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Arab Political Systems: Baseline Information and Reforms Palestine


At A Glance Population9 /uly :55* est. :98789;:7 <=est %an>9 including East /erusalem? 49*8:9*58 <,a@a -trip? 4879555 Israeli settlers in tAe =est %an> and 4779555 in East /erusalem. ,0P Per !apita <PPP?9 :558 est. )uman 0eCelopment Index &an>9 "(0P9 :55. 6reedom )ouse &ating9 :55. Political &igAts !iCil +iberties 6reedom of tAe Press &an>9 6reedom )ouse9 :55. <#Ais ran>ing refers to DIsraeliE2ccupied #erritories/Palestinian 'utAorityF? !orruption Index &an>9 #ransparency International9 :558 457 <out of 488 countries? B49855 455 <out of 477 countries? (ot 6ree 8 8 48* <out of 4;* countries?

UPDATES AND FORTHCOMING EVENTS ......................................................................................2 UPDATES AND FORTHCOMING EVENTS ......................................................................................2 E E!"#I$E %&'(!) ...............................................................................................................................* +E,I-+'#I$E %&'(!).............................................................................................................................. /"0I!I'&1................................................................................................................................................ +2!'+ ,2$E&(3E(#.............................................................................................................................8 RIGHTS ...................................................................................................................................................10 RIGHTS ...................................................................................................................................................10 PE&-2('+ +I%E&#IE-.............................................................................................................................45 +E,I-+'#I2( &E,"+'#I(, #)E E E&!I-E 26 &I,)#-..........................................................................45 &E!E(# ,2$E&(3E(# I(I#I'#I$E- '66E!#I(, &I,)#-.....................................................................47 POLITICAL FORCES............................................................................................................................15 POLITICAL FORCES............................................................................................................................15 P2+I#I!'+ P'&#IE- ...............................................................................................................................48 !I$I+ -2!IE#1.......................................................................................................................................47 ELECTION RESULTS...........................................................................................................................19
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace9 1779 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington .C. !""#$%!1"# &undaci'n (ara las )elaciones Internacionales * el i+logo E,teriorC. &eli(e I/- 9 % 10 dcha. !1"12 Madrid.

Arab Political Systems: Baseline Information and Reforms Palestine

ELECTION RESULTS...........................................................................................................................19 CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION..........................................................................................................22 CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION..........................................................................................................22 CORRUPTION........................................................................................................................................23 CORRUPTION........................................................................................................................................23 RATIFICATION OF INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS.............................................................24 RATIFICATION OF INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS.............................................................24

Updates and Forthcoming Events

Israel launcAed a new incursion into ,a@a on 3arcA * following renewed roc>et attac>s. Israel Aad pulled its ground troops out of nortAern ,a@a on 3arcA 7 after days of coordinated operations in wAicA more tAan 455 Palestinians were >illed. Israel says tAat most of tAose >illed were armed militants9 but Palestinian officials say tAat more tAan Aalf were ciCilians9 including seCeral cAildren. Palestinian President 3aAmoud 'bbas initially cut off peace tal>s witA Israel in response to tAe incursions9 but in a 3arcA * Goint press conference witA ".-. -ecretary of -tate !ondolee@@a &ice9 wAo is concluding a Cisit to tAe region9 'bbas confirmed Ais intention to resume tal>s witA Israel. (early *9855 Palestinians formed a Auman cAain in tAe ,a@a -trip on 6ebruary :*9 :558 in protest of tAe Israeli bloc>ade on ,a@a. Israel Aad put troops on alert along tAe frontier and tAreatened to open fire if protesters tried to surge across tAe border. #Ae eCent9 organi@ed by )amas and allied actiCists9 ended peacefully two Aours later. !lic> Aere for more details. #Ae Palestinian population in tAe =est %an>9 ,a@a9 and East /erusalem grew by about 75 percent in tAe last decade9 according to data publisAed by tAe Palestinian !entral %ureau of -tatistics on 6ebruary ;9 :558. #Ae census numbers for :557 sAow a total of :.7*8 million Palestinians in tAe =est %an>9 4.* million in tAe ,a@a -trip9 and :589555 in East /erusalem. !lic> Aere for more details and statistics. #Ae Israeli army continued on 6ebruary .9 :558 tAe demolition of two Palestinian Cillages in tAe =est %an>. #Ae Israeli army Aas declared most of tAe /ordan $alley9 wAere tAe Cillages of )umsa and )adidiya are situated9 as a closed military area from wAicA tAe local Palestinian population is barred. #Ae eCacuation of tAe Cillages began in 'pril :557 and Aas left do@ens of Palestinians Aomeless and witAout access to running water or electricity. !lic> Aere for a statement by 'mnesty International. #Ae Israeli cabinet approCed on 6ebruary .9 :558 tAe construction of a reinforced fence along its border witA Egypt to stop Palestinian militants reacAing Israel from tAe -inai desert. #Ae measure was ratified in a security cabinet meeting following tAe temporary breacA of tAe ,a@aEEgypt border in /anuary and a 6ebruary 8 suicide
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bombing tAat >illed one woman in tAe soutAern Israeli town of 0imona. !lic> Aere for more information.

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Arab Political Systems: Baseline Information and Reforms Palestine

State Institutions/ Separation of Po ers

#Ae Palestinian 'utAority <P'? was created by a series of agreements between Israel and tAe Palestinian +iberation 2rgani@ation <P+2?9 signed between 4;;7 and 4;;8. #Ae IsraelEP+2 0eclaration of Principles on Interim -elfE,oCernment 'rrangements <02P?9 signed on -eptember 479 4;;79 proCided for a transitional period of Palestinian interim selfEgoCernment in tAe ,a@a -trip and tAe =est %an> not exceeding fiCe years <beginning in 4;;*?."nder tAe 02P9 Israel transferred certain powers and responsibilities in botA security and ciCil affairs to tAe P' in tAe =est %an> and tAe ,a@a -trip. 'll areas of ciCil goCernance oCer Palestinians in tAe =est %an> and ,a@a were to be assigned to tAe P'. 2n security matters9 Israel retained responsibility during tAe transitional period for external security and for public order in tAe Israeli settlements. #Ae P' Aad responsibility for internal security in 'rea ' <cities and some towns? and Israel and tAe P' Aad Goint responsibility in 'rea % <suburbs and smaller towns?. #Ae Palestinian 'utAority Aas been closely associated witA tAe P+2. EstablisAed In 4;.*9 tAe P+2 was recogni@ed by Israel as tAe legitimate representatiCe of tAe Palestinian people in 4;;7. =Aen tAe Palestinian 'utAority was created9 tAe P+2 transferred some its personnel and structures to it9 but tAe two were to be distinct entities. 'ltAougA tAe 2slo 'ccords spelled out some aspects of P' operation in detail9 tAe P' in practice Aad trouble defining its precise relationsAip witA tAe P+2. #Ae P+2Hs leadersAip dominates tAe P'9 occupying senior administratiCe and political positions9 as well as controlling many of tAe security serCices. #Ae P' presidency and its security apparatus were establisAed two years before tAe first democratic elections too> place in 4;;.. Palestine Aas no constitution. In 6ebruary 4;;.9 tAe Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil passed a %asic +aw for tAe (ational 'utAority in tAe #ransitional Period to serCe as an interim constitution until tAe Palestinian state is officially declared. In 3ay :55:9 tAe %asic +aw <EnglisA #ext9 'rabic #ext? was finally signed by former President 1asir 'rafat.

E!ecutive "ranch

#Ae pres !e"# is tAe Aead of tAe Palestinian 'utAority. )eI E E E E E E 'ppoints tAe prime minister. Initiates and proposes laws to tAe Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil <P+!?. !an Ceto legislation witAin tAirty days of its adoption by tAe P+!. 3ay issue decrees witA tAe force of law in exceptional circumstances wAile tAe P+! is not in session. -ucA decrees are subGect to tAe approCal of tAe P+! wAen it conCenes. Is tAe commander in cAief of tAe armed forces. 3ay declare a state of emergency tAat cannot last longer tAan 75 days. #Ae state of emergency may be extended anotAer 75 days witA approCal of tAe P+!.
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0uring a state of emergency9 basic rigAts may not be infringed and tAe legislature may not be suspended. -erCes a fourEyear term and cannot be elected for more tAan two consecutiCe terms9 according to an 'ugust :558 amendment of tAe %asic +aw. Prior to tAe amendment9 tAe %asic +aw stated tAat tAe term of tAe presidency applied tArougA tAe #ransitional PAase. #Ae president could only be remoCed by deatA9 resignation9 or a determination of incompetence by a ruling of tAe )igA !onstitutional !ourt along witA a twoEtAirds maGority of tAe P+!. Is replaced by tAe spea>er of tAe P+! for a maximum of .5 days in case of deatA9 resignation9 or incompetence.

3aAmoud 'bbas <'bu 3a@en? was elected on /anuary ;9 :558 as president of tAe Palestinian 'utAority. #Ae executiCe committee of tAe P+2 cAose 'bbas as its cAairman following 1asir 'rafatHs deatA on (oCember 449 :55*. 'rafat Aad occupied tAe presidency since 4;;..

#Ae pr $e $ " s#erI E E

Is appointed by tAe president. 6orms tAe cabinet in consultation witA tAe president.

#Ae %asic +aw was amended in :557 to create tAe position of prime minister. #Ae idea of creating a prime ministerial position was reintroduced in :55: by reformers see>ing to transfer some powers of tAe presidency to an official responsible to tAe parliament. 3aAmoud 'bbas serCed as tAe first Prime 3inister of tAe Palestinian 'utAority from 3arcA to 2ctober :5579 resigning after a power struggle witA 'rafat.

S%&%$ F%''%! became prime minister on /une 489 :557.

#Ae C()"* & (+ M " s#ersI E E E E Is appointed by tAe prime minister in consultation witA tAe president. 3ust receiCe a Cote of confidence from tAe Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil. Proposes laws9 issues regulations9 and ta>es tAe necessary actions to execute laws. Prepares tAe general budget to be presented to tAe +egislatiCe !ouncil. &eceiCed greater powers after a :557 amendment of tAe %asic +aw transferred executiCe responsibilities to tAe cabinet. #Ae amended law placed tAe security serCices under tAe control of tAe cabinet9 wAile ac>nowledging tAe presidentHs role as Dcommander in cAief.F

' new national unity cabinet9 composed mainly of members of )amas and 6ataA9 was sworn in on 3arcA 489 :557. !lic> Aere for a list of tAe :8Emember cabinet.

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Arab Political Systems: Baseline Information and Reforms Palestine

Legislative "ranch

#Ae unicameral legislatiCe brancA is tAe P%&es# " %" Le, s&%# -e C()"* & <P+!?. #Ae P+!I E E E E E E E E E E E E E Is made up of 47: members elected for fiCeEyear terms. Initiates and passes legislation. !an oCerturn a presidential Ceto of its proposed legislation by a twoEtAird Cote. !an amend tAe %asic +aw witA a twoEtAird Cote. 'pproCes tAe budget. 3ust confirm tAe prime minister upon nomination by tAe president. 3ust approCe all goCernment cabinet positions proposed by tAe prime minister. ' noEconfidence motion can be proposed by tAe prime minister or by at least ten members of tAe !ouncil. !an Juestion ministers but not tAe president of tAe P'. !annot be dissolCed during a state of emergency. )as two ordinary sessions eCery year9 eacA to last no longer tAan tAree montAs. #a>es decisions by a simple maGority of tAe members present. )as complained of being marginali@ed by tAe executiCe autAority. -ince tAe deatA of 'rafat9 tAe P+! Aas reinCigorated its actiCity9 and commonly summons senior executiCe officials to testify before it. )as no real autAority oCer borders or defense policy <as per agreements witA Israel?.


PalestineHs legal system is a mix of laws deriCed from 2ttoman9 %ritisA 3andate9 /ordanian9 and Egyptian law9 as well as Israeli military orders and laws promulgated by tAe Palestinian 'utAority. #Ae %asic +aw guarantees tAe independence of tAe Gudiciary. #Ae +aw of /udicial 2rgani@ation was promulgated in :55: to proCide for a Gudiciary tAat would be able to operate independently of tAe executiCe brancA. #Ae :55: law gaCe tAe Palestinian Gudiciary a degree of autonomy and Gurisdiction tAat otAer 'rab Gudiciaries lac>9 but implementation of tAe law Aas been slow due to continued conflicts between tAe Gudiciary and otAer bodies. 3aAmoud 'bbas appointed a commission on Gudicial reform in :558. #Ae D-teering !ommittee for tAe 0eCelopment of tAe /udiciary and /usticeF is in cAarge of ma>ing improCements to tAe :55: /udicial 'utAority +aw to ensure it can be implemented. /udges and staff lac> sufficient resources and suffer from a lac> of s>ills and training. !ourt procedures and record >eeping are antiJuated. .)! * %r' C()"* &s
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#Ae )igA /udicial !ouncilI E =as created by tAe P+! law on tAe independence of tAe Gudiciary of 4;;8 to oCersee tAe Gudiciary in tAe Palestinian 'utAority. President 1asir 'rafat delayed signing tAe Gudiciary law and formed a )igA /udicial !ouncil in 4;;; consistent witA tAe law but witAout approCing tAe law itself. #Ae )igA /udicial !ouncil was reestablisAed after Ae approCed tAe law in :555. Exercises significant autAority oCer tAe Gudiciary. It reCiews policies regarding tAe structure and function of tAe Gudiciary9 and appoints promotes9 and transfers Gudges. Is engaged in an ongoing dispute oCer Gudicial autAority since its formation witA tAe 3inistry of /ustice


C()r#s E #Ae Gudicial system is organi@ed around a tAreeEtiered court structureI

1. M%, s#r%#e C()r#s <3aAa>im alE-ulA? E -ingle Gudge courts tAat Aear minor ciCil and criminal matters. D s#r *# C()r#s E 3ulti Gudge courts tAat Aear more serious ciCil and criminal matters9 as well as appeals to Gudgments of tAe 3agistrate !ourts.

2. C()r#s (+ Appe%& E E )ear appeals from decisions ta>en in tAe 3agistrate or 0istrict !ourts. Exist in ,a@a and &amallaA.

3. S)pre$e C()r# E E E #Ae -upreme !ourt is composed of two departmentsI ' !ourt of !assation tAat serCes as tAe final court of appeals for ciCil9 criminal9 and commercial matters. ' )igA !ourt of /ustice for administratiCe disputes.

Spe* %& C()r#s M & #%r' C()r#s9 establisAed in 4;;89 AaCe Gurisdiction oCer police and security force personnel as well as crimes by ciCilians against security forces. E S#%#e Se*)r #' C()r#s9 establisAed in 4;;8 by a presidential decree to try cases inColCing security issues in tAe =est %an> and tAe ,a@a -trip9 were abolisAed in :557. #Aese courts lac>ed almost all due process rigAts.

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Personal status issues are Aandled by a separate court system. -Aaria courts operate for 3uslims and otAer Palestinian religious communities AaCe tAeir own courts. #Ae %asic +aw stipulates tAat a )igA !onstitutional !ouncil sAould be formed to determine tAe constitutionality of laws9 interpret legal texts9 and settle Gurisdictional disputes between different courts. #Ais council Aas not yet been formed. #Ae P' executiCe sometimes does not respect decisions of tAe )igA !ourt9 and tAe Palestinian security agencies do not always enforce its rulings. Re+(r$s U"!er D s*)ss ("/

In tAe latest episode of tAe ongoing riCalry between tAe Palestinian Gudiciary and tAe executiCe9 tAe Palestinian )igA !ourt oCerturned tAe :558 /udiciary +aw on (oCember :7. !laiming Gurisdiction as a constitutional court9 tAe )igA !ourt declared tAe /udiciary +aw unconstitutional because it contraCenes tAe Palestinian %asic +aw. #Ae /udiciary +aw cAanged tAe composition of tAe Gudicial council and tAe appointment procedure for tAe attorney general in order to transfer autAority from tAe Gudicial council <wAicA Aas been accused of abusing its power? to tAe 3inistry of /ustice. #Ae Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil <P+!? and seCeral Palestinian nongoCernmental organi@ations claim tAe )igA !ourtKs decision is illegitimate because it is not entitled to loo> into constitutional appeals. #Aey also accuse tAe court of acting on personal motiCesL tAe law diminisAes tAe power of tAose wAo currently dominate tAe )igA !ourt. #Ais is tAe first time a piece of P+! legislation Aas been declared unconstitutional. !lic> 0ere for more information on tAe debate. Local Government Palestine is diCided into 4. administratiCe diCisions tAat also serCe as electoral diCisionsI 44 in tAe =est %an> </erusalem9 /ericAo9 %etAleAem9 )ebron9 (ablus9 /enin9 #ul>arm9 MalJilya9 #ubas9 -alfit9 and &amallaA? and 8 in tAe ,a@a -trip <,a@a (ortA9 ,a@a !ity9 0eir El %alaA9 NAan 1ounis9 and &afaA?. #Aere are 774 municipal councils in tAe =est %an> and ,a@a -trip. #Ae municipal goCernments are fiscally relatiCely decentrali@ed. 3unicipalities AaCe independence to deCelop tAeir own budgets9 wAicA are primarily allocated towards infrastructure deCelopment proGects. !lic> 0ere for legislation in EnglisA regarding councilsH responsibilities. 3unicipal elections too> place between 0ecember :55* and 0ecember :558. #Aese were a single round of local elections staggered oCer a considerable period. #Aese were tAe first municipal elections Aeld in tAe Palestinian territories since 4;7..

3unicipal elections in :55*E:558 were administered by tAe )igAer !ommission for +ocal Elections <)!+E?9 a body establisAed under tAe autAority of tAe M " s#r' Carnegie Endowment for International Peace &undaci'n (ara las )elaciones Internacionales * el 8 i+logo E,terior

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+(r L(*%& G(-er"$e"#. #Ae basis of tAe )!+EHs wor> is tAe +aw for Election of +ocal !ouncils <+aw no. 8 of 4;;.? and its amendments9 wAicA were passed in 0ecember :55* and 'ugust :558. "nder tAe current law on local elections9 tAe )!+E exists to oCersee local elections to tAe end of :5589 after wAicA it will dissolCe and its responsibilities will be transferred to tAe !entral Elections !ommission9 an independent body tAat administers national elections.

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Arab Political Systems: Baseline Information and Reforms Palestine

Personal li"erties

#Ae %asic +aw recogni@es tAe fundamental Auman rigAts and freedoms prescribed in maGor international coCenants. It declares tAat all Palestinians are eJual under tAe law and Gudiciary9 witAout discrimination on tAe basis of race9 sex9 religion9 political Ciews9 or disability. #Ae %asic +aw proCides for freedom of tAougAt and expression proCided tAat tAey do not DCiolate tAe proCisions of tAe law.F #Ae %asic +aw guarantees freedom of belief and tAe performance of religious rituals9 proCided tAat tAey do not DCiolate public order or public morals.F #Ae %asic +aw declares Islam tAe official religion of Palestine and also states tAat Drespect and sanctity of all otAer AeaCenly religions sAall be maintained.F #Ae P' generally respects freedom of religion9 altAougA no law exists protecting religious expression. 'rticle 47 of tAe %asic +aw proAibits torture and arbitrary arrest9 but international Auman rigAts groups state tAat P' officers engaged in torture9 prisoner abuse9 and arbitrary and prolonged detention. 'buses AaCe declined since tAe beginning of tAe second intifada. #Ae :554 P' !riminal Procedures +aw allows police to Aold detainees witAout cAarges for :* Aours. !ourt approCal is necessary for detention witAout cAarges for a maximum of *8 days. ' trial must start witAin . montAs of arrest or tAe detainee must be released. In practice9 AoweCer9 many Palestinians are Aeld in detention witAout cAarge for montAs. #Ae %asic +aw guarantees tAe rigAt to conduct public meetings9 processions9 and assemblies9 witAin tAe limits of law. #Ae P' reJuires permits for rallies and demonstrations9 but tAese permits are rarely denied. #Ae (ew 1or>Ebased organi@ation )uman &igAts =atcA proCides a compreAensiCe oCerCiew of Auman rigAts deCelopments in tAe Palestinian 2ccupied #erritories.

Legislation regulating the e!ercise of rights

P(& # *%& P%r#' L%1s E #Ae %asic +aw giCes Palestinians tAe rigAt to participate in political life indiCidually and in groups. It guarantees tAe rigAt to DestablisA and Goin political parties in accordance witA tAe law.F E Palestine lac>s a political party law. In 4;;8 a draft law on political parties was proposed but neCer enacted. #Ae proposed lawI

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Arab Political Systems: Baseline Information and Reforms Palestine


%anned any party tAat sougAt to topple tAe constitutional goCernment9 tAreatened tAe independence and unity of tAe country9 called for war and internal Ciolence9 or Geopardi@ed democratic political life and regional and social unity <'rticle 8?. ,aCe tAe ministry of Gustice tAe rigAt to preCent any party from registering if its basic system and its documents conflicted witA Palestinian law <'rticle 4.?. &eJuired legal parties to be members of tAe coalition tAat comprises tAe Palestine +iberation 2rgani@ation <P+2?.

E&e*#(r%& L%1 E 'n electoral law passed on /une 489 :558 <'rabic #ext? replaced tAe 4;;8 Electoral +aw <EnglisA #ext9 'rabic #ext?. #Ae new lawI E !Aanges tAe number of seats in tAe Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil from 88 to 47:. E !Aanges tAe electoral system from a maGority system to a mixed system. )alf tAe seats <..? will be elected by direct ballot based on 4. electoral districts and Aalf <..? cAosen from party lists by proportional representation. E &eserCes six of tAe .. seats elected by direct ballot for !Aristian representatiCes. E Ensures women a minimum leCel of representation on tAe electoral lists. EacA list must include at least one woman in tAe first tAree names9 at least one woman in tAe next four names9 and at least one woman in eacA of tAe fiCe names tAat follow on tAe list. #Ae !entral Elections !ommission gained a new mandate on 'pril *9 :558 to oCersee tAe Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil elections scAeduled for /anuary :89 :55.. #Aree new commissioners were added <clic> Aere for tAe full list?. Palestine is diCided into 4. electoral diCisionsI 44 in tAe =est %an> </erusalem9 /ericAo9 %etAleAem9 )ebron9 (ablus9 /enin9 #ul>arm9 MalJilya9 #ubas9 -alfit9 and &amallaA? and 8 in tAe ,a@a -trip <,a@a (ortA9 ,a@a !ity9 0eir El %alaA9 NAan 1ounis9 and &afaA?. E +ocal elections are administered by tAe )igAer !ommission for +ocal Elections <)!+E?9 formed by tAe 3inistry of +ocal ,oCernment in :55*. ' local elections commission was first establisAed in 4;;. wAen tAe local elections bill was passed by tAe P+!. E #Ae basis of tAe )!+EHs wor> is tAe +aw for Election of +ocal !ouncils of 4;;. <EnglisA #ext? and its amendments9 wAicA were passed in 0ecember :55* and 'ugust :558 <'rabic #ext? in tAe middle of municipal elections. #Ae amendments introduced tAe following cAangesI E ' party list system witA 45O tAresAold. E ' :5O Juota for women. E #Ae president of tAe council is elected by tAe council ratAer tAan tArougA direct elections.

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L%1 (" Ass(* %# ("s E #Ae :555 +aw of !Aaritable 'ssociations and !ommunity 2rgani@ations <EnglisA #ext9 'rabic #ext? offers a framewor> to establisA a modus operandi between tAe Palestinian 'utAority and (,2s. #Ae lawI E Is tAe result of a Goint effort in 4;;8 between tAe political subE committee of tAe Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil <P+!? and a coalition of (,2s. E &eJuires (,2s to register at tAe 3inistry of Interior. #Ae 3inistry can close down an association for substantiCe Ciolations of its bylaws and after notice and failure to correct. #Ae 'ssociation can appeal tAis decision to a court. E 'llows associations to engage in any social9 economic9 cultural9 deCelopmental9 or otAer actiCities or serCices tAat will enAance tAe life of citi@ens in tAe social9 AealtA9 professional9 material9 spiritual9 artistic9 cultural9 and educational fields. E -tates tAat associations must file annual reports on tAeir actiCities and finances. E =or>ers may establisA unions witAout goCernment autAori@ation. Palestinian wor>ers see>ing to stri>e must first submit to arbitration by tAe P' +abor 3inistry. If tAe union disagrees witA tAe final arbitration and stri>es9 a tribunal of senior Gudges appointed by tAe P' decides if disciplinary action <sucA as a fine? sAould be ta>en. E #Aere are no laws to protect tAe rigAts of stri>ing wor>ers. +abor affairs in tAe =est %an> and ,a@a are goCerned by a combination of /ordanian laws and P' decisions. Palestinian wor>ers in East /erusalem are subGect to Israeli labor law. E =or>ers in /erusalem are free to establisA unions9 but may not Goin =est %an> federations. #Ais restriction9 AoweCer9 is not enforced. =or>ers Aolding /erusalem identity cards may belong simultaneously to =est %an> unions and tAe Israeli )istadrut +abor 6ederation.

Me! % L%1s E #Ae 4;;8 Press +aw regulates tAe Palestinian media. #Ae lawI E ProCides for Gournalists to be fined and Gailed and newspapers closed for publisAing Dsecret informationF on Palestinian security forces or news tAat migAt Aarm national unity or incite Ciolence. E -tipulates tAat Palestinian intelligence serCices do not AaCe tAe rigAt to Juestion9 interrogate9 detain9 incarcerate or arrest Gournalists on tAe basis of tAeir wor>. E 2fficial Aarassment of tAe Palestinian media Aas declined greatly in recent years. )oweCer9 tAreats and pAysical abuse of Gournalists still occur. 4:

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E Palestinian media are licensed by tAe 3inistry of Information. 6oreign media are monitored by tAe %ureau of Press Information establisAed by tAe ,eneral Intelligence 0irectorate. E #Ae Palestinian 'utAority operates two teleCision stations and one radio station. E 3ost important media outlets are priCately owned. "nli>e otAer 'rab countries9 eCen tAe broadcast sector is partially priCate in Palestine. 3ore tAan tAirty priCate teleCision stations operate in tAe =est %an>9 tAe bestEestablisAed of wAicA transmit across tAe =est %an> and into ,a@a and /ordan. 0o@ens of priCate radio stations in tAe =est %an> and ,a@a offer mostly entertainment programs9 tAougA a few feature news and oCertly political broadcasts. #Ae growtA of priCate broadcasting started in tAe 4;;5s9 before tAe current Intifada bro>e out. #Ae Palestinian 'utAority <P'?9 fearing tAat Israel migAt one day close down or attac> its official stations9 reluctantly allowed numerous priCate stations to operate. E 'll tAree daily newspapers depend AeaCily on P' support in tAe form of direct subsidies or adCertising. -eCeral small media outlets are pressured by autAorities to proCide faCorable coCerage of tAe P'. E 'ccording to tAe annual =orldwide Press 6reedom Index by &eporters witAout %orders9 tAe occupied Palestinian territories ran> 488 of 4.; countries. #Ae index runs from 4 <most press freedom? to 4.; <least press freedom?.

Pers("%& S#%#)s L%1 E E Personal status law is based on religious lawL for 3uslims9 it is deriCed from -Aaria <Islamic law?9 and for !Aristians9 from ecclesiastical courts. Personal status law deriCed from -Aaria puts women at a disadCantage in matters of marriage9 diCorce9 and inAeritance. =omen may ma>e stipulations in tAe marriage contract to protect tAem in tAe eCent of diCorce and on Juestions of cAild custodyL AoweCer9 Cery few women ta>e adCantage of tAis proCision. Ecclesiastical courts also often faCor men oCer women in diCorce and cAild custody cases. &ape9 domestic abuse9 and DAonor >illingsF9 in wAicA unmarried women wAo are raped or wAo engage in premarital sex are murdered by a relatiCe9 are not uncommon. #Aese murders often go unpunisAed9 or perpetrators serCe extremely sAort prison sentences.

%ecent Government Initiatives Affecting %ights 2n /une 4*9 :55.9 President 3aAmoud 'bbas declared a state of emergency9 dismissed tAe )amas goCernment Aeaded by Ismail )aniyya9 appointed -alam 6ayyad as prime minister9 and suspended 'rticles .8E.7 and 7; of tAe %asic +aw tAat reJuire a new goCernment to secure a Cote of confidence from tAe Carnegie Endowment for International Peace &undaci'n (ara las )elaciones Internacionales * el 47 i+logo E,terior

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Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil <P+!? before ta>ing office. #Ae P+! Aas been unable to conCene since late :55. as a result of IsraelKs detention of many )amas P+! members and traCel restrictions on otAer members.

In tAe absence of tAe P+!9 President 'bbas decreed cAanges to tAe electoral law tAat would faCor 6ataA in -eptember :557. "nder tAe new law <clic> 0ere for tAe text in EnglisA and 0ere for 'rabic?9 Palestinians will Cote solely for party lists. In tAe :55. elections9 Aalf tAe seats were cAosen by national party lists and tAe otAer Aalf by districtL )amas was particularly successful in districts. #Ae decree also reJuires all electoral candidates to recogni@e tAe 6ataAEdominated Palestine +iberation 2rgani@ation as tAe sole legitimate representatiCe of tAe Palestinian people. )amas reGected tAe amendments as illegal. 'ccording to tAe Palestinian %asic +aw9 tAe P+! must reCiew and can abrogate legislatiCe decrees by tAe president made wAen tAe P+! was not in session.

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Political Forces
Political parties

#Ae factionEbased political system Aas yet to deCelop into a more robust9 multiparty system. 2ne of tAe main political parties in tAe Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil is tAe P%&es# " %" N%# ("%& L 2er%# (" M(-e$e"#9 or F%#%0 <)ara>at alE#aArir alE =atani alE6ilistini?. 6ataAI E =as founded by 1asir 'rafat in 4;8; and became dominant in tAe Palestinian +iberation 2rgani@ation <P+2? in 4;.;. E 6ormed tAe bac>bone of tAe P' in 4;;*. E )as always identified itself as tAe central force for national liberation. E )as always lac>ed coAerence but tAis was exacerbated by tAe second intifada as it dissolCed into riCal and regionali@ed groups. E )as faced accusations of autocratic leadersAip9 mismanagement9 and political corruption. E !annot be clearly distinguisAed from tAe P+2 and tAe P'. -ome 6ataA organs surCiCe on P' financial support and many positions in tAe bureaucracy are awarded to party actiCists. 6ataA leaders also serCe as tAe bac>bone of tAe security serCices. E Is currently cAaired by 6arou> Naddoumi9 elected to tAe post soon after 'rafatKs deatA in :55*. E -uffered a maGor defeat in tAe :55. legislatiCe elections. E Is internally diCided between an old and young guard. #Ais was clearly expressed in tAe 6ataA primaries before tAe legislatiCe elections <(oCember :8 and 0ecember 7? wAicA were cAaracteri@ed by a leadersAip struggle between members close to President 3aAmoud 'bbas and 6ataAKs young guard leadersAip9 led by Gailed leader 3arwan %argAouti.

#Ae maGor political party in tAe Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil is H%$%s9 acronym of )ara>at alE3uJawamaA alEIslamiyya <Islamic &esistance 3oCement?. )amasI E Is an Islamist party witA a military wing. E Its stated goal is to establisA an Islamic state in tAe area tAat is currently Israel9 tAe =est %an> and ,a@a. E Is opposed to tAe existence of Israel and to tAe 2slo accords. Its Cocal opposition Aas turned )amas into a growing political alternatiCe to tAe 6ataA party. E )as benefited from corruption witAin tAe P'9 tAe rapid deterioration of ciCil order and tAe inability of tAe P' to deliCer basic serCices. E 2perates an extensiCe priCate cAaritable social serCices networ>. E )as dissociated itself from tAe P' refusing to participate in its institutions or accept tAe binding nature of its decisions.

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E &efuses to surrender tAe option of armed resistance or submit to tAe command of tAe P' in sucA matters. E Is listed as a terrorist group by tAe European "nion9 !anada9 tAe "nited -tates9 and Israel. E %ecame tAe maGor political party in Palestine after winning 78 seats in tAe /anuary :55. legislatiCe elections.

2tAer political parties includeI E #Ae P%&es# " %" N%# ("%& I" # %# -e <alE3ubadara alE=ataniyya alE 6ilistiniyya? was formed in :55:. It Ciews itself as a Ddemocratic tAird forceF in Palestinian politics9 and opposes tAe dicAotomy between 6ataA and )amas. 3ustafa %argAouti campaigned on a platform of democrati@ation as tAe P(IKs candidate in tAe /anuary :558 Palestinian presidential elections and gained 4;.*8O of tAe Cote #Ae P(I made minor gains in tAe first pAase of tAe Palestinian local elections9 in /anuary :558 after tAe presidential elections. It is also expected to run in tAe Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil elections in /anuary :55.. E #Ae P(p)&%r Fr("# +(r #0e L 2er%# (" (+ P%&es# "e <P6+P9 alE/abAaA alE-AaKabiyaA li #aArir 6ilastin? is a secular9 3arxistE+eninist9 nationalist Palestinian organi@ation9 founded in 4;.7. #Ae fall of tAe -oCiet "nion and tAe increased popularity of tAe Islamist groups )amas and Palestinian Islamic /iAad9 Aas marginali@ed tAe P6+PHs role in Palestinian politics. #Ae P6+P supported tAe independent candidate for presidential elections 3ustafa %argAouti. #Ae P6+P gained only one seat in municipal elections in :55*E :558. E #Ae De$(*r%# * Fr("# +(r #0e L 2er%# (" (+ P%&es# "e <alE/abAaA alE 0imuJratiyaA li #aArir 6ilastin? was founded in 4;.; as a 3arxistE+eninist brea>away from tAe P6+P. =Aile it retains influence witAin tAe P+2 <since no new elections AaCe been Aeld?9 it is a minor force on tAe ground. E #Ae P%&es# " %" Pe(p&e3s P%r#' <)i@b alE-AaKab? is a socialist political party9 formerly a communist party. In :55: tAe partyHs tAen general secretary9 3ustafa %argAouti left witA some supporters to found tAe Palestinian (ational InitiatiCe. In tAe /anuary :558 presidential election9 tAe partyKs candidate was %assam alE-alAi9 wAo receiCed :..7O of tAe Cote. E #Ae P%&es# "e De$(*r%# * U" (" <alEIttiAad alE0imuJrati alE6ilastini9 generally >nown as 6ida? was formed in 4;;5 tArougA a split in tAe 0emocratic 6ront for tAe +iberation of Palestine. 6ida ta>es a more moderate stance tAan tAe 06+P towards tAe IsraeliEPalestinian conflict9 and Aas tried to establisA itself as a leftEwing democratic alternatiCe in Palestinian politics. 6I0' Aas no armed wing unli>e most Palestinian parties/organi@ations.

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&ivil societ$

!iCil society flourisAed in Palestine after tAe brea>out of tAe intifada in 0ecember 4;87 and tAe witAdrawal of /ordanian public serCices in 4;88. 'ssociations proliferated to fill tAe serCices Cacuum. Palestinian nongoCernmental organi@ations include cAaritable societies9 cooperatiCes9 associations9 deCelopment organi@ations and some otAer social interest groups9 sucA as unions representing tAe disabled9 womenHs organi@ations and youtA moCements. +ocal (,2s tAat were substantially funded by 'rab states prior to tAe 2slo 'ccords are grouped under tAe "nion of !Aaritable -ocieties. +ocal (,2s funded mainly by Europe and (ortA 'merica are grouped under tAe Palestinian (,2 (etwor> <P(,2?. International (,2s are grouped under tAe 'ssociation of International 0eCelopment 'gencies <'I0'?. -ince tAe establisAment of tAe Palestinian 'utAority in 4;;*9 tAe relationsAip between tAe (,2 sector and tAe goCernment Aas been Colatile and unstable9 and (,2s AaCe Aad to operate witAin an ambiguous legal framewor> wAicA left tAem Culnerable to political pressure. (ongoCernmental organi@ations are regulated by tAe :555 +aw of !Aaritable 'ssociations and !ommunity 2rgani@ations <EnglisA #ext?. In :5559 a 3inistry of (ongoCernmental 2rgani@ations was establisAed. #Aere were 4; trade unions and syndicates registered witA tAe 3inistry of +abor. -yndicatesI -yndicate of 0entists -yndicate of -upportiCe Engineering Professions -yndicate of Palestinian PAysicians -yndicate of Palestine Engineers -yndicate of Palestinian PAarmacists -yndicate of Palestinian 'gricultural Engineers -yndicate of -upportiCe 3edical Professions -yndicate of $eterinarians -ociety of Palestinian 'rtists -ociety of Palestinian -ocial =or>ers -yndicate of Palestine +awyers +eague of Palestinian /ournalists -ociety of 'ccountants and +egal 'udits ,eneral "nion of Palestinian #eacAers
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"nion of Palestinian !ontractors "nion of Palestinian =riters "nion of !Aaritable -ocieties

"mbrella organi@ationsI E #Ae Palestinian ,eneral 6ederation of #rade "nionsI includes tAe maGority of unions in tAe =est %an> and ,a@a.

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Election %esults

&esults of pres !e"# %& e&e*# ("s on /anuary ;9 :558I E 3aAmoud 'bbasI .:.8:O of Cotes. E 3ustapAa %argAoutiI 4;.*8O of Cotes. E #ayseer NAalidI 7.78O of Cotes. E 6our otAer candidates receiCed between 5.74O and :.7.O of tAe Cotes. E $oter #urnoutI 'ccording to tAe !entral Elections !ommission9 85:9577 people Coted9 about *8O of tAe 4.. million eligible Palestinian Coters in tAe =est %an> and ,a@a -trip. E !lic> Aere for detailed results of tAe :558 presidential elections.

)amas and Islamic /iAad boycotted tAe presidential elections. Palestinian and international obserCers monitored tAe elections extensiCely. 'ccording to a rep(r# by tAe (ational 0emocratic Institute <(0I? and tAe !arter !enter9 DtAe election was contested Cigorously and administered fairlyF but tAere were scattered incidents of intimidation and Aarassment by some 6ataA actiCists. !lic> 0ere to read tAe report by tAe European "nionPs 2bserCation 3ission. East /erusalem Coting was problematic due to tAe political situation. Procedures Aad to be designed to aCoid directly contesting Israeli claims of soCereignty <for example9 polling was carried out at post offices so tAat Israel could Ciew it as absentee balloting?. 3embers of tAe Palestinian !entral Elections !ommission <!E!? resigned after controCersy oCer tAeir decision to extend tAe Coting time by two Aours and to allow citi@ens to use identification cards to Cote at tAe nearest polling center instead of preCiously designated centers. 'llegations of some commissionersH faCoritism toward tAe ruling 6ataA party in tAe :558 presidential contest marred tAe reputation of tAe !E!. #Ae next presidential elections will be Aeld in :55;. &esults of elections for tAe &e, s&%# -e *()"* & on /anuary :89 :55.I E !Aange and &eform <)amas?I 7* seats E 6ataA PartyI *8 seats. E Independent candidates affiliated witA )amasI * seats. E Palestinian 6ront for tAe +iberation of PalestineI 7 seats. E #Aird =ay listI : seats. E 'lternatiCe +istI : seats. E Independent Palestine listI : seats. E !lic> Aere for detailed results released by tAe Palestinian !entral Elections !ommission. E $oter turnoutI 77O of eligible Coters <;859555 out of 4.:77 million?.

#Ae conduct of tAe election was widely considered to be free and fair. #Ae Election !ases !ourt on 6ebruary 89 :55. dismissed claims by 6ataA tAat electoral Ciolations necessitated new elections in tAe districts of -alfit9 (ablus9 ,a@a9 NAan
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1ounis9 and /erusalem. #Ae court similarly dismissed claims by )amas tAat it Aad won 75 instead of :; seats at tAe national leCel.

Initial obserCer reports stated tAat tAe election was carried out in an efficient and orderly manner. ' preliminary statement released on /anuary :. by tAe (ational 0emocratic Institute and tAe !arter !enter praised tAe orderly and peaceful conduct of tAe elections but also recorded instances of improper campaign actiCity and restricted freedom of moCement and campaigning. &esults of $)" * p%& e&e*# ("s in tAe =est %an> and ,a@a -trip Aeld in four stages between 0ecember :55* and 0ecember :558I - 6irst roundI :. municipal councils in tAe =est %an> on 0ecember :79 :55*I - 6ataAI4: councils. - )amasI 8 councils. - Independent candidatesI . councils - $oter turnoutI 84O of registered Coters. - -econd stage of first roundI 45 councils in tAe ,a@a -trip on /anuary :79 :558I - )amasI 7 councils. - $oter turnoutI 88O of registered Coters. - -econd roundI 7. councils in tAe =est %an> and 8 councils in tAe ,a@a -trip on 3ay 89 :558I - 6ataAI 85 councils. - )amasI 75 councils9 including >ey urban areas sucA as &afaA in ,a@a and MalJilya in tAe =est %an>. - #Ae )igAer !ommittee for +ocal Elections called for a partial reCote in tAe ,a@a districts of &afaA9 %eit +aAia9 and %ureiG. )amas alleged tAat 6ataA is trying to commit electoral fraud and announced tAat it would boycott tAe reCote and reconsider tAe cease fire agreement. 's a result9 tAe reCote Aas been postponed indefinitely. - !lic> 0ere to read a statement about tAis round of elections by tAe (ational 0emocratic Institute. #Aird roundI 45* councils in tAe =est %an> and ,a@a on -eptember :;9 :55*I 6ataAI 84 councils <:: of tAem uncontested?. )amasI 47 councils. In tAe remaining *5 towns and Cillages9 tAere was no clear winner and coalition tal>s were underway. $oter turnoutI 84O of registered Coters.
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6or tAe first time in municipal elections9 tAe Palestinian parties fielded slates ratAer tAan indiCidual candidates9 a moCe intended to streamline tAe Cote count. !lic> Aere to read statement about tAis round of elections by tAe (ational 0emocratic Institute.

- 6ourtA roundI 457 municipal councils on 0ecember 48. - In tAe maGor cities of (ablus9 alE%ireA9 &amallaA9 and /eninI )amasI 7* O. 6ataAI 47O.

In surrounding citiesI )amasI :.O. 6ataAI 78O.

#Aese were tAe first municipal elections Aeld in tAe Palestinian territories since 4;7..

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&onstitutional %evision

#Ae %asic +aw can be amended by a twoEtAirds Cote in tAe Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil. #Ae %asic +aw was amended in :557 to create tAe position of Prime 3inister. #Ae %asic +aw was amended in :558 to correspond to tAe new Elections +aw. #Ae text is aCailable in tAe 'ugust :558 issue of tAe Palestinian 2fficial ,a@etteI 0##p/44&%1*e"#er.2 r5e #.e!)4%r%2 *4p,4 In 'pril 4;;;9 tAe !entral !ommittee of tAe P+2 autAori@ed preparations for tAe transformation of tAe interim Palestinian 'utAority into a state. #Ais led to tAe establisAment of a committee of Palestinian legal figures tAat would draft a constitutional document for stateAood. #Ae committee reports to tAe !entral !ommittee of tAe P+2 wAicA Aas encouraged its wor> but not endorsed it. ' document was completed in 6ebruary :554 <EnglisA #ext9 'rabic #ext?. (o substantial wor> Aas been underta>en since :557 wAen tAe amendment of tAe %asic +aw too> tAe pressure off tAe attempt to draft a constitutional document.

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#Ae perception of corruption witAin tAe Palestinian 'utAority9 particularly witAin tAe security forces9 is widespread. "nder 'rafat9 P' reCenues were diCerted away from tAe 3inistry of 6inance and placed under tAe direct control of tAe president. Institutional bodies responsible for inCestigating corruption AaCe been eitAer unwilling or unable to inCestigate9 or9 if tAey could inCestigate9 to pursue any cAarges. #Ae public prosecutor can inCestigate corruption but Aas not done so. #Ae ,eneral !ontrol Institute submitted only one report to tAe Palestinian +egislatiCe !ouncil in 4;;7. #Ae P+! complained of fiscal irregularities and inCestigated corruption by top officials9 issuing a report recommending tAat some ministers be referred for prosecution. )oweCer9 wAen 'rafat inCited tAe ministers bac> into tAe cabinet9 tAe P+! gaCe tAem a Cote of confidence. In 4;;; and :5559 pressure from tAe P+! and international donors forced greater disclosure of tAe P'Hs earnings as well as a decrease in tAe practice of Aolding a segment of public reCenues directly under presidential control. In :55:9 3inister of 6inance -alem 6ayyad wor>ed to end tAe diCersion of reCenue from tAe 3inistry of 6inance and ensure tAat P' Aoldings were disclosed and better managed. In /uly :5579 tAe 6inance 3inister began to publisA tAe Palestinian 'utAorityHs budget on tAe internet9 including montAly spending reports. ' :55* 0raft %udget +aw will furtAer consolidate Palestinian finances under tAe P' 3inistry of 6inance9 augmenting tAe accountability and transparency of P' fiscal management. #ransparency International !orruption Perception Index :558 ran>s Palestine457 out of 48; countries.

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%atification of International &onventions

-ince tAe Palestinian 'utAority is not a state9 it cannot ratify international conCentions.

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