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Fact Sheet

Media Contact: Jenn Shafer Account Executive OSU The PRactice 513-607-0267

FLIP for a Cause

What does it mean? F.L.I.P- Fight, Live, Inspire, Prevent: Fight- fighting together to challenge issues outside of each persons individual control
that increase the risk for cancer. Stay educated, take action, refuse harmful brands and products, promote brands doing the right thing, and support research to help find new ways to prevent and treat cancer. Its time to take a stand and take back lost ground.

Live- FLIP is all about having fun and living life to its fullest the best way to prevent
cancer! Schedule workouts, make them fun, set goals, concentrate on starting not finishing, and find a partner! Dont just float through life, thrive.

Inspire- Its worth it to challenge everyone to reach friends and family. It is about
community and support for each other. Inspire those you care about.

Prevent- FLIPs goal is to make prevention fun, approachable, simple, socially

connected and community supported. Eat right, stay active, find cancer early, and stay away from tobacco. Prevention is power.

Who is involved? Meet the team: Carl Seiley- President and Founder- responsible for day to day operations
including, but not limited to: content development, design work, marketing, public relations, managerial operations and financial regulation management.

Patrick Morse- Vice President & Board Member- support FLIP with project
oversight and strategy. Provide support for the fundamentals and processes of program management and help FLIP identify new opportunities where it can have the greatest impact.


Liz Moore- Board Member, Marketing Coordinator- Manage social media, organize
and plan fundraising events, network to create partnerships with like-minded organizations and secure donated resources for events.

Callie Dunn- Board Member, Treasurer- Accounting records, helping with

regulatory requirements and helping with events.

Amelia Dunlap- Board Member, vice-chairwoman- help support all aspects of

getting the word out there -- PR, events, fundraising, grants, etc.

Stephanie Pavol- Board Member- support FLIP's communications and marketing

efforts, including social media, as well as provide development and fundraising assistance.

Blake Miller-Board Member- support FLIP's fundraising and development efforts by

connecting with local businesses and non-profits who share FLIP's passion.

Why should people FLIP? Easy- connects community partners to provide an entire network of support and builds
an interactive website that aggregates and simplifies everything people need to know.

Engaging- FLIP is not only an attractive, energetic brand, its a movement;

empowering people to shape and make it their own along the way.

Fun- Going out and enjoying being active with friends and family while staying
involved throughout the process via social media, organized activities and unique outings. FLIP recognizes that cancer prevention requires a dynamic shift in our thinking and is empowering individuals to engage in preventing cancer using a holistic approach. Cancer affects everyone, so it is important to take simple steps to FLIP our lives and the conversation on cancer in our nation from reactive to proactive, one day at a time.


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