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Submitted by
Nandhini.S Sa!anya.K.K


Open source echnology is defined as he

Open Source Technology(OST) should be one of he leas e!pensi"e and mos effec i"e solu ions for echnology and kno#ledge ransfer. This concep has diffused o se"eral fields such as sof #are$ hard#are$ and con en . OST offers no only a lo# cos al erna i"e for echnology ac%uisi ion$ bu also for ne #orking based on coopera ion. Typically$ OST is linked o sof #are ha is a"ailable online free of charge$ including he source code or all he informa ion needed for using and modifying he program. The na ure of he coopera ion echnologies o and de"elop o open cus omi&e source such

produc ion and de"elopmen philosophy of allo#ing end users and de"elopers o no only see he source code of sof #are$ bu modify i as #ell. The )inu! opera ing sys em is a one of he bes *kno#n e!amples of open source sof #are echnology. The )inu! opera ing sys em+s open source paradigm is in direc con ras o ,icrosof (s approach o de"elopmen and produc ion of i s popular 'indo#s opera ing sys em. -nlike )inu!$ 'indo#s is buil on a closed source paradigm ha does no allo# he end user he abili y o see or edi he code ha makes up he opera ing sys em. .n fac $ cer ain aspec s of he end*user license for he 'indo#s opera ing sys em specifically forbids he end user from a emp ing o "ie# or modify he code ha makes up he sof #are. Such a emp s are of en kno#n as re"erse engineering or re"erse compiling.

echnologies can aid de"eloping coun ries in he impro"emen of heir curren echnology ransfer sys ems. 'hen you buy a compu er sys em you are buying he hard#are and licensing he sof #are. The licensing erms con rol #ha designed ac ions can and canno ha be performed and mos sof #are uses a licence o ensure he crea ors of ma erials and resources are ackno#ledged and re#arded for heir #ork. This gi"es rise o he s andard prac ice of charging a royal y per user or per de"ice using he sof #are. Open Source sof #are uses a differen ype of licence aimed a ensuring he sof #are(s de"elopmen and royal y free dis ribu ion.


/l hough sof #are is no mos popular$ lending he only produc i self #ell o

go"erned by a open source licenses$ i is he manipula ion of i s code and add*ons. Open source pro"ides a ransparen pla form upon

#hich anyone #i h he skills o do so can add o he de"elopmen and produc ion of he sof #are ei her for release as a ne# incarna ion of he sof #are for o hers o use or for s ric ly in*house de"elopmen only. ,os money made from open source sof #are comes in he form of suppor for he sof #are echnology and i s many addi ions$ add*ons$ and modifica ions ha of en ensue. /l hough mos open source sof #are is a"ailable o do#nload free$ license remains #i h ransfer o anyone regardless of he original crea or of he sof #are and does no any modifica ions$ impro"emen s$ or add*ons made o he open source sof #are. /l hough free o do#nload$ he sof #are is no free in he sense ha he end user can do #ha e"er he0she #an s o i including selling i . Open source echnology has spa#ned an open source cul ure among programmers and de"elopers #ho embrace he open source

3 -se he sof #are as hey #ish$ for #ha e"er hey #ish$ on as many compu ers as hey #ish$ in any echnically appropria e si ua ion. 3 4a"e he sof #are a heir disposal o fi i o heir needs. Of course$ his includes impro"ing i $ fi!ing i s bugs$ augmen ing i s func ionali y$ and s udying i s opera ion. 3 5edis ribu e he sof #are o o her users$ #ho could hemsel"es use i according o heir o#n needs. This redis ribu ion can be done for free$ or a a charge$ no fi!ed beforehand7.





Open source sof #are is based around he idea ha he user can no only "ie#$ bu change he source code of an applica ion. 6losed source sof #are is hidden o pre"en he user ei her "ie#ing or changing he code. /f er ini ial produc ion$ open source sof #are is released o he de"elopmen communi y and undergoes a secondary phase of e"olu ion. . is scru inised by housands of professional de"elopers across he globe #ho highligh po en ial fla#s$ bugs and securi y gli ches. 6losed source sof #are is de"eloped in isola ion #i h a small eam of de"elopers. . isn+ possible o build a eam of hundreds o check he code because he code is deemed proprie ary and secre .

philosophy. ,any open source ini ia i"es begin o spi e he large corpora ions #ho domina e complica ed$ he marke s and #i h e!pensi"e$ o"er*commerciali&ed

sof #are. .n fac $ many )inu! de"elopers are commi ed o producing sof #are ha ri"als or e"en surpasses he fle!ibili y and compa ibili y of such sof #are gian s as ,icrosof $ /pple$ and .1,. The main fea ures ha charac eri&e free (open source) sof #are is he freedom ha users ha"e o2




'i h he curren legal frame#ork$ he licence under #hich a program is dis ribu ed defines e!ac ly he righ s #hich i s

users ha"e o"er i . 7or ins ance$ in mos proprie ary programs he licence #i hdra#s he righ s of copying$ modifica ion$ lending$ ren ing$ use in se"eral machines$ e c. .n fac $ licences usually specify ha he proprie or of he program is he company #hich publishes i $ #hich 8us sells res ric ed righ s o use i . .n he #orld of open source sof #are$ he licence under #hich a program is dis ribu ed is also of paramoun impor ance. -sually$ he condi ions specified in licences of open source sof #are are he resul of a compromise be #een se"eral goals #hich are in some sense con radic ory. /mong hem$ he follo#ing can be ci ed. 3 9uaran ee some basic freedoms (redis ribu ion$ modifica ion$ use) o he users. 3 :nsure some condi ions imposed by he au hors (ci a ion of he au hor in deri"ed #orks$ for ins ance). 3 9uaran ee ha deri"ed #orks are also open source sof #are. /u hors can choose o pro ec heir sof #are #i h differen licences according o he degree #i h #hich hey #an o fulfil hese goals$ and he de ails #hich hey #an o ensure. .n fac $ au hors can (if hey desire) dis ribu e heir sof #are #i h differen licences hrough differen channels (and prices); Therefore$ he au hor of a program usually chooses "ery carefully he licence under #hich i #ill be dis ribu ed. /nd users$ especially hose #ho redis ribu e or modify he sof #are$ ha"e o carefully s udy i s licence. 7or una ely$ al hough each au hor could use a differen licence for her programs$ he fac is ha almos all open source sof #are uses one

of he common licences (9<)$ )9<)$ /r is ic$ 1S=*like$ ,<)$ e c.)$ some imes #i h sligh "aria ions. To simplify hings e"en more$ some organi&a ions ha"e appeared recen ly #hich define #hich charac eris ics a sof #are licence should ha"e o %ualify as an open source sof #are licence. /mongs hem$ he #o mos #idely kno#n are he =ebian <ro8ec $ #hich defines he =ebian 7ree Sof #are 9uidelines $ and he Open Source .ni ia i"e (OS.)$ #hich defines >open source? licences@1AB$ and is based on he =7S9. The 9C- <ro8ec also pro"ides i s o#n defini ion of free sof #are. . is easy o see from he =7S9 ha price or a"ailabili y of source code in i self is no enough o charac eri&e a produc as >open source sof #are?. The significan poin lies in he righ s gi"en o he communi y$ o freely modify and redis ribu e of hem$ he #i h code only or he modifica ions

res ric ion ha hese righ s mus be gi"en o all and mus be non*re"ocable.






Sun ,icrosys ems has released some of i s core sof #are echnologies under a ne# licence$ he Sun 6ommuni y Source )icense (S6S)). This is no an open source licence$ bu i ries o mimic some of he charac eris ics of open source licences. .n fac $ he documen s #here Sun e!plains and pro"ides ra ionale for heir licensing schema1A include he usual argumen s in fa"our of open source licences (al hough applied o S6S)). 4o#e"er$ our opinion is ha he poin s missing

( hose ha #ould made i really open source) cause$ from a prac ical poin of "ie#$ mos of he ad"an ages of open source sof #are o no be applicable o sof #are co"ered by S6S). Some of he mos #idely kno#n problems (from an open source poin of "ie#) #i h S6S) are2 3 /ll he code modifica ions ha"e o be sen o Sun if hey are o be dis ribu ed. /nd i is Sun #ho decides if his modifica ions are redis ribu able or no . . is no possible o crea e e"en De!perimen al( code forks$ due o clauses co"ering compa ibili y mus be passed. 3 Sun is in fac using #o licences for i s code. One of hem$ sui able for >research and in ernal deploymen ?$ re%uires no fee. 1u he o her$ for >commercial deploymen ?$ re%uires ha a fee be paid o Sun. The e!ac amoun of his fee is decided by Sun$ #ho herefore has o al con rol on he code de"eloped by con ribu ors. 3 7or open source de"elopers$ he licence is fel o be dangerous$ because i D ain s( hem. .f hey agree o he S6S) and do#nload Sun code$ hey are pre"en ed from using ha or similar licence. Sof #are de"eloped under S6S) benefi s from some charac eris ics similar o hose of open source sof #are (access o source code$ some redis ribu ion righ s). 4o#e"er$ i lacks he synergy found in open source pro8ec s11$ due o he limi a ions of access o source code$ in egra ion of fi!es and impro"emen s$ and he res ric ions on redis ribu ion. 7rom a s ra egic poin of "ie#$ any company or de"elopmen echnology #i h an open source es s #hich

group #hich uses or builds on code co"ered by S6S) is gi"ing Sun a grea con rol on heir de"elopmen and e"en marke ing plans$ #hich is usually considered undesirable.

.n addi ion o he impac ha open source sof #are is ha"ing in he on he informa ion of sof #are echnology marke $ i is also producing many con ribu ions field de"elopmen . 7or ins ance$ according o he classic concep s of sof #are engineering$ only a cen rali&ed managemen and a s rong con rol on he access o he source code permi s a good$ high %uali y sof #are produc . 1u his assump ion has been a leas par ially defea ed by he success of se"eral open source pro8ec s$ #here a large number of de"elopers spread around he #orld loosely collabora e o build reliable and high %uali y sof #are produc s. 5igorous managemen and a clearly defined design #ere also considered ins rumen al in a successful coding pro8ec .

Ad(anta)e *+ , Stabi-ity

.f you ha"e used o her opera ing sys ems$ once you ha"e made he s#i ch o )inu!$ you #ill no ice ha )inu! has an edge o"er 'indo#s here. . can remember reboo ing 'indo#s many imes o"er he years$ because an applica ion crashed$ and . couldn+ con inue #orking. )inu! can crash also$ bu i is much harder o do. .f an applica ion crashes in )inu!$ i #ill usually no harm he kernel or o her processes.

hackers can find bad code. . ha"e been "ery Ad(anta)e *. , F!ee S/0t1a!e impressed #i h he securi y of )inu!$ and he programs ha run on i . . hink ha"ing he code ,os sof #are can be ob ained #i hou cos for )inu!. 7or e!ample$ one hing ha has kep people from )inu! is he lack of office documen s and sof #are. Tha has changed #i h Open Office$ and no# you can edi presen a ions from he popular ,icrosof ou in he open$ and he abili y o fi! hings yourself if necessary is a big plus. 'ho likes o #ork blindJ 'i h some dis ribu ions$ on ins alla ion he compu er #ill ask you #ha le"els of securi y you #ould like for your sys em. Kou can be "ery rus ing$ or you can be paranoid. )inu! gi"es you his fle!ibili y.

sof #are. The con"ersion isn+ 1AAE perfec $ bu i has #orked remarkably #ell in allo#ing me o correspond and use documen s ha people send me "ia e*mail or he #eb.

#i3ad(anta)e *+ , Lea!nin) 5u!(e

Ad(anta)e *2 , Run3 /n /-d ha!d1a!e . #on+ lie o youI )inu! is going o ake some .f you ha"e an old 3;F or G;F laying around collec ing dus $ you can use his o run )inu!. . remember running )inu! 8us fine on a <en ium 1AA #i h a 1 91 disk dri"e$ and 1F ,1 of memory. One use of an old machine like ha could be a file ser"er. Hus go o your compu er s ore$ buy a large hard disk (as long as your old s uff can suppor i )$ and you can make a grea s orage ser"er. 'i h all he digi al pic ures and mo"ies around oday$ his could be a grea use for )inu!. )ook in o using Samba$ a ser"er applica ion for )inu! ha allo#s you o make your machine share he disk as a *4 'indo#s , share. Se5u!ity 'hile . ga"e he e!ample before of an office sui e of programs ha is #orking #ell$ here Ad(anta)e are s ill applica ions ha do no e!is in )inu!. Thankfully$ his lis has become much more )inu! has he ad"an age of he code being in he public domain. This can be a double*edged s#ordI #hile you can look a he code$ and de"elopers can fi! holes rapidly$ i also means narro# in recen mon hs. Kou #ill #an o hink carefully #hen you s#i ch o )inu! abou #ha programs you curren ly use$ and if #i3ad(anta)e *. , E6ui(a-ent 7!/)!am3 ime o learn. . kno# ha our socie y likes o be ins an ly gra ified. )earning )inu! is defini ely #or h your ime$ bu o really mas er i $ you #ill need o spend some good ime in fron of your machine inkering #i h hings. =on+ e!pec o be an e!per af er reading some hing like L)inu! for =ummiesL. .f you are con empla ing his for your company$ you #ill need o budge some money for raining and learning ime.

hey ha"e )inu! suppor for hem. . may no make sense for you o s#i ch if you are going o spend ons of ime con"er ing da abases and applica ion da a.


.f he charac eris ics of open source de"elopmen models #ere o be defined by a uni%ue e!pression$ Dcoopera ion and compe i ion( #ould probably be he one o choose. .ndeed$ he combina ion of bo h mechanisms is "isible in almos any open

#i3ad(anta)e *2 , M/!e te5hni5a- abi-ity needed Kou #ill #an o make sure ha you rain

source pro8ec $ no o men ion #hen #e look a he big pic ure$ #here e"ery pro8ec and company is in some sense compe ing #i h o hers for resources and Dmarke accep ance($ #hile collabora ing #i h he reuse of he same code base. )e us pro"ide some de ail on ho# hose mechanisms #ork$ and enforce each o her in a "ery produc i"e mi! ure. 3 Cooperation within open source projects . =e"elopers par icipa ing in he same pro8ec $ usually coopera e a le"els higher han hose usual in proprie ary sof #are pro8ec s. The design phase is usually comple ely open$ #i h all de"elopers collabora ing$ and during he coding phase is %ui e common ha a de"eloper reads and fi!es bugs in he code being de"eloped by ano her. The flu! of informa ion is usually "ery high$ and problems are sol"ed by consensus among a be more effec i"e$ leas he core he he de"elopers. /ll of his oge her$ in addi ion o usually causes$ o de"elopers o be more commi ed

someone in )inu! really #ell. /l erna ely$ you could hire someone #ho has e!perience #i h )inu!. / good )inu! adminis ra or needs o be on hand as you s ar o migra e your sys ems o"er. This is a disad"an age financially$ a leas in he beginning. Kou may find o"er ime$ ho#e"er$ ha you only need a emporary adminis ra or #i3ad(anta)e 5/m7atib-e Some of he la es and grea es hard#are ha is being produced is no compa ible #i h )inu!. / leas $ no ye . The people ha con ribu e program code and dri"ers o he )inu! kernel are grea a including suppor fairly %uickly. -n il ha ime$ no e"ery hing you buy for hard#are in your sys em may #ork. .+"e had o rely on hird*par y dri"ers and o her means o make hard#are like a ne# : herne card #ork. :"en ually$ he suppor #ill be buil in. One hing you can do is before your purchase$ ask if he hard#are "endor has suppor for )inu!. Some manufac urers do #ri e heir o#n )inu! dri"ers and dis ribu e hem #i h your purchase$ making i "ery easy o in egra e #i h your e!is ing sys em. o handle *4 , he rou ine a-asks.



pro8ec $ and makes heir #ork much easier$ hanks o he help of o her de"elopers. 3 Competition within open source projects . 'i hin open source pro8ec s here is also some

degree of compe i ion. ,os of hem are organi&ed as some kind of meri ocracy$ #here he de"eloper #ho does more for he pro8ec deser"es more credi $ and is gi"en more #eigh in decisions. This allo#s for a cer ain le"el of heal hy compe i ion be #een he de"elopers$ from #hich he leaders of he pro8ec (#hen such leaders do e!is ) usually emerge. This is s ill a fac no unders ood by many companies$ #hich need o reali&e ha in order o par icipa e in he decisions abou fu ure direc ions of a pro8ec hey need o ha"e some respec ed de"elopers #i hin i . 3 Cooperation between open source projects . The "ery na ure of open source licences ensure a high degree of collabora ion$ e"en be #een compe ing companies. This is for ins ance he case of he many companies selling dis ribu ions of 9C-0)inu!. /ll of hem share he same code base ( he 9C-0)inu! opera ing sys em and applica ions)$ and #hene"er one of hem fi!es a bug$ or impro"es a package$ all i s compe i ors ha"e access o he source code$ and hus o he same fi! or impro"emen . Therefore$ pro8ec s and companies in he open source #orld are compelled o collabora e by he open source model. /nd #hen hey ry o a"oid helping heir compe i ors$ hey ha"e o mo"e a#ay from he open source model$ #hich usually gi"es hem more problems han benefi s. 3 Competition between open source projects . 1u in a #orld of limi ed resources$ open source pro8ec s also compe e be #een hemsel"es. <ro8ec s de"eloping sof #are for he same niche compe e #i h each o her in a

#ay similar

o companies in



compe ing. .n he end$ hey are forced o main ain high le"els of %uali y$ or hey #ill lose users and de"elopers$ and #ill finally fade a#ay. .n fac $ his is one of he mechanisms #hich ensures a good %uali y in open source produc ion. 'hen a pro8ec s ar s failing in erms of percei"ed %uali y or managemen $ here is a chance ha some of he de"elopers #ill open an independen de"elopmen branch. This branch soon becomes an independen pro8ec $ perhaps using a similar code base$ #hich s ar s o compe e #i h he old one. This compe i ion usually causes bo h eams o impro"e heir produc $ and in he long erm$ one can become mains ream #hile he o her becomes marginal$ or hey can di"erge gi"ing special a en ion o differen issues. This is$ for ins ance$ he case #i h Ce 1S=$ 7ree1S=$ and Open1S=$ all of hem sharing similar code$ each #i h a differen focus$ and all of hem e!hibi ing a high %uali y produc .


The economic impac of open source models is going o be "ery high$ no only in he sof #are indus ry$ bu in socie y in general. .n his sec ion$ #e discuss in some de ail some of he more foreseeable issues rela ed o his impac . Some of hem are 8us pro8ec ions from curren rends$ bu some o hers ha"e already arri"ed. To begin #i h$ se"eral ne# economic models for open source pro8ec s #ill be presen ed (e! ernally funded$ in ernally funded$ unfunded$ and in ernally used).

)a er on$ he issue of o al cos of o#nership #ill be discussed in subsec ion M.M. .n subsec ion M.F some discussion on he macro* economic conse%uences of #idespread use of open source #ill be in roduced. To finish his sec ion$ some impressions on he fu ure of he sof #are marke $ considering open source models$ are discussed in subsec ion M.7. The subsec ions on ne# economic models are impor an because many radi ional models of he sof #are indus ry are hea"ily based on proprie ary sof #are #here he income is direc ly rela ed o per*copy price (par icularly in he case of shrink*#rapped sof #are). 'i h some e!cep ions$ hese radi ional models are no "iable #i h open source sof #are$ since income canno come from selling copies of he sof #are (freedom of redis ribu ion ends o se he price a he poin #here marginal cos of reproduc ion is near &ero). Therefore$ open source business mus look for o her sources of income. The a!onomy of models presen ed in his sec ion is no 8us an analysis of curren ly e!is ing models$ e"en considering ha some of hem ha"e been already es ed in he indus ry. On he con rary$ #e ha"e ried o crea e as comple e as possible a ca egori&a ion of models ha can be self*sus aining$ or a leas feasible from a business poin of "ie#. 4o#e"er$ real e!amples are added o each ca egories #here"er #e kno# of hem. for ano her a!onomy of open source business models$ more focused on #ha is curren ly a"ailable$ #hich includes he resul s of a sur"ey abou ho# do open source business beha"e.




Open source sof #are is no# such a significan amoun of code and sof #are sys ems ha i is possible o crea e comple ely free sys ems using only open source sof #are$ #i hou commercial componen s. This can be seen as a significan ad"an age if i can help reduce he gap be #een hose #ho Dha"e( and hose #ho Dha"e no ( in informa ion modifica ions echnology. o i he field of he .n addi ion$ for

a"ailabili y of source code and he freedom of allo#s specific locali&a ion and in erna ionali&a ion pro8ec s o succeed. 7or e!ample i is possible o adap a sof #are sys em o foreign charac er se s and al erna i"e inpu me hods. This fle!ibili y is also impor an in adap ing sof #are o "ery speciali&ed needs$ for e!ample for adap a ion o handicapped people.

Open source has a number of ad"an age and disad"an ages from bo h he poin of "ie# of de"elopers and he poin of "ie# of users. These pros and cons mus be #eighed carefully before s#i ching from a be er* suppor ed close source solu ion o a riskier open source echnology. .n he long run$ he end user is he ul ima e 8udge of #hich is a be er solu ion. 'i hou suppor from he user$ de"elopers and open source pro8ec s canno con inue e!cep as a hobby or personal challenge for he de"elopers.

1. Raymond, Eric S. Eric S. Raymond (2001). The cathedral and the bazaar: musings on Linux and Open Source by an accidental revolutionary . O'Reilly.ISBN 978-0- 9!-001087. "##$%&&'oo().*oo*'oo()+id,-o."/0//I//1. Re#rie2ed 10 Oc#o'er 2012. 2. B3i#en"3i), /.1.4 5earce, 1.6. (NaN 3nde7ined NaN). 8O$en-)o3rce de2elo$men# o7 )olar $"o#o2ol#aic #ec"nolo*y8. Energy for Sustainable Development 16 (9)% 979: 988. doi%10.101!&-.e)d.2012.0!.00!."##$%&&m#3.academia.ed3&1o)"3a5earce&5a$er)&188! 8..&O$en-So3rce;<e2elo$men#;o7;Solar;5"o#o2ol#aic;=ec"nolo*y. 9. 8'O$en-So3rce 5rac#ice) 7or Bio#ec"nolo*y' - >am'ia - Ena'lin* Inno2a#ion8 . >am'ia. "##$%&&???.cam'ia.or*&dai)y&cam'ia&.70."#ml. Re#rie2ed 2012-10-2 .

4. @er#), Ailliam =. (2008-01-19). 8O$en )o3rce )o7#?are8. World oo! Online "eference #enter.

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