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Key Flex Field Structures & How to Retrieve Information about segments based on code combination id

How to fetch meanings of each segment related to a code combination id? To fetch the details like description, meaning, id and value related to each segment based on code combination id. Tables related to Flexi fields: FN FN FN FN FN !" !F#$%& !" !F#$%!&$'($NT& !" !F#$%!&T)*+T*)$& !F#$%!,-#*$& !F#$%!,-#*$!H"$)-)+H"$&

.elow are /ueries used b0 me to reach out the main /uer0.. 1*$)2 3: The table 4fnd!id!flexs5 used in the below /uer0 stores registration information about ke0 flexfields. $ach row includes the four6character code that identifies the ke0 flexfield and can be used to dig further The 7id!flex!code7 is the column which can be used to dig further

&$#$+T application!table!name , $+8 $ 4application!table!t0pe, 9&9,9&pecific9, 9'9,9'eneric9 5 table!t0pe ,concatenated!segs!view!name ,set!defining!column!name ,uni/ue!id!column!name ,description ,id!flex!code :: *sed to drill down F)8( fnd!id!flexs ;H$)$ id!flex!name #"<$ 9-ccounting=9>

1*$)2 ?: The below /uer0 gives information about the segment meanings ;e got this data b0 using the value we got for 7id!flex!code7 in /uer0 3

&$#$+T segment!name ,segment!num ,enabled!flag ,re/uired!flag ,flex!value!set!id :: *sed to drill down ,additional!where!clause F)8( fnd!id!flex!segments ;H$)$ id!flex!code @ 9'#A9>

1*$)2 B: This /uer0 can be used to get various possible values for each segment. &$#$+T ffv.flex!value!set!id ,ffv.flex!value!id ,ffv.flex!value ,ffv.enabled!flag ,ffvt.#-N'*-'$ ,ffvt.description F)8( fnd!flex!values ffv ,fnd!flex!values!tl ffvt ;H$)$ ffv.flex!value!id @ ffvt.flex!value!id -N ffv.flex!value!set!id @ 9Cid from /uer0 ?9>

(ain 1uer0 .elow is our highlight and it can be used to get all possible information based on code combination id " had simplified the same. The decode statement differs from client to client. .ut it can be framed with use of /uer0 ?

&$#$+T fifs.segment!name ,fifs.segment!num ,ffv.flex!value ,ffvt.description F)8( fnd!flex!values ffv ,fnd!flex!values!tl ffvt ,fnd!id!flex!segments fifs ,gl!code!combinations glv ;H$)$ ffv.flex!value!id @ ffvt.flex!value!id -N ffv.flex!value!set!id @ fifs.flex!value!set!id -N!flex!code @ 9'#A9 -N ffv.flex!value @ $+8 $4fifs.segment!name ,9.*&"N$&& *N"T9,glv.segment3 ,9#8+-T"8N9 ,glv.segment? ,9 $D-)T($NT9 ,glv.segmentB ,9-++8*NT9 ,glv.segmentE ,9D)8F$+T9 ,glv.segmentG

,9"NT$)+8(D-N29 ,glv.segmentH ,9&D-)$9 ,glv.segmentI 5 -N glv.code!combination!id @ 9Ccode!combination!id9 8) $) .2 ffv.flex!value!set!id> Dosted b0 ,enu at ?:JJ -(

Between KFF and DFF in Oracle !!s

KFF " Key flex field
3. ;hich builds uni/ue entit0 identifiers. 2. "t is used to capture the compan0 ke0 information. 3. <FF9s data are stored in the segments. 4. <FF9s BJ segment columns are reserved for <FF9s4but it is not mandator0 "t is based on the re/uirement5.

DFF " Descri!tive flex field

3. To sore the additional information. 2. "t is used to capture extra info from end user without changing form code and without altering database table. 3. FF9s data are stored in the -ttributes.

4. "n apps 3G attribute columns are reserved for the FF9s data.

Key Flex Field in #$ Oracle !!s

There "s onl0 one ke0 flexfield in gl that is <e0 flexifield table structure column -ccounting flex field 'l!code!combinations9s +harts!of!accounts!id.

KFF %D KFF vs& DFF' (om!arison

KFF (Key fLex Fields) ===================== KFF will be used to Capture the Key Information in code language for every code

there will be specific meaning in the application For !x" we can find some of the fileds li#e follows Code Combination $%&+perations $$%&,-./ %'($&Furniture %)*(&/ales 0ccount $$$$&1o 2roduct 3escription " +perations&,-./&Furniture&/ales 0ccount&1o 2rodcut $%&$$%&%'($&%)*(&$$$$

li#e this we can find the meaning in the application for every code 4e will use the /egment Columns to Capture the KFF 3ata 4e can find the /egment coumns in most of the 5ables li#e /!6.!15%7/!6.!15)7/!6.!15*7 /!6.!15*$ 3iff 8etween 3FF and KFF 3FF KFF &&&&& &&& %)3FF 4ill be used to capture the !xtra Information %)KFF will be used to Capture the Key Information ))055-I895! Columns will be used ))/!6.!15 columns will be used *)4e can have max 3FF in the 0pplication there is no Limit *)4e have *$KFF already defined by +racle we can customi:e existing KFF 4e are not suppose to define the new KFF 4e will not get support from +racle ()In 3FF we will Context Field to define .ultiple /trutures ()In KFF we will define /tructure Column to define the .ultiple /tructures P_FLEXDATA" Is a Lexical parameter will be value as concatenation of all the segment 5his is re;uired because if client changes from front end again we have to change all instead of that we can concatenate all the used to store the default columns the segment structure the structure segments

lexical parameter means datatype "char width " min <$$ p_struct_num: It will be used to store the #ff structure number which is re;uired if KFF is having the multiple structures !x" %$% default value FNDFLEXSQL: &&&&&&&&&& 5his is +ne of the 9ser exit will be used to retrive the segment values from database and will be used in the before report trigger Parameters: C+3! &KFF Code

num appl=short=name +utpu5 3isplay .ode

&KFF structure 1umber &KFF 0pplication /hort1ame &Lexical parameter 1ame &3isplay all the segments &>/!L!C5>

FNDFLEXIDVAL: &&&&&&&&&&& 5his user exit we will define inside of the formuls column to display the data in the layout define the formula column call the user exit with follwoing parameters Parameters: C+3! &KFF Code num &KFF structure 1umber appl=short=name &KFF 0pplication /hort1ame +utpu5 &Lexical parameter 1ame 3isplay &3isplay all the segments .ode &>/!L!C5> data &Lexical 2arameter 1ame ?alue &Formula Column 1ame 1ote " 5o 3isplay the KFF description we will define one more formula column and we will call again >F13 FL!@I3?0L> user exit with parameter called >3escription> instead of >?alue> 2arameter

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