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Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines Metro Manila Fifteenth Congress Third Regular Session Begun and

held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day of July, two thousand twelve. [REPUBLIC ACT !" #$%&'] A ACT PE ALI(I ) PERS! S *RI+I ) U *ER T,E I FLUE CE !F ALC!,!L- *A )ER!US *RU)S- A * SIMILAR SUBSTA CES- A * F!R !T,ER PURP!SES Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: SECTI ! ". Short Title. # This $%t shall &e 'nown as the ($nti-)run' and )rugged )riving $%t of *+",-. SEC. *. Declaration of Policy. # .ursuant to the Constitutional /rin%i/le that re%ogni0es the /rote%tion of life and /ro/erty and the /ro1otion of the general welfare as essential for the en2oy1ent of the &lessing of de1o%ra%y, it is here&y de%lared the /oli%y of the State to ensure road safety through the o&servan%e of the %iti0enry of res/onsi&le and ethi%al driving standards. Towards this end, the State shall /enali0e the a%ts of driving under the influen%e of al%ohol, dangerous drugs and other into3i%ating su&stan%es and shall in%ul%ate the standards of safe driving and the &enefits that 1ay &e derived fro1 it through institutional /rogra1s and a//ro/riate /u&li% infor1ation strategies. SEC. ,. Definition of Terms. # 4or /ur/oses of this $%t5 6a7 lcohol refers to al%oholi% &everages %lassified into &eer, wine and distilled s/irits, the %onsu1/tion of whi%h /rodu%es into3i%ation. 6&7 Breath analy!er refers to the e8ui/1ent whi%h %an deter1ine the &lood al%ohol %on%entration level of a /erson through testing of his &reath. 6%7 Chemical tests refer to &reath, saliva, urine or &lood tests to deter1ine the &lood al%ohol %on%entration level and9or /ositive indi%ation of dangerous drugs and si1ilar su&stan%es in a /erson:s &ody. 6d7 Dangerous drugs and other similar substances refer to drugs listed in the s%hedules anne3ed to the ";<" Single Convention on !ar%oti%s )rugs, as a1ended &y the ";=* .roto%ol, and in the s%hedules anne3ed to the ";=" Single Convention of .sy%hotro/i% Su&stan%es as enu1erated in its atta%h1ent whi%h is an integral /art of >e/u&li% $%t !o. ;"<?, otherwise 'nown as the

(Co1/rehensive )angerous )rugs $%t of *++*- and those that the Board 1ay re%lassify, add to or re1ove fro1 the list of dangerous drugs. 6e7 Driving under the influence of alcohol refers to the a%t of o/erating a 1otor vehi%le while the driver:s &lood al%ohol %on%entration level has, after &eing su&2e%ted to a &reath analy0er test, rea%hed the level of into3i%ation, as esta&lished 2ointly &y the )e/art1ent of @ealth 6) @7, the !ational .oli%e Co11ission 6!$. AC M7 and the )e/art1ent of Trans/ortation and Co11uni%ations 6) TC7. 6f7 Driving under the influence of dangerous drugs and other similar substances refers to the a%t of o/erating a 1otor vehi%le while the driver, after &eing su&2e%ted to a %onfir1atory test as 1andated under >e/u&li% $%t !o. ;"<?, is found to &e /ositive for use of any dangerous drug. 6g7 "ield sobriety tests refer to standardi0ed tests to initially assess and deter1ine into3i%ation, su%h as the hori0ontal ga0e nystag1us, the wal'-and-turn, the one-leg stand, and other si1ilar tests as deter1ined 2ointly &y the ) @, the !$. AC M and the ) TC. 6h7 #otor vehicle refers to any land trans/ortation vehi%le /ro/elled &y any /ower other than 1us%ular /ower. 6i7 #otor vehicles designed to carry ha!ardous materials refer to those designed to %arry or trans/ort 1aterials whi%h 1ay endanger health and lives of the /u&li%. 627 Public utility vehicles refer to 1otor vehi%les for hire and used to %arry or trans/ort /assengers or goods. SEC. B. Driver$s %ducation. # Every a//li%ant for a 1otor vehi%le driver:s li%ense shall %o1/lete a %ourse of instru%tion that /rovides infor1ation on safe driving in%luding, &ut not li1ited to, the effe%ts of the %onsu1/tion of al%oholi% &everages on the a&ility of a /erson to o/erate a 1otor vehi%le, the ha0ards of driving under the influen%e of al%ohol, dangerous drugs and9or other si1ilar su&stan%es, and the /enalties atta%hed for violation thereof. 4or /rofessional drivers, every a//li%ant for a driver:s li%ense or those a//lying for renewal thereof shall undergo the driver:s edu%ation herein stated. The driver:s li%ense written e3a1ination shall in%lude 8uestions %on%erning the effe%ts of al%ohol and drug into3i%ation on the a&ility of a /erson to o/erate a 1otor vehi%le and the legal and /e%uniary %onse8uen%es resulting fro1 violation of the /rovisions of this $%t. SEC. ?. Punishable ct. # It shall &e unlawful for any /erson to drive a 1otor vehi%le while under the influen%e of al%ohol, dangerous drugs and9or other si1ilar su&stan%es. SEC. <. Conduct of "ield Sobriety& Chemical and Confirmatory Tests. # $ law enfor%e1ent offi%er who has /ro&a&le %ause to &elieve that a /erson is driving under the influen%e of al%ohol, dangerous drugs and9or other si1ilar su&stan%es &y a//arent indi%ations and 1anifestations, in%luding overs/eeding, weaving, lane straddling, sudden sto/s, swerving, /oor %oordination or

the evident s1ell of al%ohol in a /erson:s &reath or signs of use of dangerous drugs and other si1ilar su&stan%es, shall %ondu%t field so&riety tests. If the driver fails in the so&riety tests, it shall &e the duty of the law enfor%e1ent offi%er to i1/le1ent the 1andatory deter1ination of the driver:s &lood al%ohol %on%entration level through the use of a &reath analy0er or si1ilar 1easuring instru1ent. If the law enfor%e1ent offi%er has /ro&a&le %ause to &elieve that a /erson is driving under the influen%e of dangerous drugs and9or other si1ilar su&stan%es, it shall &e the duty of the law enfor%e1ent offi%er to &ring the driver to the nearest /oli%e station to &e su&2e%ted to a drug s%reening test and, if ne%essary, a drug %onfir1atory test as 1andated under >e/u&li% $%t !o. ;"<?. Aaw enfor%e1ent offi%ers and de/uti0ed lo%al traffi% enfor%e1ent offi%ers shall &e res/onsi&le in i1/le1enting this se%tion. SEC. =. #andatory lcohol and Chemical Testing of Drivers 'nvolved in #otor (ehicular ccidents. # $ driver of a 1otor vehi%le involved in a vehi%ular a%%ident resulting in the loss of hu1an life or /hysi%al in2uries shall &e su&2e%ted to %he1i%al tests, in%luding a drug s%reening test and, if ne%essary, a drug %onfir1atory test as 1andated under >e/u&li% $%t !o. ;"<?, to deter1ine the /resen%e and9or %on%entration of al%ohol, dangerous drugs and9or si1ilar su&stan%es in the &loodstrea1 or &ody. SEC. C. Refusal to Sub)ect *neself to #andatory Tests. # $ driver of a 1otor vehi%le who refuses to undergo the 1andatory field so&riety and drug tests under Se%tions <, = and "? of this $%t shall &e /enali0ed &y the %onfis%ation and auto1ati% revo%ation of his or her driver:s li%ense, in addition to other /enalties /rovided herein and9or other /ertinent laws. SEC. ;. c+uisition of %+uipment. # Dithin four 6B7 1onths fro1 the effe%tivity of this $%t, the Aand Trans/ortation ffi%e 6AT 7 and the .hili//ine !ational .oli%e 6.!.7 shall a%8uire suffi%ient &reath analy0ers and drug-testing 'its to &e utili0ed &y law enfor%e1ent offi%ers and de/uti0ed lo%al traffi% enfor%e1ent offi%ers nationwide giving /riority to areas with high re/orted o%%urren%es of a%%idents. 4or /ur/oses of a%8uiring these e8ui/1ent and for the training se1inars indi%ated in Se%tion "+ hereof, the AT shall utili0e the S/e%ial >oad Safety 4und allotted for this /ur/ose as /rovided under Se%tion = of >e/u&li% $%t !o. C=;B, entitled5 ($n $%t I1/osing a Motor Eehi%le Fser:s Charge on wners of $ll Ty/es of Motor Eehi%les and for ther .ur/osesG. $dditional yearly a//ro/riations for the /ur%hase of &reath analy0ers and drugtesting 'its shall &e /rovided annually under the Heneral $//ro/riations $%t. SEC. "+. Deputation. # The AT 1ay de/uti0e traffi% enfor%e1ent offi%ers of the .!., the Metro/olitan Manila )evelo/1ent $uthority 6MM)$7 and %ities and 1uni%i/alities in order to enfor%e the /rovisions of this $%t. SEC. "". ,a- %nforcement *fficer %ducation. # The AT and the .!. shall %ondu%t training se1inars for their law enfor%ers and de/uties with regard to the /ro/er %ondu%t of field so&riety tests and &reath analy0er tests every year. Dithin four 6B7 1onths fro1 the effe%tivity of this $%t,

the AT shall /u&lish the guidelines and /ro%edures for the /ro/er %ondu%t of field so&riety tests, whi%h guidelines shall &e 1ade availa&le to the /u&li% and 1ade availa&le for download through the offi%ial AT we&site. SEC. "*. Penalties. # $ driver found to have &een driving a 1otor vehi%le while under the influen%e of al%ohol, dangerous drugs and9or other si1ilar su&stan%es, as /rovided for under Se%tion ? of this $%t, shall &e /enali0ed as follows5 6a7 If the violation of Se%tion ? did not result in /hysi%al in2uries or ho1i%ide, the /enalty of three 6,7 1onths i1/rison1ent, and a fine ranging fro1 Twenty thousand /esos 6.h/*+,+++.++7 to Eighty thousand /esos 6.h/C+,+++.++7 shall &e i1/osedI 6&7 If the violation of Se%tion ? resulted in /hysi%al in2uries, the /enalty /rovided in $rti%le *<, of the >evised .enal Code or the /enalty /rovided in the ne3t /re%eding su&/aragra/h, whi%hever is higher, and a fine ranging fro1 ne hundred thousand /esos 6.h/"++,+++.++7 to Two hundred thousand /esos 6.h/*++,+++.++7 shall &e i1/osedI 6%7 If the violation of Se%tion ? resulted in ho1i%ide, the /enalty /rovided in $rti%le *B; of the >evised .enal Code and a fine ranging fro1 Three hundred thousand /esos 6.h/,++,+++.++7 to 4ive hundred thousand /esos 6.h/?++,+++.++7 shall &e i1/osedI and 6d7 The non/rofessional driver:s li%ense of any /erson found to have violated Se%tion ? of this $%t shall also &e %onfis%ated and sus/ended for a /eriod of twelve 6"*7 1onths for the first %onvi%tion and /er/etually revo'ed for the se%ond %onvi%tion. The /rofessional driver:s li%ense of any /erson found to have violated Se%tion ? of this $%t shall also &e %onfis%ated and /er/etually revo'ed for the first %onvi%tion. The /er/etual revo%ation of a driver:s li%ense shall dis8ualify the /erson fro1 &eing granted any 'ind of driver:s li%ense thereafter. The /rose%ution for any violation of this $%t shall &e without /re2udi%e to %ri1inal /rose%ution for violation of the >evised .enal Code, >e/u&li% $%t !o. ;"<? and other s/e%ial laws and e3isting lo%al ordinan%es, whenever a//li%a&le. SEC. ",. Direct ,iability of *perator and.or *-ner of the *ffending (ehicle. # The owner and9or o/erator of the vehi%le driven &y the offender shall &e dire%tly and /rin%i/ally held lia&le together with the offender for the fine and the award against the offender for %ivil da1ages unless he or she is a&le to %onvin%ingly /rove that he or she has e3er%ised e3traordinary diligen%e in the sele%tion and su/ervision of his or her drivers in general and the offending driver in /arti%ular. This se%tion shall /rin%i/ally a//ly to the owners and9or o/erators of /u&li% utility vehi%les and %o11er%ial vehi%les su%h as delivery vans, %argo tru%'s, %ontainer tru%'s, s%hool and %o1/any &uses, hotel trans/orts, %ars or vans for rent, ta3i %a&s, and the li'e. SEC. "B. /ation-ide 'nformation Campaign. # Dithin one 6"7 1onth fro1 the /ro1ulgation of the i1/le1enting rules and regulations as /rovided under Se%tion "= hereof, the .hili//ine Infor1ation $gen%y 6.I$7, in %oordination with the AT , the lo%al govern1ent units 6AHFs7

and other %on%erned agen%ies, shall %ondu%t infor1ation, edu%ation and %o11uni%ation 6IEC7 %a1/aign for the attain1ent of the o&2e%tives of this $%t. SEC. "?. /ation-ide Random Terminal 'nspection and 0uic1 Random Drug Tests. # The AT shall %ondu%t rando1 ter1inal ins/e%tions and 8ui%' rando1 drug tests of /u&li% utility drivers. The %ost of su%h tests shall &e defrayed &y the AT . SEC. "<. Revie- of Penalties. # The AT shall, after five 6?7 years fro1 the effe%tivity of this $%t and every five 6?7 years thereafter, review the a//li%a&ility and enfor%e1ent of all foregoing /e%uniary /enalties and shall initiate a1end1ent and9or u/grade the sa1e as 1ay &e ne%essary, su&2e%t to the a//roval of the Se%retary of the ) TC. SEC. "=. 'mplementing Rules and Regulations. # The ) TC, the ) @ and the !$. AC M shall, within three 6,7 1onths fro1 the effe%tivity of this $%t, 2ointly /ro1ulgate the ne%essary i1/le1enting rules and regulations to %arry out the /rovisions of this $%t. SEC. "C. Separability Clause. # If, for any reason, any /art or /rovision of this $%t is de%lared invalid, su%h de%laration shall not affe%t the other /rovisions of this $%t. SEC. ";. Repealing Clause. # Su&/aragra/h 6f7, Se%tion ?<, $rti%le " of >e/u&li% $%t !o. B",<, otherwise 'nown as the (Aand Trans/ortation and Traffi% CodeG, as a1endedI su&/aragra/h 6f7, Se%tion ? of >e/u&li% $%t !o. =;*B, otherwise 'nown as ($n $%t Creating the Metro/olitan Manila )evelo/1ent $uthority, )efining its .owers and 4un%tions, .roviding 4unds Therefor and for ther .ur/osesIG su&/aragra/h 6a7, Se%tion ,< of >e/u&li% $%t !o. ;"<?I and all other laws, orders, issuan%es, %ir%ulars, rules and regulations or /arts thereof whi%h are in%onsistent with any /rovision of this $%t are here&y re/ealed or 1odified a%%ordingly. SEC. *+. %ffectivity. # This $%t shall ta'e effe%t after fifteen 6"?7 days fro1 its /u&li%ation in the *fficial 2a!ette or in two 6*7 national news/a/ers of general %ir%ulation. Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines Metro Manila Fifteenth Congress Third Regular Session Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day of July, two thousand twelve. [REPUBLIC ACT !" #$%.#] A ACT PR!+I*I ) F!R A C!MPRE,E SI+E LA/ ! FIREARMS A * AMMU ITI! A * PR!+I*I ) PE ALTIES F!R +I!LATI! S T,ERE!F Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

$>TICAE I TITAE, )ECA$>$TI ! 4 . AICJ $!) )E4I!ITI ! 4 TE>MS SECTI ! ". Short Title. # This $%t shall &e 'nown as the (Co1/rehensive 4irear1s and $11unition >egulation $%tG. SEC. *. Declaration of State Policy. # It is the /oli%y of the State to 1aintain /ea%e and order and /rote%t the /eo/le against violen%e. The State also re%ogni0es the right of its 8ualified %iti0ens to self-defense through, when it is the reasona&le 1eans to re/el the unlawful aggression under the %ir%u1stan%es, the use of firear1s. Towards this end, the State shall /rovide for a %o1/rehensive law regulating the ownershi/, /ossession, %arrying, 1anufa%ture, dealing in and i1/ortation of firear1s, a11unition, or /arts thereof, in order to /rovide legal su//ort to law enfor%e1ent agen%ies in their %a1/aign against %ri1e, sto/ the /roliferation of illegal firear1s or wea/ons and the illegal 1anufa%ture of firear1s or wea/ons, a11unition and /arts thereof. SEC. ,. Definition of Terms. # $s used in this $%t5 6a7 ccessories refer to /arts of a firear1 whi%h 1ay enhan%e or in%rease the o/erational effi%ien%y or a%%ura%y of a firear1 &ut will not %onstitute any of the 1a2or or 1inor internal /arts thereof su%h as, hut not li1ited to, laser s%o/e, teles%o/i% sight and sound su//ressor or silen%er. 6&7 mmunition refers to a %o1/lete unfi3ed unit %onsisting of a &ullet, gun/owder, %artridge %ase and /ri1er or loaded shell for use in any firear1. 6%7 nti+ue firearm refers to any5 6"7 firear1 whi%h was 1anufa%tured at least seventy-five 6=?7 years /rior to the %urrent date &ut not in%luding re/li%asI 6*7 firear1 whi%h is %ertified &y the !ational Museu1 of the .hili//ines to &e %urio or reli% of 1useu1 interestI and 6,7 any other firear1 whi%h derives a su&stantial /art of its 1onetary value fro1 the fa%t that it is novel, rare, &i0arre or &e%ause of its asso%iation with so1e histori%al figure, /eriod or event. 6d7 rms smuggling refers to the i1/ort, e3/ort, a%8uisition, sale, delivery, 1ove1ent or transfer of firear1s, their /arts and %o1/onents and a11unition, fro1 or a%ross the territory of one %ountry to that of another %ountry whi%h has not &een authori0ed in a%%ordan%e with do1esti% law in either or &oth %ountry9%ountries. 6e7 uthority to import refers to a do%u1ent issued &y the Chief of the .hili//ine !ational .oli%e 6.!.7 authori0ing the i1/ortation of firear1s, or their /arts, a11unition and other %o1/onents. 6f7 uthori!ed dealer refers to any /erson, legal entity, %or/oration, /artnershi/ or &usiness entity duly li%ensed &y the 4irear1s and E3/losive ffi%e 64E 7 of the .!. to engage in the &usiness of &uying and selling a11unition, firear1s or /arte thereof, at wholesale or retail &asis. 6g7 uthori!ed importer refers to any /erson, legal entity, %or/oration, /artnershi/ or &usiness duly li%ensed &y the 4E of the .!. to engage in the &usiness of i1/orting a11unition and

firear1s, or /arts thereof into the territory of the >e/u&li% of the .hili//ines for /ur/oses of sale or distri&ution under the /rovisions of this $%t. 6h7 uthori!ed manufacturer refers to any /erson, legal entity, %or/oration, or /artnershi/ duly li%ensed &y the 4E of the .!. to engage in the &usiness of 1anufa%turing firear1s, and a11unition or /arts thereof for /ur/oses of sale or distri&ution. 6i7 Confiscated firearm refers to a firear1 that is ta'en into %ustody &y the .!., !ational Bureau of Investigation 6!BI7, .hili//ine )rug Enfor%e1ent $gen%y 6.)E$7, and all other law enfor%e1ent agen%ies &y reason of their 1andate and 1ust &e ne%essarily re/orted or turned over to the .E of the .!.. 627 Demilitari!ed firearm refers to a firear1 deli&erately 1ade in%a/a&le of /erfor1ing its 1ain /ur/ose of firing a /ro2e%tile. 6'7 Duty detail order refers to a do%u1ent issued &y the 2uridi%al entity or e1/loyer wherein the details of the dis/osition of firear1 is s/elled-out, thus indi%ating the na1e of the e1/loyee, the firear1 infor1ation, the s/e%ifi% duration and lo%ation of /osting or assign1ent and the authori0ed &onded firear1 %ustodian for the 2uridi%al entity to who1 su%h firear1 is turned over after the la/se of the order. 6l7 "irearm refers to any handheld or /orta&le wea/on, whether a s1all ar1 or light wea/on, that e3/els or is designed to e3/el a &ullet, shot, slug, 1issile or any /ro2e%tile, whi%h is dis%harged &y 1eans of e3/ansive for%e of gases fro1 &urning gun/owder or other for1 of %o1&ustion or any si1ilar instru1ent or i1/le1ent. 4or /ur/oses of this $%t, the &arrel, fra1e or re%eiver is %onsidered a firear1. 617 "irearms 'nformation #anagement System 3"'#S4 refers to the %o1/ilation of all data and infor1ation on firear1s ownershi/ and dis/osition for re%ord /ur/oses. 6n7 "orfeited firearm refers to a firear1 that is su&2e%t to forfeiture &y reason of %ourt order as a%%essory /enalty or for the dis/osition &y the 4E of the .!. of firear1s %onsidered as a&andoned, surrendered, %onfis%ated or revo'ed in %o1/lian%e with e3isting rules and regulations. 6o7 2un club refers to an organi0ation duly registered with and a%%redited in good standing &y the 4E of the .!. whi%h is esta&lished for the /ur/ose of /ro/agating res/onsi&le and safe gun ownershi/, /ro/er a//re%iation and use of firear1s &y its 1e1&ers, for the /ur/ose of s/orts and shooting %o1/etition, self-defense and %olle%tion /ur/oses. 6/7 2unsmith refers to any /erson, legal entity, %or/oration, /artnershi/ or &usiness duly li%ensed &y the 4E of the .!. to engage in the &usiness of re/airing firear1s and other wea/ons or %onstru%ting or asse1&ling firear1s and wea/ons fro1 finished or 1anufa%tured /arts thereof on a /er order &asis and not in %o11er%ial 8uantities or of 1a'ing 1inor /arts for the /ur/ose of re/airing or asse1&ling said firear1s or wea/ons.

687 'mitation firearm refers to a re/li%a of a firear1, or other devi%e that is so su&stantially si1ilar in %oloration and overall a//earan%e to an e3isting firear1 as to lead a reasona&le /erson to &elieve that su%h i1itation firear1 is a real firear1. 6r7 ,icensed citi!en refers to any 4ili/ino who %o1/lies with the 8ualifi%ations set forth in this $%t and duly issued with a li%ense to /ossess or to %arry firear1s outside of the residen%e in a%%ordan%e with this $%t. 6s7 ,icensed& )uridical entity refers to %or/orations, organi0ations, &usinesses in%luding se%urity agen%ies and lo%al govern1ent units 6AHFs7 whi%h are li%ensed to own and /ossess firear1s in a%%ordan%e with this $%t. 6t7 ,ight -eapons are5 Class-$ Aight wea/ons whi%h refer to self-loading /istols, rifles and %ar&ines, su&1a%hine guns, assault rifles and light 1a%hine guns not e3%eeding %ali&er =.<*MM whi%h have fully auto1ati% 1odeI and Class-B Aight wea/ons whi%h refer to wea/ons designed for use &y two 6*7 or 1ore /ersons serving as a %rew, or rifles and 1a%hine guns e3%eeding %ali&er =.<*MM su%h as heavy 1a%hine guns, handheld under&arrel and 1ounted grenade laun%hers, /orta&le anti-air%raft guns, /orta&le anti-tan' guns, re%oilless rifles, /orta&le laun%hers of anti-tan' 1issile and ro%'et syste1s, /orta&le laun%hers of anti-air%raft 1issile syste1s, and 1ortars of a %ali&er of less than "++MM. 6u7 ,ong certificate of registration refers to li%enses issued to govern1ent agen%ies or offi%es or govern1ent-owned or -%ontrolled %or/orations for firear1s to &e used &y their offi%ials and e1/loyees who are 8ualified to /ossess firear1s as /rovider in this $%t, e3%luding se%urity guards. 6v7 ,oose firearm refers to an unregistered firear1, an o&literated or altered firear1, firear1 whi%h has &een lost or stolen, illegally 1anufa%tured firear1s, registered firear1s in the /ossession of an individual other than the li%ensee and those with revo'ed li%enses in a%%ordan%e with the rules and regulations. 6w7 #a)or part or components of a firearm refers to the &arrel, slide, fra1e, re%eiver, %ylinder or the &olt asse1&ly. The ter1 also in%ludes any /art or 'it designed and intended for use in %onverting a se1i-auto1ati% &urst to a full auto1ati% firear1. 637 #inor parts of a firearm refers to the /arts of the firear1 other than the 1a2or /arts whi%h are ne%essary to effe%t and %o1/lete the a%tion of e3/elling a /ro2e%tile &y way of %o1&ustion, e3%e/t those %lassified as a%%essories. 6y7 Permit to carry firearm outside of residence refers to a written authority issued to a li%ensed %iti0en &y the Chief of the .!. whi%h entitles su%h /erson to %arry his9her registered or lawfully issued firear1 outside of the residen%e for the duration and /ur/ose s/e%ified in the authority. 607 Permit to transport firearm refers to a written authority issued to a li%ensed %iti0en or entity &y the Chief of the .!. or &y a .!. >egional )ire%tor whi%h entitles su%h /erson or entity to

trans/ort a /arti%ular firear1 fro1 and to a s/e%ifi% lo%ation within the duration and /ur/ose in the authority. 6aa7 Residence refers to the /la%e or /la%es of a&ode of the li%ensed %iti0en as indi%ated in his9her li%ense. 6&&7 Shooting range refers to a fa%ility esta&lished for the /ur/ose of firear1s training and s'ills develo/1ent, firear1 testing, as well as for s/orts and %o1/etition shooting either for the e3%lusive use of its 1e1&ers or o/en to the general /u&li%, duly registered with and a%%redited in good standing &y the 4E of the .!.. 6%%7 Short certificate of registration refers to a %ertifi%ate issued &y the 4E of the .!. for a govern1ent offi%ial or e1/loyee who was issued &y his9her e1/loyer de/art1ent, agen%y or govern1ent-owned or -%ontrolled %or/oration a firear1 %overed &y the long %ertifi%ate of registration. 6dd7 Small arms refer to firear1s intended to &e or /ri1arily designed for individual use or that whi%h is generally %onsidered to 1ean a wea/on intended to &e fired fro1 the hand or shoulder, whi%h are not %a/a&le of fully auto1ati% &ursts of dis%harge, su%h as5 6"7 @andgun whi%h is a firear1 intended to &e fired fro1 the hand, whi%h in%ludes5 6i7 $ /istol whi%h is a hand-o/erated firear1 having a %ha1&er integral with or /er1anently aligned with the &ore whi%h 1ay &e self-loadingI and 6ii7 >evolver whi%h is a hand-o/erated firear1 with a revolving %ylinder %ontaining %ha1&ers for individual %artridges. 6*7 >ifle whi%h is a shoulder firear1 or designed to &e fired fro1 the shoulder that %an dis%harge a &ullet through a rifled &arrel &y different a%tions of loading, whi%h 1ay &e %lassified as lever, &olt, or self-loadingI and 6,7 Shotgun whi%h is a wea/on designed, 1ade and intended to fire a nu1&er of &all shots or a single /ro2e%tile through a s1ooth &ore &y the a%tion or energy fro1 &urning gun/owder. 6ee7 Sports shooting competition refers to a defensive, /re%ision or /ra%ti%al s/ort shooting %o1/etition duly authori0ed &y the 4E of the .!.. 6ff7 Tampered& obliterated or altered firearm refers to any firear1 whose serial nu1&er or other identifi%ation or &allisti%s %hara%teristi%s have &een intentionally ta1/ered with, o&literated or altered without authority or in order to %on%eal its sour%e, identity or ownershi/. 6gg7 Thermal -eapon sight refers to a &attery o/erated, un%ooled ther1al i1aging devi%e whi%h a1/lifies availa&le ther1al signatures so that the viewed s%ene &e%o1es %lear to the o/erator whi%h is used to lo%ate and engage targets during daylight and fro1 low light to total dar'ness

and o/erates in adverse %onditions su%h as light rain, light snow, and dry s1o'e or in %on2un%tion with other o/ti%al and red dot sights. $>TICAE II D!E>S@I. $!) . SSESSI ! 4 4I>E$>MS SEC. B. Standards and Re+uisites for 'ssuance of and *btaining a ,icense to *-n and Possess "irearms. # In order to 8ualify and a%8uire a li%ense to own and /ossess a firear1 or firear1s and a11unition, the a//li%ant 1ust &e a 4ili/ino %iti0en, at least twenty-one 6*"7 years old and has gainful wor', o%%u/ation or &usiness or has filed an In%o1e Ta3 >eturn 6IT>7 for the /re%eding year as /roof of in%o1e, /rofession, &usiness or o%%u/ation. In addition, the a//li%ant shall su&1it the following %ertifi%ation issued &y a//ro/riate authorities attesting the following5 6a7 The a//li%ant has not &een %onvi%ted of any %ri1e involving 1oral tur/itude5 6&7 The a//li%ant has /assed the /sy%hiatri% test ad1inistered &y a .!.-a%%redited /sy%hologist or /sy%hiatristI 6%7 The a//li%ant has /assed the drug test %ondu%ted &y an a%%redited and authori0ed drug testing la&oratory or %lini%I 6d7 The a//li%ant has /assed a gun safety se1inar whi%h is ad1inistered &y the .!. or a registered and authori0ed gun %lu&I 6e7 The a//li%ant has filed in writing the a//li%ation to /ossess a registered firear1 whi%h shall state the /ersonal %ir%u1stan%es of the a//li%antI 6f7 The a//li%ant 1ust /resent a /oli%e %learan%e fro1 the %ity or 1uni%i/ality /oli%e offi%eI and 6g7 The a//li%ant has not &een %onvi%ted or is %urrently an a%%used in a /ending %ri1inal %ase &efore any %ourt of law for a %ri1e that is /unisha&le with a /enalty of 1ore than two 6*7 years. 4or /ur/oses of this $%t, an a%8uittal or /er1anent dis1issal of a %ri1inal %ase &efore the %ourts of law shall 8ualify the a%%used thereof to 8ualify and a%8uire a li%ense. The a//li%ant shall /ay the reasona&le li%ensing fees as 1ay &e /rovided in the i1/le1enting rules and regulations of this $%t. $n a//li%ant who intends to /ossess a firear1 owned &y a 2uridi%al entity shall su&1it his9her duty detail order to the 4E of the .!..

SEC. ?. *-nership of "irearms and mmunition by a 5uridical %ntity. # $ 2uridi%al /erson 1aintaining its own se%urity for%e 1ay &e issued a regular li%ense to own and /ossess firear1s and a11unition under the following %onditions5 6a7 It 1ust &e 4ili/ino-owned and duly registered with the Se%urities and E3%hange Co11ission 6SEC7I 6&7 It is %urrent, o/erational and a %ontinuing %on%ernI 6%7 It has %o1/leted and su&1itted all its re/ortorial re8uire1ents to the SECI and 6d7 It has /aid all its in%o1e ta3es for the year, as duly %ertified &y the Bureau of Internal >evenue. The a//li%ation shall &e 1ade in the na1e of the 2uridi%al /erson re/resented &y its .resident or any of its offi%ers 1entioned &elow as duly authori0ed in a &oard resolution to that effe%t5 Provided& That the offi%er a//lying for the 2uridi%al entity, shall /ossess all the 8ualifi%ations re8uired of a %iti0en a//lying for a li%ense to /ossess firear1s. ther %or/orate offi%ers eligi&le to re/resent the 2uridi%al /erson are5 the vi%e /resident, treasurer, and &oard se%retary. Se%urity agen%ies and AHFs shall &e in%luded in this %ategory of li%ensed holders &ut shall &e su&2e%t to additional re8uire1ents as 1ay &e re8uired &y the Chief of the .!.. SEC. <. *-nership of "irearms by the /ational 2overnment. # $ll firear1s owned &y the !ational Hovern1ent shall &e registered with the 4E of the .!. in the na1e of the >e/u&li% of the .hili//ines. Su%h registration shall &e e3e1/t fro1 all duties and ta3es that 1ay otherwise &e levied on other authori0ed owners of firear1s. 4or reason of national se%urity, firear1s of the $r1ed 4or%es of the .hili//ines 6$4.7, Coast Huard and other law enfor%e1ent agen%ies shall only &e re/orted to the 4E of the .!.. SEC. =. Carrying of "irearms *utside of Residence or Place of Business. # $ /er1it to %arry firear1s outside of residen%e shall &e issued &y the Chief of the .!. or his9her duly authori0ed re/resentative to any 8ualified /erson whose life is under a%tual threat or his9her life is in i11inent danger due to the nature of his9her /rofession, o%%u/ation or &usiness. It shall &e the &urden of the a//li%ant to /rove that his9her life is under a%tual threat &y su&1itting a threat assess1ent %ertifi%ate fro1 the .!.. 4or /ur/oses of this $%t, the following /rofessionals are %onsidered to &e in i11inent danger due to the nature of their /rofession, o%%u/ation or &usiness5 6a7 Me1&ers of the .hili//ine BarI 6&7 Certified .u&li% $%%ountantsI

6%7 $%%redited Media .ra%titionersI 6d7 Cashiers, Ban' TellersI 6e7 .riests, Ministers, >a&&i, I1a1sI 6f7 .hysi%ians and !ursesI 6g7 EngineersI and 6h7 Business1en, who &y the nature of their &usiness or underta'ing, are e3/osed to high ris' of &eing targets of %ri1inal ele1ents. $>TICAE III >EHIST>$TI ! $!) AICE!SI!H SEC. C. uthority to 'ssue ,icense. # The Chief of the .!., through the 4E of the .!., shall issue li%enses to 8ualified individuals and to %ause the registration of firear1s. SEC. ;. ,icenses 'ssued to 'ndividuals. # Su&2e%t to the re8uire1ents set forth in this $%t and /ay1ent of re8uired fees to &e deter1ined &y the Chief of the .!., a 8ualified individual 1ay &e issued the a//ro/riate li%ense under the following %ategoriesI Ty/e " li%ense # allows a %iti0en to own and /ossess a 1a3i1u1 of two 6*7 registered firear1sI Ty/e * li%ense # allows a %iti0en to own and /ossess a 1a3i1u1 of five 6?7 registered firear1sI Ty/e , li%ense # allows a %iti0en to own and /ossess a 1a3i1u1 of ten 6"+7 registered firear1sI Ty/e B li%ense # allows a %iti0en to own and /ossess a 1a3i1u1 of fifteen 6"?7 registered firear1sI and Ty/e ? li%ense # allows a %iti0en, who is a %ertified gun %olle%tor, to own and /ossess 1ore than fifteen 6"?7 registered firear1s. 4or Ty/es " to ? li%enses, a vault or a %ontainer se%ured &y lo%' and 'ey or other se%urity 1easures for the safe'ee/ing of firear1s shall &e re8uired. 4or Ty/es , to ? li%enses, the %iti0en 1ust %o1/ly with the ins/e%tion and &ond re8uire1ents. SEC. "+. "irearms That #ay Be Registered. # nly s1all ar1s 1ay &e registered &y li%ensed %iti0ens or li%ensed 2uridi%al entities for ownershi/, /ossession and %on%ealed %arry. $ light wea/on shall &e lawfully a%8uired or /ossessed e3%lusively &y the $4., the .!. and other law enfor%e1ent agen%ies authori0ed &y the .resident in the /erfor1an%e of their duties5 Provided& That /rivate individuals who already have li%enses to /ossess Class-$ light wea/ons u/on the

effe%tivity of this $%t shall not &e de/rived of the /rivilege to %ontinue /ossessing the sa1e and renewing the li%enses therefor, for the sole reason that these firear1s are Class ($G light wea/ons, and shall &e re8uired to %o1/ly with other a//li%a&le /rovisions of this $%t. SEC. "". Registration of "irearms. # The li%ensed %iti0en or li%ensed 2uridi%al entity shall register his9her9its firear1s so /ur%hased with the 4E of the .!. in a%%ordan%e with the ty/e of li%ense su%h li%ensed %iti0en or li%ensed 2uridi%al entity /ossesses. $ %ertifi%ate of registration of the firear1 shall &e issued u/on /ay1ent of reasona&le fees. 4or /ur/oses of this $%t, registration refers to the a//li%ation, a//roval, re%ord-'ee/ing and 1onitoring of firear1s with the 4E of the .!. in a%%ordan%e with the ty/e of li%ense issued to any /erson under Se%tion ; of this $%t. SEC. "*. ,icense to Possess mmunition /ecessarily 'ncluded. # The li%enses granted to 8ualified %iti0ens or 2uridi%al entities as /rovided in Se%tion ; of this $%t shall in%lude the li%ense to /ossess a11unition with a 1a3i1u1 of fifty 6?+7 rounds for ea%h registered firear15 Provided6 That the 4E of the .!. 1ay allow 1ore a11unition to &e /ossessed &y li%ensed s/orts shooters. SEC. ",. 'ssuance of ,icense to #anufacture or Deal 'n "irearms and mmunition. # $ny /erson desiring to 1anufa%ture or deal in firear1s, /arts of firear1s or a11unition thereof, or instru1ents and i1/le1ents used or intended to &e used in the 1anufa%ture of firear1s, /arts of firear1s or a11unition, shall 1a'e an a//li%ation to5 6a7 The Se%retary of the )e/art1ent of the Interior and Ao%al Hovern1ent 6)IAH7 in the %ase of an a//li%ation for a li%ense to 1anufa%tureI and 6&7 The Chief of the .!. in the %ase of a li%ense to deal in firear1s and firear1s /arts, a11unition and gun re/air. The a//li%ant shall state the a1ount of %a/itali0ation for 1anufa%ture or %ost of the /ur%hase and sale of said arti%les intended to &e transa%ted &y su%h a//li%antI and the ty/es of fir1s, a11unition or i1/le1ents whi%h the a//li%ant intends to 1anufa%ture or /ur%hase and sell under the li%ense a//lied forI and su%h additional infor1ation as 1ay &e es/e%ially re8uested &y the Se%retary of the )IAH or the Chief of the .!.. The Se%retary of the )IAH or the Chief of the .!. 1ay a//rove or disa//rove su%h a//li%ation &ased on the /res%ri&ed guidelines. In the %ase of a//roval, the Se%retary of the )IAH or the Chief of the .!. shall indi%ate the a1ount of the &ond to &e e3e%uted &y the a//li%ant &efore the issuan%e of the li%ense and the /eriod of ti1e &y whi%h said li%ense shall &e effe%tive, unless sooner revo'ed &y their authority. F/on a//roval of the li%ense to 1anufa%ture or otherwise deal in firear1s &y the Se%retary of the )IAH or the Chief of the .!. as the %ase 1ay &e, the sa1e shall &e trans1itted to the 4E of the .!. whi%h shall issue the li%ense in a%%ordan%e with the a//roved ter1s and %onditions, u/on the e3e%ution and delivery &y the a//li%ant of the re8uired &ond %onditioned u/on the

faithful %o1/lian%e on the /art of the li%ensee to the laws and regulations relative to the &usiness li%ensed. SEC. "B. Scope of ,icense to #anufacture "irearms and mmunition. # The s%o/e of the Ai%ense to Manufa%ture firear1s and a11unition shall also in%lude the following5 6a7 The authority to 1anufa%ture and asse1&le firear1s, a11unition, s/are /arts and a%%essories, a11unition %o1/onents, and reloading of a11unitions, within sites, areas, and fa%tories stated therein. The Se%retary of the )IAH shall a//rove su%h li%enseI 6&7 The li%ense to deal in or sell all the ite1s %overed &y the Ai%ense to Manufa%ture, su%h as /arts, firear1s or a11unition and %o1/onentsI 6%7 The authority to su&%ontra%t the 1anufa%turing of /arts and a%%essories ne%essary for the firear1s whi%h the 1anufa%turer is li%ensed to 1anufa%ture5 Provided& That the su&%ontra%tor of 1a2or /arts or 1a2or %o1/onents is also li%ensed to 1anufa%ture firear1s and a11unitionI and 6d7 The authority to i1/ort 1a%hinery, e8ui/1ent, and firear1 /arts and a11unition %o1/onents for the 1anufa%ture thereof. 4irear1 /arts and a11unition %o1/onents to &e i1/orted shall, however, &e li1ited to those authori0ed to &e 1anufa%tured as refle%ted in the a//roved Ai%ense to Manufa%ture. The I1/ort .er1it shall &e under the ad1inistration of the .!.. $ li%ensed 1anufa%turer of a11unition is also entitled to i1/ort various referen%e firear1s needed to test the a11unition 1anufa%tured under the Ai%ense to Manufa%ture. $ li%ensed 1anufa%turer of firear1s, on the other hand, is entitled to i1/ort various firear1s for referen%e, test and evaluation for 1anufa%ture of si1ilar, ty/es of firear1s %overed &y the Ai%ense to Manufa%ture. $n e3/ort /er1it shall, however, &e ne%essary to e3/ort 1anufa%tured /arts or finished /rodu%ts of firear1s and a11unition. The E3/ort .er1it of firear1s and a11unition shall &e under the ad1inistration of the .!.. SEC. "?. Registration of ,ocally #anufactured and 'mported "irearms. # Ao%al 1anufa%turers and i1/orters of firear1s and 1a2or /arts thereof shall register the sa1e as follows5 6a7 4or lo%ally 1anufa%tured firear1s and 1a2or /arts thereof, the initial registration shall &e done at the 1anufa%turing fa%ility5 Provided& That firear1s intended for e3/ort shall no longer &e su&2e%ted to &allisti% identifi%ation /ro%eduresI and 6&7 4or i1/orted firear1s and 1a2or /arts thereof, the registration shall &e done u/on arrival at the 4E of the .!. storage fa%ility. SEC. "<. ,icense and Scope of ,icense to Deal. # The Ai%ense to )eal authori0es the /ur%hase, sale and general &usiness in handling firear1s and a11unition, 1a2or and 1inor /arts of

firear1s, a%%essories, s/are /arts, %o1/onents, and reloading 1a%hines, whi%h shall &e issued &y the Chief of the .!.. SEC. "=. ,icense and Scope of ,icense for 2unsmiths. # The li%ense for guns1iths shall allow the grantee to re/air registered firear1s. The li%ense shall in%lude %usto1i0ation of firear1s fro1 finished or 1anufa%tured /arts thereof on /er order &asis and not in %o11er%ial 8uantities and 1a'ing the 1inor /arts thereof, i.e. /ins, triggers, trigger &ows, sights and the li'e only for the /ur/ose of re/airing the registered firear1. The li%ense for guns1iths shall &e issued &y the Chief of the .!.. SEC. "C. "irearms for 7se in Sports and Competitions. # 8ualified individual shall a//ly for a /er1it to trans/ort his9her registered firear19s fro1 his9her residen%e to the firing range9s and %o1/etition sites as 1ay &e warranted. SEC. ";. Rene-al of ,icenses and Registration. # $ll ty/es of li%enses to /ossess a firear1 shall &e renewed every two 6*7 years. 4ailure to renew the li%ense on or &efore the date of its e3/iration shall %ause the revo%ation of the li%ense and of the registration of the firear19s under said li%ensee. The registration of the firear1 shall &e renewed every four 6B7 years. 4ailure to renew the registration of the firear1 on or &efore the date of e3/iration shall %ause the revo%ation of the li%ense of the firear1. The said firear1 shall &e %onfis%ated or forfeited in favor of the govern1ent after due /ro%ess. The failure to renew a li%ense or registration within the /eriods stated a&ove on two 6*7 o%%asions shall %ause the holder of the firear1 to &e /er/etually dis8ualified fro1 a//lying for any firear1 li%ense. The a//li%ation for the renewal of the li%ense or registration 1ay &e su&1itted to the 4E of the .!., within si3 6<7 1onths &efore the date of the e3/iration of su%h li%ense or registration. SEC. *+. 'nspection and 'nventory. # The Chief of the .!. or his9her authori0ed re/resentative shall re8uire the su&1ission of re/orts, ins/e%t or e3a1ine the inventory and re%ords of a li%ensed 1anufa%turer, dealer or i1/orter of firear1s and a11unition during reasona&le hours. $>TICAE IE $CKFISITI !, )E. SIT 4 4I>E$>MS, $B$!) !E), )EMIAIT$>ILE) $!) $!TIKFE 4I>E$>MS SEC. *". c+uisition or Purchase and Sale of "irearms and mmunition. # 4irear1s and a11unition 1ay only &e a%8uired or /ur%hased fro1 authori0ed dealers, i1/orters or lo%al 1anufa%turers and 1ay &e transferred or sold only fro1 a li%ensed %iti0en or li%ensed 2uridi%al entity to another li%ensed %iti0en or li%ensed 2uridi%al entity5 Provided& That, during ele%tion /eriods, the sale and registration of firear1s and a11unition and the issuan%e of the %orres/onding li%enses to %iti0ens shall &e allowed on the %ondition that the trans/ort or delivery

thereof shall stri%tly %o1/ly with the issuan%es, resolutions, rules and regulations /ro1ulgated &y the Co11ission on Ele%tions. SEC. **. Deposit of "irearms by Persons rriving "rom broad. # $ /erson arriving in the .hili//ines who is legally in /ossession of any firear1 or a11unition in his9her %ountry of origin and who has de%lared the e3isten%e of the firear1 u/on e1&ar'ation and dise1&ar'ation &ut whose firear1 is not registered in the .hili//ines in a%%ordan%e with this $%t shall de/osit the sa1e u/on written re%ei/t with the Colle%tor of Custo1s for delivery to the 4E of the .!. for safe'ee/ing, or for the issuan%e of a /er1it to trans/ort if the /erson is a %o1/etitor in a s/orts shooting %o1/etition. If the i1/ortation of the sa1e is allowed and the /arty in 8uestion desires to o&tain a do1esti% firear1 li%ense, the sa1e should &e underta'en in a%%ordan%e with the /rovisions of this $%t. If no li%ense is desired or leave to i1/ort is not granted, the firear1 or a11unition in 8uestion shall re1ain in the %ustody of the 4E of the .!. until otherwise dis/osed of in-a%%ordan%e with law. SEC. *,. Return of "irearms to *-ner upon Departure from the Philippines. # F/on the de/arture fro1 the .hili//ines of any /erson whose firear1 or a11unition is in the %ustody of the 4E of the .!., the sa1e shall, u/on ti1ely re8uest, &e delivered to the /erson through the Colle%tor of Custo1s. In the %ase of a /arti%i/ant in a lo%al s/orts shooting %o1/etition, the firear1 1ust &e /resented to the Colle%tor of Custo1s &efore the sa1e is allowed to &e loaded on &oard the %arrier on whi%h the /erson is to &oard. SEC. *B. Safe1eeping of "irearms and mmunition. # $ny li%ensee 1ay de/osit a registered firear1 to the 4E of the .!., or any .oli%e >egional ffi%e for safe'ee/ing. >easona&le fees for storage shall &e i1/osed. SEC. *?. bandoned "irearms and mmunition. # $ny firear1 or a11unition de/osited in the %ustody of the 4E of the .!. /ursuant to the /rovisions of this $%t, shall &e dee1ed to have &een a&andoned &y the owner or his9her authori0ed re/resentative if he9she failed to re%lai1 the sa1e within five 6?7 years or failed to advise the 4E of the .!. of the dis/osition to &e 1ade thereof. Thereafter, the 4E of the .!. 1ay dis/ose of the sa1e after %o1/lian%e with esta&lished /ro%edures. SEC. *<. Death or Disability of ,icensee. # F/on the death or legal disa&ility of the holder of a firear1 li%ense, it shall &e the duty of his9her ne3t of 'in, nearest relative, legal re/resentative, or other /erson who shall 'nowingly %o1e into /ossession of su%h firear1 or a11unition, to deliver the sa1e to the 4E of the .!. or .oli%e >egional ffi%e, and su%h firear1 or a11unition shall &e retained &y the /oli%e %ustodian /ending the issuan%e of a li%ense and its registration in a%%ordan%e, with this $%t. The failure to deliver the firear1 or a11unition within si3 6<7 1onths after the death or legal disa&ility of the li%ensee shall render the /ossessor lia&le for illegal /ossession of the firear1. SEC. *=. nti+ue "irearm. # $ny /erson who /ossesses an anti8ue firear1 shall register the sa1e and se%ure a %olle%tor:s li%ense fro1 the 4E of the .!.. .ro/er storage of anti8ue firear1 shall &e stri%tly i1/osed. !on%o1/lian%e of this /rovision shall &e %onsidered as illegal /ossession of the firear1 as /enali0ed in this $%t.

$>TICAE E .E!$A .> EISI !S SEC. *C. 7nla-ful c+uisition& or Possession of "irearms and mmunition. # The unlawful a%8uisition, /ossession of firear1s and a11unition shall &e /enali0ed as follows5 6a7 The /enalty of prision mayor in its 1ediu1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall unlawfully a%8uire or /ossess a s1all ar1I 6&7 The /enalty of reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua shall &e i1/osed if three 6,7 or 1ore s1all ar1s or Class-$ light wea/ons are unlawfully a%8uired or /ossessed &y any /ersonI 6%7 The /enalty of prision mayor in its 1a3i1u1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall unlawfully a%8uire or /ossess a Class-$ light wea/onI 6d7 The /enalty of reclusion perpetua shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall, unlawfully a%8uire or /ossess a Class-B light wea/onI 6e7 The /enalty of one 6"7 degree higher than that /rovided in /aragra/hs 6a7 to 6%7 in this se%tion shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall unlawfully /ossess any firear1 under any or %o1&ination of the following %onditions5 6"7 Aoaded with a11unition or inserted with a loaded 1aga0ineI 6*7 4itted or 1ounted with laser or any gadget used to guide the shooter to hit the target su%h as ther1al wea/on sight 6TDS7 and the li'eI 6,7 4itted or 1ounted with sni/er s%o/es, firear1 1uffler or firear1 silen%erI 6B7 $%%o1/anied with an e3tra &arrelI and 6?7 Converted to &e %a/a&le of firing full auto1ati% &ursts. 6f7 The /enalty of prision mayor in its 1ini1u1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall unlawfully a%8uire or /ossess a 1a2or /art of a s1all ar1I 6g7 The /enalty of prision mayor in its 1ini1u1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall unlawfully a%8uire or /ossess a11unition for a s1all ar1 or Class-$ light wea/on. If the violation of this /aragra/h is %o11itted &y the sa1e /erson %harged with the unlawful a%8uisition or /ossession of a s1all ar1, the for1er violation shall &e a&sor&ed &y the latterI 6h7 The /enalty of prision mayor in its 1ediu1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall unlawfully a%8uire or /ossess a 1a2or /art of a Class-$ light wea/onI

6i7 The /enalty of prision mayor in its 1ediu1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall unlawfully a%8uire or /ossess a11unition for a Class-$ light wea/on. If the violation of this /aragra/h is %o11itted &y the sa1e /erson %harged with the unlawful a%8uisition or /ossession of a Class-$ light wea/on, the for1er violation shall &e a&sor&ed &y the latterI 627 The /enalty of prision mayor in its 1a3i1u1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall unlawfully a%8uire or /ossess a 1a2or /art of a Class-B light wea/onI and 6'7 The /enalty of prision mayor in its 1a3i1u1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall unlawfully a%8uire or /ossess a11unition for a Class-B light wea/on. If the violation of this /aragra/h is %o11itted &y the sa1e /erson %harged with the unlawful a%8uisition or /ossession of a Class-B light wea/on, the for1er violation shall &e a&sor&ed &y the latter. SEC. *;. 7se of ,oose "irearm in the Commission of a Crime. # The use of a loose firear1, when inherent in the %o11ission of a %ri1e /unisha&le under the >evised .enal Code or other s/e%ial laws, shall &e %onsidered as an aggravating %ir%u1stan%e5 Provided& That if the %ri1e %o11itted with the use of a loose firear1 is /enali0ed &y the law with a 1a3i1u1 /enalty whi%h is lower than that /res%ri&ed in the /re%eding se%tion for illegal /ossession of firear1, the /enalty for illegal /ossession of firear1 shall &e i1/osed in lieu of the /enalty for the %ri1e %harged5 Provided& further& That if the %ri1e %o11itted with the use of a loose firear1 is /enali0ed &y the law with a 1a3i1u1 /enalty whi%h is e8ual to that i1/osed under the /re%eding se%tion for illegal /ossession of firear1s, the /enalty of prision mayor in its 1ini1u1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed in addition to the /enalty for the %ri1e /unisha&le under the >evised .enal Code or other s/e%ial laws of whi%h he9she is found guilty. If the violation of this $%t is in furtheran%e of, or in%ident to, or in %onne%tion with the %ri1e of re&ellion of insurre%tion, or atte1/ted coup d$ etat& su%h violation shall &e a&sor&ed as an ele1ent of the %ri1e of re&ellion or insurre%tion, or atte1/ted coup d$ etat. If the %ri1e is %o11itted &y the /erson without using the loose firear1, the violation of this $%t shall &e %onsidered as a distin%t and se/arate offense. SEC. ,+. ,iability of 5uridical Person. # The /enalty of prision mayor in its 1ini1u1 to prision mayor in its 1ediu1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed u/on the owner, /resident, 1anager, dire%tor or other res/onsi&le offi%er of9any /u&li% or /rivate fir1, %o1/any, %or/oration or entity who shall willfully or 'nowingly allow any of the firear1s owned &y su%h fir1, %o1/any, %or/oration or entity to &e used &y any /erson or /ersons found guilty of violating the /rovisions of the /re%eding se%tion, or willfully or 'nowingly allow any of the1 to use unregistered firear1 or firear1s without any legal authority to &e %arried outside of their residen%e in the %ourse of their e1/loy1ent. SEC. ,". bsence of Permit to Carry *utside of Residence. # The /enalty of prision correccional and a fine of Ten thousand /esos 6."+,+++.++7 shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who is li%ensed to own a firear1 &ut who shall %arry the registered firear1 outside his9her residen%e without any legal authority therefor.

SEC. ,*. 7nla-ful #anufacture& 'mportation& Sale or Disposition of "irearms or mmunition or Parts Thereof& #achinery& Tool or 'nstrument 7sed or 'ntended to be 7sed in the #anufacture of "irearms& mmunition or Parts Thereof. # The /enalty of reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall unlawfully engage in the 1anufa%ture, i1/ortation, sale or dis/osition of a firear1 or a11unition, or a 1a2or /art of a firear1 or a11unition, or 1a%hinery, tool or instru1ent used or intended to &e used &y the sa1e /erson in the 1anufa%ture of a firear1, a11unition, or a 1a2or /art thereof. The /ossession of any 1a%hinery, tool or instru1ent used dire%tly in the 1anufa%ture of firear1s, a11unition, or 1a2or /arts thereof &y any /erson whose &usiness, e1/loy1ent or a%tivity does not lawfully deal with the /ossession of su%h arti%le, shall &e prima facie eviden%e that su%h arti%le is intended to &e used in the unlawful or illegal 1anufa%ture of firear1s, a11unition or /arts thereof. The /enalty of prision mayor in its 1ini1u1 /eriod to prision mayor in its 1ediu1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed u/on any la&orer, wor'er or e1/loyee of a li%ensed firear1s dealer who shall unlawfully ta'e, sell or otherwise dis/ose of /arts of firear1s or a11unition whi%h the %o1/any 1anufa%tures and sells, and other 1aterials used &y the %o1/any in the 1anufa%ture or sale of firear1s or a11unition. The &uyer or /ossessor of su%h stolen /art or 1aterial, who is aware that su%h /art or 1aterial was stolen, shall suffer the sa1e /enalty as the la&orer, wor'er or e1/loyee. If the violation or offense is %o11itted &y a %or/oration, /artnershi/, asso%iation or other 2uridi%al entity, the /enalty /rovided for in this se%tion shall &e i1/osed u/on the dire%tors, offi%ers, e1/loyees or other offi%ials or /ersons therein who 'nowingly and willingly /arti%i/ated in the unlawful a%t. SEC. ,,. rms Smuggling. # The /enalty of reclusion perpetua shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall engage or /arti%i/ate in ar1s s1uggling as defined in this $%t. SEC. ,B. Tampering& *bliteration or lteration of "irearms 'dentification. # The /enalty of prision correccional to prision mayor in its 1ini1u1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall ta1/er, o&literate or alter without authority the &arrel, slide, fra1e, re%eiver, %ylinder, or &olt asse1&ly, in%luding the na1e of the 1a'er, 1odel, or serial nu1&er of any firear1, or who shall re/la%e without authority the &arrel, slide, fra1e, re%eiver, %ylinder, or &olt asse1&ly, in%luding its individual or /e%uliar identifying %hara%teristi%s essential in forensi% e3a1ination of a firear1 or light wea/on. The .!. shall /la%e this infor1ation, in%luding its individual or /e%uliar identifying %hara%teristi%s into the data&ase of integrated firear1s identifi%ation syste1 of the .!. Cri1e Aa&oratory for future use and identifi%ation of a /arti%ular firear1. SEC. ,?. 7se of an 'mitation "irearm. # $n i1itation firear1 used in the %o11ission of a %ri1e shall &e %onsidered a real firear1 as defined in this $%t and the /erson who %o11itted the %ri1e shall &e /unished in a%%ordan%e with this $%t5 Provided& That in2uries %aused on the o%%asion of

the %ondu%t of %o1/etitions, s/orts, ga1es, or any re%reation a%tivities involving i1itation firear1s shall not &e /unisha&le under this $%t. SEC. ,<. 'n Custodia ,egis. # )uring the /enden%y of any %ase filed in violation of this $%t, sei0ed firear1, a11unition, or /arts thereof, 1a%hinery, tools or instru1ents shall re1ain in the %ustody of the %ourt. If the %ourt de%ides that it has no ade8uate 1eans to safely 'ee/ the sa1e, the %ourt shall issue an order to turn over to the .!. Cri1e Aa&oratory su%h firear1, a11unition, or /arts thereof, 1a%hinery, tools or instru1ents in its %ustody during the /enden%y of the %ase and to /rodu%e the sa1e to the %ourt when so ordered. !o &ond shall &e ad1itted for the release of the firear1, a11unition or /arts thereof, 1a%hinery, tool or instru1ent. $ny violation of this /aragra/h shall &e /unisha&le &y prision mayor in its 1ini1u1 /eriod to prision mayor in its 1ediu1 /eriod. SEC. ,=. Confiscation and "orfeiture. # The i1/osition of /enalty for any violation of this $%t shall %arry with it the a%%essory /enalty of %onfis%ation and forfeiture of the firear1, a11unition, or /arts thereof, 1a%hinery, tool or instru1ent in favor of the govern1ent whi%h shall &e dis/osed of in a%%ordan%e with law. SEC. ,C. ,iability for Planting %vidence. # The /enalty of prision mayor in its 1a3i1u1 /eriod shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall willfully and 1ali%iously insertI /la%e, and9or atta%h, dire%tly or indire%tly, through any overt or %overt a%t, any firear1, or a11unition, or /arts thereof in the /erson, house, effe%ts, or in the i11ediate vi%inity of an inno%ent individual for the /ur/ose of i1/li%ating or in%ri1inating the /erson, or i1/uting the %o11ission of any violation of the /rovisions of this $%t to said individual. If the /erson found guilty under this /aragra/h is a /u&li% offi%er or e1/loyee, su%h /erson shall suffer the /enalty of reclusion perpetua. SEC. ,;. 2rounds for Revocation& Cancellation or Suspension of ,icense or Permit. # The Chief of the .!. or his9her authori0ed re/resentative 1ay revo'e, %an%el or sus/end a li%ense or /er1it on the following grounds5 6a7 Co11ission of a %ri1e or offense involving the firear1, a11unition, of 1a2or /arts thereofI 6&7 Convi%tion of a %ri1e involving 1oral tur/itude or any offense where the /enalty %arries an i1/rison1ent of 1ore than si3 6<7 yearsI 6%7 Aoss of the firear1, a11unition, or any /arts thereof through negligen%eI 6d7 Carrying of the firear1, a11unition, or 1a2or /arts thereof outside of residen%e or wor'/la%e without, the /ro/er /er1it to %arry the sa1eI 6e7 Carrying of the firear1, a11unition, or 1a2or /arts thereof in /rohi&ited /la%esI 6f7 )is1issal for %ause fro1 the servi%e in %ase of govern1ent offi%ial and e1/loyeeI

6g7 Co11ission of any of the a%ts /enali0ed under >e/u&li% $%t !o. ;"<?, otherwise 'nown as the (Co1/rehensive )angerous )rugs $%t of *++*-I 6h7 Su&1ission of falsified do%u1ents or 1isre/resentation in the a//li%ation to o&tain a li%ense or /er1itI 6i7 !on%o1/lian%e of re/ortorial re8uire1entsI and 627 By virtue of a %ourt order. SEC. B+. "ailure to /otify ,ost or Stolen "irearm or ,ight 8eapon. # $ fine of Ten thousand /esos 6."+,+++.++7 shall &e i1/osed u/on any li%ensed firear1 holder who fails to re/ort to the 4E of the .!. that the su&2e%t firear1 has &een lost or stolen within a /eriod of thirty 6,+7 days fro1 the date of dis%overy. Ai'ewise, a fine of 4ive thousand /esos 6.?,+++.++7 shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson holding a valid firear1 li%ense who %hanges residen%e or offi%e address other than that indi%ated in the li%ense %ard and fails within a /eriod of thirty 6,+7 days fro1 said transfer to notify the 4E of the .!. of su%h %hange of address. SEC. B". 'llegal Transfer.Registration of "irearms. # It shall &e unlawful to transfer /ossession of any firear1 to any /erson who has not yet o&tained or se%ured the ne%essary li%ense or /er1it thereof. The /enalty of prision correccional shall &e i1/osed u/on any /erson who shall violate the /rovision of the /re%eding /aragra/h. In addition, he9she shall &e dis8ualified to a//ly for a li%ense to /ossess other firear1s and all his9her e3isting firear1s li%enses whether for /ur/oses of %o11er%e or /ossession, shall &e revo'ed. If govern1ent-issued firear1s, a11unition or 1a2or /arts of firear1s or light wea/ons are unlawfully dis/osed, sold or transferred &y any law enfor%e1ent agent or /u&li% offi%er to /rivate individuals, the /enalty of reclusion temporal shall &e i1/osed. $ny /u&li% offi%er or e1/loyee or any /erson who shall fa%ilitate the registration of a firear1 through fraud, de%eit, 1isre/resentation or su&1ission of falsified do%u1ents shall suffer the /enalty of prision correccional. $>TICAE EI 4I!$A .> EISI !S SEC. B*. "irearms Repository. # The 4E of the .!. shall &e the sole re/ository of all firear1s re%ords to in%lude i1/orted and lo%ally 1anufa%tured firear1s and a11unition. Dithin one 6"7 year u/on a//roval of this $%t, all 1ilitary and law enfor%e1ent agen%ies, govern1ent agen%ies, AHFs and govern1ent-owned or -%ontrolled %or/orations shall su&1it an inventory of all their firear1s and a11unition to the .!..

SEC. B,. "inal mnesty. # .ersons in /ossession of unregistered firear1s and holders of e3/ired li%ense or unregistered firear1s shall register and renew the sa1e through the 4inal Heneral $1nesty within si3 6<7 1onths fro1 the /ro1ulgation of the i1/le1enting rules and regulations of this $%t. )uring the interi1 /eriod of si3 6<7 1onths, no /erson a//lying for li%ense shall &e %harged of any delin8uent /ay1ent a%%ruing to the firear1 su&2e%t for registration. The .!. shall %ondu%t an intensive nationwide %a1/aign to ensure that the general /u&li% is /ro/erly infor1ed of the /rovisions of this $%t. SEC. BB. 'mplementing Rules and Regulations. # Dithin one hundred twenty 6"*+7 days fro1 the effe%tivity of this $%t, the Chief of the .!., after /u&li% hearings and %onsultation with %on%erned se%tors of so%iety shall for1ulate the ne%essary rules and regulations for the effe%tive i1/le1entation of this $%t to &e /u&lished in at least two 6*7 national news/a/ers of general %ir%ulation. SEC. B?. Repealing Clause. # This $%t re/eals Se%tions ", *, ? and = of .residential )e%ree !o. "C<<, as a1ended, and Se%tion < of >e/u&li% $%t !o. C*;B and all other laws, e3e%utive orders, letters of instru%tion, issuan%es, %ir%ulars, ad1inistrative orders, rules or regulations that are in%onsistent herewith. SEC. B<. Separability Clause. # If any /rovision of this $%t or any /art hereof is held invalid or un%onstitutional, the re1ainder of the law or the /rovision not otherwise affe%ted shall re1ain valid and su&sisting. SEC. B=. %ffectivity. # This $%t shall ta'e effe%t after fifteen 6"?7 days fro1 its /u&li%ation in a news/a/er of nationwide %ir%ulation.

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