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King Fahad University of Petroleum & Minerals Computer Engineering Department

COE-5 ! Mo"ile and #ireless $et%or&s

Dr' (shraf )harif *asan Mahmoud

Final Report

+o) Design for !, $et%or&s

Name: Abdullah Hamad Al-Subhi ID # 913659 Date: a! "#$ "##3

-a"le of Content
.' /ntrodu0tion %%%%%%%%%%&%%%%%%%%%%& " 1' +o) in !, $et%or&s %%%%%%%%%%%&%%&&&%%&& 5 "&1 ' (S %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%& 5 "&" )D A"###%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%& * !' !, +o) -e0hni2ues %%%%%%%%%%%%&%%%%& 3&1 (ra++i, -hapin. and poli,in. %%%%%%%%%&&&&&& 3&" (ra++i, S,hedulin. Al.orithm %%%%%%%%%%& 3&3 DIFFS0R1 ba-ed 2oS Ar,hite,ture %%%%%&&& ' +o) /ssues in the Converged !, and #ired $et%or&s 5' Con0lusion %%%%%%%%%%%&%%%%%%%%%& 3eferen0es 1# 1# 1/ 16 1* "1

(he .oal o+ third .eneration 3345 mobile ,ommuni,ation -!-tem- i- the deli6er! o+ multimedia -er6i,e- to the u-er in the mobile domain& (hi- re7uirethe pro6i-ion o+ u-er data rate- that are -ub-tantiall! hi.her than tho-e pro6ided b! toda!8- -e,ond .eneration 3"45 net9or:-& In "4$ onl! data rateo+ 9&6 :bit;- are ,urrentl! -upported& In 34 u-er- 9ill be pro6ided 9ith data rate- o+ up to 1// :bit;- in ma,ro,ellular en6ironment-$ up to 3*/ :bit;- in mi,ro,ellular en6ironment- and up to " bit;- in indoor or pi,o,ellular en6ironment-& (he-e re7uirement- addre-- the limitation- o+ "4$ 9hi,h$ de-pite it- enormou- 9orld-9ide -u,,e-- 9a- de-i.ned primaril! +or mobile di.ital telephon! 9ith onl! a limited data ,apabilit!& 34 Net9or: enable- pro6ide- hi.h--peed 9irele-- Internet a,,e-- to mobile u-er-& (he -ame net9or: ,an be u-ed to ma:e 6oi,e ,all- u-in. ,on6entional mobile phone-& oreo6er 34 net9or:- are -een a- the enabler o+ multimedia -er6i,e- li:e 6ideo,on+eren,in.$ -treamin. audio and 6ideo et,& (he-e Net9or:- mu-t pro6ide -er6i,e- to man! di++erent t!pe- o+ appli,ation9ithout lettin. data +rom one appli,ation a++e,t the -er6i,e- pro6ided to other t!pe- o+ appli,ation-& In other 9ord-$ 34 Net9or:- mu-t pro6ide Support +or 2ualit! o+ Ser6i,e& In 34 9irele-- Internet$ ,ontrollin. 2oS i- not about thro9in. band9idth at the <hot -pot-8= a- a matter o+ +a,t$ the hotte-t -pot in the net9or: i- the radio a,,e-- portion$ the mo-t e>pen-i6e part o+ the net9or:& It i- about ma:in. the be-t u-e o+ a6ailable net9or: re-our,e- to deli6er 2oS a- re7uired and -ub-,ribed b! the -er6i,e- and u-er-& Appl!in. poli,ie- to 2oS ,ontrol 9ill help to di++erentiate u-er- and -er6i,e-$ a- 9ell a- to prote,t hi.her-tier u-erand net9or: re-our,e-& (he abilit! to ,ontrol 2oS o++er- operator- 9a!- to di++erentiate them-el6e+rom other ,ompetitor- b! bein. able to laun,h ne9 re6enue-.eneratin. -er6i,e- +a-ter and to bundle -er6i,e pa,:a.e- +or di++erent u-er -e.ment-& Ab-en,e o+ thi- abilit! remain- pre6alent 9ith mo-t +i>ed and 9irele-- IS?toda!$ ma:in. them re-ort to @+ir-t ,ome +ir-t -er6ed Aor @all !ou ,an u-eA8 -er6i,e model-&

#hat is +uality of )ervi0e4

2ualit! o+ Ser6i,e ,arrie- di++erent ,onnotation- +or di++erent people& It i- the end u-er- 9ho pa! +or the -er6i,e$ and 9ho-e per-pe,ti6e- matter mo-t& From an end u-er8- per-pe,ti6e$ 2oS de+ine- the ,hara,teri-ti,- o+ -er6i,e deli6er! that impa,t mo-t ,riti,all! hi-;her per,eption o+ the -er6i,e& (he three main ,hara,teri-ti,- o+ a net9or: deli6erin. 2oS to an end u-er are a+ollo9-:

(vaila"ility of the servi0e : the -er6i,e i- immediatel! a6ailable or rea-onabl! dela!ed dependin. on u-er8- -ub-,ription -tatu-& (he -er6i,e a6ailabilit! i+a-ter +or a hi.her-tier -ub-,riber than that +or a lo9er-tier -ub-,riber& +uality of information: the in+ormation i- re,ei6ed un,orrupted and u-able 9ithout error-$ a- re7uired b! the t!pe o+ the -er6i,e& Consistent delivery: (he in+ormation i- deli6ered throu.hout the -e--ion at a per,ei6abl! ,on-i-tent -peed and 7ualit!$ .uaranteein. that the per,eption o+ the u-er remain- the -ame throu.hout& At a te,hni,al le6el$ 2oS i- ,hara,teriBed b! a -et o+ mea-urable parameter-u,h a-: C Ser6i,e a6ailabilit! C Dela! C Dela! 6ariation 3Ditter5 C (hrou.hput C ?a,:et lo-- rate Ser6i,e a6ailabilit! ,an be +urther bro:en do9n into per,enta.e o+ blo,:ed and dropped ,all-$ a- 9ell a- the duration o+ -er6i,e outa.e-& 2oS enable- a net9or: to deli6er ,la--e- o+ -er6i,e 3)oS5$ i&e& di++erent prioritiBed treatmentto di++erent -er6i,e- or to di++erent .roup- o+ u-er-& 2oS allo,ate- net9or: ,apa,it! b! t!pe o+ tra++i, re7uired b! ,ertain t!pe o+ -er6i,e$ 9hile )oS pro6ide- pre+erred allo,ation o+ the net9or: 9ithout .uaranteein. an! mea-urable amount& )oS i- implied in a 2oS poli,! a--o,iated 9ith a -ub-,riber& It i- u-ed b! the net9or: to pro6ide di++erential 2oS treatment- to di++erent -er6i,e- -ub-,ribed b! di++erent u-er-$ that i-$ -er6i,e and u-er di++erentiation&

1' +o) in !, $et%or&s 1'. UM-)

1'.'1 UM-) +o) (r0hite0ture
In order to ha6e 2oS +un,tionalit!$ it -hould be ,on+i.ured +rom the -our,e up to the de-tination& (he tra++i, mo6e- +rom (erminal 07uipment 3(05 to another (0 throu.h all net9or: -er6i,e-& (he ' (S bearer -er6i,e,on-i-t o+ t9o part-: Radio A,,e-- Eearer 3RAE5 and )ore Net9or: Eearer 3)NE5 -er6i,e-& (he-e t9o -er6i,e- u-ed to optimiBe the ' (S bearer -er6i,e in a net9or: topolo.! ta:in. into ,on-ideration mobilit! and mobilit! -ub-,riber pro+ile- FS1:11*GH& (he RAE -er6i,e pro6ide- a -e,ured tran-port o+ -i.nalin. and u-er data bet9een ( and )N ed.e 9ith 2oS ade7uate to ne.otiated ' (S bearer -er6i,e and 9ith the de+ault 2oS +or -i.nalin.& (he RAE i- ba-ed on the radio inter+a,e beha6ior and maintained +or mo6in. ( FS1:11**H& '(RAN and ( ha6e the abilit! to -e.ment;re-emble the u-er +lo9 into di++erent -ub-+lo9 re7ue-ted b! the RAE -er6i,e& (he -e.mentation;re-emble i- pro6ided b! the Ser6i,e Data 'nit pla! load +ormat -in.led at the RAE e-tabli-hment& (he radio bearer -er6i,e handle the part o+ the u-er +lo9 to one -ub-+lo9 ba-ed on -ub-+lo9 reliabilit! re7uirement-& FS1:11**H& (he )NE role i- to e++i,ientl! ,ontrol and u-e ba,:bone net9or: to pro6ide the ,ontra,ted ' (S bearer -er6i,e& (he ' (S pa,:et )N -upport di++erent ba,:bone bearer -er6i,e- +or di++erent 2oS FS1:11**H& (he )N nearer -er6i,e u-e- a .eneri, net9or: -er6i,e& (he ba,:bone net9or: -er6i,e ,o6er- the la!er 1 and la!er " +un,tionalit! and i- -ele,ted a,,ordin. to operator8- ,hoi,e to -ati-+! the 2oS re7uirement- o+ the )N bearer -er6i,e FS1:11**H&

Fi.ure 1& ' (S 2oS Ar,hite,ture 5

1'.'! UM-) +o) Classes'

' (S net9or: -hould ta:e ,are o+ di++erent ob-ta,le- in pro6idin. .ood -er6i,e- in the air and ,on-ider all limitation- on that a-pe,t& Some real time appli,ation ,an8t a++ord mu,h dela! o+ pa,:et data bein. tran-mitted to ha6e .ood 7ualit! -er6i,e- pro6ided b! -u,h an operator& ' (S 2oS de+ine-ome ,la--e- 9hi,h ta:e ,are o+ limitation- o+ the air inter+a,e& ' (S de+ine +our di++erent ,la--e-: 1& "& 3& /& )on6er-ational ,la--& Streamin. ,la--& Intera,ti6e ,la--& Ea,:.round&

(he ,on6er-ational and -treamin. ,la--e- are u-ed to ,arr! real-time data or -er6i,e-& Dela! i- 9hat di-tin.ui-he- bet9een them in ho9 are the! -en-iti6e to it& )on6er-ational ,la-- i- treated to be the mo-t ,riti,al -er6i,e amonth them be,au-e it ,arr! the 6oi,e and 6ido telephon! FS1:11*9H& (he intera,ti6e and ba,:.round ,la--e- are mainl! u-ed +or traditional -er6i,e- li:e email and F(?& (he-e :ind- o+ -er6i,e- do not need to be deli6ered on time& (he! are le-- -en-iti6e to dela! 9here it a,,eptrea-onabl! lon. dela! li:e telnet and -ome 6er! lon. dela! li:e email FS1:11*9H&
(ra++i, ,la-)on6er-ational ,la-Streamin. ,la-Real (ime - ?re-er6e time relation 36ariation5 bet9een in+ormation entitie- o+ the -tream Intera,ti6e ,la-Ee-t 0++ort - Re7ue-t re-pon-e pattern -?re-er6e pa!load ,ontent Ea,:.round ,la-Ee-t 0++ort -De-tination inot e>pe,tin. the data 9ithin a ,ertain time -?re-er6e pa!load ,ontent

Real (ime Fundamental ,hara,teri-ti,- ?re-er6e time relation 36ariation5 bet9een in+ormation entitie- o+ the -tream - )on6er-ational pattern 3-trin.ent and lo9 dela! 5 6oi,e

0>ample o+ the appli,ation

-treamin. 6ideo

9eb bro9-in.

telemetr!$ email-

-a"le . ' (S 2oS )la--e-

1'.'! +o) Management


(he ,ontrol plane 2oS mana.ement +un,tion- in,lude: FS1:11*9H& )ervi0e manager ,oordinate- the +un,tion o+ the ,ontrol plane +or e-tabli-hin. modi+!in. and maintainin. the -er6i,e& -ranslation fun0tion per+orm- ,on6er-ion bet9een ' (S bearer -er6i,e- attribute- and 2oS parameter- o+ e>ternal net9or: -er6i,e ,ontrol proto,ol& (dmission50apa"ility ,ontrol maintain- in+ormation about all a6ailable re-our,e- o+ the net9or: entit! and about all re-our,eallo,ated to ' (A bearer -er6i,e-& )u"s0ription Control ,he,:- the admini-trati6e o+ the ' (S bearer -er6i,e u-er to u-e re7ue-ted -er6i,e 9ith -pe,i+ied 2oS attribute-&

'-er ?lane 2oS mana.ement +un,tion maintain- the -i.nalin. and u-er data tra++i, 9ithin ,ertain limit- de+ined b! the 2oS attribute-& It in,lude-: FS1:11*9H& Mapping fun0tion pro6ide- ea,h data unit 9ith the -pe,i+i, mar:in. re7uired to re,ei6e the intended 2oS at the tran-+er b! a bearer -er6i,e& Classifi0ation fun0tion a--i.n- data unite- to the e-tabli-hed -er6i,e at the ( a,,ordin. to the related 2oS attribute- i+ the ( ha- multiple ' (S bearer -er6i,e- e-tabli-hed& 3esour0e manager di-tribute the a6ailable re-our,e- amon. all -er6i,e- -harin. the -ame re-our,e ba-ed on the re7uired 2oS& -raffi0 0onditioner pro6ide- per+orman,e bet9een the ne.otiated 2oS +or -er6i,e- and data unit tra++i,& It handle- that b! u-in. poli,in. and tra++i, -hapin. te,hni7ue-& (he poli,in. +un,tion ,ompare- the data unit tra++i, 9ith the related 2oS attribute-& (he tra++i, -hapin. +orm the data unit tra++i, a,,ordin. to the 2oS the -er6i,e&

1'1 CDM(1666

1'1'. +o) implementation

(he ar,hite,ture +or pro6i-ionin. 2oS -hould ta:e into a,,ount the need +or appli,ation and -ub-,riber di++erentiation& (he 9irele-- net9or: -hould be able to handle 6ariou- t!pe- o+ appli,ation- 9ith 6ar! 2oS obDe,ti6e- 9hile optimiBin. the utiliBation o+ -!-tem re-our,e-& Appli,ationare ,la--i+ied into t9o t!pe-$ the real-time and non-real-time appli,ation FS":/5H& )D A"### de+ine t9o mode- o+ 2oS: $on-assured Mode +o)7 (he appli,ation 9ith non-a--ured 2oS mode i- ,hara,teriBed b! the deli6er! o+ pa,:et- b! mean o+ be-t e++ort -,heduler& (here are no -tri,t re7uirement- on pa,:et tran-+er dela! and data rate& @?riorit!A parameter i- -pe,i+ied +or 2oS FS":/*H& (ssured Mode +o)7 Appli,ation- 9ith a--ured 2oS mode ,an a--i.n -ome parameter- de+ine the re7uired pa,:et tran-+er dela! and a,,eptable data rate& (he 2oS pro+ile o+ thi- mode i- ,hara,teriBed b! the +ollo9in. parameter-: FS":/*H& o Priority' o Data 3ate7 obile -tation ,an -pe,i+! the data rate 3*$ 3"$ 6/$1// and 3*/:bp-5& o Data 8ose 3ate7 obile -tation ,an -pe,i+! the re7ue-ted data lo-- rate or a,,eptable data lo-- rate 31$ "$ 5 and 1#I5& o Ma9imum Delay7 obile -tation ,an -pe,i+! ho9 lon. data o,tet- ,an be :ept in the tran-mit bu++er 3/#$ 1"# and 36#I5&

1'1'1 +o) ar0hite0ture

(he end-to end 2oS ar,hite,ture i- de-i.ned -u,h that the obDe,ti6e -pe,i+!in. b! the 2oS pro+ile o+ an appli,ation i- implemented b! utiliBin. the +ollo9in. -er6i,e-: 3adio :earer )ervi0e7 (he tele,ommuni,ation -e.ment bet9een S and RAN& It -upport- multiple appli,ation- -imultaneou-l!& (he 2oS parameter- i- de+ined -u,h that to deli6er u-er appli,ation re7uirement-& In thi- -e.ment$ the 2oS relie- on the e++i,ient implementation on -ome ,ontrol te,hni7ue- FS":/9H& o Po%er Control7 (he +a-t +eedba,: po9er ,ontrol 9ith a ,hannel +eedba,: at the rate *##HB en-ure- a minimum tran-mi--ion o+ po9er$ lo9 le6el o+ u-er inter+eren,e in the ,ell and 6er! e++i,ient utiliBation o+ radio re-our,e-& o 3adio (dmission Control7 It ,he,:- i+ 2oS re7uirement- o+ the ne9 -er6i,e in-tan,e ,an be met be+ore it i- a,,epted& o 3adio 3esour0e Control ;33C<7 It e-tabli-he-$ maintain- and terminate- radio re-our,e- +or e>,han.e o+ pa,:et- bet9een the S and R)F& It maintain- :no9led.e o+ radio re-our,e -tatuand broad,a-t pa,:et Bone ID in the -!-tem o6erhead me--a.e& 8

o )0heduling7 It -,hedule- data pa,:et in the +or9ard lin:& Round robin -,hedulin. i- the 9idel! u-ed al.orithm& 3-P "earer )ervi0e : (he tele,ommuni,ation -e.ment bet9een RAN and ?DSN 3)ore Net9or:5& (he ?DSN +ir-t ,ondu,t- authenti,ation and authoriBation +or S 9ith the Home AAA& (he ?DSN retrie6e- the 2oS pro+ile +rom HAAA throu.h lo,al AAA& (he -ub-,riber8- 2oS pro+ile i- mainl! ,hara,teriBed b! the +ollo9in. in+ormation: FS":/9H& o (he di++erentiated -er6i,e mar:in.o (he Air-Jin: 2oS attribute-& Call (dmission Control7 It i- to admit and den! R-? ,onne,tion& It iba-ed on the +ollo9in. ,riteria: o A6ailabilit! o+ -u++i,ient RN re-our,e- +or ne9 ,onne,tion& o 2oS re7ue-ted b! the u-er i- 9ithin the limit- -et- b! the u-er82oS pro+ile& +o) -ransport in 3-P interfa0e7 (he 2oS re7uirement- are -pe,i+ied +or ea,h -er6i,e in-tant independentl!& A -in.le ??? -e--ion ie-tabli-hed bet9een S and ?DSN +or ea,h R-? -e--ion 9here ea,h ???;R-? -e--ion -upport- ,ommuni,ation +lo9- +or multiple I? addre--e- belon. to the -ame S FS":/9H& E9ternal :earer )ervi0e7 (he tele,ommuni,ation -e.ment bet9een ?DSN and the e>ternal pri6ate net9or:& (here i- no )D A"### -pe,i+i, 2oS implementation +or e>ternal net9or: 9here it relie- on the -tandard I? me,hani-m- FS":5#H&

Fi.ure " )D A"### 2oS Ar,hite,ture

1' +o) -e0hni2ues used in !, $et%or&

1'. (ra++i, -hapin. and poli,in.
"&1&1 De+inition
(ra++i, ,onditionin. pro6ide- ,on+orman,e o+ input tra++i, to the -pe,i+i,ation- a.reed 9ith the bearer -er6i,e pro6ider& A tra++i, ,onditioner ma! a,hie6e thi- b! tra++i, -hapin. or;and tra++i, poli,in.& (he tra++i, ,onditioner ma! be embodied both in a '-er 07uipment 3'05 and in the .ate9a! node- FS3:139H& (9o main tra++i, -hapin. al.orithm- are e>i-t $ namel! Jea:! Eu,:et Al.orithm de+ined b! A( Forum and (o:en Eu,:et 3(E5 Al.orithm de+ined b! I0(F re-pe,ti6el!& (E ha- been adopted a- a re+eren,e al.orithm +or tra++i, ,onditioner in ' (S b! 34?? FS3:139H& 1'.'1 )ystem Model A tra++i, ,onditionin.-enabled Radio Net9or: Sub-!-tem 3RNS5$ 9hi,h i- ,ompo-ed o+ a RN) and one or more Node E- i- depi,ted in Fi.& 1 a- the -!-tem model& (he '0- are di-tributed 9ithin ea,h ,ell 9ith an omnidire,tional ba-e -tation at the ,ell ,enter& 0a,h '0 i- e>pe,ted to u-e an! one o+ the ,on-idered tra++i, ,la--e-& A tra++i, -haper i- emplo!ed +or uplin: tra++i, on ea,h '0& (he pa,:et- re,ei6ed at the Node E- are +or9arded to the RN) 9here the tra++i, poli,in. +un,tion i- per+ormed FS3:139H&

Fi.ure 3& S!-tem

odel: (ra++i, Shapin. and ?oli,in. in ' (S 10

-o&en :u0&et (lgorithm7

(he to:en bu,:et al.orithm re.ulate- the bur-t! tra++i, in -u,h a 9a! that o6er a lon. time period the a6era.e allo9ed rate approa,he- the de-ired to:en rate r a-!mptoti,all! and o6er a -hort time inter6al the bur-t -iBe o+ the tra++i, i- upper bounded b! bu,:et -iBe b& (he (E al.orithm implementation iillu-trated in Fi.& /$ 9here (o:en Eu,:et )ounter 3(E)5 i- an internal 6ariable u-ed to re,ord the number o+ the remainin. to:en- at an! time& Kith thiimplementation$ three ,orre-pondin. mea-ure- ma! be ta:en 9hen a ne9 pa,:et arri6e- FS3:1/#H&

Fi.ure /& (o:en Eu,:et Al.orithm Case .7 ,on+ormed at arri6al& (he -iBe o+ the in,omin. pa,:et i- -maller than the (E) 6alue in the bu,:et 9hen the pa,:et arri6e-& (he pa,:et i- ,ompliant at arri6al and i- mar:ed a- a ,ompliant pa,:et FS3:1/#H& Case 17 non-,on+ormed& A pa,:et i- deemed a- non,ompliant i+ it- than the bu,:et -iBe& (hi- t!pe o+ pa,:et i- ta..ed a- not-,ompliant and 9ill not be dropped at the '0$ but le+t +or pre+erential di-,ardin. at the tra++i, poli,in. point in ,a-e o+ ,hannel ,on.e-tion FS3:1/#H& Case !7 -haped to be ,on+ormed& (he -iBe o+ pa,:et i- not than the bu,:et -iBe$ but than the (E) 6alue at arri6in. in-tant& In thi- ,a-e$ the pa,:et 9ill be en+or,ed to 9ait b! the tra++i, -haper until there are enou.h to:en- in the bu,:et& (hi- t!pe o+ pa,:et i- -haped to be ,on+ormed and mar:ed a- ,ompliant a+ter -hapin. FS3:1/#H& 1'.'! -raffi0 0onditioning s0heme in UM-) (ra++i, ,onditioner pro6ide- ,on+orman,e bet9een the ne.otiated 2oS and the data unit tra++i, FS3:1/#H&


-raffi0 )haping at the UE (he tra++i, -hapin. -,enario at the '0 i- -ho9n in Fi.& 5& (he (E -haper 6eri+ie- the ,on+orman,e o+ a pa,:et a,,ordin. to ,orre-pondin. to:en bu,:et parameter-$ -hapin. the tra++i, 9hen ne,e--ar!& A- a re-ult$ the re.ulated tra++i, a+ter -hapin. 9ill be ,ate.oriBed into t9o t!pe-$ either ,ompliant or non,ompliant& (he! are le+t +or +urther poli,in. at the RN) FS3:1/#H& (he -,enario 9ill introdu,e tra++i, -hapin. dela! 9hi,h ,on-ume- part o+ the total end-to-end dela! o+ a -er6i,e$ but the re.ulated +lo9 ie>pe,ted to ha6e a lo9er pa,:et lo-- ratio in-tead&

Fi.ure 5& (ra++i, Shapin. at the '0 -raffi0 Poli0ing at the 3$C (he tra++i, poli,in. +un,tion ,ompare- the ,on+orman,e o+ the u-er data tra++i, 9ith the 2oS attribute-& Kithin the ,apa,it! o+ the Eearer Ser6i,e 3ES5$ poli,! ,ontrol i- a lo.i,al poli,! de,i-ion element 9hi,h i- optional to the '0- and re7uired to the .ate9a!-& (ra++i, poli,in. poli,! in pra,ti,e i- a net9or: operator ,hoi,e& A- depi,ted in Fi.& 6$ the poli,in. +un,tion ,on-i-to+ tra++i, ,la--i+i,ation and poli,in. +un,tionalit! and i- embodied at the RN)FS3:1/#H& (he ,la--i+i,ation +un,tion ,he,:- the header o+ e6er! re,ei6ed pa,:et and +or9ard- the ,orre-pondin. in+ormation +or +urther poli,in.$ a,,ordin. to ittra++i, ,la-- a- 9ell a- ,on+orman,e -tatu- FS3:1/#H& 12

(he poli,in. element at the RN) 9ill per+orm ,orre-pondin. poli,ie- on ea,h indi6idual pa,:et& For non-,ompliant data pa,:et-$ the! 9ill be a,:no9led.ed onl! i+ the ,hannel i- not ,on.e-ted$ i&e&$ the total inter+eren,e le6el b! -ummin. o+ all ,onne,tion- doe- not e>,eed the thre-hold& Lther9i-e the! 9ill -impl! be di-,arded& For non-,ompliant data pa,:et-$ the load ,al,ulation 9ill ta:e into a,,ount both ,ompliant and non-,ompliant pa,:et- at +ir-t$ i+ the load e>,eed- the thre-hold$ the non-,ompliant pa,:et- 9ill be dropped pre+erentiall!& A ,on+ormed pa,:et ,ould al-o be di-,arded i+ there are too man! ,on,urrent ,ompliant pa,:et- on the ,hannel FS3:1/1H&

Fi.ure 6& (ra++i, ?oli,in. at the RN)


1'1 (ra++i, S,hedulin. Al.orithm&

1'1'. Definition In pa,:et radio ,ommuni,ation -e6eral i--ue- o+ random nature ma:e thi- ta-: e-pe,iall! di++i,ult to a,hie6e: pa,:et .eneration +rom man! -our,ehat mu-t be multiple>ed 9ithin a limit -et o+ -hare re-our,e- plu- 6ariable propa.ation ,hara,teri-ti,-& (he poli,! +ollo9ed b! the -,hedulin. al.orithm -hould lead to a -!-tem beha6ior a- ,lo-e a- po--ible to the de-ired one& (he -o+t-2oS re7uirement +or dela! -en-iti6e -er6i,e- ,an be e-tabli-hed in termo+ ,ertain de-ired dela! and thre-hold boundarie- FS/:1#*"H& 1'1'1 )0heduling )trategy (he Radio Re-our,e there di++erent -tep-: (' Prioriti=ation All u-er 9ant to -end data mu-t be ,la--i+ied ba-ed on t!pe o+ -er6i,e 31-t priorit! le6el5& I+ it i- the -ame -er6i,e then it i- ,la--i+ied ba-ed on 2oS pro+ile& 2oS i- de+ined here b! the mean o+ amount o+ data to be -end and the time remainin. to :eep the dela! belo9 the de-ire one& (he -maller the deadline the hi.her po-ition in the 7ueue 9ill be& RR ba-ed on thi- 7ueue de,ide on 9hi,h tra++i, to -end +ir-t FS/:1#*3H& (hi- e>pre--ion a--i.n hi.her priorit! to tho-e u-er- 9ith either mu,h data to -end or mu,h time alread! 9aitin. +or permi--ion& ana.ement 3RR 5 -trate.! ,an be -plit into

Ji (Li

?a,:et remainin. to be -ent& (ime le+t until pa,:et deadline +or the ,on-ider -er6i,e&

:' Capa0ity re2uirement (hi- -tep i- per+ormed b! u-er +rom hei-t to lo9e-t priorit!& In order to -ati-+! the ,urrent u-er 2oS re7uirement -ome -!-tem ,apa,it! -hould be ,on-idered to thi- u-er a- 9ell a- ,ertain tran-mi--ion rate -hould be re-er6ed +or thi- u-er& It -hould be handled -martl! b! the -,heduler -o that the o6erall -!-tem beha6ior- 9ere aoptimum a- po--ible FS/:1#*3H& For KKK-lin: -er6i,e-$ there are man! to be +a,tor- to ,on-ider be+ore a de-i.n about o+ ,apa,it! to be a--i.ned to the u-er ,an be ta:en& For e>ample$ ma:in. ,on-i-tent the priorit! le6el to the 14

radio lin: 7ualit! re7uired +or data tran-mi--ion$ then a hi.her priorit! indi,ate- ur.en,! to tran-mit that data& In thi- ,a-e a lo9 Frame 0rror Rate 3F0R5 -hould be .uaranteed to a6oid a- mu,h a- po--ible retran-mi--ion 9hi,h lead to more dela!& (he hi.her the hi.her the priorit! le6el the lo9er the F0R at the re,ei6er -ide -hould be& F0R re7uirement -hould be limited other9i-e one u-er ,ould demand the 9hole ,apa,it! o+ the -!-tem FS/:1#*3H& C' (vaila"ility 0he0& Ln,e the ,apa,it! re7uirement +or the ,urrent u-er ha- been de,ided$ the -,heduler mu-t ,he,: that a +ea-ible -olution do e>i-t- to -ati-+! at the -ame time both the ,urrent u-er re7uirement and tho-e other u-er- 9ith hi.her priorit! that ha6e alread! been a,,epted +or tran-mi--ion FS/:1#*/H& (he -,heduler -hould ta:e the inter+eren,e model into a,,ount in order to de6i-e the e>pe,ted 30;N5 +or all u-er-& For the uplin: $ the -,heduler e6aluate- the +ollo9in. e7ualitie-:

For the do9nlin:$ the -,heduler e6aluate- the +ollo9in. e7ualitie-:

?: SF: No N P

Mth u-er& Mth u-er -pread +a,tor& (hermal noi-e -pe,tral den-it!& Inter-,ell inter+eren,e& Lrtho.onal +a,tor

(, 30b;No5:$SF: ?(-ma> ?R d:

)hip duration Mth u-er re7uirment a> tran-imted po9er total re,i6e po9er di-tan,e +rom Mth u-er to ES


1'! D/FF)E3> "ased +o) (r0hite0ture'

Ha6in. a- le-- a- po--ible Dela!-Ditter i- the main ,on,ern o+ -treamin. -er6i,e- in #4 net9or:& (9o approa,he- to a,hie6e o+ thi.oal& Fir-t$ Streamin. ?ro>! A.ent -hould be u-ed at the ed.e o+ 34 ,ore Net9or: to -moothen the in,omin. tra++i,& (hi- 9ill ma:e it independent o+ -er6i,e model u-ed in the Internet& Se,ond$ a ?robin. ba-ed approa,h i- u-ed to -ele,t minimum dela!-Ditter deli6er! path throu.h the Di++Ser6 ,loud& Me! ,omponent- o+ the propo-ed Ar,hite,ture: FS5:1*9*H& A& Multi0ast Model FS5:19##H& I?I -S multi,a-t routin. -,heme i- propo-ed to model mobilit! in the ar,hite,ture& (he mobile ho-t a--i.ned a temporar! multi,a-t addre-- 9ithin the domain& Sin,e at a .i6en time there i- onl! one re,ei6er and one -ender +or a .i6en -e--ion in mobile en6ironment& ?I -S need- additional me--a.e to di-able +or9ardin. o+ pa,:et- in pa--i6e bran,he-& e--a.e- in the ?I -S proto,ol: o ?I A,ti6e Ooin& o ?I ?a--i6e Ooin& It ,an be ea-il! implemented b! a--o,iatin. an a,ti6e;pa--i6e +la. 9ith multi,a-tin. +or9ardin. entr! at intermediate routerE& Mo"ile Pro9y (gent FS5:19##H& It a,t- a- a pro>! +or the mobile ho-t to ma:e -ure that data i- deli6ered to the mobile ho-t throu.h the be-t po--ible path& It per+orm- the +ollo9in. +un,tion-: o InitialiBe the ,onne,tion +or mobile ho-t in it- ,ell b! -endin. ?I a,ti6e Doin to R? and prompt- the mobile pro>! a.ent- in the nei.hborin. ,ell- to -end ?I ?a--i6e Ooin me--a.e +or9ard- R?& o Implement- a mea-urement ba-ed -,heme that that u-e- the in+ormation ,arried in probin. pa,:et header to determine the dela! ,hara,teri-ti, +or di++erent -er6i,e- ,la--& o Send- the periodi, +eedba,: to the -our,e node re.ardin. the -er6i,e ,la-- .i6in. thee be-t dela!Ditter per+orman,e& )& )treaming Pro9y server agent FS5:19##H& It re-ide- at an entr!-le6el border router o+ the 34 Net9or:& It per+orm- the +ollo9in. +un,tion-: o (o -mooth the in,omin. -treamin. tra++i, to remo6e dela!-Ditter a,,umulated a- -treamin. tra++i, tra6er-e- the re-t o+ the internet& o (o per+orm the additional +un,tionalit! o+ tran-,odin.& It i- need +or e>ample i+ a u-er +rom hi.h band9idth net9or: to lo9 band9idth net9or:& o (o -end probin. pa,:et mapped to di++erent -er6i,e- ,la-- to the obile ?ro>! A.ent& ?robin. pa,:et- ,arr! the time--tamp$ 9hi,h help- the obile ?ro>! A.ent- to ,al,ulate the dela!-Ditter +or 16

di++erent -er6i,e- ,la--e- and -end +eedba,: to the S?S& D& )eamless +o) using pro"ing-"ased approa0h FS5:19#1H& Khen the mobile mo6e- to a ne9 ,ell$ a ne9 data path ie-tabli-hed bet9een S?S and the ,lient& (he ne9 path ma! ha6e di++erent dela! ,hara,teri-ti, +or a .i6er -er6i,e ,la--& Khen a -treamin. -e--ion i- initialiBed in a ,ell$ the obile ?ro>! A.ent o+ the ,urrent ,ell i--ue- ?I A,ti6e Ooin to the multi,a-t tree and the mobile pro>! a.ent in the immediate nei.hbor ,ell i--ue- ?I ?a--i6e Ooin me--a.e to9ard the multi,a-t tree&


' +o) /ssues in the Converged !, and #ired $et%or&s

'. /ntrodu0tion (he 9ired net9or:- ha6e been de6eloped lon. time a.o and -o man! de-i.n e++ort- ha- been -pent to be,ome 9ith reliable and -,alable de-i.n- -u,h that meet mo-t o+ the re7uired -er6i,e- 9hi,h ,on,ern on 2oS& (he 9irele-- domain doe-n8t ha6e that mu,h e++ort -pend on and it i- 6er! hot area& (he 2oS pro,edure- are -li.htl! di++erent +rom 9ired net9or: be,au-e the air inter+a,e in ,a-e o+ 9irele-- net9or: pla! a maDor role o+ -i.nal de.radation ,au-ed b! di++erent a-pe,t li:e dela! and Ditter 9here the-e ,an o+ a-pe,t- are not there in the ,a-e o+ 9ired net9or:FS6://H& '1 -he 3C8 (r0hite0ture (he re-our,e ,ontrol la!er 3R)J5$ Fi.ure G$ 9hi,h i- ba-ed on the band9idth bro:er 3EE5 ,on,ept& R)J i- de-i.ned a- a hierar,hi,al and di-tributed EE to o6er,ome potential -,alabilit! problem-& (he three :e! ,omponent- o+ R)J are the re-our,e ,ontrol a.ent 3R)A5$ the admi--ion ,ontrol a.ent 3A)A5$ and the end-u-er appli,ation tool:it 30A(5 FS6:/6H& (he R)A repre-ent- the ultimate prin,iple in an admini-trati6e domain ,on,ernin. the mana.ement o+ net9or: re-our,e- oreo6er$ it ha- the o6erall 6ie9 o+ the poli,ie- en+or,ed in a domain$ and de,ide- on the router ,on+i.uration and mana.ement o+ the bilateral -er6i,e le6el a.reement- 3SJA-5 bet9een adDa,ent admini-trati6e domain-FS6:/6H& (he A)A mainl! per+orm- u-er authenti,ation and authoriBation$ re-er6ation handlin.$ and admi--ion ,ontrol& ?oli,in. and admi--ion ,ontrol are made onl! at the ed.e- o+ the net9or:= there+ore$ the ,orre-pondin. and point- A)A-5 o+ the +lo9 are identi+ied$ and the re-our,e- are ,he,:ed to en-ure that the ne9 +lo9 ,an be a,,ommodated FS6:/6H& Re-er6ation re7ue-t- are +or9arded to the A)A- +rom the 0A($ 9hi,h mediate- bet9een end u-er- or appli,ation- and the net9or:& (he 0A( intera,t- 9ith the A)A to be a9are o+ the a6ailable net9or: -er6i,e-FS6:/6H&


Figure ?' (he R)J ar,hite,ture and main ,omponent-& '! $et%or& )ervi0es and -raffi0 0lasses In the R)J ar,hite,ture +i6e tra++i, ,la--e- ha6e been de+ined: premium ,on-tant bit rate 3?)ER5$ premium 6ariable bit rate 3?1ER5$ premium multimedia 3? 5$ premium mi--ion ,riti,al 3? )5 and be-t e++ort 3E05& Appli,ation- 9ith -imilar re7uirement- on the net9or: in order to per+orm e++e,ti6el! ,an be .rouped into thi- relati6el! -mall number o+ ,la--e-& (he -,hedulin. me,hani-m a,tuall! implemented i- a ,ombination o+ ?riorit! 2ueuin. 3?25 and Kei.hted-Fair 2ueuin. 3KF25$ ,alled ?2KF2& A 7ueue i- dedi,ated to ?)ER$ 9hi,h ha- -tri,t priorit! o6er the other-$ 9hile the other tra++i, ,la--e- are -,heduled 9ith KF2& A KF2 ia--i.ned to ea,h tra++i, ,la--$ and ea,h 7ueue i- mana.ed b! di++erent 7ueuin. -trate.!: Drop-(ail$ Random 0arl! Dete,tion 3R0D5$ or Kei.hted R0D 3KR0D5& A -pe,i+i, tra++i, pro+ile i- determined +or ea,h tra++i, ,la-that be-t ,hara,teriBe- the data -our,e FS6:/6H& ' Mapping +o) -raffi0 Classes (able 1 ,ontain- the propo-ed mappin.& It- Du-ti+i,ation i- ,on+irmed b! e>aminin. the ,hara,teri-ti,- and tra++i, attribute- +or the-e ,la--e-& (he ,on6er-ational and -treamin. ,la--e- are a--o,iated one-to-one to ?)ER and ?1ER$ re-pe,ti6el!& (he main di-,repan,! -temmin. +rom the table deal- 9ith the ma>imum bit rate and pa,:et -iBe$ due to the -tri,t limit- de+ined in R)J FS6:/GH&


-a"le 1' appin. o+ ' (S 2oS ,la--e- to R)J net9or: -er6i,e-& (able 3 propo-e- a po--ible tran-+ormation$ althou.h +or -ome attribute- -u,h tran-+ormation ma! not be ne,e--ar! or po--ible& Attributeli:e tran-+er dela! and pa,:et lo-- are redundant$ be,au-e the! are u-ed onl! +or the -ele,tion o+ the appropriate tra++i, ,la--& oreo6er$ there are attributeo+ the ' (S ES that deal onl! 9ith ' (S a-pe,t-$ -u,h a- the -our,e -tati-ti,- de-,riptor$ 9hi,h i- u-ed +or ,al,ulatin. a -tati-ti,al multiple> .ain +or u-e in admi--ion ,ontrol& Su,h attribute- are not u-ed in the tran-+ormation pro,e-- FS6:/*H&

-a"le !' (ran-+ormation o+ 2oS -er6i,e attribute-&

'5 Control and User Plane /nternet%or&ing in order to e-tabli-h and maintain the end-to-end -er6i,e$ the 2oS mana.ement +un,tion- o+ both net9or:- at the ,ontrol plane mu-t be able to interoperate& (!pi,all!$ there are t9o .eneral 9a!- to a,,ompli-h that$ dire,tl! or indire,tl! FS6:/9H& -he dire0t %ay implie- that their me,hani-m- are a9are o+ the detail- o+ ea,h other$ and the -i.nalin. proto,ol ,an be a proprietar! one& (hi- -,enario en-ure- that the mappin. amon. the tra++i, ,la--e- ,an be tuned to the be-t po--ible 9a! FS6:/9H& -he indire0t %ay neither ma:e- u-e o+ a proprietar! -i.nalin. proto,ol nor re7uire- the 2oS mana.ement me,hani-m- to be a9are o+ ea,h other& (hi- -,enario i- mo-t appropriate in the ,a-e 20

o+ independent -er6i,e pro6ider- that do not ha6e -pe,i+i, interdomain partner- FS6:/9H&

5' Con0lusion
' (S ,la--i+ied tra++i,- a,,ordin. to their -en-iti6it! +rom dela! and Ditterdela! in ,a-e o+ real time -er6i,e-& Four -u,h ,la--e- are de+ined to di-tin.ui-h bet9een di++erent t!pe- o+ tra++i, in order to treat them a,,ordin. to their importan,e& 2oS mana.ement al-o propo-ed to mana.e -hared re-our,e- amon. all u-er- a,,ordin. to ea,h u-er 2oS pro+ile pre+eren,e-& 2oS de+ine ,ertain attribute- to ea,h ,la--& (9o 2oS mode- are de+ined in )D A"### to handle ,la--i+i,ation o+ tra++i, in the net9or: +or 2oS purpo-e-& A non-a--ured mode$ 9hi,h ,hara,teriBed b! pa,:et deli6er! b! mean o+ be-t e++ort -,heduler& (he -e,ond mode i- a--ured mode$ 9hi,h -pe,i+! a,,eptable tran-+er pa,:et dela! and data rate& 0a,h part o+ the )D A"### net9or: ,omponent- hait- role in 2oS to en-ure 2oS ta-: e++e,ti6el!& It i- handled in Radio A,,e-- Net9or:$ the )ore Net9or: and 0>ternal Net9or: a- 9ell& Some i--ue- tr! to -ome enhan,ement te,hni7ue- to handle 2oS in 34 9arle-- net9or:& Some e>i-ten,e te,hni7ue- are modi+ied to meet the ,omple>it! o+ on the air -er6i,e- 9hi,h doe-n8t to be there +or 9ire net9or: -er6i,e-& Lne o+ -u,h te,hni7ue i- tra++i, -hapin. and poli,in. 9hi,h addre-- tra++i, ,onditionin. b! appl!in. di++erent propo-ed al.orithm-& In 34 net9or: 3' (S5 the tra++i, -hapin. done at the '-er 07uipment and the tra++i, poli,in. done at the Radio Net9or: )ontrol& Another te,hni7ue addre-- 2oS in 34 Net9or:- i- -,hedulin. al.orithm +or -o+t-2oS& It i- -plit into three main -tep- to .uarantee -o+t-2oS& It prioritiBe- the -er6i,e tra++i,-& (hen it trie- to ,arr! out u-er b! u-er +rom hi.he-t to lo9e-t priorit! a,,ordin. to the ,apa,it! re7uirement-& Ja-tl!$ it ,he,:- +or re-our,e- a6ailabilit! +or the u-er bein. pro,e--ed& Another te,hni7ue al-o trie- to di++erentiate bet9een -er6i,e- and treat ,riti,al appli,ation li:e -treamin. appli,ation a,,ordin.l!& (he main purpo-e here to minimiBe Ditter-dela! deli6er! path to .et better -treamin. -er6i,e in the net9or:& (he idea o+ -treamin. pro>! -er6er i- propo-ed to handle Ditter-dela! and pro6ide -mooth in,omin. -treamin. tra++i,&


1& Inte.rated 2oS -upport in 34 ' (S net9or:-$ 4ar.$ 1&M&= Pu$ L&(&K&=Kirele-- )ommuni,ation- and Net9or:in. )on+eren,e$ "###& K)N)& "### I000 $ 1olume: 3 $ "### ?a.e3-5: 11*G -119" 6ol&3 "& 2oS implementation in )D A"###$Rao Pallapra.ada= ?er-onal Kirele-- )ommuni,ation-$ "##" I000 International )on+eren,e on $ "##" ?a.e3-5: /5 -5# 3& 2oS pro6i-ionin. u-in. tra++i, -hapin. and poli,in. in 3rd.eneration 9irele-- net9or:-$Fran: Pon. Ji= Stol$ N&= Kirele-)ommuni,ation- and Net9or:in. )on+eren,e$ "##"& K)N)"##"& "##" I000 $ 1olume: 1 $ 1G-"1 ar "##" ?a.e3-5: 139 -1/3 6ol&1 /& A -,hedulin. al.orithm +or -o+t-2oS .uarantee in 34 -!-temSallent$ L&= ?ereB-Romero$ O&= A.u-ti$ R&= )a-ade6all$ F&= 1ehi,ular (e,hnolo.! )on+eren,e$ "##1& 1() "##1 Sprin.& I000 1(S 53rd $ 1olume: " $ "##1 ?a.e3-5: 1#*" -1#*6 6ol&" 5& Di++-er6 ba-ed 2oS ar,hite,ture to -upport -treamin. appli,ationin 34 mobile net9or:- 1enna$ S&= Earne-$ R&= ?er-onal$ Indoor and obile Radio )ommuni,ation-$ "##"& (he 13th I000 International S!mpo-ium on $ 1olume: / $ "##" ?a.e3-5: 1*9* -19#3 6& 2oS i--ue- in the ,on6er.ed 34 9irele-- and 9ired net9or:aniati-$ S&I&= Ni:olouBou$ 0&4&= 1enieri-$ I&S&= I000 )ommuni,ation- a.aBine $ 1olume: /# I--ue: * $ Au. "##" ?a.e3-5: // -53


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