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uenlng Markeung for Lhe 21

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Charlsmauc polluclan + message of hope+
lnLegraLed modern markeung program
used onllne and oMlne medla
lacebook, ?ou1ube, and 1wluer were cruclal
owerful Lool: 13.3 mllllon e-mall llsL
$300 mllllon ralsed from 3 mllllon donors
33,000 groups organlzed
And Lhe elecuon of Lhe nexL resldenL of Lhe
unlLed SLaLes
Cbama for Amerlca
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Good markenng |s no acc|dent, but a
resu|t of carefu| p|ann|ng and execunon
us|ng state-of-the-art too|s and
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- Pelped lnLroduce and galn
accepLance of new producLs LhaL have
enrlched people's llves
- lnsplre enhancemenLs ln exlsung
producLs ln lnnovauons Lo lmprove
Lhelr posluon ln Lhe markeL
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- meeung needs proLably.
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Markenng ls Lhe acuvlLy, seL of
lnsuLuuons, and processes for
creaung, communlcaung, dellverlng,
and exchanglng oers LhaL have
value for cusLomers, cllenLs, parLners,
and socleLy aL large.
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Markenng management ls Lhe arL
and sclence of chooslng LargeL
markeLs and gemng, keeplng, and
growlng cusLomers Lhrough
creaung, dellverlng, and
communlcaung superlor
cusLomer value.
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- noL only Lhe arL of selllng
producLs" buL Lo know and
undersLand Lhe cusLomer so well LhaL
Lhe producL or servlce Ls hlm and
sells lLself.
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ulsney World, Crulses
Clymplcs, Super 8owl
8eal esLaLe, SLocks and 8onds
WhaL ls MarkeLed?
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unlverslues, museums
8ooks, schools, unlverslues
WhaL ls MarkeLed?
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Who markeLs?
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MarkeLers are skllled aL sumulaung demands for
Lhelr producLs. 1hey seek Lo lnuence Lhe
level, umlng, and composluon of demand Lo
meeL Lhe organlzauon's ob[ecuves.
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1ypes of uemand
uecllnlng unwholesome
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negauve demand
Consumers dlsllke Lhe producL and may even pay Lo
avold lL. e.g. vacclnauon, uenLal Work, Alcohollcs
Markeung Lask: ana|yze why Lhe markeL dlsllkes Lhe
nonexlsLenL demand
Consumers may be unaware of or unlnLeresLed ln Lhe
producL. e.g. farmers may noL be lnLeresLed ln new
farmlng meLhods, college sLudenLs noL lnLeresLed for
a forelgn language course.
Markeung Lask: nd ways Lo connecL Lhe benehts Lo
Lhe person's naLural needs and lnLeresLs
SLaLe of uemands
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LaLenL demand
Consumers may share a sLrong need LhaL cannoL be
saused by an exlsung producL. e.g. laLenL demand
for harmless clgareues, more fuel emclenL cars
Markeung Lask: measure Lhe slze of Lhe poLenual
markeL and develop eecuve goods and servlces
uecllnlng demand
Consumers begln Lo buy Lhe producL less frequenLly
or noL aL all. e.g. 8oy ScouL enrollmenL
Markeung Lask: analyze Lhe cause, deLermlne lf lL can
be re-sumulaLed, reverse Lhrough creauve markeung
SLaLe of uemands
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lrregular demand
Consumers purchases vary on a seasonal, monLhly,
weekly, dally or even hourly basls. e.g. malls - vlslLed
on weekends, noL on weekdays
Markeung Lask: alLer prlclng, promouon and oLher
lull demand
Consumers are adequaLely buylng all producLs puL
lnLo Lhe markeLplace. e.g.
Markeung Lask: malnLaln currenL level of demand,
quallLy should be lmproved, measure sausfacuon
SLaLe of uemands
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Cverfull demand
uemand ls hlgher Lhan Lhey can or wanL Lo handle
Markeung Lask: ralse prlces, reduce promouons and
unwholesome demand
Consumers may be auracLed Lo producLs LhaL have
undeslrable soclal consequences. e.g. clgareues,
alcohol, handguns and plraLed movles
Markeung Lask: un-selllng campalgns
SLaLe of uemands
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A collecuon of buyers and sellers who
LransacL over a parucular producL or
producL class.
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Slmple Markeung SysLem
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key CusLomer MarkeLs
Clobal MarkeLs
8uslness MarkeLs
Selllng buslness goods and
CovernmenL MarkeL
Consumer MarkeL
Selllng mass consumer
goods and servlces
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MarkeLplaces - physlcal
MarkeLspaces -
dlglLal locauon
MeLamarkeLs - clusLer of
compllmenLary producLs
and servlces
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Core Markeung ConcepLs
needs, WanLs, and uemands
1argeL MarkeLs, osluonlng,
and SegmenLauon
Cerlngs and 8rands
value and Sausfacuon
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needs vs WanLs vs uemands
needs - baslc human requlremenLs llke alr, food, waLer, eLc.
WanLs - speclc ob[ecLs LhaL mlghL sausfy Lhe need
uemands - wanLs for speclc producLs backed by an ablllLy
Lo pay, e.g. lhone
MarkeLers do noL creaLe needs: needs preexlsL markeLers!
1hey lnsLead lnuence wanLs (LogeLher wlLh socleLal
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3 Lypes of needs
1. SLaLed needs (Lhe cusLomer wanLs an lnexpenslve
2. 8eal needs (Lhe cusLomer wanLs a car whose
operaung cosL, noL lnlual prlce, ls low.)
3. unsLaLed needs (Lhe cusLomer expecLs good servlce
from Lhe dealer)
4. uellghL needs (Lhe cusLomer would llke Lhe dealer Lo
lnclude an onboard CS navlgauon sysLem)
3. SecreL needs (Lhe cusLomer wanLs frlends Lo see hlm
or her as a savvy consumer)
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SegmenLauon vs 1argeL MarkeLs vs
SegmenLs - dlvldlng Lhe markeL
1argeL markeLs - opporLunlues
osluonlng ln Lhe mlnds of Lhe LargeL buyers
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Cerlngs and 8rands
Cerlngs - comblnauon of producLs,
servlces, lnformauon, and experlences
8rand - oerlng from a known source
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value and Sausfacuon
value - sum of Lhe Langlble and lnLanglble
beneLs and cosL
Sausfacuon - person's [udgmenL of a
producL's percelved performance ln
relauonshlp Lo expecLauons.
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Core Markeung ConcepLs
Markeung Channels
Markeung LnvlronmenL
Supply Chaln
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Markeung Channels
3 klnds:
1. Communlcauon Channels -
newspapers, radlo, eLc
2. ulsLrlbuuon Channels -
lnLerneL, mall, moblle phone,
dlsLrlbuLors, reLallers, eLc
3. Servlce Channels -
warehouses, banks, lnsurance
companles, eLc.
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Supply Chaln
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Markeung LnvlronmenL
1ask LnvlronmenL - acLors engaged ln
produclng, dlsLrlbuung, and promoung Lhe
oerlng, e.g. suppllers, dlsLrlbuLors, dealers.
8road LnvlronmenL
- demographlc
- economlc
- soclo-culLural
- naLural
- Lechnologlcal
- pollucal-legal
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1he new Markeung 8eallues
new Company
Ma[or SocleLal
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Who ls 8esponslble for Markeung?
Chlef Markeung Cmcer
Lnure Crganlzauon
Markeung ueparLmenL
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Pollsuc Markeung
Markeung ConcepLs
Selllng roducL roducuon
Mass producuon
Mass dlsLrlbuuon
unsoughL goods
CreaLe, dellver, and
communlcaLe value
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roducuon - consumers prefer producLs LhaL
are wldely avallable and lnexpenslve
roducL - consumers favor producLs oerlng
Lhe mosL quallLy, performance, or lnnovauve
Selllng - consumers and buslness, lf le alone,
won'L buy enough of Lhe organlzauon's
Markeung ConcepLs
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Markeung - noL nd Lhe rlghL cusLomers for
your producL, buL Lhe rlghL producLs for your
Pollsuc - developmenL, deslgn and
lmplemenLauon of markeung programs,
processes, and acuvlues LhaL recognlze Lhelr
breadLh and lnLerdependencles. LveryLhlng
mauers ln markeung
Markeung ConcepLs
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Pollsuc Markeung ulmenslons
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8elauonshlp Markeung
8ulld long-Lerm relauonshlps
uevelop markeung neLworks
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lnLegraLed Markeung
CreaLe, communlcaLe, and
dellver cusLomer value
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lnLernal Markeung
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erformance Markeung
Soclal 8esponslblllLy
llnanclal AccounLablllLy
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1he lour 's of Lhe Markeung Mlx
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ueveloplng markeL sLraLegles and plans
CapLurlng markeung lnslghLs
Connecung wlLh cusLomers
8ulldlng sLrong brands
Shaplng markeL oerlngs
uellverlng value
Communlcaung value
Creaung long-Lerm growLh
Markeung ManagemenL 1asks

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