o a strea/ o co$scio's$ess or tho'#ht co$ti$'o's"y cha$#i$#9 What pro)'ces the appare$t '$ity bet6ee$ these t6o@ This '$ity )oes $ot rea""y e=ist8 "et 's say9 Ta7e8 or i$sta$ce8 a "i#hte) torch8 a$) 6hir" it rapi)"y be ore yo'9 Yo' see a circ"e o ire9 The circ"e )oes $ot rea""y e=ist8 b't beca'se the torch is co$ti$'a""y /o,i$#8 it "ea,es the appeara$ce o a circ"e9 So there is $o '$ity i$ this "i e; it is a /ass o /atter co$ti$'a""y r'shi$# )o6$8 a$) the 6ho"e o this /atter yo' /ay ca"" o$e '$ity8 b't $o /ore9 So is /i$); each tho'#ht is separate ro/ e,ery other tho'#ht; it is

o$"y the r'shi$# c'rre$t that "ea,es behi$) the i""'sio$ o '$ity; there is $o $ee) o a thir) s'bsta$ce9 This '$i,ersa" phe$o/e$o$ o bo)y a$) /i$) is a"" that rea""y is; )o $ot posit so/ethi$# behi$) it9 Yo' 6i"" i$) that this 5'))hist tho'#ht has bee$ ta7e$ 'p by certai$ sects a$) schoo"s i$ /o)er$ ti/es8 a$) a"" o the/ c"ai/ that it is $e6 : their o6$ i$,e$tio$9 This has bee$ the ce$tra" i)ea o /ost o the 5'))histic phi"osophies8 that this 6or") is itse" a""-s' icie$t; that yo' $ee) $ot as7 or a$y bac7#ro'$) at a""; a"" that is8 is this se$se-'$i,erse4 6hat is the 'se o thi$7i$# o so/ethi$# as a s'pport to this '$i,erse@ E,erythi$# is the a##re#ate o A'a"ities; 6hy sho'") there be a hypothetica" s'bsta$ce i$ 6hich they sho'") i$here@ The i)ea o s'bsta$ce co/es ro/ the rapi) i$tercha$#e o A'a"ities8 $ot ro/ so/ethi$# '$cha$#eab"e 6hich e=ists behi$) the/9 We see ho6 6o$)er '" so/e o these ar#'/e$ts are8 a$) they appea" easi"y to the or)i$ary e=perie$ce o h'/a$ity : i$ act8 $ot o$e i$ a /i""io$ ca$ thi$7 o a$ythi$# other tha$ phe$o/e$a9 To the ,ast /a<ority o /e$ $at're appears to be o$"y a cha$#i$#8 6hir"i$#8 co/bi$i$#8 /i$#"i$# /ass o cha$#e9 .e6 o 's e,er ha,e a #"i/pse o the ca"/ sea behi$)9 .or 's it is a"6ays "ashe) i$to 6a,es; this '$i,erse appears to 's o$"y as a tossi$# /ass o 6a,es9 Th's 6e i$) these t6o opi$io$s9 O$e is that there is so/ethi$# behi$) both bo)y a$) /i$) 6hich is a$ '$cha$#eab"e a$) i//o,ab"e s'bsta$ce; a$) the other is that there is $o s'ch thi$# as i//o,abi"ity or '$cha$#eabi"ity i$ the '$i,erse; it is a"" cha$#e a$) $othi$# b't cha$#e9 The so"'tio$ o this )i ere$ce co/es i$ the $e=t step o tho'#ht8 $a/e"y8 the $o$-)'a"istic9 It says that the )'a"ists are ri#ht i$ i$)i$# so/ethi$# behi$) a""8 as a bac7#ro'$) 6hich )oes $ot cha$#e; 6e ca$$ot co$cei,e cha$#e 6itho't there bei$# so/ethi$# '$cha$#eab"e9 We ca$ o$"y co$cei,e o a$ythi$# that is cha$#eab"e8 by 7$o6i$# so/ethi$# 6hich is "ess cha$#eab"e8 a$) this a"so /'st appear /ore cha$#eab"e i$ co/pariso$ 6ith so/ethi$# e"se 6hich is "ess cha$#eab"e8 a$) so o$ a$) o$8 '$ti" 6e are bo'$) to a)/it that there /'st be so/ethi$# 6hich $e,er cha$#es at a""9 The 6ho"e o this /a$i estatio$ /'st ha,e bee$ i$ a state o $o$-/a$i estatio$8 ca"/ a$) si"e$t8 bei$# the ba"a$ce o opposi$# orces8 so to say8 6he$ $o orce operate)8 beca'se orce acts 6he$ a )ist'rba$ce o the eA'i"ibri'/ co/es i$9 The '$i,erse is e,er h'rryi$# o$ to ret'r$ to that state o eA'i"ibri'/ a#ai$9 I 6e are certai$ o a$y act 6hatsoe,er8 6e are certai$ o this9 Whe$ the )'a"ists c"ai/ that there is a so/ethi$# 6hich )oes $ot cha$#e8 they are per ect"y ri#ht8 b't their a$a"ysis that it is a$ '$)er"yi$# so/ethi$# 6hich is $either the bo)y $or the /i$)8 a so/ethi$# separate ro/ both8 is 6ro$#9 So ar as the 5'))hists say that the 6ho"e '$i,erse is a /ass o cha$#e8 they are per ect"y ri#ht; so "o$# as I a/ separate ro/ the '$i,erse8 so "o$# as I sta$) bac7 a$) "oo7 at so/ethi$# be ore /e8 so "o$# as there are t6o thi$#s : the "oo7er-o$ a$) the thi$# "oo7e) 'po$ : it 6i"" appear a"6ays that the '$i,erse is o$e o cha$#e8 co$ti$'o's"y cha$#i$# a"" the ti/e9 5't the rea"ity is that there is both cha$#e a$) cha$#e"ess$ess i$ this '$i,erse9 It is $ot that the so'" a$) the /i$) a$) the bo)y are three separate e=iste$ces8 or this or#a$is/ /a)e o these three is rea""y o$e9 It is the sa/e thi$# 6hich appears as the bo)y8 as the /i$)8 a$) as the thi$# beyo$) /i$) a$) bo)y8 b't it is $ot at the sa/e ti/e a"" these9 >e 6ho sees the bo)y )oes $ot see the /i$) e,e$8 he 6ho sees the /i$) )oes $ot see that 6hich he ca""s the so'"8 a$) he 6ho sees the so'" : or hi/ the bo)y a$) /i$) ha,e ,a$ishe)9 >e 6ho sees o$"y /otio$ $e,er sees abso"'te ca"/8 a$) he 6ho sees abso"'te ca"/ : or hi/ /otio$ has ,a$ishe)9 A rope is ta7e$ or a s$a7e9 >e 6ho sees the rope as the s$a7e8 or hi/ the rope has ,a$ishe)8 a$) 6he$ the )e"'sio$ ceases a$) he "oo7s at the rope8 the s$a7e has ,a$ishe)9 There is the$ b't o$e a""-co/prehe$)i$# e=iste$ce8 a$) that o$e appears as /a$i o")9 This Se" or So'" or S'bsta$ce is a"" that e=ists i$ the '$i,erse9 That Se" or S'bsta$ce or So'" is8 i$ the "a$#'a#e o $o$-)'a"is/8 the 5rah/a$ appeari$# to be /a$i o") by the i$terpositio$ o $a/e a$) or/9 Coo7 at the 6a,es i$ the sea9 Not o$e 6a,e is rea""y )i ere$t ro/ the sea8 b't 6hat /a7es the 6a,e appare$t"y )i ere$t@ Na/e a$) or/; the or/ o the 6a,e a$) the $a/e 6hich 6e #i,e to it8 D6a,eD9 This is 6hat /a7es it )i ere$t ro/ the sea9 Whe$ $a/e a$) or/ #o8 it is the sa/e sea9 Who ca$ /a7e a$y rea" )i ere$ce bet6ee$ the 6a,e a$) the sea@ So this 6ho"e '$i,erse is that o$e 3$it E=iste$ce; $a/e a$) or/ ha,e create) a"" these ,ario's )i ere$ces9 As 6he$ the s'$ shi$es 'po$ /i""io$s o #"ob'"es o 6ater8 'po$ each partic"e is see$ a /ost per ect represe$tatio$ o the

s'$8 so the o$e So'"8 the o$e Se" 8 the o$e E=iste$ce o the '$i,erse8 bei$# re "ecte) o$ a"" these $'/ero's #"ob'"es o ,aryi$# $a/es a$) or/s8 appears to be ,ario's9 5't it is i$ rea"ity o$"y o$e9 There is $o DID $or Dyo'D; it is a"" o$e9 It is either a"" DID or a"" Dyo'D9 This i)ea o )'a"ity8 ca" t6o8 is e$tire"y a"se8 a$) the 6ho"e '$i,erse8 as 6e or)i$ari"y 7$o6 it8 is the res'"t o this a"se 7$o6"e)#e9 Whe$ )iscri/i$atio$ co/es a$) /a$ i$)s there are $ot t6o b't o$e8 he i$)s that he is hi/se" this '$i,erse9 DIt is I 6ho a/ this '$i,erse as it $o6 e=ists8 a co$ti$'o's /ass o cha$#e9 It is I 6ho a/ beyo$) a"" cha$#es8 beyo$) a"" A'a"ities8 the eter$a""y per ect8 the eter$a""y b"esse)9D There is8 there ore8 b't o$e At/a$8 o$e Se" 8 eter$a""y p're8 eter$a""y per ect8 '$cha$#eab"e8 '$cha$#e); it has $e,er cha$#e); a$) a"" these ,ario's cha$#es i$ the '$i,erse are b't appeara$ces i$ that o$e Se" 9 3po$ it $a/e a$) or/ ha,e pai$te) a"" these )rea/s; it is the or/ that /a7es the 6a,e )i ere$t ro/ the sea9 S'ppose the 6a,e s'bsi)es8 6i"" the or/ re/ai$@ No8 it 6i"" ,a$ish9 The e=iste$ce o the 6a,e 6as e$tire"y )epe$)e$t 'po$ the e=iste$ce o the sea8 b't the e=iste$ce o the sea 6as $ot at a"" )epe$)e$t 'po$ the e=iste$ce o the 6a,e9 The or/ re/ai$s so "o$# as the 6a,e re/ai$s8 b't as soo$ as the 6a,e "ea,es it8 it ,a$ishes8 it ca$$ot re/ai$9 This $a/e a$) or/ is the o'tco/e o 6hat is ca""e) Maya9 It is this Maya that is /a7i$# i$)i,i)'a"s8 /a7i$# o$e appear )i ere$t ro/ a$other9 Yet it has $o e=iste$ce9 Maya ca$$ot be sai) to e=ist9 .or/ ca$$ot be sai) to e=ist8 beca'se it )epe$)s 'po$ the e=iste$ce o a$other thi$#9 It ca$$ot be sai) as $ot to e=ist8 seei$# that it /a7es a"" this )i ere$ce9 Accor)i$# to the A),aita phi"osophy8 the$8 this Maya or i#$ora$ce : or $a/e a$) or/8 or8 as it has bee$ ca""e) i$ E'rope8 Dti/e8 space8 a$) ca'sa"ityD : is o't o this o$e I$ i$ite E=iste$ce sho6i$# 's the /a$i o")$ess o the '$i,erse; i$ s'bsta$ce8 this '$i,erse is o$e9 So "o$# as a$y o$e thi$7s that there are t6o '"ti/ate rea"ities8 he is /ista7e$9 Whe$ he has co/e to 7$o6 that there is b't o$e8 he is ri#ht9 This is 6hat is bei$# pro,e) to 's e,ery )ay8 o$ the physica" p"a$e8 o$ the /e$ta" p"a$e8 a$) a"so o$ the spirit'a" p"a$e9 To)ay it has bee$ )e/o$strate) that yo' a$) I8 the s'$8 the /oo$8 a$) the stars are b't the )i ere$t $a/es o )i ere$t spots i$ the sa/e ocea$ o /atter8 a$) that this /atter is co$ti$'o's"y cha$#i$# i$ its co$ i#'ratio$9 This partic"e o e$er#y that 6as i$ the s'$ se,era" /o$ths a#o /ay be i$ the h'/a$ bei$# $o6; to/orro6 it /ay be i$ a$ a$i/a"8 the )ay a ter to/orro6 it /ay be i$ a p"a$t9 It is e,er co/i$# a$) #oi$#9 It is a"" o$e '$bro7e$8 i$ i$ite /ass o /atter8 o$"y )i ere$tiate) by $a/es a$) or/s9 O$e poi$t is ca""e) the s'$; a$other8 the /oo$; a$other8 the stars; a$other8 /a$; a$other8 a$i/a"; a$other8 p"a$t; a$) so o$9 A$) a"" these $a/es are ictitio's; they ha,e $o rea"ity8 beca'se the 6ho"e is a co$ti$'o's"y cha$#i$# /ass o /atter9 This ,ery sa/e '$i,erse8 ro/ a$other sta$)poi$t8 is a$ ocea$ o tho'#ht8 6here each o$e o 's is a poi$t ca""e) a partic'"ar /i$)9 Yo' are a /i$)8 I a/ a /i$)8 e,eryo$e is a /i$); a$) the ,ery sa/e '$i,erse ,ie6e) ro/ the sta$)poi$t o 7$o6"e)#e8 6he$ the eyes ha,e bee$ c"eare) o )e"'sio$s8 6he$ the /i$) has beco/e p're8 appears to be the '$bro7e$ Abso"'te 5ei$#8 the e,er p're8 the '$cha$#eab"e8 the i//orta"9 What the$ beco/es o a"" this three o") eschato"o#y o the )'a"ist8 that 6he$ a /a$ )ies he #oes to hea,e$8 or #oes to this or that sphere8 a$) that the 6ic7e) perso$s beco/e #hosts8 a$) beco/e a$i/a"s8 a$) so orth@ No$e co/es a$) $o$e #oes8 says the $o$-)'a"ist9 >o6 ca$ yo' co/e a$) #o@ Yo' are i$ i$ite; 6here is the p"ace or yo' to #o@ I$ a certai$ schoo" a $'/ber o "itt"e chi")re$ 6ere bei$# e=a/i$e)9 The e=a/i$er ha) oo"ish"y p't a"" sorts o )i ic'"t A'estio$s to the "itt"e chi")re$9 A/o$# others there 6as this A'estio$4 DWhy )oes $ot the earth a"" @D >is i$te$tio$ 6as to bri$# o't the i)ea o #ra,itatio$ or so/e other i$tricate scie$ti ic tr'th ro/ these chi")re$9 Most o the/ co'") $ot e,e$ '$)ersta$) the A'estio$8 a$) so they #a,e a"" sorts o 6ro$# a$s6ers9 5't o$e bri#ht "itt"e #ir" a$s6ere) it 6ith a$other A'estio$4 DWhere sha"" it a""@D The ,ery A'estio$ o the e=a/i$er 6as $o$se$se o$ the ace o it9 There is $o 'p a$) )o6$ i$ the '$i,erse; the i)ea is o$"y re"ati,e9 So it is 6ith re#ar) to the so'"; the ,ery A'estio$ o birth a$) )eath i$ re#ar) to it is 'tter $o$se$se9 Who #oes a$) 6ho co/es@ Where are yo' $ot@ Where is the hea,e$ that yo' are $ot i$ a"rea)y@ O/$iprese$t is the Se" o /a$9 Where is it to #o@ Where is it $ot to #o@ It is e,ery6here9 So a"" this chi")ish )rea/ a$) p'eri"e i""'sio$ o birth a$) )eath8 o hea,e$s a$) hi#her hea,e$s a$) "o6er 6or")s8 a"" ,a$ish i//e)iate"y or the per ect9 .or the $ear"y per ect it ,a$ishes a ter sho6i$#

the/ the se,era" sce$es 'p to 5rah/a"o7a9 It co$ti$'es or the i#$ora$t9 >o6 is it that the 6ho"e 6or") be"ie,es i$ #oi$# to hea,e$8 a$) i$ )yi$# a$) bei$# bor$@ I a/ st')yi$# a boo78 pa#e a ter pa#e is bei$# rea) a$) t'r$e) o,er9 A$other pa#e co/es a$) is t'r$e) o,er9 Who cha$#es@ Who co/es a$) #oes@ Not I8 b't the boo79 This 6ho"e $at're is a boo7 be ore the so'"8 chapter a ter chapter is bei$# rea) a$) t'r$e) o,er8 a$) e,ery $o6 a$) the$ a sce$e ope$s9 That is rea) a$) t'r$e) o,er9 A resh o$e co/es8 b't the so'" is e,er the sa/e : eter$a"9 It is $at're that is cha$#i$#8 $ot the so'" o /a$9 This $e,er cha$#es9 5irth a$) )eath are i$ $at're8 $ot i$ yo'9 Yet the i#$ora$t are )e"')e); <'st as 6e '$)er )e"'sio$ thi$7 that the s'$ is /o,i$# a$) $ot the earth8 i$ e=act"y the sa/e 6ay 6e thi$7 that 6e are )yi$#8 a$) $ot $at're9 These are a""8 there ore8 ha""'ci$atio$s9 J'st as it is a ha""'ci$atio$ 6he$ 6e thi$7 that the ie")s are /o,i$# a$) $ot the rai"6ay trai$8 e=act"y i$ the sa/e /a$$er is the ha""'ci$atio$ o birth a$) )eath9 Whe$ /e$ are i$ a certai$ ra/e o /i$)8 they see this ,ery e=iste$ce as the earth8 as the s'$8 the /oo$8 the stars; a$) a"" those 6ho are i$ the sa/e state o /i$) see the sa/e thi$#s9 5et6ee$ yo' a$) /e there /ay be /i""io$s o bei$#s o$ )i ere$t p"a$es o e=iste$ce9 They 6i"" $e,er see 's8 $or 6e the/; 6e o$"y see those 6ho are i$ the sa/e state o /i$) a$) o$ the sa/e p"a$e 6ith 's9 Those /'sica" i$str'/e$ts respo$) 6hich ha,e the sa/e att'$e/e$t o ,ibratio$8 as it 6ere; i the state o ,ibratio$8 6hich they ca"" D/a$-,ibratio$D8 sho'") be cha$#e)8 $o "o$#er 6o'") /e$ be see$ here; the 6ho"e D/a$-'$i,erseD 6o'") ,a$ish8 a$) i$stea) o that8 other sce$ery 6o'") co/e be ore 's8 perhaps #o)s a$) the #o)-'$i,erse8 or perhaps8 or the 6ic7e) /a$8 )e,i"s a$) the )iabo"ic 6or"); b't a"" 6o'") be o$"y )i ere$t ,ie6s o the o$e '$i,erse9 It is this '$i,erse 6hich8 ro/ the h'/a$ p"a$e8 is see$ as the earth8 the s'$8 the /oo$8 the stars8 a$) a"" s'ch thi$#s : it is this ,ery '$i,erse 6hich8 see$ ro/ the p"a$e o 6ic7e)$ess8 appears as a p"ace o p'$ish/e$t9 A$) this ,ery '$i,erse is see$ as hea,e$ by those 6ho 6a$t to see it as hea,e$9 Those 6ho ha,e bee$ )rea/i$# o #oi$# to a Go) 6ho is sitti$# o$ a thro$e8 a$) o sta$)i$# there praisi$# >i/ a"" their "i,es8 6he$ they )ie8 6i"" si/p"y see a ,isio$ o 6hat they ha,e i$ their /i$)s; this ,ery '$i,erse 6i"" si/p"y cha$#e i$to a ,ast hea,e$8 6ith a"" sorts o 6i$#e) bei$#s "yi$# abo't a$) a Go) sitti$# o$ a thro$e9 These hea,e$s are a"" o /a$Es o6$ /a7i$#9 So 6hat the )'a"ist says is tr'e8 says the A),aiti$8 b't it is a"" si/p"y o his o6$ /a7i$#9 These spheres a$) )e,i"s a$) #o)s a$) rei$car$atio$s a$) tra$s/i#ratio$s are a"" /ytho"o#y; so a"so is this h'/a$ "i e9 The #reat /ista7e that /e$ a"6ays /a7e is to thi$7 that this "i e a"o$e is tr'e9 They '$)ersta$) it 6e"" e$o'#h 6he$ other thi$#s are ca""e) /ytho"o#ies8 b't are $e,er 6i""i$# to a)/it the sa/e o their o6$ positio$9 The 6ho"e thi$# as it appears is /ere /ytho"o#y8 a$) the #reatest o a"" "ies is that 6e are bo)ies8 6hich 6e $e,er 6ere $or e,e$ ca$ be9 It is the #reatest o a"" "ies that 6e are /ere /e$; 6e are the Go) o the '$i,erse9 I$ 6orshippi$# Go) 6e ha,e bee$ a"6ays 6orshippi$# o'r o6$ hi))e$ Se" 9 The 6orst "ie that yo' e,er te"" yo'rse" is that yo' 6ere bor$ a si$$er or a 6ic7e) /a$9 >e a"o$e is a si$$er 6ho sees a si$$er i$ a$other /a$9 S'ppose there is a baby here8 a$) yo' p"ace a ba# o #o") o$ the tab"e9 S'ppose a robber co/es a$) ta7es the #o") a6ay9 To the baby it is a"" the sa/e; beca'se there is $o robber i$si)e8 there is $o robber o'tsi)e9 To si$$ers a$) ,i"e /e$8 there is ,i"e$ess o'tsi)e8 b't $ot to #oo) /e$9 So the 6ic7e) see this '$i,erse as a he""8 a$) the partia""y #oo) see it as hea,e$8 6hi"e the per ect bei$#s rea"ise it as Go) >i/se" 9 The$ a"o$e the ,ei" a""s ro/ the eyes8 a$) the /a$8 p'ri ie) a$) c"ea$se)8 i$)s his 6ho"e ,isio$ cha$#e)9 The ba) )rea/s that ha,e bee$ tort'ri$# hi/ or /i""io$s o years8 a"" ,a$ish8 a$) he 6ho 6as thi$7i$# o hi/se" either as a /a$8 or a #o)8 or a )e/o$8 he 6ho 6as thi$7i$# o hi/se" as "i,i$# i$ "o6 p"aces8 i$ hi#h p"aces8 o$ earth8 i$ hea,e$8 a$) so o$8 i$)s that he is rea""y o/$iprese$t; that a"" ti/e is i$ hi/8 a$) that he is $ot i$ ti/e; that a"" the hea,e$s are i$ hi/8 that he is $ot i$ a$y hea,e$; a$) that a"" the #o)s that /a$ e,er 6orshippe) are i$ hi/8 a$) that he is $ot i$ a$y o$e o those #o)s9 >e 6as the /a$' act'rer o #o)s a$) )e/o$s8 o /e$ a$) p"a$ts a$) a$i/a"s a$) sto$es8 a$) the rea" $at're o /a$ $o6 sta$)s '$ o")e) to hi/ as bei$# hi#her tha$ hea,e$8 /ore per ect tha$ this '$i,erse o o'rs8 /ore i$ i$ite tha$ i$ i$ite ti/e8 /ore o/$iprese$t tha$ the o/$iprese$t ether9 Th's a"o$e /a$ beco/es ear"ess8 a$) beco/es ree9 The$ a"" )e"'sio$s cease8 a"" /iseries ,a$ish8 a"" ears co/e to a$ e$) or e,er9 5irth #oes a6ay a$) 6ith it )eath; pai$s "y8 a$) 6ith the/ "y a6ay p"eas'res; earths ,a$ish8 a$) 6ith the/ ,a$ish hea,e$s; bo)ies ,a$ish8 a$) 6ith the/ ,a$ishes the /i$) a"so9 .or that /a$

)isappears the 6ho"e '$i,erse8 as it 6ere9 This searchi$#8 /o,i$#8 co$ti$'o's str'##"e o orces stops or e,er8 a$) that 6hich 6as /a$i esti$# itse" as orce a$) /atter8 as str'##"es o $at're8 as $at're itse" 8 as hea,e$s a$) earths a$) p"a$ts a$) a$i/a"s a$) /e$ a$) a$#e"s8 a"" that beco/es tra$s i#'re) i$to o$e i$ i$ite8 '$brea7ab"e8 '$cha$#eab"e e=iste$ce8 a$) the 7$o6i$# /a$ i$)s that he is o$e 6ith that e=iste$ce9 DE,e$ as c"o')s o ,ario's co"o'rs co/e be ore the s7y8 re/ai$ there or a seco$) a$) the$ ,a$ish a6ay8D e,e$ so be ore this so'" are a"" these ,isio$s co/i$#8 o earths a$) hea,e$s8 o the /oo$ a$) the #o)s8 o p"eas'res a$) pai$s; b't they a"" pass a6ay "ea,i$# the o$e i$ i$ite8 b"'e8 '$cha$#eab"e s7y9 The s7y $e,er cha$#es; it is the c"o')s that cha$#e9 It is a /ista7e to thi$7 that the s7y is cha$#e)9 It is a /ista7e to thi$7 that 6e are i/p're8 that 6e are "i/ite)8 that 6e are separate9 The rea" /a$ is the o$e 3$it E=iste$ce9 T6o A'estio$s $o6 arise9 The irst is4 DIs it possib"e to rea"ise this@ So ar it is )octri$e8 phi"osophy8 b't is it possib"e to rea"ise it@D It is9 There are /e$ sti"" "i,i$# i$ this 6or") or 6ho/ )e"'sio$ has ,a$ishe) or e,er9 Do they i//e)iate"y )ie a ter s'ch rea"isatio$@ Not so soo$ as 6e sho'") thi$79 T6o 6hee"s <oi$e) by o$e po"e are r'$$i$# to#ether9 I I #et ho") o o$e o the 6hee"s a$)8 6ith a$ a=e8 c't the po"e as'$)er8 the 6hee" 6hich I ha,e #ot ho") o stops8 b't 'po$ the other 6hee" is its past /o/e$t'/8 so it r'$s o$ a "itt"e a$) the$ a""s )o6$9 This p're a$) per ect bei$#8 the so'"8 is o$e 6hee"8 a$) this e=ter$a" ha""'ci$atio$ o bo)y a$) /i$) is the other 6hee"8 <oi$e) to#ether by the po"e o 6or78 o Kar/a9 K$o6"e)#e is the a=e 6hich 6i"" se,er the bo$) bet6ee$ the t6o8 a$) the 6hee" o the so'" 6i"" stop : stop thi$7i$# that it is co/i$# a$) #oi$#8 "i,i$# a$) )yi$#8 stop thi$7i$# that it is $at're a$) has 6a$ts a$) )esires8 a$) 6i"" i$) that it is per ect8 )esire"ess9 5't 'po$ the other 6hee"8 that o the bo)y a$) /i$)8 6i"" be the /o/e$t'/ o past acts; so it 6i"" "i,e or so/e ti/e8 '$ti" that /o/e$t'/ o past 6or7 is e=ha'ste)8 '$ti" that /o/e$t'/ is 6or7e) a6ay8 a$) the$ the bo)y a$) /i$) a""8 a$) the so'" beco/es ree9 No /ore is there a$y #oi$# to hea,e$ a$) co/i$# bac78 $ot e,e$ a$y #oi$# to the 5rah/a"o7a8 or to a$y o the hi#hest o the spheres8 or 6here is he to co/e ro/8 or to #o to@ The /a$ 6ho has i$ this "i e attai$e) to this state8 or 6ho/8 or a /i$'te at "east8 the or)i$ary ,isio$ o the 6or") has cha$#e) a$) the rea"ity has bee$ appare$t8 he is ca""e) the DCi,i$# .reeD9 This is the #oa" o the Ve)a$ti$8 to attai$ ree)o/ 6hi"e "i,i$#9 O$ce i$ Wester$ I$)ia I 6as tra,e""i$# i$ the )esert co'$try o$ the coast o the I$)ia$ Ocea$9 .or )ays a$) )ays I 'se) to tra,e" o$ oot thro'#h the )esert8 b't it 6as to /y s'rprise that I sa6 e,ery )ay bea'ti '" "a7es8 6ith trees a"" ro'$) the/8 a$) the sha)o6s o the trees 'psi)e )o6$ a$) ,ibrati$# there9 D>o6 6o$)er '" it "oo7s a$) they ca"" this a )esert co'$tryGD I sai) to /yse" 9 Near"y a /o$th I tra,e""e)8 seei$# these 6o$)er '" "a7es a$) trees a$) p"a$ts9 O$e )ay I 6as ,ery thirsty a$) 6a$te) to ha,e a )ri$7 o 6ater8 so I starte) to #o to o$e o these c"ear8 bea'ti '" "a7es8 a$) as I approache)8 it ,a$ishe)9 A$) 6ith a "ash it ca/e to /y brai$8 DThis is the /ira#e abo't 6hich I ha,e rea) a"" /y "i e8D a$) 6ith that ca/e a"so the i)ea that thro'#ho't the 6ho"e o this /o$th8 e,ery )ay8 I ha) bee$ seei$# the /ira#e a$) )i) $ot 7$o6 it9 The $e=t /or$i$# I be#a$ /y /arch9 There 6as a#ai$ the "a7e8 b't 6ith it ca/e a"so the i)ea that it 6as the /ira#e a$) $ot a tr'e "a7e9 So is it 6ith this '$i,erse9 We are a"" tra,e""i$# i$ this /ira#e o the 6or") )ay a ter )ay8 /o$th a ter /o$th8 year a ter year8 $ot 7$o6i$# that it is a /ira#e9 O$e )ay it 6i"" brea7 'p8 b't it 6i"" co/e bac7 a#ai$; the bo)y has to re/ai$ '$)er the po6er o past Kar/a8 a$) so the /ira#e 6i"" co/e bac79 This 6or") 6i"" co/e bac7 'po$ 's so "o$# as 6e are bo'$) by Kar/a4 /e$8 6o/e$8 a$i/a"s8 p"a$ts8 o'r attach/e$ts a$) )'ties8 a"" 6i"" co/e bac7 to 's8 b't $ot 6ith the sa/e po6er9 3$)er the i$ "'e$ce o the $e6 7$o6"e)#e the stre$#th o Kar/a 6i"" be bro7e$8 its poiso$ 6i"" be "ost9 It beco/es tra$s or/e)8 or a"o$# 6ith it there co/es the i)ea that 6e 7$o6 it $o68 that the sharp )isti$ctio$ bet6ee$ the rea"ity a$) the /ira#e has bee$ 7$o6$9 This 6or") 6i"" $ot the$ be the sa/e 6or") as be ore9 There is8 ho6e,er8 a )a$#er here9 We see i$ e,ery co'$try peop"e ta7i$# 'p this phi"osophy a$) sayi$#8 DI a/ beyo$) a"" ,irt'e a$) ,ice; so I a/ $ot bo'$) by a$y /ora" "a6s; I /ay )o a$ythi$# I "i7e9D Yo' /ay i$) /a$y oo"s i$ this co'$try at the prese$t ti/e8 sayi$#8 DI a/ $ot bo'$); I a/ Go) >i/se" ; "et /e )o a$ythi$# I "i7e9D This is $ot ri#ht8 a"tho'#h it is tr'e that the so'" is beyo$) a"" "a6s8 physica"8 /e$ta"8 or /ora"9

Withi$ "a6 is bo$)a#e; beyo$) "a6 is ree)o/9 It is a"so tr'e that ree)o/ is o the $at're o the so'"8 it is its birthri#ht4 that rea" ree)o/ o the so'" shi$es thro'#h ,ei"s o /atter i$ the or/ o the appare$t ree)o/ o /a$9 E,ery /o/e$t o yo'r "i e yo' ee" that yo' are ree9 We ca$$ot "i,e8 ta"78 or breathe or a /o/e$t 6itho't ee"i$# that 6e are ree; b't8 at the sa/e ti/e8 a "itt"e tho'#ht sho6s 's that 6e are "i7e /achi$es a$) $ot ree9 What is tr'e the$@ Is this i)ea o ree)o/ a )e"'sio$@ O$e party ho")s that the i)ea o ree)o/ is a )e"'sio$; a$other says that the i)ea o bo$)a#e is a )e"'sio$9 >o6 )oes this happe$@ Ma$ is rea""y ree8 the rea" /a$ ca$$ot b't be ree9 It is 6he$ he co/es i$to the 6or") o Maya8 i$to $a/e a$) or/8 that he beco/es bo'$)9 .ree 6i"" is a /is$o/er9 Wi"" ca$ $e,er be ree9 >o6 ca$ it be@ It is o$"y 6he$ the rea" /a$ has beco/e bo'$) that his 6i"" co/es i$to e=iste$ce8 a$) $ot be ore9 The 6i"" o /a$ is bo'$)8 b't that 6hich is the o'$)atio$ o that 6i"" is eter$a""y ree9 So8 e,e$ i$ the state o bo$)a#e 6hich 6e ca"" h'/a$ "i e or #o)-"i e8 o$ earth or i$ hea,e$8 there yet re/ai$s to 's that reco""ectio$ o the ree)o/ 6hich is o'rs by )i,i$e ri#ht9 A$) co$scio's"y or '$co$scio's"y 6e are a"" str'##"i$# to6ar)s it9 Whe$ a /a$ has attai$e) his o6$ ree)o/8 ho6 ca$ he be bo'$) by a$y "a6@ No "a6 i$ this '$i,erse ca$ bi$) hi/8 or this '$i,erse itse" is his9 >e is the 6ho"e '$i,erse9 Either say he is the 6ho"e '$i,erse or say that to hi/ there is $o '$i,erse9 >o6 ca$ he ha,e the$ a"" these "itt"e i)eas abo't se= a$) abo't co'$try@ >o6 ca$ he say8 I a/ a /a$8 I a/ a 6o/a$ I a/ a chi")@ Are they $ot "ies@ >e 7$o6s that they are9 >o6 ca$ he say that these are /a$Es ri#hts8 a$) these others are 6o/a$Es ri#hts@ Nobo)y has ri#hts; $obo)y separate"y e=ists9 There is $either /a$ $or 6o/a$; the so'" is se="ess8 eter$a""y p're9 It is a "ie to say that I a/ a /a$ or a 6o/a$8 or to say that I be"o$# to this co'$try or that9 A"" the 6or") is /y co'$try8 the 6ho"e '$i,erse is /i$e8 beca'se I ha,e c"othe) /yse" 6ith it as /y bo)y9 Yet 6e see that there are peop"e i$ this 6or") 6ho are rea)y to assert these )octri$es8 a$) at the sa/e ti/e )o thi$#s 6hich 6e sho'") ca"" i"thy; a$) i 6e as7 the/ 6hy they )o so8 they te"" 's that it is o'r )e"'sio$ a$) that they ca$ )o $othi$# 6ro$#9 What is the test by 6hich they are to be <')#e)@ The test is here9 Tho'#h e,i" a$) #oo) are both co$)itio$e) /a$i estatio$s o the so'"8 yet e,i" is the /ost e=ter$a" coati$#8 a$) #oo) is the $earer coati$# o the rea" /a$8 the Se" 9 A$) '$"ess a /a$ c'ts thro'#h the "ayer o e,i" he ca$$ot reach the "ayer o #oo)8 a$) '$"ess he has passe) thro'#h both the "ayers o #oo) a$) e,i" he ca$$ot reach the Se" 9 >e 6ho reaches the Se" 8 6hat re/ai$s attache) to hi/@ A "itt"e Kar/a8 a "itt"e bit o the /o/e$t'/ o past "i e8 b't it is a"" #oo) /o/e$t'/9 3$ti" the ba) /o/e$t'/ is e$tire"y 6or7e) o't a$) past i/p'rities are e$tire"y b'r$t8 it is i/possib"e or a$y /a$ to see a$) rea"ise tr'th9 So8 6hat is "e t attache) to the /a$ 6ho has reache) the Se" a$) see$ the tr'th is the re/$a$t o the #oo) i/pressio$s o past "i e8 the #oo) /o/e$t'/9 E,e$ i he "i,es i$ the bo)y a$) 6or7s i$cessa$t"y8 he 6or7s o$"y to )o #oo); his "ips spea7 o$"y be$e)ictio$ to a""; his ha$)s )o o$"y #oo) 6or7s; his /i$) ca$ o$"y thi$7 #oo) tho'#hts; his prese$ce is a b"essi$# 6here,er he #oes9 >e is hi/se" a "i,i$# b"essi$#9 S'ch a /a$ 6i""8 by his ,ery prese$ce8 cha$#e e,e$ the /ost 6ic7e) perso$s i$to sai$ts9 E,e$ i he )oes $ot spea78 his ,ery prese$ce 6i"" be a b"essi$# to /a$7i$)9 Ca$ s'ch /e$ )o a$y e,i"; ca$ they )o 6ic7e) )ee)s@ There is8 yo' /'st re/e/ber8 a"" the )i ere$ce o po"e to po"e bet6ee$ rea"isatio$ a$) /ere ta"7i$#9 A$y oo" ca$ ta"79 E,e$ parrots ta"79 Ta"7i$# is o$e thi$#8 a$) rea"isi$# is a$other9 Bhi"osophies8 a$) )octri$es8 a$) ar#'/e$ts8 a$) boo7s8 a$) theories8 a$) ch'rches8 a$) sects8 a$) a"" these thi$#s are #oo) i$ their o6$ 6ay; b't 6he$ that rea"isatio$ co/es8 these thi$#s )rop a6ay9 .or i$sta$ce8 /aps are #oo)8 b't 6he$ yo' see the co'$try itse" 8 a$) "oo7 a#ai$ at the /aps8 6hat a #reat )i ere$ce yo' i$)G So those that ha,e rea"ise) tr'th )o $ot reA'ire the ratioci$atio$s o "o#ic a$) a"" other #y/$astics o the i$te""ect to /a7e the/ '$)ersta$) the tr'th; it is to the/ the "i e o their "i,es8 co$cretise)8 /a)e /ore tha$ ta$#ib"e9 It is8 as the sa#es o the Ve)a$ta say8 De,e$ as a r'it i$ yo'r ha$)D; yo' ca$ sta$) 'p a$) say8 it is here9 So those that ha,e rea"ise) the tr'th 6i"" sta$) 'p a$) say8 D>ere is the Se" D9 Yo' /ay ar#'e 6ith the/ by the year8 b't they 6i"" s/i"e at yo'; they 6i"" re#ar) it a"" as chi")Es pratt"e; they 6i"" "et the chi") pratt"e o$9 They ha,e rea"ise) the tr'th a$) are '""9 S'ppose yo' ha,e see$ a co'$try8 a$) a$other /a$ co/es to yo' a$) tries to ar#'e 6ith yo' that that co'$try $e,er e=iste)8 he /ay #o o$ ar#'i$# i$)e i$ite"y8 b't yo'r o$"y attit')e o /i$) to6ar)s hi/ /'st

be to ho") that the /a$ is it or a "'$atic asy"'/9 So the /a$ o rea"isatio$ says8 DA"" this ta"7 i$ the 6or") abo't its "itt"e re"i#io$s is b't pratt"e; rea"isatio$ is the so'"8 the ,ery esse$ce o re"i#io$9D !e"i#io$ ca$ be rea"ise)9 Are yo' rea)y@ Do yo' 6a$t it@ Yo' 6i"" #et the rea"isatio$ i yo' )o8 a$) the$ yo' 6i"" be tr'"y re"i#io's9 3$ti" yo' ha,e attai$e) rea"isatio$ there is $o )i ere$ce bet6ee$ yo' a$) atheists9 The atheists are si$cere8 b't the /a$ 6ho says that he be"ie,es i$ re"i#io$ a$) $e,er atte/pts to rea"ise it is $ot si$cere9 The $e=t A'estio$ is to 7$o6 6hat co/es a ter rea"isatio$9 S'ppose 6e ha,e rea"ise) this o$e$ess o the '$i,erse8 that 6e are that o$e I$ i$ite 5ei$#8 a$) s'ppose 6e ha,e rea"ise) that this Se" is the o$"y E=iste$ce a$) that it is the sa/e Se" 6hich is /a$i esti$# i$ a"" these ,ario's phe$o/e$a" or/s8 6hat beco/es o 's a ter that@ Sha"" 6e beco/e i$acti,e8 #et i$to a cor$er a$) sit )o6$ there a$) )ie a6ay@ DWhat #oo) 6i"" it )o to the 6or")@D That o") A'estio$G I$ the irst p"ace8 6hy sho'") it )o #oo) to the 6or")@ Is there a$y reaso$ 6hy it sho'")@ What ri#ht has a$y o$e to as7 the A'estio$8 DWhat #oo) 6i"" it )o to the 6or")@D What is /ea$t by that@ A baby "i7es ca$)ies9 S'ppose yo' are co$)'cti$# i$,esti#atio$s i$ co$$ectio$ 6ith so/e s'b<ect o e"ectricity a$) the baby as7s yo'8 DDoes it b'y ca$)ies@D DNoD yo' a$s6er9 DThe$ 6hat #oo) 6i"" it )o@D says the baby9 So /e$ sta$) 'p a$) say8 DWhat #oo) 6i"" this )o to the 6or"); 6i"" it #i,e 's /o$ey@D DNo9D DThe$ 6hat #oo) is there i$ it@D That is 6hat /e$ /ea$ by )oi$# #oo) to the 6or")9 Yet re"i#io's rea"isatio$ )oes a"" the #oo) to the 6or")9 Beop"e are a rai) that 6he$ they attai$ to it8 6he$ they rea"ise that there is b't o$e8 the o'$tai$s o "o,e 6i"" be )rie) 'p8 that e,erythi$# i$ "i e 6i"" #o a6ay8 a$) that a"" they "o,e 6i"" ,a$ish or the/8 as it 6ere8 i$ this "i e a$) i$ the "i e to co/e9 Beop"e $e,er stop to thi$7 that those 6ho besto6e) the "east tho'#ht o$ their o6$ i$)i,i)'a"ities ha,e bee$ the #reatest 6or7ers i$ the 6or")9 The$ a"o$e a /a$ "o,es 6he$ he i$)s that the ob<ect o his "o,e is $ot a$y "o68 "itt"e8 /orta" thi$#9 The$ a"o$e a /a$ "o,es 6he$ he i$)s that the ob<ect o his "o,e is $ot a c"o) o earth8 b't it is the ,eritab"e Go) >i/se" 9 The 6i e 6i"" "o,e the h'sba$) the /ore 6he$ she thi$7s that the h'sba$) is Go) >i/se" 9 The h'sba$) 6i"" "o,e the 6i e the /ore 6he$ he 7$o6s that the 6i e is Go) >i/se" 9 That /other 6i"" "o,e the chi")re$ /ore 6ho thi$7s that the chi")re$ are Go) >i/se" 9 That /a$ 6i"" "o,e his #reatest e$e/y 6ho 7$o6s that that ,ery e$e/y is Go) >i/se" 9 That /a$ 6i"" "o,e a ho"y /a$ 6ho 7$o6s that the ho"y /a$ is Go) >i/se" 8 a$) that ,ery /a$ 6i"" a"so "o,e the '$ho"iest o /e$ beca'se he 7$o6s the bac7#ro'$) o that '$ho"iest o /e$ is e,e$ >e8 the Cor)9 S'ch a /a$ beco/es a 6or")-/o,er or 6ho/ his "itt"e se" is )ea) a$) Go) sta$)s i$ its p"ace9 The 6ho"e '$i,erse 6i"" beco/e tra$s i#'re) to hi/9 That 6hich is pai$ '" a$) /iserab"e 6i"" a"" ,a$ish; str'##"es 6i"" a"" )epart a$) #o9 I$stea) o bei$# a priso$-ho'se8 6here 6e e,ery )ay str'##"e a$) i#ht a$) co/pete or a /orse" o brea)8 this '$i,erse 6i"" the$ be to 's a p"ay#ro'$)9 5ea'ti '" 6i"" be this '$i,erse the$G S'ch a /a$ a"o$e has the ri#ht to sta$) 'p a$) say8 D>o6 bea'ti '" is this 6or")GD >e a"o$e has the ri#ht to say that it is a"" #oo)9 This 6i"" be the #reat #oo) to the 6or") res'"ti$# ro/ s'ch rea"isatio$8 that i$stea) o this 6or") #oi$# o$ 6ith a"" its rictio$ a$) c"ashi$#8 i a"" /a$7i$) to)ay rea"ise o$"y a bit o that #reat tr'th8 the aspect o the 6ho"e 6or") 6i"" be cha$#e)8 a$)8 i$ p"ace o i#hti$# a$) A'arre""i$#8 there 6o'") be a rei#$ o peace9 This i$)ece$t a$) br'ta" h'rry 6hich orces 's to #o ahea) o e,ery o$e e"se 6i"" the$ ,a$ish ro/ the 6or")9 With it 6i"" ,a$ish a"" str'##"e8 6ith it 6i"" ,a$ish a"" hate8 6ith it 6i"" ,a$ish a"" <ea"o'sy8 a$) a"" e,i" 6i"" ,a$ish a6ay or e,er9 Go)s 6i"" "i,e the$ 'po$ this earth9 This ,ery earth 6i"" the$ beco/e hea,e$8 a$) 6hat e,i" ca$ there be 6he$ #o)s are p"ayi$# 6ith #o)s8 6he$ #o)s are 6or7i$# 6ith #o)s8 a$) #o)s are "o,i$# #o)s@ That is the #reat 'ti"ity o )i,i$e rea"isatio$9 E,erythi$# that yo' see i$ society 6i"" be cha$#e) a$) tra$s i#'re) the$9 No /ore 6i"" yo' thi$7 o /a$ as e,i"; a$) that is the irst #reat #ai$9 No /ore 6i"" yo' sta$) 'p a$) s$eeri$#"y cast a #"a$ce at a poor /a$ or 6o/a$ 6ho has /a)e a /ista7e9 No /ore8 "a)ies8 6i"" yo' "oo7 )o6$ 6ith co$te/pt 'po$ the poor 6o/a$ 6ho 6a"7s the street i$ the $i#ht8 beca'se yo' 6i"" see e,e$ there Go) >i/se" 9 No /ore 6i"" yo' thi$7 o <ea"o'sy a$) p'$ish/e$ts9 They 6i"" a"" ,a$ish; a$) "o,e8 the #reat i)ea" o "o,e8 6i"" be so po6er '" that $o 6hip a$) cor) 6i"" be $ecessary to #'i)e /a$7i$) ari#ht9 I o$e /i""io$th part o the /e$ a$) 6o/e$ 6ho "i,e i$ this 6or") si/p"y sit )o6$ a$) or a e6

/i$'tes say8 DYo' are a"" Go)8 O ye /e$ a$) O ye a$i/a"s a$) "i,i$# bei$#s8 yo' are a"" the /a$i estatio$s o the o$e "i,i$# DeityGD the 6ho"e 6or") 6i"" be cha$#e) i$ ha" a$ ho'r9 I$stea) o thro6i$# tre/e$)o's bo/b-she""s o hatre) i$to e,ery cor$er8 i$stea) o pro<ecti$# c'rre$ts o <ea"o'sy a$) o e,i" tho'#ht8 i$ e,ery co'$try peop"e 6i"" thi$7 that it is a"" >e9 >e is a"" that yo' see a$) ee"9 >o6 ca$ yo' see e,i" '$ti" there is e,i" i$ yo'@ >o6 ca$ yo' see the thie 8 '$"ess he is there8 sitti$# i$ the heart o yo'r heart@ >o6 ca$ yo' see the /'r)erer '$ti" yo' are yo'rse" the /'r)erer@ 5e #oo)8 a$) e,i" 6i"" ,a$ish or yo'9 The 6ho"e '$i,erse 6i"" th's be cha$#e)9 This is the #reatest #ai$ to society9 This is the #reat #ai$ to the h'/a$ or#a$is/9 These tho'#hts 6ere tho'#ht o't8 6or7e) o't a/o$#st i$)i,i)'a"s i$ a$cie$t ti/es i$ I$)ia9 .or ,ario's reaso$s8 s'ch as the e=c"'si,e$ess o the teachers a$) orei#$ co$A'est8 those tho'#hts 6ere $ot a""o6e) to sprea)9 Yet they are #ra$) tr'ths; a$) 6here,er they ha,e bee$ 6or7i$#8 /a$ has beco/e )i,i$e9 My 6ho"e "i e has bee$ cha$#e) by the to'ch o o$e o these )i,i$e /e$8 abo't 6ho/ I a/ #oi$# to spea7 to yo' $e=t S'$)ay; a$) the ti/e is co/i$# 6he$ these tho'#hts 6i"" be cast abroa) o,er the 6ho"e 6or")9 I$stea) o "i,i$# i$ /o$asteries8 i$stea) o bei$# co$ i$e) to boo7s o phi"osophy to be st')ie) o$"y by the "ear$e)8 i$stea) o bei$# the e=c"'si,e possessio$ o sects a$) o a e6 o the "ear$e)8 they 6i"" a"" be so6$ broa)cast o,er the 6ho"e 6or")8 so that they /ay beco/e the co//o$ property o the sai$t a$) the si$$er8 o /e$ a$) 6o/e$ a$) chi")re$8 o the "ear$e) a$) o the i#$ora$t9 They 6i"" the$ per/eate the at/osphere o the 6or")8 a$) the ,ery air that 6e breathe 6i"" say 6ith e,ery o$e o its p'"satio$s8 DTho' art ThatD9 A$) the 6ho"e '$i,erse 6ith its /yria)s o s'$s a$) /oo$s8 thro'#h e,erythi$# that spea7s8 6ith o$e ,oice 6i"" say8 DTho' art ThatD9

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