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The Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) helps you to organize your data migration project and guides

you through the process by using a clear sequence of steps

Tcode !LSMW

There isn"t just one right approach to go about uploading Master data in an implementation project# $e has shared the approach that best suited for him and encourage readers to e%periment#

The &&&&'&&&('&&&) can be first uploaded using *+,& tcd and then rest of infotypes can be loaded data using *+-& tcd#$e has also noted consultants using *+,& tcd for uploading all the data#

When .e e%ecute LSMW tcode

*roject .e can gi/e for instance $0M Subproject *+ 1bject *+&() 0lick create after entering $0M in project field'then subproject and object

0lick 12 to create the subproject and object

3t .ill look like the belo.

4o. click 5ecording from Menu

0lick create

6nter the name for the recording and short description

0lick continue

7ou may .ant to correct the name that you gi/e for recording'in this case 3 ha/e corrected as

0lick continue

$ere .e enter the Tcd *+,& and it .ill take us to *+,& screen like belo.

The data upload personnel action is configured in *+ for the purpose of upload and you notice in your client system the *+&&&& .ill ha/e action type as 8ata upload for all employees# 9ust for a moment he is taking you through *ersonnel action configuration for this objecti/e#

S*51:;*ersonnel Management:;*ersonnel +dministration:;0ustomizing procedures:;+ctions:;8efine infogroup

The 8ata upload <7 has to 3nfotypes &&&( and &&&)'this is assumed to populated hen e run *+,& tcode in LSMW#

S*51:;*ersonnel Management:;*ersonnel +dministration:;0ustomizing procedures:;+ctions:; Set up personnel actions

4o. .e click *ersonnel actions types

4o. mo/ing again to LSMW from .here .e left before seeing *+ config steps#We .ill be seeing the inoftypes populate for data upload personnel action that .e configured in *+

6nter personnel number and date and 0lick e%ecute

We enter the pointed fields in this infotype and click sa/e

4e%t is &&&( (1rg +ssignment)

Next is 0002(Personal Data) enter the data in the pointed fields and click save

3t ill take us to first screen

4o. click =ack button

$ere .e click 8efault +ll

The fields that .e entered data .ill display here .ith /alues(*oined fields)#0lick sa/e and go back#

0lick =ack again to take us to LSMW

4o. click e%ecute

0lick e%ecute and select the recording

$it >, to display the recording .e created

0lick sa/e and go back

0lick e%ecute#We create the source structure #

0lick create

Sa/e and go back

3n the source fields .e enter the fields .e touched .hilst recording and that needs to be in 6%ecel or >lat file for upload#

>or entering fields here go back and choose Maintain 1bject +ttributes and click 1bject o/er/ie.

0lick table

7ou .ill see a screen like belo.

We need to just copy and paste it in e%cel and from there paste it in source fields#

5emo/e the fields that .e can maintain as constant say S*5SL is default 64 isn"t it ?so .e need not maintain it in the e%cel nor in source fields#So he .ill simply remo/e the fields from e%cel#+fter .hich the source fields .ill look like the belo.

0lick table maintenance

3n the coming steps .hat .e did for the fields e remo/ed

0lick sa/e and go back

Maintain structure relation .e just need to e%ecute and sa/e #3t .ill take us to ne%t step

Maintain field mapping and con/ersion rules are an important step and .e are going to handle the fields e entered in source fields and that .e remo/ed from there#

0hoose the fields .e kno. are going to ha/e default /alue like S*5SL .ill be 64 '6ntry date is &(&@)&() etc#

0hoose 6inda click constant and enter the /alue there or click 3nitial #3f you click initial .e need not enter /alue#

Like .ise .e do for all fields

>or other fields that .e need to upload from 6%celA>lat file .e click auto filed mapping

0lick accept proposal

We .ill get a message that auto field mapping is complete

0lick sa/e and goback

Maintain field /alues'Translation 'user define rules no action is required 9ust go to ne%t step

We are sa/e the e%cel file as Te%t

8double click and mention the file sa/ed in the desktop

0hoose Tabulator and mention the file#click 12#Sa/e and go back

0lick assign files

0lick sa/e and go back


Will sho. the number of entries upload:) in this scenario#0lick go back

4o. click e%ecute after choosing con/ert data

4e%t choose display con/erted data

4e%t step is e create the batch input session

0lick e%ecute and it sho.s the belo. message

The last step e perform is 5un =atch 3nput Session

0lick process

The first record its recommended to do in foreground and rest in =ackground#0lick process

2eep pressing enter

We .ill follo. the same procedure for uploading other master data but the Tcode for recording .ill be *+-&

We use *+&&&B for e% for object

0lick create

$ere last time e ga/e *+,& and no. .e are going to use *+-&

0lick enter and sa/e

0lick default all# Sa/e and go back

4o. .e .ill choose *+&&B

$it >, from =atch input recording

Sa/e and go back and choose Maintain 1bject +ttributes and click object o/er/ie.

1nly difference here ill source structure

We .ill remo/e fields that are going to made us constant like .e did for *+,&

We .ill ha/e three fields maintained in source field and e%cel for upload

Maintain Structure 5elations there isn"t anything required#9ust skip and mo/e to ne%t step

Maintain >ield Mapping and 0on/ersion 5ules

0lick sa/e and go back

4e%t is Specify >iles

Sa/e and go back

0lick assign files

4o. read data

0lick display data if required else go to co/ert data step

0lick e%ecute

2eep pressing enter

8ata from flat file .ill be uploaded to S+*


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