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Week Five Quiz (87%) two wrong

1.Which act requires third-part investigators to secure the app!icant"s written consent prior to doing a #ackground check$ GrammLeachBliley Act (1999) Fair %redit &eporting 'ct (1(7)) Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974) air La!or "tandard# Act (19$%) &hen #ee'in( in)ormation a!out a candidate )rom re)erence# or in a !ac'(round chec'* or +hen contactin( indi,idual# identi)ied throu(h pro)e##ional net+or'in( #ite# li'e Lin'ed-n or .o!#ter* con#ider the )ollo+in( (uideline#/ 10 50 1eque#t 2o!3related in)ormation only4 put it in +ritten )orm to pro,e that your hire or no3 hire deci#ion +a# !a#ed on rele,ant in)ormation0 *he Fair %redit &eporting 'ct requires third3party in,e#ti(ator# to #ecure the applicant6# +ritten con#ent prior to doin( a !ac'(round chec'0 -) a deci#ion not to hire an applicant re#ult# )rom ne(ati,e in)ormation )ound throu(h a !ac'(round chec'* an employer i# o!li(ated to pro,ide the applicant +ith the re#ult# and an opportunity to di#pute them0 &hen it come# to chec'in( #ocial3net+or'in( #ite# li'e ace!oo'* le(al e7pert# ad,i#e the )ollo+in(/ (1) 8rohi!it mana(er# )rom conductin( #uch chec'# on their o+n0 9a,e 91 pro)e##ional# do them li'e all other !ac'(round chec'#0 (5) Conduct #uch chec'# only a)ter you ha,e inter,ie+ed an indi,idual and determined that he or #he i# a ,ia!le candidate0 ($) En#ure that all candidate# are #u!2ect to the #ame #ocial3media chec'# at the #ame point in the hirin( proce## (e0(0* amon( )inali#t# )or a po#ition)0 (4) -) you re2ect a candidate !a#ed on a #ocial3media #ite #earch* document +hat you di#co,ered and relied on* e,aluate the credi!ility o) the #ource o) the re)erence material0 :ot e,erythin( a,aila!le online i# )actual0 ;nder mo#t circum#tance#* an e,aluation !y a pa#t immediate #uper,i#or +ill !e more credi!le than an e,aluation !y an 91 repre#entati,e0 &here,er po##i!le* u#e pu!lic record# to e,aluate on3the32o! !eha,ior or per#onal conduct (e0(0* records re(ardin( criminal and ci,il liti(ation* dri,in(* or !an'ruptcy)0



50*he ro!e o+ organizationa! cu!ture in sta++ing is #est app!ied i+ co,panies -ta++ing decisions are independent o+ organizationa! cu!ture (wrong) 'void hiring on! those who +it the speci+ics o+ the organization"s cu!ture (%orrect) Acti,ely #ee' out tho#e indi,idual# +ho ha,e ,alue# contrary to the or(ani<ation6# culture

"ta)) only tho#e +ho )it into the pro)ile o) the or(ani<ation6# culture0 =he chapter3openin( ,i(nette de#cri!e# the crucial role o) or(ani<ational culture in attractin(* retainin(* and moti,atin( employee# to per)orm their !e#t e,ery day0 A# +e #hall #ee* the mo#t pro(re##i,e companie# #tri,e to con,ey their culture# to ne+ hire# a# +ell a# to current employee#* and the de(ree o) )it o) a pro#pecti,e ne+ hire +ith the or(ani<ational culture play# a ma2or role in #ta))in( deci#ion#0 -n addition to creatin( cultural )it* there i# a con#tant need to ali(n #ta))in( deci#ion# +ith !u#ine## #trate(y0 A# +e #hall #ee in thi# chapter* a +ide ,ariety o) tool# )or initial #creenin( and #election deci#ion# are a,aila!le* and much i# 'no+n a!out each one0 &e +ill e7amine the e,idence o) the relati,e e))ecti,ene## o) the tool#* #o that deci#ion ma'er# can choo#e tho#e that !e#t )it their lon(3 and #hort3ran(e o!2ecti,e#0 Let u# !e(in !y con#iderin( the role o) !u#ine## #trate(y in #ta))in( deci#ion#0 .. ' so+t-quota s ste, ail# to reco(ni<e that di#criminatory practice# in the pa#t may !loc' pro#pecti,e applicant# )rom #ee'in( pre#ent 2o! opportunitie# 1epre#ent# a mandate to hire #peci)ic num!er# o) +omen or minority (roup mem!er# -# a commitment to treat all race# and #e7e# equally in all deci#ion# a!out hirin(* promotion* and pay - ste,atica!! +avors wo,en and ,inorities in hiring and pro,otion decisions. /iversit -#ased recruit,ent with pre+erentia! hiring 'n organization"s recruit,ent po!ic that s ste,atica!! +avors wo,en and ,inorities in hiring and pro,otion decisions0 a!so known as a so+t-quota s ste,. 4 thi# type o) mana(ement #tyle i# o)ten a##ociated +ith or(ani<ation# in the embryonic stage0 1overs and shakers 2ntrepreneur Freewhee!ing 3rowth director inally* an a(in( or(ani<ation #tru((le# to hold mar'et #hare in a declinin( mar'et* and it demand# e7treme co#t control o!tained throu(h con#i#tency and centrali<ed procedure#0 Economic #ur,i,al !ecome# the primary moti,ation0 >i))erent mana(ement #tyle# #eem to )it each o) the#e de,elopment #ta(e# !e#t0 -n the em!ryonic #ta(e* there i# a need )or enterpri#in( mana(er# +ho can thri,e in hi(h3ri#' en,ironment#0 =he#e are 'no+n a# entrepreneur# ( i(ure 71 )0 =hey are deci#i,e indi,idual# +ho can re#pond rapidly to chan(in( condition#0 >urin( the hi(h3(ro+th #ta(e* there i# #till a need )or entrepreneur#* !ut it i# al#o important to #elect the 'ind# o) mana(er# +ho can de,elop #ta!le mana(ement #y#tem# to pre#er,e the (ain# achie,ed durin( the em!ryonic #ta(e0 &e mi(ht call the#e mana(er# ?(ro+th director#0 4. Which o+ the +o!!owing is a concerted e++ort # the organization to active! e5pand the poo! o+ app!icants so that no one is e5c!uded #ecause o+ past or present discri,ination$ 6assive nondiscri,ination

/iversit -#ased recruit,ent with pre+erentia! hiring 7ard quotas 6ure diversit -#ased recruit,ent 6ure diversit -#ased recruit,ent 'n organization"s concerted e++ort to e5pand active! the poo! o+ app!icants so that no one is e5c!uded #ecause o+ past or present discri,ination0 the decision to hire or to pro,ote is #ased on the #est-qua!i+ied individua! regard!ess o+ race or se5. 8. Which !aw gives students the !ega! right to see a!! !etters o+ reco,,endation written a#out the, and a!so per,its re!ease o+ in+or,ation a#out a student on! to peop!e approved # the student at the ti,e o+ the request@ reedom o) -n)ormation and 8rotection o) 8ri,acy Act (199A) Equal Educational Opportunitie# Act (1974) 8rotection o) 8upil 1i(ht# Amendment (197%) Fa,i! 2ducationa! &ights and 6rivac 'ct (1(79)

A recommendation or reference check will be meaningful, however, only if the person providing it (1) has had an adequate opportunity to observe the applicant in job-relevant situations, ( ) is competent to evaluate the applicant!s job performance, (") can e#press such an evaluation in a way that is meaningful to the prospective employer, and ($) is completely candid% &nfortunately, evidence is beginning to show that there is little candor, and thus little value, in written recommendations and referrals, especially those that must, by law, be revealed to applicants if they petition to see them% 'pecifically, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of (1974) give students the legal right to see all letters of recommendation written about them% (t also permits release of information about a student only to people approved by the student at the time of the request% )% Recruitment begins by s ecifying !!!!!!!!!!" #hich are the ty ical result of $ob analysis and #or%force lanning activities& *ay grades 'uman resource re(uirements Affirmative action candidates 'trategic imperatives +ecruitment is an important component of the staffing supply chain%" (t begins, as ,igure -.1 indicates, by specifying human resource requirements (numbers, skills mi#, levels, time frame)% /hese requirements are typically the result of job analysis and strategic workforce planning ('0*) activities% 1onceptually (and logically), job analysis precedes '0* in ,igure -.1 because, as we noted in 1hapter 2, it is necessary to specify the work to be done and the

personal, characteristics necessary to do the work (competencies, knowledge, skills, and abilities) before the numbers and types of people needed to do the work can be specified% 3ot shown in ,igure -.1 4although critically important to the overall recruitment5selection process 4are strategic business objectives% ,or e#ample, recruitment and selection strategies for new employees are likely to differ considerably depending on whether a company!s objective in hiring, say, new salespeople, is to identify candidates who are able to e#ecute cold calls for new customers as opposed to servicing e#isting, long-term customers% 6% )hich of the follo#ing statements about an aging organi*ation is true+ (t is concerned with building e#cellence in the management teams% ,t demands e-treme cost control through consistency and centrali*ed rocedures& (t is characteri7ed by a heavy emphasis on product engineering% (t emphasi7es the generation of cash to develop new product lines% ,inally, an aging organi7ation struggles to hold market share in a declining market, and it demands e#treme cost control obtained through consistency and centrali7ed procedures% 8conomic survival becomes the primary motivation% 9% .he information least li%ely to be obtained in reference chec%s and recommendations is 1haracter and interpersonal competence 0illingness of a previous employer to rehire the applicant A descri tion of the a licant/s hysical attractiveness

8ducation and employment history +ecommendations, along with reference and background checks, are used by 96 percent of employers to screen outside job applicants%16 /hey can provide four kinds of information about a job applicant: (1) education and employment history, ( ) character and interpersonal competence, (") ability to perform the job, and ($) the willingness of the past or current employer to rehire the applicant% ;any organi7ations are not aware of how deep a check must go to identify serious problems% A casual check may reveal only that a candidate has wonderful references, no criminal record, and no liens against him or her% A more e#tensive probe, however, could uncover the fact that a candidate sued every company he ever worked for, or that he mismanaged assets but his former employer decided not to prosecute% 1<% )hich of the follo#ing statements about a com any using a assive nondiscrimination osture is true+

/his posture recogni7es that discriminatory practices in the past may block prospective applicants from seeking present job opportunities% (t is a concerted effort by the organi7ation to actively e#pand the pool of applicants so that no one is e#cluded because of past or present discrimination% ,t systematically favors #omen and minorities in hiring and romotion decisions% (0rong) 0o attem t is made by the com any to recruit actively among ros ective minority a licants& (1orrect)

Passive nondiscrimination An organi7ation!s commitment to treat all races and both se#es equally in all decisions about hiring, promotion, and pay, but with no attempt to recruit actively among prospective minority applicants

11& .he ste follo#ing recruitment is !!!!!!!!" #hich is basically a ra id" rough selection rocess& *erformance management =rientation 0orkforce planning ,nitial screening /he step following recruitment is initial screening, which is basically a rapid, rough selection process% (n the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when line supervisors hired factory workers outside the gates of a plant, they simply looked over the candidates and then pointed to various people% >?ou, you, and you4the rest of you come back another day%@ /hat!s an e#ample of initial screening, and it was probably done only on the basis of physical characteristics 1 % )hen im lementing recruitment activities" initial consideration should be given to a com any2s !!!!!!!!!!" es ecially for filling $obs above the entry level& 0omen workforce ,oreign subsidiaries 1urrent em loyees ;inority groups

(n deciding where, when, and how to implement recruitment activities, initial consideration should be given to a company!s current employees, especially for filling jobs above the entry level% (f e#ternal recruitment efforts are undertaken without considering the desires, capabilities, and potential of present employees, a firm may incur both short- and long-run costs% (n the short run, morale may degenerateA in the long run, firms with a reputation for consistent neglect of inhouse talent may find it difficult to attract new employees and retain e#perienced ones% /his is why soundly conceived action plans (that incorporate developmental and training needs) and leadership-succession plans are so important% 13& !!!!!!!!! affects recruitment olicies because firms often give reference to current em loyees in romotions" transfers" and other career4enhancing o ortunities % Babor market characteristics &nion employee percentages ,nternal labor mar%ets 88=1 guidelines Internal versus External Labor Markets /he discussion thus far has concerned the structure and function of e#ternal labor markets% (nternal labor markets also affect recruitment policies (in many cases more directly) because firms often give preference to current employees in promotions, transfers, and other careerenhancing opportunities% 8ach employing unit is a separate market% At &nited *arcel 'ervice (&*'), for e#ample, virtually all jobs above the entry level are filled by internal promotion rather than by outside recruitment% &*' looks to its current employees as its source of labor supply, and workers look to this internal labor market to advance their careers% (n the internal labor markets of most organi7ations, employees peddle their talents to available >buyers%@ 9 /hree elements comprise the internal labor market: ,ormal and informal practices that determine how jobs are organi7ed and described% ;ethods for choosing among candidates, *rocedures, and authorities through which potential candidates are generated by those responsible for filling open jobs% 14& Promotion4from4#ithin olicies must !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" cou led #ith a com any hiloso hy that ermits em loyees to consider available o ortunities #ithin the organi*ation& Receive strong to 4management su Anticipate training needs (nclude incentives to keep employees in their current positions +espect seniority positions ort

=ne of the thorniest issues confronting internal recruitment is the reluctance of managers to grant permission for their subordinates to be interviewed for potential transfer or promotion% /o overcome this aversion, promotionfrom- within policies must receive strong top-management support, coupled with a company philosophy that permits employees to consider available opportunities ,within the organi7ation and incentives for managers to release them% At Cell, pay is now determined, in part, by how well a manager does at nurturing people% At ";, monthly talent reviews by all managers in a particular function (e%g%, manufacturing, +DC, sales) help ensure that high-potential employees get noticed% 15& .y ically" the first ste in an em loyee2s introduction to com any olicies" ractices" and benefits is a(n) !!!!!!!!! rogram% /eam-building (ntensive training program 6rientation (nitial screening 'ociali7ation (n the employee recruitment and selection process, the introduction of new employees to company policies, practices, and benefits through an orientation programA the mutual adaptation of the new employee and the new employer to one another% *ast the selection stage, we are no longer dealing with job candidatesA we are dealing with new employees% /ypically, the first step in their introduction to company policies, practices, and benefits is an orientation program (sometimes called >on-boarding@)% =rientation may take several hours or several weeksA it may be formal, informal, or some combination of the two% As we shall see in 1hapter 6, orientation has more significant and lasting effects than most people might e#pect%

1% 1orrect % (ncorrect "% 1orrect $% 1orrect 2% 1orrect -% 1orrect )% 1orrect

6% 1orrect 9% 1orrect 1<% (ncorrect 11% 1orrect 1 % 1orrect 1"% 1orrect 1$% 1orrect

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