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Project 3.1.

7 Machine Control Design Rubric (VEX)

Topics 4 points Design 3 points 2 points
Produces sketches that are difficult to visualize. Lacks details in sketches. Missing some details for effective communication, including labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates. Produces program solutions that are difficult to visualize. Lacks details in sketches. Missing some details for effective communication, including labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates. Solution is somewhat accurate and includes a medium-quality sketch or 3D model. Meets some of the required design concepts. Is missing many details for effective communication, including labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates.

1 point
Produces incomplete sketches. Does not present the concept well. Missing several details for effective communication, including labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates. Produces incomplete program solutions that are difficult to visualize. Missing several details for effective communication, including labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates. Solution is not accurate and includes a medium-quality sketch or 3D model. Meets some of the required design concepts. Is missing most details for effective communication, including labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates.

Produces marginally sufficient sketches that meet the required design concepts. Is properly detailed for effective communication, including labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates. Produces accurate program Produces marginally solutions. Is properly detailed sufficient program solutions for effective communication, that meet the required design Two Potential including labels, descriptions, concepts. Is properly detailed Program Solutions signatures, and dates. for effective communication, including labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates. Solution is accurate and Solution is mostly accurate Final Physical includes a high-quality sketch and includes a high-quality Solution Concept or 3D model. Meets the sketch or 3D model. Meets Sketch or 3D required design concepts. most of the required design Model concepts. Final Physical Includes details for effective Includes most details for Solution Concept communication, including effective communication, Written labels, descriptions, including labels, descriptions, Communication signatures, and dates. signatures, and dates.

Produces accurate sketches that meet the required design concepts. Is properly detailed Two Potential for effective communication, Physical Solutions including labels, descriptions, signatures, and dates.

2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc. POE Project 3.1.7 Machine Control Design Rubric VEX Page 1

Design Requirements Quality and Functionality

4 points
Fully meets design requirements. Mechanism functions correctly, consistently, and the chosen parts are appropriate.

Physical Solution 3 points

Meets most design requirements and supports the design function. Mechanism functions most of the time, and the chosen parts are appropriate.

2 points
Meets some requirements but not enough to support the design function. Mechanism sometimes functions, and the parts are not chosen appropriately.

1 point
Does not meet design requirements. Mechanism rarely functions, and the parts are not chosen appropriately.

Design Requirements Quality and Functionality

4 points
Fully meets design requirements.

Program Solution 3 points

2 points
Meets some requirements but not enough to support the design function. Works inconsistently, and most function blocks are well chosen.

1 point
Does not meet design requirements. Contains errors as a result of poorly chosen function blocks.

Meets most design requirements and supports the design function. Works correctly, consistently, Works most of the time, and and function blocks are well most function blocks are well chosen. chosen.

2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc. POE Project 3.1.7 Machine Control Design Rubric VEX Page 2

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