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Name the four chambers of the heart Name 3 components of the blood and describe their functions

Blood Vessels
Arteries, Veins and Capillaries (Arterioles and Venules)

Learning objectives
Name the major types of blood vessel Describe the structure and function of the three blood vessels Explain why these structures assists function

Carry blood away from the heart High pressure Carry oxygenated blood (except for the pulmonary artery) Thick muscular walls 3 layers
Thin tough outer layer Thick muscular middle layer Thin inner layer of cells

Small lumen Do have a pulse No valves

Carry blood toward the heart Low pressure Carry deoxygenated blood (except for the pulmonary artery) Thinner more flexible walls 3 layers
Thick tough outer layer Muscular middle layer Thin inner layer of cells

Large lumen Does not have a pulse Valves present



Penetrate all tissues Very narrow only one cell wide One cell thick walls allows transport of oxygen and nutrient into body cells and wastes out of cells Sometimes, a vessel needs some help Exk

Where do substances carried by blood vessels end up?

Substances needed by the cells in body tissues pass out of the blood, and substances produced by the cells pass into the blood, through the walls of the capillaries.

Complete the table/make A5 poster for each vessel to show that you can explain the differences between vessels
Diagram Arteries Capillaries Veins

Blood direction Blood pressure Wall structure Wall thickness Internal diameter (lumen) Valves present? Is blood usually oxygenated or deoxygenated?

Complete the table/make A5 poster for each to show

that you can explain the differences between vessels
Arteries Capillaries Veins Diagram

Blood direction Blood pressure Wall structure

away from heart high thick elastic and muscle layer, tough coat. Thin endothelium Thick wall and muscle Small relative to vessel width No valves

From heart thro tissues to veins low Thin endothelial layer only Very thin Large lumen

To heart reducing from arteries Thin muscle and elastic layer. Endothelial lining. Tough coat Thick but less so than artery Large relative to diameter of vessel Valves Deoxygenated ( except PV)

Wall thickness Internal diameter (lumen) Valves present? Is blood usually oxygenated or deoxygenated?


Oxygenated ( except From Oxygenated to pulmonary artery) deoxygenated)

Match the statements to the correct diagram:

Carries blood Carries blood under under low high pressure Thick walls with pressure muscle fibre and Substances diffuse elastic tissue easily across the wall Carries blood Capillary under lower Vein pressure Large lumen Walls are one cell Small lumen thick Has valves Artery

Match the statements to the correct diagram:

Carries blood under lower pressure Large lumen Has valves Vein

Walls are one cell thick Substances diffuse easily across the wall Carries blood under low pressure Capillary

Carries blood under high pressure Thick walls with muscle fibre and elastic tissue Small lumen Artery

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