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Proposed for Seismic Regulations for Precast Concrete Structures !ctober/"# 00 S$P%$&'$R !C%!'$R (.pdf Seismic )esign and Construction of Precast Concrete 'uildings in *ew +ealand !ctober/"# 02 S$P%$&'$R !C%!'$R 2.pdf Re,uirements for the -se of PR$SSS &oment Resisting .rame S/stems 1pril/"# 00 &1RC2 1PR3# 4.pdf )uctile Connections in Precast &oment Resisting .rames "une/"# 0( &15 "-*$ 4.pdf

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'ritish@Standards 'S 4840 6 : 2000 Structural -se of Steelwor< in 'uilding Part 6 : Code of Practice for )esign Rolled and >elded Sections 'S B660 Structural -se of Concrete Part 6 : Code of Practice for )esign and Construction :6887=

Part 2 : Code of Practice for Special Circumstances :68B4= Part ; : )esign Charts for Single/ Reinforced 'eamsC )oubl/ Reinforced 'eams and Rectangular Columns :68B4=;/'ritish@Standard.rar

'ridge $ngineering:Construction and &aintenance :Principles and 1pplications in $ngineering=;02(/'ridge@$ngineering@Construction@and@&aintenance@0B08 ;6(B07.rar DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 'ridge $ngineering : Substructure )esign :Principles and 1pplications in $ngineering=;76646/'ridge@$ngineering@Substructure@)esign@0B08;6(B62.rar DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 'ridge $ngineering : Seismic )esign :Principles and 1pplications in $ngineering='ridge@$ngineering@Seismic@)esign@0B08;6(B;8.rar DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 11S2%! Standard Specification for 2ighwa/ 'ridgesC 6(th $d;0(/ERSS2'.rar DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD C!*CR$%$ 'R3)E$ $*E3*$$R3*E: Performance and 1d9anced;27;B(0/Concrete@'ridge@$ngineering@Performance@and@1d9ance


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www.ele<trote<;770/1SC$@"ournal@of@Structural@$ngineering@!ctober@2007. rar DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1C3 S%R-C%-R1# "!-R*1# ). *go and 1.C. Scordelis .:68(7=. K.inite $lement 1nal/sis of Reinforced Concrete 'eamsLC 1C3 "ournal C &arch 68(7<ljBg DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD Peter &arti .:68B4=. K'asic %ools of Reinforced Concrete 'eam )esignLC 1C3 "ournalC "anuar/ .ebruar/ 68B4;7ib,uiar DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD .ran< ". Aecchio and &ichael P. Collins.:68B(=. K%he &odified Compression .ield %heor/ for Reinforced Concrete $lement Subjected to ShearLC 1C3 "ournalC &arch 1pril 68B( http://wir/ DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD "ulio 1. RamireH and "ohn $. 'reen .:6886=. K$9aluation of a &odified %russ &odel 1pproach for 'eams in ShearLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A.BBC *o.4C September !ctober 6886,(4a;/ DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD &ichael P. CollinsC )enis &itchellC Perr/ 1debar and .ran< ". Aecchio .:688(=. K1 Eeneral Shear )esign &ethodLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC "anuar/ .ebruar/ 688( http://wir/ DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 'rian S. &aJwell and "ohn $. 'reen. :2000=. K$Jperimental $9aluation of Strut and %ie &odel 1pplied to )eep 'eam with !peningLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A.87 *o.6C "anuari .ebruari 2000 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD .ederico 1. %a9areHC #awrence C. 'an<C and &ichael $. Plesha .:200;=. K1nal/sis of .iber Reinforced Pol/mer Composite Erid Reinforced Concrete 'eamsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC &arch 1pril 200; http://wir/<pleshaacistructures200;.pdf DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD )aniel Palermo and .ran< ". Aecchio .:200;=. KCompression .ield &odeling of Reinforced Concrete Subjected to Re9ersed #oading: .ormulationLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 4

http://wir/ s(0.pdf DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD "oel &. 'arron and &ar/ 'eth ). 2ueste.:2000=. K)iaphragm $ffects in Rectangular Reinforced Concrete 'uildingsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 606 / 4 http://wir/ DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD uan .. CorrealC &. Saiid SaiidiC )a9id SandersC and Saad $l 1HaH/.:2007=. KSha<e %able Studies of 'ridge Columns with )ouble 3nterloc<ing SpiralsLC 1C3 Structural "ournal A. 600 / 0<0i; DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD Ghaldoun *. Rahal. :2007=. KCombined %orsion and 'ending in Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete 'eams -sing Simplified &ethod for Combined Stress ResultantsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0,t/af DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD P. Re9athi and )e9das &enon.:2007=. KSlenderness $ffects in Reinforced Concrete 'eamsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD Geun 2/eo< 5angC 2eon Soo ChungC and 1shraf .. 1shour.:2007=.L3nfluence of Shear Reinforcement on Reinforced Concrete Continuous )eep 'eamsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0;70(of;ai DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD "oseph Robert 5ostC Shawn P. ErossC )a9id >. )inehartC and "ason ". &ildenberg.:2007=. K.leJural 'eha9ior of Concrete 'eams Strengthened with *ear Surface &ounted C.RP StripsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0,ec4 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD G/oung G/u ChoiC &ahmoud &. Reda %ahaC and 1laa E. Sherif .:2007=. KSimplified Punching Shear )esign &ethod for Slab Column Connections -sing .uHH/ #earningLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD &ar/ 'eth ). 2uesteC "o1nn 'rowningC 1ndres #epageC and "ohn >. >allace .:2007=. KSeismic )esign Criteria for Slab Column ConnectionsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0<b(;6s DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 2ung "en #ee and "en >en Go. :2007=.L$ccentric Reinforced Concrete 'eam Column Connections Subjected to C/clic #oading in Principal )irectionsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1leJandros E. %sonos.:2007=. KC/clic #oad 'eha9ior of Reinforced Concrete 'eam Column Subassemblages of &odern StructuresLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0;7< DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD *am 2o #eeC Gang Si< GimC Chang "oon 'angC and Gwang R/eon Par<.:2007=. K%ensile 2eaded 1nchors with #arge )iameter and )eep $mbedment in ConcreteLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD "osM R. &artN AargasC CMsar 1. 1rbelOeHC Pedro Serna RosC and Carmen Castro 'ugallo.:2007=. KReliabilit/ of %ransfer #ength $stimation from Strand $nd SlipLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0<gHe DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD &iguel .ernOndeH RuiH and 1urelio &uttoni.:2007=. K!n )e9elopment of Suitable Stress .ields for Structural ConcreteLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0,dH DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD )iscussion b/ 2imat Solan<i: Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete % 'eams without %rans9erse Reinforcement. Paper b/ 1. Gora/ %ure/enC %/ler S. >olfC and Robert ". .rosch :.rom the Sept. !ct. 200( 1C3 Structural "ournal=<j/6600f60 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD '-##$%3* of %2$ *$> +$1#1*) *S$$ &.". *igel Priestle/ .:688;=. K&/ths and .allacies in $arth,ua<e $ngineering Conflict between )esign and Realit/LC 'ulletin of %he *ew +ealand *ational Societ/ for $arth,ua<e $ngineeringC Aol. 2(C *o.; September 688; DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD C1*1)31* "!-R*1# of C3A3# $*E3*$$R3*E &.P. CollinsC ..". Aecchio and E. &ehlhorn .:68B4=. K1n international competition to predict the response of reinforced concrete panelsLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. 62: (20(00;orln DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD ..". Aecchio and S. 'alopoulou .:6880=. K!n the nonlinear beha9iour of reinforced concrete framesLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. 67: (8B700 http://wir/ DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD R.E. Selb/ and ..". Aecchio .:6887=. K1 constituti9e model for anal/sis of reinforced concrete solidsLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. 20: 0(0070 http://wir/ DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD ). S9eco9a and R.". $den .:2000=. K.leJural and shear strengthening of timber beams using glass fibre reinforced pol/mer bars P an eJperimental in9estigationLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. ;6: 0444<m( DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD >illiam Ca9ers and Eordon 1. .enton .:2000=. K1n e9aluation of pile cap design methods in accordance with the Canadian design standardLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. ;6: 608668 http://wir/; 074.pdf DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1ftab 1. &uftiC 'aidar 'a<htC )agmar S9eco9aC and Aid/adhar #ima/e .:2000=. K.ailure tests on full scale models of grout laminated wood dec<sLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. ;6: 6;;604 http://wir/; 0BB.pdf DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD Ricardo *... do Carmo and SMrgio &.R. #opes .:2004=. K)uctilit/ and linear anal/sis with moment redistribution in reinforced high strength concrete beamsLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. ;2: 68020; http://wir/ 0B0.pdf DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 5... #iC S.2. ChenC G.C. ChangC and G.5. #iu .:2004=. K1 constituti9e model of concrete confined b/ steel reinforcements and steel jac<etsLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. ;2: 2782BB http://wir/ 08;.pdf DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD C!&P-%$R and C!*CR$%$ .ran< ". AecchioC $9an C. 'entH and &ichael P. Collins .:2000=. K%ools for forensic anal/sis of concrete structuresLC Computers and ConcreteC Aol. 6C *o. 6 :2000= 6 60 http://wir/ DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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http://sipil<i@air.pdf DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD KPerancangan 'alo< 'eton 'ertulang dengan S1P2000WC "urnal %e<ni< Sipil -P2C Aol.6 *o.2 "uli 2004C -ni9ersitas Pelita 2arapanC 'anten. :down load P). ;2; <b= http://sipil DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD K#ebih )e<at dengan Gampus -ni Stuttgart di Gota 1sal &ercedes 'enHLC &ajalah P$#3%1 21R1P1* C Aolume 333/6C "an. &aret 00. :read . or down load P). 6B0 <b= http://sipil DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD KS%R-G%-R "$&'1%1* %$R3*E1* dan %$RG-1% :%$RG!G!2= Studi <asus : "embatan &odel -P2 pada G"'3 2004 dan G"3 200(WC seminar KResearch and $ducation in $ngineering for Prospected %echnolog/ *ational Conference on Prospected %echnolog/ 2007 :*CP% 2007=LC -ni9ersitas &aranathaC 20 24 1gustus 2007C 'andung :down load paper 688 <b=,sc6og DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD K&etode s.t.m untu< Perencanaan Stru<tur %ransfer >all Pro/e< XGota Gasablan<aT "a<artaLC seminar K%he 2nd *ational Ci9il $ngineering ConferenceL. "urusan %e<ni< SipilC .a<ultas %e<ni<C -ni<a SoegijapranataC SemarangC 20 26 )esember 200( :down load paper P). 6(0 <b= DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD K3lmu Re<a/asa Glasi< Sarana &enguasai Program 1pli<asi Re<a/asa Studi Gasus: &e<ani<a %e<ni< Glasi< dan Program S1P2000WC Pembicara -tama dalam Seminar di Pameran 'u<u Gonstru<si 3ndonesia 200(C R. Sapta %arunaC Ed. -tama )epartemen Pe<erjaan -mumC "l. Pattimura 20C SabtuC 2 )esember 200( :down load paper P). BB; <b dan presentasi 6C(20 <b=<mou/rnuj0 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD K$9aluasi &etode Perencanaan 'atang 1<sial &urni S*3 0; 6728 2000 dan 13SC #R.)LC Ci9il $ngineering Conference: %oward Sustainable Ci9il $ngineering Practice C Suraba/aC 24 2( 1gustus 200(C -ni9ersitas Gristen P$%R1 :down load P).=<ts0(/papers/67 G%S S$ 64.pdf DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD KStrategi 1nalisis Stru<tur dengan Gabel Prategang mema<ai S1P2000WC Ci9il $ngineering Conference: %oward Sustainable Ci9il $ngineering PracticeC Suraba/aC 24 2( 1gustus 200(C -ni9ersitas Griten P$%R1 :down load P).=<ts0(/papers/64 G%S S$ 6;.pdf DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

DDDDDDDDDDDDDD KPerlun/a Pembelajaran 'aja Cold .ormed dalam Guri<ulum Gonstru<si 'aja di 3ndonesiaL C prosiding #o<a<ar/a Pengajaran &e<ani<a %e<ni<C Gonstru<si 'eton dan Gonstru<si 'ajaC "urusan %e<ni< SipilC .% -ni9ersitas -da/anaC 'u<itC "imbaranC 'ali :down load P). (68 <b=<,0d74a DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD KPemrograman sebagai Sarana Pembelajaran Re<a/asaLC prosiding #o<a<ar/a Pengajaran &e<ani<a %e<ni<C Gonstru<si 'eton dan Gonstru<si 'ajaC "urusan %e<ni< SipilC .% -ni9ersitas -da/anaC 'u<itC "imbaranC 'ali :down load P). ;8B <b= DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD Simulasi *umeri< 'erbasis Gomputer sebagai Solusi Pencegah 'aha/a a<ibat Gegagalan 'angunanLC Presentation and Proceeding at the Seminar *asional Gegagalan 'angunanC Solusi dan Pencegahann/aC "urusan %e<ni< SipilC -ni9ersitas Pelita 2arapanC #ippo GarawaciC Rabu ; &ei 200( :down load P). 776 <b= http://sipil<egagalan@bangunan.pdf DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD KStrategi Pen/elesaian *umeri< 'erbasis Gomputer 1nalisis #entur -ltimate Penampang 'eton :&odel %egangan Paraboli< PC1=LC Presentation and Proceeding at the Seminar *asional %e<nologi 33C -ni9ersitas %e<nologi 5og/a<artaC 60 )ecember 2004 :down load P). 2B0 <b= http://sipil DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD K&asih perlu<ah mempelajari &e<ani<a %e<ni< Glasi< dalam $ra Serba Gomputer FLC Presentation and Proceeding at the #o<a<ar/a Pengajaran Gonstru<si 'eton dan &e<ani<a %e<ni<C "urusan %e<ni< SipilC 3nstitut %e<nologi Sepuluh *opember :3%S= Suraba/aC 6; 60 "ul/ 2004. :down load P). 6B0 <b= http://sipil DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD K$9aluasi Ginerja Stru<tur 'aja %ahan Eempa dengan 1nalisa Pusho9erLC Presentation and Proceeding at the Ci9il $ngineering *ational Conference Sustainabilit/ Construction ? Structural $ngineering 'ased on ProfessionalismC -ni<a SoegijapranataC SemarangC 67 6B "uni 2004 :down load P). 7B0 <b= http://sipil DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD KSimulasi Geruntuhan 'alo< 'eton 'ertulang %anpa Seng<ang dengan 1)3*1 %&LC Proceeding at the Seminar *asional Re<a/asa &aterial dan Gonstru<si 'eton 2004C "urusan %e<ni< Sipil 3%$*1SC 'andungC SabtuC 0 "une 04. :down load P). 04; <b= http://sipil DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Steel 2andboo< 3S'*: 00700B7B22 %itle: Structural Steel )esignerTs 2andboo<C ;rd editionC 6888 66 1uthor: Roger # 'roc<enbroughC .rederic< S. &erritt Publisher: &cEraw 2ill Professional Publication )ate: 6888 66 66 *umber !f Pages: 620B Section 6. Properties of Structural Steels and $ffects of Steelma<ing and .abrication Roger #. 'roc<enbroughC P.$. :P). 288 <b= Section 2. .abrication and $rection %homas Schflal/ :P). 260 <b=;U0d(hb Section ;. Eeneral Structural %heor/ Ronald ). +iemianC Ph.). :P). B8; <b=;p Section 0. 1nal/sis of Special Structures #ouis .. EeschwindnerC P.$. :P). 028 <b= Section 4. Connections >illiam 1. %horntonC P.$.C and %. GaneC P.$. :P). 7(8 <b=;oh Section (. 'uilding )esign Criteria R. 1. #a'oubeC P.$. :P). B00 <b= Section 7. )esign of 'uilding &embers 1li 1. G. 2arisC P.$. :P). 2;0 <b= Section B. .loor and Roof S/stems )aniel 1. CuocoC P.$. :P). 4B0 <b= Section 8. #ateral .orce )esign Charles >. RoederC P.$. :P). ;82 <b=;f6

Section 60. Cold .ormed Steel )esign R. #. 'roc<enbroughC P.$. :P). ;20 <b=,(6t9n/2ju Section 66. )esign Criteria for 'ridges Part 6. 1pplication of Criteria for Cost $ffecti9e 2ighwa/ 'ridge )esign Robert #. *ic<ersonC P.$.C and )ennis &ertHC P.$. :P). 02( <b=;ja,pJ2b Part 2. Railroad 'ridge )esign 2arr/ '. CundiffC P.$. :P). 680 <b=<ucf0, Section 62. 'eam and Eirder 'ridges 1lfred 2edefineC P.$.C"ohn SwindlehurstC P.$.C and &ahir SenC P.$. :P). 6C62( <b=;6r7<t8bg6 Section 6;. %russ 'ridges "ohn &. Gulic<iC P.$.C "oseph $. Pric<ettC P.$.Cand )a9id 2. #eRo/C P.$. :P). ;78 <b=<trbenc Section 60. 1rch 'ridges 1rthur > 2edgrenC "r.C P.$. :P). 6C6;B <b=< Section 64. Cable Suspended 'ridges >alter Podoln/C "r.C P.$. :P). 6C220 <b= DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD VVperaturan beton dari S*3 2002VV http://wir/;6/sharing <nowledge/ DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD S*3 0; 6728 2002 /a. http://wir/;/aisc 2004 gratis/ DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1mericanSociet/ofCi9il$ngineers &inimum)esign#oadsfor'uildingsand !therStructures 1. S@ C. $ atau S. $@ 3 seri 7 tahun 04

Chapter 6 Eeneral :down load P). 67B <b= Chapter 2 Combinations of #oads :down load P). 74 <b=,HlmJJ2/oo Chapter ; )ead #oads Soil #oads and 2/drostatic Pressure :down load P). 4; <b=<B2n Chapter 0 #i9e #oads :down load P). 226 <b=;8ip0ih;u Chapter 4 .lood #oads :down load P). 6(0 <b=;/09Bu064 Chapter ( >ind #oads :down load P). 2C2;2 <b= Chapter 7 Snow #oads :down load P). 070 <b= Chapter B Rain #oads :down load P). ;7 <b=<0prc7 Chapter 8 Reser9ed for .uture Pro9isions :down load P). 2( <b=;J,0;( Chapter 60 3ce #oads 1tmospheric 3cing :down load P). 47( <b=;lnlph7J Chapter 66 Seismic )esign Criteria :down load P). 08B <b=<92d7<8me/ Chapter 62 Seismic )esign Re,uirements for 'uilding Structures :down load P). 6C202 <b= Chapter 6; Seismic )esign Re,uirements for *onstructural Components :down load P). 44; <b=;8ed8Jism Chapter 60 &aterial Specific Seismic )esign and )etailing Re,uirements :down load P). 42B <b=,7/ Chapter 64 Seismic )esign Re,uirements for *onbuilding Structures :down load P). 7(0 <b=,<0sn24/8e Chapter 6( Seismic Response 2istor/ Procedures :down load P). 66B <b=<(f Chapter 67 Seismic )esign Re,uirements for Seismicall/ 3solated Structures :down load P). 4;; <b=

Chapter 6B Seismic )esign Re,uirements for Structures with )amping S/stems :down load P). 7;0 <b=;8n9 Chapter 68 Soil Structure 3nteraction for Seismic )esign :down load P). 6;0 <b= Chapter 20 Site Classification Procedure for Seismic )esign :down load P). BB <b= Chapter 26 Site Specific Eround &otion Procedures for Seismic )esign :down load P). 6C(;; <b= Chapter 22 Seismic Eround &otion and #ong Period %ransition &aps :down load P). 6C020 <b= Chapter 2; Seismic )esign Reference )ocuments :down load P). 607 <b= 1ppendiJ 661 Qualit/ 1ssurance Pro9isions 1ppendiJ 66' $Jisting 'uilding Pro9isions 1ppendiJ C Ser9iceabilit/ Considerations :down load P). 2;8 <b= C!&&$*%1R5 :down load P). (C(6( <b=;47r,8ct DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD Ci9il $ngineering %eJtboo<s for Reference )$S3E* !. C!*CR$%$ S%R-C%-R$SC 6;th '/ 1rthur.2.*ilson &cEraw 2illC *ew 5or<C 2000 down load di;640220B/)esign@of@concrete@structures@1.2.*ilson@6;th@edition.r ar &asih ada lagi lho Y 21*)'!!G !. C!RR!S3!* $*E3*$$R3*E :60C07&'= '/ RobergeC P.RC &cEraw 2illC 6888 download di;2;6(B/Roberge@P.R.@ @2andboo<@of@Corrosion@$ngineering@@&cEraw 2ill@6888@.rar download di @2andboo<@of@Corrosion@$ngineering@@&cEraw 2ill@6888.rar S%$$#>!RG C!RR!S3!* C!*%R!# :62C70&'= '/ ).1. 'a/lissC %a/lor ? .rancisC 2002 download di

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Steel Handbook

3S'*: 00700B7B22 %itle: Structural Steel )esignerTs 2andboo<C ;rd editionC 6888 66 1uthor: Roger # 'roc<enbroughC .rederic< S. &erritt Publisher: &cEraw 2ill Professional Publication )ate: 6888 66 66 *umber !f Pages: 620B $ditorial )escription %he onl/ 1 + guide to structural steel design .ind a wealth of practical techni,ues for cost effecti9el/ designing steel structures from buildings to bridges in Structural Steel )esignerTs

2andboo< b/ Roger #. 'roc<enbrough and .rederic< S. &erritt %he 2andboo<Ts integrated approach gi9es /ou immediatel/ useful information about:

steel as a material + how it8s fabricate( an( erecte( how to anal9:e a str)ct)re to (etermine internal forces an( moments from (ea(1 li;e1 an( seismic loa(s how to make (etaile( (esign calc)lations to withstan( those forces

%his new third edition introduces /ou to the latest de9elopments in seismic designC including more ductile connectionsC and high performance steelsoffers an eJpanded treatment of welding.helps /ou understand design re,uirements for hollow structural sections and for cold formed steel members.and eJplores numerous design eJamples. 5ou get eJamples for both #oad and Resistance .actor )esign :#R.)= and 1llowable Stress )esign :1S)=. %his edition of the handboo< has been updated throughout to reflect continuing changes in design trends and impro9ements in design specifications. Criteria and eJamples are included for both allowable stress design :1S)= and load and resistance factor design :#R.)= methodsC but an increased emphasis has been placed on #R.) to reflect its growing use in practice. C!*%$*%S title :P). 00 <b= R preface :P). ;B <b=R t.o.c :P). 242 <b= R indeJ :P). 262; <b= Section 1. Properties of Structural Steels and Effects of Steelmaking and Fabrication Roger #. 'roc<enbroughC P.$. :P). 288 <b= Section 2. Fabrication and Erection %homas Schflal/ :P). 260 <b= Section 3. General Structural !eor" Ronald ). +iemianC Ph.). :P). B8; <b= Section #. $nal"sis of Special Structures #ouis .. EeschwindnerC P.$. :P). 028 <b= Section %. Connections >illiam 1. %horntonC P.$.C and %. GaneC P.$. :P). 7(8 <b= Section &. Building 'esign Criteria R. 1. #a'oubeC P.$. :P). B00 <b=

Section (. 'esign of Building )embers 1li 1. G. 2arisC P.$. :P). 2;0 <b= Section *. Floor and +oof S"stems )aniel 1. CuocoC P.$. :P). 4B0 <b= Section ,. -ateral.Force 'esign Charles >. RoederC P.$. :P). ;82 <b= Section 1/. Cold.Formed Steel 'esign R. #. 'roc<enbroughC P.$. :P). ;20 <b= Section 11. 'esign Criteria for Bridges Part 1. $pplication of Criteria for Cost.Effective 0ig!1a" Bridge 'esign Robert #. *ic<ersonC P.$.C and )ennis &ertHC P.$. :P). 02( <b= Part 2. +ailroad Bridge 'esign 2arr/ '. CundiffC P.$. :P). 680 <b= Section 12. Beam and Girder Bridges 1lfred 2edefineC P.$.C"ohn SwindlehurstC P.$.C and &ahir SenC P.$. :P). 6C62( <b= Section 13. russ Bridges "ohn &. Gulic<iC P.$.C "oseph $. Pric<ettC P.$.Cand )a9id 2. #eRo/C P.$. :P). ;78 <b= Section 1#. $rc! Bridges 1rthur > 2edgrenC "r.C P.$. :P). 6C6;B <b= Section 1%. Cable.Suspended Bridges >alter Podoln/C "r.C P.$. :P). 6C220 <b=

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:62C8B6&'= '/ >ai .ah ChenR #ian )uanC CRC PressC 200; :24( Pages= 3S'* : 0B08;6(B07 'oo< )escription: %he Principles and 1pplication in $ngineering Series is a new series of con9enientC economical references sharpl/ focused on particular engineering topics and subspecialties. $ach 9olume in this series comprises chapters carefull/ selected from CRCTs bestselling handboo<sC logicall/ organiHed for optimum con9enienceC and thoughtfull/ priced to fit e9er/ budget. .rom the award winning 'ridge $ngineering 2andboo<C 'ridge $ngineering: Construction and &aintenance ta<es an in depth loo< at the construction engineering and maintenance aspects of steel and concrete bridges. %opics include effecti9e project managementC construction procedures and practicesC construction and maintenance inspections and ratingsC and bridge strengthening and rehabilitation. down load di

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:(C80(&'= '/ >ai .ah ChenR #ian )uanC CRC PressC 200; :272 Pages= 3S'* : 0B08;6(B62 'oo< )escription: 'ridge $ngineering: Substructure )esign focuses on the 9arious components comprising and affecting bridge substructures. %hese include bearingsC piers and columnsC towersC abutments and retaining structuresC footings and foundationsC and bridge h/draulics. .or each componentC the contributing author addresses the 9arious t/pes of that componentC discusses specific selection or design criteriaC and pro9ides thorough references. !ther rele9ant topics studied in this 9olume include geotechnical considerationsC such as field eJploration techni,ues and site characteriHationC and designing bridges to minimiHe the potential for and damage resulting from 9essel collisions.geotechnical considerations. down load di

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Bridge Engineering 2 Seismic 'esign 3Principles and $pplications in Engineering4

:4BC0;(&'= '/ >ai .ah ChenR #ian )uanC CRC PressC 200; :0B0 Pages= 3S'* : 0B08;6(B;8 'oo< )escription: &itigating the effects of earth,ua<es is crucial to bridge design. >ith chapters culled from the best selling 'ridge $ngineering 2andboo<C this 9olume sets forth the principles and applications of seismic designC from the necessar/ geotechnical and d/namic anal/sis bac<ground to seismic isolation and energ/ dissipationC acti9e controlC and retrofit technolog/. 3n depth discussions contributed b/ bridge and earth,ua<e engineers from around the world co9er the t/pes and effects of earth,ua<e damage and structural performance criteria. %he boo< also includes an o9er9iew of seismic design practices in "apanC including a stud/ of the damage to highwa/ bridges caused b/ the 2/ogo <en *anbu earth,ua<e and the changes in retrofit practices precipitated b/ that earth,ua<e. down load di

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:7C(76 &'= '/ ..G.GongC RoutledgeC 688B :;00 Pages= 3S'* : 026(82(844 'oo< )escription: %he contents of this boo< ha9e been chosen with the following main aims: to re9iew the present co9erage of the major design codes and the C3R31 guideC and to eJplain the fundamental beha9iour of deep beamsR to pro9ide information on design topics which are inade,uatel/ co9ered b/ the current codes and design manualsR and to gi9e authoritati9e re9iews of some powerful concepts and techni,ues for the design and anal/sis of deep beams. down load 9ia lin< di down load file V.rar di down load 9ia lin< di

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:7C0; &'= '/ &. 5. 2. 'angashC 'lac<well Science 3ncC 6882 :272Pages= 3S'* : 0(;202B4;S 'oo< )escription: 2ere the reader is gi9en eJamples of some reinforcedC composite and prestressed concrete bridges with simplified structural details. 1 number of boo<s ha9e been published on 9arious aspects of concrete design and detailingC but this is belie9ed to be the first comprehensi9e detailing manualC and co9ers details in reinforcedC prestressedC precast and composite concrete. down load file V.pdf di

C57C+E E F5+):5+; S<S E)S

:0C8( &'= '/ 1wad S. 2annaC CRC PressC 688B :272 Pages= 3S'* : 0B20700720 'oo< )escription: !ffers insights on currentl/ used concrete formwor< structuresC from classificationC s/stem components and materialsT properties to selection and construction re,uirements and proceduresC

while considering product ,ualit/C labourC safet/ and economic factors throughout. %he teJt details hand setC crane dependent and crane independent s/stems. down load file V.rar di down load 9ia lin< di

S +E7G 0E787G of +E87F5+CE' C57C+E E S +9C 9+ES

:7C640 &'= '/ # C 2ollawa/ and & ' #eemingC >oodhead PublishingC 6888 :240 Pages= 3S'* 6B447;;7B6 'oo< )escription: %he in situ rehabilitation or upgrading of reinforced concrete members using bonded steel plates is an effecti9eC con9enient and economic method of impro9ing structural performance. 2owe9erC disad9antages inherent in the use of steel ha9e stimulated research into the possibilit/ of using fibre reinforced pol/mer :.RP= materials in its placeC pro9iding a non corrosi9eC more 9ersatile strengthening s/stem. %he boo< has been designed for practising structural and ci9il engineers see<ing to understand the principles and design technolog/ of plate bondingC and for final /ear undergraduate and postgraduate engineers stud/ing the principles of highwa/ and bridge engineering and structural engineering. down load file V.rar di

+EP$8+6 P+5 EC 857 and :$ E+P+55F87G of C57C+E E S +9C 9+ES6 3t! Ed.
:6;CB&'= '/ P. Per<insC %a/lor ? .rancisC 6887 :2;; Pages= 3S'*: 0068202B0; 'oo< )escription: 1 wealth of recent research into the continued deterioration of reinforced concrete structures has led to a re9iew of methods of in9estigation and repair techni,ues. %his thoroughl/ re9ised and updated edition brings together the fundamental aspects of this world wide problem and offers ad9ice on how in9estigationsC diagnosis and conse,uent remedial wor< should be carried out. down load file V.pdf di down load 9ia lin< di down load 9ia lin< di


TE!T#!$ %OU!&#T'O! :

P+$C 8C$- F597'$ 857 E7G87EE+87G 0$7'B55;6 2nd Ed

:27C40( &'= '/ Robert >ade 'rownC &cEraw 2illC 2000 3S'* : 0076;46;8( 'oo< )escription: Standard and ad9anced methods for e9er/ t/pe of foundation engineering 3ncorporating the eJpertise of a distinguished team of soil and foundation engineersC this eJpanded and updated 2andboo< clarifies and simplifies e9er/ part of the jobC from site assessment through design and constructionC to remediation of failed foundations. 2ere are pro9enC eJpert design alternati9es for e9en substandard soil and challenging site conditionsC with eJample problems for an/ t/pe of structure. 5ou get not onl/ important how toTsC but e,uall/ 9ital how not toTs that pre9ent costl/ damage to structures and professional reputations. 2and/ illustrationsC chartsC tablesC and case stud/ eJamples ease /our wor<. 5ou also get full co9erage of failure anal/sis and repairs *ew in this edition are treatments of forensics in9estigationsR grouting substandard soilsR special co9erage of lightl/ loaded foundationsC pier and beamC as well as con9entional and post tension slabsR ad9ice on litigation and role of eJpert witnessesesR and much more. down load file V.rar di

P8-E 'ES8G7 and C57S +9C 857 P+$C 8CE6 #t! Ed

:6BC6;0 &'= b/ &ichael "ohn %omlinsonC%a/lor ? .rancisC 6880 :0;2 Pages= 3S'* 00686B040; 'oo< )escription: %he fourth edition of this well <nown boo< is full/ re9ised and up dated. 3t deals comprehensi9el/ with e9er/ aspect of design and construction of all t/pes of piled foundation. 1 <e/ feature of this boo< is the large number of wor<ed eJamplesC man/ of which are based on actual problems encountered in practice. down load file V.rar di

F597'$ 857 $7$-<S8S and 'ES8G76 %t! Ed

:42C7B8&'= '/ "oseph $. 'owlesC &cEraw 2illC 688( :6020 Pages= 3S'* : 0078622077 down load file V.rar di down load 9ia lin< di

C5-'.F5+)E' S EE- 'ES8G76 3rd Ed

:4C887&'= '/ >ei >en 5uC >ile/ 3nterscienceC 2000 :B0B Pages= 3S'* : 0076;0B080 'oo< )escription: %he definiti9e teJt in the fieldC thoroughl/ updated and eJpanded 2ailed b/ professionals around the world as the definiti9e teJt on the subjectC Cold .ormed Steel )esign is an indispensable resource for all who design for and wor< with cold formed steel. *o other boo< pro9ides such eJhausti9e co9erage of both the theor/ and practice of cold formed steel construction. -pdated and eJpanded to reflect all the important de9elopments that ha9e occurred in the field o9er the past decadeC this %hird $dition of the classic teJt pro9ides /ou with more of the detailedC up to the minute technical information and eJpert guidance /ou need to ma<e optimum use of this incredibl/ 9ersatile material for building construction. down load file V.rar di down load 9ia lin< di

F878 E E-E)E7 )E 05'2 $ Practical Course

:60C6B8&'= '/ Eui Rong #iuR S.S. Que<C $lse9ierC 200; :;B0 Pages= 3S'* : 0740(4B((4 'oo< )escription: %he .inite $lement &ethod :.$&= has become an indispensable technolog/ for the modelling and simulation of engineering s/stems. >ritten for engineers and students ali<eC the aim of the boo< is to pro9ide the necessar/ theories and techni,ues of the .$& for readers to be able to use a commercial .$& pac<age to sol9e primaril/ linear problems in mechanical and ci9il engineering with the main focus on structural mechanics and heat transfer..undamental theories are introduced in a straightforward wa/C and state of the art techni,ues for designing and anal/Hing engineering s/stemsC including microstructural s/stems are eJplained in detail. Case studies are used to demonstrate these theoriesC methodsC techni,ues and practical applicationsC and numerous diagrams and tables are used throughout. %he case studies and eJamples use the commercial software pac<age 1'1Q-SC but the techni,ues eJplained are e,uall/ applicable for readers using other applications including *1S%R1*C 1*S5SC &1RCC etc. .ull sets of PowerPoint slides de9eloped b/ the authors for their course on .$& are a9ailable as a free download from a companion website.V 1 practical and accessible guide to this compleJC /et important subjectV Co9ers modeling techni,ues that predict how components will operate and tolerate loadsC stresses and strains in realit/V .ull set of PowerPoint presentation slides which illustrate and support the boo< are a9ailable on a companion website. down load file V.rar di down load 9ia lin< di

S $B8-8 < 5F S +9C 9+ES2 Elastic6 8nelastic6 Fracture6 and 'amage !eories

:62C0; &'= '/ +dene< P. 'aHantR #uigi CedolinC Courier )o9er PublicationsC 200; :604( Pages= 3S'*: 00B(024(B6 'oo< )escription: 1 9ital element of structural and continuum mechanicsC stabilit/ theor/ has limitless applications in engineering. %his teJt eJplores the principles and applications of stabilit/ anal/sisC offering students solid footing in the subjectR it also functions as a con9enient reference for engineers and scientists researching basic approaches and concepts. 3n addition to con9entional aspects of elastic stabilit/C the teJt emphasiHes nonelastic stabilit/. %opics include modern stabilit/ problems of fracture and damageC the thermod/namic principles of stabilit/ in irre9ersible s/stemsC 9iscoelastic and 9iscoplastic buc<lingC and other <e/ areasC plus numerous eJamples and 700 eJercise problems.

S $7'$+' 0$7'B55; for C8=8- E7G87EE+S6 #t! Ed

:6;CB07 &'= '/ .rederic< S. &errittR "onathan %. Ric<ettsR &. Gent #oftinC &cEraw 2illC 200; :6(00 Pages= 3S'* : 0076;(07;0 'oo< )escription: -pdating the third editionC this re9ised classic features more than 40Z new information and remains the most 9aluable source on principles and techni,ues needed b/ practicing ci9il engineers. 3t incorporates scores of re9isions and inno9ations in designC constructionC materialsC and e,uipmentC including: Code changes from the 1C3C 1S%&C 13SCR Specification for >ood ConstructionR %he latest $P1 and !S21 regulationsR Changes in highwa/ and airport pa9ement designR $Jpanded co9erage of harbor engineeringR &ore material on water resourcesR *ew methods for nondestructi9e testing of piles and applications of geos/ntheticsR %he latest techni,ues of load and resistance factor design of structural steels. down load file V.rar di down load file V.rar di

0$7'B55; of C8=8- E7G87EE+87G C$-C9-$ 857S

:;0CB2( &'= '/ %/ler Eregor/ 2ic<sC &cEraw 2ill ProfessionalC 6888 :B00 Pages= 3S'* : 00702BB60; 'oo< )escription: 2andle e9er/ da/ to da/ calculation instantl/ and accuratel/. *owC a single authoritati9e reference offers /ou a surefire wa/ to sa9e time handling routine and non routine calculations in the designC constructionC rehab and maintenance of all t/pes of structures. $dited b/ %/ler E. 2ic<sC 2andboo< of Ci9il $ngineering Calculations eJplains and illustrates o9er 400 <e/ calculations co9ering the entire field: structural steel engineering and designR reinforced and prestressed concreteR timber engineeringR soil mechanicsR sur9e/ingC route designC and highwa/ bridgesR fluid mechanicsR pumpsC pipingC and h/dro powerRwater suppl/ and stormwaterR sanitar/

wastewater treatment and controlR and engineering economics.-sing both customar/ and S3 unitsC each calculation procedure includes a wor<ed out eJample with numbered steps. 5ou see eJactl/ how to compute the desired 9alues for a particular designC and go ,uic<l/ from data to finished design. down load file V.rar di down load file V.rar di

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:08C2 &'= '/ >ai .ah ChenR $ric &. #uiC CRC PressC 2004 :67(B Pages= 3S'* : 0B08;64(87 'oo< )escription: Continuing the best selling tradition of the 2andboo< of Structural $ngineeringC this second edition is a comprehensi9e reference to the broad spectrum of structural engineeringC encapsulating the theoreticalC practicalC and computational aspects of the field. %he contributors co9er traditional and inno9ati9e approaches to anal/sisC designC and rehabilitation. *ew topics include: fundamental theories of structural d/namicsR ad9anced anal/sisR wind and earth,ua<e resistant designR design of prestressed structuresR high performance steelC concreteC and fiber reinforced pol/mersR semirigid frame structuresR structural bracingR and structural design for fire safet/. down load file V.rar di down load 9ia lin< di down load 9ia lin< di "i<a memerlu<an P1SS>!R): eboo<sclub

S +9C 9+$- $7$-<S8S 1it! F878 E E-E)E7 S

:67C08B &'= '/ .riedel 2artmannR Casimir GatHC SpringerC 2000 3S'* : ;4000006(; 'oo< )escription: Structural 1nal/sis with .inite $lements de9elops the foundations and applications of the finite element method in structural anal/sis in a language which is familiar to structural engineers. 1t the same timeC it unco9ers the structural mechanics behind the finite element method. %his inno9ati9e teJt eJplores and eJplains issues such as: wh/ finite element results are KwrongLC wh/ support reactions are relati9el/ accurateC wh/ stresses at midpoints are more reliableC wh/ a9eraging the stresses sometimes ma/ not help or wh/ the e,uilibrium conditions are 9iolated. 1n additional chapter treats the boundar/ element method and related software is a9ailable at Structural 1nal/sis with .inite $lements pro9ides a new foundation for the finite element method that enables structural engineers to address <e/ ,uestions that arise in computer modelling of structures with finite elements. down load file V.pdf di

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3'C 200( P). (78 67C 2( &';B4B70 1SC$ P-'#3C1%3!*

. )esign of 'last Resistant 'uildings in Petrochemical .acilitiesC 2B0 pages

:non original print outC base on scan wor<s= down load this pdf file 66 &b 1C3 S%R-C%-R1# "!-R*1#
. ). *go and 1.C. Scordelis .:68(7=. K.inite $lement 1nal/sis of Reinforced Concrete

'eamsLC 1C3 "ournal C &arch 68(7 :down load P). 2CB0B <b= ini merupakan paper klasik pembahasan f.e.m untuk struktur beton bertulang 2. Ramon #. Carras,uilloC 1rthur 2. *ilsonC and .lo/d !. Slate. :68B6=. KProperties of 2igh Strength Concrete Subject to Short %erm #oadsLC 1C3 "ournalC &arch 1pril 68B6:down load P). 4B6 <b=
3. Peter &arti .:68B4=. K'asic %ools of Reinforced Concrete 'eam )esignLC 1C3 "ournalC

"anuar/ .ebruar/ 68B4 :down load P). ;C0;B <b=

/. .ran< ". Aecchio and &ichael P. Collins.:68B(=. K%he &odified Compression .ield

%heor/ for Reinforced Concrete $lement Subjected to ShearLC 1C3 "ournalC &arch 1pril 68B( :down load P). 6C4(B <b=
5. .ran< ". Aecchio and &ichael P. Collins .:68BB=. KPredicting the Response of Reinforced

Concrete 'eams Subjected to Shear -sing &odified Compression .ield %heor/LC 1C3 Structural "ournalC &a/ "une 68BB :down load P). 6C2B0 <b=
". "ulio 1. RamireH and "ohn $. 'reen .:6886=. K$9aluation of a &odified %russ &odel

1pproach for 'eams in ShearLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A.BBC *o.4C September !ctober 6886 :down load 2C400 <b=
!. &ichael P. CollinsC )enis &itchellC Perr/ 1debar and .ran< ". Aecchio .:688(=. K1

Eeneral Shear )esign &ethodLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC "anuar/ .ebruar/ 688( :down load P). 6C006 <b=
<. 'rian S. &aJwell and "ohn $. 'reen. :2000=. K$Jperimental $9aluation of Strut and %ie

&odel 1pplied to )eep 'eam with !peningLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A.87 *o.6C "anuari .ebruari 2000 :down load 6CBB0 <b=

2. .ederico 1. %a9areHC #awrence C. 'an<C and &ichael $. Plesha .:200;=. K1nal/sis of

.iber Reinforced Pol/mer Composite Erid Reinforced Concrete 'eamsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC &arch 1pril 200; :down load P). 6C;(7 <b=
0. )aniel Palermo and .ran< ". Aecchio .:200;=. KCompression .ield &odeling of

Reinforced Concrete Subjected to Re9ersed #oading: .ormulationLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 4 :down load P). 6B2 <b=
. "oel &. 'arron and &ar/ 'eth ). 2ueste.:2000=. K)iaphragm $ffects in Rectangular

Reinforced Concrete 'uildingsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 606 / 4 :down load P). 6B8 <b=
2. "uan .. CorrealC &. Saiid SaiidiC )a9id SandersC and Saad $l 1HaH/.:2007=. KSha<e

%able Studies of 'ridge Columns with )ouble 3nterloc<ing SpiralsLC 1C3 Structural "ournal A. 600 / 0 :down load P). 66;8 <b=
3. Ghaldoun *. Rahal. :2007=. KCombined %orsion and 'ending in Reinforced and

Prestressed Concrete 'eams -sing Simplified &ethod for Combined Stress ResultantsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 :down load P). (;0 <b=
/. P. Re9athi and )e9das &enon.:2007=. KSlenderness $ffects in Reinforced Concrete

'eamsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 :down load P). 470 <b=
5. Geun 2/eo< 5angC 2eon Soo ChungC and 1shraf .. 1shour.:2007=.L3nfluence of Shear

Reinforcement on Reinforced Concrete Continuous )eep 'eamsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 :down load P). (70 <b=
". "oseph Robert 5ostC Shawn P. ErossC )a9id >. )inehartC and "ason ". &ildenberg.

:2007=. K.leJural 'eha9ior of Concrete 'eams Strengthened with *ear Surface &ounted C.RP StripsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 :down load P). (04 <b=
!. G/oung G/u ChoiC &ahmoud &. Reda %ahaC and 1laa E. Sherif .:2007=. KSimplified

Punching Shear )esign &ethod for Slab Column Connections -sing .uHH/ #earningLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 :down load P). 472 <b=
<. &ar/ 'eth ). 2uesteC "o1nn 'rowningC 1ndres #epageC and "ohn >. >allace .:2007=.

KSeismic )esign Criteria for Slab Column ConnectionsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 :down load P). ;64 <b=
2. 2ung "en #ee and "en >en Go. :2007=.L$ccentric Reinforced Concrete 'eam Column

Connections Subjected to C/clic #oading in Principal )irectionsLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 :down load P). (7( <b=
20. 1leJandros E. %sonos.:2007=. KC/clic #oad 'eha9ior of Reinforced Concrete 'eam

Column Subassemblages of &odern StructuresLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 :down load P). 8B2 <b=
2 . *am 2o #eeC Gang Si< GimC Chang "oon 'angC and Gwang R/eon Par<.:2007=.

K%ensile 2eaded 1nchors with #arge )iameter and )eep $mbedment in ConcreteLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 :down load P). 7(4 <b=

22. "osM R. &artN AargasC CMsar 1. 1rbelOeHC Pedro Serna RosC and Carmen Castro 'ugallo.

:2007=. KReliabilit/ of %ransfer #ength $stimation from Strand $nd SlipLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 :down load P). 068 <b= 2;. &iguel .ernOndeH RuiH and 1urelio &uttoni.:2007=. K!n )e9elopment of Suitable Stress .ields for Structural ConcreteLC 1C3 Structural "ournalC A. 600 / 0 :down load P). 447 <b=
2/. )iscussion b/ 2imat Solan<i: Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete % 'eams without

%rans9erse Reinforcement. Paper b/ 1. Gora/ %ure/enC %/ler S. >olfC and Robert ". .rosch :From the Sept.-Oct. 2006 ACI Structural Journal= :down load P). 72 <b= '-##$%3* of %2$ *$> +$1#1*) *S$$ &.". *igel Priestle/ .:688;=. K&/ths and .allacies in $arth,ua<e $ngineering Conflict between )esign and Realit/LC 'ulletin of %he *ew +ealand *ational Societ/ for $arth,ua<e $ngineeringC Aol. 2(C *o.; September 688; :down load P). 2C4B0 <b= C1*1)31* "!-R*1# of C3A3# $*E3*$$R3*E
. &.P. CollinsC ..". Aecchio and E. &ehlhorn .:68B4=. K1n international competition to

predict the response of reinforced concrete panelsLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. 62: (20I(00 :down load P). 2C8(4 <b= 2. ..". Aecchio and S. 'alopoulou .:6880=. K!n the nonlinear beha9iour of reinforced concrete framesLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. 67: (8BI700 :down load P). 6C;74 <b=
3. R.E. Selb/ and ..". Aecchio .:6887=. K1 constituti9e model for anal/sis of reinforced

concrete solidsLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. 20: 0(0I070 :down load P). 6C077 <b=
/. ). S9eco9a and R.". $den .:2000=. K.leJural and shear strengthening of timber beams

using glass fibre reinforced pol/mer bars [ an eJperimental in9estigationLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. ;6: 04I44 :down load P). 6C828 <b=
5. >illiam Ca9ers and Eordon 1. .enton .:2000=. K1n e9aluation of pile cap design

methods in accordance with the Canadian design standardLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. ;6: 608I 668 :down load P). 22; <b=
". 1ftab 1. &uftiC 'aidar 'a<htC )agmar S9eco9aC and Aid/adhar #ima/e .:2000=. K.ailure

tests on full scale models of grout laminated wood dec<sLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. ;6: 6;;I604 :down load P). 770 <b=
!. Ricardo *... do Carmo and SMrgio &.R. #opes .:2004=. K)uctilit/ and linear anal/sis

with moment redistribution in reinforced high strength concrete beamsLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. ;2: 680I20; :down load P). 07B <b=
<. 5... #iC S.2. ChenC G.C. ChangC and G.5. #iu .:2004=. K1 constituti9e model of concrete

confined b/ steel reinforcements and steel jac<etsLC Can. ". Ci9. $ng. ;2: 278I2BB :down load P). ((2 <b=

C!&P-%$R and C!*CR$%$

. .ran< ". AecchioC $9an C. 'entH and &ichael P. Collins .:2000=. K%ools for forensic

anal/sis of concrete structuresLC Computers and ConcreteC Aol. 6C *o. 6 :2000= 6 60 :down load P). 6C220 <b= C!&P-%$R and S%R-C%-R$S
. #ip 2. %eh.:2000=.L'eam element 9erification for ;) elastic steel frame anal/sisLC

Computers and Structures B2 :2000= 66(7I6678 :down load P). 000 <b= *ote : )r. #ip lahir di 3ndonesiaC saat ini adalah pa<ar stru<tur se<aligus dosen di -ni9ersit/ of Sidne/C ada beberapa comment beliau di blog ini /ang mendu<ung. !pini beliau ditampil<an pada sampul bela<ang bu<u S1P2000 $disi 'aru /ang terbit tahun 2007 ini. %han<s )r. #ip. C!&P!S3%$ S%R-C%-R$S 1.".&. .erreiraC P.P. CamanhoC 1.%. &ar,uesC 1.1. .ernandes .:2006=. K&odelling of concrete beams reinforced with .RP re barsLC Composite Structures 4; :2006= 607 66( :down load P). ;22 <b= C!*CR$%$ 3*%$R*1%3!*1#
. G.>. )a/. :68B6=. KQualit/ Control of 44 &Pa Concrete for Collins Place ProjectC

&elbourneC 1ustraliaLC Concrete 3nternationalC &arch 68B6 :down load P). 6C2(( <b=
2. ).&. Rogows</ and ".E. &acEregor .:68B(=. K)esign of Reinforced Concrete )eep

'eams -sing the strut and tie modelLC Concrete 3nternationalC 1ugust 68B( :down load P). 2C(B4 <b=
3. "ames G. >ight 1nd Eusta9o ". Parra &ontesinos . :200;=. KStrut and %ie &odel for

)eep 'eam )esign: 1 practical eJercise using 1ppendiJ 1 of the 2002 1C3 'uilding CodeLC Concrete 3nternationalC &a/ 200; :down load P). 64( <b= C!*S%R-C%3!* 1*) '-3#)3*E &1%$R31#S
. R... PedreschiC '.P. Sinha.:2007=. K1n eJperimental stud/ of cold formed steel trusses

using mechanical clinchingLC Constr 'uild &ater :2007=C doi:60.606(/j.conbuildmat.200(.62.060 :down load P). 6026 <b= $1R%2Q-1G$ $*E3*$$R3*E and $*E3*$$R3*E S$3S&!#!E5
. %homas Paula/ .:6888=. K1 Simple Seismic )esign Strateg/ 'ased on )isplacement and

)uctilit/ Compatibilit/LC $arth,ua<e $ngineering and $ngineering Seismolog/C Aol.6 *o.6 :down load P). 0B8 <b=

2. C. 2. 5eh and C. 2. #oh .:2006=. K&ethodolog/ of Seismic 2aHard 1nal/sis and

)amage 1ssessmentLC $arth,ua<e $ngineering and $ngineering Seismolog/C Aol.; *o.6 :down load P). 4(0 <b= $1R%2Q-1G$ $*E3*$$R3*E and S%R-C%-R1# )5*1&3CS
. Sinan 1<<ar and "ulian ". 'ommer.:2007=. KPrediction of elastic displacement response

spectra in $urope and the &iddle $astLC $arth,ua<e $ngng Struct. )/n. 2007R ;(:6274I 6;06 :down load P). 4(; <b= 2. Chin 2siung #ohC "erome P. #/nchC Gung Chun #uC 5ang >angC Chia &ing ChangC Pei 5ang #in and %ing 2ei 5eh.:2007=. K$Jperimental 9erification of a wireless sensing and control s/stem for structural control using &R dampersLC $arth,ua<e $ngng Struct. )/n. 2007R ;(:6;0;I6;2B :down load P). 867 <b=
3. Song/e +hu and 5unfeng +hang.:2007=. KSeismic beha9iour of self centring braced

frame buildings with reusable h/steretic damping braceLC $arth,ua<e $ngng Struct. )/n. 2007R ;(:6;28I6;0( :down load P). (07 <b=
/. R. PinhoC C. Casarotti and S. 1ntoniou.:2007=. K1 comparison of single run pusho9er

anal/sis techni,ues for seismic assessment of bridgesLC $arth,ua<e $ngng Struct. )/n. 2007R ;(:6;07I6;(2 :down load P). B2B <b=
5. &anuel *a9arroC.rancisco AidalC %a<ahisa $nomotoC .rancisco ". 1lcalaC 1ntonio

Earcia "ereHC .rancisco ". SancheH and *orio 1be<i.:2007=. K1nal/sis of the weightiness of site effects on reinforced concrete :RC= building seismic beha9iour: %he 1dra town eJample :S$ Spain=LC $arth,ua<e $ngng Struct. )/n. 2007R ;(:6;(;I6;B; :down load P). B0; <b=
". &. R. Eha/amghamianC and E. R. *ouri.:2007=. K!n the characteristics of ground

motion rotational components using Chiba dense arra/ dataLC $arth,ua<e $ngng Struct. )/n. 2007R ;(:6007I6028 :down load P). 84B <b= $1R%2Q-1G$ SP$C%R1
. Peter .ajfar .:2000=. K1 *onlinear 1nal/sis &ethod for Performance 'ased Seismic

)esignLC $arth,ua<e SpectraC Aol.6( *o.; :down load P). 6(7 <b= 2. Geith 1. PorterC"ames #. 'ec<Cand Rustem Shai<hutdino9a .:2000=. KSimplified $stimation of $conomic Seismic Ris< for 'uildingsLC $arth,ua<e SpectraC Aol.20C*o.0 :down load P). 478 <b= $*E3*$$R3*E C!*CR$%$ $. &onto/aC ..". AecchioC S.1. Shei<h .:2000=. K*umerical e9aluation of the beha9iour of steel and .RP confined concrete columns using compression field modellingLC $ngineering Structures 2(:2000= 64;4 6404 :down load P). ;8; <b=

$*E3*$$R3*E S%R-C%-R$S
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steel frame subjected to proportional loadsLC $ngineering Structures 24 :200;= (8I78 :down load P). 4(2 <b= 2. 2. SeHenC 1.S. >hitta<erC G.". $lwoodC G.&. &osalam .:200;=. KPerformance of reinforced concrete buildings during the 1ugust 67C 6888 GocaeliC %ur<e/ earth,ua<eC and seismic design and construction practise in %ur<e/LC $ngineering Structures 24 :200;= 60;I660 :down load P). 6C088 <b=
3. #. Ca9aleriC *. &iragliaC &. Papia .:200;=. KPumice concrete for structural wall panelsLC

$ngineering Structures 24 :200;= 664I624 :down load P). 4B( <b=

/. "ohn #. >ilson .:200;=. K$arth,ua<e response of tall reinforced concrete

chimne/sLC$ngineering Structures 24 :200;= 66I20 :down load P). 2;0 <b=

5. &. 'runC ".&. Re/nouardC #. "eHe,uel .:200;=. K1 simple shear wall model ta<ing into

account stiffness degradationLC $ngineering Structures 24 :200;= 6I8 :down load P). ;(2 <b= $*E3*$$R3*E "!-R*1# 13SC
. >illiam 1. #itle.:68((=. KSmall Scale &odels for Steel .ramewor<sLC 13SC $ngineering

"ournalC "ul/ 68(( :down load 2C4B0 <b=

2. >.2. &unse .:68(7=. K2igh Strength 'oltingLC 13SC $ngineering "ournalC "anuar/ 68(7

:down load P). BB4 <b=

3. 1. #all/ and >. 1. &ile<C "R..:68(8=. K'ridge Construction )etailsLC 13SC $ngineering

"ournalC "anuar/ 68(8 :down load 042 <b=

/. 1llen $. >ehrmeister.:68(8=. K-se of -ltrasonic %esting in the Structural Steel

3ndustr/LC 13SC $ngineering "ournalC 1pril 68(8 :down load 6C;46 <b=
5. R. 2. R. %ide 1nd %. A. Ealambos .:6870=. KComposite !pen >eb Steel "oistsLC 13SC

$ngineering "ournalC "anuar/ 6870 :down load 7;8 <b=

". .aHlur R. Ghan and 1nthon/ .. *assetta.:6870=.L%emperature $ffects on %all Steel

.ramed 'uildings Part ;[)esign ConsiderationsLC 13SC $ngineering "ournalC!ctober 6870 :down load 40( <b=
!. "ohn 2. 1. Strui<C 1ba/omi !. !/eledun and "ohn >. .isher. :687;=. K'olt %ension

Control with a )irect %ension 3ndicatorLC 13SC $ngineering "ournalC .irst Quarter 687; :down load 48; <b=
<. %.A. Ealambos .:687B=. K#oad .actor )esign of Steel 'uildingsLC 13SC $ngineering

"ournalC "ul/ 687B :down load P). (4 <b=

2. S.%. Rolfe .:6877=. K.racture and .atigue Control in Steel StructuresLC 13SC $ngineering

"ournalC .irst Quarter :down load 6(2 <b=

0. *. Grishnamurth/ .:687B=. K1 .resh #oo< at 'olted $nd Plated 'eha9ior and )esignLC

$ngineering "ournalC Second Quarter :down load 2;0 <b=

. "ohn ). Eriffiths .:68B0=. K$nd Plate &oment Connections %heir -se and &isuseLC

$ngineering "ournalC .irst Quarter :down load P). 02 <b=

2. &ichael P. Cohen .:68B(=. K)esign Solutions -tiliHing the Staggered steel %russ

S/stemLC $ngineering "ournalC %hird Quarter :down load P). 474 <b=
3. #ambert %all .:68B8=. K%he Reinforcement of Steel ColumnsLC $ngineering "ournalC .irst

Quarter 68B8 :down load (0 <b=

/. &ar< 1. 'radford .:6886=. K'uc<ling of Prestressed Steel EirdersLC $ngineering "ournalC

%hird Quarter 6886 :down load 40 <b=

5. Patric< ). +uras<i .:6882=. K%he Significance and 1pplication of Cb in 'eam )esignLC

$ngineering "ournalC .irst Quarter :down load P). 664 <b=

". >. &cEuire .:6882=. KComputers and Steel )esignLC $ngineering "ournalC .ourth

Quarter :down load P). 6C620 <b=

!. $ngineering "ournal Aol. 28 tahun 6882 #eng<ap 676 halaman <. $ngineering "ournal Aol. ;0 tahun 688; #eng<ap 642 halaman

"!-R*1# of %2$ C!*S%R-C%3!* )3A3S3!* 'o/d C. PaulsonC "r. :687(=. KEoal for $ducation and Research in ConstructionLC "ournal of Construction )i9isionC September 687( :down load P). 60; <b= "!-R*1# of C!*S%R-C%3!*1# S%$$# R$S$1RC2 1.& CitipitiogluC R.&. 2aj 1liC ).>. >hite .:2002=. KRefined ;) finite element modeling of partiall/ restrained connections including slipLC "ournal of Constructional Steel Research 4B :2002= 884 606; :down load P). 7(; <b= "!-R*1# of P$R.!R&1*C$ !. C!*S%R-C%$) .1C3#3%3$S 1SC$
. ..". Aecchio .:2002=. KContribution of *onlinear .inite $lement 1nal/sis to $9aluation

of %wo Structural Concrete .ailuresLC "ournal of Performance of Constructed .acilitiesC Aol. 6( *o.;C 1ugust 6C 2002 :down load P). 6C0;8 <b= 2. .rederic< R. RutHC and Ge9in #. Rens.:2007=.L>ind #oads for 68th Centur/ 'ridges: )esign $9olutionC 2istoric .ailuresC and &odern Preser9ationLC "ournal of Performance of Constructed .acilitiesC Aol. 26 *o.2C 1pril 6C 2007 :down load P). 74B <b= "!-R*1# of &1%$R31#S 3* C3A3# $*E3*$$R3*E

Chee Giong SohC 5u #iuC 5ue Sing )ong and Sin +heng #u .:200;=. K)amage &odel 'ased Reinforced Concrete $lementLC "ournal of &aterials in Ci9il $ngineeringC Aol. 64C *o.0C 1ugust 6C 200; :down load P). ;;( <b= "!-R*1# of $*E3*$$R3*E &$C21*3CS 1SC$
. .. ". Aecchio and 1. )eRoo .:6884=. KSmeared Crac< &odeling of Concrete %ension

SplittingLC "ournal of $ngineering &echanicsC Aol. 626 / ( :down load P). 6C;08 <b=
2. 3n >on #eeC 2/ung "o "ungC &an Cheol GimC and 1rthur R. Robinson .:6888=.

K$igensolution &ethod for Structures with &ultiple or Close $igen9aluesLC "ournal of $ngineering &echanicsC Aol.624/ 66 :down load 667 <b=
3. &. 1. 'radfordC '. -/C 5. #. Pi. :2002=. K3n plane $lastic Stabilit/ of 1rches -nder a

Centra Concentrated #oadLC "ournal of $ngineering &echanicsCAol.62B / 7 :down load P). 6BB <b=
/. .erhun C. CanerR and +dene< P. 'aHant .:2002=.L#ateral Confinement *eeded to

Suppress Softening of Concrete in CompressionLC "ournal of $ngineering &echanicsC Aol.62B / 62 :down load P). 6C0;B <b=
5. #ip 2. %eh.:2004=.LSpatial Rotation Ginematics and .leJuralI%orsional 'uc<lingLC

"ournal of $ngineering &echanicsC Aol. 6;6 / ( :down load P). 600 <b= "!-R*1# of S%R-C%-R1# $*E3*$$R3*E 1SC$
. Airote 'oon/apin/oC 2itoshi 5amada and %oshio &i/ata.:6880=.L>ind induced

*onlinear #ateral %orsional 'uc<ling of Cable Sta/ed 'ridgesC "ournal of Structural $ngineering Aol.620/2 :down load P). 8(B <b= 2. 1bolghasem Saneinejad and 'rian 2oobs .:6884=. K3nelastic )esign of 3nfilled .ramesLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol.626/0 :down load P). ;C0(( <b=
3. &.S Pfeil and R.C. 'atista.:6884=. K1erod/namic Stabilit/ 1nal/sis of Cable Sta/ed

'ridgesLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol.626/62 :down load P). 0(2 <b=
/. &adanC 1.C ReinhornC 1.&.C &anderC ".'.C and AallesC R.$. :6887=. K&odeling of

&asonr/ 3nfill Panels for Structural 1nal/sisLC "ournal of Structural $ngineering Aol.62;/60 :down load P). 4C(B0 <b=
5. &uhammad *. S. 2adi and 5o/ong 1rfiadi.:688B=. K!ptimum )esing of 1bsorber for

&)!. StructuresC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol. 620/66 :down load P). 77( <b= *ote : )r. 5o/ong 1rfiadi se<arang a<tif di "urusan %e<ni< SipilC -ni9ersitas 1tmaja/a 5og/a<artaC paper tersebut ditulis pada saat beliau mengambil Ph.) program di 1ustralia
". 'alaur S. )hillonC "ames >. !T&alle/ 333 .:6888=. K3nteracti9e )esign of Semirigid Steel

.ramesLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC &a/ 6888 :down load P). 2C;06 <b=

!. &.1. Pola< and ..". Aecchio .:688;=. K*onlinear 1nal/sis of Reinforced Concrete

ShellsLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol.668 / 62 :down load P). 6C2B6 <b=
<. "oseph &. 'racciC Sashi G. Gunnath and 1ndrei &. Reinhorn .:6887=. KSeismic

Performance and Retrofit $9aluation of Reinforced Concrete StructuresLC "ournal of Structural $ngineringC Aol. 62; / 6 :down load P). 7(8 <b=
2. Suchart #im<atan/u and $nrico Spacone .:2002=. KReinforced Concrete .rame $lement

with 'ond 3nterfaces 33: State )eterminations and *umerical AalidationLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol. 62B / ; :down load P). 64B <b=
0. Qing Quan #iangC 'rian -/C and Erant P. Ste9en . :2002=. KPerformance 'ased

!ptimiHation for Strut %ie &odeling of Structural ConcreteLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol.62B / ( : down load P). 6C060 <b=
. &ettupala/am A. Si9asel9an and 1ndrei &. Reinhorn .:2002=. KCollapse 1nal/sis: #arge

3nelastic )eformations 1nal/sis of Planar .ramesLC "ournal of Structural$ngineeringC Aol. 62B / 62 :down load P). 6B0 <b=
2. ..". Aecchio and >. Shim .:2000=. K$Jperimental and 1nal/tical Re eJamination of

Classic Concrete 'eam %estsLC "ournal of Structrual $ngineeringC Aol. 6;0 / ; :down load P). (40 <b=
3. "ianguo *ieC "iansheng .an and C. S. Cai . :2000=. KStiffness and )eflection of SteelI

Concrete Composite 'eams under *egati9e 'endingLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol. 6;0 / 66 :down load P). 604 <b=
/. )imitrios Aam9atsi<os and C. 1llin Cornell . :2004=. K)irect $stimation of Seismic

)emand and Capacit/ of &ultidegree of .reedom S/stems through 3ncremental )/namic 1nal/sis of Single )egree of .reedom 1pproJimationLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol. 6;6 / 0 : down load P). 6B2 <b=
5. %adeh +ira<ian and 2ossein Show<ati. :2007=. K$Jperiments on )istortional 'uc<ling of

3 'eamsLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol. 6;; / 7 :down load P). ;44 <b=
". Au PhanC &. Saiid SaiidiC "ohn 1nderson and 2amid Ehasemi.:2007=. K*ear .ault

Eround &otion $ffects on Reinforced Concrete 'ridge ColumnsLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol. 6;;C *o. 7 :down load P). 2B8 <b=
!. &urat )icleli and 1nshu &ehta.:2007=. K$fficient $nerg/ )issipating Steel 'raced

.rame to Resist Seismic #oadsLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol. 6;;C *o. 7 :down load P). 24( <b=
<. .eng +houC Ghalid &. &osalam and &asa/oshi *a<ashima.:2007=. K.inite $lement

1nal/sis of a Composite .rame under #arge #ateral C/clic #oadingLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol. 6;;C *o. 7 :down load P). ;6; <b=

2. G. 1. Riederer and %. 2au<aas.:2007=. KCost 'enefit 3mportance Aectors for

Performance 'ased Structural $ngineeringLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol. 6;;C *o. 7 :down load P). 676 <b=
20. %hiru 1ra9inthanC and %. E. Sunthara9adi9el. :2007=. K$ffects of $Jisting Shear )amage

on $Jternall/ Posttensioned Repair of 'ent CapsLC "ournal of Structural $ngineeringC Aol. 6;;C *o. 66C *o9ember 6C 2007. :down load P). 448 <b= "!-R*1# of 'R3)E$ $*E3*$$R3*E 1SC$
. -we Starosse<.:688(=.LCable Sta/ed 'ridge Concept for #onger SpansLC "ournal of

'ridge $ngineeringC Aol.6C *o.; :down load P). ;7( <b= 2. Sami >. %absh and Galpana Sahajwani .:6887=. K1pproJimate 1nal/sis of 3rregular Slab on Eirder 'ridgesLC "ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringCAol. 2 / 6 :down load P). (60 <b=
3. &ounir $. &absoutC Gassim &. %arhiniC Eerald R. .rederic< and Charbel %a/ar .:6887=.

K.inite $lement 1nal/sis of Steel Eirder 2ighwa/ 'ridgesLC "ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringCAol. 2 / ; :down load P). 406 <b=
/. $ric &. 2inesC )a9id P. 'illingtion .:688B=. KCase Stud/ of 'ridge )esign CompetitionLC

"ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol.;C *o.; :down load P). 6C0;4 <b=
5. 1. +ureic< and R. *a,ib .:6888=. K2oriHontall/ Cur9ed Steel 3 Eirders State of %he 1rt

1nal/sis &ethodsLC "ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol. 0 / 6 :down load P). 664 <b=
". Constantine C. Sp/ra<osC $mor/ #. GempCand Ramesh Aen<ataredd/.:6888=.LAalidated

1nal/sis !f >heeling Suspension 'ridgeLC "ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol.0C *o.6 :down load P). 6B4 <b=
!. &arco Rosignoli .:6888=. KPrestressing Schemes .or 3ncrementall/ #aunched 'ridgesLC

"ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol.0C *o.2 :down load P). 2;; <b=
<. %oora< +o<aie .:2000=. K11S2%! #R.) #i9e #oad )istribution SpecificationLC "ournal

of 'ridges $ngineeringCAol. 4 / 2 :down load P). 206 <b=

2. G. $. 'arth and ). >. >hite .:2000=.L3nelastic )esign of Steel 3 Eirder 'ridgesLC

"ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol. 4 / ; :down load P). 220 <b=

0. 'rett 1. &c$lwain and "effre/ 1. #aman .:2000=. K$Jperimental Aerification of

2oriHontall/ Cur9ed 3 Eirder 'ridge 'eha9iorLC "ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol. 4C *o. 0 :down load P). 6B8 <b=
. Sami >. %absh and &una %abatabai.:2006=.L#i9e #oad )istribution 3n Eirder 'ridges

Subject %o !9ersiHed %ruc<sLC "ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol.(C *o.6 :down load P). 680 <b=

2. 2ung Shan Shu and 5ang Cheng >ang.:2006=.LStabilit/ 1nal/sis !f 'oJ Eirder Cable

Sta/ed 'ridgesLC "ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol.(C *o.6 :down load P). 600 <b=
3. Q. >. +hangC %. 5. P. ChangC and C. C. Chang .:2006=. K.inite $lement &odel -pdating

for %he Gap Shui &un Cable Sta/ed 'ridgeLC "ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol. ( / 0 :down load P). 60( <b=
/. Eregor P. >ollmann.:2006=.LPreliminar/ 1nal/sis of Suspension 'ridgesLC "ournal of

'ridge $ngineeringC Aol.(C *o.0 :down load P). 6;( <b=

5. &. Schlaich .:2006=. K$rection of Cable Sta/ed 'ridges 2a9ing Composite )ec<s >ith

Precast Concrete SlabsLC "ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol. ( / 4 :down load P). 8; <b=
". 'ruce 1. &oulds .:2006=. K)esign Considerations for 1ircraft 'ridgesLC "ournal of

'ridge $ngineeringC Aol. ( / ( :down load P). 6BB <b=

!. "unsi< $om and 1ndrHej S. *owa< .:2006=.L#i9e #oad )istribution .or Steel Eirder

'ridgesLC "ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol.(C *o.( :down load P). 00; <b=
<. +hong #iuC .ang #iC and >. &. Gim Roddis .:2002=.L1nal/tic &odel of #ong Span Self

Shored 1rch 'ridgeLC"ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol.7C *o.6 :down load PS). 2;4 <b=
2. Ghaled &. SennahC and "ohn '. Genned/ .:2002=.L#iterature Re9iew in 1nal/sis of 'oJ

Eirder 'ridgesLC"ournal of 'ridge $ngineeringC Aol.7C *o.2 :down load P). B4 <b=
20. 1hmad &. 3taniC &ichael 'runeauC #/le Carden and 3an E. 'uc<le .:2000=. KSeismic

'eha9ior of Steel Eirder 'ridge SuperstructuresLC "ournal of 'ridges $ngineeringCAol. 8 / ; :down load P). (0B <'= "!-R*1# of 1)A1*C$) C!*CR$%$ %$C2*!#!E5
. 2ajime !<amura and &asahiro !uchi .:200;=. KSelf Compacting ConcreteLC "ournal of

1d9anced Concrete %echnolog/C Aol.6 *o.6 :down load P). 6C80B <b= 2. Shunsu<e !tani .:2000=. K$arth,ua<e Resistant )esign of Reinforced Concrete 'uildings Past and .utureLC 3n9ited PaperC "ournal of 1d9anced Concrete %echnolog/ Aol.2 *o.6 :down load P). 2BB <b=
3. Giang 2wee %an . :2000=. K)esign of *on Prismatic RC 'eams -sing Strut and %ie

&odelsLC "ournal of 1d9anced Concrete %echnolog/C Aol. 2 *o.2 :down load P). 022 <b=
/. %omohiro &i<i and "unichiro *iwa . :2000=. K*onlinear 1nal/sis of RC Structural

&embers -sing ;) #attice &odelLC "ournal of 1d9anced Concrete %echnolog/C Aol. 2 *o.; :down load P). 6C247 <b= "!-R*1# of S%R-C%-R1# $*E3*$$R3*E S!C3$%5 *$> +$1#1*)

"ohn 'utterworth .:2000=. K)uctile Concentricall/ 'raced .rames using Slotted 'olted "ointsLC S$S!C "ournal Aol. 6; *o.6 1pril 2000 :down load P). 6;6 <b= "!-R*1# of >3*) $*E3*$$R3*E and 3*)-S%R31# 1$R!)5*1&3CS %oshio &i/ata.:200;=.L2istorical 9iew of long span bridge aerod/namicsLC"ournal of >ind $ngineering and 3ndustrial 1erod/namics 86 :200;= 6;8;I6060 :down load P). (60 <b= &!)$R* of S%$$# C!*S%R-C%3!*S
. Genneth ". >right and &atthew 1. 'unner .:6887=. K2igh Strength Steel Reduces %russ

Costs: 1 new bridge across the Chel/an Ri9er in >est Airginia utiliHed Er.;(C 40 and 70 steelsLC &odern Steel Construction / !ctober 6887 :down load P). 6;8 <b= 2. Ste9en 1. >einholdC P.$. .:6887=. K$rection $ngineering .or Steel 'ridge SuperstructuresLC &odern Steel Construction / !ctober 6887 :down load P). 26 <b=
3. &ichael $. %run<o .:6887=. KEal9aniHing $liminates Repainting !n 'ridges : 1 turn <e/

operation specialiHes in designingC fabricating and erecting gal9aniHed truss bridgesC &odern Steel Construction / !ctober 6887 :down load P). 6;2 <b= 0. #awrence E. Eriffis .:200(=. 1 Culture of )iscipline: Structural engineers must approach their wor< with diligence and a great sense of responsibilit/ to themsel9esC their firmsC and societ/LC &odern Steel Construction / )ecember 200( :down load P). 86 <b=

PC3 "!-R*1#
. &.". *igel Priestle/C S. :Sri= SritharanC "ames R. Conle/C Stefano Pampanin. :6888=.

KPreliminar/ Results and Conclusions .rom the PR$SSS .i9e Stor/ Precast Concrete %est 'uildingLC PC3 "!-R*1# *o9ember )ecember 6888 :down load P). (2( <b= 2. Sidne/ .reedman .:6888=. K#oadbearing 1rchitectural Precast Concrete >all PanelsLC PC3 "!-R*1# September !ctober 6888 :down load P). 6682 <b= R!51# 1C1)$&5 of $*E3*$$R3*E %on/ .itHpatric<.:6886=. K#in<ing #ondon: %he &illennium 'ridgeLC%he Ro/al 1cadem/ of $ngineeringC >estminsterC #ondonC "une 2006 :down load P). 788 <b= S%R-C%-R1# C!*CR$%$
. .. ". Aecchio .:2006=. K*on linear finite element anal/sis of reinforced concrete: at the

crossroads FLC Structural Concrete 2006 Aol.2 *o. 0 :down load P). 6C22B <b=
2. Stefano Pampanin .:200;=. K1lternati9e design philosophies and seismic response of

precast concrete buildingsLC Structural Concrete 200; Aol.0 *o.0 :down load P). 6C(44

<b= . he author is one of the !inners of the fib 200" #iplomas to $ounger engineers in the %esearch categor$
3. $. Caetano and 1. Cunha.:2000=. K$Jperimental and numerical assessment of the

d/namic beha9iour of a stress ribbon footbridgeLC Structural Concrete 2000 Aol.4C*o.6 :down load P). 04( <b=
/. C. E. Papanicolaou and %. C. %riantafillou .:2000=. K1nal/sis and minimum cost design

of concrete sandwich panels under out of plane loadingLC Structural Concrete 2000 Aol.4C*o 6 :down load P). 0;7 <b= S%R-C%-R1# $*E3*$$R3*E 3*%$R*1%3!*1#
. &ichel AirlogeuJC Claude Ser9antC "ean &arie CremerC"ean Pierre &artinC &arc

'uonomo.:2004=. K&illau AiaductC .ranceLC Structural $ngineering 3nternational 6/2004 :down load P). 064 <= 2. .ederico &. &aHHolani.:200(=. KStructural 1pplications of 1luminium in Ci9il $ngineeringLC Structural $ngineering 3nternational 0/200( :down load P). 2(( <= %23* >1##$) S%R-C%-R$S $#S$A3$R
. G... Chung VC G.2. 3p.:2000=.L.inite element modeling of bolted connections between

coldformed steel strips and hot rolled steel plates under static shear loadingLC $ngineering Structures 22 :2000= 6276I62B0 :down load P). 6.4; &b= 2. 2.C. 2oC G... Chung .:200(=. K1nal/tical prediction on deformation characteristics of lapped connections between cold formed steel + sectionsLC %hin >alled Structures 00 :200(= 664 6;0 :down load P). 082 <b= ;. %ae Soo GimaC 2itoshi Guwamura. :2007=. K.inite element modeling of bolted connections in thin walled stainless steel plates under static shearLC %hin >alled Structures 04 :2007= 007I026 :down load P). 6.07 &b=

Steel &esign $uide Series (olumn Base )lates

'esign of Column Base Plates "ohn %. )e>olf &rofessor of Ci'il (ngineering -ni9ersit/ of Connecticut StorrsC Connecticut Some Practical $spects of Column Base Selection )a9id %. 'ic<er )ice &resi#ent* (ngineering %he 'erlin Steel Construction Compan/C 3nc. 'erlinC Connecticut

%he boo< contain (0 pagesC down load P). 870 <b %his is the document \2 regarding the tric< and tip for design low and medium rise of steel building.

&esign $uide for Lo*+and ,edium+"ise Steel Buildings

0oratio $llison6 PE Consulting (ngineer )agsboroC )elaware

%he boo< contain 4; pages C down load P). 7(8 <b VV)ocument \;

%loor -ibrations
)ue to 2uman 1cti9it/ !omas ). )urra"6 P!'6 P.E. +ontague-,etts &rofessor of Structural Steel -esign he Charles (. )ia* Jr. -epartment of Ci'il (ngineering )irginia &ol$technic Institute an# State .ni'ersit$ 'lac<sburgC AirginiaC -S1 'avid E. $llen6 P!' Senior %esearch Officer Institute for %esearch in Construction /ational %esearch Council Cana#a !ttawaC !ntarioC Canada Eric E. 9ngar6 Sc'6 P.E. Chief (ngineering Scientist

Acentech Incorporate# CambridgeC &assachusettsC -S1

%he boo< contain 7; pagesC down load 6C040 <b VV )ocument \0 VV

Staggered Truss %raming Systems

7eil :e>ler6 &( 0e1ler Associates Consulting (ngineersC *ew 5or<C *5 Feng.Bao -in6 P!'6 PE &ol$technic .ni'ersit$ ,rookl$nC *5

%he boo< contain 08 pagesC down load (B6 <b

FE)$ 232 : 2omebuil#ers3 4ui#e to (arth5uake-%esistant -esign an# Construction :down load P). =.

S $7F5+' 978=E+S8 < P$PE+S

Reference Code/Standard :direct lin<= standard.html Reference shear wall :direct lin<=;c/#ecture.html

( Engineering /0/ E+book 1olle1tion

606 eboo< ]1ll P). .ormat ] RS ] 6; files 1/sen Problem Sol9ing in Soil &echanics 1utocad 200( &anual -sers Euide 1utoC1)2007'ible 'ridge )esign &anual %eJas )epartment of transportation 'ridge.2/draulic.)esign.:2000= 'SP@A#0 'uilding )esign and Construction 2andboo< 'uilding )esign and Construction 2andboo<:2= Chen ? #iew Ci9il $ngineering 2andboo< Ci9il $ngineering 2andboo<:Second $dition= Ci9il engineering h/draulics $ssential theor/ with wor<ed e cmaug2004

#ist of boo<s : C!&P!S3%$ &1%$R31#S 21*)'!!G9ol0 Composite Structures !f Steel 1nd Concrete Aolume 6 :2*d $d Concrete .orwor< Construction of buildings Aolume 6 Construction !f 'uildings Aolume 2 )esign #oads )uring Construction )$S3E* !. 25)R1-#3C E1%$S $ngineering Structural >elding $ngineer^s &ini *oteboo< .3)3C .inite $lement &ethod 'oundar/ $lement &ethod .inite element procedure 'athe .undamentals 2andboo< $ngineering S/mbolog/C PrintsC and )rawings 6 .undamentals of .inite $lement 1nal/sis .undamentals of wood design and engineering 2andboo< 2andboo< of Structural $ngineering 2andboo<@of@Structural@$ngineering 2arrison@@@*ettleton@ @1d9anced@$ngineering@)/namics@@1rnold@6887@@012 2/draulics &anual "...)o/le &odern eJperimental stress anal/sis #ean &anufacturing 1nd %he $n9iroment :$pa= #3Q-3) S%!R1E$ %1*G &anual for the design of reinforced concrete building struct &1R3*$ S%R-C%-R1# )$S3E* &athematics %he Ci9il $ngineering 2andboo< matlab@,uic<ref &atlab*otes &cEraw 2ill )ictionar/ of $ngineering &cgraw 2ill Project &anagement &cEraw 2ill Piping 2andboo< &cEraw 2ill@ @Ci9il@$ngineering@.ormulas@@2002@@%lf &echanical $ngineering 2andboo< :CRC Press= miscellaneous@recipes@006 &odern &anufacturing &ultiresolution EreenFs .unction &ethods for 3nteracti9e Simulation of #arge Scale $lastostatic !bjects *on linear .inite $lement 1nal/sis of Solids and Structures Aol.2 *umerical approJimations of time domain boundar/ integral e,uation for wa9e propagation !l9er P.".C Sha<iban C. 1pplied mathematics :draftC 2000=:66 Patan<ar@*umerical@2eat@%ransfer@and@.luid@.low

P#1**3*E 1*) )$S3E* !. 25)R!#$C%R3C P!>$R P#1*% S%R-C%-R$S P!R%#1*) C$&$*% Post %ensioning Reinforced concrete anal/sis and design Residential@Structural@)esign@Euide Sadd $lasticit/ theor/ applications and numerics _butterworth heinemann 2000` 012 S&3%2C $. 2. :6880=. &echanical $ngineer^s Reference 'oo< :62t.= Soil engineering testingC designC and remediation Soil@&echanics@@@.oundations SP$)@A#; standard@handboo<@of@engineering@calculations Steel designers manual 4th edition Stiffener )esign for 'eam to Column Connections strength of materials stress anal/sis of wh/ branch Structural &echanics of 'uried Pipes Structural Steel )esigner^s 2andboo< :'roc<enbrough ? &erritt= %15#!RC ). 1. :688(=. 3ntroduction to &arine $ngineering :2nd .= %eeJas 2/draulic )esign &anual %ime dependent problems with the boundar/ integral e,uation %!*EC #. :2002=. ;) .ibre Reinforced Pol/mer Composites %ransportation $ng %ransportation S/stems Planning &ethods and 1pplications Aibration and Shoc< 2andboo< Aibration Simulation using &1%#1' and 1*S5S Aibrations .undamentals and Practice >1%S!*C ). E. &. :688B=. Practical Ship )esign >elded )esign %heor/ and Practice >elding &etallurg/ :Second $dition= >ind #oading of Structures >-C 5. S. :2006=. Practical )esign of Ships and !ther .loating S 5-*C #. :2000=. %heor/ and )esign of 1ir Cushion Craft +3$*G3$>3C+C !. C. :2000=. %he .inite $lement &ethod :4th ed.=.= +ien<iewicH^s .inite $lement 'oo< Code: rt01.rar"1/Civil_Eng._Boo rt02.rar$/Civil_Eng._Boo rt0$.rar rt04.rar rt0".rar s_!!! s_!!! s_!!! s_!!! s_!!!$$8$/Civil_Eng._Boo rt0#.rar rt07.rar rt08.rar rt09.rar rt10.rar$97/Civil_Eng._Boo rt11.rar rt12.rar"9/Civil_Eng._Boo rt1$.rar

s_!!! s_!!! s_!!! s_!!! s_!!! s_!!! s_!!! s_!!!

Structural Foundation 'esigners? )anual

Structural .oundation )esigners^ &anual '/ :. G. Curtin6 Gerr" S!a16 Gar" Parkinson6 @. Golding6 7orman Se1ard Publis!er2 >ile/ 'lac<well 7umber 5f Pages2 ;82

Publication 'ate2 200( 62 66 8SB7.1/ A $S872 60046;000S Product 'escription2 %his manual for ci9il and structural engineers aims to simplif/ as much as possible a compleJ subject which is often treated too theoreticall/C b/ eJplaining in a practical wa/ how to pro9ide uncomplicatedC buildable and economical foundations 3t eJplains simpl/C clearl/ and with numerous wor<ed eJamples how economic foundation design is achie9ed. 3t deals with both straightforward and difficult sitesC following the process through site in9estigationC foundation selection andC finall/C design %he boo<

includes chapters on man/ aspects of foundation engineering that most other boo<s a9oid including
o o

filled and contaminated sites mining and other man made conditions

features a step b/ step procedure for the design of lightweight and fleJible raftsC to fill the gap in guidance in this much neglectedC /et eJtremel/ economical foundation solution concentrates on foundations for building structures rather than the larger ci9il engineering foundations includes man/ inno9ati9e and economic solutions de9eloped and used b/ the authorsT practice but not often co9ered in other publications pro9ides an eJtensi9e series of appendices as a 9aluable reference source

.or the Second $dition the chapter on contaminated and derelict sites has been updated to ta<e account of the latest guidelines on the subjectC including 'S 60674. $lsewhereC throughout the boo<C references ha9e been updated to ta<e account of the latest technical publications and rele9ant 'ritish Standards P). 7.( &b'o&ndation_().*ip, http://!!!"000./$"/c.tionc*+c*+ers_)an&al_140"1$044/.rar.h tml

)etric 0andbook6 !ird Edition

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= ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<0!50"52< 0 = .ro()ct &escription: Originall9 (e;ise( as a g)i(e for con;erting from imperial to metric meas)rements1 >The 0etric Han(book> has since been totall9 transforme( into the ma?or han(book of planning an( (esign (ata for architects. This new e(ition has been )p(ate( to acco)nt of the most recent changes to reg)lation an( practice in partic)lar the increasing emphasis on en;ironmental legislation + to meet the nee(s of the mo(ern b)il(ing (esign professional. The 0etric Han(book (eals with all the principal b)il(ing t9pes from airports1 factories an( wareho)ses1 offices shops an( hospitals1 to schools1 religio)s b)il(ings an( libraries. %or each t9pe the book gi;es the basic (esign re@)irements an( all the principal (imensional (ata1 as well as s)ccinct g)i(ance on how to )se the information an( what reg)lations the (esigner ma9 nee( to be aware of. As well as b)il(ings the 0etric Han(book (eals with broa(er aspects of (esign s)ch as materials1 aco)stics an( lighting1 an( general (esign (ata on h)man (imensions an( space re@)irements. The 0etric Han(book is a )ni@)e a)thoritati;e reference for sol;ing e;er9(a9 planning problems. ,t has sol( well o;er 001000 copies worl(wi(e to s)ccessi;e generations of architects an( (esigners this is a book that tr)l9 belongs on e;er9 (esign office (esk an( (rawing boar(. = TH* trie( an( tr)ste( so)rce of information for all basic (esign (ata = *;er9 important t9pe of p)blic an( pri;ate b)il(ing (ealt with1 from homes to hospitals1 from law co)rts to laboratories = Aell o;er 001000 copies ha;e been sol( worl(wi(e to s)ccessi;e generations of architects an( (esigners $ar>( p(f 1 /2.3 mb http://rapi( 320!53""/0!50"52< 0.rar or"2 ea2/n/0!50"52< 04rar or<gm2

Civil Engineering books 3bro1se b" categor"4

Theory of Structures Structural Engineering Structural Analysis Construction Engineering Reinforced Concrete Concrete Structures Soil Mechanics Design of Steel Structures Environmental Eng. Highway Engineering Foundation Engineering Civil Drawing ridge Engineering Trans!ortation "lanning #eotechnical Engineering Materials of Construction Strength of Materials

Traffic Engineering $rrigation % Drainage Eng. Surveying & To!ogra!hy Hydraulics "hotogrammetry Engineering #eology Design of !i!eline Testing of Materials "ro'ect Management Sa! Finite Elements

Building 'esign and Construction 0andbook &t! edition link 'esign of +ain1ater Storage anks for use in 'eveloping Countries b" Step!en urner 'epartment of Engineering 9niversit" of :ar1ick 2(t! $pril 2///;

!eatre Engineering and Stage )ac!iner"

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1rchitecture 600 e'oo<s

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Architecture - 50 eBooks
Architect>s &rawings: A selection of sketches b9 worl( famo)s architects thro)gh histor9 '9 Ben(ra Schank Smith = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 22/ = .)blication &ate: 2005+02+20 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5! 2!! 2!4tisw.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ,ntro()ction to Architect)ral Science: The 'asis of S)stainable &esign '9 Ste;en S:okola9 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 320 = .)blication &ate: 2003+ 0 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5</25 = *A5: 2!<0!50"5</22!50"5</254o;s;.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ,ntro()ction to 7rban Ho)sing &esign: At Home in the -it9 '9 6raham Towers = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 3</ = .)blication &ate: 2005+05+23

= ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"52025 = *A5: 2!<0!50"5202/!50"520254;go@.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Laborator9 &esign 6)i(e1 Thir( *(ition '9 'rian 6riffin = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 3</ = .)blication &ate: 200/+ 0+0" = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50""0<22 = *A5: 2!<0!50""0<2!50""0<224g(gb.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Space( O)t: A 6)i(e to 'est -ontemporar9 7rban Spaces in the 7B '9 $achel Tennant1Dnbsp5icola 6armor91 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 3" = .)blication &ate: 2005+0/+ 5 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"" /22!50"" /224w(ac.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC $ein;enting the Aorkplace1 Secon( *(ition '9 Eohn Aorthington = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 22 = .)blication &ate: 2005+ 2+ ! = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"" !55!50"" !554s9c9.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 7rban &esign: A t9polog9 of .roce()res an( .ro()cts. ,ll)strate( with o;er 50 -ase St)(ies '9 Eon Lang = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: /00 = .)blication &ate: 2005+ 0+ < = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"""2<5!50"""2<54nmnl.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 0anaging F)alit9 in Architect)re '9 -harles 5elson = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 320 = .)blication &ate: 200"+0!+ 3 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50""< <0 = *A5: 2!<0!50""< <!!50""< <04t;9t.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Ahat &esigners Bnow '9 'r9an Lawson = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: // = .)blication &ate: 200/+ +0< = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50""//<!!<0!50""//<"4sfwl.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC &esign %irst: &esign+base( .lanning for -omm)nities '9 &a;i( Aalters1DnbspLin(a 'rown1 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 30/ = .)blication &ate: 200/+0"+03 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"523/3!<0!50"523/54wreb.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Architect)re in a -limate of -hange '9 .eter Smith = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 22 = .)blication &ate: 2005+05+02 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50""5//0!50""5//04aGwG.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

Str)ct)re as Architect)re: A So)rce 'ook for Architects an( Str)ct)ral *ngineers '9 An(rew -harleson = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 25" = .)blication &ate: 2005+0<+ 2 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50""52!0 = *A5: 2!<0!50""52!<!50""52!04;tpr.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ,ncl)si;e 7rban &esign: Streets %or Life '9 *li:abeth ')rton1DnbspL9nne 0itchell1 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 22/ = .)blication &ate: 200"+0/+03 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50""/5</ = *A5: 2!<0!50""/5<5!50""/5</4bsow.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 7rban &esign: 6reen &imensions1 Secon( *(ition '9 E - 0o)ghtin1Dnbsp.eter Shirle91 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 2!2 = .)blication &ate: 2005+02+ = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50""20!!!50""20!!4a@op.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Architect)ral Tiles: -onser;ation an( $estoration '9 Lesle9 &)rbin = .)blisher: ')tterworth+Heinemann = 5)mber Of .ages: 2/0 = .)blication &ate: 200/+ 2+30 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5<320!50"5<3204mo@l.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC The .ortfolio: An Architect)ral St)(ent>s Han(book

HArchitect)ral St)(ents Han(booksI '9 Baterina $)e(i $a91DnbspLesle9 Lokko1Dnbsp,gor 0ar?ano;ic1 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: /< = .)blication &ate: 2003+0"+ 2 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5!"/2!50"5!"/24)ns?.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Law an( .ractice for Architects '9 $obert 6reenstreet1DnbspBaren 6reenstreet1Dnbsp'rian Schermer1 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: "0 = .)blication &ate: 2005+0/+ 2 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5!22/ = *A5: 2!<0!50"5!22!!50"5!22/4r;(;.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC -onsens)s &esign: Sociall9 incl)si;e process '9 -hristopher &a91Dnbsp$osie .arnell1 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 222 = .)blication &ate: 2002+ 2+ = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5"050!50"5"0504a(lp.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC -ontin)o)s .ro()cti;e 7rban Lan(scapes: &esigning 7rban Agric)lt)re for S)stainable -ities '9 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 30/ = .)blication &ate: 2005+0/+ 3 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"55/3! = *A5: 2!<0!50"55/32!50"55/3!4ra@?.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC -hil(ren>s Spaces '9

= .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 25" = .)blication &ate: 2005+02+30 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5/2"0 = *A5: 2!<0!50"5/2"5!50"5/2"04G:wi.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 'eginnings + -harles $ennie 0ackintosh>s *arl9 Sketches '9 *laine 6rogan = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: !! = .)blication &ate: 2002+ 2 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5/252 = *A5: 2!<0!50"5/25<!50"5/2524s?;o.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Spirit an( .lace '9 -hristopher &a9 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 2"/ = .)blication &ate: 2002+0 +23 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"53520 = *A5: 2!<0!50"5352"!50"535204a9bw.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Architect>s 6)i(e to $)nning a Eob1 SiGth *(ition '9 $onal( 6reen = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: !" = .)blication &ate: 200 +0<+ 5 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"53/3/ = *A5: 2!<0!50"53/35!50"53/3/4(rtg.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 5ew Architect)re an( Technolog9 '9 69)la Sebest9en1Dnbsp-hristopher .ollington1

= .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 2<< = .)blication &ate: 2002+ 2 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5 "// = *A5: 2!<0!50"5 "/"!50"5 "//4:@ff.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Jictorian Ho)ses an( their &etails '9 Helen Long = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: // = .)blication &ate: 2002+0 +23 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"/</< = *A5: 2!<0!50"/</<"!50"/</< 4tirk.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 7rban &esign: Ornament an( &ecoration1 Secon( *(ition H7rban &esignI '9 E - 0o)ghtin1DnbspTaner Oc1DnbspSte;en Ties(ell1 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: /" = .)blication &ate: 222+ 0+05 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"/2!3/ = *A5: 2!<0!50"/2!3"!50"/2!3/4gG?t.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Space 6ri( Str)ct)res '9 Eohn -hilton = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: <0 = .)blication &ate: 222+ 2+2< = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"32!55 = *A5: 2!<0!50"32!5!50"32!554gwfr.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Lighting 0o(ern ')il(ings '9 &erek .hillips

= .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 2/< = .)blication &ate: 2000+0<+0! = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"/0<20 = *A5: 2!<0!50"/0<2/!50"/0<204)Gin.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ,ncl)si;e 7rban &esign: .)blic Toilets1 %irst *(ition '9 -lara 6ree( = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 25" = .)blication &ate: 2003+0 + 2 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"53<5K = *A5: 2!<0!50"53<55!50"53<5K4pfhc.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Transport Terminals an( 0o(al ,nterchanges '9 -hristopher 'low = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 22 = .)blication &ate: 2005+03+02 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5"23K!50"5"23K4@acn.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Together at the Table: S)stainabilit9 An( S)stenance in the American Agrifoo( S9stem H$)ral St)(iesI '9 .atricia Allen = .)blisher: .enns9l;ania State 7ni;ersit9 .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 2"0 = .)blication &ate: 200!+05+30 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 02! 022!!3! 022!!34at;?.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Lighting b9 &esign '9 -hristopher -)ttle = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress

= 5)mber Of .ages: 22/ = .)blication &ate: 2003+05+0! = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5 30K = *A5: 2!<0!50"5 30!50"5 30K4);((.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ')ilt to 0eet 5ee(s: -)lt)ral ,ss)es in Jernac)lar Architect)re '9 .a)l Oli;er = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: /<0 = .)blication &ate: 200"+ 0+ ! = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"""5!2 = *A5: 2!<0!50"""5!2!50"""5!249o:w.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Ton9 H)nt>s Str)ct)res 5otebook1 Secon( *(ition '9 Ton9 H)nt = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 2" = .)blication &ate: 2003+0"+30 = ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 0!50"5<2!5 = ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<0!50"5<2!3!50"5<2!54rwgi.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 7rban &esign: Street an( S@)are1 Thir( *(ition '9 E - 0o)ghtin = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 320 = .)blication &ate: 2003+0/ = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5! !0 = *A5: 2!<0!50"5! !/!50"5! !04()fi.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC .ortable Architect)re '9 $obert Bronenb)rg = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress

= 5)mber Of .ages: 2<< = .)blication &ate: 2003+ + < = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5"530 = *A5: 2!<0!50"5"535!50"5"5304r@or.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Histor9 of Architect)ral -onser;ation H-O5S*$JAT,O5 A5& 07S*OLO6LI '9 E)kka Eokilehto = .)blisher: ')tterworth+Heinemann = 5)mber Of .ages: 3"< = .)blication &ate: 2002+03+0" = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"55 2 = *A5: 2!<0!50"55 <!50"55 24rchr.rar

CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC *colog9 of ')il(ing 0aterials '9 '?orn 'erge = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: /<0 = .)blication &ate: 200 + 2+ 5 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"5/503 = *A5: 2!<0!50"5/500!50"5/5034pifk.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Jirt)al $ealit9 an( the ')ilt *n;ironment '9 Eennifer Ah9te = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: "0 = .)blication &ate: 2002+02+2/ = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"53!2< = *A5: 2!<0!50"53!25!50"53!2<4Gm@).rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Lang)age of Space '9 'r9an Lawson

= .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 2!2 = .)blication &ate: 200 + 2+05 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"52/"2 = *A5: 2!<0!50"52/"2!50"52/"24n(rn.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Taking Shape: A 5ew -ontract 'etween Architect)re an( 5at)re '9 S)sannah Hagan = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 2/0 = .)blication &ate: 200 +03+ 2 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"/2/<< = *A5: 2!<0!50"/2/<3!50"/2/<<4?keh.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC *coho)se: A &esign 6)i(e '9 S)san $oaf1Dnbsp0an)el %)entes1DnbspStephanie Thomas1 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 352 = .)blication &ate: 200 +0"+20 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"/20/"!50"/20/"4;)@t.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Lit ,nterior '9 Ailliam E %iel(er1Dnbsp%re(erick H Eones1 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: "0 = .)blication &ate: 2002+0 + " = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"/<202 = *A5: 2!<0!50"/<205!50"/<2024k@tm.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Str)ct)re an( Architect)re1 Secon( *(ition '9 A567S E 0A-&O5AL& = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress

= 5)mber Of .ages: "/ = .)blication &ate: 200 +0/+ 0 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"/!230!50"/!2304afrt.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC -rit + An Architect)ral St)(ent>s Han(book '9 -harles &oi(ge1Dnbsp$achel Sara1Dnbsp$osie Ahite1 = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: ! = .)blication &ate: 2000+02+ 2 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"/!!0 = *A5: 2!<0!50"/!!00!50"/!!0 4nkwG.rar CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 7rban &esign: 0etho( an( Techni@)es H7rban &esignI '9 $afael -)esta1Dnbsp-hristine Sarris1Dnbsp.aola Signoretta1 = .)blisher: ')tterworth+Heinemann = 5)mber Of .ages: 25 = .)blication &ate: 222+02 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"/ 022 = *A5: 2!<0!50"/ 022!50"/ 0224r99b.rar

The 50 ARCHITECTURE Ebooks RS links"#078/0rchitect(ra!ings!orldfamo&sarchitects07 "0#"7197.rar""7$7/07"0#"849".rar""482/07"0#"902".rar"7974/07"0##0899.rar"7$$7/07"0##1429.rar"7198/07"0##17"".rar"#8#$/07"0###28".rar"#499/07"0##8180.rar"#1"2/97807"0##448#.rar"9""4/97807"0#"9$4".rar"9187/07"0##"440.rar"8820/07"0##"270.rar"844"/07"0##4"84.rar"8298/07"0##2077.rar$#1/07"0#"8$20.rar"0#"7#42.rar$#99/07"0#"7294.rar$"48/07"0#"#0"0.rar$409/07"0#""4$7.rar"0#"42#0.rar"44/07"0#"42"2.rar"0#"$"90.rar"0#"$4$4.rar$02/07"0#"1#44.rar$/07"0#48481.rar"7""/07"0#427$4.rar""70/07"0#$27"".rar"277/07"0#40820.rar"/07"0#"$8"/.rar$/07"0#"#9$/.rar$.rar"0#"1$0/.rar"0###"79.rar$0/07"0#"897".rar"0#"7170.rar"0#"#"$0.rar$8#/07"0#""119.rar$4/07"0#"4"0$.rar"1"/07"0#"$728.rar"0#"24#2.rar"$#/07"0#49488.rar"21/07"0#4904#.rar$1$1/07"0#48902.rar$$4/07"0#479$0.rar"0#47701.rar"4$4/07"0#41029.rar

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Vibration of Solids and Structures Under Moving Loads

'9 La(isla; %r9ba .)blisher: Thomas Telfor( Lt( 5)mber Of .ages: 500 .)blication &ate: 222+05+0 ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 0!2!!2!/ 2 ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<0!2!!2!/;20...9ing@#oads.rar 20B08 G'

.recast .restresse( -oncrete .arking Str)ct)res: $ecommen(e( .ractice for &esign an( -onstr)ction '9 .ci -ommittee On .arking 0arketing D .ro .)blisher: .recast/.restresse( -oncrete ,nstit)te 5)mber Of .ages: .)blication &ate: 22!+0 ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 023!0/05</ ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<023!0/05</

00C7;; &' http://www.filefactor/.com/file/8448a7/<Str.Hip.html;0B(8 http://w6;.eas/

Theories an( Applications of .late Anal9sis: -lassical 5)merical an( *ngineering 0etho(s '9 $)(olph S:ilar( .)blisher: Aile9 5)mber Of .ages: 05" .)blication &ate: 200/+0 +02 ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 0/! /22<22 ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<0/! /22<20 .ro()ct &escription: This book b9 a renowne( str)ct)ral engineer offers comprehensi;e co;erage of both static an( (9namic anal9sis of plate beha;ior1 incl)(ing classical1 n)merical1 an( engineering sol)tions. ,t contains more than 00 worke( eGamples showing step b9 step how the ;ario)s t9pes of anal9sis are performe(

2 0' $ar>( .&% http://rapi( ! "53 ...22<22.rar.html"m@shl3 5 "!

The Abo;egro)n( Steel Storage Tank Han(book ,n()strial Health D Safet9 '9 'rian &. &igra(o1 6regor9 A. Thorp .)blisher: Aile9 5)mber Of .ages: 350 .)blication &ate: 225+03 ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 0/! 2<"22K ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<0/! 2<"225 .ro()ct &escription: The Abo;egro)n( Steel Storage Tank Han(book , like the s)mmar9 of reg)lations in con?)nction with in()str9 stan(ar(s an( pro()cts. 7s)all9 a book co;ers one or the other. M Aa9ne 6e9er1 *Gec)ti;e Jice+.resi(ent1 Steel Tank ,nstit)te , think this is a ;al)able teGt in that it (oes a ;er9 goo( ?ob presenting the two t9pes of ASTs. M&arr9l E. ')tkos1 H9(rogeologist an( *n;ironmental *ngineer The 7.S. abo;egro)n( storage tank HASTI market will approach N2.0 billion in 225 an( has an ann)al growth rate of approGimatel9 5 percent. Shop+b)ilt ASTs ha;e proliferate( o;er the last 0 9ears an( are replacing the )n(ergro)n( tanks that ha;e ca)se( a large percentage of gro)n(water contamination. Larger fiel(+erecte( tanks are now fo)n( at almost e;er9 in()strial facilit9 beca)se of their greater reliabilit9 an( the lessene( risk of en;ironmental spills. The Abo;egro)n( Steel Storage Tank Han(book (isc)sses the m9ria( of reg)lations1 co(es1 an( man)fact)ring stan(ar(s an( shows how the9 are intertwine(. ,t is the first han(book on abo;egro)n( storage tanks that eGplains the )ni@)e (ifferences between fiel(+erecte( ASTs an( shop+b)ilt ASTs. The a)thors ha;e (i;i(e( the Han(book into fo)r eas9+ to+)n(erstan( sections: 0arkets1 $eg)lations1 Stan(ar(s1 an( .ro()cts. An9one who fin(s himself or herself working thro)gh the ma:e of the AST compliance paperwork will fin( this book to be a great benefit as a single+so)rce reference g)i(e.

rar :%311* G'=<ow

%he >ile/ )ictionar/ of Ci9il $ngineering and Construction :>ile/ Professional= '/ -. F. :ebster Publis!er2 >ile/ 7umber 5f Pages2 (BB

Publication 'ate2 6887 00 60 8SB7.1/ A $S872 00766B664; 8SB7.13 A E$72 87B00766B664(

Product 'escription2 %he >ile/ )ictionar/ of Ci9il $ngineering and Construction pro9ides comprehensi9e co9erage of a broad range of technical disciplines. %he definitions are designed to be of use to professionals in architectureC engineeringC sur9e/ingC buildingC constructionC forestr/C miningC and public wor<s. $ntries include termsC conceptsC namesC abbre9iationsC toolsC and techni,ues common to these disciplinesC and 9irtuall/ all terms and their functions were supplied b/ wor<ing professionals and eJperts in each field. &ore than ;0C000 definitions and descriptionsC including man/ that are not co9ered in other dictionaries >ritten with the support and assistance of nearl/ 600 manufacturersC trade associationsC go9ernment agenciesC and specialists 1ll terms arranged alphabeticall/R man/ grouped according to logical common topicsR thoroughl/ cross referenced

1ll weightsC 9olumesC and spatial dimensions presented in both metric and nonmetric 9alues :con9ersion factors included=.

%he >ile/ )ictionar/ of Ci9il $ngineering and Construction is an indispensable resource for ci9il engineersC contractors and subcontractorsC architectsC construction administratorsC consultantsC and students. 3t also offers assistance to professionals without technical training who need to become familiar with this terminolog/C including ban<ersC attorne/sC insurersC regulatorsC and inspectors. Rar^d P). 42 &' 1811"$.rar.html &"i. http://!!!$9/

1irport $ngineering '/ 7orman @. $s!ford6 Paul 0. :rig!t Publis!er2 >ile/ 3nterscience 7umber 5f Pages2 4;(

Publication 'ate2 6882 02 8SB7.1/ A $S872 007642744( Product 'escription2 %his new re9ised %hird $dition of 1irport $ngineeringC the basic classroom teJt for airport planning and designC shows professionals and students such <e/ essentials as: %he structure and organiHation of air transport .orecasting of air transport demandC using both traditional and new methods 1irport s/stems planning 1irport master planning

1ir traffic controlC lightingC and signing 1irport capacit/ and configuration Passenger terminal 1ir cargo facilities 1irport access )esigning for safet/ $n9ironmental impact of airports

Reflecting the latest .11C 3C1!C and 31%1 recommendations and guidelinesC and mirroring the changing climate of air tra9el in the 6880sC 1irport $ngineeringC %hird $dition is the single most informati9e guide to mastering the state of the art in airport engineering and design. 1nd also b/ the same authors %ransportation $ngineering Planning and )esign %hird $dition Paul 2. >right and *orman 1shford %his boo< gi9es a balanced treatment of all modes of transportation [highwa/sC railwa/s and guidewa/sC pipelinesC airportsC and ports and harbors. %ransportation $ngineeringC %hird $dition is di9ided into siJ parts: Part 6[3ntroduces the transportation s/stem of the -nited States Part 2[)eals with the operation and control of the 9ehicles that use the ph/sical transport s/stems

Part ;[$Jamines transportation planning Part 0[$Jplains the design of land transportation facilities Part 4[)escribes the planning procedures and design criteria for air transportation facilities Part ([Co9ers water transportation facilities

Complete with an eJcellent list of references at the end of each chapter for readers who waist to stud/ a transportation problem in greater detailC %ransportation $ngineeringC %hird $dition is the definiti9e teJtboo< for students ta<ing undergraduate transportation courses in ci9il engineering and cit/ planning. 68B8 :0 076 B;B70 B= 7B0 pp Rar^d P). 70 &'"27""#.rar.html http://!!!"/

)esign of Seismic 3solated Structures: .rom %heor/ to Practice '/ FarBad 7aeim6 @ames ). ;ell" Publis!er2 >ile/ 7umber 5f Pages2 ;00

Publication 'ate2 6888 0; 66 8SB7.1/ A $S872 0076608267 8SB7.13 A E$72 87B0076608267 Product 'escription2 CompleteC practical co9erage of the e9aluationC anal/sisC and design and code re,uirements of seismic isolation s/stems. 'ased on the concept of reducing seismic demand rather than increasing the earth,ua<e resistance capacit/ of structuresC seismic isolation is a surprisingl/ simple approach to earth,ua<e protection. 2owe9erC proper application of this technolog/ within compleJ

seismic design code re,uirements is both complicated and difficult. )esign of Seismic 3solated Structures pro9ides completeC up to date co9erage of seismic isolationC complete with a s/stematic de9elopment of concepts in theor/ and practical application supplemented b/ numerical eJamples. %his boo</C) R!& set helps design professionals na9igate and understand the ideas and procedures in9ol9ed in the anal/sisC designC and de9elopment of specifications for seismic isolated structures. 3t also pro9ides a framewor< for satisf/ing code re,uirements while retaining the fa9orable cost effecti9e and damage control aspects of this new technolog/. 1n indispensable resource for practicing and aspiring engineers and architectsC )esign of Seismic 3solated Structures includes: V 3solation s/stem components. V Complete co9erage of code pro9isions for seismic isolation. V &echanical characteristics and modeling of isolators. V 'uc<ling and stabilit/ of elastomeric isolators. V $Jamples of seismic isolation designs. V Specifications for the designC manufactureC and testing of isolation de9ices. rar :1#,*1 G'="0$/c.solated%tr&ct&res'rom4heor-to7ractice _0471149217.rar.html!+sghrn

Structural >ood )esign: 1 Practice !riented 1pproach '/ $bi $g!a"ere6 @ason =igil Publis!er2 >ile/ 7umber 5f Pages2 06(

Publication 'ate2 2007 07 ;0 8SB7.1/ A $S872 007004(7B8 8SB7.13 A E$72 87B007004(7B; Product 'escription 1 simpleC practicalC and concise guide to timber design %o full/ understand structural design in woodC it is not sufficient to consider the indi9idual components in isolation. Structural >ood )esign: 1 Practice !riented 1pproach -sing the 1S) &ethod offers an integrati9e approach to structural wood design that considers the design of the indi9idual wood members in the conteJt of the

complete wood structure so that all of the structural components and connectors wor< together in pro9iding strength. 2olisticC practicalC and code basedC this teJt pro9ides the reader with <nowledge of all the essentials of structural wood design:

>ood structural elements and s/stems that occur in wood structures Structural loads[deadC li9eC snowC windC and seismic[and how to calculate loads acting on t/pical wood structures Elued laminated lumber and allowable stresses for sawn lumber and Elulam %he design and anal/sis of joists and girders .loor 9ibrations %he design of wood members subjected to aJial and bending loads Roof and floor sheathing and horiHontal diaphrams $Jterior wall sheathing and wood shear walls %he design of connections and how to use the connection capacit/ tables in the *)S code Se9eral eas/ to use design aids for the preliminar/ siHing of joistsC studsC and columns

3n <eeping with its hallmar< holistic and practice oriented approachC the boo< culminates in a complete building design case stud/ that brings all the elements together in a total building s/stem design. Conforming throughout to the 2004 *ational )esign Specification :*)S= for >oodC Structural >ood )esign will prepare students for appl/ing the fundamentals of structural wood design to t/pical projectsC and will ser9e as a hand/ resource for practicing engineersC architectsC and builders in their e9er/da/ wor<. P). ] 66C4 &b<ood_(esign.*ip http://!!!"/" li&2+$72/c.sign07ractice9 >riented0pproach?singthe0%()ethod_04700"#789.ra

1d9anced 1nal/sis and )esign of Steel .rames '/ Gou.Ciang -i6 @in.@in -i Publis!er2 >ile/ 7umber 5f Pages2 ;B0

Publication 'ate2 2007 0( 64 8SB7.1/ A $S872 00700;0(64 8SB7.13 A E$72 87B00700;0(64 Product 'escription Steel frames are used in man/ commercial high rise buildingsC as well as industrial structuresC such as ore mines and oilrigs. $nabling construction of e9er lighter and safer structuresC steel frames ha9e become an important topic for engineers. %his boo<C split into two parts co9ering ad9anced anal/sis and ad9anced design of steel framesC guides the reader from a broad arra/ of frame elements through to ad9anced design methods such as deterministicC reliabilit/C and s/stem reliabilit/ design

approaches. %his boo< connects reliabilit/ e9aluation of structural s/stems to ad9anced anal/sis of steel framesC and ensures that the steel frame design described is founded on s/stem reliabilit/. 3mportant features of the this boo< include:

fundamental e,uations go9erning the elastic and elasto plastic e,uilibrium of beamC sheer beamC columnC joint panelC and brace elements for steel framesR anal/sis of elastic buc<lingC elasto plastic capacit/ and earth,ua<e eJcited beha9iour of steel framesR bac<ground <nowledge of more precise anal/sis and safer design of steel frames against gra9it/ and windC as well as <e/ discussions on seismic anal/sis. theoretical treatmentsC followed b/ numerous eJamples and applicationsR a re9iew of the e9olution of structural design approachesC and reliabilit/ based ad9anced anal/sisC followed b/ the methods and procedures for how to establish practical design formula.

1d9anced )esign and 1nal/sis of Steel .rames pro9ides studentsC researchersC and engineers with an integrated eJamination of this core ci9il and structural engineering topic. %he logical treatment of both ad9anced anal/sis followed b/ ad9anced design ma<es this an in9aluable reference toolC comprising of re9iewsC methodsC proceduresC eJamplesC and applications of steel frames in one complete 9olume$9"0/(esign_of_%teel_'rames.*ip"g http://!!!$c49#$/*+c*+of%teel'rames_04700$0#1".rar .html

#ightweight Sandwich Construction '/ @. ). 'avies Publis!er2 >ile/ 'lac<well 7umber 5f Pages2 ;B0

Publication 'ate2 2006 07 2; 8SB7.1/ A $S872 0(;2000270 Product 'escription Sandwich panels are being used increasingl/ as the cladding of buildings li<e factoriesC warehousesC cold stores and retail sheds. %his is because the/ are light in weightC thermall/ efficientC aestheticall/ attracti9e and can be easil/ handled and erected. 2owe9erC to dateC an authoritati9e boo< on the subject was lac<ing. %his new reference wor< aims to fill that gap.

%he designerC specifier and manufacturer of sandwich panels all re,uire a great deal of information on a wide range of subjects. %his boo< was written b/ a group of $uropean eJperts under the editorship of a -G specialist in lightweight construction. 3t pro9ides guidance on V materials used in manufacture V thermal efficienc/ and air and water tightness V acoustic performance V performance in fire V durabilit/ V special problems of sandwich panels in cold stores and chill rooms V architectural and aesthetic considerations V structural design at the ultimate and ser9iceabilit/ limit states V additional structural considerations including fasteningsC the effect of openings and the use of sandwich panels as load bearing walls V test procedures %he boo< concludes with some numerical design eJamples and is highl/ illustrated throughout P). 0.( &b!eight_%and!ich_Constr&ction.*ip$1/c.ichConstr&ction_0#$2040270.rar.html

Eround 1nchors and 1nchored Structures '/ Petros P. Dant!akos Publis!er2 >ile/ 3nterscience 7umber 5f Pages2 700

Publication 'ate2 6886 06 02 8SB7.1/ A $S872 0076424200 Product 'escription2 %reating anchorages as a direct application of the laws of statics and the theories go9erning the transfer of loadC this boo< focuses on designs that are safe and reasonabl/ priced. 3t is di9ided into two parts. .ollowing a general introduction in the first chapterC Part !ne goes on to eJplore anchor s/stemsC componentsC installation and construction details. Presents special anchor s/stems such as eJtractableC compression t/peC multibellC and regroutable anchors. 1nal/Hes the transfer of load and its relation to failure modes and anchor load capacit/R deals with design considerationsR co9ers mechanisms and t/pes of corrosionR and details anchor stressingC testing programsC and e9aluation standards. Part %wo considers uses and applications and design aspects of anchored structuresR presents design eJamples of practical 9alue and reasonable simplicit/R and incorporates eJamples and case histories.$7#"$/1ro&nd_0nchors_and_0nchored_%tr&ct&res. *ip*4$8/c.0nchored%tr&ct&res_0471"2"200.rar.html

%imber )esigners^ &anual '/ E. C. 5Belton6 @. $. Baird Publis!er2 >ile/ 'lac<well 7umber 5f Pages2 4(0

Publication 'ate2 200( 60 27 8SB7.1/ A $S872 600460(760$8/4im.er_(esigners__)an&al.*ip http://!!! t"4/c.)an&al_140"14#710.rar.html

$arth,ua<e $ngineering: 1pplication to )esign '/ C!arles ;. Erde" Publis!er2 >ile/ 7umber 5f Pages2 00B

Publication 'ate2 2007 06 08 8SB7.1/ A $S872 007000B0;; Product 'escription #earn to design code compliantC earth,ua<e resistant structures with this practical guide $arth,ua<e $ngineering demonstrates how to design structural members and joints for seismic resistance. %he teJt guides readers through doHens of structural designsC documenting how to perform each stepC ma<e the necessar/ calculationsC and adhere to rele9ant design codes. &ost other teJts on seismic design focus on theor/ and the construction of idealiHed structuresR this teJt is a radical departureC presenting actual tested design methodologies that protect structures from the de9astation of earth,ua<es.

1ll the design methods presented b/ the author compl/ with the current -.S. building codes. References to these codes are pro9ided throughout the teJtC helping readers understand how the/ are integrated into an o9erall structural design. $9er/thing readers need to create sound designsC from anal/sis to design implementationC is pro9idedC including: V )oHens of wor<ed problems throughout the teJt V Complete reference chapters dedicated to matricesC differential e,uationsC and numerical anal/sis V #atest results of ongoing seismic researchC including how these studies are li<el/ to influence future design projects V %he latest 200( 3'CC highlighting significant 9ariations from the 2000 and 200; editions of the code V )etailed co9erage of seismic design for steel moment resisting frame structures :S&R.=C as well as braced frame steelC concreteC masonr/C and wood framed structures %his teJtC with its man/ wor<ed problemsC is ideal for upper le9el undergraduates and graduate students. *ow that the seismic engineering pro9isions of the 3'C Code appl/ to the entire -nited StatesC this teJt should also guide practicing engineers not /et eJposed to seismic design in designing code compliantC earth,ua<e resistant structures Rar^d P). 4 &'"$2$7/Earth8&a e_Eng0pp(esign.*ip http://!!!$0i"841/c.ering0pplicationtoc*+c*+_04700484$$.r ar.html

Str)ct)ral Timber &esign to *)roco(e 5 '9 (ac) "orteous* A+dy ,ermani

"u+lisher- Aile9+'lackwell .um+er /f "ages- 5"0 "u+lication Date- 200<+0 + 0 $S .012 3 AS$.- /05 /"3<2 $S .014 3 EA.- 2!< /05 /"3<<$urocode@4.Hip,ngph79;B8.rar.html

Ci9il $ngineer^s Reference 'oo<C .ourth $dition 'oo< )escription 1fter an eJamination of fundamental theories as applied to ci9il engineeringC authoritati9e co9erage is included on design practice for certain materials and specific structures and applicationsC and a particular feature is the incorporation of chapters on construction and site practiceC including contract management and control. 'oo< 3nfo Completel/ re9ised and updated. Concise and comprehensi9e sur9e/ of the fundamentalsC theor/ and current practice in the man/ branches of ci9il engineering. Product )etails V1uthor: #. S. 'la<e V Paperbac<: 620( pages V Publisher: #aJton^sR 0 edition :1pril 6C 6880= V #anguage: $nglish V 3S'* 60: 0740(68(0; V 3S'* 6;: 87B 0740(68(0(
http://!!!"8"#28 http://!!!"8"824 http://!!!"8#429 http://!!!"8#427


%o)n(ation &esign '9 Allan Ho(gkinson = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 2! = .)blication &ate: 2<!+0" = ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 0<5 32<3!5 = ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<0<5 32<3!2 *(itorial $e;iews .ro()ct &escription 7sing a (esign+oriente( approach that a((resses geotechnical1 str)ct)ral1 an( constr)ction aspects of fo)n(ation engineering1 this book eGplores practical metho(s of (esigning str)ct)ral fo)n(ations1 while emphasi:ing an( eGplaining how an( wh9 fo)n(ations beha;e the wa9 the9 (o. ,t eGplains the theories an( eGperimental (ata behin( the (esign proce()res1 an( how to appl9 this information to real+worl( problems. -o;ers general principles Hperformance re@)irements1 soil mechanics1 site eGploration an( characteri:ationIO shallow fo)n(ations Hbearing capacit91 settlement1 sprea( footings ++ geotechnical (esign1 sprea( footings ++ str)ct)ral (esign1 matsIO (eep fo)n(ations HaGial loa( capacit9 ++ f)ll+scale loa( tests1 static metho(s1 (9namic metho(sO lateral loa( capacit9O str)ct)ral (esignIO special topics Hfo)n(ations on weak an( compressible soils1 fo)n(ation on eGpansi;e soils1 fo)n(ations on collapsible soilsIO an( earth retaining str)ct)res Hlateral earth press)res1 cantile;er retaining walls1 sheet pile walls1 sol(ier pile walls1 internall9 stabili:e( earth retaining str)ct)resI. %or geotechnical engineers1 soils engineers1 str)ct)ral engineers1 an( fo)n(ation engineers.


SiHe: 0.4B &'<0

.oundation )esign: Principles and Practices :2nd $dition= '/ )onald P. Coduto V Publisher: Prentice 2all V *umber !f Pages: BB; V Publication )ate: 2000 07 20 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 06;4B870(B V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B06;4B870(4 Product )escription: -sing a design oriented approach that addresses geotechnicalC structuralC and construction aspects of foundation engineeringC this boo< eJplores practical methods of designing structural foundationsC while emphasiHing and eJplaining how and wh/ foundations beha9e the wa/ the/ do. 3t eJplains the theories and eJperimental data behind the design proceduresC and how to appl/ this information to real world problems. Co9ers general principles :performance re,uirementsC soil mechanicsC site eJploration and characteriHation=R shallow foundations :bearing capacit/C settlementC spread footings geotechnical designC spread footings structural designC mats=R deep foundations :aJial load capacit/ full scale load testsC static methodsC d/namic methodsR lateral load capacit/R structural design=R special topics :foundations on wea< and compressible soilsC foundation on eJpansi9e soilsC foundations on collapsible soils=R and earth retaining structures :lateral earth pressuresC cantile9er retaining wallsC sheet pile wallsC

soldier pile wallsC internall/ stabiliHed earth retaining structures=. .or geotechnical engineersC soils engineersC structural engineersC and foundation engineers.$$8#77$/Cod&to.rar

Guide to Design Criteri !or Bolted nd Ri"eted #oints$ %nd Edition

'/ Eeoffre/ #. Gula<C "ohn >. .isherC "ohn 2. 1. Strui< V Publisher: >ile/ 3nterscience V *umber !f Pages: ;42 V Publication )ate: 68B7 0; ;6 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0076B;7866 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0076B;786( pdfC with boo<mar<sC no password;60222...olt@joints.pdf

,n 2! the ,nstit)tion of Str)ct)ral *ngineers p)blishe( a report on the Stabilit9 ofmo(ern b)il(ings as a res)lt of its conference on in()striali:e( b)il(ings1 the collapse of prefabricate( b)il(ings )n(er erection at Al(ershot an( the aftermath of the tragic acci(ent at $onan .oint. That report was largel9 concerne( with high+rise constr)ction1 an( it was in 2</ that the ,nstit)tion forme( a -ommittee to prepare a s)ccessor to (eal with stabilit9 of all t9pes of b)il(ing whether high or low rise

pdf 2 mb'uildings.rar

Seismic Design for uildings

-HA.T*$ S*,S0,- &*S,65 %O$ '7,L&,56S

.aragraph + .7$.OS* A5& S-O.* +2 'A-B6$O75& +3 A..L,-A',L,TL +/ -O5%L,-TS A5& 0O&,%,-AT,O5S +5 ,0.L*0*5TAT,O5 +" ST$7-T7$* O% TH* 7%+! -O00*5TA$L +< .$O-*&7$*S %O$ A..LL,56 7%- 3+3 0+0/ %O$ ST$7-T7$AL &*S,65 +<. Seismic &esign in $egions of Low Acti;it9 +<.2 .rogressi;e -ollapse Anal9sis an( &esign +2 .$O-*&7$*S %O$ A..LL,56 7%- 3+3 0+0/ %O$ &*S,65 O% A$-H,T*-T7$AL1 0*-HA5,-AL1 A5& *L*-T$,-AL -O0.O5*5TS + 0 $*J,S,O5S + -$*&,TS + 2 A-$O5L0S A5& A''$*J,AT,O5S A.. A $*%*$*5-*S A.. ' 2003 '7,L&,56 -O&* 0O&,%,-AT,O5S %O$ -O5J*5T,O5AL S*,S0,- &*S,65 %O$ &O& '7,L&,56S A.. - S,0.L,%,*& ALT*$5AT,J* ST$7-T7$AL &*S,65 -$,T*$,A %O$ S,0.L* '*A$,56 AALL O$ '7,L&,56 %$A0* SLST*0S A.. & ALT*$5AT* &*S,65 .$O-*&7$* %O$ '7,L&,56S A5& OTH*$ ST$7-T7$*S ,5 S*,S0,- 7S* 6$O7. ,,, A.. * &*S,65 %O$ *5HA5-*& .*$%O$0A5-* O'E*-T,J*S: S*,S0,- 7S* 6$O7. ,J A.. % 67,&A5-* %O$ S*,S0,- &*S,65 O% A$-H,T*-T7$AL1 0*-HA5,-AL1 A5& *L*-T$,-AL -O0.O5*5TS A.. 6 67,&A5-* O5 A..L,-AT,O5 O% 7%- 3+3 0+0/ A5& ,'- 2003

)ownload : pdf6 .ile : pdfC ;.7 &'C 204 pages http://www.arti<el'uildings.pdf

-i;il *ngineering &esign an( -onstr)ct '9 6. Laffor(1 et al = .)blisher: -onstr)ction ,n()str9 $esearch D ,nformation Association H-,$,AI = 5)mber Of .ages: 22 = .)blication &ate: 200 +0 +02

= ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 0<"0 !53/0 = ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<0<"0 !53/"

Concrete Repair 1ccording to the new $uropean Standard $* 6400 http://www.ibac.rwth

&r cture nd & tigue Control in Structures

1pplications of .racture &echanics :1stm &anual Series= '/ "ohn &. 'arsomC Stanle/ %heodore Rolfe V Publisher: 1S%& 3nternational V *umber !f Pages: 424 V Publication )ate: 6888 66 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0B0;620B2( V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0B0;620B22 Book 'escription2 %he latest edition of this comprehensi9e publication concentrates on the practical applications of fracture mechanics to fracture and fatigue control in structuresC emphasiHing the dri9ing force and the resistance force. 3t also eJamines fitness for ser9iceC or life eJtensionC of eJisting structures whose design life ma/ ha9e eJpired but whose actual life can be continued. .inall/C it pro9ides case studies for the practicing professional engineer or graduate engineering studentC which illustrate the effects of toughnessC constraintC loading rateC failure anal/sisC and other factors that demonstrate the application of fracture mechanics to real world structures. .i9e sections co9er: 3ntroduction to .racture &echanicsR .racture 'eha9iorR .atigue and $n9ironmental 'eha9iorR .racture and .atigue ControlR and 1pplications of .racture &echanics Case Studies. Rar^d P). files *o password B4(0 G'"$4#91/080$12082#.rar

Structural and Stress $nal"sis6 Second Edition '/ %. 2. E. &egson V Publisher: 'utterworth 2einemann V *umber !f Pages: 700 V Publication )ate: 2004 00 64 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0740((2262 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0740((2264 Product 'escription2 Structural anal/sis is the corner stone of ci9il engineering and all students must obtain a thorough understanding of the techni,ues a9ailable to anal/se and predict stress in an/ structure. %he new edition of this popular teJtboo< pro9ides the student with a comprehensi9e introduction to all t/pes of structural and stress anal/sisC starting from an eJplanation of the basic principles of staticsC normal and shear force and bending moments and torsion. 'uilding on the success of the first editionC new material on structural d/namics and finite element method has been included. Airtuall/ no prior <nowledge of structures is assumed and students re,uiring an accessible and comprehensi9e insight into stress anal/sis will find no better boo< a9ailable. V Comprehensi9e o9er9iew of structural and stress anal/sis V 3n9aluable to undergraduate ci9il engineers V *umerous wor<ed eJamples and problems V Solutions manual a9ailable online Rar^d P). files *o password (B88 G'"$4#90/07"0##2212.rar

Concrete Structures2 Stresses and 'eformations '/ 1min Ehali V Publisher: Spon Press V *umber !f Pages: 400 V Publication )ate: 2002 04 0; V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0064207267 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0064207260 'oo< )escription: %he authors present accurate and eas/ to appl/ methods of anal/sing immediate and long term stresses and deformations. Comprehensi9el/ updatedC the third edition of Concrete Structures also four new chapters co9ering: non linear anal/sis of plane framesC design for ser9iceabilit/ of prestressed concreteC ser9iceabilit/ of members reinforced with fibre pol/mer barsC and the anal/sis of time dependent internal forces with linear computer programs that are routinel/ used b/ structural designers. 1 website accompanies the boo<C featuring three design calculation programs related to stresses in crac<ed sectionsC creep coefficients and time dependent anal/sis. 40(2 G' rar pdf"848#99/041"247217.rar

Structural )/namics and Aibration in Practice 1n $ngineering 2andboo< '/ )ouglas %horb/ V Publisher: 'utterworth 2einemann V *umber !f Pages: 020 V Publication )ate: 200B 02 24 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0740(B0020 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0740(B002B Product )escription: %his straightforward teJtC primer and reference introduces the theoreticalC testing and control aspects of structural d/namics and 9ibrationC as practised in industr/ toda/. >ritten b/ an eJpert engineer of o9er 00 /ears eJperienceC the boo< comprehensi9el/ opens up

the d/namic beha9ior of structures and pro9ides engineers and students with a comprehensi9e practice based understanding of the <e/ aspects of this <e/ engineering topic. Ge/ features >or<ed eJample based ma<es it a thoroughl/ practical resource 1imed at those stud/ing to enterC and alread/ wor<ing in industr/R Presents an applied practice and testing based approach while remaining grounded in the theor/ of the topic &a<es the topic as eas/ to read as possibleC omitting no steps in the de9elopment of the subjectR 3ncludes the use of computer based modelling techni,ues and finite elements Co9ers theor/C modelling testing and control in practice >ritten with the needs of engineers of a wide range of bac<grounds in mindC this boo< will be a <e/ resource for those stud/ing structural d/namics and 9ibration at undergraduate le9el for the first time in aeronauticalC mechanicalC automoti9e and ci9il engineering 3t will be ideal for laborator/ classes and as a primer for readers returning to the subjectC or coming to it fresh at graduate le9el. 3t is a guide for students to <eep and for practicing engineers to refer to: its wor<ed eJample approach ensures that engineers will turn to %horb/ for ad9ice in man/ engineering situations. 6. Presents students and practitioners in all branches of engineering with a uni,ue structural d/namics resource and primerC co9ering practical approaches to 9ibration engineering while remaining grounded in the theor/ of the topic 2. >ritten b/ a leading industr/ eJpertC with a wor<ed eJample lead approach for clarit/ and ease of understanding ;. &a<es the topic as eas/ to read as possibleC omitting no steps in the de9elopment of the subjectR co9ers computer based techni,ues and finite elements

'esign and Control of Concrete )i>tures :$ngineering 'ulletin :S<o<ieC 3ll.=.= :$ngineering 'ulletin :S<o<ieC 3ll.=.= '/ Ste9en 2. Gosmat<aC 'eatriJ Ger<hoffC >illiam C. Panarese V Publisher: Portland Cement 1ssociation V *umber !f Pages: ;4B V Publication )ate: 2002 02 06 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0B8;62267; V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0B8;622676 'escription2 )efiniti9e reference on concrete technolog/ co9ers fundamentals and detailed information on freshl/ miJed and hardened concrete. $Jtensi9el/ updated and eJpandedC this new edition discusses materials for concreteC such as portland cementsC supplementar/ cementing materialsC aggregatesC admiJtures and fibersR air entrainmentR procedures for miJ proportioningC batchingC miJingC transportingC handlingC placingC consolidatingC finishingC and curing concreteR precautions necessar/ during hot and cold weather concretingR causes and methods of controlling 9olume changesR commonl/ used control tests for ,ualit/ concreteR special t/pes of concreteC such as high performanceC lightweightC hea9/weightC no slumpC roller compactedC shotcreteC mass concrete and man/ more. 1pplicable 1S%&C 11S2%!C and 1C3 standards are referred to eJtensi9el/ P). in R1R ;;C80; G' .rar

Concrete &icrostructure C Properties and &aterials '/ P. Gumar &ehtaC Paulo ".&. &onteiro V Publisher: &cEraw 2ill Professional V *umber !f Pages: (48 V Publication )ate: 2004 08 2( V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 00760(2B88 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B00760(2B86 'oo< )escription: %his teJtboo< presents the art and science of concrete in a simpleC clearC hands on mannerC focusing on the following: Cement and concrete are predicted to be the premier building material of the 26st Centur/R 3ncludes uni,ue diagramsC photographsC and summar/ tablesR -pdated to include new chapters on non destructi9e methods for concreteR future challenges in concrete technolog/R an increased number of eJamples of concrete applicationsR and new de9elopments in durabilit/ abc:


7niform ')il(ing -o(e 22!: Str)ct)ral *ngineering &esign .ro;isions H7niform ')il(ing -o(e Jol 2: Str)ct)ral *ngineering &esign .ro;isionsI '9 ,nternational -o(e -o)ncil = .)blisher: ,nternational -onference of ')il(ing Officials = 5)mber Of .ages: /22 = .)blication &ate: 22!+0/ = ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: <</520<2" = ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!< <</520<2/ = 'in(ing: .aperback 23 0b .&% file (ownloa( link


$C8 31*./*: 'uilding Code Re,uirements for Structural Concrete and Commentar/ '/ Committee ;6B V Publisher: 1C3 V *umber !f Pages: 04( V Publication )ate: 200B V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0B70;62(02 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0B70;62(08 Product )escription:
1bstract: %he 'uilding Code Re,uirements for Structural Concrete :Code= co9ers the materialsC designC and construction of structural concrete used in buildings and where applicable in nonbuilding structures. %he Code also co9ers the strength e9aluation of eJisting concrete structures. 1mong the subjects co9ered are: drawings and specificationsR inspectionR materialsR durabilit/ re,uirementsR concrete ,ualit/C miJingC and placingR formwor<R embedded pipesR construction jointsR reinforcement detailsR anal/sis and designR strength and ser9iceabilit/R fleJural and aJial loadsR shear and torsionR de9elopment and splices of reinforcementR slab s/stemsR wallsR footingsR precast concreteR composite fleJural membersR prestressed concreteR shells and folded plate membersR strength e9aluation of eJisting structuresR pro9isions for seismic designR structural plain concreteR strut and tie modeling in 1ppendiJ 1R alternati9e design pro9isions in 1ppendiJ 'R alternati9e load and strength reduction factors in 1ppendiJ CR and anchoring to concrete in 1ppendiJ ). %he ,ualit/ and testing of materials used in construction are co9ered b/ reference to the appropriate 1S%& standard specifications. >elding of reinforcement is co9ered b/ reference to the appropriate 1>S standard. -ses of the Code include adoption b/ reference in general building codesC and earlier editions ha9e been widel/ used in this manner. %he Code is written in a format that allows such reference without change to its language. %hereforeC bac<ground details or suggestions for carr/ing out the re,uirements or intent of the Code portion cannot be included. %he Commentar/ is pro9ided for this purpose. Some of the considerations of the committee in de9eloping the Code portion are discussed within the Commentar/C with emphasis gi9en to the eJplanation of new or re9ised pro9isions.

SiHe R1R: 60 &b ,h*m9t


Reinforced Concrete )esign to 'S B660 Simpl/ eJplained '/ 1.2.1llen V Publisher: %a/lor ? .rancis V *umber !f Pages: 24( V Publication )ate: 68BB 00 02 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 006860440B V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0068604408 'oo< )escription: %his highl/ successful boo< describes the bac<ground to the design principlesC methods and procedures re,uired in the design process for reinforced concrete structures. %he eas/ to follow st/le ma<es it an ideal reference for students and professionals ali<e PdfC 60&C scanned photocop/C good ,ualit/
http://!!!*d1m.p9d$82"9$/!!!.allislam.net_almo&rra ochi_3einforced _Concrete_(esign_4o_Bs81

Concrete Pa9ement )esign Euidance *otes '/ %hom Eriffiths V Publisher: Spon Press V *umber !f Pages: 6(B V Publication )ate: 2007 0( 6B V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0064240464 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0064240468 'oo< )escription: %his boo< is a comprehensi9e design guide summarising current best practice for the design of concrete pa9ements. .ollowing an o9er9iew of the theor/ in9ol9edC the author details optimum design techni,ues and best practiceC with a focus on highwa/ and infrastructure projects. >or<ed eJamples and calculations are pro9ided to describe standard design methodsC illustrated with numerous case studies. %he author pro9ides guidance on how to use each method on particular projectsC with reference to -GC $uropean and -S standards and codes of practice. Concrete Pa9ement )esign: Euidance *otes is an essential handboo< for ci9il engineersC consultants and contractors in9ol9ed in the design and construction of concrete pa9ements. 3t will also be of interest to students of pa9ement design. 6.B2 &' rar pdf"89$/041"2"4"1".rar

Concrete Pa9ement )esignC ConstructionC and Performance '/ *orbert )elatte V Publisher: %a/lor ? .rancis V *umber !f Pages: ;72 V Publication )ate: 2007 60 ;0 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0064008704 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0064008700 ;.0 &' rar pdf"894/041"40970".rar

-sing the 'uilding Regulations: Part C: Site Preparation ? resistance to contaminants ? moisture b/ &i<e 'illington V Publisher: 'utterworth 2einemann V *umber !f Pages: 2;2 V Publication )ate: 2007 0( 07 V 3S'* / 1S3*: 0740((24B6 V $1*: 87B0740((24B6 'oo< )escription: 1s the 'uilding Regulations and 1ppro9ed )ocuments ha9e become more and more compleJC the/ ha9e become increasingl/ unfriendl/ for a professional user. Compliance is onl/ possible b/ understanding a wide range of supporting documentation. 1lternati9e approaches are impliedC

but not described or anal/sed. %his boo< eJamines 1ppro9ed )ocument C on Site Preparation and ta<es the user through all the <e/ stages of preparationC complianceC inspection and enforcement. 3t offers practical ad9ice on using not just the traditional routes to compliance but also on the alternati9e approaches suggested but not eJplained in the 1ppro9ed )ocuments. %he ad9antages and disad9antages of each form of compliance are anal/sed in depth. $9er/thing /ou need to <now to prepare a site^s fiJtures against contamination and moisture is discussedC including floorsC wallsC window framesC door tresholdsC and roofs. %his is an indispensable teJt for professional designersC architectsC structural and other specialist engineersC building control officers and students in constructionC building and architecture. V)etailed guidance to Part C VPractical ad9ice to achie9e compliance V1lternati9e approaches eJplained and e9aluated 24(0 G' R1R^d P). .ile*vo"$7"/07"0##2"81.rar

%he Structural $ngineers Professional %raining &anual '/ )a9e G. 1dams V Publisher: &cEraw 2ill Professional V *umber !f Pages: 004 V Publication )ate: 2007 60 20 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 00760B6078 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B00760B607( 'oo< )escription: %he 'usiness and Problem Sol9ing S<ills *eeded for Success in 5our $ngineering CareerY %he Structural $ngineer^s Professional %raining &anual offers a solid foundation in the real world business and problem sol9ing s<ills needed in the engineering wor<place. .illed with illustrations and practical Kpunch listL summariesC this career building guide pro9ides an introduction to the practice and business of structural and ci9il engineeringC including lots of detailed ad9ice on de9eloping competence and communicating ideas. Comprehensi9e and eas/ to understandC %he Structural $ngineer^s Professional %raining &anual features:

V Recommendations for successfull/ training engineers who are new to the field V &ethods for bringing together ideas from a 9ariet/ of sources to find wor<able solutions to difficult problems V 3nformation on the real world beha9iors of building materials V Euidance on licensingC liabilit/C regulationsC and emplo/ment V %echni,ues for responsibl/ estimating design time and cost V %ips on communicating design ideas effecti9el/ V Strategies for wor<ing successfull/ as part of a team 3nside %his S<ills 'uilding $ngineering Resource
A4heA(-namicsAofA4rainingAB 4heA<orldAofA7rofessionalAEngineeringAB 4heAB&sinessAofA%tr&ct&ralAEngineeringAB B&ildingA7ro,ectsAB BridgeA7ro,ectsAB B&ildingA=o&rA>!nACompetenceAB Comm&nicatingA=o&rA(esignsAB EngineeringA)echanicsAB %oilA)echanicsAB ?nderstandingAtheABehaviorAofAConcreteAB ?nderstandingAtheABehaviorAofA)asonr-AConstr&ctionAB ?nderstandingAtheABehaviorAofA%tr&ct&ralA%teelAB ?nderstandingAtheABehaviorAofA<oodA'raming

(2(7 G' rar pdf"1$/0071481079.rar"72hp8

PlanningC $stimatingC and Control of Chemical Construction Projects :Cost $ngineering= '/ Pablo .. *a9arreteC >illiam C. Cole V Publisher: CRC V *umber !f Pages: 0B0 V Publication )ate: 2006 06 64 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0B207046(4 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0B207046(8 'oo< )escription: Contains added chapters emphasiHing the importance of choosing the correct project and defining project goals. Stresses the need for ade,uate front end loading :.$#= and outlines the responsibilit/ of the 9enture manager in project selection. Pro9ides updated case studies and eJamples on technical e9aluation criteriaC construction progress monitoringC offshore estimatingC and more. %he authors discuss such topics as initial in9ol9ement and plan of actionC process designC regulator/ complianceC ris< anal/sisC project eJecution plan/master project scheduleC estimatingC contractingC detailed engineeringC procurementC construction managementC project controlC contracts administrationC communicationsC and plant start up. P). in >inR1R d ;4C8 &'$44$7/:&c -082470"1#".rar mirrorsA: http://!!!"47/

http://!1$$284.html http://!!!*f+s--e

0asonr9 Aalls: Specification an( &esign '9 B. Thomas = .)blisher: ')tterworth+Heinemann Lt( = 5)mber Of .ages: 3 ! = .)blication &ate: 22"+02 = ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 0!50"2/"55 = ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<0!50"2/"5! 'ook &escription: &etails s9mptoms an( ca)ses of (efects = Of special interest to these in;estigating b)il(ing fail)res an( eGpert witnesses = 0)ch nee(e( comprehensi;e reference This book pro;i(es a clear1 well+ill)strate( g)i(e to the specification an( (esign of mo(ern masonr9 an( co;ers brickwork1 blockwork an( stone masonr9 forms of constr)ction. ,t also (escribes an( anal9ses possible (efects an( gi;es a(;ice on effecti;e reme(ial works

6;C27;G' P).

Practical Foundation Engineering 0andbook '/ Robert >ade 'rown V Publisher: &cgraw 2ill :%J= V *umber !f Pages: 6620 V Publication )ate: 6884 62 6B V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 00700B680B V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B00700B6808 Book 'escription2 Structural foundation answers on demandY Sa9e /our most difficult structural foundation ,uestions for the one guide with all the answers: Robert >ade 'rown^s Practical .oundation $ngineering 2andboo<. 3t^s jam pac<ed with the best and the latest on foundation constructionC performanceC and repair for residentialC light commercialC and hea9/ construction projects. 5ou^ll get s<illed guidance from a full team of soil and foundation eJperts on identif/ing and implementing the best techni,ues for site de9elopment... earth pressure and retaining s/stems... soil stabiliHation and impro9ement... stress distribution and settlement... soil mechanics and foundation design... legal and insurance issues... and much more 2(.27 &'"#077/7ractical_'o&ndation_Engineering_2and.oo .rar

&esign of -oncrete Str)ct)res '9 Arth)r H 5ilson .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill 5)mber Of .ages: <00 .)blication &ate: 2003+0<+0< ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 00!2/<3052 ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<00!2/<3055 'in(ing: Har(co;er

'ook &escription: The 3th e(ition of the classic teGt1 &esign of -oncrete Str)ct)res1 is completel9 re;ise( )sing the newl9 release( 2002 A-, -o(e. The teGt co;ers the beha;ior an( (esign aspects of concrete an( pro;i(es thoro)ghl9 )p(ate( eGamples an( homework problems thro)gho)t. The 3th e(ition feat)res a new chapter1 -hapter 01 co;ering str)t+an(+tie mo(els1 altho)gh the two+pronge( ob?ecti;es of H I establishing a firm )n(erstan(ing of the beha;ior of reinforce( concrete1 an( H2I (e;eloping proficienc9 in the metho(s )se( in c)rrent (esign practice are retaine(. The teGt presents the basic mechanics of str)ct)ral concrete an( metho(s for the (esign of in(i;i()al members for ben(ing1 shear1 torsion1 an( aGial force1 an( also pro;i(es (etail in the ;ario)s t9pes of str)ct)ral s9stems applications http://rs84l;;

Pile 'esign and Construction Practice b/ &icha %omlinson Publisher: %a/lor ? .rancis *umber !f Pages: 0;2 Publication )ate: 6880 06 04 3S'* / 1S3*: 00686B040; Book 'escription2 %he fourth edition of this well <nown boo< is full/ re9ised and up dated. 3t deals comprehensi9el/ with e9er/ aspect of design and construction of all t/pes of piled foundation. 1 <e/ feature of this boo< is the large number of wor<ed eJamplesC man/ of which are based on actual problems encountered in practice 6B6;0 G' R1R^d P). abc:

Eeos/nthetic )esign and Construction Euidelines b/ !ffice of 'ridge %echnolog/ )escription: &anual de9eloped for the .2>1 training course Eeos/nthetic $ngineering >or<shop. %he manual enables a highwa/ engineer to correctl/ identif/ and e9aluate potential applications of geos/nthetics as an alternati9e to other construction methods and as a means to sol9e construction problems. %he manual addresses primaril/ geotechnical issues and is listed as a current publication on the !ffice of 'ridge %echnolog/C Eeotechnical $ngineering Publications website 4(.88&' 078 pages direct lin<!#P.iles/.2>1/0660;6.pdf http://www.filefactor/.com/file/0608aB/

6)i(e for the &esign of -rane+S)pporting Steel Str)ct)res b9 -ana(ian ,nstit)te of Steel -onstr)ction .)blisher: -ana(ian ,nstit)te of Steel -onstr)ction 5)mber Of .ages: 22 .)blication &ate: Ean+2005 ,S'5 / AS,5: 0+<<< + 0 +0 -rane+S)pporting Steel Str)ct)res: &esign 6)i(e %irst *(ition HEan)ar9 2005I $.A. 0ac-rimmon This g)i(e fills a long+stan(ing nee( for technical information for the (esign an( constr)ction of crane+s)pporting steel str)ct)res that is compatible with -ana(ian co(es an( stan(ar(s written in Limit States format. ,t is inten(e( to be )se( in con?)nction with the 5ational ')il(ing -o(e of -ana(a1 2005 H5'-- 2005I1 an( -SA Stan(ar( S "+0 1 Limit States &esign of Steel Str)ct)res HS "+0 I. This g)i(e pro;i(es information on how to appl9 the c)rrent -ana(ian -o(es an( Stan(ar(s to aspects of (esign of crane+s)pporting str)ct)res s)ch as loa(s1 loa( combinations1 repeate( loa(s1 notional loa(s1 monos9mmetrical sections1 anal9sis for torsion1 steppe( col)mns1 an( (istortion in()ce( fatig)e. The scope of this (esign g)i(e incl)(es crane+s)pporting steel str)ct)res regar(less of the t9pe of crane. The interaction ofthe crane an( its s)pporting str)ct)re is a((resse(. ,S'5 0+<<< + 0 +0 22 pages1 (ownloa( .&% H . 0'I link : 4http://www.cisc+;...structures.pdf

Dynamics of Structures- Theory and A!!lications to Earth5ua)e Engineering H2n( *(itionI '9 Anil B. -hopra = .)blisher: .rentice Hall = 5)mber Of .ages: <// = .)blication &ate: 2000+02+ = ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 0 30<"2!32 = ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<0 30<"2!32 oo) Descri!tionThis secon( e(ition incl)(es man9 topics encompassing the theor9 of str)ct)ral (9namics an( the application of this theor9 regar(ing earth@)ake anal9sis1 response1 an( (esign of str)ct)res. -o;ers the inelastic (esign spectr)m to str)ct)ral (esignO energ9 (issipation (e;icesO *)roco(eO theor9 of (9namic response of str)ct)resO str)ct)ral (9namics theor9O an( more. ,(eal for rea(ers intereste( in &9namics of Str)ct)res an( *arth@)ake *ngineering

%ile si:e: 2/!!0B' http://w "225//022.html

Residential Structural )esign Euide: 2000 $dition %his guide stri9es to bridge the gap between con9entional engineering practices and con9entional residential construction practices.

.ebruar/ 2000 Structural )esign Euide is a uni,ue and comprehensi9e tool for design professionalsC particularl/ structural engineersC see<ing to pro9ide 9alue added ser9ices to the producers and consumers of 1merican housing. 1s suchC the guide is organiHed around the following major objecti9es: V to present a sound perspecti9e on 1merican housing relati9e to its histor/C construction characteristicsC regulationC and performance eJperienceR V to pro9ide the latest technical <nowledge and engineering approaches for the design of homes to complement current code prescribed design methodsR V to assemble rele9ant design data and methods in a singleC comprehensi9e format that is instructional and simple to appl/ for the complete design of a homeR and V to re9eal areas where gaps in eJisting researchC design specificationsC and anal/tic tools necessitate alternati9e methods of design and sound engineering judgment to produce efficient designs. %his guide consists of se9en chapters. %he la/out and application of the 9arious chapters are illustrated in the figure on page 9ii. Chapter 6 describes the basic substance of 1merican housingC including con9entional construction practicesC alternati9e materialsC building codes and standardsC the role of design professionalsC and actual eJperience with respect to performance problems and successesC particularl/ as related to natural haHards such as hurricanes and earth,ua<es. Chapter 2 introduces basic engineering concepts regarding safet/C load pathC and the structural s/stem response of residential buildingsC subassembliesC and components to 9arious t/pes of loads. Chapter ; addresses design loads applicable to residential construction. Chapters 0 and 4 pro9ide step b/ step design procedures for the 9arious components and assemblies comprising the structure of a home[from the foundation to the roof. Chapter ( is de9oted to the design of light frame homes to resist lateral loads from wind and earth,ua<es. Chapter 7 addresses the design of 9arious t/pes of connections in a wood framed home that are important to the o9erall function of the numerous component parts. 1s appropriateC the guide offers additional resources and references on the topics addressed. 0;0 pages SiHe: ;.7( &'<b26nh

Cat!odic Protection of +einforced Concrete

Concrete Societ/ %echnical Report 68B8 3S'* 080((86;07$99011$/Cathodic_7rotection_>f_3einforced_Concre te.rar

'esign Guidance for Strengt!ening Concrete Structures using Fibre Composite )aterials
3S'* 080((86B0; %his Report pro9ides authoritati9e guidance for structural designers on strengthening concrete buildings and bridges b/ bonding fibre composite to the surface. %his relati9el/ new techni,ue is pro9ing to be much ,uic<er and more cost effecti9e than established techni,ues using steel platesC but guidance has been lac<ing until now. %he Report eJplains the ad9antages and disad9antages of the techni,ue and gi9es eJamples of applications. 3t eJplains the design approach in detail and discusses wor<manshipC installationC inspection and maintenance. %he second edition of this Report reflects the fact that materials and techni,ues ha9e de9eloped rapidl/ along with their range of applications. Significant changes co9ered in the new edition include modification of the treatment of partial safet/ factors in the design processC and design of members in shearC to pro9ide a less empirical approachC amongst others!9lnh$99"874/(esign_1&idance__%trengthening_Concrete_ 'i.er_Comp

Masonry Designers' Guide. 4th ed. (book ro"#.

V Publisher: &asonr/ Societ/ V *umber !f Pages: V Publication )ate: 200; V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 68280B6200 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B68280B6202

! cd

Product 'escription2 Purpose is to assist those in9ol9ed in the designC constructionC and regulation of masonr/ structures. %he best guide on designing has been completel/ updated to compl/ with the pro9isions of the 2002 'uilding Code Re,uirements of &asonr/ Structures :1C3 4;0 02= and Specifications for

&asonr/ Structures :1C3 4;0.6 02=C which are referenced b/ the 200; 3nternational 'uilding Code and the *.P1 4000. %opics co9ered in the guide include masonr/ materialsC testingC ,ualit/ assuranceC ,ualit/ controlC construction methodsC structural designC and seismic detailing re,uirements. &ajor re9isions include: V %he incorporation of strength design into the discussions and eJamplesR V 1 detailed discussion on new prescripti9e seismic pro9isions for masonr/R V Re9ised cold and hot weather construction re,uirementsR and V -pdates to the entire &)E to highlight new changes in the 2002 &S"C. 1s a bonus featureC /ou will also recei9e the &)E 0 in C) R!& formatC allowing /ou to easil/ search and find <e/words. &)E 0 is a 9aluable reference tool for engineersC contractorsC architectsC inspectorsC building code officialsC and educators R1R ed and splitted siHe 6B6 &' : eJploded = to run clic< S$%-P icon!,lh2 or$97889$/)asonr-_(esigner_s_1&ide_44h_Ed.part1.rar$979872/)asonr-_(esigner_s_1&ide_44h_Ed.part2.rar

C!*S%R-C%3!* 1*) &13*%$*1*C$ !. &1S!*R5 2!-S$S .or masons and craftsmen b/ &1RC31# '#!*)$% $ditor )irector: )r. $ng. &arcial 'londet Construction: $ng. 39On 'ragagnini Structures: &ag. $ng. Eianfranco !ttaHHi 1rchitecture: 1rch. &ariana 'idart Research 1ssistant: $ng. *icola %ar,ue Research 1ssistant: $ng. &iguel &os,ueira )esign and edition: 1rch. &ariana 'idart 1rt: &r. ANctor SanjineH %ranslation: $ng. Elad/s Ailla Earcia )j9u ] pages: 80 ] siHe: ; mb$787$9$/Constr&ction_and_maintenance_of_)asonr-_ 2o&ses.d,v& http://!!!$#a/

)ec!anics of )aterials 1 &odern 3ntegration of &echanics and &aterials in Structural )esign '/ Christopher "en<insC Sanjee9 Ghanna V Publisher: 1cademic Press V *umber !f Pages: 00B V Publication )ate: 2004 0; 64 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 062;B;B424 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B062;B;B420 Book 'escription2 %his new boo< is the first to bridge the often disparate bodies of <nowledge now <nown as applied mechanics and materials science. -sing a 9er/ methodological process to introduce mechanicsC materialsC and design issues in a manner called etotal structural designeC this boo< see<s a solution in etotal design spacee .eatures of the teJt include: V 1 generaliHed design template for sol9ing structural design problems. V $9er/ chapter first introduces mechanics concepts through deformationC e,uilibriumC and energ/ considerations. %hen the constituti9e nature of the chapter topic is presentedC followed b/ a lin< between mechanics and materials concepts. )etails of anal/sis and materials selection are subse,uentl/ discussed. V 1 concluding eJample design problem is pro9ided in most chaptersC so that students ma/ get a sense of how mechanics and materials come together in the design of a real structure. V $Jercises are pro9ided that are germane to aerospaceC ci9ilC and mechanical engineering applicationsC and include both deterministic and design t/pe problems. V 1ccompan/ing website contains a wealth of information complementar/ to this teJtC including

a set of 9irtual labs. Separate site areas are a9ailable for the instructor and students. V Combines theories of solid mechanicsC materials science and structural design in one coherent teJt/reference V Co9ers ph/sical scales from the atomistic to continuum mechanics V !ffers a generaliHed structural design template dj9u 7.28 mb
http://!!!"a/,en ins)echanics>f)aterials.d,v&

Engineering Roc) Mechanics '9 E. A. H)(son1 Eohn .. Harrison = .)blisher: .ergamon .ress ,nc = 5)mber Of .ages: /5" = .)blication &ate: 22!+0"+0 = ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 00<0/ 2 2! = ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<00<0/ 2 2 oo) Descri!tionHar(bo)n(. *ngineering rock mechanics is the (iscipline )se( to (esign str)ct)res b)ilt in rock. These str)ct)res encompass b)il(ing fo)n(ations1 (ams1 slopes1 shafts1 t)nnels1 ca;erns1 h9(roelectric schemes1 mines1 ra(ioacti;e waste repositories an( geothermal energ9 pro?ects: in short1 an9 str)ct)re b)ilt on or in a rock mass. &espite the ;ariet9 of pro?ects that )se rock engineering1 the principles remain the same. *ngineering $ock 0echanics clearl9 an( s9stematicall9 eGplains the ke9 principles behin( rock engineering. The book co;ers the basic rock mechanics principlesO how to st)(9 the interactions between these principles an( a (isc)ssion on the f)n(amentals of eGca;ation an( s)pport an( the application of these in the (esign of s)rface an( )n(ergro)n( str)ct)res. *ngineering $ock 0echanics is recommen(e( as an across+the+boar( so)rce of information for the benefit of an9one in;ol;e( in rock mechanics an( rock engineering

pdf with boo<mar<s

$*,5%O$-*& -O5-$*T* &**. '*A0S '9 %.B.Bong1 $o)tle(ge1 22< ,S'5 : 02 "22"255 222pages 'ook &escription The =======s of this book ha;e been chosen with the following main aims: to re;iew the present co;erage of the ma?or (esign co(es an( the -,$,A g)i(e1 an( to eGplain the f)n(amental beha;io)r of (eep beamsO to pro;i(e information on (esign topics which are ina(e@)atel9 co;ere( b9 the c)rrent co(es an( (esign man)alsO an( to gi;e a)thoritati;e re;iews of some powerf)l concepts an( techni@)es for the (esign an( anal9sis of (eep beams

7C(76 &' http://www.filefactor/.com/file/7e(BBe/;20...)eep@'eams.rar

*.P1 4000: 'uilding Construction and Safet/ CodeC 200( $dition b/ *ational .ire Protection 1ssociation :*.P1= $nhance safet/ b/ appl/ing the industr/^s most ad9anced design and construction rules. Geep pace with the latest technologies and safet/ practices with the updated *.P1 4000: 'uilding Construction and Safet/ Code. Changes to the 200( 'uilding Construction and Safet/ Code affect: V Sprin<ler pro9isions for new one and two famil/ dwellingsC nursing homesC and nightclub assembl/ occupancies V 1ccessibilit/ rules V $gress re,uirements for stairs ser9ing more than 2000 occupants. V Smo<e control s/stems in malls that contain three or more stories V 'uildings that contain high haHard VVVVVVVs 'ase /our job decisions on a strong foundation of current <nowledge. %his 200( edition of *.P1 4000 'uilding Construction and Safet/ Code has recei9ed se9eral re9isionsC including the following:

V %he introduction of an optional design approach for selection of allowable building and heights and areas that is based on construction t/pe and enhanced fire compartments. V Se9eral changes ha9e been incorporated to address certain means of egress design featuresC including an increase in stair width when large populations would be eJpected to utiliHe the stairs and a mandate for stairwa/ descent de9ices in certain multistor/ buildings. V Chapter 62 was completel/ re9ised to be consistent with the recent changes to the 1mericans with )isabilities 1ct 1ccessibilit/ Euidelines :1)11E= and the technical pro9isions of 3CC/1*S3 1667.6C 1merican *ational Standard for 1ccessible and -sable 'uildings and .acilities. V *ew re,uirements for patient treatment and sleeping room suites ha9e been included in Chapter 68 for health care occupancies. Placement and use rules for alcohol based hand rub dispensing units ha9e also been added for health care and ambulator/ health care occupancies. V 1 first of its <ind re,uirement in a -S building code for residential sprin<lers in one and two famil/ dwellings appears in Chapter 22. V %he haHardous VVVVVVVs pro9isions of Chapter ;0 ha9e been further refined and clarified to address new topics and subjectsR this chapter continues to correlate with the 9arious specialt/ codes and standards that address certain subjectsC and a flow chart has been added to help select the appropriate protection scheme for the conditions gi9en. V %he structural design and materials chapters ha9e all been updated to recogniHe and reference the latest editions of <e/ design documentsC such as 1SC$ 7C &inimum )esign #oads for 'uildings and !ther Structures. V Substantial changes were made to Chapter ;BC Roof 1ssemblies and Roof StructuresC to address new re,uirements for subjects such as metal shingle roof co9erings. P). (.B2 &' at+e*$#/nfpa_"000_200#.pdf

Soil Sampling and )et!ods of $nal"sis6 2nd Edition '/ $.E. EregorichC &.R. Carter V Publisher: CRC V *umber !f Pages: 62(0 V Publication )ate: 2007 0B 0; V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0B08;;4B(B V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0B08;;4B(0 Book 'escription2 %horoughl/ updated and re9isedC this second edition of the bestselling Soil Sampling and &ethods of 1nal/sis presents se9eral new chapters in the areas of biological and ph/sical anal/sis and soil sampling. Reflecting the burgeoning interest in soil ecolog/C new contributions describe the growing number and assortment of new microbiological techni,uesC describe in depth methodsC and demonstrate new tools that characteriHe the d/namics and chemistr/ of soil organic matter and soil testing for plant nutrients. 1 completel/ new section de9oted to soil water re9iews up to date field and laborator/ based methods for saturated and unsaturated soil h/draulic properties. Retaining the eas/ to followC ecoo<boo<e st/le of the originalC this second

edition pro9ides a compilation of soil anal/tical techni,ues that are fastC straightforwardC and relati9el/ eas/ to use. 2ea9il/ referencedC peer re9iewed contributions from approJimatel/ 640 specialists ma<e this a practical manual and resource handboo< that describes a wide arra/ of methodsC both con9entional and cutting edgeC for anal/Hing the chemicalC biologicalC biochemicalC and ph/sical properties of man/ different soil t/pes. 3ncluding se9eral eprimere chapters that co9er the o9erall principles and concepts behind the latest techni,uesC the boo< presents sufficient detail on the materials and procedures to characteriHe the potential and limitation of each method. 3t co9ers recent impro9ements in methodolog/C outlines current methodsC and characteriHes the best methods a9ailable for selecting the appropriate anal/sis techni,ue. Promoting the research and practical application of findings in soil scienceC Soil Sampling and &ethods of 1nal/sisC Second $dition continues to be the most currentC detailedC comprehensi9e tool for researchers and practitioners wor<ing with soil 31&.* )B4 6 +$+ 1#.3 )B

Fundamentals of Soil Be!avior '/ "ames G. &itchellC Genichi Soga V Publisher: >ile/ V *umber !f Pages: 482 V Publication )ate: 2004 04 24 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 00760(;027 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B00760(;02; Book 'escription2 %he impro9edC new edition of the classic boo< on the ph/sical properties of soil .undamentals of Soil 'eha9iorC %hird $dition is the thoroughl/ updatedC eJpandedC and re9ised edition of this highl/ distinguished publication in geotechnical engineering. .illed with useful tables and graphs illustrating correlations among compositionC classificationC stateC and static and d/namic propertiesC this %hird $dition continues the tradition of pro9iding the latest information on the ph/sical properties of soil and the fundamentals of its beha9ior o9er time. Students and bus/ professionals will connect with this new edition^s timesa9ingC streamlined format and its greater emphasis on practical eJercise problems in9ol9ing ad9anced concepts of

soil beha9ior. !ther must read features of this %hird $dition include: V *ewC eJpanded material on micro mechanical beha9ior at the particulate le9el and its influences on engineering properties at the macro scale V 1 new chapter on time effects on soil deformation at different stress and strain le9els V *ew co9erage of such important topics as en9ironmental geotechnicsC biological influences on soil beha9iorC soil fracturingC the effects of timeC and geochemical problems V Sets of ,uestions and problems at the end of each chapterC a feature not a9ailable in prior editions .undamentals of Soil 'eha9iorC %hird $dition is an essential teJt for graduate students and researchers as well as a peerless reference for geotechnicalC en9ironmentalC and ci9il engineers and geologists no pass rared pdf 6(&

Soil Strengt! and Slope Stabilit" '/ ". &ichael )uncanC Stephen E. >right V Publisher: >ile/ V *umber !f Pages: ;62 V Publication )ate: 2004 06 24 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0076(86(;6 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0076(86(;6 Book 'escription2 1uthoritati9eC state of the art guidance to soil strength and slope stabilit/ anal/sis %hrough clearC concise language and practical eJamplesC Soil Strength and Slope Stabilit/ describes state of the art methods for e9aluating soil strengthC and for anal/sisC design and stabiliHation of slopes in soil. %he principles of limit e,uilibrium anal/sisC and appropriate use of computer programs are emphasiHed. &ethods are described for chec<ing the results of compleJ anal/sesC and for presenting results of slope stabilit/ anal/ses clearl/. %hese are illustrated through man/ eJamples. >ritten b/ two recogniHed eJperts in the fieldC Soil Strength and Slope Stabilit/ features:

V Case histories of landslidesC emban<ment failuresC eJca9ation slope failures V Principles that go9ern the shear strength of soilsC including shear strength of municipal solid waste V &ethods for estimating and e9aluating shear strengths based on bac< anal/sis of slope failures and stable slopes V $Jplanations of the conditions that slopes must be designed to endure V )etailed eJplanations of anal/sis methods for short term and long term stabilit/C rapid drawdownC earth,ua<eC and partial consolidation V 1 wide range of anal/sis methodsC methods for 9erif/ing resultsC and ad9ice on presenting the results of slope stabilit/ anal/sesCincluding the importance of using multiple and/or independent methods V &ethods for repairing failed slopes and stabiliHing marginall/ stable slopes Aisuall/ informati9e with more than 240 illustrationsC Soil Strength and Slope Stabilit/ is a complete and practical resource for geotechnical engineersC engineering geologistsC ci9il engineersC geologistsC en9ironmental engineersC and students no pass rared pdf 1/)"&p

9nsaturated Soil )ec!anics '/ *ing #uC >illiam ". #i<os V Publisher: >ile/ V *umber !f Pages: 4B0 V Publication )ate: 2000 04 20 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0076007;64 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0076007;6; Book 'escription2 -nsaturated Soil &echanics is the first boo< to pro9ide a comprehensi9e introduction to the fundamental principles of unsaturated soil mechanics. V !ffers eJtensi9e sample problems with an accompan/ing solutions manual. V 'rings together the rapid ad9ances in research in unsaturated soil mechanics in one focused 9olume. V Co9ers ad9ances in effecti9e stress and suction and h/draulic conducti9it/ measurement no pass rared pdf 1/)!

Strength of Materials and Structures '9 -arl T. %. $oss1DnbspThe late Eohn -ase1DnbspA. -hil;er1 = .)blisher: ')tterworth+Heinemann = 5)mber Of .ages: !0" = .)blication &ate: 222+0<+2! = ,S'5 / AS,5: 03/0! 220" *ngineers nee( to be familiar with the f)n(amental principles an( concepts in materials an( str)ct)res in or(er to be able to (esign str)ct)rers to resist fail)res. %or / (eca(es1 this book has pro;i(e( engineers with these f)n(amentals. Thoro)ghl9 )p(ate(1 the book has been eGpan(e( to co;er e;er9thing on materials an( str)ct)res that engineering st)(ents are likel9 to nee(. Starting with basic mechanics1 the book goes on to co;er mo(ern n)merical techni@)es s)ch as matriG an( finite element metho(s. There is also a((itional material on composite materials1 thick shells1 flat plates an( the ;ibrations of compleG str)ct)res. ,ll)strate( thro)gho)t with worke( eGamples1 the book also pro;i(es n)mero)s problems for st)(ents to attempt. 5ew e(ition intro()cing mo(ern n)merical techni@)es1 s)ch as matriG an( finite element metho(s -o;ers re@)irements for an engineering )n(ergra()ate co)rse on strength of materials an( str)ct)res

64.(B &'

Concrete ' teri ls$ %nd Edition (ro)erties$ S)eci!ic tions$ nd Testing
'/ Sandor Popo9ics V Publisher: *o/es Publications V *umber !f Pages: ((6 V Publication )ate: 6882 06 06 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0B6446;0B8 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0B6446;0B7 Book 'escription2 %his boo< presents an in depth approach to concrete ingredients and their relationships to concrete b/ discussing their propertiesC pertinent test methodsC specificationsC proper use and selectionC and solutions to problems in practice. %he approach is practice orientedC and the boo< assists in the impro9ed application of concrete through a thorough understanding of its ingredients. %his is aided b/ the discussion of certain fundamental aspects and relationships in ,uantitati9e formsC and b/ also presenting the interpretation of research and eJperience. 1n eJtensi9e bibliograph/ is included. %he boo< is a currentC organiHed summar/ of <nowledge concerning concrete ma<ing materialsC which will enable the engineer/user to ma<e the best possible product using these materials

1.A5ntrod&ctionAAAAAA 2.A7ortlandACementA9A4-pesCA7ropertiesAandA%pecificationsAAAAAA $.A2-drationAofA7ortlandACementAAAAAA 4.A2-dra&licACementsA>therA4hanA%tandardA7ortlandAAAAAA ".A<aterAAAAAA #.A0dmi+t&resAAAAAA 7.A)ineralA0ggregatesA9A1eneralAAAAAA 8.A)ineralA0ggregatesA9A7h-sicalA7ropertiesAAAAAA 9.AChemicalA7ropertiesAofA0ggregatesAAAAAA 10.A1eometricA7ropertiesAofA0ggregatesAAAAAA 11.A'inenessA)od&l&sAandA%pecificA%&rfaceAAAAAA 12.A1radingAEval&ationAandA%pecificationAAAAAA 1$.A5nternalA%tr&ct&reAofAConcreteAandAitsA>ptimi*ationAAAAAA 14.A:ight!eightAandA2eav-!eightA0ggregatesAAAAAA 1".A2andlingAandA%electionAofA0ggregatesAAAAAA BABi.liograph-AAAAAA BA5nde+

20.68 &'
http://!!!""089"/Concrete_)aterials_9 _7roperties_%pecifications_and_4esting.ra

Concrete $dmi>tures 0andbook6 Second Edition PropertiesC Science and %echnolog/ :'uilding &aterials Science Series= '/ A.S. Ramachandran V Publisher: *o/es Publications V *umber !f Pages: 664; V Publication )ate: 688( 06 06 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0B6446;7;8 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0B6446;7;4 Book 'escription2 Since the publication of the first edition 60 /ears agoC significant de9elopments ha9e occurred in the use of admiJtures in concrete. $ight new chapters and a full update of the preceding 60

chapters bring this boo< up to dateR reflecting the relati9e ad9ances made in the science and technolog/ of different groups of admiJtures. %he increased role and de9elopment of admiJtures in concrete technolog/ is e9idenced b/ a number of conferencesC publicationsC and no9el admiJtures a9ailable in the mar<et place. %hese de9elopments in the field caused the modification of man/ chapters in the .irst $dition in order to reflect the ad9ances. 1lthough indi9idual chapters refer to standards and specifications of admiJturesC those onl/ interested in the standards or techni,ues used in in9estigating admiJtures will find the second chapter :Research %echnologiesC StandardsC and Specifications= useful. 1dmiJtures are not as inert as ma/ be presumed. %he/ ma/ chemicall/ interact with the constituents of concrete and affect the properties of the fresh and hardened concrete and its durabilit/. %he third chapter deals with these aspects. 3t was important to de9ote a chapter to recent attempts in de9eloping new admiJtures. %his publication will be useful to man/ readers including: technologistsC practitionersC engineersC architectsC concrete manufacturersC material scientistsC cement scientistsC and students %%.&13 )B$f,on http://!!!"88#/Concrete_0dmi+t&res_2and.oo .rar

-oncrete an( 0asonr9 &atabook '9 -hristine 'eall1 $ochelle Eaffe = .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill .rofessional = 5)mber Of .ages: !00 = .)blication &ate: 2002+02+2" = ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 00! 3" 5/5 = ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<00! 3" 5/5 = 'in(ing: Har(co;er

'ook &escription: -oncise answers to all 9o)r @)estions abo)t concrete an( masonr9

,t>s all here: the concrete an( masonr9 information 9o) nee( to work more efficientl91 a;oi( costl9 problems an( mistakes1 minimi:e risk1 re()ce maGimi:e profitsP ,n()str9 eGperts -hristine 'eall an( $ochelle Eaffe sa;e 9o) co)ntless ho)rs of searching thro)gh (o:ens of man)als or esoteric pamphlets1 presenting the (ata in a @)ick+fin(1 straightforwar(1 hea;il9 ill)strate( format. Lo) get fingertip access to ;al)able practice tools an( ?ob+simplif9ing material1 incl)(ing more than 000 tables1 charts1 graphs1 an( line (rawingsQg)i(ance on thermal1 fire1 an( weather resistanceQc)rrent AST01 A-,1 an( T0S stan(ar(sQ7'-1 0SE-1 an( ,'- co(e re@)irementsQessential concrete an( masonr9 (ataQlistings of in()str9 stan(ar(s. Lo) can co)nt on thoro)gh1 (etaile( co;erage of ke9 topics1 incl)(ing: pro()cts an( materialsO mortar1 gro)t1 an( concrete miGesO form work an( reinforcementsO site an( lan(scape elementsO wall an( floor s9stemsO an( m)ch more. ,n;al)able for those working in both the commercial an( resi(ential markets1 here is the single (efiniti;e ;ol)me on concrete an( masonr9.

Si:e: 25.</ 0' http://mih(.net/c9(r2t http://rapi(!!2" !/"...94&atabook.rar a0<2

Publisher: 'utterworth 2einemann *umber !f Pages: ;(B Publication )ate: 2000 0; 6B 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0740(48622 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0740(4862; 'oo< )escription: %his classic teJtboo< is a comprehensi9e introduction to structural steelwor< design.%he boo< describes the design theor/ and code re,uirements for common structuresC connectionsC elements and frames. %he boo< is structured to meet the needs of courses in structural steelwor<C introducing and eJplaining each concept before allowing the student to test the <nowledge with practical eJamples. $ach section is illustrated with eJercises for the student to reinforce their learning. %his boo< continues to be an indispensable introduction to structural steelwor< design for students of structural and ci9il engineering. %his boo< continues to be an indispensable introduction to structural steelwor< design for students of structural and ci9il engineering V-pdated to reflect the 2000 1mendment to Part 6 of 'S4840. VPractical eJamples of methods and techni,ues throughout. V$Jercises accompan/ each chapter. .ormat: P). 1rchi9e: R1R SiHe: 2.26 &'"020$"/07"0#"9122.rar

)irrorA:* rd$9

!e Structural 'esign of $ir and Gas 'ucts for Po1er Stations and 8ndustrial Boiler $pplications
'/ 1merican Societ/ !f Ci9il $ngineers V Publisher: 1merican Societ/ of Ci9il $ngineers V *umber !f Pages: 28( V Publication )ate: 6884 0B V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 07B000662B V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B07B0006624,* http://!!!"#f/

$dvanced Eart!Euake Engineering $nal"sis :C3S& 3nternational Centre for &echanical Sciences= '/ 1lain Pec<er V Publisher: Springer V *umber !f Pages: 260 V Publication )ate: 2007 60 62 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: ;2667026;6 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B;2667026;( Book 'escription2 )uring the last decadeC the state of the art in $arth,ua<e $ngineering )esign and 1nal/sis has made significant steps towards a more rationale anal/sis of structures. Scientists ha9e long recogniHed that earth,ua<e design is guided b/ displacements and deformations rather than forces. 2owe9er due to the historical bac<ground of structural engineers in static anal/sesC effects of earth,ua<e on structures ha9e been 9iewed as forces acting on the structures. 1ll presentl/ a9ailable design building codes are de9eloped along these lines. !ur <nowledge of ground motion characteristicsC earth,ua<e geotechnical engineeringC structural beha9iour :design

and numerical anal/ses= and model tests ha9e ad9anced to a point where it is possible to anticipate a significant mo9e from force based design approaches to displacements based design approaches. 1lthough displacement based anal/ses constitute the <ernel of most research programsC the/ ha9e not /et been incorporated in the state of practice. %he purpose of the boo< is to re9iew the fundamentals of displacement based methodsC starting from engineering seismolog/C earth,ua<e geotechnical engineeringC to focus on designC anal/sis and testing of structures with emphasis on buildings and bridges P). .ile SiHe : 0B(4 G'
http://!!! eEngineering0nal-sis.p df

Structural Steel1ork2 $nal"sis and 'esign '/ S. S. Ra/ V Publisher: >ile/ 'lac<well V *umber !f Pages: 482 V Publication )ate: 688B 60 2( V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0(;20;B47B V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0(;20;B472 Book 'escription2 %his manualC a companion to the boo< Reinforced ConcreteC also b/ Ra/C co9ers the design of structural steelwor< elements in a logicalC step b/ step fashion. %he teJt is bac<ed up b/ numerous illustrationsC design charts and tablesC and refers throughout to the rele9ant codes of practice. 1 large number of wor<ed eJamples co9er almost all t/pes of structural steelwor< elementsC including more ad9anced techni,ues SiBe2 2#.33( ;B F P'F"ic. http://!!!"147/0#$20$8"78.rar.html

Steel Structures: )esign and 'eha9ior :0th $dition= '/ Charles E. SalmonC "ohn $. "ohnson V Publisher: Prentice 2all V *umber !f Pages: 6020 V Publication )ate: 6887 06 67 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0(7;887B(; V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0(7;887B(8 Summar/: %he best steel design reference %his boo< co9ers the basics and fundamentals of steel design in such a wa/ that pro9ides a great reference for the structural engineering student or professional. Possibl/ the best boo< /ou can find in the field. 3^9e been using it since graduate school and through the /ears as a consultant in structural engineering ;4 &' abc:, http://!!!$907912/steel_str&ct&res_design___.ehavio&r_%alm an___Dohnson_.pdf

Organic 0aterials in -i;il *ngineering '9 L;es 0o)ton

= .)blisher: ,ST* .)blishing -ompan9 = 5)mber Of .ages: 320 = .)blication &ate: 200<+02+0/ = ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 205202 < = ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!< 205202 < = 'in(ing: Har(co;er

'ook &escription: This book pro;i(es an in;entor9 of organic materials an( pro()cts1 the ma?or components of all ci;il engineering pro?ects1 in terms of their scientific an( technical backgro)n(1 incl)(ing the reg)lations that co;er their )se an( their pre(icte( )sef)l life. S)ch materials incl)(e: bit)men on the roa(sO geoteGtiles for retaining wallsO membranes for bri(gesO t)nnel an( reser;oir waterproofingO paint bin(ers to protect metallic an( concrete str)ct)res or to create roa( markingsO in?ection resinsO gl)ing pro()ctsO concrete a(miGt)resO an( composite materials. The presentation is base( on a ph9sicochemical approach1 which is essential if these pro()cts are to be consi(ere( as part of s)stainable (e;elopment: as s)ch1 those st)(9ing or working in these fiel(s will fin( this an in;al)able so)rce of information.

http://mih(.net/5a2p"c or http://rapi(<225 !/5/ 205202 <.rar

Strengt!ening of +einforced Concrete Structures

'/ V Publisher: >oodhead Publishing V *umber !f Pages: ;42 V Publication )ate: 6888 0; V 3S'* / 1S3*: 6B447;;7B6


Failed Stone2 Problems and Solutions 1it! Concrete and )asonr" '/ Patric< #oughran V Publisher: 'ir<hfuser 'asel V *umber !f Pages: 648 V Publication )ate: 200( 66 26 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: ;7(0;7;28( V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B;7(0;7;280 Book 'escription2 Concrete and stone seem made to last fore9er. 'ut the fact is the/ de9elop problems. 3t is not alwa/s as dramatic as the collapse of a section of the roof of the Paris Charles de Eaulle airport in 2000. Eradual changes also occur that ma/ compromise the appearance and structural soundness of buildings constructed with these materials. %hese changes can be created b/ efflorescenceC thermal stressC weatheringC lea<age and corrosion. %his boo< eJplains how to a9oid t/pical <inds of failure. >ith this in mindC it s/stematicall/ anal/Hes cases of damage in contemporar/ international architecture. 3t also offers strategies for minimiHing the ris< of damage. $Jamples include such high 9isibilit/ structures as .inlandia 2all in 2elsin<iC Parco della &usica in Rome and AontH Center for &olecular Studies in Cincinnatti. 3n eight chaptersC t/pical <inds of damage are eJplained and illustrated with eJamples

P). SiHe : 68420 G'


#ightweight 1ggregate Concrete '/ Satish ChandraC #eif 'erntsson V Publisher: *o/es )ata Corporation/*o/es Publications V *umber !f Pages: 040 V Publication )ate: 2002 0( 64 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0B64460B(7 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0B64460B(2 'oo< )escription: >ritten to gi9e an o9erall picture of #>1CC from the historical bac<ground of aggregate productionC proportioning and production of concreteC to applications in structural and ph/sical properties. )iscusses the historical bac<ground of lightweight aggregate concrete


0etal ')il(ing S9stems: &esign an( Specifications '9 AleGan(er 5ewman = .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill .rofessional = 5)mber Of .ages: 5!" = .)blication &ate: 2003+ +2< = ,S'5 / AS,5: 00! /020 2 N<0.05 This book from an eGpert on metal b)il(ing s9stems++the first an a)thor )naffiliate( with an in()str9 tra(e gro)p++offers important1 ;al)able1 an( )nbiase( information that can sa;e 9o) mone9 an( time++an( that ma9 e;en sa;e 9o)r b)il(ingP %)ll of essential feat)res1 tips an( a(;ice1 this g)i(e goes be9on( man)fact)rer+s)pplie( information to warn 9o) of potential (esign pitfalls an( to point o)t specific rec)rring problems an( fail)res of 0'S (rawn from act)al eGperience. ,t pro;i(es specific help++)na;ailable elsewhere++with specif9ing an(

selecting secon(ar9 framing1 walls1 roofs1 an( m)ch1 m)ch more. This is the one book that is a m)st+ha;e for an9 professional in;ol;e( with pre+engineere( b)il(ings

1rchi9e: R1R SiHe: 80;7 G';;/0076002062.rar

Construction of &arine and !ffshore StructuresC %hird $dition '/ "rC 'en C. Eerwic< V Publisher: CRC V *umber !f Pages: B6; V Publication )ate: 2007 0; 04 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0B08;;0426 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0B08;;0420 'oo< )escription: .or two decadesC 'en Eerwic<^s abilit/ to capture the current state of practice and present it in a straightforwardC easil/ digestible manner has made Construction of &arine and !ffshore Structures the reference of choice for modern ci9il and maritime construction engineers. %he third edition of this perennial bestseller continues to be the most modern and authoritati9e guide in the field. 'ased on the author^s lifetime of eJperienceC the boo< also incorporates rele9ant published information from man/ sources. -pdated and eJpanded to reflect new technologiesC methodsC and materialsC the boo< includes new information on topics such as li,uefaction of loose sedimentsC scour and erosionC archaeological concernsC high performance steelC ultra high performance concreteC steel 2 pilesC and damage from sabotage and terrorism. 3t features co9erage of #*E terminals and offshore wind and wa9e energ/ structures. Clearl/C concisel/C

and accessibl/C this boo< steers /ou awa/ from the pitfalls and toward the successful implementation of principles that can bring /our marine and offshore projects to life 67.4;&'* http://!!!"/$81"#/Constr&ction_of_)arine_and_>ffshore_%tr& ct&res__4hird_Edition.rar

%he Seismic )esign 2andboo< '/ .arHad *aeim V Publisher: Springer V *umber !f Pages: B0B V Publication )ate: 2006 0; ;6 V 3S'* 60 / 1S3*: 0782;7;060 V 3S'* 6; / $1*: 87B0782;7;06B 'oo< )escription: %he Seismic )esign 2andboo< is a primar/ resource for both researchers and teachers in the

field of earth,ua<e resistant design. %he first edition of this handboo< was recei9ed with much enthusiasm. 3t is the de facto teJtboo< for teaching seismic design principles at man/ major uni9ersities. 3n the -nited StatesC -C 'er<ele/C StanfordC -C#1C -ni9ersit/ of Southern CaliforniaC S-*5 'uffaloC the -ni9ersit/ of 3llinoisC >ashington -ni9ersit/C the -ni9ersit/ of %eJas at 1ustinC Eeorgia %echC CornellC and the -ni9ersit/ of &ichigan ha9e adopted the teJt. 1broadC the 3mperial College of #ondon and the 3srael 3nstitute of %echnolog/ are among its adopters. %his second edition contains up to date information on planningC anal/sisC and design of earth,ua<e resistant building structures. 3ts intention is to pro9ide engineersC architectsC de9elopersC and students of structural engineering and architecture with authoritati9eC /et practicalC design information. 3t bridges the gap between ad9ances in the theories and concepts of seismic design and their implementation in practice. %his handboo< has been endorsed b/ the 3nternational Conference of 'uilding !fficials. 3t contains a C) R!& with applicable building code references and recommended practices. 1udience: %he Seismic )esign 2andboo< is a must for practicing engineersC architectsC building officialsC de9elopersC teachersC and students in the field of earth,ua<e resistant building design. 3ts distinguished panel of contributors is made up of 22 eJperts from industr/ and uni9ersitiesC recogniHed for their <nowledge and eJtensi9e practical eJperience in their fields SiHe: 80.(46 G' .ilet/pe: P).,2"# o http://!!!"4/$7$9"2/seismic_design_hand.oo _all_chapters.pdf

Corrosion of Steel in Concrete: Pre9entionC )iagnosisC Repair '/ Pietro PedeferriC Rob '. Polder Publisher: >ile/ AC2 *umber !f Pages: 008 Publication )ate: 2000 0; 68 3S'* / 1S3*: ;427;0B00B Reinforced concrete has been de9eloped and applied eJtensi9el/ in the 20th centur/ .3t combines the good compressi9e strength of concrete with the high tensile strength of steel and has pro9en to be successful in terms of structural performance and durabilit/. 2owe9erC there are instances of premature failure of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete components due to corrosion of the reinforcing steel with 9er/ high economic implications of such damage. %his boo< focuses on the chloride and carbonation induced corrosion of steel in concreteC presenting transport mechanisms and electrochemical concepts. !ther t/pes of corrosion of steel and degradation of concrete are also treated. %he main emphasis lies on design and eJecution aspects related to durabilit/ of new and eJisting structures. *ew methods and materials for pre9entati9e measuresC condition assessment and repair techni,ues are discussed. %his ma<es this boo< an in9aluable reference for an/ engineer and materials scientist in9ol9ed in research and practice of corrosion protectionC rehabilitation and maintenance of reinforced concrete structures and components. !wnersC designers and contractors will profit b/ this updated state of the art;;...crete.rar.html;0824;

3S'*: 006868(;07 %itle: Corrosion of Steel in Concrete 1uthor: ".P. 'roomfield Publisher: %a/lor ? .rancis Publication )ate: 688( 62 06 *umber !f Pages: 2(0 %he corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete is a major problem facing ci9il engineers and sur9e/ors throughout the world toda/

-omp)tational 0echanics in Str)ct)ral *ngineering '9 %.L. -heng1DnbspL)anGian 6)1 = .)blisher: *lse;ier Science = 5)mber Of .ages: 322 = .)blication &ate: 222+03+0 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 00<0/300<2 = *A5: 2!<00<0/300<2 ')9 5ew N235.00 The Secon( Sino+7S S9mposi)m Aorkshop on $ecent A(;ancement of -omp)tational 0echanics in Str)ct)ral *ngineering was hel( between 0a9 25+2<1 22<1 in &alian1 -hina. The ob?ecti;es were: to share the insights an( eGperiences gaine( from recent (e;elopments in theor9 an( practiceO to assess the c)rrent state of knowle(ge in ;ario)s topic areas of mechanics an( comp)tational metho(s an( to i(entif9 ?oint research opport)nitiesO to stim)late f)t)re cooperati;e research an( to (e;elop ?oint efforts in s)b?ects of common nee(s an( interestsO to b)il( an( to strengthen the long+term bilateral scientific relationship between aca(emic an( professional practicing comm)nities. Topics (isc)sse( co;ere( the entire fiel( of comp)tational str)ct)ral mechanics. These topics ha;e a(;ance( broa( applications in the engineering practice of mo(ern str)ct)ral anal9sis1 (esign an( constr)ction of b)il(ings an( other str)ct)res1 an( in nat)ral ha:ar( mitigation

R1R^d P).C 67B46 G';00B2.rar

1d9anced Ci9il 3nfrastructure &aterials: 1d9ancements in Science and &echanics '/ V Publisher: >oodhead Publishing #td V *umber !f Pages: ;7( V Publication )ate: 200( 00 ;0 V 3S'* / 1S3*: 6B447;80;7 V $1*: 87B6B447;80;7 ;.2( &b pdf

Soil 'eha;io)r in *arth@)ake 6eotechnics HOGfor( *ngineering Science SeriesI '9 Ben?i ,shihara = .)blisher: OGfor( 7ni;ersit9 .ress1 7SA = 5)mber Of .ages: 3"0 = .)blication &ate: 22"+0<+3 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0 2<5"22/ = *A5: 2!<0 2<5"22/5 'est .rice N/ /.22 This highl9 topical book1 written b9 a lea(ing Eapanese a)thor1 pro;i(es a comprehensi;e st)(9 of c)rrent research in soil (9namics for earth@)ake engineering. The beha;io)r of the gro)n( on which str)ct)res are b)ilt ()ring earth@)ake con(itions is cr)cial to )n(erstan(ing the beha;io)r of those str)ct)res. This well+ill)strate( teGt s)mmari:es c)rrent knowle(ge of the s)b?ect1 presenting material acc)m)late( b9 Eapanese an( other researchers o;er recent 9ears. ,t comprehensi;el9 co;ers theor91 laborator9 tests1 an( fiel( work. ,t also incl)(es helpf)l g)i(elines for ci;il engineers )n(ertaking gro)n(work to protect str)ct)res in potential earth@)ake :ones

P). SiHe: 60.(0 &';2B64/068B4(2206.pdf

Ton9 H)nt>s Str)ct)res 5otebook1 Secon( *(ition '9 Ton9 H)nt = .)blisher: Architect)ral .ress = 5)mber Of .ages: 2" = .)blication &ate: 2003+0"+30 = ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 0!50"5<2!5 = ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<0!50"5<2!3 The p)rpose of the Str)ct)res 5otebook is to eGplain1 in the simplest possible terms1 abo)t the str)ct)re of >things>1 an( to (emonstrate the fact that e;er9thing 9o) see an( to)ch1 li;e in an( )se1 li;ing an( man+ma(e1 has a str)ct)re which is acte( )pon b9 nat)ral forces an( reacts to these forces accor(ing to its form an( material. The Str)ct)res 5otebook was originall9 written b9 Ton9 H)nt as a brief teaching ai( for st)(ents at the $o9al -ollege of Art who ha( ;er9 little1 if an91 knowle(ge of ph9sics or str)ct)ral beha;io)r. ,t has now been eGpan(e(1 an( with this secon( e(ition1 )p(ate(1 into a more comprehensi;e book while retaining a simple ;is)al an( non+mathematical approach to

str)ct)res. The book is (i;i(e( into se;en main sections1 in a logical se@)ence1 an( is written in simple lang)age. *ach section1 relate( to its teGt1 has a comprehensi;e set of han(+(rawn sketches which show1 as simpl9 as possible1 what the teGt is abo)t. The book is almost totall9 non+ mathematical since the a)thor belie;es ;er9 strongl9 that str)ct)ral beha;io)r can be )n(erstoo( best b9 (iagrams an( simple (escriptions an( that mathematics for the ma?orit9 of people intereste( in (esign is a barrier. The (esign of str)ct)res is a combination of art an( science an( to achie;e the best sol)tion1 concept sho)l( alwa9s come before calc)lation. = ,ncl)(es a new chapter with twel;e f)rther in;enti;e sol)tions from well+known engineers = H)n(re(s of ill)strations comm)nicate a clear )n(erstan(ing of the s)b?ect1 witho)t mathematics = -omprehensi;e co;erage of ke9 information1 with eGamples an( insights from this infl)ential str)ct)ral engineer

R1R^d P).C 6B64 G';B48/0740(4B874.rar

Soil 0echanics HAile9 Series in 6eotechnical *ngineeringI '9 T. Ailliam Lambe1Dnbsp$obert J. Ahitman1 = .)blisher: Aile9 = 5)mber Of .ages: 5!" = .)blication &ate: 2"2+0 +0 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0/! 5 22! Soil 0echanics + /! 0'

0ih( $api(share /share(


Structural Steelwor) for Students

'9 L. J. Leech = .)blisher: ')tterworth+Heinemann = 5)mber Of .ages: << = .)blication &ate: 2<<+0" = ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: 0/0<022!0" = ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: 2!<0/0<022!0/ Rippe( .&%. <0. 5o passwoor( http://rapi(! 2!< /2/SSS42e(.:ip.html

8BC 2//3
http://rapi(share.(e/files/2 52203!/...4,--4.rar.html or; 202

,nternational ')il(ing -o(e + Softco;er Jersion: Softco;er Jersion H,nternational ')il(ing -o(eI '9 ,nternational -o(e -o)ncil .)blisher: Thomson &elmar Learning 5)mber Of .ages: """ .)blication &ate: 200"+03+0" ,S'5 / AS,5: 5<00 25 5 The scope of this co(e co;ers all b)il(ings eGcept 3+stor9 one+ an( two+famil9 (wellings an( townhomes. This comprehensi;e co(e feat)res time+teste( safet9 concepts1 str)ct)ral an( fire an( life safet9 pro;isions co;ering means of egress1 interior finish re@)irements1 comprehensi;e roof pro;isions1 seismic engineering pro;isions1 inno;ati;e constr)ction technolog91 occ)panc9 classifications1 an( the latest in()str9 stan(ar(s in material (esign. ,t is fo)n(e( on broa(+ base( principles that make possible the )se of the new materials an( new b)il(ing (esigns http://mih(.net/!.5"3/200"4,'-.rar.html or mih(.net or http://(<5/2"

.undamentals of Structural Stabilit/ '/ Eeorge SimitsesC?nbsp)ewe/ 2 2odgesC V Publisher: 'utterworth 2einemann V *umber !f Pages: 0B0 V Publication )ate: 2004 60 06 V 3S'* / 1S3*: 0740(7B744 g76.84 'oo< )escription: %he abilit/ of a structural assembl/ to carr/ loads and forces determines how stable it will be o9er time. Aiewing structural assemblages as comprising columnsC beamsC archesC ringsC and platesC this boo< will introduce the student to both a classical and ad9anced understanding of the mechanical beha9ior of such structural s/stems under load and how modeling the resulting strains can predict the o9erall future performancethe stabilit/of that structure. >hile co9ering traditional beam theor/C the boo< is more focused on elastica theor/ in <eeping with modern approaches. %his teJt will be an eJpanded and updated 9ersion a similarC pre9iousl/ published boo<C but with pedagogical impro9ements and updated anal/tical methods. %his engineering teJtboo< will pro9ide a focused treatment on the stud/ of how structures

beha9e and perform when under stress loadingC including plastic deformation and buc<ling. 1ll ad9anced engineering students stud/ing engineering mechanicsC structural anal/sis and designC fatigue and failureC and other related subjects need to ha9e this <nowledgeC and this boo< will pro9ide it in a thorough and coherent fashion. >ritten b/ two of the worlds leading engineering professors in this subject areaC the pedagog/ has been classroom tested o9er man/ /ears and should find a recepti9e readership among both students and instructors. V 1n understandable introduction to the theor/ of structural stabilit/C useful for a wide 9ariet/ of engineering disciplinesC including mechanicalC ci9il and aerospace engineering V Co9ers both static and d/namic loadsC for both conser9ati9e and nonconser9ati9e s/stems V $mphasiHes elastic beha9ior under loadsC including 9ertical buc<lingC torsional buc<ling and nonlinear affects of structural s/stem buc<ling and stabilit/ V Case eJamples to illustrate real world applications of Stabilit/ %heor/"2"190"/97807"0#787"9.rar

Reinforced Concrete )esign %heor/

http://www./share(.com/file/255< 22 ...ifie(C2ace/cae or http://)'b2?ihG A

Sustainable Building ec!nical )anual

http://:32.:)ploa(.com/(ownloa(.phpS...filepathC "222

Architect)re S)stainable ')il(ing &esign .&% T 00 .ages T <.25 0' The 2005 Aorl( S)stainable ')il(ing -onference in Tok9o1 St)(ent Session 23+22 September 20051 Tok9o1 Eapan1 with 25 pro?ect from all the worl( + ;er9 interesting work 23<5 B' $A$>( .&% http://rapi("2

')il(ing Ser;ices Han(book1 %o)rth *(ition: ,ncorporating -)rrent ')il(ing D -onstr)ction $eg)lations H')il(ing Ser;ices Han(bookI H')il(ing Ser;ices Han(bookI '9 %re( Hall1Dnbsp$oger 6reeno1 = .)blisher: ')tterworth+Heinemann = 5)mber Of .ages: 5!" = .)blication &ate: 200!+05+2< = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!50"<2205 ')il(ing Ser;ices Han(book s)mmarises the application of all common elements of b)il(ing ser;ices practice1 techni@)e an( proce()re1 to pro;i(e an essential information reso)rce for st)(ents an( engineers working in the in()str9. ,nformation is presente( in the highl9 ill)strate( an( accessible st9le of the best+selling companion title ')il(ing -onstr)ction Han(book. This new e(ition contains eGten(e( information on water s9stem components1 control s9stems for hot water an( heating1 ;entilation an( air con(itioning1 (rainage1 gas appliance fl)es an(

f)rther eGamples of (esign calc)lations. ,t has been re;ise( an( eGpan(e( to take into acco)nt recent amen(ments to the ')il(ing $eg)lations Appro;e( &oc)ments an( g)i(ance from 'ritish an( *)ropean Stan(ar(s. Online lect)re facilities incl)(e .ower.oint sli(es ill)strating a selection of ser;ices areas1 pro;i(ing ke9 (iagrams for )se with presentations an( han(o)ts. TH* comprehensi;e reference for all constr)ction an( b)il(ing ser;ices st)(ents1 ')il(ing Ser;ices Han(book is i(eal for a wi(e range of co)rses incl)(ing 5JF an( 'T*- 5ational thro)gh Higher 5ational -ertificate an( &iploma to %o)n(ation an( three+9ear &egree le;el. The clear ill)strations an( complementar9 references to in()str9 Stan(ar(s combine essential g)i(ance with a reso)rce base for f)rther rea(ing an( (e;elopment of specific topics. $oger 6reeno is a well+known a)thor of constr)ction teGts. He has eGtensi;e practical an( cons)ltanc9 eGperience in the in()str91 in a((ition to lect)ring at se;eral colleges of f)rther an( higher e()cation1 an( the 7ni;ersit9 of .ortsmo)th. He has also eGamine( for -it9 D 6)il(s1 *(eGcel1 the -hartere( ,nstit)te of ')il(ing an( the 7ni;ersit9 of $ea(ing. %re( Halls books on ')il(ing Ser;ices ha;e helpe( tho)san(s of st)(ents gain their @)alifications an( pass eGams. He was formerl9 a Senior Lect)rer at 6)il(for( -ollege.

EA;oAotherA.oo AoffersAtheAsameAclarit-AofAdiagramsAandAscopeAofAinformation EA0llo!sAtheAreaderAtoA8&ic l-AgetAtoAgripsA!ithAeachAtopic EA?pdatedAtoAe+plainA!hatArecentAenerg-AconservationAmeas&resAreall-A)E0;

.&% %ile 2.05mb $A$ (ownloa( http://rapi("!2""/2//0!50"<2205.rar

,S'5: 0!5 /02/ 2 Title: Testing of -oncrete in Str)ct)res A)thor: E.H. ')nge9 E. H. ')nge9 S. 6. 0illar( .)blisher: $o)tle(ge .)blication &ate: 225+ 2+0 5)mber Of .ages: 2<" This book pro;i(es a comprehensi;e o;er;iew of the techni@)es in;ol;e( in testing concrete in str)ct)res. The non+specialist ci;il engineer in;ol;e( in assessment1 repair or maintanance of concrete str)ct)res will fin( this a thoro)gh )p(ate of the secon( e(ition1 with an eGpansion of those areas where recent (e;elopments ha;e ma(e significant a(;ances1 for eGample in integrit9 assessment 4444444444444444444444444 http://mih(.net/)<n@ah or http://rapi( 3 5<2...t)res.rar.html

,S'5: 00!02<< /3 Title: Han(book of -i;il *ngineering -alc)lations A)thor: T9ler 6. Hicks .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill .rofessional .)blication &ate: 222+0<+3 5)mber Of .ages: <00
Han(le e;er9 (a9+to+(a9 calc)lation instantl9 an( acc)ratel9. 5ow1 a single a)thoritati;e reference offers 9o) a s)refire wa9 to sa;e time han(ling ro)tine an( non+ro)tine calc)lations in the (esign1 constr)ction1 rehab an( maintenance of all t9pes of str)ct)res. *(ite( b9 T9ler 6. Hicks1 Han(book of -i;il *ngineering -alc)lations eGplains an( ill)strates o;er 500 ke9 calc)lations co;ering the entire fiel(: str)ct)ral steel engineering an( (esignO reinforce( an( prestresse( concreteO timber engineeringO soil mechanicsO s)r;e9ing1 ro)te (esign1 an( highwa9 bri(gesO fl)i( mechanicsO p)mps1 piping1 an( h9(ro powerOwater s)ppl9 an( stormwaterO sanitar9 wastewater treatment an( controlO an( engineering economics.7sing both c)stomar9 an( S, )nits1 each calc)lation proce()re incl)(es a worke(+o)t eGample with n)mbere( steps. Lo) see eGactl9 how to comp)te the (esire( ;al)es for a partic)lar (esign1 an( go @)ickl9 from (ata to finishe( (esign<...tions.rar.html

,S'5: 0</23222// Title: Soil *ngineering: Testing1 &esign1 an( $eme(iation A)thor: %) H)a -hen .)blisher: -$.)blication &ate: 222+02+2< 5)mber Of .ages: 30/
The book pro;i(es the practical meaning of the ;ario)s aspects of soil mechanics1 the )se of )nconfine( compression test (ata1 the meaning of consoli(ate( tests1 the practical ;al)e of lateral press)re1 an( more. ,n a((ition to the technical aspect of fo)n(ation in;estigation1 in the real worl( the sha(ow of litigation looms o;er e;er9 cons)ltant>s hea(. The a)thor co;ers these iss)es in (etail.

4444444444444444444444444444 http://rapi( 2<2/<!2/SO*56,.rar


,S'5: 0!5 /00!23 Title: 0an)al of $ea(9+0iGe( -oncrete A)thor: $ An(erson .)blisher: $o)tle(ge .)blication &ate: 222+ 2+22 5)mber Of .ages: 25"
This e(ition of this s)ccessf)l man)al has been caref)ll9 re;ise( thro)gho)t to take acco)nt of recent changes an( to incorporate amen(ments re@)ire( ()e to the p)blication of the re;ise( 'S 532<. This man)al pro;i(es information on all aspects of the rea(9+miGe( concrete in()str91 from the basic materials an( their properties to the pro()ction1 @)alit9 control an( the )se of rea(9+miGe( concrete. &isc)ssion of the @)alities of concrete an( the achie;ement of @)alit9 re@)irements lea(s to the consi(eration of specif9ing concrete @)antities. Attention is then t)rne( from pro()ction to (eli;er9. The a)thors (isc)ss arg)ments for choosing rea(9+miGe( concrete1 an( (eal with the f)n(amental iss)es of obtaining @)otations1 or(ering an( han(ling. Ahile pro;i(ing a (etaile( rea(9 reference1 this book also gi;es the rea(er a perspecti;e on the in()str9 as a whole >this book will pro;e in(ispensable to technical an( sales personnel in the concrete in()str91 an( to ci;il an( str)ct)ral engineers1 contractors1 architects1 an( s)r;e9ors. 6ra()ate trainees an( a(;ance( st)(ents will fin( it a ;al)able so)rce of reference.> + -oncrete .lant an( .ro()ction

>The book pro;i(es a (etaile( rea(9 reference for in(i;i()al sectors of the in()str91 while at the same time pro;i(ing the rea(er with )sef)l perspecti;e on the in()str9 as a whole...this book will pro;i(e perspecti;e in(ispensable to technical an( sales personnel in the concrete in()str91 an( to ci;il an( str)ct)ral engineers1 contractors1 architects1 an( s)r;e9ors.> + -oncrete Abstracts >This is a proper man)alO it will be of great help to an9one wishing to )n(erstan( an(/or participate in the whole process Han( ser;ice1 as the a)thors wo)l( claimI of pro;i(ing rea(9+miGe( concrete...,t sho)l( be note( an( welcome( b9 all sectors of the in()str9 an( is a ma?or contrib)tion to the is eGcellent ;al)e an( strongl9 recommen(e(: the a)thors (eser;e congrat)lations an( their in()str9 is l)ck9 to ha;e s)ch representati;es.> + -onstr)ction an( ')il(ing 0aterials

5ntrod&ctionAread-9mi+edAconcrete.A )aterialsAforAconcrete.A 7ropertiesAofAfreshAconcrete.A 7ropertiesAofAhardenedAconcrete.A )i+Adesign.A %tatisticsAforA8&alit-AcontrolCAmi+AdesignAandAcompliance.A F&alit-Acontrol.A %amplingAandAtestingAread-9mi+edAconcrete.A 7artA2A9A7ractice.A 7rod&ctionCAdeliver-AandA8&alit-Aass&rance.A %pecificationsAandAs&pervision.A 3ead-9mi+edAconcreteAonAsite.A >rgani*ations.A 0ppendi+A19AF%3)CAtechnicalAsched&le.A 0ppendi+A2A9AconversionAfactors.

444444444444444444444444444444444444 http://rapi( 3<220</...part .rar.html http://rapi( 3<2/250...part2.rar.html

Structural Details in Concrete

'9 0. L. H. 'angash .)blisher: 'lackwell Science ,nc 5)mber Of .ages: 2!2 .)blication &ate: 222+0< ,S'5 / AS,5: 0"3202<53K http://mih(.net/)Gkf2" O$ http://rapi(share.(e/files/225!!/3//...ific4 2224.p(f

.rinciples of Str)ct)ral &esign '9 = .)blisher: -$= 5)mber Of .ages: 52< = .)blication &ate: 2005+ 0+3 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0</23!235"
0an9 important a(;ances in (esigning high+performance str)ct)res ha;e occ)rre( o;er the last se;eral 9ears. Str)ct)ral engineers nee( an a)thoritati;e so)rce of information that thoro)ghl9 an( concisel9 co;ers the fo)n(ational principles of the fiel(. -omprising chapters selecte( from the secon( e(ition of the best+selling Han(book of Str)ct)ral *ngineering1 this book pro;i(es a tightl9 foc)se(1 economical g)i(e to the theoretical1 practical1 an( comp)tational aspects of str)ct)ral (esign. *Gpert contrib)tors (isc)ss a wi(e ;ariet9 of str)ct)res1 incl)(ing steel1 al)min)m1 timber1 an( prestresse( concrete1 as well as reliabilit9+base( (esign an( str)ct)res base( on win( engineering


Hand+oo) of Structural Engineering* Second Edition Summary

-ontin)ing the best+selling tra(ition of the Han(book of Str)ct)ral *ngineering1 this secon( e(ition is a comprehensi;e reference to the broa( spectr)m of str)ct)ral engineering1 encaps)lating the theoretical1 practical1 an( comp)tational aspects of the fiel(. The a)thors co;er tra(itional an( inno;ati;e approaches to anal9sis1 (esign1 an( rehabilitation. 5ew topics incl)(e: f)n(amental theories of str)ct)ral (9namicsO a(;ance( anal9sisO win( an( earth@)ake+resistant (esignO (esign of prestresse( str)ct)resO high+performance steel1 concrete1 an( fiber+ reinforce( pol9mersO semirigi( frame str)ct)resO str)ct)ral bracingO an( str)ct)ral (esign for fire safet9


2<"5 /...ering.rar.html

A pass!ord:Ae.oo scl&.

-oncrete %ormwork S9stems

A)thor: Awa( S. Hanna .)blisher: -$.)blication &ate: 22<+ 0+0 5)mber Of .ages: 2!2
Offers insights on c)rrentl9+)se( concrete formwork str)ct)res1 from classification1 s9stem components an( materials8 properties to selection an( constr)ction re@)irements an( proce()res1 while consi(ering pro()ct @)alit91 labo)r1 safet9 an( economic factors thro)gho)t. The teGt (etails han(+set1 crane+(epen(ent an( crane+in(epen(ent s9stems

http://rapi( 0</


.ost+tensioning is the most ;ersatile form of pre stressing1 a techni@)e which enables engineers to make the most effecti;e )se of the material properties of concrete1 an( so to (esign str)ct)ral elements which are strong1 slen(er an( efficient. &esign in post+tensione( concrete is not (iffic)lt an(1 if (one properl91 can contrib)te significantl9 to the econom9 an( the aesthetic @)alities of a b)il(ing. .ost+tensione( floors ha;e fo)n( wi(esprea( )se in office b)il(ings an( car park str)ct)res; 0 50"3

Ao(ek B. 6awronski UA(;ance( Str)ct)ral &9namics an( Acti;e -ontrol of Str)ct)resV

Springer T ,S'5 03<!/0"/22 T 200/ Lear T .&% T /1! 0b T 32" .ages

A%eriesA7reface 7reface :istAofA%-m.ols 1A5ntrod&ctionAtoA%tr&ct&resA1 2A%tandardA)odelsA1$ $A%pecialA)odelsA41 4AControlla.ilit-AandA>.serva.ilit-A#" "A;ormsA109 #A)odelA3ed&ctionA14$ 7A0ct&atorAandA%ensorA7lacementA1#7 8A)odalA0ct&atorsAandA%ensorsA20$ 9A%-stemA5dentificationA219

10ACollocatedAControllersA2$" 11A:F1AControllersA249 12A2Gs&.scriptAGinfinit-HHAandA2Gs&.scriptA2HAControllersA287 0pp.A0A)atla.A'&nctionsA$19 0pp.ABA)atla.AE+amplesA$$7 0pp.ACA%tr&ct&ralA7arametersA$71 3eferencesA$79 5nde+A$89

The book presents an( integrates the metho(s of str)ct)ral (9namics1 i(entification an( control into a common framework. ,t aims to create a common lang)age between str)ct)ral an( control s9stem engineers

http://mih(.net/!. 225/AB6awronski.rar.html or //525"//fcaa253ee3!/AB6awronski.rar.html or http://rapi(share.(e/files/3 2<3!3"/AB6awronski.rar.html

,S'5: 00!00<!<22 Title: Str)ct)ral Steel &esigner>s Han(book1 3r( e(ition1 222+ A)thor: $oger L 'rockenbro)gh1 %re(erick S. 0erritt .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill .rofessional .)blication &ate: 222+ + 5)mber Of .ages: 20<
The onl9 A+R g)i(e to str)ct)ral steel (esign %in( a wealth of practical techni@)es for cost+effecti;el9 (esigning steel str)ct)res from b)il(ings to bri(ges in Str)ct)ral Steel &esigner>s Han(book b9 $oger L. 'rockenbro)gh an( %re(erick S. 0erritt The Han(book>s integrate( approach gi;es 9o) imme(iatel9 )sef)l information abo)t: =steel as a material + how it>s fabricate( an( erecte( =how to anal9:e a str)ct)re to (etermine internal forces an( moments from (ea(1 li;e1 an( seismic loa(s how to make (etaile( (esign calc)lations to withstan( those forces This new thir( e(ition intro()ces 9o) to the latest (e;elopments in seismic (esign1 incl)(ing more ()ctile connections1 an( high performance steels...offers an eGpan(e( treatment of wel(ing....helps 9o) )n(erstan( (esign re@)irements for hollow str)ct)ral sections an( for col(+forme( steel eGplores n)mero)s (esign eGamples. Lo) get eGamples for both Loa( an( $esistance %actor &esign HL$%&I an( Allowable Stress &esign HAS&I.

http://mih(.net/;0h<": or http://rapi( 2/20!5"...ka( pass: www.for)maka(

or http://rapi(< 5!/...s4han(book.rar

Design of Steel ridges Theory and "ractice for the 6se of Civil Engineers and Students
'9 %. - B)n: = .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill 'ook -o = 5)mber Of .ages: /!2 = .)blication &ate: 2 5 = ,S'5+ 0 / AS,5: '000<!"H'F = ,S'5+ 3 / *A5: N 25.00 .&% H 0 0bI 7se %lashget or Sa;e target as

-o(e of .ractice for the Str)ct)ral )se of Steel+2005 The 6o;ernment of the Hong Bong Special A(ministrati;e $egion %irst p)blishe(: A)g)st 2005 .repare( b9: ')il(ings &epartment 2/%+ </% .ioneer -entre1 !50 5athan $oa(1 0ongkok1 Bowloon1 Hong Bong -ons)ltant: Eoint Jent)re -ons)ltanc9 from The Hong Bong .ol9technic 7ni;ersit9 an( O;e Ar)p D .artners Hong Bong Limite( (irecte( b9 ,r .rofessor S.L. -han1 ,r B.B. Bwan1 ,r .rofessor B.%. -h)ng an( ,r &r. &.6. Jese9. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

The co(e contains cla)ses on materials an( workmanship for fabrication an( erection.

eGcerpt: %O$*AO$& -o(es an( reg)lations for the (esign of steel str)ct)res in Hong Bong were initiall9 (eri;e( from the Lon(on '9elaws an( then 'S //2. ,n 2<! Hong Bong p)blishe( its own co(e base( on the permissible stress (esign for the )se of str)ct)ral steel. ,n recognition of the state( aim of The 6o;ernment of The Hong Bong Special A(ministrati;e $egion to (e;elop a technolog9 (ri;en an( knowle(ge base( societ91 the Hong Bong ')il(ings &epartment commissione( a -ons)ltanc9 St)(9 to carr9 o)t re;iews of str)ct)ral steel (esign practice in Hong Bong an( o;erseas an( to (raft a new limit state co(e for the Str)ct)ral 7se of Steel )sing Limit State Approach. The st)(9 was carrie( o)t b9 a ?oint ;ent)re cons)ltanc9 forme( from The Hong Bong .ol9technic 7ni;ersit9 an( O;e Ar)p D .artners Hong Bong Limite(. The co(e is inten(e( to enco)rage the )se of str)ct)ral steel to the benefit of stakehol(ers1 the en;ironment an( the societ9. ,t offers the potential of wi(er )se in the region. The co(e has been (e;elope( )sing worl(wi(e best practice an( philosoph9 from international co(es. .artic)lar g)i(ance has been intro()ce( to the -o(e to co;er high rise b)il(ing (esign1 composite (esign1 long span str)ct)res1 stabilit9 iss)es1 temporar9 works in constr)ction1 a wi(e range of steel gra(es1 performance base( (esign an( str)ct)ral ;ibration. The co(e is inten(e( to be eas9 for )se b9 practicing engineers. 7se of materials is co;ere( b9 reference to internationall9 accepte( e@)i;alent stan(ar(s an( b9 clarif9ing proce()res for (emonstrating compliance of materials which fall o)tsi(e these stan(ar(s. The -o(e contains cla)ses on materials an( workmanship for fabrication an( erection. This -o(e of .ractice pro;i(es f)ll g)i(ance on how the re@)irements of the ')il(ings Or(inance ma9 be complie( with http://rapi(!!30...e4of4Steel.p(f

0asonr9 &esign an( &etailing '9 -hristine 'eall = .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill .rofessional = 5)mber Of .ages: "/0 = .)blication &ate: 2003+ 2+ 2 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 00! 3!!3// N<<.25 $eflecting ;ital changes in the )niform ')il(ing -o(e1 the 0SE- -o(e1 an( AST0 stan(ar(s1 as well as the latest insight into e;ol;ing materials1 s9stems1 an( technolog91 the %o)rth *(ition is a c)rrent1 han(s+on g)i(e that ill)minates e;er9 important aspect of masonr91 from all t9pes of wall s9stems to material specs to b)il(ing co(e compliance. ,ncl)(e( is new information on mortar selection1 flashing materials1 seismic anchors1 -07 retaining wall s9stem rec9cling an( s)stainabilit91 constr)ction s)bmittals1 )niform ')il(ing -o(e an( 0SE- 0asonr9 -o(e re@)irements1 an( m)ch more Archi;e: $A$ Si:e: 3.!5 0' http://mih(.net/@)h?kb http://rapi("!" <2!"/00! 3!!3//.rar

-onstr)ction &atabook '9 Si(ne9 0. Le;9 = .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill .rofessional = 5)mber Of .ages: "<< = .)blication &ate: 22<+ 0+30 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 00!03<3"50 N!"./" 'ook &escription: Sta9 on top of constr)ction (etails an( proce()res with the help of this ill)strate( (ata han(book. ,t offers fast access to h)n(re(s of tables1 charts1 (iagrams1 an( ill)strations1 co;ering all the components of constr)ction )tili:e( at a t9pical ?ob site.This complete reference man)al will pro;i(e 9o) wiht a single so)rce of specifications1 co(es1 checklists1 con;ersion factors1 an( Whow+toW instr)ctions for the most commonl9 )se( constr)ction materials1 incl)(ing l)mber1 masonr91 concrete1 steel1 (oors1 win(ows1 har(ware1 an( mechanical an( electrical components

Archi;e: $A$ Si:e: "<.02 0'

http://mih(.net/!p:3@t http://rapi("!"00022/00!03<3"50.rar

0asonr9 an( -oncrete '9 -hristine 'eall = .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill .rofessional = 5)mber Of .ages: /00 = .)blication &ate: 2000+0<+25 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 00!00"!0"" 'ook &escription: The onl9 all+incl)si;e1 accessible reference for all aspects of b)il(ing with masonr9 an( concrete for resi(ential p)rposes + i(eal for resi(ential b)il(ers1 contractors1 remo(elers1 an( other professionals .art of the -omplete -onstr)ction Series1 this (esign+it1 specif9+it1 an( b)il(+it so)rce ai(s (ecision+making an( constr)ction performance b9 ill)strating an( eGplaining the f)nction an( beha;ior of each material .ro;i(es problem+a;oi(ing insights into installation1 constr)ction1 storage1 an( cleaning techni@)es + fille( with tables1 graphs1 an( o;er 00 ill)strations Archi;e: $A$ Si:e: 5./! 0' http://mih(.net/a0f(o) http://rapi("!/"2!3"/00!00"!0"".rar

Design of "restressed Concrete

'9 $.,. 6ilbert = .)blisher: $o)tle(ge = 5)mber Of .ages: 5 5 = .)blication &ate: 200/+02+0 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0/ 2 " "00 'est .rice N 2!. 3 'ook &escription: .ro;i(ing both an intro()ction to basic concepts an( an in+(epth treatment of the most )p+to+ (ate metho(s for the (esign an( anal9sis of concrete of str)ct)res1 &esign of .restresse( -oncrete will ser;ice the nee(s of both st)(ents an( professional engineers 2<.2 0' http://rapi( 32!3<"5...(4-oncrete.rar

%orm)las for Str)ct)ral &9namics: Tables1 6raphs an( Sol)tions '9 Olga Lebe(1Dnbsp,gor A. Barno;sk91Dnbsp,gor Barno;sk91 = .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill .rofessional .)blishing = 5)mber Of .ages: 520 = .)blication &ate: 2000+ 0+ = ,S'5 / AS,5: 00! 3"! 2< N/0.00 'ook &escription: = This information+rich reference book pro;i(es sol)tions to the architect)ral problem of ;ibrations in beams1 arches an( frames in bri(ges1 highwa9s1 b)il(ings an( t)nnels = A m)st+ha;e for str)ct)ral (esigners an( ci;il engineers1 especiall9 those in;ol;e( in the seismic (esign of b)il(ings = Aell+organi:e( into problem+specific chapters1 an( loa(e( with (etaile( charts1 graphs1 an( necessar9 form)las Archi;e: $A$ Si:e: 2.5" 0' http://rapi(""2!25"//00! 3"! 2<.rar http://mih(.net/2 i0c:

%o)n(ation *ngineering Han(book: &esign an( -onstr)ction with the 200" ,nternational ')il(ing -o(e1 st e(ition '9 $obert A. &a9 = .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill .rofessional = 5)mber Of .ages: 230 = .)blication &ate: 2005+ +2 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 00! //!"25 N ."0 'ook &escription: This practical reso)rce foc)ses on fo)n(ation engineering1 emphasi:ing the geotechnical aspects an( the )se of the ,nternational ')il(ing -o(e 10<2 page1 O-$+F)alit9 p(f + bookmarke( chapters 3 0' Table of =======s an( ,n(eG are not incl)(e( in this ebook 2 part $A$: G 5 0' + G 0' http://rapi(""!!0352...!"25.part .rar http://rapi(""!!0<<3...!"25.part2.rar

Stormwater -ollection S9stems &esign Han(book '9 Larr9 A 0a9s = .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill .rofessional = 5)mber Of .ages: 00< = .)blication &ate: 200 +0/+2" = ,S'5 / AS,5: 00! 35/! 2 N 00.00 'ook &escription: = A comprehensi;e o;er;iew of stormwater an( wastewater collection metho(s from aro)n( the worl(1 written b9 lea(ing eGperts in the fiel( = ,ncl)(es (etaile( anal9sis of s9stem (esigns1 operation1 maintenance an( rehabilitation = The most complete reference a;ailable on the s)b?ect %ormat: .&% HJector1 per chapter bookmarks1 =======s D in(eGes pages missingI Archi;e: $A$ Si:e: /5/2 B' http://rapi(""/< << /00! 35/! 2.rar

Design o! Concrete Structures - EUR*C*DE %

X .)blisher: 'S, X 5)mber Of .ages: 2/ X ,S'5 / AS,5: 05<020<2<2 This p)blication comprises the *nglish ;ersion of *5J+ 222+ + + 22 *)roco(e 2 : &esign of -oncrete Str)ct) : 6eneral $)les an( $)les for ')il(ings pl)s the 5ational Application &oc)ment to be )se( with the *5J ,5 TH* &*S,65 O% '7,L&,5S TO '* -O5ST$7-T*& ,5 TH* 75,T*& B,56&O0 http://rapi("352/"!<...str)ct)res.p(f

Manual for the Design of Reinforce Concrete Building Structures

This 0an)al pro;i(es g)i(ence on the (esign of reinforce( concrete b)il(ing str)ct)res.Str)ct)res (esign with this man)al will normall9 compl9 with 'S < 0. The range of str)ct)res an( str)ct)ral elements co;ere( b9 the man)al is limite( to the b)il(ing str)ct)res1 )sing normal weight concrete an( which (o not rel9 on ben(ing in col)mns for their resistance to hori:ontal forces 222" B' http://rapi("352/5""...4Str)ct)re.p(f

&L5A0,-S O% ST$7-T7$*SY H3n( *(itionI b9 $a9 -lo)gh an( Eoseph .en:ien A -S, .7'L,-AT,O5 'erkele91 -A1 %ebr)ar9 2"1 200/ Z -omp)ters an( Str)ct)res1 ,nc.1 is please( to release the latest re;ision to &9namics of Str)ct)res1 2n( *(ition b9 .rofessors -lo)gh an( .en:ien. A classic1 this (efiniti;e teGtbook has been pop)lar with e()cators worl(wi(e for nearl9 30 9ears. This release has been )p(ate( b9 the original a)thors to reflect the latest approaches an( techni@)es in the fiel( of str)ct)ral (9namics for ci;il engineers. &)ring the past 50 9ears1 &rs. $a9 -lo)gh an( Eoseph .en:ien ha;e earne( pre+eminence in the engineering comm)nit91 (e(icating their aca(emic li;es to impro;ing the )n(erstan(ing of how str)ct)res beha;e when s)b?ecte( to nat)re>s forces. This !00+page book represents the c)lmination of that work. ,t intro()ces topics s)itable for a(;ance( )n(ergra()ate st)(ents an( progresses thro)gh more a(;ance( topics1 s)ch as non+(eterministic anal9sis of earth@)ake

response1 appropriate for the gra()ate st)(ent an( practicing engineer. This book belongs on e;er9 engineer8s shelf. Historicall91 few books in str)ct)ral engineering ha;e ha( as m)ch infl)ence on eGpan(ing the knowle(ge base in str)ct)ral engineering. Aith this re;ision1 the book remains an eGtraor(inar9 tool for those teaching str)ct)ral (9namics an( a timel9 reference for those in professional practice. Jol)me an( e()cational pricing are a;ailable thro)gh -omp)ters an( Str)ct)res1 ,nc. A'O7T -O0.7T*$S A5& ST$7-T7$*S1 ,5-. %o)n(e( in 2!51 -S, is recogni:e( worl(wi(e as an inno;ati;e lea(er in the (e;elopment of software tools for the anal9sis an( (esign of ci;il str)ct)res. The pro()cts of -S,1 incl)(ing SA.20001 *TA'S1 SA%*1 -Si-OL an( -S,&etailer1 are license( to tho)san(s of engineering firms in more than 50 co)ntries. .&% Si:e: /". 3 0' http://mih(.net/ie0mc5 or http://rapi("</22...ph4.en:ien.p(f

Han(book of Str)ct)ral *ngineering1 Secon( *(ition '9: A.%. -henH*(itorI *.0. L)i *(itor ,S'5: 0</23 5"2! .)blisher: -$- + 2005+02+2< Har(co;er T 2 *(ition T !"< .ages 50152!0o *(itorial $e;iews -ontin)ing the best+selling tra(ition of the Han(book of Str)ct)ral *ngineering1 this secon( e(ition is a comprehensi;e reference to the broa( spectr)m of str)ct)ral engineering1 encaps)lating the theoretical1 practical1 an( comp)tational aspects of the fiel(. The a)thors co;er tra(itional an( inno;ati;e approaches to anal9sis1 (esign1 an( rehabilitation. 5ew topics incl)(e: f)n(amental theories of str)ct)ral (9namicsO a(;ance( anal9sisO win( an( earth@)ake+ resistant (esignO (esign of prestresse( str)ct)resO high+performance steel1 concrete1 an( fiber+ reinforce( pol9mersO semirigi( frame str)ct)resO str)ct)ral bracingO an( str)ct)ral (esign for fire safet9. http://www./share(.com/file/<!0/ 20/...gineering.html

7ass!ord:Ae.oo scl&.

Steel Design #uide0Staggered Truss Framing System


Steel Design #uide0 Flush and E7tended Multi!le0Row Moment End0"late


Steel Design #uide0Steel0Framed /!en0Dec) "ar)ing Structures


Steel Design #uide0Fire Resistance of Structural Steel Framing


Loa( D $esistance %actor &esign: 0an)al of Steel -onstr)ction1 Jol)me ,,1 -onnections '9 American ,nstit)te of Steel -onstr)ction = .)blisher: American ,nstit)te of Steel -onstr)ction = 5)mber Of .ages: = .)blication &ate: 22< = ,S'5 / AS,5: 5"/2/0/2< http://rapi(!</ <"<...,S-44 2204.p(f

*ngineere( -oncrete 0iG &esign an( Test 0etho(s H-oncrete Technolog9 SeriesI '9 ,r;ing Bett .)blisher: -$5)mber Of .ages: 2/< .)blication &ate: 222+ +22 ,S'5 / AS,5: 0</2322!!/ The $omans )se( an earl9 t9pe of concrete ma(e with nat)ral po::)olanic cement more than 21000 9ears ago. To(a91 .ortlan( -ement -oncrete is the most important material of constr)ction. Let few books1 if an91 eGist that offer an in+(epth anal9sis of the miGing an( testing metho(s of this ;ital h9(ra)lic cement. 7ntil now that is. *ngineere( -oncrete: 0iG &esign an( Test 0etho(s helps engineers1 as well as laborator9 technicians1 grasp a better )n(erstan(ing of .ortlan( -ement an( .ortlan( -ement -oncrete


*stimating ')il(ing -osts H-i;il an( *n;ironmental *ngineeringI '9 = .)blisher: -$= 5)mber Of .ages: !"< = .)blication &ate: 2003+0/+22 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0<2/!/0<"" N 22.25 'ook &escription: -ompanies li;e or (ie on the basis of estimating their costs. .reparing estimates an( bi((ing for new ?obs is a compleG an( often costl9 process. There is no s)bstit)te for on the ?ob training ++ )ntil now. &rawing on the a)thors> combine( eGperience of more than !0 9ears1 *stimating ')il(ing -osts presents state+of+the+art principles1 practices1 an( techni@)es for assessing these eGpen(it)res that can be applie( regar(less of changes in the costs of materials1 e@)ipment1 an( labor. The book is an efficient an( practical tool for (e;eloping contracts or controlling pro?ect costs. The a)thors co;er the ma?or components of the (irect cost: estimating proce()res an( cost tren(s relate( to materials1 constr)ction e@)ipment1 an( skille( an( )nskille( labor. The9 (escribe ;ario)s t9pes of b)il(ing estimates enco)ntere( ()ring the lifec9cle of a pro?ect1 as well as the role an( acc)rac9 of each. The book pro;i(es an o;er;iew of the in()str91 cost in(eGes in )se1 approaches to preparing a (etaile( estimate1 an( an in+ (epth (escription of the organi:ation an( f)nction of the estimating gro)p. ,ncl)(ing -S, 0aster %ormat an( 7ni%ormat co(es1 estimating forms1 a list of a;ailable estimating software packages1 a (etaile( constr)ction site an( in;estigation report1 the book pro;i(es a cost estimating metho(olog9 that rea(ers can tailor to their own organi:ational nee(s http://mih(.net/Gls ia

Structural Steel Connection

Str)ct)ral Steel -onnection b9 .err9 S. 6reen1Thomas Sp)to D .atrick Jeltri -onnection Teaching Toolkit.A Teaching 6)i(e for Str)ct)ral Steel -onnections http://rapi( 3""0 5...e(4on4A,S-.p(f

5onlinear 0echanics of $einforce( -oncrete '9 B. 0aekawa = .)blisher: Ta9lor D %rancis = 5)mber Of .ages: = .)blication &ate: 2003+05+ " = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0/ 52! 2"" N 55. 0 'ook &escription: This book (escribes the application of nonlinear static an( (9namic anal9sis for the (esign1 maintenance an( seismic strengthening of reinforce( concrete str)ct)res. The latest str)ct)ral an( $- constit)ti;e mo(eling techni@)es are (escribe( in (etail1 with partic)lar attention gi;en to m)lti+(imensional cracking an( (amage assessment1 an( their practical applications for performance+base( (esign. Other s)b?ects co;ere( incl)(e 2&/3& anal9sis techni@)es1 bon( an( tension stiffness1 shear transfer1 compression an( confinement. 5onlinear 0echanics of $einforce( -oncrete presents a practical metho(olog9 for str)ct)ral engineers1 gra()ate st)(ents an( researchers concerne( with the (esign an( maintenance of concrete str)ct)res rar file

// 0' http://www./share(.com/file/ 2!!30"<...0echanics.html

Manual for the design of !lain masonry in +uilding structures

'9 = .)blisher: S*TO = 5)mber Of .ages: !! = .)blication &ate: 22! = ,S'5 / AS,5: <!/2""3// http://rapi( 3352 5...4Str)ct)re.p(f

STEE8 DES$#. #6$DE0Modification of E7siting 9elded Steel moment Frame


S!ecification for structural steel +uilding :22;

http://rapi( 23" ...l(ing42005.p(f

Hand+oo) of Structural Steelwor)

'9 = .)blisher: Steel -onstr)ction ,nstit)te1The = ,S'5 / AS,5: <52/2 33/ http://rs "/.rapi(

Str)ct)ral Steelwork -onnections

A)thor: 6raham A. Owens 'rian &. -heal .)blisher: ')tterworth+Heinemann .)blication &ate: 2<2+0< 5)mber Of .ages: 33" ,S'5: 0/0<0 2 /5 Str)ct)ral Steelwork -onnections b9 6raham A Owens D 'rian & cheal ,S'5: 0/0<0 2 /5 A nicel9 written book for beginners as well as eGperience( (esigners. The clear theoretical eGplanations combine( with practical t)torials make this book stan( among other books on the same s)b?ect. *;en tho)gh it )ses 'S co(es for the t)torials1 still it gi;es eGtensi;e insight to the

problems1 which can be applie( to an9 co(es1 for eGample1 pr9ing anal9sis of bolts. Ahen it comes to fatig)e (esign1 the a)thor (oesn>t co;er m)ch. That ma9 be a small (emerit of this book1 b)t if an9 bo(9 looks for static (esign with respect to 'S co(es1 this book will f)lfill the eGpectation. This book inten(s to pro;i(e g)i(ance on connection (esign combining scientific principles with practical application

Steel )esigners^ &anual '/ Steel Construction 3nstitute Staff V Publisher: 'lac<well Publishing #imited V *umber !f Pages: 6;(B V Publication )ate: 2004 04 06 V 3S'* / 1S3*: 60046;0627 g74.B2 'oo< )escription: %his classic manual on structural steel design pro9ides a major source of reference for structural engineers and fabricators wor<ing with the leading construction material. 'ased full/ on the concepts of limit state designC the manual has been re9ised to ta<e account of the 2000 re9isions to 'S 4840. 3t also loo<s at new de9elopments in structural steelC en9ironmental issues and outlines the main re,uirements of the $urocode on structural steel Rar^d 6C;70 pageC !CR ,ualit/C pdf P). .ile SiHe: 66 &'"0$$781$/320070821'.rar or"02""948/steel_designer_s_ma&nal.pdf mirrorA: http://!1$$1.html passA:Ao!

-o(e of .ractice for the Str)ct)ral )se of Steel+2005 The 6o;ernment of the Hong Bong Special A(ministrati;e $egion %irst p)blishe(: A)g)st 2005 .repare( b9: ')il(ings &epartment 2/%+ </% .ioneer -entre1 !50 5athan $oa(1 0ongkok1 Bowloon1 Hong Bong -ons)ltant: Eoint Jent)re -ons)ltanc9 from The Hong Bong .ol9technic 7ni;ersit9 an( O;e Ar)p D .artners Hong Bong Limite( (irecte( b9 ,r .rofessor S.L. -han1 ,r B.B. Bwan1 ,r .rofessor B.%. -h)ng an( ,r &r. &.6. Jese9 The co(e contains cla)ses on materials an( workmanship for fabrication an( erection.

eGcerpt: %O$*AO$& -o(es an( reg)lations for the (esign of steel str)ct)res in Hong Bong were initiall9 (eri;e( from the Lon(on '9elaws an( then 'S //2. ,n 2<! Hong Bong p)blishe( its own co(e base( on the permissible stress (esign for the )se of str)ct)ral steel. ,n recognition of the state( aim of The 6o;ernment of The Hong Bong Special A(ministrati;e $egion to (e;elop a technolog9 (ri;en an( knowle(ge base( societ91 the Hong Bong ')il(ings &epartment commissione( a -ons)ltanc9 St)(9 to carr9 o)t re;iews of str)ct)ral steel (esign practice in Hong Bong an( o;erseas an( to (raft a new limit state co(e for the Str)ct)ral 7se of Steel )sing Limit State Approach. The st)(9 was carrie( o)t b9 a ?oint ;ent)re cons)ltanc9 forme( from The Hong Bong .ol9technic 7ni;ersit9 an( O;e Ar)p D .artners Hong Bong Limite(. The co(e is inten(e( to enco)rage the )se of str)ct)ral steel to the benefit of stakehol(ers1 the en;ironment an( the societ9. ,t offers the potential of wi(er )se in the region. The co(e has been (e;elope( )sing worl(wi(e best practice an( philosoph9 from international co(es. .artic)lar g)i(ance has been intro()ce( to the -o(e to co;er high rise b)il(ing (esign1 composite (esign1 long span str)ct)res1 stabilit9 iss)es1 temporar9 works in constr)ction1 a wi(e range of steel gra(es1 performance base( (esign an( str)ct)ral ;ibration. The co(e is inten(e( to be eas9 for )se b9 practicing engineers. 7se of materials is co;ere( b9 reference to internationall9 accepte( e@)i;alent stan(ar(s an( b9 clarif9ing proce()res for (emonstrating compliance of materials which fall o)tsi(e these stan(ar(s. The -o(e contains cla)ses on materials an( workmanship for fabrication an( erection. This -o(e of .ractice pro;i(es f)ll g)i(ance on how the re@)irements of the ')il(ings Or(inance ma9 be complie( with http://rapi(!!30...e4of4Steel.p(f

Specification for Str)ct)ral Steel ')il(ings1 2005+031 2n( .rinting: 200"+0! A5S,/A,S- 3"0+05 An American 5ational Stan(ar( American ,nstit)te of Steel -onstr)ction1 ,nc. 5 2 pages S)perse(es the Loa( an( $esistance %actor &esign Specification for Str)ct)ral Steel ')il(ings (ate( &ecember 2!1 2221 the Specification for Str)ct)ral Steel ')l(ingsM Allowable Stress &esign an( .lastic &esign (ate( E)ne 1 2<21 incl)(ing S)pplement 5o. 1 the Specification for Allowable Stress &esign of Single+Angle 0embers (ate( E)ne 1 2<21 the Loa( an( $esistance %actor &esign Specification for Single+ Angle 0embers (ate( 5o;ember 01 20001 an( the Loa( an( $esistance %actor &esign Specification for the &esign of Steel Hollow Str)ct)ral Sections (ate( 5o;ember 01 20001 an( all pre;io)s ;ersions of these specifications. Appro;e( b9 the A,S- -ommittee on Specifications an( iss)e( b9 the A,S- 'oar( of &irectors $ar>( 5 2 page1 O-$+@)alit91 p(f .&% %ile+Si:e: !.2 0' http://rapi($200!0<2 6.rar or http://rapi( 23" ...l(ing42005.p(f

Str)ct)ral &etails in -oncrete Author- 0. L. H. 'angash "u+lisher- 'lackwell Science ,nc "u+lication Date- 222+0< .um+er /f "ages- 2"0 http://sa; ! 53/Dpi(C22<323Dke9C!25!!2 or http://rapi(share.(e/files/225!!/3//'angash4+4Str)ct)ral4&etails4,n4-oncrete44'lackwell4Scienti fic4 2224.p(f


,S'5: 00! 3"/!30 Title: Stan(ar( Han(book for -i;il *ngineers HHan(bookI A)thor: Eonathan T. $icketts 0. Bent Loftin %re(erick S. 0erritt .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill .rofessional .)blication &ate: 2003+ 2+22 5)mber Of .ages: "00
,% -,J,L *56,5**$S -O7L& HAJ* O5LL O5* $*%*$*5-* 'OOB Z TH,S AO7L& '* ,T

Here is TH* (efiniti;e reference in ci;il engineering. Aithin the pages of this classic 9o)>ll fin( fingertip access to e;er9thing from the f)n(amentals of ci;il engineering to the latest changes in (esign1 constr)ction1 materials1 an( e@)ipment in 23 (ifferent (isciplines incl)(ing S9stems &esign1 6eotechnical *ngineering1 an( -omm)nit9 an( $egional .lanning. This new1 completel9 )p(ate(1 an( eGpan(e( %ifth *(ition feat)res: = The most recent co(e changes1 incl)(ing A,-1 A,S-1 AST01 5&S for Aoo( Str)ct)res1 an( more = -)rrent *.A an( OSHA reg)lations = A((itional information on (esign b)il( (eli;er9 s9stems = ,ncrease( co;erage of stormwater r)noff = O;er !00 tables1 form)las1 an( (rawings to make e;er9 eGplanation an( proce()re cr9stal clear = Sections on constr)ction managementO materials specificationsO str)ct)ral theor9O woo( an( concrete1 steel (esign an( constr)ctionO an( m)ch more = The latest (esign metho(s for b)il(ings1 airports1 highwa9s1 t)nnels1 an( bri(ges T)rn to this one+stop re;iew of the fiel( for simplifie( sol)tions to the h)n(re(s of practical problems 9o) face in 9o)r (a9+to+(a9 ci;il engineering practice

Contri.&torsA 7refaceA 0.o&tAtheAEditorsA %ect.A1A%-stemsA(esignA %ect.A2A(esignA)anagementA %ect.A$A%pecificationsA %ect.A4AConstr&ctionA)anagementA %ect.A"AConstr&ctionA)aterialsA %ect.A#A%tr&ct&ralA4heor-A %ect.A7A1eotechnicalAEngineeringA %ect.A8AConcreteA(esignAandAConstr&ctionA %ect.A9A%tr&ct&ralA%teelA(esignAandAConstr&ctionA %ect.A10ACold9'ormed9%teelA(esignAandAConstr&ctionA %ect.A11A<oodA(esignAandAConstr&ctionA %ect.A12A%&rve-ingA %ect.A1$AEarth!or A %ect.A14AComm&nit-AandA3egionalA7lanningA %ect.A1"AB&ildingAEngineeringA %ect.A1#A2igh!a-AEngineeringA %ect.A17ABridgeAEngineeringA %ect.A18A0irportAEngineeringA %ect.A19A3ail94ransportationAEngineeringA %ect.A20A4&nnelAEngineeringA %ect.A21A<aterA3eso&rcesAEngineeringA %ect.A22AEnvironmentalAEngineeringA %ect.A2$ACoastalAandA7ortAEngineeringA 0ppA'actorsAforAConversionAtoAtheA)etricA%-stemAI%5JAofA?nitsA 5nde+

444444444444444444444444444 http://mih(.net/03c;2p

Str)ct)ral Anal9sis H5th *(itionI '9 $)ssell -. Hibbeler1Dnbsp$)ssell - Hibbeler1 = .)blisher: .rentice Hall = 5)mber Of .ages: "00 = .)blication &ate: 200 + 2+ 3 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0 30/ <250 'ook &escription: This book pro;i(es st)(ents with a clear an( thoro)gh presentation of the theor9 an( application of str)ct)ral anal9sis as it applies to tr)sses1 beams1 an( frames. *mphases are place( on teaching rea(ers to both mo(el an( anal9:e a str)ct)re. A hallmark of the book1 .roce()res for Anal9sis1 has been retaine( in this e(ition to pro;i(e learners with a logical1 or(erl9 metho( to follow when appl9ing theor9. -hapter topics incl)(e t9pes of str)ct)res an( loa(s1 anal9sis of staticall9 (eterminate str)ct)res1 anal9sis of staticall9 (eterminate tr)sses1 internal loa(ings (e;elope( in str)ct)ral members1 cables an( arches1 infl)ence lines for staticall9 (eterminate str)ct)res1 approGimate anal9sis of staticall9 in(eterminate str)ct)res1 (eflections1 anal9sis of staticall9 in(eterminate str)ct)res b9 the force metho(1 (isplacement metho( of anal9sis: slope+(eflection e@)ations1 (isplacement metho( of anal9sis: moment (istrib)tion1 anal9sis of beams an( frames consisting of nonprismatic members1 tr)ss anal9sis )sing the stiffness metho(1 beam anal9sis )sing the stiffness metho(1 an( plane frame anal9sis )sing the stiffness metho(. %or in(i;i()als planning for a career as str)ct)ral engineers

http://rapi( 0 05<</...LS,S.part .rar http://rapi( 0 35 2 ...LS,S.part2.rar

$ecommen(e( Seismic &esign -riteria for 5ew Steel 0oment+%rame ')il(ings SA- Eoint Jent)re A partnership of Str)ct)ral *ngineers Association of -alifornia HS*AO-I '9 -alifornia 7ni;ersities for $esearch in *arth@)ake *ngineering H-7$*eI .repare( for SA- Eoint Jent)re .artnership b9 6)i(elines &e;elopment -ommittee 5)mber Of .ages: !3 = .)blication &ate: E)ne 2000 = 'in(ing: .&% . .)rpose This report1 %*0A+350 Z $ecommen(e( Seismic &esign -riteria for 5ew Steel 0oment+ %rame ')il(ings has been (e;elope( b9 the SA- Eoint Jent)re )n(er contract to the %e(eral *mergenc9 0anagement Agenc9 H%*0AI to pro;i(e organi:ations engage( in the (e;elopment of consens)s (esign stan(ar(s an( b)il(ing co(e pro;isions with recommen(e( criteria for the (esign an( constr)ction of new b)il(ings incorporating moment+resisting steel frame constr)ction to resist the effects of earth@)akes

$ar>( !3 page .&% Hno protection: can be printe(1 copie(1 etcI

%ile+Si:e: . 2 0' http://rapi("222 /$200!0< 5L.rar

&L5A0,-S O% ST$7-T7$*SY H2n( *(itionI b9 $a9 -lo)gh an( Eoseph .en:ien A -S, .7'L,-AT,O5 'erkele91 -A1 %ebr)ar9 2"1 200/ Z -omp)ters an( Str)ct)res1 ,nc.1 is please( to release the latest re;ision to &9namics of Str)ct)res1 2n( *(ition b9 .rofessors -lo)gh an( .en:ien. A classic1 this (efiniti;e teGtbook has been pop)lar with e()cators worl(wi(e for nearl9 30 9ears. This release has been )p(ate( b9 the original a)thors to reflect the latest approaches an( techni@)es in the fiel( of str)ct)ral (9namics for ci;il engineers. &)ring the past 50 9ears1 &rs. $a9 -lo)gh an( Eoseph .en:ien ha;e earne( pre+eminence in the engineering comm)nit91 (e(icating their aca(emic li;es to impro;ing the )n(erstan(ing of how str)ct)res beha;e when s)b?ecte( to nat)re>s forces. This !00+page book represents the c)lmination of that work. ,t intro()ces topics s)itable for a(;ance( )n(ergra()ate st)(ents an( progresses thro)gh more a(;ance( topics1 s)ch as non+(eterministic anal9sis of earth@)ake response1 appropriate for the gra()ate st)(ent an( practicing engineer. This book belongs on e;er9 engineer8s shelf. Historicall91 few books in str)ct)ral engineering ha;e ha( as m)ch infl)ence on eGpan(ing the knowle(ge base in str)ct)ral engineering. Aith this re;ision1 the book remains an eGtraor(inar9 tool for those teaching str)ct)ral (9namics an( a timel9 reference for those in professional practice. Jol)me an( e()cational pricing are a;ailable thro)gh -omp)ters an( Str)ct)res1 ,nc. A'O7T -O0.7T*$S A5& ST$7-T7$*S1 ,5-. %o)n(e( in 2!51 -S, is recogni:e( worl(wi(e as an inno;ati;e lea(er in the (e;elopment of software tools for the anal9sis an( (esign of ci;il str)ct)res. The pro()cts of -S,1 incl)(ing SA.20001 *TA'S1 SA%*1 -Si-OL an( -S,&etailer1 are license( to tho)san(s of engineering firms in more than 50



Reinforced concrete design theory & e7am!les

'ook &escription The thir( e(ition of this pop)lar teGtbook has been eGtensi;el9 rewritten an( eGpan(e( to conform to the latest ;ersions of 'S< 0 an( *-2. ,t sets o)t (esign theor9 for concrete elements an( str)ct)res1 an( ill)strates practical applications of the theor9. $einforce( -oncrete incl)(es more than "0 clearl9 worke( o)t (esign eGamples an( o;er "00 (iagrams1 plans an( charts. 'ackgro)n( to the 'ritish Stan(ar( an( *)roco(e are gi;en to eGplain the Wwh9W as well as the Whow1W an( (ifferences between the co(es are highlighte(. 5ew chapters on prestresse( concrete an( water retaining str)ct)res are incl)(e( in this e(ition1 an( the most commonl9 enco)ntere( (esign problems in str)ct)ral concrete are co;ere(. A((itional worke( eGamples are a;ailable on an associate( website at;eng/s)pport.htm. This book is written for st)(ents on ci;il engineering (egree co)rses1 to eGplain the principles of element (esign an( the proce()res for (esign of concrete b)il(ings1 an( is also a )sef)l reference for practicing engineers .


%all 'uilding Structures: 1nal/sis and )esign '/ 'r/an Stafford SmithC?nbsp1leJ CoullC V Publisher: >ile/ 3nterscience V *umber !f Pages: 4;7 V Publication )ate: 6886 06 06 V 3S'* / 1S3*: 0076462;70 g67B.02 'oo< )escription: $Jamines structural aspects of high rise buildingsC particularl/ fundamental approaches to the anal/sis of the beha9ior of different forms of building structures including frameC shear wallC tubularC core and outrigger braced s/stems. 3ntroductor/ chapters discuss the forces to which the structure is subjectedC design criteria which are of the greatest rele9ance to tall buildingsC and 9arious structural forms which ha9e de9eloped o9er the /ears since the first s</scrapers were built at the turn of the centur/. 1 major chapter is de9oted to the modeling of real structures for both preliminar/ and final anal/ses. Considerable attention is de9oted to the assessment of the stabilit/ of the structureC and the significance of creep and shrin<age is discussed. 1 final chapter is de9oted to the d/namic response of structures subjected to wind and earth,ua<e forces. 3ncludes both accurate computer based and approJimate methods of anal/sis ;4& pass :

http://!1$ http://!1$ http://!1$ http://!1$

'oo< )escription: Solutions based approach to ,uic< calculations in structural element design and anal/sis *ow updated with ;0Z new materialC Roar< .ormulas for Stress and StrainC Se9enth $ditionC is the ultimate resource for designersC engineersC and anal/sts who need to calculate loads and stress. %his landmar< reference from >arren 5oung and Richard 'ud/nas pro9ides /ou with e,uations and diagrams of structural properties in an eas/ to useC thumb through format. -pdatedC with a user friendl/ page la/outC this new edition includes eJpanded co9erage of jointsC bearing and shear stressC eJperimental stress anal/sisC and stress concentrationsC as well as material beha9ior co9erage and stress and strain measurement. 5ouTll also find eJpanded tables and casesR impro9ed notations and figures in the tablesR consistent table and e,uation numberingR and 9erification of correction factors. Publisher: &cEraw 2ill Professional *umber !f Pages: B;2 Publication )ate: 2006 08 6; Sales Ran<: 87;8 3S'* / 1S3*: 007072402S $1*: 87B007072402; 'inding: 2ardco9er &anufacturer: &cEraw 2ill Professional Studio: &cEraw 2ill Professional Roar<^s .ormulas .or Stress 1nd Strain P). (.7 &b or

SiHe: (.0B &' &)4: a0027262d88d;80c46bc7c426a7a;dd;

-i;il *ngineering H9(ra)lics: *ssential Theor9 Aith Aorke( *Gamples '9 $. *. %eatherstone1Dnbsp-. 5all)ri1 = .)blisher: 'lackwell Science = 5)mber Of .ages: 322 = .)blication &ate: 225+03 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0"3203<"32 This well establishe( teGt pro;i(es a s)ccinct intro()ction to the theor9 of ci;il engineering h9(ra)lics1 together with a large n)mber of worke( eGamples an( eGercise problems with answers1 to help rea(ers assess their )n(erstan(ing of the theor9 an( metho(s of anal9sis an( (esign. The %o)rth *(ition feat)res a new chapter on h9(ra)lic str)ct)res an( an eGpan(e( section on the gra(ient metho( for pipe networks (esign. A((itional problems an( worke( eGamples ha;e been a((e(. -i;il *ngineering H9(ra)lics will be in;al)able thro)gho)t a st)(ent>s entire co)rse1 an( will also be welcome( b9 practicing engineers as a concise reference.
1.A7ropertiesAofA'l&ids 2.A'l&idA%tatics $.A'l&idA'lo!AConceptsAandA)eas&rements 4.A'lo!AofA5ncompressi.leA'l&idsAinA7ipelines ".A7ipeA;et!or A0nal-sis #.A7&mp9pipelineA%-stemA0nal-sisAandA(esign 7.ABo&ndar-A:a-ersAonA'latA7latesAandAinA(&cts 8.A%tead-A'lo!AinA>penAChannels 9.A(imensionalA0nal-sisCA%imilit&deAandA2-dra&licA)odels 10.A5dealA'l&idA'lo!AandAC&rvilinearA'lo! 11.A1rad&all-AKariedA?nstead-A'lo!AfromA3eservoirs 12.A)assA>scillationsAandA7ress&reA4ransientsAinA7ipelines 1$.A?nstead-A'lo!AinAChannels 14.A?niformA'lo!AinA:ooseABo&ndar-AChannels 1".A2-dra&licA%tr&ct&res

http://mih(.net/bi3h5f http://rapi( /2!0 35...r(4e(ition.rar

S'5: 0!50"03 35 Str)ct)ral *lements &esign 0an)al A)thor: T$*JO$ &$AL-OTT .)blisher: LaGton>s .)blication &ate: 220+0"+ 5)mber Of .ages: 2/<
6i;es clear eGplanations of the logical (esign se@)ence for str)ct)ral elements. The Str)ct)ral *ngineer sa9s: [The book eGplains1 in simple terms1 an( with man9 eGamples1 -o(e of .ractice metho(s for si:ing str)ct)ral sections in timber1 concrete1masonr9 an( steel. ,t is the combination into one book of section si:ing metho(s in each of these materials that makes this teGt so )sef)l....St)(ents will fin( this an essential s)pport teGt to the -o(es of .ractice in their st)(9 of element si:ing>

si:e: !."" 0' http://rapi( 5/ 050/...mann4 2204.p(f

Ain( Loa(ing of Str)ct)res '9 E.(. Holmes = .)blisher: Ta9lor D %rancis = 5)mber Of .ages: 33" = .)blication &ate: 200 +0!+0 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0/ 22/" 0K 'ook &escription: .ro;i(es a comprehensi;e1 practical eGamination of the win( loa(ing of str)ct)res. %)n(amentals of win( loa(ing are (escribe( in (etail1 with the a)thor (isc)ssing the nat)re of win(1 pre(iction of win( spee( an( force1 (9namic response of b)il(ings1 an( s)ccessf)l (esign of b)il(ings to co)nteract win( loa(ing problems. The application of win( loa(ing in a ;ariet9 of

(ifferent t9pes of str)ct)res1 incl)(ing low+rise an( tall b)il(ings1 towers an( masts1 sta(i)ms an( bri(ges is (isc)sse( http://mih(.net/po;wfh http://rapi("<...0/ 22/" 0K.rar

$esi(ential Str)ct)ral &esign 6)i(e: 2000 *(ition This g)i(e stri;es to bri(ge the gap between con;entional engineering practices an( con;entional resi(ential constr)ction practices. %ebr)ar9 2000 .reface Str)ct)ral &esign 6)i(e is a )ni@)e an( comprehensi;e tool for (esign professionals1 partic)larl9 str)ct)ral engineers1 seeking to pro;i(e ;al)e+a((e( ser;ices to the pro()cers an( cons)mers of American ho)sing. As s)ch1 the g)i(e is organi:e( aro)n( the following ma?or ob?ecti;es: = to present a so)n( perspecti;e on American ho)sing relati;e to its histor91 constr)ction characteristics1 reg)lation1 an( performance eGperienceO = to pro;i(e the latest technical knowle(ge an( engineering approaches for the (esign of homes to complement c)rrent co(e+prescribe( (esign metho(sO

= to assemble rele;ant (esign (ata an( metho(s in a single1 comprehensi;e format that is instr)ctional an( simple to appl9 for the complete (esign of a homeO an( = to re;eal areas where gaps in eGisting research1 (esign specifications1 an( anal9tic tools necessitate alternati;e metho(s of (esign an( so)n( engineering ?)(gment to pro()ce efficient (esigns. This g)i(e consists of se;en chapters. The la9o)t an( application of the ;ario)s chapters are ill)strate( in the fig)re on page ;ii. -hapter (escribes the basic s)bstance of American ho)sing1 incl)(ing con;entional constr)ction practices1 alternati;e materials1 b)il(ing co(es an( stan(ar(s1 the role of (esign professionals1 an( act)al eGperience with respect to performance problems an( s)ccesses1 partic)larl9 as relate( to nat)ral ha:ar(s s)ch as h)rricanes an( earth@)akes. -hapter 2 intro()ces basic engineering concepts regar(ing safet91 loa( path1 an( the str)ct)ral s9stem response of resi(ential b)il(ings1 s)bassemblies1 an( components to ;ario)s t9pes of loa(s. -hapter 3 a((resses (esign loa(s applicable to resi(ential constr)ction. -hapters / an( 5 pro;i(e step+b9+step (esign proce()res for the ;ario)s components an( assemblies comprising the str)ct)re of a homeMfrom the fo)n(ation to the roof. -hapter " is (e;ote( to the (esign of light+frame homes to resist lateral loa(s from win( an( earth@)akes. -hapter ! a((resses the (esign of ;ario)s t9pes of connections in a woo(+frame( home that are important to the o;erall f)nction of the n)mero)s component parts. As appropriate1 the g)i(e offers a((itional reso)rces an( references on the topics a((resse( http://www.h)() or http://rapi("/0// 2...esigng)i(e.p(f

uilding Code Re5uirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary <AC$ 41=M02;>
'9 m)ltiple a)thors = .)blisher: American -oncrete ,nstit)te = 5)mber Of .ages: = .)blication &ate: 2005 = ,S'5 / AS,5: '000L30'B, http://mih(.net/e(omrk http://rapi( <2 /0"...ci43 <m+05.p(f

Al)min)m Str)ct)res: A 6)i(e to Their Specifications an( &esign '9 E. $an(olph Bissell1Dnbsp$obert L. %err91 = .)blisher: Aile9 = 5)mber Of .ages: 5// = .)blication &ate: 2002+05+23 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0/! 0 2"5< N 2!.!5 'ook &escription: On the %irst *(ition: WThe book is a s)ccess in pro;i(ing a comprehensi;e intro()ction to the )se of al)min)m str)ct)res . . . contains lots of )sef)l information.W M0aterials D 0an)fact)ring .rocesses WA m)st for the al)min)m engineer. The a)thors are to be commen(e( for their painstaking work.W MLight 0etal Age

Technical g)i(ance an( inspiration for (esigning al)min)m str)ct)res Al)min)m Str)ct)res1 Secon( *(ition (emonstrates how strong1 lightweight1 corrosion+resistant al)min)m opens )p a whole new worl( of (esign possibilities for engineering an( architect)re professionals. Be9e( to the re;ise( Specification for Al)min)m Str)ct)res of the 2000 e(ition of the Al)min)m &esign 0an)al1 it pro;i(es @)ick look+)p tables for (esign calc)lationsO eGamples of recentl9 b)ilt al)min)m str)ct)res+from b)il(ings to bri(gesO an( a comparison of al)min)m to other str)ct)ral materials1 partic)larl9 steel. Topics co;ere( incl)(e: = Str)ct)ral properties of al)min)m allo9s = Al)min)m str)ct)ral (esign for beams1 col)mns1 an( tension members = *Gtr)(ing an( other fabrication techni@)es = Ael(ing an( mechanical connections = Al)min)m str)ct)ral s9stems1 incl)(ing space frames1 composite members1 an( plate str)ct)res = ,nspection an( testing = Loa( an( resistance factor (esign = $ecent (e;elopments in al)min)m str)ct)res %ile t9pe: .&% Si:e: <<52 B' http://mih(.net/bp:fo5

&9namics of Offshore Str)ct)res '9 = .)blisher: Aile9 = 5)mber Of .ages: 3// = .)blication &ate: 2002+ 0+02 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0/! 2"/"!2 N 5! 'ook &escription: 7ni@)e1 c)tting+e(ge material on str)ct)ral (9namics an( nat)ral forces for offshore str)ct)res 7sing the latest a(;ances in theor9 an( practice1 &9namics of Offshore Str)ct)res1 Secon( *(ition is eGtensi;el9 re;ise( to co;er all aspects of the ph9sical forces1 str)ct)ral mo(eling1 an( mathematical metho(s necessar9 to effecti;el9 anal9:e the (9namic beha;ior of offshore str)ct)res. 'oth close(+form sol)tions an( the 0athematicaHrI software package are )se( in man9 of the )p+to+(ate eGample problems to comp)te the (eterministic an( stochastic str)ct)ral responses for s)ch offshore str)ct)res as b)o9sO moore( shipsO an( fiGe(+bottom1 cable+sta9e(1 an( gra;it9+t9pe platforms. Thro)gho)t the book1 consi(eration is gi;en to the man9 ass)mptions in;ol;e( in form)lating a str)ct)ral mo(el an( to the nat)ral forces enco)ntere( in the offshore en;ironment. These anal9ses foc)s on plane motions of elastic str)ct)res with linear an( nonlinear restraints1 as well as motions in()ce( b9 the forces of c)rrents1 win(s1 earth@)akes1 an( wa;es1 incl)(ing the latest theories an( information on wa;e mechanics. Topics a((resse( incl)(e m)lti(egree of free(om linear str)ct)res1 contin)o)s s9stem anal9sis Hincl)(ing the motion of cables an( pipelinesI1 s)bmerge( pile (esign1 str)ct)ral mo(al (amping1 fl)i(+str)ct)re+soil interactions1 an( single (egree of free(om str)ct)ral mo(els that1 together with plane wa;e loa(ing theories1 lea( to (eterministic or time histor9 pre(ictions of str)ct)ral responses. These anal9ses are eGten(e( to statistical (escriptions of both wa;e loa(ing an( str)ct)ral motion. &9namics of Offshore Str)ct)res1 Secon( *(ition is a ;al)able teGt for st)(ents in ci;il an( mechanical engineering programs an( an in(ispensable reso)rce for str)ct)ral1 geotechnical1 an( constr)ction engineers working with offshore pro?ects

%ilet9pe: .&%

Si:e: 2<.2"5 0' 0ih(

,S'5: 0/! 53</23 Title: .eterson>s Stress -oncentration %actors1 2n( *(ition A)thor: Aalter &. .ilke9 .)blisher: Aile9+,nterscience .)blication &ate: 22!+0/+ < 5)mber Of .ages: 5// A complete re;ision of the (efiniti;e work on the s)b?ect of stress concentration. This new e(ition )p(ates all of the graphics with comp)ter+generate( art which incorporates both a ;is)al representation of the pro()ct/str)ct)re )n(er consi(eration along with the graph of the stress concentration factors. -ontains eGtensi;e material on how to perform comp)ter anal9ses for stress concentrations an( how to (esign to re()ce them. A W@)ick+fin(erW feat)re has been pro;i(e( for locating fre@)entl9 )se( charts



*Gca;ations an( %o)n(ations in Soft Soils '9 Hans+6eorg Bempfert1Dnbsp'erhane 6ebreselassie1 = .)blisher: Springer = 5)mber Of .ages: 5!" = .)blication &ate: 200"+05+05 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 35/032<2/! 'ook &escription: The book re;iews the eGperiences with1 as well as recent (e;elopments an( research res)lts on eGca;ations an( fo)n(ations in an( on soft soil (eposits. 6eotechnical (esign an( eGec)tion of ci;il engineering str)ct)res on ;er9 soft soils are )s)all9 associate( with s)bstantial (iffic)lties. The aim of the a)thors is to gi;e the rea(ers an o;er;iew of the state of the art of material properties of soft soils an( their application in eGca;ations1 (ifferent t9pes of fo)n(ations an( stabili:ation metho(s. The a)thors emphasi:e1 howe;er1 that an )n(ergro)n( with soft soil la9er sho)l( not a priori be classifie( as eGtremel9 (iffic)lt an( highl9 cost intensi;e. '9 making )se of a(;ance knowle(ge in soft soil engineering so far as a;ailable in the fiel( of geotechnical engineering1 it is possible to attain a technicall9 safe an( economicall9 ?)stifiable sol)tion for a partic)lar constr)ction pro?ect. The book is eGpecte( to contrib)te m)ch in this regar(. The book is inten(e( to ser;e practising as well as research engineers in the fiel( of geotechnical engineering1 moreo;er ci;il an( str)ct)ral engineers an( a(;ance( st)(ents ma9 also fin( it a )sef)l reference work

0ih( 5.2" 0' $api(share

6eotechnical *ngineering ,n;estigation Han(book1 Secon( *(ition '9 $o9 *. H)nt = .)blisher: -$= 5)mber Of .ages: 0<< = .)blication &ate: 2005+0/+ 2 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0</232 <2/ 'ook &escription: This )p(ate( secon( e(ition is a comprehensi;e g)i(e to collecting samples1 performing laborator9 anal9sis or in sit) characteri:ation1 an( form)lating (esign criteria base( on the res)lts of the anal9sis. The a)thor relies on his /0 9ears of professional eGperience1 emphasi:ing i(entification an( (escription of the elements of the geologic en;ironment1 the (ata re@)ire( for anal9sis an( (esign of the engineering works1 the ph9sical an( engineering properties of geologic materials1 an( proc)ring the (ata. '9 )sing a practical approach to problem sol;ing1 the book helps engineers consi(er geological phenomena in terms of the (egree of their ha:ar( an( the potential risk of their occ)rrence

si:e: 2.5/\2.5/\2.5/\2.5/\"." mb http://mih(.net/Ggwsnr http://mih(.net/?m@;h9 http://mih(.net/52/2f( http://mih(.net/5cftlw http://mih(.net/ht Ga0 or http://rapi(!<2223</...ook44part .rar http://rapi(!<2/3"//...ook44part2.rar http://rapi(!<25/33/...ook44part3.rar http://rapi(!<2"00!/...ook44part/.rar http://rapi(!<22<"2/...ook44part5.rar

A,S- 0an)al of Steel -onstr)ction: Loa( an( $esistance %actor &esign1 Thir( *(ition HL$%& 3r( *(itionI '9 A,S- 0an)al -ommittee = .)blisher: American ,nstit)te of Steel -onstr)ction = .)blication &ate: 200 + +0 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 5"/2/05 !

.<0' ] .&% 0ih( $api(share

The Aork 'reak(own Str)ct)re in 6o;ernment -ontracting '9 6regor9 T. Ha)gan = .)blisher: 0anagement -oncepts = 5)mber Of .ages: // = .)blication &ate: 2003+0 +0 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 5"!2" 205 'ook &escription: This new practical han(book teaches 9o) how to emplo9 the work break(own str)ct)re HA'SI in go;ernment contracting to ens)re that 9o)r contracts sta9 on track1 on b)(get1 an( meet 9o)r ob?ecti;es. Ahether 9o)>re a go;ernment emplo9ee in;ol;e( in contract management or a contractor s)pporting a go;ernment pro?ect1 this han(s+on g)i(e shows 9o) how to )se the A'S for better pro?ect res)lts + from initiation to closeo)t. An ,n;al)able Tool for 0eeting 5ew O0' A+ $e@)irements 5OA is the time for 9o) to learn to )se the A'S in 9o)r $%.s1 SOAs1 an( proposals. ,n 2002 O0' began re@)iring that all go;ernment agencies an( contractors )se the A5S,/*,A stan(ar( as the basis for pro?ect management an( reporting. Ahat>s more1 in 200/ O0' will re@)ire that all b)(get proposals s)bmitte( for ma?or ac@)isitions an( ,T s9stems or pro?ects incl)(e a pro?ect management plan base( on the A5S, stan(ar( for *J0. The Aork 'reak(own Str)ct)re in 6o;ernment -ontracting will help both go;ernment personnel an( contractors (e;elop plans with a A'S that meets an( eGcee(s O0'>s re@)irements


Structural Steelwork Connections

Str)ct)ral Steelwork -onnections '9 6raham A. Owens1Dnbsp'rian &. -heal1 = .)blisher: ')tterworth+Heinemann = 5)mber Of .ages: 33" = .)blication &ate: 2<2+0< = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0/0<0 2 /5 An efficient tool to (esign 'olts an( wel(s Str)ct)ral Steelwork -onnections b9 6raham A Owens D 'rian & cheal ,S'5: 0/0<0 2 /5 A nicel9 written book for beginners as well as eGperience( (esigners. The clear theoretical eGplanations combine( with practical t)torials make this book stan( among other books on the same s)b?ect. *;en tho)gh it )ses 'S co(es for the t)torials1 still it gi;es eGtensi;e insight to the problems1 which can be applie( to an9 co(es1 for eGample1 pr9ing anal9sis of bolts. Ahen it comes to fatig)e (esign1 the a)thor (oesn>t co;er m)ch. That ma9 be a small (emerit of this book1 b)t if an9 bo(9 looks for static (esign with respect to 'S co(es1 this book will f)lfill the eGpectation. or http://www./share(.com/file/ "2/2/2/...nnections.html

*arth@)ake *ngineering Han(book H5ew &irections in -i;il *ngineeringI '9 = .)blisher: -$= 5)mber Of .ages: 5 2 = .)blication &ate: 2002+02+2! = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0</2300"<
'ook &escription: Aritten for practitioners as well as gra()ate+ le;el st)(ents1 this is a comprehensi;e reference an( reso)rce that co;ers the spectr)m of (isciplines an( topics nee(e( to (esign for an( mitigate earth@)akes. ,nternational eGperts pro;i(e the essential elements of each s)b?ect1 from the f)n(amental1 geoscience1 an( str)ct)ral aspects to the social an( economic impact of earth@)akes. -o;ering both the tra(itional as well as new an( inno;ati;e aspects of earth@)ake engineering1 this han(book emphasi:es professional applications an( offers rea(9+to+)se materials1 incl)(ing man9 form)las an( tables that gi;e imme(iate answers to real problems

rapi( mih(.net

7niform ')il(ing -o(e 22!: Str)ct)ral *ngineering &esign .ro;isions H7niform ')il(ing -o(e Jol 2: Str)ct)ral *ngineering &esign .ro;isionsI '9 ,nternational -o(e -o)ncil .)blisher: .rentice Hall 5)mber Of .ages: 5!/ .)blication &ate: 22!+0/ ,S'5 / AS,5: <</520<2" *Gcellent $eso)rce 'ook %or an9bo(9 in the constr)ction1 engineering1 (esign1 or co(e enforcement/;erification fiel(s this book is a m)st. ,t is an eGcellent reference D reso)rce book with tons of ;al)able information<3"/3+0...Jol)me+2H 22!I

,S'5: 02 "23 !!0 ,S'5+ 3: 2!<02 "23 !!0 %ormat: Har(co;er1 25"pp .)blisher: Ta9lor D %rancis1 ,nc
The whole area of ()rabilit91 integrit9 an( @)alit9 control of str)ct)res is starting to be taken ;er9 serio)sl9 b9 the constr)ction in()str9. -entral to this is the (esign life concept1 which looks at the materials )se(1 metho(s of constr)ction1 safet9 factors1 maintenance an( repair1 an( change of )se1 all from a holistic ;iewpoint. This new book is base( on a recent s9mposi)m1 where lea(ing eGperts met to (isc)ss this iss)e an( form)late a strateg9. ,n a((ition1 eGperts from other in()stries He.g. aerospace1 n)clearI1 where the (esign life concept is well establishe(1 pro;i(e( in;al)able insights into the problems an( benefits of implementing this approach. ,n total1 thirt9 short contrib)tions are presente( in this book1 which represents the present state of the art in this fiel(. These are logicall9 str)ct)re( into fi;e sections1 an( at the en( of each section there is an a((itional contrib)tion s)mmarising the (ialog)e or (isc)ssion at the s9mposi)m + a wa9 of presenting instant fee(back to the i(eas presente( in the contrib)tions

http://mih(.net/3):i;p or http://rapi(


Str)ct)ral anal9sis is the corner stone of ci;il engineering an( all st)(ents m)st obtain a thoro)gh )n(erstan(ing of the techni@)es a;ailable to anal9se an( pre(ict stress in an9 str)ct)re. This teGt pro;i(es the st)(ent with a comprehensi;e intro()ction to all t9pes of str)ct)ral an( stress anal9sis. Starting from an eGplanation of the basic principles of statics1 normal an( shear force an( ben(ing moments an( torsion. ,t goes on to eGamine the (ifferent str)ct)res in which consi(eration of these is paramo)nt1 from simple pin ?oints to s)spension cables. The properties of materials are o)tline( an( all aspects of beam theor9 are eGamine( in f)ll. %inall9 the a)thor (isc)sses the ke9 area of instabilit9 in str)ct)res

http://www./share(.com/file/<"3"0!3/... 22"44/AH.html or http://rapi(share.(e/files/2222232</...4 22"44/AH.rar

http://rapi( "02 /...4 22"44/AH.rar

Str)ct)ral 6ro)ts '9 .. &omone .)blisher: $o)tle(ge 5)mber Of .ages: 222 .)blication &ate: 223+ +0 ,S'5 / AS,5: 0!5 /002! This book consi(ers the properties of gro)ts1 an( how the9 ma9 be form)late( for (ifferent p)rposes1 an( application areas where the a(;antages of gro)ts ha;e been assesse( an( ratifie(. -ase st)(ies ill)strate benefits1 problems an( f)t)re potential. The book gathers together a s)bstantial amo)nt of information on gro)t properties1 )tilisation an( practice which has hitherto been a;ailable in onl9 fragmente( or restricte( form http://mih(.net/ @:mt3 or,&C"0! or; 2 05

This book sets o)t the basic principles of composite constr)ction with reference to beams1 slabs1 col)mns an( frames1 an( their applications to b)il(ing str)ct)res. ,t (eals with the problems likel9 to arise in the (esign of composite members in b)il(ings1 an( relates basic theor9 to the (esign approach of *)roco(es 21 3 an( / an( 'S 5250. The new e(ition1 the first since 2!5 has been s)bstantiall9 re;ise( to take acco)nt of the new co(es -omposite Str)ct)res of Steel an( -oncrete: 'eams1 Slabs1 -ol)mns an( %rames for ')il(ing '9 $. .. Eohnson .)blisher: 'lackwell .)blishing1 ,ncorporate( 5)mber Of .ages: 22/ .)blication &ate: 22/+0!+0 ,S'5 / AS,5: 0"320250!!; 25...a"5 cce"2330f/ or http://mih(.net/2):5!g or http://file2)ploa(.com/file/"<!"/com...250!!.rar.html

or http://rapi(


.rinciples of Str)ct)ral &esign '9 = .)blisher: -$= 5)mber Of .ages: 52< = .)blication &ate: 2005+ 0+3 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0</23!235"
0an9 important a(;ances in (esigning high+performance str)ct)res ha;e occ)rre( o;er the last se;eral 9ears. Str)ct)ral engineers nee( an a)thoritati;e so)rce of information that thoro)ghl9 an( concisel9 co;ers the fo)n(ational principles of the fiel(. -omprising chapters selecte( from the secon( e(ition of the best+selling Han(book of Str)ct)ral *ngineering1 this book pro;i(es a tightl9 foc)se(1 economical g)i(e to the theoretical1 practical1 an( comp)tational aspects of str)ct)ral (esign. *Gpert contrib)tors (isc)ss a wi(e ;ariet9 of str)ct)res1 incl)(ing steel1 al)min)m1 timber1 an( prestresse( concrete1 as well as reliabilit9+base( (esign an( str)ct)res base( on win( engineering

mih(.net rapi(

*Gact Sol)tions for ')ckling of Str)ct)ral 0embers H-$- Series in -omp)tational 0echanics an( Applie( Anal9sisI '9 -.0. Aang1Dnbsp-.L. Aang1DnbspE.5. $e((91 = .)blisher: -$= 5)mber Of .ages: 20! = .)blication &ate: 200/+0"+ 5 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0</232222!
The st)(9 of b)ckling loa(s1 which often hinges on n)merical metho(s1 is ke9 in (esigning str)ct)ral elements. ')t the nee( for anal9tical sol)tions in a((ition to n)merical metho(s is what (ro;e the creation of *Gact Sol)tions for ')ckling of Str)ct)ral 0embers. ,t allows rea(ers to assess the reliabilit9 an( acc)rac9 of sol)tions obtaine( b9 n)merical metho(s. The a)thor has attempte( to gather an( present as man9 eGact b)ckling sol)tions as possible in one single ;ol)me for engineers an( researchers. These b)ckling sol)tions of col)mns1 beams1 arches1 ring plates1 an( shells sho)l( ser;e as benchmarks for checking the ;ali(it91 con;ergence1 an( acc)rac9 of n)merical metho(s an( sol)tions. -atalog -op9


,S'5: 0"3203!2/5 Title: $einforce( -oncrete: Anal9sis an( &esign A)thor: S. S. $a9 .)blisher: 'lackwell Science .)blication &ate: 22/+ 5)mber Of .ages: 5!" http://rapi( 0 ! 2"/rca(.rar or http://mih(.net/(c/i2: or http://:30.:)ploa(.com/(ownloa(.phpS...DfilepathC23<2

.recast -oncrete: 0aterials1 0an)fact)re1 .roperties an( 7sage '9 = .)blisher: -hapman D Hall = 5)mber Of .ages: 23/ = .)blication &ate: 220+ 2 = Sales $ank: 305"025 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 0<533/22/0 This book pro;i(es a general treatise co;ering precast concrete as a whole. ,t gi;es a comprehensi;e acco)nt of materials1 properties1 man)fact)re an( )sage. 0aterials1 processes1 miG+(esigns1 accelerate( c)ring1 performance1 ()rablilit9 an( @)alit9 control1 as well as repairs1 are each (isc)sse( in their own right. *ach section (eals with a goo( practice approach an( (isc)sses at length the problems that can occ)r if s)ch practice is not p)rs)e(. This book gi;es )sef)l information to those who want to learn1 teach1 specif91 man)fact)re1 )se or be associate( with precast concrete in ;irt)all9 e;er9 aspect. -o)ple( with this the a)thor ;ent)res a ga:e into the f)t)re as to the wa9 he sees the in()str9 (e;eloping

rapi( part rapi( part 2

*arth@)ake .rotection '9 An(rew -ob)rn1 $obin Spence .)blisher: Eohn Aile9 D Sons 5)mber Of .ages: /3" .)blication &ate: 2002+ 0+ < ,S'5 / AS,5: 0/! /2" /" Since the p)blication of the s)ccessf)l first e(ition of *arth@)ake .rotection there ha;e been 0 lethal earth@)akes1 killing 30 000 peopleO there ha;e also been significant (e;elopments in the fiel( of earth@)ake risk management1 partic)larl9 in the mo(elling an( anal9sis of risk for ins)rance an( financial ser;ices. %)rthermore1 ma?or earth@)ake (isasters1 s)ch as the 22/ 5orthri(ge earth@)ake in -alifornia1 the 225 Bobe earth@)ake in Eapan an( the 222 Bocaeli earth@)ake in T)rke9 ha;e occ)rre(. The eGperience an( knowle(ge gaine( thro)gh these e;ents ha;e impro;e( o)r )n(erstan(ing of how to manage1 mitigate an( work towar(s the pre;ention of similar catastrophes. The 220s were in fact the costliest (eca(e on recor( in terms of (isaster management ()e to s)ch seismic e;ents1 placing )nprece(ente( press)re on the ins)rance in()str9 in partic)lar1 an( changing its ;iew of earth@)ake protection. Significantl9 re;ise( an( )p(ate(1 this secon( e(ition contin)es to pro;i(e a comprehensi;e o;er;iew of

how to re()ce the impact of earth@)akes on people an( propert91 an( implement best practice in managing the conse@)ences of s)ch (isasters. ,t also incl)(es significant co;erage of the techni@)es of mo(elling earth@)ake catastrophe. *ach chapter (eals with a separate aspect of protection1 an( co;ers a wi(e range of economic an( social con(itions1 (rawing on the a)thors> consi(erable personal eGperience an( with reference to real life eGamples. Be9 feat)res incl)(e: $ecent e;ent co;erage 0o(ern (e;elopments in the theor9 an( practice of planning an( engineering loss estimation techni@)es1 along with new engineering techni@)es s)ch as micro:onation an( ha:ar(+mapping Historic b)il(ings eGperience An entirel9 new chapter on >*arth@)akes an( %inance> This ;al)able book pro;i(es essential rea(ing for earth@)ake an( str)ct)ral engineers an( geoscientists1 as well as ins)rers an( loss pre;ention specialists1 risk managers an( assessors in;ol;e( in managing earth@)ake risk1 )rban an( regional planners1 an( emergenc9 management agencies


,S'5: 0/ 2 5"20< Title: &)rabilit9 of -oncrete Str)ct)res A)thor: 6. -. 0a9s .)blisher: Ta9lor D %rancis .)blication &ate: 220+ 2+3 5)mber Of .ages: 320

This book is concerne( with the long term ()rabilit9 of concrete as a str)ct)ral material as )se( in the constr)ction of b)il(ings1 bri(ges1 roa(s1 marine an( ci;il engineering str)ct)res. ,t (isc)sses the f)n(amental reasons for the (eterioration of concrete o;er time an( a;ailable techni@)es for (etecting1 reme(9ing an( pre;enting the (eterioration http://mih(.net/?hfc(g or http://rapi(

22! 2/....rotection.p(f

*)roco(e < + &esign of str)ct)res for earth@)ake resistance http://rapi( //" 3/2/e)roco(e4<.rar

Reinforced concrete design theory http://)'b2?ihG A

,S'5: 0</232"!/5 Title: Han(book of Str)ct)ral *ngineering A)thor: Aai+Bai -hen .)blisher: -$- .ress .)blication &ate: 22!+ 0+2/ 5)mber Of .ages: "00
-o;ering the broa( spectr)m of mo(ern str)ct)ral engineering topics1 the Han(book of Str)ct)ral *ngineering is a complete1 single+;ol)me reference. ,t incl)(es the theoretical1 practical1 an( comp)ting aspects of the fiel(1 pro;i(ing practicing engineers1 cons)ltants1 st)(ents1 an( other intereste( in(i;i()als with a reliable1 eas9+to+)se so)rce of information. &i;i(e( into three sections1 the han(book co;ers

http://osc("20!</Han(bo...eering.p(f.htm or http://rapi(share.(e/files/2032"/!5/...s4 22244;3.rar

Contri.&torsA 7refaceA 5ntrod&ctionA 7t.A1A'o&ndationAandACivilAEngineeringA%iteA(evelopmentA %ect.A10A<aterABehaviorAinA%oilsA1.$ %ect.A1BA%iteA7reparationA1.2$ 7t.A2A%oilA)echanicsAandA'o&ndationA(esignA7arametersA %ect.A20A%oilA)echanicsA2.$ %ect.A2BA%hallo!A'o&ndationsA2.#" 7t.A$A'&ndamentalsAofA'o&ndationAConstr&ctionAandA(esignA %ect.A$AConcreteA$.$ 7t.A4A3einforcedAConcreteA'o&ndationsA %ect.A40A'&ndamentalsAofA3einforcedAConcreteA4.$ %ect.A4BA'o&ndationA(esignA4."$ %ect.A4CA7ileA'o&ndationsA4.87 7t.A"A3esidentialAandA:ightl-A:oadedA'o&ndations:A(esignA7arametersAandA 7roced&resA %ect.A"A(esignA7arametersAandA7roced&resA".$ 7t.A#A%oilA5mprovementAandA%ta.ili*ationA %ect.A#0A;ongro&tingA4echni8&esA#.$ %ect.A#BA1ro&tingAtoA5mproveA'o&ndationA%oilA#.$41 7t.A7A'o&ndationA'ail&reAandA3epair:A3esidentialAandA:ightACommercialA B&ildingsA %ect.A70ACa&seAofA'o&ndationA7ro.lemsA7.$ %ect.A7BA'o&ndationA3epairA7roced&resA7.21 %ect.A7CA7reventiveA)aintenanceA7.149 %ect.A7(A'o&ndationA5nspectionAandA7ropert-AEval&ationAforAtheA3esidentialA B&-erA7.1"9 %ect.A7EA3eferencesA7.179 7t.A8A'o&ndationA'ail&resAandA3epair:A2igh93iseAandA2eav-AConstr&ctionA %ect.A8A'o&ndationA'ail&resAandA3epair:A2ighA3iseAandA2eav-AConstr&ctionA8.$ 7t.A9A)iscellaneo&sAConcernsA %ect.A90A'orensicAEngineeringA9.$ %ect.A9BA2?(A9.21 %ect.A9CA:egalA0spectsAofAEngineersAandA:a!-ersA5nvolvedAinA'o&ndationA 'ail&reA0nal-sisAandA3epairA9.4" 0ppendi+A9AConversionA4a.lesA0.1 5nde+A5.1

,S'5: 0/ 2202<03 Title: $epair1 .rotection an( Aaterproofing of -oncrete Str)ct)res A)thor: .. .erkins .)blisher: Ta9lor D %rancis .)blication &ate: 22!+0!+0 5)mber Of .ages: 233 A wealth of recent research into the contin)e( (eterioration of reinforce( concrete str)ct)res has le( to a re;iew of metho(s of in;estigation an( repair techni@)es. This thoro)ghl9 re;ise( an( )p(ate( e(ition brings together the f)n(amental aspects of this worl( wi(e problem an( offers a(;ice on how in;estigations1 (iagnosis an( conse@)ent reme(ial work sho)l( be carrie( o)t 4444444444444444444444444 http://mih(.net/0m:@el or http://rapi( 233/0/...str)ct)res.p(f

,S'5: 0/ 2202<03 Title: $epair1 .rotection an( Aaterproofing of -oncrete Str)ct)res A)thor: .. .erkins .)blisher: Ta9lor D %rancis .)blication &ate: 22!+0!+0 5)mber Of .ages: 233 A wealth of recent research into the contin)e( (eterioration of reinforce( concrete str)ct)res has le( to a re;iew of metho(s of in;estigation an( repair techni@)es. This thoro)ghl9 re;ise( an( )p(ate( e(ition brings together the f)n(amental aspects of this worl( wi(e problem an( offers a(;ice on how in;estigations1 (iagnosis an( conse@)ent reme(ial work sho)l( be carrie( o)t 4444444444444444444444444 http://mih(.net/0m:@el or http://rapi( 233/0/...str)ct)res.p(f or http://www.file2)ploa(.com/file/ 00 ...02<03+p(f.html

This one+of+a+kin( reference e;al)ates the efficac91 stabilit91 an( strength of ;ario)s soil walls1 slopes1 an( str)ct)res enhance( b9 geos9nthetic materials. Offering stim)lating contrib)tions from more than 50 lea(ing specialists in the fiel(1 $einforce( Soil *ngineering compiles recent inno;ations in (esign la9o)t1 controlle( constr)ction1 an( geos9nthetic material implementation for impro;e( cost+efficienc91 maintenance1 an( f)nctioning in ci;il engineering applications. The book foc)ses on geotechnical earth@)ake iss)es an( case histories from co)ntries incl)(ing the 7nite( States1 -ana(a1 Eapan1 Taiwan1 T)rke91 an( other *)ropean nations TeGt e;al)ates the efficac91 stabilit91 an( strength of ;ario)s soil walls1 slopes1 an( str)ct)res enhance( b9 geos9nthetic materials. -ompiles recent inno;ations in (esign la9o)t1 controlle( constr)ction1 an( geos9nthetic material implementation for impro;e( cost+efficienc91 maintenance1 an( f)nctioning in ci;il engineering


Contri.&torsA 1ACivilAandAEnvironmentalA0pplicationsAofA1eos-ntheticsA1 2A7erformanceA7ropertiesAofA1eogridsA19 $A?nitACellA4estingAofA3einforcedA%oilsA$7 4A)odelingAtheA4ime9(ependentABehaviorAofA1eos-ntheticall-A3einforcedA%oilA %tr&ct&resA!ithACohesiveABac fillA#9 "A5ss&eAandA;oniss&eAinABloc A<allsAasA5mpliedA4hro&ghAComp&ter90idedA(esignA 8" #A0pplicationAofA%lidingABloc AConceptAtoA1eos-nthetic9Constr&ctedA'acilitiesA 9" 7A'ail&reAofAanA89)eter92ighA%egmentalABloc A<allAinAtheA;ortheastA?nitedA %tatesA11$ 8A(isplacementA)onitoringAatAKerrandA2ighA3einforcedA%oilA%tr&ct&reA12$ 9A?.6.ACaseA%t&d-:ABl&e!aterA3etailAandA:eis&reA(estinationA3einforcedA%oilA %lopesAtoA'ormA%teep9%idedA;e!A:a esA1$7 10A%tateAofAtheA7ractice:A7astCAC&rrentCAandA'&t&reA7erspectivesAofA 3einforcedA%oilA3etainingA%tr&ct&resAinA4&r e-A1"$ 11A3ecentAE+periencesAofA3einforcedA%oilA3etainingA%tr&ct&resAinAChinaA1#" 12A:arge9%caleA3einforcedACla-A<allsABac filledA!ithACla-AatAChengA6&ngA ?niversit-A187 1$A1eote+tileA3einforcedA0.&tmentsAofA%oftA'o&ndationA221 14A1eos-ntheticA3einforcementAinAtheA)itigationAofA7ipelineA'lotationA2$7 1"A7racticeAandA3esearchAofA1eos-ntheticA3einforcedA%oilA<allsAinA0&straliaA 2"$ 1#A1eos-ntheticA3einforcedAContainmentA(i eAConstr&ctedAoverA%oftA'o&ndation:A ;&mericalA0nal-sisA28$ 17A7ost9Earth8&a eA5nvestigationAofA%everalA1eos-ntheticA3einforcedA%oilA 3etainingA<allsAandA%lopesA(&ringADi9DiAEarth8&a eAofA4ai!anA297 18A)odelA4estsAofA%eismicA%ta.ilit-AofA%everalA4-pesAofA%oilA3etainingA<allsA $17 19A7erformanceAofA1eos-ntheticA3einforcedA%oilA<allAandA3einforcedAEarthA<allA %&.,ectAtoABlastA:oading:AE+perimentalAandA;&mericalA%t&d-A$"9 20A%ha mentA)odelsA3einforcedA!ithA1eote+tilesA$91 21ACentrif&geA)odelingAofA%eismicA7erformanceAofA3einforcedAEarthA%tr&ct&resA 417 22A7erformanceAandA0nal-sisAofA0rifi-eA>verpassA3einforcedAEarthA<allsA(&ringA theA1999A6ocaeliAI4&r e-JAEarth8&a eA44$ 2$A(-namicA%im&lationAofAtheA3einforcedA%lopeA'ail&reAatAChi9;anA?niversit-A (&ringAtheA1999AChi9ChiAEarth8&a eA4#" 24A0ACompactA7ro.a.ilisticA3epresentationAofAtheAChi9ChiAEarth8&a eA1ro&ndA )otionA481 2"A0ACriticalA3evie!AofA'&ll9%caleA%ha ingA4a.leA4estsACond&ctedAonA 3einforcedA%oilA3etainingA<allsA491 5nde+A"11

44444444444444444444444444 http://mih(.net/m@)<rt or http://rapi( 2< "5"...+4Hoe.rar.html

,S'5: 00!2 22/!! Title: %o)n(ation Anal9sis an( &esign A)thor: Eoseph *. 'owles .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill Science/*ngineering/0ath .)blication &ate: 225+02+0 5)mber Of .ages: 02/ The re;ision of this best+selling teGt for a ?)nior/senior co)rse in %o)n(ation Anal9sis an( &esign now incl)(es an ,'0 comp)ter (isk containing " compile( programs together with the (ata sets )se( to pro()ce the o)tp)t sheets1 as well as new material on sloping gro)n(1 pile an( pile gro)p anal9sis1 an( proce()res for an impro;e( anl9sis of lateral piles. 'earing capacit9 anal9sis has been s)bstantiall9 re;ise( for footings with hori:ontal as well as ;ertical loa(s. %ooting (esign for o;ert)rning now incorporates the )se of the same )niform linear press)re concept )se( in ascertaining the bearing capacit9. ,ncrease( emphasis is place( on geoteGtiles for retaining walls an( soil nailing

7refaceA 0.o&tAtheAComp&terA7rogramsA :istAofA7rimar-A%-m.olsA?sedAinA4e+tA 1A5ntrod&ctionA1 2A1eotechnicalA0ndA5nde+A7roperties:A:a.orator-A4estingLA%ettlementAandA %trengthACorrelationsA1" $AE+plorationCA%amplingCAandA5nA%it&A%oilA)eas&rementsA1$" 4ABearingACapacit-AofA'o&ndationsA21$ "A'o&ndationA%ettlementsA284 #A5mprovingA%iteA%oilsAforA'o&ndationA?seA$44 7A'actorsAtoAConsiderAinA'o&ndationA(esignA$70 8A%preadA'ootingA(esignA40$ 9A%pecialA'ootingsAandABeamsAonAElasticA'o&ndationsA472 10A)atA'o&ndationsA"$7 11A:ateralAEarthA7ress&reA"89 12A)echanicall-A%ta.ili*edAEarthAandAConcreteA3etainingA<allsA#"7 1$A%heet97ileA<alls:ACantileveredAandA0nchoredA72" 14A<allsAforAE+cavationsA78" 1"ACell&larACofferdamsA828 1#A%ingleA7ilesA9A%taticACapacit-AandA:ateralA:oadsLA7ile/7oleAB&c lingA8#7 17A%ingleA7iles:A(-namicA0nal-sisCA:oadA4estsA9#8 18A7ileA'o&ndations:A1ro&psA100# 19A(rilledA7iersAorACaissonsA10"" 20A(esignAofA'o&ndationsAforAKi.rationAControlsA1090 0ppendi+A0A11$" 3eferencesA1144 5nde+esA11#"

444444444444444444 http://mih(.net/G5nsib or http://rapi(!<050"/

http://mih(.net/c/3<2w or http://rapi( 2 2"/!3/psism.rar

psaa!ord:ara.s.oo .com

http://mih(.net//:!rmh or http://rapi(<5/22 /smiep.rar

"recast Concrete


-oncrete 0aterials '9: 0. Le;itt si:e : 3.050o %ormat: 0icrosoft $ea(er A;ailabilit9: &ownloa( 5ow The a)thor con(enses a lifetime of practical eGperience into this book that will pro;i(e a first point of reference whene;er problems with materials occ)r on site. The s)b?ects co;ere( in this book are problems enco)ntere( with cements1 aggregates1 a(miGt)res1 ====llic an( non+====llic reinforcement spacers. &esign an( workmanship aspects that affect site an( precast works acti;ities are (isc)sse( as well as the actions that occ)r1 or sho)l( be occ)rring1 within the management team. This book will be ;al)able for all professionals an( tra(es people working with concrete1 not onl9 for no;ices1 b)t also for eGperience( staff who ma9 be enco)ntering a problem for the first time http://mih(.net/p3f 0;

S58- E7G87EE+87G
The book pro;i(es the practical meaning of the ;ario)s aspects of soil mechanics1 the )se of )nconfine( compression test (ata1 the meaning of consoli(ate( tests1 the practical ;al)e of lateral press)re1 an( more. ,n a((ition to the technical aspect of fo)n(ation in;estigation1 in the real worl( the sha(ow of litigation looms o;er e;er9 cons)ltant>s hea(. The a)thor co;ers these iss)es in (etail

http://rapi( 2<2/<!2/SO*56,.rar pass: t%SO*56,.rar

S58- F5+)$ 857

^si:eC _Soil %ormation (eals with @)alitati;e an( @)antitati;e aspects of soil formation Hor pe(ogenesisI an( the )n(erl9ing chemical1 biological1 an( ph9sical processes. The starting point of the teGt is the process + an( not soil classification. *ffects of weathering an( new formation of minerals1 mobilisation1 transport1 an( break(own or immobilisation of (issol;e( an( s)spen(e( compo)n(s are (isc)sse(. Soil processes an( profiles are (isc)sse( in relation to the lan(scape1 the geosphere1 an( the biosphere. *mphasis lies on the )ni;ersalit9 of soil+ forming processes in past an( present1 an( on the soil as a (9namic entit9 that forms part of the total en;ironment. -ompleGit9 of genetic processes in time an( space is gi;en m)ch attention. The teGt gi;es man9 eGamples from literat)re an( places some in a new light. The rea(er is g)i(e( thro)gh the s)b?ect matter b9 a large n)mber of @)estions an( problems to help )n(erstan( an( s9nthesis the material. Answers to all @)estions are incl)(e(. This secon( e(ition has been )p(ate( to reflect recent (isco;eries. .rinting errors ha;e been correcte(1 an( new photographs s)pport the teGt. WAorking thro)gh the @)estions an( problems in this book wo)l( pro;i(e a rigoro)s training for an9 a(;ance( pe(olog9 gra()ate st)(ent Han( for man9 pe(olog9 professors as wellI.WH&a;i( E. 'rown1 0ontana State 7ni;ersit91 Soil Science Jol. "2 5o. /I 'ook ,nfo &eals with @)alitati;e an( @)antitati;e aspects of soil formation fo the )n(erl9ing chemical1 biological1 an( ph9sical processes. Soil processes an( profiles are (isc)sse( in relation to the lan(scape1 the geosphere1 an( biosphere /"220 ...eemen.rar.html

-oncrete in the 0arine *n;ironment H0o(ern -oncrete Technolog9 SeriesI '9 ..B. 0ehta = .)blisher: $o)tle(ge = 5)mber Of .ages: 22/ = .)blication &ate: 220+ 2+3 = ,S'5 / AS,5: <5 """222 N2/0.00 'ook &escription: This book re;iews the marine en;ironment1 the composition an( properties of concrete1 histor9 of concrete performance in seawater1 ca)ses of (eterioration of concrete in the marine en;ironment1 selection of materials proportions for ()rable concrete1 concrete practice an( repair of marine str)ct)res .(f1 2.5/0 http://mih(.net/!o0s(h

7nknown 'in(ing /<< pages HEan)ar9 301 22<I .)blisher: ')tterworth+Heinemann Lt( Lang)age: *nglish


Han(book of Anal9tical Techni@)es in -oncrete

.)blishe(: 200 .ages: 2<5 %ig)res: /20 Tables: !0 Scientific anal9sis techni@)es for a wi(e ;ariet9 of concretes an( their a((iti;es as well as concrete technologies1 perfect for practitioners1 st)(ents1 an( professional stan(ar(s writers. 0eas)ring the long+term ()rabilit9 of new t9pes of concrete an( concrete technologies is cr)cial to their acceptance in the marketplace. This long+nee(e( han(book of anal9tical techni@)es pro;i(es a complete reference to the c)tting+e(ge proce()res )se( to test to(a9>s inno;ati;e materials. $anging from chemical an( thermal anal9sis1 to ,$ an( 5)clear 0agnetic $esonance spectroscop91 to Scanning *lectron 0icroscop91 G+ra9 (iffraction1 comp)ter mo(eling an( more1 the book pro;i(es first+han( eGplanations of mo(ern metho(s + contrib)te( b9 2/ lea(ing scientists1 man9 of whom act)all9 (e;elope( or refine( the techni@)es. The book incl)(es man9 anal9tic techni@)es1 applie( to a wi(e range of organic1 inorganic an( composite materials an( a((iti;es. .erfect for practitioners1 st)(ents1 an( professional stan(ar(s writers1 the han(book is highl9 )sef)l for scr)tini:ing materials in a ;ariet9 of en;ironments. ,t takes into acco)nt the man9 factors that affect the @)alities of concrete + temperat)re1 pore an( pore si:e (istrib)tion1 s)rface area1 an( eGpos)re + gathering (i;erse e;al)ation metho(s into one con;enient reso)rce.

http://rapi(!3!2!/...rete4m)9ac.rar or http://mih(.net/!.2002/Han(book4of4A...O$**4.:ip.html

%orensic Str)ct)ral *ngineering Han(book '9 $obert $ata9 = .)blisher: 0c6raw+Hill .rofessional = 5)mber Of .ages: "<< = .)blication &ate: 2000+02+0 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 00!052""!2 'ook &escription: 'egin a l)crati;e career as a forensic str)ct)ral engineer Looking into the ca)ses of str)ct)ral (eficiencies an( fail)res of b)il(ings1 bri(ges1 an( other constr)cte( facilities1 ren(ering opinions1 an( testif9ing in ?)(icial procee(ings1 has become a fiel( of professional practice all its own. %orensic Str)ct)ral *ngineering Han(book1 e(ite( b9 $obert T. $ata91 tells 9o) how to become proficient in this area1 pro;i(ing 9o) with proce()res1 lists of what to watch o)t for1 how to (eal with clients1 an( more. ,n this onl9 comprehensi;e g)i(e to the s)b?ect1 well+known eGperts eGplain e;er9thing 9o) nee( to know1 from (esign an( constr)ction co(es1 stan(ar(s an( reg)lations an( technical an( legal steps1 to engineering anal9sis of str)ct)ral (efects an( fail)res in steel1 concrete1 timber an( masonr9 str)ct)res1 stone an( precast cla((ing1 fo)n(ations an( retaining walls1 an( temporar9 str)ct)res


ia7ial3Multia7ial Fatigue and Fracture <Euro!ean Structural $ntegrity Society>

The *)ropean Str)ct)ral ,ntegrit9 Societ9 H*S,SI Technical -ommitee on %atig)e of *ngineering 0aterials an( Str)ct)res HT-3I (eci(e( to compile a Special Technical .)blication H*S,S ST.I base( on the 5 papers presente( at the "th ,nternational -onference on 'iaGial/0)ltiaGial %atig)e an( %ract)re. The 25 papers incl)(e( in the ST. ha;e been eGten(e( an( re;ise( b9 the a)thors. The conference was hel( in Lisbon1 .ort)gal1 on 25+2< E)ne 200 1 an( was chaire( b9 0an)al &e %reitas1 ,nstit)to S)perior Tecnico1 Lisbon. The meeting1 organise( b9 the ,nstit)to S)perior Tecnico an( sponsore( b9 the .ort)g)ese 0inesterio (a -ienca e (a Tecnologia an( b9 the *)ropean Str)ct)ral ,ntegrit9 Societ91 was atten(e( b9 5 (elegates from 20 co)ntries. The papers in the present book (eal with the theoretical1 n)merical an( eGperimental aspects of the 0)ltiaGial fatig)e an( fract)re of engineering materials an( str)ct)res. The9 are (i;i(e( in to the following siG sectionsO 0)ltiaGial %atig)e of Ael(e( Str)ct)resO High c9cle 0)ltiaGial fatig)eO 5on proportional an( Jariable+Amplit)(e loa(ingO &efects1 5otches1 -rack 6rowthO Low -9cle 0)ltiaGial %atig)eO Applications an( Testing 0etho(s. As is well+known1 most engineering components an( str)ct)res in the mechanical1 aerospace1 power generation1 an( other in()stries are s)b?ecte( to m)ltiaGial loa(ing ()ring their ser;ice life. One of the most (iffic)lt tasks in (esign against fatig)e an( fract)re is to translate the information gathere( from )niaGial fatig)e an( fract)re tests on engineering materials into applications in;ol;ing compleG states of c9clic stress+strain con(itions. This book is the res)lt of co+operation between man9 researchers from (ifferent laboratories1 )ni;ersities an( in()stries in a n)mber of co)ntries

2. 50' http://rapi(share.(e/files/2 0!/0///...(4%ract)re.rar

Str)ct)ral Jibration1 Anal9sis an( &amping '9 -. 'ear(s = .)blisher: ')tterworth+Heinemann = 5)mber Of .ages: 2!" = .)blication &ate: 22"+05+3 = ,S'5 / AS,5: 03/0"/5<0" 'ook &escription: 0an9 str)ct)res s)ffer from )nwante( ;ibrations an(1 altho)gh caref)l anal9sis at the (esign stage can minimise these1 the ;ibration le;els of man9 str)ct)res are eGcessi;e. ,n this book the entire range of metho(s of control1 both b9 (amping an( b9 eGcitation1 is (escribe( in a single ;ol)me. -lear an( concise (escriptions are gi;en of the techni@)es for mathematicall9 mo(elling real str)ct)res so that the e@)ations which (escribe the motion of s)ch str)ct)res can be (eri;e(. This approach lea(s to a comprehensi;e (isc)ssion of the anal9sis of t9pical mo(els of ;ibrating

str)ct)res eGcite( b9 a range of perio(ic an( ran(om inp)ts. -aref)l consi(eration is also gi;en to the so)rces of eGcitation1 both internal an( eGternal1 an( the effects of isolation an( transmissabilit9. A ma?or part of the book is (e;ote( to (amping of str)ct)res an( man9 so)rces of (amping are consi(ere(1 as are the wa9s of changing (amping )sing both acti;e an( passi;e metho(s. The n)mero)s worke( eGamples liberall9 (istrib)te( thro)gho)t the teGt1 amplif9 an( clarif9 the theoretical anal9sis presente(. .artic)lar attention is pai( to the meaning an( interpretation of res)lts1 f)rther enhancing the scope an( applications of anal9sis. O;er <0 problems are incl)(e( with answers an( worke( sol)tions to most. This book pro;i(es engineering st)(ents1 (esigners an( professional engineers with a (etaile( insight into the principles in;ol;e( in the anal9sis an( (amping of str)ct)ral ;ibration while presenting a so)n( theoretical basis for f)rther st)(9 / mb


http://rapi( "22"23!...a(emi.org4.rar or http://www.mega)ploa(.com/S(C2<0&,A2%

'ook .roperties $S .- 352!30 252 Title- *7$O0AT 221 0aterials for ')il(ing an( Str)ct)res Author- %olker H. Aittmann "u+lisher- Aile9+J-H "u+lication Date- 2000+0!+ 3 .um+er /f "ages- 2"2 Average Ama?on Rating *(itorial &escription ')il(ing materials are eGperiencing (egra(ation phenomena ()e to the long+term action of the atmospheric components. The )n(erstan(ing of the transport characteristics in concrete is a ke9 iss)e to mitigate the (eleterio)s conse@)ences. -on;entional cement+base( materials s)ffer from a lack of ()ctilit9. Howe;er1 mo(ern cement compositions1 fiber materials an( a((itions allow to engineer new pro()cts a(?)ste( to the p)rpose. These an( se;eral ke9 topics for mo(ern ci;il engineering

Si:e: <.<2 0' http://mih(.net/o2)br<

or http://rapi(<20!//mfbas.rar

0inim)m &esign Loa(s for ')il(ings An( Other Str)ct)res: S*,/AS-* !+05 HAS-* Stan(ar( 5o. !+05I '9: Str)ct)ral *ngineering ,nstit)teHOther -ontrib)torI ,S'5: 0!<//0<022 .)blisher: American Societ9 of -i;il *ngineers HAS-*I + 2005+ + 5 .aperback T /2/ .ages T List .rice: N 25.00 H7S&I The new AS-* Stan(ar( !+05 Stan(ar( Hincl)(ing S)pplement 5o. I pro;i(es re@)irements for general str)ct)ral (esign an( incl)(es means for (etermining (ea(1 li;e1 soil1 floo(1 win(1 snow1 rain1 atmospheric ice1 an( earth@)ake loa(s1 an( their combinations that are s)itable for incl)sion in b)il(ing co(es an( other (oc)ments. A (etaile( commentar9 containing eGplanator9 an( s)pplementar9 information to assist )sers of AS-* !+05 is incl)(e(. This AS-* !+05 e(ition is a complete re;ision of AS-* !+02. The new Stan(ar( incl)(es re;ise( an( significantl9 reorgani:e( pro;isions for seismic (esign of str)ct)res1 as well as re;isions in the pro;isions for (etermining li;e1 floo(1 win(1 snow1 an( atmospheric ice loa(s. The incl)sion of S)pplement 5o. into AS-* !+05 ens)res that there is f)ll an( complete coor(ination between the 200" ,nternational ')il(ing -o(e an( AS-* !+05. The )p(ates which comprise( S)pplement 5o. are seamlessl9 integrate( into the !+05 ;ol)me1 an( are not a;ailable an9where else. AS-* !+05 is an integral part of the b)il(ing co(es of the 7nite( States. The earth@)ake loa( pro;isions in AS-* !+05 are s)bstantiall9 a(opte( b9 reference in the 200" ,nternational ')il(ing -o(e an( the 200" 5%.A 5000 ')il(ing -onstr)ction an( Safet9 -o(e. 5)mero)s other pro;isions of all other AS-* !+ 05 sections are also a(opte( b9 reference b9 both mo(el b)il(ing co(es incl)(ing the pro;isions for calc)lating win( loa(s an( snow loa(s. Str)ct)ral engineers1 architects1 an( those engage( in preparing an( a(ministering local b)il(ing co(es will fin( the str)ct)ral loa( re@)irements essential to their practice


The Civil Engineering Hand+oo)* Second Edition $S .- 0</23025< Author- 1 "u+lisher- -$- .ress Edition- 2 e(ition HA)g)st 221 2002I Hardcover- 220/ pages 6R8- /,5#2%0</23025< Summary%irst p)blishe( in 2251 the awar(+winning -i;il *ngineering Han(book soon became known as the fiel(>s (efiniti;e reference. To retain its stan(ing as a complete1 a)thoritati;e reso)rce1 the e(itors ha;e incorporate( into this e(ition the man9 changes in techni@)es1 tools1 an( materials that o;er the last se;en 9ears ha;e fo)n( their wa9 into ci;il engineering research an( practice.The -i;il *ngineering Han(book1 Secon( *(ition is more comprehensi;e than e;er. Lo)>ll fin( new1 )p(ate(1 an( eGpan(e( co;erage in e;er9 section. ,n fact1 more than /3 of the han(book is new or s)bstantiall9 re;ise(. ,n partic)lar 9o)>ll fin( increase( foc)s on comp)ting reflecting the rapi( a(;ances in comp)ter technolog9 that has re;ol)tioni:e( man9 aspects of ci;il engineering. Lo)>ll )se it as a s)r;e9 of the fiel(1 9o)>ll )se it

to eGplore a partic)lar s)b?ect1 b)t most of all 9o)>ll )se The -i;il *ngineering Han(book to answer the problems1 @)estions1 an( con)n(r)ms 9o) enco)nter in practice

http://rapi(share.(e/files/"02"/ "/-i*nHa.rar.html .asswor(: rafcm;il#20*ngineering#20Han(book12003/

CE2I1910J http://!!!.mega&"":7=4E CE2I11920J http://!!!.mega&;?%<#(N? CE2I219$0J http://!!!.mega&"B9$43 CE2I$1940J http://!!!.mega& CE2I419"0J http://!!!.mega&"D7?7 CE2I"19#0J http://!!!.mega&'7>:>K CE2I#19#7J http://!!!.mega&"% CE2I5ntrosO0ppJ http://!!!.mega&;"(K12 pass!ordsA:A!!!.ava+home.r&

Soil 0echanics '9: Ailliam .owrie ,S'5: 0/ 53 5"K .)blisher: Spon .ress + 200/+02+22 .aperback T 2 *(ition T "0< .ages T List .rice: N5!.25 H7S&I T Sales $ank: 25 !23 'ook &escription The aim of this book is to enco)rage st)(ents to (e;elop an )n(erstan(ing of the f)n(amentals of soil mechanics. ,t b)il(s a rob)st an( a(aptable framework of i(eas to s)pport an( accommo(ate the more compleG problems an( anal9tical proce()res that confront the practising engineer. Soil 0echanics: -oncepts an( Applications co;ers the soil mechanics an( geotechnical engineering topics t9picall9 incl)(e( in )ni;ersit9 co)rses in ci;il engineering an( relate( s)b?ects. .h9sical rather than mathematical arg)ments are )se( in the core sections where;er possible. The or(er in which the material is presente( is base( on the belief that st)(ents nee( time to assimilate new concepts1 an( that too man9 new i(eas sho)l( not be intro()ce( all at once 5ew feat)res for the secon( e(ition incl)(e: an accompan9ing website containing the lect)rers> sol)tions man)alO new chapters on soil strength an( soil beha;io)r separating the basic an( more a(;ance( material to ai( )n(erstan(ingO an( a new page la9o)t making the book more accessible. si:e: /.0/ 0' http://mih(.net/:")lao

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