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Compar|son of Academ|c rofess|na| vs.

C|v|| Serv|ce os|t|ons and 8enef|ts

on the Un|vers|ty of I|||no|s at Urbana-Champa|gn Campus
repared by Lhe Councll of Academlc rofesslonals
March 2011
1he Lable below ouLllnes changes LhaL would resulL should As be reclasslfled Lo Clvll Servlce poslLlons. 1hls ls an lncompleLe llsL lnLended Lo generally lllusLraLe
poLenLlal lmpacL Lo deparLmenLs and personnel. lf you have quesLlons, conLacL Lhe approprlaLe Puman 8esources offlce.

Academ|c rofess|ona| C|v|| Serv|ce
Cand|dates 1he hlrlng deparLmenL/unlL deLermlnes quallflcaLlons for each A
poslLlon and convenes a search commlLLee Lo revlew candldaLes.
Search commlLLee revlews credenLlals, lnvlLes candldaLes Lo
lnLervlew and provldes a recommendaLlon for a selecL candldaLe
Lo hlre. llnal hlrlng declslon resLs wlLh Lhe unlL LxecuLlve Cfflcer.
CredenLlal revlew performed by campus P8, noL Lhe hlrlng deparLmenL/unlL.
1he hlrlng deparLmenL/unlL ls llmlLed Lo Lhe "rule of 3" and can conslder only
Lhe Lop 3" candldaLes based on scores. lf a layoff slLuaLlon exlsLs ln LhaL
classlflcaLlon, Lhe deparLmenL/unlL may be requlred Lo flrsL offer Lhe poslLlon
Lo employees lmpacLed by layoff ln LhaL classlflcaLlon (employees who may
have a 'rlghL' Lo LhaL vacanL poslLlon).
kes|dency requ|rement none llllnols resldenLs only
Iob c|ass|f|cat|ons and
A poslLlons musL meeL Lhe admlnlsLraLlve, research, Leachlng or
exLenslon exempLlons as noLed ln Lhe clvll servlce guldellnes. !ob
descrlpLlons are wrlLLen by Lhe hlrlng deparLmenL, revlewed and
approved for exempLlon by P8.

Clvll servlce classlflcaLlons are deLermlned by Lhe SLaLe unlverslLles Clvll
Servlce SysLem (SuCSS). 1hey can be searched aL hLLp://
!ob descrlpLlons are wrlLLen by Lhe hlrlng deparLmenL and revlewed by P8.
Vacat|on Accrue up Lo 24 days/year. Carry over a maxlmum of 48 days aL
Lhe end of each academlc year. Accrued monLhly buL full balance
ls avallable aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe academlc year. Can begln Lhe year
aL Lhe maxlmum balance and accrue Lhe full year alloLmenL. Pave
unLll Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe nexL academlc year Lo reduce vacaLlon
balance below 48 days. lf usage exceeds accrual aL Llme of
separaLlon, employee musL pay back Lhe amounL used beyond
whaL had acLually been accrued aL Lhe Llme of separaLlon.
LxempL CS accrue 23-28 days/year dependlng on # of years of servlce. Accrued
per pay perlod and employee ls responslble for monlLorlng leave balance Lo
avold loslng fuLure vacaLlon accrual. vacaLlon cannoL be used before accrued,
ln oLher words, no fronL-loadlng. lf, wlLhln a pay perlod, Lhe vacaLlon accrual
balance exceeds Lhe maxlmum allowed, Lhen no furLher vacaLlon leave wlll
accrue unLll employee has reduced hls/her balance Lo a level low enough Lo
accepL Lhe full accrual amounL Lo be earned ln Lhe nexL pay perlod.
S|ck |eave 12 cumulaLlve days/year. 13 non-cumulaLlve days/year. 12 cumulaLlve days/year
Not|ce of Non-
keappo|ntment r|ghts
8ased on years of servlce and source of funds, full-Llme, non-
vlslLlng As are enLlLled Lo beLween 2 Lo 12 monLhs noLlce of non-
reappolnLmenL. LxcepL ln llmlLed, sudden fundlng loss slLuaLlons,
employees are enLlLled Lo Lhe duraLlon of Lhelr currenL conLracL,
regardless of Lhe lengLh of formal noLlce rlghLs. 1hese slLuaLlons
musL be approved by P8.
noL Appllcable
Layoff rov|s|ons noL Appllcable Clvll Servlce employees are enLlLled Lo a 30 day noLlce of layoff. May be
LermlnaLed aL any Llme durlng Lhe year.
8ump|ng r|ghts noL Appllcable Lmployees whose poslLlons are ellmlnaLed may have rlghLs Lo bump" a less
senlor employee ln Lhe same classlflcaLlon.
Sen|or|ty noL Appllcable As converLed Lo clvll servlce employees may brlng Lhe senlorlLy of only Lhelr
currenL poslLlon.
Compensat|on AL Lhe employlng unlL's dlscreLlon, based on candldaLe's
experlence and quallflcaLlons and on Lhe unlL's ablllLy Lo pay.
8ased on pre-esLabllshed ranges. WlLhln Lhese ranges deparLmenLs have
llmlLed auLhorlLy Lo seL salarles. lor an A converLlng Lo CS whose salary was
already ouLslde Lhe pre-esLabllshed range for Lhelr CS classlflcaLlon, hls/her
salary would be red-clrcled" (held). unclear how or lf a clvll servlce employee
would be able Lo recelve an lncrease (annual merlL or reLenLlon) lf Lhey were
already aL Lhe maxlmum salary ln Lhe range esLabllshed for Lhelr classlflcaLlon.
Case speclflc dlsclpllne/performance managemenL plans based on
slLuaLlon and consulLaLlon wlLh P8.
Sub[ecL Lo Lhe erformance arLnershlp rogram or ollcy and 8ules.
1u|t|on wa|vers Avallable for unlverslLy of llllnols classes (uluC, ulC and ulS) only. Avallable aL any of Lhe nlne llllnols senlor publlc unlverslLles.
Work hours 40 hours/week MosL Clvll Servlce poslLlons are 37.3 hours a week, some are 40 hours a week.
Cvert|me L||g|b|||ty Academlc rofesslonal poslLlons are classlfled as exempL (noL
ellglble for overLlme) from lLSA based on duLles. A few low l1L
poslLlons are salary non-exempL due Lo Lhe lLSA salary LesL.
Some Clvll Servlce poslLlons are non-exempL (hourly and ellglble for overLlme),
oLhers are exempL (salarled, noL ellglble for overLlme).
Un|on 8egular Academlc rofesslonals are noL parL of a bargalnlng unlL.
vlslLlng As are covered by a collecLlve bargalnlng agreemenL
wlLh Lhe vlslLlng Academlc rofesslonals AssoclaLlon, lLA/nLA.
MosL rofesslonal Clvll Servlce ClasslflcaLlons are open range and are noL parL
of a bargalnlng unlL. Some clvll servlce employees are parL of a bargalnlng unlL
(negoLlaLed employees), oLhers are noL (open range employees).
SUkS rovlslons are Lhe same rovlslons are Lhe same
8enef|ts rovlslons are Lhe same rovlslons are Lhe same
ay ald on a monLhly basls, Lhe 16
of each monLh ald on a blweekly basls
arenta| Leave rovlslons are Lhe same (Lwo weeks pald leave) rovlslons are Lhe same (Lwo weeks pald leave)
IMLA, Cther Leaves of
rovlslons are Lhe same rovlslons are Lhe same

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