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Valentyn Stetsyuk

Semitic Tribes in Eastern Europe at Prehistoric Time

The question about the origin and the ethnical belonging of famous Trypilla (Tripolje) culture is debatable up to this time. This Chalcolithic (Eneolithic) culture e isted on the area of !ight"bank #kraine and $oldo%a during &&&"&& mill. '.C. just as T(rkic tribes settled the steppes of )eft"bank #kraine. Considering the contacts bet*een &ndo"European and T(rkic languages *e supposed that occasionelly the mediator of these contacts could be the language of the population of Trypilla culture *hich stood on the much higher le%el of the de%elopment. ( Stetsyuk Valentyn+ ,--.+ /-). Such discreet assumption *as founded supposing the borro*ing of the name for apple in T(rkic and &ndoeuropean languages from some Semitic language. 0f course+ this argument *as e tremaly small+ but it set the direction for follo*ing in%estigation. The purposeful search of le ical coincidences bet*een Semitic language+ on the one hand+ and &ndo"European and T(rkic languages+ on the other hand+ ga%e sufficent material for more certain speaking about Semitic origin of Trypillians. 1t situation+ *hen Trypillians could ha%e contacts mainly *ith 0ld 'ulgars+ the a%ailable *ords of Semitic origin in Chu%ash language is %ery important. 2enerally+ there are many 1rabic *ords in T(rkic languages. They are present in Chu%ashian language too. 3or e ample+ 1r maskara 4mockery5 " Chu% myskara 4amusement5+ 1r mikin 4miserable5 " Chu% mskn 4lamentable5+ 1r abaka 4net5 " Chu% sapaka 4cluster5. Some part of T(rkic *ords+ *hich ha%e coincidences in Semitic languages+ can belong to the common 6ostratic stock. 3or e ample+ Tat+ #7b+ 8yrg etc. ara 4pine"tree5 corresponds to 1r erze+ 9ebr arez 4cedar5 etc. :e take for consideration only Chu%ash possible loan"*ords from Semitic languages and only such ones *hich ha%e coincidences either in )atin+ 2reek or 2ermanic+ or Sla%ic. Though mistakes are ine%itable e%en at such approach because loan"*ords in some language from Semitic could be taken regardless of borro*ing the same *ords in another language at other time. 1t searching Semitic signs in T(rkic languages+ some *ords *ithout of sure etymology but *ith likeness to Semitic *ords *ere found in #krainian+ 9ungarian and !omanian. They *ere taken to consideration too. &n such *ay+ a list of hypothetical Trypillian *ords *as put. 0f course+ some parallel can look more or less doubtful but chance *ords can be thro*n out al*ays. &t is better to consider an doubtful fact as to lose an interesting matter. ,. Tryp ;afuna 4pea+ berry5 (9ebr afunah 4pea5) " !om afna 4bilberries5+ #kr dial. afyny 4bilberries5+ )at aveva 4oats5+ #ygur+ 8hakassian evin 4seed5. <ossible also Chu% avan 4good+ pleasant5 of obscure etymology. =. Tryp ;areh 4spider5 (9ebr arag 4to *ea%e5+ arijg 4 te tile5) " Chu% eremen 4spider5+ 2r 4spider5+ )at araneus 4spider5. >. Tryp ;bajer 4spring+ source5 (1r bair+ 9ebr bear 4spring+ source5) " #kr bajura 4pool+ slop5. ?. Tryp ;balta 4a e+ hammer5 (1r balta 4a e5+ pulad 4steel5+ ballut 4oak5+ 9ebr peladah 4steel5+ balutah 4acorn5). 0b%iously first hammers *ere made out of oak block *ith bough used as holder therefore the name of hammer *as similar to the name of oak. )ater the name of hammer *as transferred on stone or metal a e. The names of hammer+ a e+ and other tools or arms are based on similar roots in many languages of se%eral language families@ balt+ bolt+ molt+ bart+ palt+ purt etc (*ide"spread Turki% balta 4a e+ beetle+ hammer5+ 9et malatti 4*eapon5+ 2r 4lance5+ Toch peret 4a e5+ )at. martellum 4large hammer5+ bardicum 4lance+ small a e5+ common Sla%ic molt 4hammer5+ Eng bolt+ 2erm arte 4small a e5+ olzen 4bolt5+ <ort balde 4spade5+ 0sset f!r!t 4a e5+ Chu% purt" a e+ #dm+ 8omi purt 4knife5+ 9ung b#rd 4a e5 etc). &t should be suppose that all these *ords descended from some 6ostratic root+ but they *ere abundant therefore they+ permanent transferring from one language to other+ became different forms and meanings. $aybe+ old 6ostratic name of oak 4balut5 kept in no*aday 2erm :ald 4forest5+ Sla%ic bolto+ )ombard palta+ 1lb balt$ 4s*amp5 (the sense 4forest5 and 4s*amp5 are often confused). /. Tryp ;burg 4cylinder+ to*er5 (1r burjA 4to*er5+ 9ebr borag 4pintle+ do*el5) " 2r 4to*er5+ )at burgus 4castle+ to*er5+ Chu% purak 4bast+ bast"basket (cylindrical)5+ 8arach buruu 4fence5+ 2ermanic ;burg (2erman urg 4castle). B. Tryp ;fahar 4*hite5 (9ebr fahar 4*hite clay5) " 9ung feher 4*hite5. C. Tryp ;farah 4to fly5 (9ebr farah 4to fly5) " Chu% p"rakh 4to thro*5. .. Tryp ;gaba% gabal 4great body5 (9ebr gav 4back5+ 1r kafal 4croupe5+ j&amal 4camel5+ <hoen gebal 4mountain5). " :ild horses inhabited the steppe of #kraine at 9erodotusA time+ but they *ere domesticated by Trypillians and 0ld T(rks got horse together *ith the name from them (common T(rkic jaby 4horse5). 1lthough T(rks ha%e other+ the o*n name of horse at. The *ord jaby *as borro*ed by 0ld 2reeks (2r 4horse5) and by 3inno"#grians (Veps hebo+ 3in hepo+ Est.

hobu+ 9ung lova 4horse5). Trypillian root gaval also ga%e the name of horse *hich &ndo"European *ere borro*ed from Trypillians *ithout of T(rkic medation ()at caballus 4horse5+ 2r 4*orking horse5+ )it kumele 4mare5+ Sl kobyla 4mare5+ <ers kaval 4s*ift"footed horse5). E%idently+ Chu% haval 4force5 can be refered here. -. Tryp ;gavr 4embers5 (1r j&amr+ 4embers5) " Chu% k"var 4embers5. ,D. Tryp ;gaz 4gander5 (1r %a7+ 9ebr avaz 4gander5) " Tur+ Turkm gaz+ Chu% hur (according to phonetic rules in Chu%ash) and other similar T(rkic *ords 4gander5 ,,. Tryp ;habak 4some kind of grass"plant5 (1r habak bot. 4basil5) " Chu% hupah 4burdock5. ,=. Tryp ;harta 4piece of te tile+ patch5 (9ebr harot 4cut out5) " Chu% h"rta 4patch5+ 2r 4papyrus chart5+ )at carta 4paper+ letter5. ,>. Tryp ;hason 4to ha%e profit5 (9ebr hasen 4to spare+ economi7e5) " Chu% hu"n 4to add+ increase5+ 9ung haszon 4profit5+ #kr khosen 4use+ profit5. ,?. Tryp ;hom 4father"in"la*5 (9ebr ham 4father"in"la*5) " Chu% hun& 4father of son"(daughter)"in" la*5+ )at homo 4man5+ 2ot guma 4man5 and other 2ermanic. ,/. Tryp ;hota 4EFGHGHI5 (1r 'atan+ 9ebr hoten 4father"in"la*5) " Chu% h"ta 4father of son"+ daughter"in"la*5. $aybe 2ermanic ethnonym 2oth has its origin from this *ord. ,B. Tryp ;kad 4pot+ barrel5 (1r kadah 4goblet5+ 9ebr kad 4pot5) " #kr kad& and other similar Sla%ic *ords 4barrel5+ 2r 4pitcher+ jug+ pail5+ 1lb kade 4barrel5+ 9ung kJd 4barrel5. ,C. Tryp ;kart 4%illage5 (1r (arjat 4%illage5+ <hoen kirjat+ 9ebr keret 4to*n5) " Chu% karta 4palisade5+ 2ermanic ;garda+ gardon (2ot gards 4house5+ 0ld Eng geard 4yard5+ 2erman )arten 4garden5). Similar *ords are present in Sla%ic+ Celtic+ 2reek+ )atin and in other &ndo"European languages+ but consonantism of these *ords contradicts to the rules of &ndo"European languages+ therefore one can think that this *ord has been borro*ed from some other language. ,.. Tryp ;keser 4carrot5 (1r j&azar+ 9ebr gazar 4carrot5). This *ord *as borro*ed only by :estern T(rkic tribes *hich had more close contacts *ith Trypillians@ Chu%+ Tat kier+ Turkm keer 4carrot5. ,-. Tryp ;kors 4scone+ bread5 (1r kurs 4scone5) " #kr+ 'lr kor* 4scone5+ 3in kyrs! 4bread5+ Veps k+rz 4fritter+ cake5+ maybe 1fg kula 4pastry+ cookie+ biscuit5. The *ords of this root are *idrly" distributed among %arious languages and ha%e meanings 4bread5+ 4corn5+ 4sheaf5+ 4millet5+ 4besom5 etc@ 1rm 'urdz+ 8urd gurz+ 0sset kyris 4sheaf5+ Chu% kur"s 4cluster of bast5+ 'ura, 4food5+ 8omi kor-sA+ $ansi kuras& 4besom5+ 2erm .irse 4millet5+ )et garsa 4gout"*eed % /egopodium podagraria 5 (umbrella eatable plant)+ !us (dialect) koros% korost 4stack of fla sheafs5+ 2r koros 4satiation5+ )et cers 4bush5+ 0ld Eng kors 4KLMNMH5 (from Celtic). :ith the change r in l@ 2r 4round bread5+ 9ung k-les 4millet5+ )et kulis 4sheaf5+ Sla% kols (#kr+ !us kolos 4ear5+ C7+ Slo% klas etc). Some names of gods can also be added here@ )atin goddess of %egetation 0eres+ East"Sla%ic god 1hors. $aybe+ #kr koryst& 4use5+ 0sset 'orz 4good5+ !us khoroshy 4good5+ 2erm .orst 4bush"*ood5 are belonged to this root. =D. Tryp ;lavh 4board+ plank5 (1r lavh 4board5+ 9ebr luha 4board+ table5) " Sla% lava+ lavka 4bench5 (#kr+ 'lr lavka+ <ol 2a3ka+ !us lava+ C7 lava etc). Chu% lapka 4shelf5+ lav 4cart5+ (first carts *ere ordinary board on *heels). =,. Tryp ;lis 4thief5 (1r lis 4thief5) " Sla% lis+ lisa 4fo 5 (#kr+ Serb lys+ !us lisa+ <ol lis+ Slo%en lis etc). The fo has by"name 4thief5 in Sla%ic folklore. ==. Tryp ;marh 4meado*5 (1r marh 4meado*5) " #kr morih 4thick young grass5. =>. Tryp ;masa 4to feel by touch5 (1r massa 4to feel by touch5+ 9ebr maa 4to percei%e by something5) " Chu% masa 4e terior5+ #kr matsaty+ Slo%ak macat 4to feel by touch5. =?. Tryp ;parsa 4beam5 (1r farsiya 4board5+ farsat 4bed5) " Chu% p"r"s 4beam5+ )at pertica 4rod+ perch5+ Slo%enian priska. =/. Tryp ;pas 4strip+ strap5 (9ebr fas 4strip+ strap5) " Chu% pua 4*hip+ lash5+ <ol+ #kr pas 4belt+ gidrle5. =B. Tryp ;perut 4skin+ fell5 (9ebr peruz 4skin+ fell5) " Chu% ptr 4skin sack5+ 2ermanic ;fodra 4fur5 (2erman 4utter 4fur5). =C. Tryp ;reet 4net5 (9ebr ;reet 4net5) " Sla% reeto (#kr+ !us+ 'ulg+ Serb+ Slo% reeto etc 4sie%e+ riddle5). =.. Tryp ;sak 4sack5 (9ebr ak 4sack5) " Chu% sak 4*eir"basket+ coop5+ )at saccus 4sack5+ 2r 4sack5+ #kr+ !us sak 4fishing"tackle in the form of sack5 and other similar Sla%ic and 2ermanic *ords. =-. Tryp ;sameh 4glad+ joyous5 (9ebr sameha 4glad+ joyous5) " Chu% sav"k 4joy+ gladness5. >D. Tryp ;seret 4strip+ strap5 (1r arit+ 9ebr seret 4strip+ strap5) O Chu% serete 4plank5+ 8urd sirat 4*ay5+ !om+ #kr 4Seret5 (names of se%eral ri%ers in #kraine and !omania).

>,. Tryp ;art 4condition5 (1r. art 4condition5) O Chu% 5rt 4oath5. >=. Tryp ;ep6 4to stre*5 (9ebr epone6li 4to stre*5) " Chu% sap 4to stre*5+ Sla%ik sypati (#kr sypaty+ !us sypat& + C7 sypati etc). >>. Tryp ;tahal 4spleen5 (1r taal% 9ebr tehol 4spleen). " Chu%+ Tat and other talak+ Pak taal+ 8hak t-l-n+ tileen+ 4spleen5. The oldest T(rkic form is presented in Pakut language. >?. Tryp ;taham 4taste5 (9ebr taham 4taste5+ 1r ta&am 4taste5) " Chu% thm 4taste5. $aybe 0ld" English *ord team *ith many different senses but *ithout sure etymology belongs to this case. >/. Tryp ;tavar 4thing+ object of e change5 (9ebr toar 4product+ *are5+ davar 4*ord5+ 4thing5+ 4something5) " Chu% t"var QsaltQ+ #kr+ !us tovar 4goods5 and 4cattle5+ 1rm tavar 4sheep5+ 4flock5+ 8um tuuar 4flock5+ Tur tavar 4property5+ 4cattle5+ 'alk+ Crim"Tat tu&ar 4cattle5 etc. The salt *as the main e port product for 0ld 'ulgarians therefore it became sense 4goods5 ( Stetsyuk Valentyn+ ,--.+ /C). $any &ranian languages ha%e the *ords tabar6teber6tevir 4a e5+ but 3inno"#grian *ords of this root ha%e sense 4te tile5 (Saam tavjar+ $ar tuvyr+ Chant tegar). 1ll these things are objects of barter and trade+ that is to say goods. >B. Tryp ;tie 4grass5 (9ebr dee 4grass+ %erdure+ grass"plot5) " Chu% t 4grain5+ tes 4color5+ $ord tie 4grass+ hay5+ Eng thistle+ 2erman 7istel 4thistle5. >C. Tryp ;vaita 4cabin+ house5 (1r bajt+ 9ebr bajt 4house5) " Chu% vite 4co*"house5+ )at ;baita 4cabin+ house5. !estored )atin *ord is present in some no*aday &talian dialects ($eyer")(bke+ ,--=+ CD). >.. Tryp ;verah 4flo*er5 (1r firh Rbranch5+ 9ebr ferah 4flo*er5) " 9ung vir#g 4flo*er5. >-. Tryp ;vokor 4bull5 or 4co*5 (1r bakara 4ko*5+ 9ebr bakar 4cattle5) " Chu% v"k"r+ Tur -k+z+ Tat -g+z etc 4bull5+ )at vacca 4co*5. #kr dial. (%illage of $oshanets+ Cherni%tsi district) vakar 4herdsman of cattle5 " out of !omanian. ?D. Tryp ;zivit 4resin5 (9ebr zefet 4resin5+ 1r zift+ Syr zifta 4resin5) " 1rm jivt 4resin5+ #kr zhyvyts&a and other similar Sla%ic *ords 4galipot5+ 2erman )ift 4poison5. ?,. Tryp masla 4butter5 (1r maslaj 4butter5) " Sla% maslo (#kr+ !us+ 'ulg+ C7+ Sl%. maslo etc). Trypillian culture is closely connected *ith the culture of Cucuteni in !umania. 0ne can say about the origin of these cultures in 1sia $inor. &n such *ay+ the creators of these both cultures had coming from 1sia $inor could be Semites. & thank $r. 8oen"Thedek (&srael) for correcting my errors in the spelling of 9ebre* *ords.

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