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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter January 28, 2014

Pastors Notes: Yesterday and today, Ive heard people say and Ive read what people wrote concerning being happy about snow being in the forecast. Ive heard people say they were doing the happy dance and the snow dance. Ive heard they were giddy because of the forecast. Listen, I love snow, too!!! Nothing is more beautiful and exciting as snow. I know for some it brings cold that is painful to their bodies. For others, it makes them shut in the house because they are afraid of falling. I understand all of that. However, when I heard of snow in the forecast and I read of all the excitement relating to it, I wondered how many people are that excited about the Lord.about a move of God.about Revival? Are we giddy for the Lord? Do we do the happy dance when it is the Lords day or are we looking for an excuse not to go to the House of the Lord? We used to sing a song quite frequently that said I------am desperate for You. I-----m lost without You. Is there anybody that feels like that today? Desperate for more of Him.lost without a fresh touch of Him? If you do, please do several things with me: 1) Pray daily for God to send a mighty flow of His presence to us individually and corporately, 2) Join us in corporate prayer meetings. I know you can pray at home but there is something about a group of people coming together and crying out as one voice to God. 3) Plan to be involved in our prayer and fasting beginning Feb. 23 at 12:01 AM. 4) Plan to be in every church service.Draw night to God and He will draw nigh to you. Thank you in advance for joining together to seek the Lord.

February 23- March 15th

Bible Reading Marathon Monday, February 10 at 6:00 PM. We collectively read passages of scripture in hopes that we can read the Bible through in 1 hour. Join us in the main sanctuary.

REKINDLE Prayer weekend has been set for February 28 & March 1st. We plan on being at the Bonclarken Retreat Center in Flat Rock NC. The details are still pending and the final costs will be announced shortly. This is a Friday night and most of the Saturday retreat of prayer. There is some teaching on prayer, some worship, but mostly prayer. If you would like to be involved, please call the church office (476-2977) or send an email ( Dont forget our Great Commission Service on February 23rd in the AM Service. It will be a time to focus on the Commission given to ALL believers in doing our part to carry the message of the gospel to every ethnic group. It will also be our opportunity to bring our missions bags. I hope that you have been working hard on collecting money in those bags. If not, prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you give and be prepared to give that in the offering that day. I have never been more convinced that what we are doing is making a difference. Last Thursday, I was told that because of our support of Western Honduras, it is now #1 in all the territories for how they support and care for their pastors & churches. The National Overseer said it was a direct result of the PRIMO relationship between that territory and our church. GLORY TO GOD!!!!! This overseer had told me personally that the Western Territory has always been one of the more poor territories and also the most neglected. BUT WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!!!! Thank you for what you have already done in the past and thank you for what you will do in the future.

CHURCH DIRECTORIES:There are a few of our most recent pictorial directories available for $5.00 each. You may want an extra one for your car. Note: If you joined our church after these were made and have not received one, there will be no cost to you. Please see Wanda Shealy or Judy Crocker.

Congratulations to Alan & Crystal Wray on the birth of their baby girl, Zoie Peighton. She was born on January 6th and weighted 7lb 9oz. The proud grandparents are Tim & Myrtis Fortner.

Prayer List

AMERICA, Raymond Lowman, Kim Roberson, Ashley Layton, Megan Laster, Jackson Knight, Tommy Wallace, June Osborne, Bruce Cash, Jack West, Caitlin Gillespie, Pat Roddy, Ann Richards, Loretta Burdette, Brenda Cobb, Frank Patterson, Beatrice Granger, Arelene Hughes, Catherine Blackwell, Paul Littlefield, Macky Littlefield, The Smith Family, The Beck Family, The Nabors Family, Thelma McKinney, Ronnie Richards, Destiny Leonard, Mary Turner, Linda Lida, Gary Allen Sierbt, Brandy & Clint Hiller, Freddie Bright, Charlotte Morton, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes

Choir will wear PINK this Sunday. We are still looking for help with media. If you would be willing to support the music ministry in this way, please see Todd or Vickie right away.

Ladies Fun Friday....This Friday @ 6:30 in the CLC. Shannon Bishop will share the Scentsy line of products. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the fun and fellowship. Bring a tray of finger foods. For those who do purchase items, the profit will go to the Honduras Mission trip.

Comforters.... We have a new supply of comforters for sale. Valentine Bulletin.... Send a message to a friend, family, or the special one in your life. Next Wednesday night will be the last opportunity to submit entries. Bake Sale.... We will sell homemade cakes on February 9. We will take orders ahead of time or you may purchase a cake after the morning service. All proceeds will go toward the Honduras Mission trip.

Hey yall, our next meeting will be in the ManCave on February 6th at 6:30. For you guys who dont know where that isit is located under the main sanctuary. We will have another awesome meal, devotions, and the fellowship is second to none. Houston Cobb will be my guest for this coming meeting so guys, invite a friend to come with you. Our projects coordinator, Brother Phil Pruitt will bring us up to speed on a few building projects that need our attention. Also, all committee leaders for the wild game dinner need to be ready to give a brief update for us on the progress of forming your team for ticket sales, door prizes, food, publications/advertisement, securing the speaker, vendors, etc. So fellers, Band Of Brother is a group of Real Men who are being transformed into disciples of Jesus Christ. If you have never been a part or attended Band of Brothers, we hope to see you there on February 6th at 6:30. Real Men worship and Praise the Lord!!!

Thanks to all who joined us for our Joy Club last week. We had so many people to make these meetings possible. I want to especially thank Paul Lundberg and Tim Vassey for their help each month. These men are not a part of our Senior Group, but they certainly are invaluable helpers in making this ministry work. We love both of you and appreciate so much your willingness to provide such necessary help. Our Sign-Up sheet for our February Joy Club meeting will be on the Bulletin Board by this weekend. Why don't you try to be the first to sign up for this meeting? Bobby Brown, Harold and Peggy Chesney are our Team Leaders for this month. The Primetimers Choir will be singing on Sunday evening Feb. 9th and we will practice at 5 PM on that evening as well. Make your plans to be part of this wonderful senior choir. We are trying to make it as convenient as possible so come on seniors, let's make this a great beginning for our choir in 2014.

SAM Travel Club: We are discussing a two day one night trip to Pigeon Forge for some time in April or early May. If this is something you might be interested in please see Pastor Shealy or Debra Hagerman. Also our annual trip is going to be in Sept. or Oct. and at this time we are looking at a Georgia/Florida trip of about five days and four nights. Again, if you have any interest, please see either Pastor Shealy or Debra Hagerman.

WinterJam is Friday, February 7. We will be purchasing the JamNation tickets again. The cost for youth will be $25. Please sign up for this event by January 22. Times for leaving church and returning will be posted at a later time.

Sunday, February 2nd - Praise and Worship Practice @ 4:30 Drama Practice @ 5:00 Junior Talent Practice is every Sunday Night Upcoming Events: February 9- Extreme Kidz Fundraiser Lunch. Menu Fried Chicken, Green Beans, Mashed potatoes, Roll, and Dessert. Cost: Adults $7.00 and Kids 2-12 $5.00. Tickets will go on sell next week, please see a children's worker to purchase your ticket. If you would like to donate an item for this meal see Ms. Donna. The fried chicken will be catered by The Mustard Seed. February 15- Extreme Kidz Lunch to needy families in the community. The lunch will be sandwiches,(need loaf bread and bologna or ham) potato chips, water, and a Debbie cake. If you would like to donate an item please see Ms Donna. March 22- Jr. Talent 10:00 until (We will list times of performances when they are available to us) May 23-25 - Look UP Lodge: Next $20 deposit is due February 9. If you have not paid your first deposit you will need to go ahead and do that as well. I will need a total number going by March 15, so please if you are planning to attend let Ms. Donna know. There will not be any add-ons after March 15.

July 28-August 1- Boot Camp Vacation Bible School! (Mark your Calendars) If anyone would like to volunteer to help at VBS please sign up with Ms Donna.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. I would like to thank everyone that came out and fellowshipped with us, at our Pro-Templo. Our purpose is to raise fund and move with you at the new property. Also, provide good food and fellowship, while we are helping with our donations to the building fund. I would like to thank Sister Claudia and her group for the good food.

Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters- Karen Rhodes & Shannon Bishop Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Bobby Brown Usher Team #3 Buddy Arnold, Freddie Bright, Lamar Crowe, Tracy Grant, Clint Letourneau, & Marion Simmons Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip and Rob Bus Take Home: Clint and Rob Van 1 Pick Up: Tabitha and Brian Van 2 Pick Up: Richard and Buster Van 1 Take Home: Garren and Thomas Van 2 Take Home: Tim and June Wednesday Late night Workers: Staci and Donna NurseryWednesday-Izzy Nichols AM Ann Knight & Ashton Garrett PM: Brooke Jones Kiddie Church Sunday Night: Nancy & Tony Gentry Music- Wednesday- Kathy Arellano AM-Lisa Terry PM-Tiffany Burnett Praise Team-Gold Guitar- Korey, Duck, John

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