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Study Points of View Because of the inherent heterogeneous nature of composite materials, they are conveniently studied from

two points of view: Micromechanics and Macromechanics. Micromechanics: It is the study of composite material behavior wherein the interaction of the constituent materials is examined on a microscopic scale. In particular, it is the study of mechanical properties of unidirectional composites in terms of those of constituent materials. Macromechanics: It is the study of composite material behavior wherein the material is presumed homogeneous and the effects of the constituent materials are detected only as average apparent properties of the composite.

Volume and Mass Fractions; Void Content and Density of Composites Volume Fractions Consider a composite consisting of matrix and fibers. During manufacturing, there are some voids trapped in the composites, which should be considered in calculation. Let us assume that vc , f ,m ,v = volume of composite ,fibers, ,matrix, and voids.

c , f ,m

= density of composite, fibers, and matrix.

We define the fiber volume fraction Vf and matrix volume fraction Vm as

Vf = volume of fiber in the composite volume of the entire composite

vf Vf = vc

Volume and Mass Fractions; Void Content and Density of Composites Volume Fractions Similarly, Vm = vm , vc
Vv = vv vc
1(a), (b)

Again, it is obvious that

v f + vm + vv = vc
V f + Vm + Vv = 1
V f + Vm = 1

If there is no voids, vv = 0. Thus,


Volume and Mass Fractions; Void Content and Density of Composites Mass Fractions Assume that wc,f,m,v = mass of composite, fibers, matrix, and voids The mass fraction or weight fraction of fibers is defined as mass of fibers in composite Wf = total mass of the composite
wf Wf = wc w Wm = m wc

Obviously, 4(a-c)
w f + wm + wv = wc
W f + Wm = 1


w Wv = v 0 wc


Volume and Mass Fractions; Void Content and Density of Composites Mass fractions in terms of volume fractions Mass fraction can be expressed in terms of volume fractions as
wf Wf = wc

f vf = c vc
Thus, Similarly,

(as wf = fvf and wc = cvc )

f Wf = Vf c

Wm =

m Vm c

Volume and Mass Fractions; Void Content and Density of Composites Density of composites wc = w f + wm + wv

c vc = f v f + m vm
vf vm c = f + m vc vc

c = f V f + mVm

(7) in terms of volume fractions

It can be expressed in terms of mass fraction of fibers and matrix as w wc wc 1 = = c = c = v 1 wf 1 w vc v f + vm + vv w f wm + + vv + m+ v f m f wc m wc wc

Volume and Mass Fractions; Void Content and Density of Composites Density of composites

c = W f

vv + + f m wc

1 Wm


vv + + f m c vc

1 Wm


1 Wm


1 Vv c = W f Wm +


W f Wm Vv = 1 c + f m void fraction of the composite


Volume and Mass Fractions; Void Content and Density of Composites Volume fraction in terms of mass fraction Volume fraction of fibers can be expressed in terms of mass fraction as Similarly, v f wf / f c Vf = = = Wf f c vc wc / c vm wm / m = Wm Vm = = m vc wc / c
W f 1 Vv Vf = f W f Wm + f m Wm 1 Vv Vm = m W f Wm + f m



Volume and Mass Fractions; Void Content and Density of Composites Mass fraction in terms of Volume fraction Similarly, mass fraction of fibers and matrix can be expressed in terms of volume fractions of the same as

f wf v f f Wf = = = Vf c wc vc c
Wf =
Vf f f V f + mVm



Vm m Wm = f V f + mVm


Theoretical and Experimental Densities of Composites In practice, voids are introduced in composites. The void content of a composite is detrimental to its mechanical properties. These detriments include lower Shear stiffness and strength Compressive strength Transverse tensile strength Fatigue resistance Moisture resistance When there are some voids in composites, we can write
vc = v f + vm + vv


When the density of composites is determined by experiment, void content is considered. In this case, the experimental density ce of a composite is related to its total volume by

Theoretical and Experimental Densities of Composites

ce In theoretical calculation of density of a composite ct, the voids are disregarded. Thus,
(16) ct Substituting Eqs. (15) and (16) into Eq. (14), one obtains
wc = wc + vv v f + vm = wc

vc =





vv =


wc ct ce [ ]



[ ct ce ]

Volume fraction of voids is given by vv Vv = vc Substituting vc and vv from (15) and (17), one obtains
Vv =

ct ce ct


Assignment-1 A graphite/epoxy cuboid specimen with voids has dimensions of abc and its mass is Mc. After putting it in a mixture of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide, the remaining graphite fibers have a mass Mf. From independent tests, the densities of graphite and epoxy are found as f and m, respectively. Find the volume fraction of the voids in terms of a, b, c, Mf , Mc , f and m. Solution
vc = v f + v m + v v Mf vf =

Making use of Eqs. (1)-(4) gives

(1) (2) (3) (4)

vm =

Mc M f

abc =


Mc M f

+ vv

1 M f M c M f vv 1 = + + abc f m abc

vc = abc

1 M f M c M f + Vv = 1 abc f m

Assignment-1 Alternate Solution

Vv = 1 (V f + Vm )

v f vm Vv = 1 v + v c c

vm vf Vv = 1 abc + abc 1 V = 1 [v f + vm ] v abc

M f M c M f 1 V = 1 + v abc f m

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