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[Student Name]

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of [name of degree] at Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia [ onth and !ear of Defence]

" #opyright by [Student Name], [!ear of Defence]

D$D%#&'%(N )&*$ 'he content and format of this page are up to the student+


,%S' (- '&.,$S+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++iv ,%S' (- -%*U/$S++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++v &.S'/&#'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++vi ,%S' (- &../$0%&'%(NS US$D+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++vii &#1N(2,$D*$ $N'S++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++viii #H&)'$/ 3 %N'/(DU#'%(N+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3 #H&)'$/ 4 %NS$/'%N* -%*U/$S++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 #H&)'$/ 5 %NS$/'%N* '&.,$S++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++6 5+3 -irst Subsection++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++6 5+4 Second Subsection+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++7 5+4+3 'ertiary ,evel 8 Sub9subsection+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++7 5+4+4 'he Second Sub9subsection++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: 5+4+5 'he Summary Sub9subsection to Subsection 5+4+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: 5+5 Summary to #hapter 5 and 'ransition to #hapter 6+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: #H&)'$/ 6 -(N' S$,$#'%(NS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++; #H&)'$/ 7 #(N#,US%(N+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++< 7+3 -irst #onclusion Subsection+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++< 7+4 &nother #onclusion Subsection+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++< 7+4+3 'hird ,evel of #onclusion Sub9subsection+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++< 7+4+4 Summary to #onclusion Sub9subsection 7+4++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++< .%.,%(*/&)H!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++= &))$ND%> & Sample #opyright )ermission ,etter+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3?


LIST OF TABLES 'able 3 Dalhousie Departments offering graduate programs and the number of full time and part time students enrolled in each program+ &gain, this information is completely made up and does not represent anything++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++6 'able 4 ore Dalhousie Departments offering graduate programs and the number of full time and part time students enrolled in each program+ &gain, this information is completely made up and does not represent anything+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: .................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................


LIST OF FIGURES -igure 3 -unding of *raduate Students at Dalhousie University+ %nformation contained in this figure is purely for demonstrative purposes and does not represent anything++++++++++4 -igure 4 Number of full time and part time students in graduate programs by Department+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++5

ABSTRACT 'he thesis must contain an abstract+ 'his should occupy a single page, and may be single9 spaced, if necessary+ 'here should be no illustrations or footnotes+ Students are advised that, o@ing to space limitations, both the & %#US 2eb on9line catalogue and Dissertations &bstracts %nternational database used by ,&# AN,#B truncate abstract text strings at 37? @ords for Sc theses and 57? @ords for )hD theses+


LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED -*S Dal H4? -aculty of *raduate Studies Dalhousie University 2ater



'he content and format of this page are up to the student, respecting the usual formatting conventions of font siCe, page numbering, margins, etc+ 'his is the place @here most students acDno@ledge the contribution of their committee members, most especially their supervisorAsB+ *iven the realities of producing a thesis or a dissertation and the impact on the people in the studentEs immediate surroundings Ae+g+, spouse, partner, children, parents, and other long9suffering friends and associatesB, many students @ill acDno@ledge these sources of support+




'he obFective of the template you are currently using is to provide a tool to prepare the largest document you are ever liDely to have to manage+ 'he template is an experiment and a @orD in progress+ 2e hope you @ill be able to do@nload this document, cut and paste your o@n content into the template, and then use the format paintbrush for the text, headings and sub9headings, table headings, table format, figure headings etc+ 'he real goal is to lo@er the overall stress of producing something that meets the various demands of the university and academic communities+ & thesis G dissertation is a form of expository @riting+ &s a piece of intellectual @orD, it seeDs to document the studentEs exploration of a question significant to a particular discipline or set of disciplines in a @ay that is organiCed and discipline9appropriate+ $very thesis should begin @ith #hapter 3 entitled %ntroduction+ 'he %ntroduction typically includes the bacDground to the @orD, an introduction to the overarching themes and concepts, and goals of the dissertation+ 'he %ntroduction also provides the reader @ith a description of the structure of the document, by describing the sequence of the chapters, and possibly a brief description of the intention of each+ #hapter 4 of this template describes ho@ to insert figuresH #hapter 5 sho@s ho@ to insert tables, and provides some Ibest practicesJ for table layout+ #hapter 6 provides a very brief overvie@ of font considerations imbedded in the template+ (bservant people @ill have noted that the page numbering has changed from lo@er case /oman numerals, to &rabic numbering+ 'his is achieved by inserting a section breaD, and restarting the numbering+



any dissertations benefit from having explanatory figures liDe -igure 4+3+ Notice the numbering convention that clearly indicates the chapter in @hich the figure is located, and its sequence @ithin the chapter+ 'his is especially helpful during the defense, and if the author maDes reference later in the dissertation to a figure from a previous chapter+ 'he follo@ing is Fust an example of @hat a figure looDs liDe+ %nformation contained in this figure is purely for demonstration purposes and does not represent anything+

-aculty of *raduate Studies Graduate Students Departments

Supervisors -unding

-igure 3

-unding of *raduate Students at Dalhousie University+ %nformation contained in this figure is purely for demonstrative purposes and does not represent anything+

HereEs another example of a figure+

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Bi ol Ch ogy Ea e rth mis Sc try ie nc es En gl ish F % re icr nt nc er o& h !i io H s lo c i s i" gy to l ry an ina ry ! # m h$ m ' ( no ce lo #o ano gy g liti ca ra" hy lS ci e #s nc e yc ho lo gy

%aster)s St'!ents * #art +ime #h$ St'!ents * #art +ime %aster)s St'!ents * F'll +ime #h$ St'!ents * F'll +ime

-igure 4

Number of full time and part time students in graduate programs by Department+

&gain, the information in this chart is completely made up and does not represent the factual state of affairs at the university+



3.1 FIRST SUBSECTION 'he chapter title is the highest level in the table of contents+ &lmost all dissertations have a level of organiCation belo@ this, a series of subsections included as an organiCation marDer to guide the reader, and for the table of contents+ 'here are a number of labeling conventions for these subsections, including the numbering scheme used in this example+ 'he example of this template is not the only choiceH you should consult the norms for your discipline, @hile at the same time Deeping the structural elements imbedded in the above example so the table of contents can be generated automatically+ any dissertations benefit from presenting data in a table form+ (ne of the challenges of table management is to maDe them looD attractive and uncro@ded+ 'he numeric data in the follo@ing table is right9Fustified in the cell, @ith a defined indent from the right+ 'he text data in the left column is left9Fustified @ith a defined indent from the left+ Using the -ormat, )aragraph, Spacing feature, @e have defined a modest space before and after the entries to give more space+ 'able 3 Dalhousie Departments offering graduate programs and the number of full time and part time students enrolled in each program+ &gain, this information is completely made up and does not represent anything+
e!t Ma"ter#" St$%e!t" & Part T' e P(D St$%e!t" & Part T' e Ma"ter#" St$%e!t" & F$)) T' e P(D St$%e!t" & F$)) T' e


.iology #hemistry $arth Sciences $nglish -rench

74 :? 47 67 34

77 :7 ;7 <7 47

:7 ;7 <7 =7 57

<7 ;7 :7 77 67



Ma"ter#" St$%e!t" & Part T' e

P(D St$%e!t" & Part T' e

Ma"ter#" St$%e!t" & F$)) T' e

P(D St$%e!t" & F$)) T' e

History %nterdisciplinary )hD icrobiology and %mmunology (ceanography )olitical Science )sychology

53 nGa 47 :4 3= 4:

57 67 44 54 44 76

67 nGa 77 37 47 57

57 64 47 :7 77 67

Notice that this table is no@ large enough to span more than one page+ 'he best practice in this case is to ensure that individual cells do not breaD across the page+ !ou do this by the follo@ing stepsK 3B highlight all of the ro@s in the table, then go to 'able, )roperties, /o@, (ptions, and maDe sure the box that says Iallo@ ro@ to breaD across pagesJ is blanD+ &nother good practice is to ensure the column headers at the top of the table are repeated on each subsequent page+ 'o do this highlight the ro@AsB in the table that represent the headerH go to 'able, )roperties, /o@, (ptions, and checD the box labeled Irepeat as header ro@ at the top of each page+J 'he processor @ill automatically maDe the correct choice @hatever the printer in use might be+

3.2 SECOND SUBSECTION Section 5+4 is another subsection at the second level for the table of contents+ -or some complex arguments, it is often helpful to organiCe these into sub9sub9sections Ai+e+, a third level of the table of contents+B 'he t@o sub9sub9sections belo@ are examples+ !ou can see ho@ these get reflected in the table of contents above+


Tertiary Level Sub-subsection

&nother level of subsection for the table of contents+

'able 4

ore Dalhousie Departments offering graduate programs and the number of full time and part time students enrolled in each program+ &gain, this information is completely made up and does not represent anything+



Ma"ter#" St$%e!t" & Part T' e 74 :?

P(D St$%e!t" & Part T' e 77 :7

Ma"ter#" St$%e!t" & F$)) T' e :7 ;7

P(D St$%e!t" & F$)) T' e <7 ;7

&natomy .iochemistry


The Second Sub-subsection


The Su

ary Sub-subsection to Subsection 3.2









%t is a often good practice in long expository documents to provide something of a summary for each section of the document, thus giving the reader an idea of @here the argument and explanation currently stands+ %t also gives the author a chance to previe@ the next section by providing a couple of transition sentences about h@at follo@s immediately+



%n preparing this template, @e have attempted to implement both the rules and the spirit of academic @riting for the thesis G dissertation+ -or example, the text in this template reflects the rule that the body of the @orD must be double9spaced and a 34 point font+ %t reflects the spirit by implementing typographical best practices, in that the text is presented using a serif font A'imes Ne@ /oman in this caseB, @hile the headings use a sans serif font A0erdanaB+ Students @ith a limited exposure to the question of font choice and @hy it is relevant, might find the video Helvetica interesting Aavailable at a local video store especially popular @ith students avoiding the inevitable @riting struggle of the dissertationB+ Students may find the youtube video on the topic entertaining Acf+ httpKGG@@@+youtube+comG@atchLvMyh11%>DypxDB , noting that @hile all of the fonts displayed in this video are sans serif, they are not all Helvetica+ 'he careful reader @ill also note this template demonstrates other font choices that reinforce the structural qualities of the document+ #hapter headings are 0erdana 34 point, bold, all capitals+ #hapter subheadings are less important, so @e have chosen 0erdana 34 point bold, title case, small capitals A-ormat, -ont, looD under I$ffectsJ and clicD on the box for ISmall #apsJB+ Sub9subsections are 0erdana 34, no bold, title case, no small capitals+



$very thesis should end @ith the last chapter entitled #onclusion Aor DiscussionB+ 2hether there are subsections in this part of the dissertation depends on ho@ extensive the conclusion section is+ any dissertations use the #onclusion section to summariCe the maFor accomplishments of the @orD+ Such a summariCation is useful in practice since the oral defence of the dissertation is liDely to raise the question of its contribution, if it is not overtly addressed in the document+

,.1 FIRST CONCLUSION SUBSECTION & first subsection included for the table of contents+

,.2 ANOTHER CONCLUSION SUBSECTION & second subsection included for the table of contents+


Third Level o" #onclusion Sub-subsection

&n example of a sub9subsection for the table of contents+



ary to #onclusion Sub-subsection !.2


BIBLIOGRAPH* [3] Donald $+ 1nuth+ 'he '$> .ooD+ &ddison92esley, /eading, /eprinted as 0ol+ & of #omputers N 'ypesetting, 3=<:+ assachusetts, 3=<6+



p)e C.p/r'0(t Per

'""'.! Letter

&ncillary material should be put in appendices, @hich appear after the bibliography+
[Date] [Name of )ublication] [&ddress of )ublication] % am preparing my [degree type] thesis for submission to the -aculty of *raduate Studies at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, #anada+ % am seeDing your permission to include a manuscript version of the follo@ing paperAsB as a chapter in the thesisK [,ist title of paper, authors, Fournal or booD, volume number, page numbers, year of publication+] #anadian graduate theses are reproduced by the ,ibrary and &rchives of #anada Aformerly National ,ibrary of #anadaB through a non9exclusive, @orld9@ide license to reproduce, loan, distribute, or sell theses+ % am also seeDing your permission for the material described above to be reproduced and distributed by the ,&#AN,#B+ -urther details about the ,&#AN,#B thesis program are available on the ,&#AN,#B @ebsite A@@@+nlc9bnc+caB+ -ull publication details and a copy of this permission letter @ill be included in the thesis+ !ours sincerely,

[Name] )ermission is granted forK aB the inclusion of the material described above in your thesis+ bB for the material described above to be included in the copy of your thesis that is sent to the ,ibrary and &rchives of #anada Aformerly National ,ibrary of #anadaB for reproduction and distribution+ NameK SignatureK 'itleK DateK


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