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Advice and Inspiration

There are many problems with the youth. Some of the youth glamorize vulgarity and social nihilism. We are all opposed to that quick, fast, and in a hurry. Much of the responsibility lies with the youth. Also, a thought came up in my mind. Many of the older generation has a responsibility too. Not to mention that we should realize that tons of the youth are doing what is right. I am 30 years old now and I know the youth in their 20s fighting for real social change in the world. I know a Sister acquaintance, who is a very excellent teacher too. Many of the older generation also should instill real values in the youth in order for them to witness a better way of living. Also, we should place ourselves in the shoes of the youth to witness why things are in the first place and to see what can we do about it. It is fair to not only discipline the youth, but to ADDRESS THE CONDITIONS OF THE COMMUNITIES AS A MEANS TO SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS. Another thought came into my mind too. When we embrace the older generation's legitimate experience and wisdom and the youth's legitimate strength, vigor, and inspirational qualities, then our COMMUNITY can be so much better. The youth and the rest of us are allies. The youth doing what is right ought to be rewarded. Some of the youth acting foolish ought to be criticized and encouraged to do better. When we unite and value our strengths, then true blessings came about.

The old school vibe of the WARRIOR SPIRIT (I remember I wrote about this issue months ago during the summer) should be advanced more in our community. That warrior mentality has been shown by our relatives and our ancestors. It is found in the power of Malcolm X, Dr. King, Harriet Tubman, the strength of the BPP, and in our African heroes too. There is nothing wrong with it. It exists in many of our people, but not enough in my opinion. Many human beings agree with me on that point. That is why it is so important for Brothers to teach young males on the important on that relentless masculine power. That power is strong and many racists fear it since it refutes their illogical ideologies. When we are truly united, we can adequately grow our culture and fully defend ourselves. Racists are irrational and have extreme insecurities. That is why they target people and try to cause chaos in the world. We can win, but we have to fight for it. That is why for years, I do advocate any able bodied male or female in their youth to do exercise or learn self-defense training in real life. These acts are some of the easiest ways to get healthy and to grow that warrior energy. Yes, we have that responsibility to help the young. Many are from Generation X (LOL. :) ) and I am from Generation Y, so we have our strength, intelligence, youth, etc. that can inspired the entire community. Italy is known for its racism. I never forgot about how many of them disrespected the Sister who was a political leader in Italy. So, racism is worldwide. Europe has a lot of racism just like America. Europe is not as "progressive" as many view it. Mario Balotelli never said a statement about why he has cried. I assume part of it is because of the evil treatment that he has suffered consciously or subconsciously. I do believe that Mario should organize with LEGITIMATE, INDEPENDENT black political groups in Europe to fight back. Individually, he has the right to defend his dignity and honor as a black man too. Mario suffering racism is something that we oppose. We are in solidarity with our people worldwide. Nothing changes unless WE FIGHT. WE HAVE TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST BIGOTRY. He has the right to leave that team and go to another one as well. The slavery mentality is deep. We know how they think. Many of them may smile in your face, but say derogatory comments being your back. So, it is obvious that we have to think reasonably about this situation.

WE ARE NOT FREE The analogy of a plantation perfectly outlines the situation, because we A'INT FREE. We are not free from discrimination, racism, and oppression. We are not free from horrid conditions in many of our communities. It is obvious that they give crumbs to the bourgeoisie, but these crumbs are only stale manna sent to the few that give an appearance of FREEDOM. Once, folks realize that (of us still being in chains because we lack true ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL POWER IN A REVOLUTIONARY BASIS), the better off human beings are to see the wickedness of modern day society. The victim has nothing to do with the modern system of oppression at all. He, or the Brother from Italy experiencing racism, has nothing to do with the racist taunts from ignorant folks. The victims exist within the fabric of hurt and we have to do address these things. Also, as you have greatly deduced, we have to FIGHT. We have to defend the strength of our Brother Mario Balotelli. He is our Brother and we have to tell him that we care about him. The recent white supremacist fascist groups growing in the Ukraine, Greece,

Germany, the UK, Spain, etc. document that our fight is global beyond just the States. Also, we show our STRENGTH by knowing about the evil system of white supremacy, knowing about true black legacy plus history, and advancing our interests.

PLACING THINGS INTO CONTEXT When you get older, you have the chance to place the truth into context. There are legitimate progressive critiques of the policies from the White House. Then, there is the reactionary slander of the President and his family, which I reject 100 percent. Racism is a system of evil domination and it is about the lie about one's "race" being superior to others. We see that a deteriorating capitalist system is causing a worsening of the lives of everyone, both blacks and non-blacks. There is a legitimate critique about the current administration not adopting a tougher stand against white racism and corporate privilege. "Bipartisanship" has contributed to situation that we are in now, because it has lead into the evil policies of sequester and controversial drone strikes worldwide. The reality is that Main Street and Wall Street don't have the totally same interest at all. For one thing, on some issues, President Barack Obama is too reactionary. The current administration is wrong to advance an imperialist foreign policy and to love an oppressive domestic NSA spying program domestically. We are in an ideological fight against reactionaries, plutocrats, and racists who have the effrontery to charge their victims with racism. Also, the mainstream Right is ignorant to hand President Barack Obama his 2nd Presidential victory on a silver platter a year and a half ago. The Republican campaign of 2012 was so cartoonish and extremist. This was one reason out of many that many black people and others voted for President Obama. Back in 2010, one survey said that as high as about half of African American college students were disappointed in Obama (for reasons of not fighting enough and

doing deals even with his enemies). Yet, when the Republican wave came about in 2010 and these Republicans initiated laws of restricting voting rights, which blatantly were designed to suppress the Black and Latino vote. Also, scholars like Basil Davidson, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Roger Bastide gave accurate accounts on the richness including beauty of the Motherland of Africa. Then, African Americans were aroused to vote in anger against the Republicans among for other reasons in the year of 2012. Many economists claim that the White House didn't go far enough in handling the recession. The Recovery Act eased the recession, but it was not the sweeping progressive revolutionary action that could have significantly cut unemployment (though unemployment has decreased). So, the extremists are wrong to call Obama the worse President in American history. There are Presidents who waged genocidal wars against the Native Americans and helped protect plus manage an abominable slave empire (which shamelessly called itself a Republic). There was the paranoia and persecutions of McCarthyism under both Truman and Eisenhower. The Nixon regime orchestrated the CIA funded 1973 military coup of Chile. The fascists in Chile killed the democratically elected President Allende, which destroyed Chilean democracy (and impose of the most murderous military fascist states in Latin America). There were Presidents who administered the destruction of Mosadegh in Iran in 1953, toppling a progressive democratically elected regime in favor the brutal despotism of the Shah and who engineered the destruction of Patrice Lumumba's democratically elected regime in the Congo, precipitating the unending misery (beginning with Mobutu dictatorship) which continues even today. There was the propping up of the murderous fascistic, Nazi-esque apartheid regime in South Africa--a crime for which both Democrat and Republican administrations share guilt. NO, those who are claiming that Obama is the WORST president in American history are guided by white racism or them embracing reactionary political and social values. George W. Bush slept on his job when attacks on 9/11 occurred (we know the truth about these attack too) and started two wars which caused hundreds of thousands of lives while devastating the economy. So, there are Presidents worse than President Barack Obama. We see tons of research on the continuation of racism and injustice against Black people (and other peoples of color too). Lawless capitalism promotes wars and poverty. We have worse economic inequality now than when Dr. King was unfortunately assassinated. We need to address economic forces to build up our families. Economic justice is a must.

THE TRUTH ON HURRICANE KATRINA (AND NEW ORLEANS) Hurricane Katrina was a terrible event. The elite used racism, gentrification, and class warfare to attack the people of New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. FEMA's Michael Brown did a poor job in the affairs including the mayor, the governor, and the President. Now, we are discussing about race, gentrification, policing, housing, and education. New Orleans is a very old location that had many people in it early on in the United States since it was populated by free black citizens as early as the 1730's. New Orleans's black culture then and now is special. Now, we see more of the truth. There has been the charter school takeover of the New Orleans school system, the firing of thousands of teachers and their replacement with Teach for America workers. There has been the tearing down of the city's public housing and them mismanagement of federal aid. There has been the mismanagement of the Road Home Program, which is a federally funded, state administered program. We witness the whole neoliberal agenda that harmed New Orleans in many areas. The rescues of the victims were militarized. Many people were on rooftops surrounded by water. Many of the victims were slandered by the corporate media as looters, murderers, and thugs. Then-Governor Kathleen Blanco announced, Im sending in National Guard troops, theyre locked and loaded, theyve been trained to shoot to kill, and I expect they will. Police were given orders to take the city back, and armed vigilante groups roamed parts of the city. In the following days, police shot and killed unarmed civilians on Danziger Bridge, at a shopping center in the Algiers neighborhood, at the New Orleans Convention Center, and other locations. It was not until 2009 that the media (and federal investigators) were suddenly interested in these post-Katrina killings. A dozen officers have been convicted for their role in the killings and subsequent cover-ups. Education Secretary Arne Duncan has called Hurricane Katrina "the best thing that happened to the education system in New Orleans. That was a perverted statement to say the least. Now, we see

the many residents left homeless and some of the protests that tried to prevent the demolitions. Even the show Treme documented the reality of the fight for improvement in New Orleans from housing rights to educational rights. The show even shows a police department rife with corruption and officers literally getting away with murder. So, Treme is a type of work that should be analyzed and respected for its realistic portrayal of New Orleans. There is nothing wrong with advocating REVOLUTIONARY and PROGRESSIVE change in the world.

REFUTING LIES We are fighting against oppression in the world. We find the connedservative propaganda from Rush and others being ignorant, false, and irrational. We see the working class and the poor fighting back. Also, the reactionary movement includes folks from the Tea Party, the corporate elite, and the retrograde, reactionary extremists too. We know that the reactionaries slander Dr. King then and now. There are a lot of myths about certain things. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. being slandered as a Communist has been promoted by the FBI with their COINTELPRO program. As for King's alleged Communist ties (let alone his alleged Communist commitments), the ONLY thing FBI surveillance has been able to uncover are associations of the SCLC with FORMER Communists: Stanley D. Levison and Jack O'Dell. King scholar David Garrow talks about this in his book BEARING THE CROSS. Both Levinson and O'Dell had abandoned (or been expelled from) the Communist party quite some time ago. FBI surveillance of those two men and of Dr. King himself was unable to turn up ANY active participation or funding between the Communist party and King's SCLC. The FBI's round the clock surveillance of Stanley Levison detected NO contacts with Communist agents. So, the fascistic political police of the FBI fabricated Communist paranoia as an excuse to try to discredit and suppress the Black freedom movement. Even if someone is a Communist, that person has the right to be one in a free and open society period. There should be the freedom of ideological freedom. The enemy always slanders our people. The truth is that Dr. King was not a Communist. He was revolutionary

Christian, a socialist, and a supporter of liberation struggles of the oppressed both in America and abroad. Our struggle for LIBERATION is a noble one. Our movement inspired not only millions of African Americans, but others throughout the world. Our ancestors and relatives fought the evils of McCarthyite paranoia. The real movement for FREEDOM inspired women, the poor human beings, opponents of militarism, and others to advance the cause of freedom and social justice. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was involved in a progressive liberation movement. He did try to feed the hungry. He gave assistance to the poor and he advanced social justice for the poor and the oppressed. When you see connedservatives scream Communism at anything resembling positive change, then you see their lies being exposed. We don't need barbarous racism and kissing up to plutocratic agendas at all. There is the great inherent dignity of the human personality. I have no issue with a rebuilding of the Poor Peoples Movement to make justice in the world. We should fight against the dehumanizing evils of plutocracy and racism. Our faith should not be in either of the two corporate parties. We know the truth. The truth is that the explosion of the prison population in the States was inaugurated heavily by Ronald Reagan's programs. The War on Poverty was rightfully called a mere skirmish by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Poverty dropped by 50 percent. The War on Poverty was a skirmish as compared to Johnson's criminal war in Vietnam. It didn't increase poverty or radically explode the prison population in that era. The reactionary war on Drugs mixed with judicial and police racism expanded the racist prison industrial complex. For the crimes these reactionaries have committed against the Black community, they should be subject to a Nuremburg type trial point blank period.

LIBERATION AND INDEPEDNENT THINKING Liberation is about being free. Most of our people legitimately and rightfully so reject the retrograde extremism of the GOP. Also, if we want to be free, we have to not be mentally bounded under the Democrats too. Now, not all Brothers and not all Sisters in both parties are traitors or sellouts in my views. Among both parties, you have sincere human beings of goodwill that want liberation, justice, and freedom for humanity. The problem is that the leadership of those running both parties has advances agendas that are not conducive to the benefit of black

people collectively. There may be some programs here and there from others that can change things, but we need comprehensive revolutionary solutions as a means to be totally free. The fact is that we not free. We are free from oppression. We are not free from discrimination. Regardless of the political tides in the world, we can never be free unless all of humanity is free (that includes our Brothers and our Sisters too). So, we know that Fox News is the Republican ministry of TV propaganda. MSNBC is the mouthpiece of the White House too on many issues. So, we should use discernment when dealing with corporate run media outlets. We have to deal with reality and truth as a means to see changes. In the past 50 years, many things have gotten better and other has gotten worse. Black unemployment is still double white unemployment and black wealth remains a tiny fraction of white wealth. We see the evils of gentrification harming urban communities and the numbers of black people in prisons including jails have grown enormously. We know the evils found in the GOP, but the corporate Democrats have promoted not only austerity and imperialism. Some have agreed with the spying on American citizens. Our people were victims of FBI, CIA, and NSA spying decades ago and even today. Now, we found that such agencies use informants, plant evidence, and commit murder plus assassinations against dissidents in the world. Some corporate Democrats love privatization, love war crimes in other nations, and want other evils in the globe. We should never compromise with war crimes and corporate raiders at all. We know that many of them supported the NATO war crimes in Libya. There were rebels (funded by the West) acting as racist lynch mob against Black Libyan men, women, and children. Our Brothers and Sisters in Libya were killed by these rebel savages and the rebels are folks I will never support at all. Many of these rebels were funded by the Western elite. So, we see that many Democrats ally with the interests of the corporations no in the interests of the people. The neoliberal economic paradigm has harmed Americans and humanity globally. We should not only call for a higher minimum wage. The events of West Virginia with the huge chemical spill documents the need to clean up the environment and maintain real environmental regulations too. Without caring for Nature, we don't care for ourselves. We should continue to fight for our liberation.

R.I.P. JORDAN DAVIS A kindergarten person can convict Michael Dunn for numerous charges. Jordan Davis and his friends were never directly threatening the life of Michael Dunn at all. That murderer Michael Dunn can easily drive away from the situation and use many alternatives in handling the situation. Michael Dunn has given contradictory statements about the whole incident in question. Jordan Davis or his friends never attacked Michael Dunn at all. His or Michael Dunn's bullets could of killed others passengers in the vehicle. Dunn never immediately called the police after his murderous action. Many people could care less about BLACK LIFE. It is our responsibility as black people to defend our interests and to come to the aid of a Brother or a Sister who need assistance against oppression or injustice. The day of selfishness is over. The day of Meism or being just concerned for yourself is over. Altruism and selflessness are key concepts that we ought to embrace in a daily basis. Our people are dying and being murdered by evil criminals and we should never stay or ally with the status quo at all. This case is a clear cut case of oppression and injustice against a human being and Michael Dunn should face justice for his

reckless, evil deeds. We should also know that white racists are not omnipotent. We can COLLECTIVELY use our POWER AS BLACK PEOPLE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN SOCIETY. It is that some black people have to get over their fear of white reactionary criticism. Some black people just fear white people, which is an old slavery mentality. We have to understand the TRUTH and improve the conditions in our community (and FIGHT OPPRESSION). Regardless of what you do, evil people will still hate you for being BLACK. So, it is commonsense for us to STAND UP, SPEAK OUT, AND TO USE ACTION as a means to defend our human dignity (and to advance our INTERESTS). The tweeted image was offensive, ignorant, immature, and stupid. The photo shopped image of hand showing a banana outlined the intent from Irina Rodnina (who is insecure and jealous of the intellectual qualities of the President and the beautiful Sister First Lady Michelle Obama) all along. She did not want to show dignity to 2 human beings. She wanted to mock them and be offensive. She not apologizing for it is typical of people like Irina. We as a people should not accept her apology anyway even if she did apologize for it. I realize that there is a lot of the racism in Europe even in Russia. There are fascist groups in Europe that hate us blacks, Jewish people, etc. We should understand that the battle against white supremacy is global and Europe is not as progressive as many claim that it is. In fact, on the issue of immigration, Americans are more progressive than many Europeans. Folks have the right to agree or disagree with the policies from the current administration. Yet, there is no justification to disrespect the President and the First Lady at all. So, we know what time it is.

HAVING HOPE Too many of our people embrace pessimism. Pessimism is not a solution. Real revolution takes sacrifice, courage, and strength. We live in a new generation and in a new time, but core truths remain irrespective of time or generation. The fundamental truths of self-determination, black solidarity, and Black Power are eternal truths that should never be shed irrespective of generations. Now, things can happen in a holistic approach. First, we have to know ourselves and our enemy. WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF SELF, NOTHING CHANGES FOR

REAL. We have to respect our humanity and love our BLACKNESS ETERNALLY. WE HAVE TO KNOW THAT THE SYSTEM OF WHITE SUPREMACY IS AN ENEMY. Also, individually, we are leaders. The real Revolution will take time to develop, but that doesn't mean that it won't come. If we hate the conditions of society, we have every right to fight for revolutionary changes via working in charities, speaking up, boycotting, advancing self-defense if necessary, fighting to create black owned institutions, working in our communities, educating our people, defending our people, and joining independent organizations (dedicated for black liberation). We need political and economic empowerment and Dr. Claud Anderson gave many great ideas on that. Many of our people are fighting for our liberation day in and day out and their sacrifice should not be minimized here. So, we have to ally with Brothers and Sisters doing the good work. This process will not be immediate now, but we have to continue. Giving up and doing nothing is not a solution. We have every right to fight and to educate. Also, many of the slaves families were split up all of the time involuntarily and slaves suffered much more unspeakable atrocities than us, but they persisted and won battles despite obstacles. We can win. There is the decrease in the black crime rate overall since 1970. Teen black pregnancy rates have gone down rapidly since 1992. Over 90 percent of all black marriages are between a black man and a black woman. We have many Brothers and Sisters who are strongly working in green programs, anti-violence crusades, and other efforts to make a difference. We have to inspire our people that they can be greater and better than their current circumstances. You can inspire and be an example as a means to execute change. We all can do something and I reject giving up. It is not in our blood to give up or in our ancestors mentalities. No, we continue to fight despite the odds. We are living witnesses of overcoming the odds throughout history. We just need to continue to have faith and do action. I am not nave since we have a very long way to go, but we have to link up with conscious Brothers and conscious Sisters (BLACK UNITY IN COMMON CAUSE IS A GREAT THING. Dr. Umar Johnson, Neely Fuller, Jr., Trojan Pam, Paul H, and others have made some excellent plans on how to get things going too) to make plans, to develop strategies, and to develop solutions. They or the racists hate a strong, progressive, and intelligent black man and strong, progressive, and intelligent black women in the Earth. That is why they call a black man standing up for himself an ABM or a black woman doing the same an ABW (which are racist, false stereotypical characterizations). So, being intelligent and standing up for black people is cool and legitimate.


I have gotten an unique take on the March and this movement. Let's keep it real. A real movement must take to task both parties not just the Republicans. This movement must embrace political independence in order for it to be more successful. The reality is that many of the policies that the Republicans have enacted from imperialism to sequester have been created with the assistance of corporate Democrats. That is a fact. Many corporate Democrats (not just the Republicans) supported the non-extension of unemployment benefits, sequester, massive cuts to food stamps, funding to the war Machine, and I can go on and on. So, this Moral Monday movement should focus their goals on legitimate things and maintain a position of political independence beyond the 2 party system.

In the final analysis, we should have self-determination and create independent programs to help us. Also, we should always honor the power of the community and community power can go a long way in getting our interests heard (and execute real solutions to our problems. We should not only protest, but boycott, pressure all levels of government, hold leaders accountable, and to USE action).

By Timothy

We are not invisible. We are here. We are living and the blessings that we have should be cherished. Also, the truth is

flawless, righteousness is flawless, and justice is flawless too. We dont need to embrace bigotry or prejudice, but truth, hope, love, and proactive actions as a means to create solutions for humanity.

Peace for now.

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