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ARCS References :

To be read: Astleitrer, Hermann; Hufragl, Manuela (2003). The Effccts of SituationOutcome-Expectancies and of ARCs-Strstegies on Self-Regulated Learoing with Web-Lecfures. Journal of Educational Multimedia and H;permedia, Vol. 12,2003
Carsoq C H. (2006). The relationship between hypermedia producers. Journal Education for Library and Inforrration Science,4Te), 106-26.


READ: ChanLfuL L.. (2009). Applying motivational analysis in a Web-based course. Innovations in Education and Teaching Interoational, 46(1) 9l-103. Retieved February 18,2010, ftom Platinum Pe,riodicals. @ocument ID: 1710336931)
READ: View Article Cheng Yi-Chia; Yeh, Hsin-Te.(2009) From Concepts of Motlvation to Its Applicatlon in Instructionel Deslgn: Reconsiderrhg Motivation from an Instructionat Design Perspectlvc BrttlshJourrul of Educattonat Teclnologt 40(4) 597{05.

READ: Huang, D W, Diefes-Dux, H, Imbrie, P K, et aI. (20M). Learning motivstion evaluation for r computer-based instructional tutorial using arcs model of motivationel desip. Pmceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference., l(Conf 34),

READ: Huett, J., Kalinowski, K. E., Moller, L. & HuetL K. (2008).Improvingthe Motivation and Retention of Online Stndents Through the Use of ARC$Based EMails. American Journal of Distance Education, 22(3),159-176.

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Hung-Chang Liao, Ya-huei Wangr (2008) Apptying The ARCS Motivation Model In Technological And Vocational Education Medical University Contemporary Issues In Education Research - Second Quarter 2008 Volume l, Number 2 53.

Kim, Y, & Lee, Y. (2008). A web-based program to motivate underachieven leaming number sense.International Journal of Instnrctional Media,
Jaemrq Lee,

35(2), 185-94. Keller, J. M. (2006). What is Motivational Design. Florida State University.

READ: Kim" C, & Keller, J M. (2008). Efiects of motivetional end voHtional email messages (mvem) with personal messages on undergraduate sftrdents. British joumal of educational technology, 39(l ), 36-5 l.
Schtin, I., Hoffinann, P., & Hercreg,M. (Date unknown). The combination of instructional and narative models for e-learning. In G0bel, St., Braun, N., Spierling, U., Dechau,J. & Diener, H. (Eds.) TIDSE, lst International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment. Stuttgart. Fraunhofer Verlag. pp. 176-r86.

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READ: Song, S H, & Kellq J M. (2001). Effectiveness of motivationally adaptive computer-assisted instruction on the dynemic aspects of motivation. Educational Technology, Research and Development 49Q), 5-22. READ: View Article Small, Ruth V. (2006) Designing Motivation into Library end Information Skills Instruction American Library Association, September 27,2006. Ruth V. Small, Associate Professor, School of Inforrration Studies, Syracuse University. (Accessed November I 5, 2009) Citation "small,"

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Small, R.V. (1992, Apr.). Taking AIM: Approaches to instructional motivation. Library Media Activities Monthly," 8(8), 32-34.

Small, RV. (1997). "Assessing the motivational quality of world wide websites." ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology. (ED 407 930)

READ: Small, R V. (1999). An exploration of motivetional stretegies used by librery media specialists during library and informetion skills instruction {computer file}.
School library media research.

READ: Small, R V. (2000). Motivation in instructional decign. Teacher Librarian, 27(s),29-31. READ: Small, RV, Zakaria,N, & El-Figuigui, H. (2004). Motivetional aspec,ts of information literacy skills instruction in community college libraries. College and research libraries, 65Q), 96-121.
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READ: Yang, J C, Huang, Y T, Tsai, C C, et al. (2009). An automatic multimedia content summarization system forvideo rscommcndetion. Journal of educational technology & society, l2(l), 49-61.

Date Order: Articles / Books by Dr. Keller

Keller, J.M., & Pugtr, R. (1976). Sex similarities and differences in locus of control in rehtion to academic adjustment meagures. Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance, 9(3),110-118.

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Keller, J.M., Goldman, J.A. & Sutterer, J.R (1978). Locus of control in relation to academic attitudes and per{ormance in a PSI course. Journal of Educational Psychology, 7 0, 414421. Keller, J.M., Kelly., & Dodge, B. (1978). A practitioners guide to concepts and metsurc$ of motivation. Syracuse, New York: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information



Keller, J.M. (1979). Motivation and instructional design: A theoretical perspective. Journal of Instructional Development 2 (4),26 - 34. Keller, J.M., & Dodge, B. (1982). The ARCS model of motivational strategies for cource designers and developers. Training Developments Institute, Fort Monroe, VA, U.S.A. Keller, J.M. (1983). Dwelopment and use of the ARCS model of motivationat design. Enschede, The Netherlands: Toegepaste Onderwijskunde, Technische Hogeshool Twente. (24 pages) Keller, J.M. (1983). Motivational design of instruction. In C.M. Reigeluth @d.), Instnrctional Design theories and models. (pp. 383a33). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Keller, J. M. (1984). The use of the ARCS model of motivation in teacher training In K. Shaw & A. J. Trott @ds.), Aspects of Educational Technology Volume XVII: staff Development and Career Updating. London: Kogan Page. Keller, J. M. (1987). Development and use of the ARCS model of motivational design. Journal of Inshuctional Development, l0(3), 2 - 10. Not sure which title is correct the one above or one below, have to check this out. Keller, J.M. (1987). Development and usc of the ARCS model of instmctional deeign. Journal of Instnrctional Development, 1 0(3), 2- 1 0. Keller, J.M. (1987, Oct.). Strategies for stimulatirg the motivation to leam. "Performance and Instruction,n 26(8),1-7. (EJ 362 632) Keller, J.M. (1987). "IMMS: Instmctional materials motivation suryey." Florida State University. Keller, J.M., & Kopp, T. (1987). Application of the ARCS model of motlvational design. h C.M. Reigeluth@d.), Instructional theories in action: Lessons illustating selected theories and models. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, U.S.A Keller, J. M. (1987). Strategies for stimulating the motivation to leam. Perfomrance & Instruction, 26(8), l -7 .

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v. /o . . . ,. .

Keller, J. M. (1987). The systematic process of motivational design. Perforrrance Instrrction, 26(9), l -8.


Keller, J.M., & Suzuki, K. (1988). Application of the ARCS model to courgeware doeign. In D. H. Jonassen (Ed.), Instnrctional Designs for Microcomputer Courseware Crp. 401434). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum. Keller, J.M. & Keller, B.H. (1989). "Motivetional delivery checklist " Florida State University.S, Pages 37 - 47 Copynght @ 1999 John Wiley & Sons,Inc.
Visser, J., & Keller, J.M. (1990). The clinical user of motivational messagcs: An inquiry into the velidity of the ARCS model of motivational dccign. Instnrctional Science, 19,467 - 500.

Keller, J. M. & Keller, B.H. (1991). Motivating leamers with multimedia inctruction. Proceedings of ICOMMET '91, The Japanese Association for Educational Technology and the Intemational Society for Technology in Education.Tokyo, 313-316.

Keller, I.M. (1992). Enhancing the motivation to learn: Origins and applications of the ARCS model. Reports from the tnstitute for Education, Tohoku Gakuin Uniwesity, 11,45-67
Keller, J.M. (1992). Motivational Systems. In H. Stolovitch, &E. Keeps (Eds), tlandbook of Human Perforrrance Technology. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers. Keller, J.M., & Burkman, E. (1993). Motivetion Principles (Chapter 1). In M. Fleming, & W.H.Levie (Eds.),lnstnrctional message design (2nd Ed.). Educational Technology Publications, U.S.A. Keller, J.M. (1994). Trends and trctics for employee motivation, HR Horizons, 1l5(Winter 94), 5-10.


Astleitner, H., & Keller, J. (1995). A model of motivetionally adaptivc computerassisted instruction, Journal of Research on Computing in EducatioA2T(3),270-281.

Kaufuan, R., Keller, J., & Watkins, R. (lD5). tilhatworks and what doesn't: Evaluation beyond Kirpatriclc Perforrrance and Instructiorl (8-l2).
Keller, J.M. (1996). Motivational design and multimedia: Beyond the novelty effect. Proceedings of the Intemational Symposium onNew Technologies of Instnrction, 1966. Taipei: Taiwan: National Taiwan Teacher's College. (This document is available in English and Chinese.)

Keller, J. M. (1990. Velidation of the ARCS Model of motivationel design Paper presented at the 21st Annual Meeting for Japan Society for Information and Systems in
Education" Kanazawa, JAPAN


Keller, John M.; Suzuki, Katsuaki; Gakuin' Tohoku (1996). Creation and Cross Cultural VaHdation of an ARCS Motivational Design Matrix. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Educational Technology, Kanazaw4 Japan (July, 1996).
Suzuki, K., Keller, J.M., & Computer Project Team. (1996.8I Use of the ARCS motivational design matrix in designing units with computers at Sendai Daiichi Junior High Schoot Paper pres"nted at the 21st Annual Meeting for Japan Society for Information and Systems in EducatiottrY;nazavta" JAPAN


Keller, J. M. (1997). Motivational design and multimedia. Beyond the novelty effect. Strategic Human Resource Development Review, 1, 188-203'


(Eds), Keller, J. M. (1999). Motivational systems. in H.D. Stolovitch & E.J. Keeps Handbook of hgman performance technology (2nd ed. pp.373'394) San Francisco:


Keller, J. M. (1999). Motivation in cyberleaming environments. Educational Technology lnternational, I (1 ), 7 -30. To be read: Keller, J. M. (2002).Motivation and performance.In RA. Reiser & J. V. flernpsey (Eds). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology Gp. 83-98). Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall.


To be read: Keller, J.M., & Suzuki, K. (2004). Learner motivation and e-Learning design: A mutinationally validated pnocess. Journal of Educational Media' 29(3),229239. October 20M. (See PDF fileNo.2)

READ: Keller, J. M., (2006) What Is Motivational Design? Revise.d and expanded version of a previously published encyclo@ia article.

Others Recommended on J. Keller's Website


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Mills, R. J., & Sorensen" N. (no ARCS Model of Motivational

ColtegeTM 2004: An Implementation of the AD LINK: Manuscript available as of22 June


2006 at


Combining Computer Supported Collaborative Argumentation end Problem-Based Leaming by J0rg Zunrbach and Peter

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Motivational Constructs in an Online Learning Environment in a UAE University by Marielle Patonis

Cneative Online Leaming Environments by Donald G. Pxain

Visser, L., Plomp, T., Arimault, R., & K*ip"., W. (2002). Motivating Students at a Distsnce: The Case of an Inter:national Audience. Educational Technology Research & Development, 50(2), 94- I I 0.

Chyung, S.Y.(2001). Conducting learner analysis to adjust online instruc{ion your faceless learners. In Proceedings of the lTth Annual Conference on istance Teaching & Leaming, (pp. 85-90).


Motivating Distance Learning Students Using the ARCS Method

Learning motivation evaluation for a computer-based instructional tutorial using ARCS model of motivational design

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Huang, D.W.; Diefes-Drur, H.; Imbrie, P.K.; Dakq EDCI, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN, USA This papcr appears in: Issuc I)ate: 20-23 OcL 2fr)4 On pege(s)r TIE - 30-6 Vol. I ISSN:019G'5848 Print ISBN: 0-7803-8552-7

B.; Kallimani, J.G.;


Cited by: I INSPEC Accession Number: 8412512 Digital Obiect Identifier: l0.ll09 818.2004.1 408466 Date of Current Version: 18 April2005

This pilot sfudy demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing instructional theories, specifically on leaming motivation, to evaluate a computer-based tutorial for the purpose of proposing effective instructional interventions. Keller's ARCS model of motivational design provides the conceptual framework to address motivational issues while developing instruction. The ARCS model has four dimensions: attention, relevaoce, confidence, and satisfaction. Keller's instructional material motivation survey measures student motivation along the ARCS dimensions and was modified for this study to

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