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Wuthering Heights - SHORT ANSWER


A) CHAPTERS 1-3 1. Why does r. !o"#$ood go to Wuthering Heights% Wh&t #ind o' $e("o)e does he re"ei*e%

+. Why does !o"#$ood return to Wuthering Heights unin*ited% ,. When !o"#$ood 'irst enters Wuthering Heights- $ho (i*es there% .. Wh&t 'ee(ing do $e get 'ro) Wuthering Heights &nd its o""u/&nts in these 'irst 'e$ "h&/ters% 0. Des"ri1e He&th"(i''. 2. Wh&t g(i)/ses 'ro) the /&st does !o"#$ood get $hen he dis"o*ers 3&therine4s 1oo#s% 5. Whose ghost *isits B) CHAPTERS 4-8 1. Who is Ne((y De&n% +. Wh&t do the gi'ts th&t Hind(ey &nd 3&therine &s# their '&ther to 1ring the) re*e&( &1out their "h&r&"ters% ,. Wh&t &re He&th"(i''4s origins% .. Why does Hind(ey des/ise He&th"(i''% 0. 3h&r&"teri6e 3&therine. 2. 3o)/&re &nd "ontr&st 3&therine4s &nd He&th"(i''4s re&"tions to the !intons &t Thrush"ross Gr&nge. 5. Why did Edg&r get &//(es&u"e du)/ed on hi)% 7. 3&therine is /&ined 1y Hind(ey4s /unish)ent o' He&th"(i''- yet she "ontinues to entert&in her guests. Wh&t "h&nge does this re*e&(% 8. Wh&t does He&th"(i'' 1egin to /(&n% r. !o"#$ood% Wh&t is He&th"(i''4s re&"tion to the ghost%

Wuthering Heights - SHORT ANSWER


19. Who is H&reton E&rnsh&$% 11. Ho$ does :r&n"es4 de&th &''e"t Hind(ey% 1+. Edg&r gets & good (oo# &t 3&therine4s ;other side.; Wh&t is his re&"tion% C) CHAPTERS 9-10 1. Who s&*es H&reton4s (i'e% +. Why does 3&therine &""e/t Edg&r4s /ro/os&( $hen she #no$s He&th"(i'' is & /&rt o' her sou(% ,. Why does He&th"(i'' dis&//e&r% .. Ho$ h&s He&th"(i'' "h&nged during his &1sen"e o' three ye&rs% 0. Who is Is&1e((&- &nd $h&t does she thin# o' He&th"(i''% 2. Ho$ does He&th"(i'' 1egin his re*enge on Hind(ey <&nd u(ti)&te(y g&in "ontro( o' his (&nd=% D) CHAPTERS 11-13 1. Des"ri1e H&reton E&rnsh&$ &s & 1oy. +. Why does He&th"(i'' e)1r&"e Is&1e((&% ,. Why does 3&therine /ut herse(' into & 'it% .. :or $h&t does 3&therine $ish in her de(iriu)% 0. Wh&t h&//ened to Is&1e((&4s s/ringer% 2. Ho$ does Edg&r re&"t to Is&1e((&4s running &$&y $ith He&th"(i''% 5. Wh&t #ind o' & re"e/tion does Is&1e((& re"ei*e &t Wuthering Heights%

Wuthering Heights - SHORT ANSWER


7. Wh&t does Is&1e((& $&nt o' Ne((y% E) CHAPTERS 14-17 1. Des"ri1e He&th"(i''4s re(&tionshi/ $ith Is&1e((&. +. Why does Ne((y &gree to t&#e He&th"(i''4s (etter to 3&therine% ,. Des"ri1e the re(&tionshi/ 1et$een He&th"(i'' &nd 3&therine. .. Wh&t does He&th"(i'' /(e&d 'or 'ro) 3&therine% 0. Why does Edg&r 1ury 3&therine &$&y 'ro) the '&)i(y% 2. Is&1e((& h&tes He&th"(i'' &nd yet she $&rns hi) th&t Hind(ey h&s & gun &nd )e&ns to shoot hi). Why% 5. Wh&t is H&reton doing $hen Is&1e((& es"&/es% 7. Who is !inton% 8. 3o)/&re &nd "ontr&st the $&y Hind(ey &nd Edg&r h&nd(e (osing their s/ouses &nd re&ring their "hi(dren. 19. U/on Hind(ey4s de&th- $ho o$ns Wuthering Heights- &nd ho$% F) CHAPTERS 18-21 1. Des"ri1e 3&thy4s 'irst )eeting $ith H&reton. +. Des"ri1e !inton He&th"(i''. ,. Why does He&th"(i'' $&nt !inton% .. Why does He&th"(i'' 'ee( &n &''e"tion 'or H&reton% 0. Why does Ne((y "ut o'' the (o*e (etters 1et$een 3&thy &nd !inton%

Wuthering Heights - SHORT ANSWER


G) CHAPTERS 22-26 1. Ho$ does He&th"(i'' get 3&thy to *isit !inton% +. !inton is not *ery (i#&1(e. Why do you thin# 3&thy "&res 'or hi)% ,. 3o)/&re the re(&tionshi/s &)ong He&th"(i''- 3&therine- &nd Edg&r to the re(&tionshi/s 1et$een H&reton- 3&thy- &nd !inton. .. Where do 3&thy &nd !inton )eet% 0. Why does He&th"(i'' $&nt 3&thy &nd !inton to )&rry% H) CHAPTERS 27-30 1. Why is it ne"ess&ry 'or He&th"(i'' to #idn&/ 3&thy &nd Ne((y% +. Why does !inton he(/ 3&thy es"&/e to see her '&ther% ,. Ho$ h&s He&th"(i'' &rr&nged to 'in&((y 1e $ith 3&therine% .. A'ter !inton dies- $h&t is (e't 'or 3&thy% I) CHAPTERS 31-34 1. Why is H&reton trying to (e&rn to re&d% +. He&th"(i'' &1uses H&reton &nd tries to see Hind(ey in his 'e&tures- 1ut $ho does he re&((y see% ,. Ho$ h&s Wuthering Heights "h&nged in r. !o"#$ood4s &1sen"e%

.. Ho$ did He&th"(i'' "h&nge to$&rds the end% 0. Ho$ is He&th"(i''4s de&th (i#e 3&therine4s% 2. Ho$ is the 1itterness &nd h&tred in the story 'in&((y o*er"o)e%

Wuthering Heights - SHORT ANSWER


A) Chapters 1-3 1. Why does Mr. Lockwood go to Wuthering Heights? What kind of welcome does he receive? He is looking for solitude. Mr. Heathcliff and all of the residents at Wuthering Heights treat him rudely. 2. Why does Lockwood return to Wuthering Heights uninvited? The house has pi ued his curiosity. He wants to get to know his landlord!neigh"ors# $. When Lockwood first enters Wuthering Heights% who lives there? Heathcliff &the landlord'% his daughter(in(law &)atherine'% Hareton *arnshaw% +oseph , -illa. .. What feeling do we get from Wuthering Heights and its occupants in these first few chapters? Wuthering Heights &and its occupants' are sulky% cold% and dark. We get a feeling of oppression and depression. /. 0escri"e Heathcliff. He is dark% like a gypsy% with "lack eyes. He is handsome and dresses somewhat like a gentleman% yet he is sullen% short(tempered% and very reserved. 1t is o"vious that he does not welcome visitors and does not like the people with whom he lives. 2. What glimpses from the past does Lockwood get from )atherine3s "ooks? 4irst he learns of )atherine *arnshaw3s e5istence and her friendship and fondness for Heathcliff. He also learns of )atherine3s "rother Hindley who resents Heathcliff and is cruel to him. We are also introduced to Hindley% )atherine6s older "rother% and his wife% 4rances. 7. Whose ghost visits Mr. Lockwood? What is Heathcliff3s reaction to the ghost? )atherine3s ghost appears to him. When Heathcliff hears of the ghost &and he has time alone'% he goes into a sorrowful fit. 8. How relia"le is Lockwood6s account of )atherine6s ghost? Lockwood was half asleep when the ghost appears. 1t is possi"le he has had an intense vision as part of the dream. 9n the other hand% it seems likely that )harlotte :ronte would have wanted her readers to "elieve in the e5istence of this ghost. Chapters 4-8 1. Who is ;elly 0ean? <fter Lockwood returns home &after his second visit' in wintry weather% he "ecomes ill. This sets up his long time spent sitting uietly listening to ;elly tell the story of the Lintons% *arnshaws% and Heathcliff to Mr. Lockwood.

Wuthering Heights - SHORT ANSWER


;elly is the house servant for Mr. Lockwood &formerly housekeeper at Wuthering Heights'. 2. What do the gifts that Hindley and )atherine ask their father to "ring them reveal a"out their characters? Hindley asks for a fiddle% suggesting he has more of an artist3s personality. )atherine wants a whip. =he appears to "e the more ro"ust of the two. $. What are Heathcliff3s origins? Mr. *arnshaw found him ragged and starving on the streets of Liverpool and decided to adopt him. .. Why does Hindley despise Heathcliff? He dislikes Heathcliff "ecause Mr. *arnshaw clearly favors Heathcliff over Hindley. /. )haracteri>e )atherine. =he is very much her own master. =he teases and provokes her entire family with a pretended lack of respect. =he adores Heathcliff% is vulgar to her father% and yet appears to "e not actually malicious "ut high(strung and too carefree. 2. )ompare and contrast )atherine3s and Heathcliff3s reactions to the Lintons at Thrushcross ?range. Heathcliff is disgusted "y the Lintons. )atherine takes a liking to their elegant style of living. 7. Why did *dgar get applesauce dumped on him? His comment a"out Heathcliff3s hair puts Heathcliff in a temper. 8. )atherine is pained "y Hindley3s punishment of Heathcliff% yet she continues to entertain her guests. What change does this reveal? =he loves Heathcliff and worries a"out him% "ut she is strongly drawn to the Lintons and their lifestyle. @. What does Heathcliff "egin to plan? He "egins to plan his revenge on Hindley. 1A. Who is Hareton *arnshaw? Hareton is the son of Hindley and 4rances *arnshaw. 11. How does 4rances3 death affect Hindley? Hindley "ecomes more cruel and despondent. He turns to e5cessive drinking. 12. *dgar gets a good look at )atherine3s Bother side.B What is his reaction? He is horrified at her cruelty and "latant lying% yet his attraction to her and her weeping cause him to return and stay for a visit. C) Chapters 9-10 1. Who saves Hareton3s life? <fter Hindley drops Hareton% Heathcliff catches him% saving his life.

Wuthering Heights - SHORT ANSWER


2. Why does )atherine accept *dgar3s proposal when she knows Heathcliff is a part of her soul? =he is proud and seduced "y the money and power of a marriage to *dgar and deludes herself into thinking it will put her in a position to help Heathcliff. $. Why does Heathcliff disappear? )atherine hurts his feelings "y saying it would degrade her to marry him% so he leaves &although this is not all that she says'. .. How has Heathcliff changed during his a"sence of three years? His appearance and manners are greatly improved% and he seems to "e "etter educated. Cnderneath his new appearance% though% his hatreds are more intense and his emotions are more cruel. /. Who is 1sa"ella% and what does she think of Heathcliff? 1sa"ella is *dgar3s sister% a Linton. =he has taken a fancy to Heathcliff% thinking his "rutish e5terior masks softer sentiments% which her love will free. 2. How does Heathcliff "egin his revenge on Hindley &and ultimately gain control of his land'? While living at Wuthering Heights% he plays cards with Hindley((and "eats him "adly% winning great de"ts from Hindley. D) Chapters 11-13 1. 0escri"e Hareton *arnshaw as a "oy. Hareton is growing up wild. He has no education and has the worst possi"le e5amples of humanity to follow. 2. Why does Heathcliff em"race 1sa"ella? He does not love or even like her% "ut he sees an opportunity to hurt *dgar through her. $. Why does )atherine put herself into a fit? =he wants "oth *dgar and Heathcliff for herself. =he cannot reconcile them nor stop Heathcliff from BcourtingD 1sa"ella. Thus% her power over everyone is diminishing. Her violent passions cause her to have a fit and lock herself in her room for days. .. 4or what does )atherine wish in her delirium? =he wishes that she were a young wild girl living at Wuthering Heights as she used to "e and that Heathcliff would Eoin her in her grave. /. What happened to 1sa"ella3s =pringer? Heathcliff tied it up so it would not "ark at or follow him and 1sa"ella. 2. How does *dgar react to 1sa"ella3s running away with Heathcliff? He will have no further contact with her as she has now disowned her family in his eyes.

Wuthering Heights - SHORT ANSWER


7. What kind of reception does 1sa"ella receive at Wuthering Heights? =he is cursed at "y Hareton who threatens to set the dogs on her. The rest of the household alternately ignore and curse her. Heathcliff disappears and leaves her to fend for herself. 8. What does 1sa"ella want of ;elly? =he wants ;elly to come visit her and "ring some message from *dgar. E) Chapters 14-17 1. 0escri"e Heathcliff3s relationship with 1sa"ella. He despises her# he thinks she is a fool for marrying him. 2. Why does ;elly agree to take Heathcliff3s letter to )atherine? =he thinks it will cause less harm than Heathcliff3s trying to see )atherine and having to fight *dgar. $. 0escri"e the relationship "etween Heathcliff and )atherine. They love and torment each other. =he accuses him of leaving her and he accuses her of leaving him for a "rief fancy for *dgar. :oth feel they cannot live without the other and will only find peace in the grave. Fet Heathcliff also feels a passionate hatred toward her for "reaking her own heart and there"y his and leaving him to live in a hell after she dies. .. 4or what does Heathcliff plead from )atherine? He pleads for her ghost to haunt him. /. Why does *dgar "ury )atherine away from the family? He wants her to "e near the moors she loved. 2. 1sa"ella hates Heathcliff and yet she warns him that Hindley has a gun and means to shoot him. Why? <lthough she wishes him dead% 1sa"ella cannot "e a party to cold("looded murder. =he pro"a"ly wouldn3t o"Eect to a fair fight "etween the two% "ut murder would not do. 7. What is Hareton doing when 1sa"ella escapes? He is hanging a litter of puppies. His character is shown as distorted and cruel. 8. Who is Linton? Linton is the son of 1sa"ella and Heathcliff. @. )ompare and contrast the way Hindley and *dgar handle losing their spouses and rearing their children. Hindley turns to gam"ling and drinking when 4rances dies. He a"uses Hareton to the point of allowing him to "e reared almost like a savage. *dgar mourns )atherine yet recovers to lavish love on their daughter )athy. 1A. Cpon Hindley3s death% who owns Wuthering Heights% and how? Heathcliff holds the mortgages on Wuthering Heights and therefore owns the property.

Wuthering Heights - SHORT ANSWER


F) Chapters 18-21 1. 0escri"e )athy3s first meeting with Hareton. Their dogs get into a fight in front of Wuthering Heights when )athy is on her secret Eourney to the Geniston )rags. They appear uite pleased with each other until )athy calls him a servant% gives him an order% and refuses to "elieve he is her cousin. 2. 0escri"e Linton Heathcliff. He is "lond% pale% thin% and appears to "e a sickly child. $. Why does Heathcliff want Linton? Linton will "e the heir of Thrushcross ?range% and Heathcliff sees an opportunity to get the land for himself through his child. .. Why does Heathcliff feel affection for Hareton? Hareton is the son Heathcliff wanted. He is strong% wild and full of spirit% unlike sickly Linton. /. Why does ;elly cut off the love letters "etween )athy and Linton? =he fears Heathcliff3s plan that they will marry. ;elly knows "etter than anyone how dangerous Heathcliff is% and she wants to protect )athy. G) Chapters 22-26 1. How does Heathcliff get )athy to visit Linton? He appeals to her pity and sensitivity concerning Linton3s loneliness and "roken heart. 2. Linton is not very lika"le. Why do you think )athy cares for him? <lthough he is selfish% misera"le% and sickly% he is the only person around who is her own age and class. <lso% )athy does have a heart# she pities him. $. )ompare the relationships among Heathcliff% )atherine% and *dgar to the relationships "etween Hareton% )athy% and Linton. )athy loves Linton and scorns Hareton as a "rute% much as )atherine loved *dgar and scorned Heathcliff3s "ad manners. )athy3s love for Linton is actually pity% and we know she finds Hareton physically attractive% if vulgar. 1t is o"vious that Hareton is attracted to )athy# he tries to improve himself and has "ecome Eealous of Linton% as Heathcliff improved himself and was Eealous of *dgar. .. Where do )athy and Linton meet? They only meet on the moors "ecause each is for"idden to go to the other3s household. /. Why does Heathcliff want )athy and Linton to marry? 1t is through their union and Linton3s early death that he will control Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross ?range((the family fortunes of "oth of his enemies.

Wuthering Heights - SHORT ANSWER



H) Chapters 27-30 1. Why is it necessary for Heathcliff to kidnap )athy and ;elly? He must get )athy married to Linton "efore *dgar dies% in order to have his full revenge. 2. Why does Linton help )athy escape to see her father? He is tired of her crying((and perhaps he feels some pity for her. $. How has Heathcliff arranged to finally "e with )atherine? He has "ri"ed the gravedigger to remove the near sides of their coffins so that their dust may mingle. .. <fter Linton dies% what is left for )athy? =he has no money and is a prisoner at Wuthering Heights. I) Chapters 31-34 1. Why is Hareton trying to learn to read? He wants to win )athy3s approval. 2. Heathcliff a"uses Hareton and tries to see Hindley in his features% "ut who does he really see? He keeps seeing )atherine in him. $. How has Wuthering Heights changed in Mr. Lockwood3s a"sence? The gates and windows are unlocked and the house has a cheerful air. )athy and Hareton are o"viously in love with each other% and Heathcliff has died. .. How did Heathcliff change towards the end? He lost his will for revenge. He "ecame a"sor"ed in )atherine3s spirit and longed only to "e with her. He forgot the earthly needs or desires he had. /. How is Heathcliff3s death like )atherine3s? They "oth fasted "efore they died% and they "oth seemed to already "e a part of the world to which they were going. 2. How is the "itterness and hatred in the story finally overcome? The "itterness and hatred is overcome "y the love of )athy and Hareton. The two houses are united and happy once more.

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